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BUSINESS                                                                big tech

 The Story of Steve Jobs: An Inspiration or a Cautionary

  Photo: Gregg Segal

 Soon after Steve Jobs returned to Apple as CEO in 1997, he decided that a shipping
 company wasn’t delivering spare parts fast enough. The shipper said it couldn’t do
 better, and it didn’t have to: Apple had signed a contract granting it the business at
 the current pace. As Walter Isaacson describes in his best-selling biography, Steve
 Jobs, the recently recrowned chief executive had a simple response: Break the
 contract. When an Apple manager warned him that this decision would probably
 mean a lawsuit, Jobs responded, “Just tell them if they fuck with us, they’ll never get
 another fucking dime from this company, ever.”

 The shipper did sue. The manager quit Apple. (Jobs “would have fired me anyway,”
 he later told Isaacson.) The legal imbroglio took a year and presumably a significant
 amount of money to resolve. But meanwhile, Apple hired a new shipper that met the
 expectations of the company’s uncompromising CEO.

 What lesson should we draw from this anecdote? After all, we turn to the lives of
 successful people for inspiration and instruction. But the lesson here might make us
 uncomfortable: Violate any norm of social or business interaction that stands
 between you and what you want. Jobs routinely told subordinates that they were
 assholes, that they never did anything right. According to Isaacson, even Jonathan
 Ive, Apple’s incomparable design chief, came in for rough treatment on occasion.
Once, after checking into a five-star London hotel handpicked for him by Ive, Jobs
called it “a piece of shit” and stormed out. “The normal rules of social engagement,
he feels, don’t apply to him,” Ive explained to the biographer. Jobs’ flouting of those
rules extended outside the office, to a family that rarely got to spend much time with
him as well as to strangers (police officers, retail workers), who experienced the
CEO’s verbal wrath whenever they displeased him.

Jobs has been dead for nearly a year, but the biography about him is still a best
seller. Indeed, his life story has emerged as an odd sort of holy scripture for
entrepreneurs—a gospel and an antigospel at the same time. To some, Jobs’ life has
revealed the importance of sticking firmly to one’s vision and goals, no matter the
psychic toll on employees or business associates. To others, Jobs serves as a
cautionary tale, a man who changed the world but at the price of alienating almost
everyone around him. The divergence in these reactions is a testament to the two
deep and often contradictory hungers that drive so many of us today: We want to
succeed in the world of work, but we also want satisfaction in the realm of home and
family. For those who, like Jobs, have pledged to “put a dent in the universe,” his
thorny life story has forced a reckoning. Is it really worth being like Steve?

In one camp are what you might call the acolytes. They’re businesspeople who have
taken the life of Steve Jobs as license to become more aggressive as visionaries, as
competitors, and above all as bosses. They’re giving themselves over to the thrill of
being a general—and, at times, a dictator. Work was already the center of their lives,
but Jobs’ story has made them resolve to double down on that choice.

                          Steve Davis, CEO of TwoFour, a software company that
                          caters to financial institutions, was eager to talk about
The gospel of Steve       Jobs’ influence on his own life and career. But first he had
Jobs has spread far       to find a free half hour. When he finally did steal a few
from Silicon Valley,      moments to speak, he explained that he had consciously
inspiring people in       set aside certain aspects of his family life, since he believes
every field of            that startups fail when those involved aren’t committed to
business.                 being available 24 hours a day. Luckily, Davis told me, he
                          was blessed with a wife who picked up the slack.

                           Davis detailed these choices matter-of-factly, but his voice
rose with fervor when he described the intensity and uncertainty of
entrepreneurship. He loved every minute of it. He didn’t operate with a corporate
safety net. His lawyer was calling him at that very moment with a contract question,
and Davis needed to pick a direction and just go with it. What should he decide? He
admitted he didn’t know. The thrill came from the possibility that he might be wrong.
“Guys who start companies are different from other people,” he said. “We’re willing to
fail. Look at Jobs. He got knocked down, and he kept going. He’s totally
unconventional, driving on his particular path, and either you join him or get out of
the way.”

Join or get out of the way—it’s a phrase that sums up what Jobs’ life has taught his
admirers today. Andrew Hargadon, a professor at UC Davis and author of How
Breakthroughs Happen: The Surprising Truth About How Companies Innovate, points
out that Jobs’ brashness has helped inspire a larger reaction to several decades of
conventional wisdom about the importance of worker empowerment and consensus
decision- making. “Jobs is showing us the value in the old-school, autocratic way.
We’ve gone so far toward the other extreme, toward a bovine sociology in which
happy cows are supposed to produce more milk.” That is, it took a hippie-geek like
Jobs to give other bosses permission to be aggressive and domineering again.
This isn’t aggression for its own sake but for the good of a company. Tristan
O’Tierney, a Mac and iPhone software developer, helped Twitter creator Jack Dorsey
found the credit-card-swiping startup Square three years ago. O’Tierney says that
he now sees the value in bluntly telling people their work is crap. “You don’t make
better products by saying everything is great,” he explains. “You make them better by
forcing people to do work they didn’t know they had in them.” Aaron Levie, a
self-described Jobs “wantrepreneur,” started Box, which allows cloud-based
file-sharing, in his USC dorm room in 2005. To new hires, he quotes Jobs—”Some
people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected”—to make clear
to them that Box is just such an environment. “My lesson from Jobs,” Levie says, “is
that I can push my employees further than they thought possible, and I won’t rush
any product out the door without it being perfect.” He adds: “That approach comes
with collateral damage on the people side.”

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           2 months ago
This isn’t aggression for its own sake but for the good of a company."

He stormed out of a hotel for the good of the company? I don't think so. This is about a
person who was a jerk. But a lot of brilliant, creative people have been jerks. Picasso was
not a great human being, he was a great artist. But the idea that you can become a great
artist by mimicking Picasso's personality is a bit absurd. Likewise mimicking Job's
personality is not going to make you a great entrepreneur.

    hide 6 replies

                2 months ago

     My take: Just think what he could have accomplished if he recognized the value of
     treating others with respect.

          hide 3 replies

                       2 months ago

           I don't know about that. Treating others with respect almost requires that you
           respect other people and it may that respect for others is an impediment to
           individual creativity. Its hard to be totally arrogant about the value of your own
           vision and ideas while respecting differing opinions. Of course you can at least
           try to fake it ...

                hide 2 replies

                                1 month ago

                  Being *totally* arrogant about the value of your own vision and ideas is
                  one way to make your vision and ideas unpalatable to others.

                       hide 1 reply

                                    1 month ago

                         What a bunch of hating buttheads are on wired these days. Their hate
                         makes them rewrite history and can't even allow them to find one
                         good thing in a person. Sad world full of loser.
Not you simon. This was just near the top.

              Patrick M McMaster
               1 month ago

     I think that Steve was socially handicapped in some way. What he had instead was the
     drive and passion to get the best product he could out of his company. I think the best
     thing that ever happened to him was the failure during his first tenure at Apple. His
     greatest life achievement was his family because he fell in love in spite of his personal

         hide 1 reply

                      Simon Cooper
                      1 month ago

           There was a study published late last year by New York psychologist Paul
           Babiak which found that, quite possibly, one in twenty-five business leaders
           could be functioning psychopaths so you may be close to the truth. Also, for a
           bit of fun, the next time you watch The Devil Wears Prada just imagine that Meryl
           Streep is playing Steve Jobs.

         1 month ago

Guess I'm old fashioned, but to me 'changing the world' doesn't mean being more
successful than your competitors at selling consumer electronics.

    hide 30 replies

               1 month ago

     Amen. People toss the word genius around these days like rice at a wedding.

     The real geniuses are the actual innovators that came up with all the technologies that
     Apple wouldn't exists without. Without those software and hardware innovations, they
     wouldn't have anything to apply their pretty facade to and market as their own. From
     Unix under OSX to every piece of hardware in their computers and devices.

     They're a design and marketing company, not a technology company. They haven't
been that in well over a decade. Technology just happens to be what they apply
aesthetic design to and market. It's like saying you're a computer hardware engineer
because you can buy some computer parts of Newegg and toss together a desktop.

And there good at that. I'm not saying they're not. Just don't confuse being good at
selling stuff and putting a pretty face on it with the real innovators that spent their
lives making those technologies a reality. Steve spent his life trying to figure out how
to sell more stuff to more people. Not exactly splitting the atom or inventing the
integrated transistor.

    hide 17 replies

                Aneesh Luthra
                1 month ago

      First off, you are confusing the word innovation and invention. Your sentance
      should have been " The real geniuses are the actual inventors that came up with
      all the technologies that Apple wouldn't exist without."

      Second, invention and innovation are equally important. Xerox may have
      invented the GUI interface, but without Apple and Steve seeing it differently and
      applying it, in which they made hundreds of innovative tweaks, we wouldn't have
      a GUI interface. The chances are that it would've sat silently in Xerox labs.

      Third, although they they have great design and marketing, that doesn't make
      them a design and marketing company. Steve defined design as more than just
      how it looks, its also how it feels and works. It seems like Apple caring about
      everything, down to the design has backfired on them, people start assuming
      that it's just a toy. For some reason, just because something looks good it's
      useless. We know that just isn't true. Also, they aren't a technology company?
      Yes, because before the iPhone there were many smartphones that had a giant
      screens and no buttons and the bottom. And that isn't just design. That is
      rethinking the way a smartphone can work. Instead of having buttons that are
      fixed, you have a giant screen that can change to do any task you want it to.
      Then everyone hoped on that bandwagon, of having a big touch screen. That's
      taking the invention of the touchscreen and smartphone, and rethinking them.
      <-- That is innovation, FYI. Reseeing and reinventing something that already
      exists. Same with the iPad, tablets already existed, but they were kind of useless.
      They were big, clunky, tried to run full Windows OS. Apple remade it by
      increasing its usablitity and portability. By loading a mobile OS and having no
      stylus it was made more user friendly and more usable to the common man.

      It's more than just selling something by putting a pretty face on. It's taking a
      good idea that is there, that has potential but isn't being applied or applied
      correctly, and taking it to a new level by remaking it and reapplying it. He didn't
      spend his life trying to figure out how to sell stuff, he spent it doing what he
loved, taking a good idea and doing it correctly.

    hide 7 replies

               Darius Jones
               1 month ago

     It is absolutely ridiculous to think that if Steve Jobs hadn't commercialized
     the GUI we would never have one. They were just first to market. Apple is
     not a technology company. The Retina display was invented elsewhere. It
     is manufactured elsewhere. Apple just puts their logo on it. Same with
     most of their products. Give them credit where credit is due. But if you've
     been in IT long enough, you'll remember their attempts at an actual
     multitasking modern OS, their utter failure, and subsequent strategy of
     taking BSD Unix and giving it a shiny package.

          hide 6 replies

                     1 month ago

           And it wasn't always that Apple was first to market either, rather in
           most cases they weren't but they were better at marketing and
           playing the market strategies. Steve Jobs if nothing else was a
           marketing guru. I am not a big fan of Apple products, to each their
           own, but he did build an empire that even I can't deny. He was
           definitely a leader and a forward thinker. I also believe that you can be
           a perfectionist, and a go getting boss without being an A$$h*le.

                hide 1 reply

                           1 month ago

                 I bristle when people call him an engineer. He was not an
                 engineer, not even in the tiniest little way. And without engineers
                 (with thick skins), he would have been a lonely failure.

                     1 month ago

           While I'd agree that someone would have come up with the GUI too at
some point, but you should give credit where it's due. You could say
that about anyone or anything. Hey, if Pasteur hadn't come up with
pasteurization, someone else would have. Lame.

"Just first to market," that all? You mean like the Ford's Model T? Not
like that had any impact on our society. ;)

Manufacturing is not the same as coming up, creating, or developing
an idea. Manufacturing is mostly just the hands. Sure manufacturing
can add to the process, but that's not the seed of the idea.

So just because they made mistakes, you don't want to credit them
with any innovation. If you're so enlightened from having worked in IT,
you should know innovation is not just about being first. It's a combo
of new and the old - building on what came before. And to do that
you have to make mistakes. That goes for all industries.

            1 month ago

Well to your argument then why didnt Nokia, Motorola, Google
(Brought Android in 2005) didnt use the multi-touch screens before
Apple released iPhone. Why no one worked on a iPad like tablet
before iPad. Unix and Linux existed before OS X but they were not
able to appeal the common consumer but its SJ's vision that made it
possible. Who cares whether Apple is a technology company or not
they make the products usable by many non-tech people. There are
many who never used computer are now using iPad to communicate
with their kids and grand kids that was purely made possible after
iPad. Retina display might have been developed some where else but
its Apple who got it to the common man. If it was just putting a Logo
on "Retina Display" or "Tablet" or "Phone" how come others are not
doing it?

    hide 2 replies

                 1 month ago

     UNIX and Linux appeal to common consumer only in some
     linuxoid wet dreams, period. Jobs did nothing to popularize
     those, on the contrary, he wanted enduser to never even think
     about what runs his device.
Your bullshit about retina(which itself is a bullshit marketing
                 term) is outright painful. Do your fucking research and you`ll be
                 amazed at what IBM and Dell were putting out in 2005.

                           1 month ago

                 It's called version 2. If you gave the suckers all they wanted now
                 and it didn't break, how would you sell version 2?

          1 month ago

Your hate is blinding you to an incredible degree, and making your opinions
spectacularly disingenuous and pointless.

         Amanda Green
          1 month ago

This nonsense that Apple was good at 'selling stuff' is moronic. True, Apple was
no longer working at low levels in their garage, but saying they just put a pretty
face on it is complete nonsense, and anyone who believes that is clueless.

    hide 6 replies

               1 month ago

     If you think Apple are great innovators, let me ask you this:

     Have you ever seen even a single story about their research and
     development division?

     If they're such great innovators, and not just taking other's tech, where is
     all their R&D? Microsoft spends $9.4 billion a year on R&D. The great
     "innovators" at Apple only spend about $2 billion.

          hide 5 replies
                          Still conflating invention and innovation...
          1 month ago

          1 month ago

It doesn't matter how much you spend on R&D and how many people
work in a R&D. Sometimes 10 people can do alot more than 1000.
Look at Yahoo they have 1000+ Phds but 60% of them they come to
collect pay checks and a hefty bonus thats all.

         Patrick M McMaster
          1 month ago

Apple has a policy of not talking about their R and D. They do have it
and Jonny Ive is in charge of it now. One of the secrets of Apple's
success is their willingness to cut out the chain of command so that
the innovators got to do their work in secret. This cuts down on the
hugh waste of R&D that happens when politics takes priority over
product. Microsoft has wasted hugh amounts of money on
committee run R & D and the results are not pretty.

    hide 1 reply

                1 month ago

     Why is an industrial designer in charge of R&D? Somebody
     needs to explain to Apple what R&D actually means.

     Microsoft is a terrible case example. Look at IBM. THAT is R&D.

         Gaute Hermansen
          1 month ago

If you where to read the bio, you would see that he (jobs) understood
that a company such as apple dont need an R&D division. The way
he built the culture and structure nurishes creativity and ideas like
few other (M3 for instance) And read the whole posts not just selectiv
reading, some person clarified very nicely how to seperate innovation
                   and inventing. There is a clear destinction between the two.

                 Idon't Know
                 1 month ago

      You don't know anything about Apple or their products.

             Eric Tucker
             1 month ago

Relative to a lot of other changes, the change I'd argue the change pretty fundamental.
Jobs and the rest of the Apple team didn't necessarily originally innovate a lot of the
technology Apple sold, but they made it accessible in ways that moved it toward
real-world, widespread use a lot faster. I think it might be a fair statement that Apple
shifted the way we use computers and related technology forward about a decade
faster than it would have moved otherwise. Look at how much computers have
revolutionized our world. In geologic scale, it might be a blip ... but I'd say anybody
who has helped that much to accelerate things that much within our lifetimes
deserves some credit.

It seems inevitable had Apple not done many of the things they've done that
somebody else would have eventually come along. Would Microsoft have been under
as much pressure to create a great UI? Would smart phones have taken off like they
have? Would the design principles of simplicity and function with a powerful yet
hidden engine underneath have been echoed the same way in many modern online
services including Google? Would people have found computers pretty? Would a
mainstream audience have enjoyed technology, paid money for it and contributed to
the growth of the industry as quickly? How far does the influence reach? How many
other companies have been pushed forward because of a phenomena Apple was a big
factor in?

    hide 1 reply

                 1 month ago

      You really need to examine the definition of innovation. Apple innovated for sure.
      (See my other posts).
          1 month ago

It has nothing to do with being old-fashioned, you just missed the point. And are just
having a good time mocking. :)

He did have an impact on the world, just as others have. Look at people like
Zuckerberg, do you think he changed the world? Many would say yes. Jobs, and
others could be considered a precursor to Zuckerberg (and his like).

Jobs (and his contemporaries) definitely had an impact on technology, computing,
consumer electronics, music, business studies, and society in general. He may not
have been a nice guy, but he did make a mark. It may not have been a huge mark, but
still a mark. "Change the world," yeah that's subjective, but you obviously get the idea,
even though you're mocking it now.

And when you are trying to be aspirational, as leaders should be, you want the
hyperbole like "change the world." Do you think you'll inspire people with "hey, just do
do something, ok" ? No, you want to work with someone who makes you feel like your
work matters. Thing is, most of us never get to work with people who inspire us, even
if they have jerky personalities. (Read my post below for more on this.)

(Edited by author 1 month ago)

    hide 3 replies

                  Tony Knibb
                  1 month ago

      There's a huge difference between "Your work is trash, do better" and "You are an

      One of those bosses gets a smack, the other motivates.

           hide 1 reply

                       1 month ago

            Both get punched in my case...

                  1 month ago
Its simple Inferno people who can't do shit mock other people period.

         1 month ago

Haha, by what definition did he not change the world?

    hide 5 replies

               1 month ago

     The kind where in a hundred years, not a single person will remember any of his

          hide 4 replies

                     1 month ago

           Not many, but the accomplished of Bill Gates and his wife will be
           remembered for a long, long time.

                     1 month ago

           Ah, so an idiotic, fanciful and utterly unprovable definition. How pointless.

               hide 2 replies

                           Alex Bedwell
                           1 month ago

                If you look out the window, the world hasn't changed one bit. It's
                technology to keep us amused, it's in no way "world-changing". I love
                my MacBook and I use it daily, but when I die I have the sneaking
                suspicion that the only true change that will have come from it is that
                I looked out the window at the real, unchanging world less often.
hide 1 reply

                                       1 month ago

                              "World" has more than one meaning. Sorry that confuses you

          1 month ago

I can think of no greater hell than having a 25 year old boss that thinks he is Steve Jobs and
goes around telling workers "this is shit".

    hide 3 replies

                Tariq Kamal
                1 month ago

     And thanks to the Jobs, we’ll have 15 years of that shit, thanks to wave and wave of
     assholes who take Jobs’ life as an excuse to be jerks without the brilliance to push it


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                     Mike Roberts
                      1 month ago

           Yes, because Jobs invented the Boss as Asshole...Face it, there were untalented
           jerks in the big Boy's Chair long before Jobs came along.

                hide 1 reply

                           1 month ago

                 He didn't invent it but he took the stigma out of it.
         2 months ago

But if he constantly took credit for other people's work, how many of his supposed
accomplishments are really his?

    hide 4 replies

                 Tony Knibb
                 1 month ago


                 1 month ago

     Have you ever worked in corporate america (or any corporation)?! People do this every
     day to each other. It's terrible and don't be silly enough to think it's just Jobs. People
     have been doing it way before he came along and they'll be doing it until the end of

     As for taking credit of other accomplishments, you're over simplifying. One of the
     responsibilities of a leader is to pushing his people to be their best, helping them
     achieve - sort be more than they can be (yes a bit cheesy). When a leader does that,
     the line between who owns that accomplishment gets blurry.

     Most workplaces are pedestrian, so it's rare for people to experience this type of push.
     Sometimes people don't realize they are being pushed to reach levels of success they
     would not have reached themselves. Then factor in some ego, and you have people
     taking credit - or seemingly taking credit - for other people's work. And hey, credit
     stealing even happens in the lamest of companies without real leaders.

     If you haven't worked for a number of years, in various work environments, it's unlikely
     you'd understand this.

     (Edited by author 1 month ago)

          hide 2 replies

                       1 month ago

             It is my accomplishment, because I BEAT IT OUT of my team, insult after insult,
             threat after threat, until they performed.
And then I fired half of them based on my judgement of who did not neglect their
            family enough to serve me and my vision.

                      1 month ago

            A system like that we don't want in Europe and sadly some politicians at least in
            the Netherlands want to forward something like that as if were not pushed
            enough already.

          Phil Simon
          2 months ago

I also have mixed feelings about this. I frequently write about Jobs, Zuckerberg, Larry &
Sergey, and Bezos, among others. From everything I've read and heard, they aren't
necessarily nice guys. They are visionaries and for that I have to give them credit.
Visionaries are often difficult to work with.

Ultimately, to me, the question is whether one has to be a prick to be an effective leader. I'd
like to think that that answer is no.

    hide 7 replies

                1 month ago

      Bill Gates is a visionary, and he isn't an asshole.

      (Edited by author 1 month ago)

          hide 2 replies

                      1 month ago

            Bill Gates is a visionary, and he is an asshole.

            He might redeem himself soon, but heretofore he was always a jerk. A visionary
hide 1 reply
                                       1 month ago

            maybe a jerk in personality, but not in actions.

            Jobs was a jerk in personality and his actions.

          Peter Simpson
          1 month ago

Even if you are a "visionary" (or maybe just a business success), why does that mean
the rest of the world should give you a pass on having good manners?

I also have a problem seeing Apple, Facebook and Amazon as "visionary" -- they are
successful vendors of consumer products, personal web pages and consumer
products, and that's about it. Successful, innovative, but not visionary. Google is
different. Larry and Sergey really stepped apart from the status quo and built
something completely new. I give them credit for that. But that still doesn't mean I
would think it's OK if they didn't tip their waitress.

Being "special" doesn't absolve you of the responsibility of acting like a mature adult.

    hide 3 replies

                Phil Simon
                1 month ago

      I'd argue that Amazon, Apple, and Facebook have all embraced platform thinking
      years ahead of other companies. Hence the 'visionary' label. They were all ahead
      of the game in different ways, led in large part by their iconic leaders.

                1 month ago

      OMG, he didn't tip a waitress, hang him! ;)

      Newsflash: the CEO(s) of any company you name has done a lot worse than that.

      If you think that Larry and Sergey haven't done some jerky things in their lives,
      you're living in a dream land.

      (Edited by author 1 month ago)
hide 1 reply

                           1 month ago

                 We all have done "something stupid". The difference is that decent people
                 do not do "something stupid" 24/7/365.

         2 months ago

'An early manager on the Mac team told Isaacson about the abuses Jobs
heaped on employees. But she said, “I consider myself the absolute
luckiest person in the world to have worked with him.”'

Somebody's daddy didn't pay enough attention to her. People who happily take abuse from
others should seek counseling.

    hide 7 replies

               1 month ago

     Like Jobs there were some people who felt honored to have worked with
     Walt Disney and he wasn't someone who treated people well.

     It is a mixed bag to work with others and I don't see the word happily
     in her quote.

     Hopefully you have done your counseling and are perfect.

          hide 3 replies

                     Tudor Rosca
                     1 month ago

           You can't really compare the two. One was a cold bastard that understood very
           well what the paying customer wants, the other was a great artist.

               hide 2 replies

                           1 month ago
Dig deeper. You will find out that Walt Disney isn't the person who has been
            portrayed in popular culture. When the studio artists struck against him in
            the late 1940s Disney labeled them all Communists and testified before the
            HUAC. Yes, he was a control freak, micro-manager and hardly ever gave
            credit to others. He was also a great businessman.

                       1 month ago

            A book is only an abstract of what a person is but it doesn't carve out every
            aspect of his/her life but i can say that you are nothing but a douche bag
            who can't take the good and bad from one's life to make things better for

          1 month ago

Sadly, you don't get it.

Even if you're not treated well, it's still better to work with someone of vision -
someone who you can learn something from - than to work with small-minded,
pedestrian, average joe that is the common working man.

Corporate america (in my experience) is full of people - a large part of them "leaders" -
that treat others like crap. Most of them are just average in intelligence and skillset.
(Don't get me started on how the became upper management.) These people suck the
soul out of work and will be the downfall of corporate america in general. (Obviously,
I've only worked in America.) It's horrible working for/with them.

So people who are strong and thick-skinned would prefer to work with someone
smarter, sharper, passionate, an A-player and take some insults than to be treaty
nicely and live in mediocrity. It would be great to get both, but it's beyond rare.

Again, not everyone gets it. But that's ok.

(Edited by author 1 month ago)

    hide 2 replies

                1 month ago
Yeah, just downvote me. :)

            Xmichaelx, makes a silly a joke about daddy issues, He gets tons of up votes.
            Sure it was funny, but misses the point.

            I explain the psychology behind the guys statement. I get downvoted. Without
            even thought or comment.

            Just shows people refuse to be open to other points of view.

                hide 1 reply

                            Tony Knibb
                            1 month ago

                  Do you need someone to help get that sand out of your vagina?

          Pat Goudey O'Brien
          2 months ago

This deserves a highly measured response, but my first impression is to reject Jobs attitude
toward dealing with business and dealing with people. I rather like people, and it seems like
he rather didn't. I can't document that -- never met him or talked to others who knew him,
but his REPORTED attitudes indicate that he was impatient with human nature and didn't
particularly like most people at all, or people in general, though I don't doubt that he loved
many that he knew. BUT, that's not my point. My point is, not much of what Steve Jobs did
for the world was actually required. It was nice stuff that moved our technology forward, but
we didn't have to move our technology forward to continue to live and thrive on our planet.
What Jobs did was change the culture, but did he change it for the better? (He sped it up!
Did we need that?) Or just change it so we noticed (fed his ego and a lot of other people's
envy, but didn't do anything the world couldn't have gotten along fine without)? So, my
question is, why should anyone pay attention to Steve Jobs's philosophy of business? Well,
answer one: if you have a great big ego and want to make a huge splash and be famous and
rich, you might fashion yourself after Jerk #1 (yes, that's a value judgement -- I think the
way he acted toward employees, handicap parking, and random service people was
abhorrent). If you think the mission of business is to serve business itself (e.g., that it's not
a function of society and embedded in a culture as a means to create and foster an
economy that allows humanity to co-exist on a vastly over-populated planet -- are my
biases showing yet?), then sure, follow Jobs's model that makes business a means AND an
end unto itself. I don't subscribe to that attitude. If the guy were creating something truly
needed on this planet -- a way, for instance, to get clean water to people who are having to
PAY some entrepreneur to bring it to them, after some OTHER powerful people put a dam on
a river and diverted water to some city somewhere -- well, then, maybe I'd say a little
hard-nosed behavior could be overlooked. And, yes, blah, blah, blah ... I know Jobs's
products are used to promote the welfare of people all over the planet, but so are the
technology products of tons of other people who don't go around abusing the help the way
he did, and who would have done it all anyway, if Steve Jobs never existed. So, I guess my
point is, Jobs acted like what he was doing was the be-all and end-all of existence and he
acted like it excused his obnoxious behavior, and to my mind, it was not and it did not. We
could have done just fine on Earth if Steve were never born or he never succeeded in
bringing Apple and Mac to the people (and I'm typing on a Mac, so I'm not disparaging the
product, just the guy). I think the planet would be a much nicer place if we all realized we're
all PEOPLE, people, and if we had some empathy and compassion for each other (not a bad
thing for us to develop, if we're to stop these crazies from donning riot gear and shooting up
movie theaters). More justification for treating people like unimportant cogs in a wheel does
nothing for the quality of life on this planet, no matter how many iPods you invent.

(Edited by author 2 months ago)

    hide 2 replies

                bikesh sapkota
                1 month ago

      I think he felt betrayed by John Scully( the CEO he hired) and apple board of directors
      and he was showing lots of misplaced anger towards his employees when in fact he
      was very bitter about what happen in the boardroom when he was fired. He harbored
      that anger and it pretty much shaped his life from that point forward. And after
      winning his way-back to save the fallen company, he had justification to act out on his
      anger. But we human and human-systems are not designed to harbor negative
      feelings so his human-system or body started to develop cancer. It is body's way of
      coping. But the fact is he is truly a visionary and made a dint in the universe. He was
      very successful but in the end we are only humans.

                2 months ago

      You're trying to make a point, not a blob.

      Pick your best 2 to 3 sentences, delete the rest.

          Mike | Homeless On Wheels
          2 months ago
So is the moral of the story "One must be an asshole to be successful in business?"

In my book the end doesn't justify the means. And frankly, I don't think it was a strategy -
Jobs was just naturally an asshole. Sadly, the fact that it seemed to work for him just
reinforced his atrocious behaviour and, sadly, probably inspired some otherwise nice people
into acting similarly.

          graham krenz
          1 month ago

This isn't new, this is just the next generation of stupid Gordon Gecko knockoffs. They'll die
alone and sad and not realize it until 10 minutes before the buzzer. Good luck to them, I
hope they enjoy their misery. They'll deny it, but I know an empty skull when I meet one.
Idolize steve jobs at the cost of your soul. Do your best work because you want to, not
because you have to.

          1 month ago

A visionary jerk who doesn't listen to people is one thing. Most CEO's aren't so lucky. And if
you're a just an ordinary jerk who doesn't listen to people that's worse than anything for
your company.

          1 month ago

I worked for a person similar to Jobs. At least in the area of treatment of employees. I think
she thought of herself as an assertive go-getter. The fact is she was a flaming a-hole. One
of the amusing moments was when a new hire was asked to attend two training sessions
with her before his actual start date. That's all it took. He never showed up after that.
I used to say that he was one of the smartest people she ever hired.

          John LeBourgeois
          2 months ago

People do not even begin to understand the psychodynamics underlying steve jobs, so they
fixate on what attracts them.. bully, power, your shit etc..

Jobs is what the asian's call "half-cooked rice" in terms of his spiritual evolution. Too wet to
put back in the bag.. too hard to eat. He took from his mystical journeys that which would
work with his ego structures.. He got pristine perfection and an archtypical connection to
the world of forms from his lsd/zen experiences. However he never developed the other half
of the Zen experience, compassion.. because it didn't fit with his personality structure. Nor
did he apply the principals of self-observation of his ego process and concomitant
reduction as a means of development.. so he supercharged his belief structures and had no
counterpoint to reduce his excesses.

He would have been much better served to have taken a few tabs of ecstasy along with his
LSD.. he would have been a changed man.

His frustration/aggression with a world that did not meet his aesthetic or artistic standards
spills over in his relations with human beings. Yet he would be moved to tears by a
particularly "pure" or essential piece of music or art. Yes he exemplified the fact that to get
true excellence or perfection, you have to push people beyond their comfort zone.. The
japanese culture has that value implicit in their norms.. That's why their cars eat american
manufacturer's lunch.. He had to brute-force it into american norms.. So if you haven't done
zen, and you don't know where your aiming the arrow.. best not to push people in emulation
of his tactics.

     hide 1 reply

                  1 month ago

      Couldn't have said it better myself. I think a lot of his personality was shaped by his
      time spent in India and his interest in Hinduism and Zen, but he seems to have picked
      and chosen what he liked, to others' detriment.
      Shooting from the hip, he seemed very impatient with (and abusive of?) those who
      didn't function on his wavelength.

          Hal O'Brien
          2 months ago

The whole topic of Steve Jobs and his sociopathy towards others reeks of survivorship bias
when it comes to other companies. That is, how many CEOs have treated their employees
like crap to emulate Steve, and then (unlike Steve in the long run) run their companies into
the ground anyway?

Nassim Taleb asks of Wall Street traders, "Are you good, or are you lucky? How do you
know?" The very rarity of Jobs' results implies he had what the baseball guys call
non-repeatable skills, and was in fact mostly lucky. Pasteur's "Chance favors the prepared
mind," aside, the odds are blindly copying Steve's style won't actually produce the results
you want.

    hide 1 reply

               1 month ago

     Dude, CEO's or other executives, don't treat people badly to emulate Steve Jobs. They
     are jerks all by themselves. There were type A jerks before Jobs and they'll be here
     way after Jobs. It's the personality type, not a Jobs-like leadership style. Why can't
     people understand that. That doesn't mean I condone it, just to be clear.

     Though for counter-argument's sake, one repeatable skill is embracing a vertical
     business model. He had other repeatable skills but I'm not going to get into it.

         Bill Maslen
          2 months ago

This is a nice, measured evaluation, I must say. I am increasingly concerned by that tiny
percentage of extremely wealthy and powerful people who appear to have got there, and
most certainly remain there, because they believe they have absolute rights - they believe
they are more entitled (to everything) than anybody else. This sociopathic - even
psychopathic - trend in senior management has already been identified and questioned by
a growing series of commentators, and it does beg the question: are the qualities needed to
lead a major corporation also qualities that will eventually turn that corporation into a
frighteningly self-obsessed power hub, one that relies on legal action, political influence but
above all, sheer arrogant self-belief both to suppress the competition and to enforce
corporate priorities on customers and consumers? In short, turn the entire corporation -
with all its overt and covert power - into a mirror image of its senior manager(s)? We're
seeing similar moves from banks, publishers and energy companies - in this sense, Jobs
was not unique. Aggression and arrogance must be balanced by something, but we don't
appear to have worked out what. And while politicians play the revolving-door game with
the private sector, I wonder how long we're going to have to wait...

    hide 1 reply

               1 month ago

     Well said. And thank you for realizing this is more than just Steve Jobs. He represents
a personality type that is seen everywhere. What's worse is this personality type with
      no skills or vision. At least the guy had vision, and appreciated creativity.

             1 month ago

He was an obsessive compulsive narcissist. Without his fortune, he would be on the street
corner talking to air molecules.

And despite the article's implicit assumption that his designs were brilliant, there are a lot of
us who find them obtuse, unnecessarily constrained, myopic and even tyrannical, and don't
admire them in the least. His greatest ability was to generate hype, not design.

             Jeff Redman
             1 month ago

I read this article with interest and being a person who uses both Apple and PC computers
with, I believe, some detachment from the platform wars. That said it seems to me that the
article is founded on a false premise - Mr. Jobs was a genius who changed the world.

To crib his own metaphor, I believe that any dent he made was very very small indeed. It
seems to me that his accomplishment, notable and financially rewarding as it was, did not
noticeably change the world. He did not, for instance, invent the personal computer. Others
did that, as others invented every part of every computer made by his company. For the
most part, Jobs created a business that merely refined the inventions of others. This is the
sort of task for which Japanese industry has been renowned for more than half a century.
His accomplishment does not rise to the heights of other similar industrial innovators such
as Thomas Edison, who registered 2332 patents of which about half were things he
invented, or Jack Kilby or Robert Noyce who invented the integrated circuit. Not even his
drive for perfection was unique. Tiffany had it. Michangelo had it. Faberge had it. The stone
cutters who built Chartré had it. Charles Rolls and Sir Royce had it.

What he did do is create a couple of companies that make great products, made him and
many others very wealthy, and that captured the nation's and perhaps the world's
imagination, but then so did Louis B. Mayer, Samuel Goldwin, and Gustave Eiffel, to name
but a few, but I don't believe that his accomplishments include even a single original
discovery or idea. If he had not made Apple computers the world would not be much, if any

On that basis, I can't but conclude that he was a brilliant, misanthropic, lonely, bitter, and
probably frightened man, who channeled his need for perfection as he defined it into a
series of products and against his own personal weaknesses adopted the adage "the best
defense is a good offense."

         Social Oracle
         1 month ago

Seems the guy was basically a lucky prick who stood on the shoulders on the giants that
built Apple, the employees. The fact this asshole was celebrated by anyone doesn't say
much about the people who worship him. He didn't program, he didn't design and his pet
projects were mostly failures. His genius was getting people to believe his bullshit.

    hide 1 reply

               1 month ago

     Well, he was a genius at stealing credit. Got to give him that.

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The story of Steve Jobs an inspiration or a Cautionary tale

  • 1. SELECT A SECTION » BUSINESS big tech The Story of Steve Jobs: An Inspiration or a Cautionary Tale? BY BEN AUSTEN 07.23.12 Photo: Gregg Segal Soon after Steve Jobs returned to Apple as CEO in 1997, he decided that a shipping company wasn’t delivering spare parts fast enough. The shipper said it couldn’t do better, and it didn’t have to: Apple had signed a contract granting it the business at the current pace. As Walter Isaacson describes in his best-selling biography, Steve Jobs, the recently recrowned chief executive had a simple response: Break the contract. When an Apple manager warned him that this decision would probably mean a lawsuit, Jobs responded, “Just tell them if they fuck with us, they’ll never get another fucking dime from this company, ever.” The shipper did sue. The manager quit Apple. (Jobs “would have fired me anyway,” he later told Isaacson.) The legal imbroglio took a year and presumably a significant amount of money to resolve. But meanwhile, Apple hired a new shipper that met the expectations of the company’s uncompromising CEO. What lesson should we draw from this anecdote? After all, we turn to the lives of successful people for inspiration and instruction. But the lesson here might make us uncomfortable: Violate any norm of social or business interaction that stands between you and what you want. Jobs routinely told subordinates that they were assholes, that they never did anything right. According to Isaacson, even Jonathan Ive, Apple’s incomparable design chief, came in for rough treatment on occasion.
  • 2. Once, after checking into a five-star London hotel handpicked for him by Ive, Jobs called it “a piece of shit” and stormed out. “The normal rules of social engagement, he feels, don’t apply to him,” Ive explained to the biographer. Jobs’ flouting of those rules extended outside the office, to a family that rarely got to spend much time with him as well as to strangers (police officers, retail workers), who experienced the CEO’s verbal wrath whenever they displeased him. Jobs has been dead for nearly a year, but the biography about him is still a best seller. Indeed, his life story has emerged as an odd sort of holy scripture for entrepreneurs—a gospel and an antigospel at the same time. To some, Jobs’ life has revealed the importance of sticking firmly to one’s vision and goals, no matter the psychic toll on employees or business associates. To others, Jobs serves as a cautionary tale, a man who changed the world but at the price of alienating almost everyone around him. The divergence in these reactions is a testament to the two deep and often contradictory hungers that drive so many of us today: We want to succeed in the world of work, but we also want satisfaction in the realm of home and family. For those who, like Jobs, have pledged to “put a dent in the universe,” his thorny life story has forced a reckoning. Is it really worth being like Steve? In one camp are what you might call the acolytes. They’re businesspeople who have taken the life of Steve Jobs as license to become more aggressive as visionaries, as competitors, and above all as bosses. They’re giving themselves over to the thrill of being a general—and, at times, a dictator. Work was already the center of their lives, but Jobs’ story has made them resolve to double down on that choice. Steve Davis, CEO of TwoFour, a software company that caters to financial institutions, was eager to talk about The gospel of Steve Jobs’ influence on his own life and career. But first he had Jobs has spread far to find a free half hour. When he finally did steal a few from Silicon Valley, moments to speak, he explained that he had consciously inspiring people in set aside certain aspects of his family life, since he believes every field of that startups fail when those involved aren’t committed to business. being available 24 hours a day. Luckily, Davis told me, he was blessed with a wife who picked up the slack. Davis detailed these choices matter-of-factly, but his voice rose with fervor when he described the intensity and uncertainty of entrepreneurship. He loved every minute of it. He didn’t operate with a corporate safety net. His lawyer was calling him at that very moment with a contract question, and Davis needed to pick a direction and just go with it. What should he decide? He admitted he didn’t know. The thrill came from the possibility that he might be wrong. “Guys who start companies are different from other people,” he said. “We’re willing to fail. Look at Jobs. He got knocked down, and he kept going. He’s totally unconventional, driving on his particular path, and either you join him or get out of the way.” Join or get out of the way—it’s a phrase that sums up what Jobs’ life has taught his admirers today. Andrew Hargadon, a professor at UC Davis and author of How Breakthroughs Happen: The Surprising Truth About How Companies Innovate, points out that Jobs’ brashness has helped inspire a larger reaction to several decades of conventional wisdom about the importance of worker empowerment and consensus decision- making. “Jobs is showing us the value in the old-school, autocratic way. We’ve gone so far toward the other extreme, toward a bovine sociology in which happy cows are supposed to produce more milk.” That is, it took a hippie-geek like Jobs to give other bosses permission to be aggressive and domineering again.
  • 3. This isn’t aggression for its own sake but for the good of a company. Tristan O’Tierney, a Mac and iPhone software developer, helped Twitter creator Jack Dorsey found the credit-card-swiping startup Square three years ago. O’Tierney says that he now sees the value in bluntly telling people their work is crap. “You don’t make better products by saying everything is great,” he explains. “You make them better by forcing people to do work they didn’t know they had in them.” Aaron Levie, a self-described Jobs “wantrepreneur,” started Box, which allows cloud-based file-sharing, in his USC dorm room in 2005. To new hires, he quotes Jobs—”Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected”—to make clear to them that Box is just such an environment. “My lesson from Jobs,” Levie says, “is that I can push my employees further than they thought possible, and I won’t rush any product out the door without it being perfect.” He adds: “That approach comes with collateral damage on the people side.” Pages: 1 2 3 4 View All Sir Richard Branson: On Steve Jobs RelatedYou Might Like Essay: Steve Jobs’ Legacy Is Missing Clue to Apple Tablet Steve Jobs: The Next Insanely Great Thing - Wired Steve Jobs’ Pentagon File: Blackmail Fears, Youthful Arrest and LSD Cubes Steve Jobs Would Have ‘Lost His Mind’ Over Siri, Former Employee Says NIH Decision Signals the Beginning of the End for Medical Research on Chimps iPhone 5 Exposed: iFixit Tears Down Apple's Latest Romantic or Reckless? The Plan to Message Aliens with Twitter Facebook's About-Face on Sharing Gives News Sites Whiplash The Indomitable Mary Meeker TAGS: APPLE , JONATHAN IVE , STEVE JOBS , WALTER ISAACSON Tweet 1,388 Share 486 Comments for this page are closed. Popular now rosswilliams 2 months ago
  • 4. " This isn’t aggression for its own sake but for the good of a company." He stormed out of a hotel for the good of the company? I don't think so. This is about a person who was a jerk. But a lot of brilliant, creative people have been jerks. Picasso was not a great human being, he was a great artist. But the idea that you can become a great artist by mimicking Picasso's personality is a bit absurd. Likewise mimicking Job's personality is not going to make you a great entrepreneur. hide 6 replies xmichaelx 2 months ago My take: Just think what he could have accomplished if he recognized the value of treating others with respect. hide 3 replies rosswilliams 2 months ago I don't know about that. Treating others with respect almost requires that you respect other people and it may that respect for others is an impediment to individual creativity. Its hard to be totally arrogant about the value of your own vision and ideas while respecting differing opinions. Of course you can at least try to fake it ... hide 2 replies simonsmicrophone 1 month ago Being *totally* arrogant about the value of your own vision and ideas is one way to make your vision and ideas unpalatable to others. hide 1 reply InfernoShade 1 month ago What a bunch of hating buttheads are on wired these days. Their hate makes them rewrite history and can't even allow them to find one good thing in a person. Sad world full of loser.
  • 5. Not you simon. This was just near the top. Patrick M McMaster 1 month ago I think that Steve was socially handicapped in some way. What he had instead was the drive and passion to get the best product he could out of his company. I think the best thing that ever happened to him was the failure during his first tenure at Apple. His greatest life achievement was his family because he fell in love in spite of his personal flaws. hide 1 reply Simon Cooper 1 month ago There was a study published late last year by New York psychologist Paul Babiak which found that, quite possibly, one in twenty-five business leaders could be functioning psychopaths so you may be close to the truth. Also, for a bit of fun, the next time you watch The Devil Wears Prada just imagine that Meryl Streep is playing Steve Jobs. Cheezus_Crust 1 month ago Guess I'm old fashioned, but to me 'changing the world' doesn't mean being more successful than your competitors at selling consumer electronics. hide 30 replies MustBeSaid 1 month ago Amen. People toss the word genius around these days like rice at a wedding. The real geniuses are the actual innovators that came up with all the technologies that Apple wouldn't exists without. Without those software and hardware innovations, they wouldn't have anything to apply their pretty facade to and market as their own. From Unix under OSX to every piece of hardware in their computers and devices. They're a design and marketing company, not a technology company. They haven't
  • 6. been that in well over a decade. Technology just happens to be what they apply aesthetic design to and market. It's like saying you're a computer hardware engineer because you can buy some computer parts of Newegg and toss together a desktop. And there good at that. I'm not saying they're not. Just don't confuse being good at selling stuff and putting a pretty face on it with the real innovators that spent their lives making those technologies a reality. Steve spent his life trying to figure out how to sell more stuff to more people. Not exactly splitting the atom or inventing the integrated transistor. hide 17 replies Aneesh Luthra 1 month ago First off, you are confusing the word innovation and invention. Your sentance should have been " The real geniuses are the actual inventors that came up with all the technologies that Apple wouldn't exist without." Second, invention and innovation are equally important. Xerox may have invented the GUI interface, but without Apple and Steve seeing it differently and applying it, in which they made hundreds of innovative tweaks, we wouldn't have a GUI interface. The chances are that it would've sat silently in Xerox labs. Third, although they they have great design and marketing, that doesn't make them a design and marketing company. Steve defined design as more than just how it looks, its also how it feels and works. It seems like Apple caring about everything, down to the design has backfired on them, people start assuming that it's just a toy. For some reason, just because something looks good it's useless. We know that just isn't true. Also, they aren't a technology company? Yes, because before the iPhone there were many smartphones that had a giant screens and no buttons and the bottom. And that isn't just design. That is rethinking the way a smartphone can work. Instead of having buttons that are fixed, you have a giant screen that can change to do any task you want it to. Then everyone hoped on that bandwagon, of having a big touch screen. That's taking the invention of the touchscreen and smartphone, and rethinking them. <-- That is innovation, FYI. Reseeing and reinventing something that already exists. Same with the iPad, tablets already existed, but they were kind of useless. They were big, clunky, tried to run full Windows OS. Apple remade it by increasing its usablitity and portability. By loading a mobile OS and having no stylus it was made more user friendly and more usable to the common man. It's more than just selling something by putting a pretty face on. It's taking a good idea that is there, that has potential but isn't being applied or applied correctly, and taking it to a new level by remaking it and reapplying it. He didn't spend his life trying to figure out how to sell stuff, he spent it doing what he
  • 7. loved, taking a good idea and doing it correctly. hide 7 replies Darius Jones 1 month ago It is absolutely ridiculous to think that if Steve Jobs hadn't commercialized the GUI we would never have one. They were just first to market. Apple is not a technology company. The Retina display was invented elsewhere. It is manufactured elsewhere. Apple just puts their logo on it. Same with most of their products. Give them credit where credit is due. But if you've been in IT long enough, you'll remember their attempts at an actual multitasking modern OS, their utter failure, and subsequent strategy of taking BSD Unix and giving it a shiny package. hide 6 replies TruthSha11S3tUFr33 1 month ago And it wasn't always that Apple was first to market either, rather in most cases they weren't but they were better at marketing and playing the market strategies. Steve Jobs if nothing else was a marketing guru. I am not a big fan of Apple products, to each their own, but he did build an empire that even I can't deny. He was definitely a leader and a forward thinker. I also believe that you can be a perfectionist, and a go getting boss without being an A$$h*le. hide 1 reply rhombus 1 month ago I bristle when people call him an engineer. He was not an engineer, not even in the tiniest little way. And without engineers (with thick skins), he would have been a lonely failure. InfernoShade 1 month ago While I'd agree that someone would have come up with the GUI too at
  • 8. some point, but you should give credit where it's due. You could say that about anyone or anything. Hey, if Pasteur hadn't come up with pasteurization, someone else would have. Lame. "Just first to market," that all? You mean like the Ford's Model T? Not like that had any impact on our society. ;) Manufacturing is not the same as coming up, creating, or developing an idea. Manufacturing is mostly just the hands. Sure manufacturing can add to the process, but that's not the seed of the idea. So just because they made mistakes, you don't want to credit them with any innovation. If you're so enlightened from having worked in IT, you should know innovation is not just about being first. It's a combo of new and the old - building on what came before. And to do that you have to make mistakes. That goes for all industries. RS 1 month ago Well to your argument then why didnt Nokia, Motorola, Google (Brought Android in 2005) didnt use the multi-touch screens before Apple released iPhone. Why no one worked on a iPad like tablet before iPad. Unix and Linux existed before OS X but they were not able to appeal the common consumer but its SJ's vision that made it possible. Who cares whether Apple is a technology company or not they make the products usable by many non-tech people. There are many who never used computer are now using iPad to communicate with their kids and grand kids that was purely made possible after iPad. Retina display might have been developed some where else but its Apple who got it to the common man. If it was just putting a Logo on "Retina Display" or "Tablet" or "Phone" how come others are not doing it? hide 2 replies AngryRussian 1 month ago UNIX and Linux appeal to common consumer only in some linuxoid wet dreams, period. Jobs did nothing to popularize those, on the contrary, he wanted enduser to never even think about what runs his device.
  • 9. Your bullshit about retina(which itself is a bullshit marketing term) is outright painful. Do your fucking research and you`ll be amazed at what IBM and Dell were putting out in 2005. simonsmicrophone 1 month ago It's called version 2. If you gave the suckers all they wanted now and it didn't break, how would you sell version 2? bewlaybrother 1 month ago Your hate is blinding you to an incredible degree, and making your opinions spectacularly disingenuous and pointless. Amanda Green 1 month ago This nonsense that Apple was good at 'selling stuff' is moronic. True, Apple was no longer working at low levels in their garage, but saying they just put a pretty face on it is complete nonsense, and anyone who believes that is clueless. hide 6 replies EricLR 1 month ago If you think Apple are great innovators, let me ask you this: Have you ever seen even a single story about their research and development division? If they're such great innovators, and not just taking other's tech, where is all their R&D? Microsoft spends $9.4 billion a year on R&D. The great "innovators" at Apple only spend about $2 billion. hide 5 replies
  • 10. moodIndigo Still conflating invention and innovation... 1 month ago RS 1 month ago It doesn't matter how much you spend on R&D and how many people work in a R&D. Sometimes 10 people can do alot more than 1000. Look at Yahoo they have 1000+ Phds but 60% of them they come to collect pay checks and a hefty bonus thats all. Patrick M McMaster 1 month ago Apple has a policy of not talking about their R and D. They do have it and Jonny Ive is in charge of it now. One of the secrets of Apple's success is their willingness to cut out the chain of command so that the innovators got to do their work in secret. This cuts down on the hugh waste of R&D that happens when politics takes priority over product. Microsoft has wasted hugh amounts of money on committee run R & D and the results are not pretty. hide 1 reply rhombus 1 month ago Why is an industrial designer in charge of R&D? Somebody needs to explain to Apple what R&D actually means. Microsoft is a terrible case example. Look at IBM. THAT is R&D. Gaute Hermansen 1 month ago If you where to read the bio, you would see that he (jobs) understood that a company such as apple dont need an R&D division. The way he built the culture and structure nurishes creativity and ideas like few other (M3 for instance) And read the whole posts not just selectiv
  • 11. reading, some person clarified very nicely how to seperate innovation and inventing. There is a clear destinction between the two. Idon't Know 1 month ago You don't know anything about Apple or their products. Eric Tucker 1 month ago Relative to a lot of other changes, the change I'd argue the change pretty fundamental. Jobs and the rest of the Apple team didn't necessarily originally innovate a lot of the technology Apple sold, but they made it accessible in ways that moved it toward real-world, widespread use a lot faster. I think it might be a fair statement that Apple shifted the way we use computers and related technology forward about a decade faster than it would have moved otherwise. Look at how much computers have revolutionized our world. In geologic scale, it might be a blip ... but I'd say anybody who has helped that much to accelerate things that much within our lifetimes deserves some credit. It seems inevitable had Apple not done many of the things they've done that somebody else would have eventually come along. Would Microsoft have been under as much pressure to create a great UI? Would smart phones have taken off like they have? Would the design principles of simplicity and function with a powerful yet hidden engine underneath have been echoed the same way in many modern online services including Google? Would people have found computers pretty? Would a mainstream audience have enjoyed technology, paid money for it and contributed to the growth of the industry as quickly? How far does the influence reach? How many other companies have been pushed forward because of a phenomena Apple was a big factor in? hide 1 reply InfernoShade 1 month ago You really need to examine the definition of innovation. Apple innovated for sure. (See my other posts).
  • 12. InfernoShade 1 month ago It has nothing to do with being old-fashioned, you just missed the point. And are just having a good time mocking. :) He did have an impact on the world, just as others have. Look at people like Zuckerberg, do you think he changed the world? Many would say yes. Jobs, and others could be considered a precursor to Zuckerberg (and his like). Jobs (and his contemporaries) definitely had an impact on technology, computing, consumer electronics, music, business studies, and society in general. He may not have been a nice guy, but he did make a mark. It may not have been a huge mark, but still a mark. "Change the world," yeah that's subjective, but you obviously get the idea, even though you're mocking it now. And when you are trying to be aspirational, as leaders should be, you want the hyperbole like "change the world." Do you think you'll inspire people with "hey, just do do something, ok" ? No, you want to work with someone who makes you feel like your work matters. Thing is, most of us never get to work with people who inspire us, even if they have jerky personalities. (Read my post below for more on this.) (Edited by author 1 month ago) hide 3 replies Tony Knibb 1 month ago There's a huge difference between "Your work is trash, do better" and "You are an asshole". One of those bosses gets a smack, the other motivates. hide 1 reply dsp4 1 month ago Both get punched in my case... RS 1 month ago
  • 13. Its simple Inferno people who can't do shit mock other people period. bewlaybrother 1 month ago Haha, by what definition did he not change the world? hide 5 replies EricLR 1 month ago The kind where in a hundred years, not a single person will remember any of his accomplishments. hide 4 replies Xbrotha 1 month ago Not many, but the accomplished of Bill Gates and his wife will be remembered for a long, long time. bewlaybrother 1 month ago Ah, so an idiotic, fanciful and utterly unprovable definition. How pointless. hide 2 replies Alex Bedwell 1 month ago If you look out the window, the world hasn't changed one bit. It's technology to keep us amused, it's in no way "world-changing". I love my MacBook and I use it daily, but when I die I have the sneaking suspicion that the only true change that will have come from it is that I looked out the window at the real, unchanging world less often.
  • 14. hide 1 reply bewlaybrother 1 month ago "World" has more than one meaning. Sorry that confuses you so. barkomatic 1 month ago I can think of no greater hell than having a 25 year old boss that thinks he is Steve Jobs and goes around telling workers "this is shit". hide 3 replies Tariq Kamal 1 month ago And thanks to the Jobs, we’ll have 15 years of that shit, thanks to wave and wave of assholes who take Jobs’ life as an excuse to be jerks without the brilliance to push it through. THANKS STEVE! hide 2 replies Mike Roberts 1 month ago Yes, because Jobs invented the Boss as Asshole...Face it, there were untalented jerks in the big Boy's Chair long before Jobs came along. hide 1 reply RobertSF 1 month ago He didn't invent it but he took the stigma out of it.
  • 15. Fleurdamour 2 months ago But if he constantly took credit for other people's work, how many of his supposed accomplishments are really his? hide 4 replies Tony Knibb 1 month ago None. InfernoShade 1 month ago Have you ever worked in corporate america (or any corporation)?! People do this every day to each other. It's terrible and don't be silly enough to think it's just Jobs. People have been doing it way before he came along and they'll be doing it until the end of time. As for taking credit of other accomplishments, you're over simplifying. One of the responsibilities of a leader is to pushing his people to be their best, helping them achieve - sort be more than they can be (yes a bit cheesy). When a leader does that, the line between who owns that accomplishment gets blurry. Most workplaces are pedestrian, so it's rare for people to experience this type of push. Sometimes people don't realize they are being pushed to reach levels of success they would not have reached themselves. Then factor in some ego, and you have people taking credit - or seemingly taking credit - for other people's work. And hey, credit stealing even happens in the lamest of companies without real leaders. If you haven't worked for a number of years, in various work environments, it's unlikely you'd understand this. (Edited by author 1 month ago) hide 2 replies justanotherengineer 1 month ago It is my accomplishment, because I BEAT IT OUT of my team, insult after insult, threat after threat, until they performed. .
  • 16. And then I fired half of them based on my judgement of who did not neglect their family enough to serve me and my vision. . wulfcry 1 month ago A system like that we don't want in Europe and sadly some politicians at least in the Netherlands want to forward something like that as if were not pushed enough already. Phil Simon 2 months ago I also have mixed feelings about this. I frequently write about Jobs, Zuckerberg, Larry & Sergey, and Bezos, among others. From everything I've read and heard, they aren't necessarily nice guys. They are visionaries and for that I have to give them credit. Visionaries are often difficult to work with. Ultimately, to me, the question is whether one has to be a prick to be an effective leader. I'd like to think that that answer is no. hide 7 replies Joe_HTH 1 month ago Bill Gates is a visionary, and he isn't an asshole. (Edited by author 1 month ago) hide 2 replies symbolset 1 month ago Bill Gates is a visionary, and he is an asshole. He might redeem himself soon, but heretofore he was always a jerk. A visionary jerk.
  • 17. hide 1 reply Xbrotha 1 month ago maybe a jerk in personality, but not in actions. Jobs was a jerk in personality and his actions. Peter Simpson 1 month ago Even if you are a "visionary" (or maybe just a business success), why does that mean the rest of the world should give you a pass on having good manners? I also have a problem seeing Apple, Facebook and Amazon as "visionary" -- they are successful vendors of consumer products, personal web pages and consumer products, and that's about it. Successful, innovative, but not visionary. Google is different. Larry and Sergey really stepped apart from the status quo and built something completely new. I give them credit for that. But that still doesn't mean I would think it's OK if they didn't tip their waitress. Being "special" doesn't absolve you of the responsibility of acting like a mature adult. hide 3 replies Phil Simon 1 month ago I'd argue that Amazon, Apple, and Facebook have all embraced platform thinking years ahead of other companies. Hence the 'visionary' label. They were all ahead of the game in different ways, led in large part by their iconic leaders. InfernoShade 1 month ago OMG, he didn't tip a waitress, hang him! ;) Newsflash: the CEO(s) of any company you name has done a lot worse than that. If you think that Larry and Sergey haven't done some jerky things in their lives, you're living in a dream land. (Edited by author 1 month ago)
  • 18. hide 1 reply haloguy628 1 month ago We all have done "something stupid". The difference is that decent people do not do "something stupid" 24/7/365. xmichaelx 2 months ago 'An early manager on the Mac team told Isaacson about the abuses Jobs heaped on employees. But she said, “I consider myself the absolute luckiest person in the world to have worked with him.”' Somebody's daddy didn't pay enough attention to her. People who happily take abuse from others should seek counseling. hide 7 replies plazman 1 month ago Like Jobs there were some people who felt honored to have worked with Walt Disney and he wasn't someone who treated people well. It is a mixed bag to work with others and I don't see the word happily in her quote. Hopefully you have done your counseling and are perfect. hide 3 replies Tudor Rosca 1 month ago You can't really compare the two. One was a cold bastard that understood very well what the paying customer wants, the other was a great artist. hide 2 replies plazman 1 month ago
  • 19. Dig deeper. You will find out that Walt Disney isn't the person who has been portrayed in popular culture. When the studio artists struck against him in the late 1940s Disney labeled them all Communists and testified before the HUAC. Yes, he was a control freak, micro-manager and hardly ever gave credit to others. He was also a great businessman. RS 1 month ago A book is only an abstract of what a person is but it doesn't carve out every aspect of his/her life but i can say that you are nothing but a douche bag who can't take the good and bad from one's life to make things better for others. InfernoShade 1 month ago Sadly, you don't get it. Even if you're not treated well, it's still better to work with someone of vision - someone who you can learn something from - than to work with small-minded, pedestrian, average joe that is the common working man. Corporate america (in my experience) is full of people - a large part of them "leaders" - that treat others like crap. Most of them are just average in intelligence and skillset. (Don't get me started on how the became upper management.) These people suck the soul out of work and will be the downfall of corporate america in general. (Obviously, I've only worked in America.) It's horrible working for/with them. So people who are strong and thick-skinned would prefer to work with someone smarter, sharper, passionate, an A-player and take some insults than to be treaty nicely and live in mediocrity. It would be great to get both, but it's beyond rare. Again, not everyone gets it. But that's ok. (Edited by author 1 month ago) hide 2 replies InfernoShade 1 month ago
  • 20. Yeah, just downvote me. :) Xmichaelx, makes a silly a joke about daddy issues, He gets tons of up votes. Sure it was funny, but misses the point. I explain the psychology behind the guys statement. I get downvoted. Without even thought or comment. Just shows people refuse to be open to other points of view. hide 1 reply Tony Knibb 1 month ago Do you need someone to help get that sand out of your vagina? Pat Goudey O'Brien 2 months ago This deserves a highly measured response, but my first impression is to reject Jobs attitude toward dealing with business and dealing with people. I rather like people, and it seems like he rather didn't. I can't document that -- never met him or talked to others who knew him, but his REPORTED attitudes indicate that he was impatient with human nature and didn't particularly like most people at all, or people in general, though I don't doubt that he loved many that he knew. BUT, that's not my point. My point is, not much of what Steve Jobs did for the world was actually required. It was nice stuff that moved our technology forward, but we didn't have to move our technology forward to continue to live and thrive on our planet. What Jobs did was change the culture, but did he change it for the better? (He sped it up! Did we need that?) Or just change it so we noticed (fed his ego and a lot of other people's envy, but didn't do anything the world couldn't have gotten along fine without)? So, my question is, why should anyone pay attention to Steve Jobs's philosophy of business? Well, answer one: if you have a great big ego and want to make a huge splash and be famous and rich, you might fashion yourself after Jerk #1 (yes, that's a value judgement -- I think the way he acted toward employees, handicap parking, and random service people was abhorrent). If you think the mission of business is to serve business itself (e.g., that it's not a function of society and embedded in a culture as a means to create and foster an economy that allows humanity to co-exist on a vastly over-populated planet -- are my biases showing yet?), then sure, follow Jobs's model that makes business a means AND an end unto itself. I don't subscribe to that attitude. If the guy were creating something truly needed on this planet -- a way, for instance, to get clean water to people who are having to PAY some entrepreneur to bring it to them, after some OTHER powerful people put a dam on a river and diverted water to some city somewhere -- well, then, maybe I'd say a little
  • 21. hard-nosed behavior could be overlooked. And, yes, blah, blah, blah ... I know Jobs's products are used to promote the welfare of people all over the planet, but so are the technology products of tons of other people who don't go around abusing the help the way he did, and who would have done it all anyway, if Steve Jobs never existed. So, I guess my point is, Jobs acted like what he was doing was the be-all and end-all of existence and he acted like it excused his obnoxious behavior, and to my mind, it was not and it did not. We could have done just fine on Earth if Steve were never born or he never succeeded in bringing Apple and Mac to the people (and I'm typing on a Mac, so I'm not disparaging the product, just the guy). I think the planet would be a much nicer place if we all realized we're all PEOPLE, people, and if we had some empathy and compassion for each other (not a bad thing for us to develop, if we're to stop these crazies from donning riot gear and shooting up movie theaters). More justification for treating people like unimportant cogs in a wheel does nothing for the quality of life on this planet, no matter how many iPods you invent. (Edited by author 2 months ago) hide 2 replies bikesh sapkota 1 month ago I think he felt betrayed by John Scully( the CEO he hired) and apple board of directors and he was showing lots of misplaced anger towards his employees when in fact he was very bitter about what happen in the boardroom when he was fired. He harbored that anger and it pretty much shaped his life from that point forward. And after winning his way-back to save the fallen company, he had justification to act out on his anger. But we human and human-systems are not designed to harbor negative feelings so his human-system or body started to develop cancer. It is body's way of coping. But the fact is he is truly a visionary and made a dint in the universe. He was very successful but in the end we are only humans. davossherman 2 months ago You're trying to make a point, not a blob. Pick your best 2 to 3 sentences, delete the rest. Mike | Homeless On Wheels 2 months ago
  • 22. So is the moral of the story "One must be an asshole to be successful in business?" In my book the end doesn't justify the means. And frankly, I don't think it was a strategy - Jobs was just naturally an asshole. Sadly, the fact that it seemed to work for him just reinforced his atrocious behaviour and, sadly, probably inspired some otherwise nice people into acting similarly. graham krenz 1 month ago This isn't new, this is just the next generation of stupid Gordon Gecko knockoffs. They'll die alone and sad and not realize it until 10 minutes before the buzzer. Good luck to them, I hope they enjoy their misery. They'll deny it, but I know an empty skull when I meet one. Idolize steve jobs at the cost of your soul. Do your best work because you want to, not because you have to. MarkSaysThings 1 month ago A visionary jerk who doesn't listen to people is one thing. Most CEO's aren't so lucky. And if you're a just an ordinary jerk who doesn't listen to people that's worse than anything for your company. FrankSeaweed 1 month ago I worked for a person similar to Jobs. At least in the area of treatment of employees. I think she thought of herself as an assertive go-getter. The fact is she was a flaming a-hole. One of the amusing moments was when a new hire was asked to attend two training sessions with her before his actual start date. That's all it took. He never showed up after that. I used to say that he was one of the smartest people she ever hired. John LeBourgeois 2 months ago People do not even begin to understand the psychodynamics underlying steve jobs, so they
  • 23. fixate on what attracts them.. bully, power, your shit etc.. Jobs is what the asian's call "half-cooked rice" in terms of his spiritual evolution. Too wet to put back in the bag.. too hard to eat. He took from his mystical journeys that which would work with his ego structures.. He got pristine perfection and an archtypical connection to the world of forms from his lsd/zen experiences. However he never developed the other half of the Zen experience, compassion.. because it didn't fit with his personality structure. Nor did he apply the principals of self-observation of his ego process and concomitant reduction as a means of development.. so he supercharged his belief structures and had no counterpoint to reduce his excesses. He would have been much better served to have taken a few tabs of ecstasy along with his LSD.. he would have been a changed man. His frustration/aggression with a world that did not meet his aesthetic or artistic standards spills over in his relations with human beings. Yet he would be moved to tears by a particularly "pure" or essential piece of music or art. Yes he exemplified the fact that to get true excellence or perfection, you have to push people beyond their comfort zone.. The japanese culture has that value implicit in their norms.. That's why their cars eat american manufacturer's lunch.. He had to brute-force it into american norms.. So if you haven't done zen, and you don't know where your aiming the arrow.. best not to push people in emulation of his tactics. hide 1 reply jujutsuka 1 month ago Couldn't have said it better myself. I think a lot of his personality was shaped by his time spent in India and his interest in Hinduism and Zen, but he seems to have picked and chosen what he liked, to others' detriment. Shooting from the hip, he seemed very impatient with (and abusive of?) those who didn't function on his wavelength. Hal O'Brien 2 months ago The whole topic of Steve Jobs and his sociopathy towards others reeks of survivorship bias when it comes to other companies. That is, how many CEOs have treated their employees like crap to emulate Steve, and then (unlike Steve in the long run) run their companies into the ground anyway? Nassim Taleb asks of Wall Street traders, "Are you good, or are you lucky? How do you know?" The very rarity of Jobs' results implies he had what the baseball guys call
  • 24. non-repeatable skills, and was in fact mostly lucky. Pasteur's "Chance favors the prepared mind," aside, the odds are blindly copying Steve's style won't actually produce the results you want. hide 1 reply InfernoShade 1 month ago Dude, CEO's or other executives, don't treat people badly to emulate Steve Jobs. They are jerks all by themselves. There were type A jerks before Jobs and they'll be here way after Jobs. It's the personality type, not a Jobs-like leadership style. Why can't people understand that. That doesn't mean I condone it, just to be clear. Though for counter-argument's sake, one repeatable skill is embracing a vertical business model. He had other repeatable skills but I'm not going to get into it. Bill Maslen 2 months ago This is a nice, measured evaluation, I must say. I am increasingly concerned by that tiny percentage of extremely wealthy and powerful people who appear to have got there, and most certainly remain there, because they believe they have absolute rights - they believe they are more entitled (to everything) than anybody else. This sociopathic - even psychopathic - trend in senior management has already been identified and questioned by a growing series of commentators, and it does beg the question: are the qualities needed to lead a major corporation also qualities that will eventually turn that corporation into a frighteningly self-obsessed power hub, one that relies on legal action, political influence but above all, sheer arrogant self-belief both to suppress the competition and to enforce corporate priorities on customers and consumers? In short, turn the entire corporation - with all its overt and covert power - into a mirror image of its senior manager(s)? We're seeing similar moves from banks, publishers and energy companies - in this sense, Jobs was not unique. Aggression and arrogance must be balanced by something, but we don't appear to have worked out what. And while politicians play the revolving-door game with the private sector, I wonder how long we're going to have to wait... hide 1 reply InfernoShade 1 month ago Well said. And thank you for realizing this is more than just Steve Jobs. He represents
  • 25. a personality type that is seen everywhere. What's worse is this personality type with no skills or vision. At least the guy had vision, and appreciated creativity. pjcamp 1 month ago He was an obsessive compulsive narcissist. Without his fortune, he would be on the street corner talking to air molecules. And despite the article's implicit assumption that his designs were brilliant, there are a lot of us who find them obtuse, unnecessarily constrained, myopic and even tyrannical, and don't admire them in the least. His greatest ability was to generate hype, not design. Jeff Redman 1 month ago I read this article with interest and being a person who uses both Apple and PC computers with, I believe, some detachment from the platform wars. That said it seems to me that the article is founded on a false premise - Mr. Jobs was a genius who changed the world. To crib his own metaphor, I believe that any dent he made was very very small indeed. It seems to me that his accomplishment, notable and financially rewarding as it was, did not noticeably change the world. He did not, for instance, invent the personal computer. Others did that, as others invented every part of every computer made by his company. For the most part, Jobs created a business that merely refined the inventions of others. This is the sort of task for which Japanese industry has been renowned for more than half a century. His accomplishment does not rise to the heights of other similar industrial innovators such as Thomas Edison, who registered 2332 patents of which about half were things he invented, or Jack Kilby or Robert Noyce who invented the integrated circuit. Not even his drive for perfection was unique. Tiffany had it. Michangelo had it. Faberge had it. The stone cutters who built Chartré had it. Charles Rolls and Sir Royce had it. What he did do is create a couple of companies that make great products, made him and many others very wealthy, and that captured the nation's and perhaps the world's imagination, but then so did Louis B. Mayer, Samuel Goldwin, and Gustave Eiffel, to name but a few, but I don't believe that his accomplishments include even a single original discovery or idea. If he had not made Apple computers the world would not be much, if any different. On that basis, I can't but conclude that he was a brilliant, misanthropic, lonely, bitter, and probably frightened man, who channeled his need for perfection as he defined it into a series of products and against his own personal weaknesses adopted the adage "the best
  • 26. defense is a good offense." Social Oracle 1 month ago Seems the guy was basically a lucky prick who stood on the shoulders on the giants that built Apple, the employees. The fact this asshole was celebrated by anyone doesn't say much about the people who worship him. He didn't program, he didn't design and his pet projects were mostly failures. His genius was getting people to believe his bullshit. hide 1 reply EricLR 1 month ago Well, he was a genius at stealing credit. Got to give him that. Show more comments... WIRED.COM MOBILE AUTOPIA BUSINESS CLOUDLINE DECODE DANGER ROOM DESIGN ENTERPRISE GADGET LAB GAME|LIFE GEEKDAD GEEKMOM PLAYBOOK RAW FILE RELIC WRANGERS REVIEWS THIS DAY IN TECH THREAT LEVEL UNDERWIRE WIRED MAGAZINE WIRED SCIENCE
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