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A B O U T T H E C O V E R :
On the cover is MARK MALONEY, Rotary International President RY 2019-2020 shaking the hand of PHILIP TAN, District
Governor RY 2019-2020, Rotary International District 3860 taken during the DISTRICT GOVERNORS-ELECT TRAINING in the
International Assembly last January 13-19, 2019 at Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, California, USA.
The backdrop is this year’s theme “ROTARY CONNECTS THE WORLD”. RI President-elect Mark Daniel Maloney’s theme for 2019-
20, Rotary Connects the World, asks Rotarians to strengthen the many ways that Rotary Connects the World, building the connections
that allow talented, thoughtful, and generous people to unite and take meaningful action through Rotary service
i |
The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
Champion editorial board
Barbette Barbon-Lominoque
District Secretary
Adviser, GML The Torch 3860
Atty. Bernardino T. Amago IV
Managing Editor
President Nominee RC Cebu Fuente
Jordan Salera
Layout Director
Past President, Midtown Cebu
Kristoffer Llegunas
Asst. Layout Director
DICO 3860
Zachary John Seno
Layout Editor
Prince Priam
Youth Contributor
District Rotaract Representative 3860
Jodelyn May G. Seno
Area Contributor Coordinator
Past President RC Gloria Maris
Maricel Borromeo-Amores
Past President RC Cebu Fuente
Ceteris Paribus(All Other Things Being Equal)
Past President, Rotary Club Cebu Fuente
The Rotary Year 2019-2020 in its aim to CONNECT THE WORLD
comes with the vow of introducing a trailblazing yet prodigious change
in District 3860’s Governor Monthly Letter (GML) commencing with
its name. After countless evocations, propositions and brainstorming,
we are excited to share the launch of a brand new GML under a new
banner. Welcome the new GML - THE TORCH 3860.
With the ever-increasing surge of new technology, neoteric millennial
trends, up-to-the minute updates in FB and our constantly busy lifestyles,
it is so easy to accept that it will be laborious imposition to read long
verbose articles on glossy paper. Hence, this will be the first and last
printed magazine of THE TORCH 3860 with the maiden issue focused
solely on the latest significant events in the District like the DISTAS,
TURNOVER by Past District Governor Bing to District Governor
Philip Tan and the AWARDS & RECOGNITION. The succeeding
issues will all be in DIGITAL form.
Do expect the regular columns on GOVERNOR’s MESSAGE,
Being Equal ), THRUSTS AND FOCUS on Membership, Youth, TRF
and Public Image. Get used to a lot of fascinating pictures that speak
volumes of the service that Rotarians do in CLUB CONNECTION.
With just the click of a finger, you can simply browse and surf THE
TORCH 3860in the website, which we can only hope to reach more
people, and entice them to experience the exciting and engaging lives of
Rotary service.
We may have gone epic with this bold move to go paperless but let
this be a rousing approach to adapt to the times. Together, let us raise
THE TORCH 3860 up high so it can shed its light and bring in more
individuals into the path of genuine fellowship and selfless service.
Message from the Rotary
District 3860 Governor
Message from the President of
Rotary International
Secretary’s Dispatch
Where to’s and How to’s
Where Clubs Meet
Club Connection
End Polio
On the Spotlight
E D I T O R I A L | 1
The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
Dear Champion Team,
As has always been the practice of Rotary International,
June 30 marks the end of the Rotary year and July 1
signals the beginning of a new one! I congratulate all
officers both district and clubs levels for accepting your
respective roles this Rotary year.
Our RI President Mark Maloney has given us with
a significant theme this year – Rotary Connects the
World. I personally like this theme because Rotary
has indeed provided us with different avenues on how
we can connect to each other in deeper and more
meaningful ways.
I would like to congratulate the Governor’s Monthly
Letter (GML) Editorial Team, headed by Maricel
Amores, Past President of Rotary Club of Cebu Fuente
for coming out with The Torch 3860, as the official
publication of the Office of the District Governor for
Rotary International District 3860.
The Torch 3860, our Governor’s Monthly Letter, is my
way as your District Governor to connect to you. A
torch, a handy means of illumination, is an important
element in the Olympics that significantly marks the
spirit of a true champion.
So my fellow Rotarians, you are all champions in your
own right. Let the fire of the Torch keep burning in
your hearts as you connect to the world!
Philip N. Tan
Rotary District 3860
2 | M E S S A G E F R O M T H E G O V E R N O R
The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
“In Rotary, none of us is
an island.”
I love to travel! I even enjoy the mundane process
of getting from here to there. But last year, my wife,
Gay, and I had one of those experiences that would
strain the optimism of even the most cheerful
We found ourselves with six hours to wait, at an
airport where we were not scheduled to be, on a
day we had not planned still to be traveling, having
woken up that morning at a hotel unknown to us
the night before. It was one of those days. As we
waited at John F. Kennedy International Airport
in New York City, Gay and I took a walk to people
watch. We went from one end of the terminal to
the other and back, looking at every gate, every
destination, every group of people waiting for their
flights. Each gate was its own island of humanity.
When we walked down the center of the concourse,
we were in New York, moving along with everyone
in one river. But when you veered off into those
seats, you left that current and landed on an island.
You were already in Delhi or Paris or Tel Aviv. As
we started our walk, I thought: “All these different
people, all these different countries, all in one place.
This is like Rotary!” But as we walked past gate after
gate, I realized something. It was not like Rotary at
all. Because everyone in that river was heading for
an island. And every island stayed an island. The
people heading to Taipei might be talking to one
another, but they were not talking to the people
heading to Cairo or Lagos. Contrast that with
Rotary allows us to connect with one another,
in deep and meaningful ways, across our
differences. It connects us with people we would
never otherwise have met, who are more like
us than we ever could have known. It connects
us with our communities, to professional
opportunities, and to the people who need our
help. Connection is what makes the experience
of Rotary so very different from walking along
that concourse at JFK Airport. In Rotary,
none of us is an island. All of us are in Rotary
together, whoever we are, wherever we are from,
whatever language we speak or traditions we
follow. We are all connected to one another —
part of our communities and members not only
of our clubs, but also of the global community to
which we all belong. This connection is what lies
at the heart of the Rotary experience. It is what
brings us to Rotary. It is why we stay. Please join
your fellow Rotarians on this journey as Rotary
Connects the World.
Rotary International 2018-2019
M E S S A G E F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T | 3
The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
To be eligible for the Rotary Citation, clubs need to begin the year as active clubs in good standing and remain so throughout the year. For the purposes of the
citation only, good standing means that a club has paid each invoice balance in full upon receipt (and hasn’t received a 60-day reminder letter from Rotary
International Accounts Receivable). To verify that your club is in good standing, check your daily club balance report under Club Administration > Club
Finances. You should have an outstanding balance of $0.00. Invoices are due when they are posted, in mid-January and mid-July.
Rotary can automatically verify many of your club’s achievements as long as you keep your club and member information up-to-date in My Rotary. (For the
purposes of the citation, only club officers can maintain club records; assistant governors may not make updates on behalf of their clubs.) You’ll also use Rotary
Club Central and Rotary Showcase to tell us when you’ve achieved other goals of the 2019-20 Rotary Citation. Sign in to My Rotary to use:
	- Club Administration: Go to > hover over Manage, Club & District Administration > select Club Administration
	- Rotary Club Central: Go to > hover over Manage, Club & District Administration > select Rotary Club Central
	- Rotary Showcase: Go to > hover over Take Action, Develop Projects > select Rotary Showcase
The Rotary Citation recognizes Rotary clubs that support our strategic priorities by completing certain activities. Clubs have the entire Rotary year to achieve
the citation’s goals.
Rotary can automatically verify many of your club’s achievements as long as you keep your club and member information up-to-date in My Rotary. To be
eligible for the Rotary Citation, clubs need to begin the year as active clubs that are in good standing and remain so throughout the year. Achievements will be
compared with membership figures from 1 July 2019 and will be recognized after the 1 July 2020 numbers are final, on 15 August 2020.
Achieve at least 5 of the following goals:
•	 Appoint an active club membership committee comprised
of no less than five members and report the chair to Rotary
•	 Achieve a net gain in membership
•	 Maintain or improve your club’s retention of current and new
	 - Improve your club’s retention rate by 1 percentage point, or
	 - If your club’s retention rate was 90 percent or more in 		
	 2018-2019, maintain it
•	 Achieve a net gain in female members or members under the age
of 40
•	 Conduct a study of your members’ occupations, and work to align
your membership with the mix of businesses and professions in
your community
•	 Sponsor or co-sponsor a new Rotary club or Rotary Community
•	 Sponsor or co-sponsor an Interact or Rotaract club
•	 Host an event for Rotary alumni, and highlight Rotary’s
networking opportunities
•	 Sponsor a Youth Exchange student or RYLA participant
Achieve at least 5 of the following goals:
•	 Appoint an active club Foundation committee comprised
of no less than five members and report the chair to Rotary
•	 Increase the number of members involved in service projects
•	 Contribute at least $100 per capita to the Annual Fund of The
Rotary Foundation
•	 Hold an event to raise funds for, or to increase awareness of,
Rotary’s work toward polio eradication
•	 Conduct a significant local or international service project in one
of Rotary’s six areas of focus
•	 Post successful club projects, with details about activities,
volunteer hours, and funds raised, on
•	 Continue or establish a partnership with a corporate,
governmental, or nongovernmental entity and work on a project
•	 Use Rotary’s brand guidelines, templates, People of Action
campaign materials, and related resources
•	 Arrange for the club’s members to talk with the media to tell your
club’s and Rotary’s story
4 | S E C R E T A R Y ’ S D I S P A T C H
The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
Points to remember:
•	 Current position takes precedence over past
•	 Past position takes precedence over future
•	 Those holding more than 1 position shall be ranked by the
highest current or past office
•	 Accompanying spouses should be accorded same rank
•	 In introducing Officials, use complete title do not abbreviate
Points to remember:
•	 Start on time
•	 President calls meeting to order before Host takes over
•	 President adjourns after Host is through with the program
If there is more than one foreign flag, they should be
arranged in alphabetical order to the left of the Philippine
Flag. The flags should be of approximately equal size and on
separate staffs of the same height. Never hold the flag while
the anthem is being played or sung.
•	 Sec. 38 of RA 8491 or the Flag and Heraldic Act
•	 Attending public shall SING with fervor, dignity and pride;
•	 As a sign of respect, public shall stand at attention and face the flag
or the conductor or lead singer if there is no flag;
•	 At the first note, the public shall execute a salute by placing their
right palm over their left chest.
Should be worn on the left
lower lapel of the coat or
left side of the collar. All
other pins/Rotary ID/tags
should be worn on the right
•	 Introduce from the lowest rank first.
Start from the ends of the table.
•	 Introduce Guest of Honor and
President last
•	 In the absence of a Presidential Table, Introduce from the
highest rank first.
The Gavel is the symbol of authority
of the Presiding Officer. Stand when
rapping the gavel.
•	 One Rap – Adjourn/take a seat/result of
•	 Two Raps – Call the Meeting to Order
•	 Three Raps – Ask everyone to Rise
•	 Series of Raps – Restore order
A word of diplomatic usage
Social grace, basic courtesy and consideration, proper conduct and
etiquette observed in private or public gatherings
Rank or order of precedence must at all times be recognized
particularly in:
•	 Introducing
•	 Presenting
•	 Seating
Club Level
1.	 President
2.	 Past Presidents(in the
order of seniority)
3.	 President-Elect
4.	 President-Nominee
5.	 Vice President
6.	 Secretary
7.	 Treasurer
8.	 Directors
9.	 Other Officers
10.	 Sergeant-at-arms
District Level
1.	 DG
2.	 PDG (Seniority)
3.	 DGE
4.	 DGN
5.	 DGND
6.	 District Secretary
7.	 DDG Admin
8.	 DDG Operations
9.	 DDG Public Image
10.	 DDG Membership
11.	 District Finance
12.	 District Trainer
13.	 PDDGs
14.	 AGs
15.	 PAGs
1.	 President sits at the
2.	 Guest of Honor to HIS
3.	 Sit alternately from
President’s left to right
according to rank
1.	 President sits at the
2.	 Guest of Honor to HIS
3.	 Sit alternately from
President’s left to right
according to rank
1 1
3 3
5 5
2 2
4 4
“Freedom to speak one’s mind should be coupled with the understanding that
W H E R E T O ’ S & H O W T O ’ S | 5
The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
Who can join?We’re looking for people who
want to give back to their communities.Rotary clubs
also welcome Rotaractors, Rotary Peace Fellows, and
other members of the family of Rotary who qualify
for membership.
What are the benefits? Becoming a Rotary
member connects you with a diverse group of
professionals who share your drive to give back.
Through regular meetings and events, you’ll:
- Discuss your community’s needs and develop
creative ways to meet them
- Connect with other leaders who are changing the
- Expand your leadership and professional skills
- Catch up with good friends and meet new ones
How can I become a member? Clubs accept
new members by invitation.To help us find the right
club for you, we’ll ask you a few questions about
yourself and your interests.Then we’ll share your
answers with Rotary leaders in your community who
will match you with a club.
What is the Classification Principle?The
Classification Principle.Virtually all membership in
Rotary is based upon a “classification:’ Basically, a
classification describes the distinct and recognized
business or professional service that the Rotarian renders
to society.
In determining the classification of a Rotarian, it is
necessary to look at the “principal or recognized business
or professional activity of the firm, company, or
institution” with which an active member is connected or
“that which covers the active member’s principal and
recognized business or professional activity.”
It should be clearly understood that classifications are
determined by activities or services to society rather than
by the position held by a particular individual. In other
words, if a person is the president of a bank, he or she is
not classified as “bank president” but under the
classification “banking.”
How often should clubs meet? Clubs should
offer opportunities to meet twice per month at
minimum.Those meetings could be traditional
meetings, social outings, service projects, etc. Clubs
that wish to meet more often can do so.
Are clubs allowed to remove attendance
requirements ?Yes. Clubs are encouraged to relax
attendance expectations or not have them at all. Our
research shows that rigid rules and policies are a
barrier to attracting new members and engaging
current ones. Further, it excludes younger profession-
als who have developing careers and young families.
Attending meetings is an opportunity, not an
What member types exist ? There can be as
many types of membership as are created by clubs.
Some popular examples are corporate, family, or
younger professional membership. However, a club is
free to design different membership types that attract
diverse members, as long as it’s documented how
they differ from traditional membership in their club
bylaws.The Rotary International database does not
track membership types – only whether a member is
active or honorary.
How do corporate memberships work?
Your club is free to offer alternative membership
types of any kind, as long as new members are
counted as individuals — corporate members in this
case — rather than the corporations that sponsor
their membership. If the members pay RI dues, they
will be included in your club's official membership
count and receive all the benefits that other active,
dues-paying members enjoy. Your club can have
different policies for these members' other financial
obligations (club and district dues, meal costs, etc.),
attendance requirements, or service expectations, as
long as these policies are reflected in the club bylaws.
Learn more in our Guide to Corporate Membership.
What is a passport club?Passport clubs are
Rotary clubs that are using a model that gives
members a more flexible club experience, such as
frequently visiting other clubs, a relaxed attendance
policy, and meetings that don’t involve a meal and a
speaker.The term “passport” refers to the ability to
move freely from club to club visiting meetings or
participating in their activities. Any Rotarian can visit
another club when traveling, but passport clubs
encourage their members to do so on a regular basis.
This is how passport clubs got their name.
6 | W H E R E T O ’ S & H O W T O ’ S
The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
Club Invoice
Polio Fund
District Levy and
Rotaract Fund
Disaster Fund
The Rotary
The Rotary
Phil. Rotary
District 3860
District 3860
Peso: 0011-1828-01
USD: 0014-2171-34
Peso: 0011-1829-09
USD: 0014-2171-42
Peso: 0011-1829-09
Peso: 3371-0064-93
Peso: 2931-0064-71
Peso: 2931-0064-71
Club # and
Donor # and
Donor # and
Donor # and
Rotary Club
and Rotaract
Club names
Rotary Club
Plan Holder’s
APF Share
Social Media and Links
District Website:
District Instagram:
Rotary International Website:
Facebook District Page:
Facebook Group:
Facebook Public Image Initiative Page:
How does a satellite club work? Satellite clubs are
branch clubs of a sponsor club.The satellite club members are
Rotarians and considered members of the sponsor club. Only
eight members and the support of a sponsor club are needed to
start a satellite club.They often offer a different club environment
or meeting time and location from their sponsor club. Like a
Rotary club, satellite clubs hold regular meetings, have bylaws
and a board, and get involved in community service projects.The
sponsor club provides advice and support. In some cases, satellite
clubs may grow and apply to become a separate Rotary club.
Satellite club members are Rotarians. Officially, they are
members of the sponsor club. For more information, see the
Guide to Satellite Clubs and the Satellite Club Frequently Asked
What is expected of members? They are expected to
meet attendance requirements, pay dues, and bring new members
into Rotary. Honorary Rotary membership may be offered to
people who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service
in the furtherance of Rotaryideals.
W H E R E T O ’ S & H O W T O ’ S | 7
The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
8 | W H E R E C L U B S M E E T
The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
Cebu East
7:30 PM, Friday
The Lighthouse, Gen. Maxilom
Ave., Cebu City
Cebu Gloria Maris
7:00 PM, Thursday
Casino Español de Cebu, Cebu City
Cebu South
7:00 PM, Friday
Club Filipino, Ayala-FGU, Cebu
Business Park
Talisay, Cebu
7:00 PM, Tuesday
YMCA Osmena Blvd. Cebu City
Cebu Port Centre
7:30 PM, Monday
Cebu Country Club, Banilad,
Cebu City
Cebu Naga Central
6:00 PM, Tuesday
Bistro Alberto, East Poblacion,
Naga, Cebu
Metro Cebu
12:00 NN, Wednesday
Casino Español de Cebu, Cebu City
12:00 NN, Thursday
Café Uno, Waterfront Hotel Cebu
Cebu West
7:00 PM, Tuesday
City Sports Club, Cebu City
Banilad Metro
12:00 NN, Thursday
Kabilin Restaurant, Golden Prince
Hotel, Cebu City
Metro Bogo
7:30 PM, Thursday
Bogo Plaza Resto Bar, Bogo
Cebu Midtown
11:30 AM, Friday
Handuraw Pizza, Mango Square,
Cebu City
Cebu Fuente
7:30 PM, Monday
Casino Español de Cebu,
Cebu City
Cebu Fort San Pedro
7:00 PM, Thursday
Casino Español de Cebu, Cebu City
Mandaue East
6:30 PM, Thursday
Parklane International Hotel, cor.
Archbishop Reyes Ave. Escano
Street, Cebu city
Cebu Guadalupe
12:00 NN, Friday
Café Laguna Restaurant, Ayala
Terraces, Cebu City
Cebu North
2:00 PM, Saturday
Abaseria Deli, Kasambagan, Cebu
Tagum North
7:00 PM, Tuesday
Miko’s Brew, Apokon, Tagum City
Central Panabo City
6:00 PM, Wednesday
RCCP Club House, New Pandan,
Panabo City
Tagum Golden L.A.C.E.S.
6:00 PM, Wednesday
Miko’s Brew, Apokon, Tagum City
Compostela Valley
6:00 PM, Thursday
Com’Val Restaurant, Compostela
11:30 PM, Thursday
Papa Juhn’s Pizza, Rizal Street,
Tagum City
Calinan Davao
6:30 PM, Monday
M-Calinan Highway cor. De Lara
St., Calinan
Bansalan 2015
5:00 PM, Wednesday
Bansalan Water District Office,
Bansalan, Davao del Sur
7:00 PM, Wednesday
A & B Hotel, 3rd Floor, Digos City
South Digos
6:00 PM, Friday
Avenue One Hotel, Roxas
Extension, Digos City
Toril (Davao)
7:00 PM, Saturday
Rotary Clubhouse of RC Toril,
MacLeod St., Toril, Davao City
Mandaue North
7:00 PM, Monday
FGU Building, 16th Floor, Ayala
Center, Cebu, Cebu City
Metro Mandaue 2006
7:30 PM, Thursday
Vie NNa Kaffehaus, Gorordo St.,
Cebu City
7:30 PM, Friday
RC Mactan Info & training Center,
Mactan Economic Zone, Lapu-
Lapu City
12:00 NN, Friday
Casino Español de Cebu, Cebu City
Davao 2000
6:00 PM, Wednesday
Grand Men Seng Hotel, A. Pichon
Street, Davao City
South Davao
12:00 NN, Wednesday
The Marco Polo Hotel Davao, Roxas
Avenue, Davao City
12:00 NN, Thursday
The Royal Mandaya Hotel, Palma
Gil Street, Davao City
North Davao
6:00 PM, Friday
Rotary Clubhouse cor. P Tavera & F
Torres St., Davao City
Calbayog City
6:00 PM, Wednesday
I’s Plant Hotel, Calbayog City
7:30 PM, Wednesday
Sugbaan Sa Northwood, Catarman
7:00 PM, Thursday
Residence of Club President,
6:00 PM, Friday
S.O Cafe, Nijaga St., Calbayog City
12:00 NN, Wednesday
Hotel Alejandro
7:00 PM, Wednesday
Seafoods and Ribs Warehouse
Central Tacloban
6:30 PM, Thursday
Avenue Hotel, Tacloban City
Leyte Gulf - Tacloban
6:30 PM, Thursday
Club House, Abucay
12:00 NN, Thursday
Rotary Center, Tacloban
Convention Center, Comp.
San Juanico
12:00 NN, Friday
Club House, Abucay
Sta. Ana Davao
6:00 PM, Wednesday
Grand Men Seng Hotel, A. Pichon
Street, Davao City
Waling-Waling (Davao)
12:30 PM, Thursday
Grand Men Seng Hotel, Magallanes
St., Davao City
Matina Davao
12:00 NN, Tuesday
Lispher INN, Juna Subd., Matina,
Davao City
Pag-asa Davao
6:30 PM, Wednesday
Lispher INN, Juna Subd., Matina,
Davao City
Ormoc Bay
5:00 PM, Tuesday
Hotel Don Felipe, Ormoc City
Maasin City
8:00 PM, Wednesday
Rotary Clubhouse, Tunga-Tunga,
Maasin City
5:30 PM, Thursday
Don Felipe Hotel, Ormoc City
Biliran Island
7:30 AM, Saturday
D’Daone Bar
Koronadal Central
6:30 PM, Tuesday
Cinco Niñas Filipino Cuisine
Restaurant, Gen. Santos Drive,
Koronadal City
6:00 PM, Wednesday
Celema’s Place, Alunan Ave.,
Koronadal City
7:00 PM, Thursday
EMR Entertainment, Music and
Recreation Center
Central Polomolok
6:30 PM, Friday
Taps and Mix Restaurant,
Polomolok, South Cotabato
Butuan East Central
6:00 PM, Monday
Balanghai Hotel and Convention
Center, Butuan City
Central Cabadbaran
7:00 PM, Thursday
C & B Swimmers Place, F. C. Dagani
St., Brgy 12, Cabadbaran City
Butuan North
7:30 PM, Friday
VCDU Prince Hotel Montilla
Boulevard, Butuan City
Downtown Butuan
6:30 PM, Friday
Mazaua Island, Restaurant & Bar,
Doongan, Butuan City
Dumaguete North
8:00 PM Friday
Royal Suites I NN. West Rovira
Dr., Bantayan, Dumaguete City
Dumaguete South
6:30 PM, Wednesday
Chin Loong Restaurant, Rizal
Boulevard, Dumaguete City
Dumaguete East
8:00 PM, Thursday
Ang Tay Golf Club House Rovira
Rd., Dumaguete City
7:00 PM, Friday
Ang Tay Golf Club & Restaurant,
Barangay Bantayan, Dumaguete
Siquijor Island
5:30 PM, Tuesday
Coral Cay Beach Resort, Siquijor
8:00 PM, Wednesday
Nouevelle’s Cuisine, Tinago,
Bayawan City
Bais City
8:00 PM, Thursday
Fuyma Restaurant, Bais City
Siquijor Central
8:00 PM Friday
Sunporch Restaurant, Larena,
Polomolok 101
7:00 PM, Monday
Sadok Restaurant, Ca NNery Site,
General Santos City
7:00 PM, Tuesday
Hotel San Marco, East Laurel
Avenue, General Santos City
Gensan Tuna Port
7:00 PM, Tuesday
Green Leaf Hotel, General Santos
Midtown Gensan
7:00 PM Thursday
San Marco Hotel, East Laurel
Avenue, General Santos City
Surigao Midtown Jewels
7:00 PM, Tuesday
The Tavern Hotel, Surigao City
Surigao City
8:00 PM, Wednesday
Guy AM Hall, Philippine Gateway
Hotel, Surigao City
Central Surigao
8:30 PM, Friday
The Tavern Hotel, Surigao City
Metro Surigao
7:00 PM Friday
The Tavern Hotel, Surigao City
6:30 PM, Wednesday
2/F Shiela’s Bakeshop, Bislig, Surigao
del Sur
Central Tandag
7:00 PM, Thursday
Shacene KTV Bar, Tandag City
San Francisco
8:00 PM, Friday
San Francisco Colleges, San Francisco,
Agusan del Sur
7:00 PM, Saturday
Eat and Pack Restaurant, Brgy.9,Sto.
Nino st., Dapa, Siargao Island
7:00 PM, Monday
Hotel San Marco, JP Laurel St.,
General Santos City
Metro Dadiangas
7:00 PM, Wednesday
Big Ben Steak House, General
Santos city
Greater Gensan
7:00 PM, Friday
Café AMore, SM City, Gen. Santos
8:00 PM, Monday
Embassy Hotel, Montilla Blvd.,
Butuan City
Central Butuan
7:00 PM, Thursday
G-Sub Restaurant, Pizarro St.,
Butuan City
Midtown Butuan
6:30 PM, Thursday
Almont Plaza Hotel, San Jose St.,
Butuan City
Central Davao
6:30 PM, Monday
Grand Men Seng Hotel, A. Pichon
Street, Davao City
East Davao
12:00 NN, Tuesday
The Marco Polo Hotel Davao, Roxas
Avenue, Davao City
Downtown Davao
12:00 NN, Wednesday
Grand Men Seng Hotel, A. Pichon
Street, Davao City
West Davao
6:30 PM, Friday
The Marco Polo Hotel Davao, Roxas
Avenue, Davao City
Panglao Island
7:00 PM, Tuesday
Linaw Beach Resort, Panglao Island
Ubay, Bohol
12:00 NN, Tuesday
Peter’s Restaurant, Poblacion Ubay,
Upper Tagbilaran
12:30 PM, Tuesday
Mario’s Wines and Liquor
Conference, Tagbilaran City
Central Jagna
7:30 PM, Wednesday
Jagna Elementary School
Multipurpose Center
12:00 NN, Wednesday
Linaw Beach Metro Center Hotel,
Tagbilaran City
7:00 PM, Friday
C AMpo’s Compound, Pooc
Oriental, Tubigon, Bohol
G A L L E R Y ` | 9
The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
GalleryDISTAS and More
Rotary Club of Davao
Rotary Club of Butuan
Rotary Club of Kankabato
Rotary Club of
Cebu Gloria Maris
Rotary Club of Tagum
Golden Laces Rotary Club of Central Butuan
Rotary Club of Koronadal
Rotary Club of
Rotary Club of Calbayog
Rotary Club of
Cebu Fuente
Rotary Club of San Francisco, Camotes
Rotary Club of
Fort San Pedro
Rotary Club of
Central Tacloban
1 2 | C L U B C O N N E C T I O N
The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
Polio is an ancient disease. It is an intestinal
virus that is mostly spread from
person-to-person contact, especially where
hygiene is poor. It can cause irreversible
paralysis, and sometimes death. It strikes
mainly children under the age of 5.
Top 5 Reasons to
Eradicate Polio
To improve lives
To invest in the future
To improve child health
To save money
To make history
Mary Anne Alcordo-Solomon
End Polio Now Zone Coordinator (EPNZC)
Rotary International Zone 7
RY 2018-2019
Contributions of cash and District Designated Funds will help meet the goals of our fundraising campaign. Contributions to
PolioPlus qualify for Paul Harris Fellow and Major Donor recognition.
All clubs are being asked to contribute at least US$1500 and Districts are being asked to contribute 20% of their DDF.
RI President Immunized the first
child during Rotary’s First Polio
Immunization Project in the
Philippines in
September 1979
Please include the End Polio Now
logo in your banners, streamers,
bulletins and shirts
All Fund-Raising Activities to be
reported to Bernard Sia and Lilu
District Polio Plus
Coordinator (DPPC)
District Rotary Foundation
Chair (DRFC)
E N D P O L I O | 1 3
The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
1 4 | Y O U T H
The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
Rotaract Club Of Tagbilaran Community Based
Educating the youth to utilize used and recyclable materials
into works of art at the same breath instilling in them the
importance of taking care of our environment is one creative
approach. Rotaract has always been a platform of community
service with environmental development as the main thrust.
Rotaractors go the distance by travelling to the remote Balicasag
Island in Bohol to conduct their “Operation Tuli and Medical
Mission. It was a worthwhile project that many individuals
benefitted by this Medical Mission.
While young ones would use their time frolicking in the beach or
mall hopping during summer, these Rotaractors from Rotaract
Club of Tagbilaran chose to render service for others.
Rotaract not only gives back to the
community they belong but develops
and hones the potentials of their
members to evolve as great leaders.
The first U SPEAK FORUM with
eloquent speakers delved on
diversified topics for the Rotaractors.
- Awareness
- Innovation
- Development
O N T H E S P O T L I G H T | 1 5
The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
Rotary supports the environment through tree planting activities. A
joint tree planting project of Rotary Club Cebu Fuente and Go Ching
Hai foundation was held at Camp 7, Minglanilla & Manipis, Talisay
City, Cebu
President 2018-2019
(L-R: Troy D Bumagat, Joy Mejia- Romero, Edmund Kierulf and DGN Anna Bumagat.)
The Torch 3860
TriviaGet a chance to win gift items by answering our Trivia Questions.
Send all answers to www.rotarydistrict3860.GML.
Choose the BEST answer! Time stamp of email will determine the first TOP 5 Winners!
The ROTARY name was selected by early members
A.	 Meeting Locations we’re rotated in the local City
B.	 Meeting locations rotated among their offices
C.	 Meeting locations rotated among the residences
of the club presidents.
The first rotary club met in?
A.	 Chicago, on the 23rd of February, 1905
B.	 Chicago, on the 22nd of February, 1905
C.	 Chicago, on the 23rd of February, 1904
The first four Rotarians: Gustavus Loehr, Silvester
Schiele, Hiram Shorey, and Paul P. Harris.
The first Rotary club was started in Chicago, Illinois,
USA, by Paul Harris. Harris wanted to bring together a
group of professionals with different backgrounds and
skills as a way to exchange ideas and form meaningful
Where was Paul P. Harris born and what was his
A.	 Racine, Wisconsin, USA/ Architect
B.	 Racines, Wisconsin / Lawyer
C.	 Racine, Wisconsin, USA /Lawyer
Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution
Disease Prevention and Treatment
Water and Sanitation
Maternal and Child Health
Basic Education and Literacy
Economic and Community Development
Areas of Focus Five Avenues of Service
CLUB SERVICE. Those things that a Rotarian does
to help make successful the running of the local club.
VOCATIONAL SERVICE. The promoting of
the “ideal of service” throughout the business and
professional world.
COMMUNITY SERVICE. Urges every Rotarian to.
participate in all activities that make the community a
better place to live.
YOUTH SERVICE. These are programs that help the
fosters the advancement of understanding and good
will among people of the world.
1 6 | T R I V I A
The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
Rotary Branding Basics
Use the “Masterbrand Signature” on a background
Keep the “Masterbrand Signature” clear of
Keep the “Masterbrand Signature” free of a
Keep the “Mark of Excellence” WHOLE, NEVER
Place the “Mark of Excellence” AWAY from the
Keep all elements UNDISTORETED and in the
Use specified Rotary colors for the “Mark of
The Rotary wheel should NOT substitute for circular
shapes in graphics, or circular in numerals, or letters.
| 1 7
The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
GML July 2019

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GML July 2019

  • 1.
  • 2. A B O U T T H E C O V E R : On the cover is MARK MALONEY, Rotary International President RY 2019-2020 shaking the hand of PHILIP TAN, District Governor RY 2019-2020, Rotary International District 3860 taken during the DISTRICT GOVERNORS-ELECT TRAINING in the International Assembly last January 13-19, 2019 at Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, California, USA. The backdrop is this year’s theme “ROTARY CONNECTS THE WORLD”. RI President-elect Mark Daniel Maloney’s theme for 2019- 20, Rotary Connects the World, asks Rotarians to strengthen the many ways that Rotary Connects the World, building the connections that allow talented, thoughtful, and generous people to unite and take meaningful action through Rotary service i | The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter the torchbearer Champion editorial board Barbette Barbon-Lominoque District Secretary Adviser, GML The Torch 3860 Atty. Bernardino T. Amago IV Managing Editor President Nominee RC Cebu Fuente Jordan Salera Layout Director Past President, Midtown Cebu Kristoffer Llegunas Asst. Layout Director DICO 3860 Zachary John Seno Layout Editor Prince Priam Youth Contributor District Rotaract Representative 3860 Jodelyn May G. Seno Area Contributor Coordinator Past President RC Gloria Maris Maricel Borromeo-Amores Editor-in-chief Past President RC Cebu Fuente
  • 3. Ceteris Paribus(All Other Things Being Equal) MARICEL BORROMEO-AMORES, MBA, LLB, DPE, BSBA Editor-In-Chief Past President, Rotary Club Cebu Fuente The Rotary Year 2019-2020 in its aim to CONNECT THE WORLD comes with the vow of introducing a trailblazing yet prodigious change in District 3860’s Governor Monthly Letter (GML) commencing with its name. After countless evocations, propositions and brainstorming, we are excited to share the launch of a brand new GML under a new banner. Welcome the new GML - THE TORCH 3860. With the ever-increasing surge of new technology, neoteric millennial trends, up-to-the minute updates in FB and our constantly busy lifestyles, it is so easy to accept that it will be laborious imposition to read long verbose articles on glossy paper. Hence, this will be the first and last printed magazine of THE TORCH 3860 with the maiden issue focused solely on the latest significant events in the District like the DISTAS, TURNOVER by Past District Governor Bing to District Governor Philip Tan and the AWARDS & RECOGNITION. The succeeding issues will all be in DIGITAL form. Do expect the regular columns on GOVERNOR’s MESSAGE, SECRETARY’S DISPATCH, CETERIS PARIBUS (All Other Things Being Equal ), THRUSTS AND FOCUS on Membership, Youth, TRF and Public Image. Get used to a lot of fascinating pictures that speak volumes of the service that Rotarians do in CLUB CONNECTION. With just the click of a finger, you can simply browse and surf THE TORCH 3860in the website, which we can only hope to reach more people, and entice them to experience the exciting and engaging lives of Rotary service. We may have gone epic with this bold move to go paperless but let this be a rousing approach to adapt to the times. Together, let us raise THE TORCH 3860 up high so it can shed its light and bring in more individuals into the path of genuine fellowship and selfless service. TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the Rotary District 3860 Governor Message from the President of Rotary International Secretary’s Dispatch Where to’s and How to’s Where Clubs Meet Gallery Club Connection End Polio Rotaract Trivias On the Spotlight 2 3 4 5 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 E D I T O R I A L | 1 The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
  • 4. Dear Champion Team, As has always been the practice of Rotary International, June 30 marks the end of the Rotary year and July 1 signals the beginning of a new one! I congratulate all officers both district and clubs levels for accepting your respective roles this Rotary year. Our RI President Mark Maloney has given us with a significant theme this year – Rotary Connects the World. I personally like this theme because Rotary has indeed provided us with different avenues on how we can connect to each other in deeper and more meaningful ways. I would like to congratulate the Governor’s Monthly Letter (GML) Editorial Team, headed by Maricel Amores, Past President of Rotary Club of Cebu Fuente for coming out with The Torch 3860, as the official publication of the Office of the District Governor for Rotary International District 3860. The Torch 3860, our Governor’s Monthly Letter, is my way as your District Governor to connect to you. A torch, a handy means of illumination, is an important element in the Olympics that significantly marks the spirit of a true champion. So my fellow Rotarians, you are all champions in your own right. Let the fire of the Torch keep burning in your hearts as you connect to the world! Philip N. Tan Governor Rotary District 3860 2 | M E S S A G E F R O M T H E G O V E R N O R The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
  • 5. “In Rotary, none of us is an island.” I love to travel! I even enjoy the mundane process of getting from here to there. But last year, my wife, Gay, and I had one of those experiences that would strain the optimism of even the most cheerful traveler. We found ourselves with six hours to wait, at an airport where we were not scheduled to be, on a day we had not planned still to be traveling, having woken up that morning at a hotel unknown to us the night before. It was one of those days. As we waited at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City, Gay and I took a walk to people watch. We went from one end of the terminal to the other and back, looking at every gate, every destination, every group of people waiting for their flights. Each gate was its own island of humanity. When we walked down the center of the concourse, we were in New York, moving along with everyone in one river. But when you veered off into those seats, you left that current and landed on an island. You were already in Delhi or Paris or Tel Aviv. As we started our walk, I thought: “All these different people, all these different countries, all in one place. This is like Rotary!” But as we walked past gate after gate, I realized something. It was not like Rotary at all. Because everyone in that river was heading for an island. And every island stayed an island. The people heading to Taipei might be talking to one another, but they were not talking to the people heading to Cairo or Lagos. Contrast that with Rotary. Rotary allows us to connect with one another, in deep and meaningful ways, across our differences. It connects us with people we would never otherwise have met, who are more like us than we ever could have known. It connects us with our communities, to professional opportunities, and to the people who need our help. Connection is what makes the experience of Rotary so very different from walking along that concourse at JFK Airport. In Rotary, none of us is an island. All of us are in Rotary together, whoever we are, wherever we are from, whatever language we speak or traditions we follow. We are all connected to one another — part of our communities and members not only of our clubs, but also of the global community to which we all belong. This connection is what lies at the heart of the Rotary experience. It is what brings us to Rotary. It is why we stay. Please join your fellow Rotarians on this journey as Rotary Connects the World. MARK MALONEY President Rotary International 2018-2019 M E S S A G E F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T | 3 The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
  • 6. 2019-2020 ROTARY CITATION FOR ROTARY CLUBS 2019-2020 ROTARY CITATION ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE To be eligible for the Rotary Citation, clubs need to begin the year as active clubs in good standing and remain so throughout the year. For the purposes of the citation only, good standing means that a club has paid each invoice balance in full upon receipt (and hasn’t received a 60-day reminder letter from Rotary International Accounts Receivable). To verify that your club is in good standing, check your daily club balance report under Club Administration > Club Finances. You should have an outstanding balance of $0.00. Invoices are due when they are posted, in mid-January and mid-July. Rotary can automatically verify many of your club’s achievements as long as you keep your club and member information up-to-date in My Rotary. (For the purposes of the citation, only club officers can maintain club records; assistant governors may not make updates on behalf of their clubs.) You’ll also use Rotary Club Central and Rotary Showcase to tell us when you’ve achieved other goals of the 2019-20 Rotary Citation. Sign in to My Rotary to use: - Club Administration: Go to > hover over Manage, Club & District Administration > select Club Administration - Rotary Club Central: Go to > hover over Manage, Club & District Administration > select Rotary Club Central - Rotary Showcase: Go to > hover over Take Action, Develop Projects > select Rotary Showcase The Rotary Citation recognizes Rotary clubs that support our strategic priorities by completing certain activities. Clubs have the entire Rotary year to achieve the citation’s goals. Rotary can automatically verify many of your club’s achievements as long as you keep your club and member information up-to-date in My Rotary. To be eligible for the Rotary Citation, clubs need to begin the year as active clubs that are in good standing and remain so throughout the year. Achievements will be compared with membership figures from 1 July 2019 and will be recognized after the 1 July 2020 numbers are final, on 15 August 2020. Achieve at least 5 of the following goals: • Appoint an active club membership committee comprised of no less than five members and report the chair to Rotary International • Achieve a net gain in membership • Maintain or improve your club’s retention of current and new members: - Improve your club’s retention rate by 1 percentage point, or - If your club’s retention rate was 90 percent or more in 2018-2019, maintain it • Achieve a net gain in female members or members under the age of 40 • Conduct a study of your members’ occupations, and work to align your membership with the mix of businesses and professions in your community • Sponsor or co-sponsor a new Rotary club or Rotary Community Corps • Sponsor or co-sponsor an Interact or Rotaract club • Host an event for Rotary alumni, and highlight Rotary’s networking opportunities • Sponsor a Youth Exchange student or RYLA participant Achieve at least 5 of the following goals: • Appoint an active club Foundation committee comprised of no less than five members and report the chair to Rotary International • Increase the number of members involved in service projects • Contribute at least $100 per capita to the Annual Fund of The Rotary Foundation • Hold an event to raise funds for, or to increase awareness of, Rotary’s work toward polio eradication • Conduct a significant local or international service project in one of Rotary’s six areas of focus • Post successful club projects, with details about activities, volunteer hours, and funds raised, on • Continue or establish a partnership with a corporate, governmental, or nongovernmental entity and work on a project together • Use Rotary’s brand guidelines, templates, People of Action campaign materials, and related resources • Arrange for the club’s members to talk with the media to tell your club’s and Rotary’s story UNITE PEOPLE TAKE ACTION 4 | S E C R E T A R Y ’ S D I S P A T C H The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
  • 7. GENERAL ORDER OF PRECEDENCE CALL TO ORDER THE FLAG & NATIONAL ANTHEM ROTARY PIN INTRODUCING PERSONALITIES AT HEAD TABLE PROPER USE OF GAVEL SEATING ARRANGEMENT PROTOCOL Points to remember: • Current position takes precedence over past • Past position takes precedence over future • Those holding more than 1 position shall be ranked by the highest current or past office • Accompanying spouses should be accorded same rank • In introducing Officials, use complete title do not abbreviate title. Points to remember: • Start on time • President calls meeting to order before Host takes over proceedings • President adjourns after Host is through with the program If there is more than one foreign flag, they should be arranged in alphabetical order to the left of the Philippine Flag. The flags should be of approximately equal size and on separate staffs of the same height. Never hold the flag while the anthem is being played or sung. • Sec. 38 of RA 8491 or the Flag and Heraldic Act • Attending public shall SING with fervor, dignity and pride; • As a sign of respect, public shall stand at attention and face the flag or the conductor or lead singer if there is no flag; • At the first note, the public shall execute a salute by placing their right palm over their left chest. Should be worn on the left lower lapel of the coat or left side of the collar. All other pins/Rotary ID/tags should be worn on the right side. • Introduce from the lowest rank first. Start from the ends of the table. • Introduce Guest of Honor and President last • In the absence of a Presidential Table, Introduce from the highest rank first. The Gavel is the symbol of authority of the Presiding Officer. Stand when rapping the gavel. • One Rap – Adjourn/take a seat/result of Vote • Two Raps – Call the Meeting to Order • Three Raps – Ask everyone to Rise • Series of Raps – Restore order A word of diplomatic usage Social grace, basic courtesy and consideration, proper conduct and etiquette observed in private or public gatherings Rank or order of precedence must at all times be recognized particularly in: • Introducing • Presenting • Seating Club Level 1. President 2. Past Presidents(in the order of seniority) 3. President-Elect 4. President-Nominee 5. Vice President 6. Secretary 7. Treasurer 8. Directors 9. Other Officers 10. Sergeant-at-arms District Level 1. DG 2. PDG (Seniority) 3. DGE 4. DGN 5. DGND 6. District Secretary 7. DDG Admin 8. DDG Operations 9. DDG Public Image 10. DDG Membership 11. District Finance 12. District Trainer 13. PDDGs 14. AGs 15. PAGs Even 1. President sits at the RIGHT CENTER 2. Guest of Honor to HIS RIGHT 3. Sit alternately from President’s left to right according to rank Odd 1. President sits at the CENTER 2. Guest of Honor to HIS RIGHT 3. Sit alternately from President’s left to right according to rank PRES PRES 1 1 1 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 2 2 4 4 4 6 “Freedom to speak one’s mind should be coupled with the understanding that this FREEDOM comes with RESPONSIBILITIES” PROTOCOL and NETTIQUETTE W H E R E T O ’ S & H O W T O ’ S | 5 The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
  • 8. MEMBERSHIP FAST FACTS Who can join?We’re looking for people who want to give back to their communities.Rotary clubs also welcome Rotaractors, Rotary Peace Fellows, and other members of the family of Rotary who qualify for membership. What are the benefits? Becoming a Rotary member connects you with a diverse group of professionals who share your drive to give back. Through regular meetings and events, you’ll: - Discuss your community’s needs and develop creative ways to meet them - Connect with other leaders who are changing the world - Expand your leadership and professional skills - Catch up with good friends and meet new ones How can I become a member? Clubs accept new members by invitation.To help us find the right club for you, we’ll ask you a few questions about yourself and your interests.Then we’ll share your answers with Rotary leaders in your community who will match you with a club. What is the Classification Principle?The Classification Principle.Virtually all membership in Rotary is based upon a “classification:’ Basically, a classification describes the distinct and recognized business or professional service that the Rotarian renders to society. In determining the classification of a Rotarian, it is necessary to look at the “principal or recognized business or professional activity of the firm, company, or institution” with which an active member is connected or “that which covers the active member’s principal and recognized business or professional activity.” It should be clearly understood that classifications are determined by activities or services to society rather than by the position held by a particular individual. In other words, if a person is the president of a bank, he or she is not classified as “bank president” but under the classification “banking.” How often should clubs meet? Clubs should offer opportunities to meet twice per month at minimum.Those meetings could be traditional meetings, social outings, service projects, etc. Clubs that wish to meet more often can do so. Are clubs allowed to remove attendance requirements ?Yes. Clubs are encouraged to relax attendance expectations or not have them at all. Our research shows that rigid rules and policies are a barrier to attracting new members and engaging current ones. Further, it excludes younger profession- als who have developing careers and young families. Attending meetings is an opportunity, not an obligation. What member types exist ? There can be as many types of membership as are created by clubs. Some popular examples are corporate, family, or younger professional membership. However, a club is free to design different membership types that attract diverse members, as long as it’s documented how they differ from traditional membership in their club bylaws.The Rotary International database does not track membership types – only whether a member is active or honorary. How do corporate memberships work? Your club is free to offer alternative membership types of any kind, as long as new members are counted as individuals — corporate members in this case — rather than the corporations that sponsor their membership. If the members pay RI dues, they will be included in your club's official membership count and receive all the benefits that other active, dues-paying members enjoy. Your club can have different policies for these members' other financial obligations (club and district dues, meal costs, etc.), attendance requirements, or service expectations, as long as these policies are reflected in the club bylaws. Learn more in our Guide to Corporate Membership. What is a passport club?Passport clubs are Rotary clubs that are using a model that gives members a more flexible club experience, such as frequently visiting other clubs, a relaxed attendance policy, and meetings that don’t involve a meal and a speaker.The term “passport” refers to the ability to move freely from club to club visiting meetings or participating in their activities. Any Rotarian can visit another club when traveling, but passport clubs encourage their members to do so on a regular basis. This is how passport clubs got their name. 6 | W H E R E T O ’ S & H O W T O ’ S The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
  • 9. Particular Club Invoice TRF Polio Fund PRM District Levy and Rotaract Fund Disaster Fund Payee Rotary International The Rotary Foundation The Rotary Foundation Phil. Rotary Magazine District 3860 District 3860 Bank BPI BPI BPI BPI BPI BPI Account Number Peso: 0011-1828-01 USD: 0014-2171-34 Peso: 0011-1829-09 USD: 0014-2171-42 Peso: 0011-1829-09 Peso: 3371-0064-93 Peso: 2931-0064-71 Peso: 2931-0064-71 Reference Number Club # and Name Donor # and Name Donor # and Name Donor # and Name Rotary Club and Rotaract Club names Rotary Club name Plan Holder’s Name SAR - Invoice# APF Share POLIO WHERE TO PAY Social Media and Links WWW WWW District Website: District Instagram: Rotary International Website: Facebook District Page: Facebook Group: Facebook Public Image Initiative Page: How does a satellite club work? Satellite clubs are branch clubs of a sponsor club.The satellite club members are Rotarians and considered members of the sponsor club. Only eight members and the support of a sponsor club are needed to start a satellite club.They often offer a different club environment or meeting time and location from their sponsor club. Like a Rotary club, satellite clubs hold regular meetings, have bylaws and a board, and get involved in community service projects.The sponsor club provides advice and support. In some cases, satellite clubs may grow and apply to become a separate Rotary club. Satellite club members are Rotarians. Officially, they are members of the sponsor club. For more information, see the Guide to Satellite Clubs and the Satellite Club Frequently Asked Questions What is expected of members? They are expected to meet attendance requirements, pay dues, and bring new members into Rotary. Honorary Rotary membership may be offered to people who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service in the furtherance of Rotaryideals. MEMBERSHIP FAST FACTS CONT. W H E R E T O ’ S & H O W T O ’ S | 7 The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
  • 10. 8 | W H E R E C L U B S M E E T The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter WHERE CLUBS MEET AREA 1A Cebu East 7:30 PM, Friday The Lighthouse, Gen. Maxilom Ave., Cebu City Cebu Gloria Maris 7:00 PM, Thursday Casino Español de Cebu, Cebu City Cebu South 7:00 PM, Friday Club Filipino, Ayala-FGU, Cebu Business Park Talisay, Cebu 7:00 PM, Tuesday YMCA Osmena Blvd. Cebu City AREA 1B Cebu Port Centre 7:30 PM, Monday Cebu Country Club, Banilad, Cebu City Cebu Naga Central 6:00 PM, Tuesday Bistro Alberto, East Poblacion, Naga, Cebu Metro Cebu 12:00 NN, Wednesday Casino Español de Cebu, Cebu City Cebu 12:00 NN, Thursday Café Uno, Waterfront Hotel Cebu City AREA 1C Cebu West 7:00 PM, Tuesday City Sports Club, Cebu City Banilad Metro 12:00 NN, Thursday Kabilin Restaurant, Golden Prince Hotel, Cebu City Metro Bogo 7:30 PM, Thursday Bogo Plaza Resto Bar, Bogo Cebu Midtown 11:30 AM, Friday Handuraw Pizza, Mango Square, Cebu City AREA 1D Cebu Fuente 7:30 PM, Monday Casino Español de Cebu, Cebu City Cebu Fort San Pedro 7:00 PM, Thursday Casino Español de Cebu, Cebu City Mandaue East 6:30 PM, Thursday Parklane International Hotel, cor. Archbishop Reyes Ave. Escano Street, Cebu city Cebu Guadalupe 12:00 NN, Friday Café Laguna Restaurant, Ayala Terraces, Cebu City Cebu North 2:00 PM, Saturday Abaseria Deli, Kasambagan, Cebu City AREA 2D Tagum North 7:00 PM, Tuesday Miko’s Brew, Apokon, Tagum City Central Panabo City 6:00 PM, Wednesday RCCP Club House, New Pandan, Panabo City Tagum Golden L.A.C.E.S. 6:00 PM, Wednesday Miko’s Brew, Apokon, Tagum City Compostela Valley 6:00 PM, Thursday Com’Val Restaurant, Compostela Valley Tagum 11:30 PM, Thursday Papa Juhn’s Pizza, Rizal Street, Tagum City AREA 2E Calinan Davao 6:30 PM, Monday M-Calinan Highway cor. De Lara St., Calinan Bansalan 2015 5:00 PM, Wednesday Bansalan Water District Office, Bansalan, Davao del Sur Digos 7:00 PM, Wednesday A & B Hotel, 3rd Floor, Digos City South Digos 6:00 PM, Friday Avenue One Hotel, Roxas Extension, Digos City Toril (Davao) 7:00 PM, Saturday Rotary Clubhouse of RC Toril, MacLeod St., Toril, Davao City AREA 1E Mandaue North 7:00 PM, Monday FGU Building, 16th Floor, Ayala Center, Cebu, Cebu City Metro Mandaue 2006 7:30 PM, Thursday Vie NNa Kaffehaus, Gorordo St., Cebu City Mactan 7:30 PM, Friday RC Mactan Info & training Center, Mactan Economic Zone, Lapu- Lapu City Mandaue 12:00 NN, Friday Casino Español de Cebu, Cebu City AREA 2A Davao 2000 6:00 PM, Wednesday Grand Men Seng Hotel, A. Pichon Street, Davao City South Davao 12:00 NN, Wednesday The Marco Polo Hotel Davao, Roxas Avenue, Davao City Davao 12:00 NN, Thursday The Royal Mandaya Hotel, Palma Gil Street, Davao City North Davao 6:00 PM, Friday Rotary Clubhouse cor. P Tavera & F Torres St., Davao City AREA 3A Calbayog City 6:00 PM, Wednesday I’s Plant Hotel, Calbayog City Catarman 7:30 PM, Wednesday Sugbaan Sa Northwood, Catarman Borongan 7:00 PM, Thursday Residence of Club President, Borongan Calbayog 6:00 PM, Friday S.O Cafe, Nijaga St., Calbayog City AREA 3B Kandaya-Tacloban 12:00 NN, Wednesday Hotel Alejandro Kankabato 7:00 PM, Wednesday Seafoods and Ribs Warehouse Restaurant Central Tacloban 6:30 PM, Thursday Avenue Hotel, Tacloban City Leyte Gulf - Tacloban 6:30 PM, Thursday Club House, Abucay Tacloban 12:00 NN, Thursday Rotary Center, Tacloban Convention Center, Comp. Sagkahan San Juanico 12:00 NN, Friday Club House, Abucay Sta. Ana Davao 6:00 PM, Wednesday Grand Men Seng Hotel, A. Pichon Street, Davao City Waling-Waling (Davao) 12:30 PM, Thursday Grand Men Seng Hotel, Magallanes St., Davao City AREA 2B Matina Davao 12:00 NN, Tuesday Lispher INN, Juna Subd., Matina, Davao City Pag-asa Davao 6:30 PM, Wednesday Lispher INN, Juna Subd., Matina, Davao City AREA 3C Ormoc Bay 5:00 PM, Tuesday Hotel Don Felipe, Ormoc City Maasin City 8:00 PM, Wednesday Rotary Clubhouse, Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City Ormoc 5:30 PM, Thursday Don Felipe Hotel, Ormoc City Biliran Island 7:30 AM, Saturday D’Daone Bar AREA 3H Koronadal Central 6:30 PM, Tuesday Cinco Niñas Filipino Cuisine Restaurant, Gen. Santos Drive, Koronadal City Koronadal 6:00 PM, Wednesday Celema’s Place, Alunan Ave., Koronadal City Marbel 7:00 PM, Thursday EMR Entertainment, Music and Recreation Center Central Polomolok 6:30 PM, Friday Taps and Mix Restaurant, Polomolok, South Cotabato AREA 3I Butuan East Central 6:00 PM, Monday Balanghai Hotel and Convention Center, Butuan City Central Cabadbaran 7:00 PM, Thursday C & B Swimmers Place, F. C. Dagani St., Brgy 12, Cabadbaran City Butuan North 7:30 PM, Friday VCDU Prince Hotel Montilla Boulevard, Butuan City Downtown Butuan 6:30 PM, Friday Mazaua Island, Restaurant & Bar, Doongan, Butuan City Dumaguete North 8:00 PM Friday Royal Suites I NN. West Rovira Dr., Bantayan, Dumaguete City AREA 3D Dumaguete South 6:30 PM, Wednesday Chin Loong Restaurant, Rizal Boulevard, Dumaguete City Dumaguete East 8:00 PM, Thursday Ang Tay Golf Club House Rovira Rd., Dumaguete City Dumaguete 7:00 PM, Friday Ang Tay Golf Club & Restaurant, Barangay Bantayan, Dumaguete City AREA 3E Siquijor Island 5:30 PM, Tuesday Coral Cay Beach Resort, Siquijor Tolong 8:00 PM, Wednesday Nouevelle’s Cuisine, Tinago, Bayawan City Bais City 8:00 PM, Thursday Fuyma Restaurant, Bais City Siquijor Central 8:00 PM Friday Sunporch Restaurant, Larena, Siquijor AREA 3F Polomolok 101 7:00 PM, Monday Sadok Restaurant, Ca NNery Site, Polomolok General Santos City 7:00 PM, Tuesday Hotel San Marco, East Laurel Avenue, General Santos City Gensan Tuna Port 7:00 PM, Tuesday Green Leaf Hotel, General Santos City Midtown Gensan 7:00 PM Thursday San Marco Hotel, East Laurel Avenue, General Santos City AREA 3K Surigao Midtown Jewels 7:00 PM, Tuesday The Tavern Hotel, Surigao City Surigao City 8:00 PM, Wednesday Guy AM Hall, Philippine Gateway Hotel, Surigao City Central Surigao 8:30 PM, Friday The Tavern Hotel, Surigao City Metro Surigao 7:00 PM Friday The Tavern Hotel, Surigao City AREA 3L Bislig 6:30 PM, Wednesday 2/F Shiela’s Bakeshop, Bislig, Surigao del Sur Central Tandag 7:00 PM, Thursday Shacene KTV Bar, Tandag City San Francisco 8:00 PM, Friday San Francisco Colleges, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur AREA 3M Siargao 7:00 PM, Saturday Eat and Pack Restaurant, Brgy.9,Sto. Nino st., Dapa, Siargao Island AREA 3G Dadiangas 7:00 PM, Monday Hotel San Marco, JP Laurel St., General Santos City Metro Dadiangas 7:00 PM, Wednesday Big Ben Steak House, General Santos city Greater Gensan 7:00 PM, Friday Café AMore, SM City, Gen. Santos City AREA 3J Butuan 8:00 PM, Monday Embassy Hotel, Montilla Blvd., Butuan City Central Butuan 7:00 PM, Thursday G-Sub Restaurant, Pizarro St., Butuan City Midtown Butuan 6:30 PM, Thursday Almont Plaza Hotel, San Jose St., Butuan City AREA 2C Central Davao 6:30 PM, Monday Grand Men Seng Hotel, A. Pichon Street, Davao City East Davao 12:00 NN, Tuesday The Marco Polo Hotel Davao, Roxas Avenue, Davao City Downtown Davao 12:00 NN, Wednesday Grand Men Seng Hotel, A. Pichon Street, Davao City West Davao 6:30 PM, Friday The Marco Polo Hotel Davao, Roxas Avenue, Davao City AREA 1F Panglao Island 7:00 PM, Tuesday Linaw Beach Resort, Panglao Island Ubay, Bohol 12:00 NN, Tuesday Peter’s Restaurant, Poblacion Ubay, Bohol Upper Tagbilaran 12:30 PM, Tuesday Mario’s Wines and Liquor Conference, Tagbilaran City Central Jagna 7:30 PM, Wednesday Jagna Elementary School Multipurpose Center Tagbilaran 12:00 NN, Wednesday Linaw Beach Metro Center Hotel, Tagbilaran City Tubigon 7:00 PM, Friday C AMpo’s Compound, Pooc Oriental, Tubigon, Bohol
  • 11. G A L L E R Y ` | 9 The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter GalleryDISTAS and More
  • 12.
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  • 14. Rotary Club of Davao Rotary Club of Butuan Rotary Club of Kankabato Rotary Club of Cebu Gloria Maris Rotary Club of Tagum Golden Laces Rotary Club of Central Butuan Rotary Club of Koronadal Rotary Club of Dadiangas Rotary Club of Calbayog Rotary Club of Cebu Fuente Rotary Club of San Francisco, Camotes Rotary Club of Fort San Pedro Rotary Club of Central Tacloban 1 2 | C L U B C O N N E C T I O N The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
  • 15. WHAT IS POLIO? Polio is an ancient disease. It is an intestinal virus that is mostly spread from person-to-person contact, especially where hygiene is poor. It can cause irreversible paralysis, and sometimes death. It strikes mainly children under the age of 5. Top 5 Reasons to Eradicate Polio To improve lives To invest in the future To improve child health To save money To make history COUNTDOWN TO HISTORY Goal2019-2020= US$50million Mary Anne Alcordo-Solomon End Polio Now Zone Coordinator (EPNZC) Rotary International Zone 7 RY 2018-2019 Districtgoal=20%ofDDF Clubgoal=US$1500 Contributions of cash and District Designated Funds will help meet the goals of our fundraising campaign. Contributions to PolioPlus qualify for Paul Harris Fellow and Major Donor recognition. All clubs are being asked to contribute at least US$1500 and Districts are being asked to contribute 20% of their DDF. ONE ROTARY, ONE PHILIPPINES, ONE T-SHIRT TO SAVE LIVES FROM POLIO JAMES BOMAR 1979-80 RI President Immunized the first child during Rotary’s First Polio Immunization Project in the Philippines in September 1979 NOTE: Please include the End Polio Now logo in your banners, streamers, bulletins and shirts All Fund-Raising Activities to be reported to Bernard Sia and Lilu Aliño BERNARD SIA District Polio Plus Coordinator (DPPC) LILU ALIÑO District Rotary Foundation Chair (DRFC) E N D P O L I O | 1 3 The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
  • 16. 1 4 | Y O U T H The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter R O TAR AC T I N T E R ACT CREATE TO HELP WORKSHOP: A R T I N T H E H E A R T O F S E R V I C E Rotaract Club Of Tagbilaran Community Based Educating the youth to utilize used and recyclable materials into works of art at the same breath instilling in them the importance of taking care of our environment is one creative approach. Rotaract has always been a platform of community service with environmental development as the main thrust. Rotaractors go the distance by travelling to the remote Balicasag Island in Bohol to conduct their “Operation Tuli and Medical Mission. It was a worthwhile project that many individuals benefitted by this Medical Mission. While young ones would use their time frolicking in the beach or mall hopping during summer, these Rotaractors from Rotaract Club of Tagbilaran chose to render service for others. Rotaract not only gives back to the community they belong but develops and hones the potentials of their members to evolve as great leaders. The first U SPEAK FORUM with eloquent speakers delved on diversified topics for the Rotaractors. BASICS OF LEADERSHIP A.I.D. A I D - Awareness - Innovation - Development
  • 17. O N T H E S P O T L I G H T | 1 5 The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter ON THE SPOTLIGHT Rotary supports the environment through tree planting activities. A joint tree planting project of Rotary Club Cebu Fuente and Go Ching Hai foundation was held at Camp 7, Minglanilla & Manipis, Talisay City, Cebu RODIEN ENANOZA PACA ROTARY CLUB PORT CENTER President 2018-2019 ROTARY CLUB OF ORMOC INDUCTION 2019 (L-R: Troy D Bumagat, Joy Mejia- Romero, Edmund Kierulf and DGN Anna Bumagat.)
  • 18. The Torch 3860 TriviaGet a chance to win gift items by answering our Trivia Questions. Send all answers to www.rotarydistrict3860.GML. Choose the BEST answer! Time stamp of email will determine the first TOP 5 Winners! QUESTION 1: The ROTARY name was selected by early members because: A. Meeting Locations we’re rotated in the local City Halls. B. Meeting locations rotated among their offices C. Meeting locations rotated among the residences of the club presidents. QUESTION 2: The first rotary club met in? A. Chicago, on the 23rd of February, 1905 B. Chicago, on the 22nd of February, 1905 C. Chicago, on the 23rd of February, 1904 The first four Rotarians: Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, Hiram Shorey, and Paul P. Harris. The first Rotary club was started in Chicago, Illinois, USA, by Paul Harris. Harris wanted to bring together a group of professionals with different backgrounds and skills as a way to exchange ideas and form meaningful acquaintances. QUESTION 3: Where was Paul P. Harris born and what was his profession? A. Racine, Wisconsin, USA/ Architect B. Racines, Wisconsin / Lawyer C. Racine, Wisconsin, USA /Lawyer Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Disease Prevention and Treatment Water and Sanitation Maternal and Child Health Basic Education and Literacy Economic and Community Development Areas of Focus Five Avenues of Service CLUB SERVICE. Those things that a Rotarian does to help make successful the running of the local club. VOCATIONAL SERVICE. The promoting of the “ideal of service” throughout the business and professional world. COMMUNITY SERVICE. Urges every Rotarian to. participate in all activities that make the community a better place to live. YOUTH SERVICE. These are programs that help the youth. INTERNATIONAL SERVICE. Encourages and fosters the advancement of understanding and good will among people of the world. 1 6 | T R I V I A The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter
  • 19. Rotary Branding Basics Use the “Masterbrand Signature” on a background that has “SUFFICIENT CONTRAST” Keep the “Masterbrand Signature” clear of OUTLINES SPECIAL EFFECT, or other GRAPHIC ELEMENTS. Keep the “Masterbrand Signature” free of a HOLDING SHAPE, and use the CORRECT TYPEFACE. Keep the “Mark of Excellence” WHOLE, NEVER CROPPED. Place the “Mark of Excellence” AWAY from the “Logo” Keep all elements UNDISTORETED and in the RIGHT ORDER Use specified Rotary colors for the “Mark of Excellence” The Rotary wheel should NOT substitute for circular shapes in graphics, or circular in numerals, or letters. | 1 7 The Torch 3860: Governor’s Monthly Letter