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ROTARY AFRICAEstablished 1927 • A member of the Rotary World Magazine Press • May 2017
years of
sharing Africa’s
Rotary stories
Company Notice
Rotary in Africa
Reg. No.1971/004840/07
Notice to Members*
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Rotary in Africa will
be held at the company offices situated at 2 Prische House, 14 Church Road,
Westville 3630, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
on Friday 19 May 2017, at 09h00.
1. Call to order and announcements.
2. Confirmation of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on
Tuesday 17
May 2016.
3. Chairman’s report.
4. Editor’s report.
5. Treasurer’s report and submission of the annual financial accounts for the
period ending 31
December 2016.
6. Appointment of auditors.
7. Election of up to 3 directors to serve on the Board.
In terms of the company’s Articles of Association the following directors are
due to retire from the Board: Gerald Sieberhagen, Anton Meerkotter, and
Peter Hugo. Anton Meerkotter will not be available for election. Being eligible,
Gerald Sieberhagen and Peter Hugo will be available for election together with
any other nominations received by close of business 12
May 2017.
8. To consider or transact any other business pertinent to an Annual General
*All current, immediate incoming and past Governors of Rotary Districts 9200,
9210, 9211, 9212, 9220, 9250, 9270, 9300, 9320, 9350, 9370 and 9400 are ex officio
members of Rotary in Africa.
A member may appoint a proxy to attend and vote on their behalf, provided such
appointment is advised to the Secretary at the offices of the company at least 48
hours before the meeting.
Natty Moodley. Secretary 1 March 2017
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 3
in this issue...Special report
13 | 90 years of Rotary Africa
4 | From the editor
5 | Message from the RI President
6 | Foundation Chair’s message
Celebrate the Foundation centennial
What you should know
7 | Convention
8 | Ethics & Peace in a turbulent world
9 | Foundation matters
10 | World round up
12 | Your gift: from start to finish
18 | Rotary and Probus
19 | Into the next century
Big Rotary Club Central upgrade
20 | 5 ways to make your club more
22 | A song to fight malaria
27 | Uniting against drugs
28 | Preventing undernutrition
29 | Hi-tech maths project
Learning to pair
30 | Developing business
31 | Club and district news
Round up
32 | Club and district news
40 | Saving Main Reef
41 | Celebrating the centenary
79 years of Rotary in Boksburg
42 | Welcomed and honoured
4 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
Editor	 	 Sarah van Heerden
Administration 	 Sharon Robertson
Chairman	 	 Gerald Sieberhagen
Directors	 	 Greg Cryer
		Andy Gray
		Peter Hugo
		Anton Meerkotter
		Natty Moodley
Publisher	 	 Rotary in Africa
	 	 Reg. No. 71/04840/08
	 	 PBO No: 18/13/13/3091
	 	 Registered at the GPO as a
Design & Layout	 Rotary in Africa
Printers	 	 Colour Planet, Pinetown
Advertising	 Sharon Robertson
	 	 Sarah van Heerden
	 	 Tariff card on request at
Subscriptions 	 Sharon Robertson (digital)
Distribution 	 Rotary Districts 9210, 9211,
		 (Southern and Eastern Africa)
Contact		 Rotary Africa
		 P.O. Box 563
		South Africa
Telephone	 0027 (31) 267 1848
Fax		 0027 (31) 267 1849
The Rotary Emblem, Rotary International, Rotary,
Rotary Club and Rotarian are trademarks of Rotary
International and are used under licence. The views
expressed herein are not necessarily those of Rotary
Africa, Rotary International or The Rotary Foundation.
From the editor
DO ROTARYThis year is a special year for Rotary Africa as we
celebrate our 90th anniversary. It is humbling to
think that this magazine has been telling the stories
of Africa’s Rotary clubs since 1927, especially when
you consider that Rotary arrived in Africa in 1921.
As I embarked on a little research about the history
of our magazine, I was impressed at how quickly Rotary
spread across the continent.
Yes, some may consider Africa to be a continent
plagued by poverty, disease and turmoil. However, if
you look at what our clubs have accomplished over the
years and meet the Rotarians who care so deeply for
their communities, you realise that Africa is an amazing
It is easy to be negative about the state of our
communities and countries. These are turbulent times,
not only in Africa but across the globe – for a few days
last month, the papers and internet exploded with fears
of an impending nuclear war in the northern hemisphere.
I think we are living in an era of change and while the
road may be bumpy, the destination is unknown and not
necessarily awful. Essentially, and I apologise for the
cliché, the future will be what we make it. You can feel
anxious and stressed, that is natural, but sitting at home
and complaining or making Facebook posts calling for
change, peace or whatever your cause or belief, will
accomplish nothing.
So what can we do to steer ourselves towards a
better destination? We can do Rotary! This is a time
when Rotary is needed more than ever. Through our
projects that address the six areas of focus we are
sowing the seeds of peace. The areas of focus dovetail
with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), which were basically designed to bring peace
and end suffering.
The six areas of focus make sense and if you think
about it, they are six steps towards happier, healthier
and more peaceful communities.
Have a wonderful month,
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 5
President, Rotary International
Message from the
Speeches and news from RI President John F Germ at
As you read these lines, final preparations are
well underway for our 108th Rotary International
Convention, 10-14 June in Atlanta. We’re looking
forward to one of the biggest and best Rotary
conventions yet, as we celebrate not only a
wonderful year of Rotary Serving Humanity, but a
full century of Doing Good in the World through The
Rotary Foundation.
If you haven’t already made plans to attend, it’s not
too late to register at There is simply
no better way to round off another great year in Rotary
than by coming together with 40 000 or so of your fellow
Rotarians to share ideas, find inspiration and have a
great time together.
We’re excited to have Bill Gates, a friend and partner
in our work to eradicate polio, speaking at our convention
this year. And it’s worth arriving early to attend a special
Presidential Peace Conference, scheduled for 9-10
June and featuring Bernice A King, daughter of Martin
Luther King Jr and Coretta Scott King.
I’m proud to host a convention that is practically in
my own backyard: Atlanta is a vibrant, modern state
capital, just a two-hour drive from my home city of
Chattanooga, and it’s a great place to experience the
famous hospitality of the American south. Our Host
Organising Committee has a great week planned,
starting with the Blue Jeans and Bluegrass kick-off
event on Saturday night.
Come on over to Centennial Olympic Park, right
across from the House of Friendship and get in a dancing
mood with Grammy Award winner Ricky Skaggs and his
Kentucky Thunder band. Meet up with friends old and
new at the Centennial Celebration Block Party or on
the Peace Tour of Atlanta. Roll up your sleeves for the
Habitat Home Build or tie up your laces to take part in
the 3K Walk/Run to End Polio Now. And before you say
goodbye, come back to the House of Friendship for one
more party: our Foundation’s 100th birthday party, with
(of course!) cake and ice cream.
It’s going to be an incredible experience and Judy
and I are looking forward to celebrating with you or, as
we say in the south, with y’all! See you in Atlanta!
6 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
Foundation Trustee Chair’s message
and foster the ideal of service as a
basis of worthy enterprise and, in
particular, to encourage and foster:
First. The development of
acquaintance as an opportunity for
Second. High ethical standards
in business and professions; the
recognition of the worthiness of
all useful occupations; and the
dignifying of each Rotarian’s
occupation as an opportunity to
serve society;
Third. The application of the ideal of
service in each Rotarian’s personal,
business, and community life;
Fourth. The advancement of
international understanding,
goodwill, and peace through a
world fellowship of business and
professional persons united in the
ideal of service.
Of the things we think, say or do:
1) Is it the TRUTH?
2) Is it FAIR to all concerned?
3) Will it build GOODWILL and
4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all
Object of Rotary
The Four-Way Test
what you should know
Join in and show your support for The Rotary Foundation. Here are some ways to get involved:
•	 Plan a Rotary Day in your community to raise awareness of Rotary and its Foundation.
•	 Promote projects your club or district is involved in that are funded by the Foundation. Share your photos
and stories on your social media pages using #TRF100.
•	 Empower The Rotary Foundation to support the good
work of Rotary clubs by making a special contribution.
•	 Apply for a grant from the Foundation to fund a project.
•	 Attend the Rotary Convention in Atlanta, 10-14 June 2017.
Kalyan Banerjee
Share your celebratory events. Email articles and photos to
As we near the end of our year long celebration of
The Rotary Foundation’s 100th anniversary, let’s
stop to think about what the world would be like if
Rotarians had never created an endowment fund
for doing good in the world.
I think we can say for certain that without Rotary’s
historic PolioPlus programme, the world would not be
on the verge of eradicating polio. Although public health
officials and governments would have carried out
routine vaccination efforts, it was Rotary’s leadership
and support that provided the impetus to move beyond
containment of the virus to global eradication.
And let’s consider the other diseases our Foundation
grant projects have prevented and treated by providing
access to health care, clean water and adequate
sanitation. Malaria, cholera, HIV/AIDS, Guinea worm
– the list goes on and on. How many thousands of
people have avoided suffering and even death because
Rotarians carried out projects?
Without the Foundation, many more people would
have remained illiterate and many others would not
have the vocational skills needed to earn a living and
provide for their families.
And then there is our quest for peace. In 2002, the
first peace fellows started class at the Rotary Peace
Centres. Today, hundreds of our graduates are using
their skills to prevent and mediate conflict and help
those whose lives have been devastated by war.
In villages around the world, you see hundreds of
signs identifying Rotary Foundation projects. They
stand beside water wells and are affixed to clinics and
schools. When I see one of these signs, I feel proud
to be a Rotarian and I think, “My contributions helped
make this happen.”
Let’s never forget that behind every one of these
signs is a story of the people whose lives have been
touched and perhaps even saved. It is their stories that
demonstrate conclusively how much better the world is
because The Rotary Foundation exists.
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 7
APPSAt the 2017 Rotary International
Convention in Atlanta, 10-14 June,
your smartphone can help you keep
track of your schedule, make social
plans and find your way around.
Simplify your life by downloading a
few key apps.
Start with the free Rotary Events app:
Find it in your app store by searching
Rotary Events. It will let you plan your
daily schedule, learn about featured
speakers and download session
handouts. It also will help you connect
with other Rotarians, share photos,
rate sessions and send feedback to
convention organisers. The app will be
available for download on 10 May.
Find out what’s happening around
town in music, theatre and art with the
Atlanta PlanIt app, which has extensive
event listings. For expert reviews
of restaurants and music venues,
download the Atlanta magazine
app, through which you can buy the
December 2016 “Best of Atlanta” issue
for $5.99 without subscribing. That
issue has plenty of tips on the best
places to eat, see theatre and art or
listen to music.
When you venture outside the
Georgia World Congress Centre,
take advantage of Atlanta’s public
transportation system, MARTA. The
free MARTA On the Go app provides
route schedules, estimated arrival
times, system maps and a useful
feature that locates the station or stop
closest to you.
Create a plan to give
your club a boost
Inspire members
to explore ways to
get involved
Find ideas to
Take time to
address specific
Contact interested
candidates and
grow your club
These resources
can help
Available for download
MembershipResources_AD_Rotarian-HALF-V.indd 1 4/15/16 9:58 AMFriendship was the foundation rock on which Rotary was built and
tolerance is the element which holds it together - Paul Harris, My Road to Rotary
8 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
by PDG Andrew Jaeger, Regional Rotary Coordinator
High ethical standards and the advancement of
international understanding, goodwill and peace are
an intrinsic part of the Object of Rotary.
As Rotarians, I believe we currently face many
challenges to our identity and ethical compass. This is why
I believe we should reaffirm our strong foundations and
eternal principles on which our organisation is built. It’s
also my belief that Rotarians have a greater role to play in
promoting the core values of Rotary to a world where war
and turmoil dominate its newscasts.
In 1987, Allan Bloom wrote a book called The Closing of
the American Mind. Its core argument was that everything
moral and ethical was relative. Subjective personal values
had replaced universal moral and ethical principles. Nothing
was either right or wrong.
Bloom’s thesis was accurate at the time but it’s not
accurate anymore. The world today is awash in moral
Many people carefully guard their words, afraid they
might transgress one of the norms that have come into
existence and face ruinous consequences. When a moral
or ethical crusade spreads across a country, many feel
compelled to post messages of support on social media
within minutes.
A new sort of moral and ethical system is evolving with
new criteria to define correct and incorrect actions. The big
question is: What is the nature of this new moral system and
how does it affect the Object of Rotary, Rotarians and what
we do? I believe that the new system has created cultures
of guilt and shame. In a guilt culture your conscience and
personal morals determine if you are good or bad. In a
shame culture this is decided by your community, peer
group or popular opinion and judgement will either result in
you being honoured or ostracised.
The omnipresence of social media has fuelled a new
sort of shame culture. In a world of social media and
instant communication, everything is constantly displayed
and observed. The desire to be embraced and praised by
the community is intense as the alternative is to either be
invisible, irrelevant or worse, exiled and condemned. This
increased pressure to be accepted and valued has ensured
that moral life is moving away from the continuum of right
and wrong towards that of inclusion and exclusion.
This has created a set of common behaviour patterns of
which we should be aware.
so that they themselves might be accepted and praised in
turn. For many, self-esteem has become contingent on
the attention, opinion and praise of extended networks of
people – many of whom may be relative strangers.
Secondly, there are the ‘enforcers’ within the group.
These people build their personal power and reputation
by policing the group and condemning those who break
the group code. Social media can be vicious to those who
don’t fit in and can erupt in instant ridicule for anyone who
Thirdly, people are extremely anxious that their group
might be condemned or belittled. They demand instant
respect and recognition for their group. They feel some
moral wrong has been perpetrated when their group has
been disrespected and react with the most vicious intensity.
Criticising a group has fast become a social sin. Talk
of good and bad has deferred to that of respect and
recognition. In traditional shame cultures the opposite of
shame was honour; people took pride in being known as an
upstanding citizen. In the new shame culture, the opposite
of shame is celebrity and people strive to be attention-
grabbing and aggressively unique on some social media
platform. The positive side is that this new shame culture
may reverse some of the individualistic, atomising thrust of
the past 50 years.
On the other hand, everybody is perpetually insecure
in a moral system based on inclusion and exclusion. There
are no permanent standards, just the shifting judgment of
the crowd. It is a culture of oversensitivity, overreaction
and frequent moral panics, during which everybody feels
compelled to go along. This also threatens world peace and
creates perfect conditions for war as you are shamed if you
do not go along with popular opinion, as was the case in
pre-world war Germany.
It is fact that anxiety within communities can erode at
peace and create social or politic instability and in many of
these situations ethical behaviour loses its value.
To avoid a constant state of anxiety and contribute
towards world peace and ethical behaviour, our identities
(personal and organisational) must be based on standards
of justice and virtue that are deeper and more permanent
than the shifting fancy of the vocal crowd. In an era of
omnipresent social media, it’s probably doubly important
to discover and name your own personal true north (your
personal moral code) which is worth defending even at the
cost of unpopularity and exclusion.
The greatest challenge for Rotary and other
organisations is to be what they say they are and to do
what they have the capacity to do. If we dream of an ethical
society and world peace we must work to make it happen.
More importantly, it is a responsibility from which we must
not retreat.
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 9
Foundation matters
By PDG Patrick Coleman: Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator
Zone 20A South
I remember being young. In fact, when I was 16 years
old I had all the answers. It was not until my first
child was born that I realised I did not have all of the
George Bernard Shaw said: “Youth is wasted on the
young.” While I can understand his sentiment, I cannot
agree with his premise. Young people are having an
incredible impact in our world. Though it has been several
decades, it was a young Bill Gates and friends who started
the Microsoft empire. A young Steve Jobs changed the
way we listen to music, read books and communicate. The
co-founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is 33 years old
with a personal wealth of US$59.4 billion.
How can The Rotary Foundation take advantage of this
talent, enthusiasm and energy? We need to remember
that the work of The Rotary Foundation is NOT all about
the money; it is about service. All too often Rotarians
emphasise the funding, but we must recognise that one of
the core values of Rotary is Service.
Samantha Sparrow of vinspired, (
the UK’s leading volunteer charity for 14 to 25 year olds
made some very important observations about young
“Recruit young people to volunteering: By
engaging a young person in your work through
volunteering, they are seeing first-hand the
impact you have as a charity and they can
become more passionate advocates for your
cause - it is therefore a smaller step away to ask
for a donation, than asking young people as a
group to donate to a charity that they have little
experience of themselves.”
“Communicate with young people: Young
people in these instances want to know what
they will gain (skills, recognition etc.), what
impact they will make/are making and what
influence this will bring. We have experience of
this in recruiting our own Youth Advisory Board
at vinspired who are a massively intelligent,
thoughtful and skilled group. A patronising
communications strategy will not garner results
with this age range.”
Please understand, the money is important. Without
the resources to do projects we would not be able to
accomplish the phenomenal work that Rotarians do
around the globe. Nevertheless, we also need the
volunteer efforts to bring these projects to fruition.
Again from Samantha Sparrow: “Involve young
beneficiaries as volunteers.”
When I joined my Rotary club in 1993 I was “the kid” at
39 years of age. I was more than 20 years younger than
many of the members but I was given personal training by
my sponsor, PDG Dennis Figov, and learned from him the
importance of and a passion for The Rotary Foundation.
That passion led to being given responsibility in club
projects, including the Polio National Immunisation Days
in 1996. (This, of course, led to my romance and ultimate
marriage to Sherry, but that is another story!)
Through Interact, Rotaract, Youth Exchange and
Rotary scholarships we have a marvellous resource of
young, enthusiastic and energetic young people who
already have access to basic Rotary influence yet many
Rotary clubs are not using it.
I grew up in the ‘children should be seen and not
heard’ generation. My generation refused to sit quietly
as spectators. Our children and grandchildren are now in
place to follow our lead. They are the new ‘movers and
shakers’ in business and industry.
Young people might not have all of the questions but
they are looking for the correct answers. They need – and
seek – educators, mentors and coaches who will increase
their knowledge, improve their skills and empower them
with an opportunity to impact their world… Our world!
The key to a strong Rotary Foundation is including
our young people in our foundation programmes. Do not
be afraid of them. They will probably have some different
views and opinions. Give them their voice. Listen to their
ideas. We will all benefit from their inclusion.
Please understand that I am not ‘throwing out the
grandfather with the bathwater.’ We need our experienced
and seasoned Rotarians. As I look in the mirror I realise
that I am all too quickly becoming one of them. We have
the history and resources to keep The Rotary Foundation
moving. Our contributions - both big and small - ensure
that our Rotary Foundation projects and programmes will
continue to ‘Be A Gift To The World.’
We also have the responsibility of preparing our
successors – the club presidents, district governors and
Rotary Foundation supporters of the future. Last month
Past RI President Frank Devlyn posted a photo on
Facebook of his induction as club president in 1973. I
doubt that he had any idea that 27 years later he would
be the RI president, but he was ‘Creating Awareness and
Taking Action’ from day one. He is still a moving force in
the Rotary world 16 years after leaving the helm of Rotary
International. Someone mentored him, trained him and
empowered him.
Young people will follow our lead… Are we leading?
A young PDG Patrick Coleman.
10 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
WORLD ROUND UPThe activities and accomplishments of Rotary clubs around the world
Aldous Huxley described Lake Atitlán, one of Guatemala’s
top attractions, as being like Italy’s Lake Como “with additional
embellishments of several immense volcanoes. It really is too much
of a good thing.” But civilization has taken its toll and phosphorus
runoff and other types of effluent have polluted its waters. The
Rotary Club of Lake Atitlán-Panajachel (D4250) on the northeast
shore was formed in part to revitalise the lake’s ecological health.
In December, members of the club directed and participated in
planting about 1 000 tule, a type of bulrush that acts as a natural
filter beneficial to wetlands restoration and bank stabilisation,
along the lake. The club paid for $250 worth of the bulrush, which
cost about $1 each, with the rest of the money provided by Rotaractors and a GoFundMe initiative. Oversight
was provided by the Guatemalan government, the volunteer group ¡Sembremos Tul! and professional tuleros, the
indigenous Maya who maintain the forests.
US Virgin islands
Juanita Gardine Elementary School serves at-risk students in
an impoverished area of St. Croix. Those pupils are enthusiastically
embracing Rotary’s values and in November, District 7020
Governor Haresh Ramchandani attended the chartering of an
EarlyAct club. The club of nearly 50, most in the fifth and sixth
grades, and their sponsoring Rotary Club of St. Croix raised more
than $1 000 for Haitians recovering from Hurricane Matthew. “We
decided on the club because they are the forgotten school,” said
Sandra Gerard-Leung, president of the Rotary club. “These are
bright, spirited young people who amaze and inspire us every time
we are together.”
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 11
Promote your business, club or district
activities in ROTARY AFRICA
Contact Rotary Africa at or call 031 267 1848
•	 Reach our readers in
English-speaking Africa
•	 Advertise in ROTARY AFRICA
•	 Distribute leaflets, brochures and
newsletters with ROTARY AFRICA
•	 Special rates for Rotary clubs, districts
and Rotarian owned/managed business
The Rotary Club of Multan Cantt (D3272) outfitted 23 people
with free prosthetic hands in a programme directed by the club’s
charter president, Salman Mubarak, chief executive of a local
hospital. The LN-4 hands, lightweight and durable prosthetics
that fit below the elbow, are donated by the Ellen Meadows
Prosthetic Hand Foundation in San Francisco. “We took up this
project because of the dire need faced by amputees as a result of
accidents, primarily from a primitive machine used to cut fodder
for animals” and gangrene resulting from diabetes, Mubarak says.
“We are proud of our small but very special achievement.”
An $11 500 contribution from the Rotary Club of Osaka-East
(D2660, Japan) with an additional $500 from the Rotary Club of
Manila (D3800), allowed for the installation of solar panels on the
roof of a dormitory that houses about 50 developmentally and
physically disabled children at the Hospicio de San Jose in Manila.
The endeavour will provide 525 kilowatt-hours of electricity per
month, helping reduce operating costs for the institution, created
in 1810 and regarded as the oldest charitable organisation in the
Philippines. The savings “can be spent on the care and treatment of more clients,” said its administrator, Sister
Maria Socorro Pilar Evidente.
In the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro, Rotarians linked a school
and dozens of homes to the electrical grid and installed rooftop
rainwater harvesting systems and water tanks benefiting thousands
of villagers in Tarakea. The Rotary Club of Mkuu-Rombo (D9211)
joined the Rotary Club of Pullman (D5080, USA) in the nearly $90
000 Global Grant project, which provided solar reading lights for
children, a solar power plant and water health and safety training
and booklets for the local health centre.
12 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
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Illustrations by Gwen Kereval
The Rotary Foundation is the best
steward for your money.Here’s why
In 2016, The Rotary Foundation received the highest possible score from Charity Navigator
– 100 of 100 points – for its strong financial health and commitment to accountability and
transparency. It was the ninth straight year the Foundation earned a four-star rating from the
independent evaluator of charities across the US, a distinction only one percent of charities
have attained. The Association of Fundraising Professionals likewise named the Foundation
the World’s Outstanding Foundation for 2016, an award previously given to other familiar
names such as Kellogg and MacArthur. These organisations agree: When you donate to The
Rotary Foundation, you’re investing wisely. We followed your money from start to finish to
discover how the Foundation ensures that your gift makes an impact for years to come.
Any gift can be
donated to a specific
fund – End Polio
Now, an individual
Global Grant or one
of Rotary’s areas of
Directing your donation
There’s a reason Rotarians donate to The Rotary Foundation: It’s a simple way to
achieve your philanthropic goals – whether it’s supporting clean water, the eradication of
polio or a particular Global Grant. “Even the smallest of gifts can be donated to a specific
fund – a Global Grant, polio or an area of focus within
the World Fund,” said April Jensen, a member of the
Rotary Club of Evanston (D6440, USA) who works
in fund development for the Foundation. You can also
leave your gift unrestricted so that the Foundation has
the flexibility to use the money where it is needed most.
Do you ever wish you could set up a scholarship
or your own family’s foundation but don’t want the
headache of administering it? Let The Rotary Foundation
handle it. When you make a gift over $25 000, you will
receive personalised reports detailing the projects you
are supporting. You can make your gift in the way that
suits your financial situation best – such as cash, stocks
or bequests.
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
In 2015/16, 91 percent of the money the Foundation spent went to programmes and grants,
with only nine percent of expenses going toward administration. How does the Foundation
make sure that the bulk of your donation supports the sustainable programmes you want
it to? “To ensure that the funds for the project are there when needed,” said past Rotary
International President Ron Burton, chair of the Foundation’s Investment Committee, “all
contributions to the Foundation’s Annual Fund are invested for three years.” The Investment
Committee includes three Foundation trustees and six Rotarians who are professionals
in the field, who make sure that your money is
invested responsibly during this period. At the end
of the three years, the investment earnings on
your gift go toward the operating expenses of the
“I don’t know of any other organisation like
ours that has a system like this,” Jensen said. “It’s
Your principal is split 50/50, with half going to
your District Designated Fund and half going into
the World Fund, a pool that the Trustees of The
Rotary Foundation use to match grants where they
are most needed.
After three years, the
investment earnings on
your gift go toward the
operating expenses of
the Foundation
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 13
Investing your money
14 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
Awarding grants
When the Foundation awards a grant to fund a project, how does it ensure that
your money will have lasting impact? “Sustainability begins with the community
assessment,” explained Philip J Silvers, a past RI director and chair of the Foundation’s
Cadre of Technical Advisers. Before Rotarians design projects, they talk to people in
the community – fathers, mothers, children, elders, political leaders – to understand
the broader context behind what the community needs. “Then whatever project
emerges, the community can see their fingerprints on it,” he said. “It’s not buy-in
you want. We all know about buyer’s remorse.
What we really want is community ownership
right from the beginning.”
Six elements of sustainability must be
addressed in the design of a Global Grant
project: start with the community, encourage
local ownership, provide training, buy local, find
local funding and measure your success. These
ensure that the project provides long-term
solutions that the community itself can support
after the grant ends.
Project sponsors don’t have to figure out
all this on their own. The Rotary Foundation
provides staff to help with your project design
– grant officers are knowledgeable about
regional and cultural issues, and area of focus
managers have significant field experience in
their specialities.
By connecting clubs with local and regional
experts for guidance on developing sustainable,
large-scale Global Grants early in the planning
process, Rotary is committed to funding projects
with lasting impact in communities. Your
district’s international service chair, a Rotarian
appointed by your district governor, can help
you connect with a network of local Rotarian
experts – such as members of Rotarian Action
Groups, Rotaractors and peace fellows and
other alumni – who have volunteered to help
with projects and Global Grant planning.
Six elements of
must be addressed
in the design of
a Global Grant
– Start with the
– Encourage local
– Provide training
– Buy local
– Find local funding
– Measure your
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May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 15
Ensuring strong grant projects
The Rotary Foundation has a network of Rotarian volunteers available to provide expertise
and advice, called the Cadre of Technical Advisers. With a database of 700 experts in Rotary’s
six areas of focus as well as other specialities – mediators, diplomats, obstetricians, engineers,
bankers and agronomists, for example – there is sure to be someone who can help if an
obstacle comes up.
Cadre members play an important role in ensuring that donors’ funds make a long-term
impact. On behalf of The Rotary Foundation, cadre members do a technical review of the
feasibility of larger grants before they are awarded and perform site visits to evaluate how the
grants are being carried out. “Rotarians want to know if something is not working out or if they
can do something better,” said Francis “Tusu” Tusubira, a member of the cadre from the Rotary
Club of Kampala-North (D9211, Uganda). “The cadre is there to give as much support as
possible.” Cadre members also perform random financial audits to help the Foundation ensure
that grant funding is being used as approved.
“The cadre provides accountability and quality assurance in general and protects our
investors - the people who donate - and also the beneficiaries,” Silvers said. “In doing that, we
also protect the Rotary brand. We make a commitment to our beneficiaries; we want to make
sure this is high quality. Our name - and more than our name, our commitment - is at stake.”
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16 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
Monitoring and evaluation of grants are built in through the project design. “From the
community assessment, we learn what kind of lasting change we can create together,”
Silvers said. “How can we measure that? How do we know that change will continue?
How can we show our donors and our beneficiaries that we really made a difference?”
Rotary Family Health Days have been recognised as a Rotary Foundation
noteworthy Global Grant project. They are held in several countries in Africa where
both incidence of HIV/AIDS and the stigma surrounding being tested for the virus
were great. Built into the project was a follow-up
step in which Rotaractors and Rotary Community
Corps members called patients who had received
health care through the project. Explained Silvers:
“They’d ask, ‘What brought you to Rotary Family
Health Days this year?’ It might have been that they
needed a tooth pulled. ‘Anything else?’ From that
sequence of questions, 71 percent of respondents
said they got checked for HIV. That’s a huge
cultural turnaround.” Project sponsors write a final
report when their grant closes. This includes initial
measures of impact. Because Rotarians design
sustainability into a project at the very beginning, its
benefits are ongoing.
Just as the Foundation asks project sponsors to monitor the impact of their grants,
the organisation also performs a triennial evaluation of its grant model. Foundation
Trustees are using the feedback from the most recent evaluation, conducted in 2015/16,
to adjust the grant process in ways such as improving how clubs and districts find
partners, evaluating requirements for the community needs assessment and helping
project sponsors scale up their efforts with support from the cadre and other partners.
For everything the Foundation does to ensure that gifts make a lasting impact, the
greatest check and balance of all may be Rotarians themselves, said Eric Kimani,
regional Rotary Foundation coordinator for Zone 20A and a member of the Rotary Club
of Nairobi-Muthaiga North (D9212, Kenya). “When you have good Rotarians, it is your
best measure of stewardship,” he said. “Anyone who knows Rotarians sees how we
give of our time and resources. They know their money is in good hands.”
“How can we show
our donors and our
beneficiaries that
we really made a
Monitoring success and sustainability
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Does your club have a grant success story to share?
Email your articles and photos to
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 17
GETS: Monday 11 - Wednesday 13 September 2017
ROTARY INSTITUTE: Thursday 14 - Sunday 17 September 2017
South Africa, the country on the southernmost tip of the African continent, is regarded by many as one of the most beautiful
countries on the continent. It is a multi-ethnic society encompassing people of diverse origins, a wide variety of cultures,
languages, and religions. And this year South Africa is host to the Governor Elect Training (GETS) and the Rotary Institute for
Zone 20A.
A Rotary institute is an information meeting, like a mini International Convention, where delegates will be addressed on relevant
Rotary topics, attend invaluable training and break-out sessions and - enjoy warm Rotary fellowship. Please join us at the Zone
20A Institute to share information, build connections, and exchange ideas about Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation.
The Convenor RID Corneliu Dinca and Co-convenor RIDE Yinka Babalola cordially invite all Rotarians in Zone 20A to attend. This
year’s Zone 20A Institute will be held at Misty Hills in Johannesburg, South Africa and the theme is “World peace through
understanding”. The program will include:
• An update on The Rotary Foundation, its programs and our polio eradication efforts
• A five-year forecast presented by a director or other Board representative
• An open forum where participants can make recommendations to the Board
• Local and international speakers sharing information on relevant topics
• A chance to network, reconnect with friends, and find inspiration
• Entertainment and social outings as well as opportunities to visit historic and interest sites before and after the
Rotary International Zone 20A covers Rotary Districts in a greater part of Africa. The Johannesburg 2017 Institute will assemble
leaders from Zone 20A which comprises 11 districts, namely D9101, D9102, D9110, D9211, D9125, D9150, D9210, D9212,
D9220, D9350, D9370, D9400.
Come be inspired by a wide range of exceptional speakers and trainers from across the world. Get information directly from the
Rotary leaders making a difference in our communities every day.
Please Join Us!
18 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
In 1965, Fred Carnhill of the Rotary Club of Welwyn Garden City
(D1260, England) met some retired friends for morning coffee.
The men, who were mainly ex-commuters to London, all had
professional and business backgrounds. From this a luncheon
club was born and the first meeting, which Fred’s club president
arranged, was attended by 45 men. It was subsequently named
the Campus Club.
The same year three businessmen who travelled daily to London
by train and were reaching the point of retirement, realised they had a
need for fellowship. One, Harold Blanchard, a member of the Rotary
Club of Caterham (D1145) and chairman of its vocational services
committee, presented the idea to his club. It was decided to organise a
monthly lunch for retired professional and businessmen, aged 60 and
over. The meeting was advertised and 42 men attended it.
On 2 March 1966, the inaugural luncheon of the first Probus club
in the UK, was held. The name Probus was presented by a member
who suggested the first three letters of professional and business be
combined. The district approved Probus and Rotary International -
Britain and Ireland (RIBI) published a leaflet to encourage other Rotary
clubs to sponsor a similar club.
In 1974, Probus expanded into New Zealand and by 1976 the idea
had spread to Australia. In 1987, the first Probus club in North America
was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Galt (D7080, Canada).
Probus arrived in SouthAfrica in 1977. The Reverend Jimmy Draper
established the Durban Probus Club through the Rotary Club of Durban
(D9370). The Berea club was the next to be established. Only in 1984
did Probus move from Natal to the Cape when a club was founded in
Somerset West. From 1989, Rotary began to sponsor the movement
throughout the country.
The Probus Council of South Africa was developed in 1991 and
for the first eight years it was led by Rotarian Jack Wood. In order to
provide some form of regional organisational structure, associations
were formed. The two main driving forces in setting up new clubs
were Jack Wood and Walter Eastman. In 1987, Probus moved up to
the Transvaal area with the establishment of the first inland club, the
Probus Club of the North.
In South Africa there are about 3 800 active Probus members and
95 clubs; 17 in Gauteng south, 16 in KwaZulu-Natal, eight along the
Garden Route and 29 in the Western Cape. There are 25 free standing
clubs in Limpopo, North West, Mpumalanga, Gauteng North and the
Free State. Internationally there are 237 active Probus clubs with 33
000 members in Canada and about 24 000 members in New Zealand.
Worldwide there are more than 4 000 clubs with approximately 300 000
members, at least 2 000 of these clubs are based in the UK.
The council works on a three year rotation basis, that is, three years
at each association. It is currently based with the Probus Association of
Gauteng South. The council’s theme for this period is Growing Probus
and the council has appealed to Rotary clubs to assist. There are many
towns throughout South Africa with a Rotary club but no Probus club.
The council suggests that Rotary clubs establish a Probus club
through either their vocational or community service committees. The
council will supply a ‘how to’ pamphlet and if necessary, have a Probian
address the interested Rotary club on how to formalise the new Probus
For fun and fellowship
For more information contact Rodney Frances
(top) at or Stan Madden
(above) at
Probus is an organisation for retired men
and women and costs to belong to Probus are
minimal. There is no commitment for fundraising,
projects or minimum attendance. It is a place to
gather once a month for a meal and there are
few formalities. The atmosphere is relaxed, full of
fun and fellowship. The meetings generally have a
guest speaker or one of the members ‘entertains’
the others. They have no time limits but normally
last about an hour and a half.
This month Rodney Frances, president of the Probus Council of Southern
Africa, tells us more about the social club created by Rotary for active retirees.
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 19
As Rotarians celebrate The Rotary Foundation’s
centennial year, it is important to examine the
projects, partnerships and channels of support that
will be needed to continue Rotary’s work around the
To explore these themes, The Rotary Foundation
invited a small group of its supporters, community
partners and other guests to breakfast meetings in
Johannesburg and Durban that were led by Past District
Governor Shirley Downie, a member of the Fund
Development Committee.
The discussions identified local and regional
humanitarian needs, as well as opportunities for
corporate and non-profit partnerships. Delegates also
examined how The Rotary Foundation’s reputation
fares alongside similar charitable organisations.
The participants heard how Rotary makes an impact
through grant projects in the six areas of focus and
shared constructive feedback on how the Foundation
might attract and retain partners. They also shared
ideas on how the Foundation could offer approaches
tailored for the southern African region.
These discussions allowed the Foundation team
to gain a deeper understanding of attitudes and
perceptions at grassroots level. This will assist in better
positioning the Foundation locally and assist it to work
with volunteers, donors and partner organisations to
achieve common philanthropic goals.
For more information on how to hold a similar
meeting in your region or to request resource materials,
contact PDG Shirley Downie at
or PDG Natty Moodley at
Foundation supporters, community partners and distinguished guests gathered at the Southern Sun OR
Tambo Airport Hotel in Johannesburg for a breakfast meeting.
When Rotary introduced Rotary Club Central in
2012, it revolutionised goal tracking and planning
for clubs and districts - no more filling out paper
club-planning forms or passing along boxes of
historical club information every time a new leader
took office. Rotary Club Central offered clubs and
districts a quantifiable way to begin measuring
local and global impact, specifically membership
initiatives, service activities and Rotary Foundation
But as with any technological advancement, in a few
short years, Rotary Club Central began to show its age,
and Rotarians took notice. They wanted a tool that was
more robust, faster to use and easier to navigate. It was
time for an upgrade.
In July, Rotary will unveil a new and improved Rotary
Club Central. Rotary has completely redesigned it with
a fresh, modern interface. Pages load faster, navigation
is more intuitive and easy-to-read charts and graphs
make past and current club data more accessible.
Members and club leaders can view trends, plan
for the future and track progress in just minutes.
Plus, Rotary Club Central offers an individual user
experience, allowing club leaders to plan and evaluate
what is important to their own clubs, like membership
activities or Rotary Citation goals. You can even enter
your Rotary Foundation giving goals in local currency.
Rotary Club Central is also a great tool for
succession planning. Club leaders change annually, so
the historical record of goals and achievements eases
the transition and ensures continuity. It’s just one way
to boost trust between members and club leaders,
because everyone has access to the same data and is
working together to achieve the same goals.
The Rotary Club Central upgrade will happen
seamlessly, which means you don’t have to do anything.
All data already in the platform will automatically migrate
into the new system.
20 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
When clubs have more freedom to decide how and when they hold their meetings, who they’ll invite
to become members and what member engagement means, their ability to attract new members and
keep current members motivated increases. The 2016 Council on Legislation gave Rotary clubs more
flexibility regarding when, where and how they meet and the types of membership they offer. Clubs can
decide how - and if - they want to use the new options. Start by reviewing the updated Standard Rotary
Club Constitution to see what is flexible. Once you’ve decided what changes would benefit your club,
edit the bylaws to reflect them and try them out. If you decide they aren’t working, try something else.
ways to make your
club more flexible
Offer multiple
Your club could offer family
memberships to those who
want to bring their families,
junior memberships to young
professionals or corporate
memberships for organisations
which want to be represented in
the club. Each type can have its
own policies on dues, attendance
and service expectations.
Rotary will consider them active
members if they pay RI dues.
Vary your
Your club can meet in person,
online or a combination, including
letting some members attend
in-person meetings through the
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 21
Trust is not a short-term prospect
Inspire action!
Invite Rotaractors to be
members of your club
You can invite Rotaractors to join your club while remaining members
of their Rotaract clubs. If your club chooses to, it can make special
accommodations for these members, such as relaxed attendance
requirements or reduced fees, as long as they are reflected in the
club bylaws.
Change your
meeting schedule
Your club can vary its meeting days,
times and frequency. For example,
you could hold a traditional meeting
on the first Tuesday of the month to
discuss business and service projects
then get together socially on the last
Friday of the month. You just need to
meet at least twice a month.
Relax attendance
Your club can ease attendance requirements
and encourage members to participate in other
ways, such as taking a leadership role, updating
the club website regularly, running a meeting a
few times a year or planning an event. If your
club is dynamic and offers a good experience
for members, attendance won’t be a problem.
22 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
Chad Anderson, an ambassadorial scholar hosted
by the Rotary Club of Pretoria Hatfield (D9400), is a
Master in Public Health (MPH) student at the School
of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH) of the
University of Pretoria (UP). For almost five years, he
has been working on malaria education and health
Formerly from Central Illinois, USA, Chad first
came to Africa as a Peace Corp volunteer in 2011 and
served in Mali and Botswana for several years. He was
awarded a Rotary Scholarship which enabled him to
enroll at UP.
During his time in Botswana, Chad developed a
rap video on malaria and his Master’s dissertation is
focused on malaria prevention by teaching young
children to sing about ways to prevent malaria. Inspired
by the rap song he wrote in Botswana, Chad decided
to add a scientific research method to see if the song
could be used to prevent malaria.
The song focuses on children under five years old in
rural South Africa. It teaches them what malaria is, how
it is spread, the symptoms and most importantly, what
they can do to prevent getting sick.
In Chad’s research project, educators, parents and
experts in the field of malaria, education, and music
helped shape the song. The first step was to select ten
experts (four malaria, three music and three education
experts) to participate in a survey to determine the
appropriateness of the song.
The experts were met individually and their answers
were used to determine where the song needed to be
edited. This was repeated until all experts came to an
agreement on all 10 questions.
After the experts gave their approval the community
was approached. Two separate focus groups were
conducted in the study area which gave feedback
on word changes and additional messages they felt
needed to be in the song. Interestingly, both focus
groups felt the song would work.
Chad Anderson conducting a focus group interview.
Send your photos, captions and stories to Make
sure you include the first and last names of all people mentioned in the
stories. Photos must be at least 1MB in size. Group photos with six or less
people must be accompanied by a caption which includes all first and last
names. Please include your club name and district.
Rotary AfricaRotary Africa
July 2017 marks the 90th anniversary of
Rotary Africa. The magazine, established in
1927, has undergone two name changes and
expanded its distribution to include English-
speaking Africa. Rotary Africa is published
by Rotary In Africa a registered public
benefit organisation.
Rotary Africa is one of the more than
30 regional magazines (licenced by Rotary
International) which communicate with
Rotarians as part of the Rotary World
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 23
Magazine Press. More than half of Rotarians
worldwide receive a regional magazine. These
publications are distributed in more than
130 countries, published in 24 languages and
have a combined circulation of 872 000.
Each magazine has a regional point
of view but also includes articles and
photographs of international interest from
The Rotarian...
24 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
Rotary arrived in Africa with the formation of the Rotary Club of Johannesburg
in 1921. One of the club’s charter members was ‘Rusty’ Rusterholz, a US
businessman living in South Africa. In 1925 clubs were chartered in Durban,
Pietermaritzburg, Cape Town and Port Elizabeth. The Rotary Club of East London
was chartered the following year. With the formation of these clubs, District 55
came into being and ‘Rusty’ Rusterholz was elected first district governor. In
1927 Rusty suggested the establishment of a magazine to serve the district’s
eight clubs. Benjamin Herbert Dodd, the editor of East London’s Daily Dispatch,
offered to run it.
The first issue of South African Rotary was
published in July. It was a four page paper, about
10 centimetres wide and 20 centimetres deep -
smaller than many club bulletins. The first print
order was for 400 copies, which allowed every
Rotarian to receive a copy and for a small reserve
to be kept.
Dodd asked to be relieved of the job of running the
magazine and Percy Bishop, assistant editor The
Natal Advertiser (now The Daily News), accepted
the task. Percy ran the magazine for 18 years.
In July, the magazine’s name was changed to
Rotary In Africa to reflect the expansion of Rotary
across the continent with the chartering of clubs
in Nairobi and Bulawayo. This extended the
boundaries of District 55 to include Africa south
of the equator. By the time the district conference
was held in 1930, there were 17 Rotary clubs on
the continent.
Glen Buchanan became editor and was the only
editor who had no experience in journalism.
Although there were only 21 clubs and about 500
Rotarians in the district at the time, Glen and his
Ann, Mary, saved the magazine from extinction.
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 25
Kelsey Buchanan was appointed editor in January.
He was the managing editor of the South African
Mining Journal group of papers. There were now
27 clubs and 900 Rotarians in District 55 (between
Nairobi and Cape Town).
Neels Meyer, who was editor of the South African
Sugar Journal, took over the reins in May and
although not a Rotarian, carefully nurtured the
magazine’s growth through another period
of expansion. District 55 was redistricted into
Districts 25 and 26 in 1950 and Rotary In Africa
now served the 167 clubs.
Rotary in Africa, a not-for-profit company limited
by guarantee, was formed. The company still
exists and is run by a board of directors who are
Rotarians. All current, immediate incoming and
past governors of Districts 9200, 9210, 9211,
9212, 9220, 9250, 9270, 9300, 9320, 9350,
9370 and 9400 are ex officio members of Rotary
in Africa
Peter Wrinch-Schulz, managing director of Group
Editors (Pty) Ltd, took over total management -
editorial, business and printing and spent 26
years as editor.
It was decided to drop the word ‘in’ and the
magazine became Rotary Africa but the publishing
company remained Rotary in Africa.
Derrick Couper, who had over 30 years’ experience in
the technology of electronic typesetting and printing
- a career he adopted after 21 years of farming, was
appointed as editor.
26 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
In May, Derrick suddenly passed away after
receiving his second Paul Harris Sapphire pin the
night before. With less than two weeks until the
magazine needed to be at the printers, the grief
stricken Rotary in Africa board sought advice
from Robyn Scott, editor of the Highway Mail
newspaper. On Robyn’s recommendation the
board asked Sarah van Heerden to act as the
interim editor
After a few months of burning the midnight oil,
Sarah applied for the position of Rotary Africa’s
editor and was officially appointed in January
In 90 years, the magazine has only had eight
editors: BH Dodd, Percy Bishop, Glen Buchanan,
Kelsey Buchanan, Neels Meyer, Peter Wrinch-
Schulz, Derrick Couper and Sarah van Heerden.
The magazine is now available in digital and print.
Rotary Africa continues to chronicle the activities
of Rotarians in Districts 9210, 9211, 9212, 9220,
9350, 9370 and 9400.
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 27
After seeing the shame and stress suffered by a
17-year-old boy who was suspended from school
on drug related charges last year, the Rotary Club
of Francistown (D9400) decided to take action.
It partnered with the Trust for Community Initiative
(TFCI) to launch a drug awareness campaign. This
campaign was funded from the proceeds raised at the
club’s Winter Night Market in 2016.
Recently the club and TFCI hosted a drug awareness
forum at the Marang Gardens Hotel that was attended
by more than 250 people. Attendees included learners,
politicians, the Mayor of Francistown, educators, police,
representatives from Alcoholics’ Anonymous and other
concerned community members.
The meeting was opened by Her Worship the Mayor
Mma Sylvia Muzila, who expressed her support for the
initiative. Two members from the Botswana Substance
Abuse Support Network (BOSASnet) discussed drug
issues and the services they offer.
This was followed by a talk from a founding member
of the local AA support group, as drugs and alcohol are
often taken together.
Afterwards, a member of the police narcotics unit
spoke on the activities of drug dealers and how they
affect the community.
Many people were horrified when a primary school
educator shared the story of a young child who was
caught with a loaded pistol in his schoolbag. The boy
had the gun as his life had been threatened after he
reported a man to the police. The man, who worked
at an airport, had allegedly been selling an alcohol-
based substance (used to clean aircraft engine parts)
to children.
The drug awareness campaign was well received
by the community and meetings have been arranged in
various wards and schools to focus attention on how to
counteract drug and substance abuse.
Thankfully, the boy whose suspension inspired
the campaign learned from his mistakes. He is
completing his final A level exams and working at a
leading Gaborone Hotel to gain experience. His future
plans include studying Hospitality Management at the
University of Botswana.
Rotarians in Francistown
have turned their attention to
eradicating drug abuse
The Mayor of Francistown Mma Sylvia Muzila
showed her support of the anti-drug and
substance abuse awareness campaign. Behind her
is President Saadia Rossenkhan.
BOSASNet director, Prisca Mokgadi and
counsellor, Lorato Koosaletse, addressing guests
at the launch of the Anti-drug and substance
abuse campaign in the city of Francistown.
28 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
President Sarita Sirohi handing out vegetables to some of the mothers who attended the nutrition education
PREVENTING UNDERNUTRITIONTo help families with a limited food budget make
healthier choices, the Rotary Club of Durban
Clairwood Park (D9370) provided an education
programme on nutrition. Demonstrations were
given to show how to make healthier meal choices
on a small budget
A typical meal for many of South Africa’s poor is
mostly mealie meal, bread or rice with a little animal
protein or vegetables, cooked with lots of oil and salt.
This sort of diet often results in undernutrition and
hampers the development in children.
Around 20 young mothers from an informal
settlement near the University of Westville were taught
about the five food groups and shown that by selecting
a food item from each group, they can prepare
balanced meals for their families.
During the demonstrations, emphasis was placed
on hygiene and the correct cooking methods. They
were also encouraged to choose a physically active
lifestyle and acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes
and behaviour changes necessary to improve their
health. The mothers were very curious and asked many
questions. After the demonstrations, each woman
received a packet of fruit and vegetables to encourage
them to include affordable, seasonal produce in their
daily diet.
This is an ongoing project and the next workshop
will be held at a crèche in Cato Manor.
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 29
An evening of fine dining and exquisite wine was
enjoyed at the Rotary Club of Gately’s (D9370)
Gourmet Charity Dinner at the East London
International Convention Centre in March.
The evening’s special guest was Michael Fridjon,
who is widely recognised as South Africa’s foremost
wine taster and wine judge and has over four decades
experience in the industry. Michael presented a master
class wine tasting of five classic wine varietals. He
selected the five wines to compliment the four course
gourmet dinner which was prepared by Cape Town-
based and French-born chef Marc Frederick, Prana
Lodge executive chef Jaycee Ferreira and the ICC
executive chef Neil Davy and his team.
Guests attended the dinner to be ‘edu-tained’
through food and wine pairing and to support the club’s
beneficiaries: St Bernard’s Hospice, NSRI, Salem Baby
Centre and Masithetha (Life Line) Counselling Services.
Rotary Club of Swellendam (D9350) handed over 30
iPads to Swellendam Primary School.
The iPad Project started two and a half years ago in
partnership with the Rotary Club of Villenueve sur Lot
(D1690, France).
The French club had been involved in a similar
project in Malawi with astounding results. What would
normally have taken 18 months to learn, the 1Billion
App (a mathematics programme) took six weeks to
teach Malawian Learners.
The club decided this was what the children in
Grades 1 to 4 needed to receive a solid foundation in
mathematics. The project team secured a District Grant
to fund the project at one school. The clubs look forward
to being able to introduce the project to many more
schools in the future.
Rotarians delivered the iPads to the school.
Hi-tech maths project
Michael Fridjhon has been described as an
excellent writer who brings unparalleled judgement
and experience to the task of reviewing a wine and
its potential. He has regularly donated his services
as auctioneer to the Rotary Club of Gately’s annual
wine auction. The auction is the club’s main annual
fundraiser and over the years, has raised more
than R4 million.
30 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
The Rotary Club of Kenton on Sea (D9370) recently
hosted the second Socionext Workshop for young
Socionext is a Dutch non-profit organisation that
partners with SAB to reach the unemployed youth and
teach them how to start a business using the resources
available to them.
The group of 17 youngsters worked with consultants
Iqbal Thokan and Babala Xoswa and brainstormed
ideas regarding possible businesses. They researched
the possibilities, conducted market research and then
discussed how to get them started.
After much discussion, four main ideas were finally
The first was a mobile car wash service that travels
to the customer. The second was a ‘braai shop’ from
which they cook to order and perhaps in the future,
cater events. The third idea was guided bicycle tours
of the area and the last one was Ubuhlebendalo (The
Beauty of Nature) which makes Xhosa cultural products
- beadwork, small jewellery boxes and so forth.
The groups will meet in May for a follow up session.
The young entrepreneurs who took part in the workshop.
Consultant Iqbal Thokan, DG Bruce Steele-Gray, consultant Babala Xoswa, Vocational Director Peter Reed
and President Tony Swift at the workshop.
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 31
The Rotary Club of Port Elizabeth West (D9370) and the EarlyAct Club of Herbert Hurd Primary School
teamed up to clean the beach and trail area at Schoenmakerskop.
Martmarie Serfontein (centre) recently returned from Madrid where she spent a year as exchange student
and guest of the Rotary Club of Pozuelo de Alarcon (D2201, Spain). She was sponsored by the Rotary Club
of Paarl (D9350). With her are Steph Whittle-Bennetts and President Marita van der Sluys of the Paarl club.
Martmarie is now studying law at the University of Stellenbosch.
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32 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
A special cheese and wine evening was held by the Rotary Club of Bedfordview (D9400) to celebrate
The Rotary Foundation centenary. Past District Governor and Foundation Chair Greg Stathacopoulos
addressed the club and thanked President Alan Rock for the opportunity to talk about an organisation that
means so much to all Rotarians. Cutting the cake are President Alan Rock and PDGs Greg Stathacopoulos
and Annie Steijn.
Last September, the Rotary Club of Livingstone (D9210) was contacted by Marie and David Howard from
the Rotary Club of Oxford, (D7710, USA). They asked if the club would be interested in helping them
find schools that would like to receive a donation of The Shoe That Grows. The Livingstone Rotarians
researched the project and eagerly agreed to help. In February the club was joined by the American couple
as well as educators from Linda and Libuyu Community Schools for a special luncheon at Green Tree
Lodge. The schools each received 50 pairs of shoes for their learners. The was designed to prevent the
spread of soil-transmitted diseases and parasites in poverty-stricken communities. The Shoe That Grows
is a long lasting shoe which adjusts and expands by five sizes. At the presentation are President Andrew
Murrin, Malamo Humphrey (Libuyu Community School) and Cathy Chilambe (Linda Community School)
with Marie and David Howard.
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 33
RoundupRotarians from the Rotary
Club of Edenvale (D9400)
attended a breakfast to
celebrate Little Eden
Society’s 50th anniversary
and The Rotary
Foundation’s centenary.
Little Eden is a home for
individuals with profound
mental disabilities. The
club has supported the
society for many years
and was instrumental in
its establishment and
growth. At the breakfast
are PP John Anticevich
(Rotary Club of Knights
Pendragon) with Lucy
Slaveiro (CEO of Little
Eden), PDG Annie Steijn
and PP Margie Evans
Saddled up and ready to race in the Rotary Club of Boksburg Lake’s (D9400) Donkey Derby are Presidents
Noel Wauchope (Boksburg) and Nicky Savvides (Boksburg Lake). The fundraiser was enthusiastically
supported by the Rotary Clubs of Boksburg, Benoni Aurora, Benoni Van Ryn and Edenvale. Families and
friends enthusiastically went about the business of encouraging their ‘donkeys’ to raise funds for the
club’s community projects. The presidents handicap, run by club presidents and presidents-elect, was
won by President Cheryl Gallager (Benoni Van Ryn). The organiser of the event, Past President Tony Baker,
flew in from Rwanda to lead the event with his wife, PP Jenny Baker.
34 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
In March, Rotarians of the Rotary
Club of Viljoenskroon (D9370)
undertook three projects in
one day. The day started with
an early morning five kilometre
family fun run. After the fun
run, the Rotarians served 143
scrumptious farm breakfasts.
The final event was the club’s
annual golf day which started at
For three decades the Rotary
Club of Boksburg (D9400) has
been among the many clubs
which support the Rotary Resort
Badplaas for senior citizens.
Nearly every week a different club
sends a bus load of senior citizens
to the resort. They provide the
guests with accommodation,
three tasty meals and four teas a
day. They also provide transport
between the resort and the hot
spring pools, entertainment and
other excursions. Getting ready
to catch the bus are President
Noel Wauchope with two holiday
makers, Roy Valentine and
Shirley De Klerk.
The Rotary Club of Durban Clairwood Park (D9370) organised a successful membership evening in March.
The Rotarians were encouraged to ‘find one and bring one’ to the evening. Emphasis was placed on
showing that Rotary was of value to potential members from the onset. Annett Jahnel, an extreme road
tripper and author was the evening’s guest speaker. Her book, Searching for Galileo, explores the modern
thought process and directly addresses the problems of the world while showing how our thinking helps
to create problems.
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 35
At the end of March, Rotarians of the Rotary
Club of Edenvale (D9400) ‘hopped’ over
to Pinocchio Educare Centre to hold an
Easter egg hunt for the little children. The
Rotarians also gave the children cupcakes
and gift boxes.
After securing a Global Grant worth nearly a million rand for a sanitation project, the Rotary Club of
Richards Bay (D9370) held a sod turning ceremony at Sekusilezulu Crèche. Using the grant, the Rotarians
will provide the school with new ablution facilities and upgrade its lighting and water reticulation systems.
President Louis van Zyl (above) said that the club was made aware that there were no suitable ablution
facilities at the crèche by Rotarian Arthur Gray.
36 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
The Rotary Club of Klerksdorp (D9370) taught a
number of school children to be responsible road
users and pedestrians. An area of Matlosana Mall
was transformed with roads, stop signs and bicycles
as the Rotarians had fun teaching the children.
This project has been successfully implemented
at several schools in Klerksdorp. Above: After an
exciting morning, the children enjoyed a meal from
Silver Lynx Spur at Matlosana Mall. Right: Piet
Lombaard regulating the traffic.
The Rotary Club of Paarl (D9350) presented a successful concert for the town’s seniors citizens. With
Rotarian and master of ceremonies Pietie van Aarde (left) are Karen K (vocals), Kofi Lartey (acrobatic
dancer), Ayabonga Mhobo (percussion) and at the back are Peter Vanne (lead guitar), Solo Morton
(percussion), Leon Coetzee (bass guitar) and Dave Rawlings (drums). The 33rd annual concert, attended
by more than 400 residents, was presented free of charge and the seniors also received refreshments and
transport to the venue.
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 37
Rotarian Gary Galanos of the Rotary Club of
Beacon Bay (D9370) regularly organises bingo and
snacks for the senior citizens of Kennersley Park in
East London. The Rotarians also organise monthly
bingo for the residents of Kennersley Park and the
Anns arrange for a hair dresser to visit the home.
The Rotary Club of Benoni Aurora (D9400) has
sponsored a new club, the provisional Rotary Club
of ORT Kempton, to serve the Kempton Park, OR
Tambo and Tembisa areas of Johannesburg. The
proposed club has yet to be officially chartered
but the members have been meeting regularly and
undertook their first project, a blanket drive. Until the
club is officially chartered and receives its PBO and
NPO numbers, all of its fund-raising and projects
to aid the greater Kempton Park community will fall
under the Benoni Aurora club.
The Rotary Club of Durban Clairwood Park (D9370) used Global Handwashing Day to teach young children
at a crèche in Banana City informal settlement about sanitation. The children received a step-by-step
demonstration on the correct way to wash hands. The Rotarians explained the importance of washing
hands and gave them cups and Easter eggs.
38 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
Members of the Rotary Club of Boksburg Lake (D9400) visited the Rotary Club of Vanderbijlpark’s Sunday
market at Stonehaven on Vaal. Enjoying the visit are Preloshni Naidoo, Petro Bester, Elsa Venter, Celeste
Lance, Heila Haasbroek, Helene Malan, her grandson, Pierre, and Hannes Malan (back).
Rotarians of the Rotary Club of Klerksdorp (D9370) enjoyed spending time with and meeting the residents
of Huis Servaas in Klerksdorp. This is an annual event organised by the club.
The Rotary Club of Mtunzini (D9370) joined the
Rotary Global Swimarathon movement and
organised its own event. Some swimmers found the
swimming challenging at times but were cheered
on by everyone at the pool.
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 39
During a wonderful cocktail evening at the Grey Pavilion in Port Elizabeth, the Rotary Club of Algoa Bay
(D9370) donated R300 000 to various charities in the city. At the presentation are Mandy Spies, Vernon
Naidoo, Marietjie van der Merwe, Mark Lawler, Ruth Wren, Ian Gray, Ellen Lovemore and Peter Long.
Members of the Rotary Club of Edenvale (D9400) supported the Little Eden fete and sold candy floss and
popcorn to the shoppers. The club’s stand raised more than R3 000 for Little Eden. At the fete are Taffy
Hungwe, Jane and President Garth Trumble.
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40 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
Over the years, the Rotary Club of Johannesburg
Main Reef (D9400) lost a number of its members.
Eventually it reached the point where it became
necessary to consider either closing the club or
merging it with another.
“As luck would have it, three of us who are highly
experienced Rotarians decided to leave the Rotary
Club of Randburg and join Johannesburg Main Reef,”
explained PP Stephen Margo. After a number of
discussions it was decided that it would be easier to
apply for a name change and move the club.
It was decided to rename the club the Rotary Club
of Fourways Main Reef (D9400) and to move it to
the suburb of Fourways as there was no Rotary club
nearby. Norscot Manor, a national heritage site, agreed
to let the club use its premises for its weekly meetings.
The Rotary Club of Benoni Aurora (D9400) received
a letter and banner from RI President John Germ
congratulating it on its 25th charter anniversary. PDG
Annie Steijn presented the letter and banner to the
club which celebrated its anniversary on 14 April. As
the anniversary coincided with Good Friday, Easter
egg biscuits decorated with a 25 were made for the
members to enjoy at their morning meeting.
The changes have given the old club a new lease on life. At the meeting during which the five new members
were inducted are Liam Joubert and President John McCallum (back) with Eric Schmidt, Sue Glanville,
Tarryn Hallaby and Kersley Vinay.
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 41
Chartered in 1938, the membership
of the Rotary Club of Boksburg
(D9400) has included many of the
community’s prominent citizens,
such as Harry Massel, Harold
Flight, Issy Kramer, Valois Terblans,
Jack Van Der Spuy and Gerrie
In 1977, it chartered the Rotary Club
of Boksburg Lake. Nicky Savvides, the
current Boksburg Lake president, was
one of the charter members.
The Boksburg club passionately
supports many projects, such as those
to assist children, PolioPlus, the Lona
Kruger Feeding Scheme, wheelchairs,
the Badplaas holiday for senior
citizens and RYLA (Rotary Youth
Leader Awards). It’s main fundraiser is
the annual golf day.
In March, the Rotary Club of Francistown (D9400)
celebrated the 100th anniversary of The Rotary
Foundation. The function was attended by 120
In her address, President Saadia Rossenkhan
discussed the importance of the foundation’s
anniversary before AG Moira Smith spoke on the
work done by the Rotary Club of Francistown within
the community. Once the formalities were completed,
everyone tucked into the delicious cake (complete with
the Centennial logo) that had been made by Christine
The event was held at the Francistown Club which
also donated two prizes to the Rotary club for its raffle.
President Saadia Rossenkhan, Lesego Lebane, Daniella Rorke and Chookwa Nfila cutting the cake.
42 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017
Ann Baker received a community service award from
the Rotary Club of Beacon Bay (D9370). With her is
Assistant Governor Angela Woodhall (right).
Petronella Hadebe is a new
member of the Rotary Club
of Amanzimtoti (D9370).
Neil McDonald is a new
member of the Rotary Club
of Amanzimtoti (D9370).
Rhona Chetty is a new
member of the Rotary Club
of Amanzimtoti (D9370).
Lindani Cele is a new
member of the Rotary Club
of Amanzimtoti (D9370).
Mario Flores is a new
member of the Rotary Club
of Benoni Aurora (D9400).
Jolanda McIntyre, Tracey Milton and Hendrik Jacobs are new members of the Rotary Club of Pretoria Capital (D9400).
With them is President Eben Brümmer.
Email photos and captions to
Photos must be at least 1MB in size. Please make sure first and surnames are supplied.
Group will only be used at the editor’s discretion.
Michael Fridjhon
received a Paul Harris
Sapphire pin from the
Rotary Club of Gately
May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 43
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44 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017

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Rotary Africa May 2017 - Website

  • 1. ROTARY AFRICAEstablished 1927 • A member of the Rotary World Magazine Press • May 2017 years of sharing Africa’s Rotary stories
  • 2. Company Notice Rotary in Africa Reg. No.1971/004840/07 Notice to Members* Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Rotary in Africa will be held at the company offices situated at 2 Prische House, 14 Church Road, Westville 3630, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa on Friday 19 May 2017, at 09h00. AGENDA 1. Call to order and announcements. 2. Confirmation of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 17 rd May 2016. 3. Chairman’s report. 4. Editor’s report. 5. Treasurer’s report and submission of the annual financial accounts for the period ending 31 st December 2016. 6. Appointment of auditors. 7. Election of up to 3 directors to serve on the Board. In terms of the company’s Articles of Association the following directors are due to retire from the Board: Gerald Sieberhagen, Anton Meerkotter, and Peter Hugo. Anton Meerkotter will not be available for election. Being eligible, Gerald Sieberhagen and Peter Hugo will be available for election together with any other nominations received by close of business 12 th May 2017. 8. To consider or transact any other business pertinent to an Annual General Meeting. *All current, immediate incoming and past Governors of Rotary Districts 9200, 9210, 9211, 9212, 9220, 9250, 9270, 9300, 9320, 9350, 9370 and 9400 are ex officio members of Rotary in Africa. A member may appoint a proxy to attend and vote on their behalf, provided such appointment is advised to the Secretary at the offices of the company at least 48 hours before the meeting. Natty Moodley. Secretary 1 March 2017
  • 3. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 3 in this issue...Special report 13 | 90 years of Rotary Africa Upfront 4 | From the editor 5 | Message from the RI President 6 | Foundation Chair’s message Celebrate the Foundation centennial What you should know 7 | Convention 8 | Ethics & Peace in a turbulent world 9 | Foundation matters 10 | World round up 12 | Your gift: from start to finish 18 | Rotary and Probus 19 | Into the next century Big Rotary Club Central upgrade 20 | 5 ways to make your club more flexible 22 | A song to fight malaria Projects 27 | Uniting against drugs 28 | Preventing undernutrition 29 | Hi-tech maths project Learning to pair 30 | Developing business Youth 31 | Club and district news Round up 32 | Club and district news Celebrate 40 | Saving Main Reef 41 | Celebrating the centenary 79 years of Rotary in Boksburg Recognised 42 | Welcomed and honoured
  • 4. 4 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 Editor Sarah van Heerden Administration Sharon Robertson Chairman Gerald Sieberhagen Directors Greg Cryer Andy Gray Peter Hugo Anton Meerkotter Natty Moodley Publisher Rotary in Africa Reg. No. 71/04840/08 (incorp.associationnotforgain) PBO No: 18/13/13/3091 Registered at the GPO as a newspaper Design & Layout Rotary in Africa Printers Colour Planet, Pinetown Advertising Sharon Robertson Sarah van Heerden Tariff card on request at Subscriptions Sharon Robertson (digital) Contributions Distribution Rotary Districts 9210, 9211, 9212,9220,9350,9370and9400 (Southern and Eastern Africa) Contact Rotary Africa P.O. Box 563 Westville 3630 South Africa Telephone 0027 (31) 267 1848 Fax 0027 (31) 267 1849 Email Website The Rotary Emblem, Rotary International, Rotary, Rotary Club and Rotarian are trademarks of Rotary International and are used under licence. The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of Rotary Africa, Rotary International or The Rotary Foundation. MEET THE TEAM From the editor Sarah DO ROTARYThis year is a special year for Rotary Africa as we celebrate our 90th anniversary. It is humbling to think that this magazine has been telling the stories of Africa’s Rotary clubs since 1927, especially when you consider that Rotary arrived in Africa in 1921. As I embarked on a little research about the history of our magazine, I was impressed at how quickly Rotary spread across the continent. Yes, some may consider Africa to be a continent plagued by poverty, disease and turmoil. However, if you look at what our clubs have accomplished over the years and meet the Rotarians who care so deeply for their communities, you realise that Africa is an amazing place. It is easy to be negative about the state of our communities and countries. These are turbulent times, not only in Africa but across the globe – for a few days last month, the papers and internet exploded with fears of an impending nuclear war in the northern hemisphere. I think we are living in an era of change and while the road may be bumpy, the destination is unknown and not necessarily awful. Essentially, and I apologise for the cliché, the future will be what we make it. You can feel anxious and stressed, that is natural, but sitting at home and complaining or making Facebook posts calling for change, peace or whatever your cause or belief, will accomplish nothing. So what can we do to steer ourselves towards a better destination? We can do Rotary! This is a time when Rotary is needed more than ever. Through our projects that address the six areas of focus we are sowing the seeds of peace. The areas of focus dovetail with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were basically designed to bring peace and end suffering. The six areas of focus make sense and if you think about it, they are six steps towards happier, healthier and more peaceful communities. Have a wonderful month,
  • 5. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 5 JOHN F GERM President, Rotary International Message from the RI PRESIDENT upfront ON THE WEB Speeches and news from RI President John F Germ at DEAR FELLOW ROTARIANS, As you read these lines, final preparations are well underway for our 108th Rotary International Convention, 10-14 June in Atlanta. We’re looking forward to one of the biggest and best Rotary conventions yet, as we celebrate not only a wonderful year of Rotary Serving Humanity, but a full century of Doing Good in the World through The Rotary Foundation. If you haven’t already made plans to attend, it’s not too late to register at There is simply no better way to round off another great year in Rotary than by coming together with 40 000 or so of your fellow Rotarians to share ideas, find inspiration and have a great time together. We’re excited to have Bill Gates, a friend and partner in our work to eradicate polio, speaking at our convention this year. And it’s worth arriving early to attend a special Presidential Peace Conference, scheduled for 9-10 June and featuring Bernice A King, daughter of Martin Luther King Jr and Coretta Scott King. I’m proud to host a convention that is practically in my own backyard: Atlanta is a vibrant, modern state capital, just a two-hour drive from my home city of Chattanooga, and it’s a great place to experience the famous hospitality of the American south. Our Host Organising Committee has a great week planned, starting with the Blue Jeans and Bluegrass kick-off event on Saturday night. Come on over to Centennial Olympic Park, right across from the House of Friendship and get in a dancing mood with Grammy Award winner Ricky Skaggs and his Kentucky Thunder band. Meet up with friends old and new at the Centennial Celebration Block Party or on the Peace Tour of Atlanta. Roll up your sleeves for the Habitat Home Build or tie up your laces to take part in the 3K Walk/Run to End Polio Now. And before you say goodbye, come back to the House of Friendship for one more party: our Foundation’s 100th birthday party, with (of course!) cake and ice cream. It’s going to be an incredible experience and Judy and I are looking forward to celebrating with you or, as we say in the south, with y’all! See you in Atlanta!
  • 6. 6 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 Foundation Trustee Chair’s message TheObjectofRotaryistoencourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: First. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; Second. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society; Third. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life; Fourth. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. Of the things we think, say or do: 1) Is it the TRUTH? 2) Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Object of Rotary The Four-Way Test what you should know Join in and show your support for The Rotary Foundation. Here are some ways to get involved: • Plan a Rotary Day in your community to raise awareness of Rotary and its Foundation. • Promote projects your club or district is involved in that are funded by the Foundation. Share your photos and stories on your social media pages using #TRF100. • Empower The Rotary Foundation to support the good work of Rotary clubs by making a special contribution. • Apply for a grant from the Foundation to fund a project. • Attend the Rotary Convention in Atlanta, 10-14 June 2017. CELEBRATE THE FOUNDATION CENTENNIAL Kalyan Banerjee FOUNDATION TRUSTEE CHAIR MAKING THE WORLD BETTER FOR 100 YEARS Share your celebratory events. Email articles and photos to As we near the end of our year long celebration of The Rotary Foundation’s 100th anniversary, let’s stop to think about what the world would be like if Rotarians had never created an endowment fund for doing good in the world. I think we can say for certain that without Rotary’s historic PolioPlus programme, the world would not be on the verge of eradicating polio. Although public health officials and governments would have carried out routine vaccination efforts, it was Rotary’s leadership and support that provided the impetus to move beyond containment of the virus to global eradication. And let’s consider the other diseases our Foundation grant projects have prevented and treated by providing access to health care, clean water and adequate sanitation. Malaria, cholera, HIV/AIDS, Guinea worm – the list goes on and on. How many thousands of people have avoided suffering and even death because Rotarians carried out projects? Without the Foundation, many more people would have remained illiterate and many others would not have the vocational skills needed to earn a living and provide for their families. And then there is our quest for peace. In 2002, the first peace fellows started class at the Rotary Peace Centres. Today, hundreds of our graduates are using their skills to prevent and mediate conflict and help those whose lives have been devastated by war. In villages around the world, you see hundreds of signs identifying Rotary Foundation projects. They stand beside water wells and are affixed to clinics and schools. When I see one of these signs, I feel proud to be a Rotarian and I think, “My contributions helped make this happen.” Let’s never forget that behind every one of these signs is a story of the people whose lives have been touched and perhaps even saved. It is their stories that demonstrate conclusively how much better the world is because The Rotary Foundation exists.
  • 7. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 7 Convention MUST-HAVE APPSAt the 2017 Rotary International Convention in Atlanta, 10-14 June, your smartphone can help you keep track of your schedule, make social plans and find your way around. Simplify your life by downloading a few key apps. Start with the free Rotary Events app: Find it in your app store by searching Rotary Events. It will let you plan your daily schedule, learn about featured speakers and download session handouts. It also will help you connect with other Rotarians, share photos, rate sessions and send feedback to convention organisers. The app will be available for download on 10 May. Find out what’s happening around town in music, theatre and art with the Atlanta PlanIt app, which has extensive event listings. For expert reviews of restaurants and music venues, download the Atlanta magazine app, through which you can buy the December 2016 “Best of Atlanta” issue for $5.99 without subscribing. That issue has plenty of tips on the best places to eat, see theatre and art or listen to music. When you venture outside the Georgia World Congress Centre, take advantage of Atlanta’s public transportation system, MARTA. The free MARTA On the Go app provides route schedules, estimated arrival times, system maps and a useful feature that locates the station or stop closest to you. TAKE A FRESH APPROACH TO CREATING A MEANINGFUL CLUB EXPERIENCE STRENGTHENING YOUR MEMBERSHIP Create a plan to give your club a boost CONNECT FOR GOOD Inspire members to explore ways to get involved BE A VIBRANT CLUB Find ideas to reinvigorate members MEMBERSHIP ASSESSMENT TOOLS Take time to address specific membership areas CONNECT TO MEMBERSHIP LEADS Contact interested candidates and grow your club These resources can help Available for download MembershipResources_AD_Rotarian-HALF-V.indd 1 4/15/16 9:58 AMFriendship was the foundation rock on which Rotary was built and tolerance is the element which holds it together - Paul Harris, My Road to Rotary
  • 8. 8 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 by PDG Andrew Jaeger, Regional Rotary Coordinator ETHICS & PEACE IN A TURBULENT WORLD High ethical standards and the advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace are an intrinsic part of the Object of Rotary. As Rotarians, I believe we currently face many challenges to our identity and ethical compass. This is why I believe we should reaffirm our strong foundations and eternal principles on which our organisation is built. It’s also my belief that Rotarians have a greater role to play in promoting the core values of Rotary to a world where war and turmoil dominate its newscasts. In 1987, Allan Bloom wrote a book called The Closing of the American Mind. Its core argument was that everything moral and ethical was relative. Subjective personal values had replaced universal moral and ethical principles. Nothing was either right or wrong. Bloom’s thesis was accurate at the time but it’s not accurate anymore. The world today is awash in moral judgment. Many people carefully guard their words, afraid they might transgress one of the norms that have come into existence and face ruinous consequences. When a moral or ethical crusade spreads across a country, many feel compelled to post messages of support on social media within minutes. A new sort of moral and ethical system is evolving with new criteria to define correct and incorrect actions. The big question is: What is the nature of this new moral system and how does it affect the Object of Rotary, Rotarians and what we do? I believe that the new system has created cultures of guilt and shame. In a guilt culture your conscience and personal morals determine if you are good or bad. In a shame culture this is decided by your community, peer group or popular opinion and judgement will either result in you being honoured or ostracised. The omnipresence of social media has fuelled a new sort of shame culture. In a world of social media and instant communication, everything is constantly displayed and observed. The desire to be embraced and praised by the community is intense as the alternative is to either be invisible, irrelevant or worse, exiled and condemned. This increased pressure to be accepted and valued has ensured that moral life is moving away from the continuum of right and wrong towards that of inclusion and exclusion. This has created a set of common behaviour patterns of which we should be aware. Firstly,membersofagrouplavishoneanotherwithpraise so that they themselves might be accepted and praised in turn. For many, self-esteem has become contingent on the attention, opinion and praise of extended networks of people – many of whom may be relative strangers. Secondly, there are the ‘enforcers’ within the group. These people build their personal power and reputation by policing the group and condemning those who break the group code. Social media can be vicious to those who don’t fit in and can erupt in instant ridicule for anyone who stumbles. Thirdly, people are extremely anxious that their group might be condemned or belittled. They demand instant respect and recognition for their group. They feel some moral wrong has been perpetrated when their group has been disrespected and react with the most vicious intensity. Criticising a group has fast become a social sin. Talk of good and bad has deferred to that of respect and recognition. In traditional shame cultures the opposite of shame was honour; people took pride in being known as an upstanding citizen. In the new shame culture, the opposite of shame is celebrity and people strive to be attention- grabbing and aggressively unique on some social media platform. The positive side is that this new shame culture may reverse some of the individualistic, atomising thrust of the past 50 years. On the other hand, everybody is perpetually insecure in a moral system based on inclusion and exclusion. There are no permanent standards, just the shifting judgment of the crowd. It is a culture of oversensitivity, overreaction and frequent moral panics, during which everybody feels compelled to go along. This also threatens world peace and creates perfect conditions for war as you are shamed if you do not go along with popular opinion, as was the case in pre-world war Germany. It is fact that anxiety within communities can erode at peace and create social or politic instability and in many of these situations ethical behaviour loses its value. To avoid a constant state of anxiety and contribute towards world peace and ethical behaviour, our identities (personal and organisational) must be based on standards of justice and virtue that are deeper and more permanent than the shifting fancy of the vocal crowd. In an era of omnipresent social media, it’s probably doubly important to discover and name your own personal true north (your personal moral code) which is worth defending even at the cost of unpopularity and exclusion. The greatest challenge for Rotary and other organisations is to be what they say they are and to do what they have the capacity to do. If we dream of an ethical society and world peace we must work to make it happen. More importantly, it is a responsibility from which we must not retreat.
  • 9. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 9 YOUTHSHOULDBE SEEN & INVOLVED Foundation matters By PDG Patrick Coleman: Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator Zone 20A South I remember being young. In fact, when I was 16 years old I had all the answers. It was not until my first child was born that I realised I did not have all of the questions! George Bernard Shaw said: “Youth is wasted on the young.” While I can understand his sentiment, I cannot agree with his premise. Young people are having an incredible impact in our world. Though it has been several decades, it was a young Bill Gates and friends who started the Microsoft empire. A young Steve Jobs changed the way we listen to music, read books and communicate. The co-founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is 33 years old with a personal wealth of US$59.4 billion. How can The Rotary Foundation take advantage of this talent, enthusiasm and energy? We need to remember that the work of The Rotary Foundation is NOT all about the money; it is about service. All too often Rotarians emphasise the funding, but we must recognise that one of the core values of Rotary is Service. Samantha Sparrow of vinspired, ( the UK’s leading volunteer charity for 14 to 25 year olds made some very important observations about young volunteers. “Recruit young people to volunteering: By engaging a young person in your work through volunteering, they are seeing first-hand the impact you have as a charity and they can become more passionate advocates for your cause - it is therefore a smaller step away to ask for a donation, than asking young people as a group to donate to a charity that they have little experience of themselves.” “Communicate with young people: Young people in these instances want to know what they will gain (skills, recognition etc.), what impact they will make/are making and what influence this will bring. We have experience of this in recruiting our own Youth Advisory Board at vinspired who are a massively intelligent, thoughtful and skilled group. A patronising communications strategy will not garner results with this age range.” Please understand, the money is important. Without the resources to do projects we would not be able to accomplish the phenomenal work that Rotarians do around the globe. Nevertheless, we also need the volunteer efforts to bring these projects to fruition. Again from Samantha Sparrow: “Involve young beneficiaries as volunteers.” When I joined my Rotary club in 1993 I was “the kid” at 39 years of age. I was more than 20 years younger than many of the members but I was given personal training by my sponsor, PDG Dennis Figov, and learned from him the importance of and a passion for The Rotary Foundation. That passion led to being given responsibility in club projects, including the Polio National Immunisation Days in 1996. (This, of course, led to my romance and ultimate marriage to Sherry, but that is another story!) Through Interact, Rotaract, Youth Exchange and Rotary scholarships we have a marvellous resource of young, enthusiastic and energetic young people who already have access to basic Rotary influence yet many Rotary clubs are not using it. I grew up in the ‘children should be seen and not heard’ generation. My generation refused to sit quietly as spectators. Our children and grandchildren are now in place to follow our lead. They are the new ‘movers and shakers’ in business and industry. Young people might not have all of the questions but they are looking for the correct answers. They need – and seek – educators, mentors and coaches who will increase their knowledge, improve their skills and empower them with an opportunity to impact their world… Our world! The key to a strong Rotary Foundation is including our young people in our foundation programmes. Do not be afraid of them. They will probably have some different views and opinions. Give them their voice. Listen to their ideas. We will all benefit from their inclusion. Please understand that I am not ‘throwing out the grandfather with the bathwater.’ We need our experienced and seasoned Rotarians. As I look in the mirror I realise that I am all too quickly becoming one of them. We have the history and resources to keep The Rotary Foundation moving. Our contributions - both big and small - ensure that our Rotary Foundation projects and programmes will continue to ‘Be A Gift To The World.’ We also have the responsibility of preparing our successors – the club presidents, district governors and Rotary Foundation supporters of the future. Last month Past RI President Frank Devlyn posted a photo on Facebook of his induction as club president in 1973. I doubt that he had any idea that 27 years later he would be the RI president, but he was ‘Creating Awareness and Taking Action’ from day one. He is still a moving force in the Rotary world 16 years after leaving the helm of Rotary International. Someone mentored him, trained him and empowered him. Young people will follow our lead… Are we leading? A young PDG Patrick Coleman.
  • 10. 10 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 WORLD ROUND UPThe activities and accomplishments of Rotary clubs around the world Guatemala Aldous Huxley described Lake Atitlán, one of Guatemala’s top attractions, as being like Italy’s Lake Como “with additional embellishments of several immense volcanoes. It really is too much of a good thing.” But civilization has taken its toll and phosphorus runoff and other types of effluent have polluted its waters. The Rotary Club of Lake Atitlán-Panajachel (D4250) on the northeast shore was formed in part to revitalise the lake’s ecological health. In December, members of the club directed and participated in planting about 1 000 tule, a type of bulrush that acts as a natural filter beneficial to wetlands restoration and bank stabilisation, along the lake. The club paid for $250 worth of the bulrush, which cost about $1 each, with the rest of the money provided by Rotaractors and a GoFundMe initiative. Oversight was provided by the Guatemalan government, the volunteer group ¡Sembremos Tul! and professional tuleros, the indigenous Maya who maintain the forests. US Virgin islands Juanita Gardine Elementary School serves at-risk students in an impoverished area of St. Croix. Those pupils are enthusiastically embracing Rotary’s values and in November, District 7020 Governor Haresh Ramchandani attended the chartering of an EarlyAct club. The club of nearly 50, most in the fifth and sixth grades, and their sponsoring Rotary Club of St. Croix raised more than $1 000 for Haitians recovering from Hurricane Matthew. “We decided on the club because they are the forgotten school,” said Sandra Gerard-Leung, president of the Rotary club. “These are bright, spirited young people who amaze and inspire us every time we are together.”
  • 11. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 11 TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE Promote your business, club or district activities in ROTARY AFRICA Contact Rotary Africa at or call 031 267 1848 • Reach our readers in English-speaking Africa • Advertise in ROTARY AFRICA • Distribute leaflets, brochures and newsletters with ROTARY AFRICA • Special rates for Rotary clubs, districts and Rotarian owned/managed business Pakistan The Rotary Club of Multan Cantt (D3272) outfitted 23 people with free prosthetic hands in a programme directed by the club’s charter president, Salman Mubarak, chief executive of a local hospital. The LN-4 hands, lightweight and durable prosthetics that fit below the elbow, are donated by the Ellen Meadows Prosthetic Hand Foundation in San Francisco. “We took up this project because of the dire need faced by amputees as a result of accidents, primarily from a primitive machine used to cut fodder for animals” and gangrene resulting from diabetes, Mubarak says. “We are proud of our small but very special achievement.” Philippines An $11 500 contribution from the Rotary Club of Osaka-East (D2660, Japan) with an additional $500 from the Rotary Club of Manila (D3800), allowed for the installation of solar panels on the roof of a dormitory that houses about 50 developmentally and physically disabled children at the Hospicio de San Jose in Manila. The endeavour will provide 525 kilowatt-hours of electricity per month, helping reduce operating costs for the institution, created in 1810 and regarded as the oldest charitable organisation in the Philippines. The savings “can be spent on the care and treatment of more clients,” said its administrator, Sister Maria Socorro Pilar Evidente. Tanzania In the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro, Rotarians linked a school and dozens of homes to the electrical grid and installed rooftop rainwater harvesting systems and water tanks benefiting thousands of villagers in Tarakea. The Rotary Club of Mkuu-Rombo (D9211) joined the Rotary Club of Pullman (D5080, USA) in the nearly $90 000 Global Grant project, which provided solar reading lights for children, a solar power plant and water health and safety training and booklets for the local health centre.
  • 12. 12 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ YOURGIFT: fromstarttofinish Illustrations by Gwen Kereval The Rotary Foundation is the best steward for your money.Here’s why In 2016, The Rotary Foundation received the highest possible score from Charity Navigator – 100 of 100 points – for its strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency. It was the ninth straight year the Foundation earned a four-star rating from the independent evaluator of charities across the US, a distinction only one percent of charities have attained. The Association of Fundraising Professionals likewise named the Foundation the World’s Outstanding Foundation for 2016, an award previously given to other familiar names such as Kellogg and MacArthur. These organisations agree: When you donate to The Rotary Foundation, you’re investing wisely. We followed your money from start to finish to discover how the Foundation ensures that your gift makes an impact for years to come. Any gift can be donated to a specific fund – End Polio Now, an individual Global Grant or one of Rotary’s areas of focus Directing your donation There’s a reason Rotarians donate to The Rotary Foundation: It’s a simple way to achieve your philanthropic goals – whether it’s supporting clean water, the eradication of polio or a particular Global Grant. “Even the smallest of gifts can be donated to a specific fund – a Global Grant, polio or an area of focus within the World Fund,” said April Jensen, a member of the Rotary Club of Evanston (D6440, USA) who works in fund development for the Foundation. You can also leave your gift unrestricted so that the Foundation has the flexibility to use the money where it is needed most. Do you ever wish you could set up a scholarship or your own family’s foundation but don’t want the headache of administering it? Let The Rotary Foundation handle it. When you make a gift over $25 000, you will receive personalised reports detailing the projects you are supporting. You can make your gift in the way that suits your financial situation best – such as cash, stocks or bequests.
  • 13. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ In 2015/16, 91 percent of the money the Foundation spent went to programmes and grants, with only nine percent of expenses going toward administration. How does the Foundation make sure that the bulk of your donation supports the sustainable programmes you want it to? “To ensure that the funds for the project are there when needed,” said past Rotary International President Ron Burton, chair of the Foundation’s Investment Committee, “all contributions to the Foundation’s Annual Fund are invested for three years.” The Investment Committee includes three Foundation trustees and six Rotarians who are professionals in the field, who make sure that your money is invested responsibly during this period. At the end of the three years, the investment earnings on your gift go toward the operating expenses of the Foundation. “I don’t know of any other organisation like ours that has a system like this,” Jensen said. “It’s brilliant.” Your principal is split 50/50, with half going to your District Designated Fund and half going into the World Fund, a pool that the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation use to match grants where they are most needed. After three years, the investment earnings on your gift go toward the operating expenses of the Foundation May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 13 Investing your money
  • 14. 14 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 Awarding grants When the Foundation awards a grant to fund a project, how does it ensure that your money will have lasting impact? “Sustainability begins with the community assessment,” explained Philip J Silvers, a past RI director and chair of the Foundation’s Cadre of Technical Advisers. Before Rotarians design projects, they talk to people in the community – fathers, mothers, children, elders, political leaders – to understand the broader context behind what the community needs. “Then whatever project emerges, the community can see their fingerprints on it,” he said. “It’s not buy-in you want. We all know about buyer’s remorse. What we really want is community ownership right from the beginning.” Six elements of sustainability must be addressed in the design of a Global Grant project: start with the community, encourage local ownership, provide training, buy local, find local funding and measure your success. These ensure that the project provides long-term solutions that the community itself can support after the grant ends. Project sponsors don’t have to figure out all this on their own. The Rotary Foundation provides staff to help with your project design – grant officers are knowledgeable about regional and cultural issues, and area of focus managers have significant field experience in their specialities. By connecting clubs with local and regional experts for guidance on developing sustainable, large-scale Global Grants early in the planning process, Rotary is committed to funding projects with lasting impact in communities. Your district’s international service chair, a Rotarian appointed by your district governor, can help you connect with a network of local Rotarian experts – such as members of Rotarian Action Groups, Rotaractors and peace fellows and other alumni – who have volunteered to help with projects and Global Grant planning. Six elements of sustainability must be addressed in the design of a Global Grant project: – Start with the community – Encourage local ownership – Provide training – Buy local – Find local funding – Measure your success $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
  • 15. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 15 Ensuring strong grant projects The Rotary Foundation has a network of Rotarian volunteers available to provide expertise and advice, called the Cadre of Technical Advisers. With a database of 700 experts in Rotary’s six areas of focus as well as other specialities – mediators, diplomats, obstetricians, engineers, bankers and agronomists, for example – there is sure to be someone who can help if an obstacle comes up. Cadre members play an important role in ensuring that donors’ funds make a long-term impact. On behalf of The Rotary Foundation, cadre members do a technical review of the feasibility of larger grants before they are awarded and perform site visits to evaluate how the grants are being carried out. “Rotarians want to know if something is not working out or if they can do something better,” said Francis “Tusu” Tusubira, a member of the cadre from the Rotary Club of Kampala-North (D9211, Uganda). “The cadre is there to give as much support as possible.” Cadre members also perform random financial audits to help the Foundation ensure that grant funding is being used as approved. “The cadre provides accountability and quality assurance in general and protects our investors - the people who donate - and also the beneficiaries,” Silvers said. “In doing that, we also protect the Rotary brand. We make a commitment to our beneficiaries; we want to make sure this is high quality. Our name - and more than our name, our commitment - is at stake.” $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
  • 16. 16 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 Monitoring and evaluation of grants are built in through the project design. “From the community assessment, we learn what kind of lasting change we can create together,” Silvers said. “How can we measure that? How do we know that change will continue? How can we show our donors and our beneficiaries that we really made a difference?” Rotary Family Health Days have been recognised as a Rotary Foundation noteworthy Global Grant project. They are held in several countries in Africa where both incidence of HIV/AIDS and the stigma surrounding being tested for the virus were great. Built into the project was a follow-up step in which Rotaractors and Rotary Community Corps members called patients who had received health care through the project. Explained Silvers: “They’d ask, ‘What brought you to Rotary Family Health Days this year?’ It might have been that they needed a tooth pulled. ‘Anything else?’ From that sequence of questions, 71 percent of respondents said they got checked for HIV. That’s a huge cultural turnaround.” Project sponsors write a final report when their grant closes. This includes initial measures of impact. Because Rotarians design sustainability into a project at the very beginning, its benefits are ongoing. Just as the Foundation asks project sponsors to monitor the impact of their grants, the organisation also performs a triennial evaluation of its grant model. Foundation Trustees are using the feedback from the most recent evaluation, conducted in 2015/16, to adjust the grant process in ways such as improving how clubs and districts find partners, evaluating requirements for the community needs assessment and helping project sponsors scale up their efforts with support from the cadre and other partners. For everything the Foundation does to ensure that gifts make a lasting impact, the greatest check and balance of all may be Rotarians themselves, said Eric Kimani, regional Rotary Foundation coordinator for Zone 20A and a member of the Rotary Club of Nairobi-Muthaiga North (D9212, Kenya). “When you have good Rotarians, it is your best measure of stewardship,” he said. “Anyone who knows Rotarians sees how we give of our time and resources. They know their money is in good hands.” “How can we show our donors and our beneficiaries that we really made a difference?” Monitoring success and sustainability $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Does your club have a grant success story to share? Email your articles and photos to
  • 17. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 17 SAVE THE DATE GETS: Monday 11 - Wednesday 13 September 2017 ROTARY INSTITUTE: Thursday 14 - Sunday 17 September 2017 South Africa, the country on the southernmost tip of the African continent, is regarded by many as one of the most beautiful countries on the continent. It is a multi-ethnic society encompassing people of diverse origins, a wide variety of cultures, languages, and religions. And this year South Africa is host to the Governor Elect Training (GETS) and the Rotary Institute for Zone 20A. A Rotary institute is an information meeting, like a mini International Convention, where delegates will be addressed on relevant Rotary topics, attend invaluable training and break-out sessions and - enjoy warm Rotary fellowship. Please join us at the Zone 20A Institute to share information, build connections, and exchange ideas about Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation. THE ZONE 20A ROTARY INSTITUTE The Convenor RID Corneliu Dinca and Co-convenor RIDE Yinka Babalola cordially invite all Rotarians in Zone 20A to attend. This year’s Zone 20A Institute will be held at Misty Hills in Johannesburg, South Africa and the theme is “World peace through understanding”. The program will include: • An update on The Rotary Foundation, its programs and our polio eradication efforts • A five-year forecast presented by a director or other Board representative • An open forum where participants can make recommendations to the Board • Local and international speakers sharing information on relevant topics • A chance to network, reconnect with friends, and find inspiration • Entertainment and social outings as well as opportunities to visit historic and interest sites before and after the Institute. THE 11 DISTRICTS OF ZONE 20A Rotary International Zone 20A covers Rotary Districts in a greater part of Africa. The Johannesburg 2017 Institute will assemble leaders from Zone 20A which comprises 11 districts, namely D9101, D9102, D9110, D9211, D9125, D9150, D9210, D9212, D9220, D9350, D9370, D9400. Come be inspired by a wide range of exceptional speakers and trainers from across the world. Get information directly from the Rotary leaders making a difference in our communities every day. Please Join Us!
  • 18. 18 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 In 1965, Fred Carnhill of the Rotary Club of Welwyn Garden City (D1260, England) met some retired friends for morning coffee. The men, who were mainly ex-commuters to London, all had professional and business backgrounds. From this a luncheon club was born and the first meeting, which Fred’s club president arranged, was attended by 45 men. It was subsequently named the Campus Club. The same year three businessmen who travelled daily to London by train and were reaching the point of retirement, realised they had a need for fellowship. One, Harold Blanchard, a member of the Rotary Club of Caterham (D1145) and chairman of its vocational services committee, presented the idea to his club. It was decided to organise a monthly lunch for retired professional and businessmen, aged 60 and over. The meeting was advertised and 42 men attended it. On 2 March 1966, the inaugural luncheon of the first Probus club in the UK, was held. The name Probus was presented by a member who suggested the first three letters of professional and business be combined. The district approved Probus and Rotary International - Britain and Ireland (RIBI) published a leaflet to encourage other Rotary clubs to sponsor a similar club. In 1974, Probus expanded into New Zealand and by 1976 the idea had spread to Australia. In 1987, the first Probus club in North America was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Galt (D7080, Canada). Probus arrived in SouthAfrica in 1977. The Reverend Jimmy Draper established the Durban Probus Club through the Rotary Club of Durban (D9370). The Berea club was the next to be established. Only in 1984 did Probus move from Natal to the Cape when a club was founded in Somerset West. From 1989, Rotary began to sponsor the movement throughout the country. The Probus Council of South Africa was developed in 1991 and for the first eight years it was led by Rotarian Jack Wood. In order to provide some form of regional organisational structure, associations were formed. The two main driving forces in setting up new clubs were Jack Wood and Walter Eastman. In 1987, Probus moved up to the Transvaal area with the establishment of the first inland club, the Probus Club of the North. In South Africa there are about 3 800 active Probus members and 95 clubs; 17 in Gauteng south, 16 in KwaZulu-Natal, eight along the Garden Route and 29 in the Western Cape. There are 25 free standing clubs in Limpopo, North West, Mpumalanga, Gauteng North and the Free State. Internationally there are 237 active Probus clubs with 33 000 members in Canada and about 24 000 members in New Zealand. Worldwide there are more than 4 000 clubs with approximately 300 000 members, at least 2 000 of these clubs are based in the UK. The council works on a three year rotation basis, that is, three years at each association. It is currently based with the Probus Association of Gauteng South. The council’s theme for this period is Growing Probus and the council has appealed to Rotary clubs to assist. There are many towns throughout South Africa with a Rotary club but no Probus club. The council suggests that Rotary clubs establish a Probus club through either their vocational or community service committees. The council will supply a ‘how to’ pamphlet and if necessary, have a Probian address the interested Rotary club on how to formalise the new Probus club. ROTARY AND PROBUS For fun and fellowship For more information contact Rodney Frances (top) at or Stan Madden (above) at Probus is an organisation for retired men and women and costs to belong to Probus are minimal. There is no commitment for fundraising, projects or minimum attendance. It is a place to gather once a month for a meal and there are few formalities. The atmosphere is relaxed, full of fun and fellowship. The meetings generally have a guest speaker or one of the members ‘entertains’ the others. They have no time limits but normally last about an hour and a half. This month Rodney Frances, president of the Probus Council of Southern Africa, tells us more about the social club created by Rotary for active retirees.
  • 19. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 19 As Rotarians celebrate The Rotary Foundation’s centennial year, it is important to examine the projects, partnerships and channels of support that will be needed to continue Rotary’s work around the world. To explore these themes, The Rotary Foundation invited a small group of its supporters, community partners and other guests to breakfast meetings in Johannesburg and Durban that were led by Past District Governor Shirley Downie, a member of the Fund Development Committee. The discussions identified local and regional humanitarian needs, as well as opportunities for corporate and non-profit partnerships. Delegates also examined how The Rotary Foundation’s reputation fares alongside similar charitable organisations. The participants heard how Rotary makes an impact through grant projects in the six areas of focus and shared constructive feedback on how the Foundation might attract and retain partners. They also shared ideas on how the Foundation could offer approaches tailored for the southern African region. These discussions allowed the Foundation team to gain a deeper understanding of attitudes and perceptions at grassroots level. This will assist in better positioning the Foundation locally and assist it to work with volunteers, donors and partner organisations to achieve common philanthropic goals. For more information on how to hold a similar meeting in your region or to request resource materials, contact PDG Shirley Downie at or PDG Natty Moodley at Foundation supporters, community partners and distinguished guests gathered at the Southern Sun OR Tambo Airport Hotel in Johannesburg for a breakfast meeting. INTO THE NEXT CENTURY When Rotary introduced Rotary Club Central in 2012, it revolutionised goal tracking and planning for clubs and districts - no more filling out paper club-planning forms or passing along boxes of historical club information every time a new leader took office. Rotary Club Central offered clubs and districts a quantifiable way to begin measuring local and global impact, specifically membership initiatives, service activities and Rotary Foundation giving. But as with any technological advancement, in a few short years, Rotary Club Central began to show its age, and Rotarians took notice. They wanted a tool that was more robust, faster to use and easier to navigate. It was time for an upgrade. In July, Rotary will unveil a new and improved Rotary Club Central. Rotary has completely redesigned it with a fresh, modern interface. Pages load faster, navigation is more intuitive and easy-to-read charts and graphs make past and current club data more accessible. Members and club leaders can view trends, plan for the future and track progress in just minutes. Plus, Rotary Club Central offers an individual user experience, allowing club leaders to plan and evaluate what is important to their own clubs, like membership activities or Rotary Citation goals. You can even enter your Rotary Foundation giving goals in local currency. Rotary Club Central is also a great tool for succession planning. Club leaders change annually, so the historical record of goals and achievements eases the transition and ensures continuity. It’s just one way to boost trust between members and club leaders, because everyone has access to the same data and is working together to achieve the same goals. The Rotary Club Central upgrade will happen seamlessly, which means you don’t have to do anything. All data already in the platform will automatically migrate into the new system. BIG ROTARY CLUB CENTRAL UPGRADE IN JULY
  • 20. 20 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 When clubs have more freedom to decide how and when they hold their meetings, who they’ll invite to become members and what member engagement means, their ability to attract new members and keep current members motivated increases. The 2016 Council on Legislation gave Rotary clubs more flexibility regarding when, where and how they meet and the types of membership they offer. Clubs can decide how - and if - they want to use the new options. Start by reviewing the updated Standard Rotary Club Constitution to see what is flexible. Once you’ve decided what changes would benefit your club, edit the bylaws to reflect them and try them out. If you decide they aren’t working, try something else. ways to make your club more flexible Offer multiple membership types Your club could offer family memberships to those who want to bring their families, junior memberships to young professionals or corporate memberships for organisations which want to be represented in the club. Each type can have its own policies on dues, attendance and service expectations. Rotary will consider them active members if they pay RI dues. Vary your meeting format Your club can meet in person, online or a combination, including letting some members attend in-person meetings through the Internet.
  • 21. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 21 Trust is not a short-term prospect Inspire action! Invite Rotaractors to be members of your club You can invite Rotaractors to join your club while remaining members of their Rotaract clubs. If your club chooses to, it can make special accommodations for these members, such as relaxed attendance requirements or reduced fees, as long as they are reflected in the club bylaws. Change your meeting schedule Your club can vary its meeting days, times and frequency. For example, you could hold a traditional meeting on the first Tuesday of the month to discuss business and service projects then get together socially on the last Friday of the month. You just need to meet at least twice a month. Relax attendance requirements Your club can ease attendance requirements and encourage members to participate in other ways, such as taking a leadership role, updating the club website regularly, running a meeting a few times a year or planning an event. If your club is dynamic and offers a good experience for members, attendance won’t be a problem.
  • 22. 22 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 Chad Anderson, an ambassadorial scholar hosted by the Rotary Club of Pretoria Hatfield (D9400), is a Master in Public Health (MPH) student at the School of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH) of the University of Pretoria (UP). For almost five years, he has been working on malaria education and health promotion. Formerly from Central Illinois, USA, Chad first came to Africa as a Peace Corp volunteer in 2011 and served in Mali and Botswana for several years. He was awarded a Rotary Scholarship which enabled him to enroll at UP. During his time in Botswana, Chad developed a rap video on malaria and his Master’s dissertation is focused on malaria prevention by teaching young children to sing about ways to prevent malaria. Inspired by the rap song he wrote in Botswana, Chad decided to add a scientific research method to see if the song could be used to prevent malaria. The song focuses on children under five years old in rural South Africa. It teaches them what malaria is, how it is spread, the symptoms and most importantly, what they can do to prevent getting sick. In Chad’s research project, educators, parents and experts in the field of malaria, education, and music helped shape the song. The first step was to select ten experts (four malaria, three music and three education experts) to participate in a survey to determine the appropriateness of the song. The experts were met individually and their answers were used to determine where the song needed to be edited. This was repeated until all experts came to an agreement on all 10 questions. After the experts gave their approval the community was approached. Two separate focus groups were conducted in the study area which gave feedback on word changes and additional messages they felt needed to be in the song. Interestingly, both focus groups felt the song would work. A SONG TO FIGHT MALARIA Chad Anderson conducting a focus group interview. WANT YOUR CLUB NEWS IN ROTARY AFRICA? Send your photos, captions and stories to Make sure you include the first and last names of all people mentioned in the stories. Photos must be at least 1MB in size. Group photos with six or less people must be accompanied by a caption which includes all first and last names. Please include your club name and district.
  • 23. specialreport Rotary AfricaRotary Africa July 2017 marks the 90th anniversary of Rotary Africa. The magazine, established in 1927, has undergone two name changes and expanded its distribution to include English- speaking Africa. Rotary Africa is published by Rotary In Africa a registered public benefit organisation. Rotary Africa is one of the more than 30 regional magazines (licenced by Rotary International) which communicate with Rotarians as part of the Rotary World May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 23 Magazine Press. More than half of Rotarians worldwide receive a regional magazine. These publications are distributed in more than 130 countries, published in 24 languages and have a combined circulation of 872 000. Each magazine has a regional point of view but also includes articles and photographs of international interest from The Rotarian...
  • 24. 24 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 Rotary arrived in Africa with the formation of the Rotary Club of Johannesburg in 1921. One of the club’s charter members was ‘Rusty’ Rusterholz, a US businessman living in South Africa. In 1925 clubs were chartered in Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Cape Town and Port Elizabeth. The Rotary Club of East London was chartered the following year. With the formation of these clubs, District 55 came into being and ‘Rusty’ Rusterholz was elected first district governor. In 1927 Rusty suggested the establishment of a magazine to serve the district’s eight clubs. Benjamin Herbert Dodd, the editor of East London’s Daily Dispatch, offered to run it. 1927 The first issue of South African Rotary was published in July. It was a four page paper, about 10 centimetres wide and 20 centimetres deep - smaller than many club bulletins. The first print order was for 400 copies, which allowed every Rotarian to receive a copy and for a small reserve to be kept. Dodd asked to be relieved of the job of running the magazine and Percy Bishop, assistant editor The Natal Advertiser (now The Daily News), accepted the task. Percy ran the magazine for 18 years. 1928 1930 In July, the magazine’s name was changed to Rotary In Africa to reflect the expansion of Rotary across the continent with the chartering of clubs in Nairobi and Bulawayo. This extended the boundaries of District 55 to include Africa south of the equator. By the time the district conference was held in 1930, there were 17 Rotary clubs on the continent. 1945 Glen Buchanan became editor and was the only editor who had no experience in journalism. Although there were only 21 clubs and about 500 Rotarians in the district at the time, Glen and his Ann, Mary, saved the magazine from extinction.
  • 25. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 25 1948 Kelsey Buchanan was appointed editor in January. He was the managing editor of the South African Mining Journal group of papers. There were now 27 clubs and 900 Rotarians in District 55 (between Nairobi and Cape Town). 1965 Neels Meyer, who was editor of the South African Sugar Journal, took over the reins in May and although not a Rotarian, carefully nurtured the magazine’s growth through another period of expansion. District 55 was redistricted into Districts 25 and 26 in 1950 and Rotary In Africa now served the 167 clubs. 1970 Rotary in Africa, a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, was formed. The company still exists and is run by a board of directors who are Rotarians. All current, immediate incoming and past governors of Districts 9200, 9210, 9211, 9212, 9220, 9250, 9270, 9300, 9320, 9350, 9370 and 9400 are ex officio members of Rotary in Africa 1970 Peter Wrinch-Schulz, managing director of Group Editors (Pty) Ltd, took over total management - editorial, business and printing and spent 26 years as editor. 1983 It was decided to drop the word ‘in’ and the magazine became Rotary Africa but the publishing company remained Rotary in Africa. 1996 Derrick Couper, who had over 30 years’ experience in the technology of electronic typesetting and printing - a career he adopted after 21 years of farming, was appointed as editor.
  • 26. 26 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 2008 In May, Derrick suddenly passed away after receiving his second Paul Harris Sapphire pin the night before. With less than two weeks until the magazine needed to be at the printers, the grief stricken Rotary in Africa board sought advice from Robyn Scott, editor of the Highway Mail newspaper. On Robyn’s recommendation the board asked Sarah van Heerden to act as the interim editor 2009 After a few months of burning the midnight oil, Sarah applied for the position of Rotary Africa’s editor and was officially appointed in January 2009. 2017 In 90 years, the magazine has only had eight editors: BH Dodd, Percy Bishop, Glen Buchanan, Kelsey Buchanan, Neels Meyer, Peter Wrinch- Schulz, Derrick Couper and Sarah van Heerden. The magazine is now available in digital and print. Rotary Africa continues to chronicle the activities of Rotarians in Districts 9210, 9211, 9212, 9220, 9350, 9370 and 9400.
  • 27. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 27 projects After seeing the shame and stress suffered by a 17-year-old boy who was suspended from school on drug related charges last year, the Rotary Club of Francistown (D9400) decided to take action. It partnered with the Trust for Community Initiative (TFCI) to launch a drug awareness campaign. This campaign was funded from the proceeds raised at the club’s Winter Night Market in 2016. Recently the club and TFCI hosted a drug awareness forum at the Marang Gardens Hotel that was attended by more than 250 people. Attendees included learners, politicians, the Mayor of Francistown, educators, police, representatives from Alcoholics’ Anonymous and other concerned community members. The meeting was opened by Her Worship the Mayor Mma Sylvia Muzila, who expressed her support for the initiative. Two members from the Botswana Substance Abuse Support Network (BOSASnet) discussed drug issues and the services they offer. This was followed by a talk from a founding member of the local AA support group, as drugs and alcohol are often taken together. Afterwards, a member of the police narcotics unit spoke on the activities of drug dealers and how they affect the community. Many people were horrified when a primary school educator shared the story of a young child who was caught with a loaded pistol in his schoolbag. The boy had the gun as his life had been threatened after he reported a man to the police. The man, who worked at an airport, had allegedly been selling an alcohol- based substance (used to clean aircraft engine parts) to children. The drug awareness campaign was well received by the community and meetings have been arranged in various wards and schools to focus attention on how to counteract drug and substance abuse. Thankfully, the boy whose suspension inspired the campaign learned from his mistakes. He is completing his final A level exams and working at a leading Gaborone Hotel to gain experience. His future plans include studying Hospitality Management at the University of Botswana. Rotarians in Francistown have turned their attention to eradicating drug abuse The Mayor of Francistown Mma Sylvia Muzila showed her support of the anti-drug and substance abuse awareness campaign. Behind her is President Saadia Rossenkhan. BOSASNet director, Prisca Mokgadi and counsellor, Lorato Koosaletse, addressing guests at the launch of the Anti-drug and substance abuse campaign in the city of Francistown. UNITING AGAINST DRUGS
  • 28. 28 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 President Sarita Sirohi handing out vegetables to some of the mothers who attended the nutrition education programme. PREVENTING UNDERNUTRITIONTo help families with a limited food budget make healthier choices, the Rotary Club of Durban Clairwood Park (D9370) provided an education programme on nutrition. Demonstrations were given to show how to make healthier meal choices on a small budget A typical meal for many of South Africa’s poor is mostly mealie meal, bread or rice with a little animal protein or vegetables, cooked with lots of oil and salt. This sort of diet often results in undernutrition and hampers the development in children. Around 20 young mothers from an informal settlement near the University of Westville were taught about the five food groups and shown that by selecting a food item from each group, they can prepare balanced meals for their families. During the demonstrations, emphasis was placed on hygiene and the correct cooking methods. They were also encouraged to choose a physically active lifestyle and acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviour changes necessary to improve their health. The mothers were very curious and asked many questions. After the demonstrations, each woman received a packet of fruit and vegetables to encourage them to include affordable, seasonal produce in their daily diet. This is an ongoing project and the next workshop will be held at a crèche in Cato Manor.
  • 29. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 29 An evening of fine dining and exquisite wine was enjoyed at the Rotary Club of Gately’s (D9370) Gourmet Charity Dinner at the East London International Convention Centre in March. The evening’s special guest was Michael Fridjon, who is widely recognised as South Africa’s foremost wine taster and wine judge and has over four decades experience in the industry. Michael presented a master class wine tasting of five classic wine varietals. He selected the five wines to compliment the four course gourmet dinner which was prepared by Cape Town- based and French-born chef Marc Frederick, Prana Lodge executive chef Jaycee Ferreira and the ICC executive chef Neil Davy and his team. Guests attended the dinner to be ‘edu-tained’ through food and wine pairing and to support the club’s beneficiaries: St Bernard’s Hospice, NSRI, Salem Baby Centre and Masithetha (Life Line) Counselling Services. Rotary Club of Swellendam (D9350) handed over 30 iPads to Swellendam Primary School. The iPad Project started two and a half years ago in partnership with the Rotary Club of Villenueve sur Lot (D1690, France). The French club had been involved in a similar project in Malawi with astounding results. What would normally have taken 18 months to learn, the 1Billion App (a mathematics programme) took six weeks to teach Malawian Learners. The club decided this was what the children in Grades 1 to 4 needed to receive a solid foundation in mathematics. The project team secured a District Grant to fund the project at one school. The clubs look forward to being able to introduce the project to many more schools in the future. Rotarians delivered the iPads to the school. Hi-tech maths project Michael Fridjhon has been described as an excellent writer who brings unparalleled judgement and experience to the task of reviewing a wine and its potential. He has regularly donated his services as auctioneer to the Rotary Club of Gately’s annual wine auction. The auction is the club’s main annual fundraiser and over the years, has raised more than R4 million. LEARNING TO PAIR
  • 30. 30 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 The Rotary Club of Kenton on Sea (D9370) recently hosted the second Socionext Workshop for young entrepreneurs. Socionext is a Dutch non-profit organisation that partners with SAB to reach the unemployed youth and teach them how to start a business using the resources available to them. The group of 17 youngsters worked with consultants Iqbal Thokan and Babala Xoswa and brainstormed ideas regarding possible businesses. They researched the possibilities, conducted market research and then discussed how to get them started. After much discussion, four main ideas were finally pinpointed. The first was a mobile car wash service that travels to the customer. The second was a ‘braai shop’ from which they cook to order and perhaps in the future, cater events. The third idea was guided bicycle tours of the area and the last one was Ubuhlebendalo (The Beauty of Nature) which makes Xhosa cultural products - beadwork, small jewellery boxes and so forth. The groups will meet in May for a follow up session. The young entrepreneurs who took part in the workshop. Consultant Iqbal Thokan, DG Bruce Steele-Gray, consultant Babala Xoswa, Vocational Director Peter Reed and President Tony Swift at the workshop. DEVELOPING BUSINESS
  • 31. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 31 Youth The Rotary Club of Port Elizabeth West (D9370) and the EarlyAct Club of Herbert Hurd Primary School teamed up to clean the beach and trail area at Schoenmakerskop. Martmarie Serfontein (centre) recently returned from Madrid where she spent a year as exchange student and guest of the Rotary Club of Pozuelo de Alarcon (D2201, Spain). She was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Paarl (D9350). With her are Steph Whittle-Bennetts and President Marita van der Sluys of the Paarl club. Martmarie is now studying law at the University of Stellenbosch. Keep them informed Keep them involved... Keep them in the fold Give your Interact clubs a digital subscription to Rotary Africa or email:
  • 32. 32 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 A special cheese and wine evening was held by the Rotary Club of Bedfordview (D9400) to celebrate The Rotary Foundation centenary. Past District Governor and Foundation Chair Greg Stathacopoulos addressed the club and thanked President Alan Rock for the opportunity to talk about an organisation that means so much to all Rotarians. Cutting the cake are President Alan Rock and PDGs Greg Stathacopoulos and Annie Steijn. Last September, the Rotary Club of Livingstone (D9210) was contacted by Marie and David Howard from the Rotary Club of Oxford, (D7710, USA). They asked if the club would be interested in helping them find schools that would like to receive a donation of The Shoe That Grows. The Livingstone Rotarians researched the project and eagerly agreed to help. In February the club was joined by the American couple as well as educators from Linda and Libuyu Community Schools for a special luncheon at Green Tree Lodge. The schools each received 50 pairs of shoes for their learners. The was designed to prevent the spread of soil-transmitted diseases and parasites in poverty-stricken communities. The Shoe That Grows is a long lasting shoe which adjusts and expands by five sizes. At the presentation are President Andrew Murrin, Malamo Humphrey (Libuyu Community School) and Cathy Chilambe (Linda Community School) with Marie and David Howard.
  • 33. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 33 RoundupRotarians from the Rotary Club of Edenvale (D9400) attended a breakfast to celebrate Little Eden Society’s 50th anniversary and The Rotary Foundation’s centenary. Little Eden is a home for individuals with profound mental disabilities. The club has supported the society for many years and was instrumental in its establishment and growth. At the breakfast are PP John Anticevich (Rotary Club of Knights Pendragon) with Lucy Slaveiro (CEO of Little Eden), PDG Annie Steijn and PP Margie Evans (Edenvale). Saddled up and ready to race in the Rotary Club of Boksburg Lake’s (D9400) Donkey Derby are Presidents Noel Wauchope (Boksburg) and Nicky Savvides (Boksburg Lake). The fundraiser was enthusiastically supported by the Rotary Clubs of Boksburg, Benoni Aurora, Benoni Van Ryn and Edenvale. Families and friends enthusiastically went about the business of encouraging their ‘donkeys’ to raise funds for the club’s community projects. The presidents handicap, run by club presidents and presidents-elect, was won by President Cheryl Gallager (Benoni Van Ryn). The organiser of the event, Past President Tony Baker, flew in from Rwanda to lead the event with his wife, PP Jenny Baker.
  • 34. 34 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 In March, Rotarians of the Rotary Club of Viljoenskroon (D9370) undertook three projects in one day. The day started with an early morning five kilometre family fun run. After the fun run, the Rotarians served 143 scrumptious farm breakfasts. The final event was the club’s annual golf day which started at midday. For three decades the Rotary Club of Boksburg (D9400) has been among the many clubs which support the Rotary Resort Badplaas for senior citizens. Nearly every week a different club sends a bus load of senior citizens to the resort. They provide the guests with accommodation, three tasty meals and four teas a day. They also provide transport between the resort and the hot spring pools, entertainment and other excursions. Getting ready to catch the bus are President Noel Wauchope with two holiday makers, Roy Valentine and Shirley De Klerk. The Rotary Club of Durban Clairwood Park (D9370) organised a successful membership evening in March. The Rotarians were encouraged to ‘find one and bring one’ to the evening. Emphasis was placed on showing that Rotary was of value to potential members from the onset. Annett Jahnel, an extreme road tripper and author was the evening’s guest speaker. Her book, Searching for Galileo, explores the modern thought process and directly addresses the problems of the world while showing how our thinking helps to create problems.
  • 35. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 35 At the end of March, Rotarians of the Rotary Club of Edenvale (D9400) ‘hopped’ over to Pinocchio Educare Centre to hold an Easter egg hunt for the little children. The Rotarians also gave the children cupcakes and gift boxes. After securing a Global Grant worth nearly a million rand for a sanitation project, the Rotary Club of Richards Bay (D9370) held a sod turning ceremony at Sekusilezulu Crèche. Using the grant, the Rotarians will provide the school with new ablution facilities and upgrade its lighting and water reticulation systems. President Louis van Zyl (above) said that the club was made aware that there were no suitable ablution facilities at the crèche by Rotarian Arthur Gray.
  • 36. 36 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 The Rotary Club of Klerksdorp (D9370) taught a number of school children to be responsible road users and pedestrians. An area of Matlosana Mall was transformed with roads, stop signs and bicycles as the Rotarians had fun teaching the children. This project has been successfully implemented at several schools in Klerksdorp. Above: After an exciting morning, the children enjoyed a meal from Silver Lynx Spur at Matlosana Mall. Right: Piet Lombaard regulating the traffic. The Rotary Club of Paarl (D9350) presented a successful concert for the town’s seniors citizens. With Rotarian and master of ceremonies Pietie van Aarde (left) are Karen K (vocals), Kofi Lartey (acrobatic dancer), Ayabonga Mhobo (percussion) and at the back are Peter Vanne (lead guitar), Solo Morton (percussion), Leon Coetzee (bass guitar) and Dave Rawlings (drums). The 33rd annual concert, attended by more than 400 residents, was presented free of charge and the seniors also received refreshments and transport to the venue.
  • 37. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 37 Rotarian Gary Galanos of the Rotary Club of Beacon Bay (D9370) regularly organises bingo and snacks for the senior citizens of Kennersley Park in East London. The Rotarians also organise monthly bingo for the residents of Kennersley Park and the Anns arrange for a hair dresser to visit the home. The Rotary Club of Benoni Aurora (D9400) has sponsored a new club, the provisional Rotary Club of ORT Kempton, to serve the Kempton Park, OR Tambo and Tembisa areas of Johannesburg. The proposed club has yet to be officially chartered but the members have been meeting regularly and undertook their first project, a blanket drive. Until the club is officially chartered and receives its PBO and NPO numbers, all of its fund-raising and projects to aid the greater Kempton Park community will fall under the Benoni Aurora club. The Rotary Club of Durban Clairwood Park (D9370) used Global Handwashing Day to teach young children at a crèche in Banana City informal settlement about sanitation. The children received a step-by-step demonstration on the correct way to wash hands. The Rotarians explained the importance of washing hands and gave them cups and Easter eggs.
  • 38. 38 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 Members of the Rotary Club of Boksburg Lake (D9400) visited the Rotary Club of Vanderbijlpark’s Sunday market at Stonehaven on Vaal. Enjoying the visit are Preloshni Naidoo, Petro Bester, Elsa Venter, Celeste Lance, Heila Haasbroek, Helene Malan, her grandson, Pierre, and Hannes Malan (back). Rotarians of the Rotary Club of Klerksdorp (D9370) enjoyed spending time with and meeting the residents of Huis Servaas in Klerksdorp. This is an annual event organised by the club. The Rotary Club of Mtunzini (D9370) joined the Rotary Global Swimarathon movement and organised its own event. Some swimmers found the swimming challenging at times but were cheered on by everyone at the pool.
  • 39. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 39 During a wonderful cocktail evening at the Grey Pavilion in Port Elizabeth, the Rotary Club of Algoa Bay (D9370) donated R300 000 to various charities in the city. At the presentation are Mandy Spies, Vernon Naidoo, Marietjie van der Merwe, Mark Lawler, Ruth Wren, Ian Gray, Ellen Lovemore and Peter Long. Members of the Rotary Club of Edenvale (D9400) supported the Little Eden fete and sold candy floss and popcorn to the shoppers. The club’s stand raised more than R3 000 for Little Eden. At the fete are Taffy Hungwe, Jane and President Garth Trumble. SEND US YOUR CLUB NEWS AND PHOTOSPhotos must be at least 1mb in size. For photos of six or less people, first and surnames need to be supplied. Email:
  • 40. 40 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 celebrate Over the years, the Rotary Club of Johannesburg Main Reef (D9400) lost a number of its members. Eventually it reached the point where it became necessary to consider either closing the club or merging it with another. “As luck would have it, three of us who are highly experienced Rotarians decided to leave the Rotary Club of Randburg and join Johannesburg Main Reef,” explained PP Stephen Margo. After a number of discussions it was decided that it would be easier to apply for a name change and move the club. It was decided to rename the club the Rotary Club of Fourways Main Reef (D9400) and to move it to the suburb of Fourways as there was no Rotary club nearby. Norscot Manor, a national heritage site, agreed to let the club use its premises for its weekly meetings. The Rotary Club of Benoni Aurora (D9400) received a letter and banner from RI President John Germ congratulating it on its 25th charter anniversary. PDG Annie Steijn presented the letter and banner to the club which celebrated its anniversary on 14 April. As the anniversary coincided with Good Friday, Easter egg biscuits decorated with a 25 were made for the members to enjoy at their morning meeting. SAVING MAIN REEF The changes have given the old club a new lease on life. At the meeting during which the five new members were inducted are Liam Joubert and President John McCallum (back) with Eric Schmidt, Sue Glanville, Tarryn Hallaby and Kersley Vinay.
  • 41. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 41 Chartered in 1938, the membership of the Rotary Club of Boksburg (D9400) has included many of the community’s prominent citizens, such as Harry Massel, Harold Flight, Issy Kramer, Valois Terblans, Jack Van Der Spuy and Gerrie Wolmarans. In 1977, it chartered the Rotary Club of Boksburg Lake. Nicky Savvides, the current Boksburg Lake president, was one of the charter members. The Boksburg club passionately supports many projects, such as those to assist children, PolioPlus, the Lona Kruger Feeding Scheme, wheelchairs, the Badplaas holiday for senior citizens and RYLA (Rotary Youth Leader Awards). It’s main fundraiser is the annual golf day. In March, the Rotary Club of Francistown (D9400) celebrated the 100th anniversary of The Rotary Foundation. The function was attended by 120 people. In her address, President Saadia Rossenkhan discussed the importance of the foundation’s anniversary before AG Moira Smith spoke on the work done by the Rotary Club of Francistown within the community. Once the formalities were completed, everyone tucked into the delicious cake (complete with the Centennial logo) that had been made by Christine Michael. The event was held at the Francistown Club which also donated two prizes to the Rotary club for its raffle. President Saadia Rossenkhan, Lesego Lebane, Daniella Rorke and Chookwa Nfila cutting the cake. CELEBRATING THE CENTENARY 79 YEARS OF ROTARY IN BOKSBURG
  • 42. 42 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017 WELCOMED AND HONOUREDNEW MEMBERS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS recognised Ann Baker received a community service award from the Rotary Club of Beacon Bay (D9370). With her is Assistant Governor Angela Woodhall (right). Petronella Hadebe is a new member of the Rotary Club of Amanzimtoti (D9370). Neil McDonald is a new member of the Rotary Club of Amanzimtoti (D9370). Rhona Chetty is a new member of the Rotary Club of Amanzimtoti (D9370). Lindani Cele is a new member of the Rotary Club of Amanzimtoti (D9370). Mario Flores is a new member of the Rotary Club of Benoni Aurora (D9400). Jolanda McIntyre, Tracey Milton and Hendrik Jacobs are new members of the Rotary Club of Pretoria Capital (D9400). With them is President Eben Brümmer. HAVE YOU WELCOMED OR HONOURED SOMEONE? Email photos and captions to Photos must be at least 1MB in size. Please make sure first and surnames are supplied. Please send INDIVIDUAL ‘HEAD AND SHOULDERS’ PHOTOS. Group will only be used at the editor’s discretion. Michael Fridjhon received a Paul Harris Sapphire pin from the Rotary Club of Gately (D9370)
  • 43. May 2017 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 43 ACCOMMODATION OFFERED *** B&B ACCOMMODATION in Kimberley. Staying over in Kimberley? The Nook B&B *** Semi-Self Catering B&B offers excellent accommodation and rates. All rooms luxury en- suite with private entrance and secure parking. Close to CBD and places of interest. For more info contact Rtn Rob Gibson at 072 116 8390 Web: ‘ABOVE THE WAVES’. SIMON’S TOWN. Self-catering flat for 2, overlooking False Bay, historical Simon’s Town and its harbour. Close to Cape Point and the penguins at Boulders, the 9 hole golf course and a stone’s throw from the beach. Off-street parking. R600 p/n Contact: or call 021 786 3331 Off-peak season special: stay for 7 nights and pay for 6. KIMBERLEY’S GUM TREE Lodge offers budget accommodation (200 Beds) from R150 pp in backpackers. R200 pps or R500 dbl en-suite. Twin sharing accommodation R250 single or R400 dbl. Meals in adjacent Gumtree Lodge Restaurant (Licensed). Your host Jeannette. Tel: 053 832 8577, cell 076 371 0930, fax: 053 831 5409, E-mail: Website: PRETORIA. Park Gables Guesthouse***, conveniently situated, offers first class B&B accommodation in a warm, homely atmosphere, while respecting comfort and privacy.Asanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of city life! Rooms en-suite. Secure parking. Near Gautrain Hatfield Station. Visit Call 012 344 0390 for reservations. Discount applies. STUDENT ACCOMMODATION 2016 in Port Elizabeth. Fully-furnished single and sharing rooms available in Summerstrand, Central, North End and Millpark (Cape Road). All residences are close to shuttles or walking distance from campus. Our prices are affordable. Please call or WhatsApp at 082 743 6939 or email us at MISCELLANEOUS CONSTANTIABERG FUNERAL Home: Sensitive, dignified and personal service by Alan Lindhorst – all hours, anywhere within 200km of Cape Town. Very reasonable prices & premiums. Cnr Kenilworth & Rosmead Ave, Kenilworth. 021 671 2400 or 083 653 6536. DISCLAIMER: All opinions published are not the opinion of the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the opinions, information or advertisements in this publication. No responsibility is accepted for the quality of advertised goods or services or the accuracy of material submitted for reproduction. To the extent permitted by law, the publishers, their employees, agents and contractors exclude all liability to any person for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred as a result of material in this publication. All Rotary Marks (Masterbrand Signature, Mark of Excellence and so forth), as well as ROTARY are trademarks owned by Rotary International and used herein under licence. Email Get your free, up-to-date Which Club Meets Today emailed to you GET IT NOW! SCOTTBURGH 122 en-suite rooms. Overlooking beach. Airport transfers arranged. Daily and evening entertainment. Special rates for seniors. Tel: 039 978 3361 Fax: 039 976 0971 Email: NEWLY REFURBISHED AMAKHOSICONTAINERSALES STORAGE : REFRIGERATED : CONVERSIONS BEST PRICESAND QUALITY : 3m, 6m, 12m 27 YEARS EXPERIENCE DENNIS
  • 44. 44 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦May 2017