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ROTARY AFRICAEstablished 1927 • A member of the Rotary World Magazine Press • December 2016
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December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 3
in this issue...
We wish our readers a
merry Christmas
and a prosperous
New Year
Special report
14 | Rotary Day at the United Nations
4 | From the editor
5 | Message from the RI President
6 | Foundation Chair’s message
Celebrate the Foundation centennial
What you should know
8 | Convention
9 | Don’t forget to have fun!
10 | Foundation matters
12 | Recognise someone and help
End Polio Now
Devoted to empowering women
13 | Education transforms
20 | Fun and celebration
21 | Another School saved
22 | Chatsworth goes green
23 | An armful of presents
24 | All hands on deck!
26 | Welcome Karoline
27 | 55 new Interactors!
28 | Club and district news
Round up
31 | Club and district news
45 | Welcomed and honoured
4 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
Editor	 	 Sarah van Heerden
Administration 	 Sharon Robertson
Chairman	 	 Gerald Sieberhagen
Directors	 	 Greg Cryer
		Andy Gray
		Peter Hugo
		Anton Meerkotter
		Natty Moodley
Publisher	 	 Rotary in Africa
	 	 Reg. No. 71/04840/08
	 	 PBO No: 18/13/13/3091
	 	 Registered at the GPO as a
Design & Layout	 Rotary in Africa
Printers	 	 Colour Planet, Pinetown
Advertising	 Sharon Robertson
	 	 Sarah van Heerden
	 	 Tariff card on request at
Subscriptions 	 Sharon Robertson (digital)
Distribution 	 Rotary Districts 9210, 9211,
		 (Southern and Eastern Africa)
Contact		 Rotary Africa
		 P.O. Box 563
		South Africa
Telephone	 0027 (31) 267 1848
Fax		 0027 (31) 267 1849
The Rotary Emblem, Rotary International, Rotary,
Rotary Club and Rotarian are trademarks of Rotary
International and are used under licence. The views
expressed herein are not necessarily those of Rotary
Africa, Rotary International or The Rotary Foundation.
From the editor
I have to admit I was disappointed to discover that
the Rotary month for December was no longer family
month. Although, with the Christmas festivities,
December is by default a family month, but it was nice
that it had official recognition as such.
The family of Rotary is enormous; it crosses the globe,
bridging racial and political divides, religious and cultural
lines. Globally, the last half of this year has been filled with
turmoil, vicious political battles (in many countries, not just
those hitting the headlines), refugee and humanitarian
crises and natural disasters… and thanks to social media,
everyone has had an opinion! It disturbs me to see all the
hatred and lies which are spread through the media and
across social media platforms. What is more discouraging
is how many people believe the false news, the outright lies,
and jump to opinions based on attention-seeking headlines.
It makes me want to scream, “Think for yourselves,” when
I see how people do that and don’t bother to research what
they read, they just trust it to be true. In doing that, they
allow hatred and fear to fester and spread. This results in
nasty racist attacks and instances of bullying – and these
are what destroy and prevent peace.
It is easy to get caught up in the hype, to allow the fire
of ‘righteous’ (even if it is misplaced) indignation to flow
through us. But we need to stop it. We need to think and
research. Just because it was on the internet or you read it
on a so-called news site (a word to the wise, with just R50
and an hour or so to work, I too can create an authentic
looking news site) does not make anything true. The
internet is not an encyclopaedia. If anything, the internet is
that nasty, gossip-mongering busy body from down the road
– you can’t trust it at all!
If you feel that burn of hatred and fear starting, just think
of your Rotary family. It is made up of people from nearly
every possible population grouping. These are people who
despite your differences, believe in community service,
believe in Service Above Self and who when it comes down
to it, are really not all that different. We all want the world to
be a better place and work tirelessly to achieve that. If more
than 1.2 million people can forget their differences and work
to achieve what Rotary has done around the globe, I don’t
see why the rest of the world can’t follow suit. I think it is time
we showed them how to do it.
As we are on the verge of entering another year, let us
be the voices of reason and demonstrate how when we
celebrate our similarities and share our goals and dreams,
our differences don’t matter at all.
Have a very merry Christmas and let us make next year
a peaceful one!
Until next year,
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 5
President, Rotary International
Message from the
Speeches and news from RI President John F Germ at
I joined Rotary as an engineer. There are almost
as many classifications in the profession of
engineering as there are in Rotary, but I happen to
be a mechanical engineer. A mechanical engineer
calculates the heating and cooling loads for a new
building, makes sure the right lights are in the right
places and plans the plumbing so your hot water
pipe doesn’t end in a drinking fountain.
Mechanical engineers don’t stand out in a crowd and
they don’t call attention to themselves with what they do.
You probably haven’t thought much about the engineers
who designed the buildings you use, the car you drive
or the traffic patterns you follow. But every time you get
in an elevator, turn the key in your ignition or cross the
street when the light is green, you are entrusting your
life to an engineer somewhere whom you’ve never met.
You trust that your elevator will open at the floor you
want it to. You trust that your car will start and stop as
it should. You trust that the traffic light is going to turn
red before the green light goes on. Every day, you put
your life in the hands of people whose names you do
not know and whom you might never meet. You might
not think about them at all – but they touch your lives
every day.
I could draw the same parallel to any number of other
vocations – ordinary occupations with the same kind of
life-changing impact. In so many ways – some of which
we see and some we don’t – our vocations allow us to
help other people live better, safer and healthier lives.
Just like the work we do in Rotary.
Through our vocations and in our clubs, in our
communities and across continents, we are touching
the lives of people we don’t know and might never meet.
And in every part of the world, every single day, whether
they know it or not, people are living better, safer and
healthier lives because of the work of Rotary.
The people we help might not have met a single
Rotarian. They might not even know that Rotary exists.
But they are drinking clean water from a borehole that
Rotary dug. They’re learning to read with books that
Rotary gave them. They’re living lives that are better,
happier and healthier – because of Rotary Serving
6 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
Foundation Trustee Chair’s message
and foster the ideal of service as a
basis of worthy enterprise and, in
particular, to encourage and foster:
First. The development of
acquaintance as an opportunity for
Second. High ethical standards
in business and professions; the
recognition of the worthiness of
all useful occupations; and the
dignifying of each Rotarian’s
occupation as an opportunity to
serve society;
Third. The application of the ideal of
service in each Rotarian’s personal,
business, and community life;
Fourth. The advancement of
international understanding,
goodwill, and peace through a
world fellowship of business and
professional persons united in the
ideal of service.
Of the things we think, say or do:
1) Is it the TRUTH?
2) Is it FAIR to all concerned?
3) Will it build GOODWILL and
4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all
Object of Rotary
The Four-Way Test
what you should know
Join in and show your support for The Rotary Foundation. Here are some ways to get involved:
•	 Plan a Rotary Day in your community to raise awareness of Rotary and its Foundation.
•	 Promote projects your club or district is involved in that are funded by the Foundation. Share your photos
and stories on your social media pages using #TRF100.
•	 Empower The Rotary Foundation to support the good
work of Rotary clubs by making a special contribution.
•	 Apply for a grant from the Foundation to fund a project.
•	 Attend the Rotary Convention in Atlanta, 10-14 June 2017.
Kalyan Banerjee
FOR DOING GOODRotarians frequently ask if The Rotary Foundation
follows socially responsible investing by screening
or restricting certain investments based on social,
environmental or political criteria. The answer is
yes – and no.
Yes, the Foundation considers both financial and
social returns when making an investment decision.
Our Investment Committee encourages our investment
consultant and its managers to invest in companies that
comply with laws, regulations, ethical standards and
national or international norms and are aligned with
Rotary values.
We also consider how each of our investment
managers incorporates socially responsible investing
as part of their process. Currently seven of these
managers, responsible for about 36 percent of the
Foundation’s total assets, were signatories to the
United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment.
These principles offer possible actions for incorporating
environmental, social and governance issues - such
as public and workplace safety, climate change and
shareholder rights - into investment practice. Following
these principles could reduce risk, improve returns and
better align our portfolio with our mission.
Does this mean the Foundation will categorically
exclude specific companies or industries from
investment? That’s where the “no” part of my answer
comes in. Given Rotary’s diverse membership and its
various cultural beliefs, agreeing on such restrictions
would be extremely difficult.
The Trustees of The Rotary Foundation and the
Rotarian financial experts on our Investment Committee
take their job very seriously. Rotarians have entrusted
us with millions of dollars that they have designated
to do good in the world. Our capacity to provide clean
water and education, improve health care and economic
development and promote peace depends heavily on
our investment income. So it is especially important that
we invest your gifts wisely.
Because The Rotary Foundation belongs to all of us,
we believe strongly in transparency. We have posted a
wealth of information on You can find
audited statements for the Foundation for the past three
years and tax returns for the past six years, along with
extensive material on investment practices, philosophy
and historical returns. I hope this detailed information
will reinforce your confidence in our Foundation and
inspire your continued generosity.
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 7
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8 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
CITY OF PEACEAlthough Atlanta has seen its share of violence and
inequity over time, today it brims with reminders
that there is another way. Get inspired while you’re
visiting for the 2017 Rotary International Convention
from 10 to 14 June.
Take a short walk from the convention centre to the
Centre for Civil and Human Rights. There, you can
see the handwritten notes, speeches and sermons of
civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr, experience an
interactive 1960s-era lunch counter ‘sit-in’ and learn
more about persecuted groups all over the world.
A streetcar will take you to the Martin Luther King
Jr National Historic Site, where you can visit King’s
childhood home and Ebenezer Baptist Church, where
King was baptised and where he later became pastor,
looks just as it did in the 1960s.
Former US President Jimmy Carter, another Nobel
Peace Prize winner, continues his fight for human rights
at the Carter Centre, on Atlanta’s Freedom Parkway.
Visitors can stop by the Jimmy Carter Presidential
Library and Museum, which features memorabilia from
his presidency.
Rotary will host a Presidential Peace Conference
from 9 to 10 June to celebrate our successes and look
for opportunities to continue our commitment to peace.
To register, visit
– Deblina Chakraborty
Ebenezer Baptist Church where Martin Luther King
Jr served as pastor.
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 9
by PDG Andrew Jaeger, Regional Rotary Coordinator
Dear Friends and Family of Rotary,
When I reflect on the magnitude of Rotary, I do so
with great humility, respect as well as excitement.
Humility, because I know how important Rotary is to
myself and to so many people around the world. It starts
in Chicago, the birth place of Rotary, and goes into our
homes and more than 200 countries where the Rotary
brand remains an important symbol.
Respect, because I have learned the power of
what is at the heart of Rotary; responsibility, integrity,
inclusiveness and some newly agreed to innovation.
These words and others have defined Rotary and in
turn, have partly defined me. With many thousands of
hours spent in Rotary, I am part of Rotary and Rotary is
part of me.
Excitement because I see great opportunities
ahead of us. The world is changing so quickly and
we have superb clubs and members which can play a
meaningful role in this change. Change is never easy
and will require some tough decisions about how to
prioritise our efforts, but I am confident that we have a
bright future together.
The Rotary that I grew up in, and that many of us
grew up in, is no more. That is the simple reality. Rotary
today has many challenges that need some really
creative thinking in our quest for making the world a
better place.
I believe, while respecting and revering the past,
we must set our sights solely on the future and without
spending time on trying to re-create what once was. We
must have the courage to know what to leave behind
and to know what we must change and renew.
As we think about these issues, we need shared
values and common threads, but we also need to be
flexible enough to be different where it makes sense.
In our personal and Rotary lives I believe that our
ambition needs to be big. If I have learned anything
in the past years, it is that if you set small goals you
get small results. If you set big goals, sometimes you
are disappointed, but more often than not, you get big
results. To achieve these big results I believe we have
to find new ways to delight our members. We have
to inspire our passionate and committed Rotarians to
continue to learn and grow. We also have to continue to
do good not because we must, but because it is right.
I hope you are as excited as I am about the
extraordinary opportunities that lie ahead for us.
Having said all this, the festive season is approaching
- a time which is traditionally spent with families and
having fun. Despite all the chaos in the world today, let
us prioritise our families in this month and have as much
fun as we can. Let us appreciate and enjoy our spouses
and children who play such a vital role in Rotary too.
Rotary clubs benefit immensely when they achieve
a balanced interaction between Rotarians and their
families, enhancing home lives and family interactions.
We are half way through the Rotary year and
Christine, Daniel and I would like to thank everyone
for their love, warmth, support and commitment to our
common goals. We look forward to the rest of the year
and to achieving great things together.
To everyone on holiday and going on holiday; enjoy
yourselves and come back rejuvenated and refreshed.
To all Rotarians celebrating Christmas we wish you
a blessed and fulfilling festive season and that the true
meaning of Christmas will fill your lives.
And don’t forget to have fun!
10 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
Foundation matters
The Rotary Foundation has two auspicious awards
to be presented to our Rotary alumni – The Rotary
Global Alumni Service to Humanity and The Rotary
Alumni Association of the Year awards.
Literally tens of thousands of
people have passed through the
halls of Rotary and have gone
forward to become local, regional,
national and international leaders.
One of our most notable success
stories is Dr Sadako Ogata of
Japan (left). Dr Ogata was an
Ambassadorial Scholar in 1951
attending Georgetown University
in Washington DC, USA.
It is important to remember
that this was just six years
after the end of World War II in
which Japan was defeated by
the Allied Forces (composed of
countries from where the vast
majority of Rotarians lived). This
is an example of Rotary’s Objective to build world
understanding and peace.
Over the course of Dr Ogata’s professional career,
she has served as the UN High Commissioner for
Refugees (1991 to 2004) and Japan International
Cooperation Agency (2004 to 2012). She has dedicated
her life to helping others on an International scale.
This year The Rotary Foundation awarded Dr Ogata
with the Rotary Global Alumni Service to Humanity
award. The award will be officially presented at the
Rotary International Convention in Atlanta, USA, in
June 2017.
For many Rotarians this award is virtually unknown
and the process for nominating a recipient is a mystery.
Let me explain the award.
The Rotary Global Alumni Service to Humanity
award was created to honour an outstanding Rotary
alumnus whose career and activities illustrate
the impact of Rotary’s programmes on his or her
service to humanity.
Nominees must have:
•	 Demonstrated the social benefits of Rotary’s
programmes through extraordinary service
activities and professional achievement.
•	 Achieved distinction in their profession or vocation.
•	 Performed sustainable service affecting the
international community.
Who is eligible?
With the exception of current and past Rotary senior
leaders, all living Rotary alumni – Rotarians and non-
Rotarians – are eligible for this award. An individual may
receive this award only once.
Each district governor may submit the name of
one candidate for this award to their Regional Rotary
Foundation Coordinator. Each RRFC may then select
one nominee as the winner for the zone or region. I
will consult Rotary Coordinator Andrew Jaeger, Rotary
Public Image Coordinator Kanthan Pillay, Rotary
End Polio Now Zone Coordinator Richard Brooks
and Endowment/Major Gift Advisor Trevor Long to
determine the best candidate for Zone 20A South.
This nomination must be submitted to RI World
Headquarters by 30 June 2017 for the following year’s
While this deadline is months away, the candidates
must be vetted by the Rotary clubs then suggested to
the district governor. Next, the candidate will be vetted
by the District Rotary Foundation Committees. The
successful candidate’s name will be submitted to me for
consideration by the committee of coordinators.
After that, the Joint Young Leaders and Alumni
Engagement Committee will review all eligible
nominations and recommend one international winner
to be presented to the Board and Trustees at their joint
meeting in October 2017 for selection.
I am encouraging every Rotary club to select an
outstanding Rotary Alumnus in their area (based on the
aforementioned criteria). If you believe that you have
By PDG Patrick Coleman
Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator Zone 20A South
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 11
a qualified candidate, please submit that name on the
appropriate nomination form by 28 January 2017.
I will ask the governors to examine the candidates
from each district and submit the best candidate’s
name to me by 30 March 2017. Please note that these
candidates can be named as the District Alumni Service
to Humanity Award Recipient. Each district can present
a plaque to that recipient at their district conference.
I will consult with my team and name the recipient
of the Rotary Alumni Service to Humanity Award for
Southern Africa to be awarded at the Zone Institute in
Johannesburg in September 2017. That recipient will be
our candidate for the The Rotary Global Alumni Service
to Humanity award.
The Rotary Alumni Association of the Year award
recognises an alumni association that has
increased awareness of the significant role alumni
play in Rotary and demonstrated the lasting impact
of Rotary programmes.
The same process and deadlines will apply.
The alumni association must:
•	Be formally chartered by Rotary International.
•	Be up-to-date in responding to all requests for
information from RI, such as surveys, and keep
Rotary’s records of association officers current.
•	Enhance the awareness of the value of alumni
within Rotary.
•	Have completed a project or activity over the
preceding 12 months that had an impact on a
local or international community and involved a
majority of the association’s members.
•	Have an online presence through social media
(such as Facebook, LinkedIn).
•	Demonstrate collaboration between Rotarians
and alumni.
•	Support the Object of Rotary and demonstrate
the principle of Service Above Self.
This event will cover topics relevant to the global activities and
growth of Rotary as they apply to our Zone, as well as to train our
future leaders. It will be an opportunity to meet the senior officers
of our organisation and be part of Rotary’s future in Africa.
Rotary Zone 20A Institute(Africa south of the Sahara)
11-16 September 2017
Cradle of Mankind, near Johannesburg
South Africa
Members: 1 227 197
Clubs: 35 521
Members: 223 169
Clubs: 9703
Members: 474 720
Clubs: 20 640
Rotary Community Corps
Members: 211 370
RCC: 9 190
12 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
Rotarian and human rights activist, Nomaci Qabaka, recently challenged
her fellow members of the Rotary Club of Beacon Bay (D9370) to focus
on empowering women through education and job creation. The former
social worker and educator practices what she preaches and her
enthusiasm for service is contagious.
In Mdantsane near East London, she organised a bead factory which
empowered unemployed women in the area. The bead products were an
immediate hit among foreigners who attended the 2010 Fifa World Cup and
are now exported worldwide. She has also trained more than 100 unskilled
workers in the design and manufacture of jewellery using recycled glass.
Another initiative by Nomaci is her information and communications
technology (ICT) training project which offers free training in Mdantsane and
East London. Currently, she is working on organising a mobile ICT training
caravan to visit schools in the Eastern Cape and provide free training.
Nomaci is a very committed and enthusiastic member of the Rotary Club of
Beacon Bay and her daughter Anathi Qabaka is a member of the Rotary Club
of Durban Umhlatuzana (D9370). Nomaci serves on Beacon Bay’s community
service committee and is responsible for the club’s participation in the Tree
of Joy project. This project involves many Rotary clubs in East London and
collects gifts for people who would normally not receive one at Christmas.
“We are honoured to have Nomaci in our club and we appreciate her
service to others,” said Vice President, Dr Chester Woodhall.
Christmas is the time for giving and what better way
to do so in this, the centennial year of the Rotary
Foundation, than by giving $1 000 to PolioPlus and
recognising a loved one as a Paul Harris Fellow
(PHF). explains that a person who gives $1 000
or more to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus or an approved
Foundation grant is recognised as a PHF. To recognise
someone else, you can give the amount in their name.
Earlier this year, I met a Past District Governor from
Nigeria who recognised his wife, his children and if I am
not mistaken, even his grandchildren as PHFs.
This festive season, a PHF can be a gift that keeps on
giving. Thanks to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s
commitment to donate $2 for every dollar raised, your
contribution will become $3 000.
There is a misconception among many Rotarians
that a PHF is an award. It is not; it’s simply a recognition
of a donation of $1 000 which individuals, clubs or
districts can use to recognise people. Whether it is a
recognition or an award does not detract from the fact
that it is a great honour for a person to be named a PHF.
I feel that a personal contribution and the recognition of
a loved one should be encouraged and not criticised.
For its centennial year, The Rotary Foundation set a
goal to raise $45 million for PolioPlus. There are already
more than one million PHFs around the world and I
appeal to you to consider increasing that number and
help End Polio Now.
For more on how to give, go to:
Paul Harris Fellows
HELP END POLIO NOWBy PDG Richard Brooks, End Polio Now Coordinator - Zone 20A South
Beacon Bay’s Nomaci is
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 13
Sisipho Hamlomo, from the the rural village of
Kentani in the Eastern Cape, is the first student
the Rotary Club of Kirstenbosch (D9350)
sponsored to attend university. The 21-year-
old is studying at Rhodes University for a BSc
degree in computer studies and visited Cape
Town to thank his benefactors in person.
It was a special trip for Sisipho as it was not
only the weekend of his 21st birthday, but it was
also his first visit to the city and the first time he
had travelled by air.
In thanking the club, Sisipho said that the club
had come “to my rescue at an opportune moment
when the world seemed to have collapsed on
me.” He explained how receiving an education
has left him “well placed to fight all social ills as
it (education) is the only weapon to conquer
The passionate young man assured the
Rotarians that their contribution to his education
gave him hope and courage and in the long run,
would help him “transform the landscape of my
poor community.”
PP Jennifer Paterson, Sisipho Hamlomo and
PDG Vyv Deacon.
Thanks to Kirstenbosch, Sisipho will use his education to help his community
14 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
Rotary recognises Annemarie Mostert for improving
lives and communities
Researched and compiled by Sarah van Heerden
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 15
Annemarie Mostert, president of the Rotary E-Club
of Southern Africa D9400, was recognised for her
responsible business practises at Rotary Day
at the United Nations on 12 November. Rotary
International recognised six individuals and two
corporations for bringing positive, lasting change
to their communities.
She was recognised for the contribution she
has made by offering education, job training,
entrepreneurship and leadership development for
women through Sešego Cares, a Johannesburg-based
non-profit organisation she established in 2005. She
also collaborated with TOMS Shoes and mobilised 70
Rotary clubs across South Africa to provide 1.3 million
pairs of shoes to children in need.
Through inclusive business practises, each
honouree brought employment, mentoring, education,
innovation and collaboration to their humanitarian work.
“These business leaders represent the intersection
of commerce and cause,” said Rotary International
President John Germ. “Because of their dedication to
economic development, thousands of individuals have
gained steady employment, vital job skills and the
education necessary to build a better life. I extend my
warmest congratulations to them for their outstanding
service to humanity.”
The honourees received Rotary’s Responsible
Business recognition as part of the annual event which
highlights humanitarian activities that Rotary and the
United Nations lead around the world.
The other honourees were:
•	 Juan Silva Beauperthuy, of the Rotary Club
of Chacao (D4370, Venezuela), helps keep
disadvantaged youth on the right track through
Queremos Graduarnos, an education programme
focused on mentoring and skill development, which
is supported by his engineering firm. Today, the
programme serves more 700 learners in 18 schools.
•	 Jean-Paul Faure, of the Rotary Club of Cagnes-
Grimaldi (D1730, France), encourages
young professionals and provides promising
new businesses with training and funding.
Faure launched a business contest called Le
Trophee du Rotary. Now in its seventh year, the
programme has drawn support from a major
bank and kept past participants involved as
•	 Suresh Goklaney, of the Rotary Club of Bombay
(D3141, India), provides clean water in rural
villages and urban slums throughout India.
Goklaney, executive vice chairman of the world’s
largest manufacturer of UV water purification
systems, has also established water centres where
local women sell clean water to generate income.
•	 Stephanie Woollard, of the Rotary Club of Melbourne
(D6930, Australia), helps Nepalese women make
and sell products abroad. Woollard founded
Seven Women after meeting seven illiterate crafts
people during a visit to Nepal. It has since trained
and employed more than 1 000 women in the last
decade, while also teaching basic bookkeeping and
computer skills.
•	 Larry Wright, Rotary Club of Taylor (D6400, USA),
supports entrepreneurs in bankruptcy-era Detroit
by providing microloans, business classes and
mentorship through his organisation Launch Detroit.
The business partners recognised were:
•	 Coca Cola Beverages Pakistan for raising public
awareness for polio vaccinations in Pakistan (one
of the few countries never to have stopped polio)
and clean water and sanitation projects.
•	 Mercantil Banco Universal supports a project
which has trained 6 000 students at 40 universities
on social responsibility and leadership. This
was undertaken to encourage students to use
their academic knowledge to help underserved
communities in Venezuela and beyond.
The theme of this year’s Rotary Day at the United
Nations at UN headquarters in New York City was
‘Responsible Business, Resilient Societies.’ It
recognised Rotary’s role at the intersection of
commerce and cause while delivering the message
that as a business owner, one can be both socially
conscious and profitable. The programme drew
more than 1 350 participants and included the
recognition ceremony for the honourees, as well as
panel discussions and youth activities.
The UN’s Under Secretary-General, High
Representative for Disarmament Affairs and Special
Advisor to the UN Secretary, Ambassador Kin Woo-soo,
welcomed the delegates. During the plenary session
RI President John Germ delivered the Rotary keynote
address. It was followed by a polio update from the
UNICEF Chief of Polio, Reza Hossaini, and an address
on responsible business from the CEO of Business
for Peace Foundation, Per Saxegaard. Rotary’s
Secretary General, John Hewko, introduced the Rotary
Responsible Business Award honourees.
Speakers and breakout sessions focused on aspects
Serving those most in need
Your legacy will be written on lives - please
consider the Salvation Army
16 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
of responsible business (such as education, innovation,
partnerships) the needs of the world’s poorest people,
the empowerment of women and youth and how these
issues relate to the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDG). The SDG is the United Nations ambitious
framework for eliminating global poverty by 2030. The
17 goals were adopted by the member countries on 25
September 2015 and were set to end poverty, protect
the planet and ensure prosperity for all. Each goal has
specific targets to be achieved within the next 15 years.
The breakout spotlight session panels consisted
of a moderator, UN expert, business or non-profit
organisation expert and a Rotary Responsible Business
President of the Rotary E-Club of Southern
Africa D9400 and a Rotary Responsible Business
honouree, Annemarie Mostert, was a panellist on the
spotlight session titled The Ultra Poor (the poorest
of the poor): Serving Those Most in Need. She was
joined by moderator Knut Johnsen, alternate Rotary
Representative to the UN and fellow panellists UN
expert Bjorn Gillsater, manager of the World Bank
New York and NGO expert Harshani Dharmadasa,
programme manager Ultra Poor Graduation for BRAC.
Knut Johnsen opened the session with a reminder
that the first SDG “is to rid the world of poverty and the
last one has to do with partnerships. That’s why we are
all here today. We have governments, we have not-for-
profit organisations, we have profit corporations and we
are all working in conjunction with a lot of the agencies
in the UN system.” He added that initial results from the
last year showed that the SDGs “are achievable” and
that “to achieve these goals we need these partnerships
which are very meaningful.”
Harshani Dharmadasa introduced BRAC then
discussed its Ultra Poor Graduation programme. It was
developed in Bangladesh before being implemented in
other countries and is due to be rolled out in Uganda
and Tanzania.
The internationally-recognised graduation approach
has been adopted and adapted by many organisations.
It helps participants and their families build secure,
sustainable and resilient livelihoods while gaining the
skills and confidence to move forward. The programme
provides support to address the immediate needs of
the participants and provides longer-term investments
in life and technical skills training, asset transfers,
enterprise development, savings and planning for
the future to enable the ultra-poor families develop
sustainable livelihoods.
Its results have been noteworthy and impact
assessments found that in Bangladesh there was a
participant success rate of 95 percent on completion
of the programme within two years. “Recent impact
evaluation data shows that these results are sustained
seven years after the completion of the programme. If
we look at the global landscape with the international
pilots, funded by CGap and the Ford Foundation,
they demonstrate similar high graduation rates for
participants meeting their own country-specific criteria,”
said Dharmadasa.
The data also showed a significant reduction in the
inequality gaps which define the distinction between the
non poor and the ultra poor. In conclusion, Dharmadasa
noted that BRAC and Rotary are working together on a
strategic partnership to expand graduation programmes
in partnership with governments, multi-laterals and
NGOs in developing countries in Africa and Asia.
Annemarie Mostert began her presentation with a
moving video introduction about Sešego Cares after
which she spoke about the socio-economic conditions
which are found in the communities in which Sešego
Cares operates and examples of its successful and
sustainable projects.
The NGO, which was established 11 years ago to
make a sustainable contribution to the well-being of
communities, considers sustainability a key issue when
it comes to becoming involved in projects. Its use of
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 17
strategic partnerships coupled with a dedicated volunteer base has
ensured that 850 000 people have been reached and more than R32
million in cash or kind was raised. She mentioned that the elimination
of administration costs ensured that every cent raised is reinvested in
the communities it helps.
Sešego Cares’ key areas of focus are education, orphaned and
vulnerable children and women, entrepreneurship (such as skills
transfer, technical expertise and mentoring) and the development of
leadership and entrepreneurial activities. Successful entrepreneurial
projects undertaken to alleviate poverty included the establishment
of solar bakeries and vegetable tunnels at Covenant Garden Estate.
Sešego Cares has also worked in conjunction with Rotary clubs and
other partners throughout southern Africa to distribute TOMS Shoes,
clothing and provide bursaries and clean water to communities.
At the conclusion of her presentation, moderator Knut Johnsen said,
“Thank you Annemarie for lending a hand – not only with your NGO but
with all the work you do for Rotary.”
During her presentation,
Annemarie Mostert
explained how the
Sešego Cares projects
focus on sustainability
and benefit the poorest
of the poor in southern
What is COSA?
•	 This Governors' Council is a voluntary group of past, present and
future officers of Rotary serving the southern African continent.
•	 COSA membership is made up of officers from D9210, D9350,
D9370 and D9400
•	 COSA was formed by the districts of Southern Africa more than
25 years ago.
•	 The council meets annually and considers issues and challenges
facing all Rotarians in this part of Africa and indeed, the wider
world of Rotary.
•	 By coming together each year the leadership in the districts
forming this council have been able to draw inspirations from
each other, share best practices among peers and to maximise
opportunities with the greater Rotary structures and programmes.
Each participating district is committed to chairing two consecutive
years of COSA - the February meeting will be the last year of D9370's
leadership and the mantle will be handed over to D9400 for the period
2017 to 2019.
This year's programme will be structured to entice members to consider
extending their stay in Durban with fellowship events being planned for
the Thursday evening preceding the formal business meeting on Friday
and a beach brunch planned for Sunday morning.
A black-tie gala dinner is planned for the Saturday evening.
The programme will include but not limited to presentations and
discussions on many issues including:
•	 Feedback from the current DGs
•	 Future plans from DGEs
•	 Discussions on relevant issues affecting COSA Districts
•	 The proposed Rotary Foundation of Southern Africa
•	 Foundation update (Elizabeth Lamberti will be representing the
Foundation )
•	 Polio update
•	 RFHD feedback and future plans
•	 Rotary Africa
•	 Public Image
•	 AGM
The COSA committee is currently finalising the programme and agenda
which will be distributed in due course along with the formal invitation
to the event.
COSA members are asked to save the date in the interim and if they
so wish, confirm with D9370 District Secretary Hilary Augustus of their
intention to attend.
The COSA committee is looking forward to meeting up with friends and
colleagues in Durban.
Greg Cryer
COSA chair 2015-2017
Council of Southern Africa (COSA)
Business meeting and AGM
Mount Edgecombe Country Club, Durban
23rd to 26th February 2017
Rotary Africa magazine subscription
rates for January to June 2017
Printed copy
•	 RSA readers: R155 for six months
•	 International: R170 for six months
Digital issue
•	 R110 for six months
For digital subscriptions see
Terms and conditions apply.
Club secretaries must be informed of digital
For general enquires email or
call 031 267 1848
18 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
From the United Nations’ earliest days in the
aftermath of World War II, the organisation’s
humanitarian mission has always dovetailed with
Rotary’s efforts to administer aid and build peace.
The establishment of the United Nations was a long
and complex process in which a number of Rotarians
played a role. In 1945 as 49 of the 800 delegates,
advisors and consultants at the United Nations Charter
Conference were also active Rotarians.
The role of Rotary clubs in promoting understanding
among nations, providing a platform for dialogue
and creating positive change in communities around
the world provided valuable support for the newly
established United Nations.
In April 1945, Nelson Rockefeller, the US Assistant
Secretary of State, was the keynote speaker at the
annual Pan-American Day luncheon of the Rotary
Club of New York. His speech to the more than 500
Rotarians who attended the luncheon was broadcast by
radio to the western hemisphere, including translations
in Spanish and Portuguese. Rockefeller stated that “No
nation, large or small can solve all its problems alone.
Yet united, we face the possibility of great productivity,
prosperity and peace if we work together. That is the
purpose of civilisation.” Rockefeller reaffirmed that the
world’s nations affirm their recognition of responsibilities
to the world effort and should work towards a new
workable “international security organisation.”
The Rockefeller family played an instrumental role
in providing the new organisation with its headquarters
in New York. In March 1946, the UN Security Council
opened its first session at the interim location at Hunter
College’s Gymnasium in the Bronx. A few weeks later,
Secretary General Trygve Lie selected the New York
City building from the 1938 World’s Fair site at Flushing
Meadows as the temporary meeting hall of the General
Assembly, the Secretariat and the Security Council.
New York Officials hoped that the Flushing Meadows
location would be considered for the permanent site of
the UN Headquarters and Robert Moses, a member of
the Rotary Club of New York, was authorised to spend
$1.2 million improving the Flushing Meadow site. Moses
49 of the 800 delegates who helped form the United Nations were active
Rotarians. Over the years, our ties with the UN have strengthened and
Rotary still has representatives at the organisation
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 19
also made 1 612 apartments in Parkway Village in Queens and Peter
Cooper Village available for the delegates at an average cost of $25 per
A number of sites were proposed to house the United Nations
headquarters but only one, the Belmoth-Roxborough site in Philadelphia,
was considered to be suitable by most of the site location committee
members. However, at midnight on Friday 6 December 1946, not long
before Philadelphia was to be voted on, Secretary-General Lie, Robert
Moses and Mayor O’Dwyer called Nelson Rockefeller to arrange for his
father to finance the purchase of Turtle Bay, a six block area of slaughter
houses and run-down buildings on the east side of Manhattan, for $8.5
million. They thought it was “worth a try” since the Rockefeller family had
generously donated the library to the League of Nations and the family
was very supportive of the new international organisation.
On 26 March 1947, John D Rockefeller III presented Secretary-
General Lie with the $8.5 million gift to finance the purchase of Turtle
Bay area.
Today, Rotary holds the highest consultative status possible with
the United Nations as a non-governmental organisation and the two
organisations have developed a strong and productive partnership. In
1985, Rotary launched PolioPlus, the first initiative to tackle global polio
eradication through the mass vaccination of children. The Global Polio
Eradication Initiative, formed in 1988, is a public-private partnership that
includes the World Health Organisation and UNICEF, along with other
key agencies.
Rotary holds the highest non-governmental consultative status with
the United Nations Economic and Social Council, which oversees many
of the UN’s specialised agencies. Rotary maintains ties with the United
Nations and other organisations through its network of 31 representatives
in 15 capital cities around the world. Rotary representatives, including
two youth representatives, serve as unofficial ambassadors, meeting
with colleagues to share information and opportunities for collaboration.
Rotary’s representative network is active at the UN offices in New York,
Geneva and Vienna and at the Economic Commissions for Africa, Asia,
WesternAsia, Europe and LatinAmerica. Rotary also has representatives
at UNESCO, UN-HABITAT, the UN Environmental Programme, the Food
and Agricultural Organisation, World Food Programme, UNICEF, World
Health Organisation and World Bank.
Some of the notable Rotarians at
the 1945 San Francisco United
Nations Charter Conference were:
•	 Thomas J Davis, president of
Rotary International in 1941/42
and unsuccessful Republican
candidate for the US Senate.
•	 Luther Hodges, past president
of the Rotary Club of New York
(1945/46). Luther also went on
to become governor of North
Carolina, Commerce Secretary
for President Kennedy
(1960/63) and President of
Rotary International in 1968.
•	 Gabriel L Dennis, the Secretary
of State of Liberia was a
signatory of the Charter for
•	 Jan Christiaan Smuts, the
Prime Minister of South Africa
from 1919 until 1924 and from
1939 until 1948.
•	 Carlos Romulo of the
Philippines was a signatory of
the charter for the Philippines.
•	 Jan Masaryk, Foreign Minister
of Czechoslovakia from 1940
to 1948.
Trygve Lie, Secretary-General of the United Nations, receives a cheque for $8.5 million from John D
Rockefeller III, on behalf of his father, John D Rockefeller Jr, for the purchase of the six-block Manhattan
East River site where the United Nations Headquarters would be built. From left to right: Rotarian Robert
Moses (Commissioner of Parks, Coordinator of construction between NYC and UN), Mayor William
O’Dwyer, Trygve Lie and John D Rockefeller Jr III. 25 March 1947. Photo: United Nations
20 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
All roads led to Matau Primary School when the
Rotary Club of Harare Central (D9210) celebrated
Basic Education and Literacy Month by donating
books to seven schools.
A contingent of 10 Rotarians, led by President
Edith Chari, four Rotaractors and three Rotary Youth
Exchange students embarked on the 265 kilometre
journey to Hurungwe district in Mashonaland West
Representatives from Tererai Trent International
Foundation, village headmen, school principals, school
development association chairpersons, school children
and Senator Machingaifa Tapera attended the event.
The singing of the national anthem, led by the Matau
Primary School choir, opened the proceedings. It was
followed by the introduction of the guests.
Senator Tapera had the gathering in stitches when
he officially welcomed the guests in customary style
by sitting on the dirt ground in his smart business suit.
Speakers included Edith Chari (president of the Rotary
Club of Harare Central), Anesu Munengwa (country
director of Tererai Trent International Foundation),
Tember Banda (vice chair of the Harare distribution
committee of Book Aid International) and Senator
The speeches were interspersed with traditional
Rotarians, Rotaractors, exchange students and guests pose for one last photo before leaving for
Hurungwe district.
dancing, skits and poetry performed by learners from
the Matau Primary and High Schools. President Edith
presented Usborne Illustrated English Dictionaries to
seven rural primary schools which the Tererai Trent
International Foundation supports. Past President
Tember Banda, assisted by Rotaractors and Rotary
Youth Exchange students, presented reading books
from Book Aid International.
After the formal proceedings, the Harare Central
contingent enjoyed a tour of Matau Primary School. The
club recently partnered with the Rotary Club of Salinas
(D5230, USA) to upgrade the school and its kitchen.
Tererai Trent International treated the visitors to
some traditional African cuisine, before the team left for
a fellowship outing at Chinhoyi Caves.
The group exploring Chinhoyi Caves.
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 21
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to learn more or apply. Mention Rotary Africa.
Eighty-nine children under the age of six attended
the Nolufefe Educare Centre until it was shut down
due to safety concerns. However, the closure is
not permanent as the dilapidated building is being
renovated as part of the Rotary Club of Claremont’s
Injongo project. Until the construction is completed
in March 2017, the centre will operate from
temporary premises.
“Renovations and new buildings are just one element
of Rotary’s Injongo project which has already worked
with 47 other Educare Centres in Philippi,” explained Ian
Robertson, president of the Rotary Club of Claremont.
The Injongo Project is the largest of its kind in the
country, with a total spend of R12 million to date. “The
idea is to work holistically with educare centres to ensure
early childhood development takes place with the best
possible outcomes. This involves equipping educators
with the skills they need to offer educationally stimulating
learning opportunities to young children before they start
formal schooling in Grade 1.”
The granting of a state subsidy depends on an
educare centre meeting certain minimum standards and
health and safety requirements. “The Injongo project’s
swift action has saved Nolufefe Educare Centre from a
complete shut-down by authorities,” added Robertson.
The Lewis Group, a major furniture retailer in South
Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland,
partnered with the Rotary Club of Claremont. For the
last five years, the group has been a major contributor to
the Injongo project.
“We are committed to uplifting the communities
in which we operate. We are delighted to make a
meaningful difference in developing the young lives of
the local children by providing them with the chance to
thrive in their inspiring new educational environment,
which we know will provide excellent opportunities to a
great number of children for many years to come,” said
Johan Enslin, CEO of the Lewis Group.
Nolufefe Educare Centre in Philippi faced
permanent closure after its prefabricated building
was declared structurally unsafe by engineers.
22 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
Spring has sprung at Spring Park in Chatsworth
after the Rotary Club of Chatsworth (D9370) and
the Department of Parks and Recreation planted 45
trees in the park. This environmental project was
successfully coordinated by the Youth Services
Committee together with the club’s Rotarians and
The club attributes the success of this project to
its strong partnership with the Department of Parks
and Recreation. Mona Edries, the chief horticulturist,
and her dedicated team attended the tree planting
In addressing the guests, she emphasised the
importance of protecting the natural environment and
spoke about the various trees which were planted on
the day.
The enthusiastic learners from Greenvale Primary
School and their educator, Karmini Muruvan, also
attended and displayed the beautiful posters they made.
Vijay Maharaj, the CEO of the Rising Sun, also lent
his support to the project. During his presentation, he
expressed his concern about the pollution and general
untidiness in the area and encouraged the attendees
to make an urgent and concerted effort to clean up
Club President Vani Govender shared those
sentiments and said the club hopes to work with the
Rising Sun and the Department of Parks and Recreation
to mobilise the community to clean up and preserve its
environment and natural surroundings.
President Vani Govender plants the first tree at Spring Park.
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 23
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rotary club of kromboom
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Dictionary project expanding to include
Christmas comes but once a year and for the last
nine years, Past President Steve Margo has run a
successful toy drive in conjunction with Expro.
Expro is a non-profit organisation for ex professional
sportsmen and women. It is run by Johnny Louch who
organises an annual luncheon for about 600 sports
personalities towards the end of the year. Each attendee
has to buy a ticket, bring at least one new toy to the
luncheon and donate money to one of the organisations
supported by Expro.
The Rotary Club of Randburg (D9400) collects the
toys in Johannesburg. Rotarians and Anns wrap, pack
and sort the toys according to age and gender before
delivering the gifts to orphanages and children’s homes.
PP Steve explained that the delivery of the gifts to
these children, many of whom have never had their own
toy, is “a sad, yet heart-warming experience.”
Jonathan Ward, President Bronwyn Ward and Club
Services Officer Kevin Midgley with some of the
many toys that were sorted, wrapped and packed.
The toys will be given to orphaned and vulnerable
24 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
An exciting partnership between the Rotary Club
of Pinetown (D9370) and the Sail Africa Youth
Development Foundation has been teaching
teenagers to sail. In September, 44 learners from
Pinetown Girls’ High and Gelofte Skool spent a
weekend being introduced to sailing.
After completing the introductory course, 32 learners
were selected to attend a week-long Sail Africa holiday
camp in October which was sponsored by the Rotary
Club of Pinetown.
The camp taught the learners a number of
skills including sailing, water safety, lifesaving and
environmental and maritime awareness. It also gave
them an overview of the various maritime career
opportunities which exist.
At the end of the camp, the learners participated in a
regatta, raced a boat they built in a cardboard boat race
and attended an awards ceremony at the Point Yacht
Sail Africa, a development initiative and registered
non-profit organisation, provides education, skills
training, personal development and empowerment
through the medium of sail training, to young South
Africans who could otherwise not afford to sail.
Keep them informed
Keep them involved...
Keep them in the fold
Give your Interact clubs a digital subscription to Rotary Africa or email:
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 25
The Rotary Club of
Bournemouth North
(D1110, England) is
one of Sail Africa’s
sponsors and donated
a keel boat (above and
right) for use in its
sailing programmes.
26 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
Are you enjoying it? Why did you
choose South Africa? Is it very different
to Germany? I have been asked these
questions numerous times since I arrived
in South Africa, and the answers are both
simple and complex. However, before I
explain what I mean, let me tell you about
My name is Karoline Schwazer and I
am a long term exchange student from
Germany. I arrived in July and so far I have
experienced three different host families and
met many people. I am being hosted by the
Rotary Club of Edenvale (D9400) and I am
attending Edenglen High in Edenvale.
I really enjoy South Africa although many
things are different to what I expected. I
didn’t think that there would be lions running
through the streets or that I would ride an
elephant to school, but I was aware that life
here would not be as safe as I am used to.
I have been here for three months now and
still find the high walls, gates and security
I am very happy here, I chose South
Africa as I have always been fascinated with
the African culture and wanted to experience
a true rainbow nation. There was a personal
reason for me choosing South Africa. I was
born in Swaziland and left Africa before I
had the chance to know my birth country. I
was always curious (and now I get to see) if
things were really like I believed them to be.
The weather is very different from what I
am used to. Instead of four seasons and a
lot of rain throughout the year, the rain just
seems to come in summer and the winter is
very dry and brown. An unexpected shock
for me, was finding out that South African
homes are like fridges in winter!
Other than the obvious differences South
African lifestyle is similar to the German
My first host family was English and
besides the language and the exotic pets,
my life did not change much. My second
host family was Indian and very religious.
This was a big change for me especially as
the church services were very different. In
Germany it is old fashioned and many young
people find it boring.
Although I was just there for a week, I
found their lives very interesting. The host
family I am with now is Afrikaans and I find
their culture to be very similar to the German
School here is very different to Germany. In Germany school
is free and we don’t have any rules on how to dress. We get oral
marks, which is why we have to be more disciplined in class. The
educators in Germany don’t normally shout at us as they seem to
do here! We also have more subjects but don’t have subjects like
accounting or consumers.
What I like about SouthAfrica is the openness and kindness of its
people. Most of them seem to always be in a good mood and ready
to sing or dance. In my school many students have approached
me, curious about Germany but after a while having an exchange
student becomes normal and then I wasn’t interesting anymore!
I am very thankful for the Edenvale members support and all
they do to make me happy. Even though this is a small club, the
members are motivated and want to undertake many projects. I
want to thank Rotary, and especially my club, for giving me this
amazing opportunity to get to know South Africa and to represent
my country at the same time.
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 27
In October, the members of the Interact Club of
Curro Embury College received their official charter
from the Rotary Club of Durban North (D9370).
The new club has 55 members who are eager to
be actively involved in community projects. They have
already held a food drive and made sandwiches for
the Domino Foundation. Some of the members also
assisted the Rotary Club of Durban North with the
registration tables at the Tsogo Amashova Race
Kwanda Ngxukumeshe, the charter president, said,
“I am proud to be involved with Interact and excited that
my name will be the first one on the club’s presidential
The faculty advisor of the club, Pieter Rittles, was
instrumental in the club’s formation. “I saw the benefits
of learners serving the community during my tenure at
Highlands North Boys’ High School in Johannesburg. I
wanted the Curro Embury learners to also experience
the same community spirit and sense of responsibility.
Serving the community in whatever way possible, gives
them a greater appreciation of their own circumstances
and cultivates an understanding and empathy for those
less fortunate.”
Rittles will be assisted by fellow teachers Maria
Kapp, Norman Miller and Urmilla Moodley in the
management of the club. The Rotary Club of Durban
North is the sponsoring club and Hilary Augustus will be
guiding and advising the new club.
With the new Interactors are (seated) President Ann Bricknell and Youth Chairman Hilary Augustus of
the Rotary Club of Durban North, President Kwanda Ngxukumeshe of the Interact Club of Curro Embury
College and educator Pieter Rittles.
Send your photos, captions and stories to Make
sure you include the first and last names of all people mentioned in the
stories. Photos must be at least 1MB in size. Group photos with six or less
people must be accompanied by a caption which includes all first and last
names. Please include your club name and district.
28 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
The Interact Club of Woodlands International College (D9400) lent a helping hand to Elandsvallie Old Age
Home and Urban Ruins Children’s Centre. When the Interactors visited Elandsvallie, they helped with
cleaning the home and maintaining its gardens. They also spent time meeting and chatting to the elderly
residents. Urban Ruins is a non-profit organisation that provides children with basic skills and after-school
care. The Interactors played with the children and donated toys to the centre.
The 22 members of the EarlyAct Club of Sentinel Primary School attended a workshop on social and
psychological issues. Doreen Vizant and Kate Wyngaard were the workshop facilitators and topics such
as emotional, physical and sexual abuse as well as anger management were addressed. Dr A Brandt, a
clinical psychologist and member of the Rotary Club of Am Kap (D9350), assisted with the presentations.
Sports clinics for basketball and tennis, as well as visits to the local animal welfare were also included in
the programme. “Due to the constant engagement and care for the group – the EarlyActors are disciplined
and eager to learn,” said Christine Paterson, the Youth Chair of the Rotary Club of Hout Bay (D9350).
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 29
From January 2017, digital subscriptions
reduced to R110 for 6 months
Convert your subscription at
Ts&Cs apply. A username and password is emailed to digital subscribers. Club secretaries must be informed.
The Rotaract Club of Lilongwe (D9210),
which is sponsored by the Rotary Club of
Lilongwe, gave Baby Boxes to Namitete
Hospital. These boxes will be given to
mothers for their newborn babies.
30 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
The Rotary Club of Harare Central (D9210) held
an orientation seminar for 10 outbound Rotary
Youth Exchange students. The students will be
hosted by Rotary clubs in Brazil, Finland, France,
Germany, Spain and the USA. The group was joined
by former exchange students who shared their
experiences, as well as a new exchange student
who had arrived in Zimbabwe the day before. The
following weekend, the Rotarians travelled to Mbizi
Game Park for an orientation seminar with six new
exchange students from Brazil, France, Mexico and
A grand youth leadership evening was hosted by the Rotary Club of Chatsworth (D9370) to showcase its
various youth initiatives and projects. These included sending six learners to a Rotary youth conference,
sending two learners on a RYLA camp, providing work experience for 10 learners as part of a week-long
work experience programme and awarding a R10 000 bursary to Mamta Thakersee who is pursuing a
qualification in education. The Anns contributed R2 500 towards the bursary. The learners shared their
experiences with the attendees and thanked the club for the opportunities it had provided. With the learners
is President Vani Govender (centre).
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 31
Juliet Ondier (37) was born with two small deformed fingers on
her right hand.
Dr Mussadiq Mir fitting Thomas
Kilonzo’s (35) new hand. He lost
his right hand five years ago in an
agricultural accident.
Norah Karimi lost her left
hand in a grass cutting
Margaret Nyiha Kamau was born with a
deformed hand.
Nine years ago, Ibanjirini Karuta
Muturu (62) lost her right hand after
a brutal robbery. The mother of six
received a new LN-4 prosthetic hand
after David Muriuki of the Rotary
Club of Nkubu (D9212) introduced
her to the Rotary Club of Nairobi
Utumishi’s prosthetic hand project.
Josinta Aluoch Ogutu lost her
hand in a road accident.
Naomi Munyao (22) was
born with a deformed left
Elijah Maina Ndungu (30) runs a small kiosk
in Kinamba, Kenya. The father of two lost
his left hand in an industrial accident in
September 2015.
The LN-4 Prosthetic Hand project of the Rotary Club of Nairobi
Utumishi (D9212) has brought hope and joy to hundreds of
people who could not afford a prosthetic hand
32 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
President Andreas Demetriou, Johan Oberholzer, Jou Visser and Mike Stoken of the Rotary Club of
Klerksdorp (D9370) at the club’s Great Gatsby wine auction. The wonderful evening was filled with lots of
entertainment, good food and award-winning wines.
President Jerry Malahlela
and Past President Ursula
Moodie of the Rotary Club
of Polokwane (D9400)
receiving a donation of
plastic and polystyrene
containers from Lily Kotze
of PEPPS College. Meals
on Wheels will receive the
containers which were
collected and cleaned by
the PEPPS College Grade
9 learners.
The members of Rotary Club of Durban Clairwood Park (D9370) presenting a cheque for R5 000 to
Chatsworth Hospice. At the presentation are President Sarita Sirohi, Kogie Singh (Hospice), PP Jessica
Merhoye, PP Gona Naidoo and Thilaga Pillay (Hospice).
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 33
The Rotary Club of Knysna (D9350) held its annual Awareness Day at the Knysna Mall. The club invited
some of its beneficiaries to showcase their projects and Rotarians were present to talk about Rotary and
the club’s activities. The club also celebrated The Rotary Foundation’s centennial at the day. President
Mick Furman of the Rotary Club of Knysna with the cake to celebrate 100 years of Rotary Foundation.
Right: Members of Outward Bound at their stand.
The Rotary Club of Witbank (D9400) participated in the 30th annual Greatest Train Race. The club hosted
a tent to cater for underprivileged and disabled people. Cutting a cake that was made to celebrate the
event’s 30th anniversary are PP Anthony Beale, AG Eddie Dhlamini, President Mary Gavure, John Moshidi
and Synet Ramaano.
34 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
Members of the Rotary Club of Durban Clairwood Park (D9370) joined the international movement, World’s
Greatest Meal to End Polio (WGM), and hosted a WGM event that raised R2 670.
Members of the Rotary
Club of Dundee (D9370) and
senior citizens from their
community attended the club’s
annual Golden Oldies day at
Hattingspruit Dam. The group
enjoyed a morning tea, bingo,
lucky dip draws, a ‘super-duper’
lunch, live music and dancing.
Gavin Ferreira, president of the Rotary Club of Gately
(D9370), receiving a donation of R200 000 from Piet Bosch, a
Rotarian and the managing director of Foxtec-Ikhwezi. This
money will provide training to educators as part of the club’s
early childhood development project. The presentation was
made at the company’s 10th anniversary celebration which
was also attended by representatives of its mother company
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 35
To celebrate World Polio Day, the Rotary Club of Beira (D9210) was joined by the Cyclists Association of
Beira and government officials for a 20 kilometre bicycle ride. The festivities continued in the town square
where an arts and crafts fair, live music and food stalls were located.
President Abel Lisboa speaking about Rotary’s role in polio eradication and the Foundation centennial.
With him are members of the Provincial Government of Sofala and the Municipality of Beira.
36 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
The Rotary Club of Flamingo-Welkom (D9370) hosted a polio
awareness day. Manning the information stand are Jill Lombard,
Elvee Lotter, Ian Buchanan and Dries Lotter, (seated) Nicolene
Olivier, John Penfold and Zack Lombard.
The Rotary Club of Empangeni (D9370) celebrated
World Polio Day with polio survivor, Dawn Angell-
Schau. The Rotarians were thrilled when the
members of the EarlyAct Club of St Catherine’s
School donated R1 000 to End Polio Now. At the
presentation are (back) Tapiwa Mutasa, President
Anagha Krishnannair, Seyuri Bhudu, (front) Nicole
Joseph, Ritika Singh, Sonia Mulchandani.
Over the last five years, the Rotary Club of
Claremont’s financial contribution to PolioPlus has
exceeded R250 000. As part of the club’s World
Polio Day celebration, it donated a further R70 000
to the District Foundation Committee to help fund
the purchase of polio vaccines.
The Rotary Club of Bloemfontein
Thabure (D9370) celebrated World
Polio Day in October. Sergeant at
Arms, Mike Sekoto, addressing
guests during the celebration.
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 37
Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Klerksdorp (D9370) undertook a new project, Kids in Traffic. The club
and members of Matlosana Traffic Department visited Unie Primary School and taught the children to
ride bicycles, traffic rules and the importance of discipline and mutual respect. The project will also be
undertaken at other schools.
The Rotary Club of Durban Merewent (D9370) partnered with
WESSA and 10 schools to clean up Cuttings Beach. The 150
learners and educators removed debris and other waste from
the beach and shoreline. Despite the inclement weather,
learners and educators had great fun and expressed interest in
participating in future clean ups.
Jaco Stander, Camelo Graceffa
and Maryke Grid help children
as they ride a bicycle for the first
time. Above: Piet Lombard and
Jou Visser hard at work setting up
for the children.
38 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
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Rotarians of the Rotary Club
of Bloemfontein Thabure
(D9370) painted classrooms
at Morafe Primary School as
part of the club’s Mandela
Day celebrations. They gave
healthcare products to the
matric learners of Kopano
Secondary School.
The club also gave new
clothing to the learners of
Morafe Primary School.
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 39
To celebrate Mandela
Day, the Rotary Club
of Klerksdorp (D9370)
and its Rotaractors
upgraded Atamelang
Shelter in Klerksdorp.
The team painted the
buildings, distributed
clothes, fixed a fridge
and furnished a kitchen
with new appliances.
In October, the Rotary Club of
Klerksdorp (D9370) launched its
My Story Book project at Unie
and President Primary Schools.
The project aims to improve
literacy by providing children with
interesting reading books. The
foundation phase learning aids
and books were published by NB
Publishers (part of Media24). It
will be rolled out at Alabama and
Goue Arend Primary Schools
next. The club intends to identify
other schools which would benefit
from the project.
Top: President Andreas Demetriou
and Danie de Villiers discussing
the donation with an educator at
Unie Primary School.
40 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
The Rotary Club of Rosebank (D9400) implemented
a palliative care programme at the Chris Hani
Baragwanath Hospital. The hospital is the third
largest hospital in the world, after the West China
Hospital of West China Medical Centre of Sichuan
University and Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at
Linkou and it treats thousands of chronically and
terminally ill patients. These people would suffer
greatly without the hospital’s pain management
programmes and the club’s project has supported
the programme by providing syringe drivers.
These machines administer a prescribed dosage
of medicine to patients while they are at home and
eliminates the need for constant nursing attention.
The project was undertaken in conjunction with the
Rotary Club of Hatfield (D1260, England). Attending
an event to celebrate the 16th anniversary of the
palliative care programme are Rotarians James
Croswell, Mark Franklin and Marianne Soal with
Dr Mpho Ratshikana-Moloko (left), who is the
programme manager.
The Rotary Club of Polokwane (D9400) recently
distributed three wheelchairs. Two were given to
residents of the Polokwane Nasorgsentrum, a home
for disabled adults, and the third to Jeanetta van
der Merwe, a resident of Bella Vista Old Age Home.
PP Keith Moodie delivered the wheelchair to the
Bella Vista manager, Ria van Vliet, and Jeanetta.
The Rotary Club of Durban-Merewent (D9370) held a garden tea fundraiser at the Chatsworth Hospice and
raised R60 000. Based on the success of the event, the club has decided to make it an annual one.
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 41
District Governor Ian Pursch visited the seven
D9350 Rotary clubs in Namibia and spent a day with
the president and members of the Rotary Club of
Windhoek. During the visit, he viewed a number of
the club’s community service projects, attended a
board meeting and had lunch with the Rotarians.
District Governor Bruce Steele-Gray and his wife, Pippa, (second and third from left) visited the Rotary
Club of Klerksdorp (D9370). The couple attended a board meeting and viewed a few projects. During their
visit a donation of care bags was given to the crisis centre at Tshepong Hospital. The bags will be given
to women and children who are victims of crime. They also visited the Jouberton Computer centre project
where children can have access to the internet, make copies and study.
Members of the Rotary Club of Dundee (D9370) held
its annual R2 food collection project and collected
R15 000 worth of non-perishable food. Rotarians
gave each shopper a R2 coin to go towards buying
a non-perishable food item. Many of the shoppers
returned their coins and suggested that they be
given to other shoppers. The food will be distributed
to non-profit organisations in Dundee and Glencoe.
The Rotary Club of Witbank (D9400) visited the Sizanani Centre for the Disabled in Bronkhorstspruit to
deliver a donation of dairy products, fresh fruit and vegetables. The Rotarians attended a Church service to
see the Music Man project participants perform what they had learned in five days from music man David
Stanley. With some of the food distributed are AG Eddie Dhlamini, John Moshidi, Synet Ramaano, Natalie
Bradford (music instructor), President Mary Gavure, David Stanley, Jenny Hitchcock (music instructor)
and Thabo Nkosi (front), the only person from the centre who is able to communicate verbally.
42 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
The members of the Rotary Club of Polokwane (D9400) managed a
Rotary Family Health Days site at Siloe School for the Blind. At the
site are PP Marius Liebenburg, PP Ursula Moodie, President Jerry
Malahlele (front), PP Mxolisi Bambo and PE Chymie Naidoo (back).
Rotarians Elvee Lötter and Audra Visser, of the Rotary Club of
Flamingo-Welkom (D9370), assisting at the Rotary Family Health
Days site in Virginia.
The Rotary Clubs of Algoa Bay, Port
Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth South, Port
Elizabeth West and Port Elizabeth
Sunrise (D9370) managed the Rotary
Family Health Days site at Walmer
Town Hall.
Two days after the Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 (D9400) participated in the Rotary Family Health Days,
it hosted a family day of fun and games. The Rotary Clubs of Polokwane, Potgietersus, Haenertsburg and
Francistown were invited to attend.
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 43
President Mary Gavure with two of the nurses who manned
one of the mobile clinics at the site.
In the run up to the Rotary Family Health
Days, the members of the Rotary Club of
Witbank (D9400) distributed flyers and put
up posters to ensure that as many people
as possible were aware of the upcoming
campaign. The site which was managed by
the club provided free health care services
to more than 1 500 people during the
AG Eddie Dhlamini and PDG Anton Meerkoter distributing
condoms at the Klarinet site.
Club Treasurer John Moshidi putting up
posters and distributing condoms at a
tavern in Hlalanikahle.
44 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
Heidi Tucker
Benoni Aurora
Nozipho Sondiazi
Bloemfontein Thabure
When Noel Wauchope (centre) became president
of the Rotary Club of Boksburg (D9400) he noticed
that the club gavel had ‘East London 1926’ engraved
around the Rotary wheel. The gavel had been with
the club since the mid-80s. The gavel was returned
to the Rotary Club of East London (D9370) which
has promised to send its current gavel to Boksburg
in return. With President Noel are PPs Terry Phasey,
and Dana Oosthuizen.
The Rotary Club of Hermanus hosted the District 9350 Mini Conference at the Curro School in Sandbaai.
Approximately 150 delegates attended the event, some from as far away as Mossel Bay. The programme,
jam-packed with feedback and news, culminated in two breakaway sessions. Here specific focus was
placed on growing and improving some of Rotary’s programmes such as the Rotary Family Health Days
and entrepreneurship. The mini conference concluded with a short message from District Governor Ian
Pursch before the attendees were invited to enjoy a wine tasting and snacks sponsored by a local wine
producer, Creation.
Presidents Ian Wallace (Hermanus), Lana Coates
(Stanford) and Hartmut Spingies (Kleinmond) at the
mini conference.
Ian Wallace, acting president of Rotary Club of
Hermanus, with Paula and DG Ian Pursch.
It was impossible to miss these cheery Rotarians,
Bev O’Connor, Petro Taljard, Sharyn Jory, Anne-
Louise Coetzee and Garth Watkins, of the Rotary
Club of Helderberg Sunrise in their bright shirts.
At the mini conference Sue Paget, RFHD Programme
Director, (second from left) recognised the work of
D9350 by presenting statuettes to PDG Geraldine
Nicol, PP Bev Frieslich, DG Ian Pursch and PP
Ubanesia Adams-Jack (not pictured).
D9350 Mini Conference in Sandbaai
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 45
DG Grant Daly presents a certificate to President Pieter
Vermeulen of the Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 (D9400).
The club was recognised for being the D9400 club
which contributed the most to the Foundation in 2015/16
(US$226 per member).
Owen Govender is a new
member of the Rotary Club
of Knysna (D9350).
Annalie Anticevich is a
new member of the Rotary
Club of Edenvale (D9400).
Jane Evans is a new
member of the Rotary
Club of Hilton and Howick
Arina Brombacher received
a Paul Harris Sapphire pin
from the Rotary Club of
Hilton and Howick (D9370).
Garrik Oliver is a new
member of the Rotary Club
of Estcourt (D9370).
Grant Edkins is a new
member of the Rotary
Club of Hilton and Howick
Mike Hill was recognised
as a Paul Harris Fellow
by the Rotary Club of
Windhoek (D9350).
Email photos and captions to
Photos must be at least 1MB in size. Please make sure first and surnames are supplied.
Group will only be used at the editor’s discretion.
Chris Vermeulen is a new
member of the Rotary Club
of Knysna (D9350).
Catherine Raw is an
honorary member of the
Rotary Club of Westville
Ann Baker received a
community service award
from the Rotary Club of
Beacon Bay (D9370).
46 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016
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Gert van Rooyen is a new
member of the Rotary Club
of Vanderbijlpark (D9400).
Eugene du Plessie is a
new member of the Rotary
Club of Pietersburg 100
Nikkie Booysen is a new
member of the Rotary
Club of Pietersburg 100
Martin Robinson is a new
member of the Rotary Club
of Vanderbijlpark (D9400).
Jackie van Waveren is a
new member of the Rotary
Club of Vanderbijlpark
Beverly Robinson is a new
member of the Rotary Club
of Vanderbijlpark (D9400).
Preloshni Naidoo is a new
member of the Rotary
Club of Vanderbijlpark
Linda van Rooyen is a new
member of the Rotary Club
of Vanderbijlpark (D9400).
December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 47
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48 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016

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Rotary Africa December 2016

  • 1. ROTARY AFRICAEstablished 1927 • A member of the Rotary World Magazine Press • December 2016 Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
  • 2. More than 15,000 companies match gifts to The Rotary Foundation. Find out if your employer does at and double the good you do to make the world a better place. DOUBLE THE GOOD YOU DO! TAKE ACTION:
  • 3. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 3 in this issue... s We wish our readers a merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year Special report 14 | Rotary Day at the United Nations Upfront 4 | From the editor 5 | Message from the RI President 6 | Foundation Chair’s message Celebrate the Foundation centennial What you should know 8 | Convention 9 | Don’t forget to have fun! 10 | Foundation matters 12 | Recognise someone and help End Polio Now Devoted to empowering women 13 | Education transforms Projects 20 | Fun and celebration 21 | Another School saved 22 | Chatsworth goes green 23 | An armful of presents Youth 24 | All hands on deck! 26 | Welcome Karoline 27 | 55 new Interactors! 28 | Club and district news Round up 31 | Club and district news Recognised 45 | Welcomed and honoured
  • 4. 4 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 Editor Sarah van Heerden Administration Sharon Robertson Chairman Gerald Sieberhagen Directors Greg Cryer Andy Gray Peter Hugo Anton Meerkotter Natty Moodley Publisher Rotary in Africa Reg. No. 71/04840/08 (incorp.associationnotforgain) PBO No: 18/13/13/3091 Registered at the GPO as a newspaper Design & Layout Rotary in Africa Printers Colour Planet, Pinetown Advertising Sharon Robertson Sarah van Heerden Tariff card on request at Subscriptions Sharon Robertson (digital) Contributions Distribution Rotary Districts 9210, 9211, 9212,9220,9350,9370and9400 (Southern and Eastern Africa) Contact Rotary Africa P.O. Box 563 Westville 3630 South Africa Telephone 0027 (31) 267 1848 Fax 0027 (31) 267 1849 Email Website The Rotary Emblem, Rotary International, Rotary, Rotary Club and Rotarian are trademarks of Rotary International and are used under licence. The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of Rotary Africa, Rotary International or The Rotary Foundation. MEET THE TEAM From the editor Sarah MAKE IT PEACEFUL Rotary Africa magazine I have to admit I was disappointed to discover that the Rotary month for December was no longer family month. Although, with the Christmas festivities, December is by default a family month, but it was nice that it had official recognition as such. The family of Rotary is enormous; it crosses the globe, bridging racial and political divides, religious and cultural lines. Globally, the last half of this year has been filled with turmoil, vicious political battles (in many countries, not just those hitting the headlines), refugee and humanitarian crises and natural disasters… and thanks to social media, everyone has had an opinion! It disturbs me to see all the hatred and lies which are spread through the media and across social media platforms. What is more discouraging is how many people believe the false news, the outright lies, and jump to opinions based on attention-seeking headlines. It makes me want to scream, “Think for yourselves,” when I see how people do that and don’t bother to research what they read, they just trust it to be true. In doing that, they allow hatred and fear to fester and spread. This results in nasty racist attacks and instances of bullying – and these are what destroy and prevent peace. It is easy to get caught up in the hype, to allow the fire of ‘righteous’ (even if it is misplaced) indignation to flow through us. But we need to stop it. We need to think and research. Just because it was on the internet or you read it on a so-called news site (a word to the wise, with just R50 and an hour or so to work, I too can create an authentic looking news site) does not make anything true. The internet is not an encyclopaedia. If anything, the internet is that nasty, gossip-mongering busy body from down the road – you can’t trust it at all! If you feel that burn of hatred and fear starting, just think of your Rotary family. It is made up of people from nearly every possible population grouping. These are people who despite your differences, believe in community service, believe in Service Above Self and who when it comes down to it, are really not all that different. We all want the world to be a better place and work tirelessly to achieve that. If more than 1.2 million people can forget their differences and work to achieve what Rotary has done around the globe, I don’t see why the rest of the world can’t follow suit. I think it is time we showed them how to do it. As we are on the verge of entering another year, let us be the voices of reason and demonstrate how when we celebrate our similarities and share our goals and dreams, our differences don’t matter at all. Have a very merry Christmas and let us make next year a peaceful one! Until next year,
  • 5. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 5 JOHN F GERM President, Rotary International Message from the RI PRESIDENT upfront ON THE WEB Speeches and news from RI President John F Germ at DEAR FELLOW ROTARIANS, I joined Rotary as an engineer. There are almost as many classifications in the profession of engineering as there are in Rotary, but I happen to be a mechanical engineer. A mechanical engineer calculates the heating and cooling loads for a new building, makes sure the right lights are in the right places and plans the plumbing so your hot water pipe doesn’t end in a drinking fountain. Mechanical engineers don’t stand out in a crowd and they don’t call attention to themselves with what they do. You probably haven’t thought much about the engineers who designed the buildings you use, the car you drive or the traffic patterns you follow. But every time you get in an elevator, turn the key in your ignition or cross the street when the light is green, you are entrusting your life to an engineer somewhere whom you’ve never met. You trust that your elevator will open at the floor you want it to. You trust that your car will start and stop as it should. You trust that the traffic light is going to turn red before the green light goes on. Every day, you put your life in the hands of people whose names you do not know and whom you might never meet. You might not think about them at all – but they touch your lives every day. I could draw the same parallel to any number of other vocations – ordinary occupations with the same kind of life-changing impact. In so many ways – some of which we see and some we don’t – our vocations allow us to help other people live better, safer and healthier lives. Just like the work we do in Rotary. Through our vocations and in our clubs, in our communities and across continents, we are touching the lives of people we don’t know and might never meet. And in every part of the world, every single day, whether they know it or not, people are living better, safer and healthier lives because of the work of Rotary. The people we help might not have met a single Rotarian. They might not even know that Rotary exists. But they are drinking clean water from a borehole that Rotary dug. They’re learning to read with books that Rotary gave them. They’re living lives that are better, happier and healthier – because of Rotary Serving Humanity.
  • 6. 6 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 Foundation Trustee Chair’s message TheObjectofRotaryistoencourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: First. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; Second. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society; Third. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life; Fourth. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. Of the things we think, say or do: 1) Is it the TRUTH? 2) Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Object of Rotary The Four-Way Test what you should know Join in and show your support for The Rotary Foundation. Here are some ways to get involved: • Plan a Rotary Day in your community to raise awareness of Rotary and its Foundation. • Promote projects your club or district is involved in that are funded by the Foundation. Share your photos and stories on your social media pages using #TRF100. • Empower The Rotary Foundation to support the good work of Rotary clubs by making a special contribution. • Apply for a grant from the Foundation to fund a project. • Attend the Rotary Convention in Atlanta, 10-14 June 2017. CELEBRATE THE FOUNDATION CENTENNIAL Kalyan Banerjee FOUNDATION TRUSTEE CHAIR RESPONSIBLE INVESTING FOR DOING GOODRotarians frequently ask if The Rotary Foundation follows socially responsible investing by screening or restricting certain investments based on social, environmental or political criteria. The answer is yes – and no. Yes, the Foundation considers both financial and social returns when making an investment decision. Our Investment Committee encourages our investment consultant and its managers to invest in companies that comply with laws, regulations, ethical standards and national or international norms and are aligned with Rotary values. We also consider how each of our investment managers incorporates socially responsible investing as part of their process. Currently seven of these managers, responsible for about 36 percent of the Foundation’s total assets, were signatories to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment. These principles offer possible actions for incorporating environmental, social and governance issues - such as public and workplace safety, climate change and shareholder rights - into investment practice. Following these principles could reduce risk, improve returns and better align our portfolio with our mission. Does this mean the Foundation will categorically exclude specific companies or industries from investment? That’s where the “no” part of my answer comes in. Given Rotary’s diverse membership and its various cultural beliefs, agreeing on such restrictions would be extremely difficult. The Trustees of The Rotary Foundation and the Rotarian financial experts on our Investment Committee take their job very seriously. Rotarians have entrusted us with millions of dollars that they have designated to do good in the world. Our capacity to provide clean water and education, improve health care and economic development and promote peace depends heavily on our investment income. So it is especially important that we invest your gifts wisely. Because The Rotary Foundation belongs to all of us, we believe strongly in transparency. We have posted a wealth of information on You can find audited statements for the Foundation for the past three years and tax returns for the past six years, along with extensive material on investment practices, philosophy and historical returns. I hope this detailed information will reinforce your confidence in our Foundation and inspire your continued generosity.
  • 7. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 7 R 950R o o m o n l y Booking code: best2017 room only rate, T’s & C’s apply Premier Hotel O.R. Tambo emphasize efficient service, complete comfort and excellent facilities along with complimentary WiFi & Shuttle service to and from the O.R. Tambo Airport and Gautrain station World Class Africa 73 Gladiator Street | Rhodesfield | Johannesburg | Gauteng Tel: + 27 (0) 11 393 8000 | email: Central Reservations: 086 111 5555 | PRE M IE R HOTELS • PREMI ER R ESORTS • SPLENDID INNS BY PREMIER EXPRESS INNS B Y PR EMI ER • EAST LONDON I NTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE
  • 8. 8 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 Convention CITY OF PEACEAlthough Atlanta has seen its share of violence and inequity over time, today it brims with reminders that there is another way. Get inspired while you’re visiting for the 2017 Rotary International Convention from 10 to 14 June. Take a short walk from the convention centre to the Centre for Civil and Human Rights. There, you can see the handwritten notes, speeches and sermons of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr, experience an interactive 1960s-era lunch counter ‘sit-in’ and learn more about persecuted groups all over the world. A streetcar will take you to the Martin Luther King Jr National Historic Site, where you can visit King’s childhood home and Ebenezer Baptist Church, where King was baptised and where he later became pastor, looks just as it did in the 1960s. Former US President Jimmy Carter, another Nobel Peace Prize winner, continues his fight for human rights at the Carter Centre, on Atlanta’s Freedom Parkway. Visitors can stop by the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum, which features memorabilia from his presidency. Rotary will host a Presidential Peace Conference from 9 to 10 June to celebrate our successes and look for opportunities to continue our commitment to peace. To register, visit – Deblina Chakraborty Ebenezer Baptist Church where Martin Luther King Jr served as pastor.
  • 9. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 9 by PDG Andrew Jaeger, Regional Rotary Coordinator Dear Friends and Family of Rotary, When I reflect on the magnitude of Rotary, I do so with great humility, respect as well as excitement. Humility, because I know how important Rotary is to myself and to so many people around the world. It starts in Chicago, the birth place of Rotary, and goes into our homes and more than 200 countries where the Rotary brand remains an important symbol. Respect, because I have learned the power of what is at the heart of Rotary; responsibility, integrity, inclusiveness and some newly agreed to innovation. These words and others have defined Rotary and in turn, have partly defined me. With many thousands of hours spent in Rotary, I am part of Rotary and Rotary is part of me. Excitement because I see great opportunities ahead of us. The world is changing so quickly and we have superb clubs and members which can play a meaningful role in this change. Change is never easy and will require some tough decisions about how to prioritise our efforts, but I am confident that we have a bright future together. The Rotary that I grew up in, and that many of us grew up in, is no more. That is the simple reality. Rotary today has many challenges that need some really creative thinking in our quest for making the world a better place. I believe, while respecting and revering the past, we must set our sights solely on the future and without spending time on trying to re-create what once was. We must have the courage to know what to leave behind and to know what we must change and renew. As we think about these issues, we need shared values and common threads, but we also need to be flexible enough to be different where it makes sense. In our personal and Rotary lives I believe that our ambition needs to be big. If I have learned anything in the past years, it is that if you set small goals you get small results. If you set big goals, sometimes you are disappointed, but more often than not, you get big results. To achieve these big results I believe we have to find new ways to delight our members. We have to inspire our passionate and committed Rotarians to continue to learn and grow. We also have to continue to do good not because we must, but because it is right. I hope you are as excited as I am about the extraordinary opportunities that lie ahead for us. Having said all this, the festive season is approaching - a time which is traditionally spent with families and having fun. Despite all the chaos in the world today, let us prioritise our families in this month and have as much fun as we can. Let us appreciate and enjoy our spouses and children who play such a vital role in Rotary too. Rotary clubs benefit immensely when they achieve a balanced interaction between Rotarians and their families, enhancing home lives and family interactions. We are half way through the Rotary year and Christine, Daniel and I would like to thank everyone for their love, warmth, support and commitment to our common goals. We look forward to the rest of the year and to achieving great things together. To everyone on holiday and going on holiday; enjoy yourselves and come back rejuvenated and refreshed. To all Rotarians celebrating Christmas we wish you a blessed and fulfilling festive season and that the true meaning of Christmas will fill your lives. And don’t forget to have fun! DON’T FORGET TO HAVE FUN!
  • 10. 10 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 RECOGNISING AND HONOURING ROTARY ALUMNI Foundation matters The Rotary Foundation has two auspicious awards to be presented to our Rotary alumni – The Rotary Global Alumni Service to Humanity and The Rotary Alumni Association of the Year awards. Literally tens of thousands of people have passed through the halls of Rotary and have gone forward to become local, regional, national and international leaders. One of our most notable success stories is Dr Sadako Ogata of Japan (left). Dr Ogata was an Ambassadorial Scholar in 1951 attending Georgetown University in Washington DC, USA. It is important to remember that this was just six years after the end of World War II in which Japan was defeated by the Allied Forces (composed of countries from where the vast majority of Rotarians lived). This is an example of Rotary’s Objective to build world understanding and peace. Over the course of Dr Ogata’s professional career, she has served as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (1991 to 2004) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (2004 to 2012). She has dedicated her life to helping others on an International scale. This year The Rotary Foundation awarded Dr Ogata with the Rotary Global Alumni Service to Humanity award. The award will be officially presented at the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta, USA, in June 2017. For many Rotarians this award is virtually unknown and the process for nominating a recipient is a mystery. Let me explain the award. The Rotary Global Alumni Service to Humanity award was created to honour an outstanding Rotary alumnus whose career and activities illustrate the impact of Rotary’s programmes on his or her service to humanity. Nominees must have: • Demonstrated the social benefits of Rotary’s programmes through extraordinary service activities and professional achievement. • Achieved distinction in their profession or vocation. • Performed sustainable service affecting the international community. Who is eligible? With the exception of current and past Rotary senior leaders, all living Rotary alumni – Rotarians and non- Rotarians – are eligible for this award. An individual may receive this award only once. Each district governor may submit the name of one candidate for this award to their Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator. Each RRFC may then select one nominee as the winner for the zone or region. I will consult Rotary Coordinator Andrew Jaeger, Rotary Public Image Coordinator Kanthan Pillay, Rotary End Polio Now Zone Coordinator Richard Brooks and Endowment/Major Gift Advisor Trevor Long to determine the best candidate for Zone 20A South. This nomination must be submitted to RI World Headquarters by 30 June 2017 for the following year’s award. While this deadline is months away, the candidates must be vetted by the Rotary clubs then suggested to the district governor. Next, the candidate will be vetted by the District Rotary Foundation Committees. The successful candidate’s name will be submitted to me for consideration by the committee of coordinators. After that, the Joint Young Leaders and Alumni Engagement Committee will review all eligible nominations and recommend one international winner to be presented to the Board and Trustees at their joint meeting in October 2017 for selection. I am encouraging every Rotary club to select an outstanding Rotary Alumnus in their area (based on the aforementioned criteria). If you believe that you have By PDG Patrick Coleman Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator Zone 20A South
  • 11. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 11 a qualified candidate, please submit that name on the appropriate nomination form by 28 January 2017. I will ask the governors to examine the candidates from each district and submit the best candidate’s name to me by 30 March 2017. Please note that these candidates can be named as the District Alumni Service to Humanity Award Recipient. Each district can present a plaque to that recipient at their district conference. I will consult with my team and name the recipient of the Rotary Alumni Service to Humanity Award for Southern Africa to be awarded at the Zone Institute in Johannesburg in September 2017. That recipient will be our candidate for the The Rotary Global Alumni Service to Humanity award. The Rotary Alumni Association of the Year award recognises an alumni association that has increased awareness of the significant role alumni play in Rotary and demonstrated the lasting impact of Rotary programmes. The same process and deadlines will apply. The alumni association must: • Be formally chartered by Rotary International. • Be up-to-date in responding to all requests for information from RI, such as surveys, and keep Rotary’s records of association officers current. • Enhance the awareness of the value of alumni within Rotary. • Have completed a project or activity over the preceding 12 months that had an impact on a local or international community and involved a majority of the association’s members. • Have an online presence through social media (such as Facebook, LinkedIn). • Demonstrate collaboration between Rotarians and alumni. • Support the Object of Rotary and demonstrate the principle of Service Above Self. This event will cover topics relevant to the global activities and growth of Rotary as they apply to our Zone, as well as to train our future leaders. It will be an opportunity to meet the senior officers of our organisation and be part of Rotary’s future in Africa. SAVE THE DATE! Rotary Zone 20A Institute(Africa south of the Sahara) 11-16 September 2017 Cradle of Mankind, near Johannesburg South Africa Rotary Members: 1 227 197 Clubs: 35 521 Rotaract Members: 223 169 Clubs: 9703 Interact Members: 474 720 Clubs: 20 640 Rotary Community Corps Members: 211 370 RCC: 9 190 ROTARY AT A GLANCE
  • 12. 12 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 Rotarian and human rights activist, Nomaci Qabaka, recently challenged her fellow members of the Rotary Club of Beacon Bay (D9370) to focus on empowering women through education and job creation. The former social worker and educator practices what she preaches and her enthusiasm for service is contagious. In Mdantsane near East London, she organised a bead factory which empowered unemployed women in the area. The bead products were an immediate hit among foreigners who attended the 2010 Fifa World Cup and are now exported worldwide. She has also trained more than 100 unskilled workers in the design and manufacture of jewellery using recycled glass. Another initiative by Nomaci is her information and communications technology (ICT) training project which offers free training in Mdantsane and East London. Currently, she is working on organising a mobile ICT training caravan to visit schools in the Eastern Cape and provide free training. Nomaci is a very committed and enthusiastic member of the Rotary Club of Beacon Bay and her daughter Anathi Qabaka is a member of the Rotary Club of Durban Umhlatuzana (D9370). Nomaci serves on Beacon Bay’s community service committee and is responsible for the club’s participation in the Tree of Joy project. This project involves many Rotary clubs in East London and collects gifts for people who would normally not receive one at Christmas. “We are honoured to have Nomaci in our club and we appreciate her service to others,” said Vice President, Dr Chester Woodhall. DEVOTED TO EMPOWERING WOMEN Christmas is the time for giving and what better way to do so in this, the centennial year of the Rotary Foundation, than by giving $1 000 to PolioPlus and recognising a loved one as a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF). explains that a person who gives $1 000 or more to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus or an approved Foundation grant is recognised as a PHF. To recognise someone else, you can give the amount in their name. Earlier this year, I met a Past District Governor from Nigeria who recognised his wife, his children and if I am not mistaken, even his grandchildren as PHFs. This festive season, a PHF can be a gift that keeps on giving. Thanks to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s commitment to donate $2 for every dollar raised, your contribution will become $3 000. There is a misconception among many Rotarians that a PHF is an award. It is not; it’s simply a recognition of a donation of $1 000 which individuals, clubs or districts can use to recognise people. Whether it is a recognition or an award does not detract from the fact that it is a great honour for a person to be named a PHF. I feel that a personal contribution and the recognition of a loved one should be encouraged and not criticised. For its centennial year, The Rotary Foundation set a goal to raise $45 million for PolioPlus. There are already more than one million PHFs around the world and I appeal to you to consider increasing that number and help End Polio Now. For more on how to give, go to: Paul Harris Fellows RECOGNISE SOMEONE AND HELP END POLIO NOWBy PDG Richard Brooks, End Polio Now Coordinator - Zone 20A South Beacon Bay’s Nomaci is
  • 13. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 13 Sisipho Hamlomo, from the the rural village of Kentani in the Eastern Cape, is the first student the Rotary Club of Kirstenbosch (D9350) sponsored to attend university. The 21-year- old is studying at Rhodes University for a BSc degree in computer studies and visited Cape Town to thank his benefactors in person. It was a special trip for Sisipho as it was not only the weekend of his 21st birthday, but it was also his first visit to the city and the first time he had travelled by air. In thanking the club, Sisipho said that the club had come “to my rescue at an opportune moment when the world seemed to have collapsed on me.” He explained how receiving an education has left him “well placed to fight all social ills as it (education) is the only weapon to conquer everything.” The passionate young man assured the Rotarians that their contribution to his education gave him hope and courage and in the long run, would help him “transform the landscape of my poor community.” PP Jennifer Paterson, Sisipho Hamlomo and PDG Vyv Deacon. Thanks to Kirstenbosch, Sisipho will use his education to help his community EDUCATION TRANSFORMS
  • 14. 14 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 Rotary recognises Annemarie Mostert for improving lives and communities ROTARY DAY AT THE UNITED NATIONS Researched and compiled by Sarah van Heerden
  • 15. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 15 specialreport Annemarie Mostert, president of the Rotary E-Club of Southern Africa D9400, was recognised for her responsible business practises at Rotary Day at the United Nations on 12 November. Rotary International recognised six individuals and two corporations for bringing positive, lasting change to their communities. She was recognised for the contribution she has made by offering education, job training, entrepreneurship and leadership development for women through Sešego Cares, a Johannesburg-based non-profit organisation she established in 2005. She also collaborated with TOMS Shoes and mobilised 70 Rotary clubs across South Africa to provide 1.3 million pairs of shoes to children in need. Through inclusive business practises, each honouree brought employment, mentoring, education, innovation and collaboration to their humanitarian work. “These business leaders represent the intersection of commerce and cause,” said Rotary International President John Germ. “Because of their dedication to economic development, thousands of individuals have gained steady employment, vital job skills and the education necessary to build a better life. I extend my warmest congratulations to them for their outstanding service to humanity.” The honourees received Rotary’s Responsible Business recognition as part of the annual event which highlights humanitarian activities that Rotary and the United Nations lead around the world. The other honourees were: • Juan Silva Beauperthuy, of the Rotary Club of Chacao (D4370, Venezuela), helps keep disadvantaged youth on the right track through Queremos Graduarnos, an education programme focused on mentoring and skill development, which is supported by his engineering firm. Today, the programme serves more 700 learners in 18 schools. • Jean-Paul Faure, of the Rotary Club of Cagnes- Grimaldi (D1730, France), encourages young professionals and provides promising new businesses with training and funding. Faure launched a business contest called Le Trophee du Rotary. Now in its seventh year, the programme has drawn support from a major bank and kept past participants involved as mentors. • Suresh Goklaney, of the Rotary Club of Bombay (D3141, India), provides clean water in rural villages and urban slums throughout India. Goklaney, executive vice chairman of the world’s largest manufacturer of UV water purification systems, has also established water centres where local women sell clean water to generate income. • Stephanie Woollard, of the Rotary Club of Melbourne (D6930, Australia), helps Nepalese women make and sell products abroad. Woollard founded Seven Women after meeting seven illiterate crafts people during a visit to Nepal. It has since trained and employed more than 1 000 women in the last decade, while also teaching basic bookkeeping and computer skills. • Larry Wright, Rotary Club of Taylor (D6400, USA), supports entrepreneurs in bankruptcy-era Detroit by providing microloans, business classes and mentorship through his organisation Launch Detroit. The business partners recognised were: • Coca Cola Beverages Pakistan for raising public awareness for polio vaccinations in Pakistan (one of the few countries never to have stopped polio) and clean water and sanitation projects. • Mercantil Banco Universal supports a project which has trained 6 000 students at 40 universities on social responsibility and leadership. This was undertaken to encourage students to use their academic knowledge to help underserved communities in Venezuela and beyond. The theme of this year’s Rotary Day at the United Nations at UN headquarters in New York City was ‘Responsible Business, Resilient Societies.’ It recognised Rotary’s role at the intersection of commerce and cause while delivering the message that as a business owner, one can be both socially conscious and profitable. The programme drew more than 1 350 participants and included the recognition ceremony for the honourees, as well as panel discussions and youth activities. The UN’s Under Secretary-General, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs and Special Advisor to the UN Secretary, Ambassador Kin Woo-soo, welcomed the delegates. During the plenary session RI President John Germ delivered the Rotary keynote address. It was followed by a polio update from the UNICEF Chief of Polio, Reza Hossaini, and an address on responsible business from the CEO of Business for Peace Foundation, Per Saxegaard. Rotary’s Secretary General, John Hewko, introduced the Rotary Responsible Business Award honourees. Speakers and breakout sessions focused on aspects Serving those most in need Your legacy will be written on lives - please consider the Salvation Army
  • 16. 16 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 of responsible business (such as education, innovation, partnerships) the needs of the world’s poorest people, the empowerment of women and youth and how these issues relate to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The SDG is the United Nations ambitious framework for eliminating global poverty by 2030. The 17 goals were adopted by the member countries on 25 September 2015 and were set to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved within the next 15 years. The breakout spotlight session panels consisted of a moderator, UN expert, business or non-profit organisation expert and a Rotary Responsible Business honouree. President of the Rotary E-Club of Southern Africa D9400 and a Rotary Responsible Business honouree, Annemarie Mostert, was a panellist on the spotlight session titled The Ultra Poor (the poorest of the poor): Serving Those Most in Need. She was joined by moderator Knut Johnsen, alternate Rotary Representative to the UN and fellow panellists UN expert Bjorn Gillsater, manager of the World Bank New York and NGO expert Harshani Dharmadasa, programme manager Ultra Poor Graduation for BRAC. Knut Johnsen opened the session with a reminder that the first SDG “is to rid the world of poverty and the last one has to do with partnerships. That’s why we are all here today. We have governments, we have not-for- profit organisations, we have profit corporations and we are all working in conjunction with a lot of the agencies in the UN system.” He added that initial results from the last year showed that the SDGs “are achievable” and that “to achieve these goals we need these partnerships which are very meaningful.” Harshani Dharmadasa introduced BRAC then discussed its Ultra Poor Graduation programme. It was developed in Bangladesh before being implemented in other countries and is due to be rolled out in Uganda and Tanzania. The internationally-recognised graduation approach has been adopted and adapted by many organisations. It helps participants and their families build secure, sustainable and resilient livelihoods while gaining the skills and confidence to move forward. The programme provides support to address the immediate needs of the participants and provides longer-term investments in life and technical skills training, asset transfers, enterprise development, savings and planning for the future to enable the ultra-poor families develop sustainable livelihoods. Its results have been noteworthy and impact assessments found that in Bangladesh there was a participant success rate of 95 percent on completion of the programme within two years. “Recent impact evaluation data shows that these results are sustained seven years after the completion of the programme. If we look at the global landscape with the international pilots, funded by CGap and the Ford Foundation, they demonstrate similar high graduation rates for participants meeting their own country-specific criteria,” said Dharmadasa. The data also showed a significant reduction in the inequality gaps which define the distinction between the non poor and the ultra poor. In conclusion, Dharmadasa noted that BRAC and Rotary are working together on a strategic partnership to expand graduation programmes in partnership with governments, multi-laterals and NGOs in developing countries in Africa and Asia. Annemarie Mostert began her presentation with a moving video introduction about Sešego Cares after which she spoke about the socio-economic conditions which are found in the communities in which Sešego Cares operates and examples of its successful and sustainable projects. The NGO, which was established 11 years ago to make a sustainable contribution to the well-being of communities, considers sustainability a key issue when it comes to becoming involved in projects. Its use of
  • 17. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 17 strategic partnerships coupled with a dedicated volunteer base has ensured that 850 000 people have been reached and more than R32 million in cash or kind was raised. She mentioned that the elimination of administration costs ensured that every cent raised is reinvested in the communities it helps. Sešego Cares’ key areas of focus are education, orphaned and vulnerable children and women, entrepreneurship (such as skills transfer, technical expertise and mentoring) and the development of leadership and entrepreneurial activities. Successful entrepreneurial projects undertaken to alleviate poverty included the establishment of solar bakeries and vegetable tunnels at Covenant Garden Estate. Sešego Cares has also worked in conjunction with Rotary clubs and other partners throughout southern Africa to distribute TOMS Shoes, clothing and provide bursaries and clean water to communities. At the conclusion of her presentation, moderator Knut Johnsen said, “Thank you Annemarie for lending a hand – not only with your NGO but with all the work you do for Rotary.” During her presentation, Annemarie Mostert explained how the Sešego Cares projects focus on sustainability and benefit the poorest of the poor in southern Africa. What is COSA? • This Governors' Council is a voluntary group of past, present and future officers of Rotary serving the southern African continent. • COSA membership is made up of officers from D9210, D9350, D9370 and D9400 • COSA was formed by the districts of Southern Africa more than 25 years ago. • The council meets annually and considers issues and challenges facing all Rotarians in this part of Africa and indeed, the wider world of Rotary. • By coming together each year the leadership in the districts forming this council have been able to draw inspirations from each other, share best practices among peers and to maximise opportunities with the greater Rotary structures and programmes. Each participating district is committed to chairing two consecutive years of COSA - the February meeting will be the last year of D9370's leadership and the mantle will be handed over to D9400 for the period 2017 to 2019. This year's programme will be structured to entice members to consider extending their stay in Durban with fellowship events being planned for the Thursday evening preceding the formal business meeting on Friday and a beach brunch planned for Sunday morning. A black-tie gala dinner is planned for the Saturday evening. The programme will include but not limited to presentations and discussions on many issues including: • Feedback from the current DGs • Future plans from DGEs • Discussions on relevant issues affecting COSA Districts • The proposed Rotary Foundation of Southern Africa • Foundation update (Elizabeth Lamberti will be representing the Foundation ) • Polio update • RFHD feedback and future plans • Rotary Africa • Public Image • AGM The COSA committee is currently finalising the programme and agenda which will be distributed in due course along with the formal invitation to the event. COSA members are asked to save the date in the interim and if they so wish, confirm with D9370 District Secretary Hilary Augustus of their intention to attend. The COSA committee is looking forward to meeting up with friends and colleagues in Durban. Greg Cryer COSA chair 2015-2017 SAVE THE DATE! Council of Southern Africa (COSA) Business meeting and AGM Mount Edgecombe Country Club, Durban 23rd to 26th February 2017 2017 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Rotary Africa magazine subscription rates for January to June 2017 Printed copy • RSA readers: R155 for six months • International: R170 for six months Digital issue • R110 for six months For digital subscriptions see Terms and conditions apply. Club secretaries must be informed of digital subscriptions. For general enquires email or call 031 267 1848
  • 18. 18 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 From the United Nations’ earliest days in the aftermath of World War II, the organisation’s humanitarian mission has always dovetailed with Rotary’s efforts to administer aid and build peace. The establishment of the United Nations was a long and complex process in which a number of Rotarians played a role. In 1945 as 49 of the 800 delegates, advisors and consultants at the United Nations Charter Conference were also active Rotarians. The role of Rotary clubs in promoting understanding among nations, providing a platform for dialogue and creating positive change in communities around the world provided valuable support for the newly established United Nations. In April 1945, Nelson Rockefeller, the US Assistant Secretary of State, was the keynote speaker at the annual Pan-American Day luncheon of the Rotary Club of New York. His speech to the more than 500 Rotarians who attended the luncheon was broadcast by radio to the western hemisphere, including translations in Spanish and Portuguese. Rockefeller stated that “No nation, large or small can solve all its problems alone. Yet united, we face the possibility of great productivity, prosperity and peace if we work together. That is the purpose of civilisation.” Rockefeller reaffirmed that the world’s nations affirm their recognition of responsibilities to the world effort and should work towards a new workable “international security organisation.” The Rockefeller family played an instrumental role in providing the new organisation with its headquarters in New York. In March 1946, the UN Security Council opened its first session at the interim location at Hunter College’s Gymnasium in the Bronx. A few weeks later, Secretary General Trygve Lie selected the New York City building from the 1938 World’s Fair site at Flushing Meadows as the temporary meeting hall of the General Assembly, the Secretariat and the Security Council. New York Officials hoped that the Flushing Meadows location would be considered for the permanent site of the UN Headquarters and Robert Moses, a member of the Rotary Club of New York, was authorised to spend $1.2 million improving the Flushing Meadow site. Moses ROTARY AND THE UN 49 of the 800 delegates who helped form the United Nations were active Rotarians. Over the years, our ties with the UN have strengthened and Rotary still has representatives at the organisation
  • 19. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 19 also made 1 612 apartments in Parkway Village in Queens and Peter Cooper Village available for the delegates at an average cost of $25 per room. A number of sites were proposed to house the United Nations headquarters but only one, the Belmoth-Roxborough site in Philadelphia, was considered to be suitable by most of the site location committee members. However, at midnight on Friday 6 December 1946, not long before Philadelphia was to be voted on, Secretary-General Lie, Robert Moses and Mayor O’Dwyer called Nelson Rockefeller to arrange for his father to finance the purchase of Turtle Bay, a six block area of slaughter houses and run-down buildings on the east side of Manhattan, for $8.5 million. They thought it was “worth a try” since the Rockefeller family had generously donated the library to the League of Nations and the family was very supportive of the new international organisation. On 26 March 1947, John D Rockefeller III presented Secretary- General Lie with the $8.5 million gift to finance the purchase of Turtle Bay area. Today, Rotary holds the highest consultative status possible with the United Nations as a non-governmental organisation and the two organisations have developed a strong and productive partnership. In 1985, Rotary launched PolioPlus, the first initiative to tackle global polio eradication through the mass vaccination of children. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative, formed in 1988, is a public-private partnership that includes the World Health Organisation and UNICEF, along with other key agencies. Rotary holds the highest non-governmental consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, which oversees many of the UN’s specialised agencies. Rotary maintains ties with the United Nations and other organisations through its network of 31 representatives in 15 capital cities around the world. Rotary representatives, including two youth representatives, serve as unofficial ambassadors, meeting with colleagues to share information and opportunities for collaboration. Rotary’s representative network is active at the UN offices in New York, Geneva and Vienna and at the Economic Commissions for Africa, Asia, WesternAsia, Europe and LatinAmerica. Rotary also has representatives at UNESCO, UN-HABITAT, the UN Environmental Programme, the Food and Agricultural Organisation, World Food Programme, UNICEF, World Health Organisation and World Bank. Some of the notable Rotarians at the 1945 San Francisco United Nations Charter Conference were: • Thomas J Davis, president of Rotary International in 1941/42 and unsuccessful Republican candidate for the US Senate. • Luther Hodges, past president of the Rotary Club of New York (1945/46). Luther also went on to become governor of North Carolina, Commerce Secretary for President Kennedy (1960/63) and President of Rotary International in 1968. • Gabriel L Dennis, the Secretary of State of Liberia was a signatory of the Charter for Liberia. • Jan Christiaan Smuts, the Prime Minister of South Africa from 1919 until 1924 and from 1939 until 1948. • Carlos Romulo of the Philippines was a signatory of the charter for the Philippines. • Jan Masaryk, Foreign Minister of Czechoslovakia from 1940 to 1948. Trygve Lie, Secretary-General of the United Nations, receives a cheque for $8.5 million from John D Rockefeller III, on behalf of his father, John D Rockefeller Jr, for the purchase of the six-block Manhattan East River site where the United Nations Headquarters would be built. From left to right: Rotarian Robert Moses (Commissioner of Parks, Coordinator of construction between NYC and UN), Mayor William O’Dwyer, Trygve Lie and John D Rockefeller Jr III. 25 March 1947. Photo: United Nations ROTARIANS INVOLVED
  • 20. 20 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 All roads led to Matau Primary School when the Rotary Club of Harare Central (D9210) celebrated Basic Education and Literacy Month by donating books to seven schools. A contingent of 10 Rotarians, led by President Edith Chari, four Rotaractors and three Rotary Youth Exchange students embarked on the 265 kilometre journey to Hurungwe district in Mashonaland West province. Representatives from Tererai Trent International Foundation, village headmen, school principals, school development association chairpersons, school children and Senator Machingaifa Tapera attended the event. The singing of the national anthem, led by the Matau Primary School choir, opened the proceedings. It was followed by the introduction of the guests. Senator Tapera had the gathering in stitches when he officially welcomed the guests in customary style by sitting on the dirt ground in his smart business suit. Speakers included Edith Chari (president of the Rotary Club of Harare Central), Anesu Munengwa (country director of Tererai Trent International Foundation), Tember Banda (vice chair of the Harare distribution committee of Book Aid International) and Senator Machingaifa. The speeches were interspersed with traditional Rotarians, Rotaractors, exchange students and guests pose for one last photo before leaving for Hurungwe district. dancing, skits and poetry performed by learners from the Matau Primary and High Schools. President Edith presented Usborne Illustrated English Dictionaries to seven rural primary schools which the Tererai Trent International Foundation supports. Past President Tember Banda, assisted by Rotaractors and Rotary Youth Exchange students, presented reading books from Book Aid International. After the formal proceedings, the Harare Central contingent enjoyed a tour of Matau Primary School. The club recently partnered with the Rotary Club of Salinas (D5230, USA) to upgrade the school and its kitchen. Tererai Trent International treated the visitors to some traditional African cuisine, before the team left for a fellowship outing at Chinhoyi Caves. FUN AND CELEBRATION The group exploring Chinhoyi Caves.
  • 21. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 21 projects Free vitamins for moms and babies. Does your Rotary Club or a local partner organization work in Maternal/Child Health or Nutrition? Vitamin Angels offers qualified organizations working with children under 5 and/ or pregnant women free in-kind grants of: • Vitamin A supplements • Albendazole (deworming) • Multivitamins for pregnant and breastfeeding women Visit or email to learn more or apply. Mention Rotary Africa. Eighty-nine children under the age of six attended the Nolufefe Educare Centre until it was shut down due to safety concerns. However, the closure is not permanent as the dilapidated building is being renovated as part of the Rotary Club of Claremont’s Injongo project. Until the construction is completed in March 2017, the centre will operate from temporary premises. “Renovations and new buildings are just one element of Rotary’s Injongo project which has already worked with 47 other Educare Centres in Philippi,” explained Ian Robertson, president of the Rotary Club of Claremont. The Injongo Project is the largest of its kind in the country, with a total spend of R12 million to date. “The idea is to work holistically with educare centres to ensure early childhood development takes place with the best possible outcomes. This involves equipping educators with the skills they need to offer educationally stimulating learning opportunities to young children before they start formal schooling in Grade 1.” The granting of a state subsidy depends on an educare centre meeting certain minimum standards and health and safety requirements. “The Injongo project’s swift action has saved Nolufefe Educare Centre from a complete shut-down by authorities,” added Robertson. The Lewis Group, a major furniture retailer in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland, partnered with the Rotary Club of Claremont. For the last five years, the group has been a major contributor to the Injongo project. “We are committed to uplifting the communities in which we operate. We are delighted to make a meaningful difference in developing the young lives of the local children by providing them with the chance to thrive in their inspiring new educational environment, which we know will provide excellent opportunities to a great number of children for many years to come,” said Johan Enslin, CEO of the Lewis Group. Nolufefe Educare Centre in Philippi faced permanent closure after its prefabricated building was declared structurally unsafe by engineers. ANOTHER SCHOOL SAVED!
  • 22. 22 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 Spring has sprung at Spring Park in Chatsworth after the Rotary Club of Chatsworth (D9370) and the Department of Parks and Recreation planted 45 trees in the park. This environmental project was successfully coordinated by the Youth Services Committee together with the club’s Rotarians and Anns. The club attributes the success of this project to its strong partnership with the Department of Parks and Recreation. Mona Edries, the chief horticulturist, and her dedicated team attended the tree planting ceremony. In addressing the guests, she emphasised the importance of protecting the natural environment and spoke about the various trees which were planted on the day. The enthusiastic learners from Greenvale Primary School and their educator, Karmini Muruvan, also attended and displayed the beautiful posters they made. Vijay Maharaj, the CEO of the Rising Sun, also lent his support to the project. During his presentation, he expressed his concern about the pollution and general untidiness in the area and encouraged the attendees to make an urgent and concerted effort to clean up Chatsworth. Club President Vani Govender shared those sentiments and said the club hopes to work with the Rising Sun and the Department of Parks and Recreation to mobilise the community to clean up and preserve its environment and natural surroundings. CHATSWORTH GOES GREEN President Vani Govender plants the first tree at Spring Park.
  • 23. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 23 DICTIONARY & ATLAS PROJECT DICTIONARY & ATLAS PROJECT • Perfect for children 8 years+ • Dictionaries - R1200 per box of 10 Available Now • Atlases - R1350 per box of 15 Available March/April 2017 rotary club of kromboom Contact: Supported by Dictionary project expanding to include USBORNE’S FIRST ATLAS Christmas comes but once a year and for the last nine years, Past President Steve Margo has run a successful toy drive in conjunction with Expro. Expro is a non-profit organisation for ex professional sportsmen and women. It is run by Johnny Louch who organises an annual luncheon for about 600 sports personalities towards the end of the year. Each attendee has to buy a ticket, bring at least one new toy to the luncheon and donate money to one of the organisations supported by Expro. The Rotary Club of Randburg (D9400) collects the toys in Johannesburg. Rotarians and Anns wrap, pack and sort the toys according to age and gender before delivering the gifts to orphanages and children’s homes. PP Steve explained that the delivery of the gifts to these children, many of whom have never had their own toy, is “a sad, yet heart-warming experience.” Jonathan Ward, President Bronwyn Ward and Club Services Officer Kevin Midgley with some of the many toys that were sorted, wrapped and packed. The toys will be given to orphaned and vulnerable children. AN ARMFUL OF PRESENTS
  • 24. 24 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 An exciting partnership between the Rotary Club of Pinetown (D9370) and the Sail Africa Youth Development Foundation has been teaching teenagers to sail. In September, 44 learners from Pinetown Girls’ High and Gelofte Skool spent a weekend being introduced to sailing. After completing the introductory course, 32 learners were selected to attend a week-long Sail Africa holiday camp in October which was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Pinetown. The camp taught the learners a number of skills including sailing, water safety, lifesaving and environmental and maritime awareness. It also gave them an overview of the various maritime career opportunities which exist. At the end of the camp, the learners participated in a regatta, raced a boat they built in a cardboard boat race and attended an awards ceremony at the Point Yacht Club. Sail Africa, a development initiative and registered non-profit organisation, provides education, skills training, personal development and empowerment through the medium of sail training, to young South Africans who could otherwise not afford to sail. ALL HANDS ON DECK! Keep them informed Keep them involved... Keep them in the fold Give your Interact clubs a digital subscription to Rotary Africa or email:
  • 25. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 25 Youth The Rotary Club of Bournemouth North (D1110, England) is one of Sail Africa’s sponsors and donated a keel boat (above and right) for use in its sailing programmes.
  • 26. 26 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 Are you enjoying it? Why did you choose South Africa? Is it very different to Germany? I have been asked these questions numerous times since I arrived in South Africa, and the answers are both simple and complex. However, before I explain what I mean, let me tell you about myself. My name is Karoline Schwazer and I am a long term exchange student from Germany. I arrived in July and so far I have experienced three different host families and met many people. I am being hosted by the Rotary Club of Edenvale (D9400) and I am attending Edenglen High in Edenvale. I really enjoy South Africa although many things are different to what I expected. I didn’t think that there would be lions running through the streets or that I would ride an elephant to school, but I was aware that life here would not be as safe as I am used to. I have been here for three months now and still find the high walls, gates and security surprising. I am very happy here, I chose South Africa as I have always been fascinated with the African culture and wanted to experience a true rainbow nation. There was a personal reason for me choosing South Africa. I was born in Swaziland and left Africa before I had the chance to know my birth country. I was always curious (and now I get to see) if things were really like I believed them to be. The weather is very different from what I am used to. Instead of four seasons and a lot of rain throughout the year, the rain just seems to come in summer and the winter is very dry and brown. An unexpected shock for me, was finding out that South African homes are like fridges in winter! Other than the obvious differences South African lifestyle is similar to the German lifestyle. My first host family was English and besides the language and the exotic pets, my life did not change much. My second host family was Indian and very religious. This was a big change for me especially as the church services were very different. In Germany it is old fashioned and many young people find it boring. Although I was just there for a week, I found their lives very interesting. The host family I am with now is Afrikaans and I find their culture to be very similar to the German culture. School here is very different to Germany. In Germany school is free and we don’t have any rules on how to dress. We get oral marks, which is why we have to be more disciplined in class. The educators in Germany don’t normally shout at us as they seem to do here! We also have more subjects but don’t have subjects like accounting or consumers. What I like about SouthAfrica is the openness and kindness of its people. Most of them seem to always be in a good mood and ready to sing or dance. In my school many students have approached me, curious about Germany but after a while having an exchange student becomes normal and then I wasn’t interesting anymore! I am very thankful for the Edenvale members support and all they do to make me happy. Even though this is a small club, the members are motivated and want to undertake many projects. I want to thank Rotary, and especially my club, for giving me this amazing opportunity to get to know South Africa and to represent my country at the same time. WELCOME KAROLINE!
  • 27. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 27 In October, the members of the Interact Club of Curro Embury College received their official charter from the Rotary Club of Durban North (D9370). The new club has 55 members who are eager to be actively involved in community projects. They have already held a food drive and made sandwiches for the Domino Foundation. Some of the members also assisted the Rotary Club of Durban North with the registration tables at the Tsogo Amashova Race Kwanda Ngxukumeshe, the charter president, said, “I am proud to be involved with Interact and excited that my name will be the first one on the club’s presidential chain.” The faculty advisor of the club, Pieter Rittles, was instrumental in the club’s formation. “I saw the benefits of learners serving the community during my tenure at Highlands North Boys’ High School in Johannesburg. I wanted the Curro Embury learners to also experience the same community spirit and sense of responsibility. Serving the community in whatever way possible, gives them a greater appreciation of their own circumstances and cultivates an understanding and empathy for those less fortunate.” Rittles will be assisted by fellow teachers Maria Kapp, Norman Miller and Urmilla Moodley in the management of the club. The Rotary Club of Durban North is the sponsoring club and Hilary Augustus will be guiding and advising the new club. With the new Interactors are (seated) President Ann Bricknell and Youth Chairman Hilary Augustus of the Rotary Club of Durban North, President Kwanda Ngxukumeshe of the Interact Club of Curro Embury College and educator Pieter Rittles. WANT YOUR CLUB NEWS IN ROTARY AFRICA? Send your photos, captions and stories to Make sure you include the first and last names of all people mentioned in the stories. Photos must be at least 1MB in size. Group photos with six or less people must be accompanied by a caption which includes all first and last names. Please include your club name and district. 55 NEW INTERACTORS!
  • 28. 28 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 The Interact Club of Woodlands International College (D9400) lent a helping hand to Elandsvallie Old Age Home and Urban Ruins Children’s Centre. When the Interactors visited Elandsvallie, they helped with cleaning the home and maintaining its gardens. They also spent time meeting and chatting to the elderly residents. Urban Ruins is a non-profit organisation that provides children with basic skills and after-school care. The Interactors played with the children and donated toys to the centre. The 22 members of the EarlyAct Club of Sentinel Primary School attended a workshop on social and psychological issues. Doreen Vizant and Kate Wyngaard were the workshop facilitators and topics such as emotional, physical and sexual abuse as well as anger management were addressed. Dr A Brandt, a clinical psychologist and member of the Rotary Club of Am Kap (D9350), assisted with the presentations. Sports clinics for basketball and tennis, as well as visits to the local animal welfare were also included in the programme. “Due to the constant engagement and care for the group – the EarlyActors are disciplined and eager to learn,” said Christine Paterson, the Youth Chair of the Rotary Club of Hout Bay (D9350).
  • 29. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 29 From January 2017, digital subscriptions reduced to R110 for 6 months Convert your subscription at SWITCHANDSAVE Ts&Cs apply. A username and password is emailed to digital subscribers. Club secretaries must be informed. The Rotaract Club of Lilongwe (D9210), which is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Lilongwe, gave Baby Boxes to Namitete Hospital. These boxes will be given to mothers for their newborn babies.
  • 30. 30 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 The Rotary Club of Harare Central (D9210) held an orientation seminar for 10 outbound Rotary Youth Exchange students. The students will be hosted by Rotary clubs in Brazil, Finland, France, Germany, Spain and the USA. The group was joined by former exchange students who shared their experiences, as well as a new exchange student who had arrived in Zimbabwe the day before. The following weekend, the Rotarians travelled to Mbizi Game Park for an orientation seminar with six new exchange students from Brazil, France, Mexico and USA. A grand youth leadership evening was hosted by the Rotary Club of Chatsworth (D9370) to showcase its various youth initiatives and projects. These included sending six learners to a Rotary youth conference, sending two learners on a RYLA camp, providing work experience for 10 learners as part of a week-long work experience programme and awarding a R10 000 bursary to Mamta Thakersee who is pursuing a qualification in education. The Anns contributed R2 500 towards the bursary. The learners shared their experiences with the attendees and thanked the club for the opportunities it had provided. With the learners is President Vani Govender (centre).
  • 31. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 31 Juliet Ondier (37) was born with two small deformed fingers on her right hand. Dr Mussadiq Mir fitting Thomas Kilonzo’s (35) new hand. He lost his right hand five years ago in an agricultural accident. Norah Karimi lost her left hand in a grass cutting accident. Margaret Nyiha Kamau was born with a deformed hand. Nine years ago, Ibanjirini Karuta Muturu (62) lost her right hand after a brutal robbery. The mother of six received a new LN-4 prosthetic hand after David Muriuki of the Rotary Club of Nkubu (D9212) introduced her to the Rotary Club of Nairobi Utumishi’s prosthetic hand project. Josinta Aluoch Ogutu lost her hand in a road accident. Naomi Munyao (22) was born with a deformed left hand. Elijah Maina Ndungu (30) runs a small kiosk in Kinamba, Kenya. The father of two lost his left hand in an industrial accident in September 2015. The LN-4 Prosthetic Hand project of the Rotary Club of Nairobi Utumishi (D9212) has brought hope and joy to hundreds of people who could not afford a prosthetic hand Roundup
  • 32. 32 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 President Andreas Demetriou, Johan Oberholzer, Jou Visser and Mike Stoken of the Rotary Club of Klerksdorp (D9370) at the club’s Great Gatsby wine auction. The wonderful evening was filled with lots of entertainment, good food and award-winning wines. President Jerry Malahlela and Past President Ursula Moodie of the Rotary Club of Polokwane (D9400) receiving a donation of plastic and polystyrene containers from Lily Kotze of PEPPS College. Meals on Wheels will receive the containers which were collected and cleaned by the PEPPS College Grade 9 learners. The members of Rotary Club of Durban Clairwood Park (D9370) presenting a cheque for R5 000 to Chatsworth Hospice. At the presentation are President Sarita Sirohi, Kogie Singh (Hospice), PP Jessica Merhoye, PP Gona Naidoo and Thilaga Pillay (Hospice).
  • 33. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 33 The Rotary Club of Knysna (D9350) held its annual Awareness Day at the Knysna Mall. The club invited some of its beneficiaries to showcase their projects and Rotarians were present to talk about Rotary and the club’s activities. The club also celebrated The Rotary Foundation’s centennial at the day. President Mick Furman of the Rotary Club of Knysna with the cake to celebrate 100 years of Rotary Foundation. Right: Members of Outward Bound at their stand. The Rotary Club of Witbank (D9400) participated in the 30th annual Greatest Train Race. The club hosted a tent to cater for underprivileged and disabled people. Cutting a cake that was made to celebrate the event’s 30th anniversary are PP Anthony Beale, AG Eddie Dhlamini, President Mary Gavure, John Moshidi and Synet Ramaano.
  • 34. 34 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 Members of the Rotary Club of Durban Clairwood Park (D9370) joined the international movement, World’s Greatest Meal to End Polio (WGM), and hosted a WGM event that raised R2 670. Members of the Rotary Club of Dundee (D9370) and senior citizens from their community attended the club’s annual Golden Oldies day at Hattingspruit Dam. The group enjoyed a morning tea, bingo, lucky dip draws, a ‘super-duper’ lunch, live music and dancing. Gavin Ferreira, president of the Rotary Club of Gately (D9370), receiving a donation of R200 000 from Piet Bosch, a Rotarian and the managing director of Foxtec-Ikhwezi. This money will provide training to educators as part of the club’s early childhood development project. The presentation was made at the company’s 10th anniversary celebration which was also attended by representatives of its mother company OTTO FUCHS.
  • 35. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 35 To celebrate World Polio Day, the Rotary Club of Beira (D9210) was joined by the Cyclists Association of Beira and government officials for a 20 kilometre bicycle ride. The festivities continued in the town square where an arts and crafts fair, live music and food stalls were located. President Abel Lisboa speaking about Rotary’s role in polio eradication and the Foundation centennial. With him are members of the Provincial Government of Sofala and the Municipality of Beira.
  • 36. 36 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 The Rotary Club of Flamingo-Welkom (D9370) hosted a polio awareness day. Manning the information stand are Jill Lombard, Elvee Lotter, Ian Buchanan and Dries Lotter, (seated) Nicolene Olivier, John Penfold and Zack Lombard. The Rotary Club of Empangeni (D9370) celebrated World Polio Day with polio survivor, Dawn Angell- Schau. The Rotarians were thrilled when the members of the EarlyAct Club of St Catherine’s School donated R1 000 to End Polio Now. At the presentation are (back) Tapiwa Mutasa, President Anagha Krishnannair, Seyuri Bhudu, (front) Nicole Joseph, Ritika Singh, Sonia Mulchandani. Over the last five years, the Rotary Club of Claremont’s financial contribution to PolioPlus has exceeded R250 000. As part of the club’s World Polio Day celebration, it donated a further R70 000 to the District Foundation Committee to help fund the purchase of polio vaccines. The Rotary Club of Bloemfontein Thabure (D9370) celebrated World Polio Day in October. Sergeant at Arms, Mike Sekoto, addressing guests during the celebration.
  • 37. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 37 Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Klerksdorp (D9370) undertook a new project, Kids in Traffic. The club and members of Matlosana Traffic Department visited Unie Primary School and taught the children to ride bicycles, traffic rules and the importance of discipline and mutual respect. The project will also be undertaken at other schools. The Rotary Club of Durban Merewent (D9370) partnered with WESSA and 10 schools to clean up Cuttings Beach. The 150 learners and educators removed debris and other waste from the beach and shoreline. Despite the inclement weather, learners and educators had great fun and expressed interest in participating in future clean ups. Jaco Stander, Camelo Graceffa and Maryke Grid help children as they ride a bicycle for the first time. Above: Piet Lombard and Jou Visser hard at work setting up for the children.
  • 38. 38 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE Promote your business, club or district activities in ROTARY AFRICA Contact Rotary Africa at or call 031 267 1848 • Reach our readers in English-speaking Africa • Advertise in ROTARY AFRICA • Distribute leaflets, brochures and newsletters with ROTARY AFRICA • Special rates for Rotary clubs, districts and Rotarian owned/managed business Rotarians of the Rotary Club of Bloemfontein Thabure (D9370) painted classrooms at Morafe Primary School as part of the club’s Mandela Day celebrations. They gave healthcare products to the matric learners of Kopano Secondary School. The club also gave new clothing to the learners of Morafe Primary School.
  • 39. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 39 To celebrate Mandela Day, the Rotary Club of Klerksdorp (D9370) and its Rotaractors upgraded Atamelang Shelter in Klerksdorp. The team painted the buildings, distributed clothes, fixed a fridge and furnished a kitchen with new appliances. In October, the Rotary Club of Klerksdorp (D9370) launched its My Story Book project at Unie and President Primary Schools. The project aims to improve literacy by providing children with interesting reading books. The foundation phase learning aids and books were published by NB Publishers (part of Media24). It will be rolled out at Alabama and Goue Arend Primary Schools next. The club intends to identify other schools which would benefit from the project. Top: President Andreas Demetriou and Danie de Villiers discussing the donation with an educator at Unie Primary School.
  • 40. 40 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 The Rotary Club of Rosebank (D9400) implemented a palliative care programme at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital. The hospital is the third largest hospital in the world, after the West China Hospital of West China Medical Centre of Sichuan University and Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Linkou and it treats thousands of chronically and terminally ill patients. These people would suffer greatly without the hospital’s pain management programmes and the club’s project has supported the programme by providing syringe drivers. These machines administer a prescribed dosage of medicine to patients while they are at home and eliminates the need for constant nursing attention. The project was undertaken in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Hatfield (D1260, England). Attending an event to celebrate the 16th anniversary of the palliative care programme are Rotarians James Croswell, Mark Franklin and Marianne Soal with Dr Mpho Ratshikana-Moloko (left), who is the programme manager. The Rotary Club of Polokwane (D9400) recently distributed three wheelchairs. Two were given to residents of the Polokwane Nasorgsentrum, a home for disabled adults, and the third to Jeanetta van der Merwe, a resident of Bella Vista Old Age Home. PP Keith Moodie delivered the wheelchair to the Bella Vista manager, Ria van Vliet, and Jeanetta. The Rotary Club of Durban-Merewent (D9370) held a garden tea fundraiser at the Chatsworth Hospice and raised R60 000. Based on the success of the event, the club has decided to make it an annual one.
  • 41. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 41 District Governor Ian Pursch visited the seven D9350 Rotary clubs in Namibia and spent a day with the president and members of the Rotary Club of Windhoek. During the visit, he viewed a number of the club’s community service projects, attended a board meeting and had lunch with the Rotarians. District Governor Bruce Steele-Gray and his wife, Pippa, (second and third from left) visited the Rotary Club of Klerksdorp (D9370). The couple attended a board meeting and viewed a few projects. During their visit a donation of care bags was given to the crisis centre at Tshepong Hospital. The bags will be given to women and children who are victims of crime. They also visited the Jouberton Computer centre project where children can have access to the internet, make copies and study. Members of the Rotary Club of Dundee (D9370) held its annual R2 food collection project and collected R15 000 worth of non-perishable food. Rotarians gave each shopper a R2 coin to go towards buying a non-perishable food item. Many of the shoppers returned their coins and suggested that they be given to other shoppers. The food will be distributed to non-profit organisations in Dundee and Glencoe. The Rotary Club of Witbank (D9400) visited the Sizanani Centre for the Disabled in Bronkhorstspruit to deliver a donation of dairy products, fresh fruit and vegetables. The Rotarians attended a Church service to see the Music Man project participants perform what they had learned in five days from music man David Stanley. With some of the food distributed are AG Eddie Dhlamini, John Moshidi, Synet Ramaano, Natalie Bradford (music instructor), President Mary Gavure, David Stanley, Jenny Hitchcock (music instructor) and Thabo Nkosi (front), the only person from the centre who is able to communicate verbally.
  • 42. 42 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 The members of the Rotary Club of Polokwane (D9400) managed a Rotary Family Health Days site at Siloe School for the Blind. At the site are PP Marius Liebenburg, PP Ursula Moodie, President Jerry Malahlele (front), PP Mxolisi Bambo and PE Chymie Naidoo (back). Rotarians Elvee Lötter and Audra Visser, of the Rotary Club of Flamingo-Welkom (D9370), assisting at the Rotary Family Health Days site in Virginia. The Rotary Clubs of Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth South, Port Elizabeth West and Port Elizabeth Sunrise (D9370) managed the Rotary Family Health Days site at Walmer Town Hall. Two days after the Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 (D9400) participated in the Rotary Family Health Days, it hosted a family day of fun and games. The Rotary Clubs of Polokwane, Potgietersus, Haenertsburg and Francistown were invited to attend.
  • 43. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 43 President Mary Gavure with two of the nurses who manned one of the mobile clinics at the site. In the run up to the Rotary Family Health Days, the members of the Rotary Club of Witbank (D9400) distributed flyers and put up posters to ensure that as many people as possible were aware of the upcoming campaign. The site which was managed by the club provided free health care services to more than 1 500 people during the campaign. AG Eddie Dhlamini and PDG Anton Meerkoter distributing condoms at the Klarinet site. Club Treasurer John Moshidi putting up posters and distributing condoms at a tavern in Hlalanikahle.
  • 44. 44 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 Heidi Tucker Benoni Aurora D9400 Nozipho Sondiazi Bloemfontein Thabure D9370 NEW CLUB PRESIDENTS When Noel Wauchope (centre) became president of the Rotary Club of Boksburg (D9400) he noticed that the club gavel had ‘East London 1926’ engraved around the Rotary wheel. The gavel had been with the club since the mid-80s. The gavel was returned to the Rotary Club of East London (D9370) which has promised to send its current gavel to Boksburg in return. With President Noel are PPs Terry Phasey, and Dana Oosthuizen. The Rotary Club of Hermanus hosted the District 9350 Mini Conference at the Curro School in Sandbaai. Approximately 150 delegates attended the event, some from as far away as Mossel Bay. The programme, jam-packed with feedback and news, culminated in two breakaway sessions. Here specific focus was placed on growing and improving some of Rotary’s programmes such as the Rotary Family Health Days and entrepreneurship. The mini conference concluded with a short message from District Governor Ian Pursch before the attendees were invited to enjoy a wine tasting and snacks sponsored by a local wine producer, Creation. Presidents Ian Wallace (Hermanus), Lana Coates (Stanford) and Hartmut Spingies (Kleinmond) at the mini conference. Ian Wallace, acting president of Rotary Club of Hermanus, with Paula and DG Ian Pursch. It was impossible to miss these cheery Rotarians, Bev O’Connor, Petro Taljard, Sharyn Jory, Anne- Louise Coetzee and Garth Watkins, of the Rotary Club of Helderberg Sunrise in their bright shirts. At the mini conference Sue Paget, RFHD Programme Director, (second from left) recognised the work of D9350 by presenting statuettes to PDG Geraldine Nicol, PP Bev Frieslich, DG Ian Pursch and PP Ubanesia Adams-Jack (not pictured). D9350 Mini Conference in Sandbaai
  • 45. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 45 WELCOMED AND HONOURED NEW MEMBERS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS recognised DG Grant Daly presents a certificate to President Pieter Vermeulen of the Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 (D9400). The club was recognised for being the D9400 club which contributed the most to the Foundation in 2015/16 (US$226 per member). Owen Govender is a new member of the Rotary Club of Knysna (D9350). Annalie Anticevich is a new member of the Rotary Club of Edenvale (D9400). Jane Evans is a new member of the Rotary Club of Hilton and Howick (D9370). Arina Brombacher received a Paul Harris Sapphire pin from the Rotary Club of Hilton and Howick (D9370). Garrik Oliver is a new member of the Rotary Club of Estcourt (D9370). Grant Edkins is a new member of the Rotary Club of Hilton and Howick (D9370). Mike Hill was recognised as a Paul Harris Fellow by the Rotary Club of Windhoek (D9350). HAVE YOU WELCOMED OR HONOURED SOMEONE? Email photos and captions to Photos must be at least 1MB in size. Please make sure first and surnames are supplied. Please send INDIVIDUAL ‘HEAD AND SHOULDERS’ PHOTOS. Group will only be used at the editor’s discretion. Chris Vermeulen is a new member of the Rotary Club of Knysna (D9350). Catherine Raw is an honorary member of the Rotary Club of Westville (D9370). Ann Baker received a community service award from the Rotary Club of Beacon Bay (D9370).
  • 46. 46 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016 Email us for a full presentation. 031 7002123 Customizable Products : Benefits of Eutectic Plates *No more Dry ice *Power outages *Min 48 hours vaccine Medical hamper *Food trolleys - chilled *Thermal blankets & cages COLD CHAIN MANAGEMENT FOR OVER 10 YEARS o VACCINES/ BLOOD TRANSPORTATION o FRUIT & VEGETABLES o ICE CREAM VENDING o RETAIL o AVIATION WELCOMED AND HONOUREDNEW MEMBERS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS Gert van Rooyen is a new member of the Rotary Club of Vanderbijlpark (D9400). Eugene du Plessie is a new member of the Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 (D9400). Nikkie Booysen is a new member of the Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 (D9400). Martin Robinson is a new member of the Rotary Club of Vanderbijlpark (D9400). Jackie van Waveren is a new member of the Rotary Club of Vanderbijlpark (D9400). Beverly Robinson is a new member of the Rotary Club of Vanderbijlpark (D9400). Preloshni Naidoo is a new member of the Rotary Club of Vanderbijlpark (D9400). Linda van Rooyen is a new member of the Rotary Club of Vanderbijlpark (D9400).
  • 47. December 2016 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦ 47 ACCOMMODATION OFFERED *** B&B ACCOMMODATION in Kimberley. Staying over in Kimberley? The Nook B&B *** Semi-Self Catering B&B offers excellent accommodation and rates. All rooms luxury en- suite with private entrance and secure parking. Close to CBD and places of interest. For more info contact Rtn Rob Gibson at 072 116 8390 Web: ‘ABOVE THE WAVES’. SIMON’S TOWN. Self-catering flat for 2, overlooking False Bay, historical Simon’s Town and its harbour. Close to Cape Point and the penguins at Boulders, the 9 hole golf course and a stone’s throw from the beach. Off-street parking. R600 p/n Contact: or call 021 786 3331 Off-peak season special: stay for 7 nights and pay for 6. KIMBERLEY’S GUM TREE Lodge offers budget accommodation (200 Beds) from R150 pp in backpackers. R200 pps or R500 dbl en-suite. Twin sharing accommodation R250 single or R400 dbl. Meals in adjacent Gumtree Lodge Restaurant (Licensed). Your host Jeannette. Tel: 053 832 8577, cell 076 371 0930, fax: 053 831 5409, E-mail: Website: STUDENT ACCOMMODATION 2016 in Port Elizabeth. Fully-furnished single and sharing rooms available in Summerstrand, Central, North End and Millpark (Cape Road). All residences are close to shuttles or walking distance from campus. Our prices are affordable. Please call or WhatsApp at 082 743 6939 or email us at MISCELLANEOUS CONSTANTIABERG FUNERAL Home: Sensitive, dignified and personal service by Alan Lindhorst – all hours, anywhere within 200km of Cape Town. Very reasonable prices & premiums. Cnr Kenilworth & Rosmead Ave, Kenilworth. 021 671 2400 or 083 653 6536. DISCLAIMER: All opinions published are not the opinion of the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the opinions, information or advertisements in this publication. No responsibility is accepted for the quality of advertised goods or services or the accuracy of material submitted for reproduction. To the extent permitted by law, the publishers, their employees, agents and contractors exclude all liability to any person for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred as a result of material in this publication. All Rotary Marks (Masterbrand Signature, Mark of Excellence and so forth), as well as ROTARY are trademarks owned by Rotary International and used herein under licence. Email Get your free, up-to-date Which Club Meets Today emailed to you GET IT NOW! Make this space yours To advertise here contact Sharon at SCOTTBURGH 122 en-suite rooms. Overlooking beach. Airport transfers arranged. Daily and evening entertainment. Special rates for seniors. Tel: 039 978 3361 Fax: 039 976 0971 Email: NEWLY REFURBISHED AMAKHOSICONTAINERSALES STORAGE : REFRIGERATED : CONVERSIONS BEST PRICESAND QUALITY : 3m, 6m, 12m 27 YEARS EXPERIENCE DENNIS
  • 48. 48 ♦ Rotary Africa ♦December 2016