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No man is an
Island* W E A V I N G C U L T U R E S T O G E T H E R *
E D I T O R ' S
Culture is a basic need. As a community, we can only thrive
through our cultural heritage. One of our main goals was to
help our students become aware of how our cultural
background forms us and how it helps (or disturbs) our
communication with others. We wanted to help students
discover the rich and often diverse traditions around them
and help them understand that all of us in our various
communities create culture in everyday life.
This creative writing activity was one of the Madeira
mobility’s last activities. We asked our students to create
stories from the words they found in our glossary. It was
quite rewarding to see how they picked up on each other’s
views of the meaning of the words and created their stories
by building on it.
We hope you enjoy their stories as much as we did.
Story ONE 
Once upon a time in the island of Tenerife there were two girls that met
each other while competing for a surfing contest. The first one was Elena
and she was from Bologna, Italy and the other one was Lou from
Reunion Island. While they were waiting in the water one of the biggest
waves they had ever seen came and transported them for a long way.
After one day of swimming the two girls arrived on an unknown island
really scared and tired. And that’s where the story begins for them.
«-Elena ! Où sommes nous ? Il faut trouver de l’aide!
- Oddio Lou dove siamo finite?!? Laggiú vedo delle case magari c’é
qualcuno che puó aiutarci.»
The girls decided to walk to the houses but before they had to cross a big
rainforest. After one hour of walking in this huge and old forest they heard
people talking in a strange language.
«-Lou te non senti come delle voci di persone? Magari c’è qualcuno nella
-Oui j’entend mais je ne comprend pas un mot de ce qu’ils disent, je
pense qu’ils parlent portugais mais l’accent est tellement fort je me
demande d’où ça vient, tu penses qu’ils sont originaires de l’île ?
-Anche io non capisco nulla di quello che dicono, peró potrebbero dirci
dove siamo e dove possiamo andare per tornare a dove eravamo. Dai
andiamo verso di loro.»
So they walked to those strange people and tried to talk to them in
«Hello, we are lost please can you help us ? » said Lou
Their english was so bad that the only thing that they understood was that
they were in Laurissilva forest in the island of Madeira. The portuguese
people were really nice and they wanted so bad to help them so they
gave a piece of Azulejos were Levada was written just under a draw of
waterfall with all the indication. Elena tried to ask them if they could help
us but they were speaking finnish so they did not manage to understand
each other with words so they started to draw so as to explain what they
wanted. Finally the Finnish people understood and gave them another
Azulejos with the indication of the position of a typical handicraft factory,
they called that vimes. So they went there by a strange transport who was
named « carro de cesto » which is the transport to go downhill.
When they arrived they met Spanish people
who were working in the industry. They came
to us very nicely and offered us Poncha which
is the typical drink of Madeira.
After this little break that they needed the
Spanish people decided to gave us their most
precious and the last azulejos
so that the girls can find their way. So their trip
continue until a little house where they were
Tahitian girl who were doing bordados. They
were really friendly and they gave them a
welcoming dance and after they gave the
bordados that they were sewing and a cart
was drawn on it with the indications to go to
the port of Funchal. When they arrived they
found a group of Portuguese, Finnish,
Spanish and Tahitian people who were going
back to the land and they came with them and
finally went back to their home.
That is how the wave of multiculturalism bring
Lou, the French girl and Elena the Italian girl.
Lou Pamard & Elena Pallara
- 0 5   -
Story Two
May 8th, Martha's diary.
When I woke up I was surrounded by wrecks on a pebbly beach. The first
thing I noticed were some scratches all over my body. The shipwreck had
been violent, but I didn't have many memories. The sun was setting and I
was alone in an unknown place. I got up and I looked around: I noticed
some objects which survived the storm. I luckily found a knife and
provisions that could have been useful. I moved them away from the
waves of that cold sea. I needed a place where to sleep: my attention got
caught by the big leaves on tall trees in front of the beach. I picked as
many as I could and I made my own bed. Once I finished I heard a noise
and my blood ran cold in my veins. A big wild pig was snorting behind
me. I held my knife, ready to fight for my life. I didn't move, I waited for it
to come forward. When it happened Ì didn't hesitate and stabbed it in the
throat. Without even trying I got myself dinner and I used its skin to build
up a hut. The night passed slowly, at every rustle my eyes were wide
The days went on and soon my supplies ended. I took the brave decision
to get into the forest: I knew right away I wasn't alone, and I knew it for
sure when I suddenly turned around and saw a figure hiding between the
bushes. I ordered him to show himself, but instead he tried to hide even
more. Holding my knife Ì got closer and sow him: his skin was darker than
mine, he had dark brown hair and matched eyes. I took him by the arm
and saw his skinny but toned body covered in dirt. I thought he wanted to
fight, but instead tried to protect his face, he clearly feared me.
I talked to him in a calm voice, but I wasn't sure he understood me, until
he begged me not to hurt him.I was surprised. I asked for his name, he
hesitated but then he said he was called Vimes, like the material of the
basket behind him. He told me his story: like me he was a victim of a
shipwreck which happened at least five years ago. he suggested we
band together to survive. I was disparate: I thought of how hard it would
have been to do it alone even more with an enemy, so I did it. We kept
walking in the forest on a small path boarded by a water channel. We
walked for hours and we stopped in front of a waterfall. I was surprised,
there was nothing there. He smiled and crossed it, I trust him and
did the same. He lit a lantern and I saw the cave. He came to me with
some fruits and I took one as I set on the ground. On the wall in front of
me I noticed a portrait of a woman made with ceramic tiles. I asked him
who she was and that he told me about the accident. As soon as he got
married he set of for a boat trip, but it could have not imagined what
would have happened next. A violent storm threw the boat onto the rocks.
He survived, but he couldn't say the same about his loved one: Laurel.
He still missed her, but somehow he felt her presence in the forest. He
still could see clearly her beautiful face and he could hear her laugh.
That's why he decided to name the forest after her.
From a small furniture and picked a piece of cloth decorated with two pink
flowers and a beautiful butterfly with big wings. He told me she had made
it just before the marriage and she gave it to him as wedding present.
When the story was over Ì saw tears on his cheeks and my heart was
heavy for his pain too. It was dinner time and Vimes lit a fire to prepare
some fish for the two of us, then we went to bed. We kept living like this
until one day we fell in love. We did our best to survive and found a way
to do it well. We grew our own plants and used to breed our own animals.
One day we had our first child, then the second one and the third one.
But it wasn't only us. In fact once in a while some other came, victims of
every kind of disaster. We built our homes, our city and at some point
even a school. This is the story of how our society was born.
Giorgia Marcelli & Kimberly Richards
Once upon a time there were three little pigs living in the Laurissilva forest.
A beautiful place with unique species and they all live in harmony.
The time came for them to leave home and seek their fortunes. Before they
left, their mother told them " always be there for each other, you must help
your brothers to build their houses because team work is always better.
Whatever you do , do it the best that you can because that's the way to
get along in the world".
So they left their home and just like tiles, when they were separated they
were incomplete and the three little pigs must now be a part of a new image
or pattern.
The first little pig built his house out of straw because it was the easiest
thing to do. The second little pig built his house out of sticks. This was a bit
stronger than a straw house. The third little pig built his house out of bricks.
The third pig learned from the other pigs and with new technique and by
combining them, he built a stong and good house.
One night the big bad wolf, who dearly loved to eat fat little piggies, came
along and saw the first little pig in his house of straw. He said "Let me in,
Let me in, little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!" "Not by
the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig. But of course the wolf did
blow the house in and the first little pig ran away and took shelter in the
second pig's house.
The wolf then came to the house of sticks. "Let me in ,Let me in little pig or
I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in" "Not by the hair of my chinny
chin chin", said the little pig. But the wolf blew that house in too, and the
two little pigs had to take shelter in the third pig's house.
Just like a levada the two pigs spreaded the information by telling the third
pig the situation to make sure that everyone will be safe.
The wolf then came to the house of bricks. " Let me in , let me in" cried the
wolf "Or I'll huff and I'll puff till I blow your house in" "Not by the hair of my
chinny chin chin" said the pigs. Well, the wolf huffed and puffed but he
could not blow down that brick house. But the wolf was a sly old wolf and
he climbed up on the roof to look for a way into the brick house.
The little pig saw the wolf climb up on the roof and lit a roaring fire in the
fireplace and placed on it a large kettle of water.
When the wolf finally found the hole in the chimney he crawled down and
KERSPLASH right into that kettle of water and that was the end of his
troubles with the big bad wolf.
The next day the three little pigs invited their mother over . She said "You
see it is just as I told you. The way to get along in the world is to do things
as well as you can."they learned that lesson. And they just lived happily
ever after!
Francisco Pereira
I visited Madeira Island for the first time last year to realize why it is the
best island destination in Europe. And it was not what I expected at all.
I started my day walking in a water canals. A water canal is an irrigation
system of the island, and basically it is like a man made river built by the
side of the mountains and they were built as a way to bring water from
the North of the island to the South, is what the guide said it to us. I am
always up for a little hike. Once I started walking, I saw the stunning
views below me and I was fascinated. The view from above was so high
that I was afraid to looking down. In my head I would probably fall from
the mountains if I looked down. In the middle of the trip we were in the
Laurel forest. Madeira Island has the largest area of Laurel forest in the
world and almost all the plants and animals that live there are exclusive
from the Laurel Forest. The forest was so green and beautiful. I took
some photos of a birds and plants and then I continued walking. After this
adventure we went home tired of the day.
The second day I went to Funchal, the main city. There I ate some typical
foods like “espetada”- meat, bay leaves and garlic impaled on a stick and
grilled to perfection on an open fire, and “bolo do caco”. All the food was
delicious! After lunch we went to Monte to try the wicker cars. It was so
In the wicker car were two sledge drivers called “Carreiros” dressed in a
straw hat, white pants and they have special shoes to keep traction. I
didn’t think it was going to go as fast as it did, nor I thought it was going to
be as much fun it was. It was a thrill! That day requited the next day
because on that day it rained and I stayed at home.
The next day we went to a museum called “Frederico de Freitas” where
there were only ceramic tiles. The main color of the ceramic tiles was blue
and white with some beautiful drawings. It seems that the ceramic tiles, for
what I heard, are an important part of the History of Portugal. I took some
photos of some ceramic tiles and we then we went to Funchal. There was
an embroidery market. I saw one that I really liked and I bought. In the
embroidery it was written “Madeira” with a typical madeiran dancer.
The last night in the beautiful island we went to Câmara de Lobos City to
drink “poncho” and “nikita”. I really liked nikita’s drink. It’s sweet and cold.
In the morning I prepared my baggage and I went to the airport. The
weather was nice so the flight wasn’t delayed. It was the best trip I ever
had. This island is full of culture, amazing hiking possibilities and
delectable gourmet food. I recognize now why this island is the best island
destination in Europe. Another time I’ll come here again. Madeira, wait for
Joana Faria
We were about to catch the plane for one
of the best adventures of our life. We are
students and participants in Erasmus +
projects that took place in Madeira Island.
We arrived on May 8th and noticed that
we were surrounded by different
nationalities, but mostly we were
surrounded by people with different
personalities. Our first impression when
we arrived at that island was that we were
in a completely unfamiliar territory where
there was a culture that caught our
attention. Through the streets of Funchal,
we watched women in unusual
clothes holding baskets of vimes (wicker).
There were shops of local gastronomy,
shops of typical Madeira bordados
(embroideries) and streets filled with
music and dance that enchanted our eyes
and ears.
We strolled a lot and got to know this
wonderful island, but it was only in the
middle of this week that the unexpected
happened. Our host families said we were
going to take a levada that is a walk in the
middle of the forest and is one of the most
touristy things to do in Madeira. We
arrived at the Encumeada, where the
levada was begun and we began to walk
in what was one of the most beautiful and
diverse forests in the world, Laurissilva.
The course was fun until it started to rain, we were all distressed because
they are dangerous ways where we can easily have an accident. The
teachers tried to calm us and shelter us in one of the caves that the levada
had. They said they would look for help and told us to stay safe inside the
Hours passed, and our teachers never returned until a Portuguese student
said we had to look for them. We all agreed because it also seemed that
the rain had calmed down a bit, we all left the cave, but we did not know
which way to go, even the Portuguese students did not know those ways.
We walked for about an hour and realized that we were lost in the middle of
the forest and a thunderstorm haunted our walk. We panicked and started
running for a place to shelter ourselves until we spotted a house in the
distance and decided to reach it.
When we arrived, we noticed that it was all lined with azulejos (ceramic
tiles) that contained a message that the Portuguese students translated for
us. "Only those who arrive here can find their way back" when we learned
of the translation we were all terrified but now we realized that house was
the key of our way back to the bus. We entered the house and found
broken azulejos on the floor, we did not realize what we were supposed to
discover to find the way back. Until one Italian girl noticed that the pieces fit
together like a puzzle. We gathered all the pieces together and found that it
formed a map that showed the exit of the forest. Now that we knew the
way, we had only one problem, where were our teachers?
We all agreed that the best option would be to go back to the bus and ask
for help from the competent authorities, we made our way back to the bus,
it took about 3 hours and the rain continued. When we got to the place
where the bus was supposed to be, it was not there. One Finnish student
decided that in the middle of all the confusion, he would take photographs
of the landscape, he moved away from the group. Then all our phones
rang, when we went to see the message, it was a photograph of the
Finnish student with all our teachers on the bus. Then we realized that the
bus was only a few kilometres from where we were. When we got to the
bus we asked our teachers how they had found the way out, they
answered that they found it the same way we did, they also told us that
they were only looking for help but then, just like us, they got lost and they
wanted to get back on the bus. After the driver brought bad news, he could
not drive with the torrential rain that was, so we all had to sleep on the bus
and wait for the next day. This adventure was troubled, but it was where we
got better and one of the most fun nights of our trip to Madeira. This
Erasmus group will always be known as the lost ones in the forest!
Beatriz Oliveira & Miriam Pereira
John Mack and Carl Mont two robbers came to Madeira in search of a
treasure that was never found. These two robbers were wanted by the
police long ago and to this day have never been found. Supposedly, the
treasure was hidden in the Laurissilva forest, the problem is that this forest
is great and finding the treasure would not be an easy job. John and Carl
were going to have to map out all the places they went through and look
very well, this would be a job that would require a maximum of dedication
and strategy but the treasure would certainly make up for it.
They began with a levada that was not known because they thought that
it could be a good place to hide a treasure because no one was going to
repair. At the beginning of this Levada had a station of the forest police
that was camouflaged, they came across two forest policemen and quickly
one of them recognized him, the other was sleeping in a chair of Vimes
frightened and broke the chair. The cops tried to go after them but they
managed to escape.
From that day they began to be sought in Madeira, but this did not prevent
them from continuing their search for treasure. As they had no results they
ended up robbing an old Bordados store. There was a problem, there was
a woman there that they killed before she called the police. After the
robbery they fled and it was all caught by surveillance cameras. The
Police has called for reinforcements from more countries to catch these
They fled to mainland Portugal on a boat they stole and again killed a
man. In Continental Portugal they soon assaulted a factory of Azulejos but
were found by the police, they never give up and ended up killing a police
officer. Carl was arrested but John escaped. Will John give himself up? Is
John going to help Carl out of prison? This is a great mystery.
Sara Pereira
Laurissilva - Levadas – Vimes – Bordados - Azulejos
Laurissilva – Laurel forest
A unique forest with more than 15 million years. Madeira is the biggest
stronghold of this type of forest and there are some old massive trees
that have been growing since before the island was discovered.
The Laurissilva is our starting point. It’s something in our Natural
Heritage that sets Madeira apart from their partners. Similarly in every
culture there is always something that makes a people stand out,
something that is unique to them, but what makes us culturally richer is
how we weave other cultures with our own.
Levadas – Water canals
The levadas are water canals that cross most of the island. They were
built as a way to bring water from the North of the Island to the South.
Like the network of support created by the Levadas we can and should
spread out and create a support networks between different nations.
The EU itself is a support network that helps us live in diverse
societies, so that we can evolve and truly embrace our multicultural
heritage, so that above all we may become European Citizens and not
just Portuguese, French, Italian or Finnish.
Vimes – Wicker
Wicker is part of Madeira’s handicraft industry. It’s used to make
baskets or furniture. The wicker canes are cut and then undergo
treatment so as to become more malleable and turned into different
things. Like wicker, together we are stronger. Together our cultures are
Bordados – Embroidery
Stich by stich, the hands of dedicated embroiderers will make images
take shape and salience. In the end, the pieces provide moments and
experiences where tradition begins to tell the story of every family and
every generation.
Like Madeiran embroidery, we create new culture designs by combining
Azulejos– Ceramic tiles
In our history, the tile transcends to something much more fundamental
than just a decorative element - is part of our identity.
Just like you need every tile to complete the image or patterned created
we are all an essential part of human complex cultures where every
individual culture has an important role to play.
No man is an
* W E A V I N G C U L T U R E S T O G E T H E R *

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Glossary storybook

  • 2. E D I T O R ' S N O T E Culture is a basic need. As a community, we can only thrive through our cultural heritage. One of our main goals was to help our students become aware of how our cultural background forms us and how it helps (or disturbs) our communication with others. We wanted to help students discover the rich and often diverse traditions around them and help them understand that all of us in our various communities create culture in everyday life. This creative writing activity was one of the Madeira mobility’s last activities. We asked our students to create stories from the words they found in our glossary. It was quite rewarding to see how they picked up on each other’s views of the meaning of the words and created their stories by building on it. We hope you enjoy their stories as much as we did.
  • 4. Story ONE  Once upon a time in the island of Tenerife there were two girls that met each other while competing for a surfing contest. The first one was Elena and she was from Bologna, Italy and the other one was Lou from Reunion Island. While they were waiting in the water one of the biggest waves they had ever seen came and transported them for a long way. After one day of swimming the two girls arrived on an unknown island really scared and tired. And that’s where the story begins for them. «-Elena ! Où sommes nous ? Il faut trouver de l’aide! - Oddio Lou dove siamo finite?!? Laggiú vedo delle case magari c’é qualcuno che puó aiutarci.» The girls decided to walk to the houses but before they had to cross a big rainforest. After one hour of walking in this huge and old forest they heard people talking in a strange language. «-Lou te non senti come delle voci di persone? Magari c’è qualcuno nella foresta.
  • 5. -Oui j’entend mais je ne comprend pas un mot de ce qu’ils disent, je pense qu’ils parlent portugais mais l’accent est tellement fort je me demande d’où ça vient, tu penses qu’ils sont originaires de l’île ? -Anche io non capisco nulla di quello che dicono, peró potrebbero dirci dove siamo e dove possiamo andare per tornare a dove eravamo. Dai andiamo verso di loro.» So they walked to those strange people and tried to talk to them in english: «Hello, we are lost please can you help us ? » said Lou Their english was so bad that the only thing that they understood was that they were in Laurissilva forest in the island of Madeira. The portuguese people were really nice and they wanted so bad to help them so they gave a piece of Azulejos were Levada was written just under a draw of waterfall with all the indication. Elena tried to ask them if they could help us but they were speaking finnish so they did not manage to understand each other with words so they started to draw so as to explain what they wanted. Finally the Finnish people understood and gave them another Azulejos with the indication of the position of a typical handicraft factory, they called that vimes. So they went there by a strange transport who was named « carro de cesto » which is the transport to go downhill.
  • 6. When they arrived they met Spanish people who were working in the industry. They came to us very nicely and offered us Poncha which is the typical drink of Madeira. After this little break that they needed the Spanish people decided to gave us their most precious and the last azulejos so that the girls can find their way. So their trip continue until a little house where they were Tahitian girl who were doing bordados. They were really friendly and they gave them a welcoming dance and after they gave the bordados that they were sewing and a cart was drawn on it with the indications to go to the port of Funchal. When they arrived they found a group of Portuguese, Finnish, Spanish and Tahitian people who were going back to the land and they came with them and finally went back to their home. That is how the wave of multiculturalism bring Lou, the French girl and Elena the Italian girl. Lou Pamard & Elena Pallara
  • 7. - 0 5   - Story Two
  • 8. May 8th, Martha's diary. When I woke up I was surrounded by wrecks on a pebbly beach. The first thing I noticed were some scratches all over my body. The shipwreck had been violent, but I didn't have many memories. The sun was setting and I was alone in an unknown place. I got up and I looked around: I noticed some objects which survived the storm. I luckily found a knife and provisions that could have been useful. I moved them away from the waves of that cold sea. I needed a place where to sleep: my attention got caught by the big leaves on tall trees in front of the beach. I picked as many as I could and I made my own bed. Once I finished I heard a noise and my blood ran cold in my veins. A big wild pig was snorting behind me. I held my knife, ready to fight for my life. I didn't move, I waited for it to come forward. When it happened Ì didn't hesitate and stabbed it in the throat. Without even trying I got myself dinner and I used its skin to build up a hut. The night passed slowly, at every rustle my eyes were wide open. The days went on and soon my supplies ended. I took the brave decision to get into the forest: I knew right away I wasn't alone, and I knew it for sure when I suddenly turned around and saw a figure hiding between the bushes. I ordered him to show himself, but instead he tried to hide even more. Holding my knife Ì got closer and sow him: his skin was darker than mine, he had dark brown hair and matched eyes. I took him by the arm and saw his skinny but toned body covered in dirt. I thought he wanted to fight, but instead tried to protect his face, he clearly feared me.
  • 9. I talked to him in a calm voice, but I wasn't sure he understood me, until he begged me not to hurt him.I was surprised. I asked for his name, he hesitated but then he said he was called Vimes, like the material of the basket behind him. He told me his story: like me he was a victim of a shipwreck which happened at least five years ago. he suggested we band together to survive. I was disparate: I thought of how hard it would have been to do it alone even more with an enemy, so I did it. We kept walking in the forest on a small path boarded by a water channel. We walked for hours and we stopped in front of a waterfall. I was surprised, there was nothing there. He smiled and crossed it, I trust him and did the same. He lit a lantern and I saw the cave. He came to me with some fruits and I took one as I set on the ground. On the wall in front of me I noticed a portrait of a woman made with ceramic tiles. I asked him who she was and that he told me about the accident. As soon as he got married he set of for a boat trip, but it could have not imagined what would have happened next. A violent storm threw the boat onto the rocks. He survived, but he couldn't say the same about his loved one: Laurel. He still missed her, but somehow he felt her presence in the forest. He still could see clearly her beautiful face and he could hear her laugh. That's why he decided to name the forest after her. From a small furniture and picked a piece of cloth decorated with two pink flowers and a beautiful butterfly with big wings. He told me she had made it just before the marriage and she gave it to him as wedding present. When the story was over Ì saw tears on his cheeks and my heart was heavy for his pain too. It was dinner time and Vimes lit a fire to prepare some fish for the two of us, then we went to bed. We kept living like this until one day we fell in love. We did our best to survive and found a way to do it well. We grew our own plants and used to breed our own animals. One day we had our first child, then the second one and the third one. But it wasn't only us. In fact once in a while some other came, victims of every kind of disaster. We built our homes, our city and at some point even a school. This is the story of how our society was born. Giorgia Marcelli & Kimberly Richards
  • 10. STORY THREE Once upon a time there were three little pigs living in the Laurissilva forest. A beautiful place with unique species and they all live in harmony. The time came for them to leave home and seek their fortunes. Before they left, their mother told them " always be there for each other, you must help your brothers to build their houses because team work is always better. Whatever you do , do it the best that you can because that's the way to get along in the world". So they left their home and just like tiles, when they were separated they were incomplete and the three little pigs must now be a part of a new image or pattern. The first little pig built his house out of straw because it was the easiest thing to do. The second little pig built his house out of sticks. This was a bit stronger than a straw house. The third little pig built his house out of bricks. The third pig learned from the other pigs and with new technique and by combining them, he built a stong and good house.
  • 11. One night the big bad wolf, who dearly loved to eat fat little piggies, came along and saw the first little pig in his house of straw. He said "Let me in, Let me in, little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!" "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig. But of course the wolf did blow the house in and the first little pig ran away and took shelter in the second pig's house. The wolf then came to the house of sticks. "Let me in ,Let me in little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in" "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig. But the wolf blew that house in too, and the two little pigs had to take shelter in the third pig's house. Just like a levada the two pigs spreaded the information by telling the third pig the situation to make sure that everyone will be safe. The wolf then came to the house of bricks. " Let me in , let me in" cried the wolf "Or I'll huff and I'll puff till I blow your house in" "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin" said the pigs. Well, the wolf huffed and puffed but he could not blow down that brick house. But the wolf was a sly old wolf and he climbed up on the roof to look for a way into the brick house. The little pig saw the wolf climb up on the roof and lit a roaring fire in the fireplace and placed on it a large kettle of water. When the wolf finally found the hole in the chimney he crawled down and KERSPLASH right into that kettle of water and that was the end of his troubles with the big bad wolf. The next day the three little pigs invited their mother over . She said "You see it is just as I told you. The way to get along in the world is to do things as well as you can."they learned that lesson. And they just lived happily ever after! Francisco Pereira
  • 12. STORY FOUR I visited Madeira Island for the first time last year to realize why it is the best island destination in Europe. And it was not what I expected at all. I started my day walking in a water canals. A water canal is an irrigation system of the island, and basically it is like a man made river built by the side of the mountains and they were built as a way to bring water from the North of the island to the South, is what the guide said it to us. I am always up for a little hike. Once I started walking, I saw the stunning views below me and I was fascinated. The view from above was so high that I was afraid to looking down. In my head I would probably fall from the mountains if I looked down. In the middle of the trip we were in the Laurel forest. Madeira Island has the largest area of Laurel forest in the world and almost all the plants and animals that live there are exclusive from the Laurel Forest. The forest was so green and beautiful. I took some photos of a birds and plants and then I continued walking. After this adventure we went home tired of the day. The second day I went to Funchal, the main city. There I ate some typical foods like “espetada”- meat, bay leaves and garlic impaled on a stick and grilled to perfection on an open fire, and “bolo do caco”. All the food was delicious! After lunch we went to Monte to try the wicker cars. It was so fun!!
  • 13. In the wicker car were two sledge drivers called “Carreiros” dressed in a straw hat, white pants and they have special shoes to keep traction. I didn’t think it was going to go as fast as it did, nor I thought it was going to be as much fun it was. It was a thrill! That day requited the next day because on that day it rained and I stayed at home. The next day we went to a museum called “Frederico de Freitas” where there were only ceramic tiles. The main color of the ceramic tiles was blue and white with some beautiful drawings. It seems that the ceramic tiles, for what I heard, are an important part of the History of Portugal. I took some photos of some ceramic tiles and we then we went to Funchal. There was an embroidery market. I saw one that I really liked and I bought. In the embroidery it was written “Madeira” with a typical madeiran dancer. The last night in the beautiful island we went to Câmara de Lobos City to drink “poncho” and “nikita”. I really liked nikita’s drink. It’s sweet and cold. In the morning I prepared my baggage and I went to the airport. The weather was nice so the flight wasn’t delayed. It was the best trip I ever had. This island is full of culture, amazing hiking possibilities and delectable gourmet food. I recognize now why this island is the best island destination in Europe. Another time I’ll come here again. Madeira, wait for me! Joana Faria
  • 14. 19 STORY FIVE We were about to catch the plane for one of the best adventures of our life. We are students and participants in Erasmus + projects that took place in Madeira Island. We arrived on May 8th and noticed that we were surrounded by different nationalities, but mostly we were surrounded by people with different personalities. Our first impression when we arrived at that island was that we were in a completely unfamiliar territory where there was a culture that caught our attention. Through the streets of Funchal, we watched women in unusual clothes holding baskets of vimes (wicker). There were shops of local gastronomy, shops of typical Madeira bordados (embroideries) and streets filled with music and dance that enchanted our eyes and ears. We strolled a lot and got to know this wonderful island, but it was only in the middle of this week that the unexpected happened. Our host families said we were going to take a levada that is a walk in the middle of the forest and is one of the most touristy things to do in Madeira. We arrived at the Encumeada, where the levada was begun and we began to walk in what was one of the most beautiful and diverse forests in the world, Laurissilva.
  • 15. 19 The course was fun until it started to rain, we were all distressed because they are dangerous ways where we can easily have an accident. The teachers tried to calm us and shelter us in one of the caves that the levada had. They said they would look for help and told us to stay safe inside the cave. Hours passed, and our teachers never returned until a Portuguese student said we had to look for them. We all agreed because it also seemed that the rain had calmed down a bit, we all left the cave, but we did not know which way to go, even the Portuguese students did not know those ways. We walked for about an hour and realized that we were lost in the middle of the forest and a thunderstorm haunted our walk. We panicked and started running for a place to shelter ourselves until we spotted a house in the distance and decided to reach it. When we arrived, we noticed that it was all lined with azulejos (ceramic tiles) that contained a message that the Portuguese students translated for us. "Only those who arrive here can find their way back" when we learned of the translation we were all terrified but now we realized that house was the key of our way back to the bus. We entered the house and found broken azulejos on the floor, we did not realize what we were supposed to discover to find the way back. Until one Italian girl noticed that the pieces fit together like a puzzle. We gathered all the pieces together and found that it formed a map that showed the exit of the forest. Now that we knew the way, we had only one problem, where were our teachers? We all agreed that the best option would be to go back to the bus and ask for help from the competent authorities, we made our way back to the bus, it took about 3 hours and the rain continued. When we got to the place where the bus was supposed to be, it was not there. One Finnish student decided that in the middle of all the confusion, he would take photographs of the landscape, he moved away from the group. Then all our phones rang, when we went to see the message, it was a photograph of the Finnish student with all our teachers on the bus. Then we realized that the bus was only a few kilometres from where we were. When we got to the bus we asked our teachers how they had found the way out, they answered that they found it the same way we did, they also told us that they were only looking for help but then, just like us, they got lost and they
  • 16. 19 wanted to get back on the bus. After the driver brought bad news, he could not drive with the torrential rain that was, so we all had to sleep on the bus and wait for the next day. This adventure was troubled, but it was where we got better and one of the most fun nights of our trip to Madeira. This Erasmus group will always be known as the lost ones in the forest! Beatriz Oliveira & Miriam Pereira
  • 17. STORY SIX John Mack and Carl Mont two robbers came to Madeira in search of a treasure that was never found. These two robbers were wanted by the police long ago and to this day have never been found. Supposedly, the treasure was hidden in the Laurissilva forest, the problem is that this forest is great and finding the treasure would not be an easy job. John and Carl were going to have to map out all the places they went through and look very well, this would be a job that would require a maximum of dedication and strategy but the treasure would certainly make up for it. They began with a levada that was not known because they thought that it could be a good place to hide a treasure because no one was going to repair. At the beginning of this Levada had a station of the forest police that was camouflaged, they came across two forest policemen and quickly one of them recognized him, the other was sleeping in a chair of Vimes frightened and broke the chair. The cops tried to go after them but they managed to escape. From that day they began to be sought in Madeira, but this did not prevent them from continuing their search for treasure. As they had no results they ended up robbing an old Bordados store. There was a problem, there was a woman there that they killed before she called the police. After the robbery they fled and it was all caught by surveillance cameras. The Police has called for reinforcements from more countries to catch these killers. They fled to mainland Portugal on a boat they stole and again killed a man. In Continental Portugal they soon assaulted a factory of Azulejos but were found by the police, they never give up and ended up killing a police officer. Carl was arrested but John escaped. Will John give himself up? Is John going to help Carl out of prison? This is a great mystery. Sara Pereira
  • 18. GLOSSARY Laurissilva - Levadas – Vimes – Bordados - Azulejos Laurissilva – Laurel forest A unique forest with more than 15 million years. Madeira is the biggest stronghold of this type of forest and there are some old massive trees that have been growing since before the island was discovered. The Laurissilva is our starting point. It’s something in our Natural Heritage that sets Madeira apart from their partners. Similarly in every culture there is always something that makes a people stand out, something that is unique to them, but what makes us culturally richer is how we weave other cultures with our own. Levadas – Water canals The levadas are water canals that cross most of the island. They were built as a way to bring water from the North of the Island to the South. Like the network of support created by the Levadas we can and should spread out and create a support networks between different nations. The EU itself is a support network that helps us live in diverse societies, so that we can evolve and truly embrace our multicultural heritage, so that above all we may become European Citizens and not just Portuguese, French, Italian or Finnish.
  • 19. Vimes – Wicker Wicker is part of Madeira’s handicraft industry. It’s used to make baskets or furniture. The wicker canes are cut and then undergo treatment so as to become more malleable and turned into different things. Like wicker, together we are stronger. Together our cultures are enriched. Bordados – Embroidery Stich by stich, the hands of dedicated embroiderers will make images take shape and salience. In the end, the pieces provide moments and experiences where tradition begins to tell the story of every family and every generation. Like Madeiran embroidery, we create new culture designs by combining diversity. Azulejos– Ceramic tiles In our history, the tile transcends to something much more fundamental than just a decorative element - is part of our identity. Just like you need every tile to complete the image or patterned created we are all an essential part of human complex cultures where every individual culture has an important role to play.
  • 20. No man is an Island * W E A V I N G C U L T U R E S T O G E T H E R * A G L O S S A R Y S T O R Y B O O K