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On these pages you'll find some of our students' views on the activities
developed during the mobility to Madeira Island. (you can check the rest
More than a simple retelling of what they did on each day we wanted
them to reflect on what they had learnt from the work developed. It was a
real pleasure to hear their enthusiasm as they looked back on the work
they did and proudly talked about it.. They were aware of the “simple
things” like: Yes, it was a fun way to learn and practice English; Yes, it was
great to meet other students; Yes, it was really good to work
collaboratively. But what was truly amazing (what eluded most of them)
was how the project's activities sparked their creativity, their ability to
create new things; how they had been able to accomplish individual
learning and contribute to the learning of others.
The project NoMI (No Man is an
Island) is an Erasmus project that
happens because of the
collaboration of six different schools
from different countries and our
school takes part on this project and
we already participated on the first
trip of the project to Aldaia, in
Spain. The second mobility of this
project took place in our beautiful
Island, Madeira. From the 8th to 15th
of May, we received students from
different nationalities and we
showed them a little bit of our
culture and story of our island. On
the first day, we welcomed them on
our house and they met our family
for the first time. The parents were
really patient and cooperative with
all of the ituations and during the
trip they were really excited to
participate and help with anything
they could. During the week we had
a lot of activities that needed a lot of
preparation before trip so we had to
plan things for a few of them such
as training to present our poems and
the works we did, practicing the
traditional dance we were going to
show the other students and also
prepare a geocaching activity with
our PE teacher.
Besides that, we did a research and a
few presentations to prepare the
levada walk with our Biology teacher.
On the second day, the first day full of
activities, the students were received
at school and we did a small
experience with our biology teacher.
It was the first time we were all
together in the same room. After that
we started with a welcome ceremony
and an icebreaking activity, and I
enjoyed it a lot because we got the
opportunity to talk with others for the
first time without the first awkward
approach. Speaking in my own case, I
wish we had more activities like this
where we can interact more with each
other. This was followed by a
eocaching activity on our school and
then we went to have lunch. In the
afternoon we were divided by groups
between 4 different places: The
regional assembly and 3 different
museums (Museum Frederico
Freitas, Quinta das Cruzes and
Museum of Arte Sacra). I went to the
museum of Quinta das Cruzes, and I
thought that this museum had a really
interesting story and an amazing
collection of art, furniture and
jewellery. If I had the opportunity to
choose to participate in the other
places, I think I would have chosen to
go to the debate.
On the next day we started the
morning with a trip on the teleférico to
the Monte Palace Tropical Gardens. In
my point of view this is one of the most
amazing places to visit in Madeira. It
holds a splendid selection of rare
objects and it is mesmerizing to walk
on the garden filled with pieces of art
and story from around the world. By
visiting the museums in Madeira we
can witness the presence of different
cultures and diversity of knowledge
that this places present to their
isitants. In the evening we had our
Literary Soirée and this was the part
of the day we were the most nervous
about but all went how we had
lanned and we were really happy to
see that the teachers and our parents
were proud of our work. The eekend
was full of walking around the island
and this was one of my favourite parts
of the week. I love the nature and to
be with my friends so to get a mix of
both together was really fun. I
enjoyed the lunch that we had in Chão
dos Louros the most, I would have
stayed there all day. On Monday we
had and workshop of Azulejos, and
for me, I was curious to know more
about it, and it was grateful to learn a little bit more of the
story of it and why it is important in Portuguese history. I’m
not really good at arts but I liked to see the work of my
colleagues and to see how good their tiles turned out. A
few of them look like professionals. After that we went to
the computer room to work a little bit, and in my group we
had to do PowerPoint presentation to present the museum
we had visited to be used by our foreigner students to
present their view of what they saw and learned in the
museum. After having lunch, we all met at the center of the
city for a tour walk but since it was really hot, we weren’t
able to see much so we just went eat an ice-cream and
then walked back to take the boat on the pier to see the
sunset. It was a pleasant activity even if felt a little bit sick
on the boat, I loved to sit on the edge and feel the wind on
my hair and to be in the sea.
On the last the activities we headed to the basement of the
school to watch a presentation of the students from 7º4
about France, more specifically La Reunion and Tahiti.
They sang and danced really well, and the students that
are French really enjoyed to see their work. Later, we had
an activity about traditional games, and it was nice to have
some exercise and also see that we have a lot of games in
common that we all know and played when we were little.
Then we had lunch and went to practice a little bit more
our folklore dance before presenting it. In the evening we
saw a presentation of Xarabanda – a local traditional
music band - in the school canteen and after that each
country presented the dances they have been preparing.
In my personal opinion, I liked the dance from Tahiti the
most, it’s surprising to see how smoothly they can move
and they did it really well. Later again, we had the closing
ceremony and then we had dinner. At this moment we
were all sad to have to say goodbye but we left the crying
for after the dinner. Before that we had a great time
singing and dancing, but mostly just screaming and
laughing all together. I had a lot of fun and I would have
stayed there all night. At this point, this was the end of our
mobility, and to conclude, I think this was the best week
that I have ever had in my life.
This only happened because of the Erasmus+ project and
the work of our teachers. I am so glad and thankful for
what we did during this week and also for my parents too
that helped me a lot to take care of the partner I was
hosting. It was sad to say goodbye but this trip will always
stay in my mind and in my heart..
Nuestro pequeño grupo iba a salir rumbo a Madeira y la primera parada era Madrid.
Era el primer vuelo de una de las chicas, y eso nos puso ansiosos y nerviosos a todos.
La verdad es que el avión era un poco pequeño, más que un avión era una avioneta.
LLegamos a Madrid y nos dieron una mala noticia: nuestro vuelo a Lisboa se había
retrasado. Dudábamos de si podríamos o no coger el siguiente vuelo, el cual
esperamos unas 4 horas. Al llegar a Lisboa nos dijeron que al final nos tocaría coger
otro vuelo pero que llegaríamos esa misma noche. Después de cenar embarcamos
en nuestro último vuelo. Allí en Madeira nos esperaba la que iba a ser nuestra
familia durante este magnífico viaje, nerviosos e impacientes por conocernos. A la
llegada nos tocó recorrer la isla de noche ya que el aeropuerto estaba bastante lejos
de la capital. La isla de noche era espectacular. no había ningún lugar en toda la isla
que no estuviera iluminado. Al fin llegamos a la casa de nuestras respectivas familias
donde pasaríamos nuestra primera noche en Funchal.
Durante esta semana visitamos los lugares más importantes de la isla, fuimos a
museos, parques naturales, jardines, visitamos el centro de la capital y nos bañamos
en sus maravillosas playas. También participamos en una serie de actividades que
nos ayudaron a conocer las diferentes culturas de los países que participaban en el
proyecto en el cual estábamos inmersos. Pero lo más importante de el viaje fueron
las amistades que creamos con las personas de otros países. Llegamos siendo un
grupo de 4 y volvimos siendo un grupo de 46. 42 personas de diferentes
nacionalidades y culturas que tuvimos el placer de conocer durante esta semana
creando amistades y recuerdos que perdurarán en nuestro corazón durante el resto
de nuestra vida.
Lo último que recuerdo del viaje es la despedida. Bueno para ser más correcto, las
despedidas, la primera al finalizar la cena donde nos tocó despedirnos de los
profesores de los otros países, aquellos que habían sido los padres de esta gran
familia que habíamos creado. Después empezaron las primeras despedidas entre
alumnos, en pocas palabras empezaron los lloros.
Estuvimos durante horas entre abrazos, despedidas, promesas de futuros encuentro
en cualquier parte del mundo,etc. La tercera despedida fue con la familia. Aquel
grupo de personas que decidieron acogerte durante una semana.
Finalmente la última despedida fué la más corta pero la más triste, decirle adiós a la
isla que nos acogió y  nos regaló una de las mejores semanas de nuestras vidas.
Leaving Reunion
After arriving in Paris with Mr.PICARD, Lou, Yona
and I, we rejoined with our coordinator teacher,
Ms.AMARANTHE-BRIAIS. Then, we went to the
famous French shopping centre Belle épine. There,
we took a break at the cinema and ate all together.
That afternoon was a great opportunity to get
closer with Lou and Yona who are both a year
older than me.
Day 0 in Madeira
We landed at 11:30 pm in Funchal Airport and
my correspondent Diego and his teacher were
waiting for us. Then, Diego took me home and
it was a bit weird to see him since we had been
chatting for a long time.
Day 1
The first day aimed at meeting all the students and
get to know each other. Thus, after a welcoming
ceremony made by the Madeiran teachers, students
made a visit of their school Gonçalves Zarco, we
did some ice breaking activities and a geocaching
contest. This was really fun and I managed to get
closer with the others. Again when we ate all
together at the school canteen.
Then on the afternoon, in the honor of Europe’s
day, we attended a debate dealing with
multiculturalism at the Legislative Assembly of
Madeira which is installed in the Funchal Customs
The assembly has been inaugurated in 1987 after
being adapted by the architect Chorão Ramalho.
The debate was headed by European representants
and recorded by the local TV. We had all prepared
researches about multiculturalism at home and two
students from each country had to share their work.
Yona and I were representing Reunion, I felt really
proud and it was a pleasure for us to speak on
behalf of our reunionese values.
Day 2
I was really excited when I learnt that we would go
in the renowned cable cars of Funchal. And I aven’t
been disappointed at all, it was giving us a whole
view of the city, its orange roofs and it was really
At the end of the ride, we ended up in the Monte
Palace Tropical Garden bought by the business man
José Manuel Rodrigues Berardo in 1987 who
afterward donate it to the Associação de Colecçes. A
place where almost all cultures were represented
through flora and fauna but also art. A true
representation of multiculturalism right?
Continuing with this idea of multiculturalism, we all
participated to a literary soiree organized by the
Portuguese students on the evening. It took place at
the Madeira Wine Institute, a building that
celebrates the history of wine production in the
island with photographs, prints, barrels and other
utensils used in winemaking. Every country had
prepared a poem or a song that represented well
their culture to show everyone. It was a really great moment to hear the different languages. At the end,
something that wasn’t planned took place, we all sang together each of our anthem and we ended with
Imagine by John Lennon. It was really emotional since everyone was standing by others and singing
together, and we didn’t know each other well yet. I think that the lyrics of the song were speaking for
Then, when we got home with Diego, we went past a flower festival in the centre of Funchal. There were lots
of people and tourists celebrating springtime like every year.
Day 3
Levadas are tunnels built during the early days of colonization that transport water from the North to the
South of the island. So we went hiking to the « Madeira’s Laurissilva », and it was about walking past these
waterways. This place is part of the UNESCO World Natural Heritage and was really refreshing with all these
greennesses. It contains a unique suite of plants and animals, including many endemic species. So during
the walk, we have seen some specific elements. Starting with a tunnel with a low roof where there wasn’t any
light, we had to be very careful there. Then, a waterfall and lots of typical flowers and plants from Madeira
like the laurel, the till and shrubs.
After finishing the walk, we went to a picnic spot for lunch. We have eaten some traditional dishes
such as Bolo de Caco (bread with garlic butter) and Espetada (pieces of beef held on a pike that
are cooked on a firewood). We have ended this day with a sightseeing from the highest cliff in
Europe and the 3rd highest in the world. Called Cabo Girao, it was about 580 meters above the sea
level. The floor was made of window panes so that we could see the bottom.
Day 4
This day was about making a tour of the island with several places. Firstly, we went for a hike called Ribeiro
Frio where we had the chance to take a sight at the Madeiran mountains. We have also found a beautiful
garden and a famous trout pond. Secondly, we went to the city of Santana known for its traditional triangular
and colorful madeiran houses. To end our island bus tour, we have been to the only beach made of sand in
Madeira. Porto Moniz. Meanwhile some went to the water, there was also an international bicycle course. The
sun was shining like never before and it has been a great moment spent together.
For dinner, my host family brought me to a typical Venezuelan restaurant. They quit Venezuela for Madeira
because of the country’s instability.
Thus, I had the opportunity to also discover another culture and language apart from Madeira’s. I have been
really pleased to learn more about Venezuela too.
Day 5
After all these days spent with all the NoMites, the lovely Portuguese wanted to show us what their physics
and chemistry’s lessons were like. Therefore, before starting the program of the day, we followed our
correspondents in their usual classes where their teacher showed us some experiences.
Then, we continued to use the school’s classrooms to make a report of the debate we had attended while
others were working on the assembly history. To finish with the immersion in their daily classes, we rejoined
with art teachers who have taught us to make Azulejos (painting on ceramic tiles). The word azulejo stems
from Arabic roots, meaning ‘small polished stone’. Azulejos still constitute a major aspect of Portuguese
architecture as they are applied on walls, floors and even ceilings. Many azulejos chronicle major historical
and cultural aspects of Portuguese history. It was really difficult, some succeed, others like me didn’t...
During the lunch break, Diego took me to the Livraria of esperança, which is one of the biggest library in the
world. It was a magical place and a piece of paradise for readers. A real maze with thousands of books set
down on an infinity of shelves and upholstered all over the walls.
On the afternoon, the students from Madeira offered us a tour guide of Funchal city centre. And finally, the
last activity of the day was about a boat trip. We all knew that the end was near and that we had to enjoy this
moment to the fullest.
Day 6
The last day with all the partners was the tougher one. Not because we had too much activities but because
we wouldn’t see each other anymore the day after. So starting the day with a visit of the school’s art gallery. It
presented many sketches, paints, sculptures made by artists from Madeira. Then, we all attended a
presentation made by 7th grade students of Gonçalves Zarco who learn French. They have been working on
the French Islands during the year so that they can show us what they have learnt about Reunion and Tahiti. I
have been really impressed by the good level they have in French and even more when two students sang a
French song. Meanwhile some students went participating to a web radio talking about multiculturalism and
their country’s situation regarding this serious issue, we went to the sports ground playing some traditional
games. Each country had to present a famous game from their culture and share it with the others so that we
could learn and having fun all together. After the lunch break, we all reunited in the school canteen to
present the traditional dance from our country. Starting with the Spanish, they did a flamenco dance which
was really powerful and fancy. Then, the Tahitian did a really beautiful demonstration, followed by Madeiran,
Finnish and us. We had prepared a Maloya dance that could represent well the multiculturalism in Reunion.
For that reason, we had chosen the song “Batarsité” written by Danyel Waro. Finally, the Italian girls showed
us how to dance a famous funny song in Italy, it was a great moment, doing it all together.
After these musical moments, we all reunited in the meeting room where Mrs. Alexandra
FRANCISCO (Madeiran teacher) made a closing ceremony to thank everyone and celebrate the
end of the mobility. To sum up what we had learnt during the trip, we did a Kahoot! by teams and
it was really fun..
Finally, the farewell dinner has been full of
emotions. They had the great idea to make a
karaoke and we all sang songs that had marked
the mobility. What a wonderful moment. Saying
goodbye to everyone has been heartbreaking.
We all didn’t want to go back home and we all
promised each other to see again. This mobility
has been enriching in many ways, we have learnt
a lot about Madeiran and Portuguese culture but
also met lots of mazing people and grown up. I
draw from this experience, incredible friendships
and lifetime memories and I would be forever
grateful for being part of this adventure.
And here ends our mobility to Madeira. It has
been a wonderful experience in which I have
managed to build lifetime friendships and
memories. We have also been able to learn what
"multiculturalism” really meant and above all
tolerance and inclusion values that our NoMI
project stands for. Our stopover in Lisbon has also
been a real nest of cultural and historical
resources that has completed those we had
already learnt in Madeira. Thank you to all the
coordinators of the project, students,
obviously to ERASMUS+.
On Wednesday we arrived in Madeira and I got
to meet my host family for the first time. They
were very nice, and I got along very well with
Francisco, the student in the project from my
host family. We went to the beach and the mall
and it was a nice
relaxing day. Later at night we went to pick up
two more girls to live at the same family for the
week. At the airport waiting for them to arrive I
got a weird feeling. I was surrounded by people
who I have never before met and who didn't
even speak the same language as I, in a place I
have never been in, and I still felt comfortable
being in the situation.
On Thursday we got to see the school and the
city for the first time. We had some exercises to
get to know each other and a tour around the
city and a local museum of tiles, which was
interesting. After the day at school all the
students got together at another mall and hang
out together.
That’s when I really got new friends from the
It was a bit exhausting to wake up early after a
long day, but I was excited. We went to visit a
beautiful tropical garden and got a ride on a
cable car. We walked for hours and I got very
tired. But after the garden tour we went to try a
local restaurant. I had been waiting for that. We
also had a literary soirée later that day and I
had a fun day with my new friends.
On Saturday morning we hopped
on a bus and I fell asleep,
my feet were sore from the
walking from yesterday and then
we got to more walking. We hiked
a Levada walk and despite the
tiredness it was very fun. We ate
outside and the food was nice
and different. At night we went to
taste nikitas, traditional Madeiran
drinks in a city near Funchal. I
think they were not as great as
described but some people really
liked it. That is the night when I
really felt bonding with the other
students in a way I had not
At this point of the week I was
already really tired and I was just
hoping a relaxed day sitting in
the bus at a bus tour. The bus
tour was not just sitting tough,
we did a mini hike and after that
we cut the bus tour short and
went to a beach together. I loved
it. There was even a bike race
finish line at the beach so there
was a lot of people.
Monday was probably my favorite
day in the behalf of activities. We
got to paint tiles and just sit down.
We did not have to walk as much as
the other days and we ended the
day by going on a boat trip. The
best part was that we got to jump
to the ocean from the boat. I had
gotten so much friends and just
when I was really getting
omfortable it hit me that this was
the second last day.
Tuesday was an emotional day. We
had a lot of activities and I was just
holding my tears. It was the worst
feeling to know you were probably
never going to see those people
Last we had a farewell dinner and
people sang karaoke. We even went
out to the city and had a great last
night. Finally, I said goodbye to all
those great people I had met and
went home to sleep.
I had an alarm in the
morning, but I did not wake
up until my host came to
wake me. I was so tired that I
did not even go shopping any
more even though I could
have. I just packed my bags
and was so ready to get to
the airport and home into my
own bed and my own Finnish
bathroom. I was feeling little
sad leaving the island but I
was really tired and
homesick. Now I am just
waiting for students to come
to Finland.
What has Erasmus done for me?
Nine months ago I was given the opportunity to join the Erasmus project, easy to say in hindsight that I am so
grateful for it. Everything started with a couple meetings every month. Because I was abroad I missed the first
ones, but anyway once I came back I could get to know more kids who have always been in my own school that
I had never seen before and straight from the beginning I knew this project would have brought me new
With a lot of patience, hope and thanks to our incredible teacher my classmates and I got the chance to set off
from Bologna to Funchal. During the time spent at home preparing for the different activities I was so excited
but scared as well. Little did I know I had no reason to be worried at all. Sure we have been through some
stressful times like when we didn’t find our suitcases once we lent in Madeira, or when we had to face our
fears and speak in public, whether it was at the public assembly or at the radio. Beside all the work, we did
enjoy the place! Everyday we had the chance to see a bit more of the island and all the beautiful landscapes; I
guess one of my favourite trips was the Levada walk or the boat trip.
I was lucky enough to be hosted by one of the kindest girls of the island and her family has been the fourth to
host me in my life and honestly it has been the best one so far. They really made me feel like I was a member
of their family. Also I have met other great people, from Madeira and the other countries which were part of the
project. In fact I met some guys and we found out our birthdays are pretty close to each other’s and it would be
amazing to celebrate them all together one year! After this incredible experience I can truly say that it’s true: no
man is an island. We all need somebody to feel good with ourselves and I found that somebody.
Giorgia Marcelli

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Mobility diaries

  • 2. WELCOME On these pages you'll find some of our students' views on the activities developed during the mobility to Madeira Island. (you can check the rest here: More than a simple retelling of what they did on each day we wanted them to reflect on what they had learnt from the work developed. It was a real pleasure to hear their enthusiasm as they looked back on the work they did and proudly talked about it.. They were aware of the “simple things” like: Yes, it was a fun way to learn and practice English; Yes, it was great to meet other students; Yes, it was really good to work collaboratively. But what was truly amazing (what eluded most of them) was how the project's activities sparked their creativity, their ability to create new things; how they had been able to accomplish individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
  • 4. CATARINA PINTO The project NoMI (No Man is an Island) is an Erasmus project that happens because of the collaboration of six different schools from different countries and our school takes part on this project and we already participated on the first trip of the project to Aldaia, in Spain. The second mobility of this project took place in our beautiful Island, Madeira. From the 8th to 15th of May, we received students from different nationalities and we showed them a little bit of our culture and story of our island. On the first day, we welcomed them on our house and they met our family for the first time. The parents were really patient and cooperative with all of the ituations and during the trip they were really excited to participate and help with anything they could. During the week we had a lot of activities that needed a lot of preparation before trip so we had to plan things for a few of them such as training to present our poems and the works we did, practicing the traditional dance we were going to show the other students and also prepare a geocaching activity with our PE teacher. Besides that, we did a research and a few presentations to prepare the levada walk with our Biology teacher. On the second day, the first day full of activities, the students were received at school and we did a small experience with our biology teacher. It was the first time we were all together in the same room. After that we started with a welcome ceremony and an icebreaking activity, and I enjoyed it a lot because we got the opportunity to talk with others for the first time without the first awkward approach. Speaking in my own case, I wish we had more activities like this where we can interact more with each other. This was followed by a eocaching activity on our school and then we went to have lunch. In the afternoon we were divided by groups between 4 different places: The regional assembly and 3 different museums (Museum Frederico Freitas, Quinta das Cruzes and Museum of Arte Sacra). I went to the museum of Quinta das Cruzes, and I thought that this museum had a really interesting story and an amazing collection of art, furniture and jewellery. If I had the opportunity to choose to participate in the other places, I think I would have chosen to go to the debate. On the next day we started the morning with a trip on the teleférico to the Monte Palace Tropical Gardens. In my point of view this is one of the most amazing places to visit in Madeira. It holds a splendid selection of rare objects and it is mesmerizing to walk on the garden filled with pieces of art and story from around the world. By visiting the museums in Madeira we can witness the presence of different cultures and diversity of knowledge that this places present to their isitants. In the evening we had our Literary Soirée and this was the part of the day we were the most nervous about but all went how we had lanned and we were really happy to see that the teachers and our parents were proud of our work. The eekend was full of walking around the island and this was one of my favourite parts of the week. I love the nature and to be with my friends so to get a mix of both together was really fun. I enjoyed the lunch that we had in Chão dos Louros the most, I would have stayed there all day. On Monday we had and workshop of Azulejos, and for me, I was curious to know more
  • 5. about it, and it was grateful to learn a little bit more of the story of it and why it is important in Portuguese history. I’m not really good at arts but I liked to see the work of my colleagues and to see how good their tiles turned out. A few of them look like professionals. After that we went to the computer room to work a little bit, and in my group we had to do PowerPoint presentation to present the museum we had visited to be used by our foreigner students to present their view of what they saw and learned in the museum. After having lunch, we all met at the center of the city for a tour walk but since it was really hot, we weren’t able to see much so we just went eat an ice-cream and then walked back to take the boat on the pier to see the sunset. It was a pleasant activity even if felt a little bit sick on the boat, I loved to sit on the edge and feel the wind on my hair and to be in the sea. On the last the activities we headed to the basement of the school to watch a presentation of the students from 7º4 about France, more specifically La Reunion and Tahiti. They sang and danced really well, and the students that are French really enjoyed to see their work. Later, we had an activity about traditional games, and it was nice to have some exercise and also see that we have a lot of games in common that we all know and played when we were little. Then we had lunch and went to practice a little bit more our folklore dance before presenting it. In the evening we saw a presentation of Xarabanda – a local traditional music band - in the school canteen and after that each country presented the dances they have been preparing. In my personal opinion, I liked the dance from Tahiti the most, it’s surprising to see how smoothly they can move and they did it really well. Later again, we had the closing ceremony and then we had dinner. At this moment we were all sad to have to say goodbye but we left the crying for after the dinner. Before that we had a great time singing and dancing, but mostly just screaming and laughing all together. I had a lot of fun and I would have stayed there all night. At this point, this was the end of our mobility, and to conclude, I think this was the best week that I have ever had in my life. This only happened because of the Erasmus+ project and the work of our teachers. I am so glad and thankful for what we did during this week and also for my parents too that helped me a lot to take care of the partner I was hosting. It was sad to say goodbye but this trip will always stay in my mind and in my heart..
  • 6. LUCÍA MILLÁN Nuestro pequeño grupo iba a salir rumbo a Madeira y la primera parada era Madrid. Era el primer vuelo de una de las chicas, y eso nos puso ansiosos y nerviosos a todos. La verdad es que el avión era un poco pequeño, más que un avión era una avioneta. LLegamos a Madrid y nos dieron una mala noticia: nuestro vuelo a Lisboa se había retrasado. Dudábamos de si podríamos o no coger el siguiente vuelo, el cual esperamos unas 4 horas. Al llegar a Lisboa nos dijeron que al final nos tocaría coger otro vuelo pero que llegaríamos esa misma noche. Después de cenar embarcamos en nuestro último vuelo. Allí en Madeira nos esperaba la que iba a ser nuestra familia durante este magnífico viaje, nerviosos e impacientes por conocernos. A la llegada nos tocó recorrer la isla de noche ya que el aeropuerto estaba bastante lejos de la capital. La isla de noche era espectacular. no había ningún lugar en toda la isla que no estuviera iluminado. Al fin llegamos a la casa de nuestras respectivas familias donde pasaríamos nuestra primera noche en Funchal. Durante esta semana visitamos los lugares más importantes de la isla, fuimos a museos, parques naturales, jardines, visitamos el centro de la capital y nos bañamos en sus maravillosas playas. También participamos en una serie de actividades que nos ayudaron a conocer las diferentes culturas de los países que participaban en el proyecto en el cual estábamos inmersos. Pero lo más importante de el viaje fueron las amistades que creamos con las personas de otros países. Llegamos siendo un grupo de 4 y volvimos siendo un grupo de 46. 42 personas de diferentes nacionalidades y culturas que tuvimos el placer de conocer durante esta semana creando amistades y recuerdos que perdurarán en nuestro corazón durante el resto de nuestra vida. Lo último que recuerdo del viaje es la despedida. Bueno para ser más correcto, las despedidas, la primera al finalizar la cena donde nos tocó despedirnos de los profesores de los otros países, aquellos que habían sido los padres de esta gran familia que habíamos creado. Después empezaron las primeras despedidas entre alumnos, en pocas palabras empezaron los lloros. Estuvimos durante horas entre abrazos, despedidas, promesas de futuros encuentro en cualquier parte del mundo,etc. La tercera despedida fue con la familia. Aquel grupo de personas que decidieron acogerte durante una semana. Finalmente la última despedida fué la más corta pero la más triste, decirle adiós a la isla que nos acogió y  nos regaló una de las mejores semanas de nuestras vidas.
  • 8. Leaving Reunion After arriving in Paris with Mr.PICARD, Lou, Yona and I, we rejoined with our coordinator teacher, Ms.AMARANTHE-BRIAIS. Then, we went to the famous French shopping centre Belle épine. There, we took a break at the cinema and ate all together. That afternoon was a great opportunity to get closer with Lou and Yona who are both a year older than me. Day 0 in Madeira We landed at 11:30 pm in Funchal Airport and my correspondent Diego and his teacher were waiting for us. Then, Diego took me home and it was a bit weird to see him since we had been chatting for a long time. Day 1 The first day aimed at meeting all the students and get to know each other. Thus, after a welcoming ceremony made by the Madeiran teachers, students made a visit of their school Gonçalves Zarco, we did some ice breaking activities and a geocaching contest. This was really fun and I managed to get closer with the others. Again when we ate all together at the school canteen. Then on the afternoon, in the honor of Europe’s day, we attended a debate dealing with multiculturalism at the Legislative Assembly of Madeira which is installed in the Funchal Customs building. The assembly has been inaugurated in 1987 after being adapted by the architect Chorão Ramalho. The debate was headed by European representants and recorded by the local TV. We had all prepared researches about multiculturalism at home and two students from each country had to share their work. Yona and I were representing Reunion, I felt really proud and it was a pleasure for us to speak on behalf of our reunionese values. Day 2 I was really excited when I learnt that we would go in the renowned cable cars of Funchal. And I aven’t been disappointed at all, it was giving us a whole view of the city, its orange roofs and it was really impressive. At the end of the ride, we ended up in the Monte Palace Tropical Garden bought by the business man José Manuel Rodrigues Berardo in 1987 who afterward donate it to the Associação de Colecçes. A place where almost all cultures were represented through flora and fauna but also art. A true representation of multiculturalism right? Continuing with this idea of multiculturalism, we all participated to a literary soiree organized by the Portuguese students on the evening. It took place at the Madeira Wine Institute, a building that celebrates the history of wine production in the island with photographs, prints, barrels and other utensils used in winemaking. Every country had prepared a poem or a song that represented well JADE CHEUNG
  • 9. their culture to show everyone. It was a really great moment to hear the different languages. At the end, something that wasn’t planned took place, we all sang together each of our anthem and we ended with Imagine by John Lennon. It was really emotional since everyone was standing by others and singing together, and we didn’t know each other well yet. I think that the lyrics of the song were speaking for themselves. Then, when we got home with Diego, we went past a flower festival in the centre of Funchal. There were lots of people and tourists celebrating springtime like every year. Day 3 Levadas are tunnels built during the early days of colonization that transport water from the North to the South of the island. So we went hiking to the « Madeira’s Laurissilva », and it was about walking past these waterways. This place is part of the UNESCO World Natural Heritage and was really refreshing with all these greennesses. It contains a unique suite of plants and animals, including many endemic species. So during the walk, we have seen some specific elements. Starting with a tunnel with a low roof where there wasn’t any light, we had to be very careful there. Then, a waterfall and lots of typical flowers and plants from Madeira like the laurel, the till and shrubs. After finishing the walk, we went to a picnic spot for lunch. We have eaten some traditional dishes such as Bolo de Caco (bread with garlic butter) and Espetada (pieces of beef held on a pike that are cooked on a firewood). We have ended this day with a sightseeing from the highest cliff in Europe and the 3rd highest in the world. Called Cabo Girao, it was about 580 meters above the sea level. The floor was made of window panes so that we could see the bottom. Day 4 This day was about making a tour of the island with several places. Firstly, we went for a hike called Ribeiro Frio where we had the chance to take a sight at the Madeiran mountains. We have also found a beautiful garden and a famous trout pond. Secondly, we went to the city of Santana known for its traditional triangular and colorful madeiran houses. To end our island bus tour, we have been to the only beach made of sand in Madeira. Porto Moniz. Meanwhile some went to the water, there was also an international bicycle course. The sun was shining like never before and it has been a great moment spent together. For dinner, my host family brought me to a typical Venezuelan restaurant. They quit Venezuela for Madeira because of the country’s instability.
  • 10. Thus, I had the opportunity to also discover another culture and language apart from Madeira’s. I have been really pleased to learn more about Venezuela too. Day 5 After all these days spent with all the NoMites, the lovely Portuguese wanted to show us what their physics and chemistry’s lessons were like. Therefore, before starting the program of the day, we followed our correspondents in their usual classes where their teacher showed us some experiences. Then, we continued to use the school’s classrooms to make a report of the debate we had attended while others were working on the assembly history. To finish with the immersion in their daily classes, we rejoined with art teachers who have taught us to make Azulejos (painting on ceramic tiles). The word azulejo stems from Arabic roots, meaning ‘small polished stone’. Azulejos still constitute a major aspect of Portuguese architecture as they are applied on walls, floors and even ceilings. Many azulejos chronicle major historical and cultural aspects of Portuguese history. It was really difficult, some succeed, others like me didn’t... During the lunch break, Diego took me to the Livraria of esperança, which is one of the biggest library in the world. It was a magical place and a piece of paradise for readers. A real maze with thousands of books set down on an infinity of shelves and upholstered all over the walls. On the afternoon, the students from Madeira offered us a tour guide of Funchal city centre. And finally, the last activity of the day was about a boat trip. We all knew that the end was near and that we had to enjoy this moment to the fullest. Day 6 The last day with all the partners was the tougher one. Not because we had too much activities but because we wouldn’t see each other anymore the day after. So starting the day with a visit of the school’s art gallery. It presented many sketches, paints, sculptures made by artists from Madeira. Then, we all attended a presentation made by 7th grade students of Gonçalves Zarco who learn French. They have been working on the French Islands during the year so that they can show us what they have learnt about Reunion and Tahiti. I have been really impressed by the good level they have in French and even more when two students sang a French song. Meanwhile some students went participating to a web radio talking about multiculturalism and their country’s situation regarding this serious issue, we went to the sports ground playing some traditional games. Each country had to present a famous game from their culture and share it with the others so that we could learn and having fun all together. After the lunch break, we all reunited in the school canteen to present the traditional dance from our country. Starting with the Spanish, they did a flamenco dance which was really powerful and fancy. Then, the Tahitian did a really beautiful demonstration, followed by Madeiran, Finnish and us. We had prepared a Maloya dance that could represent well the multiculturalism in Reunion. For that reason, we had chosen the song “Batarsité” written by Danyel Waro. Finally, the Italian girls showed us how to dance a famous funny song in Italy, it was a great moment, doing it all together. After these musical moments, we all reunited in the meeting room where Mrs. Alexandra FRANCISCO (Madeiran teacher) made a closing ceremony to thank everyone and celebrate the end of the mobility. To sum up what we had learnt during the trip, we did a Kahoot! by teams and it was really fun..
  • 11. Finally, the farewell dinner has been full of emotions. They had the great idea to make a karaoke and we all sang songs that had marked the mobility. What a wonderful moment. Saying goodbye to everyone has been heartbreaking. We all didn’t want to go back home and we all promised each other to see again. This mobility has been enriching in many ways, we have learnt a lot about Madeiran and Portuguese culture but also met lots of mazing people and grown up. I draw from this experience, incredible friendships and lifetime memories and I would be forever grateful for being part of this adventure. And here ends our mobility to Madeira. It has been a wonderful experience in which I have managed to build lifetime friendships and memories. We have also been able to learn what "multiculturalism” really meant and above all tolerance and inclusion values that our NoMI project stands for. Our stopover in Lisbon has also been a real nest of cultural and historical resources that has completed those we had already learnt in Madeira. Thank you to all the coordinators of the project, students, Mrs.AMARANTHE-BRIAIS and Mr.PICARD and obviously to ERASMUS+.
  • 12. ANI JÄRVIMÄKI Wednesday: On Wednesday we arrived in Madeira and I got to meet my host family for the first time. They were very nice, and I got along very well with Francisco, the student in the project from my host family. We went to the beach and the mall and it was a nice relaxing day. Later at night we went to pick up two more girls to live at the same family for the week. At the airport waiting for them to arrive I got a weird feeling. I was surrounded by people who I have never before met and who didn't even speak the same language as I, in a place I have never been in, and I still felt comfortable being in the situation.   Thursday: On Thursday we got to see the school and the city for the first time. We had some exercises to get to know each other and a tour around the city and a local museum of tiles, which was interesting. After the day at school all the students got together at another mall and hang out together. That’s when I really got new friends from the project. Friday: It was a bit exhausting to wake up early after a long day, but I was excited. We went to visit a beautiful tropical garden and got a ride on a cable car. We walked for hours and I got very tired. But after the garden tour we went to try a local restaurant. I had been waiting for that. We also had a literary soirée later that day and I had a fun day with my new friends.  
  • 13. Saturday: On Saturday morning we hopped on a bus and I fell asleep, my feet were sore from the walking from yesterday and then we got to more walking. We hiked a Levada walk and despite the tiredness it was very fun. We ate outside and the food was nice and different. At night we went to taste nikitas, traditional Madeiran drinks in a city near Funchal. I think they were not as great as described but some people really liked it. That is the night when I really felt bonding with the other students in a way I had not expected Sunday: At this point of the week I was already really tired and I was just hoping a relaxed day sitting in the bus at a bus tour. The bus tour was not just sitting tough, we did a mini hike and after that we cut the bus tour short and went to a beach together. I loved it. There was even a bike race finish line at the beach so there was a lot of people. Monday: Monday was probably my favorite day in the behalf of activities. We got to paint tiles and just sit down. We did not have to walk as much as the other days and we ended the day by going on a boat trip. The best part was that we got to jump to the ocean from the boat. I had gotten so much friends and just when I was really getting omfortable it hit me that this was the second last day. Tuesday: Tuesday was an emotional day. We had a lot of activities and I was just holding my tears. It was the worst feeling to know you were probably never going to see those people again. Last we had a farewell dinner and people sang karaoke. We even went out to the city and had a great last night. Finally, I said goodbye to all those great people I had met and went home to sleep.
  • 14. Wednesday: I had an alarm in the morning, but I did not wake up until my host came to wake me. I was so tired that I did not even go shopping any more even though I could have. I just packed my bags and was so ready to get to the airport and home into my own bed and my own Finnish bathroom. I was feeling little sad leaving the island but I was really tired and homesick. Now I am just waiting for students to come to Finland.
  • 15. What has Erasmus done for me? Nine months ago I was given the opportunity to join the Erasmus project, easy to say in hindsight that I am so grateful for it. Everything started with a couple meetings every month. Because I was abroad I missed the first ones, but anyway once I came back I could get to know more kids who have always been in my own school that I had never seen before and straight from the beginning I knew this project would have brought me new friends. With a lot of patience, hope and thanks to our incredible teacher my classmates and I got the chance to set off from Bologna to Funchal. During the time spent at home preparing for the different activities I was so excited but scared as well. Little did I know I had no reason to be worried at all. Sure we have been through some stressful times like when we didn’t find our suitcases once we lent in Madeira, or when we had to face our fears and speak in public, whether it was at the public assembly or at the radio. Beside all the work, we did enjoy the place! Everyday we had the chance to see a bit more of the island and all the beautiful landscapes; I guess one of my favourite trips was the Levada walk or the boat trip. I was lucky enough to be hosted by one of the kindest girls of the island and her family has been the fourth to host me in my life and honestly it has been the best one so far. They really made me feel like I was a member of their family. Also I have met other great people, from Madeira and the other countries which were part of the project. In fact I met some guys and we found out our birthdays are pretty close to each other’s and it would be amazing to celebrate them all together one year! After this incredible experience I can truly say that it’s true: no man is an island. We all need somebody to feel good with ourselves and I found that somebody. Giorgia Marcelli
  • 16. NO MAN IS AN ISLAND MAY-2019