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Globalization And Its Impact On Society Essay
Globalization defines practically all facets of modern life. The jobs available to the public, the
cultures people embody/emulate, the relationships individuals engage in, are all continuously altered
by the profound forces of the globalizing process. Capital, people, images, commodities and
ideology transcend national borders, and information races around the globe at accelerating speeds
(Inda 4). The theme of globalization has emerged generating considerable amounts of controversy in
its wake, concerning economics, politics, and culture. These flows and disjunctures of globalization
serve to construct particular cultural realities around the world, articulating the importance of the
global and the local.
These days the world is another place–it is not our own. Globalization is an insight into the present
"now," yet our "now" has been constructed and fashioned to fit the mold of an ever–changing,
globalizing process. To understand the phenomenon of globalization, we must understand the
relations between the past and the present. By understanding the relation between the past and the
present we can comprehend the importance of where we have been and how we have come to be.
The past is and should be perceived as a resource–there is so much we can learn. The past, present,
and the future are all available for humans to use as resources for our imagination. Our imagination
is a central resource that can act as an anchor in the post–modern world (Appadurai 30–31).
The public
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Taste of Cherry 1997 Film
Using the Rosenbaum–Ford debate I will be analyzing how Abbas Kiarostami's 1997 film Taste of
Cherry's epilogue and final scene comment on post–revolutionary Iran using the open image as well
as how each has argued on what the scenes have achieved in relation to the rest of the film.
The film has been mostly well received by international critics winning a Palme d'OR at Cannes but
not so much in Iran as many felt it had problematic images of the society of the time. It follows the
protagonist Mr. Badii as he rides through the outskirts of Tehran looking for someone to help him
complete a task. As the film is shot in Iran it will carry signs of post revolutionary Iranian culture
already opening up our curiosity to the cultural discourse that surrounds the film. What Kiarostami
does is portray an Iranian image and by including the epilogue raises questions of how to transcend
In his writing Rosenbaum's argument that the end sequence acts as a relief from the solitude of Mr.
Baadhi's consciousness and journey that we have followed is based on the motif of solitude that
Kiarostami established throughout the film. He sees it as an uplifting ending, one that gives the film
a hopefulness that had up to then not been present, stating that it is the opposite to the distancing
effect felt beforehand that Kiarostami had created.
Hamish Ford on the other hand has a different view, seeing the epilogue as a kind of cop out on
Kiarostami's part. Kiarostami creates a visual and
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Does Orthodontics Affect Children's Teeth?
Have you ever wondered why some children's front teeth look like buck teeth or why some of their
teeth stick out further than the rest? You have? Well me too! Over time, children's teeth tend to shift
out of alignment because of certain ways their parents raised them or because they just simply had a
habit when they were little that was hard for them to stop. Some parents allow their children to use a
pacifier beyond the limit of the age group and don't realize the long–term effects it has on their
child's teeth. Pacifier usage causes children's teeth to resemble more of an open bite, rather than a
normal occlusion. I will be talking about the effects of pacifier usage and how you can correct an
anterior open bite with Orthodontics.
Pacifiers are a great way to calm down ... Show more content on ...
Orthodontics helps prevent you from dental decay. But how is this possible? When your teeth are
malaligned, it is hard for you to get all the food out by flossing and brushing your teeth the proper
way like you would if your teeth were perfectly aligned. For example, when you eat a delicious ham
and cheese sandwich you tend to get bread stuck in between all of your teeth. Over time this causes
a buildup of plaque on the surfaces of your teeth if not removed. When this happens, you tend to
start getting cavities, with orthodontics cavities can be prevented easily because you are able to
reach into certain areas of your mouth more. Cavities can only be prevented if you take care of your
teeth like you are supposed to. Another benefit with orthodontics that that it boosts your self–esteem
and quality of life. Most people tend to have low self–esteem when they don't like a certain way
they look. This would probably be one of the reasons most people choose to get braces.
Orthodontics is the best way you can boost your self–esteem if you have a problem with the way
your teeth look. So how can orthodontist treat the open bite make children's smiles look
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The Internal Topology Of The Park Bench
Internal Topology:
The internal topology within this performance relies heavily on the fact that the stage is rounded and
there is a single park bench (split in half and facing opposite ways) in the centre of it. The cyclical
view of life is not only symbolically represented through the stage to the audience but also by the
nature of the stage in regards to the actors. The two characters as at the opposite end of a shared
cycle is also represented through the utilisation and manipulation of the park bench. Marion's book
is able to represent the shift that is to occur as Marion exits the cycle of her life and the Girl is to
enter. Thus, the internal topology as per the spacing of elements on the stage is instrumental in
portraying the intended meaning for the greatest audience impact.
One of the greatest challenges regarding the internal topology of this play is the notion of having an
eighty–year–old woman meet a sixteen–year–old version of herself as the preconceived notion of
space and time shifts. This is dealt with across the technical disciplines through the unity in
developing their individual roles and the contrasting display of their relationship. The notion of such
meeting can be perceived as quite strange to an audience when presented as reality however it is
through the manipulation of their roles and their relationship, achieved by the various technical
disciplines, that such occurrence is able to be achieved. This meeting, through the roles of the
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The Scientific Results Of Different Strategies Of Studying
The purpose of this research paper is to first discuss the scientific results of different strategies of
studying. The second purpose of this paper is how those strategies can be applied in a real life
situation. This is meant to shine light on to which strategy is the most efficient and effective in the
long term for studying. The first strategy being discussed is one that is inefficient and ineffective in
the long term. Overlearning is a common strategy used for studying and has been researched
extensively to see how effective it really is. Overlearning is the continuation of studying
immediately after the student has achieved error–free performance. It has been said by many that
this is the most effective way of studying for any ... Show more content on ...
The spacing effect is test performance is better if studying is spaced out rather than massed together
in one study session (Bahrick 1979; Bjork 1979). The spacing effect is the most efficient if it is done
in two study sessions. The time in between study sessions is called the intersessional interval, which
is also known as ISI. The most successful duration of ISI is completely dependent on the retention
interval (RI). "The optimal ISI lying at a value of 10 to 30% of the RI" (Rohrer 2007). A successful
test performance depends on the timing of the ISI. Having an ISI be too short of too long it could
have a negative effect on the test performance. If spaced correctly, two study sessions has been
proved to be a more successful study strategy for long term learning than overlearning. Both the
overlearning and the spacing effect strategies have also been applied to mathematical learning.
When tested, overlearning showed no difference in the short term results compared to the long term
results. Whereas the students who used the spacing effect showed higher scores than those who used
mass studying. Those who used the spacing effect "outscored the massers (74% vs. 49%)" (Rohrer
2007). With this being said, most mathematic textbooks utilize overlearning and massing even
though research shows that these strategies are highly ineffective. Rohrer suggests that the practice
problems provided in
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Digging into Kalam’s Cosmological Argument for the...
William Lane Craig puts forth an argument for the existence of God in Kalam's Cosmological
Argument. In this, Craig argues that the universe began to exist and the cause of the universe's
existence must have been God. Kalam's Cosmological Argument is trying to demonstrate the
impossibility of an actual infinite, which states that the universe is eternal – it has always been here.
Kalam's Cosmological Argument goes as such: Whatever begins to exist has a cause – The universe
began to exist – Therefore, the universe has a cause. And this cause is God.
The first premise of Kalam's Cosmological Argument – whatever begins to exist has a cause – must
be true. By denying the first premise of the argument, one is denying a natural law. The law is the
Law of Conservation of Matter, which states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed.
However, the second premise has had much controversy. How does one know that the world began
to exist, instead of it always existing? There is plenty of science to prove it. The Second Law of
Thermodynamics states that we are slowly running out of energy; therefore, if the universe was
eternal, it most likely would have run out of energy by now. It has also been discovered that our
world and universe are constantly expanding, and that if it has been expanding throughout the past it
could not be infinite. There would be a point in the past in which it all began. So one can conclude
that the universe, along with time and space, began to exist.
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Taking a Closer Look at Phisics
Physics. Not something you really hear every day. It's not something you really want to hear either,
right? Why is it that when we hear the word physics, it's just a major turnoff. People may even hear
the word and just think "get me out of here", even though they may not have the slightest clue of
what it's about. Some people do have a slight clue and think molecules or gravity, atoms or Bohr,
laws or life, and still may not quite grasp it, but at least have a slight clue. Others, think wasted time
and irrelevance, how it kicked their a** in both high school and college. Then the people who really
can't comprehend, think goofy white people. To all of this you could say that people tend to dislike
what they cannot understand. Physics. The branch of science concerned with the nature and
properties of matter and energy. Physics, is what you will be informed of today.
As we've already stated in the definition, physics is the natural science that involves the study of
matter and its motion through space and time. So first off, matter, the building block of the universe,
is any substance which has mass and occupies space. All physical objects are composed of matter, in
the form of atoms. Atoms are in turn made up of neutrons, protons, and electrons. Matter also exists
in four states: solid, liquid and gas, and plasma; though there are more yet to be proven possible
states. Also, all matter is capable of being converted to energy. You might have heard of E = mc2,
that would be
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How Will I Be Successful For College?
In today's society, many people are considering college to either advance their career, make a switch
in jobs or start on a path to a more prosperous life. With that set in mind, questions comes to mind
"how will I be successful in college? How can I pass all my classes with the best possible grade?" I,
myself have had these exact thoughts, and through trial and error have learned some beneficial skills
along the way. Three steps that have helped me get good grades and maintain them are attending
classes, effective note taking, and time management.
Firstly, attending classes is priority, and essential since lectures tend to discuss plenty of material in
a short period of time. For example, in my psychology class which is three hours, once a week, we
review about three chapters each class, then in next week's class we start on the following set of
chapters, then a test is assigned the proceeding week. Along with reviewing the chapters we get
handouts, and in the class notes that are not incorporated in the textbook chapters. These prove
helpful when the test is assigned as they come from the professor who make the test. In addition,
attendance is key because the instructor may amend the assignment or due date and you may not
know about it. In my math class, we have a project that is due on March 28th except the professor
was kindhearted enough to postpone it to April 7th. Only the people who were in class knew about
this, as he did not send out an email, or update the due
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The Reflection Of Living With Jesus Christ In The World
While living and serving in a Chiang Mai prison in Thailand, I met with a radical Muslim man
named, Ali, who was serving a life sentence in the Thai prison because, he murdered a Thai woman.
As growing up in Pakistan, it is very challenging to love those who persecute and hate you. Initially,
he didn't want to do anything with Christianity. But after meeting him for at least six months, with
difficult conversations, he decided to accept Jesus Christ as his personal savior. From that point on, I
had to leave all my hard feelings behind and accept him as a part of the body of Christ and take care
of him. Honestly, I had to listen him cry and suffer in the Thai prison. But in the midst of all that
suffering, I had to stand right beside him, fight for his basic rights in the Thai judicial system,
communicate with the Pakistani embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, and wrap my arms around him.
Today, we will learn together from the passage 1 Corinthians 12:12–27 in which Paul uses a
metaphor of a body to describe diversity and unity in the body of Christ and its functions and how
do we need to take care of those who are facing extreme persecution.
Slide 2
Using metaphors were and still are pretty common in the Middle Eastern culture to obtain deeper
understanding of a phenomenon. In the Old Testament, the term body mostly refers to the physical
body. But here Paul uses the term body in a metaphorical way to help its readers to understand the
intertwine relationship in the universal
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Nature And Its Effects On Children
Nature is an important part in the lives of many people. From the simple serenity it lends to the lives
of those who are willing to experience it, or the way its resources allow everyone to live their lives
the way they do, nature plays this important role. But as civilization has advanced, nature has
become a lesser part of everyone's lives, including children, who are growing up in a more
structured environment and aren't given as much experience with the outdoors as many people
before them had. This is a problem because of the vital role nature plays in the development of
children, including the role it plays in ADHD, mental, and physical health. We know that children
have drastically reduced the amount of "play" time in their lives. Meaning the time they spend
outside in nature, or experiencing stimuli that are important to their development. This amount was
an estimated 25% from 1981 to 1997 and has not increased since (Burdette and Whitaker). This is
simply an example of how children are slowly becoming more accustomed to more structured
environments for growth, and how they experience less and less "green spaces" in their lives. What
is meant by this is the lack of time spent in the natural outdoors and wilderness by children as more
technology and more structured environments is developed. There is a term that was coined by
Richard Louv in his book "Last Child in the Woods" that aptly describes this relatively new
phenomenon in children, Richard calls it
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Michigan Auto Parts Essay
1. Calculate the overhead allocation rate for each of the model years 2003 through 2005. Are the
changes since 2002 overhead allocation rates significant? Why have these changes occurred?
Overhead Allocation refers to the process of identifying specific overheads of a particular cost
centre and charging them. For example, in this case wages paid to truck drivers is an overhead cost
which is directly identifiable with the Cost Centre i.e. ACF. In case of expenses which cannot be
directly identified with that cost centre or which are used by many cost centres allocation will be
made on a suitable basis. For example, rent on the basis of floor area. The above mentioned methods
are called as direct method (in case of direct ... Show more content on ...
|12000 |OT and other benefits to production |Class I and Class II |Same as 1500 above | | |workers | | |
|14000 |OT and other benefits to skilled |Class I |Same as 5000 above | | |non–production workers
referred in 5000 | | | | |above | | | Allocation of Overheads to Each Class Products (Amount in $000) | |
|2003 |2004 |2005 | |Account Head |Basis of Allocation|Total OH | |A) Revenue |226,542 |133,422 | |
(Same as 2005 as there is no change in selling price and Sales quantity) | | | |B) Cost |
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Vodafone New Zealand's New Office Space Model
Office space is often a business's second largest cost after payroll, and is one area where companies
can make substantial savings. By challenging the traditional criteria around spatial design and
allocation, you can radically improve the value of your buildings for your business and create a
workplace that supports your company's culture and people.
By adopting this model, Vodafone New Zealand was able to:
Reduce facilities operating costs by around 25%
Reduce staff downtime by 6%
Accommodate 1,360 people in a space traditionally designed for 900, saving lease costs of $2.2m
per annum and fit out costs of $11m
Align its property cycle (ordinarily 10–20 years) to its business cycle (less than 3 years), therefore
aligning its facilities with ongoing developments in the workplace.
This whitepaper examines why other businesses may wish to consider rethinking their physical
space and staff working styles within that space. It looks at hjow technology can be used as a key
enabler to provide an environment that supports the way a business and its people want to work, and
demonstrates how a business can save up to 25% of its building facilities costs (by reducing
electricity, cleaning and rent) in the process.
The Vodafone New Zealand vision for v.nue was to create flexible and collaborative ways of
working that would increase productivity and enable the business to quantify its proposition around
leveraging mobility.
In addition to technology, two other main
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The goal of an architect is to design accordingly to the...
The goal of an architect is to design accordingly to the time with an understanding of the
relationship between space and activity. In his essay Space and Events, Bernard Tschumi says,
"There is no space without even, no architecture without program." He then continues with,
"Architecture cannot be dissociated from the events that 'happen' in it" (Tschumi, 139).
Spaces have always been assimilated with past references, which create a type of familiarization and
attachment to the past that prevents time from moving forward. Because of this assumption about
the form, function, and meaning; thus architecture has been restricted by these familiarization and
these assumptions. The history of architecture has been a history of styles. Through ... Show more
content on ...
Even though geographical diversity and intellectual pluralism has characterized architecture, it
"does not mean that the attempt at discerning broader patterns and longer lines of development
should be abandoned" (Curtis, 657). As time proceeds, styles and ideas change, and new paradigms
arise, crystalizing the underlying concerns of that period. "In the inner recesses of the mind time is
telescoped;" deriving from inspiration from the past while also considering the significance of
modern space, old and new idea are combined resulting in new unexpected results (657). For
example in the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Foster abandons the usual notion of stacked floors
around a central core and exploded open it to accommodate a vertical atrium at the center which
provided a new vision of the work space (659). Another example is how Toyo Ito suggests that "the
skin of a building might be thought of as a screen upon various lights and shadows are projected"
(668).This followed Tschumi's idea of "manipulation of the known with its implicit mannerism,"
which is using things and simultaneously disbelieving in them (666). While understanding of the
relationship between space and event, the architect must also design accordingly to the time. The
influence of phenomenology creates a familiarization to
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Non Places : A Group Exhibition Of Four Artists Essay
Non–Place is a group exhibition of four artists based in different countries, bringing together the
works of Andreas Gursky, Thomas Demand, Carla Klein and Xizi Liu. Those artists continued on
traditional art forms: paintings and photographs, but their works that exist between distinct
classifications. All of the artists search for a new type of space that resists the certainly of a
conclusive ideology. The works in Non–place interrogates existent structures, and establishes new
dialogues. The idea of non–places drives from the French historian Michel de Certeau 's Invention
of everyday. Volume One (1974), but it is from the short but powerful text by the French
anthropologist Marc Ange's Non–Places: Introduce to an Anthropology of Supermodernit:
If a place can be defined as relational, historical and concerned with identity, then a space, which
cannot be defined as relational, or historical, or concerned with identity, will be a non–place. The
hypothesis advanced here is that supermodernity produces non–places, meaning spaces which are
not themselves anthropological places and which, unlike Baudelairean modernity, do not integrate
the the earlier places: instead these are listed, classified, promoted to the status of 'place of memory',
and assigned to a circumscribed and specific position. [1] The definition of that is a place not a
social or physical space, or lacks the traditional attributes of space. It is a form of space
characterized by abstraction, in which its
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The Modern Age Presents Multiple Channels For Action,...
The modern age presents multiple channels for action, dialogue and discussion. Furthermore, social
and political thought suggests that spaces of remembrance encourage understanding, thought and
reflection. Thus, it is thought that memory holds vast opportunities to mend the of frailty of human
affairs. Good deeds, when reified into memories can be held up to be replicated, or possibly
surpassed in the future. Yet the process of memorialisation is often contested, for the formation of
memory can only occur in retrospect – on behalf of someone or something. Public commemoration
is a difficult process, as it simplifies and condenses complex stories at the cost of omitting others.
Thus, spaces of remembrance can become spaces of contestation, and memory entails political risk.
Memory presents a crucial tension in the network of ideas and action, which are both public and
private. It is not only central to improving the frailty of human affairs, it is a dauntingly complex
process weaved with intrinsically personal reflections, which, leads us to the fundamental paradox
of memory. Memory is crucial to the public realm, but it originates within. Furthermore, the modern
age multiplies spaces of remembrance presenting an unfettered opportunity to improve the frailty of
human affairs. Yet, the contestation of memories such as those in war have often been internalised,
and thus refuted on a deeply personal level – to challenge mourning is viewed as perverse act of
disrespectful to the
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Transparency As A Theoretical Matter Of Perception
Transparency (Literal vs. Phenomenal) Transparency is defined and understood by most people as
"having the property of transmitting light without appreciable scattering so that bodies lying beyond
are seen clearly". The growth in production and development of technology resulted in a new
understanding for transparency in architecture and art. The architects Colin Rowe and Robert
Slutzky believe that transparency is classified into two different types, literal and phenomenal,
where one is the result of optical effects, while the other type is based on spatial effects that are
translated in the subconscious mind. Classifying transparency into two different types allows a shift
from understanding transparency as science, to comprehending transparency as a theoretical matter
of perception. The categorization of transparency into two types helps people understand
transparency as something beyond science and relate it to a speculative matter of observation. While
both literal and phenomenal are understood as types of transparencies they preform completely
differently. Literal transparency leaves nothing for the imagination of the viewer to see. The
materials and pigments used in architecture or art to achieve this type of transparency are
superimposed, and the forms are placed behind the transparent surface are clear to the viewer.
Therefore, literal transparency is based strictly on the viewer sight, where the viewer is only using
his eyes and emotions to read the project.
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Habituation of Exploratory Behavior in Rats
This study investigated the effects of displaced objects and spatial reorganization on habituation of
exploratory behavior. The subjects, rats, each individually spent 5 minutes in an open field for 6
trials. Throughout the study, exploratory behavior was measured in the number of contacts the
subject made, the number of ambulations, and contact time (seconds). Trials 1–5 were mainly used
to familiarize the subject with its surroundings, naturally leading to decreasing amounts of
exploratory behavior. Trial 6 involves the same routine, except displaced objects are introduced in
an attempt to renew exploratory behavior and promote the building up of environmental maps and
representations. Additionally, the measured behavior ... Show more content on ...
In this present study, behavior tests were used in order to determine the likelihood of renewed
exploratory behavior in a familiar environment after the introduction of displaced objects.
Additionally, renewed exploratory behavior seems to play a critical role in building environmental
maps, leading to the integration of new spatial relationships Poucet et al. (1986).
The primary aim of this experiment was to determine if rats would gain a renewal of exploratory
behavior due to displaced objects after habituation had settled in. Based on results from these
previously mentioned experiments, we hypothesized that subjects were capable of renewing
exploratory behavior in a spatially reorganized environment. However, this was under the
assumption that complications such as age and species type were inapplicable.
The subjects were Sprague–Dawley male rats. Their age is 150 days. The supplier is Harlan
Sprague–Dawley. They are maintained on a 12:12 h light/dark cycle and are provided with ad
libitum access to food.
Materials include an open field (OF) apparatus with a 6x6 grid drawn on the inside. Three objects, a
coca–cola can, a plastic cylindrical container with rocks inside, and a plastic bear–shaped bottle
were used as the objects.
The study period included one week of familiarization and a second week devoted to
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Face Communication Is More Effective Than Other Types Of...
There are many different points to consider when considering whether face to face communication
is more or less effective than other types of communication, such as the importance of facial
expressions and nonverbal body language. Communication would be considered effective when the
most information is conveyed between the people involved. Nonverbal body language is generally
nonverbal behaviours that can include interpersonal distance, body movement, facial behaviour,
touch, vocal behaviours, and others. (Hall, Coats and LeBeau, 2005) With nonverbal body language
one needs to consider what signals do people pick up from nonverbal communication as well as
what conversations lose with these signals. However, there is the other side to ... Show more content
on ...
Another thing that is offered by face to face communication is that it offers something when
information is received and understood, without delay, something electronic forms of
communication cannot offer. Face to face communication also offers the opportunity to take turns
when speaking and in turn create a sequence whereas with electronic communications, such as
emails or texts, the conversation can be broken up by irrelevant interruptions and do not have the
same effect. However Clark & Brennan, (1990) did look at how electronic communication can also
be a more effective form of communication. For example with emails and texts information will
always be there and can be later reviewed by other people in case there needs to be editing of
information before sending. Face to face communication can possibly be irreplaceable as well.
Hallowell, (1999) looked at how face to face communication is essential for human movement, an
authentic psychological encounter that occurs when two people share the same physical space as
well as emotional and intellectual attention. However on the other hand face to face communication
can be disruptive and costly, and other forms of communication might be preferable. Sproull and
Kiesler, (1992) found that technological changes can help people cross social, psychological and
physical boundaries and can effect group behaviour and decision
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Herman Hertzberger : A Of A New Way Of Combining Work And...
Central Beheer, a stack of perfect cubes on the outside seems like it might be quite simple on the
inside, but in fact Herman Hertzberger intercut spaces and created the complete opposite of a bland
open plan office. How does this building perform socially? Well, the main idea Herman Hertzberger
had behind creating Centraal Beheer was for that exact reason, so that it can perform socially.
Hertzberger created a work place where anyone would want to work. "symbol of a new way of
combining work and life without limits and hierarchies" Herman Hertzberger (1932) is a Dutch
architect and theoretician. He studied both architecture and engineering at Delft University of
Technology and was mentored by Aldo van Eyke. Hertzberger also taught at ... Show more content
on ...
The entryways of the building come from four different sides and meet in the middle. The overall
shape of the building creates different views and facades. The building was not created just on the
looks of it; it is made up of a three dimensional, stimulating, tactile human thing. Herman
Hertzberger created the inside of this building to be one social space. He created low ceiling for
concentration around the work space but also created open spaces to seat between breaks or to take a
breather. The building has four different entry ways that connect in the heart of the building making
it the meeting place, it is also the space most open. Hertzberger made a format to arrange rooms to
be social or antisocial. He creates these spaces so that people are looking at each other or away from
each other. These spaces are made for up to four people creating social spaces between coworkers.
The spaces are made to choose between open meeting places and hidden secluded
spaces.Hertzberger created the open spaces to make it feel like you are outside, in these open spaces
the building has natural light coming from above and has greenery throughout. There are also
rooftop spaces created to take breaks and catch some fresh air. The rooftop spaces are larger so more
people can gather in these spaces rather than chatting through the hallways. The main focus
Hertzberger had was to make it feel cozy and homelike as much as possible.
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Descriptive Essay On The Turrbine Hall Bridge
The entrance doors are located with many considerations. Although every entrance has its own
unique function, but Using the river entrance to get into the building on level one was less
spontaneous than using the western entrance on level zero when I first visited the building. The
sense of arrival was not the same as the other entrances; I had to work harder to orientate. I very
quickly found my self on the Turbine Hall Bridge, a dead–end space with not much purpose to it.
When the new building opened, the arrival experience on level one dramatically changed. Lots of
improvement were shown and the river entrance become more of a way finding route. It now has a
comparable sense of arrival as that accomplished at the western entrance.
Herzog & de Meuron have achieved to create a street running across the Turbine Hall from the north
to the south on level one. This entrance very naturally pulled me onto the centre of the Turbine Hall
Bridge which felt like the heart of the building with activity visible on either side. I was able to read
the building from this central part. I got a sense of the building's shape and the layout which was
created in my mind as an imaginary architectural model.
This central space really does operate as the heart of the building; it was a great place to plan my
first move and start to explore Tate Modern in more detail. The Turbine Hall Bridge and its openings
to the landscape on either side, felt like an extension to the bankside's public realm.
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Descartes ' Claim Of The Universe
How Fix a Universe That is Nothing but Paradoxes
Descartes' claim of "I think, therefore I am", is an attempt to establish a firm foundation for the
understanding of the universe and explores the ideas of the self and what we can know to be real.
However, there is one major flaw in this approach. That flaw is how we are to create this foundation
when before it we had nothing and the paradoxes in the creating definitions of words.
His goal is to better understand what he is in order to reestablish the foundations of his
understanding of the world around him. This is a normal human behavior to explore the unknown or
not well understood. Any explorer that sails the ocean in search of new land may know what land is
but new land that was unknown to him/her is a satisfying development in the person 's
understanding of everything that is real. The modern practice of this behavior includes, but not
limited to, an astronomer using space telescopes to look deep into space where light from an ancient
universe is arriving at earth or an experimental physicist when smashing particles together in hopes
to find new and smaller part that makes up the fundamental building blocks of the universe.
Descartes hopes to use his logical process to reveal the fundamental building blocks of the universe
that humans can exist in. He also wants to create a fundamental understanding of the way to observe
the universe that we can perceive with the limited senses that we have. He uses this logical
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Experience, Perceive And Interact With The Sites Through...
As the principal question is to examine how we experience, perceive and interact with the site
through our senses and body, in this section I present excerpts from the interview transcripts which
are then analysed to obtain an understanding of sensory qualities of the site. In any site dance, it is
not only the performers who are interrogating space through movements, but it also extends to an
audience who experiences it. For a better structuring, I have divided this section into two parts: the
first part focuses on how the dancers engage to depict the site through various sensory receptors and
the latter part discusses the multiple constructions of the sites through the viewers' sensuous
subjectivity. Through these sections I endeavour to ... Show more content on ...
In Dusk the performance is designed imaginatively to retrace the histories of the place and to
acknowledge the land (as evidenced in set of movement vocabularies built upon bhumi namaskar),
agreed by Harrison and Subramaniam. Both Subramaniam and Harrison's narratives contained
abundant tactile metaphors about having contacts with grass underfoot (Fig Subramaniam
informed me that: 'We had choreographed and rehearsed in a studio, so the texture of the grass made
it difficult to move initially' (Facebook interview, April 29, 2013).
From the transcription I found that the dancers variously depicted the site as: 'soft', 'resistant', 'hard',
'uneven' (texture), 'huge', 'small', 'magnanimous' (size), 'airy', 'fresh', 'stuffy' (olfactory),
'illuminated', 'dark' (visibility) and 'sacred' (belief). As most of the dance artists and dancers agreed
that it was meant to pay tribute to the site, I narrow down my discussion to the concept of sacredness
drawing on a set of three selected photos and narratives. Subramaniam said that: 'The stones felt
sacred, each was feeling like a deity with personality and compassion. We were blessed with
extraordinarily good weather and the sun provided perfect lighting' (Facebook interview, April 29,
2013). Dusk expands the concept of 'sacredness' through cultural and religious appropriations. In Fig the proximate vicinity of the stones forces the dancers to experience them as skin. Their
gorgeous silk
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Personal Reflection IIi : Concluding Assessment
Personal Reflection III: Concluding Assessment At the start of the internship, my objectives were to
learn more about the film industry, to gain further insight into working life and how that differs from
college and to gain more experience in the field of public relations. All in all, I felt I achieved all of
these goals I set for myself. In my previous write up, I highlighted the difference I found between
work life and college life. I found it pleasant that I did not have homework occupying my nights
however it was difficult and draining to be focused on work for at least 8 hours a day with a small 1
hour break for lunch. From Mammoth Advertising, I also delved extensively into the inner workings
of film PR, especially on how coverages for things such as trailers and posters impacts how a movie
will be marketed. I was also given the chance to write press releases for things such as trailers and
character debuts, which was fun and exciting. Overall, it gave me a sense of how public relations
have an important and irreplaceable place in a successfully marketed film. Although my experience
at Mammoth Advertising was not smooth sailing nor easy, my summer with this film PR company
has definitely peaked my interest in venturing further into the film PR industry. In my future
endeavors, I hope to be working for the studios such as Lionsgate, Paramount Pictures or FOX 20th
Century to get a feel of what goes into making a movie successful on within distribution and
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Illusions Is An Exhibition At Casa Daros
Illusions is an exhibition at Casa Daros, a gallery dedicated to Latin American contemporary art.
The exhibition explores the idea of illusion and art as illusion (fig. 5), with a focus on artists such as
Luis Camnitzer. The Illusions website explores this theme by creating illusions of space, depth and
movement in a virtual space. The website itself functions as an illusion; although objects and images
fly towards the viewer in a resemblance of the three–dimensional, they are still only two–
dimensional images in two–dimensional space. In comparison to The Curious Gardener, Illusions
also uses parallax scrolling to enable the objects to fly towards and away from the viewer as they
scroll through the website (fig. 6). This gives the user the ability to drive and control the illusions
that they are seeing, becoming an active participator in the exhibition. This use of parallax motion
and depth is being used to innovatively explore objects, ornaments, artworks and furniture, not only
in cultural heritage but in a variety of institutions. A cutting–edge example of how parallax scrolling
can be used to display objects is Sony's Be Moved (fig. 7). It is a detailed and technical website that
pushes the boundaries of animation and parallax motion as cameras, laptops and other forms of
technical equipment come apart and are re–built as the user scrolls, showing the intricacy and
craftsmanship of the objects interiors. Metal, plastic and wires fly towards the screen with an
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Michael Foucault's Different Forms of Power Essay
Michael Foucault's Different Forms of Power
Michael Foucault distinguishes between two different and distinct forms of power, disciplinary and
sovereign. Fouccault describes disciplinary power as the new type of power in the modern
civilization. The use of disciplinary power transpired in the 17th and 18th century, and it used
specific procedures such as distributing individuals into space, controls of activity, observation,
judging, and examination, to regulate the people. The first way to create discipline is to distribute
individuals in space. This space is usually analytical and physical. Discipline demands enclose, so
that you see everything that is going on. Inside of this enclosure there is a partitioning where each ...
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We have something similar to this in gymnastics. We do and exhibition where everything need to be
perfectly times and everyone's movements in their tumbling needs to be the exact same. We break
down the movements of the back handsprings and backs flips and learn how to do the special
movements exactly the same as everyone else, so we look together. To be able to have our
exhibitions be successful we need constant monitoring to see if we are with the music and with each
other. The next step to achieving discipline is through observation. This gives you power by simply
observing visually seeing what is going on. In this you are under constant surveillance. By being put
under this constant examination you are always being put to the test to see if you measure up to set
standards. An example of this is the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. You are always under constant
surveillance, even when you are not in uniform or performing. Even if you are not wearing anything
associated with the organization, and are out going to the local 7–11 and you look bad, you can get
in a lot of trouble. You are always held to a standard with how you look at how much you weigh. In
the DCC you are weighed every week and you re not allowed to gain more than five pounds or you
will be dropped off the squad if you do not lose the extra weight. This brings us to the next part of
discipline, normalizing judgment. This is where you have a rule or task and have
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Chevy C350 Research Paper
Chevrolet C3500–parts/chevrolet/c3500
The Chevy C3500 is a heavy–duty pickup truck from General Motors. It was built to provide
owners with the ability to do more than they could with a medium duty truck, and it was designed
for construction or ranch work where there was the need for more towing or hauling capacity. It is a
one–ton truck with 2–wheel drive that was introduced in 1988. It is one of the bestselling trucks for
When you take care of your C3500, you use genuine OEM parts like those found at
Body – The body on your truck can take a beating, especially if you use it for work, and you want to
replace bumpers or side mirrors should they become damaged. You will also want to replace ...
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You take good care of it by using genuine OEM parts like those found at
HVAC – Staying comfortable while driving means that your air conditioner and heater are working
correctly. In order to keep them working, you may need to replace parts like the compressor or
condenser, and we can help you. We also carry the heater, evaporator, fans and temperature control
units for your Captiva.
Electrical – Everything on your Captiva needs electricity in order to run, and it takes more than a
battery to make that happen. The electrical system consists of other parts like the alternator and
starter. We have those parts, as well as controls, bulbs, ride control components, powertrain controls
and ignition systems.
When you need parts for your Captiva, you want the best price you can get, and at, we offer the lowest total price shipped direct to your door through our price
match guarantee (read the details here:–beater–guarantee)
system. Our helpful and empowered parts associates will be happy to help your get the right parts
for your
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The Homelessness Of A Home
Having a Home People cannot be fulfilled without a home, because a home is a place people can go
back to, a place that gives them stability, where people can have their own privacy, gives them
comfort, and can symbolize something different. Without a home, people cannot be fulfilled, there
are only places in which they can rest, but never sleep; there is no place that they can call their own.
People with a home always have a place to go back to, they know that no matter what happens that
place will always be there. With out a home a person does not have this; they would have to
constantly think of the next area to go to for shelter. They would have to always plan ahead of time.
With out a home they would not have that stability that comes ... Show more content on ...
For some people it is not the home that comforts them, but it is the people that live in it, their family
is what comforts them rather than the home. For other people the home is a place that holds nothing
more than bad memories that they want nothing more than to forget. For some people a home is not
required for fulfillment, their home is just a place for them to sleep then go out and live their life,
home is just a rest stop for them. There are many people who travel the world for weeks at a time,
they sleep in run down hotels or not even in proper shelter, they do not go back to a home, but they
still achieve fulfillment. Going around the world helping people who are less fortunate is what
fulfills them. People who tend not to have a home have other ways of fulfillment. Then there are
people who are minimalist who attempt to live on as little as possible, for them their home is bare
and maybe small. For minimalist the home is not there to comfort them or give them stability, the
home is just a place that they bought because they had to if they did not want to rely on anyone
(Quindlen) else for
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A Unique Atmosphere
a unique atmosphere. The flow was very artistic; you can see colors all over, artifacts on every town
square, greenery and organic flowing lines. Within all this Design madness a
modern artifact stood out for me. Looking at it from a distance, it grabbed my attention with its light
translucent structure; I couldn't define the shape. In my eyes all I could see was clustered,
intersecting, free stranding lines in the middle of Plaza Nova. This installation titled "Identity" was
designed by Chinese–based studio Urbanus, for Voltaire's "Barcelonans extreme love of freedom"
300th anniversary of 11 September 1714. On that date, after a thirteen month siege, the city of
Barcelona collided with French–Castilian troops and it turned into a very bloody affair that involved
all sectors of the city. The sacrifices and subsequent spirit of recovery turned this date into a symbol
of the Catalan existing national entity. A colored bamboo structure in a grid installation
reinterpreting a form of an ancient wall with vaults creating openings you could walk through. This
modern artifact had clearly behind it more than aesthetic beauty; a sense of travel through Time and
Space emerged while gazing in to this monument. The "Identity" piece had an urban definition
within the space and a strong feel of cultural representation.
The openings from both sides are crucial design elements. Each side represents a culture; on one of
them you have the series of Roman arched opening. The Roman
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Hawking 's A Briefer History
Steven Hawking's A Briefer History in Time tells a simplified story of the universe. Hawking's starts
out the book by going over the different type of cosmology that was held throughout history. He
mentions the beliefs that Aristotle, Copernicus, Galileo and other notable individuals held about the
universe. This discussion is used to segue into a brief description of the different theories, laws, and
ideas concerning the universe held by people today. Newton's laws of motion and gravity and
Einstein's theory of relativity are only some of the models that Hawking discusses. Thus, the main
purpose of Hawking's A Briefer History in Time is to inform the readers of the development in our
understanding of how the universe works. In his conclusion, Hawking's specifically includes the
term "Mind of God" (142). I believe that for Hawking, to understand the mind of God is to
understand the workings of the universe and our place in it. Hawking's A Briefer History of Time
also asserts that it is possible to know the mind of God. In essence, although, Hawking does not
explicitly say that we can explain the world without God, he does use the theories of others to
question the existence of God. Although, Hawking's discussion of the theories concerning the
universe can be seen as contradictory to the idea of an absolute God, the theories coincide and
broaden my understanding of God.
Hawking's explanation of Newton's models portrays the universe as complex because of the relative
state of
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Urban Gentrification and Urban Morphology
Urban Gentrification and Urban Morphology The term 'gentrification' has myriads of interpretations
from different geographers, and sociologists. Ever since, there has been protracted debate on its
methodology, consequences and whether it constitutes a dominant or residual urban form. The term
'gentrification' was first coined by the Marxist urban geographer Ruth Glass (Glass, 1964) to
describe the influx of wealthier individuals into cities or neighbourhoods who replace working or
lower–classes already living there by using London districts such as Islington as her example. On
the other hand, Smith and Williams (1986, p.1) define gentrification as "the rehabilitation of
working class and derelict housing and the consequent transformation ... Show more content on ...
Everything is inter–related." The critique from this tool of analysis is again the challenge of
information overload from looking at each single factor affecting gentrification therefore making it
more complex to conceptualise gentrification. Also, the limitation of research funding can affect the
quality, accuracy and credibility of academic's findings, speed to publication and research
methodology problems. Hence, the potential resulting in bias research findings, if used by local
government when intervening in determining housing policies in gentrifying stagnant towns and
cities may be wrongly misguided. The analysis of economic driven gentrification is clearly
illustrated in London beginning from the 1950s. This process began in the Canonbury area of
Islington; spread to Barnsbury and other parts of Islington, as well as Camden, Notting Hill,
Primrose Hill, Kentish Town, Holland Park, and West Greenwich in the 1960s; and reached as far as
Hackney in East London and parts of South London like Lambeth, Battersea, Clapham, and Fulham
in the 1970s. (Moran, 2007, p.101) Before the 1950s, the North London Borough of Islington was at
a broken area, its once grand Regency and Victorian houses split into poorly maintained,
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Substance Abuse And Addiction : Limestone College (...
Group Paper: Substance Abuse and Addiction
Jamiela Geathers
Limestone College (Extended Campus)
Social Work Program
Tricounty Ministries is a non–profit organization that provide food, clothing, medical care, housing
vouchers, counseling, and financial support, and other vital services to the homeless and the less
fortunate. The ministries motto is "Helping those in crisis move to a place of stability and ultimately
self–sustainability since 1983".Their counseling service is a non–denominational faith based service
that focuses on small groups and the individuals hurts, habits and hang–ups. The self–help group
was started in August of 2015 through the Healing Hands Ministry program at Tricounty, which was
started in 2002.The counseling program was implemented because of the apparent need for support
from the community.
Group Boundaries
There are a few boundaries within this group which include: time, space, and role boundaries. Time
boundaries consists of being responsible for your punctuality and respecting that, once the door of
the facility is closed then you have missed that night of group. Also respecting the time of your
group leader and group members, and the number of days you attend the group. In this particular
group the designated meeting time is Mondays from 6:30pm–7:30pm. Space boundaries are simply
valuing everyone's personal space and the physical space that the group is held in. Group members
respect the building by not
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Samsung Of Samsung And Iphone
Does anybody know the distinction Furthermore similitudes between a iphone What 's more
Samsung phone? i wonder the thing that they are. Camwood anybody help me for this please? great
I'm setting off to assistance Also educate you the thing that they are though Any individual doesn't
There with the goal a lot of people contrasts and likenesses the middle of iphone Furthermore
Samsung in the globe today. I imagine i am setting off will start for the contrasts the middle of those
two results. Will begin off, Samsung phones have remote and fast Charging. Those route that the
remote charger meets expectations will be you basically spot your telephone on the remote charging
cushion on juice your telephone. Hosting this makes it to such an extent less demanding As opposed
to Hosting to bumble around Furthermore bother for wires Also string chargers.
Another Contrast the middle of Samsung and iphone will be that Samsung need a manufactured to
heart rate screen. The screen measures your blood oxygen immersion Also Additionally tests your
resting heart rate. For it measuring your heart rate, it Additionally checks know what number of
steps you make a day Furthermore actually keeps up for your Every day routines Also activities. An
alternate cool relic that those Samsung can may be it camwood keep you on a abstaining from food
schedule Similarly as done consuming good. It advises you nourishments that you camwood
consume that would solid with every last one of sustenance
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The Properties Of Multi Intuitionistic Fuzzy
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we study some of the properties of multi intuitionistic fuzzy rw–
continuous mappings and multi intuitionistic fuzzy rw–irresolute mappings in multi intuitionistic
fuzzy topological spaces and prove some results on these. 2000 AMS SUBJECT
CLASSIFICATION: 03F55, 08A72, 20N25. KEY WORDS: Fuzzy subset, multi fuzzy subset, multi
fuzzy topological spaces, multi fuzzy rw–closed, multi fuzzy rw–open, multi fuzzy rw–continuous
mapping, multi fuzzy rw–irresolute mapping, intuitionistic fuzzy subset, multi intuitionistic fuzzy
subset, multi intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, multi intuitionistic fuzzy rw–closed, multi
intuitionistic fuzzy rw–open, multi intuitionistic fuzzy rw–continuous mapping, multi intuitionistic
fuzzy rw–irresolute mapping. INTRODUCTION: The concept of a fuzzy subset was introduced and
studied by L.A.Zadeh [22] in the year 1965. The subsequent research activities in this area and
related areas have found applications in many branches of science and engineering. Intuitionistic
fuzzy set was introduced and studied by Atanassov.K.T.[2, 3]. The following papers have motivated
us to work on this paper. C.L.Chang [8] introduced and studied fuzzy topological spaces in 1968 as
a generalization of topological spaces. Many researchers like R.H.Warren [21], K.K.Azad [4],
G.Balasubramanian and P.Sundaram [5, 6], S.R.Malghan and S.S.Benchalli [14, 15] and many
others have contributed to the development of fuzzy topological
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Maryam Bhurgri
Professor Thurtle
CHID 390
May 20th, 2017 A world entirely designed for one perspective. What happens when you're the odd
one out? When the very architecture of the world around you seems to laugh at you, the buildings
loom over you, while the walls of each room close in on your very being. Yet there are spaces that
inspire healing, that transcend the bounds of our everyday life. Faith is a strange thing, some depend
on it for guidance, others for healing. What happens when the buildings you frequent start to inspire
your mental wellness rather than deter from it? Architects have known for awhile the power light
embodies. It has the potential to compose space. Transporting individuals from the physical world to
a place of ... Show more content on ...
As a Muslim, Pakistani–American my identity is something I've continued to struggle with. Time
and time again, I find myself torn between two worlds, wandering in this void in between. I never
truly understood my place, instead relying on a facet of my personality depending on my cultural
surroundings. However there comes a time when instead of taking on the features of a chameleon
and blending in, I want to find a way to feel at ease with my existence. I feel like an outcast in both
American and Pakistani culture. When both cultures seemed to have failed me, I tried to find solace
in a different source. My religion became a source of relief and revelation. Islamic Sufism has
changed the way I see myself in this world. No longer am I burdened with trying to be American
enough or Pakistani enough. Instead I have the opportunity to engage with my faith. My personal
experiences with religion and faith are ones that are universal in the emotion they evoke. In the
sense that what another may experience when standing in the moonlight with snowing falling to the
ground or when someone is at ease as they walk along the beach is my equivalent to looking at the
clouds. Thus begins my collaboration with clouds. With the media proclaiming that mine is a
religion that incites violence and pain. I look to moments that prove them wrong. The clouds slowly
became my companions; each day they would overwhelm me with their forms and overbearing
presence. In an instant I felt
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Classical Conditioning Experiment
1. Classical conditioning experiment Signal (NS) Turn on the computer UCS Tickle UCR Laugh CS
Turn on the computer CR Laugh Opening the computer typically do not elicit any response. My
roommate is quite ticklish, therefore, whenever I tickle her she would laugh. I can utilize this as an
unconditioned response. If she turns on her computer, she would hear the signature window sound
opening. I would then tickle her so that she would laugh. After several trials of pairing, she would
laugh just after hearing her computer turning on. 2. Operant conditioning experiment Antecedent
stimulus Standing by roommate's bed Response Roommate make her bed Reinforcement Reward
roommate with a cup of hot chocolate My roommate is quite messy, so I believe ... Show more
content on ...
Every half day, I would let the student know that she is given 10 minutes of extra time in recess to
play with her favorite doll, and if she bites anything and anyone, the time will be taken away minute
by minute. She may protest at the beginning, however, if she behaves well she would get to play
with the doll, hence the unwanted act should subsidize. Therefore, I will be using punishment II, or
negative punishment, which is taking away a pleasant stimulus to decrease an undesirable behavior.
To make sure he behavior is consistent, I would watch her in all types of setting (class, recess, etc.)
and clarify all type of undesirable behavior (biting herself, other people, objects, and animals).
Presumably, the biting occur to draw attention to the child herself. If I do not give her the attention
and simply mark off the extra time to play, it would gradually lead to the extinction of the biting
behavior. On the other hand, I would reinforce her to smile and shake hand with me and other
students when she meets them to avoid the biting. In order to do so, I would tell her that whenever
she does the described behaviors, I would mark it as 1 point, and when she earn 10 point, she can
have an item of her choice picked out from a presented list of give (toys, candy, supplies, etc.).
While this included external reinforcement through token economy, the earning point should serve
as a type of intrinsic motivation (equivalent to praises). Hence, she would internalize the behavior
and it would persist even after the reinforcement is no longer
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Outline Of The Reconstruction Of Reconstruction
Reconstruction was a rather simple process for the group. The design used was not very
complicated, so it took much less time than more complex versions. The reconstruction consisted of
using the taken–apart printer for the base of the machine. The printer worked as a sturdy base
because of its size and shape. It was laid on its side so that the paper tray was sticking into the air. A
motor was then gathered from one of the printers that was deconstructed. The group chose the
largest of the motors to ensure that it would be able to lift a golf ball to meet the criteria for success.
The motor was secured to the top of the printer tray using a compartment from the printer that had
previously held printer cartridges. The main issue the group ... Show more content on ...
Since the tennis ball is curved, when it went over the lip of the box, it dumped the golf ball onto the
platform meeting the criteria for success. This design was able complete the goal in a simple way.
Discussion (Maile Harris) connect the results to broad topics
The purpose of this project was to use parts salvaged from the deconstruction project to build a new
machine that could complete a task. Two choices were presented as the task: option one was to lift
an object of undetermined weight up to a height of twenty to sixty centimeters, and then deliver that
object to a platform twenty centimeters in height; option two was to launch a tennis ball sized object
through a goal post one to two feet in height. After analyzing our available materials, we opted for
option one. We measured success in this task by our device's ability to lift and deposit that object, as
per the requirements of the task.
The motor was mounted at the top of the device in such a way that it would reel in the string
attached to it, pulling up whatever was attached to the string (in our case, a half–tennis ball basket
that the task's object could be placed in). The string with the "basket" on the end extended out from
the base of the device, draping over the far side of the box/platform. Once the basket was reeled in,
it would hit the top edge of the box, causing it to tip and dump its contents onto the platform, and
then the
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Characteristics Of Early Warning Of Equipment Chain Gas...
3.1. Characteristics of early warning of equipment chain in gas pipeline
3.1.1 Characteristics of early warning problem
(1) Time sequence
Early–warning is the process that warning system addresses alarm information to managers in time
before emergency [15, 16]. It is indistinguishable and unexplainable to deal with early warning
signals and complex questions for most methods. Not only does accidents evolvement rely on
current condition, but also on regular historical changes in conditions, because accidents develop in
chronological order.
(2) Uncertainty
The monitoring ability is limited due to the limited number of monitoring points on site, which the
accident phenomenon cannot be detected directly but only express fault message by means of an
indirect way. Therefore, the same accident phenomenon may correspond to a number of different
implied reasons, resulting in failure to judge the inherent cause of problem directly. It is the
uncertainty problem in early–warning system.
(3) Hierarchy
Hierarchy is a vital characteristic of early–warning problem in industrial system. The status of entire
system is reflected on all low–level status. In early–warning system, it can be divided into multi–
levels from low to high, such as monitoring status, equipment status, functional status of subsystem
and system status. In natural gas pipeline system, managers learn what happened on equipment
chain by status of monitoring points as essential data, covering production status and operating
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Stop Where You Are And Start Moving Forward
Stop Where You Are and Start Moving Forward – Or How Busy–Ness Is Blocking You From Real
Progress Are You Too Busy to Live?
Don 't you just hate it when you always seem to find yourself running out of time? Oh yes, I 've tried
the to–do list. I try to do this every night before I go to bed, although I must admit that there are
days when I can 't even do this. But yes, I do the list. Some days, if I 'm not careful, I 'd have a
whole list ready to pop onto that page – my mind is that full of things that I want to do. The mind is
busy, busy, busy. People always say, there 's very little time. Or has time gotten even more scarce.
Sometimes, no matter how I try to organise myself, I still find that at the end of the day, I can only
can tick ... Show more content on ...
I actually like this method, as this way I feel that I have looked after the different areas of my life,
my different responsibilities At the end of the day, I 'd tick off what I 've done. Curiously, I often
find that there are certain sections that I tend to do more of. Hmmm. Interesting. This leads me to
examine why I prefer to do certain things more than others.
Why We Do the Things You Do – and Why You Don 't!
Dividing my to–do list this way, I can actually learn about myself and my life – what areas in my
life are taking more of my attention and energy and which are not. These favoured and neglected
areas are in themselves very enlightening, if you honestly ask why you do or not do certain things –
they can tell a lot about your inner world and how you regard yourself. Do I perhaps need to spend
more personal and spiritual time? Or even some entertainment time?
I can see that I 'm frittering my time on peripheral things much too often, on related activities
instead of on the main things in my day, my week, my life. Eg, too much time surfing the web and
"researching" for an article I 'm writing instead of actually getting on and writing that article.
Somehow, if I would just examine myself, I can see that I may have experienced some resistance to
doing precisely that. If I want to progress, I need to deal with this form of
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The Properties Of Soft Multi Sets
Abstract–In this paper we define some properties of soft multi sets. We also define soft multi set
topology, its interior exterior, boundary and their properties. We establish several important results
in mathematical modeling of spacial objects using fuzzy soft interior, fuzzy soft exterior, fuzzy soft
Keywords–Fuzzy Sets, Soft Sets, Multi Sets, Fuzzy Topology.
We may have to face vagueness in most of the engineering, physics, computer sciences, economics,
social sciences, environmental science and medical sciences problems. These may be due to the
uncertainties of natural environmental phenomena, incompleteness of human knowledge about the
real world or due to the limitations of the means and methods used to take measurements. We can
see vagueness or uncertainty when we decide the boundary between the continents or between
different seas, when the growth rate of population in a country 's rural area is determined or when
we make decisions using database information. In all these cases classical set theory, which is based
on crisp concept will not furnish the exact information.
The mathematical ideas like probability theory, fuzzy sets [12], rough sets [10] are well known as
effective models for dealing with such uncertainties. However, each of them has distinguished
advantages as well as certain limitations. Fuzzy sets fail to parameterize a value.
Molodtsov [7] introduced a completely new approach for modeling vagueness and
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Globalization And Its Impact On Society Essay

  • 1. Globalization And Its Impact On Society Essay Globalization defines practically all facets of modern life. The jobs available to the public, the cultures people embody/emulate, the relationships individuals engage in, are all continuously altered by the profound forces of the globalizing process. Capital, people, images, commodities and ideology transcend national borders, and information races around the globe at accelerating speeds (Inda 4). The theme of globalization has emerged generating considerable amounts of controversy in its wake, concerning economics, politics, and culture. These flows and disjunctures of globalization serve to construct particular cultural realities around the world, articulating the importance of the global and the local. These days the world is another place–it is not our own. Globalization is an insight into the present "now," yet our "now" has been constructed and fashioned to fit the mold of an ever–changing, globalizing process. To understand the phenomenon of globalization, we must understand the relations between the past and the present. By understanding the relation between the past and the present we can comprehend the importance of where we have been and how we have come to be. The past is and should be perceived as a resource–there is so much we can learn. The past, present, and the future are all available for humans to use as resources for our imagination. Our imagination is a central resource that can act as an anchor in the post–modern world (Appadurai 30–31). The public ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Taste of Cherry 1997 Film Using the Rosenbaum–Ford debate I will be analyzing how Abbas Kiarostami's 1997 film Taste of Cherry's epilogue and final scene comment on post–revolutionary Iran using the open image as well as how each has argued on what the scenes have achieved in relation to the rest of the film. The film has been mostly well received by international critics winning a Palme d'OR at Cannes but not so much in Iran as many felt it had problematic images of the society of the time. It follows the protagonist Mr. Badii as he rides through the outskirts of Tehran looking for someone to help him complete a task. As the film is shot in Iran it will carry signs of post revolutionary Iranian culture already opening up our curiosity to the cultural discourse that surrounds the film. What Kiarostami does is portray an Iranian image and by including the epilogue raises questions of how to transcend it. In his writing Rosenbaum's argument that the end sequence acts as a relief from the solitude of Mr. Baadhi's consciousness and journey that we have followed is based on the motif of solitude that Kiarostami established throughout the film. He sees it as an uplifting ending, one that gives the film a hopefulness that had up to then not been present, stating that it is the opposite to the distancing effect felt beforehand that Kiarostami had created. Hamish Ford on the other hand has a different view, seeing the epilogue as a kind of cop out on Kiarostami's part. Kiarostami creates a visual and ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Does Orthodontics Affect Children's Teeth? Have you ever wondered why some children's front teeth look like buck teeth or why some of their teeth stick out further than the rest? You have? Well me too! Over time, children's teeth tend to shift out of alignment because of certain ways their parents raised them or because they just simply had a habit when they were little that was hard for them to stop. Some parents allow their children to use a pacifier beyond the limit of the age group and don't realize the long–term effects it has on their child's teeth. Pacifier usage causes children's teeth to resemble more of an open bite, rather than a normal occlusion. I will be talking about the effects of pacifier usage and how you can correct an anterior open bite with Orthodontics. Pacifiers are a great way to calm down ... Show more content on ... Orthodontics helps prevent you from dental decay. But how is this possible? When your teeth are malaligned, it is hard for you to get all the food out by flossing and brushing your teeth the proper way like you would if your teeth were perfectly aligned. For example, when you eat a delicious ham and cheese sandwich you tend to get bread stuck in between all of your teeth. Over time this causes a buildup of plaque on the surfaces of your teeth if not removed. When this happens, you tend to start getting cavities, with orthodontics cavities can be prevented easily because you are able to reach into certain areas of your mouth more. Cavities can only be prevented if you take care of your teeth like you are supposed to. Another benefit with orthodontics that that it boosts your self–esteem and quality of life. Most people tend to have low self–esteem when they don't like a certain way they look. This would probably be one of the reasons most people choose to get braces. Orthodontics is the best way you can boost your self–esteem if you have a problem with the way your teeth look. So how can orthodontist treat the open bite make children's smiles look ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Internal Topology Of The Park Bench Topology: Internal Topology: The internal topology within this performance relies heavily on the fact that the stage is rounded and there is a single park bench (split in half and facing opposite ways) in the centre of it. The cyclical view of life is not only symbolically represented through the stage to the audience but also by the nature of the stage in regards to the actors. The two characters as at the opposite end of a shared cycle is also represented through the utilisation and manipulation of the park bench. Marion's book is able to represent the shift that is to occur as Marion exits the cycle of her life and the Girl is to enter. Thus, the internal topology as per the spacing of elements on the stage is instrumental in portraying the intended meaning for the greatest audience impact. One of the greatest challenges regarding the internal topology of this play is the notion of having an eighty–year–old woman meet a sixteen–year–old version of herself as the preconceived notion of space and time shifts. This is dealt with across the technical disciplines through the unity in developing their individual roles and the contrasting display of their relationship. The notion of such meeting can be perceived as quite strange to an audience when presented as reality however it is through the manipulation of their roles and their relationship, achieved by the various technical disciplines, that such occurrence is able to be achieved. This meeting, through the roles of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Scientific Results Of Different Strategies Of Studying The purpose of this research paper is to first discuss the scientific results of different strategies of studying. The second purpose of this paper is how those strategies can be applied in a real life situation. This is meant to shine light on to which strategy is the most efficient and effective in the long term for studying. The first strategy being discussed is one that is inefficient and ineffective in the long term. Overlearning is a common strategy used for studying and has been researched extensively to see how effective it really is. Overlearning is the continuation of studying immediately after the student has achieved error–free performance. It has been said by many that this is the most effective way of studying for any ... Show more content on ... The spacing effect is test performance is better if studying is spaced out rather than massed together in one study session (Bahrick 1979; Bjork 1979). The spacing effect is the most efficient if it is done in two study sessions. The time in between study sessions is called the intersessional interval, which is also known as ISI. The most successful duration of ISI is completely dependent on the retention interval (RI). "The optimal ISI lying at a value of 10 to 30% of the RI" (Rohrer 2007). A successful test performance depends on the timing of the ISI. Having an ISI be too short of too long it could have a negative effect on the test performance. If spaced correctly, two study sessions has been proved to be a more successful study strategy for long term learning than overlearning. Both the overlearning and the spacing effect strategies have also been applied to mathematical learning. When tested, overlearning showed no difference in the short term results compared to the long term results. Whereas the students who used the spacing effect showed higher scores than those who used mass studying. Those who used the spacing effect "outscored the massers (74% vs. 49%)" (Rohrer 2007). With this being said, most mathematic textbooks utilize overlearning and massing even though research shows that these strategies are highly ineffective. Rohrer suggests that the practice problems provided in ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Digging into Kalam’s Cosmological Argument for the... William Lane Craig puts forth an argument for the existence of God in Kalam's Cosmological Argument. In this, Craig argues that the universe began to exist and the cause of the universe's existence must have been God. Kalam's Cosmological Argument is trying to demonstrate the impossibility of an actual infinite, which states that the universe is eternal – it has always been here. Kalam's Cosmological Argument goes as such: Whatever begins to exist has a cause – The universe began to exist – Therefore, the universe has a cause. And this cause is God. The first premise of Kalam's Cosmological Argument – whatever begins to exist has a cause – must be true. By denying the first premise of the argument, one is denying a natural law. The law is the Law of Conservation of Matter, which states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. However, the second premise has had much controversy. How does one know that the world began to exist, instead of it always existing? There is plenty of science to prove it. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that we are slowly running out of energy; therefore, if the universe was eternal, it most likely would have run out of energy by now. It has also been discovered that our world and universe are constantly expanding, and that if it has been expanding throughout the past it could not be infinite. There would be a point in the past in which it all began. So one can conclude that the universe, along with time and space, began to exist. ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Taking a Closer Look at Phisics Physics. Not something you really hear every day. It's not something you really want to hear either, right? Why is it that when we hear the word physics, it's just a major turnoff. People may even hear the word and just think "get me out of here", even though they may not have the slightest clue of what it's about. Some people do have a slight clue and think molecules or gravity, atoms or Bohr, laws or life, and still may not quite grasp it, but at least have a slight clue. Others, think wasted time and irrelevance, how it kicked their a** in both high school and college. Then the people who really can't comprehend, think goofy white people. To all of this you could say that people tend to dislike what they cannot understand. Physics. The branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. Physics, is what you will be informed of today. As we've already stated in the definition, physics is the natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion through space and time. So first off, matter, the building block of the universe, is any substance which has mass and occupies space. All physical objects are composed of matter, in the form of atoms. Atoms are in turn made up of neutrons, protons, and electrons. Matter also exists in four states: solid, liquid and gas, and plasma; though there are more yet to be proven possible states. Also, all matter is capable of being converted to energy. You might have heard of E = mc2, that would be ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. How Will I Be Successful For College? In today's society, many people are considering college to either advance their career, make a switch in jobs or start on a path to a more prosperous life. With that set in mind, questions comes to mind "how will I be successful in college? How can I pass all my classes with the best possible grade?" I, myself have had these exact thoughts, and through trial and error have learned some beneficial skills along the way. Three steps that have helped me get good grades and maintain them are attending classes, effective note taking, and time management. Firstly, attending classes is priority, and essential since lectures tend to discuss plenty of material in a short period of time. For example, in my psychology class which is three hours, once a week, we review about three chapters each class, then in next week's class we start on the following set of chapters, then a test is assigned the proceeding week. Along with reviewing the chapters we get handouts, and in the class notes that are not incorporated in the textbook chapters. These prove helpful when the test is assigned as they come from the professor who make the test. In addition, attendance is key because the instructor may amend the assignment or due date and you may not know about it. In my math class, we have a project that is due on March 28th except the professor was kindhearted enough to postpone it to April 7th. Only the people who were in class knew about this, as he did not send out an email, or update the due ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Reflection Of Living With Jesus Christ In The World While living and serving in a Chiang Mai prison in Thailand, I met with a radical Muslim man named, Ali, who was serving a life sentence in the Thai prison because, he murdered a Thai woman. As growing up in Pakistan, it is very challenging to love those who persecute and hate you. Initially, he didn't want to do anything with Christianity. But after meeting him for at least six months, with difficult conversations, he decided to accept Jesus Christ as his personal savior. From that point on, I had to leave all my hard feelings behind and accept him as a part of the body of Christ and take care of him. Honestly, I had to listen him cry and suffer in the Thai prison. But in the midst of all that suffering, I had to stand right beside him, fight for his basic rights in the Thai judicial system, communicate with the Pakistani embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, and wrap my arms around him. Today, we will learn together from the passage 1 Corinthians 12:12–27 in which Paul uses a metaphor of a body to describe diversity and unity in the body of Christ and its functions and how do we need to take care of those who are facing extreme persecution. Slide 2 Using metaphors were and still are pretty common in the Middle Eastern culture to obtain deeper understanding of a phenomenon. In the Old Testament, the term body mostly refers to the physical body. But here Paul uses the term body in a metaphorical way to help its readers to understand the intertwine relationship in the universal ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Nature And Its Effects On Children Nature is an important part in the lives of many people. From the simple serenity it lends to the lives of those who are willing to experience it, or the way its resources allow everyone to live their lives the way they do, nature plays this important role. But as civilization has advanced, nature has become a lesser part of everyone's lives, including children, who are growing up in a more structured environment and aren't given as much experience with the outdoors as many people before them had. This is a problem because of the vital role nature plays in the development of children, including the role it plays in ADHD, mental, and physical health. We know that children have drastically reduced the amount of "play" time in their lives. Meaning the time they spend outside in nature, or experiencing stimuli that are important to their development. This amount was an estimated 25% from 1981 to 1997 and has not increased since (Burdette and Whitaker). This is simply an example of how children are slowly becoming more accustomed to more structured environments for growth, and how they experience less and less "green spaces" in their lives. What is meant by this is the lack of time spent in the natural outdoors and wilderness by children as more technology and more structured environments is developed. There is a term that was coined by Richard Louv in his book "Last Child in the Woods" that aptly describes this relatively new phenomenon in children, Richard calls it ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Michigan Auto Parts Essay 1. Calculate the overhead allocation rate for each of the model years 2003 through 2005. Are the changes since 2002 overhead allocation rates significant? Why have these changes occurred? Overhead Allocation refers to the process of identifying specific overheads of a particular cost centre and charging them. For example, in this case wages paid to truck drivers is an overhead cost which is directly identifiable with the Cost Centre i.e. ACF. In case of expenses which cannot be directly identified with that cost centre or which are used by many cost centres allocation will be made on a suitable basis. For example, rent on the basis of floor area. The above mentioned methods are called as direct method (in case of direct ... Show more content on ... |12000 |OT and other benefits to production |Class I and Class II |Same as 1500 above | | |workers | | | |14000 |OT and other benefits to skilled |Class I |Same as 5000 above | | |non–production workers referred in 5000 | | | | |above | | | Allocation of Overheads to Each Class Products (Amount in $000) | | |2003 |2004 |2005 | |Account Head |Basis of Allocation|Total OH | |A) Revenue |226,542 |133,422 | | (Same as 2005 as there is no change in selling price and Sales quantity) | | | |B) Cost | ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Vodafone New Zealand's New Office Space Model Office space is often a business's second largest cost after payroll, and is one area where companies can make substantial savings. By challenging the traditional criteria around spatial design and allocation, you can radically improve the value of your buildings for your business and create a workplace that supports your company's culture and people. By adopting this model, Vodafone New Zealand was able to: Reduce facilities operating costs by around 25% Reduce staff downtime by 6% Accommodate 1,360 people in a space traditionally designed for 900, saving lease costs of $2.2m per annum and fit out costs of $11m Align its property cycle (ordinarily 10–20 years) to its business cycle (less than 3 years), therefore aligning its facilities with ongoing developments in the workplace. This whitepaper examines why other businesses may wish to consider rethinking their physical space and staff working styles within that space. It looks at hjow technology can be used as a key enabler to provide an environment that supports the way a business and its people want to work, and demonstrates how a business can save up to 25% of its building facilities costs (by reducing electricity, cleaning and rent) in the process. The Vodafone New Zealand vision for v.nue was to create flexible and collaborative ways of working that would increase productivity and enable the business to quantify its proposition around leveraging mobility. In addition to technology, two other main ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The goal of an architect is to design accordingly to the... The goal of an architect is to design accordingly to the time with an understanding of the relationship between space and activity. In his essay Space and Events, Bernard Tschumi says, "There is no space without even, no architecture without program." He then continues with, "Architecture cannot be dissociated from the events that 'happen' in it" (Tschumi, 139). Spaces have always been assimilated with past references, which create a type of familiarization and attachment to the past that prevents time from moving forward. Because of this assumption about the form, function, and meaning; thus architecture has been restricted by these familiarization and these assumptions. The history of architecture has been a history of styles. Through ... Show more content on ... Even though geographical diversity and intellectual pluralism has characterized architecture, it "does not mean that the attempt at discerning broader patterns and longer lines of development should be abandoned" (Curtis, 657). As time proceeds, styles and ideas change, and new paradigms arise, crystalizing the underlying concerns of that period. "In the inner recesses of the mind time is telescoped;" deriving from inspiration from the past while also considering the significance of modern space, old and new idea are combined resulting in new unexpected results (657). For example in the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Foster abandons the usual notion of stacked floors around a central core and exploded open it to accommodate a vertical atrium at the center which provided a new vision of the work space (659). Another example is how Toyo Ito suggests that "the skin of a building might be thought of as a screen upon various lights and shadows are projected" (668).This followed Tschumi's idea of "manipulation of the known with its implicit mannerism," which is using things and simultaneously disbelieving in them (666). While understanding of the relationship between space and event, the architect must also design accordingly to the time. The influence of phenomenology creates a familiarization to ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Non Places : A Group Exhibition Of Four Artists Essay Non–Place is a group exhibition of four artists based in different countries, bringing together the works of Andreas Gursky, Thomas Demand, Carla Klein and Xizi Liu. Those artists continued on traditional art forms: paintings and photographs, but their works that exist between distinct classifications. All of the artists search for a new type of space that resists the certainly of a conclusive ideology. The works in Non–place interrogates existent structures, and establishes new dialogues. The idea of non–places drives from the French historian Michel de Certeau 's Invention of everyday. Volume One (1974), but it is from the short but powerful text by the French anthropologist Marc Ange's Non–Places: Introduce to an Anthropology of Supermodernit: If a place can be defined as relational, historical and concerned with identity, then a space, which cannot be defined as relational, or historical, or concerned with identity, will be a non–place. The hypothesis advanced here is that supermodernity produces non–places, meaning spaces which are not themselves anthropological places and which, unlike Baudelairean modernity, do not integrate the the earlier places: instead these are listed, classified, promoted to the status of 'place of memory', and assigned to a circumscribed and specific position. [1] The definition of that is a place not a social or physical space, or lacks the traditional attributes of space. It is a form of space characterized by abstraction, in which its ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Modern Age Presents Multiple Channels For Action,... The modern age presents multiple channels for action, dialogue and discussion. Furthermore, social and political thought suggests that spaces of remembrance encourage understanding, thought and reflection. Thus, it is thought that memory holds vast opportunities to mend the of frailty of human affairs. Good deeds, when reified into memories can be held up to be replicated, or possibly surpassed in the future. Yet the process of memorialisation is often contested, for the formation of memory can only occur in retrospect – on behalf of someone or something. Public commemoration is a difficult process, as it simplifies and condenses complex stories at the cost of omitting others. Thus, spaces of remembrance can become spaces of contestation, and memory entails political risk. Memory presents a crucial tension in the network of ideas and action, which are both public and private. It is not only central to improving the frailty of human affairs, it is a dauntingly complex process weaved with intrinsically personal reflections, which, leads us to the fundamental paradox of memory. Memory is crucial to the public realm, but it originates within. Furthermore, the modern age multiplies spaces of remembrance presenting an unfettered opportunity to improve the frailty of human affairs. Yet, the contestation of memories such as those in war have often been internalised, and thus refuted on a deeply personal level – to challenge mourning is viewed as perverse act of disrespectful to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Transparency As A Theoretical Matter Of Perception Transparency (Literal vs. Phenomenal) Transparency is defined and understood by most people as "having the property of transmitting light without appreciable scattering so that bodies lying beyond are seen clearly". The growth in production and development of technology resulted in a new understanding for transparency in architecture and art. The architects Colin Rowe and Robert Slutzky believe that transparency is classified into two different types, literal and phenomenal, where one is the result of optical effects, while the other type is based on spatial effects that are translated in the subconscious mind. Classifying transparency into two different types allows a shift from understanding transparency as science, to comprehending transparency as a theoretical matter of perception. The categorization of transparency into two types helps people understand transparency as something beyond science and relate it to a speculative matter of observation. While both literal and phenomenal are understood as types of transparencies they preform completely differently. Literal transparency leaves nothing for the imagination of the viewer to see. The materials and pigments used in architecture or art to achieve this type of transparency are superimposed, and the forms are placed behind the transparent surface are clear to the viewer. Therefore, literal transparency is based strictly on the viewer sight, where the viewer is only using his eyes and emotions to read the project. ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Habituation of Exploratory Behavior in Rats Abstract This study investigated the effects of displaced objects and spatial reorganization on habituation of exploratory behavior. The subjects, rats, each individually spent 5 minutes in an open field for 6 trials. Throughout the study, exploratory behavior was measured in the number of contacts the subject made, the number of ambulations, and contact time (seconds). Trials 1–5 were mainly used to familiarize the subject with its surroundings, naturally leading to decreasing amounts of exploratory behavior. Trial 6 involves the same routine, except displaced objects are introduced in an attempt to renew exploratory behavior and promote the building up of environmental maps and representations. Additionally, the measured behavior ... Show more content on ... In this present study, behavior tests were used in order to determine the likelihood of renewed exploratory behavior in a familiar environment after the introduction of displaced objects. Additionally, renewed exploratory behavior seems to play a critical role in building environmental maps, leading to the integration of new spatial relationships Poucet et al. (1986). The primary aim of this experiment was to determine if rats would gain a renewal of exploratory behavior due to displaced objects after habituation had settled in. Based on results from these previously mentioned experiments, we hypothesized that subjects were capable of renewing exploratory behavior in a spatially reorganized environment. However, this was under the assumption that complications such as age and species type were inapplicable. Method Subjects The subjects were Sprague–Dawley male rats. Their age is 150 days. The supplier is Harlan Sprague–Dawley. They are maintained on a 12:12 h light/dark cycle and are provided with ad libitum access to food. Apparatus Materials include an open field (OF) apparatus with a 6x6 grid drawn on the inside. Three objects, a coca–cola can, a plastic cylindrical container with rocks inside, and a plastic bear–shaped bottle were used as the objects. Procedure
  • 66. The study period included one week of familiarization and a second week devoted to experimentation. ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Face Communication Is More Effective Than Other Types Of... There are many different points to consider when considering whether face to face communication is more or less effective than other types of communication, such as the importance of facial expressions and nonverbal body language. Communication would be considered effective when the most information is conveyed between the people involved. Nonverbal body language is generally nonverbal behaviours that can include interpersonal distance, body movement, facial behaviour, touch, vocal behaviours, and others. (Hall, Coats and LeBeau, 2005) With nonverbal body language one needs to consider what signals do people pick up from nonverbal communication as well as what conversations lose with these signals. However, there is the other side to ... Show more content on ... Another thing that is offered by face to face communication is that it offers something when information is received and understood, without delay, something electronic forms of communication cannot offer. Face to face communication also offers the opportunity to take turns when speaking and in turn create a sequence whereas with electronic communications, such as emails or texts, the conversation can be broken up by irrelevant interruptions and do not have the same effect. However Clark & Brennan, (1990) did look at how electronic communication can also be a more effective form of communication. For example with emails and texts information will always be there and can be later reviewed by other people in case there needs to be editing of information before sending. Face to face communication can possibly be irreplaceable as well. Hallowell, (1999) looked at how face to face communication is essential for human movement, an authentic psychological encounter that occurs when two people share the same physical space as well as emotional and intellectual attention. However on the other hand face to face communication can be disruptive and costly, and other forms of communication might be preferable. Sproull and Kiesler, (1992) found that technological changes can help people cross social, psychological and physical boundaries and can effect group behaviour and decision ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Herman Hertzberger : A Of A New Way Of Combining Work And... Central Beheer, a stack of perfect cubes on the outside seems like it might be quite simple on the inside, but in fact Herman Hertzberger intercut spaces and created the complete opposite of a bland open plan office. How does this building perform socially? Well, the main idea Herman Hertzberger had behind creating Centraal Beheer was for that exact reason, so that it can perform socially. Hertzberger created a work place where anyone would want to work. "symbol of a new way of combining work and life without limits and hierarchies" Herman Hertzberger (1932) is a Dutch architect and theoretician. He studied both architecture and engineering at Delft University of Technology and was mentored by Aldo van Eyke. Hertzberger also taught at ... Show more content on ... The entryways of the building come from four different sides and meet in the middle. The overall shape of the building creates different views and facades. The building was not created just on the looks of it; it is made up of a three dimensional, stimulating, tactile human thing. Herman Hertzberger created the inside of this building to be one social space. He created low ceiling for concentration around the work space but also created open spaces to seat between breaks or to take a breather. The building has four different entry ways that connect in the heart of the building making it the meeting place, it is also the space most open. Hertzberger made a format to arrange rooms to be social or antisocial. He creates these spaces so that people are looking at each other or away from each other. These spaces are made for up to four people creating social spaces between coworkers. The spaces are made to choose between open meeting places and hidden secluded spaces.Hertzberger created the open spaces to make it feel like you are outside, in these open spaces the building has natural light coming from above and has greenery throughout. There are also rooftop spaces created to take breaks and catch some fresh air. The rooftop spaces are larger so more people can gather in these spaces rather than chatting through the hallways. The main focus Hertzberger had was to make it feel cozy and homelike as much as possible. ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Descriptive Essay On The Turrbine Hall Bridge The entrance doors are located with many considerations. Although every entrance has its own unique function, but Using the river entrance to get into the building on level one was less spontaneous than using the western entrance on level zero when I first visited the building. The sense of arrival was not the same as the other entrances; I had to work harder to orientate. I very quickly found my self on the Turbine Hall Bridge, a dead–end space with not much purpose to it. When the new building opened, the arrival experience on level one dramatically changed. Lots of improvement were shown and the river entrance become more of a way finding route. It now has a comparable sense of arrival as that accomplished at the western entrance. Herzog & de Meuron have achieved to create a street running across the Turbine Hall from the north to the south on level one. This entrance very naturally pulled me onto the centre of the Turbine Hall Bridge which felt like the heart of the building with activity visible on either side. I was able to read the building from this central part. I got a sense of the building's shape and the layout which was created in my mind as an imaginary architectural model. This central space really does operate as the heart of the building; it was a great place to plan my first move and start to explore Tate Modern in more detail. The Turbine Hall Bridge and its openings to the landscape on either side, felt like an extension to the bankside's public realm. ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Descartes ' Claim Of The Universe How Fix a Universe That is Nothing but Paradoxes Descartes' claim of "I think, therefore I am", is an attempt to establish a firm foundation for the understanding of the universe and explores the ideas of the self and what we can know to be real. However, there is one major flaw in this approach. That flaw is how we are to create this foundation when before it we had nothing and the paradoxes in the creating definitions of words. His goal is to better understand what he is in order to reestablish the foundations of his understanding of the world around him. This is a normal human behavior to explore the unknown or not well understood. Any explorer that sails the ocean in search of new land may know what land is but new land that was unknown to him/her is a satisfying development in the person 's understanding of everything that is real. The modern practice of this behavior includes, but not limited to, an astronomer using space telescopes to look deep into space where light from an ancient universe is arriving at earth or an experimental physicist when smashing particles together in hopes to find new and smaller part that makes up the fundamental building blocks of the universe. Descartes hopes to use his logical process to reveal the fundamental building blocks of the universe that humans can exist in. He also wants to create a fundamental understanding of the way to observe the universe that we can perceive with the limited senses that we have. He uses this logical ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Experience, Perceive And Interact With The Sites Through... As the principal question is to examine how we experience, perceive and interact with the site through our senses and body, in this section I present excerpts from the interview transcripts which are then analysed to obtain an understanding of sensory qualities of the site. In any site dance, it is not only the performers who are interrogating space through movements, but it also extends to an audience who experiences it. For a better structuring, I have divided this section into two parts: the first part focuses on how the dancers engage to depict the site through various sensory receptors and the latter part discusses the multiple constructions of the sites through the viewers' sensuous subjectivity. Through these sections I endeavour to ... Show more content on ... In Dusk the performance is designed imaginatively to retrace the histories of the place and to acknowledge the land (as evidenced in set of movement vocabularies built upon bhumi namaskar), agreed by Harrison and Subramaniam. Both Subramaniam and Harrison's narratives contained abundant tactile metaphors about having contacts with grass underfoot (Fig Subramaniam informed me that: 'We had choreographed and rehearsed in a studio, so the texture of the grass made it difficult to move initially' (Facebook interview, April 29, 2013). From the transcription I found that the dancers variously depicted the site as: 'soft', 'resistant', 'hard', 'uneven' (texture), 'huge', 'small', 'magnanimous' (size), 'airy', 'fresh', 'stuffy' (olfactory), 'illuminated', 'dark' (visibility) and 'sacred' (belief). As most of the dance artists and dancers agreed that it was meant to pay tribute to the site, I narrow down my discussion to the concept of sacredness drawing on a set of three selected photos and narratives. Subramaniam said that: 'The stones felt sacred, each was feeling like a deity with personality and compassion. We were blessed with extraordinarily good weather and the sun provided perfect lighting' (Facebook interview, April 29, 2013). Dusk expands the concept of 'sacredness' through cultural and religious appropriations. In Fig the proximate vicinity of the stones forces the dancers to experience them as skin. Their gorgeous silk ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Personal Reflection IIi : Concluding Assessment Personal Reflection III: Concluding Assessment At the start of the internship, my objectives were to learn more about the film industry, to gain further insight into working life and how that differs from college and to gain more experience in the field of public relations. All in all, I felt I achieved all of these goals I set for myself. In my previous write up, I highlighted the difference I found between work life and college life. I found it pleasant that I did not have homework occupying my nights however it was difficult and draining to be focused on work for at least 8 hours a day with a small 1 hour break for lunch. From Mammoth Advertising, I also delved extensively into the inner workings of film PR, especially on how coverages for things such as trailers and posters impacts how a movie will be marketed. I was also given the chance to write press releases for things such as trailers and character debuts, which was fun and exciting. Overall, it gave me a sense of how public relations have an important and irreplaceable place in a successfully marketed film. Although my experience at Mammoth Advertising was not smooth sailing nor easy, my summer with this film PR company has definitely peaked my interest in venturing further into the film PR industry. In my future endeavors, I hope to be working for the studios such as Lionsgate, Paramount Pictures or FOX 20th Century to get a feel of what goes into making a movie successful on within distribution and production ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Illusions Is An Exhibition At Casa Daros Illusions is an exhibition at Casa Daros, a gallery dedicated to Latin American contemporary art. The exhibition explores the idea of illusion and art as illusion (fig. 5), with a focus on artists such as Luis Camnitzer. The Illusions website explores this theme by creating illusions of space, depth and movement in a virtual space. The website itself functions as an illusion; although objects and images fly towards the viewer in a resemblance of the three–dimensional, they are still only two– dimensional images in two–dimensional space. In comparison to The Curious Gardener, Illusions also uses parallax scrolling to enable the objects to fly towards and away from the viewer as they scroll through the website (fig. 6). This gives the user the ability to drive and control the illusions that they are seeing, becoming an active participator in the exhibition. This use of parallax motion and depth is being used to innovatively explore objects, ornaments, artworks and furniture, not only in cultural heritage but in a variety of institutions. A cutting–edge example of how parallax scrolling can be used to display objects is Sony's Be Moved (fig. 7). It is a detailed and technical website that pushes the boundaries of animation and parallax motion as cameras, laptops and other forms of technical equipment come apart and are re–built as the user scrolls, showing the intricacy and craftsmanship of the objects interiors. Metal, plastic and wires fly towards the screen with an ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Michael Foucault's Different Forms of Power Essay Michael Foucault's Different Forms of Power Michael Foucault distinguishes between two different and distinct forms of power, disciplinary and sovereign. Fouccault describes disciplinary power as the new type of power in the modern civilization. The use of disciplinary power transpired in the 17th and 18th century, and it used specific procedures such as distributing individuals into space, controls of activity, observation, judging, and examination, to regulate the people. The first way to create discipline is to distribute individuals in space. This space is usually analytical and physical. Discipline demands enclose, so that you see everything that is going on. Inside of this enclosure there is a partitioning where each ... Show more content on ... We have something similar to this in gymnastics. We do and exhibition where everything need to be perfectly times and everyone's movements in their tumbling needs to be the exact same. We break down the movements of the back handsprings and backs flips and learn how to do the special movements exactly the same as everyone else, so we look together. To be able to have our exhibitions be successful we need constant monitoring to see if we are with the music and with each other. The next step to achieving discipline is through observation. This gives you power by simply observing visually seeing what is going on. In this you are under constant surveillance. By being put under this constant examination you are always being put to the test to see if you measure up to set standards. An example of this is the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. You are always under constant surveillance, even when you are not in uniform or performing. Even if you are not wearing anything associated with the organization, and are out going to the local 7–11 and you look bad, you can get in a lot of trouble. You are always held to a standard with how you look at how much you weigh. In the DCC you are weighed every week and you re not allowed to gain more than five pounds or you will be dropped off the squad if you do not lose the extra weight. This brings us to the next part of discipline, normalizing judgment. This is where you have a rule or task and have ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Chevy C350 Research Paper Chevrolet C3500–parts/chevrolet/c3500 The Chevy C3500 is a heavy–duty pickup truck from General Motors. It was built to provide owners with the ability to do more than they could with a medium duty truck, and it was designed for construction or ranch work where there was the need for more towing or hauling capacity. It is a one–ton truck with 2–wheel drive that was introduced in 1988. It is one of the bestselling trucks for GM. When you take care of your C3500, you use genuine OEM parts like those found at Body – The body on your truck can take a beating, especially if you use it for work, and you want to replace bumpers or side mirrors should they become damaged. You will also want to replace ... Show more content on ... You take good care of it by using genuine OEM parts like those found at HVAC – Staying comfortable while driving means that your air conditioner and heater are working correctly. In order to keep them working, you may need to replace parts like the compressor or condenser, and we can help you. We also carry the heater, evaporator, fans and temperature control units for your Captiva. Electrical – Everything on your Captiva needs electricity in order to run, and it takes more than a battery to make that happen. The electrical system consists of other parts like the alternator and starter. We have those parts, as well as controls, bulbs, ride control components, powertrain controls and ignition systems. When you need parts for your Captiva, you want the best price you can get, and at, we offer the lowest total price shipped direct to your door through our price match guarantee (read the details here:–beater–guarantee) system. Our helpful and empowered parts associates will be happy to help your get the right parts for your ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. The Homelessness Of A Home Having a Home People cannot be fulfilled without a home, because a home is a place people can go back to, a place that gives them stability, where people can have their own privacy, gives them comfort, and can symbolize something different. Without a home, people cannot be fulfilled, there are only places in which they can rest, but never sleep; there is no place that they can call their own. People with a home always have a place to go back to, they know that no matter what happens that place will always be there. With out a home a person does not have this; they would have to constantly think of the next area to go to for shelter. They would have to always plan ahead of time. With out a home they would not have that stability that comes ... Show more content on ... For some people it is not the home that comforts them, but it is the people that live in it, their family is what comforts them rather than the home. For other people the home is a place that holds nothing more than bad memories that they want nothing more than to forget. For some people a home is not required for fulfillment, their home is just a place for them to sleep then go out and live their life, home is just a rest stop for them. There are many people who travel the world for weeks at a time, they sleep in run down hotels or not even in proper shelter, they do not go back to a home, but they still achieve fulfillment. Going around the world helping people who are less fortunate is what fulfills them. People who tend not to have a home have other ways of fulfillment. Then there are people who are minimalist who attempt to live on as little as possible, for them their home is bare and maybe small. For minimalist the home is not there to comfort them or give them stability, the home is just a place that they bought because they had to if they did not want to rely on anyone (Quindlen) else for ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. A Unique Atmosphere a unique atmosphere. The flow was very artistic; you can see colors all over, artifacts on every town square, greenery and organic flowing lines. Within all this Design madness a modern artifact stood out for me. Looking at it from a distance, it grabbed my attention with its light translucent structure; I couldn't define the shape. In my eyes all I could see was clustered, intersecting, free stranding lines in the middle of Plaza Nova. This installation titled "Identity" was designed by Chinese–based studio Urbanus, for Voltaire's "Barcelonans extreme love of freedom" 300th anniversary of 11 September 1714. On that date, after a thirteen month siege, the city of Barcelona collided with French–Castilian troops and it turned into a very bloody affair that involved all sectors of the city. The sacrifices and subsequent spirit of recovery turned this date into a symbol of the Catalan existing national entity. A colored bamboo structure in a grid installation reinterpreting a form of an ancient wall with vaults creating openings you could walk through. This modern artifact had clearly behind it more than aesthetic beauty; a sense of travel through Time and Space emerged while gazing in to this monument. The "Identity" piece had an urban definition within the space and a strong feel of cultural representation. TIME The openings from both sides are crucial design elements. Each side represents a culture; on one of them you have the series of Roman arched opening. The Roman ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Hawking 's A Briefer History Steven Hawking's A Briefer History in Time tells a simplified story of the universe. Hawking's starts out the book by going over the different type of cosmology that was held throughout history. He mentions the beliefs that Aristotle, Copernicus, Galileo and other notable individuals held about the universe. This discussion is used to segue into a brief description of the different theories, laws, and ideas concerning the universe held by people today. Newton's laws of motion and gravity and Einstein's theory of relativity are only some of the models that Hawking discusses. Thus, the main purpose of Hawking's A Briefer History in Time is to inform the readers of the development in our understanding of how the universe works. In his conclusion, Hawking's specifically includes the term "Mind of God" (142). I believe that for Hawking, to understand the mind of God is to understand the workings of the universe and our place in it. Hawking's A Briefer History of Time also asserts that it is possible to know the mind of God. In essence, although, Hawking does not explicitly say that we can explain the world without God, he does use the theories of others to question the existence of God. Although, Hawking's discussion of the theories concerning the universe can be seen as contradictory to the idea of an absolute God, the theories coincide and broaden my understanding of God. Hawking's explanation of Newton's models portrays the universe as complex because of the relative state of ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Urban Gentrification and Urban Morphology Urban Gentrification and Urban Morphology The term 'gentrification' has myriads of interpretations from different geographers, and sociologists. Ever since, there has been protracted debate on its methodology, consequences and whether it constitutes a dominant or residual urban form. The term 'gentrification' was first coined by the Marxist urban geographer Ruth Glass (Glass, 1964) to describe the influx of wealthier individuals into cities or neighbourhoods who replace working or lower–classes already living there by using London districts such as Islington as her example. On the other hand, Smith and Williams (1986, p.1) define gentrification as "the rehabilitation of working class and derelict housing and the consequent transformation ... Show more content on ... Everything is inter–related." The critique from this tool of analysis is again the challenge of information overload from looking at each single factor affecting gentrification therefore making it more complex to conceptualise gentrification. Also, the limitation of research funding can affect the quality, accuracy and credibility of academic's findings, speed to publication and research methodology problems. Hence, the potential resulting in bias research findings, if used by local government when intervening in determining housing policies in gentrifying stagnant towns and cities may be wrongly misguided. The analysis of economic driven gentrification is clearly illustrated in London beginning from the 1950s. This process began in the Canonbury area of Islington; spread to Barnsbury and other parts of Islington, as well as Camden, Notting Hill, Primrose Hill, Kentish Town, Holland Park, and West Greenwich in the 1960s; and reached as far as Hackney in East London and parts of South London like Lambeth, Battersea, Clapham, and Fulham in the 1970s. (Moran, 2007, p.101) Before the 1950s, the North London Borough of Islington was at a broken area, its once grand Regency and Victorian houses split into poorly maintained, ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Substance Abuse And Addiction : Limestone College (... Group Paper: Substance Abuse and Addiction Jamiela Geathers Limestone College (Extended Campus) Social Work Program Introduction. Tricounty Ministries is a non–profit organization that provide food, clothing, medical care, housing vouchers, counseling, and financial support, and other vital services to the homeless and the less fortunate. The ministries motto is "Helping those in crisis move to a place of stability and ultimately self–sustainability since 1983".Their counseling service is a non–denominational faith based service that focuses on small groups and the individuals hurts, habits and hang–ups. The self–help group was started in August of 2015 through the Healing Hands Ministry program at Tricounty, which was started in 2002.The counseling program was implemented because of the apparent need for support from the community. Group Boundaries There are a few boundaries within this group which include: time, space, and role boundaries. Time boundaries consists of being responsible for your punctuality and respecting that, once the door of the facility is closed then you have missed that night of group. Also respecting the time of your group leader and group members, and the number of days you attend the group. In this particular group the designated meeting time is Mondays from 6:30pm–7:30pm. Space boundaries are simply valuing everyone's personal space and the physical space that the group is held in. Group members respect the building by not ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Samsung Of Samsung And Iphone Does anybody know the distinction Furthermore similitudes between a iphone What 's more Samsung phone? i wonder the thing that they are. Camwood anybody help me for this please? great I'm setting off to assistance Also educate you the thing that they are though Any individual doesn't think. There with the goal a lot of people contrasts and likenesses the middle of iphone Furthermore Samsung in the globe today. I imagine i am setting off will start for the contrasts the middle of those two results. Will begin off, Samsung phones have remote and fast Charging. Those route that the remote charger meets expectations will be you basically spot your telephone on the remote charging cushion on juice your telephone. Hosting this makes it to such an extent less demanding As opposed to Hosting to bumble around Furthermore bother for wires Also string chargers. Another Contrast the middle of Samsung and iphone will be that Samsung need a manufactured to heart rate screen. The screen measures your blood oxygen immersion Also Additionally tests your resting heart rate. For it measuring your heart rate, it Additionally checks know what number of steps you make a day Furthermore actually keeps up for your Every day routines Also activities. An alternate cool relic that those Samsung can may be it camwood keep you on a abstaining from food schedule Similarly as done consuming good. It advises you nourishments that you camwood consume that would solid with every last one of sustenance ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. The Properties Of Multi Intuitionistic Fuzzy ABSTRACT: In this paper, we study some of the properties of multi intuitionistic fuzzy rw– continuous mappings and multi intuitionistic fuzzy rw–irresolute mappings in multi intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces and prove some results on these. 2000 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION: 03F55, 08A72, 20N25. KEY WORDS: Fuzzy subset, multi fuzzy subset, multi fuzzy topological spaces, multi fuzzy rw–closed, multi fuzzy rw–open, multi fuzzy rw–continuous mapping, multi fuzzy rw–irresolute mapping, intuitionistic fuzzy subset, multi intuitionistic fuzzy subset, multi intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, multi intuitionistic fuzzy rw–closed, multi intuitionistic fuzzy rw–open, multi intuitionistic fuzzy rw–continuous mapping, multi intuitionistic fuzzy rw–irresolute mapping. INTRODUCTION: The concept of a fuzzy subset was introduced and studied by L.A.Zadeh [22] in the year 1965. The subsequent research activities in this area and related areas have found applications in many branches of science and engineering. Intuitionistic fuzzy set was introduced and studied by Atanassov.K.T.[2, 3]. The following papers have motivated us to work on this paper. C.L.Chang [8] introduced and studied fuzzy topological spaces in 1968 as a generalization of topological spaces. Many researchers like R.H.Warren [21], K.K.Azad [4], G.Balasubramanian and P.Sundaram [5, 6], S.R.Malghan and S.S.Benchalli [14, 15] and many others have contributed to the development of fuzzy topological ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Reflection Maryam Bhurgri Professor Thurtle CHID 390 May 20th, 2017 A world entirely designed for one perspective. What happens when you're the odd one out? When the very architecture of the world around you seems to laugh at you, the buildings loom over you, while the walls of each room close in on your very being. Yet there are spaces that inspire healing, that transcend the bounds of our everyday life. Faith is a strange thing, some depend on it for guidance, others for healing. What happens when the buildings you frequent start to inspire your mental wellness rather than deter from it? Architects have known for awhile the power light embodies. It has the potential to compose space. Transporting individuals from the physical world to a place of ... Show more content on ... As a Muslim, Pakistani–American my identity is something I've continued to struggle with. Time and time again, I find myself torn between two worlds, wandering in this void in between. I never truly understood my place, instead relying on a facet of my personality depending on my cultural surroundings. However there comes a time when instead of taking on the features of a chameleon and blending in, I want to find a way to feel at ease with my existence. I feel like an outcast in both American and Pakistani culture. When both cultures seemed to have failed me, I tried to find solace in a different source. My religion became a source of relief and revelation. Islamic Sufism has changed the way I see myself in this world. No longer am I burdened with trying to be American enough or Pakistani enough. Instead I have the opportunity to engage with my faith. My personal experiences with religion and faith are ones that are universal in the emotion they evoke. In the sense that what another may experience when standing in the moonlight with snowing falling to the ground or when someone is at ease as they walk along the beach is my equivalent to looking at the clouds. Thus begins my collaboration with clouds. With the media proclaiming that mine is a religion that incites violence and pain. I look to moments that prove them wrong. The clouds slowly became my companions; each day they would overwhelm me with their forms and overbearing presence. In an instant I felt ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Classical Conditioning Experiment 1. Classical conditioning experiment Signal (NS) Turn on the computer UCS Tickle UCR Laugh CS Turn on the computer CR Laugh Opening the computer typically do not elicit any response. My roommate is quite ticklish, therefore, whenever I tickle her she would laugh. I can utilize this as an unconditioned response. If she turns on her computer, she would hear the signature window sound opening. I would then tickle her so that she would laugh. After several trials of pairing, she would laugh just after hearing her computer turning on. 2. Operant conditioning experiment Antecedent stimulus Standing by roommate's bed Response Roommate make her bed Reinforcement Reward roommate with a cup of hot chocolate My roommate is quite messy, so I believe ... Show more content on ... Every half day, I would let the student know that she is given 10 minutes of extra time in recess to play with her favorite doll, and if she bites anything and anyone, the time will be taken away minute by minute. She may protest at the beginning, however, if she behaves well she would get to play with the doll, hence the unwanted act should subsidize. Therefore, I will be using punishment II, or negative punishment, which is taking away a pleasant stimulus to decrease an undesirable behavior. To make sure he behavior is consistent, I would watch her in all types of setting (class, recess, etc.) and clarify all type of undesirable behavior (biting herself, other people, objects, and animals). Presumably, the biting occur to draw attention to the child herself. If I do not give her the attention and simply mark off the extra time to play, it would gradually lead to the extinction of the biting behavior. On the other hand, I would reinforce her to smile and shake hand with me and other students when she meets them to avoid the biting. In order to do so, I would tell her that whenever she does the described behaviors, I would mark it as 1 point, and when she earn 10 point, she can have an item of her choice picked out from a presented list of give (toys, candy, supplies, etc.). While this included external reinforcement through token economy, the earning point should serve as a type of intrinsic motivation (equivalent to praises). Hence, she would internalize the behavior and it would persist even after the reinforcement is no longer ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Outline Of The Reconstruction Of Reconstruction Reconstruction was a rather simple process for the group. The design used was not very complicated, so it took much less time than more complex versions. The reconstruction consisted of using the taken–apart printer for the base of the machine. The printer worked as a sturdy base because of its size and shape. It was laid on its side so that the paper tray was sticking into the air. A motor was then gathered from one of the printers that was deconstructed. The group chose the largest of the motors to ensure that it would be able to lift a golf ball to meet the criteria for success. The motor was secured to the top of the printer tray using a compartment from the printer that had previously held printer cartridges. The main issue the group ... Show more content on ... Since the tennis ball is curved, when it went over the lip of the box, it dumped the golf ball onto the platform meeting the criteria for success. This design was able complete the goal in a simple way. Discussion (Maile Harris) connect the results to broad topics The purpose of this project was to use parts salvaged from the deconstruction project to build a new machine that could complete a task. Two choices were presented as the task: option one was to lift an object of undetermined weight up to a height of twenty to sixty centimeters, and then deliver that object to a platform twenty centimeters in height; option two was to launch a tennis ball sized object through a goal post one to two feet in height. After analyzing our available materials, we opted for option one. We measured success in this task by our device's ability to lift and deposit that object, as per the requirements of the task. The motor was mounted at the top of the device in such a way that it would reel in the string attached to it, pulling up whatever was attached to the string (in our case, a half–tennis ball basket that the task's object could be placed in). The string with the "basket" on the end extended out from the base of the device, draping over the far side of the box/platform. Once the basket was reeled in, it would hit the top edge of the box, causing it to tip and dump its contents onto the platform, and then the ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Characteristics Of Early Warning Of Equipment Chain Gas... 3.1. Characteristics of early warning of equipment chain in gas pipeline 3.1.1 Characteristics of early warning problem (1) Time sequence Early–warning is the process that warning system addresses alarm information to managers in time before emergency [15, 16]. It is indistinguishable and unexplainable to deal with early warning signals and complex questions for most methods. Not only does accidents evolvement rely on current condition, but also on regular historical changes in conditions, because accidents develop in chronological order. (2) Uncertainty The monitoring ability is limited due to the limited number of monitoring points on site, which the accident phenomenon cannot be detected directly but only express fault message by means of an indirect way. Therefore, the same accident phenomenon may correspond to a number of different implied reasons, resulting in failure to judge the inherent cause of problem directly. It is the uncertainty problem in early–warning system. (3) Hierarchy Hierarchy is a vital characteristic of early–warning problem in industrial system. The status of entire system is reflected on all low–level status. In early–warning system, it can be divided into multi– levels from low to high, such as monitoring status, equipment status, functional status of subsystem and system status. In natural gas pipeline system, managers learn what happened on equipment chain by status of monitoring points as essential data, covering production status and operating ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Stop Where You Are And Start Moving Forward Stop Where You Are and Start Moving Forward – Or How Busy–Ness Is Blocking You From Real Progress Are You Too Busy to Live? Don 't you just hate it when you always seem to find yourself running out of time? Oh yes, I 've tried the to–do list. I try to do this every night before I go to bed, although I must admit that there are days when I can 't even do this. But yes, I do the list. Some days, if I 'm not careful, I 'd have a whole list ready to pop onto that page – my mind is that full of things that I want to do. The mind is busy, busy, busy. People always say, there 's very little time. Or has time gotten even more scarce. Sometimes, no matter how I try to organise myself, I still find that at the end of the day, I can only can tick ... Show more content on ... I actually like this method, as this way I feel that I have looked after the different areas of my life, my different responsibilities At the end of the day, I 'd tick off what I 've done. Curiously, I often find that there are certain sections that I tend to do more of. Hmmm. Interesting. This leads me to examine why I prefer to do certain things more than others. Why We Do the Things You Do – and Why You Don 't! Dividing my to–do list this way, I can actually learn about myself and my life – what areas in my life are taking more of my attention and energy and which are not. These favoured and neglected areas are in themselves very enlightening, if you honestly ask why you do or not do certain things – they can tell a lot about your inner world and how you regard yourself. Do I perhaps need to spend more personal and spiritual time? Or even some entertainment time? I can see that I 'm frittering my time on peripheral things much too often, on related activities instead of on the main things in my day, my week, my life. Eg, too much time surfing the web and "researching" for an article I 'm writing instead of actually getting on and writing that article. Somehow, if I would just examine myself, I can see that I may have experienced some resistance to doing precisely that. If I want to progress, I need to deal with this form of ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. The Properties Of Soft Multi Sets Abstract–In this paper we define some properties of soft multi sets. We also define soft multi set topology, its interior exterior, boundary and their properties. We establish several important results in mathematical modeling of spacial objects using fuzzy soft interior, fuzzy soft exterior, fuzzy soft boundary. Keywords–Fuzzy Sets, Soft Sets, Multi Sets, Fuzzy Topology. I. INTRODUCTION (Heading 1) We may have to face vagueness in most of the engineering, physics, computer sciences, economics, social sciences, environmental science and medical sciences problems. These may be due to the uncertainties of natural environmental phenomena, incompleteness of human knowledge about the real world or due to the limitations of the means and methods used to take measurements. We can see vagueness or uncertainty when we decide the boundary between the continents or between different seas, when the growth rate of population in a country 's rural area is determined or when we make decisions using database information. In all these cases classical set theory, which is based on crisp concept will not furnish the exact information. The mathematical ideas like probability theory, fuzzy sets [12], rough sets [10] are well known as effective models for dealing with such uncertainties. However, each of them has distinguished advantages as well as certain limitations. Fuzzy sets fail to parameterize a value. Molodtsov [7] introduced a completely new approach for modeling vagueness and ... Get more on ...