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Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
A Research Project
Presented to the SHS Department
Pedro “Oloy” N. Roa Sr. High School
Cagayan De Oro
In partial fulfillment of the requirements
For the Research Project Subject
Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
The Basic Research entitled “The Bullying experience of student’s in Pedro ‘OLOY’
N. Roa High school” prepared and submitted by “Samsn et al.” has been examined
and recommended for acceptance and approval.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Background of the study
Bullying is when someone is being hurt either by words or actions on
purpose, usually more than once, feels bad because of it, and has a hard time
stopping what is happening to them. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior
among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The
behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who
are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems. To be
considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include an Imbalance of
Power: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to
embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. Power
imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the
same people Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the
potential to happen more than once bullying includes actions such as making
threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding
someone from a group on purpose.
There are different forms of bullying such as Physical bullying this involves
hurting someone, or damaging or stealing their belongings. It includes: hitting,
kicking, punching, spitting, biting tripping, shoving or intimidating another person
mean or rude hand gestures touching another person when they don't want you to
be made afraid of being hurt stealing or damaging possessions.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Verbal bullying, this involves saying or writing mean things. It includes: name-
calling, teasing someone in a hurtful way, making fun of someone, being sarcastic in
a hurtful way offensive comments, insults or jokes about someone and their family
because of their race, culture, religion, disability or sexuality, mean comments about
someone's body or physical characteristics such as their weight or height, hurtful
comments about the way someone looks or behaves, inappropriate sexual
comments, taunting threatening to cause harm.
Social bullying, this involves hurting someone's relationships or reputation. It
includes: ignoring or leaving someone out on purpose, telling others not to be friends
with someone, spreading rumors about someone, destroying relationships and
friendships, embarrassing someone in public, sharing information or images that will
harm the other person, telling lies or stories about someone to make others, not like
If any of these types of bullying behaviors occur only once or are part of a
conflict between equals (no matter how inappropriate) they are not bullying.
The behaviors alone don't define bullying. Bullying is when these things happen (or
have the potential to happen) again and again.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Significance of the study
Especially the study will contribute important findings that can be utilized by the
different stakeholders.
Teacher, they also need to guide student and give advice because the teacher is
the sole parents of one student and they must recommend like asking the students if
he/she done to eat
Students will know what they are doing and whether they are hurting their
classmates. knowing that what he is doing is bullying so that there will be possible
that bullying will reduce.
School Administrators should give a program every student to value them what is
bullying and to tell them it needs to stop, what are the causes and effects of bullying.
School child protection committee and Barangay child protection
committee should name a program about bullying and going to different school to
made programs how to stop and prevent; also what are the effect about bullying and
show some movie/ clips that involves bullying, to teach them a lesson that bullying is
not good because can hurt everyone in physical or emotional.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Conceptual Framework
 Gender
 Grade level
Statement of the problem
Bullying still appears to be a big hindrance to one’s emotional growth. Hence,
it also affects the victim physically.
These following questions aim to support this topic
1. Is there a significant different in the level of bullying in terms of?
 Gender
 Grade level
Scope and delimitation
This study is focused on Pedro “Oloy” N. Roa Sr. High School from the
selected grade 7 to grade 10 those students have experienced bullying inside and
out of the campus. Bullying is a big problem in our community, especially at the
school the rate of students being bullied inside and out of the school is getting higher
and higher every year. They just don’t notice it but their joke and the way they speak
is a kind of bullying.
 Verbal
 Physical
 Emotional
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
This study aims to deepen our knowledge of why and how lies act the way.
This will help us to understand them and at the same time help them by giving care,
love, and attention. This study directly to involve bullies and those who are bullied.
And cyberbullying is no longer involved because the questions only include
emotional, verbal, and physical bullying.
Definition of terms
Bullying-The process of intimidating or mistreating someday weaker or in a more
vulnerable situation
Verbal- it is not uncommon for people to experience some form of verbal bullying
(being called names or insulted) at some point in their lives. Many young people we
speak to hear insults daily when they are in school or socially. Whatever age you are
being called names or insulted can affect your wellbeing.
Physical Bullying- Physical bullying can entail anything from pushing and shoving
to kicking, punching, fish fighting, being shot, being raped or being physically
attacked by a gang.
Emotional Bullying- Emotional bullying isn’t just seen on the playground; emotional
bullying, although likely subtler, is seen in adult relationships and workplaces too.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Chapter 2
According to Alberta education (2008), bullying is a relationship problem it is
the assertion of interpersonal power through aggression and there are 2 involves of
bullying the repeated and consistent negative action against another and the
imbalance of power between the bully and the target as a result of bullying episode
where the child bullies may feel excited, powerful and amused, while the target may
feel afraid embarrassed or hurt.
According to (Ross, 2002) the Bullying is a new issue of the students. In fact,
over the years it has been viewed as being so commonplace in schools that it has
been overlooked as a threat to students that bullying in the development stage that
most youth will experience then get over.
According to Harris and Hathorn (2006) school, bullying is often created for
young people bullying is a worldwide issue and concern not only to children but even
adolescents and adults. This problem occurs when a person is subjected, repeatedly
and overtime to negative actions from another person or group. This may happen at
home, in the school, in the community or even in the workplace. This even gets
wider attention to authorities to control such. In the Philippines, Republic Act No.
10627 otherwise known as the Anti – Bullying Act of 2013, defines acts of bullying in
schools and direct the schools to adopt policies aimed at addressing bullying.
Three different types of bullies are common in schools today; physical bullies,
verbal bullies, and relational bullies. Physical bullies are just what they sound like,
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
physical. These types of bullies tend to hit, kick, punch, shove, or use any other type
of physical exertion of energy towards other kids. Verbal bullies are the types of
bullies that use harsh words such as name-calling, insults, racial comments, or
comments about another student’s physical appearance to degrade their victim.
Verbal bullying is the most commonly reported type of bullying. Finally, relational
bullies are acts that single out a victim from their peer group. This is mostly done by
the bully using verbal threats or spreading undesirable rumors about their victims. It
is needed to look at everything that bullies do, the way it affects both the victim and
the bully, and exactly how much bullying currently occurs in schools. ISSN 2162-
139X (Print), 2162-142X (Online) © Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
Cythia (2014 She found that there are differences in the relationship between
bullying level and academic performance depending on student´s academic
achievement. Nadine (2014) investigated bullying impact on student’s ability to
academically succeed. Nadine found that bullied students have feel of fear from
coming to school because they feel that they are unsafe; therefore, they are unable
to concentrate which reflects negatively on their academic success.
Mehta et al. (2013) found that when students feel that bullying is a phenomenon in
their school, they feel that they are unsafe which reflected on less engaged in the
school community. Therefore, they have less motivation to do well at school and
they do not participate in school activities. Bullying affects a student’s academic
achievement in various ways.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Ammermueller (2012) found that being bullied has a significantly negative
impact on present and future students’ performance in school.
Brank et al. (2012) indicated that bullying victims are weak, shy, and anxious. They
added that victims’ performance is poor in school and seek to avoid attending school
classes to avoid victimization. Victimization experiencing can lead to poor academic
performance and leading to absenteeism.
Skapinakis et al. (2011) found that victims were more likely to report suicidal
thoughts than were bullies. Juvonen, et al. (2011) said that bullying experiences
affect victims’ academic achievement in both direct and indirect ways. So bullied
student by his peers may become worried and afraid of being teased, therefore he
may stop participating in class or may have e trouble in concentrating on classwork
because of fear. They added that students who are often subject to be bullied by
their peers during the school period have less engagement at school and poor
grades. Konishi et al. (2010) confirmed that interpersonal relationships within the
school environment influence academic achievement.
According to (Mckenzie, 2004; Stover, 2006) concern about the proliferation of
social problems experienced by children and adolescents including activities such as
bullying and depression. School can influence the likelihood of students having this
kind of problem. according to the United Nations Study on Violence against Children
(2009), Bullying is a growing and a serious problem in many schools and many
students from different school’s experience bullying and the school is the place
where students spend most of their time in interacting with their classmates,
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
teachers, and staffs. It is a place where they learn their lessons and communicate
with others. Of the various forms of school-based violence, bullying is the most
Since students spend most of their time in school, directly or indirectly they
become part of bullying. They may become the victims, the perpetrators, and the
bystanders. Bullying occurs in schools because some students feel frustrated and
scared in facing interpersonal, family, and academic stress without getting any
support from family and friends, thus making the school an outlet of their problems
and frustrations and in which case, bullying becomes a way to release such stressful
emotions. Bullying is a special type of aggressive peer interaction in which a
powerful classmate for example, repeatedly intimidates, exploits and victimizes a
weaker classmate (Doll, Song & Slerners, 2004).
According to Alberta Education (2008), bullying is a relationship problem. It is
the assertion of interpersonal power through aggression. Bullying involves repeated
and consistent negative actions against another; and an imbalance of power
between the bully and the target as a result of the bullying episode where the child
who bullies may feel excited, powerful and amused, while the target may feel afraid,
embarrassed or hurt. Students who are bullied are usually those who are quiet and
not very noticeable.
They are the ones who are most likely not to say anything or those who are
scared to fight back against these bullies. Students who prefer to be alone or those
students with few friends, tend to be the victim of bullying. Many students reported
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
that bullies engage in bullying to make them feel better or to gain a higher status
(Varjas et. al, 2008). Most bullies do not realize how much he or she can ruin
someone’s confidence or someone’s life.
Students who encounter cases of bullying may have different ways of coping
with the situation. Students should report to their parents or teachers. Many students
remain silent, afraid the situation will get worse. Some students are fighting back the
bully and protecting themselves against being bullied. Some students become
emotional, they cry to lessen the feeling of being bullied. There is a Nonetheless,
students who experience bullying may have different ways of coping with bullying
situations. Several studies in western societies about their primary and secondary
school ages have indicated that in general, more successful strategies can include
telling the experience to their teacher, asking a friend for help. Less successful
strategies may include fighting back or passive helpless behavior (Hunter,
2004; Naylor, 2001). People must be aware that bullying is rampant nowadays
Bullying is becoming an increasingly prevalent problem in modern public schools but
how exactly does it affect a child's academic performance?
Children can be cruel and it is not uncommon for grade school students to come
home in tears after someone called them a name on the bus ride home.
Unfortunately, many parents do not understand the potentially damaging effects of
bullying not only on a child’s confidence and self-esteem but also on his academic
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
While many people assume that a little bit of bullying is harmless – it may
even be helpful for the child to teach them how to stick up for themselves. In reality,
however, an estimated 160,000 children miss school on any given day due to fear of
bullying by other students. Every day, more than 280,000 students are physically
attacked in schools and one out of ten students who drop out of school mentions
repeated bullying as a factor. Bullying can have a serious impact on a child’s
educational experience, and not just by causing him or her to miss school. There is a
great deal of evidence to suggest that bullying hurts a child’s academic performance.
Students who are bullied show less academic improvement due to a fear of standing
out. As a result, teachers often identify those students as low achievers or
unmotivated learners.
These students may then receive less attention from teachers which only
pushes them further down the academic rankings in their school. After reviewing the
results of the study, Juvenon suggests that perhaps the best way to reduce bullying
is to provide academic support for low-performing students.
According to the Michigan Association of School Administrators, the effects of
bullying extend far beyond the academic scope. Students who are repeatedly bullied
may experience physical symptoms like stomach pains, headaches, and trouble
sleeping. These side effects may pair with anxiety about going to school or
participating in class which only leads to further loss of interest and reduced
academic performance. Students who are bullied often exhibit low self-confidence,
frequently experiencing depression, suicidal thoughts, and even violent outbreaks
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
You may be surprised to learn that students who bully other students also
experience some negative side effects. For example, research suggests that
students who bully are more likely to engage in violent behavior, to steal or
vandalize property, to smoke, to drink, to report poor grades, and to carry a gun. The
results of multiple long-term research studies suggest that these students are also
more likely to commit serious crimes later in life. Unfortunately, it is not always easy
to spot a bully. Bullies can be some of the students with the highest social skills or
the best grades – they may even be good at ingratiating themselves with
administrators, teachers, and other adults. When it is difficult to identify the bully, it is
difficult for the school to take action.
Once bullying becomes a problem in a school it can be difficult to eradicate
you may never get rid of it entirely. There are, however, certain steps that educators
and parents can take to minimize bullying in their schools. The first step in reducing
bullying is to increase awareness by providing education about what bullying looks
like. Bullying can occur at any grade level and it is imperative that teachers and staff
have a sound definition and that they can identify bullying when it occurs. The focus
must be placed on the negative behaviors, not only on the students who exhibit
those behaviors. Students must come to understand the consequences of their
behaviors and why they are wrong.
Once the school has created a sound definition to identify bullying behavior, a
set of rules and policies must be put in place and enforced. It must be made clear to
students, teachers, and faculty that bullying behavior will not be tolerated and there
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
should be clear consequences for those who break the rules. Just as important as it
is to identify and punish bullying behavior, however, it is also important that the
school reward positive behaviors. The school should strive to create a safe and
healthy environment for all students by rewarding those who provide a good
example of the school’s policies in action.
However, Ken Rigby, a school bullying expert, had found in his study that the
most commonly used intervention methods in schools were direct sanctions or “the
imposition of disciplinary sanctions on the person or persons identified as
responsible for the bullying” (Rigby, 2014: p. 409). These direct sanctions include
verbal reprimands, temporary removal from class, and withdrawal of privileges,
among others, which were imposed on individuals involved in bullying others (Rigby,
He said that these may deter bullies to perpetuate the act but only temporarily.
Besides, he also suggested that this kind of response is only reactive and it does
little to prevent students from engaging in bullying behavior in the future
In the Philippines, with the passing of Republic Act (RA) 10627, otherwise known as
the Anti-Bullying Law of 2013, schools are required to establish their anti-bullying
programs which includes the formation of a committee who would ensure the
protection of children against abuses from their peers as well as adults, formulation
of awareness programs to increase students’ knowledge of bullying, and provision of
counseling programs for both bullies and victims. Educators, school personnel, and
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
students are also encouraged to report school bullying they have witnessed to
proper channels.
This study was conducted to find out the prevalence rate of the different forms
of school bullying among the sixth graders in selected schools in Western Visayas;
feelings of victims and bullies after the act; proportion of males and females who
engaged in school bullying as an and perpetrator, and; teachers’ response to
bullying cases they have witnessed. It is hoped that this research could be of help,
especially to Filipino educators and policymakers in formulating effective bullying
programs in schools.
According to the consolidated report of the Department of Education (Dep
Ed), bullying cases in elementary and high schools of both private and public
schools in 2014 rose by 21% or a total of 6,363 cases, compared with the 5,236 on
2013. (Newman, et al., 2000, 58) Boys can make more physical while the girls are to
verbal because Women have a lot to say and think compared to men.
This translates to 31 daily bullying cases from a divisor of 201 school days. The
statistics were disclosed by Rep. Gerald Anthony Gullas Jr., a member of the House
committee on basic education.
Putting an end to bullying is not something that can happen overnight and it isn’t
something that can be achieved through the work of a single individual. To put an
end to bullying, teachers and parents must come together with students to create a
culture of tolerance and acceptance in their school. Only when students learn to
respect and accept each other will bullying become reduced.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Bullying is comprised of direct behaviors such as teasing, taunting,
threatening, hitting, and stealing that are initiated by one or more students against a
victim. In addition to direct attacks, bullying may also be more indirect by causing a
student to be socially isolated through intentional exclusion
A relationship also exists between student bullying behavior and school
issues such as academic achievement, school bonding, and absenteeism.
Prevention of school bullying should become a priority issue for schools. The most
effective methods of bullying reduction involve a whole school approach. This
method includes assessing the problem, planning school conference days, providing
belter supervision at recess, forming a bullying prevention coordinating group,
encouraging parent‐teacher meetings, establishing classroom rules against bullying,
holding classroom meetings about bullying, requiring talks with the bullies and
victims, and scheduling talks with the parents of involved students.
Bullying is a major problem for children. There are well-defined risk factors for
bullying that are individual and social. Beyond the immediate trauma of experiencing
bullying, victims are at high risk of later physical and emotional disorders. Bullies are
the generators of this trauma but also suffer poor long-term effects as a result of
their participation. Bystanders are also not immune from bullying's toxic effects nor
innocent from its occurrence. While most often occurring at schools, pediatric
clinicians can identify and support children suffering from bullying. They also have
the unique opportunity to engage the schools and wider society on anti-bullying
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
initiatives. This article will outline the risk, signs, and symptoms of bullying to help
clinicians identify and address these children in need.
In particular, previous research has suggested that such a student is at an
increased risk of social exclusion. Accordingly, the purpose of the present study was
to evaluate the levels of social support received and the frequency of bullying
experienced by adolescents. Analysis of the relationship between social support and
bullying indicated that receiving support from classmates was the most important
way of reducing the frequency of bullying.
According to Vartia (2001) the attain of workplace bullying were investigated,
with 85 % women, 15 % men. Both the targets of bullying and the witnesses
reported more general stress and mental stress reactions than respondents from the
workplaces with no bullying.
According to Bond, L., Carlin, J. B., Thomas, L., Rubin, K., & Patton, G.
(2001) The history of victimsation is relationship predicts of emotional problems from
the adolescence and this find have implicants and how serious this from the
According to Tracy, N. (2012, July 24), the emotional bully's behavior than a
child does and can see behind a bully's actions to someone who may feel scared
and alone and is lashing out. Adults can also understand that an emotional bully's
behavior is not about the victim but about the abuser.
According to (Juvonen & Graham, 2001:42) verbal bullying can be done
face to face like name-calling, put-downs, insults and harassment. Deliberately
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
excluding certain people from groups or not talking to them is another form of direct
verbal bullying. Male tend to use more direct methods of bullying than girls because
boys use to punching, and shoving, whereas girls may use more convert methods as
rumors and exclusion to (Card et al. and Little, 2008; Mullin-Rindler, 2002).
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
In this chapter, the researcher will have used the descriptive research design that
involved and describing the behavior of the participants without influencing them in
any way.
Research Design
The researcher will be used the descriptive design to describe the students
of Pedro Oloy N. Roa. Descriptive is to gather about the bullying. The emphasis is
on describing rather than judging or interpreting.
As a descriptive study, it collected detailed and factual information. It is
systematically determining the situation or area and the behavior of the students.
Research Locale
The study is conducted in Pedro Oloy N. Roa Sr. High School. Located at
Calaanan, Canitoan Cagayan De Oro City Misamis Oriental.
There are many buildings, trees, and computers that can be used by all students
Pedro Oloy N. Roa Sr. High School has 2000 students. Most of the students here in
Pedro Oloy N. Roa live in Calaanan.
Description of the participants
The participants in this study were the G-7 TO G-10 High School at Pedro Oloy
N. Roa Sr. High School in Calaanan, Canitoan Cagayan De Oro City Misamis
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
We have 249 student’s participants of our study, we choose G-7 to G-10 as the
participants of our research because base on our observation juniors high school
can easily think and c
ommit suicide. Because of that age below 12-16 if they commit suicide they don’t
know what are the consequence will be happened because Junior High School can
easily think to commit suicide.
Research Instrument
The research instrument that was used to gather the necessary data for
this study is the survey questionnaire adapted by ESP 8 page 378 and can also be
found in hhtp://
The survey questionnaire is a Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5. It measures
the reasons for the frequency, reliability, and validity of the questionnaire as tested
using Cronbach alpha is spss. Cronbach's alpha of the questionnaire is .762 which
means that the questionnaire is acceptable in terms of internal consistency and
reliability of the scale.
Data Gathering
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
The materials and instruments to be used for data gathering is questionnaire,
questionnaire is our main instruments to come up with some idea from the
perception of the respondents. After the adviser had corrected approved the
questionnaire, the researcher will Xerox them into 290 copies together with the letter
asking permission from the respondents to be part of the study as well as the
Teachers approval in conducting this study and in the distribution of the
questionnaire to the respondents.
Data Collection Protocol
1.Justification of Research
This research provides an of the students who experience bullying in Pedro ‘Oloy’ N.
Roa Sr. High School
2. Research Question
· Have you been bullied because of your physical?
3. Research methods
The research will use the descriptive research design to describe the status of a
variable or phenomenon and also using an instrument like a survey.
4. Study population and sampling
The researcher will conduct a study at Pedro “Oloy” N. Roa Senior High School
PONRSHS. Located at Calaanan, Canitoan, Cagayan de Oro City Misamis oriental.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
5. Team composition
The researcher composes of 7 the 3 researchers will be the ones who conduct
the survey and the other 4 researchers will be assigned to analyze the information.
6. Deployment Schedule
The researcher who will conduct the survey will be randomly assigned
The researcher will randomly pick 10 (Ten) person in every grade level in junior high
5 girls and 5 boys.
7. Data Reception, Verification, and storage
After the data analyzed it will be minimizing the bullying.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Chapter 4
Problem 1. What is the demographic data of the participants in term of;
1.2grade level?
Table 1: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the participants by gender.
Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage of participants by gender.
Experiencing bullying is no matter the gender because boys and girls do bully
equally, although their method of bullying is often different. In our result we have
49% male and 51% from the female.
The result implies that the female can easily affected because women is
emotional. According to (Card et al. and Little, 2008; Mullin-Rindler, 2002) has found
that males tend to use more direct methods of bullying than girls. Boys use such
methods as pushing, hitting, and shoving to bully their victims, whereas girls may
use more coverts methods as rumors and exclusion.
Gender Frequency Percent
Male 122 49 %
Female 127 51 %
Total 249 100 %
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Table 2: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the participants by grade level.
Table 2 shows the Frequency and percentage of participants by Grade level
and the Grade 8 have a lowest percentage of all level and the highest percentage is
the Grade 7 they having 32.1% because Grade 7 is usually bully because they are
not yet mentally mature.
Previous research (Tarshis & Huffman, 2007) revealed that bullying is just
as prevalent in elementary school as in secondary school. Incidents of bullying can
lead to many negative experiences for students during their years in elementary
Problem 2. What is the level of bullying experience of the participants in terms of;
2.1 Emotional Bullying;
2.2 Verbal Bullying;
2.3 Physical Bullying?
Grade Frequency Percent
1.00 80 32.1 %
2.00 50 20.1 %
3 60 24.1 %
4 59 23.7 %
Total 249 100.0
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Table 3: Level of experience of emotional bullying.
Indicators Mean Verbal
Are there people who are making face to you and show bad
hand gestures?
(Mayroon bang mga tao na sumisimangot sa iyo o nagpapakita
ng hindi magandang senyalis ng kamay?)
2.98 Neither
Agree nor
Are you discriminated to join in the games or work or eating
(Hindi kaba sinasali sa laro o gawain o isinasabay sa
3.76 Agree
Have your peers or friends left you behind that you haven’t
(Iniiwan ka ba ng mga barkada o maraming barkada ang hindi
ka nais na isali?)
3.67 Agree
Have you ever been bullied by your schoolmates because of
your hair, the way you dress, the way you use glasses and the
color of your skin?
(Pinagkakatuwaan ka ba ng ibang mag-aaral dahil sa iyong
pananait,buhok,salamin sa mata,o kulay ng balat?)
3.39 Neither
Agree nor
Have you received threats that you will be hurt?
(May nagbabanta ba sa iyo na ikaw ay sasaktan?)
3.80 Agree
Overall Mean 3.52 Agree
Range Verbal Description
4.51 – 5.0 Strongly Agree
3.51- 4.50 Agree
2.51 – 3.50 Neither Agree nor Disagree
1.51 – 2.50 Disagree
1.0 – 1.50 Strongly Disagree
Table 3 shows the mean distribution of the level of experience of emotional
bullying. The participants gave their unifying response that they are a victim of
people who make them feel bad. Most of my participants reported that there is a
threat to their lives got highest (M=3.80), followed by item 2 with (M=3.76).
According to Tracy, N. (2012, July 24), higher level of experience of
emotional bullying. In this context, someone who has been emotionally bullied can
see the behavior as the symptom of an illness rather than as a personal attack.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Table 4: Level of experience of verbal bullying.
Indicators Mean Verbal
Are there humors being spread telling bad words about you?
(Mayroon bang nagkalat ng tsismis o nagsabi ng masasamang
salita tungkol sa iyo?)
3.36 Neither
Agree nor
Are you frequently teased by your classmates?
(Madalas ka bang tinutukso ng ibang mga mag-aaral?)
3.22 Neither
Agree nor
Do you classmates frequently talk to you at the back?
(Madalas ka bang pinagbbuulongan ng ibang mag-aaral?)
3.31 Neither
Agree nor
Overall Mean 3.30 Neither
Agree nor
Range Verbal Description
4.51 – 5.0 Strongly Agree
3.51- 4.50 Agree
2.51 – 3.50 Neither Agree nor Disagree
1.51 – 2.50 Disagree
1.0 – 1.50 Strongly Disagree
Table 4 shows the level of experience of verbal bullying. Most of the
participants answered Neither agree nor agree that there are humors being spread
about them (M=3.36). In this variable, the overall mean of 3.30 interpreted as neither
agree nor agree that there are humors spreading about them.
These finding confirm the study of (Juvonen & Graham, 2001:42) Verbal
abuse may send the message to adolescents that they have negative personal
attributes like calling the victim stupid or ugly, which could lead to self- blaming
attributions that could, in turn, lead to low-self-esteem, perceived incompetence and
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Table 5: Level of experience of physical bullying.
Indicators Mean Verbal
Have you ever experienced hazing in order to be accepted to a
particular group or a certain squad?
(Naranasan mo na bang dumaan sa isang “Hazing” bago isali sa
isang pangkat o samahan? )
4.15 Agree
4.00 Agree
Overall Mean 4.08 Agree
Range Verbal Description
4.51 – 5.0 Strongly Agree
3.51- 4.50 Agree
2.51 – 3.50 Neither Agree nor Disagree
1.51 – 2.50 Disagree
1.0 – 1.50 Strongly Disagree
Table 5 shows the level of experience of physical bullying, which makes the
overall mean 4.08 with the interpretation agree by experience of physical bullying.
Banks ( 15/10/2005@10h30), physical
bullying tends to decrease with age but verbal abuse remains constant. The
Participants responded agree which could mean that they are experience by hazing
before they accepting in particular group (M=4.15). This finding can be best
explained by Juvonen & Graham, 2001:42-43 that the victims may also perceive
school as an unsafe place, become anxious and seek to avoid such situations. The
result indicates that participants become anxious and seek.
Problem 3.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
3.1 Is there a significant difference in the level of bullying experience among the
participants in terms of;
3.1 gender;
3.2 grade level?
Ho1: All sample mean scores are equal.
Table 6. Group Statistics by Gender
Group Statistics by Gender
Male Female
N Mean SD N Mean SD
Emotional Bullying 80 3.60 .50 50 3.48 .49
Verbal Bullying 80 3.31 .48 50 3.13 .50
Physical Bullying 80 4.05 .88 50 4.09 .87
The participants’ mean scores of the level of emotional bullying experience
did not differ, t (128) = .834, p=.406. Likewise, the participants’ mean scores of the
level of verbal bullying experience did not differ, t (128) = .967, p=.335. Moreover,
the participants’ mean scores of the level of physical bullying experience did not
differ, t (128) = -.214, p=.831.
Table 7. Bullying experience of participants by grade level.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Grade Level N Mean Std.
Verbal Description
Grade 7 80 3.67 .80 Agree
Grade 8 50 3.57 .65 Agree
Grade 9 60 3.65 .78 Agree
Grade 10 59 3.63 .71 Agree
Total 249 3.63 .74 Agree
Range Verbal Description
4.51 – 5.0 Strongly Agree
3.51- 4.50 Agree
2.51 – 3.50 Neither Agree nor Disagree
1.51 – 2.50 Disagree
1.0 – 1.50 Strongly Disagree
The mean scores of the bullying experience of the participants when group by
grade level is the same, F (3,248) = .171, p= .916.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
The Bullying experience of students in Pedro ‘Oloy’ N. Roa High school
that is our title of the study us a researcher we used a research questionnaire which
you will find in Chapter 3 those questions are one of our instruments for students
who experienced bullying and we use Descriptive design to describe the students of
Pedro Oloy N. Roa. We have 249 total of participants from Grade 7 to Grade 10. Our
research instrument is the survey questionnaire adapted by ESP 8 page 378 and
can also be found in hhtp://
After our survey, we interpreted and analysis the result and we find out that
girls are prone to verbal bullying and the boys is physical especially in Grade-7..
The student who is being bullied is losing self-confidence experiencing this in
the school have two reasons the pressure and the hurt for the victims every day we
experience bullying but we just don’t notice it because sometimes people who help
us give them fun and the victim this is a huge problem for the victim who may be
affected by their education and bullying is emotionally hurt because you will lose
your mind and you will never know what to do except physically because it is
physical activity to exert power over peers. Punching, kicking and other physical
attacks are all types of physical bullying.
We must think first because according to Mehta et al. the students feel that
bullying is a phenomenon in their school, they feel that they are unsafe which
reflected on less engaged in the school community. Therefore, they have less
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
motivation to do well at school and they do not participate in school activities.
Bullying has many effects like depression, low-self-confidence, suicide thoughts, and
suicide attempt and parents, teachers, school staff most not ignore bullying and
must always set a campaign against it. This will make the student have a positive
mindset against bullying.
A Students need to learn to respond to fellow student and avoid unpleasant
eye-catching for a student especially physical and learn to comprehend everything
and for the Teacher, they also need to guide student and give advice because the
teacher is the sole parents of one student and they must recommend like asking the
students if he/she done to eat and for the Principal, he must recommend an
orientation with the children’s teacher and parents so they can talk about it well for
the Parents they need to give their children time to pay attention to their parents.
We all know that most of us can experience, so as a researcher we are going
to recommend a symposium in our school for the student who experiences bullying
on how to avoid or lessen this problem. We are to discuss why to give us a big effect
on our life. We’re going to give our best to give all the information about bullying. But
before we recommend a symposium we need help from the principal, teacher
especially in students of Pedro Oloy N. Roa Sr. high school because they are the
reason why we having a symposium.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
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Raqqad, H.K (2017) The Impact of School Bullying On Students’ Academic
Achievement from Teachers Point of View
Available at: › publication 316620721_The_Impact
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Reyes, S. (2016) Bullying Experienced among Indigenous People Students of
Philippine Normal University North Luzon, Philippines:
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Bullying in Philippine Schools
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Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Wolke, D., Copeland, W. E., Angold, A., & Costello, E. J. (2013). Impact of bullying
in childhood on adult health, wealth, crime, and social outcomes. Psychological
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Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
1.Are there people who are crossed to you and show
bad hand gestures?
(Mayroon bang mga tao na sumisimangot sa iyo o
nagpapakita ng hindi magandang senyalis ng kamay?)
5 4 3 2 1
2. Are there humors being spread telling bad words
about you?
(Mayroon bang nagkalat ng tsismis o nagsabi ng
masasamang salita tungkol sa iyo?)
5 4 3 2 1
3.Are you frequently teased by your classmates?
(Madalas ka bang tinutukso ng ibang mga mag-aaral?) 5 4 3 2 1
4.Do you classmates frequently talk to you at the back?
(Madalas ka bang pinagbbuulongan ng ibang mag-
5 4 3 2 1
5.Are you discriminated to join in the games or work or
eating together?
(Hindi kaba sinasali sa laro o Gawain o isinasabay sa
5 4 3 2 1
6.Have your peers or friends left you behind that you
haven’t expected?
(Iniiwan ka ba ng mga barkada o maraming barkada
ang hindi ka nais na isali?)
5 4 3 2 1
7.Have you ever been bullied by your schoolmates?
Because of your hair, the way you dress, the way you
use glasses and the color of your skin?
(Pinagkakatuwaan ka ba ng ibang mag-aaral dahil sa
iyong pananait,buhok,salamin sa mata,o kulay ng
5 4 3 2 1
8.Have you ever experienced hazing in order to be
accepted to a particular group or a certain squad?
(Naranasan mo na bang dumaan sa isang “Hazing”
bago isali sa isang pangkat o samahan? )
5 4 3 2 1
9.Have you received threats that you will be hurt?
(May nagbabanta bas a iyo na ikaw ay sasaktan?) 5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Pedro Oloy N. Roa Sr. High School
October 2019
PN. Roa Subdivision, Calaanan, Canitoan, Cagayan de Oro City
Dear ma'am,
Good day! We are a grade 12 students conducting a research entitled The Bullying
experience of students in PEDRO ‘OLOY’ N. ROA HIGH SCHOOL as we go on in
our study, may we request a copy of the list of the name of the students of grade 10
and grade 11 students together with their LRN.
Thank you for your favourable response and have a nice day.
Samson Irish joy
Research Leader
Noted by:
Mrs. Christina Simbajon
PR Teacher
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
Approved by:
Mrs. Naomi Arminta
LIS Coordinator
Pedro Oloy N. Roa Sr. High School
October 2019
PN. Roa Subdivision, Calaanan, Canitoan, Cagayan de Oro City
Dear ma'am/sir,
We, the grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences will get your permission to allow
us to survey your students. This is in the view of our practical research entitled The
Bullying experience of students in Pedro Oloy N. Roa Sr. High School. The survey
will take 5-10 minutes only.
Samson Irish joy
Research Leader
Noted by:
Mrs. Christina Simbajon
Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
PR Teacher
Approved by:
Mr. Jerson B. Herrero

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  • 1. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. THE BULLYING EXPERIENCE OF STUDENTS IN PEDRO ‘OLOY’ N. ROA HIGH SCHOOL A Research Project Presented to the SHS Department Pedro “Oloy” N. Roa Sr. High School Cagayan De Oro In partial fulfillment of the requirements For the Research Project Subject Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences SAMSON, IRISH JOY CUBAY, GLEAH MAE LOPENA, RENANTE ALON, REGINE ADLAWAN, JERAMIE PINO, JO-ANNE REA LAGNO, JENNIFER MEDIO, GERAMIE AND RULIDA, JAY ANN September2019-2020
  • 2. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. APPROVAL SHEET The Basic Research entitled “The Bullying experience of student’s in Pedro ‘OLOY’ N. Roa High school” prepared and submitted by “Samsn et al.” has been examined and recommended for acceptance and approval.
  • 3. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. CHAPTER 1 Introduction Background of the study Bullying is when someone is being hurt either by words or actions on purpose, usually more than once, feels bad because of it, and has a hard time stopping what is happening to them. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems. To be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include an Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. There are different forms of bullying such as Physical bullying this involves hurting someone, or damaging or stealing their belongings. It includes: hitting, kicking, punching, spitting, biting tripping, shoving or intimidating another person mean or rude hand gestures touching another person when they don't want you to be made afraid of being hurt stealing or damaging possessions.
  • 4. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. Verbal bullying, this involves saying or writing mean things. It includes: name- calling, teasing someone in a hurtful way, making fun of someone, being sarcastic in a hurtful way offensive comments, insults or jokes about someone and their family because of their race, culture, religion, disability or sexuality, mean comments about someone's body or physical characteristics such as their weight or height, hurtful comments about the way someone looks or behaves, inappropriate sexual comments, taunting threatening to cause harm. Social bullying, this involves hurting someone's relationships or reputation. It includes: ignoring or leaving someone out on purpose, telling others not to be friends with someone, spreading rumors about someone, destroying relationships and friendships, embarrassing someone in public, sharing information or images that will harm the other person, telling lies or stories about someone to make others, not like them. If any of these types of bullying behaviors occur only once or are part of a conflict between equals (no matter how inappropriate) they are not bullying. The behaviors alone don't define bullying. Bullying is when these things happen (or have the potential to happen) again and again.
  • 5. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. Significance of the study Especially the study will contribute important findings that can be utilized by the different stakeholders. Teacher, they also need to guide student and give advice because the teacher is the sole parents of one student and they must recommend like asking the students if he/she done to eat Students will know what they are doing and whether they are hurting their classmates. knowing that what he is doing is bullying so that there will be possible that bullying will reduce. School Administrators should give a program every student to value them what is bullying and to tell them it needs to stop, what are the causes and effects of bullying. School child protection committee and Barangay child protection committee should name a program about bullying and going to different school to made programs how to stop and prevent; also what are the effect about bullying and show some movie/ clips that involves bullying, to teach them a lesson that bullying is not good because can hurt everyone in physical or emotional.
  • 6. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. Conceptual Framework  Gender  Grade level Statement of the problem Bullying still appears to be a big hindrance to one’s emotional growth. Hence, it also affects the victim physically. These following questions aim to support this topic 1. Is there a significant different in the level of bullying in terms of?  Gender  Grade level Scope and delimitation This study is focused on Pedro “Oloy” N. Roa Sr. High School from the selected grade 7 to grade 10 those students have experienced bullying inside and out of the campus. Bullying is a big problem in our community, especially at the school the rate of students being bullied inside and out of the school is getting higher and higher every year. They just don’t notice it but their joke and the way they speak is a kind of bullying. Bullying  Verbal  Physical  Emotional
  • 7. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. This study aims to deepen our knowledge of why and how lies act the way. This will help us to understand them and at the same time help them by giving care, love, and attention. This study directly to involve bullies and those who are bullied. And cyberbullying is no longer involved because the questions only include emotional, verbal, and physical bullying. Definition of terms Bullying-The process of intimidating or mistreating someday weaker or in a more vulnerable situation Verbal- it is not uncommon for people to experience some form of verbal bullying (being called names or insulted) at some point in their lives. Many young people we speak to hear insults daily when they are in school or socially. Whatever age you are being called names or insulted can affect your wellbeing. Physical Bullying- Physical bullying can entail anything from pushing and shoving to kicking, punching, fish fighting, being shot, being raped or being physically attacked by a gang. Emotional Bullying- Emotional bullying isn’t just seen on the playground; emotional bullying, although likely subtler, is seen in adult relationships and workplaces too.
  • 8. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
  • 9. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE According to Alberta education (2008), bullying is a relationship problem it is the assertion of interpersonal power through aggression and there are 2 involves of bullying the repeated and consistent negative action against another and the imbalance of power between the bully and the target as a result of bullying episode where the child bullies may feel excited, powerful and amused, while the target may feel afraid embarrassed or hurt. According to (Ross, 2002) the Bullying is a new issue of the students. In fact, over the years it has been viewed as being so commonplace in schools that it has been overlooked as a threat to students that bullying in the development stage that most youth will experience then get over. According to Harris and Hathorn (2006) school, bullying is often created for young people bullying is a worldwide issue and concern not only to children but even adolescents and adults. This problem occurs when a person is subjected, repeatedly and overtime to negative actions from another person or group. This may happen at home, in the school, in the community or even in the workplace. This even gets wider attention to authorities to control such. In the Philippines, Republic Act No. 10627 otherwise known as the Anti – Bullying Act of 2013, defines acts of bullying in schools and direct the schools to adopt policies aimed at addressing bullying. Three different types of bullies are common in schools today; physical bullies, verbal bullies, and relational bullies. Physical bullies are just what they sound like,
  • 10. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. physical. These types of bullies tend to hit, kick, punch, shove, or use any other type of physical exertion of energy towards other kids. Verbal bullies are the types of bullies that use harsh words such as name-calling, insults, racial comments, or comments about another student’s physical appearance to degrade their victim. Verbal bullying is the most commonly reported type of bullying. Finally, relational bullies are acts that single out a victim from their peer group. This is mostly done by the bully using verbal threats or spreading undesirable rumors about their victims. It is needed to look at everything that bullies do, the way it affects both the victim and the bully, and exactly how much bullying currently occurs in schools. ISSN 2162- 139X (Print), 2162-142X (Online) © Center for Promoting Ideas, USA Cythia (2014 She found that there are differences in the relationship between bullying level and academic performance depending on student´s academic achievement. Nadine (2014) investigated bullying impact on student’s ability to academically succeed. Nadine found that bullied students have feel of fear from coming to school because they feel that they are unsafe; therefore, they are unable to concentrate which reflects negatively on their academic success. Mehta et al. (2013) found that when students feel that bullying is a phenomenon in their school, they feel that they are unsafe which reflected on less engaged in the school community. Therefore, they have less motivation to do well at school and they do not participate in school activities. Bullying affects a student’s academic achievement in various ways.
  • 11. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. Ammermueller (2012) found that being bullied has a significantly negative impact on present and future students’ performance in school. Brank et al. (2012) indicated that bullying victims are weak, shy, and anxious. They added that victims’ performance is poor in school and seek to avoid attending school classes to avoid victimization. Victimization experiencing can lead to poor academic performance and leading to absenteeism. Skapinakis et al. (2011) found that victims were more likely to report suicidal thoughts than were bullies. Juvonen, et al. (2011) said that bullying experiences affect victims’ academic achievement in both direct and indirect ways. So bullied student by his peers may become worried and afraid of being teased, therefore he may stop participating in class or may have e trouble in concentrating on classwork because of fear. They added that students who are often subject to be bullied by their peers during the school period have less engagement at school and poor grades. Konishi et al. (2010) confirmed that interpersonal relationships within the school environment influence academic achievement. According to (Mckenzie, 2004; Stover, 2006) concern about the proliferation of social problems experienced by children and adolescents including activities such as bullying and depression. School can influence the likelihood of students having this kind of problem. according to the United Nations Study on Violence against Children (2009), Bullying is a growing and a serious problem in many schools and many students from different school’s experience bullying and the school is the place where students spend most of their time in interacting with their classmates,
  • 12. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. teachers, and staffs. It is a place where they learn their lessons and communicate with others. Of the various forms of school-based violence, bullying is the most prevalent Since students spend most of their time in school, directly or indirectly they become part of bullying. They may become the victims, the perpetrators, and the bystanders. Bullying occurs in schools because some students feel frustrated and scared in facing interpersonal, family, and academic stress without getting any support from family and friends, thus making the school an outlet of their problems and frustrations and in which case, bullying becomes a way to release such stressful emotions. Bullying is a special type of aggressive peer interaction in which a powerful classmate for example, repeatedly intimidates, exploits and victimizes a weaker classmate (Doll, Song & Slerners, 2004). According to Alberta Education (2008), bullying is a relationship problem. It is the assertion of interpersonal power through aggression. Bullying involves repeated and consistent negative actions against another; and an imbalance of power between the bully and the target as a result of the bullying episode where the child who bullies may feel excited, powerful and amused, while the target may feel afraid, embarrassed or hurt. Students who are bullied are usually those who are quiet and not very noticeable. They are the ones who are most likely not to say anything or those who are scared to fight back against these bullies. Students who prefer to be alone or those students with few friends, tend to be the victim of bullying. Many students reported
  • 13. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. that bullies engage in bullying to make them feel better or to gain a higher status (Varjas et. al, 2008). Most bullies do not realize how much he or she can ruin someone’s confidence or someone’s life. Students who encounter cases of bullying may have different ways of coping with the situation. Students should report to their parents or teachers. Many students remain silent, afraid the situation will get worse. Some students are fighting back the bully and protecting themselves against being bullied. Some students become emotional, they cry to lessen the feeling of being bullied. There is a Nonetheless, students who experience bullying may have different ways of coping with bullying situations. Several studies in western societies about their primary and secondary school ages have indicated that in general, more successful strategies can include telling the experience to their teacher, asking a friend for help. Less successful strategies may include fighting back or passive helpless behavior (Hunter, 2004; Naylor, 2001). People must be aware that bullying is rampant nowadays Bullying is becoming an increasingly prevalent problem in modern public schools but how exactly does it affect a child's academic performance? Children can be cruel and it is not uncommon for grade school students to come home in tears after someone called them a name on the bus ride home. Unfortunately, many parents do not understand the potentially damaging effects of bullying not only on a child’s confidence and self-esteem but also on his academic performance.
  • 14. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. While many people assume that a little bit of bullying is harmless – it may even be helpful for the child to teach them how to stick up for themselves. In reality, however, an estimated 160,000 children miss school on any given day due to fear of bullying by other students. Every day, more than 280,000 students are physically attacked in schools and one out of ten students who drop out of school mentions repeated bullying as a factor. Bullying can have a serious impact on a child’s educational experience, and not just by causing him or her to miss school. There is a great deal of evidence to suggest that bullying hurts a child’s academic performance. Students who are bullied show less academic improvement due to a fear of standing out. As a result, teachers often identify those students as low achievers or unmotivated learners. These students may then receive less attention from teachers which only pushes them further down the academic rankings in their school. After reviewing the results of the study, Juvenon suggests that perhaps the best way to reduce bullying is to provide academic support for low-performing students. According to the Michigan Association of School Administrators, the effects of bullying extend far beyond the academic scope. Students who are repeatedly bullied may experience physical symptoms like stomach pains, headaches, and trouble sleeping. These side effects may pair with anxiety about going to school or participating in class which only leads to further loss of interest and reduced academic performance. Students who are bullied often exhibit low self-confidence, frequently experiencing depression, suicidal thoughts, and even violent outbreaks
  • 15. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. You may be surprised to learn that students who bully other students also experience some negative side effects. For example, research suggests that students who bully are more likely to engage in violent behavior, to steal or vandalize property, to smoke, to drink, to report poor grades, and to carry a gun. The results of multiple long-term research studies suggest that these students are also more likely to commit serious crimes later in life. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to spot a bully. Bullies can be some of the students with the highest social skills or the best grades – they may even be good at ingratiating themselves with administrators, teachers, and other adults. When it is difficult to identify the bully, it is difficult for the school to take action. Once bullying becomes a problem in a school it can be difficult to eradicate you may never get rid of it entirely. There are, however, certain steps that educators and parents can take to minimize bullying in their schools. The first step in reducing bullying is to increase awareness by providing education about what bullying looks like. Bullying can occur at any grade level and it is imperative that teachers and staff have a sound definition and that they can identify bullying when it occurs. The focus must be placed on the negative behaviors, not only on the students who exhibit those behaviors. Students must come to understand the consequences of their behaviors and why they are wrong. Once the school has created a sound definition to identify bullying behavior, a set of rules and policies must be put in place and enforced. It must be made clear to students, teachers, and faculty that bullying behavior will not be tolerated and there
  • 16. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. should be clear consequences for those who break the rules. Just as important as it is to identify and punish bullying behavior, however, it is also important that the school reward positive behaviors. The school should strive to create a safe and healthy environment for all students by rewarding those who provide a good example of the school’s policies in action. However, Ken Rigby, a school bullying expert, had found in his study that the most commonly used intervention methods in schools were direct sanctions or “the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on the person or persons identified as responsible for the bullying” (Rigby, 2014: p. 409). These direct sanctions include verbal reprimands, temporary removal from class, and withdrawal of privileges, among others, which were imposed on individuals involved in bullying others (Rigby, 2014). He said that these may deter bullies to perpetuate the act but only temporarily. Besides, he also suggested that this kind of response is only reactive and it does little to prevent students from engaging in bullying behavior in the future In the Philippines, with the passing of Republic Act (RA) 10627, otherwise known as the Anti-Bullying Law of 2013, schools are required to establish their anti-bullying programs which includes the formation of a committee who would ensure the protection of children against abuses from their peers as well as adults, formulation of awareness programs to increase students’ knowledge of bullying, and provision of counseling programs for both bullies and victims. Educators, school personnel, and
  • 17. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. students are also encouraged to report school bullying they have witnessed to proper channels. This study was conducted to find out the prevalence rate of the different forms of school bullying among the sixth graders in selected schools in Western Visayas; feelings of victims and bullies after the act; proportion of males and females who engaged in school bullying as an and perpetrator, and; teachers’ response to bullying cases they have witnessed. It is hoped that this research could be of help, especially to Filipino educators and policymakers in formulating effective bullying programs in schools. According to the consolidated report of the Department of Education (Dep Ed), bullying cases in elementary and high schools of both private and public schools in 2014 rose by 21% or a total of 6,363 cases, compared with the 5,236 on 2013. (Newman, et al., 2000, 58) Boys can make more physical while the girls are to verbal because Women have a lot to say and think compared to men. This translates to 31 daily bullying cases from a divisor of 201 school days. The statistics were disclosed by Rep. Gerald Anthony Gullas Jr., a member of the House committee on basic education. Putting an end to bullying is not something that can happen overnight and it isn’t something that can be achieved through the work of a single individual. To put an end to bullying, teachers and parents must come together with students to create a culture of tolerance and acceptance in their school. Only when students learn to respect and accept each other will bullying become reduced.
  • 18. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. Bullying is comprised of direct behaviors such as teasing, taunting, threatening, hitting, and stealing that are initiated by one or more students against a victim. In addition to direct attacks, bullying may also be more indirect by causing a student to be socially isolated through intentional exclusion A relationship also exists between student bullying behavior and school issues such as academic achievement, school bonding, and absenteeism. Prevention of school bullying should become a priority issue for schools. The most effective methods of bullying reduction involve a whole school approach. This method includes assessing the problem, planning school conference days, providing belter supervision at recess, forming a bullying prevention coordinating group, encouraging parent‐teacher meetings, establishing classroom rules against bullying, holding classroom meetings about bullying, requiring talks with the bullies and victims, and scheduling talks with the parents of involved students. Bullying is a major problem for children. There are well-defined risk factors for bullying that are individual and social. Beyond the immediate trauma of experiencing bullying, victims are at high risk of later physical and emotional disorders. Bullies are the generators of this trauma but also suffer poor long-term effects as a result of their participation. Bystanders are also not immune from bullying's toxic effects nor innocent from its occurrence. While most often occurring at schools, pediatric clinicians can identify and support children suffering from bullying. They also have the unique opportunity to engage the schools and wider society on anti-bullying
  • 19. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. initiatives. This article will outline the risk, signs, and symptoms of bullying to help clinicians identify and address these children in need. In particular, previous research has suggested that such a student is at an increased risk of social exclusion. Accordingly, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate the levels of social support received and the frequency of bullying experienced by adolescents. Analysis of the relationship between social support and bullying indicated that receiving support from classmates was the most important way of reducing the frequency of bullying. According to Vartia (2001) the attain of workplace bullying were investigated, with 85 % women, 15 % men. Both the targets of bullying and the witnesses reported more general stress and mental stress reactions than respondents from the workplaces with no bullying. According to Bond, L., Carlin, J. B., Thomas, L., Rubin, K., & Patton, G. (2001) The history of victimsation is relationship predicts of emotional problems from the adolescence and this find have implicants and how serious this from the victimization. According to Tracy, N. (2012, July 24), the emotional bully's behavior than a child does and can see behind a bully's actions to someone who may feel scared and alone and is lashing out. Adults can also understand that an emotional bully's behavior is not about the victim but about the abuser. According to (Juvonen & Graham, 2001:42) verbal bullying can be done face to face like name-calling, put-downs, insults and harassment. Deliberately
  • 20. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. excluding certain people from groups or not talking to them is another form of direct verbal bullying. Male tend to use more direct methods of bullying than girls because boys use to punching, and shoving, whereas girls may use more convert methods as rumors and exclusion to (Card et al. and Little, 2008; Mullin-Rindler, 2002). CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY
  • 21. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. In this chapter, the researcher will have used the descriptive research design that involved and describing the behavior of the participants without influencing them in any way. Research Design The researcher will be used the descriptive design to describe the students of Pedro Oloy N. Roa. Descriptive is to gather about the bullying. The emphasis is on describing rather than judging or interpreting. As a descriptive study, it collected detailed and factual information. It is systematically determining the situation or area and the behavior of the students. Research Locale The study is conducted in Pedro Oloy N. Roa Sr. High School. Located at Calaanan, Canitoan Cagayan De Oro City Misamis Oriental. There are many buildings, trees, and computers that can be used by all students Pedro Oloy N. Roa Sr. High School has 2000 students. Most of the students here in Pedro Oloy N. Roa live in Calaanan. Description of the participants The participants in this study were the G-7 TO G-10 High School at Pedro Oloy N. Roa Sr. High School in Calaanan, Canitoan Cagayan De Oro City Misamis Oriental.
  • 22. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. We have 249 student’s participants of our study, we choose G-7 to G-10 as the participants of our research because base on our observation juniors high school can easily think and c ommit suicide. Because of that age below 12-16 if they commit suicide they don’t know what are the consequence will be happened because Junior High School can easily think to commit suicide. Research Instrument The research instrument that was used to gather the necessary data for this study is the survey questionnaire adapted by ESP 8 page 378 and can also be found in hhtp:// The survey questionnaire is a Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5. It measures the reasons for the frequency, reliability, and validity of the questionnaire as tested using Cronbach alpha is spss. Cronbach's alpha of the questionnaire is .762 which means that the questionnaire is acceptable in terms of internal consistency and reliability of the scale. Data Gathering
  • 23. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. The materials and instruments to be used for data gathering is questionnaire, questionnaire is our main instruments to come up with some idea from the perception of the respondents. After the adviser had corrected approved the questionnaire, the researcher will Xerox them into 290 copies together with the letter asking permission from the respondents to be part of the study as well as the Teachers approval in conducting this study and in the distribution of the questionnaire to the respondents. Data Collection Protocol 1.Justification of Research This research provides an of the students who experience bullying in Pedro ‘Oloy’ N. Roa Sr. High School 2. Research Question · Have you been bullied because of your physical? 3. Research methods The research will use the descriptive research design to describe the status of a variable or phenomenon and also using an instrument like a survey. 4. Study population and sampling The researcher will conduct a study at Pedro “Oloy” N. Roa Senior High School PONRSHS. Located at Calaanan, Canitoan, Cagayan de Oro City Misamis oriental.
  • 24. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. 5. Team composition The researcher composes of 7 the 3 researchers will be the ones who conduct the survey and the other 4 researchers will be assigned to analyze the information. 6. Deployment Schedule The researcher who will conduct the survey will be randomly assigned The researcher will randomly pick 10 (Ten) person in every grade level in junior high 5 girls and 5 boys. 7. Data Reception, Verification, and storage After the data analyzed it will be minimizing the bullying.
  • 25. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism.
  • 26. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. Chapter 4 PRESENTATTION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA Problem 1. What is the demographic data of the participants in term of; 1.1gender; 1.2grade level? Table 1: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the participants by gender. Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage of participants by gender. Experiencing bullying is no matter the gender because boys and girls do bully equally, although their method of bullying is often different. In our result we have 49% male and 51% from the female. The result implies that the female can easily affected because women is emotional. According to (Card et al. and Little, 2008; Mullin-Rindler, 2002) has found that males tend to use more direct methods of bullying than girls. Boys use such methods as pushing, hitting, and shoving to bully their victims, whereas girls may use more coverts methods as rumors and exclusion. Gender Frequency Percent Male 122 49 % Female 127 51 % Total 249 100 %
  • 27. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. Table 2: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the participants by grade level. Table 2 shows the Frequency and percentage of participants by Grade level and the Grade 8 have a lowest percentage of all level and the highest percentage is the Grade 7 they having 32.1% because Grade 7 is usually bully because they are not yet mentally mature. Previous research (Tarshis & Huffman, 2007) revealed that bullying is just as prevalent in elementary school as in secondary school. Incidents of bullying can lead to many negative experiences for students during their years in elementary school. Problem 2. What is the level of bullying experience of the participants in terms of; 2.1 Emotional Bullying; 2.2 Verbal Bullying; 2.3 Physical Bullying? Grade Frequency Percent 1.00 80 32.1 % 2.00 50 20.1 % 3 60 24.1 % 4 59 23.7 % Total 249 100.0
  • 28. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. Table 3: Level of experience of emotional bullying. Indicators Mean Verbal Description Are there people who are making face to you and show bad hand gestures? (Mayroon bang mga tao na sumisimangot sa iyo o nagpapakita ng hindi magandang senyalis ng kamay?) 2.98 Neither Agree nor Disagree Are you discriminated to join in the games or work or eating together? (Hindi kaba sinasali sa laro o gawain o isinasabay sa pagkain?) 3.76 Agree Have your peers or friends left you behind that you haven’t expected? (Iniiwan ka ba ng mga barkada o maraming barkada ang hindi ka nais na isali?) 3.67 Agree Have you ever been bullied by your schoolmates because of your hair, the way you dress, the way you use glasses and the color of your skin? (Pinagkakatuwaan ka ba ng ibang mag-aaral dahil sa iyong pananait,buhok,salamin sa mata,o kulay ng balat?) 3.39 Neither Agree nor Disagree Have you received threats that you will be hurt? (May nagbabanta ba sa iyo na ikaw ay sasaktan?) 3.80 Agree Overall Mean 3.52 Agree Range Verbal Description 4.51 – 5.0 Strongly Agree 3.51- 4.50 Agree 2.51 – 3.50 Neither Agree nor Disagree 1.51 – 2.50 Disagree 1.0 – 1.50 Strongly Disagree Table 3 shows the mean distribution of the level of experience of emotional bullying. The participants gave their unifying response that they are a victim of people who make them feel bad. Most of my participants reported that there is a threat to their lives got highest (M=3.80), followed by item 2 with (M=3.76). According to Tracy, N. (2012, July 24), higher level of experience of emotional bullying. In this context, someone who has been emotionally bullied can see the behavior as the symptom of an illness rather than as a personal attack.
  • 29. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. Table 4: Level of experience of verbal bullying. Indicators Mean Verbal Description Are there humors being spread telling bad words about you? (Mayroon bang nagkalat ng tsismis o nagsabi ng masasamang salita tungkol sa iyo?) 3.36 Neither Agree nor Disagree Are you frequently teased by your classmates? (Madalas ka bang tinutukso ng ibang mga mag-aaral?) 3.22 Neither Agree nor Disagree Do you classmates frequently talk to you at the back? (Madalas ka bang pinagbbuulongan ng ibang mag-aaral?) 3.31 Neither Agree nor Disagree Overall Mean 3.30 Neither Agree nor Disagree Range Verbal Description 4.51 – 5.0 Strongly Agree 3.51- 4.50 Agree 2.51 – 3.50 Neither Agree nor Disagree 1.51 – 2.50 Disagree 1.0 – 1.50 Strongly Disagree Table 4 shows the level of experience of verbal bullying. Most of the participants answered Neither agree nor agree that there are humors being spread about them (M=3.36). In this variable, the overall mean of 3.30 interpreted as neither agree nor agree that there are humors spreading about them. These finding confirm the study of (Juvonen & Graham, 2001:42) Verbal abuse may send the message to adolescents that they have negative personal attributes like calling the victim stupid or ugly, which could lead to self- blaming attributions that could, in turn, lead to low-self-esteem, perceived incompetence and depression.
  • 30. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. Table 5: Level of experience of physical bullying. Indicators Mean Verbal Description Have you ever experienced hazing in order to be accepted to a particular group or a certain squad? (Naranasan mo na bang dumaan sa isang “Hazing” bago isali sa isang pangkat o samahan? ) 4.15 Agree 4.00 Agree Overall Mean 4.08 Agree Range Verbal Description 4.51 – 5.0 Strongly Agree 3.51- 4.50 Agree 2.51 – 3.50 Neither Agree nor Disagree 1.51 – 2.50 Disagree 1.0 – 1.50 Strongly Disagree Table 5 shows the level of experience of physical bullying, which makes the overall mean 4.08 with the interpretation agree by experience of physical bullying. Banks ( 15/10/2005@10h30), physical bullying tends to decrease with age but verbal abuse remains constant. The Participants responded agree which could mean that they are experience by hazing before they accepting in particular group (M=4.15). This finding can be best explained by Juvonen & Graham, 2001:42-43 that the victims may also perceive school as an unsafe place, become anxious and seek to avoid such situations. The result indicates that participants become anxious and seek. Problem 3.
  • 31. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. 3.1 Is there a significant difference in the level of bullying experience among the participants in terms of; 3.1 gender; 3.2 grade level? Ho1: All sample mean scores are equal. Table 6. Group Statistics by Gender Group Statistics by Gender DEPENDENT VARIABLES Male Female N Mean SD N Mean SD Emotional Bullying 80 3.60 .50 50 3.48 .49 Verbal Bullying 80 3.31 .48 50 3.13 .50 Physical Bullying 80 4.05 .88 50 4.09 .87 The participants’ mean scores of the level of emotional bullying experience did not differ, t (128) = .834, p=.406. Likewise, the participants’ mean scores of the level of verbal bullying experience did not differ, t (128) = .967, p=.335. Moreover, the participants’ mean scores of the level of physical bullying experience did not differ, t (128) = -.214, p=.831. Table 7. Bullying experience of participants by grade level.
  • 32. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. Grade Level N Mean Std. Deviation Verbal Description Grade 7 80 3.67 .80 Agree Grade 8 50 3.57 .65 Agree Grade 9 60 3.65 .78 Agree Grade 10 59 3.63 .71 Agree Total 249 3.63 .74 Agree Range Verbal Description 4.51 – 5.0 Strongly Agree 3.51- 4.50 Agree 2.51 – 3.50 Neither Agree nor Disagree 1.51 – 2.50 Disagree 1.0 – 1.50 Strongly Disagree The mean scores of the bullying experience of the participants when group by grade level is the same, F (3,248) = .171, p= .916. CHAPTER 5
  • 33. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. Summary The Bullying experience of students in Pedro ‘Oloy’ N. Roa High school that is our title of the study us a researcher we used a research questionnaire which you will find in Chapter 3 those questions are one of our instruments for students who experienced bullying and we use Descriptive design to describe the students of Pedro Oloy N. Roa. We have 249 total of participants from Grade 7 to Grade 10. Our research instrument is the survey questionnaire adapted by ESP 8 page 378 and can also be found in hhtp:// After our survey, we interpreted and analysis the result and we find out that girls are prone to verbal bullying and the boys is physical especially in Grade-7.. Conclusion The student who is being bullied is losing self-confidence experiencing this in the school have two reasons the pressure and the hurt for the victims every day we experience bullying but we just don’t notice it because sometimes people who help us give them fun and the victim this is a huge problem for the victim who may be affected by their education and bullying is emotionally hurt because you will lose your mind and you will never know what to do except physically because it is physical activity to exert power over peers. Punching, kicking and other physical attacks are all types of physical bullying. We must think first because according to Mehta et al. the students feel that bullying is a phenomenon in their school, they feel that they are unsafe which reflected on less engaged in the school community. Therefore, they have less
  • 34. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. motivation to do well at school and they do not participate in school activities. Bullying has many effects like depression, low-self-confidence, suicide thoughts, and suicide attempt and parents, teachers, school staff most not ignore bullying and must always set a campaign against it. This will make the student have a positive mindset against bullying. Recommendation A Students need to learn to respond to fellow student and avoid unpleasant eye-catching for a student especially physical and learn to comprehend everything and for the Teacher, they also need to guide student and give advice because the teacher is the sole parents of one student and they must recommend like asking the students if he/she done to eat and for the Principal, he must recommend an orientation with the children’s teacher and parents so they can talk about it well for the Parents they need to give their children time to pay attention to their parents. We all know that most of us can experience, so as a researcher we are going to recommend a symposium in our school for the student who experiences bullying on how to avoid or lessen this problem. We are to discuss why to give us a big effect on our life. We’re going to give our best to give all the information about bullying. But before we recommend a symposium we need help from the principal, teacher especially in students of Pedro Oloy N. Roa Sr. high school because they are the reason why we having a symposium.
  • 35. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. Reference
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  • 40. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. STRONGLY AGREE DISAGREE NEITHER AGREE AGREE STRONG LY AGREE 1.Are there people who are crossed to you and show bad hand gestures? (Mayroon bang mga tao na sumisimangot sa iyo o nagpapakita ng hindi magandang senyalis ng kamay?) 5 4 3 2 1 2. Are there humors being spread telling bad words about you? (Mayroon bang nagkalat ng tsismis o nagsabi ng masasamang salita tungkol sa iyo?) 5 4 3 2 1 3.Are you frequently teased by your classmates? (Madalas ka bang tinutukso ng ibang mga mag-aaral?) 5 4 3 2 1 4.Do you classmates frequently talk to you at the back? (Madalas ka bang pinagbbuulongan ng ibang mag- aaral?) 5 4 3 2 1 5.Are you discriminated to join in the games or work or eating together? (Hindi kaba sinasali sa laro o Gawain o isinasabay sa pagkain?) 5 4 3 2 1 6.Have your peers or friends left you behind that you haven’t expected? (Iniiwan ka ba ng mga barkada o maraming barkada ang hindi ka nais na isali?) 5 4 3 2 1 7.Have you ever been bullied by your schoolmates? Because of your hair, the way you dress, the way you use glasses and the color of your skin? (Pinagkakatuwaan ka ba ng ibang mag-aaral dahil sa iyong pananait,buhok,salamin sa mata,o kulay ng balat?) 5 4 3 2 1 8.Have you ever experienced hazing in order to be accepted to a particular group or a certain squad? (Naranasan mo na bang dumaan sa isang “Hazing” bago isali sa isang pangkat o samahan? ) 5 4 3 2 1 9.Have you received threats that you will be hurt? (May nagbabanta bas a iyo na ikaw ay sasaktan?) 5 4 3 2 1 10. 5 4 3 2 1
  • 41. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. ANNEX Pedro Oloy N. Roa Sr. High School October 2019 PN. Roa Subdivision, Calaanan, Canitoan, Cagayan de Oro City Dear ma'am, Good day! We are a grade 12 students conducting a research entitled The Bullying experience of students in PEDRO ‘OLOY’ N. ROA HIGH SCHOOL as we go on in our study, may we request a copy of the list of the name of the students of grade 10 and grade 11 students together with their LRN. Thank you for your favourable response and have a nice day. Sincerely, Samson Irish joy Research Leader Noted by: Mrs. Christina Simbajon PR Teacher
  • 42. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. Approved by: Mrs. Naomi Arminta LIS Coordinator Pedro Oloy N. Roa Sr. High School October 2019 PN. Roa Subdivision, Calaanan, Canitoan, Cagayan de Oro City Dear ma'am/sir, We, the grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences will get your permission to allow us to survey your students. This is in the view of our practical research entitled The Bullying experience of students in Pedro Oloy N. Roa Sr. High School. The survey will take 5-10 minutes only. Sincerely, Samson Irish joy Research Leader Noted by: Mrs. Christina Simbajon
  • 43. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY Competence. Dedication. Optimism. PR Teacher Approved by: Mr. Jerson B. Herrero Principal