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Ing. Simone Giannecchini
Ing. Andrea Aime
Ing. Mauro Bartolomeoli
Trends and directions in web mapping,
geoprocessing and services from the
perspective of an SME obsessed with
Open Source
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 About us
 Our World and its Challenges
 Trends
 Conclusions
Who we are
 Founded in late 2006
 Expertise
• Image Processing, GeoSpatial Data Fusion
• Java, Java Enterprise, C++, Python
• JPEG2000, JPIP, Advanced visualization
• Web Based Mashups, Mobile Solutions
 Supporting/Developing FOSS4G projects
 MapStore, GeoServer, GeoNetwork
 CKAN, GeoNode, GeoTools , ImageIO-Ext, JAI-Ext
 Clients
 ITT-VIS, E-GEOS, GEOSMART, BOAB, SINERGIS, City of Prato, City of Florence, County of Florence,
CSI-Piemonte, NWGEO, IGEA, AMBRERO, LIBEROLOGICO, Astrium UK, Neftex, MDA, etc…
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
Our Offer
 FOSS4G Software is core for us
 Not simply use but develop and support
 Enterprise Support Services
 Bug Fixing
 Support
 Customizations & New Features
 5 packages  different types of needs
 Professional Training
 End-To-End Projects (Integration)
 Tell me what you need, I’ll put it together for you
 We take our core products and
 Bend them, twist them, embed them
 Hammer them to make clients happy
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
Our Products
Ingest & Preprocess
Metadata Maps & Data Tiles & KML
Mashups, Mobile
Data & Styles
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
Industries we cover
& Engineering
Real Estate
Smart Cities
OpenData PA &
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
Before we start
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 Software House (SME)
 Core technologies are Open Source
 Based in Italy but Clients Worldwide
 Clients are both PAs as well as private
companies (both large as well as small)
 We cover many sectors
 We don’t do science but software engineering
 We work for/with scientists
 Our perspective can be limited but still valuable
Is there room for innovation?
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 “Innovation can be viewed as the application of
new or better solutions that meet new
requirements, inarticulated needs, or existing
market needs” [wikipedia]
 Innovation is driven by*
 Needs not (completely) satisfied
 Availability good amount of money (one way or the
 Availability of bright minds
*Simone Giannecchini, 2013
Challenging World
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
Challenging World
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
Challenging World
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
Thriving Market
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 Mature, Niche but thriving market
 “Expected to grow worldwide to $ 10.6 Billion
by 2015, CAGR over 10% in 2012/16”
 More Facts
 PlanetLabs raised total 163M $
 SkyBox acquired by Goole for 500M $
 MapBox raised total 63M $ while ESRI keeps
growing at 5% rate
 Budgets are shrinking but there is room for
disruptive innovation
 1st law of geography: "Everything is related to
everything else, but near things are more related than
distant things.” (Waldo Tobler)
Trends, Challenges and Buzzwords
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
Hot Topics and Buzzwords
 BigData
 OpenData LinkedData
 Cloud Scalability, On Demand Processing, e-Collaboration, VRE
 Crowdsourcing (VGI) OpenStreetMap, OpenTraffic, users-as-
 IoT M2M, Sensor Web, Connected Cars
 Interoperability data discovery, data fusion
 3D lidar, BIM
 Nanosatellites, Drones
 Mobile AR, 3D, Personal LBS
 Open Source
 Smart Cities
 Indoor LBS
 and many more (neogeography, data journalism, smartgrid, etc…)
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 "Data is truly open if it is technically open (available
in a machine-readable standard format, which means
it can be retrieved and meaningfully processed by a
computer application) and legally open (explicitly
licensed in a way that permits commercial and non-
commercial use and re-use without
restrictions)" [World Bank Group].
 We have never had so much data available
 OpenStreetMap, Landsat 8, Sentinel, USGS, NOAA,
 And more OpenData is coming!
 2nd ed. OpenData Barometer “..under 8 percent of countries
surveyed by the World Wide Web Foundation make available
datasets on useful information…”
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 Challenges ahead of us
 (Re)use
 Quality
 Licensing
 Update
 Archiving (storage)
 Preservation
 Accessibility (API, Formats,…)
 Linking
 Processing
 Step 1 (data release) is there
 Step 2 (data reuse) is there?
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
CrowdSourcing - VGI
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 “The widespread engagement of large
numbers of private citizens, often with little
in the way of formal qualifications in the
creation of geographic information”
 Participation is exploding
CrowdSourcing - VGI
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 Users as sensors (mobile agents)
 Huge opportunity for Industry and Research
 Advanced Situational Awareness
 Near Real-time data
 Lowering Price of data acquisition
 Data quality assurance
 Privacy Concerns
 Data mining
 Usability
 Citizen Science 2,0
 Quality and Privacy needs
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 A (scary) tale
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 Synergies and Overlaps
 Cloud
 BigData
 OpenData
 Mobile (crowdsensing)
 3D
 Interoperability
 Earth Observation
 Tremendous innovation potential
 Tremendous projected economic impact
Game of Drones
 Space and Sky have never been so busy
 Drones, UAVs
 PlanetLabs Flock 1
 28 satellites (Doves) 4 Kg each plans for hundreds
 capture high-resolution (3-5m) whole-Earth
images nearly continuously
 SkyBox Imaging
 SkySat nanosatellites
 capture HD video clips
 ESA Sentinel
 Landsat 8
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
Game of Drones
 Benefits
 Unprecendented variety of sources
 Unprecendented amount of data available
 Unprecendented refresh time
 Challenges
 Archiving
 Processing
 Fusion & Dissemination
 Synergies
 OpenData  ESA with Sentinel 2 data
 Cloud  Landsat 8 on Amazon AWS
 Open Source  see what NGA is doing,
 IoT
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
Game of Drones
 «The earth observation business is not all
about resolution and accuracy but about
how soon you can provide the images and
what intelligence you can extract from the
data» Bernhard Brenner Head of GeoInt Airbus
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
It’s a Mobile World
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 7.45 Bn mobile device VS 7.2 Bn human
 Iphone6 CPU 625x more powerful than 1995
Intel Pentium: “Everyone has a supercomputer in its
 4Bn phones every 2 y VS 1.6BN PCs
 Half of the time spent online in US today is
from apps  Mobile is ending Microsoft dominance
 Mobile First is a must-have
 Users are sensors
 Huge opportunity for industry and research
 Also threat to privacy
It’s a Mobile World
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 Geospatial services need to consider: “the
other end of the spectrum has customers
who do not use laptops and computers.
They use cell phones and tablets.”
Ola Rollen, President and CEO, Hexagon AB
 The Cloud is everywhere commodity rather than
tech trend
 We have never had so much
 Processing power
 Storage Space
 Bandwidth
 Are we exploiting all this? No(t entirely)
 Challenges
 Requires Mental Shift
 Horizontal Scaling is hard
 Porting legacy applications is hard
 Costs
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 Success Stories
 MapBox
 CartoDb
 ArcGIS Online
 OpenStreetMap
 Trimble Data Marketplace
 Like for millennials, growing at the right
time helps a lot with new technologies!
 Open Source Tools are leading the run
 Cloud Compute: Hadoop, Spark, Pig, Hazelcast
 Cloud Automation: Chef, Puppet, Ansible, etc..
 Cloud Provision: OpenStack, XEN, Opennebula
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 3D has been around for a while
 Technology was there
 Real needs where kind of missing
 Things are changing
 BIM CityGML, Smart Cities, Urban Planning
 Connected Constructions
 Smart Utilities & Infrastructure
 Synergies with AR and Mobile
 Sensor Web
 Concrete use cases are driving innovation
 But widespread adoption is not there yet…
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 How do we make sense of all that we said
so far?
 BigData 4Vs
 Volume petabytes datasets are not uncommon
 Variety mixing heterogeneous data sources
 Velocity data is ingested and process in near real-time
 Veracity should we trust the content of tweets?
 (Value extract valuable information from the mass amount)
 How can turn huge data into actionable
The key point is Value
 Applications are endless
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 The tools are there and quite mature we just
need to exploit them properly
 Hadoop, Spark
 R, PIG, Hive
 MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Cassandra
 Nevertheless Mass Exploitation of BigData
technologies is still somewhat lacking due
to complexity of tools
 Success Stories are there….
 Twitter
 Facebook
 Linkedin
 Google
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
Open Source has won (?)
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 …capability to communicate, execute programs or transfer
data among different functional units in a manner which
requires the user to have little or no knowledge of the unique
characteristics of those units
 …seamless exchange of information and procedures
between different organizations employing public, wellknown
standard protocols and interfaces.
 It’s about the protocols not the formats!
 De Facto standards VS Mandated
Standards GeoJSON vs GML
 Key Bodies: OGC, ISO, W3C, OASIS, etc…
 Open Source is leading the interoperability
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 The world is split in 2
 EU is fond for standards INSPIRE
 US is fond for «Getting things done!» MapBox, ESRI
 while REST is new, OGC is old
 and GIS is dead!
 there is Strong Interest from many
 Military, Aviation, MetOc, Constructions , Utilities
 Are we reintroducing information SILOS
and vendor lockin?
 with a pinch of opennes
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 Being able to push data in (cloud) service X
using N other cloud services with data in M
formats is not interoperability!
 Did I say It’s about the protocols not the
 Sometimes we have to step back to move
 I wish it was always that simple
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
Take Aways
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 We are living 4th Maps Revolution*
1. John Snow 1854
2. ESRI 1980
3. Google Maps/Earth 2000
4. Data Visualization and Real Time 2015
 We are going to have geo data as never
 in a Timely Fashion
 at High Resolution
 from a huge variety of sources
 mostly free and open
* Quote from Javier de la Torre –CartoDB Founder and CEO
Take Aways
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 The Cloud is ready for being abused
 Archiving and Storage
 Computing Resources
 Bandwidth Resources
 Mobile has won the battle
 People consume and generate content on the spot,
on the go
 The need for speed and performance is tremendous
 Information Silos are coming back, in a
rather insidious way
 Facebook, Linkedin, Google, everyone is trying to
trap us into enormous silos
 and sometimes we are even paying for it!
Take Aways
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 The challenge is now about:
1. How quickly we can deliver added value info
 Timeliness, Freshness and Performance
2. How much sense we can make of the data we
have  Fusion, Mining, Correlation
3. Our ability to convey the right amount of
information in the right way  Dissemination,
Subscription Platforms, Mobile First Apps, Data
4. Our ability to balance privacy concerns with
need for more data
 All this applies to both industry and
 at least IMHO 
The End
Thanks for not sleeping (loud)!
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 GeoSpatial enterprise gateway
Java Enterprise
Management and Dissemination of raster
and vector data
 Standards compliant
OGC WCS 1.0, 1.1.1 (RI), 2.0.1
OGC WFS 1.0, 1.1 (RI), 2.0
OGC WMS 1.1.1, 1.3
OGC WPS 1.0.0
 A ton of Extension available
 Google Earth/Maps support
KML, GeoSearch, etc.
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 Tile Oriented Geospatial Cache
Java Enterprise
Maps Acceleration ( 10x to 100x )
 Standards compliant
OGC WMS 1.1.1, WMTS 1.0
 Google Earth/Maps support
 Stand-Alone or Integrated in GeoServer
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 Create, Manage, Share Stunning Maps easily
 Mashing-up various sources of data
 Inject markers and tracks with custom pop-up
 Embed in existing sites and portal
 Use it as a complete geoportal solution
 Android Mobile Client
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
Indoor LBS
 Indoor LBS
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 (GeoSpatial) Catalog
 Registry of Metadata
 Repository
 Enterprise Search Appliance
 GeoPortal
 SDI entry point
 Information Broker
 Metadata Editor
 Standards Based
 Implemented with Java Enterprise technologies
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
 Smart Cities
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari

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GeoSolutions Keynote at WebMGS 2015

  • 1. Ing. Simone Giannecchini Ing. Andrea Aime Ing. Mauro Bartolomeoli Trends and directions in web mapping, geoprocessing and services from the perspective of an SME obsessed with Open Source
  • 2. Outline WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari  About us  Our World and its Challenges  Trends  Conclusions
  • 3. Who we are  Founded in late 2006  Expertise • Image Processing, GeoSpatial Data Fusion • Java, Java Enterprise, C++, Python • JPEG2000, JPIP, Advanced visualization • Web Based Mashups, Mobile Solutions  Supporting/Developing FOSS4G projects  MapStore, GeoServer, GeoNetwork  CKAN, GeoNode, GeoTools , ImageIO-Ext, JAI-Ext  Clients  UN FAO (CIOK, FIGIS, NRL, FORESTRY, ESTG), UN WFP, World Bank, DLR, EUMETSAT, JRC, ARPAT, NATO CMRE  ITT-VIS, E-GEOS, GEOSMART, BOAB, SINERGIS, City of Prato, City of Florence, County of Florence, CSI-Piemonte, NWGEO, IGEA, AMBRERO, LIBEROLOGICO, Astrium UK, Neftex, MDA, etc…  WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 4. Our Offer  FOSS4G Software is core for us  Not simply use but develop and support  Enterprise Support Services  Bug Fixing  Support  Customizations & New Features  5 packages  different types of needs  Professional Training  End-To-End Projects (Integration)  Tell me what you need, I’ll put it together for you  We take our core products and  Bend them, twist them, embed them  Hammer them to make clients happy WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 5. Our Products GeoWebCacheGeoServer GeoBatch GeoNetwork MapStore Ingest & Preprocess Metadata Maps & Data Tiles & KML Mashups, Mobile Data & Styles WMS Metadata WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 6. Industries we cover Constructions & Engineering Real Estate Smart Mobility Smart Cities Earth Observation Meteorology & Oceanography Defence Natural Resources Emergency Response OpenData PA & Government Utilities Oil&Gas Cultural Heritage TelecomEducation WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 7. Before we start WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari  Software House (SME)  Core technologies are Open Source  Based in Italy but Clients Worldwide  Clients are both PAs as well as private companies (both large as well as small)  We cover many sectors  We don’t do science but software engineering  We work for/with scientists  Our perspective can be limited but still valuable
  • 8. Is there room for innovation? WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 9. Innovation WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari  “Innovation can be viewed as the application of new or better solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulated needs, or existing market needs” [wikipedia]  Innovation is driven by*  Needs not (completely) satisfied  Availability good amount of money (one way or the other)  Availability of bright minds *Simone Giannecchini, 2013
  • 13. Thriving Market WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari  Mature, Niche but thriving market  “Expected to grow worldwide to $ 10.6 Billion by 2015, CAGR over 10% in 2012/16”  More Facts  PlanetLabs raised total 163M $  SkyBox acquired by Goole for 500M $  MapBox raised total 63M $ while ESRI keeps growing at 5% rate  Budgets are shrinking but there is room for disruptive innovation  1st law of geography: "Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.” (Waldo Tobler)
  • 14. Trends, Challenges and Buzzwords WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 15. Hot Topics and Buzzwords  BigData  OpenData LinkedData  Cloud Scalability, On Demand Processing, e-Collaboration, VRE  Crowdsourcing (VGI) OpenStreetMap, OpenTraffic, users-as- sensors  IoT M2M, Sensor Web, Connected Cars  Interoperability data discovery, data fusion  3D lidar, BIM  Nanosatellites, Drones  Mobile AR, 3D, Personal LBS  Open Source  Smart Cities  Indoor LBS  and many more (neogeography, data journalism, smartgrid, etc…) WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 16. OpenData  "Data is truly open if it is technically open (available in a machine-readable standard format, which means it can be retrieved and meaningfully processed by a computer application) and legally open (explicitly licensed in a way that permits commercial and non- commercial use and re-use without restrictions)" [World Bank Group].  We have never had so much data available  OpenStreetMap, Landsat 8, Sentinel, USGS, NOAA, you-name-it  And more OpenData is coming!  2nd ed. OpenData Barometer “..under 8 percent of countries surveyed by the World Wide Web Foundation make available datasets on useful information…” WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 17. OpenData  Challenges ahead of us  (Re)use  Quality  Licensing  Update  Archiving (storage)  Preservation  Accessibility (API, Formats,…)  Linking  Processing  Step 1 (data release) is there  Step 2 (data reuse) is there? WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 18. CrowdSourcing - VGI WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari  “The widespread engagement of large numbers of private citizens, often with little in the way of formal qualifications in the creation of geographic information”  Participation is exploding
  • 19. CrowdSourcing - VGI WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari  Users as sensors (mobile agents)  Huge opportunity for Industry and Research  Advanced Situational Awareness  Near Real-time data  Lowering Price of data acquisition  Data quality assurance  Privacy Concerns  Data mining  Usability  Citizen Science 2,0  Quality and Privacy needs attention
  • 25. IoT WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari  Synergies and Overlaps  Cloud  BigData  OpenData  Mobile (crowdsensing)  3D  Interoperability  Earth Observation  Tremendous innovation potential  Tremendous projected economic impact
  • 26. Game of Drones  Space and Sky have never been so busy  Drones, UAVs  PlanetLabs Flock 1  28 satellites (Doves) 4 Kg each plans for hundreds  capture high-resolution (3-5m) whole-Earth images nearly continuously  SkyBox Imaging  SkySat nanosatellites  capture HD video clips  ESA Sentinel  Landsat 8 WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 27. Game of Drones  Benefits  Unprecendented variety of sources  Unprecendented amount of data available  Unprecendented refresh time  Challenges  Archiving  Processing  Fusion & Dissemination  Synergies  OpenData  ESA with Sentinel 2 data  Cloud  Landsat 8 on Amazon AWS  Open Source  see what NGA is doing,  IoT WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 28. Game of Drones  «The earth observation business is not all about resolution and accuracy but about how soon you can provide the images and what intelligence you can extract from the data» Bernhard Brenner Head of GeoInt Airbus WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 29. It’s a Mobile World WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari  7.45 Bn mobile device VS 7.2 Bn human beings  Iphone6 CPU 625x more powerful than 1995 Intel Pentium: “Everyone has a supercomputer in its pocket”  4Bn phones every 2 y VS 1.6BN PCs  Half of the time spent online in US today is from apps  Mobile is ending Microsoft dominance  Mobile First is a must-have  Users are sensors  Huge opportunity for industry and research  Also threat to privacy
  • 30. It’s a Mobile World WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari  Geospatial services need to consider: “the other end of the spectrum has customers who do not use laptops and computers. They use cell phones and tablets.” Ola Rollen, President and CEO, Hexagon AB edition-january-2013
  • 31. Cloud  The Cloud is everywhere commodity rather than tech trend  We have never had so much  Processing power  Storage Space  Bandwidth  Are we exploiting all this? No(t entirely)  Challenges  Requires Mental Shift  Horizontal Scaling is hard  Porting legacy applications is hard  Costs WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 32. Cloud  Success Stories  MapBox  CartoDb  ArcGIS Online  OpenStreetMap  Trimble Data Marketplace  Like for millennials, growing at the right time helps a lot with new technologies!  Open Source Tools are leading the run  Cloud Compute: Hadoop, Spark, Pig, Hazelcast  Cloud Automation: Chef, Puppet, Ansible, etc..  Cloud Provision: OpenStack, XEN, Opennebula WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 33. 3D  3D has been around for a while  Technology was there  Real needs where kind of missing  Things are changing  BIM CityGML, Smart Cities, Urban Planning  Connected Constructions  Smart Utilities & Infrastructure  LiDAR  Synergies with AR and Mobile  Sensor Web  Concrete use cases are driving innovation  But widespread adoption is not there yet… WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 34. BigData  How do we make sense of all that we said so far?  BigData 4Vs  Volume petabytes datasets are not uncommon  Variety mixing heterogeneous data sources  Velocity data is ingested and process in near real-time  Veracity should we trust the content of tweets?  (Value extract valuable information from the mass amount)  How can turn huge data into actionable information? The key point is Value  Applications are endless WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 35. BigData  The tools are there and quite mature we just need to exploit them properly  Hadoop, Spark  R, PIG, Hive  MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Cassandra  Nevertheless Mass Exploitation of BigData technologies is still somewhat lacking due to complexity of tools  Success Stories are there….  Twitter  Facebook  Linkedin  Google WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 36. Open Source has won (?) WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 37. Interoperability  …capability to communicate, execute programs or transfer data among different functional units in a manner which requires the user to have little or no knowledge of the unique characteristics of those units  …seamless exchange of information and procedures between different organizations employing public, wellknown standard protocols and interfaces.  It’s about the protocols not the formats!  De Facto standards VS Mandated Standards GeoJSON vs GML  Key Bodies: OGC, ISO, W3C, OASIS, etc…  Open Source is leading the interoperability race WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 38. Interoperability  The world is split in 2  EU is fond for standards INSPIRE  US is fond for «Getting things done!» MapBox, ESRI  while REST is new, OGC is old  and GIS is dead!  there is Strong Interest from many communities  Military, Aviation, MetOc, Constructions , Utilities  Are we reintroducing information SILOS and vendor lockin?  with a pinch of opennes WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 39. Interoperability  Being able to push data in (cloud) service X using N other cloud services with data in M formats is not interoperability!  Did I say It’s about the protocols not the formats?  Sometimes we have to step back to move forward  I wish it was always that simple WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 40. Take Aways WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari  We are living 4th Maps Revolution* 1. John Snow 1854 2. ESRI 1980 3. Google Maps/Earth 2000 4. Data Visualization and Real Time 2015  We are going to have geo data as never before  in a Timely Fashion  at High Resolution  from a huge variety of sources  mostly free and open * Quote from Javier de la Torre –CartoDB Founder and CEO
  • 41. Take Aways WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari  The Cloud is ready for being abused  Archiving and Storage  Computing Resources  Bandwidth Resources  Mobile has won the battle  People consume and generate content on the spot, on the go  The need for speed and performance is tremendous  Information Silos are coming back, in a rather insidious way  Facebook, Linkedin, Google, everyone is trying to trap us into enormous silos  and sometimes we are even paying for it!
  • 42. Take Aways WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari  The challenge is now about: 1. How quickly we can deliver added value info  Timeliness, Freshness and Performance 2. How much sense we can make of the data we have  Fusion, Mining, Correlation 3. Our ability to convey the right amount of information in the right way  Dissemination, Subscription Platforms, Mobile First Apps, Data Visualization 4. Our ability to balance privacy concerns with need for more data  All this applies to both industry and research  at least IMHO 
  • 43. The End Thanks for not sleeping (loud)! WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 44. GeoServer  GeoSpatial enterprise gateway Java Enterprise Management and Dissemination of raster and vector data  Standards compliant OGC WCS 1.0, 1.1.1 (RI), 2.0.1 OGC WFS 1.0, 1.1 (RI), 2.0 OGC WMS 1.1.1, 1.3 OGC WPS 1.0.0  A ton of Extension available  Google Earth/Maps support KML, GeoSearch, etc. WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 45. GeoWebCache  Tile Oriented Geospatial Cache Java Enterprise Maps Acceleration ( 10x to 100x )  Standards compliant OGC WMS 1.1.1, WMTS 1.0 TMS WMS-C  Google Earth/Maps support  Stand-Alone or Integrated in GeoServer WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 46. MapStore  Create, Manage, Share Stunning Maps easily  Mashing-up various sources of data  Inject markers and tracks with custom pop-up  Embed in existing sites and portal  Use it as a complete geoportal solution  Android Mobile Client WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 47. Indoor LBS  Indoor LBS WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 48. GeoNetwork  (GeoSpatial) Catalog  Registry of Metadata  Repository  Enterprise Search Appliance  GeoPortal  SDI entry point  Information Broker  Metadata Editor  Standards Based  Implemented with Java Enterprise technologies WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari
  • 49. SmartCities  Smart Cities WebMGS 01/07/2015 Cagliari