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Gender Issue in Legally Blonde
Legally Blonde
In many ways today's society, even though women have come a long way, we still live in a patriarchal world. There are many examples of this in
everyday life, whether it be that there aren't very many women CEO's or the mere fact that we've yet to have a woman president. No matter where
you live, there is the presence of a male dominated world. It especially extends into the working fields. There are professions that are categorically
В‘women's' jobs like nursing, school teacher, or secretarial jobs. The rest of the professional world is mainly male dominated, i.e. engineering, CEO's
of major companies, and Law Firms. Which brings us to the movie I picked to watch, Legally Blonde? In the movie Legally Blonde the male ... Show
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She gains some confidence and starts to speak up in class. One of her Professors, Professor Callahan is a lawyer in his own firm is offering an
internship for four students for a new case he is working on because his caseload is rather large. Callahan asks for Elle's resume, which happened to
be pink and scented, because of an excellent argument she debated and won in his class. The internship winners were posted an Elle was picked,
along with Warner, Vivian, and a friend of Vivian's. The case that the firm is working on is another prime example ofgender roles. The case is about a
fitness instructor (Brooke) who is obviously beautiful but is accused of murdering her 60 year old husband. Elle knows all about Brooke and states
from the beginning that she felt Brooke was innocent. Elle visits Brooke in prison to get her alibi; Elle brings Brooke a basket of "goodies" which
included make–up, flowers, and a cosmopolitan magazine. Brooke wanting to tell Elle what she was doing doesn't want anyone else to know because
Brooke having a fortune due to her fitness empire, was out getting liposuction, which is another gender issue for women trying to maintain the generic
appearance stereotype. Elle keeps her promise and never tells anyone about Brooke's alibi. Proceeding on to other gender references in the movie Elle
goes with Emmett, another lawyer working on the case in Callahan's firm, (who happens to think Elle is cute) to the dead mans ex–wife's spa
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Legally Blonde Film Analysis
During the years of American Cinema there was a development of the female roles based on how the role of woman changed in American culture.
At the beginning of society, women were seen as those who do not get jobs, who depend on men for almost everything, and were just a part of the
family to cook and clean. Then in the nineteenth century, there was the fight for woman's suffrage and the start of women not just living in the house
but having the right to vote. Then with both world wars and The Great Depression woman were needed to work to help provide for the family while
the men were at war or just to bring in an additional paycheck. Then, in the 1970's the feminism movement had a very high role in society making
women become more... Show more content on ...
Not only is it expected that young girls rely on their father, but then that dependency is moved on towards their boyfriends and husbands. When
Warner and Elle were dating she went for her father being her guide to Warner doing it, because "men [compete] to be the driving force in her life's
direction" (O'Sullivan 47). The men in Elle's life wanted to be the one she follows, so she was expected to go from her father to Warner. Through the
beginning of Legally Blonde it is shown, similar to older America, how it was the expectation that girls, like Elle, are to be depended on the men in the
lives, both fathers and romantic men, and their looks to skate through life.
Then, in the following scenes of the movie, after the breakup with Warner, Elle becomes greatly more independent, she attends a well–known
university, and is no longer depended on men to get her through life. Elle decides when Warner decides to breakup up with her because she is not smart
enough, that she has to prove to herself that she is smart. In this moment, she decides to switch schools to Harvard Law School to prove her worth to
Warner, society, and most importantly herself. When she first gets to class, she is rejected because of her looks and father's wealth, and she decides
to become the top of her class and begins to reject boys who try to interfere in her life. When Warner notices that Elle is doing
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Comparison Of Greed In Elle Woods's 'Legally Blonde'
Despite physical beauty, greed can create an ugly personality that affects relationships with others. Elle Woods, worked her way up from nothing
more than living as a pretty girl to get into Harvard, in the movie Legally Blonde. While Glinda, of Wicked, used her high social status to remain in
power by tromping down others. Glinda the Good is known as the epitome of 'goodness' but she stepped on other to work her way up. Elle Woods
however, was ambitious and worked hard to better herself and built her way up to prevail as powerful. Both of these women may seem nothing more
than beautiful, but they arose above what people thought they could become to ensue as powerful, although in extremely different ways. Glinda's
greed left her well liked, but also isolated, depressed and alone, while Elle Woods's ambition gave her a happier future and more successful life.
At the beginning of Legally Blonde, Elle Woods loses the man she loves to a different girl, which makes her very upset. Vivian, the girl Elle's ex
ended up going out with after Elle and her boyfriend broke up, was extremely mean to Elle, but she didn't let it get the best of her. When asked how
her first day continued after meeting Vivian, Elle describes it as, "good, except for this horrible preppy girl..who made me look bad in front of the
professor. But no biggie" (SergeiK). Despite being bullied by Vivian for the remainder of the movie, Elle chooses to put their differences aside in the
end and try to comfort
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Stereotypes In Legally Blonde
Legally Blonde is a critically acclaimed movie and known for its uplifting story about being true to yourself and believing in everything you are
capable of, but that is not the entire message that the creators are sending to their audience. They depict many negative stereotypes in this film,
however, they question all of those stereotypes and prove them to be wrong. There are both positive and negative messages that can be taken from this
film. Legally Blonde portrayed these certain stereotypes and ideas because the people who created this film chose them to be a part of their media
The director Robert Luketic and the producer Marc E. Platt are both upper class Caucasian males. These men grew up in a time when the woman was
a stay
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Legally Blonde: The Musical
The title of the musical I watched is called Legally Blonde: The Musical. The story was based on the novel Legally Blonde by Amanda Brown and
the film as well. The music and lyrics in this musical is created by Laurence O'Keefe and Nell Benjamin. This musical first premiered on January 23,
2007 at the Golden Gate Theatre in San Francisco. The musical begins with a stereotypical sorority girl named Elle Woods who is introduced as a
character who is infatuated with her ex boyfriend, Warner. As a result, she decides to enroll in Harvard Law School to win him back. Throughout the
process, she met many new people and she saw how her knowledge and expertise in law can actually help other people. Thus, she defended Brooke
Wyndham, exercise queen, ... Show more content on ...
For one thing, she utilizes the vocal technique of speeding up her speech when she is stressed out or surprised. For example, she sped up her
sentences when she was stressed out trying to find the perfect dress for her date. She also sped up her talking when she surprisingly found out that
her boyfriend wanted to break up with her when she thought he was going to proposed this whole time. Furthermore, her use of body movements
and gestures really defined how her character is supposed to act. She is a stereotypical sorority girl, so she has very exaggerated motions such as
throwing her arms up when saying, "Omigod you guys!" She also tries to present her character as someone who wants to prove that she knows
what she's talking about, for example she uses her fingers to point to her eyes when she talks it sings about them, she also swirls her fingers by her
head when she was calling someone crazy. Her body movements are also very girly, for instance, she would sometimes skip or walk with a dancing
like motion across the stage. Bundy performed with emotional honesty because her reactions were very true, she was genuinely sad and showed it
when she was supposed to. Her whole face lighting up when she was happy also proved emotional honesty. Overall, Bundy portrayed Elle Woods as a
very believable
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The Darkest Shadow
I used to be one of the most top feared demons in Ambrosine. Then, I was exiled to the human world. Roxie. Exiled. Those were two words that never
went together until now. Sure, the Demon Masters are sending me some guy Luka to help, but he wasn't exiled, just summoned. I hate the fact that the
Demon Masters would even risk the talk and gossip of exiling one of their best students. Honestly, it made no sense. Yeah, sure. I broke a few laws,
whatever. It was only for my dad. I know he would've wanted me to kill Mason anyway. Mason killed him. Ended his life. So I ended his. Yeah,
breaking the rules was worth his death. It was illegal to kill another fellow demon, even challenge them. So now, I'm being exiled to the human world
without any say in it. I packed my bags, met with the Head Demons at the House of Akuma court room, and they brought in Luka. "So, I guess your
the one who broke the 'Akuma no shi' rule, huh?" Luka said, smirking.
"Uh, yeah. What a wonderful greeting by the way," I retorted, starting to walk ahead of him towards Aliah, Cerberus, and Melaina. The rulers of
Ambrosine, the Head Demons, the people you would never want to meet. "Well," Aliah started, frowning slightly. His long, darkbrown hair was back in
a ponytail for a change, tied with a small, dark red ribbon. "Farewell Roxie. You were a great student," He finished, looking at the other two expecting
some sort of goodbye for me. "Yes, you were an excellent student. I'm really sorry
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Feminist Analysis Of Legally Blonde
The 2001 comedy film Legally Blonde tells the story of Elle Woods, an upbeat and optimistic sorority girl who, over the course of the movie,
transitions from a simple college student with few professional aspirations into a successful law student. Elle initially presents herself as a stereotypical
sorority girl: vain, superficial, and self–obsessed. As such, she consistently faces discrimination from her friends, family, and colleagues alike. Thefilm
wants the audience to view Elle as a woman who rises up above the stereotype through hard work and intelligence, and who proves herself as a
capable individual in a discriminatory society. Because of this, some view Elle as a feminist icon, a person who empowers women to achieve equality to
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Rather than a woman fighting for a lifelong dream, we see an emotional woman going through a rough break–up and dealing with it through drastic
measures. This discrepancy completely disparages the idea of her being a feminist icon. It is true that Elle is no longer motivated by Warner in
any way by the end of the movie, indicating that she may have grown and seen the errors of her ways, but at no point in the entire film is it
directly stated or even implied that Elle has a passion or interest in the study of law. Even if she truly has readjusted her perspective by the end of
the film, it comes too late to have any sort of impact, as our impressions of Elle have already been made. Her actions don't send the message of
empowerment to achieve one's dreams through hard work and passion, but rather to achieve happiness through obtaining the approval of a man.
Further damaging the view of Elle as a feminist icon is the fact that she consistently reinforces harmful stereotypes about women. Elle is clearly
meant to be presented as a sorority stereotype, but rather than overcoming and breaking free from it, she proves it to be true time and time again.
Firstly, Elle reinforces the idea that women are overly emotional and quickly disheartened. In the very first scene of the movie, Elle is dumped by
Warner and proceeds to have an emotional breakdown, crying and shrieking loudly in a public setting. This is further reinforced later in the
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Legally Blonde By Amanda Brown Summary
A story that has influenced my thinking in a better way is Legally Blonde by Amanda Brown. The story introduces Elle Woods, the president of
her sorority, a Hawaiian Tropic girl, and Miss June in her campus calendar. Early on, she gets dumped by her boyfriend,Warner, because he wants
to become a senator by age 30 so says he needs to stop messing around and "marry a Jackie not a Marilyn." Her sole motivation to attend Harvard
Law is to win back Warner's heart. Later, Elle gains a passion for law after she learns about how Warner really sees her. Warner tells Elle that she's
too dumb and she retorts with "wait, am i on glue or did we not get into the same law school, Warner?" He responds saying that she should do
something more valuable with
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Legally Blonde Social Psychology
Introduction Legally Blonde is comedic film about a college student, Elle Woods. Elle is president of her sorority and a fashion merchandizing
student. She is dating a boy named Warren who intends to go to law school. Warren breaks up with Elle because she is a blonde and not very
accomplished in the eyes of his family. In an effort to win Warren back, Elle decides to go to Harvard Law School. Elle struggles to make friends
and win the general favor of her professors. Although, by the end of the film Elle has proves that she has intelligence, drive and, a notable work ethic.
In this film Elle is constantly negatively stereotyped as being a dumb blonde, despite being well accomplished. There are also other aspects of social
psychology displayed... Show more content on ...
The group includes Warner, her ex boyfriend, Vivian, Warner's current fiancГ©, another girl, and two other guys. Elle, while holding a basket of
muffins asks to join their study group and mentions the snacks she brought. Vivian immediately says no and gives Warner a nasty glare. The other
girl agrees with Vivian. Warner attempts to get the rest of the group to let Elle join, but he is quickly kicked by Vivian under the table. Elle is trying
to use an ingratiation tactic, in order to get the study group to comply with her request to join. Compliance is when an individual seeks a specific
behavior or action through a request. There are different tactics an individual may use in order to receive compliance. One tactic is the aforementioned
ingratiation. Ingratiation is when an individual tries to make another individual or group like him/her, so that the individual or group will comply with
his/her request. Individuals trying to get the other or others to comply may give him/her/them complements, try to make him/her/them feel good, drop
names. The ingratiation tactic is not likely to work if it is obvious that the individual is trying to do this (Hogg and Vaughn, 2014, p. 210). Ingratiation
is commonly depicted as being negative. Liden and Mitchell argue that it can be positive and serve the general purpose of getting others to like the
individual. It typical for
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Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Essay
When it was written in 1925, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, by Anita Loos was heralded as a tremendous novel. It was seen as cutting edge and
insightful, yet somewhat risquГ© in its portrayal of Lorelei Lee and her escapades. I can see how this may have been thought at that time, seeing as
how women were looked at in such a different way then they are currently. The fact that a women with as little know–how as Lorelei can manipulate
men the way that she does, leaves no question as to who is the superior gender in Loos' mind. While the books is quite amusing, and does have many
strengths, if it is looked at in the context of women's struggles with issues such as domesticity, sexuality and socioeconomic standing it seems less and
less like such ... Show more content on ...
I know that the fact that she is so privileged adds a very amusing edge to the novel, but it really seems quite inaccurate. Since it was originally
published in Harper's Bazaar, it has to be noted that the women who would be reading such periodicals would be of the working or middle class. Seeing
a protagonist like Lorelei who rose to the top without working may have been nice for these women to read, something akin to a fairy tale, it still is
certainly unrepresentative of the average woman. Taking into account the inflation of the past seventy–five years, I still do not know anyone who
would call up their father (or father–like person) and ask them for $10,000. It is the things like this that make me completely unable to identify with
Lorelei, and I find it hard to believe that many women at the time would have been able to either.
Something that I feel many women at the time, and still some to this day can identify with, is Lorelei's use of her sexuality to get what she wants
from men. It reminds me of the whole "treating" phenomenon mentioned in Cheap Amusements. While did not have sex with men for the presents
they gave her, she certainly wasn't above putting on a negligГ©e and batting her eyelashes to make them give her presents or do her favors. There
was not a man in the book who did not fall victim to her in one way or
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Analysis Of Legally Blonde The Musical
Humorous, energetic, enjoyable and all–around fun, Legally Blonde: The Musical captured my attention from the get–go. This comical yet
heartwarming musical portrays the story of a young woman following an ex–love to Harvard Law School only to realize the potential she possessed
within herself and in the new life she creates for her own. After viewing this hit Broadway production, I am fascinated with how this theatre play was
brought to life on stage with the lighting, sound, spacing and overall entertainment from the cast to the costumes. Altogether, this play is one of my
all–time favorite productions and it is one that keeps my attention from the moment it takes off to the closing of the curtain at the end.
Legally Blonde: The Musical starts off by capturing the audience's attention and winning their hearts with the characters and the acting that takes place
in this performance. The main character, Elle Woods, played by Laura Bell Bundy in the Broadway production, soared though this musical with her
singing, dancing and radiating energy. Bundy was a sight to see on the stage as she made every line believable while achieving at looking like she was
having the time of her life throughout the entire production. The thing that stuck out the most was the amount of emotion that was poured into this
performance from every single character, minor or major, taking part. From scenes such as Elle finding out she got Callahan's law internship to the
famous "Bend and Snap" scene,
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Legally Blonde Stereotypes
Submitted to: Prof. Amita Dhanda
Submitted By: Neha Shivhare
1st year, 1st semester
Roll No. : 2014–31
Legally Blonde is based on a novel of Amanda Brown and is created by Australian Director Roger Luketic. Some of the core issues highlighted in the
movie are:
1. Feminism: The movie brings to light the enigma of femininity. It shows how the lead character, Elle Woods is harassed at her job place
presumably because she is too feminine. The whole movie has a feminist touch. It is presented from the stand point of a blonde girl with ultra
femininity.1 Her quest alters to a serious mode when she sets out to prove herself as an intelligent human being instead of a "typical blonde" she was
treated as. She neither uses nor changes her looks to get ahead in the workplace.
2. Gender and colour discrimination: The movie also narrates a deal of unlawful and unfair discrimination against the blondes prevalent in the
society. The movie prima facie is a story of a girl named Elle Woods who is being dumped by her boyfriend because she is blonde and not serious and
the guy wants to go to the Harvard law school to proceed ahead. He claims to only marry a girl who is intelligent and serious. Elle follows him to get
him back and finally proves her sharp insights into law ... Show more content on ...
For the efficiency of the movie in bringing the issue and inspiring feminine portrayal of Elle, the movie got several awards and honors. It had a huge
and remarkable impact on the hoi polloi. The movie in Golden Globes, USA 2002 was nominated for Best motion picture and Best performance in a
motion picture – comedy or musical (Reese Witherspoon who played Elle). Furthermore it won BMI film Music Award in 2002 , nominated for 2002
British Comedy award, Young artist award and many more.11 It got a huge appreciation from the public because its masterly and unique
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Stereotypes Of Dumb Blonde
What does a blonde do when her laptop computer freezes? She sticks it in the microwave. We have all heard the dumb blonde jokes that are now the
vast majority of jokes told. Media has branded the blonde as what the world knows to be the archetype of the "dumb" girl. Today a member of society
is judged on his/her looks, personality, and money. However, no matter how smart, poor, or passionate one is, as a blonde, one is automatically
stereotyped. The stereotype points to a human being that is dumb, pretty, rich, and stuck–up. This paper will discuss how the stereotype is used, to
received, and branded.
Media may have branded the blonde stereotype, but recently media has been debunking it over the years. From the "legally blond" movies and the ...
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The dumb blonde is a popular–culture stereotype often applied to women with blonde hair. Now the blonde has been branded by the "dumb blonde"
impression. In the article "No Logo" by Naomi Klein it is stated that "the brand is not a reflection of quality but a reflection of what the marketing
department wants it to stand for" (Klein, 3). For example the everyday blonde symbols a dingy and arrogant but attractive and popular woman. This
is an identity that people have adapted in to their lifestyles. A few years ago society seen the brainless blonde everywhere partly due to the marketing
corporation because it a part of advertisement that fits a particular style of people.
From the movie "Legally Blonde" to the hit television show "The vampire Dairies" the dumb blonde stereotype is beginning to change. Blondes are
not really that dumb. For instance "Legally Blonde" shows a woman going through law school and winning her case. Media may have created the
dumb blonde stereotype but with the new movies it is starting to debunk the whole idea now. Media has shaped society into making us believe certain
stereotypes. Stereotypes that are not
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Legally Blonde Film Analysis
"I don't need back–ups. I'm going to Harvard." With this line Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) begin begins her journey to Harvard law in the iconic
movie Legally Blonde. This movie follows Elle's progression from sorority girl to Harvard law graduate. After her future is shaken by an
unexpected breakup she decides the best way to get her love back is to head to Harvard after him. However, through some unexpected turns, hard
work, and hard lessons, she comes out stronger and more accomplished that she could have ever expected. This fun loving movie has many things
to offer including a title that clues the audience in on the theme, a well picked lead actress, and a good message. Elle believes her perfect life is
about to get even better when her boyfriend hints that there will be changes in their future and she assumes he's about to propose. However, she is
shaken when her boyfriend breaks up with her to find a girl who will be a better fit for his political aspirations. Instead of wallowing in sorrow, Elle
decides she can win him back if she can only show him her serious side by chasing after him to Harvard law. Her confidence is weakened however,
as she encounters difficult professors and snobby students. Nevertheless, she persisted in her studies and because of this she is given an exclusive
internship. This leads her to take on challenges she never imagined she could and demonstrates the knowledge she had all along. Right off the bat
moviegoers are
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Ethical Issues In Legally Blonde
Legally Blonde follows the story of Elle Woods, a blonde sorority girl. Elle is desperately in love with her boyfriend Warner. Much to her surprise,
Warner breaks up with Elle on the night she hoped he would propose. He wants to settle down with someone serious to ensure a better shot at
becoming a senator someday. Elle is devastated, but realizes she can become the woman of Warner's dreams by joining him atHarvard Law School.
With help from her sorority sisters, this is possible, but much more difficult than she expected. Elle faces many challenges, yet finds that she is
growing as a person. Elle becomes a respected student, wins an internship, and eventually defends Brooke Windham in court. By the end of the
film, Elle decides she doesn't need Warner to make her happy. She graduates a respected lawyer with an unexpected best friend and a future
fiancГ© despite facing problems along the way. Elle faces two major problems throughout the film. First, Elle must become a serious woman to win
Warner back. This proves to be difficult as she must be accepted to Harvard Law School to start. She studies hard to get a 175 on the LSAT and have a
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By the end of the movie, Warner wants Elle back. Elle, on the other hand, decides that she doesn't need Warner anymore. What she always truly
needed was to have a goal, people to expect more from her than a career as a model, and something to be passionate about. So, in some ways Elle
was successful in winning Warner back, but in other ways Elle was not because she chose not to have him back in her life. The end of the film
shows Elle giving a speech to her fellow graduates and states that Elle has an offer to work for one of the most prestigious law firms in Boston. She
has not only survived law school, but come out as a strong, smart, and independent woman with friends, proud professors, and a future fiancГ©. Elle
successfully over came the adversity she once faced as a law
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My Best Friend
Quiet, nothing comes out of my mouth as I watch my two best friends giggling with their so–called "new friend". I watch as I stand next to my rusting
faded blue locker squeaking as I shut it. Her blonde hair, tan skin, and short posture resembles mine as she walks down the cluttered 7th grade
hallway. Jadyn, my friend joyfully runs to me with a delighted smile, it's hard to miss her when she's wearing her favorite bright neon green shirt. Her
almond hair is all over her face from her voyage over to me while getting pushed around like a ball in a pinball machine. She then tells me in a ecstatic
voice how Ali is going to be in my class. My heart drops as I stare into the emerald eyes of my best friend since kindergarten hoping it's a joke. Of
course she is in all of my classes I think as my hands sweat from nerves, my first day of 7th grade is already scary enough, I don't want to deal with her
too. I stare at the seating chart with a black face, and then put on a fake smile as I realize I sit by Ali in my first class. Slowly making my way to my
spot in the back of the room passing the desks filled with people I haven't seen since last year. I notice the boy in front of me, my eyes admiring his
colorful shirt and observing his chaotic jet–black hair all messy. I realize my spot isn't so bad because my short posture mixed with being behind a tall
boy makes it impossible for the teachers to see and call on me. Then I turn and see Ali again, ugh. We talk for a minute or so
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Stereotypes In The Film Legally Blonde: Elle Woods
Legally Blonde "Legally Blonde" is a 2001 comedy film starring Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods. The film starts with Elle being portrayed as the
clichГ©, spoiled, and blonde rich–girl living a privileged life in a mansion in Bel–Air, California. Although Elle may seem like the stereotypical
blonde–girl, her background includes a fashion major, a 4.0 GPA, and the president of her sorority. Elle's life gets thrown a curveball after being
dumped by her boyfriend Warner, played by Matthew Davis, and she follows him to Harvard Law School in an attempt to prove his mistake wrong.
Viewers get to experience a hilarious adventure that's not only witty, but also proves stereotypes wrong. At first sight, this film appears as if it will just
be another... Show more content on ...
The opening of the film leaves viewers thinking Elle will be the "dumb–blonde" so common in the media, only to be quickly shown as the opposite
after shutting down a sales clerk who tries to overprice a dress. Her quick and out–of–the–box thinking proves this otherwise, and helps convey the
issue that is very much a problems today in America's society. In the real world, blondes are often seen as being stupid and dumb, and social media is
filled with "dumb blonde jokes." This film challenges that, and with a primarily teenage–girl audience, the uplifting message is being in the right
direction. Feminism is a big controversy being dealt with today, and despite this film being 15 years old, the issue is touched upon in the perfect
way. Elle can be seen as being in leadership roles, such as during the trial scene, and being better than the men. She even beats out Professor Callahan
in a huge murder trial. Callahan is one of the best defence attorneys in the state and a frilly, law student is able to beat him out. This film helps to
empower girls and women alike to stand up for themselves an to not care about what any guy thinks of
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Gender Norms In Legally Blonde
Legally Blonde is a movie that is centered around the social construction of intelligence based on gender. The main concern that is addressed throughout
the film is based around gendered assumptions that girls are not as intelligent as boys. This accusation is formed through gender stereotyping. Due to
this, the representation of women in the media and sexual objectification of women in regards to their overall intelligence is degraded and unjustly
skewed. The main assumption that is made within the film is that Elle Woods is beautiful, therefore she cannot be intelligent. She is dismissed not
only by her looks, but by her gender as well. This film is a prime example of the exploitation of gender norms based on gendered assumptions that are
made in society and ... Show more content on ...
If this film were to be analyzed through a feminist theory which examines male– female relationships from the perspective of the powerful oppressing
the powerless and the reactions to that oppression, there would be many inaccurate gaps. For example, the women in the film would be
encouraged to pursue any career they wanted and would not be discouraged or doubted based on the outer image they present to the world. Male
oppression would not be applied to this film if it was viewed through the lense of a feminist theory as well, because both genders would be
presented as equals with the same academic potential and rigor. This film highlights the social problems that stem from the inequality of genders.
These social problems reveal the aspects of society that a large number of people are concerned about and would like to change which would be
gender norms and sexual objectification of individuals. If these problems were addressed, one possible change would be to move towards a more
feminist outlook, where both genders are viewed equally within their
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Elle Woods From The Movie Legally Blonde
A from a movie that I find similar to me is the main character from the character movie Legally Blonde. Elle Woods and I both have lots of trouble
getting to the point fast enough to tell what we are trying to tell you about. We both share the love for the study of law. When Elle first went to
Harvard law school she wasn't really there to learn the basics of law. Finally, we both had to adjust to a different school and environment. You see
Elle didn't just go to Harvard law. She moved from her former college, which is just like me. All my life I went to a private school and now i go to a
public school. Elle and I both have trouble getting to the point fast enough for our audience to still be paying attention. For example, we both say a
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Legally Blonde Film Analysis
Describe the movie you picked and why you picked it:The movie I chose, is titled Legally Blonde, starring Reese Witherspoon. The movie follows
the story of Elle Woods, who seems to have it all. With her stunning blonde hair, sorority sisters, and her rich, senator aspiring boyfriend, she's sure to
have the perfect life. Elle's world gets turned upside down when her boyfriend, Warner Huntington III, leaves her in the dust for Harvard law school in
an attempt to find a "Jackie O" type of woman. Instead of the shallow, unserious, and unwise, "Marilyn", he claims Elle to be. Feeling desperate, Elle
finds her way into law school in an attempt to prove Warner wrong and win him back. She then goes on to win a spot along with Warner and his new...
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So, I feel like any conversation had with another female will be male focused. Additionally, there are not as many women attending law school as
men in this movie. This leaves less female to female conversation and less opportunity for story lines that do not revolve around men. Hopefully,
Legally Blonde, proves me wrong and turns out to be the inspiring story I remember it to be as a kid.
Describe the results of your Bechdel Test in detail:1) Were there at least two (2) named female characters?
There are a total of eight named female characters in the movie. In order of appearance, these characters include: Elle Woods, Margot, Enid, Paulette
Bonafonte, Vivian Kensington, Brooke Taylor, Chutney, and Mrs. Hayworth. However, only four of these women were actually involved in
conversation lasting a minute. The female characters that had main speaking roles include, Elle, Paulette, Vivian, and Brooke.
Elle has been described as the main female character. Paulette is a manicurist that she develops a friendship with along the way. In a way, she takes
refuge with Pauline at the salon from the harsh reality of Harvard and Warner. Vivian is a fellow classmate of Elle's and Warner's new fiancГ©e,
whom eventually she finds a friend in. Brooke is the client that Elle's professor is defending in her internship. 2) Did these female characters talk to
each other (for at least ~60 seconds)?
There are
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Persuasive Essay On Blondes
How many blondes does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Two, one to hold the light bulb and one to spin the ladder.
Everyone knows that blondes are dumb. They're always being silly and love having a good time. They don't take life too seriously and are always up
for a laugh. They're never ambitious. But hey, at least they're always up for a party. Everyone knows they have more fun.
But they're not actually funny. Or sporty. They don't achieve big things. So, if you tell ablonde joke you might have to repeat it. But they'll always get
there in the end, well most of them will. When you tell a young girl she is dumb, she grows up believing she is. This is a cruel reality that many
blondes face today. Hundreds of movies, tv shows and books all have a dumb blonde character in them making young blonde girls grow up in a
society telling them that they are dumb. Blonde jokes also add to this. They are derogatory, insulting and wrong. They depict blonde women as less
intelligent and very reliable on others. Blondes are always getting picked on because of this, I am here to convince you otherwise!
Why do blonde hair teachers smile during lightning storms?
They think their picture is being taken.
Did you know blonde haired women are more aggressive and determined to get their own way. This is probably due to blonde discrimination in
workplaces. Studies show blonde haired women have to work harder at the start of a new job to prove themselves and show that they are actually
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The Dark Skin Kid: A Narrative Fiction
"Stand down, raise your hands above your head and nothing will happen!" A man in a blue military uniform yells, his gun aimed at my knee cap.
I sigh, "Shit and I thought this would be simple," I growl putting my hands on my head with a goofy smile, "Let's make a deal, take me into custody
and let the kid go." I suggest looking at the dark skin kid who hides behind my leg.
He was a Ishbalan, he characteristics gave his identity out in a heartbeat. I could feel his presence trembling, I would be scared to.
"We can't do that, not after the threat you pulled earlier." The same man says referring to the alchemy I had attacked them with moments ago.
I'm now stuck at a dead end, not by myself but with a helpless Ishbalan kid. If this isn't called being screwed, ... Show more content on
"I'm Claire, and what might your name be kiddo?" I smiled warmly shifting causing the chains to slink against each other.
"Theo." He softly muttered staring at his shackles.
"Don't worry kid if they try to do anything I won't let them. You're safe with me!" I cheered. He hesitantly looked up and nodded.
You remember don't you. You remember the guns and uniforms and the bogus explanation for war.
The rest of the ride was left silent except for the slosh of tired going through puddles. The truck door opened letting light flood in the truck, Thoe
stared at me. I nodded at him standing up reaching out a curled up hand. Three fingers grabbed my hand as I pulled him off the ground.
"Can you at least take the shackles of his feet, how can he walk?" I seethed. The man with blonde hair and a cigarette tucked between his lips nodded
leaning down to unlock the metal shackles.
Now would be a perfect time to attack but it would only end with a bullet being aimed at us. I've had enough guns for the day and I'm sure Theo has too.
"Look I'm not a enemy kid." Blondie muttered.
"Neither am I," A fat one with orange hair chipped
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Similarities Between Hester Prynne And Legally Blonde
The novel, The Scarlet Letter, and the play, Legally Blonde, both portray a strong female lead. In the novel, Hester Prynne is labeled with a scarlet
letter, "A", for committing a sin. As the story progresses she is able to change the meaning of her symbol into something more pleasing to the public
eye. In the beginning of the play, Elle Woods is seen by her peers as a "silly, dumb, blonde", but similar to Hester, she is able to change the way she is
seen by others in a positive way. Both of these independent women use their power to influence their society in order to change the way they are
seen by the people around them. Elle Woods from Legally Blonde begins her journey as president of her sorority, Delta Nu. She is seen as the
"happy little blonde" that always wears pink. She is given this stereotype by society. Until she is able to change stereotype, that is all that most
people see her as. Her first step in changing her reputation is transferring to Harvard's School of Law. Her initial drive to attend Harvard was to
chase after someone she loved. But Elle soon realized that she enjoyed studying law more than she thought. After many hours of studying and
encouragement from a professor, Elle was able to prove herself in front of her fellow students. She showed them that she is more than just pink
clothes and scented pink paper. Elle even takes her change a step further, by proving herself worthy to society in a very important court case. Elle
is able to take charge and evidently win her case, thus helping an innocent person. Elle finds thrill in this new person she has created within herself
and is glad she did it. She feels as if she is finally more than what society had previously seen her as and is proud that she was the one who was able to
make that change for herself.
Hester Prynne from Hawthorne's, The Scarlet Letter, is marginalized by society for having committed a sin. She too is given a stereotype by those
around her, similar to Elle Woods. In the beginning, no one dares to speak or even look at Hester because of the "A" she wears on her chest. Hester
feels as if she needs to change the meaning of this "A" that is stuck to her, so she sets out to do so. Every little action that she does,
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F. Scott Fitzgerald's Alice: A Narrative Fiction
Six hundred and sixty four. Six hundred sixty five. Six hundred sixty si....The boy stopped counting. He gripped his yoyo tightly in his hand,
unwilling to let go once more. He looked over to where his brother sat and sighed deeply at the depressing sight. His brother held a beautiful porcelain
doll that looked like it belong to a two–year old girl.His brother spoke softly to the doll,stroking its long black hair "I'm sorry Alice, I didn't mean to do
it.....I tried to save you, I really did." The boy sighed again. Memories of the accident flooded his thoughts and a deep melancholy enveloped his
whole being. The boy's last thought before falling asleep was "I wish we could do it over again.This time we won't lose her."
The girl stood nimbly to the side of the door,her ebony glossy hair scattering in the wind. Coldness radiated in ... Show more content on
It had pink walls, a petite rosy bed, and plush carpet. The lady started speaking to herself. "Look it hasn't changed at all! And every year I bought
new clothes." She pointed at a lacey dress "This was when you were three." She droned on pointing to a series of dresses. A shiny picture frame on
the bedside caught Alice's eye. In it was a picture of a cute toddler that had blue eyes just like hers. While she stared blankly at the photo, the mom
proceeded to point to the clothes she bought every year until finally grabbing a dress and exclaiming "Now you're six, so this dress should be
perfect!" But the mom looked at the dress and then at the girl, and the light in her eyes dimmed. Her old Alice was petite and adorable, while this
Alice was scrawny and tall. "Look at me getting all confused, the lady at the orphanage told me you're eleven, didn't she. This dress is too small" she
hung her head. The mom then reached into her torso, grabbed a bottle of pills and hastily swallowed a handful. The light slowly returned to her eyes.
"Let's go get new clothes
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Blonde By Katherine Blonde Analysis
Who would think that being blonde is the expectation of everyone's beauty standards. In the short story "Blonde" by Katherine Min, Jean is a young
asian girl who wants to fit into the standards of the beautiful blonde. Katherine Min explains that you are your own self beauty and putting on a wig
won't change to make you anymore beautifuller. This is meaningful because Jean doesn't think dark haired girl are beautiful because society makes
her think that blonde is the beauty standard. Jean desires for the blonde wig so she can change to be a beautiful blonde. To lead up to this believing
of blondes being the 'beauty' standard she admires her blonde friend Lisa, a barbie doll and lies about her parents ethnicity.
Jean praises the blonde ... Show more content on ...
They also both fight over the Barbie Doll and they end up breaking the Doll. Then, Lisa shoves Jean into the wall and leaves to go tell on her.
While Jean is left in the room she tries to fix the Doll intentionally but, "no matter how hard I tugged and pushed, and I knew somehow it was
hopeless, that whatever was wrong it could never be fixed." It was not only the Barbie Doll she was trying to fix but it was also her trying to fix herself
like she was the Barbie.
She makes up lies that she was adopted and her mother and father is a prince and a beautiful blonde so kids would think that she was also blonde. To
fit in she tells stories that her "mother English or a Swede, beautiful, blonde," and her dad an "Asian prince." She lies to other kids about her parents race
so she can fit in with the other kids to make herself feel better. She says this story many times to other kids that "I believed myself sometimes–that I
was adopted." By telling this story many times it's not just a simple lie to her anymore, she says it so much that she believes it sometimes.
To Jean being beautiful is following societies standards of being a beautiful "blonde". Achieving this beauty 'standard' Jean goes through the troubles
of lying, being jealous and doubting her own self. She never truly believes herself at one point that she is already pretty and just sets the blonde wig
as the goal. This is important because Jean never thinks about other girls who are darked hair and
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Should The Movie Legally Blonde: Making Women Look Powerful
Legally Blonde, Making Women Look Powerful As Elle Woods stands on the stage four years later graduating at the top of her class, with all kinds
of opportunities thrown her way that's a moment that could make any young woman feel like she's capable of anything. Legally Blonde should be a
required movie for young women to watch because it is such an inspiration to the female society. This movie inspires young women that no matter
what people think a female is like as a person, that they can turn any bias around, and go in any path, or be anything that they want to be. At the
beginning of the movie the main character Elle Woods is dating a guy that basically thinks he is to good to be with her because she isn't a "serious"
enough person so... Show more content on ...
This is important because a lot of times society makes young girls feel like they can't be brain surgeons, or successful lawyers, but Legally Blonde
turns that around fast. One article states As we watch California fashionista Elle Woods follow her ex–boyfriend to Harvard Law School, be first
humiliated then succeed on her own terms, we can tell ourselves we are wise enough not to judge by appearances" (Shuttleworth). Everyone is
intelligent in their own way. Elle has a degree in fashion merchandising and ends up being a lawyer. That leads to that not just one type of person
can have one type of job. Every job needs different types of people to be able to see things from different points of view. In the movie everyone
tells Elle that she can't make it, and treat her like she could never be a successful lawyer. Also one of her professors tries to treat her like she will
never be good enough, and the only way that she got to where she was because of her looks. At the end of the movie everyone is proven wrong. This
movie is a great movie because according to one critic "The movie wants us to accept her as sharp and intelligent, but prods us to laugh at her at the
same time."(Novikov). Therefore it motivates young women to be smart and intelligent while also keeping their attention by making them
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Gender Roles In Legally Blonde
Office Space
Legally Blonde, directed by Robert Luketic, features a privileged blonde sorority girl, Elle Woods, who is as outwardly feminine as she is determined.
Recently dumped by her boyfriend, Elle decides to follow him to Harvard Law in order to prove herself as a serious and socially acceptable woman
–to–be–wed. Although she initially has trouble assimilating to Harvard's fiercely competitive environment, Elle evolves into a determined, grade–A
student while maintaining her feminine and girl–next–door personality. Through the film's characters central dynamics, Legally Blonde is shown as a
gendered cultural product, yet it shies away from culturally accepted norms in a way that celebrates femininity. In the film Legally Blonde, the
protagonist, ... Show more content on ...
Insights about gender are shown through the film's plot and characters, where "doing gender" and hegemonic masculinity come into play. Furthermore,
while Elle at first appears to be one–dimensional, her dynamic role expresses a feminist view on gendered institutions and controlling images. In the
film there are moments when Elle falls victim to sexism and gendered institutions, but in the end she is able to surpass these limitations. Although the
film does not present intersections of inequalities in the protagonist's struggles, overall traditional views on gender are tested. In sum, Legally Blonde
is a gendered cultural product, but has more to offer than surface level comedy, seen through Elle's professional success and resilience, thus challenging
controlling images and gender
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John Steinbeck's 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes'
I have recently read four paragraphs of your novel, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and I must say it is a very comical narrative indeed. One aspect I
noticed while reading, is the plot setting. You structured it in a way that it informed the reader about the protagonist's background, while providing
definite interpretive clues about the character's thought process. For instance, the protagonist, Lorelei Lee, recalls a time when an observant friend
commented that if she were to write down her thoughts, it would produce a book. This not only defines her character, but also provides how others
think of her. Moreover, most men she meets assume that since she is blonde and talkative, they can take advantage of her. However, that is the irony of
Anita ... Show more content on ...
The point–of–view (POV) is one of the foundations that create the meaning of the story. By writing it in first person, the author is able to convey the
irony or humor of the story through the character. For example, Lorelei acknowledges the humor at the possibility of pursuing an authoress career.
Further mentioning that prior to this idea, her family wanted her to pursue a musical career. However, Lorelei despised the long hours of practicing the
mandolin that came along with pursing such a career. Recalling. that she became temperamental, threw the mandolin away, and ended up quitting. This
event, specifically the throwing of the mandolin, signifies how severe her temperaments can become from outright frustration. Yet, a positive solution
rose up from this negative event, she found that writing keeps her tranquil and collected. Whereas, practicing her instrument releases fidgety
frustration, due to the long hours of repetitive practice. Humorously, she says that she should smile, since she got carried away writing about this
incident; finishing the diary entry in a rather sour mood. Concluding, that writing in first–person utilizes the skills needed to grasp the true meaning of
Anita Loos' character: a dramatic and cunning
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Persuasive Speech On Adopting Animals
A dog isn't just simply a dog. A dog is a best friend, a companion, a detective, a guide, a gift, and much more. So why would people mistreat their
dogs? People still don't know the answer to this question. Commercials have been trying to shine some light on the public about the issue at hand.
The issue includes people adopting animals and not being able to care for them. If we take it one step forward, we are also worried about people
abusing an animal. A couple commercials in my mind have done an outstanding job in spreading the message of knowing if you are responsible
enough to adopt an animal. A commercial that caught my eye is called "Gift". "Gift" starts off with a man driving a very nice car up to a house.
The man seems to be well dressed. The music in the background is very happy and you can tell the man is happy as well. I can infer that it is cold
outside by the way the people are dressed and how there are no leaves on the trees and it is gloomy. He then gets out of the car and picks up a little girl.
The little girl has red hair and is carrying a stuffed toy dog. The man hugs the little girl and puts her in the car with him. The man shares some food
with the little girl, which suggests that they like each other and get along.
In the next scene, there is a woman with a different little girl that is blonde. The two are drawing and enjoying themselves. I can infer that the older lady
is the mother of the younger one due to the older lady giving the younger one a
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Analysis Of Legally Blonde
In the acclaimed 2001 film, Legally Blonde, the main character, Elle Woods, is a fantastic feminine icon for females. The film represents the struggle
of women to prove their ability. Remarkably, Elle never succumbs to those who so strongly see her as being stupid. While others put down her
abilities and intelligence, Elle hardly ever doubts herself. She moves through the world with pure confidence. As Callahan, a law professor at Harvard
who later selects Elle Woods for his internship quips, "it's as if she just woke up one day and said, 'I'm going to law school." She decides on a goal
and knows she can attain it, even if others only respond with incredulity or mockery. Legally Blonde has many positive depictions of women and
femininity for a 2001 film.
Elle doesn't fit the misogynist prospect of submissive femininity. She is loud, emotional, and flamboyant. When she enters a room with the clacking of
her bright pink heels, Chihuahua in arm, beaming and effusive, you cannot ignore her. Elle's bubbliness and enthusiasm is often disdained, especially
in the legal world, but she continues to express her true self. She is unapologetic about being attractive, sexual and caring about her appearance. She
does not stop being stereotypically "girly" despite that it makes others think she is less legitimate and intelligent. She proves that "sexy" and "smart"
are not opposing forces. Elle is the perfect example of how being feminine does not mean you submit to patriarchal notion of submissiveness.
One of the fundamental themes in Legally Blonde is that a female having an ardor for fashion does not make her dim–witted and that fashion insight is
not an immanently futile form of knowledge. Elle's fashion knowledge is introduced when a retailer labels her as "a dumb blonde," and tries to
take advantage of her by ripping off the last season sale tag and selling it to her for full price. "Did you see this one? We just got it in yesterday." the
retailer told her. Slyly, she asks "Is this a low–viscosity rayon with half–loop top–stitching on the hem?." "Why yes, it's one of a kind," the retailer
replied. Elle uses her fashion knowledge and wittily replies "It's impossible to use a half–loop topstitch on low–viscosity rayon.
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Analysis Of The Movie ' Legally Blonde '
Critique of "Legally Blonde" "Legally Blonde" is a wonderful musical because the colorful scenes gives audience a visual enjoyment, and the
beautiful music gives them a fresh acoustic experience. "Legally Blonde" is presented by Performance Riverside and RCC Fine & Performing
Arts. It is directed and choreographed by Roger Castellano, and the musical director is Dennis Castellano. I went to watch this great show, which
was performed at RCC's Landis Performing Arts Center, on September 27,2014 at 2 p.m. I would like to comment on this musical in three ways:
the plot, the design, and the acting. First of all, audience is attracted by the excellent plot when watching this musical. Elle Woods, who is the
chairperson of the Sister Institute, is very popular among her friends. She thought her boyfriend Warner planed to propose to her; however, Warner
decides to break up with her due to her "blonde." At that point, Elle makes up her mind to study in Law School of Harvard in order to revive their
relationship. Elle passes the assessment of Harvard successful with the help of her friends and because of her hard working. However surprised Elle
Harvard study life is very dull, and Warner has made up with his ex–girlfriend. At the beginning of Elle's study at Harvard, she is often sneered at by
her classmates, especially Warner's girlfriend Vivian, and the professor has kicked her out of the classroom. Since Elle chooses her occupation as a
lawyer, she becomes energetic, hardworking
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Similarities Between Medea And Legally Blonde
The Murderess and the Fashionista Throughout literary history, there have been a majority of stories based on males and their adventures. But what
about fictional works based on strong women? In Ancient Greece, Medea was focused on a leading woman who was driven and ambitious. A more
modern film, Legally Blonde, shows a girl persistently going against the flow to make dreams come true. Today, I am going to show how the plot and
personalities of Elle Wood from Legally Blonde andMedea are alike using their shameful break ups, revenge, friendships, obstacles, and how this
makes them good heroes. What shame was brought about when Jason dumped Medea? To answer this, there are a few basic things that need to be
understood about women in Ancient Greece. In this age, women were thought to be a man's servant: whether she serve for strictly sexual pleasure or to
also raise his offspring, women were of little to no status without a man. In fact, they would not have been considered citizens. Although women could
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At first, their friendship begins when Elle comes to the shop crying over her man and Paulette confides in her about her husband who left her. With
each other's help, Paulette gets her dog back from her former husband and marries the UPS guy, and Elle wins her case and rediscovers her self worth.
Both of our heroes would have been in a pickle without their sidekick friend.
Speaking of friendships, Aegeus and Paulette are just one human similarity. There is a chorus in both stories, although Medea's is a bit more
traditional.In Legally Blonde, it begins by showing our sorority chorus talking about how Elle is waiting for Warner to propose and how the two are
meant to be. During the story, they call her up to ask how things are going and fill her in on what is going on at home. In Medea, she confides to a
chorus of women who tell the audience how we should be feeling, but also how they sympathise for poor
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Legally Blonde
In the acclaimed 2001 film, Legally Blonde, the main character, Elle Woods, is a fantastic feminine icon for women. The film represents the struggle
females face to prove their abilities. Remarkably, Elle never succumbs to those who adamantly see her as being foolish and not good enough. Rather,
she pursues her goals with pure confidence. As she states in a meeting with her UCLA advisor, "I don't need back–ups, I'm going to Harvard." Elle
knows she can achieve anything with hardwork and determination, even if others only respond with dubiety or ridicule. Legally Blonde has many
positive depictions of women and femininity for a 2001 film. Elle exemplifies how being feminine does not mean you submit to the misogynist notion
of submissiveness... Show more content on ...
Her original motivations, craving to get back her ex–boyfriend, Warner, veer to striving to succeed in law school. What Elle could not see for so long is
that Warner does not care about her. He breaks up with her not because a change of heart, but rather because she's the hot sorority girl girlfriend he
gets to hook up with in undergraduate school, and she is not what he refers to as "the Jackie Kennedy" he would marry if he wants to be taken
seriously as a politician. Warner's rationale for proposing to Vivian is the same rationale for why he broke up with Elle. He just wanted to have the
"right wife" for his political image. Elles mentality completely changes when she is having a conversation with Warner about school. He disdains
her by calling her "not smart enough" to qualify for one of the selective internship spots. Elle points out they both got in Harvard Law and take the
same classes. In disbelief and frustration, Elle storms out of the party. From then forward, she no longer has a desire to get back with Warner, and
begins to fully applies herself to getting an education. The audience sees her newfound determination, as she is reading, studying, and performing
excellent in all of her classes. One of the most prime scenes is an in–class legal debate about a sperm donor's entitlement to a child. Warner argues that
a sperm donor should have entitlement to demand the mother visitation of the child. Elle impressively refutes Warner's arguments and the professor
agrees, announcing to Elle "You just won the case." Although it is indirect, Elle uses her legal competence to debate and win misogynist
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Legally Blonde As A Hero
If I were offered a role for a hero or villain in any movie, I would choose to play Elle Woods in Legally Blonde. Although confusing at first, the finer
points of development and power that emanate from this character are all values that I hold dear to my heart. As an unconventional character she
radiates principle, conviction, and autonomy all while upholding her traditionally feminine personality traits and never falling into the stereotypical
qualities that are pushed on her.
At the beginning of the movie, Elle is a ditzy but quick–witted sorority girl who goes on a mission to get her ex back by following him to Harvard Law
School. At first, she's not taken seriously by anyone – her parents, her ex, her peers, and her professors – but, after
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Short Story : A Story
Sevyn In a far far away village called Lugglepalooza lived the Luggles. The Luggles lived in a seemingly perfect world. They spent their days at
Mystic Garden listening to the roses sing while the Flutterflies put on brilliant shows of flashing lights and neon colors. They ate fruit from the
Marigold tree which grew in the middle of Mystic Garden and swam in the sparkling water from Luggle Falls. Every Luggle in Lugglepalooza had
chocolate brown hair and bright purple skin. Everyone got along just fine for nothing ever went wrong. But one day a baby Luggle was born with
platinum blonde hair. The Luggles in Lugglepalooza didn't know how to react. The newborn Luggle angered some while others were frightened of
what it might become. The baby was banished from Lugglepalooza along with it's parents who wouldn't dare part with it. From then on out any baby
born with blond hair was banished from Lugglepalooza...
In Present Day
Sevyn shot out of bed as her alarm went off for the third time. As she rubbed her eyes she realized today was February 22nd, the day of the dance
recital. She flew out of bed and quickly got dressed, she couldn't wait to get to school. As she ran down the stairs she hugged her older brother and
sister, Chyna and Jayden, and was out the door on her way to school. When she got to school she headed to her locker to meet up with her best friends
Jessie and Kalani
"Do you know what today is!" screamed Kalani as Sevyn approached them
"Um the day that me and you
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Legally Blonde And Trifles Summary
Kelly Marsh's Written analysis over Legally Blonde, and Trifles is a highly likely outcome for many reasons. Some of these reasons being, she is
fair to both sides, has quotes and evidence to support her claim, and lastly being the detail she brings her evidence to you in. Kelly Marsh goes to
great lengths to give both Legally Blonde And Trifles a fair evaluation. The does this quite well by being extremely fair to both sides. She often uses
quotes to give a accurate comparison of the two stories and also how to relate them back to each other. Like when she's talking about in her evaluation
that it is not always about the mean. Such as when Vivian and Elle are talking, and as Marsh quotes Elle saying, "No, It's a smart people thing" (203).
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The Law Is Reason Free Of Passion In Criminally Blonde
On her first day of Harvard Law School her professor quotes Aristotle, "The law is reason free of passion." In regards to the quote, main character
from the cinema production Legally Blonde, Elle Woods, repeated those words to the graduating class of 2004 with an opposite opinion. Throughout
the movie, the viewer witnesses' Elle's reoccurring effort and success at accomplishing her goals; acceptance into Harvard Law School, entry into a
court internship, getting the "guy," and unexpectedly elected class–speaker at her graduation ceremony. Regardless of Aristotle's voicing of law to be
"reason free" or rather "useless," Elle acquired a different belief on passion. Elle declares in her speech that, "Passion is a key ingredient to the study and
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Furthermore, in Elle's message to her classmates she uses a flashback attention–getter to hook in listeners, all the while relating it to today's present. She
begins her speech with a quote from Aristotle she heard from her professor on her first day at Harvard; she links her introduction in with her time
spent at Harvard for the past three years ultimately stating that Aristotle was false in his words about passion, "Well, no offense Aristotle but in my
three years at Harvard I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of law – and of life." Elle's address revolves around
the source of passion and faith in one's self in order to achieve one's goals. Her thesis, although not clearly stated, is undoubtedly visible in her
words surrounding passion. She repeats the words "passion" and "faith" throughout her last dialog, and projects her voice on the phrase, "...passion
is a key ingredient..." All through the movie, Elle's faith in herself and the passion to succeed is evident when she completes the goals she has set.
This provides the audience the message that one can get by in life with everyday decisions, but one with passion and drive can achieve the things one
desires to accomplish. Elle uses her past three years at Harvard to provide evidence that without a passion for law, her goal would still remain
unattainable. In summary, Elle rejoices with her fellow peers by presenting the final words of their graduation. She surrounds her speech on the topic of
passion, conveying the significance of disregarding other people's opinions, and the importance of having faith in not only other people, but also
yourself when establishing and completing goals. Ending her speech with a cheerful, "We did it!" demonstrates the confirmation that regardless of what
other's believe, anything is achievable
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Film Review : Legally Blonde
Legally Blonde, was released in 2001, has the title and packaging that fooled many potential viewers into thinking they were about the dumb blonde
joke. Instead, the film encountered a woman–positive character that subverted the dumb blonde stereotype. The movie is about a girl named Elle
Woods that is an incredibly feminine and bubbly sorority girl from Los Angeles. She is from a rich family and have been studying Fashion
Merchandising. She gets dumped by her boyfriend Warner, so he can "get serious" and date someone "smart" before he goes to law school at
Harvard. She made a big effort to pass the LSATS exam with a high score, 179, in order to get in Harvard Law School. One of the central themes of
the film that impacted me is a girl being into fashion does not make her unintelligent, and that fashion smarts could be inherently a useful form of
knowledge. Everyone think she is only a dumb blonde, but she studies hard to prove them all wrong and win her man back. Instead, she not only
realizes that this asshole is not as good as she thought, but she also finds her passionate career as a lawyer. On one of her hardest class, the
professor asked her about the thing that we need after we filed a claim. Her answer is we need to collect evidence like evidentiary support and it is
correct. She got the summer internship, which is really competitive among all Harvard's law students, and she actually works in the first legal case.
The case is about Heyworth Windham, whom is a
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Legally Blonde : Fair-Blonde Stereotype
Throughout history stereotypes have formed based off incidents creating the stereotype around a culture, gender, appearances, or interests and
hobbies. Many people can be bullied, harassed, or even hated over stereotypes. "How many blondes does it take...?" These jokes are told daily, often
at the expense of some innocent, intelligent girl that just happened to be born fair of hair. Blondes are often stereotyped as dumb and having a little
too much fun, thus people make these "blonde" jokes, which are often extremely offensive and harmful to women. Most of these jokes are often
directed at women, but fair–haired men being considered far superior. The movie Legally Blonde is a perfect example to disprove all of these
stereotypical jokes.
Legally Blonde is a major example of the blonde stereotype because in the beginning of the movie it shows Elle Woods, the main character, as a blonde
heiress who likes to party and just wants to be a trophy wife. When her long–time boyfriend Warner leaves her before he goes off to Harvard she
becomes determined to get him back by becoming a "serious" lawyer, and attending the same school. Upon her arrival, she finds out that he has
gotten engaged to another girl, Vivian. Vivian, later in the semester, invites her to a "costume" party. When Elle arrives as a bunny she realizes that it
indeed is not a costume party, but a mean prank from Vivian. She later finds Warner and has the revelation that he will not ever take her seriously; this
causes her to become angry and more determined to prove him wrong.
In the beginning of this movie Elle is a stereotypical blonde, she likes to go out to parties not worry about school and does not realizes how she is
seen by most people. At one point of the movie she states that no one not even her own parents take her seriously and most people just expect her
to go into modeling of some sort. Warner leaves her because he does not see her as a serious person and his family expects more out of him. After
Elle recovers from their break up is when she starts to realize how people see her and the different way she is treated. This pushes her to change from
this stereotype and into who she later becomes.
Another stereotype that Legally Blonde shows is a
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Gender Issue In Legally Blonde

  • 1. Gender Issue in Legally Blonde Legally Blonde In many ways today's society, even though women have come a long way, we still live in a patriarchal world. There are many examples of this in everyday life, whether it be that there aren't very many women CEO's or the mere fact that we've yet to have a woman president. No matter where you live, there is the presence of a male dominated world. It especially extends into the working fields. There are professions that are categorically В‘women's' jobs like nursing, school teacher, or secretarial jobs. The rest of the professional world is mainly male dominated, i.e. engineering, CEO's of major companies, and Law Firms. Which brings us to the movie I picked to watch, Legally Blonde? In the movie Legally Blonde the male ... Show more content on ... She gains some confidence and starts to speak up in class. One of her Professors, Professor Callahan is a lawyer in his own firm is offering an internship for four students for a new case he is working on because his caseload is rather large. Callahan asks for Elle's resume, which happened to be pink and scented, because of an excellent argument she debated and won in his class. The internship winners were posted an Elle was picked, along with Warner, Vivian, and a friend of Vivian's. The case that the firm is working on is another prime example ofgender roles. The case is about a fitness instructor (Brooke) who is obviously beautiful but is accused of murdering her 60 year old husband. Elle knows all about Brooke and states from the beginning that she felt Brooke was innocent. Elle visits Brooke in prison to get her alibi; Elle brings Brooke a basket of "goodies" which included make–up, flowers, and a cosmopolitan magazine. Brooke wanting to tell Elle what she was doing doesn't want anyone else to know because Brooke having a fortune due to her fitness empire, was out getting liposuction, which is another gender issue for women trying to maintain the generic appearance stereotype. Elle keeps her promise and never tells anyone about Brooke's alibi. Proceeding on to other gender references in the movie Elle goes with Emmett, another lawyer working on the case in Callahan's firm, (who happens to think Elle is cute) to the dead mans ex–wife's spa ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Legally Blonde Film Analysis During the years of American Cinema there was a development of the female roles based on how the role of woman changed in American culture. At the beginning of society, women were seen as those who do not get jobs, who depend on men for almost everything, and were just a part of the family to cook and clean. Then in the nineteenth century, there was the fight for woman's suffrage and the start of women not just living in the house but having the right to vote. Then with both world wars and The Great Depression woman were needed to work to help provide for the family while the men were at war or just to bring in an additional paycheck. Then, in the 1970's the feminism movement had a very high role in society making women become more... Show more content on ... Not only is it expected that young girls rely on their father, but then that dependency is moved on towards their boyfriends and husbands. When Warner and Elle were dating she went for her father being her guide to Warner doing it, because "men [compete] to be the driving force in her life's direction" (O'Sullivan 47). The men in Elle's life wanted to be the one she follows, so she was expected to go from her father to Warner. Through the beginning of Legally Blonde it is shown, similar to older America, how it was the expectation that girls, like Elle, are to be depended on the men in the lives, both fathers and romantic men, and their looks to skate through life. Then, in the following scenes of the movie, after the breakup with Warner, Elle becomes greatly more independent, she attends a well–known university, and is no longer depended on men to get her through life. Elle decides when Warner decides to breakup up with her because she is not smart enough, that she has to prove to herself that she is smart. In this moment, she decides to switch schools to Harvard Law School to prove her worth to Warner, society, and most importantly herself. When she first gets to class, she is rejected because of her looks and father's wealth, and she decides to become the top of her class and begins to reject boys who try to interfere in her life. When Warner notices that Elle is doing ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Comparison Of Greed In Elle Woods's 'Legally Blonde' Despite physical beauty, greed can create an ugly personality that affects relationships with others. Elle Woods, worked her way up from nothing more than living as a pretty girl to get into Harvard, in the movie Legally Blonde. While Glinda, of Wicked, used her high social status to remain in power by tromping down others. Glinda the Good is known as the epitome of 'goodness' but she stepped on other to work her way up. Elle Woods however, was ambitious and worked hard to better herself and built her way up to prevail as powerful. Both of these women may seem nothing more than beautiful, but they arose above what people thought they could become to ensue as powerful, although in extremely different ways. Glinda's greed left her well liked, but also isolated, depressed and alone, while Elle Woods's ambition gave her a happier future and more successful life. At the beginning of Legally Blonde, Elle Woods loses the man she loves to a different girl, which makes her very upset. Vivian, the girl Elle's ex ended up going out with after Elle and her boyfriend broke up, was extremely mean to Elle, but she didn't let it get the best of her. When asked how her first day continued after meeting Vivian, Elle describes it as, "good, except for this horrible preppy girl..who made me look bad in front of the professor. But no biggie" (SergeiK). Despite being bullied by Vivian for the remainder of the movie, Elle chooses to put their differences aside in the end and try to comfort ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Stereotypes In Legally Blonde Legally Blonde is a critically acclaimed movie and known for its uplifting story about being true to yourself and believing in everything you are capable of, but that is not the entire message that the creators are sending to their audience. They depict many negative stereotypes in this film, however, they question all of those stereotypes and prove them to be wrong. There are both positive and negative messages that can be taken from this film. Legally Blonde portrayed these certain stereotypes and ideas because the people who created this film chose them to be a part of their media message. The director Robert Luketic and the producer Marc E. Platt are both upper class Caucasian males. These men grew up in a time when the woman was a stay ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Legally Blonde: The Musical The title of the musical I watched is called Legally Blonde: The Musical. The story was based on the novel Legally Blonde by Amanda Brown and the film as well. The music and lyrics in this musical is created by Laurence O'Keefe and Nell Benjamin. This musical first premiered on January 23, 2007 at the Golden Gate Theatre in San Francisco. The musical begins with a stereotypical sorority girl named Elle Woods who is introduced as a character who is infatuated with her ex boyfriend, Warner. As a result, she decides to enroll in Harvard Law School to win him back. Throughout the process, she met many new people and she saw how her knowledge and expertise in law can actually help other people. Thus, she defended Brooke Wyndham, exercise queen, ... Show more content on ... For one thing, she utilizes the vocal technique of speeding up her speech when she is stressed out or surprised. For example, she sped up her sentences when she was stressed out trying to find the perfect dress for her date. She also sped up her talking when she surprisingly found out that her boyfriend wanted to break up with her when she thought he was going to proposed this whole time. Furthermore, her use of body movements and gestures really defined how her character is supposed to act. She is a stereotypical sorority girl, so she has very exaggerated motions such as throwing her arms up when saying, "Omigod you guys!" She also tries to present her character as someone who wants to prove that she knows what she's talking about, for example she uses her fingers to point to her eyes when she talks it sings about them, she also swirls her fingers by her head when she was calling someone crazy. Her body movements are also very girly, for instance, she would sometimes skip or walk with a dancing like motion across the stage. Bundy performed with emotional honesty because her reactions were very true, she was genuinely sad and showed it when she was supposed to. Her whole face lighting up when she was happy also proved emotional honesty. Overall, Bundy portrayed Elle Woods as a very believable ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Darkest Shadow I used to be one of the most top feared demons in Ambrosine. Then, I was exiled to the human world. Roxie. Exiled. Those were two words that never went together until now. Sure, the Demon Masters are sending me some guy Luka to help, but he wasn't exiled, just summoned. I hate the fact that the Demon Masters would even risk the talk and gossip of exiling one of their best students. Honestly, it made no sense. Yeah, sure. I broke a few laws, whatever. It was only for my dad. I know he would've wanted me to kill Mason anyway. Mason killed him. Ended his life. So I ended his. Yeah, breaking the rules was worth his death. It was illegal to kill another fellow demon, even challenge them. So now, I'm being exiled to the human world without any say in it. I packed my bags, met with the Head Demons at the House of Akuma court room, and they brought in Luka. "So, I guess your the one who broke the 'Akuma no shi' rule, huh?" Luka said, smirking. "Uh, yeah. What a wonderful greeting by the way," I retorted, starting to walk ahead of him towards Aliah, Cerberus, and Melaina. The rulers of Ambrosine, the Head Demons, the people you would never want to meet. "Well," Aliah started, frowning slightly. His long, darkbrown hair was back in a ponytail for a change, tied with a small, dark red ribbon. "Farewell Roxie. You were a great student," He finished, looking at the other two expecting some sort of goodbye for me. "Yes, you were an excellent student. I'm really sorry ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Feminist Analysis Of Legally Blonde The 2001 comedy film Legally Blonde tells the story of Elle Woods, an upbeat and optimistic sorority girl who, over the course of the movie, transitions from a simple college student with few professional aspirations into a successful law student. Elle initially presents herself as a stereotypical sorority girl: vain, superficial, and self–obsessed. As such, she consistently faces discrimination from her friends, family, and colleagues alike. Thefilm wants the audience to view Elle as a woman who rises up above the stereotype through hard work and intelligence, and who proves herself as a capable individual in a discriminatory society. Because of this, some view Elle as a feminist icon, a person who empowers women to achieve equality to ... Show more content on ... Rather than a woman fighting for a lifelong dream, we see an emotional woman going through a rough break–up and dealing with it through drastic measures. This discrepancy completely disparages the idea of her being a feminist icon. It is true that Elle is no longer motivated by Warner in any way by the end of the movie, indicating that she may have grown and seen the errors of her ways, but at no point in the entire film is it directly stated or even implied that Elle has a passion or interest in the study of law. Even if she truly has readjusted her perspective by the end of the film, it comes too late to have any sort of impact, as our impressions of Elle have already been made. Her actions don't send the message of empowerment to achieve one's dreams through hard work and passion, but rather to achieve happiness through obtaining the approval of a man. Further damaging the view of Elle as a feminist icon is the fact that she consistently reinforces harmful stereotypes about women. Elle is clearly meant to be presented as a sorority stereotype, but rather than overcoming and breaking free from it, she proves it to be true time and time again. Firstly, Elle reinforces the idea that women are overly emotional and quickly disheartened. In the very first scene of the movie, Elle is dumped by Warner and proceeds to have an emotional breakdown, crying and shrieking loudly in a public setting. This is further reinforced later in the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Legally Blonde By Amanda Brown Summary A story that has influenced my thinking in a better way is Legally Blonde by Amanda Brown. The story introduces Elle Woods, the president of her sorority, a Hawaiian Tropic girl, and Miss June in her campus calendar. Early on, she gets dumped by her boyfriend,Warner, because he wants to become a senator by age 30 so says he needs to stop messing around and "marry a Jackie not a Marilyn." Her sole motivation to attend Harvard Law is to win back Warner's heart. Later, Elle gains a passion for law after she learns about how Warner really sees her. Warner tells Elle that she's too dumb and she retorts with "wait, am i on glue or did we not get into the same law school, Warner?" He responds saying that she should do something more valuable with ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Legally Blonde Social Psychology Introduction Legally Blonde is comedic film about a college student, Elle Woods. Elle is president of her sorority and a fashion merchandizing student. She is dating a boy named Warren who intends to go to law school. Warren breaks up with Elle because she is a blonde and not very accomplished in the eyes of his family. In an effort to win Warren back, Elle decides to go to Harvard Law School. Elle struggles to make friends and win the general favor of her professors. Although, by the end of the film Elle has proves that she has intelligence, drive and, a notable work ethic. In this film Elle is constantly negatively stereotyped as being a dumb blonde, despite being well accomplished. There are also other aspects of social psychology displayed... Show more content on ... The group includes Warner, her ex boyfriend, Vivian, Warner's current fiancГ©, another girl, and two other guys. Elle, while holding a basket of muffins asks to join their study group and mentions the snacks she brought. Vivian immediately says no and gives Warner a nasty glare. The other girl agrees with Vivian. Warner attempts to get the rest of the group to let Elle join, but he is quickly kicked by Vivian under the table. Elle is trying to use an ingratiation tactic, in order to get the study group to comply with her request to join. Compliance is when an individual seeks a specific behavior or action through a request. There are different tactics an individual may use in order to receive compliance. One tactic is the aforementioned ingratiation. Ingratiation is when an individual tries to make another individual or group like him/her, so that the individual or group will comply with his/her request. Individuals trying to get the other or others to comply may give him/her/them complements, try to make him/her/them feel good, drop names. The ingratiation tactic is not likely to work if it is obvious that the individual is trying to do this (Hogg and Vaughn, 2014, p. 210). Ingratiation is commonly depicted as being negative. Liden and Mitchell argue that it can be positive and serve the general purpose of getting others to like the individual. It typical for ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Essay When it was written in 1925, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, by Anita Loos was heralded as a tremendous novel. It was seen as cutting edge and insightful, yet somewhat risquГ© in its portrayal of Lorelei Lee and her escapades. I can see how this may have been thought at that time, seeing as how women were looked at in such a different way then they are currently. The fact that a women with as little know–how as Lorelei can manipulate men the way that she does, leaves no question as to who is the superior gender in Loos' mind. While the books is quite amusing, and does have many strengths, if it is looked at in the context of women's struggles with issues such as domesticity, sexuality and socioeconomic standing it seems less and less like such ... Show more content on ... I know that the fact that she is so privileged adds a very amusing edge to the novel, but it really seems quite inaccurate. Since it was originally published in Harper's Bazaar, it has to be noted that the women who would be reading such periodicals would be of the working or middle class. Seeing a protagonist like Lorelei who rose to the top without working may have been nice for these women to read, something akin to a fairy tale, it still is certainly unrepresentative of the average woman. Taking into account the inflation of the past seventy–five years, I still do not know anyone who would call up their father (or father–like person) and ask them for $10,000. It is the things like this that make me completely unable to identify with Lorelei, and I find it hard to believe that many women at the time would have been able to either. Something that I feel many women at the time, and still some to this day can identify with, is Lorelei's use of her sexuality to get what she wants from men. It reminds me of the whole "treating" phenomenon mentioned in Cheap Amusements. While did not have sex with men for the presents they gave her, she certainly wasn't above putting on a negligГ©e and batting her eyelashes to make them give her presents or do her favors. There was not a man in the book who did not fall victim to her in one way or ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Analysis Of Legally Blonde The Musical Humorous, energetic, enjoyable and all–around fun, Legally Blonde: The Musical captured my attention from the get–go. This comical yet heartwarming musical portrays the story of a young woman following an ex–love to Harvard Law School only to realize the potential she possessed within herself and in the new life she creates for her own. After viewing this hit Broadway production, I am fascinated with how this theatre play was brought to life on stage with the lighting, sound, spacing and overall entertainment from the cast to the costumes. Altogether, this play is one of my all–time favorite productions and it is one that keeps my attention from the moment it takes off to the closing of the curtain at the end. Legally Blonde: The Musical starts off by capturing the audience's attention and winning their hearts with the characters and the acting that takes place in this performance. The main character, Elle Woods, played by Laura Bell Bundy in the Broadway production, soared though this musical with her singing, dancing and radiating energy. Bundy was a sight to see on the stage as she made every line believable while achieving at looking like she was having the time of her life throughout the entire production. The thing that stuck out the most was the amount of emotion that was poured into this performance from every single character, minor or major, taking part. From scenes such as Elle finding out she got Callahan's law internship to the famous "Bend and Snap" scene, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Legally Blonde Stereotypes FILM REVIEW LEGAL METHODS LEGALLY BLONDE PART 1 Submitted to: Prof. Amita Dhanda Submitted By: Neha Shivhare 1st year, 1st semester Roll No. : 2014–31 INTRODUCTION Legally Blonde is based on a novel of Amanda Brown and is created by Australian Director Roger Luketic. Some of the core issues highlighted in the movie are: 1. Feminism: The movie brings to light the enigma of femininity. It shows how the lead character, Elle Woods is harassed at her job place presumably because she is too feminine. The whole movie has a feminist touch. It is presented from the stand point of a blonde girl with ultra femininity.1 Her quest alters to a serious mode when she sets out to prove herself as an intelligent human being instead of a "typical blonde" she was treated as. She neither uses nor changes her looks to get ahead in the workplace. 2. Gender and colour discrimination: The movie also narrates a deal of unlawful and unfair discrimination against the blondes prevalent in the society. The movie prima facie is a story of a girl named Elle Woods who is being dumped by her boyfriend because she is blonde and not serious and the guy wants to go to the Harvard law school to proceed ahead. He claims to only marry a girl who is intelligent and serious. Elle follows him to get him back and finally proves her sharp insights into law ... Show more content on ... For the efficiency of the movie in bringing the issue and inspiring feminine portrayal of Elle, the movie got several awards and honors. It had a huge and remarkable impact on the hoi polloi. The movie in Golden Globes, USA 2002 was nominated for Best motion picture and Best performance in a motion picture – comedy or musical (Reese Witherspoon who played Elle). Furthermore it won BMI film Music Award in 2002 , nominated for 2002 British Comedy award, Young artist award and many more.11 It got a huge appreciation from the public because its masterly and unique
  • 13. ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Stereotypes Of Dumb Blonde What does a blonde do when her laptop computer freezes? She sticks it in the microwave. We have all heard the dumb blonde jokes that are now the vast majority of jokes told. Media has branded the blonde as what the world knows to be the archetype of the "dumb" girl. Today a member of society is judged on his/her looks, personality, and money. However, no matter how smart, poor, or passionate one is, as a blonde, one is automatically stereotyped. The stereotype points to a human being that is dumb, pretty, rich, and stuck–up. This paper will discuss how the stereotype is used, to received, and branded. Media may have branded the blonde stereotype, but recently media has been debunking it over the years. From the "legally blond" movies and the ... Show more content on ... The dumb blonde is a popular–culture stereotype often applied to women with blonde hair. Now the blonde has been branded by the "dumb blonde" impression. In the article "No Logo" by Naomi Klein it is stated that "the brand is not a reflection of quality but a reflection of what the marketing department wants it to stand for" (Klein, 3). For example the everyday blonde symbols a dingy and arrogant but attractive and popular woman. This is an identity that people have adapted in to their lifestyles. A few years ago society seen the brainless blonde everywhere partly due to the marketing corporation because it a part of advertisement that fits a particular style of people. From the movie "Legally Blonde" to the hit television show "The vampire Dairies" the dumb blonde stereotype is beginning to change. Blondes are not really that dumb. For instance "Legally Blonde" shows a woman going through law school and winning her case. Media may have created the dumb blonde stereotype but with the new movies it is starting to debunk the whole idea now. Media has shaped society into making us believe certain stereotypes. Stereotypes that are not ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Legally Blonde Film Analysis "I don't need back–ups. I'm going to Harvard." With this line Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) begin begins her journey to Harvard law in the iconic movie Legally Blonde. This movie follows Elle's progression from sorority girl to Harvard law graduate. After her future is shaken by an unexpected breakup she decides the best way to get her love back is to head to Harvard after him. However, through some unexpected turns, hard work, and hard lessons, she comes out stronger and more accomplished that she could have ever expected. This fun loving movie has many things to offer including a title that clues the audience in on the theme, a well picked lead actress, and a good message. Elle believes her perfect life is about to get even better when her boyfriend hints that there will be changes in their future and she assumes he's about to propose. However, she is shaken when her boyfriend breaks up with her to find a girl who will be a better fit for his political aspirations. Instead of wallowing in sorrow, Elle decides she can win him back if she can only show him her serious side by chasing after him to Harvard law. Her confidence is weakened however, as she encounters difficult professors and snobby students. Nevertheless, she persisted in her studies and because of this she is given an exclusive internship. This leads her to take on challenges she never imagined she could and demonstrates the knowledge she had all along. Right off the bat moviegoers are ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Ethical Issues In Legally Blonde Legally Blonde follows the story of Elle Woods, a blonde sorority girl. Elle is desperately in love with her boyfriend Warner. Much to her surprise, Warner breaks up with Elle on the night she hoped he would propose. He wants to settle down with someone serious to ensure a better shot at becoming a senator someday. Elle is devastated, but realizes she can become the woman of Warner's dreams by joining him atHarvard Law School. With help from her sorority sisters, this is possible, but much more difficult than she expected. Elle faces many challenges, yet finds that she is growing as a person. Elle becomes a respected student, wins an internship, and eventually defends Brooke Windham in court. By the end of the film, Elle decides she doesn't need Warner to make her happy. She graduates a respected lawyer with an unexpected best friend and a future fiancГ© despite facing problems along the way. Elle faces two major problems throughout the film. First, Elle must become a serious woman to win Warner back. This proves to be difficult as she must be accepted to Harvard Law School to start. She studies hard to get a 175 on the LSAT and have a ... Show more content on ... By the end of the movie, Warner wants Elle back. Elle, on the other hand, decides that she doesn't need Warner anymore. What she always truly needed was to have a goal, people to expect more from her than a career as a model, and something to be passionate about. So, in some ways Elle was successful in winning Warner back, but in other ways Elle was not because she chose not to have him back in her life. The end of the film shows Elle giving a speech to her fellow graduates and states that Elle has an offer to work for one of the most prestigious law firms in Boston. She has not only survived law school, but come out as a strong, smart, and independent woman with friends, proud professors, and a future fiancГ©. Elle successfully over came the adversity she once faced as a law ... Get more on ...
  • 17. My Best Friend Quiet, nothing comes out of my mouth as I watch my two best friends giggling with their so–called "new friend". I watch as I stand next to my rusting faded blue locker squeaking as I shut it. Her blonde hair, tan skin, and short posture resembles mine as she walks down the cluttered 7th grade hallway. Jadyn, my friend joyfully runs to me with a delighted smile, it's hard to miss her when she's wearing her favorite bright neon green shirt. Her almond hair is all over her face from her voyage over to me while getting pushed around like a ball in a pinball machine. She then tells me in a ecstatic voice how Ali is going to be in my class. My heart drops as I stare into the emerald eyes of my best friend since kindergarten hoping it's a joke. Of course she is in all of my classes I think as my hands sweat from nerves, my first day of 7th grade is already scary enough, I don't want to deal with her too. I stare at the seating chart with a black face, and then put on a fake smile as I realize I sit by Ali in my first class. Slowly making my way to my spot in the back of the room passing the desks filled with people I haven't seen since last year. I notice the boy in front of me, my eyes admiring his colorful shirt and observing his chaotic jet–black hair all messy. I realize my spot isn't so bad because my short posture mixed with being behind a tall boy makes it impossible for the teachers to see and call on me. Then I turn and see Ali again, ugh. We talk for a minute or so ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Stereotypes In The Film Legally Blonde: Elle Woods Legally Blonde "Legally Blonde" is a 2001 comedy film starring Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods. The film starts with Elle being portrayed as the clichГ©, spoiled, and blonde rich–girl living a privileged life in a mansion in Bel–Air, California. Although Elle may seem like the stereotypical blonde–girl, her background includes a fashion major, a 4.0 GPA, and the president of her sorority. Elle's life gets thrown a curveball after being dumped by her boyfriend Warner, played by Matthew Davis, and she follows him to Harvard Law School in an attempt to prove his mistake wrong. Viewers get to experience a hilarious adventure that's not only witty, but also proves stereotypes wrong. At first sight, this film appears as if it will just be another... Show more content on ... The opening of the film leaves viewers thinking Elle will be the "dumb–blonde" so common in the media, only to be quickly shown as the opposite after shutting down a sales clerk who tries to overprice a dress. Her quick and out–of–the–box thinking proves this otherwise, and helps convey the issue that is very much a problems today in America's society. In the real world, blondes are often seen as being stupid and dumb, and social media is filled with "dumb blonde jokes." This film challenges that, and with a primarily teenage–girl audience, the uplifting message is being in the right direction. Feminism is a big controversy being dealt with today, and despite this film being 15 years old, the issue is touched upon in the perfect way. Elle can be seen as being in leadership roles, such as during the trial scene, and being better than the men. She even beats out Professor Callahan in a huge murder trial. Callahan is one of the best defence attorneys in the state and a frilly, law student is able to beat him out. This film helps to empower girls and women alike to stand up for themselves an to not care about what any guy thinks of ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Gender Norms In Legally Blonde Legally Blonde is a movie that is centered around the social construction of intelligence based on gender. The main concern that is addressed throughout the film is based around gendered assumptions that girls are not as intelligent as boys. This accusation is formed through gender stereotyping. Due to this, the representation of women in the media and sexual objectification of women in regards to their overall intelligence is degraded and unjustly skewed. The main assumption that is made within the film is that Elle Woods is beautiful, therefore she cannot be intelligent. She is dismissed not only by her looks, but by her gender as well. This film is a prime example of the exploitation of gender norms based on gendered assumptions that are made in society and ... Show more content on ... If this film were to be analyzed through a feminist theory which examines male– female relationships from the perspective of the powerful oppressing the powerless and the reactions to that oppression, there would be many inaccurate gaps. For example, the women in the film would be encouraged to pursue any career they wanted and would not be discouraged or doubted based on the outer image they present to the world. Male oppression would not be applied to this film if it was viewed through the lense of a feminist theory as well, because both genders would be presented as equals with the same academic potential and rigor. This film highlights the social problems that stem from the inequality of genders. These social problems reveal the aspects of society that a large number of people are concerned about and would like to change which would be gender norms and sexual objectification of individuals. If these problems were addressed, one possible change would be to move towards a more feminist outlook, where both genders are viewed equally within their ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Elle Woods From The Movie Legally Blonde A from a movie that I find similar to me is the main character from the character movie Legally Blonde. Elle Woods and I both have lots of trouble getting to the point fast enough to tell what we are trying to tell you about. We both share the love for the study of law. When Elle first went to Harvard law school she wasn't really there to learn the basics of law. Finally, we both had to adjust to a different school and environment. You see Elle didn't just go to Harvard law. She moved from her former college, which is just like me. All my life I went to a private school and now i go to a public school. Elle and I both have trouble getting to the point fast enough for our audience to still be paying attention. For example, we both say a ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Legally Blonde Film Analysis Describe the movie you picked and why you picked it:The movie I chose, is titled Legally Blonde, starring Reese Witherspoon. The movie follows the story of Elle Woods, who seems to have it all. With her stunning blonde hair, sorority sisters, and her rich, senator aspiring boyfriend, she's sure to have the perfect life. Elle's world gets turned upside down when her boyfriend, Warner Huntington III, leaves her in the dust for Harvard law school in an attempt to find a "Jackie O" type of woman. Instead of the shallow, unserious, and unwise, "Marilyn", he claims Elle to be. Feeling desperate, Elle finds her way into law school in an attempt to prove Warner wrong and win him back. She then goes on to win a spot along with Warner and his new... Show more content on ... So, I feel like any conversation had with another female will be male focused. Additionally, there are not as many women attending law school as men in this movie. This leaves less female to female conversation and less opportunity for story lines that do not revolve around men. Hopefully, Legally Blonde, proves me wrong and turns out to be the inspiring story I remember it to be as a kid. Describe the results of your Bechdel Test in detail:1) Were there at least two (2) named female characters? There are a total of eight named female characters in the movie. In order of appearance, these characters include: Elle Woods, Margot, Enid, Paulette Bonafonte, Vivian Kensington, Brooke Taylor, Chutney, and Mrs. Hayworth. However, only four of these women were actually involved in conversation lasting a minute. The female characters that had main speaking roles include, Elle, Paulette, Vivian, and Brooke. Elle has been described as the main female character. Paulette is a manicurist that she develops a friendship with along the way. In a way, she takes refuge with Pauline at the salon from the harsh reality of Harvard and Warner. Vivian is a fellow classmate of Elle's and Warner's new fiancГ©e, whom eventually she finds a friend in. Brooke is the client that Elle's professor is defending in her internship. 2) Did these female characters talk to each other (for at least ~60 seconds)? There are ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Persuasive Essay On Blondes How many blondes does it take to screw in a light bulb? Two, one to hold the light bulb and one to spin the ladder. Everyone knows that blondes are dumb. They're always being silly and love having a good time. They don't take life too seriously and are always up for a laugh. They're never ambitious. But hey, at least they're always up for a party. Everyone knows they have more fun. But they're not actually funny. Or sporty. They don't achieve big things. So, if you tell ablonde joke you might have to repeat it. But they'll always get there in the end, well most of them will. When you tell a young girl she is dumb, she grows up believing she is. This is a cruel reality that many blondes face today. Hundreds of movies, tv shows and books all have a dumb blonde character in them making young blonde girls grow up in a society telling them that they are dumb. Blonde jokes also add to this. They are derogatory, insulting and wrong. They depict blonde women as less intelligent and very reliable on others. Blondes are always getting picked on because of this, I am here to convince you otherwise! Why do blonde hair teachers smile during lightning storms? They think their picture is being taken. Did you know blonde haired women are more aggressive and determined to get their own way. This is probably due to blonde discrimination in workplaces. Studies show blonde haired women have to work harder at the start of a new job to prove themselves and show that they are actually ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Dark Skin Kid: A Narrative Fiction "Stand down, raise your hands above your head and nothing will happen!" A man in a blue military uniform yells, his gun aimed at my knee cap. I sigh, "Shit and I thought this would be simple," I growl putting my hands on my head with a goofy smile, "Let's make a deal, take me into custody and let the kid go." I suggest looking at the dark skin kid who hides behind my leg. He was a Ishbalan, he characteristics gave his identity out in a heartbeat. I could feel his presence trembling, I would be scared to. "We can't do that, not after the threat you pulled earlier." The same man says referring to the alchemy I had attacked them with moments ago. I'm now stuck at a dead end, not by myself but with a helpless Ishbalan kid. If this isn't called being screwed, ... Show more content on ... "I'm Claire, and what might your name be kiddo?" I smiled warmly shifting causing the chains to slink against each other. "Theo." He softly muttered staring at his shackles. "Don't worry kid if they try to do anything I won't let them. You're safe with me!" I cheered. He hesitantly looked up and nodded. You remember don't you. You remember the guns and uniforms and the bogus explanation for war. The rest of the ride was left silent except for the slosh of tired going through puddles. The truck door opened letting light flood in the truck, Thoe stared at me. I nodded at him standing up reaching out a curled up hand. Three fingers grabbed my hand as I pulled him off the ground. "Can you at least take the shackles of his feet, how can he walk?" I seethed. The man with blonde hair and a cigarette tucked between his lips nodded leaning down to unlock the metal shackles. Now would be a perfect time to attack but it would only end with a bullet being aimed at us. I've had enough guns for the day and I'm sure Theo has too.
  • 24. "Look I'm not a enemy kid." Blondie muttered. "Neither am I," A fat one with orange hair chipped ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Similarities Between Hester Prynne And Legally Blonde The novel, The Scarlet Letter, and the play, Legally Blonde, both portray a strong female lead. In the novel, Hester Prynne is labeled with a scarlet letter, "A", for committing a sin. As the story progresses she is able to change the meaning of her symbol into something more pleasing to the public eye. In the beginning of the play, Elle Woods is seen by her peers as a "silly, dumb, blonde", but similar to Hester, she is able to change the way she is seen by others in a positive way. Both of these independent women use their power to influence their society in order to change the way they are seen by the people around them. Elle Woods from Legally Blonde begins her journey as president of her sorority, Delta Nu. She is seen as the "happy little blonde" that always wears pink. She is given this stereotype by society. Until she is able to change stereotype, that is all that most people see her as. Her first step in changing her reputation is transferring to Harvard's School of Law. Her initial drive to attend Harvard was to chase after someone she loved. But Elle soon realized that she enjoyed studying law more than she thought. After many hours of studying and encouragement from a professor, Elle was able to prove herself in front of her fellow students. She showed them that she is more than just pink clothes and scented pink paper. Elle even takes her change a step further, by proving herself worthy to society in a very important court case. Elle is able to take charge and evidently win her case, thus helping an innocent person. Elle finds thrill in this new person she has created within herself and is glad she did it. She feels as if she is finally more than what society had previously seen her as and is proud that she was the one who was able to make that change for herself. Hester Prynne from Hawthorne's, The Scarlet Letter, is marginalized by society for having committed a sin. She too is given a stereotype by those around her, similar to Elle Woods. In the beginning, no one dares to speak or even look at Hester because of the "A" she wears on her chest. Hester feels as if she needs to change the meaning of this "A" that is stuck to her, so she sets out to do so. Every little action that she does, ... Get more on ...
  • 26. F. Scott Fitzgerald's Alice: A Narrative Fiction Six hundred and sixty four. Six hundred sixty five. Six hundred sixty si....The boy stopped counting. He gripped his yoyo tightly in his hand, unwilling to let go once more. He looked over to where his brother sat and sighed deeply at the depressing sight. His brother held a beautiful porcelain doll that looked like it belong to a two–year old girl.His brother spoke softly to the doll,stroking its long black hair "I'm sorry Alice, I didn't mean to do it.....I tried to save you, I really did." The boy sighed again. Memories of the accident flooded his thoughts and a deep melancholy enveloped his whole being. The boy's last thought before falling asleep was "I wish we could do it over again.This time we won't lose her." The girl stood nimbly to the side of the door,her ebony glossy hair scattering in the wind. Coldness radiated in ... Show more content on ... It had pink walls, a petite rosy bed, and plush carpet. The lady started speaking to herself. "Look it hasn't changed at all! And every year I bought new clothes." She pointed at a lacey dress "This was when you were three." She droned on pointing to a series of dresses. A shiny picture frame on the bedside caught Alice's eye. In it was a picture of a cute toddler that had blue eyes just like hers. While she stared blankly at the photo, the mom proceeded to point to the clothes she bought every year until finally grabbing a dress and exclaiming "Now you're six, so this dress should be perfect!" But the mom looked at the dress and then at the girl, and the light in her eyes dimmed. Her old Alice was petite and adorable, while this Alice was scrawny and tall. "Look at me getting all confused, the lady at the orphanage told me you're eleven, didn't she. This dress is too small" she hung her head. The mom then reached into her torso, grabbed a bottle of pills and hastily swallowed a handful. The light slowly returned to her eyes. "Let's go get new clothes ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Blonde By Katherine Blonde Analysis Who would think that being blonde is the expectation of everyone's beauty standards. In the short story "Blonde" by Katherine Min, Jean is a young asian girl who wants to fit into the standards of the beautiful blonde. Katherine Min explains that you are your own self beauty and putting on a wig won't change to make you anymore beautifuller. This is meaningful because Jean doesn't think dark haired girl are beautiful because society makes her think that blonde is the beauty standard. Jean desires for the blonde wig so she can change to be a beautiful blonde. To lead up to this believing of blondes being the 'beauty' standard she admires her blonde friend Lisa, a barbie doll and lies about her parents ethnicity. Jean praises the blonde ... Show more content on ... They also both fight over the Barbie Doll and they end up breaking the Doll. Then, Lisa shoves Jean into the wall and leaves to go tell on her. While Jean is left in the room she tries to fix the Doll intentionally but, "no matter how hard I tugged and pushed, and I knew somehow it was hopeless, that whatever was wrong it could never be fixed." It was not only the Barbie Doll she was trying to fix but it was also her trying to fix herself like she was the Barbie. She makes up lies that she was adopted and her mother and father is a prince and a beautiful blonde so kids would think that she was also blonde. To fit in she tells stories that her "mother English or a Swede, beautiful, blonde," and her dad an "Asian prince." She lies to other kids about her parents race so she can fit in with the other kids to make herself feel better. She says this story many times to other kids that "I believed myself sometimes–that I was adopted." By telling this story many times it's not just a simple lie to her anymore, she says it so much that she believes it sometimes. To Jean being beautiful is following societies standards of being a beautiful "blonde". Achieving this beauty 'standard' Jean goes through the troubles of lying, being jealous and doubting her own self. She never truly believes herself at one point that she is already pretty and just sets the blonde wig as the goal. This is important because Jean never thinks about other girls who are darked hair and ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Should The Movie Legally Blonde: Making Women Look Powerful Legally Blonde, Making Women Look Powerful As Elle Woods stands on the stage four years later graduating at the top of her class, with all kinds of opportunities thrown her way that's a moment that could make any young woman feel like she's capable of anything. Legally Blonde should be a required movie for young women to watch because it is such an inspiration to the female society. This movie inspires young women that no matter what people think a female is like as a person, that they can turn any bias around, and go in any path, or be anything that they want to be. At the beginning of the movie the main character Elle Woods is dating a guy that basically thinks he is to good to be with her because she isn't a "serious" enough person so... Show more content on ... This is important because a lot of times society makes young girls feel like they can't be brain surgeons, or successful lawyers, but Legally Blonde turns that around fast. One article states As we watch California fashionista Elle Woods follow her ex–boyfriend to Harvard Law School, be first humiliated then succeed on her own terms, we can tell ourselves we are wise enough not to judge by appearances" (Shuttleworth). Everyone is intelligent in their own way. Elle has a degree in fashion merchandising and ends up being a lawyer. That leads to that not just one type of person can have one type of job. Every job needs different types of people to be able to see things from different points of view. In the movie everyone tells Elle that she can't make it, and treat her like she could never be a successful lawyer. Also one of her professors tries to treat her like she will never be good enough, and the only way that she got to where she was because of her looks. At the end of the movie everyone is proven wrong. This movie is a great movie because according to one critic "The movie wants us to accept her as sharp and intelligent, but prods us to laugh at her at the same time."(Novikov). Therefore it motivates young women to be smart and intelligent while also keeping their attention by making them ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Gender Roles In Legally Blonde Office Space Legally Blonde, directed by Robert Luketic, features a privileged blonde sorority girl, Elle Woods, who is as outwardly feminine as she is determined. Recently dumped by her boyfriend, Elle decides to follow him to Harvard Law in order to prove herself as a serious and socially acceptable woman –to–be–wed. Although she initially has trouble assimilating to Harvard's fiercely competitive environment, Elle evolves into a determined, grade–A student while maintaining her feminine and girl–next–door personality. Through the film's characters central dynamics, Legally Blonde is shown as a gendered cultural product, yet it shies away from culturally accepted norms in a way that celebrates femininity. In the film Legally Blonde, the protagonist, ... Show more content on ... Insights about gender are shown through the film's plot and characters, where "doing gender" and hegemonic masculinity come into play. Furthermore, while Elle at first appears to be one–dimensional, her dynamic role expresses a feminist view on gendered institutions and controlling images. In the film there are moments when Elle falls victim to sexism and gendered institutions, but in the end she is able to surpass these limitations. Although the film does not present intersections of inequalities in the protagonist's struggles, overall traditional views on gender are tested. In sum, Legally Blonde is a gendered cultural product, but has more to offer than surface level comedy, seen through Elle's professional success and resilience, thus challenging controlling images and gender ... Get more on ...
  • 30. John Steinbeck's 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes' I have recently read four paragraphs of your novel, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and I must say it is a very comical narrative indeed. One aspect I noticed while reading, is the plot setting. You structured it in a way that it informed the reader about the protagonist's background, while providing definite interpretive clues about the character's thought process. For instance, the protagonist, Lorelei Lee, recalls a time when an observant friend commented that if she were to write down her thoughts, it would produce a book. This not only defines her character, but also provides how others think of her. Moreover, most men she meets assume that since she is blonde and talkative, they can take advantage of her. However, that is the irony of Anita ... Show more content on ... The point–of–view (POV) is one of the foundations that create the meaning of the story. By writing it in first person, the author is able to convey the irony or humor of the story through the character. For example, Lorelei acknowledges the humor at the possibility of pursuing an authoress career. Further mentioning that prior to this idea, her family wanted her to pursue a musical career. However, Lorelei despised the long hours of practicing the mandolin that came along with pursing such a career. Recalling. that she became temperamental, threw the mandolin away, and ended up quitting. This event, specifically the throwing of the mandolin, signifies how severe her temperaments can become from outright frustration. Yet, a positive solution rose up from this negative event, she found that writing keeps her tranquil and collected. Whereas, practicing her instrument releases fidgety frustration, due to the long hours of repetitive practice. Humorously, she says that she should smile, since she got carried away writing about this incident; finishing the diary entry in a rather sour mood. Concluding, that writing in first–person utilizes the skills needed to grasp the true meaning of Anita Loos' character: a dramatic and cunning ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Persuasive Speech On Adopting Animals A dog isn't just simply a dog. A dog is a best friend, a companion, a detective, a guide, a gift, and much more. So why would people mistreat their dogs? People still don't know the answer to this question. Commercials have been trying to shine some light on the public about the issue at hand. The issue includes people adopting animals and not being able to care for them. If we take it one step forward, we are also worried about people abusing an animal. A couple commercials in my mind have done an outstanding job in spreading the message of knowing if you are responsible enough to adopt an animal. A commercial that caught my eye is called "Gift". "Gift" starts off with a man driving a very nice car up to a house. The man seems to be well dressed. The music in the background is very happy and you can tell the man is happy as well. I can infer that it is cold outside by the way the people are dressed and how there are no leaves on the trees and it is gloomy. He then gets out of the car and picks up a little girl. The little girl has red hair and is carrying a stuffed toy dog. The man hugs the little girl and puts her in the car with him. The man shares some food with the little girl, which suggests that they like each other and get along. In the next scene, there is a woman with a different little girl that is blonde. The two are drawing and enjoying themselves. I can infer that the older lady is the mother of the younger one due to the older lady giving the younger one a ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Analysis Of Legally Blonde In the acclaimed 2001 film, Legally Blonde, the main character, Elle Woods, is a fantastic feminine icon for females. The film represents the struggle of women to prove their ability. Remarkably, Elle never succumbs to those who so strongly see her as being stupid. While others put down her abilities and intelligence, Elle hardly ever doubts herself. She moves through the world with pure confidence. As Callahan, a law professor at Harvard who later selects Elle Woods for his internship quips, "it's as if she just woke up one day and said, 'I'm going to law school." She decides on a goal and knows she can attain it, even if others only respond with incredulity or mockery. Legally Blonde has many positive depictions of women and femininity for a 2001 film. Elle doesn't fit the misogynist prospect of submissive femininity. She is loud, emotional, and flamboyant. When she enters a room with the clacking of her bright pink heels, Chihuahua in arm, beaming and effusive, you cannot ignore her. Elle's bubbliness and enthusiasm is often disdained, especially in the legal world, but she continues to express her true self. She is unapologetic about being attractive, sexual and caring about her appearance. She does not stop being stereotypically "girly" despite that it makes others think she is less legitimate and intelligent. She proves that "sexy" and "smart" are not opposing forces. Elle is the perfect example of how being feminine does not mean you submit to patriarchal notion of submissiveness. One of the fundamental themes in Legally Blonde is that a female having an ardor for fashion does not make her dim–witted and that fashion insight is not an immanently futile form of knowledge. Elle's fashion knowledge is introduced when a retailer labels her as "a dumb blonde," and tries to take advantage of her by ripping off the last season sale tag and selling it to her for full price. "Did you see this one? We just got it in yesterday." the retailer told her. Slyly, she asks "Is this a low–viscosity rayon with half–loop top–stitching on the hem?." "Why yes, it's one of a kind," the retailer replied. Elle uses her fashion knowledge and wittily replies "It's impossible to use a half–loop topstitch on low–viscosity rayon. ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Analysis Of The Movie ' Legally Blonde ' Critique of "Legally Blonde" "Legally Blonde" is a wonderful musical because the colorful scenes gives audience a visual enjoyment, and the beautiful music gives them a fresh acoustic experience. "Legally Blonde" is presented by Performance Riverside and RCC Fine & Performing Arts. It is directed and choreographed by Roger Castellano, and the musical director is Dennis Castellano. I went to watch this great show, which was performed at RCC's Landis Performing Arts Center, on September 27,2014 at 2 p.m. I would like to comment on this musical in three ways: the plot, the design, and the acting. First of all, audience is attracted by the excellent plot when watching this musical. Elle Woods, who is the chairperson of the Sister Institute, is very popular among her friends. She thought her boyfriend Warner planed to propose to her; however, Warner decides to break up with her due to her "blonde." At that point, Elle makes up her mind to study in Law School of Harvard in order to revive their relationship. Elle passes the assessment of Harvard successful with the help of her friends and because of her hard working. However surprised Elle Harvard study life is very dull, and Warner has made up with his ex–girlfriend. At the beginning of Elle's study at Harvard, she is often sneered at by her classmates, especially Warner's girlfriend Vivian, and the professor has kicked her out of the classroom. Since Elle chooses her occupation as a lawyer, she becomes energetic, hardworking ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Similarities Between Medea And Legally Blonde The Murderess and the Fashionista Throughout literary history, there have been a majority of stories based on males and their adventures. But what about fictional works based on strong women? In Ancient Greece, Medea was focused on a leading woman who was driven and ambitious. A more modern film, Legally Blonde, shows a girl persistently going against the flow to make dreams come true. Today, I am going to show how the plot and personalities of Elle Wood from Legally Blonde andMedea are alike using their shameful break ups, revenge, friendships, obstacles, and how this makes them good heroes. What shame was brought about when Jason dumped Medea? To answer this, there are a few basic things that need to be understood about women in Ancient Greece. In this age, women were thought to be a man's servant: whether she serve for strictly sexual pleasure or to also raise his offspring, women were of little to no status without a man. In fact, they would not have been considered citizens. Although women could ... Show more content on ... At first, their friendship begins when Elle comes to the shop crying over her man and Paulette confides in her about her husband who left her. With each other's help, Paulette gets her dog back from her former husband and marries the UPS guy, and Elle wins her case and rediscovers her self worth. Both of our heroes would have been in a pickle without their sidekick friend. Speaking of friendships, Aegeus and Paulette are just one human similarity. There is a chorus in both stories, although Medea's is a bit more traditional.In Legally Blonde, it begins by showing our sorority chorus talking about how Elle is waiting for Warner to propose and how the two are meant to be. During the story, they call her up to ask how things are going and fill her in on what is going on at home. In Medea, she confides to a chorus of women who tell the audience how we should be feeling, but also how they sympathise for poor ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Legally Blonde In the acclaimed 2001 film, Legally Blonde, the main character, Elle Woods, is a fantastic feminine icon for women. The film represents the struggle females face to prove their abilities. Remarkably, Elle never succumbs to those who adamantly see her as being foolish and not good enough. Rather, she pursues her goals with pure confidence. As she states in a meeting with her UCLA advisor, "I don't need back–ups, I'm going to Harvard." Elle knows she can achieve anything with hardwork and determination, even if others only respond with dubiety or ridicule. Legally Blonde has many positive depictions of women and femininity for a 2001 film. Elle exemplifies how being feminine does not mean you submit to the misogynist notion of submissiveness... Show more content on ... Her original motivations, craving to get back her ex–boyfriend, Warner, veer to striving to succeed in law school. What Elle could not see for so long is that Warner does not care about her. He breaks up with her not because a change of heart, but rather because she's the hot sorority girl girlfriend he gets to hook up with in undergraduate school, and she is not what he refers to as "the Jackie Kennedy" he would marry if he wants to be taken seriously as a politician. Warner's rationale for proposing to Vivian is the same rationale for why he broke up with Elle. He just wanted to have the "right wife" for his political image. Elles mentality completely changes when she is having a conversation with Warner about school. He disdains her by calling her "not smart enough" to qualify for one of the selective internship spots. Elle points out they both got in Harvard Law and take the same classes. In disbelief and frustration, Elle storms out of the party. From then forward, she no longer has a desire to get back with Warner, and begins to fully applies herself to getting an education. The audience sees her newfound determination, as she is reading, studying, and performing excellent in all of her classes. One of the most prime scenes is an in–class legal debate about a sperm donor's entitlement to a child. Warner argues that a sperm donor should have entitlement to demand the mother visitation of the child. Elle impressively refutes Warner's arguments and the professor agrees, announcing to Elle "You just won the case." Although it is indirect, Elle uses her legal competence to debate and win misogynist ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Legally Blonde As A Hero If I were offered a role for a hero or villain in any movie, I would choose to play Elle Woods in Legally Blonde. Although confusing at first, the finer points of development and power that emanate from this character are all values that I hold dear to my heart. As an unconventional character she radiates principle, conviction, and autonomy all while upholding her traditionally feminine personality traits and never falling into the stereotypical qualities that are pushed on her. At the beginning of the movie, Elle is a ditzy but quick–witted sorority girl who goes on a mission to get her ex back by following him to Harvard Law School. At first, she's not taken seriously by anyone – her parents, her ex, her peers, and her professors – but, after ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Short Story : A Story Sevyn In a far far away village called Lugglepalooza lived the Luggles. The Luggles lived in a seemingly perfect world. They spent their days at Mystic Garden listening to the roses sing while the Flutterflies put on brilliant shows of flashing lights and neon colors. They ate fruit from the Marigold tree which grew in the middle of Mystic Garden and swam in the sparkling water from Luggle Falls. Every Luggle in Lugglepalooza had chocolate brown hair and bright purple skin. Everyone got along just fine for nothing ever went wrong. But one day a baby Luggle was born with platinum blonde hair. The Luggles in Lugglepalooza didn't know how to react. The newborn Luggle angered some while others were frightened of what it might become. The baby was banished from Lugglepalooza along with it's parents who wouldn't dare part with it. From then on out any baby born with blond hair was banished from Lugglepalooza... In Present Day Sevyn shot out of bed as her alarm went off for the third time. As she rubbed her eyes she realized today was February 22nd, the day of the dance recital. She flew out of bed and quickly got dressed, she couldn't wait to get to school. As she ran down the stairs she hugged her older brother and sister, Chyna and Jayden, and was out the door on her way to school. When she got to school she headed to her locker to meet up with her best friends Jessie and Kalani "Do you know what today is!" screamed Kalani as Sevyn approached them "Um the day that me and you ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Legally Blonde And Trifles Summary Kelly Marsh's Written analysis over Legally Blonde, and Trifles is a highly likely outcome for many reasons. Some of these reasons being, she is fair to both sides, has quotes and evidence to support her claim, and lastly being the detail she brings her evidence to you in. Kelly Marsh goes to great lengths to give both Legally Blonde And Trifles a fair evaluation. The does this quite well by being extremely fair to both sides. She often uses quotes to give a accurate comparison of the two stories and also how to relate them back to each other. Like when she's talking about in her evaluation that it is not always about the mean. Such as when Vivian and Elle are talking, and as Marsh quotes Elle saying, "No, It's a smart people thing" (203). ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Law Is Reason Free Of Passion In Criminally Blonde On her first day of Harvard Law School her professor quotes Aristotle, "The law is reason free of passion." In regards to the quote, main character from the cinema production Legally Blonde, Elle Woods, repeated those words to the graduating class of 2004 with an opposite opinion. Throughout the movie, the viewer witnesses' Elle's reoccurring effort and success at accomplishing her goals; acceptance into Harvard Law School, entry into a court internship, getting the "guy," and unexpectedly elected class–speaker at her graduation ceremony. Regardless of Aristotle's voicing of law to be "reason free" or rather "useless," Elle acquired a different belief on passion. Elle declares in her speech that, "Passion is a key ingredient to the study and ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, in Elle's message to her classmates she uses a flashback attention–getter to hook in listeners, all the while relating it to today's present. She begins her speech with a quote from Aristotle she heard from her professor on her first day at Harvard; she links her introduction in with her time spent at Harvard for the past three years ultimately stating that Aristotle was false in his words about passion, "Well, no offense Aristotle but in my three years at Harvard I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of law – and of life." Elle's address revolves around the source of passion and faith in one's self in order to achieve one's goals. Her thesis, although not clearly stated, is undoubtedly visible in her words surrounding passion. She repeats the words "passion" and "faith" throughout her last dialog, and projects her voice on the phrase, "...passion is a key ingredient..." All through the movie, Elle's faith in herself and the passion to succeed is evident when she completes the goals she has set. This provides the audience the message that one can get by in life with everyday decisions, but one with passion and drive can achieve the things one desires to accomplish. Elle uses her past three years at Harvard to provide evidence that without a passion for law, her goal would still remain unattainable. In summary, Elle rejoices with her fellow peers by presenting the final words of their graduation. She surrounds her speech on the topic of passion, conveying the significance of disregarding other people's opinions, and the importance of having faith in not only other people, but also yourself when establishing and completing goals. Ending her speech with a cheerful, "We did it!" demonstrates the confirmation that regardless of what other's believe, anything is achievable ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Film Review : Legally Blonde Legally Blonde, was released in 2001, has the title and packaging that fooled many potential viewers into thinking they were about the dumb blonde joke. Instead, the film encountered a woman–positive character that subverted the dumb blonde stereotype. The movie is about a girl named Elle Woods that is an incredibly feminine and bubbly sorority girl from Los Angeles. She is from a rich family and have been studying Fashion Merchandising. She gets dumped by her boyfriend Warner, so he can "get serious" and date someone "smart" before he goes to law school at Harvard. She made a big effort to pass the LSATS exam with a high score, 179, in order to get in Harvard Law School. One of the central themes of the film that impacted me is a girl being into fashion does not make her unintelligent, and that fashion smarts could be inherently a useful form of knowledge. Everyone think she is only a dumb blonde, but she studies hard to prove them all wrong and win her man back. Instead, she not only realizes that this asshole is not as good as she thought, but she also finds her passionate career as a lawyer. On one of her hardest class, the professor asked her about the thing that we need after we filed a claim. Her answer is we need to collect evidence like evidentiary support and it is correct. She got the summer internship, which is really competitive among all Harvard's law students, and she actually works in the first legal case. The case is about Heyworth Windham, whom is a ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Legally Blonde : Fair-Blonde Stereotype Throughout history stereotypes have formed based off incidents creating the stereotype around a culture, gender, appearances, or interests and hobbies. Many people can be bullied, harassed, or even hated over stereotypes. "How many blondes does it take...?" These jokes are told daily, often at the expense of some innocent, intelligent girl that just happened to be born fair of hair. Blondes are often stereotyped as dumb and having a little too much fun, thus people make these "blonde" jokes, which are often extremely offensive and harmful to women. Most of these jokes are often directed at women, but fair–haired men being considered far superior. The movie Legally Blonde is a perfect example to disprove all of these stereotypical jokes. Legally Blonde is a major example of the blonde stereotype because in the beginning of the movie it shows Elle Woods, the main character, as a blonde heiress who likes to party and just wants to be a trophy wife. When her long–time boyfriend Warner leaves her before he goes off to Harvard she becomes determined to get him back by becoming a "serious" lawyer, and attending the same school. Upon her arrival, she finds out that he has gotten engaged to another girl, Vivian. Vivian, later in the semester, invites her to a "costume" party. When Elle arrives as a bunny she realizes that it indeed is not a costume party, but a mean prank from Vivian. She later finds Warner and has the revelation that he will not ever take her seriously; this causes her to become angry and more determined to prove him wrong. In the beginning of this movie Elle is a stereotypical blonde, she likes to go out to parties not worry about school and does not realizes how she is seen by most people. At one point of the movie she states that no one not even her own parents take her seriously and most people just expect her to go into modeling of some sort. Warner leaves her because he does not see her as a serious person and his family expects more out of him. After Elle recovers from their break up is when she starts to realize how people see her and the different way she is treated. This pushes her to change from this stereotype and into who she later becomes. Another stereotype that Legally Blonde shows is a ... Get more on ...