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Presented by Ms. Prarthana Alley & Dr. Hardik Shah at a round table
conference on ‘Multi Generational Workplace’, held at IIM Bangalore on
                            28th Nov’2011
                                                Lack of validated Indian
                                                Studies on Indian Gen Y

  We laugh at     We ask ‘Y’     With a smile
stringent rules      ‘how’         we fight
      and           ‘what’        workplace
 unproductive       ‘when’       challenges.
 processes at      often, till    So lead us
  workplace         we are       and we can
                   ready to      do anything!
                  so answer

                              Gen Y population
                              in India is 25.47%
                                   of world
                               Bureau, 2009), b
                                 ut not all are

Generation Y professionals’
 skills and potentials are
crucial if economies are to
 move up the value chain.
1.   Career anchors: A person's career anchor is his or her self-concept
     consisting of 1) self-perceived talents and abilities, 2) basic values, and, most
     important, 3) the evolved sense of motives and needs as they pertain to the

2.   Managerial Task/Competence: People in this category exhibit a strong
     desire to climb the corporate general management ladder. Their ultimate
     objective is management per se and the responsibility which accompanies
     general management positions.

3.   Technical / Functional Competence: For individuals anchored in technical /
     functional competence, actual work content becomes a primary concern and
     chief area of interest in formulating career decisions.

4.   Security and Stability: The primary concern of people in this anchor
     category is stability and / or security.

5.   Variety: The centrally important theme would involve the diversity of
     challenges and the need to maintain flexibility of responses.
6.   Creativity: Individuals anchored in creativity are dominantly influenced by a
     motivation to build, create, invent or produce something of their own.
6.    Autonomy and Independence: In this category, emphasis is on personal
      freedom which can be expressed in any number of ways.
7.    Basic identity: The need to be associated with a firm or occupation
      which externally or visibly enhances or substitutes for self definition.
8.    Intrinsic motivation: Intrinsic motivation is "the motivation to engage in
      work primarily for its own sake (Amabile, Hennesy & Tighe 1994:950) and
      refers to the pleasure or the personal fulfillment from performing the
      activity itself (Sonesh-Kedar & Geirland 1998).
9.    Extrinsic motivation: Extrinsic motivation emphasizes the value an
      individual places on the ends of an action. It is "the motivation to work
      primarily in response to something apart from the work itself
      (Amabile, Hennesy & Tighe 1994: 950).
10.   Achievement orientation: Achievement orientation is conceptualized as
      a perceptual-cognitive framework that influences how individuals
      approach, interpret, and respond to achievement activities. (Dweck &
      Leggett, 1989).
11.   Role immersion: High orientation and involvement in one’s professional
      role in an organization.
   Cross-sectional exploratory study
 RESEARCH                               Urban locations of India, divided in 4 zones
 DESIGN AND                              (North, South, East And West)
                                        Mixed methodology
METHODOLOGY                             Two stage sampling: Judgmental and convenience
As the scope of our research study
                                        Schein’s (1985) career orientation inventory , Udai
is limited to the working Gen Y
                                         Pareek’s (1997) extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and
professionals in India today, the
                                         Sarupriya ‘s(1983) value preference scales
Gen Y of our study are born
between 1981-1991                       Duration May’2011 to October’2011

                                                                   We have received a total of
                                                                  707 responses from the online
                                                                    survey; however, only 378
                                                                   were completed responses.
                                                                     The research findings are
                                                                  based on the quantitative data
                                                                     of 378 responses and the
                                                                  observations from conducting
                                                                  10 focus group discussions and
                                                                        21 triad interviews.
1981-1985         1986-1991         Unknown
                                              Gender Male       Gender Female    Gender Unknown


       0-5years        5-11 years                   Post Graduates   Graduates   Unknown

      20%                                                      11%

Service Sector     Manufacturing Sector
                                            Unknown   Demographics-Sample

FINDINGS: Characteristics of Gen Ys’ Career
    Aspirations (CA), Motivation and Value
FINDINGS: The Relationships between Gen
 Ys’ Career Aspirations (CA), Motivation, Value
    with Gender Cohorts -Males & Females
FINDINGS: The Relationships between Gen Ys’ Career
Aspirations (CA), Motivation, Value with Service Industry
           & Manufacturing Industry Sectors
FINDINGS: The Relationships between Gen Ys’ Career
 Aspirations (CA), Motivation, Value with Gen Ys’ work
Diametric Motivations Driving Gen Y In The Workplace

        Gen Y Respondents We Spoke To Appear To Be Motivated By
     A Series Of Tradeoffs Between Diametric Motivational Gratifications.:

                   -> Well Defined Order / Risk And Challenge

                            -> Responsibility / Freedom

->Emotional Connection In Social Order / To Walk My Own Path, Pursue My Passions

      -> Guidance And Supervision / To Be The King, At The Age Of A Prince

               -> Work-life Balance / Instant Gratification

          -> A Company That Invests In Me / My Investment In Company
Societal Shifts - Security Sphere

Gen Y Motivations In Security Sphere
Well Defined Order                                                        Risk And Challenge
  To have a social order, to be there,
  To get grounded, to have roots
 To have a well defined routine
  To connect with what is important
  Orientation training programs which provide an overall understanding of the processes/job
  Open and clear communication
 An overall understanding of processes in the organization
 Role & job description clearly defined
  Transparent HR policies
  Answers on why they are asked to do something outside their role and how will that work add value to
  Every policy made should be properly evaluated. Every SOPs be properly formed, and clearly
  High maintenance of the hygiene factors
  Stringent rules, regulations & odd processes to follow
  No clear policies and clear communication on organization’s state of affairs
  Inequality in pay & gender biases
  Halo effect & grapevines
  Job transfers to remote locations
  Unethical & unhealthy organizational practices like firing employees without giving notice period
  Confusions and ambiguity
Gen Y Motivations In Security Sphere
Responsibility                                                                              Freedom

 Responsibility for bigger projects
 Decision making power. They need more empowerment, want to explore and make mistakes and learn
 More power in the organization

                                                                                     Access to internet 24/7
                Allowed to use face book and other such websites on office computers during office times.
                                                                                   Work from home policy
                                Ability to question, or circumvent process as long as end-goal is achieved
                              Tolerant organizational policy for making mistakes and learning from them
                                Job roles where company can offer opportunities to implement fresh ideas
                                                            Autocratic & traditional management practices
                                                                            Getting too much responsibility
Gen X / Gen Y Security Conflicts
Gen X
• Gen X did just as were asked to do without
questioning .
                                                  Risk    To bridge communication gap
• Gen X prefer following the rules and                    Need of clarity
regulations, the tried and tested
                                                          Need for transparency
• Gen X prefer working in the same old                    Need for process elasticity
manner without changing their style of work
• Gen X will try to use the resources available
to them to finish assignment,
• Gen X believes in looking at future
consequences of present action

 Responsibility                                              Y                     Freedom
                                                          Gen Y
                                                          • Gen Y are the „Why‟ generation. They ask questions until
                                                          they are clear what they have to deliver and how the work will
                                                          add value to them and their organization.
                                                          • Gen Y want to do work in their manner and with fastest means
                                                          possible. Gen X says “we will do it in 2 years”, and Gen Y says
                                                          “will do it in 3 months otherwise you are out”.
                                                          • Gen Y looks beyond the available resources, creates multiple
                                                          opportunities to complete the assignment the best and smartest
                                                          possible way. Technology is a given tool for them, which they
                                                  Order   use, and take for granted
                                                          • Gen Y despise unnecessary processes which interrupts their
                                                          way of doing the work as long as the end result is obtained
                                                          within time. “ENDS JUSTIFY MEANS”.
Societal Shifts – Control Sphere

Gen Y Motivations In Control Sphere
 Emotional Connection In                                                   Walk My Own Path,
      Social Order                                                         Pursue My Passions

  Open and fun working environment
  Informality of relationship between junior and senior. To address each other with first name. Creating an
open door policy.
  Constructive and collaborative team members
  Work that involves being connected to people and not working alone
  Informal organizational culture where in they can be friendly with boss and seniors up to the extent of
calling them by their first names
  Friendly and approachable HR partners
  Colorful & fun work environment
  Training which involves engagement
  Communication gap
                                                 “To test the waters, something new with childlike exuberance
                                                       to satiate my passions and leverage my unique talents”
                                                        “Work that adds value. Interesting & meaningful work
                                                                       projects where in I can learn on the job”
                                            Use learning as a means to stay on the edge and enhance in career.
                                                                 “Creating a niche for myself in the job market
                                                      to go my own way, to explore a different side of myself”
                                                                To reject mainstream, to diverge from the norm
Gen Y Motivations In Control Sphere
Guidance And                                                               To Be The King, At
 Supervision                                                               The Age Of A Prince

Learning in the form of guidance provided by supervisors
The boss/leader to trust them and stand by the team. Handholding as and when necessary to seek advice
Supporting and approachable management/leaders
Supervisor should have more knowledge and should be technically superior to provide guidance
Inconsiderate and interfering boss/leader
Unsupportive , incompetent and inconsiderate boss
When no guidance is given when needed
                                                                      To impress, be the center of attention
                                                               A platform to leapfrog into entrepreneurship
                                                                      To be a young leader, to be respected
                                                                            To be the master of my destiny
                                                                                            To prove myself
                                                                 Exponential growth in their job/role/work
                                                      Management‟s focus on employees‟ career aspirations
                                                                       opportunities to enhance my resume
                                                                               To be successful at their role
                                                  Fast pace promotions (I want to be CEO by the age of 35)
Gen X / Gen Y Control Conflicts
                               Walk my own path
                               pursue my passions

                                              To pacify control conflicts
                                              Need for appropriate reward &
                                              Need for continues feedback
                                              Need for direction
Guidance / supervision          X                                   To be the king
                                                                 at the age of prince
Gen X
                                                     Gen Y
• Gen X is more family
oriented, bread earners                              • Gen Y are more career-oriented. They follow
                                                     the concept of individuality “about me than
• Gen X have worked hard to                          we”.
reach the elite position
                                                     • If called upon Sunday, Gen Y will be happy to
                                                     work until they know they are getting what they
                                                     want in return. Gen Y would even work on
                                                     holidays to climb the corporate ladder
                              Emotional connection   • Gen Y think that some Gen X managers
                                                     discourages Gen Y and hinders their growth
                                in social order
                                                     • Gen Y just look for being on top, they don’t
                                                     want to start from scratch as per Gen X.
Societal Shifts – Commitment Sphere

Gen Y Motivations In Commitment Sphere
   Work Life Balance                                                          Instant Gratification

  Flexible organizational policies (flexi working hours, flexi coffee breaks,)
  Work life balance which allows or give the flexibility to do the work in hand at preferred location and
time, within their work/life priority
  Expected to be available 24*7 due to technology, No work life balance, Stretched office hours

                                                           Recognition for achievements quick and tangible
                             Answers to their questions related to their work on right time and immediately
                                                                     Instant gratification on work well done.
                                                 Performance must be monitored and a platform to discuss
                                                          the same must be created within the organization.
                                                               Efforts must be recognised after 1-2 months.
     Immediate feedback on their performance after implementation of the assigned product/ service/ project
                                                                                                     task etc
Gen Y Motivations In Commitment Sphere
 A Company That                                                              My Investment In
  Invests In Me                                                                 Company

  On the job learning through job rotations & job enrichment
  Effective training programs offered by the company which enhances tacit knowledge
  Their management to take good care of them and their families
  Needs fast pace learning of latest technologies
  Organization should spend more on imparting training programs which enhance skill levels and result in
resume development
  Convenience (office pick up and drop facilities, employee assistance options like bill
payment, food(breakfast/lunch/dinner), ticket booking etc and online employee assistance programs)
  Learning environment inside the company
  Organizations should provide paid sabbatical for learning and development
  Organization should sponsor for international certification programs
  Without any orientation to organization, thrown into the pool without anyone to handhold.
  Workshops on stress and time managementinforming people about the trends and what is happening in their
country and outside of it is considered real important
  Good organizational ambience (cafeteria, sports zone, great building space, comfortable work stations, hot
                                                                                               Short termers
                                                                                                Job hoppers
Gen X / Gen Y Commitment Conflicts
                                  Instant Gratification

                                               To pacify commitment conflicts
                                               Mentor-Mentee relationship
                                               Need for recognition of differences &

High Company Investment                                              My Personal Investment
Gen Y
• Gen Y wants everything now                               Gen X
• Gen Y takes more chances with                            • Gen X have given sweat and tears
career choices                                             • Gen X prefers stability in career
• Gen Y are happy if given the                             • Gen X feel that by working from home,
opportunity to work from home.                             bonding with employees and keeping track
• Gen Y believes “no fun and                               of the work becomes difficult
only work, makes you dull”                                 • Gen X do not mix business and pleasure
• Gen Y are loyal to work not      Work-life Balance
                                                           •Gen X believe in affiliation
• Gen Y believe in recognition
       –   Managerial competence, organization brand identity and sense of service are
           Gen Yers’ focus in making their career decisions. However, a Gen Y employee
           may have one particular primary aspiration and two or more secondary
       –   Gen Ys are motivated by extrinsic factors, only marginally than the intrinsic
           factors and they are highly oriented towards achievement value.
       –   Overall career aspirations are positively correlated with intrinsic motivations
           and values such as achievement, monetary and role orientations.
       –   Partial negative correlation is seen between the career anchors and intrinsic
           motivations, such as, technical & functional competence - technically
           competent supervisor, autonomy & independence - Equitable
           Pay, geographical stability - equitable pay.
       –   Some career anchors are partially negatively correlated with extrinsic
           motivations, such as managerial competence vis-a-vis sound company
           policies, job stability vis-Ă -vis fringe benefits and alike.
       –   Further analyses showed there were significant differences within the different
           cohorts, such as, industry, gender, location, work - experience and company
           size, for overall career aspirations, motives and values.
    Direction for Future research:
        –   Gen Ys’ career aspirations, motives and values are shaped by their individual
            socio-cultural background
        –   As Gen Y moves forward in their career & life stages, their career aspirations
            also gets influenced by their personal and socio-cultural needs.
        –   North youth is not enough demanding for comfortable working conditions
            &sound HR policies. Either it could be because of “satisfied lot” Low aspirations
            or something more serious. These in-congruencies is worth exploring in future
        –   Inter and intra organizational factors have not been considered {for eg.
            Comfortable working condition (as an extrinsic motivator) is very low at 18.71
            (at Delhi & NCR) as compared to west (54.84) & south which indicates that
            organization in the north zone may have less developed corporate culture}.
        –   Market variables are neglected, {for eg. In the eastern zone, job stability lower
            than any other zone, maybe because of “socio-political effect”- more security
        –   We have taken a single unit of analysis. Also, the underlying reasons of the
            correlation analysis results remain inconclusive, but it gives direction for future
        –   Generation Yers’ archetypes not explored. Scope of study limited to urban
Gen Y research ppt . Showcasing research findings and working Indian Gen Y and Gen X areas of conflicts- Ms. Prarthana Alley & Dr. Hardik Shah at IIMB on 28th Nov'2011

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Gen Y research ppt . Showcasing research findings and working Indian Gen Y and Gen X areas of conflicts- Ms. Prarthana Alley & Dr. Hardik Shah at IIMB on 28th Nov'2011

  • 2. Presented by Ms. Prarthana Alley & Dr. Hardik Shah at a round table conference on ‘Multi Generational Workplace’, held at IIM Bangalore on 28th Nov’2011
  • 3. THE RATIONALE FOR THE STUDY Lack of validated Indian Studies on Indian Gen Y population We laugh at We ask ‘Y’ With a smile stringent rules ‘how’ we fight and ‘what’ workplace unproductive ‘when’ challenges. processes at often, till So lead us workplace we are and we can ready to do anything! proceed… so answer us!
  • 4. INTRODUCTION Gen Y population in India is 25.47% of world population (Indian Population Bureau, 2009), b ut not all are ‘employment ready’ Generation Y professionals’ skills and potentials are crucial if economies are to move up the value chain.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. KEY DEFINITIONS 1. Career anchors: A person's career anchor is his or her self-concept consisting of 1) self-perceived talents and abilities, 2) basic values, and, most important, 3) the evolved sense of motives and needs as they pertain to the career. 2. Managerial Task/Competence: People in this category exhibit a strong desire to climb the corporate general management ladder. Their ultimate objective is management per se and the responsibility which accompanies general management positions. 3. Technical / Functional Competence: For individuals anchored in technical / functional competence, actual work content becomes a primary concern and chief area of interest in formulating career decisions. 4. Security and Stability: The primary concern of people in this anchor category is stability and / or security. 5. Variety: The centrally important theme would involve the diversity of challenges and the need to maintain flexibility of responses. 6. Creativity: Individuals anchored in creativity are dominantly influenced by a motivation to build, create, invent or produce something of their own.
  • 8. KEY DEFINITIONS 6. Autonomy and Independence: In this category, emphasis is on personal freedom which can be expressed in any number of ways. 7. Basic identity: The need to be associated with a firm or occupation which externally or visibly enhances or substitutes for self definition. 8. Intrinsic motivation: Intrinsic motivation is "the motivation to engage in work primarily for its own sake (Amabile, Hennesy & Tighe 1994:950) and refers to the pleasure or the personal fulfillment from performing the activity itself (Sonesh-Kedar & Geirland 1998). 9. Extrinsic motivation: Extrinsic motivation emphasizes the value an individual places on the ends of an action. It is "the motivation to work primarily in response to something apart from the work itself (Amabile, Hennesy & Tighe 1994: 950). 10. Achievement orientation: Achievement orientation is conceptualized as a perceptual-cognitive framework that influences how individuals approach, interpret, and respond to achievement activities. (Dweck & Leggett, 1989). 11. Role immersion: High orientation and involvement in one’s professional role in an organization.
  • 9.  Cross-sectional exploratory study RESEARCH  Urban locations of India, divided in 4 zones DESIGN AND (North, South, East And West)  Mixed methodology METHODOLOGY  Two stage sampling: Judgmental and convenience sampling As the scope of our research study  Schein’s (1985) career orientation inventory , Udai is limited to the working Gen Y Pareek’s (1997) extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and professionals in India today, the Sarupriya ‘s(1983) value preference scales Gen Y of our study are born between 1981-1991  Duration May’2011 to October’2011 We have received a total of 707 responses from the online survey; however, only 378 were completed responses. The research findings are based on the quantitative data of 378 responses and the observations from conducting 10 focus group discussions and 21 triad interviews.
  • 10. Demographics-Sample 1981-1985 1986-1991 Unknown Gender Male Gender Female Gender Unknown 4% 35% 51% 61% 0-5years 5-11 years Post Graduates Graduates Unknown 20% 11% 29% 60% 80%
  • 11. Service Sector Manufacturing Sector 3% Unknown Demographics-Sample 23% 74%
  • 12. Demographics- Sample
  • 14. FINDINGS: Characteristics of Gen Ys’ Career Aspirations (CA), Motivation and Value
  • 15.
  • 16. FINDINGS: The Relationships between Gen Ys’ Career Aspirations (CA), Motivation, Value with Gender Cohorts -Males & Females
  • 17.
  • 18. FINDINGS: The Relationships between Gen Ys’ Career Aspirations (CA), Motivation, Value with Service Industry & Manufacturing Industry Sectors
  • 19. FINDINGS: The Relationships between Gen Ys’ Career Aspirations (CA), Motivation, Value with Gen Ys’ work experience
  • 20. Diametric Motivations Driving Gen Y In The Workplace Gen Y Respondents We Spoke To Appear To Be Motivated By A Series Of Tradeoffs Between Diametric Motivational Gratifications.: -> Well Defined Order / Risk And Challenge -> Responsibility / Freedom ->Emotional Connection In Social Order / To Walk My Own Path, Pursue My Passions -> Guidance And Supervision / To Be The King, At The Age Of A Prince -> Work-life Balance / Instant Gratification -> A Company That Invests In Me / My Investment In Company
  • 22. Gen Y Motivations In Security Sphere Well Defined Order Risk And Challenge To have a social order, to be there, participate To get grounded, to have roots To have a well defined routine To connect with what is important Orientation training programs which provide an overall understanding of the processes/job Open and clear communication An overall understanding of processes in the organization Role & job description clearly defined Transparent HR policies Answers on why they are asked to do something outside their role and how will that work add value to them Every policy made should be properly evaluated. Every SOPs be properly formed, and clearly communicated High maintenance of the hygiene factors Stringent rules, regulations & odd processes to follow No clear policies and clear communication on organization’s state of affairs Inequality in pay & gender biases Halo effect & grapevines Job transfers to remote locations Unethical & unhealthy organizational practices like firing employees without giving notice period Confusions and ambiguity
  • 23. Gen Y Motivations In Security Sphere Responsibility Freedom Responsibility for bigger projects Decision making power. They need more empowerment, want to explore and make mistakes and learn More power in the organization Access to internet 24/7 Allowed to use face book and other such websites on office computers during office times. Work from home policy Ability to question, or circumvent process as long as end-goal is achieved Tolerant organizational policy for making mistakes and learning from them Job roles where company can offer opportunities to implement fresh ideas Autocratic & traditional management practices Getting too much responsibility
  • 24. Gen X / Gen Y Security Conflicts Gen X • Gen X did just as were asked to do without questioning . Risk To bridge communication gap • Gen X prefer following the rules and Need of clarity regulations, the tried and tested Need for transparency • Gen X prefer working in the same old Need for process elasticity manner without changing their style of work • Gen X will try to use the resources available to them to finish assignment, • Gen X believes in looking at future consequences of present action Responsibility Y Freedom Gen Y X • Gen Y are the „Why‟ generation. They ask questions until they are clear what they have to deliver and how the work will add value to them and their organization. • Gen Y want to do work in their manner and with fastest means possible. Gen X says “we will do it in 2 years”, and Gen Y says “will do it in 3 months otherwise you are out”. • Gen Y looks beyond the available resources, creates multiple opportunities to complete the assignment the best and smartest possible way. Technology is a given tool for them, which they Order use, and take for granted • Gen Y despise unnecessary processes which interrupts their way of doing the work as long as the end result is obtained within time. “ENDS JUSTIFY MEANS”.
  • 26. Gen Y Motivations In Control Sphere Emotional Connection In Walk My Own Path, Social Order Pursue My Passions Open and fun working environment Informality of relationship between junior and senior. To address each other with first name. Creating an open door policy. Constructive and collaborative team members Work that involves being connected to people and not working alone Informal organizational culture where in they can be friendly with boss and seniors up to the extent of calling them by their first names Friendly and approachable HR partners Colorful & fun work environment Training which involves engagement Communication gap “To test the waters, something new with childlike exuberance to satiate my passions and leverage my unique talents” “Work that adds value. Interesting & meaningful work projects where in I can learn on the job” Use learning as a means to stay on the edge and enhance in career. “Creating a niche for myself in the job market to go my own way, to explore a different side of myself” To reject mainstream, to diverge from the norm
  • 27. Gen Y Motivations In Control Sphere Guidance And To Be The King, At Supervision The Age Of A Prince Learning in the form of guidance provided by supervisors The boss/leader to trust them and stand by the team. Handholding as and when necessary to seek advice Supporting and approachable management/leaders Supervisor should have more knowledge and should be technically superior to provide guidance Inconsiderate and interfering boss/leader Unsupportive , incompetent and inconsiderate boss When no guidance is given when needed To impress, be the center of attention A platform to leapfrog into entrepreneurship To be a young leader, to be respected To be the master of my destiny To prove myself Exponential growth in their job/role/work Management‟s focus on employees‟ career aspirations opportunities to enhance my resume To be successful at their role Fast pace promotions (I want to be CEO by the age of 35)
  • 28. Gen X / Gen Y Control Conflicts Walk my own path pursue my passions To pacify control conflicts Need for appropriate reward & recognition Need for continues feedback Need for direction Y Guidance / supervision X To be the king at the age of prince Gen X Gen Y • Gen X is more family oriented, bread earners • Gen Y are more career-oriented. They follow the concept of individuality “about me than • Gen X have worked hard to we”. reach the elite position • If called upon Sunday, Gen Y will be happy to work until they know they are getting what they want in return. Gen Y would even work on holidays to climb the corporate ladder Emotional connection • Gen Y think that some Gen X managers discourages Gen Y and hinders their growth in social order • Gen Y just look for being on top, they don’t want to start from scratch as per Gen X.
  • 30. Gen Y Motivations In Commitment Sphere Work Life Balance Instant Gratification Flexible organizational policies (flexi working hours, flexi coffee breaks,) Work life balance which allows or give the flexibility to do the work in hand at preferred location and time, within their work/life priority Expected to be available 24*7 due to technology, No work life balance, Stretched office hours Recognition for achievements quick and tangible Answers to their questions related to their work on right time and immediately Instant gratification on work well done. Performance must be monitored and a platform to discuss the same must be created within the organization. Efforts must be recognised after 1-2 months. Immediate feedback on their performance after implementation of the assigned product/ service/ project task etc
  • 31. Gen Y Motivations In Commitment Sphere A Company That My Investment In Invests In Me Company On the job learning through job rotations & job enrichment Effective training programs offered by the company which enhances tacit knowledge Their management to take good care of them and their families Needs fast pace learning of latest technologies Organization should spend more on imparting training programs which enhance skill levels and result in resume development Convenience (office pick up and drop facilities, employee assistance options like bill payment, food(breakfast/lunch/dinner), ticket booking etc and online employee assistance programs) Learning environment inside the company Organizations should provide paid sabbatical for learning and development Organization should sponsor for international certification programs Without any orientation to organization, thrown into the pool without anyone to handhold. Workshops on stress and time managementinforming people about the trends and what is happening in their country and outside of it is considered real important Good organizational ambience (cafeteria, sports zone, great building space, comfortable work stations, hot desking) Short termers Job hoppers
  • 32. Gen X / Gen Y Commitment Conflicts Instant Gratification To pacify commitment conflicts Mentor-Mentee relationship Need for recognition of differences & adaptation Y High Company Investment My Personal Investment X Gen Y • Gen Y wants everything now Gen X • Gen Y takes more chances with • Gen X have given sweat and tears career choices • Gen X prefers stability in career • Gen Y are happy if given the • Gen X feel that by working from home, opportunity to work from home. bonding with employees and keeping track • Gen Y believes “no fun and of the work becomes difficult only work, makes you dull” • Gen X do not mix business and pleasure • Gen Y are loyal to work not Work-life Balance •Gen X believe in affiliation company. • Gen Y believe in recognition
  • 33. CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS AND DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH Conclusions – Managerial competence, organization brand identity and sense of service are Gen Yers’ focus in making their career decisions. However, a Gen Y employee may have one particular primary aspiration and two or more secondary aspirations. – Gen Ys are motivated by extrinsic factors, only marginally than the intrinsic factors and they are highly oriented towards achievement value. – Overall career aspirations are positively correlated with intrinsic motivations and values such as achievement, monetary and role orientations. – Partial negative correlation is seen between the career anchors and intrinsic motivations, such as, technical & functional competence - technically competent supervisor, autonomy & independence - Equitable Pay, geographical stability - equitable pay. – Some career anchors are partially negatively correlated with extrinsic motivations, such as managerial competence vis-a-vis sound company policies, job stability vis-Ă -vis fringe benefits and alike. – Further analyses showed there were significant differences within the different cohorts, such as, industry, gender, location, work - experience and company size, for overall career aspirations, motives and values.
  • 34. CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS AND DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH Direction for Future research: – Gen Ys’ career aspirations, motives and values are shaped by their individual socio-cultural background – As Gen Y moves forward in their career & life stages, their career aspirations also gets influenced by their personal and socio-cultural needs. – North youth is not enough demanding for comfortable working conditions &sound HR policies. Either it could be because of “satisfied lot” Low aspirations or something more serious. These in-congruencies is worth exploring in future research Limitations: – Inter and intra organizational factors have not been considered {for eg. Comfortable working condition (as an extrinsic motivator) is very low at 18.71 (at Delhi & NCR) as compared to west (54.84) & south which indicates that organization in the north zone may have less developed corporate culture}. – Market variables are neglected, {for eg. In the eastern zone, job stability lower than any other zone, maybe because of “socio-political effect”- more security feeling}. – We have taken a single unit of analysis. Also, the underlying reasons of the correlation analysis results remain inconclusive, but it gives direction for future research. – Generation Yers’ archetypes not explored. Scope of study limited to urban locations