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Find your own riches all around
Hidden riches
a secret contingent
The promise of Fyoraa
• Access to the global market for everyone to sell their products and
services at a fair market price
• Micro finance for everyone at reasonable rates
• A bank account for everyone, and through this bank account, health
insurance for everyone.
• A steady investment in health care infrastructure.
• Opportunities for everyone who decides to start searching. To find
their own riches all around.
• A way to eradicate extreme world poverty by 2015
Though there are those around us only a mother
would love, all of us still have somewhere inside of us,
innocence and loving intent.
The divine nature of man: selflessness.
Hidden riches
• It used to be that when you went to work for a company, you could express
this selflessness. Dedication to the corporation, it wasn’t that long ago that
this was appreciated and rewarded.
• Nowadays, a company will use you until you are no longer required. You
work in return for a pay check and some temporary gratification. A bonus,
some fleeting appreciation. A project accomplished before the next reorg.
When the result will mostly likely be discarded.
• It has staff unmotivated. Surfing the internet at work. Contemplating a
second career, looking for a way out. And longing for some sort of heart-
satisfying interaction in between. And maybe, to leave a legacy.
• Boredom, frustration, depression. All present well before the burnout hits.
If you are lucky enough to hit a burnout at all.
In 2002, ABN AMRO Bank did just that. All of the above,
actually, but they also paid employees to leave the bank.
Jan Peter Schmittmann. Now retired. Responsible for ‘No detours’,
this staff reduction project. But also responsible for successfully
re-motivating the very disheartened remaining staff by allowing
them to do volunteer work during work hours.
I spy with my little eye little lamas everywhere.
Samskara. Frustrated with the leadership of the bank.
Faced with disheartened and unhappy employees. And falling back
on what was once so enjoyable: reaching out and helping others.
Wanting to tend to the needs of his staff, Schmittmann led by example.
Thoroughly enjoying his volunteering.
Lessons to do with finances and empowerment. Wanting to be on the
board of ABN AMRO. Almost made it to the top, failed to get there twice.
He left after the bank was nationalised and insisted on his severance pay,
wanting to set up his own bank. The severance pay caused a public outcry.
Bad climate to set up a new bank, so that hasn’t happened yet.
He’d like a new challenge. Spent three years in India, too.
In the fall of 1997, having just joined the bank’s Global Transactional Services business
unit, they introduced the Disc profile. It was actually quite useful. Four personality styles,
of which usually, two come to the forefront. Until you get a bit older, and then it becomes
more evenly divided over the four. I was at the time a high D, high C.
Disc profile
• Disc stands for Dominant, Influential, Steadiness, Conscientious
• Dominant - dealing with problems and challenges, demanding, forceful,
strong willed, determined, ambitious, and pioneering.
• Influential - influences others through talking and activity and tends to be
emotional. Convincing, magnetic, political, enthusiastic, persuasive,
warm, demonstrative, trusting, and optimistic.
D/I’s abounded in GTS. The typical profile of a sales person.
Or of that of a political campaigner.
As I understand, during this event, back stage, a lot of expletives
were uttered. A few years ago, I would have been quite the same.
It is a D thing. We don’t suffer fools gladly. Result oriented.
Everyone is, to a certain extent. But with a result oriented D,
when people get in the way, they do tend to get walloped.
But I am a D/C, so you wouldn’t reach me with an event like this.
As a C, I don’t like to be influenced by other people’s emotions.
I usually prefer making decisions in an unemotional frame of mind.
Also, here you are aiming to achieve results by influencing other people.
It is all about what makes people feel empowered, what makes them feel able to do
their part to change the world. What makes them want to be a part of what you are
doing. With people with a high I, it is by showing them that you are able to
Influence other people. So here, you are reaching the I’s just fine.
From a D/C perspective, as a leader, you do know how to get results, even if
it is through other people. The getting results part, very important to your
fellow D’s. Which means that they are part of your audience. So to speak.
But they are not in this audience. D’s are leaders, not followers.
And again, you are trying to achieve something through influencing others.
You are good at it. And you have been doing it successfully for a long time.
I’d like to get involved. So perhaps I’d do this, one time on a Sunday afternoon.
But without empowerment there isn’t the commitment there. Meanwhile, the D/I’s
are present. Because they can be leaders by bringing their friends along.
Disc profile
• Steadiness: calm, relaxed, patient, possessive, predictable, deliberate,
stable, consistent, and tend to be unemotional and poker faced. You need
to show steadiness in order to bring the high S’s along. You have managed
to do just that.
• Conscientious: sees the value of rules, regulations, and structure. They like
to get it right the first time. Begin with the end in mind. Careful, cautious,
systematic, accurate, and tactful.
C’s need to know the resources are there to achieve the result
you are aiming for. The organisation, system and processes in place.
When they can trust in that, you have them on board. But please
don’t ask them to show their emotions. Those are private.
You’re offering me only two choices here. To be a D/I, leading by influencing people,
or to be a follower, emphasising through the bracelet that there is a movement, so please join.
I understand the concept, but like a lot of D’s, I have issues with authority. I love what you’re doing,
I love what you’re aiming for, I’d like to get involved. But as a C, I am a private person,
and I don’t like using my emotions in order to influence other people. Plus, I am individualistic.
Sameness. That bracelet looks like glorified flea collar to me. (JR)
There are some big numbers here. You are trying to tackle a global problem to do with
lack of resources. As a C, this does hold my interest. And you show pioneering leadership
by aiming to resolve it completely, which is very attractive for C’s with a bit of a D
in them. But you throw big numbers at me, and then you ask me
to get involved by influencing others. No empowerment.
This would be a way to get C’s involved. I worked briefly at the Worldschool some two years ago.
They match students in the West with NGO’s in the Third world that need research done.
Information is a resource, so this attracts C’s. Asking for and providing financial support
wasn’t allowed by this programme. Yet they had the hardest time keeping little C’s from doing
just that. They want to get involved. They want to provide resources. Also financially.
But in a personal way. They want to get to know the people they are reaching out to.
They want to see for themselves how other people’s lives change for the better.
Empowerment, and the reason it is so important. Band Aid, and Live Aid.
It got everyone involved. But it was the Irish who were by far the most generous.
How to heal past life pain from suffering through famine? By living in a country that has a
history of it. Then, each time it gets mentioned in a present day context, in a safe way, they
can deal with that pain. Lots of C’s with that kind of buried pain. Next, there is a famine.
And you offered them empowerment. So they felt safe to get involved, felt safe to deal
with these buried emotions. They got to make a difference, they got to reach out
and help others. And they healed.
You organised this event. And you were the first to be able to do so.
Which had the C’s see you as like minded. So the C’s out there trusted you.
And they donated their own resources. Because you asked them for their resources,
and made it clear to them that the combined resources of the audience would be
enough to make a difference. Lots of little C’s remember you for it, and have been
following what you’re doing. It’s just that since then you’ve kept wanting them
to influence other people to part with their resources. And that isn’t empowering to a C.
Meanwhile, you had attracted quite a few C/S’s to run the event. And they had you
spitting feathers. You’ll learn more about them, later on.
I did click on this, though. It is about resources. But again, it is about influencing people.
But I did click on it. And I have been following what you are doing. And I love what
you’re aiming for. End of world poverty. So now, what if underneath this button,
I would have found something else? Something I would find empowering?
You’d have one very excited little C there.
So how to get the C’s involved?
• By already having the resources there and allowing the C’s to make these available
to others. C’s are all about resources and hate to see others go without. Especially
when that has these people hurting.
• By asking C’s to support you in creating an organisation, system or process that
you want to use to provide others with resources they currently don’t have access
to. Little C’s know all about resources. They’ll have lots of knowledge to offer.
They’d love to help. Shy about showing their emotions. But confident in this
context to act on them.
• At this point, you might want to leaf back and take another look at slide nr. 6.
Those are all C complaints. Lots of little C’s out there, looking for an outlet for all
of those frustrations. To be part of an organisation run by people who care, with a
heart-satisfying purpose, a dream of theirs. Even better if they get to contribute
while still remaining with their own organisation. At least for a little while longer.
Other requirements
• Leadership you can have faith in. You have shown pioneering leadership through
Band Aid, Live Aid, Jubilee 2000 and ONE.
• You have shown your heart, both in how you express your emotions and in how
you act on them. And you have encouraged people to act on their emotions. Both
the I’s and C’s like that.
• You have shown steadiness, in how you have been consistently aiming for the
eradication of world poverty.
• You have created a very effective organisation for your political campaigning. That
bit tends to get overlooked by C’s though. This whole political campaigning thing,
unknown territory. We don’t trust management. And that includes politicians.
ONE. A message that is heard all over. I heard it. But how empowering is it to a C, to do some
political campaigning? It used to be, not a lot. But you have managed to change this with me.
And with other little C’s, no doubt. In particular the work you’ve been doing with the UN and
with the UK politicians got my attention. But most of all, you cared and you kept at it.
And there were promises not kept - no surprises there, says the little C. But there were also
successes. Ones that left me impressed, and that had me thinking that perhaps, the two of you
could achieve some aims through political campaigning. Like changing a few banking
regulations for a bit. And selling them a new resource. Both coming up.
Leadership you can have faith in. Little C’s can be a little sceptical. About leaders they
haven’t got to know well enough. In terms of how they go about, directing the company.
Hence all of those little NGO’s. Little C’s flock to them. Because that is a way for them
to be in charge. Or to trust those in charge, by getting to know them personally. Also in
terms of how they handle being in charge of the resources. The organisation, one of
those resources. Which needs to be just the right one. So we’ll need to do some
convincing with them. We need to offer them a way to get to know us better that will
appeal to a C. And for that we’ll need to take a look at what is going on with them,
underneath the surface. What fuels their scepticism.
There is a D there, with you. U2 is a democracy but they do tend to end up doing
what you want. And the 360 degree tour, case in point. You wanted a conical screen,
you kept at it until you got one. Result oriented. But you also get those results
through your steadiness. The D comes second in that you keep patiently influencing
people. Past the point where Bob and I would want to start walloping them.
You’re getting a twofer in that regard, I’m afraid.
Steadiness in another respect. The same message of love, over and over.
The way you’ve kept patiently asking people to get involved. Never any reproach
towards the ones that didn’t. Who didn’t know that they didn’t because they couldn’t,
because of buried pain. Lots of little C’s out there that love you. High level of faith in you
as well. You make it feel safe to get in touch with their emotions. If only they could do it
in public. But they will in their own safe environment. And they will act on their
emotions, provided you make it safe. Especially if it is their help you need.
A resources thing. Allowing them to be a resource to you.
All of those memories and the emotions that go with them. Of another time.
This little C couldn’t grow up with them. Emotions and memories that remained at a child’s level.
An inner child who needed help dealing with it all. Like having to watch two very beautiful people fight
what seemed like a losing battle. With a victory to boot. Achieve lift off. I call this one my little lama
because she doesn’t trust management;) I and I, in the Sky. Upstairs acting as a loving, ever so slightly
dysfunctional, very human extended family. Who provided her with resources. They took her shopping.
All of those great little finds. Which, mind you, I still had to pay for. (JR)
But most of all, Upstairs, helping me get this to you, provided her with information.
A resource. The Disc profile. Which also deals with information and level of detail.
In this regard, D’s don’t too well with loads of detailed information. And with too much detail
there, the little C’s I need to get it past to get to you;) might get worried about the scale of it all.
Feel un-empowered again. I know I would. So it needs to be a high level one when it comes to
banking processes. Not in the least because I am a D/C and I’ll need some more resources
to flesh it all out. Like a few C/S software developers to work with;)
Upstairs, working with me some more. Last week, I had it pointed out to me that I keep
food stashes. Refused to deal with it at first, gave it a nod, and not much else. But then
they kept messing with me. And I had to admit: I don’t eat Brinta (porridge). Nor muesli.
The pasta on the top of the shelf, stayed there while new pasta was bought. All in all,
I do keep food around that will keep, which then remains untouched for months on end.
My mother, who lived through famine in this lifetime, also keeps food on top shelves.
Pancake mixes and the like. So I’d thought nothing of it.
Little advice to little C’s out there with weight issues: if you get the suggestion from above
that help is available on this front: just say No. Because another thing I do, is to eat high
calorie food at times. And again, I’d thought nothing of it. Upstairs’way of ‘helping’me to
lose weight: working with me until I started eating more of that stuff. They also got me
several times to where I’d find myself ‘cooking up a storm’, as they’d say. Preparing food
for a week so it wouldn’t spoil. Until I had to admit that I did have an issue there.
And all I wanted to do last weekend was to work in the garden.
But they kept at it with me. And when Upstairs starts really getting
at buried pain, it does tend to piss you off a little. Because it hurts.
Until they got the point across, last Saturday. Lovingly prepared.
They kept at it with me, while I was working in the garden. Asking me
why I don’t want too many people in my life. Too many people to take care of.
Why, if I lose anyone I love, I push it all away, and don’t deal with the pain of it all.
Why I didn’t allow myself to feel how much I’d missed my loved ones.
Little bit of relaxation was all I wanted, bit of gardening, little break from working
on this presentation, but no. Unfair. At and at it. Then drawing back. Until,
in the middle of the night, I woke up and heard ‘Drive’ from the Cars.
Of when it was played at Live Aid. And found myself in tears.
oh, you can't go on, thinkin', nothing's wrong, but bye,
who's gonna drive you home, tonight?
I didn’t see the whole Live Aid show, back then. C response to buried pain: avoidance.
But that moment, when ‘Drive’ got played, it gets me every time. And every time, it brings
this buried pain to the surface and heals some of it. I saw famine in my most recent past life.
People dying right in front of you. People you care about, people you love. People I would
have been able to care for, in better days. I used to know a lot about farming.
Hence the suggestion to work in the garden, and the messing with me
while I was planting out seedlings. Buried pain, one reason why I have had
so much trouble getting attached to anyone in life, even now when I would
be able to provide for them. Why it is hard for a little C like me
to become emotionally involved in what you’re doing.
Why I needed the resources already there.
“People are dying NOW. We need money NOW.” You cut through the avoidance, there.
You’d been asking them to help unknown others who were suffering. With that remark,
and the passion and pain behind it, you turned little avoiding C’s into little C’s that wanted
to reach out and help you. It made it personal. By donating, they knew for sure that they
could at least reach you. Didn’t want to leave you in the lurch, there.
The rest of the message, a cerebral one. Important, still, for a C, and necessary to first get
their attention. Pool the resources and we’ll get these people fed. They need processes and
breaking it down. And accountability. And you were true to your word. You took care of it
yourself. You didn’t let them down. So they still care. That one remark, and Drive, that’s what
hit home with them. People did care, even the ones that didn’t seem to. But you were getting
at their buried pain. So it needed the whole event. Like gardening with Upstairs.
But there is more. The secret contingent. Something very special about
all of these little C’s out there. But for this, I have to do something very un-C like
and talk to you some more about buried pain. About the years leading up to this.
Healing this particular pain, it didn’t start last weekend.
Billy Connolly. Wonderful skit about Jeffrey Dahmer, the world population and the
problem of feeding them. “The problem with the world today, is that there are too many people,
and not enough food. Jeffrey might have been a visionary. Cannibalism - could be the answer -
I’m not urging you to do it. But - think about it. I eat someone you don’t like, you eat someone
I don’t like, where’s the fucking damage?” It gets a laugh out of me, every time, even now.
And it comes to mind, now and then, when buried pain surfaces. Which helps with the avoidance.
Humour a way of dealing with buried pain in a safe way. This skit, one I all but know by heart.
All of this attention in the media, which has often seemingly fallen on deaf ears.
Celebrities, asking for help. Not because it was their job, but because they cared. And then
the entertainment itself. The kind with a message, buried or not. Like Billy’s skit - humour at
the surface yet he knows how to touch on buried pain. Cutting through avoidance with a good laugh.
Which has little C’s bond with him. So that when he takes part in Comic Relief, they turn on the TV.
And then they want to help him. Show him they care - a C’s most valuable resource. Each time
he calls their attention to the suffering that goes on in the world, suffering reflected as buried pain
with those here in the West, his little C’s tend to do a bit of healing. Because they reach out to him,
even though there is this rise of pain inside. And that what’s been healing them, all along.
In the past there must have been times where you have felt alone, calling out in the desert.
Lots of people who cared and acted on it. Lots of people who seemed to care but failed to keep
their promises. And lots of people who didn’t seem to care. But who were brought onto your path
for a reason. Avoidance. Buried pain. And healing it. Live Aid wasn’t enough, for me, to get at it.
Neither was Live 8, though both events got my attention. And both events healed some of the pain.
Lots of little C’s, watching it at home, in their safe environment, from the corner of their eye.
Zapping to another channel, and then deciding to zap back. Watching it for a few minutes,
in spite of it not feeling right inside. Because a beautiful person - sorry, to me you are -
was calling out for them to help. And whether they did or they didn’t,
just by watching you, they have been healing past life pain.
Robbie has a way of singing about buried pain. I have bought a record or two of his,
but I don’t often play them. Because of avoidance. But his songs are being played on the radio.
‘Feel’ is a favourite of mine. Lots of little C’s bonded with him, that he wouldn’t know are his fans.
So when he tapes a clip asking for help with the fight against child trafficking, it does hit home.
Because unfortunately, I also saw children get hurt before my eyes. Deliberately hurt. The famine,
a result of warfare. So when I came across this clip, it hurt inside, and I avoided getting involved.
But it still comes to mind, every time he is in the news. And then sometimes, spontaneously, like with
Billy’s skit. And every time I care a bit more, because I’ve healed a bit more inside. But then,
deep down, I have always cared. It was just linked with too much buried pain.
Mansukh Patel. As a distressed little C in banking, well on my way to a burn out,
I all but reached out to him for help. To his Life foundation which offers retreats.
Safe environments for little C’s to process their emotions. Which they are so good at. NOT.
But Mansukh also does something else. Along with the other members of the Life Foundation,
they reach out to traumatised war victims. To try and heal them.
Having grown up in a safe, peaceful Western country, at some point I found myself
with all of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Buried pain surfacing. And still denial
there. But even before then, lots of interest in what Manny and his Life Foundation were up to, in
particular with regards to war victims. Manny, cutting through the avoidance there. Who knows
about buried pain. And how to heal it. With those little C’s, in the business world, flocking to
him, their burn-outs, buried pain surfacing. Beautiful peaceful person
to be around. That little C’s feel safe with. Until he starts messing with them, that is.
To quote a line from Good Will Hunting: nail them while they’re vulnerable.
And then there’s you. A lot of people do not respond well to your pleas
to start caring. So you mix them in with your concerts. Captive audience.
And then we buy your DVD’s so that we can fast forward in places.
That would be me. Achieve lift off. NOT. Until now, that is.
I love ‘No line on the horizon’, I have the concert DVD. But I really don’t want to hear about
Aung San Suu Kyi. I mean, that woman isn’t even in a real prison. Comfortable house arrest.
Come on now. But then, I was held captive back then, and they hurt me very badly, also. Again,
buried pain. That you were getting at. Every time you called attention to Amnesty International.
Which you faithfully did. While I equally faithfully hit the fast forward button. Meanwhile,
through your steadiness - repetition, repetition - you do tend to drum it into people -
I have come to know all about her. Well sort of. I know she got released.
But you do have your own way of singing about buried pain.
Walk on, one of my favourite songs. And then you have to go and spoil it by making it about
Aung San Suu Kyi. You even have me to the point where I can now spell this woman’s name. But the
lines in Walk on: And if your glass heart should crack, and for one second you turn back, oh no, be strong.
Buried pain. I didn’t want to have people depend on me any more. Not if I couldn’t feed them, not if
I couldn’t keep them safe, not if I couldn’t love them. The only freedom I ever wanted, is to be able to do
all of those things again. In the meantime, avoidance, and no conscious notion of why I love this song.
Why emotion stirs inside of me, every time I hear it. Not realising it has me healing every time.
EDUN. Ali here, who gave me access to Bono, every single time I sent him
something through her. Along with Anton. To know that I had a way of reaching him,
back then, healing in and of itself. Because it made me feel empowered. If one day
I succeeded in finding a way to create this global fund, I knew that I wouldn’t be
alone with it. I knew that I would have Bono on my side. And most of all, that he
would be prepared. Bono himself, holding out that same promise.
And Bob. Making sure that I could reach him through Tina.
Another thing that goes hand in hand with wartime and a break down in society.
Epidemics. Watching you on TV, another such event that brings pain to the surface. Especially
when it is such a losing battle and you still put yourself in the midst of it. So much courage there.
We did pay attention, the little C’s out there, even the ones that you thought didn’t care. When
you cared about them, you cared about us, too. It really is a secret contingent. Lots of little C’s
out there who will step in. Now that we have the resources already there. Because they wanted to,
back then, even if they did shut themselves off of it. Buried pain. Avoidance.
But they’ve been healing. All along.
Knowing in advance that this will be a shoe-in. Your attention, guaranteed. And also
knowing that it will be a big deal for all involved. I asked Upstairs to help me to get it to you
in the most loving, kindest, gentlest way. One that would empower all the little D/I’s and the C/I’s
reading this presentation;) So further on, you will find more campaign stuff in there.
This also, because ONE has a special role to play in this. Already has. The message, put out there,
that there were people who cared. Who’d want to find out more about what I was working on. Who
would treasure this opportunity. It reassured me along the way.
And you. You have access to a global audience, can create a global audience any way you like,
you’ve shown yourself able to do so twice now. Three plus billion people, paying attention to you.
And influence on politicians. Messages in the media about how you have key politicians on speed dial.
The laws and regulations you’ve had changed. D there. Obstacles. They tend to get removed.
Your presence at the G8 and other summits. Bono seen with US presidents. Two of them. The two of
you, tag-teaming it. Good cop, bad cap, no doubt. All of this may still leave the two of you feeling
un-empowered at times, though, in spite of all that you’ve achieved. But it had me inspired.
So I’d thought I bring you some new resources.
Take this global audience you’ve been working with, and the healing that has been
going on, all along, quietly underneath the surface, and all that is needed to create
a tipping point is to add a catalyst. A change event. Like Live Aid.
Which is what what we’re about to do.
The carrot and the stick. Politicians. You have influence on them,
mainly by reaching out to them, successfully appealing to their good nature.
But you also have a stick. Live Aid was a change event in politics. Live 8,
a reminder for them that you could still do it. Suddenly, here are these
political activists and they have a global audience. A visible one.
We’re about to use the carrot and stick approach in the world of business and finance
as well. Big carrots, several sticks. We are about to offer them a single banking platform, as well
as a global governance platform. The latter, for free, in return for banking with us. All we then
need are a few early adopters. A few global corporations that are the first to see the advantages.
Next, their competition will take a look at their own efficiency ratios, will get nervous, and will
want become our clients, also. Board members, always nervous about being bought up
by competitors. Whose organisations are now that much leaner.
Ahold would be one such early adopter. This is Monique Heijn, wife of Albert Heijn,
grandson of the founder, recently deceased. Monique has since long been active in the fight
against Aids. Leads De Grote Onderneming, an NGO who aims to influence corporations to
do their bit in this fight. Ahold and ABN AMRO have ties with each other as well as with the
royal family. So does Monique. Our royal family, founders of ABN AMRO bank. The latter,
conveniently nationalised. Our crown princes Maxima, championing micro finance. As for
Ahold, this company has a history of having nearly been sunk by several daughter
companies. They’ll like the global governance platform. Especially since it will be free.
Dilbert comics. Always on point. I read a book written by Jeroen Smit on ABN AMRO.
The Perfect Prey. It tells the story of how this bank ended up being bought up by a consortium of
RBS, Fortis and Santander. If you didn’t already not trust in management before, you will have
trouble trusting management after. One bone headed mistake after another, all at board level.
Of the three banks that bought ABN AMRO, two are now nationalised, with the Dutch government
having to buy back the Dutch part of the bank. A change event. We might want to stick to this term.
But it’s really herd instinct. Unfortunately, with a few exceptions - this audience included,
covering my butt here - they’re well paid but not all that smart.
A few more sticks: neither clients, nor shareholders, nor politicians, nor the voters,
like it when a company like Enron collapses. Followed by Worldcom. Followed by all
but the entire banking industry. CEO’s, surprisingly, on their turn, don’t like the risk of
being thrown in jail for the malfeasance of one of their daughter companies.
Sarbanes-Oxley, bit of a bitch for CEO’s to deal with. It nearly landed Groenink,
former CEO of ABN AMRO, in jail. Some former executives of Ahold,
also landing themselves into quite a lot of legal trouble there.
Once the early adopters have become our clients, and thus have their governance
in order, any corporation that is still struggling along with their own inefficient, patchwork
IT infrastructure, will be eyed suspiciously. By shareholders. And politicians. And voters.
So that’s it for the sticks. Now lets take a look at the carrots. We have a lot of those too.
For politicians, bankers and board members alike. One carrot: our secret contingent.
Of all of those little C’s. Their voters. Their clients. Their employees.
Turn those into a movement and you’ll have some major influence.

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Fyoraa part 1i the secret contingent

  • 1. Fyroaa Find your own riches all around
  • 2.
  • 4. The promise of Fyoraa • Access to the global market for everyone to sell their products and services at a fair market price • Micro finance for everyone at reasonable rates • A bank account for everyone, and through this bank account, health insurance for everyone. • A steady investment in health care infrastructure. • Opportunities for everyone who decides to start searching. To find their own riches all around. • A way to eradicate extreme world poverty by 2015
  • 5. Though there are those around us only a mother would love, all of us still have somewhere inside of us, innocence and loving intent. The divine nature of man: selflessness.
  • 6. Hidden riches • It used to be that when you went to work for a company, you could express this selflessness. Dedication to the corporation, it wasn’t that long ago that this was appreciated and rewarded. • Nowadays, a company will use you until you are no longer required. You work in return for a pay check and some temporary gratification. A bonus, some fleeting appreciation. A project accomplished before the next reorg. When the result will mostly likely be discarded. • It has staff unmotivated. Surfing the internet at work. Contemplating a second career, looking for a way out. And longing for some sort of heart- satisfying interaction in between. And maybe, to leave a legacy. • Boredom, frustration, depression. All present well before the burnout hits. If you are lucky enough to hit a burnout at all.
  • 7. In 2002, ABN AMRO Bank did just that. All of the above, actually, but they also paid employees to leave the bank.
  • 8. Jan Peter Schmittmann. Now retired. Responsible for ‘No detours’, this staff reduction project. But also responsible for successfully re-motivating the very disheartened remaining staff by allowing them to do volunteer work during work hours.
  • 9. I spy with my little eye little lamas everywhere. Samskara. Frustrated with the leadership of the bank. Faced with disheartened and unhappy employees. And falling back on what was once so enjoyable: reaching out and helping others. Wanting to tend to the needs of his staff, Schmittmann led by example. Thoroughly enjoying his volunteering.
  • 10. Lessons to do with finances and empowerment. Wanting to be on the board of ABN AMRO. Almost made it to the top, failed to get there twice. He left after the bank was nationalised and insisted on his severance pay, wanting to set up his own bank. The severance pay caused a public outcry. Bad climate to set up a new bank, so that hasn’t happened yet. He’d like a new challenge. Spent three years in India, too.
  • 11. In the fall of 1997, having just joined the bank’s Global Transactional Services business unit, they introduced the Disc profile. It was actually quite useful. Four personality styles, of which usually, two come to the forefront. Until you get a bit older, and then it becomes more evenly divided over the four. I was at the time a high D, high C.
  • 12. Disc profile • Disc stands for Dominant, Influential, Steadiness, Conscientious • Dominant - dealing with problems and challenges, demanding, forceful, strong willed, determined, ambitious, and pioneering. • Influential - influences others through talking and activity and tends to be emotional. Convincing, magnetic, political, enthusiastic, persuasive, warm, demonstrative, trusting, and optimistic. D/I’s abounded in GTS. The typical profile of a sales person. Or of that of a political campaigner.
  • 13. As I understand, during this event, back stage, a lot of expletives were uttered. A few years ago, I would have been quite the same. It is a D thing. We don’t suffer fools gladly. Result oriented. Everyone is, to a certain extent. But with a result oriented D, when people get in the way, they do tend to get walloped.
  • 14. But I am a D/C, so you wouldn’t reach me with an event like this. As a C, I don’t like to be influenced by other people’s emotions. I usually prefer making decisions in an unemotional frame of mind. Also, here you are aiming to achieve results by influencing other people.
  • 15. It is all about what makes people feel empowered, what makes them feel able to do their part to change the world. What makes them want to be a part of what you are doing. With people with a high I, it is by showing them that you are able to Influence other people. So here, you are reaching the I’s just fine.
  • 16. From a D/C perspective, as a leader, you do know how to get results, even if it is through other people. The getting results part, very important to your fellow D’s. Which means that they are part of your audience. So to speak.
  • 17. But they are not in this audience. D’s are leaders, not followers. And again, you are trying to achieve something through influencing others. You are good at it. And you have been doing it successfully for a long time. I’d like to get involved. So perhaps I’d do this, one time on a Sunday afternoon. But without empowerment there isn’t the commitment there. Meanwhile, the D/I’s are present. Because they can be leaders by bringing their friends along.
  • 18. Disc profile • Steadiness: calm, relaxed, patient, possessive, predictable, deliberate, stable, consistent, and tend to be unemotional and poker faced. You need to show steadiness in order to bring the high S’s along. You have managed to do just that. • Conscientious: sees the value of rules, regulations, and structure. They like to get it right the first time. Begin with the end in mind. Careful, cautious, systematic, accurate, and tactful. C’s need to know the resources are there to achieve the result you are aiming for. The organisation, system and processes in place. When they can trust in that, you have them on board. But please don’t ask them to show their emotions. Those are private.
  • 19. You’re offering me only two choices here. To be a D/I, leading by influencing people, or to be a follower, emphasising through the bracelet that there is a movement, so please join. I understand the concept, but like a lot of D’s, I have issues with authority. I love what you’re doing, I love what you’re aiming for, I’d like to get involved. But as a C, I am a private person, and I don’t like using my emotions in order to influence other people. Plus, I am individualistic. Sameness. That bracelet looks like glorified flea collar to me. (JR)
  • 20. There are some big numbers here. You are trying to tackle a global problem to do with lack of resources. As a C, this does hold my interest. And you show pioneering leadership by aiming to resolve it completely, which is very attractive for C’s with a bit of a D in them. But you throw big numbers at me, and then you ask me to get involved by influencing others. No empowerment.
  • 21. This would be a way to get C’s involved. I worked briefly at the Worldschool some two years ago. They match students in the West with NGO’s in the Third world that need research done. Information is a resource, so this attracts C’s. Asking for and providing financial support wasn’t allowed by this programme. Yet they had the hardest time keeping little C’s from doing just that. They want to get involved. They want to provide resources. Also financially. But in a personal way. They want to get to know the people they are reaching out to. They want to see for themselves how other people’s lives change for the better.
  • 22. Empowerment, and the reason it is so important. Band Aid, and Live Aid. It got everyone involved. But it was the Irish who were by far the most generous. How to heal past life pain from suffering through famine? By living in a country that has a history of it. Then, each time it gets mentioned in a present day context, in a safe way, they can deal with that pain. Lots of C’s with that kind of buried pain. Next, there is a famine. And you offered them empowerment. So they felt safe to get involved, felt safe to deal with these buried emotions. They got to make a difference, they got to reach out and help others. And they healed.
  • 23. You organised this event. And you were the first to be able to do so. Which had the C’s see you as like minded. So the C’s out there trusted you. And they donated their own resources. Because you asked them for their resources, and made it clear to them that the combined resources of the audience would be enough to make a difference. Lots of little C’s remember you for it, and have been following what you’re doing. It’s just that since then you’ve kept wanting them to influence other people to part with their resources. And that isn’t empowering to a C. Meanwhile, you had attracted quite a few C/S’s to run the event. And they had you spitting feathers. You’ll learn more about them, later on.
  • 24. I did click on this, though. It is about resources. But again, it is about influencing people. But I did click on it. And I have been following what you are doing. And I love what you’re aiming for. End of world poverty. So now, what if underneath this button, I would have found something else? Something I would find empowering? You’d have one very excited little C there.
  • 25. So how to get the C’s involved? • By already having the resources there and allowing the C’s to make these available to others. C’s are all about resources and hate to see others go without. Especially when that has these people hurting. • By asking C’s to support you in creating an organisation, system or process that you want to use to provide others with resources they currently don’t have access to. Little C’s know all about resources. They’ll have lots of knowledge to offer. They’d love to help. Shy about showing their emotions. But confident in this context to act on them. • At this point, you might want to leaf back and take another look at slide nr. 6. Those are all C complaints. Lots of little C’s out there, looking for an outlet for all of those frustrations. To be part of an organisation run by people who care, with a heart-satisfying purpose, a dream of theirs. Even better if they get to contribute while still remaining with their own organisation. At least for a little while longer.
  • 26. Other requirements • Leadership you can have faith in. You have shown pioneering leadership through Band Aid, Live Aid, Jubilee 2000 and ONE. • You have shown your heart, both in how you express your emotions and in how you act on them. And you have encouraged people to act on their emotions. Both the I’s and C’s like that. • You have shown steadiness, in how you have been consistently aiming for the eradication of world poverty. • You have created a very effective organisation for your political campaigning. That bit tends to get overlooked by C’s though. This whole political campaigning thing, unknown territory. We don’t trust management. And that includes politicians.
  • 27. ONE. A message that is heard all over. I heard it. But how empowering is it to a C, to do some political campaigning? It used to be, not a lot. But you have managed to change this with me. And with other little C’s, no doubt. In particular the work you’ve been doing with the UN and with the UK politicians got my attention. But most of all, you cared and you kept at it. And there were promises not kept - no surprises there, says the little C. But there were also successes. Ones that left me impressed, and that had me thinking that perhaps, the two of you could achieve some aims through political campaigning. Like changing a few banking regulations for a bit. And selling them a new resource. Both coming up.
  • 28. Leadership you can have faith in. Little C’s can be a little sceptical. About leaders they haven’t got to know well enough. In terms of how they go about, directing the company. Hence all of those little NGO’s. Little C’s flock to them. Because that is a way for them to be in charge. Or to trust those in charge, by getting to know them personally. Also in terms of how they handle being in charge of the resources. The organisation, one of those resources. Which needs to be just the right one. So we’ll need to do some convincing with them. We need to offer them a way to get to know us better that will appeal to a C. And for that we’ll need to take a look at what is going on with them, underneath the surface. What fuels their scepticism.
  • 29. There is a D there, with you. U2 is a democracy but they do tend to end up doing what you want. And the 360 degree tour, case in point. You wanted a conical screen, you kept at it until you got one. Result oriented. But you also get those results through your steadiness. The D comes second in that you keep patiently influencing people. Past the point where Bob and I would want to start walloping them. You’re getting a twofer in that regard, I’m afraid.
  • 30. Steadiness in another respect. The same message of love, over and over. The way you’ve kept patiently asking people to get involved. Never any reproach towards the ones that didn’t. Who didn’t know that they didn’t because they couldn’t, because of buried pain. Lots of little C’s out there that love you. High level of faith in you as well. You make it feel safe to get in touch with their emotions. If only they could do it in public. But they will in their own safe environment. And they will act on their emotions, provided you make it safe. Especially if it is their help you need. A resources thing. Allowing them to be a resource to you.
  • 31. All of those memories and the emotions that go with them. Of another time. This little C couldn’t grow up with them. Emotions and memories that remained at a child’s level. An inner child who needed help dealing with it all. Like having to watch two very beautiful people fight what seemed like a losing battle. With a victory to boot. Achieve lift off. I call this one my little lama because she doesn’t trust management;) I and I, in the Sky. Upstairs acting as a loving, ever so slightly dysfunctional, very human extended family. Who provided her with resources. They took her shopping. All of those great little finds. Which, mind you, I still had to pay for. (JR)
  • 32. But most of all, Upstairs, helping me get this to you, provided her with information. A resource. The Disc profile. Which also deals with information and level of detail. In this regard, D’s don’t too well with loads of detailed information. And with too much detail there, the little C’s I need to get it past to get to you;) might get worried about the scale of it all. Feel un-empowered again. I know I would. So it needs to be a high level one when it comes to banking processes. Not in the least because I am a D/C and I’ll need some more resources to flesh it all out. Like a few C/S software developers to work with;)
  • 33. Upstairs, working with me some more. Last week, I had it pointed out to me that I keep food stashes. Refused to deal with it at first, gave it a nod, and not much else. But then they kept messing with me. And I had to admit: I don’t eat Brinta (porridge). Nor muesli. The pasta on the top of the shelf, stayed there while new pasta was bought. All in all, I do keep food around that will keep, which then remains untouched for months on end. My mother, who lived through famine in this lifetime, also keeps food on top shelves. Pancake mixes and the like. So I’d thought nothing of it.
  • 34. Little advice to little C’s out there with weight issues: if you get the suggestion from above that help is available on this front: just say No. Because another thing I do, is to eat high calorie food at times. And again, I’d thought nothing of it. Upstairs’way of ‘helping’me to lose weight: working with me until I started eating more of that stuff. They also got me several times to where I’d find myself ‘cooking up a storm’, as they’d say. Preparing food for a week so it wouldn’t spoil. Until I had to admit that I did have an issue there.
  • 35. And all I wanted to do last weekend was to work in the garden. But they kept at it with me. And when Upstairs starts really getting at buried pain, it does tend to piss you off a little. Because it hurts. Until they got the point across, last Saturday. Lovingly prepared.
  • 36. They kept at it with me, while I was working in the garden. Asking me why I don’t want too many people in my life. Too many people to take care of. Why, if I lose anyone I love, I push it all away, and don’t deal with the pain of it all. Why I didn’t allow myself to feel how much I’d missed my loved ones. Little bit of relaxation was all I wanted, bit of gardening, little break from working on this presentation, but no. Unfair. At and at it. Then drawing back. Until, in the middle of the night, I woke up and heard ‘Drive’ from the Cars. Of when it was played at Live Aid. And found myself in tears.
  • 37. oh, you can't go on, thinkin', nothing's wrong, but bye, who's gonna drive you home, tonight? I didn’t see the whole Live Aid show, back then. C response to buried pain: avoidance. But that moment, when ‘Drive’ got played, it gets me every time. And every time, it brings this buried pain to the surface and heals some of it. I saw famine in my most recent past life. People dying right in front of you. People you care about, people you love. People I would have been able to care for, in better days. I used to know a lot about farming.
  • 38. Hence the suggestion to work in the garden, and the messing with me while I was planting out seedlings. Buried pain, one reason why I have had so much trouble getting attached to anyone in life, even now when I would be able to provide for them. Why it is hard for a little C like me to become emotionally involved in what you’re doing. Why I needed the resources already there.
  • 39. “People are dying NOW. We need money NOW.” You cut through the avoidance, there. You’d been asking them to help unknown others who were suffering. With that remark, and the passion and pain behind it, you turned little avoiding C’s into little C’s that wanted to reach out and help you. It made it personal. By donating, they knew for sure that they could at least reach you. Didn’t want to leave you in the lurch, there.
  • 40. The rest of the message, a cerebral one. Important, still, for a C, and necessary to first get their attention. Pool the resources and we’ll get these people fed. They need processes and breaking it down. And accountability. And you were true to your word. You took care of it yourself. You didn’t let them down. So they still care. That one remark, and Drive, that’s what hit home with them. People did care, even the ones that didn’t seem to. But you were getting at their buried pain. So it needed the whole event. Like gardening with Upstairs.
  • 41. But there is more. The secret contingent. Something very special about all of these little C’s out there. But for this, I have to do something very un-C like and talk to you some more about buried pain. About the years leading up to this. Healing this particular pain, it didn’t start last weekend.
  • 42. Billy Connolly. Wonderful skit about Jeffrey Dahmer, the world population and the problem of feeding them. “The problem with the world today, is that there are too many people, and not enough food. Jeffrey might have been a visionary. Cannibalism - could be the answer - I’m not urging you to do it. But - think about it. I eat someone you don’t like, you eat someone I don’t like, where’s the fucking damage?” It gets a laugh out of me, every time, even now. And it comes to mind, now and then, when buried pain surfaces. Which helps with the avoidance. Humour a way of dealing with buried pain in a safe way. This skit, one I all but know by heart.
  • 43. All of this attention in the media, which has often seemingly fallen on deaf ears. Celebrities, asking for help. Not because it was their job, but because they cared. And then the entertainment itself. The kind with a message, buried or not. Like Billy’s skit - humour at the surface yet he knows how to touch on buried pain. Cutting through avoidance with a good laugh. Which has little C’s bond with him. So that when he takes part in Comic Relief, they turn on the TV. And then they want to help him. Show him they care - a C’s most valuable resource. Each time he calls their attention to the suffering that goes on in the world, suffering reflected as buried pain with those here in the West, his little C’s tend to do a bit of healing. Because they reach out to him, even though there is this rise of pain inside. And that what’s been healing them, all along.
  • 44. In the past there must have been times where you have felt alone, calling out in the desert. Lots of people who cared and acted on it. Lots of people who seemed to care but failed to keep their promises. And lots of people who didn’t seem to care. But who were brought onto your path for a reason. Avoidance. Buried pain. And healing it. Live Aid wasn’t enough, for me, to get at it. Neither was Live 8, though both events got my attention. And both events healed some of the pain. Lots of little C’s, watching it at home, in their safe environment, from the corner of their eye. Zapping to another channel, and then deciding to zap back. Watching it for a few minutes, in spite of it not feeling right inside. Because a beautiful person - sorry, to me you are - was calling out for them to help. And whether they did or they didn’t, just by watching you, they have been healing past life pain.
  • 45. Robbie has a way of singing about buried pain. I have bought a record or two of his, but I don’t often play them. Because of avoidance. But his songs are being played on the radio. ‘Feel’ is a favourite of mine. Lots of little C’s bonded with him, that he wouldn’t know are his fans. So when he tapes a clip asking for help with the fight against child trafficking, it does hit home. Because unfortunately, I also saw children get hurt before my eyes. Deliberately hurt. The famine, a result of warfare. So when I came across this clip, it hurt inside, and I avoided getting involved. But it still comes to mind, every time he is in the news. And then sometimes, spontaneously, like with Billy’s skit. And every time I care a bit more, because I’ve healed a bit more inside. But then, deep down, I have always cared. It was just linked with too much buried pain.
  • 46. Mansukh Patel. As a distressed little C in banking, well on my way to a burn out, I all but reached out to him for help. To his Life foundation which offers retreats. Safe environments for little C’s to process their emotions. Which they are so good at. NOT. But Mansukh also does something else. Along with the other members of the Life Foundation, they reach out to traumatised war victims. To try and heal them.
  • 47. Having grown up in a safe, peaceful Western country, at some point I found myself with all of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Buried pain surfacing. And still denial there. But even before then, lots of interest in what Manny and his Life Foundation were up to, in particular with regards to war victims. Manny, cutting through the avoidance there. Who knows about buried pain. And how to heal it. With those little C’s, in the business world, flocking to him, their burn-outs, buried pain surfacing. Beautiful peaceful person to be around. That little C’s feel safe with. Until he starts messing with them, that is. To quote a line from Good Will Hunting: nail them while they’re vulnerable.
  • 48. And then there’s you. A lot of people do not respond well to your pleas to start caring. So you mix them in with your concerts. Captive audience. And then we buy your DVD’s so that we can fast forward in places. That would be me. Achieve lift off. NOT. Until now, that is.
  • 49. I love ‘No line on the horizon’, I have the concert DVD. But I really don’t want to hear about Aung San Suu Kyi. I mean, that woman isn’t even in a real prison. Comfortable house arrest. Come on now. But then, I was held captive back then, and they hurt me very badly, also. Again, buried pain. That you were getting at. Every time you called attention to Amnesty International. Which you faithfully did. While I equally faithfully hit the fast forward button. Meanwhile, through your steadiness - repetition, repetition - you do tend to drum it into people - I have come to know all about her. Well sort of. I know she got released.
  • 50. But you do have your own way of singing about buried pain. Walk on, one of my favourite songs. And then you have to go and spoil it by making it about Aung San Suu Kyi. You even have me to the point where I can now spell this woman’s name. But the lines in Walk on: And if your glass heart should crack, and for one second you turn back, oh no, be strong. Buried pain. I didn’t want to have people depend on me any more. Not if I couldn’t feed them, not if I couldn’t keep them safe, not if I couldn’t love them. The only freedom I ever wanted, is to be able to do all of those things again. In the meantime, avoidance, and no conscious notion of why I love this song. Why emotion stirs inside of me, every time I hear it. Not realising it has me healing every time.
  • 51. EDUN. Ali here, who gave me access to Bono, every single time I sent him something through her. Along with Anton. To know that I had a way of reaching him, back then, healing in and of itself. Because it made me feel empowered. If one day I succeeded in finding a way to create this global fund, I knew that I wouldn’t be alone with it. I knew that I would have Bono on my side. And most of all, that he would be prepared. Bono himself, holding out that same promise. And Bob. Making sure that I could reach him through Tina.
  • 52. Another thing that goes hand in hand with wartime and a break down in society. Epidemics. Watching you on TV, another such event that brings pain to the surface. Especially when it is such a losing battle and you still put yourself in the midst of it. So much courage there. We did pay attention, the little C’s out there, even the ones that you thought didn’t care. When you cared about them, you cared about us, too. It really is a secret contingent. Lots of little C’s out there who will step in. Now that we have the resources already there. Because they wanted to, back then, even if they did shut themselves off of it. Buried pain. Avoidance. But they’ve been healing. All along.
  • 53. Knowing in advance that this will be a shoe-in. Your attention, guaranteed. And also knowing that it will be a big deal for all involved. I asked Upstairs to help me to get it to you in the most loving, kindest, gentlest way. One that would empower all the little D/I’s and the C/I’s reading this presentation;) So further on, you will find more campaign stuff in there. This also, because ONE has a special role to play in this. Already has. The message, put out there, that there were people who cared. Who’d want to find out more about what I was working on. Who would treasure this opportunity. It reassured me along the way.
  • 54. And you. You have access to a global audience, can create a global audience any way you like, you’ve shown yourself able to do so twice now. Three plus billion people, paying attention to you. And influence on politicians. Messages in the media about how you have key politicians on speed dial. The laws and regulations you’ve had changed. D there. Obstacles. They tend to get removed. Your presence at the G8 and other summits. Bono seen with US presidents. Two of them. The two of you, tag-teaming it. Good cop, bad cap, no doubt. All of this may still leave the two of you feeling un-empowered at times, though, in spite of all that you’ve achieved. But it had me inspired. So I’d thought I bring you some new resources.
  • 55. Take this global audience you’ve been working with, and the healing that has been going on, all along, quietly underneath the surface, and all that is needed to create a tipping point is to add a catalyst. A change event. Like Live Aid. Which is what what we’re about to do.
  • 56. The carrot and the stick. Politicians. You have influence on them, mainly by reaching out to them, successfully appealing to their good nature. But you also have a stick. Live Aid was a change event in politics. Live 8, a reminder for them that you could still do it. Suddenly, here are these political activists and they have a global audience. A visible one.
  • 57. We’re about to use the carrot and stick approach in the world of business and finance as well. Big carrots, several sticks. We are about to offer them a single banking platform, as well as a global governance platform. The latter, for free, in return for banking with us. All we then need are a few early adopters. A few global corporations that are the first to see the advantages. Next, their competition will take a look at their own efficiency ratios, will get nervous, and will want become our clients, also. Board members, always nervous about being bought up by competitors. Whose organisations are now that much leaner.
  • 58. Ahold would be one such early adopter. This is Monique Heijn, wife of Albert Heijn, grandson of the founder, recently deceased. Monique has since long been active in the fight against Aids. Leads De Grote Onderneming, an NGO who aims to influence corporations to do their bit in this fight. Ahold and ABN AMRO have ties with each other as well as with the royal family. So does Monique. Our royal family, founders of ABN AMRO bank. The latter, conveniently nationalised. Our crown princes Maxima, championing micro finance. As for Ahold, this company has a history of having nearly been sunk by several daughter companies. They’ll like the global governance platform. Especially since it will be free.
  • 59. Dilbert comics. Always on point. I read a book written by Jeroen Smit on ABN AMRO. The Perfect Prey. It tells the story of how this bank ended up being bought up by a consortium of RBS, Fortis and Santander. If you didn’t already not trust in management before, you will have trouble trusting management after. One bone headed mistake after another, all at board level. Of the three banks that bought ABN AMRO, two are now nationalised, with the Dutch government having to buy back the Dutch part of the bank. A change event. We might want to stick to this term. But it’s really herd instinct. Unfortunately, with a few exceptions - this audience included, covering my butt here - they’re well paid but not all that smart.
  • 60. A few more sticks: neither clients, nor shareholders, nor politicians, nor the voters, like it when a company like Enron collapses. Followed by Worldcom. Followed by all but the entire banking industry. CEO’s, surprisingly, on their turn, don’t like the risk of being thrown in jail for the malfeasance of one of their daughter companies. Sarbanes-Oxley, bit of a bitch for CEO’s to deal with. It nearly landed Groenink, former CEO of ABN AMRO, in jail. Some former executives of Ahold, also landing themselves into quite a lot of legal trouble there.
  • 61. Once the early adopters have become our clients, and thus have their governance in order, any corporation that is still struggling along with their own inefficient, patchwork IT infrastructure, will be eyed suspiciously. By shareholders. And politicians. And voters. So that’s it for the sticks. Now lets take a look at the carrots. We have a lot of those too. For politicians, bankers and board members alike. One carrot: our secret contingent. Of all of those little C’s. Their voters. Their clients. Their employees. Turn those into a movement and you’ll have some major influence.