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Class : 3A2
Group 5 :
1. Destya Pramudita 2088203096
2. Rika Elsafitri 2088203065
3. Siti Dewi Suryani 2088203081
4. Sylvia Anjani Rahadewi 2088203084
5. Tazqia Aulia Zakhra 2088203070
6. Witri Kholisah 2088203091
Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to the writers for
finishing the Curriculum Development paper entitled “Curriculum Merdeka
Belajar”. This paper was prepared to fulfill our assignment in curriculum
development courses at the University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang. In addition,
we also hope that this paper can make us know about curriculum merdeka belajar.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Mrs. Dwi Sloria Suharti
as a lecturer in this subject. Hopefully this task can add our knowledge for the
writers and for readers. We would also like to thank all those who have helped in
process of making this paper.
We realize this paper is far from perfect, therefore, we as the author
apologize if there are errors of words that aren’t pleased and we also ask for
crictism and suggestions from readers for the imrpovement this paper.
Tangerang, October 2021
PREFACE .................................................................................................................i
TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCING.................................................................................1
1.1 Background of Paper.............................................................................1
1.2 Identification of Problem ......................................................................1
1.3 Purpose of Paper....................................................................................2
CHAPTER II THEORY AND DISCUSSION.........................................................3
2.1 Definition of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum............................................3
2.2 Main policies in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum ......................................3
2.3 Assessment in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum .........................................5
2.4 Teachers in the era of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum..............................9
2.5 The implementation of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum for students in
college .............................................................................................................12
CHAPTER III CLOSING ......................................................................................14
1.1 Background of Paper
March 2020 is the start of the Covid-19 pandemic entering Indonesia. At that
time, schools in Indonesia abolished the National Examination had prepared for
the 2020 batch simultaneously. However, a pandemic outbreak that caused
millions of lives to be lost around the world and then entered our homeland,
Indonesia. The spread of the pandemic in Indonesia has inevitably forced the
government through the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) to
Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) or online schools had implemented in countries
affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Anwar Makarim finally issued a
policy of the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum. Merdeka Belajar is one of policies
from Kemendikbud. The implements of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum, especially
for Kampus Merdeka Program hopefully can bring all Indonesian college students
to face the change of society, culture, world of work, and technology. Universities
are required to be able to design and implement innovative learning process to
make students can achieve the learning that include attitude, knowledge, and skills
The learning process in the Kampus Merdeka is one of themanifestations of
very student-centered learningessential.Through a well-designed and implement
independent learning program, then the hard and soft skills of students will be
formed strongly. Merdeka Belajar Program is expected to be able to answer the
challenges of universities to produce graduates who are under the times, progress
Science and technology, the demands of the business world and the industrial
world, as well as the dynamics of society.
1.2 Identification of Problem
a. What is the definition of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum?
b. What are the main policies in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum?
c. How is the assessment in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum?
d. How are the teachers in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum?
e. How the implementation of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum for students
in college?
1.3 Purpose of Paper
a. Knowing the definition of a Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
b. Knowing the main policies in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
c. Knowing the assessment in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
d. Knowing how the teachers in the era of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
e. Knowing the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
2.1 Definition of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
According to Walter Mosley, a novelist from America “Freedom is a state of
mind, our bodies cannot know absolute freedom but our minds can” (Us et al.,
2020). Merdeka belajar is a new program form Indonesia Minsistry of Education
and Culture in Indonesia Maju cabinet. According to Nadiem Anwar Makarim,
the Minister of education and culture, kemerdekaan belajar means giving freedom
and autonomy to educational institutions and independence from
bureaucratization, lecturers are freed from complicated bureaucracy, and students
are given the freedom to choose whatever they like.(Tohir, 2020).
Merdeka Belajar was planned by Nadiem Makarim as a Minister of Education
and Culture to create a happy learning atmosphere and not burden students with
certain grades. This is because every child has their own talents and intelligence in
different fields. This independent learning curriculum, it prioritizes the formation
of students' character who is smart, independent, polite, competent, and ready to
take on a role in the community.(Hasim, 2020).
2.2 Main policies in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
According to (Kemendikbud, 2019a) there are 4 main policies in Merdeka
belajar namely:
A. Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (USBN)
Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional is a pass exam that held by school, in
the end year of school for grades 6, 9, and 12. In Merdeka belajar curriculum
this exam replaced with exams organized by the school. The exam can be
done by taking a test as a more comprehensive written test such as portfolios
and assignments (group assignments, papers, etc)
B. National Exam (UN)
In 2020 the national exam will be the last exam to be carried out and
replaced with a minimum competency assessment and character survey in the
following year. Minimum competency assessment is carried out on students
who are in the middle of the school level, namely grades 4, 8, and 11. This is
done to become the basis for selecting students to the next level and to
improve the quality of learning.
C. Lesson Plan (RPP)
In the implementation of learning plans in independent learning, teachers
are free to choose, create, use and develop the lesson plan format. if
previously the teacher was asked to make a detailed lesson plan in
independent learning, the teacher simply made a lesson plan on 1 page, with 3
main components, namely:
1. The learning objectives of learning
2. Activities
3. Assessment
Writing lesson plans carried out efficiently and effectively so that teachers
have more time to prepare and evaluate the learning process.
D. PPDB Zonasi
Merdeka belajar also has a policy regarding the regulatory acceptance of
new learners zoning of such
1. A policy PPDB rely more flexible to accommodate unequal access and
quality in some areas:
 Zoning path: minimum 50%
 Affirmation path: 15% minimum
 Transfer path: max 5%
 Achievement path (the remaining 0-30%, adjusted to local
2. Regions have the authority to determine the final proportions and
determine zoning areas for.
3. Equal access and quality of education, it needs to be accompanied by
other initiatives by local governments such as redistribution of teachers
to schools that lack teachers.
2.3 Assessment in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
The Center for Assessment and Learning/Pusat Asesmen dan Pembelajaran
(Pusasjar) of the Ministry of Education and Culture issued an Education
Assessment Policy on Free of Learning as stated in the SISDIKNAS Law
regarding Evaluation in Paragraph 58 "(1) Evaluation of student learning
outcomes is carried out by educators to monitor the process, progress, and
improvement of student learning outcomes on an ongoing basis. (2) Evaluation of
students, education units, and educational programs is carried out by independent
institutions periodically, thoroughly, transparently, and systematically to assess
the achievement of national education standards” and in Paragraph 59 “(1) the
Government and Regional Governments evaluate managers, educational units ,
path, level, and type of education. (2) The public and/or professional
organizations may establish an independent institution to conduct the evaluation
as referred to in Article 58. (3) Provisions regarding the evaluation as referred to
in section (1) and section (2) shall be further regulated by a Government
Regulation”.(Gowan, 2003)
Paragraph 58 Section 1 "Evaluation of student learning outcomes is carried
out by educators to monitor the process, progress, and improvement of Article 58
paragraph 2 "student learning outcomes on an ongoing basis". Evaluation of
students, educational units, and educational programs is carried out by
independent institutions on a regular, comprehensive, transparent, and systemic
basis to assess the achievement of national education standards.
Student evaluation
(Formative and Summative)
system evaluation
The main purpose
Encourage, monitor
progress, and assess student
learning outcomes
assess the achievment of
educational standards at
the national level
Executor Teacher Independent institution
Continuous (as part of the
teaching and learning
Periodic, comprehensive,
transparent, and
The following are some of the new policy directions obtained as in
(Kemendikbud, 2019b), such as:
A. School Exams/Ujian Sekolah (US)
1. In 2020, USBN will be replaced with exams (assessments) that are
held only by schools,
2. Exams to assess student competence can be carried out in the form of
written tests and/or other, more comprehensive forms of assessment,
such as portfolios and assignments (group assignments, essays, etc.)
Because of the new policy, teachers and schools are more independent in
assessing student learning outcomes. The budget that should be used for
USBN can be diverted to develop the quality of learning.
B. National Examination /Ujian Nasional (UN)
1. In 2020, the UN will be held for the last time
2. In 2021, the National Examination will be changed to a minimum
competency assessment and character survey
Literacy Number Character
Ability to reason about
things and use language
The ability to reason
using mathematics
For example, learning,
mutual cooperation,
diversity, and bullying.
● Performed on students who are in the middle of the school level (eg class 4, 8,
11) so as to encourage teachers and schools to improve the quality of learning
and cannot be used as a basis for selecting students to the next level.
● Referring to good practices at international level such as PISA and TIMSS
C. Learning Implementation Plan/ Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)
Teachers can freely choose, create, use and develop lesson plans/RPP.
Three core components (other components are complementary and can be
selected independently):
1. Learning objectives
2. Learning Activities
3. Assessment
One page is enough RPP writing is done efficiently and effectively so that
teachers have more time to prepare and evaluate the learning process itself.
D. New Student Admission Regulations (PPDB) Zoning
Making PPDB policies more flexible to accommodate inequality in access
and quality in various regions:
1. Zoning path: minimum 50%
2. Affirmation path: 15% minimum
3. Transfer path: max 5%
4. Achievement path (the remaining 0-30%, adjusted to local conditions)
The regions have the authority to determine the final proportion and determine
the zoning area. Equitable access and quality of education need to be accompanied
by other initiatives by local governments, such as redistribution of teachers to
schools that lack teachers.
The Ministry of Education and Culture's 2020 Work Program Regarding
Evaluation. The following is the work program of the Ministry of Education and
Culture designed in 2020 regarding evaluation:
1. Provide good practices for school exams.
2. Assisting local governments to no longer require graduation exam
materials in their regions, but to provide independence for each school.
3. Implementing the 2020 National Examination (last time) for 8.4
million students.
4. Designing a Competency Assessment and Character Survey for 2021:
 Prepare IT tools to improve the quality of learning as well as the
implementation of Competency Assessment and Character Survey.
 Simulating the system and preparing for the implementation of the
Competency Assessment and Character Survey.
 Develop learning tools.
 Develop Competency Assessment and Character Survey
 Developing Competency Assessment instruments and Character
Permendikbud Number 43 of 2019 Implementation of Exams organized by
Education Units and National Examinations
1. School exam is carried out entirely by the school
2. School exams can take many forms: portfolios, assignments, written
tests, etc
3. School exam can be held in odd semester and/or even semester
4. National exam 2020 is still being held
5. National exam preferably using UNBK mode
6. The national exam must be socialized by the central government, local
government, and schools.
National Assessment System in Lieu of National Examination :
1. Minimum Competency Assessment
Text (literacy) and dealing with students' thinking or reasoning
competence problems when reading texts (literacy) and facing problems
that require mathematical knowledge (numbering).
The word Minimum refers to not all content in the curriculum
measured in the AKM. AKM will measure basic skills: literacy and
numeracy. The ability to reason about text and numbers. These
competencies are built from basic to intermediate levels in a learning
progression. AKM is in the form of a survey with a sample of grade 4,
grade 8, and grade 11 students – not reporting on individual student results
but an aggregate report that focuses on internal improvements over time,
not comparisons between groups.
2. Character Survey and Learning Environment
Measuring learning outcomes that are more social-emotional in nature,
as well as the quality of the teaching-learning process in each school.
2.4 Teachers in the era of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
Teachers in the Independence Learning era are teachers who implement the
2013 curriculum, which is authentic learning, so teachers must become "authentic
teachers." The teacher's role is not only in the learning process, but also in the
assessment. To be able to carry out authentic learning, teachers must meet certain
criteria, among others:
(1) Know how to assess students' strengths and weaknesses and learning
(2) Knowing how to guide students to develop their prior knowledge by
asking questions and providing adequate resources for students to make
knowledge acquisition;
(3) Become caregivers of the learning process, see new information, and
assimilate students' understanding; and
(4) Be creative about how the learning process of students can be expanded by
drawing on experiences from the world outside the walls of the school.
Facing the challenges of Industry 4.0 and in implementing “Independence
Learning”, teachers are needed who have the capacity and competence to realize a
comprehensive education organization that includes science, character, creativity
and innovation of students. Therefore, teacher in the era of Education 4.0 that has
those capacity is needed, because :
(1) Era of Independence Learning requires a fundamental change in terms of
learning so that educational institutions are required to be able to transform in
realizing a broad-based, brand-based education, interactive and collaborative
education pattern that suits the situation and needs
(2) To support the Transformation of the Educational Institution, this teacher
capacity is needed, that is, teachers who are able to realize the revolution of
their roles, tasks and responsibilities to prepare the educational children
mental (Attitudes and Character as well as Intelectual Competence and
Knowledge) in facing the demands of the actual situation and current
(3) The transformation of the administration of education in the Merdeka
Belajar era requires a change agent that has the ability to bring about
enormous changes to individuals and organizations.
Therefore, teacher in the era of Independence Learning should abandoning
conventional and less productive old ways and being able to understand new
things faster, utilizing digital technology to help teachers learn faster and more
effectively and turn boring and non-innovative lessons into fun and engaging
multi stimulant learning, and revolutionize its role as a source of learning or
knowledge provider to be a mentor, facilitator, motivator, and even an inspiration
to develop the imagination, creativity, character, and team work that students need
in the future. And also teacher must be able to master the risk tasking,
effectiveness, autonomy, collegiality, and honor (Darmadi, 2019).
Besides, the skill that must be had by teacher which is transfered to students,
among other skill need to be taught (Soffel, 2016):
(1) Foundational Literacies: Literacy, Numeracy, Scientific literacy, IT
literacy, Financial literacy, Cultural and Civic Literacy;
(2) Competencies : Critical thinking / problem solving, Creativity,
Communication, Collaboration
(3) Character Qualities : Curiosity , Initiative, Persistence/grit, Adaptability,
Leadership Social and cultural awareness.
While, the character that must be had among others:
(1) Idealized influence where the teacher is an ideal figure who can be used as
an example to be trusted, respected and able to make the best decisions for the
sake of improving the quality of learning;
(2) Inspirational motivation where the teacher can motivate all students and
colleagues to have a commitment to the vision of the organization and support
team spirit in achieving the goals of education in school;
(3) Intellectual Stimulation where teachers can foster creativity and innovation
by developing critical thinking and problem solving to make learning better;
(4) Individual consideration where the teacher can act as a coach and advisor
and provide constructive feedback for students and colleagues. Those
characters is formed by religious, honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work,
creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, spirit of nationality, love the
motherland, appreciate achievement, friendly, communicative, love peace, like
to read, environmental care, social care, and responsible.
Learning strategy in the Education 4.0 and Independence Learning era must be
focus on fertilizing the superior potential of each student with balance of various
intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, kinesthetic intelligence, and learning the
life skills. The assessment system is portfolio based on student work, real-life
based learning, and practice in the field. The teacher acts more as a motivator and
facilitator so that students can develop their respective interests and learning is
based on the abilities, ways of learning styles, and psychological development of
each child. And the work ethic that must be built is “work is worship”, “work is
responsibility”, and “work is a grace”.
2.5 The implementation of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum for students in
In order to meet the demands, the flow of change and the need for link and
match with the business world and the industrial world, and to prepare students
for the world of work, universities are required to be able to design and implement
innovative learning processes so that students can achieve learning outcomes
include aspects of attitude, knowledge, and skills optimally. The Independent
Learning Policy - Merdeka Campus is expected to be the answer to these
demands. Merdeka Campus is a form of learning in higher education that is
autonomous and flexible so as to create a learning culture that is innovative,
unfettered, and in accordance with the needs of students.
The Independent Learning Program - Merdeka Campus includes four main
policies, namely: the ease of opening new study programs, changes to the higher
education accreditation system, the ease of universities becoming legal entities,
and the right to study for three semesters outside the study program. Students are
given the freedom to take credits outside the study program, the intended three
semesters can be taken for learning outside the study program within the PT and
or learning outside the PT. Independent campuses are expected to be able to
provide field contextual experiences that will improve student competencies as a
whole and are ready to work.
The learning process in the Merdeka Campus is one of the most essential
manifestations of student centered learning. Learning in the Merdeka Campus
provides challenges and opportunities for the development of creativity, capacity,
personality, and student needs, as well as developing independence in seeking and
finding knowledge through realities and field dynamics such as ability
requirements, real problems, social interaction, collaboration, self-management,
performance demands, targets and achievements.
Through Merdeka Learning – Merdeka Campus is expected to be able to
answer the challenges of Higher Education to produce graduates according to
developments. demands of business and industry. The process of preparing and
developing an independent learning curriculum at the implementation level will
be illustrated in Picture 1.
Source : Book “Panduan Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka.
Unlam 2020.”
3.1 Conclusion
Merdeka Learning is a new concept that should be followed with caution to
guide the discussion objectively. However, the concept of Merdeka Learning is
not a very recent phenomenon. And the evaluation of this curriculum there is. The
teacher in the age of independent learning should abandon old conventional and
less productive ways and be able to understand new things faster, using digital
technology to help teachers learn faster and more effectively and to transform
boring, non-innovative lessons into fun and engaging multi -stimulating learning,
and revolutionize one's role as a learning source or knowledge provider to be a
mentor, facilitator, motivator and even an inspiration to develop the imagination,
creativity, character and teamwork that students need in the future. Learning in the
Merdeka Campus provides challenges and opportunities for the development of
creativity, capacity, personality, and student needs, as well as developing
independence in seeking and finding knowledge through realities and field
dynamics such as ability requirements, real problems, social
interaction, collaboration, self-management, performance demands, targets and
Gowan, P. (2003). Us: Un. New Left Review, 24, 5–28.
Hasim, E. (2020). Prosiding Webinar Magister Pendidikan Dasar Pascasarjana
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo “ Pengembangan Profesionalisme Guru
Melalui Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Menuju Anak Merdeka Belajar ”
Gorontalo, 14 Juli 2020 ISBN: xxxxxxxxxxx. 85–94.
Kemendikbud. (2019a). Empat Pokok Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar.
Kemendikbud. (2019b). Merdeka belajar 11.
Tohir, M. (2020). Buku Panduan Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka.
Us, A., Unit, B., Us, C., & Belajar, M. (2020). MERDEKA BELAJAR (

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Free of learning group 5

  • 1. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT CURRICULUM MERDEKA BELAJAR (FREE OF LEARNING) Class : 3A2 Group 5 : 1. Destya Pramudita 2088203096 2. Rika Elsafitri 2088203065 3. Siti Dewi Suryani 2088203081 4. Sylvia Anjani Rahadewi 2088203084 5. Tazqia Aulia Zakhra 2088203070 6. Witri Kholisah 2088203091 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTEMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH TANGERANG 2021/2022
  • 2. i PREFACE Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to the writers for finishing the Curriculum Development paper entitled “Curriculum Merdeka Belajar”. This paper was prepared to fulfill our assignment in curriculum development courses at the University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang. In addition, we also hope that this paper can make us know about curriculum merdeka belajar. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Mrs. Dwi Sloria Suharti as a lecturer in this subject. Hopefully this task can add our knowledge for the writers and for readers. We would also like to thank all those who have helped in process of making this paper. We realize this paper is far from perfect, therefore, we as the author apologize if there are errors of words that aren’t pleased and we also ask for crictism and suggestions from readers for the imrpovement this paper. Tangerang, October 2021 Author
  • 3. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE .................................................................................................................i TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................................ii CHAPTER I INTRODUCING.................................................................................1 1.1 Background of Paper.............................................................................1 1.2 Identification of Problem ......................................................................1 1.3 Purpose of Paper....................................................................................2 CHAPTER II THEORY AND DISCUSSION.........................................................3 2.1 Definition of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum............................................3 2.2 Main policies in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum ......................................3 2.3 Assessment in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum .........................................5 2.4 Teachers in the era of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum..............................9 2.5 The implementation of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum for students in college .............................................................................................................12 CHAPTER III CLOSING ......................................................................................14 REFERENCES.......................................................................................................15
  • 4. 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCING 1.1 Background of Paper March 2020 is the start of the Covid-19 pandemic entering Indonesia. At that time, schools in Indonesia abolished the National Examination had prepared for the 2020 batch simultaneously. However, a pandemic outbreak that caused millions of lives to be lost around the world and then entered our homeland, Indonesia. The spread of the pandemic in Indonesia has inevitably forced the government through the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) to Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) or online schools had implemented in countries affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Anwar Makarim finally issued a policy of the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum. Merdeka Belajar is one of policies from Kemendikbud. The implements of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum, especially for Kampus Merdeka Program hopefully can bring all Indonesian college students to face the change of society, culture, world of work, and technology. Universities are required to be able to design and implement innovative learning process to make students can achieve the learning that include attitude, knowledge, and skills optimally. The learning process in the Kampus Merdeka is one of themanifestations of very student-centered learningessential.Through a well-designed and implement independent learning program, then the hard and soft skills of students will be formed strongly. Merdeka Belajar Program is expected to be able to answer the challenges of universities to produce graduates who are under the times, progress Science and technology, the demands of the business world and the industrial world, as well as the dynamics of society. 1.2 Identification of Problem a. What is the definition of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum? b. What are the main policies in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum? c. How is the assessment in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum?
  • 5. 2 d. How are the teachers in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum? e. How the implementation of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum for students in college? 1.3 Purpose of Paper a. Knowing the definition of a Merdeka Belajar Curriculum b. Knowing the main policies in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum c. Knowing the assessment in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum d. Knowing how the teachers in the era of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum e. Knowing the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum
  • 6. 3 CHAPTER II THEORY AND DISCUSSION 2.1 Definition of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum According to Walter Mosley, a novelist from America “Freedom is a state of mind, our bodies cannot know absolute freedom but our minds can” (Us et al., 2020). Merdeka belajar is a new program form Indonesia Minsistry of Education and Culture in Indonesia Maju cabinet. According to Nadiem Anwar Makarim, the Minister of education and culture, kemerdekaan belajar means giving freedom and autonomy to educational institutions and independence from bureaucratization, lecturers are freed from complicated bureaucracy, and students are given the freedom to choose whatever they like.(Tohir, 2020). Merdeka Belajar was planned by Nadiem Makarim as a Minister of Education and Culture to create a happy learning atmosphere and not burden students with certain grades. This is because every child has their own talents and intelligence in different fields. This independent learning curriculum, it prioritizes the formation of students' character who is smart, independent, polite, competent, and ready to take on a role in the community.(Hasim, 2020). 2.2 Main policies in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum According to (Kemendikbud, 2019a) there are 4 main policies in Merdeka belajar namely: A. Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (USBN) Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional is a pass exam that held by school, in the end year of school for grades 6, 9, and 12. In Merdeka belajar curriculum this exam replaced with exams organized by the school. The exam can be done by taking a test as a more comprehensive written test such as portfolios and assignments (group assignments, papers, etc) B. National Exam (UN)
  • 7. 4 In 2020 the national exam will be the last exam to be carried out and replaced with a minimum competency assessment and character survey in the following year. Minimum competency assessment is carried out on students who are in the middle of the school level, namely grades 4, 8, and 11. This is done to become the basis for selecting students to the next level and to improve the quality of learning. C. Lesson Plan (RPP) In the implementation of learning plans in independent learning, teachers are free to choose, create, use and develop the lesson plan format. if previously the teacher was asked to make a detailed lesson plan in independent learning, the teacher simply made a lesson plan on 1 page, with 3 main components, namely: 1. The learning objectives of learning 2. Activities 3. Assessment Writing lesson plans carried out efficiently and effectively so that teachers have more time to prepare and evaluate the learning process. D. PPDB Zonasi Merdeka belajar also has a policy regarding the regulatory acceptance of new learners zoning of such 1. A policy PPDB rely more flexible to accommodate unequal access and quality in some areas:  Zoning path: minimum 50%  Affirmation path: 15% minimum  Transfer path: max 5%  Achievement path (the remaining 0-30%, adjusted to local conditions)
  • 8. 5 2. Regions have the authority to determine the final proportions and determine zoning areas for. 3. Equal access and quality of education, it needs to be accompanied by other initiatives by local governments such as redistribution of teachers to schools that lack teachers. 2.3 Assessment in Merdeka Belajar Curriculum The Center for Assessment and Learning/Pusat Asesmen dan Pembelajaran (Pusasjar) of the Ministry of Education and Culture issued an Education Assessment Policy on Free of Learning as stated in the SISDIKNAS Law regarding Evaluation in Paragraph 58 "(1) Evaluation of student learning outcomes is carried out by educators to monitor the process, progress, and improvement of student learning outcomes on an ongoing basis. (2) Evaluation of students, education units, and educational programs is carried out by independent institutions periodically, thoroughly, transparently, and systematically to assess the achievement of national education standards” and in Paragraph 59 “(1) the Government and Regional Governments evaluate managers, educational units , path, level, and type of education. (2) The public and/or professional organizations may establish an independent institution to conduct the evaluation as referred to in Article 58. (3) Provisions regarding the evaluation as referred to in section (1) and section (2) shall be further regulated by a Government Regulation”.(Gowan, 2003) Paragraph 58 Section 1 "Evaluation of student learning outcomes is carried out by educators to monitor the process, progress, and improvement of Article 58 paragraph 2 "student learning outcomes on an ongoing basis". Evaluation of students, educational units, and educational programs is carried out by independent institutions on a regular, comprehensive, transparent, and systemic basis to assess the achievement of national education standards.
  • 9. 6 Student evaluation (Formative and Summative) system evaluation The main purpose Encourage, monitor progress, and assess student learning outcomes assess the achievment of educational standards at the national level Executor Teacher Independent institution Implementation principle Continuous (as part of the teaching and learning process) Periodic, comprehensive, transparent, and systematic The following are some of the new policy directions obtained as in (Kemendikbud, 2019b), such as: A. School Exams/Ujian Sekolah (US) 1. In 2020, USBN will be replaced with exams (assessments) that are held only by schools, 2. Exams to assess student competence can be carried out in the form of written tests and/or other, more comprehensive forms of assessment, such as portfolios and assignments (group assignments, essays, etc.) Because of the new policy, teachers and schools are more independent in assessing student learning outcomes. The budget that should be used for USBN can be diverted to develop the quality of learning. B. National Examination /Ujian Nasional (UN) 1. In 2020, the UN will be held for the last time 2. In 2021, the National Examination will be changed to a minimum competency assessment and character survey
  • 10. 7 Literacy Number Character Ability to reason about things and use language The ability to reason using mathematics For example, learning, mutual cooperation, diversity, and bullying. ● Performed on students who are in the middle of the school level (eg class 4, 8, 11) so as to encourage teachers and schools to improve the quality of learning and cannot be used as a basis for selecting students to the next level. ● Referring to good practices at international level such as PISA and TIMSS C. Learning Implementation Plan/ Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) Teachers can freely choose, create, use and develop lesson plans/RPP. Three core components (other components are complementary and can be selected independently): 1. Learning objectives 2. Learning Activities 3. Assessment One page is enough RPP writing is done efficiently and effectively so that teachers have more time to prepare and evaluate the learning process itself. D. New Student Admission Regulations (PPDB) Zoning Making PPDB policies more flexible to accommodate inequality in access and quality in various regions: 1. Zoning path: minimum 50% 2. Affirmation path: 15% minimum 3. Transfer path: max 5% 4. Achievement path (the remaining 0-30%, adjusted to local conditions)
  • 11. 8 The regions have the authority to determine the final proportion and determine the zoning area. Equitable access and quality of education need to be accompanied by other initiatives by local governments, such as redistribution of teachers to schools that lack teachers. The Ministry of Education and Culture's 2020 Work Program Regarding Evaluation. The following is the work program of the Ministry of Education and Culture designed in 2020 regarding evaluation: 1. Provide good practices for school exams. 2. Assisting local governments to no longer require graduation exam materials in their regions, but to provide independence for each school. 3. Implementing the 2020 National Examination (last time) for 8.4 million students. 4. Designing a Competency Assessment and Character Survey for 2021:  Prepare IT tools to improve the quality of learning as well as the implementation of Competency Assessment and Character Survey.  Simulating the system and preparing for the implementation of the Competency Assessment and Character Survey.  Develop learning tools.  Develop Competency Assessment and Character Survey applications.  Developing Competency Assessment instruments and Character Surveys. Permendikbud Number 43 of 2019 Implementation of Exams organized by Education Units and National Examinations 1. School exam is carried out entirely by the school 2. School exams can take many forms: portfolios, assignments, written tests, etc
  • 12. 9 3. School exam can be held in odd semester and/or even semester 4. National exam 2020 is still being held 5. National exam preferably using UNBK mode 6. The national exam must be socialized by the central government, local government, and schools. National Assessment System in Lieu of National Examination : 1. Minimum Competency Assessment Text (literacy) and dealing with students' thinking or reasoning competence problems when reading texts (literacy) and facing problems that require mathematical knowledge (numbering). The word Minimum refers to not all content in the curriculum measured in the AKM. AKM will measure basic skills: literacy and numeracy. The ability to reason about text and numbers. These competencies are built from basic to intermediate levels in a learning progression. AKM is in the form of a survey with a sample of grade 4, grade 8, and grade 11 students – not reporting on individual student results but an aggregate report that focuses on internal improvements over time, not comparisons between groups. 2. Character Survey and Learning Environment Measuring learning outcomes that are more social-emotional in nature, as well as the quality of the teaching-learning process in each school. 2.4 Teachers in the era of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum Teachers in the Independence Learning era are teachers who implement the 2013 curriculum, which is authentic learning, so teachers must become "authentic teachers." The teacher's role is not only in the learning process, but also in the assessment. To be able to carry out authentic learning, teachers must meet certain criteria, among others:
  • 13. 10 (1) Know how to assess students' strengths and weaknesses and learning design; (2) Knowing how to guide students to develop their prior knowledge by asking questions and providing adequate resources for students to make knowledge acquisition; (3) Become caregivers of the learning process, see new information, and assimilate students' understanding; and (4) Be creative about how the learning process of students can be expanded by drawing on experiences from the world outside the walls of the school. Facing the challenges of Industry 4.0 and in implementing “Independence Learning”, teachers are needed who have the capacity and competence to realize a comprehensive education organization that includes science, character, creativity and innovation of students. Therefore, teacher in the era of Education 4.0 that has those capacity is needed, because : (1) Era of Independence Learning requires a fundamental change in terms of learning so that educational institutions are required to be able to transform in realizing a broad-based, brand-based education, interactive and collaborative education pattern that suits the situation and needs (2) To support the Transformation of the Educational Institution, this teacher capacity is needed, that is, teachers who are able to realize the revolution of their roles, tasks and responsibilities to prepare the educational children mental (Attitudes and Character as well as Intelectual Competence and Knowledge) in facing the demands of the actual situation and current conditions (3) The transformation of the administration of education in the Merdeka Belajar era requires a change agent that has the ability to bring about enormous changes to individuals and organizations. Therefore, teacher in the era of Independence Learning should abandoning conventional and less productive old ways and being able to understand new
  • 14. 11 things faster, utilizing digital technology to help teachers learn faster and more effectively and turn boring and non-innovative lessons into fun and engaging multi stimulant learning, and revolutionize its role as a source of learning or knowledge provider to be a mentor, facilitator, motivator, and even an inspiration to develop the imagination, creativity, character, and team work that students need in the future. And also teacher must be able to master the risk tasking, effectiveness, autonomy, collegiality, and honor (Darmadi, 2019). Besides, the skill that must be had by teacher which is transfered to students, among other skill need to be taught (Soffel, 2016): (1) Foundational Literacies: Literacy, Numeracy, Scientific literacy, IT literacy, Financial literacy, Cultural and Civic Literacy; (2) Competencies : Critical thinking / problem solving, Creativity, Communication, Collaboration (3) Character Qualities : Curiosity , Initiative, Persistence/grit, Adaptability, Leadership Social and cultural awareness. While, the character that must be had among others: (1) Idealized influence where the teacher is an ideal figure who can be used as an example to be trusted, respected and able to make the best decisions for the sake of improving the quality of learning; (2) Inspirational motivation where the teacher can motivate all students and colleagues to have a commitment to the vision of the organization and support team spirit in achieving the goals of education in school; (3) Intellectual Stimulation where teachers can foster creativity and innovation by developing critical thinking and problem solving to make learning better; (4) Individual consideration where the teacher can act as a coach and advisor and provide constructive feedback for students and colleagues. Those characters is formed by religious, honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, spirit of nationality, love the motherland, appreciate achievement, friendly, communicative, love peace, like to read, environmental care, social care, and responsible.
  • 15. 12 Learning strategy in the Education 4.0 and Independence Learning era must be focus on fertilizing the superior potential of each student with balance of various intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, kinesthetic intelligence, and learning the life skills. The assessment system is portfolio based on student work, real-life based learning, and practice in the field. The teacher acts more as a motivator and facilitator so that students can develop their respective interests and learning is based on the abilities, ways of learning styles, and psychological development of each child. And the work ethic that must be built is “work is worship”, “work is responsibility”, and “work is a grace”. 2.5 The implementation of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum for students in college In order to meet the demands, the flow of change and the need for link and match with the business world and the industrial world, and to prepare students for the world of work, universities are required to be able to design and implement innovative learning processes so that students can achieve learning outcomes include aspects of attitude, knowledge, and skills optimally. The Independent Learning Policy - Merdeka Campus is expected to be the answer to these demands. Merdeka Campus is a form of learning in higher education that is autonomous and flexible so as to create a learning culture that is innovative, unfettered, and in accordance with the needs of students. The Independent Learning Program - Merdeka Campus includes four main policies, namely: the ease of opening new study programs, changes to the higher education accreditation system, the ease of universities becoming legal entities, and the right to study for three semesters outside the study program. Students are given the freedom to take credits outside the study program, the intended three semesters can be taken for learning outside the study program within the PT and or learning outside the PT. Independent campuses are expected to be able to provide field contextual experiences that will improve student competencies as a whole and are ready to work.
  • 16. 13 The learning process in the Merdeka Campus is one of the most essential manifestations of student centered learning. Learning in the Merdeka Campus provides challenges and opportunities for the development of creativity, capacity, personality, and student needs, as well as developing independence in seeking and finding knowledge through realities and field dynamics such as ability requirements, real problems, social interaction, collaboration, self-management, performance demands, targets and achievements. Through Merdeka Learning – Merdeka Campus is expected to be able to answer the challenges of Higher Education to produce graduates according to developments. demands of business and industry. The process of preparing and developing an independent learning curriculum at the implementation level will be illustrated in Picture 1. Source : Book “Panduan Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka. Unlam 2020.”
  • 17. 14 CHAPTER III CLOSING 3.1 Conclusion Merdeka Learning is a new concept that should be followed with caution to guide the discussion objectively. However, the concept of Merdeka Learning is not a very recent phenomenon. And the evaluation of this curriculum there is. The teacher in the age of independent learning should abandon old conventional and less productive ways and be able to understand new things faster, using digital technology to help teachers learn faster and more effectively and to transform boring, non-innovative lessons into fun and engaging multi -stimulating learning, and revolutionize one's role as a learning source or knowledge provider to be a mentor, facilitator, motivator and even an inspiration to develop the imagination, creativity, character and teamwork that students need in the future. Learning in the Merdeka Campus provides challenges and opportunities for the development of creativity, capacity, personality, and student needs, as well as developing independence in seeking and finding knowledge through realities and field dynamics such as ability requirements, real problems, social interaction, collaboration, self-management, performance demands, targets and achievements.
  • 18. 15 REFERENCES Gowan, P. (2003). Us: Un. New Left Review, 24, 5–28. Hasim, E. (2020). Prosiding Webinar Magister Pendidikan Dasar Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Gorontalo “ Pengembangan Profesionalisme Guru Melalui Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Menuju Anak Merdeka Belajar ” Gorontalo, 14 Juli 2020 ISBN: xxxxxxxxxxx. 85–94. Kemendikbud. (2019a). Empat Pokok Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar. Kemendikbud. (2019b). Merdeka belajar 11. Tohir, M. (2020). Buku Panduan Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka. Us, A., Unit, B., Us, C., & Belajar, M. (2020). MERDEKA BELAJAR ( FREEDOM TO LEARN ). 1–5.