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Frances Raines
In the past, I have worked with a professional team, and our
dynamic was dysfunctional. This was due to a lack of support
from leadership and an actual hierarchy organization. We, as
team members, felt less than because of how we were treated
and talked to. Our voices that spoke and asked for change,
support, and new ideas and suggestions to help better us
individually and collectively as a team was not listened to or
implemented. When going through our annual reviews with the
manager, it was not a conversation. It was a meeting where we
were expected to listen. I used my MPP to list my concerns
within the organization, leadership, and team, which was not
well received. This caused a stressful work environment
because I was then concerned that my honesty would cause me
to be terminated. Eventually, three months later, I did quit.
In research from Hughes et al. (2018), the Rocket Model is an
effective method that leaders use because it is "straightforward
and a practical approach to team building." We lacked buy-in,
morale, mission/purpose, and goals. We could not buy into what
the leadership wanted us to do because there was no instruction,
trust, or appreciation for our input to accomplish the tasks. We
were all unmotivated and only came to work because we had to
pay our bills. We lacked a team structure, each person was self-
serving, and we could never align or relate. There was always
judgment and complaints. I never found a way to express my
concerns without fear after that. Had we effectively been able
to, it would have helped our team be successful.
Plan Learner Assessments
Akita Roberson
ID-5000 v4: Fundamentals of Instructional Design
Northcentral University
May 9, 2021
Informative techniques, diagnostic and evaluative measures are
more prevalent. They provide
feedback on teacher performance, encouraging educators to
develop and alter their training techniques.
They monitor students' success and provide continuing support
those educators and teachers can use to
enhance their teaching and students can use to improve their
learning. The overarching goal of
formative evaluation is to gather comprehensive data that can be
employed to enhance education and
training as it happens. The application of the assessments, such
as the essence of a metric, technique, or
self-evaluation, is what distinguishes it as "formative."
Summative measures are provided towards the
conclusion of a specific educational period (Arabi, 2020).
Besides, they are generally evaluative rather
than diagnostic. They are ideally adapted for evaluating student
performance and achievement,
measuring the quality of training strategies, and monitoring
progress against development goals.
Assessment is a cyclical method, and it is a never-ending
evaluating process. It is constantly
revising and renewing the standard of education it provides. It
is a form of evaluation that allows for
continuous improvement in the learning phase. The cyclical
method employs attainable objectives and
expectations for the students. It involves a four-step process
which is: plan, do check, and act. The
cyclical techniques have been employed and have proven to be
more productive and effective by
educators. Its effectiveness is a result of the essence that i t
gives continual growth in the learning
The main objective of the training on the staff, inclusive of the
supervisors, is to learn the
expected leadership roles. It will also ensure that the activity
provides an understanding of the needs for
teamwork between the administration and the employees. The
staffs also need to learn the skills
necessary for customer service. The assessments will ensure
that all these skills are reached because
there will be a positive working environment through
communication and listening skills. It can only be
achieved by establishing positive attitudes towards work and the
attainment of set goals and objectives.
Need to be more explicit with the objectives. Check out this
resource that talks about the ABCD framework for writing
These objectives were selected based on the significant issues
that were affecting the company. The
results of the leadership training would be to create cohesion
between the supervisors and the
A formative assessment entails a wide variety of methods used
by the instructors to carry out in-
process evaluations on the learner's comprehension, learning
needs, and the educational process.
Through the assessments, the teachers help identify the
student's concepts where they determine
where the learner is struggling to understands or the skills that
the learner has not yet acquired.
Formative assessment
Since the training involves supervisors within the company and
not young student learners in
the classroom, the best appropriate formative assessment tool is
anonymous voting. It is similar to
impromptu quizzes that are employed in the school. Sometimes
it is hard to tell whether the earners are
keeping up with the materials. Since we're working with people,
some of them can be unable to express
their reservations. Running a short survey halfway through the
training will help them gauge how well
the students appreciate the material and change the movement
accordingly (Gómez-Gasquet et al.,
The strategy that will be used to implement polling in the
classroom will influence the poll
questions. The questions will ensure that it focuses on the
intended array and the trainer gets the
intended information. Based on what was covered in the specific
training questions, the trainer can
develop a poll question that requires the staff to remember more
than the previously acquired
information (Conley et al., 2017). Here is an example of the
questions to be used in the polling.
How would you evaluate the overall training experience you had
with the trainer through the
training program?
Very poor
The questions will include questions that will focus on the
specific topic covered through the
training session. Using the feedback collected, the trainer would
refocus the training to meet the weak
areas highlighted through the anonymous voting. The weak
spots would be determined by how the
largest population voted. If most of the training responded fair,
poor, and very poor, then the training
session would be redone and the training strategy modified or
Summative assessment
A summative evaluation is used towards the conclusion of the
learning period to measure
student learning and academic success by applying the outcomes
to a standard norm. Summative tests
have a high point benefit when they occur in a supervised
environment with greater clarity (Ghosh,
2020). Once the training curriculum has been delivered, the
trainees will be questioned for their
thoughts and perform a summative evaluation. The main
intention is to evaluate the attitude and the
information that they learned through the training program. It
will also be used to determine how the
info provided will be used back on the job.
A. Evaluate the content learned through this session?
Very dissatisfied
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
B. Can you explain to your peers what you learned in this
session with ease?
Probably not
Definitely not
The summative evaluate the overall impact or effectiveness of
the training program. It
would provide feedback to the trainer about where the training
had any effect on the trainees’
skills and knowledge. The trainer would compare these results
against the traditional value and
determine if the trainees made adequate progress or met the
expected standard.
But this is mainly self-report here - asking the learner about the
quality of the training. A summative assessment will need to
actually assess whether or not the learning that we said would
take place, actually did. So, a test, or an observation might be
appropriate here.
Arabi, E. (2020). Training Design Enhancement Through
Training Evaluation: Effects on
Training Transfer (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nevada,
Las Vegas).
Conley, Q., Lutz, H. S., & Miller, C. L. (2017). The flipped
training model: Six steps for getting
employees to flip out over training. Performance Improvement,
56(5), 18-31.
Ghosh, S. (2020). Training Evaluation Models: an Analysis.
Psychology and Education Journal,
57(9), 6689-6695. ticle/vie
Gómez-Gasquet, P., Verdecho, M. J., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, R.,
& Alfaro-Saiz, J. J. (2018).
Formative assessment framework proposal for transversal
competencies: Application to
analysis and problem-solving competence. Journal of Industrial
Engineering and
Management (JIEM), 11(2), 334-340.
Construct Learning Goals, Outcomes, and Objectives
Akita Roberson
ID-5000 v4: Fundamentals of Instructional Design
Northcentral University
May 2, 2021
Training Needs
Based on the need for instruction identified in week 2, it was
determined that there was a
disconnect between the newly promoted supervisors and the
working staff. The outcome was the rise in
consumer complaints about service quality. Thus, based on the
analysis, the learners are the ne wly
promoted supervisors as they cannot accomplish their
responsibilities of ensuring their subordinates
produce results. The lack of cohesion supports the notion as the
supervisors are reported to scold
employees and forcing them to work on the set goals and
The objective of the training is to learn the expected leadership
roles; it is essential as it has
direct implications on the organization's overall performance.
The statement refers to the effectiveness
of employees and the achievement of the company’s goals and
objectives. Therefore, the outcome of
the leadership training would be better cohesion between the
supervisors and employees. The unity
would be achieved by ensuring the supervisors understand the
importance of effective communication
and listening skills as well as having a positive attitude. The
learning objectives were selected based on
the key issues facing the company’s approach to management.
Overall, the analysis of the training needs demonstrated the
need for teamwork between the
administration and employees. It can only be achieved through
effective communication and listening
skills and the development of positive working environments.
The latter is achieved by establishing
positive attitudes towards work and the accomplishment of set
goals and objectives.
My question here would be why are the supervisors the learners
and not the staff? Wouldn't we want the staff to learn the skills
necessary for customer service? If supervisors are the "learner"
here, then the skills/tasks would be focused on leadership,
which may or may not impact "service quality".
Link to a resource on using ABCD framework for writing
Elizabeth Meyers Lloyd
At my previous employer, the Human Resources Director had
been with the company for over 20 years. He had been promoted
several times from lower-level positions into the director
position. So, he understood a lot of the human resource
department. About 8 years when he was promoted to director, he
hired a human resources manager to replace his former position.
She had never been in a management position before. And it
showed. Shortly after she came on board, another long-time HR
employee put her notice in. Stating that she couldn’t work with
the new manager. About a year later another fifteen-year HR
employee put her notice in. Stating the same. As time went on,
more and more production employees started complaining about
the new HR manager. And her lack of empathy for any
employee concern brought to her attention.
Out of the eight components listed, I would say
talent was a key factor in this case. The human resources
director should not have hired this person as the human resource
manager. She is lacking the vital skills needed to perform her
job. Another that comes to mind is power. Not only is she not
equipped to handle the position. But she lets the power of her
position, cloud her judgment when working with others. There
is such a thing as being cohesive in a team. There will be times
when employees don’t agree. But that doesn’t mean you berate
them because they are in a subordinate position. This is key to
being a great leader, anyone who lives by do as I say and not as
I do has no place in management.
Mark Brooker • Jeffrey W. Boyce
orld business leaders have
emerged as the first global
citizens. Engaged in commerce,
business leaders understand
the interdependence of nations,
and that the health of society and
the preservation of our earth are
important to the future prosperity of the business
enterprise. Business fosters economic and cultural
interdependence and has helped to create the
awareness of one humanity, on one planet, all sharing
a common fate. And, as the dominant institution on the
planet, business holds the key to the transformation
of our global society, away from intractable problems,
and toward a world that works for everyone.
Around the globe we are witnessing a fundamental
questioning, both individual and institutional, of
our most basic assumptions about who we are, the
world we live in, and what is ultimately important.
Increasingly, the leading thinkers of our day are
describing this phenomenon as being driven by an
emerging new paradigm—a new understanding of
reality—which is shaking our traditional assumptions
and intuitions to the roots. The World Business
Academy ( arose out of
the conviction that the shape of the future is our
choice, and that business, if it adopts a new tradition
of responsibility for the whole, can be the major
contributor to a future that is economically, socially,
and ecologically viable for all.
Yet the question remains as to how and to whom
businesses will be held accountable. Secularists
respond that the answer is clearly government. Yet
the Christian knows that governments, despite their
God appointed role, are made of people, and absent
the influence of God, are just as vulnerable to sin,
corruption, and oppression as any business
(1 Chronicles 14:7).
The answer to the question then lies in recognizing
that businesses and business leaders are ultimately
answerable to God, not man and that He calls us
to lead our organizations in an ethical and virtuous
manner that glorifies and honors both God and man.
Recently, there has been a lot of debate about the actual
objective of “the organization.” In the Western World, the
prevalent view over the last decades has been that its
objective was maximizing shareholder value above any
other consideration. In other words, the HOW, (whether or
not a company is virtuous in accomplishing objectives),
did not matter. As such, employees, managers and society
were simply considered as means to reach this “superior”
objective. Virtues were off the corporate radar, and business
ethics were, at most, something to comply with.
But more recently, research is now recognizing that the
HOW does matter. Pawar (2016) showed a relationship
between workplace spirituality and employee performance.
Caldwell and Hayes (2016) argued that values-based leaders
were more effective, and Yaacoub (2016) demonstrated a
relationship between values and long-term sustainability.
Business ethics is now a required subject in business
programs (ACBSP, 2016) and business is under increasing
scrutiny from both the marketplace and governments.
Character, it seems, does count.
Numerous leadership models have been developed to
help promote leadership and organizational effectiveness.
First on the scene in leadership history was the Great
Man Theory which viewed great leaders to be men of
greatness. Trait theory came into being when birthright was
questioned as being the only source for great leaders. The
next leadership theory to happen on the historical scene
was behavioral theory. Contingency theory holds that the
leader needs to alter his or her approach, calling upon a
particular leadership style to fit the situation. Transactional
theory provides that people are motivated by punishment
and reward and that central authority, power, and decision
making resides with the leader. Lastly, transformational
theory seeks to bring balance to the power relationship
between the leader and those who follow. Community
and cooperation are hallmarks of this leadership theory
(Northouse, 2016).
A major disadvantage of these models is that they do
not have a Christian perspective inherent in its framework.
Many of these models identify excellent means for developing
ethical leaders based on the concepts of character,
competence, and actions, but without first having a central
focus on God, such models and theories—no matter how
good—fall short of God’s ideal aim for us. For without
God as our central focus, “all our righteous acts are like
permanently stained rags” (Isaiah 64:6 GW).
In addition, static models driven by rules tend to be less
effective in fast changing times. Models that are based on
principles, particularly the timeless principals of scripture,
provide tools that can then be applied to the changing
environments business experience today.
The DeVoe School of Business saw a need to merge
the best secular leadership theories and models with
the wisdom of Scripture and has developed the Virtuous
Business Model to aid in kingdom-based leadership and
organizational effectiveness development. The model
describes both the virtuous leader and the virtuous
organization; its value’s based approach works even in the
tumultuous times facing business today.
Virtue, by definition, is the moral excellence of a person.
A morally excellent person has a character made-up of
virtues valued as good. He or she is honest, respectful,
courageous, forgiving, and kind, for example. Because
of these virtues or positive character traits, he or she is
committed to doing the right thing no matter what the
personal cost, and does not bend to impulses, urges or
desires, but acts according to values and principles. Some
might say that good qualities are innate and developed
through good parenting, which they are, but we are not
perfect. Virtues need to be cultivated to become more
prevalent and habitual in daily life. With the habit of being
more virtuous, we take the helm of our own life, redirecting
its course towards greater fulfillment, peace, and joy .For
the Christian leader, Christ is at the center of all that is done,
and one’s will seeks to align with God’s—to prayerfully live
out the words, “Thy will be done.” Living virtuously is more
than “living the good life”; it is seeking to achieve an “on-
earth-as-it-is-in-heaven” way of living here and now (Comte-
Sponville, 1996/trans. 2001).
The DeVoe Model of Virtuous Business is based upon the
“Be-Know-Do” (BKD) model of leadership development,
which has been used by the US Army for more than 50
years. The holistic notion of BKD is grasped and intuitively
recognizable by Christians because of its similar construct
with Scripture references to body, mind, and soul. “Love
the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and
with all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:5 GNT).
The model recognizes that we not only have three aspects
of virtue (being, knowing, and doing), but also three domains
in which we interact with the world around us. The virtuous
leader interacts in the spiritual, personal, and professional
domains; the virtuous organization interacts by building
spiritual, social, and economic capital.
The center of all things, and particularly any model of
virtue, is Jesus Christ. Jesus is the example of virtuous
leadership and an understanding of virtue comes from
studying the characteristics of Jesus in Scripture. Scripture
also explains that just as God is three in one, mankind has
been created with mind, body, and soul. The corresponding
domains with the virtuous leader model are personal,
professional, and spiritual.
The spiritual domain fulfills the same role in the virtuous
leader that our soul does to the tri-part man. It provides our
connection to both God and man and from the perspective
of eternity, represents true currency that can be stored up
in heaven. The three characteristics of the virtuous leader
in the spiritual domain are character (be), critical thinker
(know), and courageous (do). Character is developed by
becoming Christ-like; critical thinking is learned by study
and practice; and courage by stepping out in faith into the
The personal domain corresponds with our mind and to
what we know. It also speaks to our mental attributes. The
three characteristics of the virtuous leader in the personal
domain are respectful (be), relational (know), and reconciling
(do). Respect begins with the fear and knowledge of God,
but includes respecting all people as created in the image
of God. Relational is the product of valuing people above
all other things; and reconciling is the ministry to which God
has called all believers; that is, reconciling God to man, man
to each other, and man to God’s creation.
The professional domain corresponds with our body and
to how we act towards others. The three characteristics of
the virtuous leader in the professional domain are integrity
(be), inspirational (know), and inclusive (do). Leaders above
all must have integrity, be able to inspire, and seek to
include all of God’s creative masterwork, the human race, in
the work of business.
Organizations are groups of individuals collaborating
to accomplish tasks that could not be accomplished
individually. While virtuous leadership is essential for the
virtuous organization, a lack of understanding of the role
of business in God’s Word can lead to organizations that
are not kingdom building. The virtuous organization is
one that builds spiritual, social, and economic capital.
Spiritual capital is built through being centered, creative,
and compassionate. Social capital is about being sincere,
supportive, and service orientated. Economic capital is built
by being principled, proficient, and profound.
Spiritual capital is about having the right priorities; it is not
about profit, it is about people. While profit is necessary to
survive, the purpose is about people and includes a clear
sense of corporate values, providing comfort and strength
in meeting the challenges of life. Virtuous organizations
are as dedicated to building spiritual capital as they are to
social and economic capital. The three characteristics of the
virtuous organization related to building spiritual capital are
being centered on Christ (be), creative in problem solving
(know), and compassionate to those in need (do).
Social capital is about authenticity, synergy, and meeting
needs. The virtuous organization is transparent, unites
individual peoples and skills in ways the promote creativity
and innovation, and serves the people of its marketplace.
The three characteristics of the virtuous organization related
to building social capital are being sincere (be), synergistic
(know), and service oriented (do).
Economic capital is built through operating with principles
centered on Christ, be proficient in what they do to be a
faithful steward of their resources, and do only what is
profound; that is what is right, good, and proper in the
eyes of God. Not everything that can be done, should be
done; virtuous organizations know the difference and act
The repeated moral failures of businesses in the 2000’s,
and government in the 2010’s demonstrates the folly of
removing God from the marketplace. In contrast, leaders
and organizations that honor God through virtuous behavior
build the kingdom and increase value for the company and
stakeholder. The next step in the development of the model
is to incorporate it into the curriculum of DSB and using it to
teach virtues-based business. t
Caldwell, C., & Hayes, L. A. (2016). Self-efficacy and self-
Moral insights to increased leader effectiveness. The Journal of
Development, 35(9), 1163-1173. Retrieved from http://0-
Comte-Sponville, A. (1996/trans. 2001). A small treatise on the
great virtues.
New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company, LLC. (pp. 3-4)
Northouse P. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice, 7th
Edition. Sage
Publications: New York
Pawar, B. S. (2016). Workplace spirituality and employee well-
being: an
empirical examination. Employee Relations 38.6 p. 75-994.
Yaacoub, H. K. (2016). Authenticity: Sustainable benefits
beyond performance.
People and Strategy, 39(4), 47-49. Retrieved from http://0-
Webber, M. (2008, July). Reflections on the “Be, Know, Do”
model of leadership
development #1. Retrieved
Winn, B. (2012). Interview with Kim Cameron. People and
35(4), 12-14. Retrieved from http://0-
(1) Thank you to those who participated on the task
force: Shelley Webb, Kevin Cabe, Mark Booker, Duane Kilty,
Jeffrey Boyce, Paul Richardson, Kneeland C. Brown, Pete
Ochs, Ilene Bezjian, and Lauren Young.
(2) Thank you to Amanda Cass for helping to create the
Virtuous Buisness Models.
Wells Fargo (the "Company") intends to procure an
investigative consumer report on your background (a
"Report") from First Advantage P.O. Box 3367, Seminole,
Florida 33775-3367, (800) 321-4473 ext. 8. In
preparing the Report, First Advantage may conduct a criminal
records search, and may verify your
education and employment history. The Report could include
information about your criminal history,
academic achievement, employment history, Social Security
Number verification, character, general
reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of living. The
Company may use the information contained in
these Reports to make decisions regarding your eligibility for
employment or continued employment with
the Company. If you are hired by the Company, it may also
procure subsequent Reports for employment
purposes (including, without limitation, to make decisions
regarding retention, reassignment or promotion)
unless this authorization is revoked in writing.
Please accurately complete the information requested below.
You understand that any false statement,
misrepresentation, or omission of facts on this authorization, or
otherwise provided to the Company through
First Advantage, is grounds for rejection of your employment
application or immediate termination of
employment, regardless of when the Company discovers the
false statement, misrepresentation or
omission of facts.
Before the Company takes any adverse action regarding your
application for or any subsequent
employment with the Company based in whole or in part on
information obtained in a Report, you will be
provided with a copy of the Report and a written description of
your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting
Act. If you disagree with the accuracy of any information In
either of these Reports, you must notify the
Company within 5 business days of your receipt of the Report
that you are challenging the accuracy of the
information contained in the report.
By your signature below, you authorize the Company to
procure a Report and subsequent Reports about
you and to consider the Report(s) when making decisions
regarding your application for and any
subsequent employment with the Company. You must fill out
this form within two (2) business days after
you receive it.
You hereby authorize any and all persons, business entities,
credit agencies and governmental agencies
(collectively, "Third Parties") who may have information
relevant to the Report(s) to disclose such
information to the Company by and through First Advantage or
Equifax. You hereby release the Company,
First Advantage and all Third Parties to the full extent
permitted by law, from any liability or claims arising
from retrieving and/or reporting information concerning you
and/or from using the Report for employment
purposes. . I authorize First Advantage and the Company to
provide Wells Fargo copies of all background
reports concerning this disclosure.
For more information about your rights under the federal Fair
Credit Reporting Act, please go to or see below.
I have read A Summary of Your Rights Under the FCRA
If I am an applicant or resident of New York I have read New
York Article 23A.
If you would like to receive a copy of the consumer report
obtained by First Advantage, the option to
request it will be presented later in the process. If you are a
California applicant, you have the right to
visually inspect the files concerning you maintained by an
investigative consumer reporting agency during
normal business hours and upon reasonable notice. The
inspection can be done in person, by request by
certified mail to have materials sent to you, or by phone, if
proper identification is provided. You also can
request trained personnel to explain information to you
including coded information, and you can be
accompanied by a representative. If you are a Minnesota
applicant, you have the right to make a written
request to the consumer reporting agency, First Advantage, for a
complete and accurate disclosure of the
nature and scope of the consumer report.
A Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Criminal Justice
Information Services Division (CJIS)
related report based on the fingerprints you have submitted will
be used to check your Criminal
History Record Information (CHRI) as provided in Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) records. The
information in the FBI CHRI records may also be further
investigated as necessary.
Should you believe that the information in the FBI report is
incorrect or incomplete and you wish to
dispute any of the information contained in the FBI report, DO
NOTcontact First Advantage, instead
you must directly contact the law enforcement agency that
provided the information to the Federal
Bureau of Investigations.
16.34 - Procedure to obtain change, correction or updating of
identification records.
If, after reviewing his/her identification record, the subject
thereof believes that it is incorrect or
incomplete in any respect and wishes changes, corrections or
updating of the alleged deficiency,
he/she should make application directly to the agency which
contributed the questioned
The subject of a record may also direct his/her challenge as to
the accuracy or completeness of
any entry on his/her record to the FBI, Criminal Justice
Information Services (CJIS) Division, ATTN:
SCU, Mod. D2, 1000 Custer Hollow Road, Clarksburg, WV
26306. The FBI will then forward the
challenge to the agency which submitted the data requesting
that agency to verify or correct the
challenged entry. Upon the receipt of an official communication
directly from the agency which
contributed the original information, the FBI CJIS Division will
make any changes necessary in
accordance with the information supplied by that agency.
Consent And Authorization
I agree to provide my authorization per the terms of the above
First Name (Given
Last Name (Family
Address 1: 14906 WEST PARK DRIVE
Address 2: APT 1612
Region: Texas
ZIP Code/Postal Code: 77082
Date: May 12, 2021 US Eastern Time
I consent

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Frances Raines In the past, I have worked with a pr

  • 1. Frances Raines In the past, I have worked with a professional team, and our dynamic was dysfunctional. This was due to a lack of support from leadership and an actual hierarchy organization. We, as team members, felt less than because of how we were treated and talked to. Our voices that spoke and asked for change, support, and new ideas and suggestions to help better us individually and collectively as a team was not listened to or implemented. When going through our annual reviews with the manager, it was not a conversation. It was a meeting where we were expected to listen. I used my MPP to list my concerns within the organization, leadership, and team, which was not well received. This caused a stressful work environment because I was then concerned that my honesty would cause me to be terminated. Eventually, three months later, I did quit. In research from Hughes et al. (2018), the Rocket Model is an effective method that leaders use because it is "straightforward and a practical approach to team building." We lacked buy-in, morale, mission/purpose, and goals. We could not buy into what the leadership wanted us to do because there was no instruction, trust, or appreciation for our input to accomplish the tasks. We were all unmotivated and only came to work because we had to
  • 2. pay our bills. We lacked a team structure, each person was self- serving, and we could never align or relate. There was always judgment and complaints. I never found a way to express my concerns without fear after that. Had we effectively been able to, it would have helped our team be successful. Plan Learner Assessments Akita Roberson ID-5000 v4: Fundamentals of Instructional Design Northcentral University May 9, 2021 Informative techniques, diagnostic and evaluative measures are more prevalent. They provide feedback on teacher performance, encouraging educators to develop and alter their training techniques. They monitor students' success and provide continuing support those educators and teachers can use to enhance their teaching and students can use to improve their learning. The overarching goal of formative evaluation is to gather comprehensive data that can be employed to enhance education and training as it happens. The application of the assessments, such
  • 3. as the essence of a metric, technique, or self-evaluation, is what distinguishes it as "formative." Summative measures are provided towards the conclusion of a specific educational period (Arabi, 2020). Besides, they are generally evaluative rather than diagnostic. They are ideally adapted for evaluating student performance and achievement, measuring the quality of training strategies, and monitoring progress against development goals. Assessment is a cyclical method, and it is a never-ending evaluating process. It is constantly revising and renewing the standard of education it provides. It is a form of evaluation that allows for continuous improvement in the learning phase. The cyclical method employs attainable objectives and expectations for the students. It involves a four-step process which is: plan, do check, and act. The cyclical techniques have been employed and have proven to be more productive and effective by educators. Its effectiveness is a result of the essence that i t gives continual growth in the learning process. The main objective of the training on the staff, inclusive of the supervisors, is to learn the
  • 4. expected leadership roles. It will also ensure that the activity provides an understanding of the needs for teamwork between the administration and the employees. The staffs also need to learn the skills necessary for customer service. The assessments will ensure that all these skills are reached because there will be a positive working environment through communication and listening skills. It can only be achieved by establishing positive attitudes towards work and the attainment of set goals and objectives. Need to be more explicit with the objectives. Check out this resource that talks about the ABCD framework for writing objectives: 1 These objectives were selected based on the significant issues that were affecting the company. The results of the leadership training would be to create cohesion between the supervisors and the employees. A formative assessment entails a wide variety of methods used by the instructors to carry out in-
  • 5. process evaluations on the learner's comprehension, learning needs, and the educational process. Through the assessments, the teachers help identify the student's concepts where they determine where the learner is struggling to understands or the skills that the learner has not yet acquired. Formative assessment Since the training involves supervisors within the company and not young student learners in the classroom, the best appropriate formative assessment tool is anonymous voting. It is similar to impromptu quizzes that are employed in the school. Sometimes it is hard to tell whether the earners are keeping up with the materials. Since we're working with people, some of them can be unable to express their reservations. Running a short survey halfway through the training will help them gauge how well the students appreciate the material and change the movement accordingly (Gómez-Gasquet et al., 2018). The strategy that will be used to implement polling in the classroom will influence the poll questions. The questions will ensure that it focuses on the
  • 6. intended array and the trainer gets the intended information. Based on what was covered in the specific training questions, the trainer can develop a poll question that requires the staff to remember more than the previously acquired information (Conley et al., 2017). Here is an example of the questions to be used in the polling. How would you evaluate the overall training experience you had with the trainer through the training program? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor The questions will include questions that will focus on the specific topic covered through the training session. Using the feedback collected, the trainer would refocus the training to meet the weak areas highlighted through the anonymous voting. The weak spots would be determined by how the
  • 7. largest population voted. If most of the training responded fair, poor, and very poor, then the training session would be redone and the training strategy modified or changed. Summative assessment A summative evaluation is used towards the conclusion of the learning period to measure student learning and academic success by applying the outcomes to a standard norm. Summative tests have a high point benefit when they occur in a supervised environment with greater clarity (Ghosh, 2020). Once the training curriculum has been delivered, the trainees will be questioned for their thoughts and perform a summative evaluation. The main intention is to evaluate the attitude and the information that they learned through the training program. It will also be used to determine how the info provided will be used back on the job. A. Evaluate the content learned through this session? Very dissatisfied Not satisfied
  • 8. Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied B. Can you explain to your peers what you learned in this session with ease? Definitely Probably Possibly Probably not Definitely not The summative evaluate the overall impact or effectiveness of the training program. It would provide feedback to the trainer about where the training had any effect on the trainees’ skills and knowledge. The trainer would compare these results against the traditional value and determine if the trainees made adequate progress or met the expected standard. But this is mainly self-report here - asking the learner about the quality of the training. A summative assessment will need to actually assess whether or not the learning that we said would
  • 9. take place, actually did. So, a test, or an observation might be appropriate here. 2 References Arabi, E. (2020). Training Design Enhancement Through Training Evaluation: Effects on Training Transfer (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nevada, Las Vegas). 716264daa/1?pq- origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y Conley, Q., Lutz, H. S., & Miller, C. L. (2017). The flipped training model: Six steps for getting employees to flip out over training. Performance Improvement, 56(5), 18-31. casa_token=EdsPOn7BDSUAAAAA:vaq9M1XMIsvnyDgPcLZV T4HphahRR_MzsaSp dwfppIUxH0ExGNiATGGosw2LtxaTaFv_blM4akWzdvQU Ghosh, S. (2020). Training Evaluation Models: an Analysis. Psychology and Education Journal, 57(9), 6689-6695.
  • 10. ticle/vie w/3643 Gómez-Gasquet, P., Verdecho, M. J., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, R., & Alfaro-Saiz, J. J. (2018). Formative assessment framework proposal for transversal competencies: Application to analysis and problem-solving competence. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM), 11(2), 334-340. Construct Learning Goals, Outcomes, and Objectives Akita Roberson ID-5000 v4: Fundamentals of Instructional Design Northcentral University May 2, 2021 Training Needs 2
  • 11. Based on the need for instruction identified in week 2, it was determined that there was a disconnect between the newly promoted supervisors and the working staff. The outcome was the rise in consumer complaints about service quality. Thus, based on the analysis, the learners are the ne wly promoted supervisors as they cannot accomplish their responsibilities of ensuring their subordinates produce results. The lack of cohesion supports the notion as the supervisors are reported to scold employees and forcing them to work on the set goals and objectives. The objective of the training is to learn the expected leadership roles; it is essential as it has direct implications on the organization's overall performance. The statement refers to the effectiveness of employees and the achievement of the company’s goals and objectives. Therefore, the outcome of the leadership training would be better cohesion between the supervisors and employees. The unity would be achieved by ensuring the supervisors understand the importance of effective communication and listening skills as well as having a positive attitude. The learning objectives were selected based on
  • 12. the key issues facing the company’s approach to management. Overall, the analysis of the training needs demonstrated the need for teamwork between the administration and employees. It can only be achieved through effective communication and listening skills and the development of positive working environments. The latter is achieved by establishing positive attitudes towards work and the accomplishment of set goals and objectives. My question here would be why are the supervisors the learners and not the staff? Wouldn't we want the staff to learn the skills necessary for customer service? If supervisors are the "learner" here, then the skills/tasks would be focused on leadership, which may or may not impact "service quality". Link to a resource on using ABCD framework for writing objectives: a-dot-b-c-dot-d-method 1 2 Elizabeth Meyers Lloyd
  • 13. At my previous employer, the Human Resources Director had been with the company for over 20 years. He had been promoted several times from lower-level positions into the director position. So, he understood a lot of the human resource department. About 8 years when he was promoted to director, he hired a human resources manager to replace his former position. She had never been in a management position before. And it showed. Shortly after she came on board, another long-time HR employee put her notice in. Stating that she couldn’t work with the new manager. About a year later another fifteen-year HR employee put her notice in. Stating the same. As time went on, more and more production employees started complaining about the new HR manager. And her lack of empathy for any employee concern brought to her attention. Out of the eight components listed, I would say talent was a key factor in this case. The human resources director should not have hired this person as the human resource manager. She is lacking the vital skills needed to perform her job. Another that comes to mind is power. Not only is she not equipped to handle the position. But she lets the power of her position, cloud her judgment when working with others. There is such a thing as being cohesive in a team. There will be times when employees don’t agree. But that doesn’t mean you berate them because they are in a subordinate position. This is key to being a great leader, anyone who lives by do as I say and not as I do has no place in management. rganizations LEADERS
  • 14. Virtuous Mark Brooker • Jeffrey W. Boyce 56 THE DeVoe REPORT | IWU rganizations orld business leaders have emerged as the first global citizens. Engaged in commerce, business leaders understand the interdependence of nations, and that the health of society and the preservation of our earth are important to the future prosperity of the business enterprise. Business fosters economic and cultural interdependence and has helped to create the awareness of one humanity, on one planet, all sharing a common fate. And, as the dominant institution on the planet, business holds the key to the transformation of our global society, away from intractable problems, and toward a world that works for everyone. Around the globe we are witnessing a fundamental questioning, both individual and institutional, of our most basic assumptions about who we are, the world we live in, and what is ultimately important. Increasingly, the leading thinkers of our day are describing this phenomenon as being driven by an emerging new paradigm—a new understanding of
  • 15. reality—which is shaking our traditional assumptions and intuitions to the roots. The World Business Academy ( arose out of the conviction that the shape of the future is our choice, and that business, if it adopts a new tradition of responsibility for the whole, can be the major contributor to a future that is economically, socially, and ecologically viable for all. Yet the question remains as to how and to whom businesses will be held accountable. Secularists respond that the answer is clearly government. Yet the Christian knows that governments, despite their God appointed role, are made of people, and absent the influence of God, are just as vulnerable to sin, corruption, and oppression as any business (1 Chronicles 14:7). The answer to the question then lies in recognizing that businesses and business leaders are ultimately answerable to God, not man and that He calls us to lead our organizations in an ethical and virtuous manner that glorifies and honors both God and man. IWU | THE DeVoe REPORT 57 WHY VIRTUOUS BUSINESS? Recently, there has been a lot of debate about the actual objective of “the organization.” In the Western World, the prevalent view over the last decades has been that its objective was maximizing shareholder value above any other consideration. In other words, the HOW, (whether or not a company is virtuous in accomplishing objectives),
  • 16. did not matter. As such, employees, managers and society were simply considered as means to reach this “superior” objective. Virtues were off the corporate radar, and business ethics were, at most, something to comply with. But more recently, research is now recognizing that the HOW does matter. Pawar (2016) showed a relationship between workplace spirituality and employee performance. Caldwell and Hayes (2016) argued that values-based leaders were more effective, and Yaacoub (2016) demonstrated a relationship between values and long-term sustainability. Business ethics is now a required subject in business programs (ACBSP, 2016) and business is under increasing scrutiny from both the marketplace and governments. Character, it seems, does count. Numerous leadership models have been developed to help promote leadership and organizational effectiveness. First on the scene in leadership history was the Great Man Theory which viewed great leaders to be men of greatness. Trait theory came into being when birthright was questioned as being the only source for great leaders. The next leadership theory to happen on the historical scene was behavioral theory. Contingency theory holds that the leader needs to alter his or her approach, calling upon a particular leadership style to fit the situation. Transactional theory provides that people are motivated by punishment and reward and that central authority, power, and decision making resides with the leader. Lastly, transformational theory seeks to bring balance to the power relationship between the leader and those who follow. Community and cooperation are hallmarks of this leadership theory (Northouse, 2016). A major disadvantage of these models is that they do not have a Christian perspective inherent in its framework.
  • 17. Many of these models identify excellent means for developing ethical leaders based on the concepts of character, competence, and actions, but without first having a central focus on God, such models and theories—no matter how good—fall short of God’s ideal aim for us. For without God as our central focus, “all our righteous acts are like permanently stained rags” (Isaiah 64:6 GW). In addition, static models driven by rules tend to be less effective in fast changing times. Models that are based on principles, particularly the timeless principals of scripture, provide tools that can then be applied to the changing environments business experience today. The DeVoe School of Business saw a need to merge the best secular leadership theories and models with the wisdom of Scripture and has developed the Virtuous Business Model to aid in kingdom-based leadership and organizational effectiveness development. The model describes both the virtuous leader and the virtuous organization; its value’s based approach works even in the tumultuous times facing business today. WHAT IS VIRTUE? Virtue, by definition, is the moral excellence of a person. A morally excellent person has a character made-up of virtues valued as good. He or she is honest, respectful, courageous, forgiving, and kind, for example. Because of these virtues or positive character traits, he or she is committed to doing the right thing no matter what the personal cost, and does not bend to impulses, urges or desires, but acts according to values and principles. Some might say that good qualities are innate and developed through good parenting, which they are, but we are not perfect. Virtues need to be cultivated to become more
  • 18. prevalent and habitual in daily life. With the habit of being more virtuous, we take the helm of our own life, redirecting its course towards greater fulfillment, peace, and joy .For the Christian leader, Christ is at the center of all that is done, and one’s will seeks to align with God’s—to prayerfully live out the words, “Thy will be done.” Living virtuously is more than “living the good life”; it is seeking to achieve an “on- earth-as-it-is-in-heaven” way of living here and now (Comte- Sponville, 1996/trans. 2001). 58 THE DeVoe REPORT | IWU THE DEVOE MODEL OF VIRTUOUS BUSINESS The DeVoe Model of Virtuous Business is based upon the “Be-Know-Do” (BKD) model of leadership development, which has been used by the US Army for more than 50 years. The holistic notion of BKD is grasped and intuitively recognizable by Christians because of its similar construct with Scripture references to body, mind, and soul. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:5 GNT). The model recognizes that we not only have three aspects of virtue (being, knowing, and doing), but also three domains in which we interact with the world around us. The virtuous leader interacts in the spiritual, personal, and professional domains; the virtuous organization interacts by building spiritual, social, and economic capital. The center of all things, and particularly any model of virtue, is Jesus Christ. Jesus is the example of virtuous leadership and an understanding of virtue comes from
  • 19. studying the characteristics of Jesus in Scripture. Scripture also explains that just as God is three in one, mankind has been created with mind, body, and soul. The corresponding domains with the virtuous leader model are personal, professional, and spiritual. SPIRITUAL DOMAIN – CHARACTER, CRITICAL THINKER, COURAGEOUS The spiritual domain fulfills the same role in the virtuous leader that our soul does to the tri-part man. It provides our connection to both God and man and from the perspective of eternity, represents true currency that can be stored up in heaven. The three characteristics of the virtuous leader in the spiritual domain are character (be), critical thinker (know), and courageous (do). Character is developed by becoming Christ-like; critical thinking is learned by study and practice; and courage by stepping out in faith into the unknown. PERSONAL DOMAIN – RESPECTFUL, RELATIONAL, RECONCILING The personal domain corresponds with our mind and to what we know. It also speaks to our mental attributes. The three characteristics of the virtuous leader in the personal domain are respectful (be), relational (know), and reconciling (do). Respect begins with the fear and knowledge of God, but includes respecting all people as created in the image of God. Relational is the product of valuing people above all other things; and reconciling is the ministry to which God has called all believers; that is, reconciling God to man, man to each other, and man to God’s creation. PROFESSIONAL DOMAIN -INTEGRITY, INSPIRATIONAL, INCLUSIVE
  • 20. The professional domain corresponds with our body and to how we act towards others. The three characteristics of the virtuous leader in the professional domain are integrity (be), inspirational (know), and inclusive (do). Leaders above all must have integrity, be able to inspire, and seek to include all of God’s creative masterwork, the human race, in the work of business. Organizations are groups of individuals collaborating to accomplish tasks that could not be accomplished individually. While virtuous leadership is essential for the virtuous organization, a lack of understanding of the role of business in God’s Word can lead to organizations that are not kingdom building. The virtuous organization is one that builds spiritual, social, and economic capital. Spiritual capital is built through being centered, creative, and compassionate. Social capital is about being sincere, supportive, and service orientated. Economic capital is built by being principled, proficient, and profound. SPIRITUAL CAPITAL – CENTERED, CREATIVE, COMPASSIONATE Spiritual capital is about having the right priorities; it is not about profit, it is about people. While profit is necessary to survive, the purpose is about people and includes a clear IWU | THE DeVoe REPORT 59 sense of corporate values, providing comfort and strength in meeting the challenges of life. Virtuous organizations are as dedicated to building spiritual capital as they are to
  • 21. social and economic capital. The three characteristics of the virtuous organization related to building spiritual capital are being centered on Christ (be), creative in problem solving (know), and compassionate to those in need (do). SOCIAL CAPITAL – SINCERE, SYNERGETIC, AND SERVICE Social capital is about authenticity, synergy, and meeting needs. The virtuous organization is transparent, unites individual peoples and skills in ways the promote creativity and innovation, and serves the people of its marketplace. The three characteristics of the virtuous organization related to building social capital are being sincere (be), synergistic (know), and service oriented (do). ECONOMIC CAPITAL - PRINCIPLED, PROFICIENT, PROFOUND Economic capital is built through operating with principles centered on Christ, be proficient in what they do to be a faithful steward of their resources, and do only what is profound; that is what is right, good, and proper in the eyes of God. Not everything that can be done, should be done; virtuous organizations know the difference and act accordingly. CONCLUSION The repeated moral failures of businesses in the 2000’s, and government in the 2010’s demonstrates the folly of removing God from the marketplace. In contrast, leaders and organizations that honor God through virtuous behavior build the kingdom and increase value for the company and stakeholder. The next step in the development of the model
  • 22. is to incorporate it into the curriculum of DSB and using it to teach virtues-based business. t REFERENCES Caldwell, C., & Hayes, L. A. (2016). Self-efficacy and self- awareness: Moral insights to increased leader effectiveness. The Journal of Management Development, 35(9), 1163-1173. Retrieved from http://0- Comte-Sponville, A. (1996/trans. 2001). A small treatise on the great virtues. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company, LLC. (pp. 3-4) Northouse P. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice, 7th Edition. Sage Publications: New York Pawar, B. S. (2016). Workplace spirituality and employee well- being: an empirical examination. Employee Relations 38.6 p. 75-994. Yaacoub, H. K. (2016). Authenticity: Sustainable benefits beyond performance. People and Strategy, 39(4), 47-49. Retrieved from http://0- Webber, M. (2008, July). Reflections on the “Be, Know, Do” model of leadership development #1. Retrieved from
  • 23. reflections-on-the-be-know-do-model-of-leader-development/ Winn, B. (2012). Interview with Kim Cameron. People and Strategy, 35(4), 12-14. Retrieved from http://0- docview/1498386837?accountid=6363 NOTES (1) Thank you to those who participated on the task force: Shelley Webb, Kevin Cabe, Mark Booker, Duane Kilty, Jeffrey Boyce, Paul Richardson, Kneeland C. Brown, Pete Ochs, Ilene Bezjian, and Lauren Young. (2) Thank you to Amanda Cass for helping to create the Virtuous Buisness Models. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCURE AN INVESTIGATIVE CONSUMER REPORT Wells Fargo (the "Company") intends to procure an investigative consumer report on your background (a "Report") from First Advantage P.O. Box 3367, Seminole, Florida 33775-3367, (800) 321-4473 ext. 8. In preparing the Report, First Advantage may conduct a criminal records search, and may verify your education and employment history. The Report could include information about your criminal history,
  • 24. academic achievement, employment history, Social Security Number verification, character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of living. The Company may use the information contained in these Reports to make decisions regarding your eligibility for employment or continued employment with the Company. If you are hired by the Company, it may also procure subsequent Reports for employment purposes (including, without limitation, to make decisions regarding retention, reassignment or promotion) unless this authorization is revoked in writing. Please accurately complete the information requested below. You understand that any false statement, misrepresentation, or omission of facts on this authorization, or otherwise provided to the Company through First Advantage, is grounds for rejection of your employment application or immediate termination of employment, regardless of when the Company discovers the false statement, misrepresentation or omission of facts. Before the Company takes any adverse action regarding your application for or any subsequent
  • 25. employment with the Company based in whole or in part on information obtained in a Report, you will be provided with a copy of the Report and a written description of your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. If you disagree with the accuracy of any information In either of these Reports, you must notify the Company within 5 business days of your receipt of the Report that you are challenging the accuracy of the information contained in the report. By your signature below, you authorize the Company to procure a Report and subsequent Reports about you and to consider the Report(s) when making decisions regarding your application for and any subsequent employment with the Company. You must fill out this form within two (2) business days after you receive it. You hereby authorize any and all persons, business entities, credit agencies and governmental agencies (collectively, "Third Parties") who may have information relevant to the Report(s) to disclose such information to the Company by and through First Advantage or Equifax. You hereby release the Company,
  • 26. First Advantage and all Third Parties to the full extent permitted by law, from any liability or claims arising from retrieving and/or reporting information concerning you and/or from using the Report for employment Authorization purposes. . I authorize First Advantage and the Company to provide Wells Fargo copies of all background reports concerning this disclosure. For more information about your rights under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, please go to or see below. I have read A Summary of Your Rights Under the FCRA If I am an applicant or resident of New York I have read New York Article 23A. If you would like to receive a copy of the consumer report obtained by First Advantage, the option to request it will be presented later in the process. If you are a California applicant, you have the right to
  • 27. visually inspect the files concerning you maintained by an investigative consumer reporting agency during normal business hours and upon reasonable notice. The inspection can be done in person, by request by certified mail to have materials sent to you, or by phone, if proper identification is provided. You also can request trained personnel to explain information to you including coded information, and you can be accompanied by a representative. If you are a Minnesota applicant, you have the right to make a written request to the consumer reporting agency, First Advantage, for a complete and accurate disclosure of the nature and scope of the consumer report. NOTICE TO APPLICANTS/EMPLOYEES OR INDIVIDUALS BEING CONSIDERED FOR PLACEMENT BASED ON OR ARISING FROM FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI) FINGERPRINT CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORD CHECK (CHRI) A Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Criminal Justice Information Services Division (CJIS) related report based on the fingerprints you have submitted will be used to check your Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) as provided in Federal
  • 28. Bureau of Investigation (FBI) records. The information in the FBI CHRI records may also be further investigated as necessary. Should you believe that the information in the FBI report is incorrect or incomplete and you wish to dispute any of the information contained in the FBI report, DO NOTcontact First Advantage, instead you must directly contact the law enforcement agency that provided the information to the Federal Bureau of Investigations. TITLE 28 - JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION CHAPTER I - DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE PART 16 - PRODUCTION OR DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL OR INFORMATION subpart c - PRODUCTION OF FBI IDENTIFICATION RECORDS IN RESPONSE TO WRITTEN REQUESTS BY SUBJECTS THEREOF 16.34 - Procedure to obtain change, correction or updating of identification records. If, after reviewing his/her identification record, the subject thereof believes that it is incorrect or incomplete in any respect and wishes changes, corrections or updating of the alleged deficiency, he/she should make application directly to the agency which contributed the questioned information.
  • 29. The subject of a record may also direct his/her challenge as to the accuracy or completeness of any entry on his/her record to the FBI, Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division, ATTN: SCU, Mod. D2, 1000 Custer Hollow Road, Clarksburg, WV 26306. The FBI will then forward the challenge to the agency which submitted the data requesting that agency to verify or correct the challenged entry. Upon the receipt of an official communication directly from the agency which contributed the original information, the FBI CJIS Division will make any changes necessary in accordance with the information supplied by that agency. ______________________________ Signature Consent And Authorization I agree to provide my authorization per the terms of the above authorization. First Name (Given Name): Adedamola Last Name (Family Name):
  • 30. Haastrup Country: UNITED STATES Address 1: 14906 WEST PARK DRIVE Address 2: APT 1612 City: HOUSTON Region: Texas ZIP Code/Postal Code: 77082 Date: May 12, 2021 US Eastern Time I consent