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An FPGA is a device that contains a matrix of reconfigurable gate array logic
circuitry. When a FPGA is configured, the internal circuitry is connected in a way that
creates a hardware implementation of the software application. Unlike processors,
FPGAs use dedicated hardware for processing logic and do not have an operating
system. FPGAs are truly parallel in nature so different processing operations do not
have to compete for the same resources. As a result, the performance of one part of
the application is not affected when additional processing is added. Also, multiple
control loops can run on a single FPGA device at different rates. FPGA-based control
systems can enforce critical interlock logic and can be designed to prevent I/O forcing
by an operator. However, unlike hard-wired printed circuit board (PCB) designs
which have fixed hardware resources, FPGA-based systems can literally rewire their
internal circuitry to allow reconfiguration after the control system is deployed to the
field. FPGA devices deliver the performance and reliability of dedicated hardware
circuitry. A single FPGA can replace thousands of discrete components by
incorporating millions of logic gates in a single integrated circuit (IC) chip. The
internal resources of an FPGA chip consist of a matrix of configurable logic blocks
(CLBs) surrounded by a periphery of I/O blocks. Signals are routed within the FPGA
matrix by programmable interconnect switches and wire routes. The design and
implementation of FPGA based Arithmetic Logic Unit is of core significance in
digital technologies as it is an integral part of central processing unit. ALU is capable
of calculating the results of a wide variety of basic arithmetical and logical
computations. The ALU takes, as input, the data to be operated on (called operands)
and a code, from the control unit, indicating which operation to perform. The output is
the result of the computation. Designed ALU will perform the following operations:
• Arithmetic operations
• Bitwise logic operations
All the modules described in the design are coded using VHDL which is a very
useful tool with its degree of concurrency to cope with the parallelism of digital
hardware. The top level module connects all the stages into a higher level at Register
Transfer Logic (RTL). RTL describes the requirements of data and control units in
terms of digital logic to execute the desired operations. Each instruction from the
architecture's instruction set is defined in detail in the RTL Once identifying the
individual approaches for input, output and other modules, the VHDL descriptions are
run through a VHDL simulator and then is downloaded the design on FPGA board for
FIGURE 1.1: Internal Structure of FPGA
In an FPGA logic blocks are implemented using multiple level low fan-in gates,
which gives it a more compact design compared to an implementation with two-level
AND-OR logic. FPGA provides its user a way to configure:
1. The intersection between the logic blocks and
2. The function of each logic block.
Logic block of an FPGA can be configured in such a way that it can provide
functionality as simple as that of transistor or as complex as that of a microprocessor.
It can used to implement different combinations of combinational and sequential logic
functions. Logic blocks of an FPGA can be implemented by any of the following:
Transistor pairs, combinational gates like basic NAND gates or XOR gates, N -input
Lookup tables, Multiplexers, Wide fan-in And -OR structure.
Routing in FPGAs consists of wire segments of varying lengths which can be
interconnected via electrically programmable switches. Density of logic block used in
an FPGA depends on length and number of wire segments used for routing. Number
of segments used for interconnection typically is a tradeoff between density of logic
blocks used and amount of area used up for routing. Simplified version of FPGA
internal architecture with routing.
FIGURE 1.2: Simplified Internal Structure of FPGA
1.2 Why do we need FPGAs?
By the early 1980’s large scale integrated circuits (LSI) formed the back bone of most
of the logic circuits in major systems. Microprocessors, bus/IO controllers, system
timers were implemented using integrated circuit fabrication technology. Random
“glue logic” or interconnects were still required to help connect the large integrated
circuits in order to: 1. Generate global control signals (for resets etc.) 2. Data signals
from one subsystem to another sub system. Systems typically consisted of few large
scale integrated components and large number of SSI (small scale integrated circuit)
and MSI (medium scale integrated circuit) components. Initial attempt to solve this
problem led to development of Custom ICs which were to replace the large amount of
interconnect. This reduced system complexity and manufacturing cost, and improved
performance. However, custom ICs have their own disadvantages. They are relatively
very expensive to develop, and delay introduced for product to market (time to
market) because of increased design time. There are two kinds of costs involved in
development of custom ICs 1. Cost of development and design 2. Cost of manufacture
(A tradeoff usually exists between the two costs) Therefore the custom IC approach
was only viable for products with very high volume, and which were not time to
market sensitive. FPGAs were introduced as an alternative to custom ICs for
implementing entire system on one chip and to provide flexibility of re programibility
to the user. Introduction of FPGAs resulted in improvement of density relative to
discrete SSI/MSI components (within around 10x of custom ICs). Another advantage
of FPGAs over Custom ICs is that with the help of computer aided design (CAD)
tools circuits could be implemented in a short amount of time (no physical layout
process, no mask making, no IC manufacturing)
Chapter 2
The Spartan s3E family of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) is specifically
designed to meet the needs of high volume, cost-sensitive consumer electronic
applications. The five-member family offers densities ranging from 100,000 to 1.6
million system gates, as shown in Table 1. The Spartan-3E family builds on the
success of the earlier Spartan-3 family by increasing the amount of logic per I/O,
significantly reducing the cost per logic cell. New features improve system
performance and reduce the cost of configuration. These Spartan-3E FPGA
enhancements, combined with advanced 90 nm process technology, deliver more
functionality and bandwidth per dollar than was previously possible, setting new
standards in the programmable logic industry. Because of their exceptionally low
cost, Spartan-3E FPGAs are ideally suited to a wide range of consumer electronics
applications, including broadband access, home networking, display/projection, and
digital television equipment. The Spartan-3E family is a superior alternative to mask
programmed ASICs. FPGAs avoid the high initial cost, the lengthy development
cycles, and the inherent inflexibility of conventional ASICs. Also, FPGA
programmability permits design upgrades in the field with no hardware replacement
necessary, an impossibility with ASICs.
The power supply to FPGA is given through the port shown below
FIGURE 2.2: Power Cable
Joint Text Action Loop Cable is used to transfer the data into the FPGA where it is to
be burnt and verified.
FIGURE 2.3: JTAG Cable
2.4 Spartan 3 Pin Configuration
XC3S400_PQ208 is the main IC in the FPGA and has 208 pins ,52 on each side. The
figure below shows the pin configuration.
FIGURE 2.4 : XC3S400_PQ208 Pin Configuration
library IEEE;
---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
---- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity testpinbus is
Port ( move_up, move_down, clk : in STD_LOGIC;
A, B : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
C : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
lcd_rw : out std_logic; ---read&write control
lcd_e : out std_logic; ----enable control
lcd_rs : out std_logic; ----data or command control
data : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); ---data line
sel: inout STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0));
end testpinbus;
architecture Behavioral of testpinbus is
signal c1 : integer range 0 to 350000;
constant N: integer :=22;
type arr is array (1 to N) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
,X"4d",X"45",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53");
--command and data to display;
process (clk)
variable temp1 : integer range 0 to 15;
if move_up = '0' then
c1 <= c1 + 1;
if (c1 = 350000) then
temp1 := temp1 + 1;
end if;
elsif move_down = '0' then
c1 <= c1 + 1;
if (c1 = 350000) then
temp1 := temp1 - 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
sel <= conv_std_logic_vector(temp1,4);
end process;
lcd_rw <= '0'; ----lcd write
variable i : integer := 0;
variable j : integer := 1;
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
if i <= 10000 then
i := i + 1;
lcd_e <= '1';
data <= datas(j)(7 downto 0);
elsif i > 10000 and i < 20000 then
i := i + 1;
lcd_e <= '0';
elsif i = 20000 then
j := j + 1;
i := 0;
end if;
if j <= 5 then
lcd_rs <= '0'; ---command signal
elsif j > 5 then
lcd_rs <= '1'; ----data signal
end if;
if j = 22 then ---repeated display of data
j := 5;
end if;
end if;
end process;
process (a,b,sel)
variable temp : integer;
case SEL is
------------------Opérations Arithmétiques-----------
when "0001" => temp := conv_integer(A) + conv_integer(B); --
C <= conv_std_logic_vector(temp,8);
datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0",
X"4f",X"4e",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53");
when "0010" => temp := conv_integer(A) - conv_integer(B); -
C <= conv_std_logic_vector(temp,8);
datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0",
X"43",X"54",X"49",X"4f",X"4e",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53");
when "0011" => temp := conv_integer(A) * conv_integer(B); --
C <= conv_std_logic_vector(temp,8);
datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0",
X"4c",X"49",X"43",X"41",X"54",X"49",X"4f",X"4e",X"20",X"20", X"53");
---------------------Opérations Logiques-------------
when "0100" => C(7 downto 0) <= A and B; -- ET
datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0",
20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53");
when "0101" => C(7 downto 0) <= A nand B; -- NON ET
datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0",
X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53");
when "0110" => C(7 downto 0) <= A or B; -- OU
datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0",
X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53");
when "0111" => C(7 downto 0) <= A nor B; -- NON OU
datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0",
X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53");
when "1000" => C(7 downto 0) <= A xor B; -- OU Exclusif
datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0",
X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53");
when "1001" => C(7 downto 0) <= A xnor B; -- NON OU Exclusif
datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0",
X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53");
when "1010" => C(7 downto 0) <= not A; -- NON A
datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0",
X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53");
when "1011" => C(7 downto 0) <= not B; --NON B
datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0",
X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53");
when others => C <= "11111111"; -- NO OPERATION
datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0",
X"52",X"41",X"54",X"49",X"4f",X"4e",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53");
end case;
end process;
end Behavioral;
After writing the VHDL code and saving successfully various steps are to be followed
such as
3.1.1 Check Syntax
In the process window click on synthesize –XST which performs the checkin of errors
and shows warnings if any in the written code.
FIGURE 3.1 : Check Syntax
3.1.2 Generating Programming File
In Generate Programming File the bit file gets generated as shown in the figure
FIGURE 3.2 : Generating Programming File
3.1.3 Assigning Required Pins
We need to assign the pins in the following window . The pins could be Input ,Output
Clock etc. There are 16 input and 16 output pins in the Spartan 3 FPGA.
FIGURE 3.3 Assigning Requirred Pins
4.1 Configure Device IMPACT
It is the last step before the boundary scan where the code (program) has to be
verified and programmed. Keep in mind to connect the FPGA device before
performing this step through JTAG cable and power supply cable.
FIGURE 4.1 : Configure Device IMPACT
4.2 Boundary Scan
The following window opens where you have to verify the program.
FIGURE : 4.2 Boundary Scan
4.3 Programming and verifying
Right clicking on the chip shows the following options as shown in the figure below.
FIGURE : 4.3 Programming and verifying
Click on the program and following window will appear which shows the burning of
the program.
FIGURE 4.4: Progress Dialogue
The following window will appear when the program is burnt successfully.
FIGURE 4.4 : Program Succeed window
Let the input A = 00010100 and B=01010001
Performing the arithmetic and logic operations on FPGA we get the following results.
5.1 Multiplication
Multiplying A= 00010100 and B = 01010001 we get 001000110 as output as shown
in figure below
FIGURE 5.1: Multiplication
5.2 Addition
Performing the addition between A =00010100 and B= 01010001 the result is
01111001 as shown in below figure.
FIGURE 5.2 : Addition
5.3 Subtraction
Subtracting A= 00010100 and B=01111001 the result is 00011001 as shown below in
the figure.
FIGURE 5.3 : Subtraction
5.4 AND Operation
Performing AND operation between A=00010100 and B= 01010001 the result is
01010001as shown in figure below
FIGURE 5.4 : AND Operation
5.5 OR Operation
Performing the OR Operation between A=00010100 and B= 01010001 the result is
11010011 as shown in figure below.
FIGURE 5.5 : OR Operation
5.5 NAND Operation
The result of performing NAND operation between A= 00010100 and B= 01010001
is 10101010as in figure below
FIGURE 5.5 : NAND Operation
5.6 NOR Operation
The result of performing NOR operation between A= 10100 and B= 01010001 is
00001000 as in below figure.
FIGURE 5.6 : NOR Operation
5.7 XOR Operation
Performing XOR Operation between A= 00010100 and B= 01010001 we get
10100110 as result
FIGURE 5.7 : XOR Operation
5.8 XNOR Operation
Performing XNOR Operation between A=00010100 and B=01010001 we get
01011001 as result
FIGURE 5.8 : XNOR Operation
When A=11111111 and B=11111111 the LCD shows NO OPERATION as shown
Chapter 6
This study helped to understand the complete flow of RTL design, starting from
designing a top level RTL module for 8-bit ALU using hardware description
language, VHDL. Verification of the designed RTL code using simulation techniques,
synthesis of RTL code to obtain gate level netlist using Xilinx ISE tool and
Arithmetic Logic Unit was successfully designed and implemented using Very High
Speed Hardware Descriptive Language and Xilinx Spatan-3E Field Programmable
Gate Array. VHDL implementation of 8-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is presented.
The design was implemented using VHDL Xilinx Synthesis tool ISE 13.1 and
targeted for Spartan device. ALU was designed to perform arithmetic operations such
as addition and subtraction using 8-bit fast adder, logical operations such as AND,
OR, XOR and NOT operations, 1’s and 2’s complement operations and compare. The
maximum propagation delay is 13.588ns and power dissipation is 38mW. The ALU
was designed for controller used in network interface card.
[1] Toshio Fujisawa, et al, “A Single-Chip 802.11a MAC/PHY With a 32-b RISC
Processor”, in IEEE Journal Of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 38, No. 11, November 2003.
[2] J. R. Allen, et al, “IBM PowerNP network processor: Hardware, software, and
applications,” in IBM Journal of Research & Development, Vol. 47, No. 2/3
March/May 2003.
[3] Xiaoning Nie, et al, “A New Network Processor Architecture for High-speed
Communications,” in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, 1999.
[4] H. Peter Hofstee, “Power Efficient Processor Architecture and The Cell
Processor,” in Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on High-
Performance Computer Architecture, 2005.
[5] D. L. Perry, “ VHDL”, Tata Mcgraw Hill Edition, 4th Edition, 2002.
[6] C. Maxfiled, “The Design Warriors Guide to FPGAs”, Elsevier, 2004.
[7] J. Bhaskar, “ VHDL Primer”, Pearson Education, 3rd Edition, 2000.
[8] J. Bhaskar, “ VHDL Synthesis Primer”, Pearson Education, 1st Edition, 2002.

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Fpg as 11 body

  • 1. 1 Chapter1 INTRODUCTION TO FPGA 1.1 INTRODUCTION An FPGA is a device that contains a matrix of reconfigurable gate array logic circuitry. When a FPGA is configured, the internal circuitry is connected in a way that creates a hardware implementation of the software application. Unlike processors, FPGAs use dedicated hardware for processing logic and do not have an operating system. FPGAs are truly parallel in nature so different processing operations do not have to compete for the same resources. As a result, the performance of one part of the application is not affected when additional processing is added. Also, multiple control loops can run on a single FPGA device at different rates. FPGA-based control systems can enforce critical interlock logic and can be designed to prevent I/O forcing by an operator. However, unlike hard-wired printed circuit board (PCB) designs which have fixed hardware resources, FPGA-based systems can literally rewire their internal circuitry to allow reconfiguration after the control system is deployed to the field. FPGA devices deliver the performance and reliability of dedicated hardware circuitry. A single FPGA can replace thousands of discrete components by incorporating millions of logic gates in a single integrated circuit (IC) chip. The internal resources of an FPGA chip consist of a matrix of configurable logic blocks (CLBs) surrounded by a periphery of I/O blocks. Signals are routed within the FPGA matrix by programmable interconnect switches and wire routes. The design and implementation of FPGA based Arithmetic Logic Unit is of core significance in digital technologies as it is an integral part of central processing unit. ALU is capable of calculating the results of a wide variety of basic arithmetical and logical computations. The ALU takes, as input, the data to be operated on (called operands) and a code, from the control unit, indicating which operation to perform. The output is the result of the computation. Designed ALU will perform the following operations: • Arithmetic operations • Bitwise logic operations
  • 2. 2 All the modules described in the design are coded using VHDL which is a very useful tool with its degree of concurrency to cope with the parallelism of digital hardware. The top level module connects all the stages into a higher level at Register Transfer Logic (RTL). RTL describes the requirements of data and control units in terms of digital logic to execute the desired operations. Each instruction from the architecture's instruction set is defined in detail in the RTL Once identifying the individual approaches for input, output and other modules, the VHDL descriptions are run through a VHDL simulator and then is downloaded the design on FPGA board for verification. FIGURE 1.1: Internal Structure of FPGA In an FPGA logic blocks are implemented using multiple level low fan-in gates, which gives it a more compact design compared to an implementation with two-level AND-OR logic. FPGA provides its user a way to configure: 1. The intersection between the logic blocks and 2. The function of each logic block. Logic block of an FPGA can be configured in such a way that it can provide functionality as simple as that of transistor or as complex as that of a microprocessor. It can used to implement different combinations of combinational and sequential logic functions. Logic blocks of an FPGA can be implemented by any of the following:
  • 3. 3 Transistor pairs, combinational gates like basic NAND gates or XOR gates, N -input Lookup tables, Multiplexers, Wide fan-in And -OR structure. Routing in FPGAs consists of wire segments of varying lengths which can be interconnected via electrically programmable switches. Density of logic block used in an FPGA depends on length and number of wire segments used for routing. Number of segments used for interconnection typically is a tradeoff between density of logic blocks used and amount of area used up for routing. Simplified version of FPGA internal architecture with routing. FIGURE 1.2: Simplified Internal Structure of FPGA 1.2 Why do we need FPGAs? By the early 1980’s large scale integrated circuits (LSI) formed the back bone of most of the logic circuits in major systems. Microprocessors, bus/IO controllers, system timers were implemented using integrated circuit fabrication technology. Random “glue logic” or interconnects were still required to help connect the large integrated circuits in order to: 1. Generate global control signals (for resets etc.) 2. Data signals from one subsystem to another sub system. Systems typically consisted of few large scale integrated components and large number of SSI (small scale integrated circuit) and MSI (medium scale integrated circuit) components. Initial attempt to solve this problem led to development of Custom ICs which were to replace the large amount of
  • 4. 4 interconnect. This reduced system complexity and manufacturing cost, and improved performance. However, custom ICs have their own disadvantages. They are relatively very expensive to develop, and delay introduced for product to market (time to market) because of increased design time. There are two kinds of costs involved in development of custom ICs 1. Cost of development and design 2. Cost of manufacture (A tradeoff usually exists between the two costs) Therefore the custom IC approach was only viable for products with very high volume, and which were not time to market sensitive. FPGAs were introduced as an alternative to custom ICs for implementing entire system on one chip and to provide flexibility of re programibility to the user. Introduction of FPGAs resulted in improvement of density relative to discrete SSI/MSI components (within around 10x of custom ICs). Another advantage of FPGAs over Custom ICs is that with the help of computer aided design (CAD) tools circuits could be implemented in a short amount of time (no physical layout process, no mask making, no IC manufacturing)
  • 5. 5 Chapter 2 IMPLEMENTATION TOOL 2.1 INTRODUCTION TO SPATRAN 3 FIGURE 2.1: SPARTAN 3 FPGA The Spartan s3E family of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) is specifically designed to meet the needs of high volume, cost-sensitive consumer electronic applications. The five-member family offers densities ranging from 100,000 to 1.6 million system gates, as shown in Table 1. The Spartan-3E family builds on the success of the earlier Spartan-3 family by increasing the amount of logic per I/O, significantly reducing the cost per logic cell. New features improve system performance and reduce the cost of configuration. These Spartan-3E FPGA enhancements, combined with advanced 90 nm process technology, deliver more functionality and bandwidth per dollar than was previously possible, setting new standards in the programmable logic industry. Because of their exceptionally low cost, Spartan-3E FPGAs are ideally suited to a wide range of consumer electronics applications, including broadband access, home networking, display/projection, and
  • 6. 6 digital television equipment. The Spartan-3E family is a superior alternative to mask programmed ASICs. FPGAs avoid the high initial cost, the lengthy development cycles, and the inherent inflexibility of conventional ASICs. Also, FPGA programmability permits design upgrades in the field with no hardware replacement necessary, an impossibility with ASICs. 2.2 POWER SUPPLY The power supply to FPGA is given through the port shown below FIGURE 2.2: Power Cable 2.3 JTAG CABLE Joint Text Action Loop Cable is used to transfer the data into the FPGA where it is to be burnt and verified.
  • 7. 7 FIGURE 2.3: JTAG Cable 2.4 Spartan 3 Pin Configuration XC3S400_PQ208 is the main IC in the FPGA and has 208 pins ,52 on each side. The figure below shows the pin configuration. FIGURE 2.4 : XC3S400_PQ208 Pin Configuration
  • 8. 8 CHAPTER 3 IMPLEMENTATION OF 8 BIT ALU USING FPGA 3.1 VHDL CODE OF 8 BIT ALU library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; use IEEE.NUMERIC_BIT.ALL; ---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating ---- any Xilinx primitives in this code. library UNISIM; use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity testpinbus is Port ( move_up, move_down, clk : in STD_LOGIC; A, B : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); C : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); lcd_rw : out std_logic; ---read&write control lcd_e : out std_logic; ----enable control lcd_rs : out std_logic; ----data or command control data : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); ---data line sel: inout STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0)); end testpinbus;
  • 9. 9 architecture Behavioral of testpinbus is signal c1 : integer range 0 to 350000; constant N: integer :=22; type arr is array (1 to N) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signaldatas:arr:=(X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0",X"57",X"45",X"4c",X"43",X"4f" ,X"4d",X"45",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53"); --command and data to display; begin process (clk) variable temp1 : integer range 0 to 15; begin if(rising_edge(clk))then if move_up = '0' then c1 <= c1 + 1; if (c1 = 350000) then temp1 := temp1 + 1; end if; elsif move_down = '0' then c1 <= c1 + 1; if (c1 = 350000) then temp1 := temp1 - 1; end if;
  • 10. 10 end if; end if; sel <= conv_std_logic_vector(temp1,4); end process; ----------------lcd------------------- lcd_rw <= '0'; ----lcd write process(clk) variable i : integer := 0; variable j : integer := 1; begin if clk'event and clk = '1' then if i <= 10000 then i := i + 1; lcd_e <= '1'; data <= datas(j)(7 downto 0); elsif i > 10000 and i < 20000 then i := i + 1; lcd_e <= '0'; elsif i = 20000 then j := j + 1; i := 0; end if;
  • 11. 11 if j <= 5 then lcd_rs <= '0'; ---command signal elsif j > 5 then lcd_rs <= '1'; ----data signal end if; if j = 22 then ---repeated display of data j := 5; end if; end if; end process; ---------------------selecteur--------------------- process (a,b,sel) variable temp : integer; begin case SEL is ------------------OpĂ©rations ArithmĂ©tiques----------- when "0001" => temp := conv_integer(A) + conv_integer(B); -- Addition; C <= conv_std_logic_vector(temp,8); datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0", X"41",X"44",X"44",X"49",X"54",X"49", X"4f",X"4e",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53"); when "0010" => temp := conv_integer(A) - conv_integer(B); - subtraction
  • 12. 12 C <= conv_std_logic_vector(temp,8); datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0", X"53",X"55",X"42",X"54",X"52",X"41", X"43",X"54",X"49",X"4f",X"4e",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53"); when "0011" => temp := conv_integer(A) * conv_integer(B); -- Multiplication; C <= conv_std_logic_vector(temp,8); datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0", X"4d",X"55",X"4c",X"54",X"49",X"50", X"4c",X"49",X"43",X"41",X"54",X"49",X"4f",X"4e",X"20",X"20", X"53"); ---------------------OpĂ©rations Logiques------------- when "0100" => C(7 downto 0) <= A and B; -- ET datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0", X"41",X"4e",X"44",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X" 20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53"); when "0101" => C(7 downto 0) <= A nand B; -- NON ET datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0", X"4e",X"41",X"4e",X"44",X"20",X"20", X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53"); when "0110" => C(7 downto 0) <= A or B; -- OU datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0", X"4f",X"52",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53"); when "0111" => C(7 downto 0) <= A nor B; -- NON OU
  • 13. 13 datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0", X"4e",X"4f",X"52",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53"); when "1000" => C(7 downto 0) <= A xor B; -- OU Exclusif datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0", X"58",X"4f",X"52",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53"); when "1001" => C(7 downto 0) <= A xnor B; -- NON OU Exclusif datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0", X"58",X"4e",X"4f",X"52",X"20",X"20", X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53"); when "1010" => C(7 downto 0) <= not A; -- NON A datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0", X"4e",X"4f",X"54",X"20",X"41",X"20", X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53"); when "1011" => C(7 downto 0) <= not B; --NON B datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0", X"4e",X"4f",X"54",X"20",X"42",X"20", X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53"); when others => C <= "11111111"; -- NO OPERATION datas <= (X"38",X"0c",X"06",X"01",X"C0", X"4e",X"4f",X"20",X"4f",X"50",X"45", X"52",X"41",X"54",X"49",X"4f",X"4e",X"20",X"20",X"20",X"20", X"53"); end case; end process;
  • 14. 14 end Behavioral; 3.2 IMPLEMENTATION IN VHDL After writing the VHDL code and saving successfully various steps are to be followed such as 3.1.1 Check Syntax In the process window click on synthesize –XST which performs the checkin of errors and shows warnings if any in the written code. FIGURE 3.1 : Check Syntax 3.1.2 Generating Programming File In Generate Programming File the bit file gets generated as shown in the figure below.
  • 15. 15 FIGURE 3.2 : Generating Programming File 3.1.3 Assigning Required Pins We need to assign the pins in the following window . The pins could be Input ,Output Clock etc. There are 16 input and 16 output pins in the Spartan 3 FPGA.
  • 16. 16 FIGURE 3.3 Assigning Requirred Pins
  • 17. 17 CHAPTER 4 PROGRAMMING AND BURNING 4.1 Configure Device IMPACT It is the last step before the boundary scan where the code (program) has to be verified and programmed. Keep in mind to connect the FPGA device before performing this step through JTAG cable and power supply cable. FIGURE 4.1 : Configure Device IMPACT
  • 18. 18 4.2 Boundary Scan The following window opens where you have to verify the program. FIGURE : 4.2 Boundary Scan 4.3 Programming and verifying Right clicking on the chip shows the following options as shown in the figure below.
  • 19. 19 FIGURE : 4.3 Programming and verifying Click on the program and following window will appear which shows the burning of the program. FIGURE 4.4: Progress Dialogue
  • 20. 20 The following window will appear when the program is burnt successfully. FIGURE 4.4 : Program Succeed window
  • 21. 21 CHAPTER 5 RESULT Let the input A = 00010100 and B=01010001 Performing the arithmetic and logic operations on FPGA we get the following results. 5.1 Multiplication Multiplying A= 00010100 and B = 01010001 we get 001000110 as output as shown in figure below FIGURE 5.1: Multiplication
  • 22. 22 5.2 Addition Performing the addition between A =00010100 and B= 01010001 the result is 01111001 as shown in below figure. FIGURE 5.2 : Addition 5.3 Subtraction Subtracting A= 00010100 and B=01111001 the result is 00011001 as shown below in the figure.
  • 23. 23 FIGURE 5.3 : Subtraction 5.4 AND Operation Performing AND operation between A=00010100 and B= 01010001 the result is 01010001as shown in figure below
  • 24. 24 FIGURE 5.4 : AND Operation 5.5 OR Operation Performing the OR Operation between A=00010100 and B= 01010001 the result is 11010011 as shown in figure below.
  • 25. 25 FIGURE 5.5 : OR Operation 5.5 NAND Operation The result of performing NAND operation between A= 00010100 and B= 01010001 is 10101010as in figure below
  • 26. 26 FIGURE 5.5 : NAND Operation 5.6 NOR Operation The result of performing NOR operation between A= 10100 and B= 01010001 is 00001000 as in below figure.
  • 27. 27 FIGURE 5.6 : NOR Operation 5.7 XOR Operation Performing XOR Operation between A= 00010100 and B= 01010001 we get 10100110 as result
  • 28. 28 FIGURE 5.7 : XOR Operation 5.8 XNOR Operation Performing XNOR Operation between A=00010100 and B=01010001 we get 01011001 as result
  • 29. 29 FIGURE 5.8 : XNOR Operation 5.9 NO OPERATION When A=11111111 and B=11111111 the LCD shows NO OPERATION as shown below
  • 30. 30 FIGURE 5.9 : NO OPERATION
  • 31. 31 Chapter 6 CONCLUSION This study helped to understand the complete flow of RTL design, starting from designing a top level RTL module for 8-bit ALU using hardware description language, VHDL. Verification of the designed RTL code using simulation techniques, synthesis of RTL code to obtain gate level netlist using Xilinx ISE tool and Arithmetic Logic Unit was successfully designed and implemented using Very High Speed Hardware Descriptive Language and Xilinx Spatan-3E Field Programmable Gate Array. VHDL implementation of 8-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is presented. The design was implemented using VHDL Xilinx Synthesis tool ISE 13.1 and targeted for Spartan device. ALU was designed to perform arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction using 8-bit fast adder, logical operations such as AND, OR, XOR and NOT operations, 1’s and 2’s complement operations and compare. The maximum propagation delay is 13.588ns and power dissipation is 38mW. The ALU was designed for controller used in network interface card.
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