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c. 33,000 B.C.- A.D.1783
I. The Land Bridge theory.
1. End of Ice Age diminished glaciers over North
2. Land Bridge emerged linking Asia & NA across
Bering Sea.
3. People walked across the "bridge" before the sea
level rose
4. The Land Bridge occurred around 35,000 years
II. Many peoples
A. Groups spread across North, Central, and South
B. Tribes emerged with an estimated 2,000
languages. Notably:
1. Incas: Peru, with elaborate network of roads
and bridges linking their empire.
2. Mayas: Yucatan Peninsula, with their step
3. Aztecs: Mexico, with step pyramids and huge
sacrifices of conquered peoples.
 Development of corn or maize
around 5,000 B.C. in Mexico was
revolutionary in that:
 Didn't have to be hunter-
gatherers, could settle down
and be farmers.
Began to establish permanent
1. No large concentration of pop. Like
in SA or Mesoamerica
2. Scattered pop. allowed Europeans
to defeat Native Americans easier
Corn arrived in the present day U.S.
around 1,200 B.C. from
II. Earliest Americans
Native Americans had different view of things as
compared to Europeans.
A.Native Americans-no man owned the land, the tribe did.
(Europeans- private property)
B.Indians- nature was mixed with many spirits. (Europeans-
Christian and monotheistic)
C.Indians- nature was sacred. (Europeans- nature and land
to be subdued and put to use).
D.Indians- little or no concept or interest in money.
(Europeans- loved money or gold)
V. Columbus Comes upon a New
I. The 1st Europeans to come to America were the
Norse (Vikings fromNorway).
1. 1000 AD, the Vikings landed in Newfoundland
(L’Anse aux Meadows)
2. No strong nation- state to support other voyages,
settlements abandoned
I. Convinced King and Queen of Spain to
finance expedition to bypass Africa
route to Asia
II. 1492 “discovers” America
Voyage eventually leads to the beginnings of
a global system
 Europe would provide the market, capital,
 Africa would provide the labor.
 The New World would provide the raw
materials (gold, soil, lumber).
V. Columbus Comes upon a
New World
I. Causes biological flip-flop of Old and New Worlds.
 traded plants, foods, animals, germs
II. Columbian Exchange:
 Fromthe New World (America) to the Old
 corn, potatoes, tobacco, beans, peppers, manioc, pumpkin, squash,
tomato, wild rice, etc. also, syphilis
 Fromthe Old World to the New
 cows, pigs, horses, wheat, sugar cane, apples, cabbage, citrus,
carrots, Kentucky bluegrass, etc.
 devastating diseases (smallpox, yellow fever, malaria), as Indians
had no immunities.
 The Indians had no immunities in their systems built up over
 An estimated 90% of all pre-Columbus Indians died, mostly due to
VII. The Spanish Conquistadores
I. Spain secured claim to Americas from Treaty of
Tordesillas (1494)
II. 1500’s dominant explorers/ colonizers of Americas
III. Conquistadores explored and conquered much of N and
S America
I. Led to a flood of silver from SA, Mexico caused inflation in
A. Led to rise of capitalism and commercial banking, paid for
international trade
II. Encomienda system established
A. Indians "commended“ or given to Spanish landlords
B. The idea was that Indians would work and be
converted to Christianity, but it was basically just slavery
on a sugar plantation guised as missionary work.
IX. The Spread of Spanish America
I. Spain’s empire grew quickly
II. Threats from other European
powers- English, French
III. Spanish set up forts (presidios) to
protect borders- from Florida to
IV. Rebellions in New Mexico against
Spanish (Pope’s Rebellion 1680)
V. BlackLegend: The Black Legend
was the notion that Spaniards only
brought bad things (murder,
disease, slavery); though true,
they also brought good things
such as law systems, architecture,
Christianity, language, civilization,
so that the Black Legend is partly,
but not entirely, accurate.
French, Spanish and English
 Each co untry had diffe re nt m o tive s and se ttle m e nt patte rns
 French- friendly relations with Indians (comparatively),
tried to convert Natives to Christianity, came in small
numbers, extractive economic activity (fur trade), explored
deep into continent, Catholic, had economic motives
 Spanish- came to conquer (conquistador), looked for and
found precious minerals, tried to convert Indians, blended
their culture with Native culture, explored deep into
continent to look for wealth, Catholic
 English- came in larger groups (especially NE), settled and
“improved” land, more religiously tolerant, wiped out Indian
culture, established their own “footprint”, did not explore
deep into continent, mostly Protestant
France Finds a Foothold in
 Latecomer to colonizing New World
 Louis XIV took interest in colonial
 First successful colony Quebec 1609
 Samuel de Champlain explore, solider,
leader early French colonial efforts
 Colony known as New France
 Problems with Iroquois hampered
French conquest of Ohio River Valley
 French colonies autocratic, no
representative assemblies, no right to
fair trail
 Favored Caribbean colonies because
of sugar trade
New France Fans Out
 Most valuable resource in New
France- beaver fur
 Fur trappers (voyageurs) trapped
beaver, recruited Indians into fur
 Traveled deep into wilderness,
created ecological disaster by
eliminating most of beaver population
 French Missionaries attempted to
“Christianize” Indians
 Voyageurs, missionaries vital role as
explorers, geographers
II. New France Fans Out
 French try to block British and Spanish
 Detroit (1701), keep out British
 LaSalle claims Mississippi River Valley for
France (Louisiana)
 French fortify posts along river to keep out
Spanish, protect beaver trade
 Establish New Orleans (1718) to keep fur and
grain flowing to mother country, keep MS
River from Spanish
Within 100 years of Columbus landing Americas radically
 1600 most of North America unclaimed, unexplored
 In the 1500s, Britain failed to effectively colonize due
to internal conflicts.
 Elizabeth I became queen, Britain became basically
Protestant, rivalry with Catholic Spain intensified.
 Late 1500’s English attack Spanish ships for gold
(Sir Francis Drake)
 First English attempts at colonization (Newfoundland
1583, Roanoke 1585) failed
 1588 English defeat Spanish Armada
 Allows English to cross North Atlantic
 Victory gives English reason for
II. England on the Eve of the
 Reasons for English colonization of the Americas
A. 1500’s growing population
B. New enclosure laws – less land for poor
C. Wool industry collapsed
D. Population became mobile (looking for jobs)
E. Tradition of primogeniture = 1st born son inherits
ALL father’s land. Younger sons tried their luck with fortunes elsewhere,
like America.
F. Unity under a popular monarch
 Early1600s, joint-stockcompanyperfected (investors put money into the
company with hopes for a good return), provided financing for colonization
 Joint-stock companies usually did not exist long, stockholders invested to
make a profit, then quickly sell for profit a few years later
 Charter gave settlers same rights as Englishmen
 Joint Stock Company (VirginiaCompany) given charter by King James I to
settle in New World
III. England Plants the Jamestown
 On May 24, 1607, about 100 English
settlers disembarked from their ship and
founded Jamestown.
 Problems included:
(a) the swampy site of Jamestown, poor drinking
water, mosquitoes caused malaria and yellow
(b) men wasted time looking for gold rather than
doing useful tasks (digging wells, building
shelter, planting crops),
(c) zero women on the initial ship.
 1608 Captain John Smith took over control and
whipped the colonists into shape, gave order and
discipline, highlighted by his “no work, no food” policy.
 Colonists had to eat cats, dogs, rats, even other
people. One fellow wrote of eating “powdered wife.”
 1610 a relief party headed by Lord De La Warr arrived
to alleviate the suffering.
 1625 out of an original overall total of 8,000 would-be
settlers, only 1,200 had survived.
IV. Culture Clash in the New
 At first English seen potential allies, relations grew worse
when English began to raid Indian food supplies
 De La Warr began “total war” against Indians
 Early 1600’s clashes decimated Indians pushed them
westward, removed them from ancestral lands
 European colonization disrupted way of life
 Disease took out population
 Trade intensified competition among tribes
 Tribes along Atlantic seaboard felt effects the most
 When colonists could grow their own food they had
little use for Indians, Europeans wanted their land
V. Virginia Child of Tobacco
 Tobacco savior of Virginia Colony
 cash crop- Jamestown had
found its gold.
 Tobacco created a greed for
land- heavily depleted the soil
and ruined the land.
 Representative self-government in
 1619 settlers created the House of
Burgesses, a committee to work out
local issues. This set Americaona
pathwayto self-rule
 1619 first Africans sold as slaves
VI. Maryland: Catholic
I. 1634 founded by Lord Baltimore as Catholic
refuge (from Protestant English)
II. Second plantation colony
III. Huge estates given to Catholic families,
poorer, Protestants settled there also, created
friction between two groups
IV. Tobacco main crop, labor source was
indentured servants (slaves came in late
V. Religious toleration
A. Permitted freedom of worship to all Christians
B. 1649- Act of Toleration, guaranteed religious
toleration to all Christians, but decreed the
death penalty to Jews, atheists, others who
didn’t believe in the divinity of Jesus
C. More Catholics in Maryland than any English
speaking colony in the New World
VII. The West Indies Way Station
to Mainland America
I. Decline of Spanish power led British to secure Caribbean Islands
II. Sugar main crop
• Labor intensive, capital intensive
• Needed to be wealthy to start plantation
• Caused large numbers of slaves to be imported
III. SlaveCodes established in West Indies
• 1700 slaves outnumber settlers 4:1
• defined the legal status of slaves and the rights of the masters.
They were typically strict and exacted severe punishments for
IV. Sugar plantation system caused islands to depend on American
colonies for food, basic supplies
• Smaller farmers left islands and settled in southern colonies
V. 1670 group arrives in Carolina, brings slaves from Barbados
• Slave codes adopted in Carolina 1696
• Slave codes became model for statutes governing slavery across
IX. Colonizing the Carolinas
 Developed close economic ties
with “sugar islands”
 Many immigrated from region ,
brought slave trade with them
 Rice major export crop
 African slaves had knowledge to
grow rice
 Slaves had natural immunity to
 Ideal laborers for rice plantations
 By 1710 majority of people in
Carolinas were African slaves
 Charles Town major seaport
 Diverse tolerant community
 Attracted French Protestant refugees
 Caused friction with Spain
IX. Emergence of North
 Wild northern expanse of Carolina
 Settled more slowly because lack of
good harbors
 Attracted outcasts and religious
 Raised tobacco and other crops on small
farms, little need for slaves (few large
 Distinctive traits: irreligious, hospitable
to pirates, spirit of resistance to authority,
, democratic, independent minded, least
aristocratic of 13 colonies
 1712 separated from S.C.
X. Late Coming Georgia: The Buffer
 1733-Last colony to be “planted”
 Savannah major port
 Founded by prison reform group,
major leader James Oglethorpe
 Debtors from England sent there
 Established as buffer between
English, Spanish
 Only colony to receive money
from English government
 Diverse communities
 Religious toleration for all except
 Least populous colony
 Restrictive slavery laws
Plantation Colonies
 Agriculture export based
 Slavery in all colonies
 Small group owned most of
the land
 Rural population made it
hard to establish towns,
schools and churches
 Religiously tolerant
 Established different patterns of settlement
than plantation/southern colonies
 Different economies than plantation/southern
 Different set of values than plantation/southern
 Distinctive regional characteristics began to
develop during this time
II. Puritans End their Pilgrimage at
 Social unrest and rise of Calvinism led
to attraction to Puritanism
 King James I harassed Puritan
separatists, went to Holland
 Looked for haven where they could be
free to worship and live
 1620- Negotiated with Virginia
Company, missed destination landed in
New England
 Leader Myles Standish
 Signed MayflowerCompact- set up
crude government, submit to the will of
the majority, first step toward self
 Male settlers met in open discussion
II. Puritans End their Pilgrimage at
 First winter took heavy toll (44
of 102 survived), nobody left
 Next year bountiful harvests,
Pilgrims saw some sign of
 Found economic success in
fish, fur, lumber
 William Bradford early leader
 Colony never important
politically or economically
 Significant for moral and
spiritual qualities, established
pattern in New England
 1691- Merged with
III. Bay Colony Bible
 Separatist Puritans wanted “purified” form of Christianity,
not welcome in England, still members of Church of
England (Pilgrims)
 1629 more moderate group secured royal charter, formed
Mass. Bay Company
 Used charter as a form of constitution, had advantage of
being out of the reach of royal authority
 Well equipped group settles 1630, larger scale than
previous settlements
 John Winthrop gov. of Bay colony for 19 years (came
because “called by God”)
 Important industries fishing, shipbuilding
 Became biggest, most influential colony in New England
III. Bay Colony Bible
 Benefitted from shared sense of purpose, idea of “covenant” with
 “We shall be a city upon a hill”
 Believed they had a covenant with God, society a model to
IV. Building the Bay Colony
Common convictions shaped life
 All free adult males, that were members of Puritan Congregations
(Congregational Church) had right to vote, participate in political
 Town governments were more inclusive, all male property
holders could participate, all business decided by majority vote
 Was not a democracy
 All people paid taxes
 Limitedendorsement of separationof churchandstate
 Clergy could not hold political office
 Congregations had right to hire, fire ministers
 Protestant ethic emerges- serious commitment to work, worldly
 Religious leaders had enormous influence, govt. duty to enforce
religious rules
 For Puritans hellfire was very real, community pressure to act in
V. Trouble in the Bible
 Roger Williams radical separatist, wanted clean
break from English church
 Challenged legality of Bay Colony charter,
taking land from Indians
 Did not want civil government to regulate
 1635- Banished from colony
 Williams established religious tolerance in
Rhode Island
 Most liberal of all colonies
 Opposed special privilege, provided freedom
of opportunity
 Settlements consisted of exiles and
malcontents from Bay Colony
 Strongly Independent colony
 Challenge to Puritan orthodoxy from Anne
Hutchinson, holy life no sure way to salvation,
why bother with following God’s laws
 1638- Banished from Mass. colony
VI. New England Spreads
 1635 Connecticut River Valley
settled, largest area of fertile land in
New England
 1639 Fundam e ntalO rde rs o f
Co nne cticut- like a modern
constitution, democratic regime
controlled by “substantial” citizens
 Established unified government in
 First written constitution in America
 1662- More religious colony, New
Haven merged with Connecticut
 1677 Maine- absorbed by Mass.
 1679 New Hampshire became a
royal colony
VII. Puritans vs. Indians
 Spread of English led to conflict with
 Epidemics left them with no position
to resist English
 1637 Pequot War– English destroy
Pequot (in CT) led to forty years of
uneasy peace
 English tried to convert natives, put
them in praying towns (early
 Only hope for resistance was in
 1675 King Phillip (Metacom) led
series of attacks on English
 1676 KingPhillips Warended,
slowed westward advance of English
VIII. Seeds of Colonial Unity and
1660 Royalists restored (Stuart Restoration) in England, Charles II takes
more active role, colonies seen as economic asset
1662-Gives Connecticut a sea to sea grant, legitimized squatter
1663 Rhode Island receives new charter
1684 Bay colony charter revoked, provides more royal control
1651-1696 British pass series of NavigationActs that spell out
goods to be sold, and put the British government in charge of trade
Policy known as mercantilism, basically political control of the
economy by the state
Unintended consequence smuggling became popular
Restrictions on courts, press, mail, town meetings, schools;
revoked land titles
Tax colonies without consent, enforced Navigation Laws
VIII. Seeds of Colonial Unity and
 1690s Monarchs relax control of colonial
trade, begin period of salutaryneglect
 Residue: more English officials in America,
prevented rise of local leaders, beginnings
of resentment by colonists
X. Old Netherlanders at New Netherland
 1609 Henry Hudson filed Dutch
claim to New York area
 1623-1624 Ne w Ne the rland planted
(Dutch West India Company)
 New Amsterdam established for fur
trade, quick profit for stockholders,
not democratic
 cosmopolitan population, landed
 Land granted for people who would
settle 50 people on them
XII. Dutch Residues in New
 Regarded by English as
intruders, attacked by
English navy and
 Became New York
 English had strategic harbor
in middle of colonies
 Autocratic (self- governance)
spirit remained, also
influences of architecture
and place names
XIII. Penn’s Holy Experiment in
 Quakers, began in England 1600’s
 “quaked” with religious conviction
 Refused to support Church of England
with taxes, serve in military
 William Penn establishes an asylum in
New World
 1681 receives land grant from crown
 Welcomed all types of settlers
 Tolerant of Indians
 Wanted forward looking settlers,
liberal land policy
 Attracted many immigrants
XV. The Middle Way in the Middle
 Middle colonies had fertile soil, known as
“bread colonies”
 Rivers- ease of travel, brought people to
 Landholdings were intermediate in size
 Ethnically diverse, religious toleration
 Economic, social democracy found in
middle colonies
America 1720
 Population growing
 Permanent
 Transportation,
 British kept hands off
 Colonists developed
own churches,
II. Tobacco Economy
 Chesapeake good for growing
 exhausted soil, constant
movement looking for more fertile
 production depressed worldwide
 Needed labor- Indians died too
quickly, African slaves too
 England had surplus of laborers,
turned to indentured servitude
 By 1700 more than 100,000
indentured servants came to the
 Eventually prime land became
scarce, land owners did not want
to give up land
 Freed workers had to hire out for
III. Frustrated Freeman and Bacon’s
Early Colonial Virginia
 Landless, penniless freemen
 Single, young
 No women, money
 Only land in backcountry
Bacon’s Rebellion
 VA Gov. Berkeley- friendly policies
toward Indians, monopoly on fur
 Did not retaliate after Indian attack
 1676 Nathaniel Bacon and
followers, attacked Indians ,
chased gov. from Jamestown and
burned town
 Bacon dies from disease,
Berkeley captures and hangs 20
Results of Bacon’s Rebellion
 Exposed resentments between
inland frontiersmen/landless former
servants against gentry on coastal
 So cio -e co no m ic class
diffe re nce s/clashe s be twe e n
rural/urban co m m unitie s wo uld
co ntinue thro ug ho ut Am e rican
histo ry.
 Upper class planters searched for
laborers less likely to rebel- black
 Gave right to political participation
VI. Southern Society
 Social hierarchy develops by late
 Plantation owners (“first families
of Virginia)
 Small farmers largest group
 Landless whites, many former
indentured servants
 Oppressed black slaves
 Few cities, urban professional
class slow to emerge
 Life revolved around plantation
 Transportation by rivers, poor
VII. The New England
 Climate healthier
than south
 Migrated to region as
families, population
grew by natural
 Family stability,
continuity (concept
of grandparents)
VIII. Life in New England Towns
 Tight knit society based on communities
 Surrounded by other colonial powers,
Puritan unity of purpose
 Society grew in orderly fashion,
distribution of land by town fathers
 Towns of more than 50 had to provide
elementary education in Mass.
 Democracy in church govt, political govt.
XI. The Salem Witch Trails
 1692 – Salem, MA women accused
of bewitching others, 20 put to
 Resulted from social prejudices-
Puritan ide as vs. Rising Yanke e
co m m e rcialism (m any accuse d
fro m pro spe ro us part o f to wn),
m istrust o f o utside rs (Quake rs,
Baptists accuse d by Puritan
se ttle rs)), culturalm istrust o f
wo m e n (m o st accuse d we re o ld
XII. New England Way of Life
 Lack of good farmland led to frugality of
 Region less ethnically mixed
 Diversified industry, experts in ship
building and commerce
 Slavery not profitable
 Saw duty to “improve” land, clearing,
planting, building
 Religion, soil, climate led to
purposefulness, self- reliance,
I. Conquest by the Cradle
 1775- British had 32
colonies in NA
 13 original colonies not the
 Average age 16
 Most population east of
Alleghenies, Appalachian
 By 1775 some had moved
 90% lived in rural areas
 Shifted balance of power
II. Mingling of the Races
 Mostly English
 Germans
 Scots- Irish
 1764- Paxton Boys protest
Quaker treatment of Indians
 Othergroups- French
Huguenots,, Welsh, Dutch,
Swedes, Jews, Irish, Swiss,
 African slave trade contributed
to population diversity
 Laid foundations for multi-cultural
III. Structure of Colonial Society
 America land of opportunity
 No titled nobility
 Social structure very fluid
 By mid 1700’s- class differences emerge small
group of aristocrats had most power
 Wars in 1700’s enriched a few merchants, made
orphans and widows (mostly in NE)
VIII. Great Awakening
 Religion lost steam in 1700’s , New ideas challenged
old ways (predestination), new ideas of free will
 1730’s and 1740’s -Great Awakening
 Started in Mass.-
 Deeply emotional sermons, well reasoned, Message
of human helplessness, divine omnipotence
 Split congregations, increased number and
competitiveness of religions
 Direct spirituality undermined older clergy
 First mass movement of American people
 Contributed to sense that Americans were common
people united by shared experience
Effects of the Great Awakening and
 Ideas of Enlightenment brought over from Europe,
affected American thought challenged
government and religious authority
 Emphasized power of rational thought to explain
world, appealed to urban, merchant class
 Led to expansion of education (colleges and
 Ideas represented by Ben Franklin
 In the South Great Awakening appealed to
landless whites and African Americans,
questioned authority of Anglican Church and
powerful economic interests
XI. American Colonies in 1775
 By 1775 America more democratic
than Europe
 Basically English in language and
 Protestant religion
 Democratic ideas of tolerance,
educational advantages, equality of
economic opportunity, freedom of
speech, assembly and representative
government emerged in this period

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Founding the new nation

  • 1. FOUNDING THE NEW NATION c. 33,000 B.C.- A.D.1783
  • 2. I. PEOPLING THE AMERICAS I. The Land Bridge theory. 1. End of Ice Age diminished glaciers over North America. 2. Land Bridge emerged linking Asia & NA across Bering Sea. 3. People walked across the "bridge" before the sea level rose 4. The Land Bridge occurred around 35,000 years ago. II. Many peoples A. Groups spread across North, Central, and South America. B. Tribes emerged with an estimated 2,000 languages. Notably: 1. Incas: Peru, with elaborate network of roads and bridges linking their empire. 2. Mayas: Yucatan Peninsula, with their step pyramids. 3. Aztecs: Mexico, with step pyramids and huge sacrifices of conquered peoples.
  • 3. II. EARLIEST AMERICANS  Development of corn or maize around 5,000 B.C. in Mexico was revolutionary in that:  Didn't have to be hunter- gatherers, could settle down and be farmers. Began to establish permanent settlements 1. No large concentration of pop. Like in SA or Mesoamerica 2. Scattered pop. allowed Europeans to defeat Native Americans easier Corn arrived in the present day U.S. around 1,200 B.C. from Mesoamerica
  • 4. II. Earliest Americans Native Americans had different view of things as compared to Europeans. A.Native Americans-no man owned the land, the tribe did. (Europeans- private property) B.Indians- nature was mixed with many spirits. (Europeans- Christian and monotheistic) C.Indians- nature was sacred. (Europeans- nature and land to be subdued and put to use). D.Indians- little or no concept or interest in money. (Europeans- loved money or gold)
  • 5. V. Columbus Comes upon a New World I. The 1st Europeans to come to America were the Norse (Vikings fromNorway). 1. 1000 AD, the Vikings landed in Newfoundland (L’Anse aux Meadows) 2. No strong nation- state to support other voyages, settlements abandoned Columbus I. Convinced King and Queen of Spain to finance expedition to bypass Africa route to Asia II. 1492 “discovers” America Voyage eventually leads to the beginnings of a global system  Europe would provide the market, capital, technology.  Africa would provide the labor.  The New World would provide the raw materials (gold, soil, lumber).
  • 6. V. Columbus Comes upon a New World I. Causes biological flip-flop of Old and New Worlds.  traded plants, foods, animals, germs II. Columbian Exchange:  Fromthe New World (America) to the Old  corn, potatoes, tobacco, beans, peppers, manioc, pumpkin, squash, tomato, wild rice, etc. also, syphilis  Fromthe Old World to the New  cows, pigs, horses, wheat, sugar cane, apples, cabbage, citrus, carrots, Kentucky bluegrass, etc.  devastating diseases (smallpox, yellow fever, malaria), as Indians had no immunities.  The Indians had no immunities in their systems built up over generations.  An estimated 90% of all pre-Columbus Indians died, mostly due to disease.
  • 7. VII. The Spanish Conquistadores I. Spain secured claim to Americas from Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) II. 1500’s dominant explorers/ colonizers of Americas III. Conquistadores explored and conquered much of N and S America I. Led to a flood of silver from SA, Mexico caused inflation in Europe A. Led to rise of capitalism and commercial banking, paid for international trade II. Encomienda system established A. Indians "commended“ or given to Spanish landlords B. The idea was that Indians would work and be converted to Christianity, but it was basically just slavery on a sugar plantation guised as missionary work.
  • 8. IX. The Spread of Spanish America I. Spain’s empire grew quickly II. Threats from other European powers- English, French III. Spanish set up forts (presidios) to protect borders- from Florida to California IV. Rebellions in New Mexico against Spanish (Pope’s Rebellion 1680) V. BlackLegend: The Black Legend was the notion that Spaniards only brought bad things (murder, disease, slavery); though true, they also brought good things such as law systems, architecture, Christianity, language, civilization, so that the Black Legend is partly, but not entirely, accurate.
  • 9. French, Spanish and English Settlers  Each co untry had diffe re nt m o tive s and se ttle m e nt patte rns  French- friendly relations with Indians (comparatively), tried to convert Natives to Christianity, came in small numbers, extractive economic activity (fur trade), explored deep into continent, Catholic, had economic motives  Spanish- came to conquer (conquistador), looked for and found precious minerals, tried to convert Indians, blended their culture with Native culture, explored deep into continent to look for wealth, Catholic  English- came in larger groups (especially NE), settled and “improved” land, more religiously tolerant, wiped out Indian culture, established their own “footprint”, did not explore deep into continent, mostly Protestant
  • 10. France Finds a Foothold in Canada  Latecomer to colonizing New World  Louis XIV took interest in colonial expansion  First successful colony Quebec 1609  Samuel de Champlain explore, solider, leader early French colonial efforts  Colony known as New France  Problems with Iroquois hampered French conquest of Ohio River Valley  French colonies autocratic, no representative assemblies, no right to fair trail  Favored Caribbean colonies because of sugar trade
  • 11. New France Fans Out  Most valuable resource in New France- beaver fur  Fur trappers (voyageurs) trapped beaver, recruited Indians into fur business  Traveled deep into wilderness, created ecological disaster by eliminating most of beaver population  French Missionaries attempted to “Christianize” Indians  Voyageurs, missionaries vital role as explorers, geographers
  • 12. II. New France Fans Out  French try to block British and Spanish expansion  Detroit (1701), keep out British  LaSalle claims Mississippi River Valley for France (Louisiana)  French fortify posts along river to keep out Spanish, protect beaver trade  Establish New Orleans (1718) to keep fur and grain flowing to mother country, keep MS River from Spanish
  • 14. I. ELIZABETHENERGIZES ENGLAND Within 100 years of Columbus landing Americas radically transformed  1600 most of North America unclaimed, unexplored  In the 1500s, Britain failed to effectively colonize due to internal conflicts.  Elizabeth I became queen, Britain became basically Protestant, rivalry with Catholic Spain intensified.  Late 1500’s English attack Spanish ships for gold (Sir Francis Drake)  First English attempts at colonization (Newfoundland 1583, Roanoke 1585) failed  1588 English defeat Spanish Armada  Allows English to cross North Atlantic  Victory gives English reason for exploration/settlement
  • 15. II. England on the Eve of the Empire  Reasons for English colonization of the Americas A. 1500’s growing population B. New enclosure laws – less land for poor C. Wool industry collapsed D. Population became mobile (looking for jobs) E. Tradition of primogeniture = 1st born son inherits ALL father’s land. Younger sons tried their luck with fortunes elsewhere, like America. F. Unity under a popular monarch  Early1600s, joint-stockcompanyperfected (investors put money into the company with hopes for a good return), provided financing for colonization  Joint-stock companies usually did not exist long, stockholders invested to make a profit, then quickly sell for profit a few years later  Charter gave settlers same rights as Englishmen  Joint Stock Company (VirginiaCompany) given charter by King James I to settle in New World
  • 16. III. England Plants the Jamestown Seedling  On May 24, 1607, about 100 English settlers disembarked from their ship and founded Jamestown.  Problems included: (a) the swampy site of Jamestown, poor drinking water, mosquitoes caused malaria and yellow fever. (b) men wasted time looking for gold rather than doing useful tasks (digging wells, building shelter, planting crops), (c) zero women on the initial ship.  1608 Captain John Smith took over control and whipped the colonists into shape, gave order and discipline, highlighted by his “no work, no food” policy.  Colonists had to eat cats, dogs, rats, even other people. One fellow wrote of eating “powdered wife.”  1610 a relief party headed by Lord De La Warr arrived to alleviate the suffering.  1625 out of an original overall total of 8,000 would-be settlers, only 1,200 had survived.
  • 17. IV. Culture Clash in the New World  At first English seen potential allies, relations grew worse when English began to raid Indian food supplies  De La Warr began “total war” against Indians  Early 1600’s clashes decimated Indians pushed them westward, removed them from ancestral lands  European colonization disrupted way of life  Disease took out population  Trade intensified competition among tribes  Tribes along Atlantic seaboard felt effects the most  When colonists could grow their own food they had little use for Indians, Europeans wanted their land
  • 18. V. Virginia Child of Tobacco  Tobacco savior of Virginia Colony  cash crop- Jamestown had found its gold.  Tobacco created a greed for land- heavily depleted the soil and ruined the land.  Representative self-government in Virginia  1619 settlers created the House of Burgesses, a committee to work out local issues. This set Americaona pathwayto self-rule  1619 first Africans sold as slaves
  • 19. VI. Maryland: Catholic Haven I. 1634 founded by Lord Baltimore as Catholic refuge (from Protestant English) II. Second plantation colony III. Huge estates given to Catholic families, poorer, Protestants settled there also, created friction between two groups IV. Tobacco main crop, labor source was indentured servants (slaves came in late 1600’s) V. Religious toleration A. Permitted freedom of worship to all Christians B. 1649- Act of Toleration, guaranteed religious toleration to all Christians, but decreed the death penalty to Jews, atheists, others who didn’t believe in the divinity of Jesus C. More Catholics in Maryland than any English speaking colony in the New World
  • 20. VII. The West Indies Way Station to Mainland America I. Decline of Spanish power led British to secure Caribbean Islands II. Sugar main crop • Labor intensive, capital intensive • Needed to be wealthy to start plantation • Caused large numbers of slaves to be imported III. SlaveCodes established in West Indies • 1700 slaves outnumber settlers 4:1 • defined the legal status of slaves and the rights of the masters. They were typically strict and exacted severe punishments for offenders. IV. Sugar plantation system caused islands to depend on American colonies for food, basic supplies • Smaller farmers left islands and settled in southern colonies V. 1670 group arrives in Carolina, brings slaves from Barbados • Slave codes adopted in Carolina 1696 • Slave codes became model for statutes governing slavery across colonies
  • 21. IX. Colonizing the Carolinas  Developed close economic ties with “sugar islands”  Many immigrated from region , brought slave trade with them  Rice major export crop  African slaves had knowledge to grow rice  Slaves had natural immunity to malaria  Ideal laborers for rice plantations  By 1710 majority of people in Carolinas were African slaves  Charles Town major seaport  Diverse tolerant community  Attracted French Protestant refugees  Caused friction with Spain
  • 22. IX. Emergence of North Carolina  Wild northern expanse of Carolina  Settled more slowly because lack of good harbors  Attracted outcasts and religious dissenters  Raised tobacco and other crops on small farms, little need for slaves (few large plantations)  Distinctive traits: irreligious, hospitable to pirates, spirit of resistance to authority, , democratic, independent minded, least aristocratic of 13 colonies  1712 separated from S.C.
  • 23. X. Late Coming Georgia: The Buffer Colony  1733-Last colony to be “planted”  Savannah major port  Founded by prison reform group, major leader James Oglethorpe  Debtors from England sent there  Established as buffer between English, Spanish  Only colony to receive money from English government  Diverse communities  Religious toleration for all except Catholics  Least populous colony  Restrictive slavery laws
  • 24. Plantation Colonies  Agriculture export based economies  Slavery in all colonies  Small group owned most of the land  Rural population made it hard to establish towns, schools and churches  Religiously tolerant
  • 26. Overview  Established different patterns of settlement than plantation/southern colonies  Different economies than plantation/southern colonies  Different set of values than plantation/southern colonies  Distinctive regional characteristics began to develop during this time
  • 27. II. Puritans End their Pilgrimage at Plymouth  Social unrest and rise of Calvinism led to attraction to Puritanism  King James I harassed Puritan separatists, went to Holland  Looked for haven where they could be free to worship and live  1620- Negotiated with Virginia Company, missed destination landed in New England  Leader Myles Standish  Signed MayflowerCompact- set up crude government, submit to the will of the majority, first step toward self government  Male settlers met in open discussion
  • 28. II. Puritans End their Pilgrimage at Plymouth  First winter took heavy toll (44 of 102 survived), nobody left colony  Next year bountiful harvests, Pilgrims saw some sign of success  Found economic success in fish, fur, lumber  William Bradford early leader  Colony never important politically or economically  Significant for moral and spiritual qualities, established pattern in New England  1691- Merged with
  • 29. III. Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth  Separatist Puritans wanted “purified” form of Christianity, not welcome in England, still members of Church of England (Pilgrims)  1629 more moderate group secured royal charter, formed Mass. Bay Company  Used charter as a form of constitution, had advantage of being out of the reach of royal authority  Well equipped group settles 1630, larger scale than previous settlements  John Winthrop gov. of Bay colony for 19 years (came because “called by God”)  Important industries fishing, shipbuilding  Became biggest, most influential colony in New England
  • 30. III. Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth  Benefitted from shared sense of purpose, idea of “covenant” with God  “We shall be a city upon a hill”  Believed they had a covenant with God, society a model to humanity
  • 31. IV. Building the Bay Colony Common convictions shaped life  All free adult males, that were members of Puritan Congregations (Congregational Church) had right to vote, participate in political life  Town governments were more inclusive, all male property holders could participate, all business decided by majority vote  Was not a democracy  All people paid taxes  Limitedendorsement of separationof churchandstate  Clergy could not hold political office  Congregations had right to hire, fire ministers  Protestant ethic emerges- serious commitment to work, worldly pursuits  Religious leaders had enormous influence, govt. duty to enforce religious rules  For Puritans hellfire was very real, community pressure to act in
  • 32. V. Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth  Roger Williams radical separatist, wanted clean break from English church  Challenged legality of Bay Colony charter, taking land from Indians  Did not want civil government to regulate religion  1635- Banished from colony  Williams established religious tolerance in Rhode Island  Most liberal of all colonies  Opposed special privilege, provided freedom of opportunity  Settlements consisted of exiles and malcontents from Bay Colony  Strongly Independent colony  Challenge to Puritan orthodoxy from Anne Hutchinson, holy life no sure way to salvation, why bother with following God’s laws (antinomianism)  1638- Banished from Mass. colony
  • 33. VI. New England Spreads Out  1635 Connecticut River Valley settled, largest area of fertile land in New England  1639 Fundam e ntalO rde rs o f Co nne cticut- like a modern constitution, democratic regime controlled by “substantial” citizens  Established unified government in CT  First written constitution in America  1662- More religious colony, New Haven merged with Connecticut colony  1677 Maine- absorbed by Mass.  1679 New Hampshire became a royal colony 
  • 34. VII. Puritans vs. Indians  Spread of English led to conflict with Indians  Epidemics left them with no position to resist English  1637 Pequot War– English destroy Pequot (in CT) led to forty years of uneasy peace  English tried to convert natives, put them in praying towns (early reservations?)  Only hope for resistance was in unity  1675 King Phillip (Metacom) led series of attacks on English  1676 KingPhillips Warended, slowed westward advance of English
  • 35. VIII. Seeds of Colonial Unity and Independence COLONIES UNDER ROYAL CONTROL 1660 Royalists restored (Stuart Restoration) in England, Charles II takes more active role, colonies seen as economic asset 1662-Gives Connecticut a sea to sea grant, legitimized squatter settlements 1663 Rhode Island receives new charter 1684 Bay colony charter revoked, provides more royal control 1651-1696 British pass series of NavigationActs that spell out goods to be sold, and put the British government in charge of trade Policy known as mercantilism, basically political control of the economy by the state Unintended consequence smuggling became popular Restrictions on courts, press, mail, town meetings, schools; revoked land titles Tax colonies without consent, enforced Navigation Laws
  • 36. VIII. Seeds of Colonial Unity and Independence  1690s Monarchs relax control of colonial trade, begin period of salutaryneglect  Residue: more English officials in America, prevented rise of local leaders, beginnings of resentment by colonists
  • 37. X. Old Netherlanders at New Netherland  1609 Henry Hudson filed Dutch claim to New York area  1623-1624 Ne w Ne the rland planted (Dutch West India Company)  New Amsterdam established for fur trade, quick profit for stockholders, not democratic  cosmopolitan population, landed aristocracy  Land granted for people who would settle 50 people on them (patroons)
  • 38. XII. Dutch Residues in New York  Regarded by English as intruders, attacked by English navy and surrendered  Became New York  English had strategic harbor in middle of colonies  Autocratic (self- governance) spirit remained, also influences of architecture and place names
  • 39. XIII. Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania  Quakers, began in England 1600’s  “quaked” with religious conviction  Refused to support Church of England with taxes, serve in military  William Penn establishes an asylum in New World  1681 receives land grant from crown  Welcomed all types of settlers  Tolerant of Indians  Wanted forward looking settlers, liberal land policy  Attracted many immigrants
  • 40. XV. The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies  Middle colonies had fertile soil, known as “bread colonies”  Rivers- ease of travel, brought people to backcountry  Landholdings were intermediate in size  Ethnically diverse, religious toleration  Economic, social democracy found in middle colonies
  • 41. America 1720  Population growing  Permanent settlements established  Transportation, communication improving  British kept hands off policy  Colonists developed own churches, governments,
  • 43. II. Tobacco Economy  Chesapeake good for growing tobacco  exhausted soil, constant movement looking for more fertile land  production depressed worldwide prices  Needed labor- Indians died too quickly, African slaves too expensive  England had surplus of laborers, turned to indentured servitude  By 1700 more than 100,000 indentured servants came to the region  Eventually prime land became scarce, land owners did not want to give up land  Freed workers had to hire out for
  • 44. III. Frustrated Freeman and Bacon’s Rebellion Early Colonial Virginia  Landless, penniless freemen  Single, young  No women, money  Only land in backcountry Bacon’s Rebellion  VA Gov. Berkeley- friendly policies toward Indians, monopoly on fur trade  Did not retaliate after Indian attack  1676 Nathaniel Bacon and followers, attacked Indians , chased gov. from Jamestown and burned town  Bacon dies from disease, Berkeley captures and hangs 20
  • 45. Results of Bacon’s Rebellion  Exposed resentments between inland frontiersmen/landless former servants against gentry on coastal plantations.  So cio -e co no m ic class diffe re nce s/clashe s be twe e n rural/urban co m m unitie s wo uld co ntinue thro ug ho ut Am e rican histo ry.  Upper class planters searched for laborers less likely to rebel- black slaves  Gave right to political participation
  • 46. VI. Southern Society  Social hierarchy develops by late 1600’s  Plantation owners (“first families of Virginia)  Small farmers largest group  Landless whites, many former indentured servants  Oppressed black slaves  Few cities, urban professional class slow to emerge  Life revolved around plantation  Transportation by rivers, poor roads
  • 47. VII. The New England Family  Climate healthier than south  Migrated to region as families, population grew by natural increase  Family stability, intergenerational continuity (concept of grandparents)
  • 48. VIII. Life in New England Towns  Tight knit society based on communities  Surrounded by other colonial powers, Puritan unity of purpose  Society grew in orderly fashion, distribution of land by town fathers  Towns of more than 50 had to provide elementary education in Mass.  Democracy in church govt, political govt.
  • 49. XI. The Salem Witch Trails  1692 – Salem, MA women accused of bewitching others, 20 put to death  Resulted from social prejudices- Puritan ide as vs. Rising Yanke e co m m e rcialism (m any accuse d fro m pro spe ro us part o f to wn), m istrust o f o utside rs (Quake rs, Baptists accuse d by Puritan se ttle rs)), culturalm istrust o f wo m e n (m o st accuse d we re o ld
  • 50. XII. New England Way of Life  Lack of good farmland led to frugality of settlers  Region less ethnically mixed  Diversified industry, experts in ship building and commerce  Slavery not profitable  Saw duty to “improve” land, clearing, planting, building  Religion, soil, climate led to purposefulness, self- reliance, resourcefulness
  • 52. I. Conquest by the Cradle  1775- British had 32 colonies in NA  13 original colonies not the wealthiest  Average age 16  Most population east of Alleghenies, Appalachian Mts.  By 1775 some had moved west  90% lived in rural areas  Shifted balance of power
  • 53. II. Mingling of the Races  Mostly English  Germans  Scots- Irish  1764- Paxton Boys protest Quaker treatment of Indians  Othergroups- French Huguenots,, Welsh, Dutch, Swedes, Jews, Irish, Swiss, Scots-Highlanders  African slave trade contributed to population diversity  Laid foundations for multi-cultural
  • 54. III. Structure of Colonial Society  America land of opportunity  No titled nobility  Social structure very fluid  By mid 1700’s- class differences emerge small group of aristocrats had most power  Wars in 1700’s enriched a few merchants, made orphans and widows (mostly in NE)
  • 55. VIII. Great Awakening  Religion lost steam in 1700’s , New ideas challenged old ways (predestination), new ideas of free will  1730’s and 1740’s -Great Awakening  Started in Mass.-  Deeply emotional sermons, well reasoned, Message of human helplessness, divine omnipotence  Split congregations, increased number and competitiveness of religions  Direct spirituality undermined older clergy  First mass movement of American people  Contributed to sense that Americans were common people united by shared experience
  • 56. Effects of the Great Awakening and Enlightenment  Ideas of Enlightenment brought over from Europe, affected American thought challenged government and religious authority  Emphasized power of rational thought to explain world, appealed to urban, merchant class  Led to expansion of education (colleges and universities)  Ideas represented by Ben Franklin  In the South Great Awakening appealed to landless whites and African Americans, questioned authority of Anglican Church and powerful economic interests
  • 57. XI. American Colonies in 1775  By 1775 America more democratic than Europe  Basically English in language and custom  Protestant religion  Democratic ideas of tolerance, educational advantages, equality of economic opportunity, freedom of speech, assembly and representative government emerged in this period