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There are three BAFS categories:
• Sodium - biologically active food supplements are applied to correct a chemical
compound of food. It’s an additional source nutrient: fiber, amino acids, fats,
carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral substances.
• Parapharmaceutics - substances which contain the basic extracts and the
vegetable formulas (phytopreparations). They can be applied to preventive
maintenance, auxiliary therapy and maintenance of functional activity of body systems.
• Probiotics - live effective bacteria which restores natural micro flora of the body.
Biologically active food supplements are used for the following purposes:
• For fast deficiency completion of biologically active substances which do not arrive in
sufficient quantities. Their level can be lowered and can cause immunity system weakness.
Often our body needs more amino acids, poly-nonsaturated fat acids, vitamins, macro cells and
micro cells, food fibres, etc.
• For resistibility increase of an organism. Using BAFS we can decrease damage of
environment factors. For these purposes are generated phytogenesis products on the basis of
ginseng ginger, pink rodiola and etc.
• For preventive maintenance of infringement of metabolism processes. BAFS can be used
also as chronic disease prophylactics.
• For restoration of immunity system.
• For deducting of toxins and radionuclide from organism.
General characteristics and definition of dietary supplements
BAA is a composition of natural or identical to natural biologically active substances obtained
from plant, animal or mineral raw materials, and also (less often) by chemical or microbiological
They can be included in food or beverages, enriching them with essential
(irreplaceable) food substances (biologically highly valuable proteins or individual amino acids
and their complexes; unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and trace
elements, dietary fiber, etc.) and some regulators of the physiological functions of individual
organs and systems of the human body (caffeine, organic acids, glycosides, saponins, alkaloids,
anthocyanins, bioflavonoids, etc.); or used independently in various technological (including
dosage) forms (extracts, balms, infusions, powders, tablets, dry and liquid concentrates, syrups,
Based on this characteristic, the definition of dietary supplements takes the following
BAA - a composition of natural or identical to natural biologically active substances
intended for direct intake with food or introduction into food products in order to enrich the diet
with individual food or biologically active substances and their complexes.
It is necessary to distinguish between two terms: biologically active food additive (BAA) and
food additive. A food additive is a natural or synthesized substance that is deliberately introduced
into food products in order to preserve them for a long time and / or to give them the desired
BAA classification
There are various classifications of dietary supplements depending on their
composition, functional activity, action effects, etc.
According to their composition, dietary supplements are divided into the following groups:
nutraceuticals, parapharmaceuticals and eubiotics.
Nutraceuticals are biologically active food additives used to correct the chemical
composition of human food.
Nutraceuticals are essential nutrients or their close precursors. This group of dietary
supplements can be ranked as food for good reason, since in most cases it is represented by its
well-studied natural components, the physiological need and biological role of which have been
established. Nutraceuticals include: vitamins, provitamins, macro-microelements,
polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, carbohydrates, dietary fiber.
The use of nutraceuticals in the daily diet of sick and healthy people allows:
• easily and quickly eliminate the lack of essential nutrients, which is commonly found in the
majority of the adult and child population;
• take into account as much as possible individual needs in the diet of a particular person, which
differ significantly not only in age, sex, intensity of physical activity, but also due to genetically
determined characteristics of the metabolism of an individual, his biorhythms, ecological
conditions of the region of residence, physiological conditions - pregnancy, psychoemotional
stress and etc .;
• to maximize the altered physiological needs for nutrients of a sick person, to bypass the areas of
metabolic pathways damaged by the disease, and sometimes to correct them;
• by strengthening the elements of protection of cellular enzyme systems, to increase the general,
nonspecific resistance of the organism to the action of unfavorable environmental factors in the
population living both in ecologically clean and ecologically unfavorable regions;
• to act primarily on enzyme systems, directed to change the metabolism of certain substances, in
particular, xenobiotics;
• enhance and accelerate the binding and excretion of foreign and toxic substances from the
Thus, the use of nutraceuticals is an effective means of prevention, as well as additional
(and sometimes the main) treatment of patients with widespread chronic diseases such as obesity,
diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, malignant neoplasms, immunodeficiency states,
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Nutraceutical dietary supplements are divided into the following groups:
1. Sources of predominantly protein and amino acids.
2. Sources of predominantly fatty acids, lipids and fat-soluble vitamins (based on vegetable oils or fish
3. Sources of predominantly carbohydrates and sugars.
4. Sources of predominantly dietary fiber (pectins, bran, vegetable fiber, microcrystalline cellulose,
5. Sources of predominantly water-soluble vitamins.
6. Sources of predominantly macro- and microelements.
Parapharmaceuticals are biologically active food additives used for prophylaxis, auxiliary therapy and
support within the physiological boundaries of the functional activity of organs and systems.
These are, as a rule, products containing minor food components - bioflavonoids, organic acids,
glycosides, biogenic amines, regulatory oligopeptides, polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, etc.
The action of parapharmaceuticals is implemented in the following areas:
• regulation within physiological boundaries of the functional activity of individual organs and
• activation of the systems involved in the development of adaptive compensatory-adaptive reactions
of the body;
• regulation of the nervous system, including higher nervous activity;
• regulation of the microbiocenosis of the gastrointestinal tract.
These properties of parapharmaceuticals allow the human body to adapt to changed, extreme
conditions, and provide additional, auxiliary therapy for various diseases, which qualitatively expands
the capabilities of the main methods of treatment.
Parapharmaceutical supplements are divided into the following groups:
1. Plant-based dietary supplements: dry, liquid, tableted, encapsulated, powder, mixtures of dried
medicinal plants (teas).
2. BAA based on the processing of animal raw materials: meat and dairy raw materials and by-
products, fish and seafood.
Eubiotics (probiotics) - biologically active food additives, which include live microorganisms and
(or) their metabolites, which has a normalizing effect on the composition and biological activity
of the microflora of the digestive tract.
Eubiotic dietary supplements are divided into the following groups:
1. Bacterial eubiotic preparations based on pure cultures of microorganisms.
2. Bacterial eubiotic preparations of mixed composition with the addition of amino acids, trace
elements, mono- and disaccharides, etc.
Some authors classify eubiotics as parapharmaceuticals.
In some countries, biologically active food supplements are classified according to their
pharmacological properties and are divided into 14 main groups:
1. Affects the function of the central nervous system
2. Mainly affecting the skin exchange process
3. A source of mineral substances
4. Regulates the function of the immune system
5. A source of antioxidants that affect energy metabolism
6. Affects the function of the cardiovascular system
7. Affects the function of the respiratory organs
8. Affects the function of the organs of the digestive system
9. Regulates body weight
10. Reduce the risk of urogenital diseases
11. Regulates the function of the musculoskeletal system
12. Regulating the hormonal exchange process
13. Affects the detoxification process and removes toxic substances from the body
14. Different group
In many foreign countries, these substances are used under the names "Conventional Food" and
"Functional Food".
General principles of dietary supplements use
1. The principle of consistency and functionality.
All regulatory and therapeutic effects should be of a complex nature, since in the whole organism there
is a relationship between the state of nutrition with the regulation of tissue catabolism and the work of
regulatory systems, first of all, the central nervous system (CNS).
2. The principle of stages.
The use of this principle makes it possible to clearly determine the capabilities and value of dietary
supplements at different stages of the development of the disease. In the early stages of the disease, the
combined use of food and dietary supplements become leading in the ability to eliminate the further
development of the disease or to reduce its manifestations - biologically active additives are used as
additional means to reduce toxicity and enhance the effectiveness of the main therapy, correct impaired
body functions and symptomatic treatment.
3. The principle of adequacy.
It is necessary to select a dietary supplement taking into account the nature of the disease,
the characteristics of its course, take into account the presence of complications, clearly understand the
spectrum of therapeutic action of each component of the dietary supplement.
4. Syndromic principle.
5. The principle of dose optimality.
6. The principle of combination.
With the initial signs of the disease, the dietary supplement is combined with food, and with further
spread or weighting, the dietary supplement is combined with specific means and methods of
General characteristics of food additives
as an alternative to chemical or traditional names of food additives, the European Council has developed and
approved a digital codification system for food additives in the countries of the European Community. At the
same time, any food additive is designated by the letter "E" (European) and has its own specific numerical
According to the Codex Аlimentarius system, the classification of food additives is made according to
their purpose:
- E 100 - E 182 - dyes;
- E 200 and further - preservatives;
- E 300 and further - antioxidants (antioxidants);
- E 400 and further - emulsifiers;
- E 600 and further - enhancers of taste and aroma;
- E 700 - E 800 - spare indexes for other possible information;
- E 900 and further - anti-flaming, antifoam agents;
- E 1000 - glazing agents, sweeteners, anti-caking additives for sugar, salt, for processing flour, starch, etc.
The most important mechanism for ensuring quality control and food safety is hygiene certification.
Food additives, like any product of imported and domestic production, are required to undergo hygiene
The Law - "On Certification of Products and Services", according to which the manufacturer
is responsible for the quality and safety of his products. The Law stipulates mechanisms for protecting
consumer rights and ensuring the interests of the state.
Midterm control issues
1. Give a definition of the concept of biologically active food additives.
2. Requirements for dietary supplements.
3. Prerequisites and scientific and practical approaches to the creation of dietary
4. Work of scientists in the field of the development of the doctrine of dietary
5. Classification of dietary supplements.
6. The functions of dietary supplements.
7. Food additives - general characteristics.
8. Classification of food additives.
9. General approaches to the use of food additives.
10. Dyes, antioxidants.
Raw material – Rhizoma Curcumae
Plant – Curcuma longa L.
Family– Zingiberaceae
Common name- Turmeric, Indian-saffron
Turmeric is a perennial herb with aromatic
rhizomes bright yellow color in the inside, is
used as a seasoning (curry) and is attributed
anticancer properties.
It has a complex root system,
rhizome-shaped, almost, round rhizome in 4
cm diameter.
Habitat- Turmeric is native to India. But it is
not found in the wild.
Chemical composition. The part used of the turmeric is the rhizome whose color is
due to curcumoides Curcumins, it also contains from 3 to 5% of an essential oil rich in
terpene and sesquiterpene ketones (tumerone).
Turmeric rhizome contains 1.5-5% of essential oil, starch, as well as yellow pigments
that make up curcumin (0.6%). The essential oil contains ketones (up to 60%),
sesquiterpene-singiberen (2%), borneol and etc.
Application. The main benefits of turmeric is as hepatoprotective, but also has
choleretic actions, lipid lowering and spasmolytic. Turmeric is also attributed the
actions as antiplatelet so it can be preventive of thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
It is indicated in the hepatobiliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, hepatitis and hyposecretion
dyspepsia. Prepare a decoction by boiling the grated tuber for 10 min in half-litter of
Another interesting use of turmeric: can be used as an indicator since it changes its
color from yellow to brownish red in the presence of alkali.
Raw material– Рщизома Зинэиберис
Plant – Зинэибер оффиcинале Росc.
Family – Зинэибераcеае
Other names: Jamaican Ginger, African
Ginger, Ancoas.
Plant- Ginger is a herbaceous plant up to 90
cm with horizontal rhizome,
Parts used: rhizomes.
Habitat- It´s native to tropical Asia and
cultivated in other tropical and subtropical
regions worldwide
The rhizome of ginger contains:
Essential oil consisting of monoterpenes (camphene, neral, citronellal, 1,8-
cineole, beta-phellandrene, camphor, geranial, borneol, linalool) and
sesquiterpenes (zingiberene, zingiberol, B-eudesmol, curcumene, beta-
bisabolene, beta-bisabolone, (EE)-alfa-farnesene, elemol, beta-
sesquifelandrene, furanogermenone). Sesquiterpenes are responsible for
the scent.
Within the non-volatile compounds of ginger are the fenilalcanonas and
fenilalcanonoles, which are the spicy or acrid principles of the drug and are
known as gingerols and shogaols (components of oleoresins). Aliphatic
aldehydes (nonanal and decanal), ketones (methyl heptenone), alcohols (2-
heptanol, 2-nonanol), acetic acid esters of caprylic and chavicol.
Minerals such as Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Iron, Phosphorus,
Magnesium, Chlorine and Fluorine. High content in vitamin C, among other
vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine and vitamins A and
Ginger also contains proteins such as threonine, proline and in some cases
small amounts of tryptophan. Have been isolated from the aqueous extract
of the rhizome the asparagine and the pipecoline.
α- bisabolene
Bitter - aromatic, appetizer effect, digestion stimulating, cholagogue.
Antigastralgic, antiulcer, sialagogue (increases salivary secretion and its content in ptialina and mucin),
carminative, antispasmodic, antitussive, expectorant, antipyretic, laxative (stimulates peristalsis and
intestinal muscle tone), hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic. Gingerols and shogaols have a potent antiemetic
action, higher than the dimenhydrinate action.
Topically produces rubefacient and analgesic effects. By their properties, Ginger is indicated in poor
appetite, dyspepsia, gastrointestinal ulcer, flatulence, hepatobiliary dyskinesias. Hyperemesis gravidarum,
dizziness, dizziness by locomotion. Flu, colds, pharyngitis, rhinitis. Diabetes, arteriosclerosis prevention. In
topical use for osteo inflammation, myalgia, muscle spasms, neuralgia, toothache.
Uses of Ginger
However its properties, Ginger should be used with caution in pregnancy. High doses can cause
gastrointestinal irritation and urticaria. Not be given to patients with disorders of blood coagulation or with
gallstones. Must be carefully administered in cases of peptic ulcer, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome,
ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, liver disease, epilepsy, Parkinson and other neurological diseases.
It can cause contact dermatitis.
Raw material- Стиэмата Cроcи
Plant– Cроcус сативус Л.
Family – Иридаcеае
Common name- Saffron
Saffron is a herbaceous, bulbous plant from
the Iridaceae family. It has long, linear green
leaves forming tufts.
The parts used are the stigmas and styles
Its greatest use is as a food coloring and
seasoning but its high price has little use and has
been replaced by substitutes.
The saffron plant is native to India, the
Balkans and the eastern Mediterranean region. It
is cultivated in India, Spain, France and Italy.
In Azerbaijan, this plant is mostly grown in
Absheron. A special farm was engaged in the
cultivation of saffron in Bilgah for many years.
Saffron contains the natural substance glycosides - saffron and crosine.
Their aglycone fraction belongs to mono- and diterpenes. Crocin is yellow, soluble in
water and alcohol.
When broken down, 2 parts of sugar - geniobiose (2 molecules of glucose) and
crocetin are obtained. Crocetin belongs to carotenoids.
It also contains picrocrosine, lycopene which are bitter glycosides,
carotene, vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, etc.), flavonoids, up to 0.34% of essential oil
(pinene, pineol, etc.).
Crocin is a colored substance of saffron, gives a characteristic dark- blue color with a
concentrated sulfuric acid. This reaction can be carried out directly on gynoecium, its
powder or aqueous extract obtained from them. To do this, the saffron is brewed in cold
water for 1 day and the extract is evaporated in a porcelain bowl until a dry residue is
obtained. solid sulfuric acid is added dropwise to the dry residue. The resulting dark- blue
color turns purple in a short time, and then turns brown.
Saffron medicinal benefits
The crocin is an active ingredient with marked lipid-lowering effect; the picroside is a bitter substance,
with appetizer and eupeptic action.
Saffron also has properties as a nerve stimulant, emmenagogue, and externally, calms dental and gingival
pain, is dental analgesic. Its essential oil is carminative, spasmolytic and eupeptic.
This plant is not of high interest in medicine and by its properties is used as a condiment.
Uses of Saffron
Warnings. Notes on use
In very high doses, saffron can be emetic, abortifacient and cause dizziness and severe bleeding.
Abortive dose: 10 g
Lethal dose for adult = 20 g. (poisoning cases come mostly from its use as an abortifacient),is risky to take
during pregnancy for their abortive power, produces intoxication and can be lethal in doses of 20 g.
Preparation and Dosage
Internal use:
- Use in food as seasoning.
- Infusion: 2 g / l. One to three cups a day.
- Tincture (1:10): 20-40 drops three times a day, as a carminative.
External use:
- Tincture: apply rubbing the gums.
Raw material – Cortex Cinnamomi cassiae
Plant – Cinnamomum cassia Blume (C.
aromaticum Nees)
Family – Lauraceae
Common name- Chinese cassia or Chinese
Plant - Cinnamomum cassia,
called Chinese cassia or Chinese cinnamon, is
an evergreen tree originating in southern China,
and widely cultivated there and elsewhere in South
and Southeast Asia (India, Indonesia, Laos,
Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam). It is one of
several species of Cinnamomum used primarily for
their aromatic bark, which is used as a spice. The
buds are also used as a spice, especially in India,
and were once used by the ancient Romans.
The tree grows to 10–15 m (33–49 ft) tall,
with greyish bark and hard, elongated leaves that
are 10–15 cm (3.9–5.9 in) long and have a
decidedly reddish colour when young.
Chemical composition and mechanism of action
Cinnamon bark contains 0.5-2.5% essential oil, with the main constituents cinnamaldehyde (60-
75%), eugenol (1-10%) and cinnamyl acetate (1-5%). The bark contains several bioactive
nonvolatile components, e.g. oligopolymeric procyanidins, cinnamic acid and polysaccharides.
The main differences between the essential oils of Ceylon and cassia cinnamon ar the lack of
eugenol and the presence of coumarin in the latter. Some tannins are found in the raw material.
More than 160 chemicals have been isolated from Cinnamomum cassia
Use in medicine. The effects on the gastrointestinal system have been studied in part
in preclinical settings. In an animal model of flatulence, the efficacy of cinnamon oil
was confirmed. Papaverine-like spasmolytic effects of cinnamon oil and
cinnamaldehyde on isolated smooth muscles have been observed. Cinnamaldehyde is
an inhibitor of stomach peristalsis and also stimulates bile secretion in vivo. The oil
(and its constituent eugenol) exerted anti-inflammatory activity by blocking the
enzyme cyclo-oxygenase.
Cinamon oil has pronounced antimicrobial activities (on both bacteria and
fungi), although this has no consequence as concerns its therapeutic applications.
Although there have been numerous studies indicating blood glucose level-lowering
effect of C. cassia, these results are rather inconclusive, primarily due to the
heterogeneity of the studies and the use of nonquantified extracts. In a clinical study on
patients with type 2 diabetes, treatment with capsules containing
Cinnamomum cassia 1.3 or 6 g daily for 40 days, complementing the antidiabetic medication,
significant reductions of fasting serum glucose (20-30%), triglyceride (20-30%) and LDL
cholesterol (7-27%) levels were observed relative to the placebo group.
Thus, according to the monographs of the European Medicines Agency, cinnamon may
be applied as a traditional herbal medicinal product for
symptomatic treatment of mild, spasmodic gastrointestinal complaints, including bloating and
flatulence, or
symptomatic treatment of mild diarrhea.
the symptomatic treatment of mild, spasmodic gastrointestinal complaints, including bloating
and flatulence.
Due to a blood-thinning component called coumarin that could damage the liver if consumed in
larger amounts,[ European health agencies have warned against consuming high amounts of
cassia.Other bioactive compounds found in the bark, powder and essential oils of C.
cassia are cinnamaldehyde and styrene. In high doses these substances can also be toxic for
Raw material- Flores et oleum Caryophylli
Plant- Caryophyllus aromaticus L. (Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb.)
Family - Myrtaceae
Common Name(s): Caryophyllus, Clove
Geographical source: The clove plant grows in warm climates and is cultivated in
Tanzania, Sumatra and South America, India.
Chemical Constituents  15% to 20% of a volatile oil  Tannins, gum and resin, and
sterols.  The principal constituent of distilled clove bud oil (60% to 90%) is eugenol (4-allyl-2-
methoxyphenol).  The oil also contains about 10% acetyleugenol and small quantities of gallic
acid, sesquiterpenes , etc.  Other constituents - Flavonoids, carbohydrates, lipids and vitamins.
Uses of Clove  Antiseptic and Analgesic effects 
treatment of toothaches  healing stomach ulcers.  has
anthelminthic properties.  Effective in treating topical
fungal, ringworm infections.
Cardamom- Elettaria cardamomum
The ginger family -Family Zingiberaceae
Cardamom (/ˈkɑːrdəməm/),
sometimes cardamon or cardamum, is a spice made
from the seeds of several plants in
the genera Elettaria and Amomum in the
family Zingiberaceae.
Part used. They are recognized by their small
seed pods: triangular in cross-section and spindle-
shaped, with a thin, papery outer shell and small, black
seeds; Elettaria pods are light green and smaller,
while Amomum pods are larger and dark brown.
Habitat. Both genera are native to the Indian
subcontinent and Indonesia. Species used for
cardamom are native throughout tropical and
subtropical Asia. The first references to cardamom are
found in Sumer, and in the Ayurvedic literatures of
India. Nowadays, it is also cultivated in some other
countries, such as Guatemala, Malaysia and Tanzania.
Cardamom is the world's third-most
expensive spice, surpassed in price per weight only
by vanilla and saffron.
Plant. Cardamom (Elettaria cardammommum)
is a perennial plant.
Composition. The essential oil occurs in large parenchyma cells underlying the epidermis of
the seed coat. The essential oil content varies from 2 to 10 percent; its principal components are
cineole and α-terpinyl acetate.
The content of essential oil in the seeds is strongly dependent on storage conditions, but may
be as high as 8%.
In the oil were found α-terpineol,
45%, myrcene27%, limonene 8%, menthone 6%, β-phellandrene3%, 1,8-cineol 2%, sabinene 2%
and heptane 2%.
Other sources report 1,8-cineol (20 to 50%), α-terpenylacetate (30%), sabinene, limonene (2
to 14%), and borneol.
In the seeds of round cardamom from Java (A. kepulaga), the content of essential oil is lower
(2 to 4%), and the oil contains mainly 1,8-cineol (up to 70%) plus β-pinene (16%);
furthermore, α-pinene, α-terpineol and humulene were found.
Uses.- Both forms of cardamom are used as flavourings and cooking spices in
both food and drink, and as a medicine. E. cardamomum (green cardamom) is
used as a spice, a masticatory, and in medicine; it is also smoked.
Cardamom is used for digestion problems including heartburn, intestinal
spasms, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diarrhea, constipation, liver and
gallbladder complaints, and loss of appetite.
It is also used for common cold and other infections, cough, bronchitis, sore
mouth and throat, urinary problems, epilepsy, headache, and high blood
In foods, cardamom is used as a spice. It is also used in soaps, creams, and
Food suppliment, AYTEN SHUKUROVA,

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Food suppliment, AYTEN SHUKUROVA,

  • 1. There are three BAFS categories: • Sodium - biologically active food supplements are applied to correct a chemical compound of food. It’s an additional source nutrient: fiber, amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral substances. • Parapharmaceutics - substances which contain the basic extracts and the vegetable formulas (phytopreparations). They can be applied to preventive maintenance, auxiliary therapy and maintenance of functional activity of body systems. • Probiotics - live effective bacteria which restores natural micro flora of the body.
  • 2. Biologically active food supplements are used for the following purposes: • For fast deficiency completion of biologically active substances which do not arrive in sufficient quantities. Their level can be lowered and can cause immunity system weakness. Often our body needs more amino acids, poly-nonsaturated fat acids, vitamins, macro cells and micro cells, food fibres, etc. • For resistibility increase of an organism. Using BAFS we can decrease damage of environment factors. For these purposes are generated phytogenesis products on the basis of ginseng ginger, pink rodiola and etc. • For preventive maintenance of infringement of metabolism processes. BAFS can be used also as chronic disease prophylactics. • For restoration of immunity system. • For deducting of toxins and radionuclide from organism.
  • 3. General characteristics and definition of dietary supplements BAA is a composition of natural or identical to natural biologically active substances obtained from plant, animal or mineral raw materials, and also (less often) by chemical or microbiological synthesis. They can be included in food or beverages, enriching them with essential (irreplaceable) food substances (biologically highly valuable proteins or individual amino acids and their complexes; unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, dietary fiber, etc.) and some regulators of the physiological functions of individual organs and systems of the human body (caffeine, organic acids, glycosides, saponins, alkaloids, anthocyanins, bioflavonoids, etc.); or used independently in various technological (including dosage) forms (extracts, balms, infusions, powders, tablets, dry and liquid concentrates, syrups, capsules). Based on this characteristic, the definition of dietary supplements takes the following form: BAA - a composition of natural or identical to natural biologically active substances intended for direct intake with food or introduction into food products in order to enrich the diet with individual food or biologically active substances and their complexes. It is necessary to distinguish between two terms: biologically active food additive (BAA) and food additive. A food additive is a natural or synthesized substance that is deliberately introduced into food products in order to preserve them for a long time and / or to give them the desired properties.
  • 4. BAA classification There are various classifications of dietary supplements depending on their composition, functional activity, action effects, etc. According to their composition, dietary supplements are divided into the following groups: nutraceuticals, parapharmaceuticals and eubiotics. Nutraceuticals are biologically active food additives used to correct the chemical composition of human food. Nutraceuticals are essential nutrients or their close precursors. This group of dietary supplements can be ranked as food for good reason, since in most cases it is represented by its well-studied natural components, the physiological need and biological role of which have been established. Nutraceuticals include: vitamins, provitamins, macro-microelements, polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, carbohydrates, dietary fiber.
  • 5. The use of nutraceuticals in the daily diet of sick and healthy people allows: • easily and quickly eliminate the lack of essential nutrients, which is commonly found in the majority of the adult and child population; • take into account as much as possible individual needs in the diet of a particular person, which differ significantly not only in age, sex, intensity of physical activity, but also due to genetically determined characteristics of the metabolism of an individual, his biorhythms, ecological conditions of the region of residence, physiological conditions - pregnancy, psychoemotional stress and etc .; • to maximize the altered physiological needs for nutrients of a sick person, to bypass the areas of metabolic pathways damaged by the disease, and sometimes to correct them; • by strengthening the elements of protection of cellular enzyme systems, to increase the general, nonspecific resistance of the organism to the action of unfavorable environmental factors in the population living both in ecologically clean and ecologically unfavorable regions; • to act primarily on enzyme systems, directed to change the metabolism of certain substances, in particular, xenobiotics; • enhance and accelerate the binding and excretion of foreign and toxic substances from the body. Thus, the use of nutraceuticals is an effective means of prevention, as well as additional (and sometimes the main) treatment of patients with widespread chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, malignant neoplasms, immunodeficiency states, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • 6. Nutraceutical dietary supplements are divided into the following groups: 1. Sources of predominantly protein and amino acids. 2. Sources of predominantly fatty acids, lipids and fat-soluble vitamins (based on vegetable oils or fish oil). 3. Sources of predominantly carbohydrates and sugars. 4. Sources of predominantly dietary fiber (pectins, bran, vegetable fiber, microcrystalline cellulose, etc.). 5. Sources of predominantly water-soluble vitamins. 6. Sources of predominantly macro- and microelements. Parapharmaceuticals are biologically active food additives used for prophylaxis, auxiliary therapy and support within the physiological boundaries of the functional activity of organs and systems. These are, as a rule, products containing minor food components - bioflavonoids, organic acids, glycosides, biogenic amines, regulatory oligopeptides, polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, etc. The action of parapharmaceuticals is implemented in the following areas: • regulation within physiological boundaries of the functional activity of individual organs and systems; • activation of the systems involved in the development of adaptive compensatory-adaptive reactions of the body; • regulation of the nervous system, including higher nervous activity; • regulation of the microbiocenosis of the gastrointestinal tract. These properties of parapharmaceuticals allow the human body to adapt to changed, extreme conditions, and provide additional, auxiliary therapy for various diseases, which qualitatively expands the capabilities of the main methods of treatment.
  • 7. Parapharmaceutical supplements are divided into the following groups: 1. Plant-based dietary supplements: dry, liquid, tableted, encapsulated, powder, mixtures of dried medicinal plants (teas). 2. BAA based on the processing of animal raw materials: meat and dairy raw materials and by- products, fish and seafood. Eubiotics (probiotics) - biologically active food additives, which include live microorganisms and (or) their metabolites, which has a normalizing effect on the composition and biological activity of the microflora of the digestive tract. Eubiotic dietary supplements are divided into the following groups: 1. Bacterial eubiotic preparations based on pure cultures of microorganisms. 2. Bacterial eubiotic preparations of mixed composition with the addition of amino acids, trace elements, mono- and disaccharides, etc. Some authors classify eubiotics as parapharmaceuticals.
  • 8. In some countries, biologically active food supplements are classified according to their pharmacological properties and are divided into 14 main groups: 1. Affects the function of the central nervous system 2. Mainly affecting the skin exchange process 3. A source of mineral substances 4. Regulates the function of the immune system 5. A source of antioxidants that affect energy metabolism 6. Affects the function of the cardiovascular system 7. Affects the function of the respiratory organs 8. Affects the function of the organs of the digestive system 9. Regulates body weight 10. Reduce the risk of urogenital diseases 11. Regulates the function of the musculoskeletal system 12. Regulating the hormonal exchange process 13. Affects the detoxification process and removes toxic substances from the body 14. Different group In many foreign countries, these substances are used under the names "Conventional Food" and "Functional Food".
  • 9. General principles of dietary supplements use 1. The principle of consistency and functionality. All regulatory and therapeutic effects should be of a complex nature, since in the whole organism there is a relationship between the state of nutrition with the regulation of tissue catabolism and the work of regulatory systems, first of all, the central nervous system (CNS). 2. The principle of stages. The use of this principle makes it possible to clearly determine the capabilities and value of dietary supplements at different stages of the development of the disease. In the early stages of the disease, the combined use of food and dietary supplements become leading in the ability to eliminate the further development of the disease or to reduce its manifestations - biologically active additives are used as additional means to reduce toxicity and enhance the effectiveness of the main therapy, correct impaired body functions and symptomatic treatment. 3. The principle of adequacy. It is necessary to select a dietary supplement taking into account the nature of the disease, the characteristics of its course, take into account the presence of complications, clearly understand the spectrum of therapeutic action of each component of the dietary supplement. 4. Syndromic principle. 5. The principle of dose optimality. 6. The principle of combination. With the initial signs of the disease, the dietary supplement is combined with food, and with further spread or weighting, the dietary supplement is combined with specific means and methods of treatment.
  • 10. General characteristics of food additives as an alternative to chemical or traditional names of food additives, the European Council has developed and approved a digital codification system for food additives in the countries of the European Community. At the same time, any food additive is designated by the letter "E" (European) and has its own specific numerical designation. According to the Codex Аlimentarius system, the classification of food additives is made according to their purpose: - E 100 - E 182 - dyes; - E 200 and further - preservatives; - E 300 and further - antioxidants (antioxidants); - E 400 and further - emulsifiers; - E 600 and further - enhancers of taste and aroma; - E 700 - E 800 - spare indexes for other possible information; - E 900 and further - anti-flaming, antifoam agents; - E 1000 - glazing agents, sweeteners, anti-caking additives for sugar, salt, for processing flour, starch, etc. The most important mechanism for ensuring quality control and food safety is hygiene certification. Food additives, like any product of imported and domestic production, are required to undergo hygiene certification. The Law - "On Certification of Products and Services", according to which the manufacturer is responsible for the quality and safety of his products. The Law stipulates mechanisms for protecting consumer rights and ensuring the interests of the state.
  • 11. Midterm control issues 1. Give a definition of the concept of biologically active food additives. 2. Requirements for dietary supplements. 3. Prerequisites and scientific and practical approaches to the creation of dietary supplements. 4. Work of scientists in the field of the development of the doctrine of dietary supplements. 5. Classification of dietary supplements. 6. The functions of dietary supplements. 7. Food additives - general characteristics. 8. Classification of food additives. 9. General approaches to the use of food additives. 10. Dyes, antioxidants.
  • 12. Raw material – Rhizoma Curcumae Plant – Curcuma longa L. Family– Zingiberaceae Common name- Turmeric, Indian-saffron Description Turmeric is a perennial herb with aromatic rhizomes bright yellow color in the inside, is used as a seasoning (curry) and is attributed anticancer properties. It has a complex root system, rhizome-shaped, almost, round rhizome in 4 cm diameter. Habitat- Turmeric is native to India. But it is not found in the wild.
  • 13. Chemical composition. The part used of the turmeric is the rhizome whose color is due to curcumoides Curcumins, it also contains from 3 to 5% of an essential oil rich in terpene and sesquiterpene ketones (tumerone). Turmeric rhizome contains 1.5-5% of essential oil, starch, as well as yellow pigments that make up curcumin (0.6%). The essential oil contains ketones (up to 60%), sesquiterpene-singiberen (2%), borneol and etc.
  • 14. Application. The main benefits of turmeric is as hepatoprotective, but also has choleretic actions, lipid lowering and spasmolytic. Turmeric is also attributed the actions as antiplatelet so it can be preventive of thrombosis and atherosclerosis. It is indicated in the hepatobiliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, hepatitis and hyposecretion dyspepsia. Prepare a decoction by boiling the grated tuber for 10 min in half-litter of water. Another interesting use of turmeric: can be used as an indicator since it changes its color from yellow to brownish red in the presence of alkali.
  • 15. Raw material– Рщизома Зинэиберис Plant – Зинэибер оффиcинале Росc. Family – Зинэибераcеае Other names: Jamaican Ginger, African Ginger, Ancoas. Plant- Ginger is a herbaceous plant up to 90 cm with horizontal rhizome, Parts used: rhizomes. Habitat- It´s native to tropical Asia and cultivated in other tropical and subtropical regions worldwide
  • 16. The rhizome of ginger contains: Essential oil consisting of monoterpenes (camphene, neral, citronellal, 1,8- cineole, beta-phellandrene, camphor, geranial, borneol, linalool) and sesquiterpenes (zingiberene, zingiberol, B-eudesmol, curcumene, beta- bisabolene, beta-bisabolone, (EE)-alfa-farnesene, elemol, beta- sesquifelandrene, furanogermenone). Sesquiterpenes are responsible for the scent. Within the non-volatile compounds of ginger are the fenilalcanonas and fenilalcanonoles, which are the spicy or acrid principles of the drug and are known as gingerols and shogaols (components of oleoresins). Aliphatic aldehydes (nonanal and decanal), ketones (methyl heptenone), alcohols (2- heptanol, 2-nonanol), acetic acid esters of caprylic and chavicol. Minerals such as Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Chlorine and Fluorine. High content in vitamin C, among other vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine and vitamins A and E. Ginger also contains proteins such as threonine, proline and in some cases small amounts of tryptophan. Have been isolated from the aqueous extract of the rhizome the asparagine and the pipecoline. α- bisabolene Shogaol Zingerone
  • 17. Bitter - aromatic, appetizer effect, digestion stimulating, cholagogue. Antigastralgic, antiulcer, sialagogue (increases salivary secretion and its content in ptialina and mucin), carminative, antispasmodic, antitussive, expectorant, antipyretic, laxative (stimulates peristalsis and intestinal muscle tone), hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic. Gingerols and shogaols have a potent antiemetic action, higher than the dimenhydrinate action. Topically produces rubefacient and analgesic effects. By their properties, Ginger is indicated in poor appetite, dyspepsia, gastrointestinal ulcer, flatulence, hepatobiliary dyskinesias. Hyperemesis gravidarum, dizziness, dizziness by locomotion. Flu, colds, pharyngitis, rhinitis. Diabetes, arteriosclerosis prevention. In topical use for osteo inflammation, myalgia, muscle spasms, neuralgia, toothache. Uses of Ginger Contraindications However its properties, Ginger should be used with caution in pregnancy. High doses can cause gastrointestinal irritation and urticaria. Not be given to patients with disorders of blood coagulation or with gallstones. Must be carefully administered in cases of peptic ulcer, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, liver disease, epilepsy, Parkinson and other neurological diseases. It can cause contact dermatitis.
  • 18. Raw material- Стиэмата Cроcи Plant– Cроcус сативус Л. Family – Иридаcеае Common name- Saffron Saffron is a herbaceous, bulbous plant from the Iridaceae family. It has long, linear green leaves forming tufts. The parts used are the stigmas and styles terminations. Its greatest use is as a food coloring and seasoning but its high price has little use and has been replaced by substitutes. The saffron plant is native to India, the Balkans and the eastern Mediterranean region. It is cultivated in India, Spain, France and Italy. In Azerbaijan, this plant is mostly grown in Absheron. A special farm was engaged in the cultivation of saffron in Bilgah for many years.
  • 19. Saffron contains the natural substance glycosides - saffron and crosine. Their aglycone fraction belongs to mono- and diterpenes. Crocin is yellow, soluble in water and alcohol. When broken down, 2 parts of sugar - geniobiose (2 molecules of glucose) and crocetin are obtained. Crocetin belongs to carotenoids. It also contains picrocrosine, lycopene which are bitter glycosides, carotene, vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, etc.), flavonoids, up to 0.34% of essential oil (pinene, pineol, etc.). Safronal Crocin is a colored substance of saffron, gives a characteristic dark- blue color with a concentrated sulfuric acid. This reaction can be carried out directly on gynoecium, its powder or aqueous extract obtained from them. To do this, the saffron is brewed in cold water for 1 day and the extract is evaporated in a porcelain bowl until a dry residue is obtained. solid sulfuric acid is added dropwise to the dry residue. The resulting dark- blue color turns purple in a short time, and then turns brown.
  • 20. Saffron medicinal benefits The crocin is an active ingredient with marked lipid-lowering effect; the picroside is a bitter substance, with appetizer and eupeptic action. Saffron also has properties as a nerve stimulant, emmenagogue, and externally, calms dental and gingival pain, is dental analgesic. Its essential oil is carminative, spasmolytic and eupeptic. This plant is not of high interest in medicine and by its properties is used as a condiment. Uses of Saffron Warnings. Notes on use In very high doses, saffron can be emetic, abortifacient and cause dizziness and severe bleeding. Abortive dose: 10 g Lethal dose for adult = 20 g. (poisoning cases come mostly from its use as an abortifacient),is risky to take during pregnancy for their abortive power, produces intoxication and can be lethal in doses of 20 g. Preparation and Dosage Internal use: - Use in food as seasoning. - Infusion: 2 g / l. One to three cups a day. - Tincture (1:10): 20-40 drops three times a day, as a carminative. External use: - Tincture: apply rubbing the gums.
  • 21. Raw material – Cortex Cinnamomi cassiae Plant – Cinnamomum cassia Blume (C. aromaticum Nees) Family – Lauraceae Common name- Chinese cassia or Chinese cinnamon, Plant - Cinnamomum cassia, called Chinese cassia or Chinese cinnamon, is an evergreen tree originating in southern China, and widely cultivated there and elsewhere in South and Southeast Asia (India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam). It is one of several species of Cinnamomum used primarily for their aromatic bark, which is used as a spice. The buds are also used as a spice, especially in India, and were once used by the ancient Romans. The tree grows to 10–15 m (33–49 ft) tall, with greyish bark and hard, elongated leaves that are 10–15 cm (3.9–5.9 in) long and have a decidedly reddish colour when young.
  • 22. Chemical composition and mechanism of action Cinnamon bark contains 0.5-2.5% essential oil, with the main constituents cinnamaldehyde (60- 75%), eugenol (1-10%) and cinnamyl acetate (1-5%). The bark contains several bioactive nonvolatile components, e.g. oligopolymeric procyanidins, cinnamic acid and polysaccharides. The main differences between the essential oils of Ceylon and cassia cinnamon ar the lack of eugenol and the presence of coumarin in the latter. Some tannins are found in the raw material. More than 160 chemicals have been isolated from Cinnamomum cassia Cinnamaldehyde Eugenol
  • 23. Use in medicine. The effects on the gastrointestinal system have been studied in part in preclinical settings. In an animal model of flatulence, the efficacy of cinnamon oil was confirmed. Papaverine-like spasmolytic effects of cinnamon oil and cinnamaldehyde on isolated smooth muscles have been observed. Cinnamaldehyde is an inhibitor of stomach peristalsis and also stimulates bile secretion in vivo. The oil (and its constituent eugenol) exerted anti-inflammatory activity by blocking the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase. Cinamon oil has pronounced antimicrobial activities (on both bacteria and fungi), although this has no consequence as concerns its therapeutic applications. Although there have been numerous studies indicating blood glucose level-lowering effect of C. cassia, these results are rather inconclusive, primarily due to the heterogeneity of the studies and the use of nonquantified extracts. In a clinical study on patients with type 2 diabetes, treatment with capsules containing
  • 24. Cinnamomum cassia 1.3 or 6 g daily for 40 days, complementing the antidiabetic medication, significant reductions of fasting serum glucose (20-30%), triglyceride (20-30%) and LDL cholesterol (7-27%) levels were observed relative to the placebo group. Thus, according to the monographs of the European Medicines Agency, cinnamon may be applied as a traditional herbal medicinal product for symptomatic treatment of mild, spasmodic gastrointestinal complaints, including bloating and flatulence, or symptomatic treatment of mild diarrhea. the symptomatic treatment of mild, spasmodic gastrointestinal complaints, including bloating and flatulence. Due to a blood-thinning component called coumarin that could damage the liver if consumed in larger amounts,[ European health agencies have warned against consuming high amounts of cassia.Other bioactive compounds found in the bark, powder and essential oils of C. cassia are cinnamaldehyde and styrene. In high doses these substances can also be toxic for humans.
  • 25. Raw material- Flores et oleum Caryophylli Plant- Caryophyllus aromaticus L. (Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb.) Family - Myrtaceae Common Name(s): Caryophyllus, Clove Geographical source: The clove plant grows in warm climates and is cultivated in Tanzania, Sumatra and South America, India. Chemical Constituents  15% to 20% of a volatile oil  Tannins, gum and resin, and sterols.  The principal constituent of distilled clove bud oil (60% to 90%) is eugenol (4-allyl-2- methoxyphenol).  The oil also contains about 10% acetyleugenol and small quantities of gallic acid, sesquiterpenes , etc.  Other constituents - Flavonoids, carbohydrates, lipids and vitamins. Еugenol Uses of Clove  Antiseptic and Analgesic effects  treatment of toothaches  healing stomach ulcers.  has anthelminthic properties.  Effective in treating topical fungal, ringworm infections.
  • 26. Cardamom- Elettaria cardamomum The ginger family -Family Zingiberaceae Cardamom (/ˈkɑːrdəməm/), sometimes cardamon or cardamum, is a spice made from the seeds of several plants in the genera Elettaria and Amomum in the family Zingiberaceae. Part used. They are recognized by their small seed pods: triangular in cross-section and spindle- shaped, with a thin, papery outer shell and small, black seeds; Elettaria pods are light green and smaller, while Amomum pods are larger and dark brown. Habitat. Both genera are native to the Indian subcontinent and Indonesia. Species used for cardamom are native throughout tropical and subtropical Asia. The first references to cardamom are found in Sumer, and in the Ayurvedic literatures of India. Nowadays, it is also cultivated in some other countries, such as Guatemala, Malaysia and Tanzania. Cardamom is the world's third-most expensive spice, surpassed in price per weight only by vanilla and saffron. Plant. Cardamom (Elettaria cardammommum) is a perennial plant.
  • 27. Composition. The essential oil occurs in large parenchyma cells underlying the epidermis of the seed coat. The essential oil content varies from 2 to 10 percent; its principal components are cineole and α-terpinyl acetate. The content of essential oil in the seeds is strongly dependent on storage conditions, but may be as high as 8%. In the oil were found α-terpineol, 45%, myrcene27%, limonene 8%, menthone 6%, β-phellandrene3%, 1,8-cineol 2%, sabinene 2% and heptane 2%. Other sources report 1,8-cineol (20 to 50%), α-terpenylacetate (30%), sabinene, limonene (2 to 14%), and borneol. In the seeds of round cardamom from Java (A. kepulaga), the content of essential oil is lower (2 to 4%), and the oil contains mainly 1,8-cineol (up to 70%) plus β-pinene (16%); furthermore, α-pinene, α-terpineol and humulene were found.
  • 28. Uses.- Both forms of cardamom are used as flavourings and cooking spices in both food and drink, and as a medicine. E. cardamomum (green cardamom) is used as a spice, a masticatory, and in medicine; it is also smoked. Cardamom is used for digestion problems including heartburn, intestinal spasms, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diarrhea, constipation, liver and gallbladder complaints, and loss of appetite. It is also used for common cold and other infections, cough, bronchitis, sore mouth and throat, urinary problems, epilepsy, headache, and high blood pressure. In foods, cardamom is used as a spice. It is also used in soaps, creams, and perfumes.