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Unit 13 FMP
Oscar Greenwood
Context of Binary Opposites
We watched a video, as a class, to give context and an understanding
behind binary opposites. This was a good reminder of my previous
understanding but also gave me more context with how it links to media
and society as a whole. These are my main notes from the video…
● Structuralism- nothing exists by itself (Once you've
experienced bad things in life the good feels so much better).
● Epistemology- the study of knowing (to answer the question
you need to consider the relationship between knowledge,
truth, belief, reason, evidence and reliability.) It requires
considering the physiological routes to knowledge.
The word tree is meaningless
without the meaning and
image behind a tree. Without
that it's just a word!
Video 1
After watching this video, it gave me a greater understanding of
structuralism and epistemology and how it links to binary
opposites. Watching this video helped me define the two words
which is listed above. Next I want to research how binary
opposites affect everyday life and the media we consume.
Binary Opposites in Media
● Each genre has different binary opposite pairs, for example action has good vs evil.
● In the film Free Guy, one side want freedom and one wanted control. This reminds me of
democracy and communism.
● Different narratives contain different themes of binary opposites for example in Star Wars
the binary opposites are Jedi VS Sith.
Claude Levi Strauss was a structuralist thinker as he looked for rules and patterns in media to find out how they
work. He looked into myths and legends aging back to Greek mythology to find out what they had in common
compared to modern day society. He found binary opposites (themes that represented polarizing ideas). In the
video, I watched a man talk about binary opposition. He said “we need to think more thematically, for example
James Bond represents security and threat”.
video 2
Following this video, it gave me a basic understanding of how Binary Opposites impact
everyday life. The video made me think about movies i'd previously watched and made me
realise how Binary Opposites are always present within media.
Examples of binary opposites
● Yin Vs. Yang
● Male Vs. Female
● Independent Vs. Dependant
● Strong Vs. Weak
● Communism Vs. Capitalism
● Democracy Vs. Dictatorship
● Light Vs. Dark
● Pain Vs. Pleasure
● Identity Vs. Nameless
● Right Vs. wrong
As a class, we discussed potential binary
opposites that are in everyday society such as in
media and in films. This task helped me
understand the principle that you can't have one
without the other. The binary opposition Yin and
Yang stood out to me as I have always heard of
this binary opposition when growing up. I would
consider this opposition as the most common
within our society.
Ideology behind binary opposite in existing media
❏ Sub Zero vs Scorpion These characters are possibly the most iconic
binary opposites in gaming fiction. They represent fire and water
which are polar opposites (hot and cold). The characters represent
war vs peace as sub zero killed scorpions family.
❏ Doctor Connors VS Spiderman Both enemies are battling to make
the world how they want it. The doctor wants to turn the public into
lizards because they are stronger and more powerful whereas
spiderman wants to protect the public and keep society safe. This
binary opposite theme is the main plot for the film.
This discussion
affected my thought
process as it
allowed me to link
binary opposition to
specific media i've
watched and played
which helped me
realise how many
binary opposites
there are
subconsciously in
everyday society.
General exploration on my topic
During a class discussion binary opposites came up as an important concept of structuralism. I decided to
explore further into this by researching what structuralism is and how it affects everyday society, as this is an
area that i’ve not explored before. To find the definition and meaning behind this word, I decided to look at
multiple sources to gain a greater understanding. After viewing the meanings, I decided to make use of these
sources to come up with a definition and after that, what structuralism is in my own words.
Structuralism is the unconscious method of studying human expression that are unobservable structures
that have observable behaviour effects. According to Levi-Strauss, this same method can apply to
interpreting and understanding media, literacy and society which focus on contrasting ideas that relate to
the whole structure. The theories he constructed is used to detect social and cultural forms although it
does not give concrete expressions. Instead, it allows a potentially unlimited expressions of social and
cultural forms.
Structuralism is the method behind subconscious thinking. It allows us to successfully interpret different
types of media and also each other. Using structuralism allows us to understand each other's emotions
through actions such as facial expressions rather than using words. This will affect my work as when
writing a script, I will show my characters emotions not only through their words, but through their
language, empathy and their interactions with one another.
Semiotics is the study of science which is a way we make sense of
everything around us. We use semiotics to interpret signs,
symbols, colour and even camera angles. When we see a sign, we
can infer it’s a signifier as it is giving us meaning. The two types
are denotation and connotation which allows us to understand the
meanings behind signs or symbols. Depending on our ideology, we
may have different views from the same picture which is why we
need to make sure our meanings come across effectively.
Semiotics Theory
Key terminology:
● Encoding
● Decoding
● Codes
● Signs
● Signifiers
● Connotations
● Denotations
Initial ideas
Binary opposites
(Conversational podcast)
If I were to create a
conversational based
podcast, I would have a
clear structure to
showcase binary
opposition through their
opposing viewpoints. I
would aim to create an
audio visual podcast as I
feel it would be more
engaging for the audience.
(Short film Good VS. Evil)
If I were to create a short
film, I would explore binary
opposition through my genre
as well creating an initial
problem or villain. This would
engage my audience and
leave them wanting more. I
feel a short film would work
well as i've created an
introduction for my last
project which has given me a
good understanding of the
conventions of a short film.
If I made a documentary, I
would choose an interesting
topic and explore it using
research interviews and
data. The topics that have
come to mind are the digital
revolution, evolution or
artificial intelligence.
● Covid vaccine mandates
● Censorship and freedom of speech *
● Religious freedom
● Minimum wage
● Centralised currency vs decentralised (cash to digital
currency and assets) *
● Privacy rights
● Evolution
● Artificial intelligence *
Initial controversial ideas
audio reflection
Link 1
Link 2
week 1 reflection
Out of my initial ideas, i’m leaning more towards a visual podcast. I feel I would find
this the most fun out of my three initial options as I would love the filming and pre
production process. I feel with the co-hosts I have in mind; a crypto investor and
someone with opposite views, could have a captivating conversation about the future
of technology. I feel this is a good topic to talk about as it's currently a very big topic
with loads of celebrities, big corporate companies and banks starting to get involved
which to me indicates this is the next part of the internet. My plan of action is to
research different types of podcasts and mindmap different ideas which links to
binary opposition.
● Interview *
● conversation format *
● educational podcast
● True story podcast
● Hybrid podcast (already done)
● repurposed content (same story told in a new way)
Creating a podcast for my final project is definitely something i’m interested in doing.
However, last year I made a hybrid podcast with my friend Oscar during lockdown which I
was happy with. If I were to make another podcast, I would make it complementary
different by adding a new style of podcast such as educational or conversational as well as
including a visual element to upload on youtube. The next step is to further research
podcasts and the different structures and how I would incorporate binary opposition within
my own. As well as that, i’m going to research the most interesting controversial topics.
Research into existing podcasts that are
similar to my concept
Diary of a CEO
Diary of a CEO was very informative which is why I imagined it would be a really good
podcast to watch and gain inspiration from. After watching the episode, it shocked me
how structured it was. As an audience, I could tell the host, Stevan, engaged in a lot of
research and put loads of work into the behind the scenes. This is definitely what i'm
going to do as I want to educate and give my audience an insight into this new world.
I wrote a lot of things down that Stevan did really well that I want to include in my
podcast which includes a soundscape before each advert, lots of camera changes, the
decoration of the room and the formal subtopics I thought worked really well.
I am definitely going to include a short soundscape into my episode because I want
the audience to knows the advert is about to begin. I found this very effective as if the
consumer isn't interested in that type of product, they can easily skip the advert which is
what I did when the huel advert came on. The soundscape they included (the flicking
page of a book) added to their brand identity which they include in every episode.
Notes from the video I want
to take onboard into my
notes from the video:
● huel advert which I want to use
● the sound scape before the huel adverts
● conventions of a podcast
● the camera change
● the decoration around the podcast suet
● plan and have subtopics as it worked really well with this
I love the conversational structure that wafflin have. It is very clear they have
structured topics and conversation plans. The way they present these points
and conversations, is how I want mine to flow. Without watching multiple
episodes, I would assume there is hardly any structure/plan because of the way
they flow each conversation into the next. The episodes come across very
natural and minimalistic which has inspired me to take a similar approach in my
vodcast series. Each co-host has their own opinion on each topic I feel they
have a great balance of each of their ideology which the audience can relate to.
Out of the vodcasts I've watched I feel this one has the best audience
interaction as in each episode they have a segment where they answer viewers
questions no matter how much their ideologies differ. They've brought their
fanbase into a community of people which they call the wafflin mafia. This
method has made their audience feel apart of the show too which is definitely
something I want to incorporate into my series.
Reflection log 2
I've decided a Vodcast is definitely what I want to make for my FMP. I spent a lot of
time thinking about the topic, as I want to talk about something that interests me as
well as the audience so I can show my passion. A finance Vodcast would be perfect
as it’s both educational and controversial. Specifically a vodcast about crypto and the
web3 space is what I want to discuss. I’ve thought about who I want on the show, I
think it would be perfect to have an expert in the field co hosting as well as someone
who doesn’t know much and is interested in the digital revolution. My two top guests
is Herbie (An expert crypto investor) and Carlitos ( a beginner whos interested in
learning more) I now need to ask them if they want to be apart of the show and start
thinking about the structure for the episode as well as location. I'm feeling good about
this project, if I can pull off both my desired guests the show will be really entertaining
and informative.
A gateway to the digital economy
● Introduction- A Gateway to the digital
● A gateway to the digital economy part 2
● A gateway to the digital economy part 3
● A gateway to the digital economy part 4
● A gateway to the digital economy finale
This is my episode structure for the series. I felt the series needs to be a 5
episode structure to fully explain this new space, and allow our audience to
write questions in the comments for us to answer in the following episodes. I
also feel with how complicated this revolution is its appropriate for this
structure to occur this way rather than it all being crammed into one or two
Podcast VS Vodcast
One major difference between a Podcast and Vodcast is the audience connection. When
filming a Vodcast it gives the audience an opportunity to see the Podcaster, the setup and any
potential guests which stems a connection with the audience. With a Podcast, it's a lot harder
to build that same connection with the audience as there is no visual element. For me, as a
viewer, having the visual element plays a huge part in my engagement of a podcast.
During the pandemic, the podcast structure shifted from in person conversations to zoom
and facetime to maintain social distance rules. Because of this change, many podcasts
stopped meeting in person even after the restrictions was eased as its easier than meeting up
in person. A vodcast has to be in person, which allows the co-hosts to fully express
themselves and their opinions face to face. From my personal experience watching podcasts
filmed on zoom to in person differ dramatically as the enthusiasm and energy isn't the same. I
also find when watching zoom or facetime podcasts, there's often interference at least once
with the connection or a delay in talking from one another which takes away the
professionalism of the podcast and distracts the viewer.
Video 1
Video 2
Semiotics slide
Reflection log 3
I'm so excited, the two main people I want on the show have agreed to do it. The best
place to film is at Elstree Screen Arts as they have a podcast studio already set up and
it’s close for everyone to get to. It’s a massive relieve to know they both want to be apart
of the episode. The challenges I’m faced with are how i’m going to turn my structure and
plan into action as I’ve got so much work to do and such little time if I want to have a
couple weeks to make changes and reflect. I need to make sure i’m time efficient with my
research and think of an amazing concept to pitch.
I now need to make a pitch to show my teachers where and how the ideas stemmed from
for the episode alongside the research I have conducted for the variety of podcasts out
A gateway to the digital
The Gateway Vodcast
● My idea is to get an expert in crypto and the
web3 space to co host a podcast episode with
me and someone who has an opposed view
against this new space.
● My aim will be keeping the conversation flowing
throughout. Binary opposition will be shown
through contrasting ideologies. This type of
podcast is called a conversational podcast as we
are discussing the potential future of the new
digital world.
● Each week, we will discuss a new type of finance
with our passionate and strong minded hosts
who will give their opinions and justifications.
Personal connection between me and my project
● This year, through the pandemic, I found myself with a lot more time on my hands,
because of this, I found myself looking more into what’s going to happen next and as
a result, I found the transition from cash to digital assets. (The digital revolution)
● I quickly realised more and more businesses stopped using cash, including my place
of work. This process intrigued me and so I began finding out more. (Covid influence )
● With the world evolving, I started thinking why others weren’t investing their time and
money into the future and this new way of life. I realised people don’t necessarily
agree with the ideology behind digital assets and the new way life will be so I decided
to have this controversial topic as this weeks discussion on our show.
Target audience
● People who are thinking about investing in digital
currency and assets.
● People who are seeking knowledge as they don't
know much at all and don’t want to hear a biased
● All Income statuses welcome!
● Below 30 - get involved quick 30 and above - join
Audience profile
● 58% are under 34
● 82% have a bachelor degree or higher
● People who love new technology
● 79% are men 21% are female
● Stocks - most people have invested in a stock in their
life, grow interest in crypto
● Newcomers, it's a domesticated stock market (can do
from phone)
● Memetic attraction value (meme coins) aesthetically sell
a digital coin
The global crypto ownership
Industry platform knowledge
● Previous knowledge of a hybrid podcast
● Understanding of how uploading and editing
content works
● Understanding of how to engage an
What will make it visually stimulating?
● Having multiple cameras cutting
between the person talking
● Camera will be placed on a slider
● Having funny crypto related jokes and
pictures on the wall to set the scene
How will I develop my skills?
● Editing
● Camera skills
● Lighting skills
● Communication
● Organisation skills
● Presenting skills
● A crypto and business expert whose spent
20 years plus in IT technology
● An unbiased perspective as there will be
different viewpoints
● Diversity in age
Thank you
for your
Initial thoughts after & reflection of the pitch 4
What is web3 and
how can you get
After pitching my presentation to Miss shipp, I feel a lot better about how I’m going to
structure and present the episodes and series. My podcast is about finance and
investing and this specific series is about web3 and why its the new digital revolution. I
want the series to be 3-5 episodes long in chronological order with each progressively
building from the last. The first episode will start with the basics, which will give the
audience an insight into what it is and how people can get involved. The co-host, who
doesn’t know or understand the space, will be a mouthpiece for the audience. The aim
of this series it to educate and teach someone who has no idea about the space in
which the audience feel they can relate to. After each episode, we will do a small
introduction for the next one to get viewers to tune in for the next episode.
What will be the topics covered in ep 1
● Why Herbie realised we need to start researching
● How long until it will be mainstream?
● Gaming in the meterverse
● Big companies who are involved
● Questions from Carlitos and the audience to
Audience profile
● (People who love social
● People who have FOMO
● People who have a high level
of hope and don't mind the
risk factor
● Social and outgoing
Behaviour characteristics
● People who strive to be
● Forward thinkers
● Stock investors
● Risk takers
● People who think outside the
● People who research into
things they initially hear about
Audience profile
In recent years a vast number of people across the world have researched and bought cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocurrencies now receive Wall Street and mainstream media attention with pretty much everyone
having heard the likes of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Because the buying and selling of virtual currencies has
only been in mass adoption in recent years the information behind behaviour and characteristics of
investors are limited. However there is some published research which states the people who are investing
have a much greater tolerance towards risk. Early adopters in cryptocurrency are much more likely to be
early investors in new technology in the future. Majority of people who invest are: IT professionals and
technologist, CEO’s, Stock owners and people with jobs paying £30,000 plus per year. According to this
study carried out in the top five countries that invest in crypto there’s four main characteristic patterns the
first being openness as it relates to general curiosity of new experiences, art and new ideas the second
being extraversion as they have tendencies for short term investment( a very popular way of investing in
cryptocurrency) People with this trait is often very impulsive as well as over confident. Agreeableness is
seen as someone whos trusting towards other people. A low score of this trait often shows untrustworthy
towards new ideologies and experiences. This trait is directly related to risk aversion. Conscientiousness
describes the tendency to be responsible and dependant with money which leads to much better financial
decision making. This is the main trait from this study (donelly et al 2012) as it shows they have positive
financial attitude.
Beginning, middle and end structure for episode 1
❏ (Introduction)
The Vodcast will start with a soundtrack which fades into the main shot on set. I will introduce the
new series and explain the concept of the expert and beginner. (2 minutes)
❏ Herbie will start by explaining briefly how he got into the space and why he could no longer ignore
this new revolution ( include how he wasn’t a fan of crypto or the metervere he only stuck to stocks).
Carlitos will explain how he's never looked or heard much about this new space but he is interested
and wants to seek new information (audience mouthpiece). I will explain i'm very interested in the
space too which shows the audience they have 3 different viewpoints. (5-10 minutes)
❏ After the audience understand our roles, we will move onto our first main topic ( Which big
companies have got involved already and why? is it to boost publicity? is it investment for the future?
or is it a quick turn around? (5-10 minutes)
❏ The next sub topic is gaming and how important it is for development in the metaverse . Briefly
explain how futuristic the games are, the play to earn concept and how VR gaming is the start of the
revolution. We will discuss one or two cool new games coming this year with potential for huge gain.
(5-10 minutes)
beginning, middle and end structure for episode
❏ The gaming side of the meterverse will lead us onto how long until its mainstream in the
experts opinion. He will discuss the facts and statistics behind his thought process and how
many new people are investing and researching daily!
❏ Finally, at the end of the vodcast the beginner will ask Herbie a few questions about what he's
learnt. As well as reading out a few of the audiences questions they sent in prior to recording.
Reflection 4
I’ve got the structure sorted for the episode and audience questions listed.
The way I got the questions was from a Q&A I posted on my instagram
story asking anyone who didn’t know about the space to ask questions.
Over the course of the week, I created an instagram page to post behind
the scenes and content for fans to interact with on stories. The page
includes our logo as the profile picture, to allow our audience to easily find
us! I think this will help market our episodes and future finance series. I
now need to make the set look aesthetically pleasing by adding pictures
and crypto jokes around the room to further engage our audience
throughout the episode. I’ve booked all the equipment and got permission
from school to film during lesson time. I now need to get the co-hosts to fill
out their talent release forms and think about lighting. After this is all
complete i’m ready to film for next week!
Reflection log 5 & 6
I’ve got a big problem, Herbie has covid which means we can’t film on the day we originally planned. This
means we have to reschedule our filming day. I’m not sure how i’m going to sort it out as I should have
footage filmed by the end of the week in order to show my teachers a rough cut before the easter holiday.
During the half term, school is open for a few days, my plan of action is to email a teacher to supervise me
during filming and get my co-hosts into elstree screen arts next week. I’m going to ask Miss Christy and my
acting teacher, Miss Cooper as they told me they’re in school for a few days anyway running revision
Miss Cooper has agreed to come in and supervise my filming which means we can film Tuesday next week
when both Herbie and Carlitos are free. I’ve messaged a sound engineer from my school to ask if he’s
available to mix the sound from the mics into the software. I feel very ready to film and start the editing
I woke up on filming day to bad news; Miss Cooper (the teacher supervising me) broke down on the way to
school which meant she couldn’t come in. As soon as I saw the email I called student services to see if a
teacher called clare was working. luckily for me she was, and she agreed to supervise the episode. On the
way to Elstree, we were met with lots of traffic as they were filming in Borehamwood which blocked lots of the
road off. My co-hosts arrived the same time as me which meant when I got to Elstree, i’d have to quickly
setup and get the room ready for filming.
On the way to Elstree, we were met with lots of traffic as they were filming in Borehamwood the same day.
This blocked lots of the road off resulting in me arriving the same time as my co hosts. This meant when I
got to elstree, i’d have to quickly setup and get the room ready for filming. I went to Miss Christy’s room to
get the equipment but the room was locked. I went to reception and realised she wasn’t in school which
meant I had to find another plan of action to get the cameras as they were locked in the room upstairs. Mrs
Wallace was so helpful, she called Miss Christy for me and got the combination code for us to get the
cameras and tripods. I asked my friend Kai to help set the cameras up as he was really quick and efficient
at operating them. While he was doing this, I briefed the co hosts by showing them the plan and structure
for the episode. We clapped three times and I began the introduction for the episode. After about 5 minutes
in, we noticed the camera flashing red, I got up to check it and pressed record again as we had the second
camera angle. After about 30 minutes, the same thing happened so I took it off the tripod stand and looked
at the footage. As soon as I saw it, I knew something was wrong; the camera had only picked up one video
and it was 7 minutes long. The camera also wasn’t focused how it should have been as there was slight
blurs on it. As soon as I saw this, I quickly checked the other camera and it hadn’t been recording, it was
turned off even know it had a working SD card and full battery. At this point I really started to panic because
the content we shot I was really happy with but we had no visuals to match this (just a backup audio
recording) We decided to carry on recording we had only filmed for approximately 30 minutes which meant
we still had at least half left. The team around me (Herbie and Carlitos) were really supportive and tried as
much as they could to sort out the cameras but they were no good. After we finished, I was really happy
with the content we filmed, we ticked everything off the plan and I felt Herbie explained such a complicated
topic in a really good way for people to understand.
Filming reflection log
Reflection log the next day
I’ve just finished listening back to the podcast and i’m really happy with the content we
filmed. I feel Herbie covered all the basics and explained it in a simple way for our viewers
to understand. I really liked how we covered the main topics and then branched off into
other topics relating to the structure. Herbie gave lots of detail and explained his points
using simple informative language. I’m waiting for my teacher to respond about the
cameras failing. Even tho most of our footage failed we can still recover some of the clips
and use it to make a trailer for promotion of the podcast.
When I get back to school, I will only have a week to edit and evaluate my work. I've
thought about Re-filming but I think it will take up too much time which will result in my
editing and evaluation not being to my standard. The day I get back to school, I will speak
to Miss Shipp and hopefully start editing the audio file that I have. I’m going to have to
adapt my concept from a vodcast to a podcast, instead of distributing this podcast on
youtube it will have to be on spotify. My plan of editing will be a crossfade between clips
as well as mixing the audio to achieve the best quality sound. What’s really frustrating is
the backup audio clip I have was next to Herbie not me and carlitos, this makes his voice
defined and clear with us not as much. To solve this issue I will do my best to make our
voices sound the same volume using Premier Pros audio tools
Mise en scene (how we going to make the podcast room look)
Social interaction
Get a questionnaire out to people asking beginners what questions would you
like answered in a first episode of crypto and the metaverse podcast
At the end of episode, tell people
to leave questions in the
comments for the next episode.
Social interaction with the audience will be used as before our episode we
will ask beginners questions they would like answered by the expert.
Flat plan & logo design
Reflection before edit
In order for me to finish on time I'm going to use today and tomorrow to edit all my audio. After
listening to all the footage yesterday the only edits I will need to make is transitions and simple
cuts where we had off topic conversation and disruption when filming. I'm confident I will have
this completed by tomorrow, in which I will upload it straight onto youtube and get it reviewed.
A mixture of peers and adults will give me feedback as my target audience isn't based on age.
As well as editing I also need to finish of my project proposal form and evaluation after my edit
is finalised.
My editing as gone really well, I've completed 35 minutes out of 1hr 25 minutes of footage
which is more than I expected for today. After doing the first few crossfades using keyframes I
became a lot quicker which sped the whole editing process up so much. This process taught
me how to quickly snippet clips and cross fae them together to sound like theres no cut. My
plan of action is to now finish editing tomorrow and upload the footage as soon as possible.
Reflection During & after editing
I've just turned on Premiere Pro to finish editing my podcast and
im met with this message. It says the previous audio device
configuration is no longer available. I've never seen this message
before, I'm not sure what to click and because there's no teachers
in school I've got to find a student.
Luckily my friend Kai was next door editing too, he came and
showed me how to fix it (reconfiguring the audio output) After this I
began editing and finished before 6:00 pm which was the time I
had to leave school. Other than the issue when I turned the
computer on everything went successfully I really like the
transitions I tried my best to make them non noticeable. My video
has been exported and is now on youtube ready to be played. It’s
a massive relief that my video is on youtube I now need to get
audience feedback and evaluate the finished product as well as
completing my project proposal form.
skills learnt
One major skill I learnt during this process was editing using the software Premiere Pro. The hardest edit I
learnt and taught myself was the crossfade tool which allows individual clips to fade together. Without
mastering this tool the video would have sounded like it had lots of cuts and edits. this was something we
wanted to avoid doing as I feel it would have taken away the professionalism of the episode and distracted the
viewer’s. Two examples of this was when the smoke alarm people came in or the drilling outside started. The
snippet tool was also something I mastered, although this isn't the most complicated tool, using this tool
correctly is so important in making the audio clean and exciting to listen to. Another skill I learnt during this
process was organisational skills, In order to get my co-hosts into school I had to plan and prepare everything.
From the equipment and room booking to making sure my co-hosts were free on the same day with them both
getting to the same location. Without good organisational skills, this podcast would not have been possible as
there was loads of pre production planning involved. Management skills was also something I used a lot
throughout this unit as I had to manage and brief the team throughout the process. Developing my
management skills will also help me in other areas of life as developing my confidence to talk in front of people
and portray my ideas is a very important skill I will need going forward. Collaboration is also something i've
developed, as doing a podcast with co-hosts means you work as a team. When briefing Herbie and Carlitos we
collaborated different ideas such as how much we talk about bitcoin in comparison from other coins. Doing this
allowed me to get different perspectives on my ideas which allowed us to elevate the structure and plan for the
stimuli inspiration
A mixture of two podcasts really inspired me to make my own. The first being Diary Of A CEO because of how informative
and entertaining his episodes are. Before producing my episode I really wanted to have both these elements, as my target
audience was people who don't know too much or only know a little about the space. The main thing I took from his
episode’s is how he incorporated entertainment and information. Stereotypically I wouldn't watch a finance podcast as it
would bore me, however Stevan uses a mixture of visual edits which include three camera angles of the set and gusts to
visually stimulate the audience, alongside statistics and jokes. I feel they all compliment each other so well which was
what I wanted to incorporate into my series. I have never seen a podcast that mixes educational content and
entertainment like he does, this definitely inspired me to do my series as there's a huge gap in the market especially when
it comes to the web3 space. Another element I really like from Stevens podcasts is his mise en scene. His set is simplistic
yet very effective, as he's included a modern circular table beneath a chandelier. This is visually stimulating for the viewer
as you have the white lights from the softbox lights contrasting with the orange from the chandelier which lights the room
up. My favourite part of the set is his simplicity, he’s definitely used the less is more strategy which I want to incorporate
into my podcast. The next podcast that really inspired me was the wafflin show, I wanted my episode to have the same
fun energy throughout like theres did. I feel like wafflin have a great balance of serious conversations mixed with funny
jokes which is definitely what I wanted to include in my series as I wanted to keep my audience entertained throughout the
entirety of the show. Using both of these inspirations elevated my podcast as I set my standards high, although I didn't get
to have the visual element in my piece I tried my best to visually stimulate my audience and it didn't go to plan. To resolve
the problem I used the audio the backup audio footage instead to provide the content rather than a video. If I were to do
this again I would definitely test and make sure the cameras work perfect before we shoot and have a camera operator
throughout the series to guarantee all filming is do
Audience feedback
I asked three people to watch my episode and give me feedback in order for me to improve next time, The first
person was very impressed with the accurate information given as often in crypto and finance videos
information is told based on the hosts own investments. He loved how we gave the downsides to
cryptocurrency as throughout we explained the volatility behind the space as well as explaining the downsides.
The audience could clearly tell our intention throughout our piece ( to spread information and entertain) rather
than us promoting crypto as a whole. Another piece of feedback we received from the episode was how
straightforward and informative the questions and answers was as Herbie explained each question in the best
way he could for anyone at any level to understand. He did go of topics at times to elaborate on specific points
but he always covered the basics beforehand which was really happy about. Mohammed who gave feedback
was unsure what decentralised finance was, after listening to our episode he completely understood the
concept which was our intention throughout the episode (spreading information) Mohammed also said listening
to the podcast made him feel safer about investing as we gave him the heads up of what could possibly happen
to avoid any shock or confusion. Throughout Herbie told the audience only investing what you don't mind losing
which I think is a great way of thinking about investing as a whole. Overall what my audience got from the
podcast is investment is good and a way to grow your money however only invest what you can afford to lose
and make sure whatever you invest in you research first as there's also risk involved. One negative comment
we got was the echoing of Herbies voice at one point in the video. I added this for effect but after listening to it
back it can come across as a mistake in the edit which is something going forward I wouldn't do again. I'm very
happy with this feedback as this was what I wanted my audience to know beforehand.
overall response ( personal
Overall, i'm very happy with my piece. I includes lots of knowledge about crypto
and the web3 space while entertaining my audience throughout. One thing I wish I
could change is the visual element of the podcast as I really wanted to visually
stimulate my audience. I'm so happy we had a backup recording of the audio so we
didn't have to re record and rush all my work. I've learnt a lot from this process one
main thing being the setup of the shoot. Beforehand, I should have had a camera
operator monitoring the cameras incase this happened. I've definitely learnt so
much from this experience in which I Will take into future jobs and podcasts when I
next complete one. I feel during the filming a few things went wrong but as a team
we worked throughout and communicated our ideologies to make the podcast as
successful as it could be

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  • 1. Unit 13 FMP Oscar Greenwood
  • 2. Context of Binary Opposites We watched a video, as a class, to give context and an understanding behind binary opposites. This was a good reminder of my previous understanding but also gave me more context with how it links to media and society as a whole. These are my main notes from the video… ● Structuralism- nothing exists by itself (Once you've experienced bad things in life the good feels so much better). ● Epistemology- the study of knowing (to answer the question you need to consider the relationship between knowledge, truth, belief, reason, evidence and reliability.) It requires considering the physiological routes to knowledge. The word tree is meaningless without the meaning and image behind a tree. Without that it's just a word! Video 1 After watching this video, it gave me a greater understanding of structuralism and epistemology and how it links to binary opposites. Watching this video helped me define the two words which is listed above. Next I want to research how binary opposites affect everyday life and the media we consume.
  • 3. Binary Opposites in Media ● Each genre has different binary opposite pairs, for example action has good vs evil. ● In the film Free Guy, one side want freedom and one wanted control. This reminds me of democracy and communism. ● Different narratives contain different themes of binary opposites for example in Star Wars the binary opposites are Jedi VS Sith. Claude Levi Strauss was a structuralist thinker as he looked for rules and patterns in media to find out how they work. He looked into myths and legends aging back to Greek mythology to find out what they had in common compared to modern day society. He found binary opposites (themes that represented polarizing ideas). In the video, I watched a man talk about binary opposition. He said “we need to think more thematically, for example James Bond represents security and threat”. video 2 Following this video, it gave me a basic understanding of how Binary Opposites impact everyday life. The video made me think about movies i'd previously watched and made me realise how Binary Opposites are always present within media.
  • 4. Examples of binary opposites ● Yin Vs. Yang ● Male Vs. Female ● Independent Vs. Dependant ● Strong Vs. Weak ● Communism Vs. Capitalism ● Democracy Vs. Dictatorship ● Light Vs. Dark ● Pain Vs. Pleasure ● Identity Vs. Nameless ● Right Vs. wrong As a class, we discussed potential binary opposites that are in everyday society such as in media and in films. This task helped me understand the principle that you can't have one without the other. The binary opposition Yin and Yang stood out to me as I have always heard of this binary opposition when growing up. I would consider this opposition as the most common within our society.
  • 5. Ideology behind binary opposite in existing media ❏ Sub Zero vs Scorpion These characters are possibly the most iconic binary opposites in gaming fiction. They represent fire and water which are polar opposites (hot and cold). The characters represent war vs peace as sub zero killed scorpions family. ❏ Doctor Connors VS Spiderman Both enemies are battling to make the world how they want it. The doctor wants to turn the public into lizards because they are stronger and more powerful whereas spiderman wants to protect the public and keep society safe. This binary opposite theme is the main plot for the film. This discussion affected my thought process as it allowed me to link binary opposition to specific media i've watched and played which helped me realise how many binary opposites there are subconsciously in everyday society.
  • 6. General exploration on my topic During a class discussion binary opposites came up as an important concept of structuralism. I decided to explore further into this by researching what structuralism is and how it affects everyday society, as this is an area that i’ve not explored before. To find the definition and meaning behind this word, I decided to look at multiple sources to gain a greater understanding. After viewing the meanings, I decided to make use of these sources to come up with a definition and after that, what structuralism is in my own words. Structuralism is the unconscious method of studying human expression that are unobservable structures that have observable behaviour effects. According to Levi-Strauss, this same method can apply to interpreting and understanding media, literacy and society which focus on contrasting ideas that relate to the whole structure. The theories he constructed is used to detect social and cultural forms although it does not give concrete expressions. Instead, it allows a potentially unlimited expressions of social and cultural forms. Structuralism Structuralism is the method behind subconscious thinking. It allows us to successfully interpret different types of media and also each other. Using structuralism allows us to understand each other's emotions through actions such as facial expressions rather than using words. This will affect my work as when writing a script, I will show my characters emotions not only through their words, but through their language, empathy and their interactions with one another.
  • 7. Semiotics is the study of science which is a way we make sense of everything around us. We use semiotics to interpret signs, symbols, colour and even camera angles. When we see a sign, we can infer it’s a signifier as it is giving us meaning. The two types are denotation and connotation which allows us to understand the meanings behind signs or symbols. Depending on our ideology, we may have different views from the same picture which is why we need to make sure our meanings come across effectively. Semiotics Theory Key terminology: ● Encoding ● Decoding ● Codes ● Signs ● Signifiers ● Connotations ● Denotations
  • 8. Initial ideas Binary opposites (Conversational podcast) If I were to create a conversational based podcast, I would have a clear structure to showcase binary opposition through their opposing viewpoints. I would aim to create an audio visual podcast as I feel it would be more engaging for the audience. (Short film Good VS. Evil) If I were to create a short film, I would explore binary opposition through my genre as well creating an initial problem or villain. This would engage my audience and leave them wanting more. I feel a short film would work well as i've created an introduction for my last project which has given me a good understanding of the conventions of a short film. (Documentary) If I made a documentary, I would choose an interesting topic and explore it using research interviews and data. The topics that have come to mind are the digital revolution, evolution or artificial intelligence.
  • 9. ● Covid vaccine mandates ● Censorship and freedom of speech * ● Religious freedom ● Minimum wage ● Centralised currency vs decentralised (cash to digital currency and assets) * ● Privacy rights ● Evolution ● Artificial intelligence * Initial controversial ideas
  • 11. week 1 reflection Out of my initial ideas, i’m leaning more towards a visual podcast. I feel I would find this the most fun out of my three initial options as I would love the filming and pre production process. I feel with the co-hosts I have in mind; a crypto investor and someone with opposite views, could have a captivating conversation about the future of technology. I feel this is a good topic to talk about as it's currently a very big topic with loads of celebrities, big corporate companies and banks starting to get involved which to me indicates this is the next part of the internet. My plan of action is to research different types of podcasts and mindmap different ideas which links to binary opposition.
  • 12. podcast ● Interview * ● conversation format * ● educational podcast ● True story podcast ● Hybrid podcast (already done) ● repurposed content (same story told in a new way) Creating a podcast for my final project is definitely something i’m interested in doing. However, last year I made a hybrid podcast with my friend Oscar during lockdown which I was happy with. If I were to make another podcast, I would make it complementary different by adding a new style of podcast such as educational or conversational as well as including a visual element to upload on youtube. The next step is to further research podcasts and the different structures and how I would incorporate binary opposition within my own. As well as that, i’m going to research the most interesting controversial topics. INCLUDE HERE THE VOICE MEMO OF ME AND ELLA TALKING ABOUT WHICH TYPE OF PODCAST TO MAKE 2 VOICE MEMOS
  • 13. Research into existing podcasts that are similar to my concept Diary of a CEO Diary of a CEO was very informative which is why I imagined it would be a really good podcast to watch and gain inspiration from. After watching the episode, it shocked me how structured it was. As an audience, I could tell the host, Stevan, engaged in a lot of research and put loads of work into the behind the scenes. This is definitely what i'm going to do as I want to educate and give my audience an insight into this new world. I wrote a lot of things down that Stevan did really well that I want to include in my podcast which includes a soundscape before each advert, lots of camera changes, the decoration of the room and the formal subtopics I thought worked really well. I am definitely going to include a short soundscape into my episode because I want the audience to knows the advert is about to begin. I found this very effective as if the consumer isn't interested in that type of product, they can easily skip the advert which is what I did when the huel advert came on. The soundscape they included (the flicking page of a book) added to their brand identity which they include in every episode.
  • 14. Notes from the video I want to take onboard into my Vodcast notes from the video: ● huel advert which I want to use ● the sound scape before the huel adverts ● conventions of a podcast ● the camera change ● the decoration around the podcast suet ● plan and have subtopics as it worked really well with this podcast
  • 15. I love the conversational structure that wafflin have. It is very clear they have structured topics and conversation plans. The way they present these points and conversations, is how I want mine to flow. Without watching multiple episodes, I would assume there is hardly any structure/plan because of the way they flow each conversation into the next. The episodes come across very natural and minimalistic which has inspired me to take a similar approach in my vodcast series. Each co-host has their own opinion on each topic I feel they have a great balance of each of their ideology which the audience can relate to. Out of the vodcasts I've watched I feel this one has the best audience interaction as in each episode they have a segment where they answer viewers questions no matter how much their ideologies differ. They've brought their fanbase into a community of people which they call the wafflin mafia. This method has made their audience feel apart of the show too which is definitely something I want to incorporate into my series.
  • 16. Reflection log 2 I've decided a Vodcast is definitely what I want to make for my FMP. I spent a lot of time thinking about the topic, as I want to talk about something that interests me as well as the audience so I can show my passion. A finance Vodcast would be perfect as it’s both educational and controversial. Specifically a vodcast about crypto and the web3 space is what I want to discuss. I’ve thought about who I want on the show, I think it would be perfect to have an expert in the field co hosting as well as someone who doesn’t know much and is interested in the digital revolution. My two top guests is Herbie (An expert crypto investor) and Carlitos ( a beginner whos interested in learning more) I now need to ask them if they want to be apart of the show and start thinking about the structure for the episode as well as location. I'm feeling good about this project, if I can pull off both my desired guests the show will be really entertaining and informative.
  • 17. A gateway to the digital economy ● Introduction- A Gateway to the digital economy ● A gateway to the digital economy part 2 ● A gateway to the digital economy part 3 ● A gateway to the digital economy part 4 ● A gateway to the digital economy finale This is my episode structure for the series. I felt the series needs to be a 5 episode structure to fully explain this new space, and allow our audience to write questions in the comments for us to answer in the following episodes. I also feel with how complicated this revolution is its appropriate for this structure to occur this way rather than it all being crammed into one or two episodes.
  • 18. Podcast VS Vodcast One major difference between a Podcast and Vodcast is the audience connection. When filming a Vodcast it gives the audience an opportunity to see the Podcaster, the setup and any potential guests which stems a connection with the audience. With a Podcast, it's a lot harder to build that same connection with the audience as there is no visual element. For me, as a viewer, having the visual element plays a huge part in my engagement of a podcast. During the pandemic, the podcast structure shifted from in person conversations to zoom and facetime to maintain social distance rules. Because of this change, many podcasts stopped meeting in person even after the restrictions was eased as its easier than meeting up in person. A vodcast has to be in person, which allows the co-hosts to fully express themselves and their opinions face to face. From my personal experience watching podcasts filmed on zoom to in person differ dramatically as the enthusiasm and energy isn't the same. I also find when watching zoom or facetime podcasts, there's often interference at least once with the connection or a delay in talking from one another which takes away the professionalism of the podcast and distracts the viewer.
  • 19. Video 1 8d8LiSwk Video 2 O8IyMCBU Bibliography Semiotics slide ndresearch/chapter/semiotic- theory/#:~:text=Semioticians%20study%20how%20sign s%20are,their%20meaning%20comes%20across%20e ffectively. psychology-key-to-understanding-trends-and- behaviours/#:~:text=Crypto%20investors%20t end%20to%20be,may%20help%20explain%2 0competitive%20behaviours. audience profile
  • 20. Reflection log 3 I'm so excited, the two main people I want on the show have agreed to do it. The best place to film is at Elstree Screen Arts as they have a podcast studio already set up and it’s close for everyone to get to. It’s a massive relieve to know they both want to be apart of the episode. The challenges I’m faced with are how i’m going to turn my structure and plan into action as I’ve got so much work to do and such little time if I want to have a couple weeks to make changes and reflect. I need to make sure i’m time efficient with my research and think of an amazing concept to pitch. I now need to make a pitch to show my teachers where and how the ideas stemmed from for the episode alongside the research I have conducted for the variety of podcasts out there.
  • 21. A gateway to the digital economy The Gateway Vodcast
  • 22. Concept ● My idea is to get an expert in crypto and the web3 space to co host a podcast episode with me and someone who has an opposed view against this new space. ● My aim will be keeping the conversation flowing throughout. Binary opposition will be shown through contrasting ideologies. This type of podcast is called a conversational podcast as we are discussing the potential future of the new digital world. ● Each week, we will discuss a new type of finance with our passionate and strong minded hosts who will give their opinions and justifications.
  • 23. Personal connection between me and my project ● This year, through the pandemic, I found myself with a lot more time on my hands, because of this, I found myself looking more into what’s going to happen next and as a result, I found the transition from cash to digital assets. (The digital revolution) ● I quickly realised more and more businesses stopped using cash, including my place of work. This process intrigued me and so I began finding out more. (Covid influence ) ● With the world evolving, I started thinking why others weren’t investing their time and money into the future and this new way of life. I realised people don’t necessarily agree with the ideology behind digital assets and the new way life will be so I decided to have this controversial topic as this weeks discussion on our show.
  • 24. Target audience ● People who are thinking about investing in digital currency and assets. ● People who are seeking knowledge as they don't know much at all and don’t want to hear a biased perspective. ● All Income statuses welcome! ● Below 30 - get involved quick 30 and above - join in!
  • 25. Audience profile ● 58% are under 34 ● 82% have a bachelor degree or higher ● People who love new technology ● 79% are men 21% are female ● Stocks - most people have invested in a stock in their life, grow interest in crypto ● Newcomers, it's a domesticated stock market (can do from phone) ● Memetic attraction value (meme coins) aesthetically sell a digital coin The global crypto ownership
  • 26. Industry platform knowledge ● Previous knowledge of a hybrid podcast ● Understanding of how uploading and editing content works ● Understanding of how to engage an audience
  • 27. What will make it visually stimulating? ● Having multiple cameras cutting between the person talking ● Camera will be placed on a slider ● Having funny crypto related jokes and pictures on the wall to set the scene
  • 28. How will I develop my skills? ● Editing ● Camera skills ● Lighting skills ● Communication ● Organisation skills ● Presenting skills
  • 29. USP ● A crypto and business expert whose spent 20 years plus in IT technology ● An unbiased perspective as there will be different viewpoints ● Diversity in age
  • 32. Initial thoughts after & reflection of the pitch 4 What is web3 and how can you get involved? After pitching my presentation to Miss shipp, I feel a lot better about how I’m going to structure and present the episodes and series. My podcast is about finance and investing and this specific series is about web3 and why its the new digital revolution. I want the series to be 3-5 episodes long in chronological order with each progressively building from the last. The first episode will start with the basics, which will give the audience an insight into what it is and how people can get involved. The co-host, who doesn’t know or understand the space, will be a mouthpiece for the audience. The aim of this series it to educate and teach someone who has no idea about the space in which the audience feel they can relate to. After each episode, we will do a small introduction for the next one to get viewers to tune in for the next episode.
  • 33. What will be the topics covered in ep 1 ● Why Herbie realised we need to start researching now? ● How long until it will be mainstream? ● Gaming in the meterverse ● Big companies who are involved ● Questions from Carlitos and the audience to Herbie
  • 35. Psychology ● (People who love social media) ● People who have FOMO ● People who have a high level of hope and don't mind the risk factor ● Social and outgoing Behaviour characteristics ● People who strive to be successful ● Forward thinkers ● Stock investors ● Risk takers ● People who think outside the box ● People who research into things they initially hear about pdf
  • 36. Audience profile In recent years a vast number of people across the world have researched and bought cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies now receive Wall Street and mainstream media attention with pretty much everyone having heard the likes of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Because the buying and selling of virtual currencies has only been in mass adoption in recent years the information behind behaviour and characteristics of investors are limited. However there is some published research which states the people who are investing have a much greater tolerance towards risk. Early adopters in cryptocurrency are much more likely to be early investors in new technology in the future. Majority of people who invest are: IT professionals and technologist, CEO’s, Stock owners and people with jobs paying £30,000 plus per year. According to this study carried out in the top five countries that invest in crypto there’s four main characteristic patterns the first being openness as it relates to general curiosity of new experiences, art and new ideas the second being extraversion as they have tendencies for short term investment( a very popular way of investing in cryptocurrency) People with this trait is often very impulsive as well as over confident. Agreeableness is seen as someone whos trusting towards other people. A low score of this trait often shows untrustworthy towards new ideologies and experiences. This trait is directly related to risk aversion. Conscientiousness describes the tendency to be responsible and dependant with money which leads to much better financial decision making. This is the main trait from this study (donelly et al 2012) as it shows they have positive financial attitude.
  • 37. Beginning, middle and end structure for episode 1 ❏ (Introduction) The Vodcast will start with a soundtrack which fades into the main shot on set. I will introduce the new series and explain the concept of the expert and beginner. (2 minutes) ❏ Herbie will start by explaining briefly how he got into the space and why he could no longer ignore this new revolution ( include how he wasn’t a fan of crypto or the metervere he only stuck to stocks). Carlitos will explain how he's never looked or heard much about this new space but he is interested and wants to seek new information (audience mouthpiece). I will explain i'm very interested in the space too which shows the audience they have 3 different viewpoints. (5-10 minutes) ❏ After the audience understand our roles, we will move onto our first main topic ( Which big companies have got involved already and why? is it to boost publicity? is it investment for the future? or is it a quick turn around? (5-10 minutes) ❏ The next sub topic is gaming and how important it is for development in the metaverse . Briefly explain how futuristic the games are, the play to earn concept and how VR gaming is the start of the revolution. We will discuss one or two cool new games coming this year with potential for huge gain. (5-10 minutes)
  • 38. beginning, middle and end structure for episode 1 ❏ The gaming side of the meterverse will lead us onto how long until its mainstream in the experts opinion. He will discuss the facts and statistics behind his thought process and how many new people are investing and researching daily! ❏ Finally, at the end of the vodcast the beginner will ask Herbie a few questions about what he's learnt. As well as reading out a few of the audiences questions they sent in prior to recording.
  • 39. Reflection 4 I’ve got the structure sorted for the episode and audience questions listed. The way I got the questions was from a Q&A I posted on my instagram story asking anyone who didn’t know about the space to ask questions. Over the course of the week, I created an instagram page to post behind the scenes and content for fans to interact with on stories. The page includes our logo as the profile picture, to allow our audience to easily find us! I think this will help market our episodes and future finance series. I now need to make the set look aesthetically pleasing by adding pictures and crypto jokes around the room to further engage our audience throughout the episode. I’ve booked all the equipment and got permission from school to film during lesson time. I now need to get the co-hosts to fill out their talent release forms and think about lighting. After this is all complete i’m ready to film for next week!
  • 40. Reflection log 5 & 6 I’ve got a big problem, Herbie has covid which means we can’t film on the day we originally planned. This means we have to reschedule our filming day. I’m not sure how i’m going to sort it out as I should have footage filmed by the end of the week in order to show my teachers a rough cut before the easter holiday. During the half term, school is open for a few days, my plan of action is to email a teacher to supervise me during filming and get my co-hosts into elstree screen arts next week. I’m going to ask Miss Christy and my acting teacher, Miss Cooper as they told me they’re in school for a few days anyway running revision sessions. Miss Cooper has agreed to come in and supervise my filming which means we can film Tuesday next week when both Herbie and Carlitos are free. I’ve messaged a sound engineer from my school to ask if he’s available to mix the sound from the mics into the software. I feel very ready to film and start the editing process. I woke up on filming day to bad news; Miss Cooper (the teacher supervising me) broke down on the way to school which meant she couldn’t come in. As soon as I saw the email I called student services to see if a teacher called clare was working. luckily for me she was, and she agreed to supervise the episode. On the way to Elstree, we were met with lots of traffic as they were filming in Borehamwood which blocked lots of the road off. My co-hosts arrived the same time as me which meant when I got to Elstree, i’d have to quickly setup and get the room ready for filming.
  • 41. On the way to Elstree, we were met with lots of traffic as they were filming in Borehamwood the same day. This blocked lots of the road off resulting in me arriving the same time as my co hosts. This meant when I got to elstree, i’d have to quickly setup and get the room ready for filming. I went to Miss Christy’s room to get the equipment but the room was locked. I went to reception and realised she wasn’t in school which meant I had to find another plan of action to get the cameras as they were locked in the room upstairs. Mrs Wallace was so helpful, she called Miss Christy for me and got the combination code for us to get the cameras and tripods. I asked my friend Kai to help set the cameras up as he was really quick and efficient at operating them. While he was doing this, I briefed the co hosts by showing them the plan and structure for the episode. We clapped three times and I began the introduction for the episode. After about 5 minutes in, we noticed the camera flashing red, I got up to check it and pressed record again as we had the second camera angle. After about 30 minutes, the same thing happened so I took it off the tripod stand and looked at the footage. As soon as I saw it, I knew something was wrong; the camera had only picked up one video and it was 7 minutes long. The camera also wasn’t focused how it should have been as there was slight blurs on it. As soon as I saw this, I quickly checked the other camera and it hadn’t been recording, it was turned off even know it had a working SD card and full battery. At this point I really started to panic because the content we shot I was really happy with but we had no visuals to match this (just a backup audio recording) We decided to carry on recording we had only filmed for approximately 30 minutes which meant we still had at least half left. The team around me (Herbie and Carlitos) were really supportive and tried as much as they could to sort out the cameras but they were no good. After we finished, I was really happy with the content we filmed, we ticked everything off the plan and I felt Herbie explained such a complicated topic in a really good way for people to understand. Filming reflection log
  • 42. Reflection log the next day I’ve just finished listening back to the podcast and i’m really happy with the content we filmed. I feel Herbie covered all the basics and explained it in a simple way for our viewers to understand. I really liked how we covered the main topics and then branched off into other topics relating to the structure. Herbie gave lots of detail and explained his points using simple informative language. I’m waiting for my teacher to respond about the cameras failing. Even tho most of our footage failed we can still recover some of the clips and use it to make a trailer for promotion of the podcast. When I get back to school, I will only have a week to edit and evaluate my work. I've thought about Re-filming but I think it will take up too much time which will result in my editing and evaluation not being to my standard. The day I get back to school, I will speak to Miss Shipp and hopefully start editing the audio file that I have. I’m going to have to adapt my concept from a vodcast to a podcast, instead of distributing this podcast on youtube it will have to be on spotify. My plan of editing will be a crossfade between clips as well as mixing the audio to achieve the best quality sound. What’s really frustrating is the backup audio clip I have was next to Herbie not me and carlitos, this makes his voice defined and clear with us not as much. To solve this issue I will do my best to make our voices sound the same volume using Premier Pros audio tools
  • 43. Mise en scene (how we going to make the podcast room look)
  • 44. Social interaction Get a questionnaire out to people asking beginners what questions would you like answered in a first episode of crypto and the metaverse podcast At the end of episode, tell people to leave questions in the comments for the next episode. Social interaction with the audience will be used as before our episode we will ask beginners questions they would like answered by the expert.
  • 45. Flat plan & logo design
  • 46.
  • 47. Reflection before edit In order for me to finish on time I'm going to use today and tomorrow to edit all my audio. After listening to all the footage yesterday the only edits I will need to make is transitions and simple cuts where we had off topic conversation and disruption when filming. I'm confident I will have this completed by tomorrow, in which I will upload it straight onto youtube and get it reviewed. A mixture of peers and adults will give me feedback as my target audience isn't based on age. As well as editing I also need to finish of my project proposal form and evaluation after my edit is finalised. My editing as gone really well, I've completed 35 minutes out of 1hr 25 minutes of footage which is more than I expected for today. After doing the first few crossfades using keyframes I became a lot quicker which sped the whole editing process up so much. This process taught me how to quickly snippet clips and cross fae them together to sound like theres no cut. My plan of action is to now finish editing tomorrow and upload the footage as soon as possible.
  • 48. Reflection During & after editing I've just turned on Premiere Pro to finish editing my podcast and im met with this message. It says the previous audio device configuration is no longer available. I've never seen this message before, I'm not sure what to click and because there's no teachers in school I've got to find a student. Luckily my friend Kai was next door editing too, he came and showed me how to fix it (reconfiguring the audio output) After this I began editing and finished before 6:00 pm which was the time I had to leave school. Other than the issue when I turned the computer on everything went successfully I really like the transitions I tried my best to make them non noticeable. My video has been exported and is now on youtube ready to be played. It’s a massive relief that my video is on youtube I now need to get audience feedback and evaluate the finished product as well as completing my project proposal form.
  • 50. skills learnt One major skill I learnt during this process was editing using the software Premiere Pro. The hardest edit I learnt and taught myself was the crossfade tool which allows individual clips to fade together. Without mastering this tool the video would have sounded like it had lots of cuts and edits. this was something we wanted to avoid doing as I feel it would have taken away the professionalism of the episode and distracted the viewer’s. Two examples of this was when the smoke alarm people came in or the drilling outside started. The snippet tool was also something I mastered, although this isn't the most complicated tool, using this tool correctly is so important in making the audio clean and exciting to listen to. Another skill I learnt during this process was organisational skills, In order to get my co-hosts into school I had to plan and prepare everything. From the equipment and room booking to making sure my co-hosts were free on the same day with them both getting to the same location. Without good organisational skills, this podcast would not have been possible as there was loads of pre production planning involved. Management skills was also something I used a lot throughout this unit as I had to manage and brief the team throughout the process. Developing my management skills will also help me in other areas of life as developing my confidence to talk in front of people and portray my ideas is a very important skill I will need going forward. Collaboration is also something i've developed, as doing a podcast with co-hosts means you work as a team. When briefing Herbie and Carlitos we collaborated different ideas such as how much we talk about bitcoin in comparison from other coins. Doing this allowed me to get different perspectives on my ideas which allowed us to elevate the structure and plan for the episode.
  • 51. stimuli inspiration A mixture of two podcasts really inspired me to make my own. The first being Diary Of A CEO because of how informative and entertaining his episodes are. Before producing my episode I really wanted to have both these elements, as my target audience was people who don't know too much or only know a little about the space. The main thing I took from his episode’s is how he incorporated entertainment and information. Stereotypically I wouldn't watch a finance podcast as it would bore me, however Stevan uses a mixture of visual edits which include three camera angles of the set and gusts to visually stimulate the audience, alongside statistics and jokes. I feel they all compliment each other so well which was what I wanted to incorporate into my series. I have never seen a podcast that mixes educational content and entertainment like he does, this definitely inspired me to do my series as there's a huge gap in the market especially when it comes to the web3 space. Another element I really like from Stevens podcasts is his mise en scene. His set is simplistic yet very effective, as he's included a modern circular table beneath a chandelier. This is visually stimulating for the viewer as you have the white lights from the softbox lights contrasting with the orange from the chandelier which lights the room up. My favourite part of the set is his simplicity, he’s definitely used the less is more strategy which I want to incorporate into my podcast. The next podcast that really inspired me was the wafflin show, I wanted my episode to have the same fun energy throughout like theres did. I feel like wafflin have a great balance of serious conversations mixed with funny jokes which is definitely what I wanted to include in my series as I wanted to keep my audience entertained throughout the entirety of the show. Using both of these inspirations elevated my podcast as I set my standards high, although I didn't get to have the visual element in my piece I tried my best to visually stimulate my audience and it didn't go to plan. To resolve the problem I used the audio the backup audio footage instead to provide the content rather than a video. If I were to do this again I would definitely test and make sure the cameras work perfect before we shoot and have a camera operator throughout the series to guarantee all filming is do
  • 52. Audience feedback I asked three people to watch my episode and give me feedback in order for me to improve next time, The first person was very impressed with the accurate information given as often in crypto and finance videos information is told based on the hosts own investments. He loved how we gave the downsides to cryptocurrency as throughout we explained the volatility behind the space as well as explaining the downsides. The audience could clearly tell our intention throughout our piece ( to spread information and entertain) rather than us promoting crypto as a whole. Another piece of feedback we received from the episode was how straightforward and informative the questions and answers was as Herbie explained each question in the best way he could for anyone at any level to understand. He did go of topics at times to elaborate on specific points but he always covered the basics beforehand which was really happy about. Mohammed who gave feedback was unsure what decentralised finance was, after listening to our episode he completely understood the concept which was our intention throughout the episode (spreading information) Mohammed also said listening to the podcast made him feel safer about investing as we gave him the heads up of what could possibly happen to avoid any shock or confusion. Throughout Herbie told the audience only investing what you don't mind losing which I think is a great way of thinking about investing as a whole. Overall what my audience got from the podcast is investment is good and a way to grow your money however only invest what you can afford to lose and make sure whatever you invest in you research first as there's also risk involved. One negative comment we got was the echoing of Herbies voice at one point in the video. I added this for effect but after listening to it back it can come across as a mistake in the edit which is something going forward I wouldn't do again. I'm very happy with this feedback as this was what I wanted my audience to know beforehand.
  • 53. overall response ( personal reflection) Overall, i'm very happy with my piece. I includes lots of knowledge about crypto and the web3 space while entertaining my audience throughout. One thing I wish I could change is the visual element of the podcast as I really wanted to visually stimulate my audience. I'm so happy we had a backup recording of the audio so we didn't have to re record and rush all my work. I've learnt a lot from this process one main thing being the setup of the shoot. Beforehand, I should have had a camera operator monitoring the cameras incase this happened. I've definitely learnt so much from this experience in which I Will take into future jobs and podcasts when I next complete one. I feel during the filming a few things went wrong but as a team we worked throughout and communicated our ideologies to make the podcast as successful as it could be

Editor's Notes

  1. research