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Five Things Affecting My Personal Culture
The first five things that come to mind that have affected my personal culture are family
background, religious affiliation, language, ethnicity, and friends. I come from a family with both
parents and several siblings. Everyone in my family is Christian, all of them having grown up in the
church, typically Nazarene. My entire family is made of Caucasian, native English speakers.
Because of that, most of my friends are also native English speakers and all Christian. There are also
many life experiences that have affected my personal culture. Growing up in the church, I was
always involved in things like AWANA and church. As such, I was also able to go with youth
groups on mission trips. I have also always been involved in music because my parents
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Comparing Jesus In The Gospel Of John And Luke's...
Each gospel presents Jesus as one person but with two natures: God and man. The political, social,
and religious aspects, of the gospels, help believers to understand God's message. For example, the
Hebrew background is important to understanding the gospel because it is directed to first century
Jews. The Hebrew background is primarily religious because the gospel message was first sent to
the Jews (Acts 1:8). The Roman period was stable when Jesus was born and the struggles of the
Jews were mainly of their own hearts. The Greek background is important to the gospel because the
Hellenistic culture paved the way for world–wide proclamation of God's message of salvation.
All of human history revolves around Jesus, the Person. The gospel of Matthew recorded Jesus as
the King promised from God who shall rule forever over Israel. Matthew's gospel contains
references to the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies. Matthew documented ... Show more
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Jesus transitioned from the ministration phase to the sacrifice phase by explicitly telling of His
coming death (Mark 8:27). Luke's gospel presents Jesus as the Nazarene, who is a prophet mighty in
deed and Word in the sight of God. Luke emphasized the universality of salvation from God through
the perfect God–man (Luke 24:47).
The gospel of John serves as the capstone revelation of the life and ministry of Christ (John 3:16).
John wrote to win unbelievers to a relationship with Jesus Christ by faith. John's gospel reveals the
evangelic founding and nurturing of the church, the epistles reveals the shaping of the church, and
the apocalyptic eternal future of the church. John's account records Jesus as the Son of God, gives
extension coverage on Jesus' ministry in the south, around Judea, the long spiritual truths of Jesus'
disclosures. John gives special attention to Jesus' death and
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Pastor 's Report For The Laurel Church Of The Nazarene 2016
Pastor's Report for the Laurel Church of the Nazarene–2016
We have been spending some time with the verse from Luke(9:23)"And he said to all, "If any man
would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." We have sent
the last month asking the question "Are you a Fan or a follower?" What makes us a follower? What
do we have to give up to be a follower? What will we exchange for our lives?
Everything we have is a gift from God. We owe him everything, including our very lives. It is
possible to give God our money, but not ourselves, or to give him lip–service, but not our hearts. A
true disciple gives up all that he has in exchange for an unending life of joy and happiness with God.
Are you ready to lose all for Jesus Christ in order to gain all with Jesus Christ?
"Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and all my will, all that I
have and possess. You have given them to me; to you, O Lord, I restore them; all things are yours,
dispose of them according to your will. Give me your love and your grace, for this is enough for
me." (Prayer of Ignatius of Loyola, 1491–1556)
We want to be a follower of Christ. We give it all up for him since he gave it all to us. I just love that
prayer–"Give me your love and grace, for this is enough for me."
We have seen great things happen this year. Here is a list of items that changed the climate here. We
sold the parsonage which allowed us to put in air–conditioning, the
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Pastor David Williams
Last Sundy I attended my local church, Lansing Woodview Church of the Nazarene. I was
privileged to hear our Rev. David Williams, our Pastor of Discipleship, preach from Luke 7:36–50.
He was speaking on our monthly family Sunday when we have all ages in worship. This sermon
was also preaching in fulfillment of a requirement for a preaching class he is currently taking at
Nazarene Bible College. Pastor David took an interesting approach to preaching this particular
passage in which Jesus' feet are washed by the sinful woman who cleans his feet and anoints them
with perfume to the ire of Simon the Pharisee. Jesus uses this as an opportunity to use a parable to
teach about grace and its availability to everyone. After reading the passage he began to break down
the different perspectives of the characters in the story as if analyzing a play. He examined the
perspective of the woman, Simon, Jesus and the others at the dinner. ... Show more content on ...
He suggested at each of us might be able to identify with one or more people within the passage. He
suggest that perhaps we need to be like the woman and understand that we are worth of forgiveness
and must give praise for that forgiveness. Or like Simon we need to have our perspectives renewed
on the availability of grace for everyone. Maybe we need to be like the crowd and follow after the
question of "Who is this , who even forgives sins?" Finally concluding with the point that we all are
worthy of grace and we are called to receive and reciprocate that grace in our
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Abbey Swaim: Character Analysis
I have known Abbey Swaim for six years now in both friendly and authoritative capacities and it is
my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for her–I believe that knowing her in different
scenarios has given me good insight to her character and who she is in most or all situations. She
has several qualities that I believe make her a fantastic candidate for your program but the two I
want to focus on today are her dedication and her reliability which I feel like encompass a lot of
who she is. Much of the time that I've spent with Abbey has been at a church camp for girls put on
in Cascade, Idaho called Trinity Pines. For two years, Abbey was my counselor–in–training and she
worked with me to lead 14 girls whose ages ranged from
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Christ The King Catholic Church
Visitation Report Christ the King Catholic Church is located at 8005 Dorset Drive in Oklahoma
City. The Catholic denomination is the oldest branch of organized Christianity. Being a member of
the Catholic church means being a devout follower of God. It means that you believe in the the
death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and accept him as your lord and savior. Catholics are a part of
the Church that Christ established and entrusted to Saint Peter and his successors, the popes. I
attended the 10 a.m. mass at Christ the King on July 12, 2015. The service was a little over an hour
long and it was an immensely different and interesting experience. Music is and has always been a
staple of Christian worship. The worship music at Christ the King was extremely traditional. All of
the songs that were sung were traditional hymnals and the congregation seemed to know each hymn
by heart. The lyrics were accompanied by an organ and each pew contained a worship book that
contained the hymns as well as the gospel acclamations and creeds that accompanied them. The
priest sang instead of speaking during the worship, reading of the holy scripture, and communion. In
some instances the priest would sing something and the congregation ... Show more content on ...
The sanctuary had a vaulted ceiling with great wooden beams running the length and width of the
room. The walls were covered in decorated wood panels, marble slabs, and stained glass windows.
Scenes of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus could be seen literally everywhere, on the stained
glass, carved in the wooden panels, and in statues around the room. The pews were very traditional
in contrast to the theater seats at my home church. The room smelled heavily of incense and the
priest continued to burn more throughout the mass. The front of the sanctuary included a large statue
of the crucifixion of Christ and a table covered in candles with golden holders. The church was
beautiful and had an air of
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The Sabbath In Modern Christianity
The Sabbath is nearly forgotten and rarely observed in modern Christianity. Furthermore most don't
connect the lack of Sabbath observance to modern issues including the sense of being over–worked,
over–scheduled, and even over–stimulated as Christians. Brueggemann explains the Sabbath was
created and established by God create for man to resist the constant inward pull toward the
prevailing values of the day (Brueggemann, 2016). Yet, the prevailing values and cultures seem to
be winning for most Christians. Scazzero explains the Sabbath observes comes from our core, our
true sense of spirituality, and isn't a suggestion, but in fact a command of God (Scazzero, 2006).
Unfortunately, I like most Christians, have suffered the same fate. Not only as a Christian person,
but as I pastor, I have regularly ignored the need for a Sabbath's rest and have suffered for it. As
Barton explains, if Sabbath isn't observed, often our illnesses become our Sabbath (Barton, 2015).
These words resonate deep within my own soul. Early in my ministry career while serving as
Church plant pastor and teaching pastor at a large Nazarene Church I hit an emotional and spiritual
rock bottom. My ministry suffered, ... Show more content on ...
I am unable to commit one full 24–hour period toward these disciplines but each week, I spend one
morning block focusing on these habits. Many Monday I have spent fishing, golfing, or even
walking through the woods in time of quiet reflection. I always do things in solitude. The earlier in
the morning I often find it better to find solitude and time to be alone in prayer. When I return I nap,
rest as my body needs, and spend extended time in journaling, and personal study. I often spend
time with my family days that my kids are home from school. We ride bikes, play together and
spend intentional time
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Sermon On The Baptist Of The Nazarene
This past Sunday, at Woodview Church of the Nazarene, we had the pleasure of hearing our senior
pastor, Mark Walker, preach. Pastor Mark had been on sabbatical for most of August, all of
September and the first part of October and has been back just a few weeks. This sermon was just
the second he has preached since coming back from that sabbatical. Pastor Mark, preaching on All
Saints Day, took the opportunity to preach a message on the importance of remembrance and
anticipation. He choose the text of Revelation 21:1–8, a passage concerning the age to come. This
was also tied into our monthly celebration of communion, although we frequently celebrate
communion more often than that. Pastor Mark spoke on the inspiration of those saints that have
gone before us, the future final redemptive work of Christ and the final judgment. Pastor Mark 's
choice of text was fitting for All Saints Day and leading into the Eucharist. He utilized the form of
the text, being apocalyptic, to shape a message of hope inspired by the saints who have gone before
who have trusted in the promise of God 's future redemptive work. Pastor Mark took the promise of
God 's future in the age to come to inspire the congregation to follow wholeheartedly after God, just
as the saints within our congregation have before. He encourage us to never forget what God has
done in our lives and preserve in our walk. As with so many of God 's promises there is always a
warning and Pastor Mark took an opportunity to
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My Mom's Father Research Paper
In order to fully tell what influence the church has had on me, I first need to start with my
Grandparents. My Mom's Father (Rev. Charles Martindale) is a Pastor who has preached at many
different United Brethren, Evangelical United Brethren, and Union Churches. His brother (Rev.
Marty Martindale) is also a pastor and I have had the pleasure of sitting with both of them and
discussing their views on different Bible verses over the years. Charles Martindale married Virginia
right after graduating from seminary. They live in Ohio and have 6 children (Charity, Charles, Paul,
Peter, Laura "my mom", and Jane). Marty also moved to Ohio where he also preached as he was
raising his children. The Martindales' are very strong believers in the importance ... Show more
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He married Larondelle, a girl from Georgia when he was 24 and retired from the military. They
moved to North Carolina where they raised their five children (Lenora, Joseph, Barbara, Carol, and
Bruce "my dad"). Cecil was a hard working pharmacist who worked at his own Pharmacy and soda
shop. The military trained Cecil well but had left its mark with a guy who liked to smoke and who
had become a work addict. Larendell believed in going to church on Sunday and taught her children
to follow her example, but not all her children chose to follow it, (I tend to think some of them
thought it was all a Hippocratic act). All of my dad's siblings followed in their father's footsteps and
went into the military in some way instead of going to college. Lenora in the Army, Joseph in the
Navy, Barbara in the Army, and Carol in the Airforce. My grandma, Larondelle, loved that her
children were serving their country but she wanted one of her children to go to college and my dad,
being the youngest, became her choice. He had received two scholarships from a local college and
his mom urged him to give them a try. He took her advice and was studying on the science
scholarship when his parents divorced. They had apparently agreed to stay together until the last
child was out of the house. This divorce resulted in my Dad firmly stating that he wasn't ever going
to get divorced and him
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Harvesters Community Food Network
Reaping the Harvest
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to
drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in." –Matthew 25:35
Community service, as I have come to learn, is all about taking the initiative to help someone in
need, no matter their situation. As the verse Matthew 25:35 says above, it is our job to share God's
love through serving those who are hurting right in front of us. These people are strangers, we may
not know them, but that does not mean they should not be helped. Over the course of my life I have
had the opportunity to participate in a multitude of service projects, but the one I am most
passionate about is the Harvesters Community Food Network.
Harvesters Community Food Network is an organization that "provides food and related household
products to more than 620 not–for–profit agencies" around the Kansas City metropolitan area
("Harvesters"). It is such a wonderful organization in that it really focuses on making a change in
our surrounding cities. I am ... Show more content on ...
When resources are limited, children struggle to stay in school and tend to fall behind. According to
a census of the area in which Harvesters provides food to, "20 percent of children under age 18 in
our region... is food insecure," and of that twenty percent, "38 percent of the food insecure children
live in households that do not qualify for federal nutrition programs" ("Harvesters"). My heart
breaks every time I hear there are children starving in the world, but it is even more heartbreaking to
know there are children in my hometown that are struggling to live off of the very little food they
are provided. This is why I love this program because nothing is more fulfilling than seeing the eyes
of a child light up when they see all that they get to take home with
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In this project, I will describe a scenario in which I am developing within my own ministry to
engage people in helping them think theologically. The Church today is suffering greatly because
many people are not engaged in Scripture, practicing spiritual disciplines, or thinking theologically.
I hope to create a pattern to correct that and give them the ability to not just learn a little each week
from a sermon, but take everything that comes at them and learn from it, while giving them the
ability to teach others as well.
Examining three models found in this week's reading, Aware–Engage–Apply (Grenz and Olson
129–130), Attending–Asserting–Acting (Christian Thinking) and Analysis–Reflection–Application
(Umbel), each three–fold model had the same basic principle: intake of knowledge, processing that
knowledge, and using that knowledge. In order for this to be effective, I will need to address each of
the three legs so that everything remains balanced. First, the intake of knowledge (other models use
awareness, analysis, or attending), must be biblical sound. If people are to think theologically, they
must be taught theologically first, which means we must teach them to Word of God in its entirety,
not just select Scriptures to back up our thought of the day.
The second leg of thinking is the processing of that knowledge; once a believer receives knowledge,
he or she must know how to process that information in light of God and the Scriptures. While
everyone thinks
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Fawn Grove Warehouse Case Study
NCM has never owned a facility to store donated commodity; they have always relied on the donor
to house the commodity to be donated. Fawn Grove Church of the Nazarene used the church
building until a 108,000 square foot warehouse was built in 2001. NCM contributed funds toward
the warehouse, but it was owned by the Fawn Grove Church. The commodity inside the warehouse
belonged to NCM, and NCM employed a warehouse manager, an office assistant, and a packing
assistant to maintain the warehouse and the commodity received. John Borgal, warehouse manager,
was responsible for keeping the warehouse storage inventoried and well organized. I was able to
visit the warehouse on several occasions and provided John with suggestions for improvement.
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Genogram Narrative Family Systems
Genogram Written Narrative
HSC 6323/Family Systems
June 15, 2011
Professor Michael Hardin
Lubbock Christian University
Genograms are an excellent way to show the multigenerational family as a whole. When looking at
a genogram, it is easier to see various pieces of information that exist within the family system.
When creating a genogram, it is necessary to obtain a great deal of information to allow for
accuracy as well as proficiency within the genogram. Overall, a genogram is helpful to find patterns
in the family system, and recognize traits that may have been unknown. Throughout this segment is
a personalized summarization of a genogram, an examination of the contemporary family, a ... Show
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Some cancers are not avoidable, but things can be done to try and prevent it. Second of all, I noticed
that my grandmother and father both suffer from some type of emotional and anxiety disorders. This
is a good pattern to be aware of because this means there is a possibility that my children or myself
could develop an emotional disorder. Awareness of this fact helps to be able to recognize different
symptoms and behaviors, and know that an emotional disorder could be present. Understanding that
there is a history of physical abuse makes realize that I need to be aware of how I react and respond
to certain situations. When I evaluate the genogram by looking on my mother's side, I can notice a
pattern of different illnesses. Looking at my grandma, she had a rare nervous system disease along
with my aunt and uncle. This information is very helpful to me especially since I know that I am
right in line to potentially carry one of the illnesses. I can be aware of my physical functioning and
recognize if something is wrong. I can also see a history of different types of abuse, both physical
and emotional on both sides of the family. I think that watching this behavior within my family
makes it easier to be emotionally abusive to those I love in my own family. I know there have been
times when I have said and done things I
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The Leaders Of The Roman Catholic Church
Anabaptist Leaders Many religions came about during the Christian Reformation 16th and 17th
century. Martin Luther opposed the Roman Catholic Church, Huldrych Zwingli led the protestant
reformation in Switzerland, and this led to more radical reform in Switzerland led by Conrad Grebel
with Anabaptists. One of the main causes of the reformation was individuals looking at the church
and scriptures and seeing where things did not line up biblically. There was a distinct difference
between the views of the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Churches. Anabaptist however did
not see themselves as Protestant or Catholic but rather a completely separate entity with their own
set of beliefs and views. They felt that the church had strayed too far way form the scriptures and
wanted to return to the early church. They held the Sermon on the Mount is such high regards which
in itself went against the Church and State being together in their beliefs. The Anabaptist felt that
the State should grant religious liberty and in doing so they were willing to suffer and die rather than
go against their beliefs imposed by the state. This lead to several Anabaptist leaders and followers to
be martyred because of their strong belief in Doctrine and their beliefs to return to the Early Church
where the State and Church were separate. The reason the Anabaptist held doctrine is such high
accord was because they felt they should be able to make the choice as to what they can believe and
not be
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Reflection Paper
There are over 4,200 religions throughout the entire world but I grew up in a Christian home
believing that God is the way, the truth, and the life. Christianity is a religion of grace and mercy,
but many people struggle to believe in a transcendent figure that they cannot see. I was taught that
all concepts in the Bible were valid through the Nazarene church; these beliefs are confirmed, in my
opinion by the plenary theory of inspiration. This is what I grew up believing about the Bible. In
Revelation 21:5 it states "He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!"
Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." This passage of scripture
leads me to believe that all that is written in the Bible is true. I do not think that there are passages
that are "more true" than others. I feel like God would not have anything in the Bible that was not
important or necessary to understanding Him and His ways. I believe that the Bible has many
concepts that can be difficult to comprehensively understand without reading in context. A passage
or verse in the Bible may be confusing to us, because we may not understand all that is needed to
grasp what is being said. As a member of Grace Point Church of the Nazarene, we were taught to
believe in the plenary theory of inspiration. This theory states that all 66 books of the Bible are true
and that they are all necessary to the Christian faith. In 2 Timothy 3:16–17 it states "All Scripture is
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Logic and Perception Essay
Logic and Perception
A human's ability to think constitutes the human's ability to live. Though life can and does go on
without thought, thoughtless life would hold no meaning for most of us. Our thoughts fill our days
and give meaning and purpose to our days to come. Through perception, we become aware of our
environment through physical sensation (Merriam–Webster, 1997, p.546). Every single experience
and observation, every smell and sound, that enters our mind through perception is then fused
together and associated with other related fusions to become thought, ...our very lives as we know
The ability to sift through our thoughts and peel away the individual facets of ... Show more content
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Herein lays the real power of critical thinking. It seems to me that, logic, when applied to
thoroughly objective critical thoughts, will produce a correct and well–founded answer.
Therein also lays the problem: thoroughly objective critical thoughts. Our open–mindedness and
objectivity are too often undermined by personal barriers which stem from "our exposure to cultural
and genetic forces" (Kirby & Goodpaster, 1999, p. 13). These personal barriers include
enculturation, self–concept, ego defenses, self–serving biases, expectations, emotions, and stress,
among others. I have noticed that I tend to be most susceptible to enculturation and
For example, I had never researched the role of the Pope before, and for that matter, I did not know
much about the Catholic Church either. I was raised Protestant, mostly Baptist and Methodist. Even
today, my family and I attend a Church of the Nazarene, which is somewhere in between the two. I
always subscribed to the ethnocentric idea that Protestant was right and Catholic was wrong, but not
because of any particular reason other than that this is what I was taught. If I were to be asked a
question like, "What kind of role does the Pope play in the foreign affairs", I would have replied
with a quickness, "none". Up until about two months ago, I thought that the Pope was simply a
figurehead of the Catholic Church, a figurative
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Fawn Grove Church Case Study
In 1991, John Borgal was asked to be the compassionate ministries coordinator for the Washington
District Church of the Nazarene. In 1992, the district cautiously accepted John's idea of collecting
donated items at the Fawn Grove Church of the Nazarene for the purpose of sending a container to
Mozambique. The church donated the basement for John to use as storage. The church members
gave of their time to help organize the items and load containers. John's vision had started a
movement in the church and by 2001 Fawn Grove church took out a loan to build a warehouse on
the church property. By that time, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) had taken ownership
of the donated items and hired John as the warehouse manager to oversee the ... Show more content
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Originally, it was supposed to be shipped to Brazil, but the Brazilian government would not allow
anything containing a motor to be imported into the country. Therefore, it was eventually shipped to
Ukraine. I met with the donors to retrieve the keys to the ambulance, and I wrote the grant that paid
the costs of shipping and I worked with a volunteer in Pasadena, California to prepare the vehicle
for shipment. I also worked with the director of American Medical Response to have the title reflect
the donation. The vehicle had to be titled to NCM before we were allowed to ship it to Ukraine. The
ambulance was sent to an orphanage in Vinnitza, Ukraine. In 2004, I was able to visit the orphanage
and see the ambulance that was supposed to be available to take either the children or the elderly to
the nearby hospital. For several years, many partner international mission organizations had asked
for school supplies. In 2005, it was decided to create a pack of school supplies that could be used by
two children and that would be easy for donors to put together. I was asked to help create what is
now known as the School Pal–Paks (SPPS). Between the time of creation in 2005 through May
2012, approximately 107,840 kits were
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Ephesians 4: 11-13 Research Paper
According to the Church of the Nazarene articles of faith, The Church exists as local congregations
and as a universal body. The mission of The Church is to share Christ through the power of the
Spirit. "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it" (1 Corinthians 12:27).
Jesus died so that we could be a part of the body of Christ.
Often many argue that you must be a part congregation to be a part of The Church. Although being a
part of a church is important, it is not necessary to be a part of the body. I believe that those who do
not have a church congregation to be a part of have a hindered spiritual walk. Being a part of a
church calls for accountability, lessons, and ministry, which has been vital in my own personal ...
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After the death of my friend, my church really rallied behind me and supported me. I was able to
lean on them and know that they were praying for me. Going through that experience taught me that
I needed to lean into the church more than I had in the past. When using the term church family, I
actually consider them to be my family. Since my parents are divorced, I don't really have a big
family. My brother has drifted away from God and does not live at home. My mom and I have been
blessed to be including in the lives of many families. We have been invited to others houses for
Thanksgiving and Christmas. Being around them definitely makes the holidays happier. As I
continue to grow, I hope that I will be able to be an effective advocate of Christ and his love in the
younger generation of The Church and local
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Hellenes Research Paper
Hellenes were the early inhabitants of Greece (in our time now, Greece is still officially known as
the Hellenic Republic, after the ancient Hellenes). From the Hellenes came the term "Hellenism,"
which was used to describe Greek language and culture; from that, "Hellenists" were non–Greeks
who spoke Greek and lived according to Greek ways. Thanks largely to the grand imperialistic
accomplishments of the young Greek king/warlord Alexander the Great (a photograph of a statue of
him is shown below, see also Alexander The Great In Prophecy) whose military conquests covered a
vast region from across southern Europe, through the Middle East and deep into Asia (see Ancient
Empires – Greece), Hellenist s were found in many varied nations, and the Greek language in the
ancient world was used very much like English is now in the modern world (the fact that the New
Testament was originally written in Greek is ... Show more content on ...
While the pro–Roman Hebrew–speaking Jews were the ones who got one of their own fellow Jews,
the Messiah, killed (i.e. "They cried out, "Away with Him, away with Him, crucify Him!" Pilate
said to them, "Shall I crucify your King?" The chief priests answered, "We have no king but Caesar"
– John 19:15 RSV), some of the Hellenistic Jews, also known as "Grecian s," also opposed the early
Christian church, or at least some of the leadership, such as the newly–converted apostle Paul
(although their opposition to him may have been based on the before–then justifiable fear of the
man who not so long before was deadly
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Ministry Leadership Goals
As a result of my passion to plant churches, I have set forth to earn my ministry degree with honors,
on the path to qualifying for ordination. Through this course I have not only identified strategies to
best manage time and effort, but my strengths as well. Moving forward successfully will require the
application of the concepts addressed in this course in the utilization of time and strength to
accomplish these goals.
Currently I am pursuing my ministry leadership degree from Oklahoma Wesleyan University in
order that I might fulfill the educational requirements of ordainment (Church of the Nazarene,
2017). However my academic goals are to graduate with honors and according to the timeline laid
out by my academic advisor. ... Show more content on ...
The Strength Finders results offer encouragement to a balanced approach applying core strengths
(Strengths finder, 2007). Furthermore, now that I walk with the Lord, I rely on confirmation of my
balance through God's word and the Spirit within body of Christ. As I move forward I grow in
positivity, knowing I have the hope of Christ within me, which ties directly to my strength of belief.
"Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his
promise." Hebrews 10:23 (NLT). In balancing my five strengths, wrapping the first four strengths
with the strength of positivity I have in my Lord Jesus, will sustain my success utilizing my assets
effectively for the glory of
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The Great Awakening Research Paper
The main outcome of the Awakening was a resistance in contrast to spiritual law which leaked into
different zones of colonial life. In spite of the fact that a religious development, the Awakening had
ramifications in social and political circles also. Traditions of thoughtfulness and obligingness, the
overseeing standards of life in the colonies, were put aside for a more difficult stage. The Great
Awakening is generally partitioned into four times of American history. The initially happened while
America was still a part of the English settlements. Such religious masterminds as Jonathan
Edwards and George Whitfield urged a scholarly method to scripture. Amid this period, the houses
of worship in the colonies were still particularly fixing
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General Church Research Paper
The general church is the branch of government in the Church of the Nazarene that effectively and
efficiently connects the members and resources of our denomination to preserve our core values and
beliefs and advance our mission to preach holiness, make Christ–like disciples in all the nations, and
bring relief to the needy. Recognizing the strength and equality of all partners, the general church
combines and apportions time and resources for global mobilization. Simply stated, we can
accomplish more united as a global denomination than we ever could at the local church or district
level. As a "worldwide fellowship of believers in which there exists full acceptance within their
cultural contexts,"1 the general church unites regions around the world to form an international
partnership in common commitment to advance our mission and provide equal representation to ...
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The historic practice of providing institutions for higher education or ministerial preparation are
maintained at the general church level.3 Nazarene colleges, universities and seminaries, under the
direction and oversight of the general church are resolute in equipping and shaping Christlike
disciples and servant–leaders for lifelong service and global impact.4 Links to digital resources are
available and easily accessible for clergy and laity on our denomination's website.5 These resources
include the Wesleyan Holiness Digital Library, Didache, Preacher's Magazine, Media Library,
Document Library, the Church of the Nazarene Manual and more. Nazarene Publishing House
(becoming The Foundry Publishing in February 2018) has published denominational printed
resources for more than a century in order to share Wesleyan–Holiness resources of theology of
hope and love that transforms
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Blythe Research Paper
It was a Thursday night, like no other, on Nov.3. Local churches around Blythe came together under
Palo Verde College Performing Arts Center's roof, to lift up holy hands, sing to the Lord a new song
and worship as a interdenominational congregation. Looking past church's names and
denominations, that usually separate churchgoers on any given Sunday, everyone was on one
accord, as all hearts and minds were focused on the one thing each had in common–––their love for
God and his children. With selections from various choirs in the community, PVC's own, blessed the
audience with a classic favorite, singing, "Old Time Religion." Likewise, other performers during
this event came from Calvary Chapel,Greater White Rose Church of God in Christ, ... Show more
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Pastor Sam Burton of Shiloh Agape Ministries said just as Jesus sent out his disciples into all the
world to spread the gospel in Mark 16:15, Burton said he purposes to go out and make individual
fishers of men (Matthew 4:9). "At Shiloh Agape, we catch em' and we clean em'," Burton said.
Pastor of Oasis of the Desert comment received a lot of Amens from the audience when he said,
"everybody is somebody, and Jesus is Lord." Concluding the whole matter, Mick Catron of Calvary
Chapel shared through a sermonette how people should seek to follow God's ways by bringing truth
and love to one another, and fulfilling their Godly duty of bearing one another's burdens (Galatians
6:2). Agreeing with the perceptions of the pastor, Mayor Joey Deconinck said, "if we all can come
together, we can all make it happen." In addition to the pious program, the city was recognized by
the 56th Assembly in celebration of its 100th year and presented with two awards from the District
of Riverside Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia, to the mayor and the Centennial
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Personal Narrative: My Essay For College
During my searches for colleges to attend following my senior year of high school, WLC had come
as a high recommendation from my older sister, Lauren, a current undergrad student at WLC. At the
time, I was looking to go into Digital Media as my major, though things have now changed. At the
time of my initial visit and admissions process I was quite impressed with the school and found it to
be in my top 3. I've been in the Lutheran church my whole life (WELS while in New York and
LCMS after moving to Wisconsin) as well as attending private Lutheran school from grade school
through high school, so it seemed like a natural continuation. I loved the campus, small class size,
and the general vibe I got from the visit. However, at the time wanting to go into Media, I felt less
enthusiastic about the ... Show more content on ...
This led me to attend Olivet Nazarene University this past year, as per influence from my high
school youth leaders. Not majoring in anything related to religious studies, I didn't find myself too
bothered in my disagreements in the belief system taught there. The first fall semester went mostly
well, but it was this current spring semester when my life decided to take a turn. Opening up about
my personal life, I have struggled with issues of anxiety and depression, which on occasion have
affected my academic performance in the past, as I would fail to actively seek out counseling
opportunities. Two and a half months in, I saw myself reach an all–time low in my studies. I was
failing to apply effective studying techniques, and attend class on a regular basis. By my failing to
actively seek to solve personal issues, they had severely affected my academic performance. I often
feel hesitant bringing these problems up, as I fear it can come off as insincere or an excuse. This
forced me to seek new counseling services at the school, and re–evaluate God's plan for my life. I
began to doubt my decision to major in multimedia studies, and whether there was some
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Worship As A Form Of Worship In The Church
Church bells ring, it is time for Sunday School. Children and teenagers sit in classrooms scattered
throughout a church, Grace Church of the Nazarene. Bibles are either on the tables or in the children
and teenagers' laps as they begin class. The Sunday School teacher, Bible in hand, begins the class
and starts out asking, "How do you define worship?" The children and teens begin to stare at each
other or look down at their hands in silence as the teacher waits for them to ponder the question
more. After a few minutes a brave soul raises his hand, slowly but surely. The teacher, relieved the
silence is about to be broken, calls upon him. The child responds with, "Is it when we sing in big
church?" The teacher, smiling largely, informs the child that singing in "big church" is part of
worship, but is not the only form of worship.
Today children and teenagers are asked the question above a lot in church and typically answer the
same way the child did. Although that may be the main answer they give that is only a portion of
what worship is. Worship is the act of honoring God. Whether it is through singing in "big church"
or doing chores at home, if one is honoring God it is worship. Merriam Webster defines worship as
"a form of religious practice with its creed and ritual," and "extravagant respect or admiration for or
devotion to an object of esteem." Putting both definitions of worship together it would be defined as
honoring an object–God in this case–and being devoted to
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A Brief Story of My Life
My story is one that starts before birth. After all I was born in 30 weeks. My mom(Bella), had a
difficult pregnancy. At 5 months and half Bella started bleeding. The doctor's found out that she had
full placenta praevia. Full placenta praevia is complication in which the placenta is inserted partially
or wholly in lower uterine segment. This blocks the baby to be born naturally and causes the mother
bleeding. Bella would bleed every day and was in the emergency room five times because of the
constant bleeding. The fifth and final time Bella fainted and found herself in the hospital. The
doctors told her that she was not leaving until I was born or else the both of could die. While in the
hospital the doctors injected Bella and I with many ... Show more content on ...
Continuing with childhood actions I was outspoken and had a bad temper. I always had something
to say and when I was upset I would throw my bottles at innocent civilians. If you did not get out of
the way the, I aimed well, so the bottle would hit them in the face. I was in time out and spanked
numerous of times. My Great aunt, Tia Dora, whom we call Yaya babysat me for most of my
childhood before pre–K. One time she cooked for me like she always did, but I didn't like it. I
knocked the food off the table and onto the floor. Another time while being babysat Yaya left on a
quick errand. My great–grandmother, her mom(Kuki) was in charge of watching me. She didn't let
me do something so I was furious at her. Kuki had a fake plant that she adored because a grandson
gave it to her. Since, we were on the second floor of a two story house I threw the plant off the
balcony and it broke. Kuki did not know that the plant was broken so my great–uncle(Tio Paco)
bought a new one as if nothing happened. Bella says I was sweet despite my actions during the
terrible twos. When Bella would not feel well I would check on her, I wanted to know if she was
fine. Winnie the Pooh is my favorite stuffed animal. Pastora Amanda, gave Pooh Bear to me for my
1st birth day. I still have Pooh Bear with me. He is currently on the second shelf above my desk in
my room on campus. Pooh Bear and I have been through everything together. We have a ceiling fan
in my room at home.
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Synthesis And Reflection Paper Example
Synthesis and Reflection on LEAD6163
This author has been involved in teaching and leadership activities as a member of the Port Orange
Church of the Nazarene (PONAZ), a small church in eastern Florida. Florida Department of State,
Division of Corporations (2017) stated that PONAZ was founded in 1985, with the current
congregation at about 110 attendees for Sunday morning worship. Other than Sunday worship,
programs provided by PONAZ include a preschool, Sunday School, children and youth activities,
recovery groups, and community outreach events. Recently, with the unexpected death of the long–
time superintendent of church ministries, a need for the appointment of a strong leader was created.
Desired Leader Characteristics
The ideal leader of PONAZ church ministries would be able to exhibit concern for others as a
necessary soft skill found to be at the top of the list of admired qualities by Marques (2013).
Marques (2013) noted other important soft skills which included honesty, being true to values and
beliefs, humility and having the ability to lead by example. Each of these characteristics would be
necessary for a leader at PONAZ.
Drucker (2005) discussed leaders with values that fit with the organization. At PONAZ, as a
Christian organization, leaders must demonstrate characteristics that identify them as Christ
followers. Evans (1996) discussed leaders needing to "walk the talk" (p.2). Some of the Christ–like
characteristics include loving people, listening to
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Most Significant Events Essay
Some of the most significant events that took place during the 1st and 2nd century AD, was
pentecost and St Paul's conversion. Pentecost was 50 days after the Passover. Pentecost occurred
when the 12 Apostles gathered in a house, when they saw a violent wind come from heaven. It filled
the area, and they saw tongues that looked like fire that separated and was above each of them. This
was the first time the Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit, which allowed them to speak
different tongues. One of the Apostles filled with the Spirit preached to everyone that they should be
baptised and they too would be filled with the Holy Spirit. 3000 were baptised, which increased the
growth of the Catholic Church as it moved many to believe and become ... Show more content on ...
During this time many influential people such as Saint Paul and Saint Stephen. Paul was a influence
to many people who listened to him. He Influenced people to believe in Jesus because of his own
experience. He was able to tell people that Jesus was real which made people believe him. He went
on three missions which was an important part in the growth of the church. During his missions has
he performed many miracles, he healed a cripple in Lystra. He also converted and preached to
people, helping them to become members of the Church. Also because of Pentecost, followers and
believers around the world could be empowered by the Holy Spirt, which opened more doors
increasing Christianity around the globe. Due to Pentecost we now have a sacrament, Baptism, that
allows us to be cleansed of Original sin and we are given the Holy
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Art Appreciation: My Christian Artist James Seward
Chase Nichols Art Appreciation Mrs. Ullum Christian Artist Report James Seward My Christian
artist is James Seward. James Seward was born in Alabama, and raised in Tennessee. He spent
summers with his grandparents in the wild back–country of Alabama. When he was six, his
grandfather bought him his first set of oil paints, and as a young child he often painted his
grandparents by lamp–light, to their great astonishment. "From the time I was five years old, I was
continually painting and drawing in that great environment," the artist reminisces with fondness.
After military service, Seward spent a year studying art under Howard Boyd Johnson at Watkins
Institute in Nashville. In 1947, he enrolled at the Art Institute of Chicago, where he met
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Essay On Vacation Bible School
Every year for a week, Christian churches nationwide, hold the popular summer program, vacation
Bible school.
Behold as a religious based educational program, church staff use this time to familiarize children
with Bible lessons and teach them about the love of God.
Reaching out to kids all over the community, especially to those who don't normally attend church,
VBS allow children to connect with one another over the summer break, as they spend time playing
games, eating snacks, creating crafts, performing skits, learning the "Lord's Prayer," singing songs,
team building and more.
Hosting vacation Bible school on last week, First Assembly of God, The Church of the Nazarene
and The Zion Lutheran Church, shared in these same activities, as ... Show more content on ...
John, Jesus is the way, the truth and the light and also the living water; vacation Bible school
students took joy in learning about the Son of God and allowing the water, which only Jesus Christ
can give, fill them with happiness.
"I believe vacation Bible school is needed because, my concern is with the public school system,"
Pastor Leonard said.
"The kids need to understand discipline, and with an underlying problem with drugs and the way
kids behave today, at vacation Bible school we teach them truth, morality and self discipline.
Naturally, one of the other things we do here, is teach them about eternity, because the Bible teaches
without Jesus, there's no eternity."
With so much to teach and do with a large group of students from the community coming out to see
attend the several churches for VBS, photographer and group volunteer Penny Short said, she
thought the program was very successful.
"It was a joy watching all the kids singing and playing," Short said. "They really got a kick out of
the pie in the face portion of VBS."
Hoping to include your child(ren) on next year or possibly have them attend one sponsored by
another church before the summer is over, Short shared that,"Vacation Bible school is a great way to
give kids something to do in the summertime. It's fun,it's playful and it's a great learning
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Reflection Of A Homecoming Service
September 10, 2017, was the annual homecoming service at Morgantown First Church of the
Nazarene in Morgantown, Kentucky, followed by a fellowship meal. The meal was a combination of
store bought foods, simple traditional dishes like macaroni and cheese, and special homemade
dishes. Two old ping pong tables that once served as the main food table have been replaced by
white plastic tables, and this year, the tables were even ornamented with a centerpiece to match the
other tables in the fellowship hall. The line starts on the right–hand table, so people can walk around
the table to fill their plates and grab drinks before filing into the hall. Meat is always placed first,
followed by sides and casseroles before bread and deviled eggs at the end of the procession. IGA
fried chicken (wings, breasts, drumsticks) supplied by the church and ham cooked by the pastor's
husband sat beside Elaine Johnson's homemade fried chicken tenders, which are always gone the
fastest. Homemade sides included dressing, green bean casserole, cream style corn, pinto beans,
broccoli cheese casserole, egg salad, and biscuits.
Other sides, that I refer to as simple, are recipes followed by the recipe that anyone could fix. These
taste relatively the same no matter who cooks them whereas the homemade dishes can only be made
and brought by certain people, and no one else can prepare them exactly or as well as the original.
The simple sides included honey mustard based potato salad with bacon, green
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Phineas Bresee Reflection
I was immediately drawn to Phineas Bresee when I read this assignment because his ministry to the
poor is usually the first thing I think of when I think of Phineas Bresee. His love for the outreach to
the poor and needy should be an example for us all. However, I feel that his message may have lost
a little of its impact today, and we need to make a habit of revisiting it, and his passion for
ministering to the poor. I have been guilty of having the thoughts of how my ministry would be
different if I was a large church with lots of people and money. I am quickly reminded that problems
are not prejudice and are evident no matter where you are. Researching this paper has helped me see
the passion that Bresee had and how I can get out of my comfort zone even more and allow God to
work in different areas of my ministry. ... Show more content on ...
Phineas Bresee made this his passion setting up churches in poverty ridden urban areas of Los
Angeles. As I was mediating over this thought I was led to the scriptures to dig in and revisit some
familiar scriptures and look at them in a new light. Scriptures such as Luke 4:18 and Matthew 11:5
where Jesus says the poor will have the good news preached to them. I have gotten a firsthand look
at what this means being at my current church because we are in a pretty significantly poor
neighborhood. We have outreaches for the community such as a food pantry, feeding the homeless,
and various apartment outreaches and I can honestly say that this is all pretty new to me and I am
learning from and trusting God though out this ministry that he currently has me in. I am led to think
about if I am doing enough or if my mindset may be off a little. I look at it and see how many lives
we get to bless by giving them food, but they need to hear the word of God more. We do have tracts
available for these families and a standing invitation to church but something I am going to be
looking at is how we can have a
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President Harry S. Truman's National Prayer Day
First signed in 1952 by President Harry S. Truman, National Prayer Day was recognized and
celebrated on the first Thursday in May.
In honor of this monumental event, residents of Blythe joined in with millions of people around the
country on May 4, to call humbly before God, seeking his guidance for local, state and federal
leaders and current issues.
Asking for God's grace to fall upon this lost world, members of the community opened up the
program with prayer, followed by singing, "America The Beautiful."
Being reminded by the lyrics of the song, voices punctuated the line "God shed His grace on thee."
With this year's theme inspired by Daniel 9:19, master of ceremony Clifford Short said, "For Your
Great Name's Sake! Hear Us, Forgive ... Show more content on ...
Having every president since 1952 signed a National Day of Prayer proclamation, Donald Trump
followed suit and signed the proclamation during the early morning of May 4.
"President George Washington said in 1789, it is the duty of all the Nations to acknowledge the
providence of the Almighty God. He said, "If we ever forget the that we are One Nation under God,
then we will be a Nation gone under," Short recited.
Through its purpose of having National Prayer Day, the task force organization seeks to mobilize
prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness throughout the world.
With over five pastors in attendance and 20 plus of their church members present, prayer began
around 5:30 p.m.
Turning to 2 Chronicles 7:14, Short read, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble
themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
Asking for prayer and repentance on behalf of everyone, Pastor Brandon of The Church of the
Nazarene prayed for the federal government, followed by Pastor Mick Catron of Calvary Chapel of
Blythe praying for local and state leaders, including the police, fire department and Mayor Joey
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Example Of A Christian Research Paper
A Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on
the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. "Christian" derives from the Koine Greek word Christós, a
translation of the Biblical Hebrew term mashiach.
There are diverse interpretations of Christianity which sometimes conflict. However, "Whatever else
they might disagree about, Christians are at least united in believing that Jesus has a unique
significance." It is also used as a label to identify people who associate with the cultural aspects of
Christianity, irrespective of personal religious beliefs or practices.
According to a 2011 Pew Research Center survey, there were 2.2 billion Christians around the world
in 2010, up from about 600 million in 1910. According to 100 Years of Nobel Prizes, a review of
Nobel prizes awarded between 1901 and 2000 reveals that of Nobel Prizes laureates identified
Christianity in its various forms as their religious preference.
The Greek word, meaning "follower of Christ", comes from, meaning "anointed one", with an
adjectival ending borrowed from Latin to denote adhering to, or even belonging to, as in slave
ownership. In the Greek Septuagint, christos was used to translate the Hebrew ‫יַח‬ ‫ִׁש‬‫ָמ‬, meaning "
anointed." In other European languages, equivalent words to Christian are likewise derived from the
Greek, such as Chrétien in French and Cristiano in Spanish.
Early usage
The first recorded use of the term is in the New
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Dichotomy Of Position In The Nazarene Church
As a licensed minister of the Church of the Nazarene, I am part of a tradition deeply rooted in the
acknowledgement of the sanctifying, equipping, and calling work of the Holy Spirit. The unique
marriage of Pentecostals and Methodists at the birth of the Nazarene church results in a manual of
church practices which incorporates the dichotomy of the freedom of the Holy Spirit regulated by
methodical standards of church polity. For this reason in the Nazarene church ministerial orders are
first are instilled by the calling of the Holy Spirit, then recognized by the local congregation, and
finally completed by the ordination of denominational officials. In order to understand the
ministerial orders of Nazarene ministers, we will first the hierarchy of ministerial positions in the
Nazarene church, discuss the qualifications and requirements of ministry, and finally review the
mutual ministerial relationship between Nazarene congregations and their pastor. Due to its
Pentecostal and Wesleyan heritage, the Nazarene church is a denomination deeply rooted in Holy
Spirit language and practice. For this reason the first calling accepted by a minister is the Holy
Spirit's conviction toward salvation and a pledge toward entire sanctification. Within the essential
statements of faith the Holy Spirit is credited with both the work of sanctification in both salvation
and the continual work of sanctification. "[Sanctification] is wrought by God's grace through the
Holy Spirit in
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Sect Church Cycle Essay
The sect–church cycle is when people start separating and splintering off from an existing church,
when the church in people's eyes gets too involved in secular issues. The people separating
themselves will distance themselves from the worldly corruption, and in time build their own sect.
As time progresses the sect will grow enough followers and become a church.
A perfect example of this, is Christianity. There is sufficient scientific evidence that Jesus of
Nazarene, did exist, but to be a Christian, the faith that he was Jesus Christ, is what determines that
you are one. Jesus was a Jew, and Christianity was a break off of the Jewish religion, a sect, it wasn't
until Paul, started saying that you don't have to follow Jewish laws to become Christian (gentile),
wasn't until they started getting a following enough to become a church. In 325 c.e., they held the
Nicene Council, to settle the question of official Christian doctrine, and up until then, Christianity
had no orthodoxy. During this council, they determined what books would be in the bible, for
example the gospel of Mary, and the gospel of Thomas, never made it in. , Jesus's birthday, they
picked 25 December, to counter the pagan's celebration of the winter solstice.
How did the Protestant reformation start, same concept, Martin Luther, felt the Pope's was ... Show
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People that believe in the same faith, religion, will worship together, hang out together. Perfect
example would be the difference of the United States, and the Middle East, or Christianity vs Islam.
The reason why Islamic places don't like America, is because we are secular, we separate church
and state, but in their culture, there is no separation, their religion is their government, and that is
how they believe society should be. It goes to social changes, within our own country, you see
religion, and social changes happen all the time, within
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Drug Addiction
What is drug addiction?
–Drug addiction is a complex brain disease. It is characterized by compulsive, at times
uncontrollable, drug craving, seeking, and use that persist even in the face of extremely negative
–Drug seeking becomes compulsive, in large part as a result of the effects of prolonged drug use on
brain functioning and, thus, on behavior. For many people, drug addiction becomes chronic, with
relapses possible even after long periods of abstinence. Drug addiction is a chronic, often relapsing
brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences to the
individual that is addicted and to those around them. Drug addiction is a brain disease because the
abuse of drugs leads to ... Show more content on ...
One of the most common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal is irritability and anxiousness. The desire
to use can quickly cause users to become violent to even close family members in order to get help
or money for their next high.
* One of the most heart–breaking effects of drug abuse on families especially is abandonment. Once
drugs have altered the nerve pathways in the brain, the desire to use quickly becomes more
important to anything else in the drug addict 's life. Friends and family members quickly get
replaced by the next score of the drug of choice. This can often lead to divorce or the loss of
children to state custody due to a lack of ability to be a loving and providing parent. There is also an
increased risk of parents or spouses being locked up in prison for extended periods of time, leaving
their children to grow up without a mother or father. The effects of this abandonment may stick with
kids all the way through adulthood.
Diseases Involved In Using Drugs
Date: Tue 29 Jan 2013
Source: University of Oxford/Medical Research Council, press release [edited]
The genetic variant rs12252–C was present in 69 per cent of Chinese patients with H1N1 swine flu
[influenza A/(H1N1)pdm09]. A genetic variant which explains why Chinese populations may be
more vulnerable to H1N1 swine flu has been found by researchers at the University of Oxford and
Beijing Capital Medical University. This finding could help identify those
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Missionary Trip To America Research Paper
By attending the missionary trip to South Africa, I have touched the lives of many just as they have
for me in their own ways. However, they may not even realize that they have changed my life for
the better. Some touches are like a ripple in the water; blending and mixing to create a beautiful
harmony. Others are like a splash. They transform people's lives with grace, mercy, and forgiveness;
they bring people closer. When one thinks of a mission trip, what is the general assumed
illustration? A group of Christians reconstructing non–believers into religious disciples? Churches
being built so that worshippers have someplace to go to interact with Christ? For me, a mission trip
can be that or something small, like we seemed to do while recently visiting Southern Africa.
Visiting South Africa provided an extraordinary experience for me. One thing I realized is how
Christians can change the world by working together, rather than as an individual – not that they ...
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What is the purpose of this when we can just read scriptures or listen to preachers from the comfort
of our homes? Be that as it may, Christians go to church in order to come together and to try to help
each other mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We go to church for fellowship,
discipleship, and for evangelism. Evangelism is all about spreading the gospel to the world, which
the church helps to do firsthand. The gospel has a lot of teachings, but they cannot all be summed up
by the church. In Africa, my eyes were opened to the realization that schools and hospital can also
help partake in making the world a better place. While I was aware of this when in states, I was also
partially blinded. In my hometown, especially when sickness happens, I have so often seen Jesus be
dismissed when illness occurs; and while this may too be the case in some citizens in Africa, the
stories that I heard in regards to ailment where about faith and
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An Article On Faith By The Church Of The Nazarene
Understanding whom God is one of the hardest tasks to wrap our minds around because of how
majesty God is and we will never be able to fully understand everything about God. However, God
does allow his Word to tell us more about Him and more importantly the love we he has for us all.
To understand how important who God is all one has to do is look at the articles of faith from the
Church of the Nazarene. The very first article of faith explains the beliefs of the Triune God. Article
1 states, "We believe in one eternally existent, infinite God, Sovereign Creator and Sustainer of the
universe; that He only is God, holy in nature, attributes, and purpose. The God who is holy love and
light is Triune in essential being, revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" (Manual).
I believe in the first article of faith by the Church of the Nazarene, and including in the article of
faith we see some attributes of God, which I feel is important to go into more detail so we can have
a better understand of God. Dunning explains the essential nature of God is holy love and how we
must take into account of the way the holiness of God informs the attempt to ascribe the attributes to
God (Dunning 192). Its important to understands holiness is simply a background for all of God's
attributes. It is not a primary attribute of God and to recognize that holiness means "separateness."
This is significant as it affirms God characters as perfect and pure and full of love. His holiness will
be shown
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Five Things Affecting My Personal Culture

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  • 2. Comparing Jesus In The Gospel Of John And Luke's... Each gospel presents Jesus as one person but with two natures: God and man. The political, social, and religious aspects, of the gospels, help believers to understand God's message. For example, the Hebrew background is important to understanding the gospel because it is directed to first century Jews. The Hebrew background is primarily religious because the gospel message was first sent to the Jews (Acts 1:8). The Roman period was stable when Jesus was born and the struggles of the Jews were mainly of their own hearts. The Greek background is important to the gospel because the Hellenistic culture paved the way for world–wide proclamation of God's message of salvation. All of human history revolves around Jesus, the Person. The gospel of Matthew recorded Jesus as the King promised from God who shall rule forever over Israel. Matthew's gospel contains references to the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies. Matthew documented ... Show more content on ... Jesus transitioned from the ministration phase to the sacrifice phase by explicitly telling of His coming death (Mark 8:27). Luke's gospel presents Jesus as the Nazarene, who is a prophet mighty in deed and Word in the sight of God. Luke emphasized the universality of salvation from God through the perfect God–man (Luke 24:47). The gospel of John serves as the capstone revelation of the life and ministry of Christ (John 3:16). John wrote to win unbelievers to a relationship with Jesus Christ by faith. John's gospel reveals the evangelic founding and nurturing of the church, the epistles reveals the shaping of the church, and the apocalyptic eternal future of the church. John's account records Jesus as the Son of God, gives extension coverage on Jesus' ministry in the south, around Judea, the long spiritual truths of Jesus' disclosures. John gives special attention to Jesus' death and ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Pastor 's Report For The Laurel Church Of The Nazarene 2016 Pastor's Report for the Laurel Church of the Nazarene–2016 We have been spending some time with the verse from Luke(9:23)"And he said to all, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." We have sent the last month asking the question "Are you a Fan or a follower?" What makes us a follower? What do we have to give up to be a follower? What will we exchange for our lives? Everything we have is a gift from God. We owe him everything, including our very lives. It is possible to give God our money, but not ourselves, or to give him lip–service, but not our hearts. A true disciple gives up all that he has in exchange for an unending life of joy and happiness with God. Are you ready to lose all for Jesus Christ in order to gain all with Jesus Christ? "Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and all my will, all that I have and possess. You have given them to me; to you, O Lord, I restore them; all things are yours, dispose of them according to your will. Give me your love and your grace, for this is enough for me." (Prayer of Ignatius of Loyola, 1491–1556) We want to be a follower of Christ. We give it all up for him since he gave it all to us. I just love that prayer–"Give me your love and grace, for this is enough for me." We have seen great things happen this year. Here is a list of items that changed the climate here. We sold the parsonage which allowed us to put in air–conditioning, the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Pastor David Williams Last Sundy I attended my local church, Lansing Woodview Church of the Nazarene. I was privileged to hear our Rev. David Williams, our Pastor of Discipleship, preach from Luke 7:36–50. He was speaking on our monthly family Sunday when we have all ages in worship. This sermon was also preaching in fulfillment of a requirement for a preaching class he is currently taking at Nazarene Bible College. Pastor David took an interesting approach to preaching this particular passage in which Jesus' feet are washed by the sinful woman who cleans his feet and anoints them with perfume to the ire of Simon the Pharisee. Jesus uses this as an opportunity to use a parable to teach about grace and its availability to everyone. After reading the passage he began to break down the different perspectives of the characters in the story as if analyzing a play. He examined the perspective of the woman, Simon, Jesus and the others at the dinner. ... Show more content on ... He suggested at each of us might be able to identify with one or more people within the passage. He suggest that perhaps we need to be like the woman and understand that we are worth of forgiveness and must give praise for that forgiveness. Or like Simon we need to have our perspectives renewed on the availability of grace for everyone. Maybe we need to be like the crowd and follow after the question of "Who is this , who even forgives sins?" Finally concluding with the point that we all are worthy of grace and we are called to receive and reciprocate that grace in our ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Abbey Swaim: Character Analysis I have known Abbey Swaim for six years now in both friendly and authoritative capacities and it is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for her–I believe that knowing her in different scenarios has given me good insight to her character and who she is in most or all situations. She has several qualities that I believe make her a fantastic candidate for your program but the two I want to focus on today are her dedication and her reliability which I feel like encompass a lot of who she is. Much of the time that I've spent with Abbey has been at a church camp for girls put on in Cascade, Idaho called Trinity Pines. For two years, Abbey was my counselor–in–training and she worked with me to lead 14 girls whose ages ranged from ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Christ The King Catholic Church Visitation Report Christ the King Catholic Church is located at 8005 Dorset Drive in Oklahoma City. The Catholic denomination is the oldest branch of organized Christianity. Being a member of the Catholic church means being a devout follower of God. It means that you believe in the the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and accept him as your lord and savior. Catholics are a part of the Church that Christ established and entrusted to Saint Peter and his successors, the popes. I attended the 10 a.m. mass at Christ the King on July 12, 2015. The service was a little over an hour long and it was an immensely different and interesting experience. Music is and has always been a staple of Christian worship. The worship music at Christ the King was extremely traditional. All of the songs that were sung were traditional hymnals and the congregation seemed to know each hymn by heart. The lyrics were accompanied by an organ and each pew contained a worship book that contained the hymns as well as the gospel acclamations and creeds that accompanied them. The priest sang instead of speaking during the worship, reading of the holy scripture, and communion. In some instances the priest would sing something and the congregation ... Show more content on ... The sanctuary had a vaulted ceiling with great wooden beams running the length and width of the room. The walls were covered in decorated wood panels, marble slabs, and stained glass windows. Scenes of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus could be seen literally everywhere, on the stained glass, carved in the wooden panels, and in statues around the room. The pews were very traditional in contrast to the theater seats at my home church. The room smelled heavily of incense and the priest continued to burn more throughout the mass. The front of the sanctuary included a large statue of the crucifixion of Christ and a table covered in candles with golden holders. The church was beautiful and had an air of ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Sabbath In Modern Christianity The Sabbath is nearly forgotten and rarely observed in modern Christianity. Furthermore most don't connect the lack of Sabbath observance to modern issues including the sense of being over–worked, over–scheduled, and even over–stimulated as Christians. Brueggemann explains the Sabbath was created and established by God create for man to resist the constant inward pull toward the prevailing values of the day (Brueggemann, 2016). Yet, the prevailing values and cultures seem to be winning for most Christians. Scazzero explains the Sabbath observes comes from our core, our true sense of spirituality, and isn't a suggestion, but in fact a command of God (Scazzero, 2006). Unfortunately, I like most Christians, have suffered the same fate. Not only as a Christian person, but as I pastor, I have regularly ignored the need for a Sabbath's rest and have suffered for it. As Barton explains, if Sabbath isn't observed, often our illnesses become our Sabbath (Barton, 2015). These words resonate deep within my own soul. Early in my ministry career while serving as Church plant pastor and teaching pastor at a large Nazarene Church I hit an emotional and spiritual rock bottom. My ministry suffered, ... Show more content on ... I am unable to commit one full 24–hour period toward these disciplines but each week, I spend one morning block focusing on these habits. Many Monday I have spent fishing, golfing, or even walking through the woods in time of quiet reflection. I always do things in solitude. The earlier in the morning I often find it better to find solitude and time to be alone in prayer. When I return I nap, rest as my body needs, and spend extended time in journaling, and personal study. I often spend time with my family days that my kids are home from school. We ride bikes, play together and spend intentional time ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Sermon On The Baptist Of The Nazarene This past Sunday, at Woodview Church of the Nazarene, we had the pleasure of hearing our senior pastor, Mark Walker, preach. Pastor Mark had been on sabbatical for most of August, all of September and the first part of October and has been back just a few weeks. This sermon was just the second he has preached since coming back from that sabbatical. Pastor Mark, preaching on All Saints Day, took the opportunity to preach a message on the importance of remembrance and anticipation. He choose the text of Revelation 21:1–8, a passage concerning the age to come. This was also tied into our monthly celebration of communion, although we frequently celebrate communion more often than that. Pastor Mark spoke on the inspiration of those saints that have gone before us, the future final redemptive work of Christ and the final judgment. Pastor Mark 's choice of text was fitting for All Saints Day and leading into the Eucharist. He utilized the form of the text, being apocalyptic, to shape a message of hope inspired by the saints who have gone before who have trusted in the promise of God 's future redemptive work. Pastor Mark took the promise of God 's future in the age to come to inspire the congregation to follow wholeheartedly after God, just as the saints within our congregation have before. He encourage us to never forget what God has done in our lives and preserve in our walk. As with so many of God 's promises there is always a warning and Pastor Mark took an opportunity to ... Get more on ...
  • 9. My Mom's Father Research Paper In order to fully tell what influence the church has had on me, I first need to start with my Grandparents. My Mom's Father (Rev. Charles Martindale) is a Pastor who has preached at many different United Brethren, Evangelical United Brethren, and Union Churches. His brother (Rev. Marty Martindale) is also a pastor and I have had the pleasure of sitting with both of them and discussing their views on different Bible verses over the years. Charles Martindale married Virginia right after graduating from seminary. They live in Ohio and have 6 children (Charity, Charles, Paul, Peter, Laura "my mom", and Jane). Marty also moved to Ohio where he also preached as he was raising his children. The Martindales' are very strong believers in the importance ... Show more content on ... He married Larondelle, a girl from Georgia when he was 24 and retired from the military. They moved to North Carolina where they raised their five children (Lenora, Joseph, Barbara, Carol, and Bruce "my dad"). Cecil was a hard working pharmacist who worked at his own Pharmacy and soda shop. The military trained Cecil well but had left its mark with a guy who liked to smoke and who had become a work addict. Larendell believed in going to church on Sunday and taught her children to follow her example, but not all her children chose to follow it, (I tend to think some of them thought it was all a Hippocratic act). All of my dad's siblings followed in their father's footsteps and went into the military in some way instead of going to college. Lenora in the Army, Joseph in the Navy, Barbara in the Army, and Carol in the Airforce. My grandma, Larondelle, loved that her children were serving their country but she wanted one of her children to go to college and my dad, being the youngest, became her choice. He had received two scholarships from a local college and his mom urged him to give them a try. He took her advice and was studying on the science scholarship when his parents divorced. They had apparently agreed to stay together until the last child was out of the house. This divorce resulted in my Dad firmly stating that he wasn't ever going to get divorced and him ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Harvesters Community Food Network Reaping the Harvest "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in." –Matthew 25:35 Community service, as I have come to learn, is all about taking the initiative to help someone in need, no matter their situation. As the verse Matthew 25:35 says above, it is our job to share God's love through serving those who are hurting right in front of us. These people are strangers, we may not know them, but that does not mean they should not be helped. Over the course of my life I have had the opportunity to participate in a multitude of service projects, but the one I am most passionate about is the Harvesters Community Food Network. Harvesters Community Food Network is an organization that "provides food and related household products to more than 620 not–for–profit agencies" around the Kansas City metropolitan area ("Harvesters"). It is such a wonderful organization in that it really focuses on making a change in our surrounding cities. I am ... Show more content on ... When resources are limited, children struggle to stay in school and tend to fall behind. According to a census of the area in which Harvesters provides food to, "20 percent of children under age 18 in our region... is food insecure," and of that twenty percent, "38 percent of the food insecure children live in households that do not qualify for federal nutrition programs" ("Harvesters"). My heart breaks every time I hear there are children starving in the world, but it is even more heartbreaking to know there are children in my hometown that are struggling to live off of the very little food they are provided. This is why I love this program because nothing is more fulfilling than seeing the eyes of a child light up when they see all that they get to take home with ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Parker In this project, I will describe a scenario in which I am developing within my own ministry to engage people in helping them think theologically. The Church today is suffering greatly because many people are not engaged in Scripture, practicing spiritual disciplines, or thinking theologically. I hope to create a pattern to correct that and give them the ability to not just learn a little each week from a sermon, but take everything that comes at them and learn from it, while giving them the ability to teach others as well. Examining three models found in this week's reading, Aware–Engage–Apply (Grenz and Olson 129–130), Attending–Asserting–Acting (Christian Thinking) and Analysis–Reflection–Application (Umbel), each three–fold model had the same basic principle: intake of knowledge, processing that knowledge, and using that knowledge. In order for this to be effective, I will need to address each of the three legs so that everything remains balanced. First, the intake of knowledge (other models use awareness, analysis, or attending), must be biblical sound. If people are to think theologically, they must be taught theologically first, which means we must teach them to Word of God in its entirety, not just select Scriptures to back up our thought of the day. The second leg of thinking is the processing of that knowledge; once a believer receives knowledge, he or she must know how to process that information in light of God and the Scriptures. While everyone thinks ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Fawn Grove Warehouse Case Study NCM has never owned a facility to store donated commodity; they have always relied on the donor to house the commodity to be donated. Fawn Grove Church of the Nazarene used the church building until a 108,000 square foot warehouse was built in 2001. NCM contributed funds toward the warehouse, but it was owned by the Fawn Grove Church. The commodity inside the warehouse belonged to NCM, and NCM employed a warehouse manager, an office assistant, and a packing assistant to maintain the warehouse and the commodity received. John Borgal, warehouse manager, was responsible for keeping the warehouse storage inventoried and well organized. I was able to visit the warehouse on several occasions and provided John with suggestions for improvement. ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Genogram Narrative Family Systems Genogram Written Narrative HSC 6323/Family Systems June 15, 2011 Professor Michael Hardin Lubbock Christian University Genograms are an excellent way to show the multigenerational family as a whole. When looking at a genogram, it is easier to see various pieces of information that exist within the family system. When creating a genogram, it is necessary to obtain a great deal of information to allow for accuracy as well as proficiency within the genogram. Overall, a genogram is helpful to find patterns in the family system, and recognize traits that may have been unknown. Throughout this segment is a personalized summarization of a genogram, an examination of the contemporary family, a ... Show more content on ... Some cancers are not avoidable, but things can be done to try and prevent it. Second of all, I noticed that my grandmother and father both suffer from some type of emotional and anxiety disorders. This is a good pattern to be aware of because this means there is a possibility that my children or myself could develop an emotional disorder. Awareness of this fact helps to be able to recognize different symptoms and behaviors, and know that an emotional disorder could be present. Understanding that there is a history of physical abuse makes realize that I need to be aware of how I react and respond to certain situations. When I evaluate the genogram by looking on my mother's side, I can notice a pattern of different illnesses. Looking at my grandma, she had a rare nervous system disease along with my aunt and uncle. This information is very helpful to me especially since I know that I am right in line to potentially carry one of the illnesses. I can be aware of my physical functioning and recognize if something is wrong. I can also see a history of different types of abuse, both physical and emotional on both sides of the family. I think that watching this behavior within my family makes it easier to be emotionally abusive to those I love in my own family. I know there have been times when I have said and done things I ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Leaders Of The Roman Catholic Church Anabaptist Leaders Many religions came about during the Christian Reformation 16th and 17th century. Martin Luther opposed the Roman Catholic Church, Huldrych Zwingli led the protestant reformation in Switzerland, and this led to more radical reform in Switzerland led by Conrad Grebel with Anabaptists. One of the main causes of the reformation was individuals looking at the church and scriptures and seeing where things did not line up biblically. There was a distinct difference between the views of the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Churches. Anabaptist however did not see themselves as Protestant or Catholic but rather a completely separate entity with their own set of beliefs and views. They felt that the church had strayed too far way form the scriptures and wanted to return to the early church. They held the Sermon on the Mount is such high regards which in itself went against the Church and State being together in their beliefs. The Anabaptist felt that the State should grant religious liberty and in doing so they were willing to suffer and die rather than go against their beliefs imposed by the state. This lead to several Anabaptist leaders and followers to be martyred because of their strong belief in Doctrine and their beliefs to return to the Early Church where the State and Church were separate. The reason the Anabaptist held doctrine is such high accord was because they felt they should be able to make the choice as to what they can believe and not be ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Reflection Paper There are over 4,200 religions throughout the entire world but I grew up in a Christian home believing that God is the way, the truth, and the life. Christianity is a religion of grace and mercy, but many people struggle to believe in a transcendent figure that they cannot see. I was taught that all concepts in the Bible were valid through the Nazarene church; these beliefs are confirmed, in my opinion by the plenary theory of inspiration. This is what I grew up believing about the Bible. In Revelation 21:5 it states "He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." This passage of scripture leads me to believe that all that is written in the Bible is true. I do not think that there are passages that are "more true" than others. I feel like God would not have anything in the Bible that was not important or necessary to understanding Him and His ways. I believe that the Bible has many concepts that can be difficult to comprehensively understand without reading in context. A passage or verse in the Bible may be confusing to us, because we may not understand all that is needed to grasp what is being said. As a member of Grace Point Church of the Nazarene, we were taught to believe in the plenary theory of inspiration. This theory states that all 66 books of the Bible are true and that they are all necessary to the Christian faith. In 2 Timothy 3:16–17 it states "All Scripture is ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Logic and Perception Essay Logic and Perception A human's ability to think constitutes the human's ability to live. Though life can and does go on without thought, thoughtless life would hold no meaning for most of us. Our thoughts fill our days and give meaning and purpose to our days to come. Through perception, we become aware of our environment through physical sensation (Merriam–Webster, 1997, p.546). Every single experience and observation, every smell and sound, that enters our mind through perception is then fused together and associated with other related fusions to become thought, ...our very lives as we know them. The ability to sift through our thoughts and peel away the individual facets of ... Show more content on ... Herein lays the real power of critical thinking. It seems to me that, logic, when applied to thoroughly objective critical thoughts, will produce a correct and well–founded answer. Therein also lays the problem: thoroughly objective critical thoughts. Our open–mindedness and objectivity are too often undermined by personal barriers which stem from "our exposure to cultural and genetic forces" (Kirby & Goodpaster, 1999, p. 13). These personal barriers include enculturation, self–concept, ego defenses, self–serving biases, expectations, emotions, and stress, among others. I have noticed that I tend to be most susceptible to enculturation and expectations/schemata. For example, I had never researched the role of the Pope before, and for that matter, I did not know much about the Catholic Church either. I was raised Protestant, mostly Baptist and Methodist. Even today, my family and I attend a Church of the Nazarene, which is somewhere in between the two. I always subscribed to the ethnocentric idea that Protestant was right and Catholic was wrong, but not because of any particular reason other than that this is what I was taught. If I were to be asked a question like, "What kind of role does the Pope play in the foreign affairs", I would have replied with a quickness, "none". Up until about two months ago, I thought that the Pope was simply a figurehead of the Catholic Church, a figurative ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Fawn Grove Church Case Study In 1991, John Borgal was asked to be the compassionate ministries coordinator for the Washington District Church of the Nazarene. In 1992, the district cautiously accepted John's idea of collecting donated items at the Fawn Grove Church of the Nazarene for the purpose of sending a container to Mozambique. The church donated the basement for John to use as storage. The church members gave of their time to help organize the items and load containers. John's vision had started a movement in the church and by 2001 Fawn Grove church took out a loan to build a warehouse on the church property. By that time, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) had taken ownership of the donated items and hired John as the warehouse manager to oversee the ... Show more content on ... Originally, it was supposed to be shipped to Brazil, but the Brazilian government would not allow anything containing a motor to be imported into the country. Therefore, it was eventually shipped to Ukraine. I met with the donors to retrieve the keys to the ambulance, and I wrote the grant that paid the costs of shipping and I worked with a volunteer in Pasadena, California to prepare the vehicle for shipment. I also worked with the director of American Medical Response to have the title reflect the donation. The vehicle had to be titled to NCM before we were allowed to ship it to Ukraine. The ambulance was sent to an orphanage in Vinnitza, Ukraine. In 2004, I was able to visit the orphanage and see the ambulance that was supposed to be available to take either the children or the elderly to the nearby hospital. For several years, many partner international mission organizations had asked for school supplies. In 2005, it was decided to create a pack of school supplies that could be used by two children and that would be easy for donors to put together. I was asked to help create what is now known as the School Pal–Paks (SPPS). Between the time of creation in 2005 through May 2012, approximately 107,840 kits were ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Ephesians 4: 11-13 Research Paper According to the Church of the Nazarene articles of faith, The Church exists as local congregations and as a universal body. The mission of The Church is to share Christ through the power of the Spirit. "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it" (1 Corinthians 12:27). Jesus died so that we could be a part of the body of Christ. Often many argue that you must be a part congregation to be a part of The Church. Although being a part of a church is important, it is not necessary to be a part of the body. I believe that those who do not have a church congregation to be a part of have a hindered spiritual walk. Being a part of a church calls for accountability, lessons, and ministry, which has been vital in my own personal ... Show more content on ... After the death of my friend, my church really rallied behind me and supported me. I was able to lean on them and know that they were praying for me. Going through that experience taught me that I needed to lean into the church more than I had in the past. When using the term church family, I actually consider them to be my family. Since my parents are divorced, I don't really have a big family. My brother has drifted away from God and does not live at home. My mom and I have been blessed to be including in the lives of many families. We have been invited to others houses for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Being around them definitely makes the holidays happier. As I continue to grow, I hope that I will be able to be an effective advocate of Christ and his love in the younger generation of The Church and local ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Hellenes Research Paper Hellenes were the early inhabitants of Greece (in our time now, Greece is still officially known as the Hellenic Republic, after the ancient Hellenes). From the Hellenes came the term "Hellenism," which was used to describe Greek language and culture; from that, "Hellenists" were non–Greeks who spoke Greek and lived according to Greek ways. Thanks largely to the grand imperialistic accomplishments of the young Greek king/warlord Alexander the Great (a photograph of a statue of him is shown below, see also Alexander The Great In Prophecy) whose military conquests covered a vast region from across southern Europe, through the Middle East and deep into Asia (see Ancient Empires – Greece), Hellenist s were found in many varied nations, and the Greek language in the ancient world was used very much like English is now in the modern world (the fact that the New Testament was originally written in Greek is ... Show more content on ... While the pro–Roman Hebrew–speaking Jews were the ones who got one of their own fellow Jews, the Messiah, killed (i.e. "They cried out, "Away with Him, away with Him, crucify Him!" Pilate said to them, "Shall I crucify your King?" The chief priests answered, "We have no king but Caesar" – John 19:15 RSV), some of the Hellenistic Jews, also known as "Grecian s," also opposed the early Christian church, or at least some of the leadership, such as the newly–converted apostle Paul (although their opposition to him may have been based on the before–then justifiable fear of the man who not so long before was deadly ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Ministry Leadership Goals As a result of my passion to plant churches, I have set forth to earn my ministry degree with honors, on the path to qualifying for ordination. Through this course I have not only identified strategies to best manage time and effort, but my strengths as well. Moving forward successfully will require the application of the concepts addressed in this course in the utilization of time and strength to accomplish these goals. Goals Currently I am pursuing my ministry leadership degree from Oklahoma Wesleyan University in order that I might fulfill the educational requirements of ordainment (Church of the Nazarene, 2017). However my academic goals are to graduate with honors and according to the timeline laid out by my academic advisor. ... Show more content on ... The Strength Finders results offer encouragement to a balanced approach applying core strengths (Strengths finder, 2007). Furthermore, now that I walk with the Lord, I rely on confirmation of my balance through God's word and the Spirit within body of Christ. As I move forward I grow in positivity, knowing I have the hope of Christ within me, which ties directly to my strength of belief. "Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise." Hebrews 10:23 (NLT). In balancing my five strengths, wrapping the first four strengths with the strength of positivity I have in my Lord Jesus, will sustain my success utilizing my assets effectively for the glory of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Great Awakening Research Paper The main outcome of the Awakening was a resistance in contrast to spiritual law which leaked into different zones of colonial life. In spite of the fact that a religious development, the Awakening had ramifications in social and political circles also. Traditions of thoughtfulness and obligingness, the overseeing standards of life in the colonies, were put aside for a more difficult stage. The Great Awakening is generally partitioned into four times of American history. The initially happened while America was still a part of the English settlements. Such religious masterminds as Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield urged a scholarly method to scripture. Amid this period, the houses of worship in the colonies were still particularly fixing ... Get more on ...
  • 22. General Church Research Paper The general church is the branch of government in the Church of the Nazarene that effectively and efficiently connects the members and resources of our denomination to preserve our core values and beliefs and advance our mission to preach holiness, make Christ–like disciples in all the nations, and bring relief to the needy. Recognizing the strength and equality of all partners, the general church combines and apportions time and resources for global mobilization. Simply stated, we can accomplish more united as a global denomination than we ever could at the local church or district level. As a "worldwide fellowship of believers in which there exists full acceptance within their cultural contexts,"1 the general church unites regions around the world to form an international partnership in common commitment to advance our mission and provide equal representation to ... Show more content on ... The historic practice of providing institutions for higher education or ministerial preparation are maintained at the general church level.3 Nazarene colleges, universities and seminaries, under the direction and oversight of the general church are resolute in equipping and shaping Christlike disciples and servant–leaders for lifelong service and global impact.4 Links to digital resources are available and easily accessible for clergy and laity on our denomination's website.5 These resources include the Wesleyan Holiness Digital Library, Didache, Preacher's Magazine, Media Library, Document Library, the Church of the Nazarene Manual and more. Nazarene Publishing House (becoming The Foundry Publishing in February 2018) has published denominational printed resources for more than a century in order to share Wesleyan–Holiness resources of theology of hope and love that transforms ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Blythe Research Paper It was a Thursday night, like no other, on Nov.3. Local churches around Blythe came together under Palo Verde College Performing Arts Center's roof, to lift up holy hands, sing to the Lord a new song and worship as a interdenominational congregation. Looking past church's names and denominations, that usually separate churchgoers on any given Sunday, everyone was on one accord, as all hearts and minds were focused on the one thing each had in common–––their love for God and his children. With selections from various choirs in the community, PVC's own, blessed the audience with a classic favorite, singing, "Old Time Religion." Likewise, other performers during this event came from Calvary Chapel,Greater White Rose Church of God in Christ, ... Show more content on ... Pastor Sam Burton of Shiloh Agape Ministries said just as Jesus sent out his disciples into all the world to spread the gospel in Mark 16:15, Burton said he purposes to go out and make individual fishers of men (Matthew 4:9). "At Shiloh Agape, we catch em' and we clean em'," Burton said. Pastor of Oasis of the Desert comment received a lot of Amens from the audience when he said, "everybody is somebody, and Jesus is Lord." Concluding the whole matter, Mick Catron of Calvary Chapel shared through a sermonette how people should seek to follow God's ways by bringing truth and love to one another, and fulfilling their Godly duty of bearing one another's burdens (Galatians 6:2). Agreeing with the perceptions of the pastor, Mayor Joey Deconinck said, "if we all can come together, we can all make it happen." In addition to the pious program, the city was recognized by the 56th Assembly in celebration of its 100th year and presented with two awards from the District of Riverside Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia, to the mayor and the Centennial ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Personal Narrative: My Essay For College During my searches for colleges to attend following my senior year of high school, WLC had come as a high recommendation from my older sister, Lauren, a current undergrad student at WLC. At the time, I was looking to go into Digital Media as my major, though things have now changed. At the time of my initial visit and admissions process I was quite impressed with the school and found it to be in my top 3. I've been in the Lutheran church my whole life (WELS while in New York and LCMS after moving to Wisconsin) as well as attending private Lutheran school from grade school through high school, so it seemed like a natural continuation. I loved the campus, small class size, and the general vibe I got from the visit. However, at the time wanting to go into Media, I felt less enthusiastic about the ... Show more content on ... This led me to attend Olivet Nazarene University this past year, as per influence from my high school youth leaders. Not majoring in anything related to religious studies, I didn't find myself too bothered in my disagreements in the belief system taught there. The first fall semester went mostly well, but it was this current spring semester when my life decided to take a turn. Opening up about my personal life, I have struggled with issues of anxiety and depression, which on occasion have affected my academic performance in the past, as I would fail to actively seek out counseling opportunities. Two and a half months in, I saw myself reach an all–time low in my studies. I was failing to apply effective studying techniques, and attend class on a regular basis. By my failing to actively seek to solve personal issues, they had severely affected my academic performance. I often feel hesitant bringing these problems up, as I fear it can come off as insincere or an excuse. This forced me to seek new counseling services at the school, and re–evaluate God's plan for my life. I began to doubt my decision to major in multimedia studies, and whether there was some ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Worship As A Form Of Worship In The Church Church bells ring, it is time for Sunday School. Children and teenagers sit in classrooms scattered throughout a church, Grace Church of the Nazarene. Bibles are either on the tables or in the children and teenagers' laps as they begin class. The Sunday School teacher, Bible in hand, begins the class and starts out asking, "How do you define worship?" The children and teens begin to stare at each other or look down at their hands in silence as the teacher waits for them to ponder the question more. After a few minutes a brave soul raises his hand, slowly but surely. The teacher, relieved the silence is about to be broken, calls upon him. The child responds with, "Is it when we sing in big church?" The teacher, smiling largely, informs the child that singing in "big church" is part of worship, but is not the only form of worship. Today children and teenagers are asked the question above a lot in church and typically answer the same way the child did. Although that may be the main answer they give that is only a portion of what worship is. Worship is the act of honoring God. Whether it is through singing in "big church" or doing chores at home, if one is honoring God it is worship. Merriam Webster defines worship as "a form of religious practice with its creed and ritual," and "extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem." Putting both definitions of worship together it would be defined as honoring an object–God in this case–and being devoted to ... Get more on ...
  • 26. A Brief Story of My Life My story is one that starts before birth. After all I was born in 30 weeks. My mom(Bella), had a difficult pregnancy. At 5 months and half Bella started bleeding. The doctor's found out that she had full placenta praevia. Full placenta praevia is complication in which the placenta is inserted partially or wholly in lower uterine segment. This blocks the baby to be born naturally and causes the mother bleeding. Bella would bleed every day and was in the emergency room five times because of the constant bleeding. The fifth and final time Bella fainted and found herself in the hospital. The doctors told her that she was not leaving until I was born or else the both of could die. While in the hospital the doctors injected Bella and I with many ... Show more content on ... Continuing with childhood actions I was outspoken and had a bad temper. I always had something to say and when I was upset I would throw my bottles at innocent civilians. If you did not get out of the way the, I aimed well, so the bottle would hit them in the face. I was in time out and spanked numerous of times. My Great aunt, Tia Dora, whom we call Yaya babysat me for most of my childhood before pre–K. One time she cooked for me like she always did, but I didn't like it. I knocked the food off the table and onto the floor. Another time while being babysat Yaya left on a quick errand. My great–grandmother, her mom(Kuki) was in charge of watching me. She didn't let me do something so I was furious at her. Kuki had a fake plant that she adored because a grandson gave it to her. Since, we were on the second floor of a two story house I threw the plant off the balcony and it broke. Kuki did not know that the plant was broken so my great–uncle(Tio Paco) bought a new one as if nothing happened. Bella says I was sweet despite my actions during the terrible twos. When Bella would not feel well I would check on her, I wanted to know if she was fine. Winnie the Pooh is my favorite stuffed animal. Pastora Amanda, gave Pooh Bear to me for my 1st birth day. I still have Pooh Bear with me. He is currently on the second shelf above my desk in my room on campus. Pooh Bear and I have been through everything together. We have a ceiling fan in my room at home. ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Synthesis And Reflection Paper Example Synthesis and Reflection on LEAD6163 This author has been involved in teaching and leadership activities as a member of the Port Orange Church of the Nazarene (PONAZ), a small church in eastern Florida. Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations (2017) stated that PONAZ was founded in 1985, with the current congregation at about 110 attendees for Sunday morning worship. Other than Sunday worship, programs provided by PONAZ include a preschool, Sunday School, children and youth activities, recovery groups, and community outreach events. Recently, with the unexpected death of the long– time superintendent of church ministries, a need for the appointment of a strong leader was created. Desired Leader Characteristics The ideal leader of PONAZ church ministries would be able to exhibit concern for others as a necessary soft skill found to be at the top of the list of admired qualities by Marques (2013). Marques (2013) noted other important soft skills which included honesty, being true to values and beliefs, humility and having the ability to lead by example. Each of these characteristics would be necessary for a leader at PONAZ. Drucker (2005) discussed leaders with values that fit with the organization. At PONAZ, as a Christian organization, leaders must demonstrate characteristics that identify them as Christ followers. Evans (1996) discussed leaders needing to "walk the talk" (p.2). Some of the Christ–like characteristics include loving people, listening to ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Most Significant Events Essay Some of the most significant events that took place during the 1st and 2nd century AD, was pentecost and St Paul's conversion. Pentecost was 50 days after the Passover. Pentecost occurred when the 12 Apostles gathered in a house, when they saw a violent wind come from heaven. It filled the area, and they saw tongues that looked like fire that separated and was above each of them. This was the first time the Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit, which allowed them to speak different tongues. One of the Apostles filled with the Spirit preached to everyone that they should be baptised and they too would be filled with the Holy Spirit. 3000 were baptised, which increased the growth of the Catholic Church as it moved many to believe and become ... Show more content on ... During this time many influential people such as Saint Paul and Saint Stephen. Paul was a influence to many people who listened to him. He Influenced people to believe in Jesus because of his own experience. He was able to tell people that Jesus was real which made people believe him. He went on three missions which was an important part in the growth of the church. During his missions has he performed many miracles, he healed a cripple in Lystra. He also converted and preached to people, helping them to become members of the Church. Also because of Pentecost, followers and believers around the world could be empowered by the Holy Spirt, which opened more doors increasing Christianity around the globe. Due to Pentecost we now have a sacrament, Baptism, that allows us to be cleansed of Original sin and we are given the Holy ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Art Appreciation: My Christian Artist James Seward Chase Nichols Art Appreciation Mrs. Ullum Christian Artist Report James Seward My Christian artist is James Seward. James Seward was born in Alabama, and raised in Tennessee. He spent summers with his grandparents in the wild back–country of Alabama. When he was six, his grandfather bought him his first set of oil paints, and as a young child he often painted his grandparents by lamp–light, to their great astonishment. "From the time I was five years old, I was continually painting and drawing in that great environment," the artist reminisces with fondness. After military service, Seward spent a year studying art under Howard Boyd Johnson at Watkins Institute in Nashville. In 1947, he enrolled at the Art Institute of Chicago, where he met ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Essay On Vacation Bible School Every year for a week, Christian churches nationwide, hold the popular summer program, vacation Bible school. Behold as a religious based educational program, church staff use this time to familiarize children with Bible lessons and teach them about the love of God. Reaching out to kids all over the community, especially to those who don't normally attend church, VBS allow children to connect with one another over the summer break, as they spend time playing games, eating snacks, creating crafts, performing skits, learning the "Lord's Prayer," singing songs, team building and more. Hosting vacation Bible school on last week, First Assembly of God, The Church of the Nazarene and The Zion Lutheran Church, shared in these same activities, as ... Show more content on ... John, Jesus is the way, the truth and the light and also the living water; vacation Bible school students took joy in learning about the Son of God and allowing the water, which only Jesus Christ can give, fill them with happiness. "I believe vacation Bible school is needed because, my concern is with the public school system," Pastor Leonard said. "The kids need to understand discipline, and with an underlying problem with drugs and the way kids behave today, at vacation Bible school we teach them truth, morality and self discipline. Naturally, one of the other things we do here, is teach them about eternity, because the Bible teaches without Jesus, there's no eternity." With so much to teach and do with a large group of students from the community coming out to see attend the several churches for VBS, photographer and group volunteer Penny Short said, she thought the program was very successful. "It was a joy watching all the kids singing and playing," Short said. "They really got a kick out of the pie in the face portion of VBS." Hoping to include your child(ren) on next year or possibly have them attend one sponsored by another church before the summer is over, Short shared that,"Vacation Bible school is a great way to give kids something to do in the summertime. It's fun,it's playful and it's a great learning ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Reflection Of A Homecoming Service September 10, 2017, was the annual homecoming service at Morgantown First Church of the Nazarene in Morgantown, Kentucky, followed by a fellowship meal. The meal was a combination of store bought foods, simple traditional dishes like macaroni and cheese, and special homemade dishes. Two old ping pong tables that once served as the main food table have been replaced by white plastic tables, and this year, the tables were even ornamented with a centerpiece to match the other tables in the fellowship hall. The line starts on the right–hand table, so people can walk around the table to fill their plates and grab drinks before filing into the hall. Meat is always placed first, followed by sides and casseroles before bread and deviled eggs at the end of the procession. IGA fried chicken (wings, breasts, drumsticks) supplied by the church and ham cooked by the pastor's husband sat beside Elaine Johnson's homemade fried chicken tenders, which are always gone the fastest. Homemade sides included dressing, green bean casserole, cream style corn, pinto beans, broccoli cheese casserole, egg salad, and biscuits. Other sides, that I refer to as simple, are recipes followed by the recipe that anyone could fix. These taste relatively the same no matter who cooks them whereas the homemade dishes can only be made and brought by certain people, and no one else can prepare them exactly or as well as the original. The simple sides included honey mustard based potato salad with bacon, green ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Phineas Bresee Reflection I was immediately drawn to Phineas Bresee when I read this assignment because his ministry to the poor is usually the first thing I think of when I think of Phineas Bresee. His love for the outreach to the poor and needy should be an example for us all. However, I feel that his message may have lost a little of its impact today, and we need to make a habit of revisiting it, and his passion for ministering to the poor. I have been guilty of having the thoughts of how my ministry would be different if I was a large church with lots of people and money. I am quickly reminded that problems are not prejudice and are evident no matter where you are. Researching this paper has helped me see the passion that Bresee had and how I can get out of my comfort zone even more and allow God to work in different areas of my ministry. ... Show more content on ... Phineas Bresee made this his passion setting up churches in poverty ridden urban areas of Los Angeles. As I was mediating over this thought I was led to the scriptures to dig in and revisit some familiar scriptures and look at them in a new light. Scriptures such as Luke 4:18 and Matthew 11:5 where Jesus says the poor will have the good news preached to them. I have gotten a firsthand look at what this means being at my current church because we are in a pretty significantly poor neighborhood. We have outreaches for the community such as a food pantry, feeding the homeless, and various apartment outreaches and I can honestly say that this is all pretty new to me and I am learning from and trusting God though out this ministry that he currently has me in. I am led to think about if I am doing enough or if my mindset may be off a little. I look at it and see how many lives we get to bless by giving them food, but they need to hear the word of God more. We do have tracts available for these families and a standing invitation to church but something I am going to be looking at is how we can have a ... Get more on ...
  • 33. President Harry S. Truman's National Prayer Day First signed in 1952 by President Harry S. Truman, National Prayer Day was recognized and celebrated on the first Thursday in May. In honor of this monumental event, residents of Blythe joined in with millions of people around the country on May 4, to call humbly before God, seeking his guidance for local, state and federal leaders and current issues. Asking for God's grace to fall upon this lost world, members of the community opened up the program with prayer, followed by singing, "America The Beautiful." Being reminded by the lyrics of the song, voices punctuated the line "God shed His grace on thee." With this year's theme inspired by Daniel 9:19, master of ceremony Clifford Short said, "For Your Great Name's Sake! Hear Us, Forgive ... Show more content on ... Having every president since 1952 signed a National Day of Prayer proclamation, Donald Trump followed suit and signed the proclamation during the early morning of May 4. "President George Washington said in 1789, it is the duty of all the Nations to acknowledge the providence of the Almighty God. He said, "If we ever forget the that we are One Nation under God, then we will be a Nation gone under," Short recited. Through its purpose of having National Prayer Day, the task force organization seeks to mobilize prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness throughout the world. With over five pastors in attendance and 20 plus of their church members present, prayer began around 5:30 p.m. Turning to 2 Chronicles 7:14, Short read, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." Asking for prayer and repentance on behalf of everyone, Pastor Brandon of The Church of the Nazarene prayed for the federal government, followed by Pastor Mick Catron of Calvary Chapel of Blythe praying for local and state leaders, including the police, fire department and Mayor Joey ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Example Of A Christian Research Paper A Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. "Christian" derives from the Koine Greek word Christós, a translation of the Biblical Hebrew term mashiach. There are diverse interpretations of Christianity which sometimes conflict. However, "Whatever else they might disagree about, Christians are at least united in believing that Jesus has a unique significance." It is also used as a label to identify people who associate with the cultural aspects of Christianity, irrespective of personal religious beliefs or practices. According to a 2011 Pew Research Center survey, there were 2.2 billion Christians around the world in 2010, up from about 600 million in 1910. According to 100 Years of Nobel Prizes, a review of Nobel prizes awarded between 1901 and 2000 reveals that of Nobel Prizes laureates identified Christianity in its various forms as their religious preference. Etymology The Greek word, meaning "follower of Christ", comes from, meaning "anointed one", with an adjectival ending borrowed from Latin to denote adhering to, or even belonging to, as in slave ownership. In the Greek Septuagint, christos was used to translate the Hebrew ‫יַח‬ ‫ִׁש‬‫ָמ‬, meaning " anointed." In other European languages, equivalent words to Christian are likewise derived from the Greek, such as Chrétien in French and Cristiano in Spanish. Early usage The first recorded use of the term is in the New ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Dichotomy Of Position In The Nazarene Church As a licensed minister of the Church of the Nazarene, I am part of a tradition deeply rooted in the acknowledgement of the sanctifying, equipping, and calling work of the Holy Spirit. The unique marriage of Pentecostals and Methodists at the birth of the Nazarene church results in a manual of church practices which incorporates the dichotomy of the freedom of the Holy Spirit regulated by methodical standards of church polity. For this reason in the Nazarene church ministerial orders are first are instilled by the calling of the Holy Spirit, then recognized by the local congregation, and finally completed by the ordination of denominational officials. In order to understand the ministerial orders of Nazarene ministers, we will first the hierarchy of ministerial positions in the Nazarene church, discuss the qualifications and requirements of ministry, and finally review the mutual ministerial relationship between Nazarene congregations and their pastor. Due to its Pentecostal and Wesleyan heritage, the Nazarene church is a denomination deeply rooted in Holy Spirit language and practice. For this reason the first calling accepted by a minister is the Holy Spirit's conviction toward salvation and a pledge toward entire sanctification. Within the essential statements of faith the Holy Spirit is credited with both the work of sanctification in both salvation and the continual work of sanctification. "[Sanctification] is wrought by God's grace through the Holy Spirit in ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Sect Church Cycle Essay The sect–church cycle is when people start separating and splintering off from an existing church, when the church in people's eyes gets too involved in secular issues. The people separating themselves will distance themselves from the worldly corruption, and in time build their own sect. As time progresses the sect will grow enough followers and become a church. A perfect example of this, is Christianity. There is sufficient scientific evidence that Jesus of Nazarene, did exist, but to be a Christian, the faith that he was Jesus Christ, is what determines that you are one. Jesus was a Jew, and Christianity was a break off of the Jewish religion, a sect, it wasn't until Paul, started saying that you don't have to follow Jewish laws to become Christian (gentile), wasn't until they started getting a following enough to become a church. In 325 c.e., they held the Nicene Council, to settle the question of official Christian doctrine, and up until then, Christianity had no orthodoxy. During this council, they determined what books would be in the bible, for example the gospel of Mary, and the gospel of Thomas, never made it in. , Jesus's birthday, they picked 25 December, to counter the pagan's celebration of the winter solstice. How did the Protestant reformation start, same concept, Martin Luther, felt the Pope's was ... Show more content on ... People that believe in the same faith, religion, will worship together, hang out together. Perfect example would be the difference of the United States, and the Middle East, or Christianity vs Islam. The reason why Islamic places don't like America, is because we are secular, we separate church and state, but in their culture, there is no separation, their religion is their government, and that is how they believe society should be. It goes to social changes, within our own country, you see religion, and social changes happen all the time, within ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Drug Addiction What is drug addiction? –Drug addiction is a complex brain disease. It is characterized by compulsive, at times uncontrollable, drug craving, seeking, and use that persist even in the face of extremely negative consequences. –Drug seeking becomes compulsive, in large part as a result of the effects of prolonged drug use on brain functioning and, thus, on behavior. For many people, drug addiction becomes chronic, with relapses possible even after long periods of abstinence. Drug addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences to the individual that is addicted and to those around them. Drug addiction is a brain disease because the abuse of drugs leads to ... Show more content on ... One of the most common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal is irritability and anxiousness. The desire to use can quickly cause users to become violent to even close family members in order to get help or money for their next high. Abandonment * One of the most heart–breaking effects of drug abuse on families especially is abandonment. Once drugs have altered the nerve pathways in the brain, the desire to use quickly becomes more important to anything else in the drug addict 's life. Friends and family members quickly get replaced by the next score of the drug of choice. This can often lead to divorce or the loss of children to state custody due to a lack of ability to be a loving and providing parent. There is also an increased risk of parents or spouses being locked up in prison for extended periods of time, leaving their children to grow up without a mother or father. The effects of this abandonment may stick with kids all the way through adulthood. Diseases Involved In Using Drugs Date: Tue 29 Jan 2013 Source: University of Oxford/Medical Research Council, press release [edited] The genetic variant rs12252–C was present in 69 per cent of Chinese patients with H1N1 swine flu [influenza A/(H1N1)pdm09]. A genetic variant which explains why Chinese populations may be more vulnerable to H1N1 swine flu has been found by researchers at the University of Oxford and Beijing Capital Medical University. This finding could help identify those ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Missionary Trip To America Research Paper By attending the missionary trip to South Africa, I have touched the lives of many just as they have for me in their own ways. However, they may not even realize that they have changed my life for the better. Some touches are like a ripple in the water; blending and mixing to create a beautiful harmony. Others are like a splash. They transform people's lives with grace, mercy, and forgiveness; they bring people closer. When one thinks of a mission trip, what is the general assumed illustration? A group of Christians reconstructing non–believers into religious disciples? Churches being built so that worshippers have someplace to go to interact with Christ? For me, a mission trip can be that or something small, like we seemed to do while recently visiting Southern Africa. Visiting South Africa provided an extraordinary experience for me. One thing I realized is how Christians can change the world by working together, rather than as an individual – not that they ... Show more content on ... What is the purpose of this when we can just read scriptures or listen to preachers from the comfort of our homes? Be that as it may, Christians go to church in order to come together and to try to help each other mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We go to church for fellowship, discipleship, and for evangelism. Evangelism is all about spreading the gospel to the world, which the church helps to do firsthand. The gospel has a lot of teachings, but they cannot all be summed up by the church. In Africa, my eyes were opened to the realization that schools and hospital can also help partake in making the world a better place. While I was aware of this when in states, I was also partially blinded. In my hometown, especially when sickness happens, I have so often seen Jesus be dismissed when illness occurs; and while this may too be the case in some citizens in Africa, the stories that I heard in regards to ailment where about faith and ... Get more on ...
  • 39. An Article On Faith By The Church Of The Nazarene Understanding whom God is one of the hardest tasks to wrap our minds around because of how majesty God is and we will never be able to fully understand everything about God. However, God does allow his Word to tell us more about Him and more importantly the love we he has for us all. To understand how important who God is all one has to do is look at the articles of faith from the Church of the Nazarene. The very first article of faith explains the beliefs of the Triune God. Article 1 states, "We believe in one eternally existent, infinite God, Sovereign Creator and Sustainer of the universe; that He only is God, holy in nature, attributes, and purpose. The God who is holy love and light is Triune in essential being, revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" (Manual). I believe in the first article of faith by the Church of the Nazarene, and including in the article of faith we see some attributes of God, which I feel is important to go into more detail so we can have a better understand of God. Dunning explains the essential nature of God is holy love and how we must take into account of the way the holiness of God informs the attempt to ascribe the attributes to God (Dunning 192). Its important to understands holiness is simply a background for all of God's attributes. It is not a primary attribute of God and to recognize that holiness means "separateness." This is significant as it affirms God characters as perfect and pure and full of love. His holiness will be shown ... Get more on ...