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A listening brand
Optimising a product launch in real time
MRS Brand Conference 2011

Martin Bryant - Energizer Group Limited

Nathan Evans - MESH Planning
Why are we here?

  To demonstrate how Experience
 Tracking has been used to measure
 the success of a challenger brand
          product launch.
The launch

Biggest ever European launch

  2003                                                              2011

      Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
3rd Presentation
 Launch Media Laydown                                 2nd Presentation

                           1st Presentation

            Sept    Oct            Nov                 Dec            Jan           Feb

                        Main TVC          Main TVC    Main TVC
                         30 secs          + GQ/SW      + Xmas        GQ/SW        M1      M2
   TV                                                                alone       Promo TVC

                                      Sp                                    Sp

 Press             GQ              Bild

Online                      Launch                   XMAS                           Promo

  OOH                     Launch                                        Promo

Bitburger                                                        Gillette Pro Glide Launch
The research challenge

  Need to be sensitive to all          Ability to analyse transient
 campaign experiences both               Online activity to help
 media and non-media related               understand it‟s role

                                    Spontaneous responses to allow
   Qualitative feedback on a
                                     for accurate assessment of cut
      quantifiable scale

Need to measure both efficiency     Need for comparative measures
  and effectiveness of launch         traditional tracking doesn‟t
          media (ROI)                           provide

         One off chance to gather future learnings and scenario test
         hypothesis meaning we needed to be able to make changes
                                in real-time
The research answer – Experience Tracking

      Week 1                                Week 2                                Week 3                   Week 4
Pre       Diary       Post         50 people

           Pre        Diary         Post       50 people

                       Pre          Diary       Post       50 people

Pre                                                                                        Post
Questionnaire                                          SMS Diary                           Questionnaire

                                                                                           Here we capture metric scores as
Here we capture metric scores to                    Here we ask participants to text us    they have changed over the course
be used as a benchmark.                             whenever they experience               of 7 days.
                                                    anything to do with the brands we
                                                    are interested in.                     -Consideration (Brand & Product)
-Consideration (Brand & Product)
-Image                                              Each experience is expanded upon
-Briefing for SMS diary stage                       in an Online diary.
Sample Overview

 Males In Germany from the ages of 18 to 35 who are
             currently system razor users

  Number of Experiences            8202 texts

  Number of Participants        1144 participants

                               26th October 2010 –
     Reporting Period
                                  27th Feb 2011
Findings and applications

Product Brand      Umbrella Brand
       Hydro          Wilkinson Sword

             Brand Equity               Econometrics

media and

                                ?             Usage
Post launch day 19
  Backlit posters and use of refreshing colour
  driving positive impressions of the new product

“In a shopping area in Leipzig I saw
 these advert boards. The lighting
  really put the razors nicely on
 display and my feeling was very
    positive. The ad is very eye-
  catching and gives the feeling to
   evoke interest in the product”

   “Also in front of the main train
       station one can find the
advertisement. This advertisement
however fits in anywhere thanks to
  its pleasant and natural colour

             Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
Post launch day 38
      Product awareness was higher than competitor
      during respective early weeks of launch
                                                                   Hydro Prompted Product awareness
70%                                                                Competitor Prompted Product awareness




30%                                               Campaign Optimiser
20%                                                                      Umbrella Brand
10%                                                                       Consideration
      Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 Week6 Week7 Week8

               Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb   Base: 1144 people
Post launch day 112
   When used to creatively communicate a rational
   promotional message poster was not as effective
                           Poster                                         % sample reached
Poster at launch                                                                     17%
Poster promotional activity (4 months post launch)                                    5%

       “Underground station in Colone
   (Friesenplatz), there was a poster for

  Poster, Tram stop/station/subway, Neutral, No

 “It is an ad for Bitburger partnership
               with Wilkinson.”

 Poster, Tram stop/station/subway, Very positive,
           Slightly more likely to choose

                   Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
Post launch day 38
  Online generates Hydro‟s most engaging and
  persuasive paid for experiences
                                               Experience Map by Touchpoint - Wilkinson Hydro (Total)
                               n = Base: 1089 Total, 342 TV, 124 Poster/Billboard, 16 Radio, 97 Me using, 28 Conversation, 13 Newspaper, 24 Magazine, 205
                                                In-Store, 124 Online, 56 Mailing Leaflet, 33 Me Purchasing, 6 Sampling, 4 Cinema, 17 Other


                               85%                                                                               Me using

                               75%                                       Mailing leaflet            Conversation
     Purchase Intent T2B (%)

                                                       Newspaper                                                Me purchasing
                               45%                                                                   Magazine*
                                                             In store
                               35%                                                           Poster/Billboard

                               25%                    Radio

                                     25%            35%            45%            55%            65%            75%            85%             95%
                                                                                                                      Note: Bases below 20 not included
                                                                                      Positivity T2B (%)              * Base 20-29

                                     Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
Post launch day 52
 And Online experiences are reaching a proportion
 of the target TV does not

Total Online = 19%                                                                Total TV = 31%

            Just                                                           Just
           Online                 BOTH
         6% reach            13% reach
                                                                      18% reach

         Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb     Base: 752 people
Post launch day 52
          At launch Online experiences have the biggest
          impact on Consideration amongst the target
            HYDRO                                 TV                Online        TV & Online      In Store

(Long Term Impact from questionnaire)

Phase 1                                            *                   **             ***         No Sig Effect   No Sig Effect

Phase 2                                     No Sig Effect         No Sig Effect   No Sig Effect   No Sig Effect   No Sig Effect

    In Phase 2, when our message changed to a more rational promotional
         message we no longer drove longer term brand consideration

                                                                *** represents the impact on consideration (the likelihood
                                                                    to shift in consideration having had an experience)

Source: Campaign Optimiser analysis from Questionnaire and
Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
Post launch day 52
 In Phase 2 we isolate the Tag-on executions and
 introduce a Trial Size promotion in February
 Phase1 2010                                                           Phase 2 2011

                                                     Jan                          Feb

                                                     Strength of message could
                                                       have been the issue...

          Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
Post launch day 136
 The downpour ad becomes more engaging and
 persuasive with the introduction of tag-ons
                                                          TV Experience Map by Period
                                            n = Base: 239 Downpour ad solo, 172 Downpour ad + tag ons, 109 Stand alone tag ons

                                                                                                                 Downpour ad +
    Purchase Intent T2B (%)

                         55%                                                                                        tag ons


                         45%                                                                        Stand alone tag
                                                  Downpour ad                                             ons
                         40%                         solo

                                         Tag-ons also work well to engage
                         30%                 and persuade in isolation

                               30%         35%       40%         45%         50%         55%         60%         65%         70%         75%
                                                                                                                    Note: Bases below 20 not included
                                                                        Positivity T2B (%)                          * Base 20-29

                                     Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
Post launch day 112
                           We even saw „almost FREE‟ drive more persuasive
                           experiences than „99 cents‟ despite concerns
                                  TV Experience Map - Hydro (W5-6 and Wk 7-8)
                                          n = Base: Hydro (Wk5-6) - 49 TV, Hydro (Wk7-8) - 22 TV
                      65%                                                                   “The ad informed you that you could get the

                                                                                           razor almost for free. You were not being
                                                                                            told though how you could get it. It got me
                                                                                             curious how I would be able to get one.”
Purchase Intent T2B (%)


                      50%                                                                    Hydro, TV, Neutral, Slightly more likely to choose
                                                  Hydro Week 6

                                                                                                   “Apparently one is able to test the razor
                                                                                              "almost" for free to get to know it
                      40%                             Hydro Week 7

                      35%                                                                  better. I am going to get more info about this.”

                      30%                                                                    Hydro, TV, Fairly Positive, Slightly more likely to
                            30%        40%             50%               60%               70%         80%
                                                          Positivity T2B (%)                       * Low Base under 30

                                             Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
Post launch day 78 CRISIS
   However, we sold out prior to the launch of
   some promotional comms...

                       No negative experiences
                        relating to sell out...

         Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
Post launch day 112
   However, if we hadn‟t sold out, we could have
   benefitted from a clear call to action

 “Same advert. I was still curious how                            “The ad was pretty interesting and
  I would be able to get my hands on                                 I would like to test the razor
    this razor for almost no money.”                               however there is no possibility to
                                                                   test and tradition dictates that I
 TV, Neutral, Much more likely to choose                                  am with Gillette.”

                                                                       TV, Fairly positive, No Difference

               Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
Post launch day 38/112
Sponsorship performed unexpectedly well and
offered clear learnings for optimisation
                                                                                 “Advert before the Simpsons
  “The brand could be seen on telly when TV Total's
                                                                               came on - well placed, it had my
 high dive event was on. There were inflatable plastic
                                                                                       full attention.”
   razors in giant size. This was a good idea, thus it
          gave me a pretty positive feeling.”                                   Gillette, TV, Fairly positive, Slightly
                                                                                        more likely to choose
 Wilkinson, Hydro (razor), TV, Sponsorship, Fairly Positive, No
                                                                                “The Simpsons were sponsored
                                                                                again. I love the Simpsons and
  “I saw the TV Total [tv show] high dive. I don't know                           everyone who sponsors the
 why but it influenced me in a positive way as far as the                                    show.”
                  brand was concerned.”
       Wilkinson, Hydro (razor), TV, Sponsorship, Fairly                      Gillette, TV, Very positive, Much more
            Positive, Slightly more likely to choose

                                                                                          likely to choose

                                                                              Strength of umbrella
 Strength of product branding...

                   Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
Post launch day 38
We also saw the opportunity to expand sponsorship
through other media particularly Online

     “On the home page I saw a big
                                                “Side advert banner on website of
    advertisement on the website of
                                                 newspaper "Bild" ( Very
   newspaper "Bild" ( It really
                                                  dynamic and colourful advert”
     draws attention and one almost
        automatically looks at it”              Wilkinson, Hydro (razor), Internet, Ad
                                                 from brand, Fairly Positive, Slightly
  Wilkinson, Hydro (razor), Internet, Ad from
                                                        more likely to choose
     brand, Fairly Positive, No difference

                                                       “On the home page of
                                                   newspaper "Bild" ( I saw
                                                      an advertisement for the
                                                      Wilkinson Hydro Shaver”

                                                             Wilkinson, Hydro
                                                        (razor), Internet, Ad from
                                                      brand, Fairly Positive, Slightly
                                                           more likely to choose
Post launch day 112
 In fact, we were able to measure efficiency at an
 execution level using qualitative data
  Touchpoint                  Brand                        Execution                   Cost per % point in reach

    Poster                       A                        Launch poster                          €€€

    Online                       A                  Launch and xmas activity                      €

    Online                       A                         Price promo                            €

    Online                       B                      All online activity                       €€

     TV                          A                          Brand ad                            €€€€
     TV                          A            Brand ad + xmas/GQ + StiWa tag ons                €€€€

     TV                          A                 Consumer test combination                      €€

     TV                          A             Call to action and price promotion                 €€

     TV                          A                     One off sponsorship                        €

     TV                          B                            Tease                              €€€

     TV                          B                          Brand Ad                           €€€€€

    Press                       A                         Partnership                             €€

    Press                       A                        Press takeover                           €

    Press                       A                          Product ad                             €€

    Press                       B                          Product ad                         €€€€€€

               Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
In conclusion

   The MESH and the Wilkinson team
worked together at each stage along the
   way to guide the launch of Hydro

 Recommendations to switch media
   Recommendations on messaging

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Fiona Blades in Prague - Hydro case study

  • 1. A listening brand Optimising a product launch in real time MRS Brand Conference 2011 Martin Bryant - Energizer Group Limited Nathan Evans - MESH Planning
  • 2. Why are we here? To demonstrate how Experience Tracking has been used to measure the success of a challenger brand product launch.
  • 4. Biggest ever European launch 2003 2011 Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
  • 5. 3rd Presentation Launch Media Laydown 2nd Presentation 1st Presentation Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Main TVC Main TVC Main TVC 30 secs + GQ/SW + Xmas GQ/SW M1 M2 stand TV alone Promo TVC Sp Sp Press GQ Bild Online Launch XMAS Promo OOH Launch Promo Bitburger Gillette Pro Glide Launch
  • 6. The research challenge Need to be sensitive to all Ability to analyse transient campaign experiences both Online activity to help media and non-media related understand it‟s role Spontaneous responses to allow Qualitative feedback on a for accurate assessment of cut quantifiable scale through Need to measure both efficiency Need for comparative measures and effectiveness of launch traditional tracking doesn‟t media (ROI) provide One off chance to gather future learnings and scenario test hypothesis meaning we needed to be able to make changes in real-time
  • 7. The research answer – Experience Tracking Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Pre Diary Post 50 people Pre Diary Post 50 people Pre Diary Post 50 people Pre Post Questionnaire SMS Diary Questionnaire Here we capture metric scores as Here we capture metric scores to Here we ask participants to text us they have changed over the course be used as a benchmark. whenever they experience of 7 days. -Demographics anything to do with the brands we are interested in. -Consideration (Brand & Product) -Usage -Image -Consideration (Brand & Product) -Image Each experience is expanded upon -Briefing for SMS diary stage in an Online diary.
  • 8. Sample Overview Males In Germany from the ages of 18 to 35 who are currently system razor users Number of Experiences 8202 texts Number of Participants 1144 participants WWW.MESHPLANNING.COM 26th October 2010 – Reporting Period 27th Feb 2011
  • 9. Findings and applications WWW.MESHPLANNING.COM
  • 10. Product Brand Umbrella Brand Hydro Wilkinson Sword Brand Equity Econometrics Which media and message? Promotional Activity ? Usage
  • 11. Post launch day 19 Backlit posters and use of refreshing colour driving positive impressions of the new product “In a shopping area in Leipzig I saw these advert boards. The lighting really put the razors nicely on display and my feeling was very positive. The ad is very eye- catching and gives the feeling to evoke interest in the product” “Also in front of the main train station one can find the advertisement. This advertisement however fits in anywhere thanks to its pleasant and natural colour (scheme)!” Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
  • 12. Post launch day 38 Product awareness was higher than competitor during respective early weeks of launch Hydro Prompted Product awareness 70% Competitor Prompted Product awareness 60% 50% 40% 30% Campaign Optimiser 20% Umbrella Brand Poster 10% Consideration 0% Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 Week6 Week7 Week8 Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb Base: 1144 people
  • 13. Post launch day 112 When used to creatively communicate a rational promotional message poster was not as effective Poster % sample reached Poster at launch 17% Poster promotional activity (4 months post launch) 5% “Underground station in Colone (Friesenplatz), there was a poster for Bitburger.” Poster, Tram stop/station/subway, Neutral, No difference “It is an ad for Bitburger partnership with Wilkinson.” Poster, Tram stop/station/subway, Very positive, Slightly more likely to choose Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
  • 14. Post launch day 38 Online generates Hydro‟s most engaging and persuasive paid for experiences Experience Map by Touchpoint - Wilkinson Hydro (Total) n = Base: 1089 Total, 342 TV, 124 Poster/Billboard, 16 Radio, 97 Me using, 28 Conversation, 13 Newspaper, 24 Magazine, 205 In-Store, 124 Online, 56 Mailing Leaflet, 33 Me Purchasing, 6 Sampling, 4 Cinema, 17 Other 95% 85% Me using 75% Mailing leaflet Conversation Purchase Intent T2B (%) 65% Newspaper Me purchasing TV 55% Online 45% Magazine* In store 35% Poster/Billboard 25% Radio 15% 25% 35% 45% 55% 65% 75% 85% 95% Note: Bases below 20 not included Positivity T2B (%) * Base 20-29 Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
  • 15. Post launch day 52 And Online experiences are reaching a proportion of the target TV does not Total Online = 19% Total TV = 31% Just Just Online BOTH TV 6% reach 13% reach 18% reach Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb Base: 752 people
  • 16. Post launch day 52 At launch Online experiences have the biggest impact on Consideration amongst the target Mailing HYDRO TV Online TV & Online In Store Leaflet Consideration (Long Term Impact from questionnaire) Phase 1 * ** *** No Sig Effect No Sig Effect Phase 2 No Sig Effect No Sig Effect No Sig Effect No Sig Effect No Sig Effect In Phase 2, when our message changed to a more rational promotional message we no longer drove longer term brand consideration *** represents the impact on consideration (the likelihood to shift in consideration having had an experience) Source: Campaign Optimiser analysis from Questionnaire and Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
  • 17. Post launch day 52 In Phase 2 we isolate the Tag-on executions and introduce a Trial Size promotion in February Phase1 2010 Phase 2 2011 Jan Feb Strength of message could have been the issue... Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
  • 18. Post launch day 136 The downpour ad becomes more engaging and persuasive with the introduction of tag-ons TV Experience Map by Period n = Base: 239 Downpour ad solo, 172 Downpour ad + tag ons, 109 Stand alone tag ons 65% 60% Downpour ad + Purchase Intent T2B (%) 55% tag ons 50% 45% Stand alone tag Downpour ad ons 40% solo 35% Tag-ons also work well to engage 30% and persuade in isolation 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% Note: Bases below 20 not included Positivity T2B (%) * Base 20-29 Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
  • 19. Post launch day 112 We even saw „almost FREE‟ drive more persuasive experiences than „99 cents‟ despite concerns TV Experience Map - Hydro (W5-6 and Wk 7-8) n = Base: Hydro (Wk5-6) - 49 TV, Hydro (Wk7-8) - 22 TV 65% “The ad informed you that you could get the 60% razor almost for free. You were not being told though how you could get it. It got me curious how I would be able to get one.” Purchase Intent T2B (%) 55% 50% Hydro, TV, Neutral, Slightly more likely to choose Hydro Week 6 45% “Apparently one is able to test the razor "almost" for free to get to know it 40% Hydro Week 7 35% better. I am going to get more info about this.” 30% Hydro, TV, Fairly Positive, Slightly more likely to choose 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Positivity T2B (%) * Low Base under 30 Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
  • 20. Post launch day 78 CRISIS However, we sold out prior to the launch of some promotional comms... CRISIS No negative experiences relating to sell out... Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
  • 21. Post launch day 112 However, if we hadn‟t sold out, we could have benefitted from a clear call to action “Same advert. I was still curious how “The ad was pretty interesting and I would be able to get my hands on I would like to test the razor this razor for almost no money.” however there is no possibility to test and tradition dictates that I TV, Neutral, Much more likely to choose am with Gillette.” TV, Fairly positive, No Difference Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
  • 22. Post launch day 38/112 Sponsorship performed unexpectedly well and offered clear learnings for optimisation “Advert before the Simpsons “The brand could be seen on telly when TV Total's came on - well placed, it had my high dive event was on. There were inflatable plastic full attention.” razors in giant size. This was a good idea, thus it gave me a pretty positive feeling.” Gillette, TV, Fairly positive, Slightly more likely to choose Wilkinson, Hydro (razor), TV, Sponsorship, Fairly Positive, No difference “The Simpsons were sponsored again. I love the Simpsons and “I saw the TV Total [tv show] high dive. I don't know everyone who sponsors the why but it influenced me in a positive way as far as the show.” brand was concerned.” Wilkinson, Hydro (razor), TV, Sponsorship, Fairly Gillette, TV, Very positive, Much more Positive, Slightly more likely to choose WWW.MESHPLANNING.COM likely to choose Strength of umbrella Strength of product branding... branding... Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
  • 23. Post launch day 38 We also saw the opportunity to expand sponsorship through other media particularly Online “On the home page I saw a big “Side advert banner on website of advertisement on the website of newspaper "Bild" ( Very newspaper "Bild" ( It really dynamic and colourful advert” draws attention and one almost automatically looks at it” Wilkinson, Hydro (razor), Internet, Ad from brand, Fairly Positive, Slightly Wilkinson, Hydro (razor), Internet, Ad from more likely to choose brand, Fairly Positive, No difference “On the home page of newspaper "Bild" ( I saw an advertisement for the Wilkinson Hydro Shaver” Wilkinson, Hydro (razor), Internet, Ad from brand, Fairly Positive, Slightly more likely to choose
  • 24. Post launch day 112 In fact, we were able to measure efficiency at an execution level using qualitative data Touchpoint Brand Execution Cost per % point in reach Poster A Launch poster €€€ Online A Launch and xmas activity € Online A Price promo € Online B All online activity €€ TV A Brand ad €€€€ TV A Brand ad + xmas/GQ + StiWa tag ons €€€€ TV A Consumer test combination €€ TV A Call to action and price promotion €€ TV A One off sponsorship € TV B Tease €€€ WWW.MESHPLANNING.COM TV B Brand Ad €€€€€ Press A Partnership €€ Press A Press takeover € Press A Product ad €€ Press B Product ad €€€€€€ Source: Texting data from MESH tracking study 26th October – 27th Feb
  • 25. In conclusion The MESH and the Wilkinson team worked together at each stage along the way to guide the launch of Hydro providing: Reassurance WWW.MESHPLANNING.COM Recommendations to switch media Recommendations on messaging

Editor's Notes

  1. Nathan
  2. Nathan: hand over to Martin for an overview of the launch
  3. Martin : Biggest European launch ever by far...significantly larger then last big launch of the Quattro Platform in 2003. Hydro represents an entirely new technological platform that is the next big one after the Quattro family. Cover off the technology shift- Gel strip (Hydro)Trimmer Skin guards
  4. Nathan: emphasise the many different elements of the launch from messaging to mediaPlay the ad to demonstrate the tag ons
  5. Martin: from the perspective of Energizer this slide goes through the research ‘wish list’. Hopefully we can highlight the gaps in the research that you currently receive. This will set up the next slide which covers the research approach in detail.
  6. Nathan
  7. Nathan
  8. Nathan: overview of this section. Mention that the research project was a journey, throwing up new challenges and learnings along the way. Having a finger on the pulse of how our people
  9. Nathan: the trade off between brand equity and using promo activity to drive sales is always a consideration. Recent econometrics have shown that usage drives brand equity. One way to drive usage is promo activity. Therefore promo activity is key but not to the detriment of brand equity. Finding the right messages and media to drive both during the launch was a big consideration.
  10. Nathan: creative has worked to drive positive brand associations through the use of colour and the choice of back lit posters. All tying in well with the hydro brand image and product benefits. Clear signposting of the new brand also helped the new news cut through.
  11. Nathan:In fact, we drove Consideration for the Master Brand as well as maintaining higher levels of awareness at launch.
  12. Nathan: However, the message needs to be simple to cut throughMartin: applications of the research... Use of posters at launch are effective at driving awareness Messaging – simple ‘new news’ message will impact on master brand perceptions Creative – opportunity to be creative through colour and style – not through play on words and complex messages
  13. Nathan: Online was the most engaging and persuasive paid for media experience. Explain chart.
  14. Nathan: Online also adds reach making it an effective media for educating the target about the new product. A message we had already seen drive consideration fir the master brand.Martin: Online was a big consideration for Energizer for impacting on this target group. It was encouraging to see how effective it was for a product launch.
  15. Nathan: and online experiences drive consideration and increases brand equity amongst the target when we are communicating the new product.Martin: the importance for having presence in this space to reach the target, engage and persuade them and drive brand equity.
  16. Martin: introduce the issues with using the promotional tag onsNathan: we saw engagement and persuasion of the TV ad increase with the introduction of the tag ons but we were not seeing spontaneous playback of the messages. So we thought they may be overshadowed by the details of the brand message. Therefore we optimised their placement removing them from the main ad and running them separately. However, this was still not a strong enough message to cut through spontaneously – especially with Gillette launching Pro Glide. However, the change is message to the promotional ad was extremely effective at driving immediate levels of persuasion despite not impacting on longer term consideration.Martin: building brand equity through outdoor, online and TV with a simple ‘new news’ message and then replacing the message with a more rational promotion to drive immediate trial appears to be an effective strategy for the brand. However, the jury is still out on how best to use tag ons. Their effectiveness in isolation may hinge on the strength of the message
  17. Nathan:
  18. Martin: concern that the use of ‘almost free’ would not be believable.Nathan: we saw the reverse and this was the most effective and played back message of all.
  19. Martin: concern about response to being sold outNathan: no spontaneous mentions which we would have seen if there was an issue
  20. Nathan: we identified a clear need for info on where to purchase the product from which may indicate a quick win in this market for driving people closer to the actual point of purchase.Martin: this is not established in the German market and could be used for future promotional strategies
  21. Nathan: we identified sponsorship as a stand out channel through which the master brand was benefitting. However, in order to own this space branding has to be improved.Martin: maybe discuss the Simpsons ad and the lack of branding on the product and the opportunity that sponsorship offers.
  22. Nathan: Bild sponsorship was predominantly through a newspaper wrap around but it was the Online activity that really stood outMartin: opportunity for a 360 approach to sponsorship
  23. Nathan: demonstrate how we can unpick the performance of the campaign at an execution level. We can therefore look at the impact of campaign messages on driving immediate trial and/or brand equity and the trade off between the two and then we can look to see which media is the most efficient at reaching the target.
  24. Nathan