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Medical and Nutritional
Management of Feeding Disorders

            JESSICA SMITH

Medical Management
Digestion Overview:

 Gastrointestinal System: Serves to break down food
  and attain its nutrients for energy.
 Starts in the mouth, where chewing and the addition
  of saliva breaks down food and turns it into a bolus
 The bolus is then swallowed, moving through the
  pharynx and into the esophagus. The esophagus
  pushes the food through the LES and into the
Digestion Overview:

 The stomach releases acid and enzymes and churns
  the food to break it down. It then contracts to push
  the food through the pyloric sphincter and into the
  small intestine
 Moves through the small intestine and is stored in
  the large intestine until it is expelled from the body
Medical Issues with Feeding

 Gastroesophageal Reflux
 Motility
 Treatments
 Stool patterns
 Allergies
Gastroesophageal Reflux: GER

 Retrograde movement of the contents of the stomach
 into the esophagus and above
    Can manifest as violent vomiting or a “wet” burp
GER: Incidence and Prevalence

 Reflux episodes are very common in infants, many
  infants “spit up” in the first few weeks/months of life
 Parents are concerned with approximately 20% of
 However, only 1-8% of children have GERD
 80% of babies outgrow reflux in the first year of life.
Causes of GER

 Reflux develops because of the failure of one or more
  of the usual protective mechanisms of the digestive
  system or
 The failure of the clearance mechanism that should
  handle the reflux
Common Causes of GER:

 Allergies to diet
 Histal hernia/impaired esophageal clearance
 Low muscle tone
 CNS disease
 Transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations
What is harmful about GER? Where does reflux

 The most harmful part of reflux is gastric
  hydrochloric acid (HCl)
 This HCl can go to the:
    esophagus
    Lower and upper airway
    External environment
Infant GER

 Most common reasons for Infant GER include:
   Immaturity of the GE and respiratory anatomy

   Underdeveloped postural tone
      Immature muscle tone of the torso
      Often in slumped positions causing abdominal pressure,
       hypotonia is also common in preemies
    Dietary factors
      Majority liquid
      Large amount of intake in comparison to volume of stomach
      Allergies to protein’s in their diet
Pediatric GER: Common Signs and Symptoms

 Crying and Irritability
   While this may occur in children who do not have GER, it is
    one of the common signs that a child may have refulx
 Arching
   Again, may occur in children who do not have GER, however is
    a common occurrence in those who do
 Regurgitation
   The most prominent symptom of reflux in pediatrics

 Refusal feedings
   Occurs in ~50% of those with esophagitis
Pediatric GER: Common Signs and Symptoms

 Sandifer’s Syndrome
   An exaggerated form of “arching”, often involves neck
 Gagging and Choking
   A classic symptom of GER, as liquid nears the airway
Clinical Signs of GER

 Oral-Nasal Cavity:
   Bad breath: acid/formula breath

   Gagging, oral defensiveness, sensory issures

   Runny nose, chronic nasal blockage, sinus infection

   Dental problems, tooth enamel erosion

   Ear pain/ear infections

   Increased drooling/salivation

   snoring
Clinical Signs of GER

 Larynx/Pharynx
   Dysphagia, “lump in throat”, choking

   Subglottic stenosis, apnea, bronchospasms, laryngospasms

   Throat clearing, hoarse voice, laryngitis

   Hiccups, audible swallow
Clinical Signs of GER

 Lungs
   Pulmonary compromise

   Chronic cough, wheezing, stridor

   Pneumonia, asthma, congestion, bronchitis

   Recurrent croup

 Stomach:
   Recurrent vomiting during and after meals, spitting up

   Hemetemesis

   Esophagitis, esophageal stricture, ulcers, bleeding, webs
Clinical Signs of GER

 Weight Issues
   Failure to thrive, malnutrition

 Eating
   Stress signals

   Behavioral issues

 Pain
   Excessive crying/irritability during and after meals

   Pain, heartburn, chest pain, stomach pain
How often do GER symptoms arise?

 Can be everyday, or rare
 Tend to be more prevalent during times of illness
  and stress
 Poor diet can exacerbate symptoms
Motility Disorders

 Motility is the movement of the digestive system and
 by this process the movement of food through the
 digestive system

 When one part of the digestive system is not
 functioning properly for whatever reason, a motility
 disorder can occur
Motility Disorders

 Generally a physiological problem, or an issue in the
  way the body (in this case digestive system) works, as
  opposed to a specific structure or cause
 Occurs when the stomach does not contract as often
  and does so with less power, causing food to stay in
  the stomach longer
Evaluation of GER

 May subjectively assess feeding disorders/GER with:
   Medical history

   Posturing, other signs of disress

   Ear infections

   Frequent swallows after feeding

   Diet diary

   Caregiver behavior during/about meals

   Nutrition/development

   Feeding schedules

   Food aversions

   Sleep patterns
Evaluation of GER

 Objective Assessments
   Barium Swallow/upper GI

   MBSS if backflow enters larynx and above

   pH probe

   Endoscopy

   Scintigraphy

   manometry
Treatment of GER

 Goal of treatment is to eliminate pain and reduce
 Treatment can be divided into three categories:
    1. Conservative Measures
    2. Pharmacotherapy
    3. Surgical therapy
Conservative Measures

 Postural Approaches
 Dietary Approaches
 Soothing Techniques
 Avoiding exposure to smoke

 Types of medications given:
   Antacids

   Histamine H2 receptor blockers

   Prokinetics

   Proton pump inhibitors

   Appetite stimulants

   Pain management

   Constipation management
Surgical Intervention

 Most popular procedure is a Nissenfundoplication
   Many side affects

   Re-occurence rat: 3-40% after 4-9 years

   Most drastic for of intervention,

  only recommended for cases in
  which other treatment options are unsuccessful.
   Often used for patients with:
    issues relating to GER affecting breathing (aspiration and apnea)
    Erosive esophagitis
    High risk groups including cystic fibrosis and children with
     neurologic impairments
Up and coming treatments for GER:

 EsophyX
 Melatonin
 Gastric pacing
 Baclofen
 Acupuncture
 New Medications
 Durasphere
Nutritional Management
What is nutrition?

 Nutrition:The science or study that deals with
 food and nourishment in the body

 Calories: unit of measurement of energy with
 which you eat

 Nutrients: a chemical that an organism needs to
 live and grow
    6 types:
        Carbohydrates, fats, minerals, proteins, vitamins, and water
Normal Feeding Development

 Milk/formula: birth to 4 months
    Sucking/suckling

 Purees - 4-6 months
    Midline tongue patterns

 Mashed foods: 6-10 months

 Chopped foods: 12 months
    Vertical chewing and rotary

 Regular rotary chewing: 2-3 years
Nutrition Screenings
 Identifies children who are
 at risk for nutritional

 Weight, height, head
 circumference, and
 weight-height ratio is

 Helps determine acute and
 chronic nutritional status

 Gives a “standard” to go by
Screening Measurements

 Head circumference is especially important during
  the first 2-3 years when rapid brain growth occurs;
  usually only effected in chronic severe
 Height for children under 2 to 3 years are measured
  in supine position
 Weight-height percentage is more meaningful than
  weight at this age.
 Weight of premature babies should be taken daily to
  keep track of fluid balance
Nutritional Needs

 Breast milk is the optimal source of nutrition for
    healthy infants for first 6 months
         Helps with immunity
 Protein requirements are high at birth because of rapid
    rate of growth, decrease with time over first year
   Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) and Reference
    Dietary I (RDI) can be used to look at nutritional needs
    of healthy people
   Usual intake of food for infants is 150 to 200
   Energy requirements are determined by size, age,
    gender, physical activity, and rate of growth
   For premature infants, the amount of calories, protein,
    and fluids is highly variable and depends on the
    specific case
Types of Infant Formulas

 Breast milk
 Milk based formulas
 Lactose free formulas
 Milk based which thickens in the stomach
 Soy based formula
 Synthetic protein
 Hydrolyzed whey- fast absorbing
 Hydrolyzed casein protein- absorbed directly into
 the intestine
Nutritional Assessment

 Looks at anthropometic measurements, dietary
  history, clinical findings, biochemical profile, feeding
  skills development, and observations of behavior
  with caregiver
 History:
    3 day diary of all food and liquid consumed
      Time and duration of feedings
      Problems with eating and feeding
      Physical activity recorded for caloric intake and energy
       expenditure can be calculated

 Defined: loss of body composition, particularly fat
 and proteins, which can be prevented or reversed by
 nutritional repletion
    primary type: inadequacies and imbalances in the quantity or
     quality of foods consumed
    Secondary type: produced by disease and disability
 Failure to Thrive (FTT)- infants and children who
 fail to grow as expected based on normal growth
 patterns (not an accepted medical term)
Feeding problems may come from:

 Uncoordination of suck/swallow/breathe sequencing
 Developmental delay
 Anatomic abnormalities
 Health issues
 Misconceptions of appropriate feeding
Alternative Routes to Feeding

 Enteral feedings- utilize the GI tract
       Preferred over parenteral feeds

 Parenteral feedings- provide nutrients directly into
 the bloodstream and bypass the GI tract
Alternative Routes to Feeding

 Orogastric (OG) tube- small flexible tube inserted through the
  mouth into the stomach; used for premature infants

 Nasogastric (NG) tube- small, flexible tube inserted through
  the nose into the stomach

 Jejunostomy (JT)- Surgical creation of an opening to the
  middle portion of the small intestine (jejunum), through the
  abdominal wall

 Gastrostomy tube (GT)- a surgeon makes an opening
  through the skin, abdominal wall and stomach wall, then puts
  into the opening a tube, or a small porthole-like device that has
  an opening at skin level

 Parenteral- way of delivering nutrition through peripheral veins
  when the gastrointestinal tract is nonfunctional and must be
  bypassed for a variety of reasons
OG Tube Pros and Cons

 Pros:
  No surgery needed
  Usually for short period of time

  Low risks

   -Irritation or discomfort in esophagus
   -partial blockage of airway
   -decreased suck/swallow mechanism
   -Potential perforation of the esophagus or the
NG Tube may be used for many reasons:

 administering nutrients or medication
 removing liquids or air from the stomach
 adding contrast to the stomach for x-rays
 protecting the bowel after surgery or during bowel
Why Jejunal Tube?

 used for children who cannot use their upper GI tract
 because of:
    congenital anomalies
    GI surgery
    immature or inadequate gastric motility
    severe gastric reflux
    a high risk of aspiration
Cons to Jejunal Tubes

 difficult to position and may dislodge or relocate
 require continuous drip feeding which results in
  limited patient mobility and decreased ability to lead
  a "normal" life
 carry a greater risk of formula intolerance, which
  may lead to nausea, diarrhea, and cramps
What are the advantages of a G Tube?

 The ability to provide additional food and calories.
 No nasogastric tubes are needed-no more tape issues
 Less time spent giving feedings
 Feedings can be done at night when child is asleep
 Does not interfere with daily activities
 Less chance of child spitting up
 Less chance of tube coming out
 Tube is easy to replace.
What are the disadvantages of a G Tube?

 Become infected
 Leak
 Irritated
 Malfunction
 Dependent
 Oral problems, lack of stimulation to oral cavity
 Vomiting
 Diarrhea
Types of Feeds with G Tube

 Continuous: Over an extended time period feedings are
  given by a pump at a slow rate. An example would be
  30cc per hour for 24 hours.
 Bolus: A larger amount of feeding is given 3-6 times per
  day. Sometimes given by a pump over a certain amount
  of time (one hour) or simply allowed to run into the
  stomach by gravity using a roller clamp to slow down
  flow as necessary.
 Direct: Direct feeds are given with the feeding set
  hooked directly into the gastrostomy tube.
 Chimney: given by dripping the feeding into a vent that
  is attached to the gastrostomy tube.
Things to think about when tube feeding

 an important consideration in tube feeding is the
  family's ability and willingness to carry out the tube
  feeding program
 Concerns include:
    the availability and cost of equipment and formula
    home sanitation and family hygiene
    family support systems
    other psychosocial factors
Transitioning to Oral Feeds

 When tube is present, work on oral stimulation. Child
  needs to learn to associate feelings in mouth with
  feeling full in the stomach
 Questions to ask yourself:
    Is the child safe to feed?
    How are their oral skills?
    Has the medical condition for which the child had tube placed
     been corrected?
    Are the parent and child ready to transition?
    Do they have time to devote to transitioning?
 Promote hunger, follow a schedule of normalization
 Decrease calorie intake by tube
 Take small steps
Oral Stimulation Importance

 Nonnutritive sucking should be encouraged for those
  unable to eat orally
 Many children in these situations lose interest and
  skill for oral feeds, could cause feeding problems
  later in life
 For most infants, sucking is comforting. Babies on
  tube feedings benefit from use of a pacifier during
  feedings to stimulate the lips, gums and tongue. As
  the child grows, the child should have other
  opportunities to chew or suck. Oral stimulation will
  promote normal growth and development.

Arvedson, J. C., & Brodsky, L. (2002). Pediatric wallowing and feeding: Assessment
  and management. (2 ed., pp. 187-276). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.

Gastrostomytube placement. (2011, May 18). Retrieved from

Hao, G. (2012). Nutritional Management. Retrieved from North Carolina Central
  University Blackboad.

Technical aspects of enteral feeding. (2007, March 20). Retrieved from

Tube feeding for children. (2008). Retrieved from

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  • 1. Medical and Nutritional Management of Feeding Disorders KRISTEN WESTBROOK JESSICA SMITH 6/26/2012
  • 3. Digestion Overview:  Gastrointestinal System: Serves to break down food and attain its nutrients for energy.  Starts in the mouth, where chewing and the addition of saliva breaks down food and turns it into a bolus  The bolus is then swallowed, moving through the pharynx and into the esophagus. The esophagus pushes the food through the LES and into the stomach
  • 4. Digestion Overview:  The stomach releases acid and enzymes and churns the food to break it down. It then contracts to push the food through the pyloric sphincter and into the small intestine  Moves through the small intestine and is stored in the large intestine until it is expelled from the body
  • 5. Medical Issues with Feeding  Gastroesophageal Reflux  Motility  Treatments  Stool patterns  Allergies
  • 6. Gastroesophageal Reflux: GER  Retrograde movement of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus and above  Can manifest as violent vomiting or a “wet” burp
  • 7. GER: Incidence and Prevalence  Reflux episodes are very common in infants, many infants “spit up” in the first few weeks/months of life  Parents are concerned with approximately 20% of infants  However, only 1-8% of children have GERD  80% of babies outgrow reflux in the first year of life.
  • 8. Causes of GER  Reflux develops because of the failure of one or more of the usual protective mechanisms of the digestive system or  The failure of the clearance mechanism that should handle the reflux
  • 9. Common Causes of GER:  Allergies to diet  Histal hernia/impaired esophageal clearance  Low muscle tone  CNS disease  Transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations
  • 10. What is harmful about GER? Where does reflux go?  The most harmful part of reflux is gastric hydrochloric acid (HCl)  This HCl can go to the:  esophagus  Lower and upper airway  External environment
  • 11. Infant GER  Most common reasons for Infant GER include:  Immaturity of the GE and respiratory anatomy  Underdeveloped postural tone  Immature muscle tone of the torso  Often in slumped positions causing abdominal pressure, hypotonia is also common in preemies  Dietary factors  Majority liquid  Large amount of intake in comparison to volume of stomach  Allergies to protein’s in their diet
  • 12. Pediatric GER: Common Signs and Symptoms  Crying and Irritability  While this may occur in children who do not have GER, it is one of the common signs that a child may have refulx  Arching  Again, may occur in children who do not have GER, however is a common occurrence in those who do  Regurgitation  The most prominent symptom of reflux in pediatrics  Refusal feedings  Occurs in ~50% of those with esophagitis
  • 13. Pediatric GER: Common Signs and Symptoms  Sandifer’s Syndrome  An exaggerated form of “arching”, often involves neck hyperextension  Gagging and Choking  A classic symptom of GER, as liquid nears the airway
  • 14. Clinical Signs of GER  Oral-Nasal Cavity:  Bad breath: acid/formula breath  Gagging, oral defensiveness, sensory issures  Runny nose, chronic nasal blockage, sinus infection  Dental problems, tooth enamel erosion  Ear pain/ear infections  Increased drooling/salivation  snoring
  • 15. Clinical Signs of GER  Larynx/Pharynx  Dysphagia, “lump in throat”, choking  Subglottic stenosis, apnea, bronchospasms, laryngospasms  Throat clearing, hoarse voice, laryngitis  Hiccups, audible swallow
  • 16. Clinical Signs of GER  Lungs  Pulmonary compromise  Chronic cough, wheezing, stridor  Pneumonia, asthma, congestion, bronchitis  Recurrent croup  Stomach:  Recurrent vomiting during and after meals, spitting up  Hemetemesis  Esophagitis, esophageal stricture, ulcers, bleeding, webs
  • 17. Clinical Signs of GER  Weight Issues  Failure to thrive, malnutrition  Eating  Stress signals  Behavioral issues  Pain  Excessive crying/irritability during and after meals  Pain, heartburn, chest pain, stomach pain
  • 18. How often do GER symptoms arise?  Can be everyday, or rare  Tend to be more prevalent during times of illness and stress  Poor diet can exacerbate symptoms
  • 19. Motility Disorders  Motility is the movement of the digestive system and by this process the movement of food through the digestive system  When one part of the digestive system is not functioning properly for whatever reason, a motility disorder can occur
  • 20. Motility Disorders  Generally a physiological problem, or an issue in the way the body (in this case digestive system) works, as opposed to a specific structure or cause  Occurs when the stomach does not contract as often and does so with less power, causing food to stay in the stomach longer
  • 21. Evaluation of GER  May subjectively assess feeding disorders/GER with:  Medical history  Posturing, other signs of disress  Ear infections  Frequent swallows after feeding  Diet diary  Caregiver behavior during/about meals  Nutrition/development  Feeding schedules  Food aversions  Sleep patterns
  • 22. Evaluation of GER  Objective Assessments  Barium Swallow/upper GI  MBSS if backflow enters larynx and above  pH probe  Endoscopy  Scintigraphy  manometry
  • 23. Treatment of GER  Goal of treatment is to eliminate pain and reduce acid  Treatment can be divided into three categories:  1. Conservative Measures  2. Pharmacotherapy  3. Surgical therapy
  • 24. Conservative Measures  Postural Approaches  Dietary Approaches  Soothing Techniques  Avoiding exposure to smoke
  • 25. Pharmacotherapy  Types of medications given:  Antacids  Histamine H2 receptor blockers  Prokinetics  Proton pump inhibitors  Appetite stimulants  Pain management  Constipation management
  • 26. Surgical Intervention  Most popular procedure is a Nissenfundoplication  Many side affects  Re-occurence rat: 3-40% after 4-9 years  Most drastic for of intervention, only recommended for cases in which other treatment options are unsuccessful.  Often used for patients with:  issues relating to GER affecting breathing (aspiration and apnea)  Erosive esophagitis  High risk groups including cystic fibrosis and children with neurologic impairments
  • 27. Up and coming treatments for GER:  EsophyX  Melatonin  Gastric pacing  Baclofen  Acupuncture  New Medications  Durasphere
  • 29. What is nutrition?  Nutrition:The science or study that deals with food and nourishment in the body  Calories: unit of measurement of energy with which you eat  Nutrients: a chemical that an organism needs to live and grow  6 types:  Carbohydrates, fats, minerals, proteins, vitamins, and water
  • 30. Normal Feeding Development  Milk/formula: birth to 4 months  Sucking/suckling  Purees - 4-6 months  Midline tongue patterns  Mashed foods: 6-10 months  Chopped foods: 12 months  Vertical chewing and rotary  Regular rotary chewing: 2-3 years
  • 31. Nutrition Screenings  Identifies children who are at risk for nutritional problems  Weight, height, head circumference, and weight-height ratio is measured  Helps determine acute and chronic nutritional status  Gives a “standard” to go by
  • 32. Screening Measurements  Head circumference is especially important during the first 2-3 years when rapid brain growth occurs; usually only effected in chronic severe undernutrition  Height for children under 2 to 3 years are measured in supine position  Weight-height percentage is more meaningful than weight at this age.  Weight of premature babies should be taken daily to keep track of fluid balance
  • 33. Nutritional Needs  Breast milk is the optimal source of nutrition for healthy infants for first 6 months  Helps with immunity  Protein requirements are high at birth because of rapid rate of growth, decrease with time over first year  Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) and Reference Dietary I (RDI) can be used to look at nutritional needs of healthy people  Usual intake of food for infants is 150 to 200 ml/kg/day  Energy requirements are determined by size, age, gender, physical activity, and rate of growth  For premature infants, the amount of calories, protein, and fluids is highly variable and depends on the specific case
  • 34. Types of Infant Formulas  Breast milk  Milk based formulas  Lactose free formulas  Milk based which thickens in the stomach  Soy based formula  Synthetic protein  Hydrolyzed whey- fast absorbing  Hydrolyzed casein protein- absorbed directly into the intestine
  • 35. Nutritional Assessment  Looks at anthropometic measurements, dietary history, clinical findings, biochemical profile, feeding skills development, and observations of behavior with caregiver  History:  3 day diary of all food and liquid consumed  Time and duration of feedings  Problems with eating and feeding  Physical activity recorded for caloric intake and energy expenditure can be calculated
  • 36. Malnutrition  Defined: loss of body composition, particularly fat and proteins, which can be prevented or reversed by nutritional repletion  primary type: inadequacies and imbalances in the quantity or quality of foods consumed  Secondary type: produced by disease and disability  Failure to Thrive (FTT)- infants and children who fail to grow as expected based on normal growth patterns (not an accepted medical term)
  • 37. Feeding problems may come from:  Uncoordination of suck/swallow/breathe sequencing  Developmental delay  Anatomic abnormalities  Health issues  Misconceptions of appropriate feeding
  • 38. Alternative Routes to Feeding  Enteral feedings- utilize the GI tract  Preferred over parenteral feeds  Parenteral feedings- provide nutrients directly into the bloodstream and bypass the GI tract
  • 39. Alternative Routes to Feeding  Orogastric (OG) tube- small flexible tube inserted through the mouth into the stomach; used for premature infants  Nasogastric (NG) tube- small, flexible tube inserted through the nose into the stomach  Jejunostomy (JT)- Surgical creation of an opening to the middle portion of the small intestine (jejunum), through the abdominal wall  Gastrostomy tube (GT)- a surgeon makes an opening through the skin, abdominal wall and stomach wall, then puts into the opening a tube, or a small porthole-like device that has an opening at skin level  Parenteral- way of delivering nutrition through peripheral veins when the gastrointestinal tract is nonfunctional and must be bypassed for a variety of reasons
  • 40. OG Tube Pros and Cons  Pros:  No surgery needed  Usually for short period of time  Low risks •Cons: -Irritation or discomfort in esophagus -partial blockage of airway -decreased suck/swallow mechanism -Potential perforation of the esophagus or the stomach
  • 41. NG Tube may be used for many reasons:  administering nutrients or medication  removing liquids or air from the stomach  adding contrast to the stomach for x-rays  protecting the bowel after surgery or during bowel rest
  • 42. Why Jejunal Tube?  used for children who cannot use their upper GI tract because of:  congenital anomalies  GI surgery  immature or inadequate gastric motility  severe gastric reflux  a high risk of aspiration
  • 43. Cons to Jejunal Tubes  difficult to position and may dislodge or relocate  require continuous drip feeding which results in limited patient mobility and decreased ability to lead a "normal" life  carry a greater risk of formula intolerance, which may lead to nausea, diarrhea, and cramps
  • 44. What are the advantages of a G Tube?  The ability to provide additional food and calories.  No nasogastric tubes are needed-no more tape issues  Less time spent giving feedings  Feedings can be done at night when child is asleep  Does not interfere with daily activities  Less chance of child spitting up  Less chance of tube coming out  Tube is easy to replace.
  • 45. What are the disadvantages of a G Tube?  Become infected  Leak  Irritated  Malfunction  Dependent  Oral problems, lack of stimulation to oral cavity  Vomiting  Diarrhea
  • 46. Types of Feeds with G Tube  Continuous: Over an extended time period feedings are given by a pump at a slow rate. An example would be 30cc per hour for 24 hours.  Bolus: A larger amount of feeding is given 3-6 times per day. Sometimes given by a pump over a certain amount of time (one hour) or simply allowed to run into the stomach by gravity using a roller clamp to slow down flow as necessary.  Direct: Direct feeds are given with the feeding set hooked directly into the gastrostomy tube.  Chimney: given by dripping the feeding into a vent that is attached to the gastrostomy tube.
  • 47. Things to think about when tube feeding  an important consideration in tube feeding is the family's ability and willingness to carry out the tube feeding program  Concerns include:  the availability and cost of equipment and formula  home sanitation and family hygiene  family support systems  other psychosocial factors
  • 48. Transitioning to Oral Feeds  When tube is present, work on oral stimulation. Child needs to learn to associate feelings in mouth with feeling full in the stomach  Questions to ask yourself:  Is the child safe to feed?  How are their oral skills?  Has the medical condition for which the child had tube placed been corrected?  Are the parent and child ready to transition?  Do they have time to devote to transitioning?  Promote hunger, follow a schedule of normalization  Decrease calorie intake by tube  Take small steps
  • 49. Oral Stimulation Importance  Nonnutritive sucking should be encouraged for those unable to eat orally  Many children in these situations lose interest and skill for oral feeds, could cause feeding problems later in life  For most infants, sucking is comforting. Babies on tube feedings benefit from use of a pacifier during feedings to stimulate the lips, gums and tongue. As the child grows, the child should have other opportunities to chew or suck. Oral stimulation will promote normal growth and development.
  • 50. References Arvedson, J. C., & Brodsky, L. (2002). Pediatric wallowing and feeding: Assessment and management. (2 ed., pp. 187-276). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning. Gastrostomytube placement. (2011, May 18). Retrieved from edu/pediatric/clinical/physician_content/procedures/gastrostomy_tube.shtml Hao, G. (2012). Nutritional Management. Retrieved from North Carolina Central University Blackboad. Technical aspects of enteral feeding. (2007, March 20). Retrieved from Tube feeding for children. (2008). Retrieved from

Editor's Notes

  1. Diets-soy or cow’s milk allergies
  2. Regurgitation—most common in pediatrics, while heartburn is most common in adults
  3. Increased drooling/salivation—”waterbrash”
  4. Behavioral issues: averse feeding patterns, refusal, picky eating, avoiding foods/food groups, fear of eating, textures and volume limitationsOther issues: anemia, sweating/dizzyness, headaches, bradycardia
  5. Causes: diabetes, scar tissue, viral infections, some meds, GERD, smooth muscle disorders, nervous system disease, metabolic disordersSymptoms: heartburn, pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting of undigested food (often hours after a meal), feeling of fullness after only a few bites of food, weight loss due to poor caloric intake, abdominal bloating, poor appetite, stomach spasms
  6. Postural approaches: avoiding seated position, infant should be vertical or prone, 30 degree bed elevation, left side down Dietary-smaller, more frequent meals, thickening formula, type of formula Tube feedings: slows rate of feeding, continuous feedings, g-tube bypasses esophagus if this is where the problem liesSoothing techniques: swaddling, movement, distraction, loose clothing, white noise