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Final Practicum Portfolio

                         Pilar Escalona Requena
                     English Pedagogy Practicum
        María Isabel Vásquez / Rodrigo González
                                   Evening class


1 General Content..............................................................................................................4

          1.2 Reading Articles.................................................................................................4
          1.3 Pedagogical Artifacts / Reflective Writing..........................................................6
          1.4 School Information...........................................................................................10
           Team Teaching Stage..........................................................................................13
           Class and Orientation Report...............................................................................15
           Teachers Meeting.................................................................................................16
          1.5 Unit plans and lesson plans.............................................................................17
          1.6 Learning material.............................................................................................18
          1.7 Evaluation Instruments....................................................................................18

Cumulative works............................................................................................................25

2 Evaluation......................................................................................................................26

          2.2 Teacher Evaluation..........................................................................................26
          2.3 Self evaluation.................................................................................................26
          2.4 Peer evaluation................................................................................................26


       For the last few months of this semester I began one of the
final steps for my teaching career; I put on my teacher’s shoes
and I met a group of nine students who would turned out to be my
first class as an English teacher.

      This portfolio gathers information about this final step;
personal and professional situations that occur while I was
teaching at Pan American College in Viña del Mar; it contains
reflections, evaluations and feedback about this process; and the
work carried out during these three months of learning and

     This is the final practicum of my career, but it is the beginning
of my professional life.

1 General Content

     1.2Reading Articles

Lessons Should Be Learner-Centered

“With English language learners, the temptation to have a teacher-centered classroom
arises because the perception is that the teacher has the English proficiency the
students nee. Therefore, all knowledge must come from the teacher. However, it is
important to remember that English language learners are not deficient just because
they do not speak English. They bring a rich and varied background of experiences and
talent to the classroom. Teachers who follow principles for success find ways to use
their students’ knowledge, including their first language and culture, even when the
students do not speak English.”

This is an extract taking from the book “ESL/EFL Teaching. Principles for Success”
chapter four, page 90. Authors Yvonne S. Freeman and David E. Freeman.

Watch and Learn videos: Weta Learning Media

Looking for spelling materials online, I found you tube videos called “Watch and Learn”.
These videos are filmed inside the classroom and they captured effective techniques for
English teaching.

One of these videos is:

These videos are part of WETA Learning Media. Weta has created and sustained four
award-winning educational multimedia services, such as Reading Rockets; Colorín
Colorado;; LD Online.

In You Tube these videos are found in the following link:


High Expectations

"When I talk about expectations with my students, they need to know it's not about a
battle with me or a score on a math test; it's about the rest of their lives. Every little
piece is a stepping stone to where they are going. Where will that turn out to be? The
reality is that their options tomorrow will be determined by what they can take from
school today.
Like it or not, they are taking everything I can give them."

This is an extract taking from the article “Creating a Culture of High Expectations” by the
author Cynthia Farmer.

Differentiated Instruction (DI)

“There are generally several students in any classroom who are working below or above
grade level and these levels of readiness will vary between different subjects in school.
It is important to offer students learning tasks that are appropriate to their learning needs
rather than just to the grade and subject being taught. This means providing 3 or 4
different options for students in any given class (not 35 different options). Readiness
(ability), learning styles and interest vary between students and even within an individual
over time. In a differentiated classroom all students have equally engaging learning

This is an extract taking from the website “Enhance Learning with Technology” by P.


      1.3Pedagogical Artifacts / Reflective Writing

Observation stage

I. Introduction
• What do you think the cartoon provided below is illustrating? Why? Answer briefly.

Misinformation. People who prefers to receive information from TV and the media, and
not check the reality of things by themselves. It is not necessary for them to look for
information, these are people who doesn’t questions what happens outside walls; to me
their opinion of things is not meaningful.

II. Reflective writing

• Taking into account the information you collected during the observation stage,

1. Reflect on the importance of the initial observation period in final practicum.

It is a very important stage; during this time we have the chance to meet the students,
their interests, background, knowledge and personality. With this information we can
create our lessons thinking about the students, and motivate them with matter of their

2. Refer to the observed issues in assigned school, and explain if these issues caused a
change on the expectations you had about this particular period.

One important issue is that the administration of the school is not taking serious by the
students. At one occasion three students arrived one hour late to class, and when asked
for a pass they decided to stay out in the schoolyard. The school inspectors did not took
matter in hands, and the students were allowed to stay out of class, hanging around in
the schoolyard. The lack of authority in the school causes problems between the student
and the teacher. For the teachers is not meaningful to call the roll or to annotate the
students because there are not consequences for bad behavior. I think school

administration is of importance to maintain order in the school.

3. How did you feel? Provide one example you consider most relevant to support your

During my time as an observer I felt welcomed. The students were glad and excited for
a change. They asked several times when I was starting as a teacher, I felt comfortable
and eager to start with my classes and make them more interesting and motivating for

Team teaching stage

I. Introduction

I was asked to do a test and a graded activity for the students. The content of these
activities was primarily grammar, and the students were learning it for only two classes.
The students were highly challenged with the activities I created, even so, they worked
individually and a few students worked together and they completed the activities with
no major problems.

II. Reflective writing

For what I observed in the first stages of the practicum, the students of this class were
not considered to be excellent students, due to they are in the lowest level of English.
They were not challenged by their teacher and their classes were mostly daily life
conversations. When I started doing my team teaching stage I informed the teacher
about the activities I wanted to do in my teaching stage, but his answer was “that is too
hard for these students, they will not able to do it”. With the first activities I created for
the class I was able to see that the students can do it, they are just not challenged
enough and they stay on a “lazy stage” through out the class.

For what I have red and seen in different educational websites, teachers need to
develop academic language and literacy. Teachers need to be committed to high
expectations and high standards for all students. Teachers need to show students how
to face change; life; difficulties; education; and how to face success. Provide them
opportunities for real academic language.

"No one rises to low expectations,"...

Teaching stage

I.     Introduction

On the second week of November I arrived to school, signed my folder and walked to
the class. On the schoolyard there is a stage that blocks the entrance to the English
class, there are also numerous students outside their classrooms; I walked across the
yard and enter the English class through a second entrance. In the class the students
and the teacher stand in a circle talking. I enter the classroom to begin the lesson for the
day but the teacher stops me. There is a strike in the school. The stage in the yard was
to perform a goodbye ceremony to the students from 4th year of high school. An incident
happened and the ceremony did not take place; the teachers decided not to teach and
the students not to enter classes. The English class was in their classroom talking about
the events and people who may cause the strike; this conversation lasted all 45 minutes.
There were no classes that day.

II. Reflective writing

This event was highly uncommon, during my teaching stage and as an ex-student from
this school I can say that this situation never happened before. A possible strike and a
day without classes in the school reflect the changes that the establishment has gone
through, and how different the students from these times differ from the students from
10 years ago. Situations do happen inside schools and classrooms, which may end up
in a day without teaching.
The conversation that took place inside the English class reveals how the students feel
about the school, its teachers and administrators. It was clear for me that they do not
whish to study and that they do not feel respect for adults.
I was able to see the changes of the students and teachers and only in a period of 10
years. This event helped me realized that I am going to be a teacher of teenagers but
they certainly do not think as I did when I was 16.

1.4School Information

School: Pan American College

Address: Avenida 1 norte #2065

City: Viña del Mar

School’s Phone number: 2670275

Grade: 3º medio


Monday: 12:00 - 12:45

Tuesday: 15:15 - 16:00

Wednesday: 12:45 - 13:30 / 13:30 - 14:15

Thursday: 11:00 - 11:45

Friday: 10:15 - 11:00

Guide Teacher’s Name: Fernando Pizarro

Guide Teacher’s E-mail Address:

Guide Teacher’s Phone Number: 92822463

Observation Stage Report

Task 1: The School and Learning Environment

Name of student: Pilar Escalona Requena
Name of School: Pan American College
Number of students: 9
Date: September 30, 2009
Class: 3º m

1. The school:

Pan American College is located in 1 North Avenue # 2065, Viña del Mar. Their
founders are Mr. Hector Soazo and Madam Nelda Rojas de Soazo. The school starts its
educational activities in the year 1960. In 1969, the first generation of students
graduates from the school, marking an important step in the history of the school. Until
this date, twenty six generations of students have graduated from the school.

The school offers students incorporation since kindergarten up to high school. Students
that want to be a member of the school have to take a Language test, an English test,
and a Math test. They also have to give a personal interview, and have a general annual
grade of 5,5 or more.

The general formation of the students is to:
• Develop artistic, scientific and sporty abilities and aptitudes.
• Orientate their values towards respect, responsibility, honesty, tolerance and solidarity.
• Develop their self-esteem, creativity and capacity to solve everyday issues and

The school offers extracurricular activities, such as swimming, basketball, soccer, choir,
instrumental music, catechism and psycho-pedagogy.

Pan American College is an English school, therefore, English is taught since
kindergarten. Since 11 grade, English is divided into three levels, being level one the
lowest; according to their grades, the students are placed in each level. In elementary
school the students have fours hours of English peer week; and in high school the
students have six hours of English peer week.

In the year 2002, the school incorporates itself to the Jornada Escolar Completa Diurna
(JECD); and in 2003 it adopts a subsidize modality.

The organization of the school includes a supporter; finances; the principal;
administration and secretary; inspector; UTP; teachers; orientation; assistants;
representatives; parents; CCPP; CCAA; and students.

Pan American College seeks to form children and youngsters with proper academic
preparation and with solid ethic and moral values which allows them to be creative and
autonomous, with a positive self-esteem ables to incorporate themselves into superior
studies and ables to successfully manage themselves in our society.

2. The classroom

The classroom is located in the oldest building of the school. It is used for English class
(level 1) and for extracurricular activities. The classroom remains looked after class; the
English teacher and the inspector have the key, and are the only ones who are allowed
to open it. Since it is an old classroom, it is not impeccable; it has a broken window,
holes on the wall, and a cracked whiteboard. The students seat on individual chairs and
usually around the teacher’s table. It is poorly equipped; it does not have a clock or a
whiteboard eraser.
The students do not feel engaged, they do not take their English book with them to the
class, they rarely bring classroom materials, such as pencils, erasers and paper; they
rarely write on their notebooks. They do not study for tests; they are always late for

3. The activities & resources

a) The teacher uses the English book for every activity. He usually explains an activity of
the book for the students to complete; or he writes and activity from the teacher’s book
on the whiteboard, and the students have to complete it on their notebooks. After
completing the activity the students give their notebooks to the teacher and he checks
the answers. The book used for this class is Blockbuster US 3 by Express Publishing.
Usually one activity covers the entire hour.
b) The resources the school has are English dictionaries, a datashow, a computer lab,
TV, DVD and a radio. At this moment the datashow is not working. When I asked about
technology usage for English teaching, my guide teacher told me that the computer lab it
is not in its best conditions, therefore it is not advisable to use. Paper is also an issue,
due to it is only for tests and not for activities, therefore my guide teacher only uses the
whiteboard and the English book for classroom activities.

Task 2: Student’s learning

1. The learners
The students are in the lowest level of English, therefore it is not a meaningful subject
for them; they do not feel motivated because for them English I is a relaxing time in their
schedule. The students have to be explained several times a subject or an activity
because they don’t pay attention, thus they prefer the teacher to do most of their work
asking him to do the exercises as examples.

2. Behavior during classroom activities
There are not any students with special needs. The students are encouraged only when
there is an extra point for a test, or a grade involved. For managing issues and
motivating the students, the teacher talks to them regularly about respect, responsibility
and their future studies at the university and the importance their school grades has for
their next studies.

3. Discuss the learning styles and levels of English in the classroom.

Observation scale:

Observations clear & well informed: not observed
Demonstrates understanding of social and educational factors: medium
Objective & factual information: Not observed
Evidence of active search of information: low
Use of English expression clear: low

Team Teaching Stage

Name of student: Pilar Escalona Requena

Name of School: Pan American College

Date: September 30 2009

Task Nº1: Collaboration activities

1. What kind of activity did you perform the first time you were asked for help? How long
did it take?
I was asked to bring two worksheets about Relative Pronouns. I had to explain the use
of who, which and whose. Later I explained the activities of each worksheet. After the
students finished the activities I checked the answers, and help them clarify doubts and
mistakes. These activities took one hour.

2. What were the students doing before you started helping out?
I started the class with these activities, thus the students were just arriving to the

3. How did the students react? Describe the atmosphere of the room and the levels of
engagement in the room.
The students didn’t have a different reaction with me; they knew it was my time to help
the teacher, thus the atmosphere did not change. They followed my instructions and
completed the activity, asking me doubts along the process.

4. What other assignments were asked you to do? How often?
I was only asked to do a graded activity for the following class.
5. Were you asked to prepare any kind of special audio visual material learning material
for the students? Were they used? How effective were they?
No, I wasn’t asked to work with technology.

Task 2: Lesson Planning

Answer the following questions and explain how you planned the learning activities for
your students. Be as precise as you can.

1. How did you get the information for planning the lessons for your students?
From the students´ workbook, I also did some research using the Internet, and I search
for activities and worksheets online.
2. Did your guide teacher give you any suggestions for planning?
To follow the book.
3. How long did it take to you to prepare learning material for your first lesson?
It took me around 4 hours to create the learning material I needed for my first class.

Parents Meeting Report

I. Datos Generales:

1.Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: Pan American College
2.Curso: 3º medio
3.Profesor jefe: Ricardo Fagestrom
4.Profesor en Práctica: Pilar Escalona Requena
5.Fecha: 06 de octubre
6.Hora: 18:00 – 19:30 hrs.
7.Tabla de la reunión: Entrega de Calificaciones Parciales; Rendimiento escolar; Uso de
nuevo uniforme escolar.

II. Instrucciones:

1.Complete la información que encontrará a continuación.

2.Escriba sucintamente los temas propuestos en la tabla de la reunión, destacando el
tema principal que la convocó.

•El tema principal fue la entrega de notas parciales, esta es entregada a los
apoderados. El problema principal de los alumnos es la asignatura de Física. Se
considera la opción de tener un taller de Física con un profesor extra para que los
alumnos puedan subir su rendimiento académico. También se hace hincapié en la
asignatura de PSU Matemáticas cuyo profesor percibe poco interés y responsabilidad
por parte de los alumnos. En cuanto a las otras asignaturas, los alumnos mantienen un
promedio medio; por lo que se les pide a los padres más apoyo y responsabilidad.
•El rendimiento académico general de los alumnos es muy bajo. Estos dejan sus
materiales escolares en el colegio por lo tanto no realizan sus tareas en casa, se han
recibido quejas por parte de los auxiliares y profesores. Se pide nuevamente apoyo de
los padres. Los padres sienten que es responsabilidad del establecimiento escolar. El
profesor Fagestrom hace hincapié en el apoyo familiar. También se les habla a los
padres sobre la asistencia de los alumnos, y se les pide que los alumnos no sean
retirados de clases con tanta regularidad, solo en caso de emergencia.
•A partir del próximo año el colegio renovara el uniforme escolar. Las alumnas deberán
usar Jumper, y los alumnos una chaqueta nueva, dejando los suéteres de lado. Quejas
por parte de los padres ya que los alumnos y alumnas deberán hacer un gasto
monetario solo por un año más de actividad escolar.

3.Comente sus impresiones de la reunión. Puede referirse a:

•Aquellos temas que estaban en Tabla y no fueron tratados.
Todos los temas fueron tratados.

•Conducción de la reunión por parte del profesor jefe
El profesor Fagestrom tiene mucha experiencia en trabajo de grupo, escribió los puntos
claros de lo reunión y los abarco todos. Clarifico dudas y manejo cada discusión con

•Intervenciones de los apoderados (presidente de curso, secretario (a), tesorero (a).
Las intervenciones se hicieron luego de cada punto de forma general. Los apoderados
expresaban su opinión y buscaban soluciones a los problemas, principalmente al
rendimiento general del curso.

•Clima de la reunión (participación de los apoderados, situaciones inesperadas, manejo
del tiempo, atmósfera de la reunión, etc.)
La asistencia fue de un 50 %; hubo quejas por la compra del nuevo uniforme escolar y
principalmente por el manejo de los alumnos dentro del recinto escolar. Los padres
sienten que es responsabilidad del colegio hacerse cargo de sus hijos, pero el profesor
pide mucho mas apoyo por parte de ellos.

•Tratamiento de los OFT del nivel en la reunión.
Responsabilidad y respeto. Se les pide a los padres durante toda la reunión atención y
preocupación por las actividades escolares, tareas y pruebas; por el comportamiento y
rendimiento escolar de sus hijos; apoyo y comunicación entre padre-alumno-profesor.

         Class and Orientation Report

I. Datos Generales:

1. Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: Pan American College
2. Curso: 3º medio
3. Profesor jefe: Ricardo Fagestrom
4. Profesor en Práctica: Pilar Escalona
5. Fecha: 26 octubre
6. Hora: 11:00-11:45

II.- Desarrollo del consejo de curso

1. Tema de Orientación: Se discute principalmente el tema de Puertas Abiertas para el
viernes 30 de octubre. Esta es una oportunidad para que los alumnos que tengan baja
nota en un ramo tengan la posibilidad de subirla. Los alumnos pueden elegir una
asignatura de elección y realizar un trabajo que será expuesto el día viernes. Este
trabajo es con nota y es una ayuda extra para subir su promedio. El profesor destaca la
responsabilidad que deben tomar los expositores, y el respeto que deben tener los
demás alumnos para sus compañeros; el espera que los estudiantes no solo tomen
oportunidades como esta para preocuparse de sus notas, sino que deberían hacerlo
siempre, ya que es de gran importancia para su futuro universitario.
Luego de Puertas Abiertas, el profesor les da la sala a los alumnos para que conversen
sobre su viaje de estudio para este verano y el dinero que tienen colectado como curso,
y para que finalicen los detalles para el desayuno que deben ofrecer a 4º medio como
despedida del colegio.

2. OFT cubierto: Responsabilidad y respeto. Al igual que en la reunión de apoderados,
el profesor hace énfasis en la falta de responsabilidad que demuestran como alumnos
del colegio. Las horas de retiro de clases, la falta de interés en estas, la no entrega de

tareas y la falta de estudio sobre todo para las pruebas. El profesor les habla sobre la
importancia de la responsabilidad, sobre todo para su futuro profesional que se
aproxima en un año más; y la importancia que tiene el colegio como antesala a la
universidad. También les habla sobre el respeto entre alumnos-as y entre alumnos-
profesor. Como ejemplo les pide a los alumnos que no deciden participar en Puertas
abiertas, que asistan como apoyo y respeto a sus otros compañeros, y que no vean
toda oportunidad de no clases para faltar al colegio.

3. Tabla del Consejo de Curso: Puertas Abiertas; Viaje de estudio; Desayuno 4º medio.

          Teachers Meeting

I. Datos Generales:

   1.   Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: Pan American College
   2.   Profesor en Práctica: Pilar Escalona Requena
   3.   Fecha: 07 de octubre
   4.   Tabla de la reunión: Promedios, alumnos practicantes, niveles.
   5.   Hora: 11:00 – 12:00

II. Instrucciones:

   1. Complete la información que encontrará en el punto “I. Datos Generales”
   2. Escriba los temas propuestos en la tabla de la reunión, destacando el tema
      principal que la convocó.
   3. Comente sus impresiones de la reunión. Puede referirse a:
          • Aquellos temas que estaban en Tabla y no fueron tratados.
          En si, no hubo una tabla. El profesor jefe del departamento de inglés condujo
          la reunión. Estas reuniones se realizan una vez a la semana, así que el
          profesor encargado solicitaba a los otros profesores la entrega de los temas
          hablados en la reunion anterior; estos eran las notas y promedios de los
          cursos de enseñanza media; la diferencia necesaria que debe existir entre un
          nivel y el otro; y la inclusión de cuatro alumnos practicantes al colegio.
          • Modalidad de la reunión. ¿Quién la conduce?
          La conduce el jefe del departamento de inglés, el señor Agustin Castillo.
          • Modalidad de Intervención de los profesores.
          Los profesores solo intervenían si les hacían preguntas o si debían entregar
          notas y reportes.
          • Clima de la reunión (frecuencia de participación de los profesores,
              situaciones inesperadas, manejo del tiempo, atmósfera de la reunión, etc.)
          La reunión fue muy seria, duro exactamente una hora, no hubo situaciones
          inesperadas. La gran participación fue por parte del profesor Castillo, y hubo
          pequeñas intervenciones por parte de los profesores y los alumnos en
          • Varios (aspectos y /o comentarios en torno a temas educativos generales,
              tanto a nivel del establecimiento como nivel regional educacional)

A nivel del departamento de inglés hay mucha seriedad e importancia por
             parte del colegio, debido a que hay tres niveles diferenciales de ingles, y a los
             futuros alumnos se les pide una prueba de conocimiento del idioma para
             ingresar al colegio. Aun con esta seriedad e importancia debo decir que el
             nivel de inglés de los alumnos es muy bajo; la dirección del colegio no hace
             evaluaciones a los profesores de esta asignatura; los alumnos no están
             motivados ni reconocen que este colegio es bilingüe.

     1.5Unit plans and lesson plans

Lesson plans from September 30th to October 8th

Lesson plans from October 13th to October 28th

Lesson plans from October 29th to November 4th

Lesson plans from November 5th to November 26th

Unit plans

1.6Learning material

        For this class, a blog was made to provide students with information regarding
tests, grades, subjects and activities practiced in English class, level 1. This blog
contains videos, audios, worksheets and power point presentations.

        Due to numerous activities were created for this class, I recommend you to follow
the following link to get to the learning material.


      1.7Evaluation Instruments

Reported Speech October 2nd

                                                  3.       Johnson is my friend, he lives
                                                  in Africa.
                                                  She said…

                                                  4.      My father is a doctor, he
                                                  works at the hospital.
                                                  He said …
                                                  5.     Loreto is going to travel to
                                                  Japan next year.
                                                  She said …

                                                  6.     I will give a flower to you.
                                                  He said…
         I   Rewrite the sentences from
                                                  7.     I want to buy a computer.
         Direct to Reported Speech.
                                                  He said…
         (Reescribe las oraciones de direct
         a reported speech)
                                                  8.      Hey Sergio, that is my apple!
                                                  Maria told Sergio…
         1.      My name is Jonas, What is
                                                  9.       I have a cat named Gordis,
         your name?
                                                  she is fat!
          He said…
                                                  He said….
         2.       I am a singer and my band is
                                                  10.     I have to go to the office,
                                                  please call me later.
         He said…
                                                  She said….

11.    Can you show me the way          You have to change the pronouns into
home?                                   the correct form and you also have to
He said….                                        change the modals.

12.     Johanna, I have your
He told Johanna……

13.     Will you go?
I said…..

14.      I hate you.
I told Lucas….

15.    My mobile phone number is
She said….                              II Change the quotations into
                                        reported speech. (Cambia estas
                                        citas a reported speech)
16.    You can come over tomorrow.
She said….
                                        1. I'm going to make you an offer
17.    I like to go shopping on
                                            you can't refuse. (te haré una oferta
Sunday.                                     que tu no puedes rechazar)
Roxana said....                         Vito Corleone….
18.    The car is very old.
My father said......

19.    I will send you a message.
My boyfriend told me…
                                        2. Toto, I have a feeling we're not in
                                            Kansas anymore. (Toto, tengo la
                                            sensación de que ya no estamos en
20.      You can stay until tomorrow.       Kansas)
The girl said........                   Dorothy….
21.    I am always late.
She said....
                                        3. I'm walking here! I'm walking
                                            here! (estoy caminando aqui! Estoy
                                            caminando aqui¡)
22.     June has a new puppy.
She told me.....

23.    Time will tell.
They said.....
                                        4. There's no crying in baseball! (no
24.    I don’t want to see you              hay llantos en béisbol!)
anymore.                                Jimmy…
Lorenzo said.....

                                        5. A boy's best friend is his mother.
                                            (la mejor amiga de un joven es su
 Read carefully the sentence before     Norman…
  changing it into reported speech.
 Remember the verbs change from
         present to past.

6. Wait a minute, wait a minute. You
    haven’t heard anything yet! Wait a
    minute, I will tell you!                    d) You said/told me we were going to
(Espera un minuto, espera un minuto. No         be friends forever.
has escuchado nada aun. Espera un
minuto, yo te lo diré!)
Jackie….                                        e) Her husband said/told the house
                                                was ugly.

                                                f) She said/told the TV was broken.

                                                g) Can you say/tell something?

                                                h) Will you say/tell your sister I miss

                                                i) Jack said/tell this would happen.
III Underline the correct word.
(Subraya la palabra correcta)
                                                j) Kate already saw this movie, she
a) She said / told tomorrow was going
to rain.

b) Jose said / told Julia he needed
some space.

c) Her sister said / told her she was

Speaking test October 23rd

Question          4                       3                 2                      1              Score
Hello, how        The student             The student       The student            The student
do you do?        doesn’t make            makes 1 – 2       makes more             doesn’t
                  any mistakes            mistakes.         than 2                 answer the
                                                            mistakes               question
What’s your       The student             The student       The student            The student
name?             doesn’t make            makes 1 – 2       makes more             doesn’t
Where are         any mistakes            mistakes.         than 2                 answer the
you from?                                                   mistakes               question
What do you       The student             The student       The student            The student
like to do?       doesn’t make            makes 1 – 2       makes more             doesn’t
                  any mistakes            mistakes.         than 2                 answer the

mistakes         question
Why do you     The student       The student        The student      The student
like…?         doesn’t make      makes 1 – 2        makes more       doesn’t
               any mistakes      mistakes.          than 2           answer the
                                                    mistakes         question
What do you The student          The student        The student      The student
think about doesn’t make         makes 1 – 2        makes more       doesn’t
…?          any mistakes         mistakes.          than 2           answer the
                                                    mistakes         question

Question        4                3                  2                1              Score
Good            The student      The student        The student      The student
morning,        doesn’t make     makes 1 – 2        makes more       doesn’t
how are         any mistakes     mistakes.          than 2           answer the
you?                                                mistakes         question
What do you     The student      The student        The student      The student
do?             doesn’t make     makes 1 – 2        makes more       doesn’t
Where do        any mistakes     mistakes.          than 2           answer the
you study?                                          mistakes         question
How old are     The student      The student        The student      The student
you?            doesn’t make     makes 1 – 2        makes more       doesn’t
When is         any mistakes     mistakes.          than 2           answer the
your                                                mistakes         question
Do you          The student      The student        The student      The student
like…?          doesn’t make     makes 1 – 2        makes more       doesn’t
Why do you      any mistakes     mistakes.          than 2           answer the
like…?                                              mistakes         question
What do you     The student      The student        The student      The student
think about     doesn’t make     makes 1 – 2        makes more       doesn’t
…?              any mistakes     mistakes.          than 2           answer the
                                                    mistakes         question

Speaking test November 11th

Question               4              3                2              1             Score
Hello, how do you      The student    The student      The student    The student
do?                    doesn’t make   makes 1 – 2      makes more     doesn’t
                       any mistakes   mistakes.        than 2         answer the
                                                       mistakes       question
First slide. What is   The student    The student      The student    The student
this…? What do you     doesn’t make   makes 1 – 2      makes more     doesn’t
think about…?          any mistakes   mistakes.        than 2         answer the
                                                       mistakes       question
Do you agree?          The student    The student      The student    The student
Do you disagree…?      doesn’t make   makes 1 – 2      makes more     doesn’t

any mistakes   mistakes.     than 2        answer the
                                                    mistakes      question
Why?                   The student    The student   The student   The student
                       doesn’t make   makes 1 – 2   makes more    doesn’t
                       any mistakes   mistakes.     than 2        answer the
                                                    mistakes      question
Second slide. What     The student    The student   The student   The student
is this…? What is      doesn’t make   makes 1 – 2   makes more    doesn’t
your opinion           any mistakes   mistakes.     than 2        answer the
about…?                                             mistakes      question
Do you agree…?         The student    The student   The student   The student
Do you disagree…?      doesn’t make   makes 1 – 2   makes more    doesn’t
                       any mistakes   mistakes.     than 2        answer the
                                                    mistakes      question
Why?                   The student    The student   The student   The student
                       doesn’t make   makes 1 – 2   makes more    doesn’t
                       any mistakes   mistakes.     than 2        answer the
                                                    mistakes      question

Question               4              3             2             1             Score
Good morning. How      The student    The student   The student   The student
are you?               doesn’t make   makes 1 – 2   makes more    doesn’t
                       any mistakes   mistakes.     than 2        answer the
                                                    mistakes      question
First slide. What is   The student    The student   The student   The student
this…? What do you     doesn’t make   makes 1 – 2   makes more    doesn’t
think about…?          any mistakes   mistakes.     than 2        answer the
                                                    mistakes      question
Do you agree?          The student    The student   The student   The student
Do you disagree…?      doesn’t make   makes 1 – 2   makes more    doesn’t
                       any mistakes   mistakes.     than 2        answer the
                                                    mistakes      question
Why?                   The student    The student   The student   The student
                       doesn’t make   makes 1 – 2   makes more    doesn’t
                       any mistakes   mistakes.     than 2        answer the
                                                    mistakes      question
Second slide. What     The student    The student   The student   The student
is this…? What are     doesn’t make   makes 1 – 2   makes more    doesn’t
your ideas about…?     any mistakes   mistakes.     than 2        answer the
                                                    mistakes      question
Do you agree…?         The student    The student   The student   The student
Do you disagree…?      doesn’t make   makes 1 – 2   makes more    doesn’t
                       any mistakes   mistakes.     than 2        answer the
                                                    mistakes      question
Why?                   The student    The student   The student   The student
                       doesn’t make   makes 1 – 2   makes more    doesn’t
                       any mistakes   mistakes.     than 2        answer the
                                                    mistakes      question

Speaking test November 27th

Question   4                     3             2                   1                     Score
           The student doesn’t   The student   The student makes   The student doesn’t
Slide 1    make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2   more than 2         answer the
                                 mistakes.     mistakes            question

           The student doesn’t   The student   The student makes   The student doesn’t
Slide 2    make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2   more than 2         answer the
                                 mistakes.     mistakes            question
           The student doesn’t   The student   The student makes   The student doesn’t
Slide 3    make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2   more than 2         answer the
                                 mistakes.     mistakes            question
           The student doesn’t   The student   The student makes   The student doesn’t
Slide 4    make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2   more than 2         answer the
                                 mistakes.     mistakes            question
           The student doesn’t   The student   The student makes   The student doesn’t
Slide 5    make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2   more than 2         answer the
                                 mistakes.     mistakes            question
           The student doesn’t   The student   The student makes   The student doesn’t
Slide 6    make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2   more than 2         answer the
                                 mistakes.     mistakes            question
           The student doesn’t   The student   The student makes   The student doesn’t
Slide 7    make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2   more than 2         answer the
                                 mistakes.     mistakes            question
           The student doesn’t   The student   The student makes   The student doesn’t
Slide 8    make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2   more than 2         answer the
                                 mistakes.     mistakes            question

           The student doesn’t   The student   The student makes   The student doesn’t
Slide 9    make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2   more than 2         answer the
                                 mistakes.     mistakes            question
           The student doesn’t   The student   The student makes   The student doesn’t
Slide 10   make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2   more than 2         answer the
                                 mistakes.     mistakes            question
           The student doesn’t   The student   The student makes   The student doesn’t
Slide 11   make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2   more than 2         answer the
                                 mistakes.     mistakes            question
           The student doesn’t   The student   The student makes   The student doesn’t
Slide 12   make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2   more than 2         answer the
                                 mistakes.     mistakes            question
           The student doesn’t   The student   The student makes   The student doesn’t
Slide 13   make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2   more than 2         answer the
                                 mistakes.     mistakes            question
           The student doesn’t   The student   The student makes   The student doesn’t
Slide 14   make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2   more than 2         answer the

mistakes.          mistakes             question
           The student doesn’t   The student        The student makes    The student doesn’t
Slide 15   make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2        more than 2          answer the
                                 mistakes.          mistakes             question

           The student doesn’t   The student        The student makes    The student doesn’t
Slide 16   make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2        more than 2          answer the
                                 mistakes.          mistakes             question
           The student doesn’t   The student        The student makes    The student doesn’t
Slide 17   make any mistakes     makes 1 – 2        more than 2          answer the
                                 mistakes.          mistakes             question

Writings and videos rubric (cumulative works)

CATEGOR 4 - Above Stan 3 - Meets Stan 2 - Approaching Stan 1 - Below Stan Score
Y       dards          dards          dards                dards
Grammar & Author makes           Author makes       Author makes 3-4         Author makes
Spelling  no errors in           1-2 errors in      errors in grammar or     more than 4
          grammar or             grammar or         spelling that distract   errors in
          spelling that          spelling that      the reader from the      grammar or
          distracts the          distract the       content.                 spelling that
          reader from the        reader from the                             distracts the
          content.               content.                                    reader from the
Capitalizati Author makes        Author makes       Author makes a few       Author makes
on &         no errors in        1-2 errors in      errors in                several errors
Punctuation capitalization or    capitalization     capitalization and/or    in capitalization
             punctuation, so     or punctuation,    punctuation that         and/or
             the essay is        but the essay      catch the reader's       punctuation
             exceptionally       is still easy to   attention and            that catch the
             easy to read.       read.              interrupt the flow.      reader's
                                                                             attention and
                                                                             interrupt the
Neatness      The final draft The final draft       The final draft of the   The final draft
              of the story is of the story is       story is readable and    is not neat or
              readable,          readable, neat     some of the pages        attractive. It
              clean, neat and and attractive.       are attractive. It       looks like the
              attractive. It is It may have         looks like parts of it   student just
              free of erasures one or two           might have been          wanted to get it
              and crossed-       erasures, but      done in a hurry.         done and didn't
              out words. It      they are not                                care what it
              looks like the     distracting. It                             looked like.
              author took        looks like the
              great pride in it. author took
                                 some pride in

Organizatio The story is       The story is a    The story is a little   Ideas are not
n           very well          little well       hard to follow.         well arrange.
            organized.         organized.

Writing     Student            Student           Student devotes         Student
Process     devotes a lot of   devotes           some time and effort    devotes little
            time and effort    sufficient time   to the writing          time and effort
            to the writing     and effort to     process but was not     to the writing
            process            the writing       very thorough. Does     process.
            (prewriting,       process           enough to get by.       Doesn't seem
            drafting,          (prewriting,                              to care.
            reviewing, and     drafting,
            editing). Works    reviewing, and
            hard to make       editing). Works
            the story          and gets the
            wonderful.         job done.
Title       Title is creative, Title is related Title is present, but    No title.
            sparks interest to the story and does not appear to
            and is related topic.               be related to the
            to the story and                    story and topic.
Drafts      All drafts are     Only 2 drafts  Only 1 draft is revise No drafts
            revise and         are revise and and included           included
            included           included

    Cumulative works

Writings: “Tell me about yourself”; “Your favorite…”; “Who is this?”;

2 Evaluation

      2.2Teacher Evaluation

These evaluations are delivered in paper.

      2.3Self evaluation

                      1              2            3                   4
 Number of
 Blog Entries                                                         X


     and                                                              X

  Quality of
  Reflective                                      X

Evidence of
Growth and                                        X

Professionalism                                                       X

      2.4Peer evaluation

I made a comment in Sandra’s blog. She posted the learning material
she used for her classes. I found the power point presentation very
appealing and motivating for her students. I also recommended her a
website called ESL Printables in which she will find numerous
activities to download.

Here is the comment:


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Final Practicum Portfolio

  • 1. Final Practicum Portfolio Pilar Escalona Requena English Pedagogy Practicum María Isabel Vásquez / Rodrigo González Evening class 2009
  • 2. Index Introduction.........................................................................................................................3 1 General Content..............................................................................................................4 1.2 Reading Articles.................................................................................................4 1.3 Pedagogical Artifacts / Reflective Writing..........................................................6 1.4 School Information...........................................................................................10 Team Teaching Stage..........................................................................................13 Class and Orientation Report...............................................................................15 Teachers Meeting.................................................................................................16 1.5 Unit plans and lesson plans.............................................................................17 1.6 Learning material.............................................................................................18 1.7 Evaluation Instruments....................................................................................18 Cumulative works............................................................................................................25 2 Evaluation......................................................................................................................26 2.2 Teacher Evaluation..........................................................................................26 2.3 Self evaluation.................................................................................................26 2.4 Peer evaluation................................................................................................26 2
  • 3. Introduction For the last few months of this semester I began one of the final steps for my teaching career; I put on my teacher’s shoes and I met a group of nine students who would turned out to be my first class as an English teacher. This portfolio gathers information about this final step; personal and professional situations that occur while I was teaching at Pan American College in Viña del Mar; it contains reflections, evaluations and feedback about this process; and the work carried out during these three months of learning and teaching. This is the final practicum of my career, but it is the beginning of my professional life. 3
  • 4. 1 General Content 1.2Reading Articles Lessons Should Be Learner-Centered “With English language learners, the temptation to have a teacher-centered classroom arises because the perception is that the teacher has the English proficiency the students nee. Therefore, all knowledge must come from the teacher. However, it is important to remember that English language learners are not deficient just because they do not speak English. They bring a rich and varied background of experiences and talent to the classroom. Teachers who follow principles for success find ways to use their students’ knowledge, including their first language and culture, even when the students do not speak English.” This is an extract taking from the book “ESL/EFL Teaching. Principles for Success” chapter four, page 90. Authors Yvonne S. Freeman and David E. Freeman. Watch and Learn videos: Weta Learning Media Looking for spelling materials online, I found you tube videos called “Watch and Learn”. These videos are filmed inside the classroom and they captured effective techniques for English teaching. One of these videos is: 4
  • 5. These videos are part of WETA Learning Media. Weta has created and sustained four award-winning educational multimedia services, such as Reading Rockets; Colorín Colorado;; LD Online. In You Tube these videos are found in the following link: High Expectations "When I talk about expectations with my students, they need to know it's not about a battle with me or a score on a math test; it's about the rest of their lives. Every little piece is a stepping stone to where they are going. Where will that turn out to be? The reality is that their options tomorrow will be determined by what they can take from school today. Like it or not, they are taking everything I can give them." This is an extract taking from the article “Creating a Culture of High Expectations” by the author Cynthia Farmer. Differentiated Instruction (DI) “There are generally several students in any classroom who are working below or above grade level and these levels of readiness will vary between different subjects in school. It is important to offer students learning tasks that are appropriate to their learning needs rather than just to the grade and subject being taught. This means providing 3 or 4 different options for students in any given class (not 35 different options). Readiness (ability), learning styles and interest vary between students and even within an individual over time. In a differentiated classroom all students have equally engaging learning tasks.” This is an extract taking from the website “Enhance Learning with Technology” by P. Theroux. 5
  • 6. 1.3Pedagogical Artifacts / Reflective Writing Observation stage I. Introduction • What do you think the cartoon provided below is illustrating? Why? Answer briefly. Misinformation. People who prefers to receive information from TV and the media, and not check the reality of things by themselves. It is not necessary for them to look for information, these are people who doesn’t questions what happens outside walls; to me their opinion of things is not meaningful. II. Reflective writing • Taking into account the information you collected during the observation stage, 1. Reflect on the importance of the initial observation period in final practicum. It is a very important stage; during this time we have the chance to meet the students, their interests, background, knowledge and personality. With this information we can create our lessons thinking about the students, and motivate them with matter of their interest. 2. Refer to the observed issues in assigned school, and explain if these issues caused a change on the expectations you had about this particular period. One important issue is that the administration of the school is not taking serious by the students. At one occasion three students arrived one hour late to class, and when asked for a pass they decided to stay out in the schoolyard. The school inspectors did not took matter in hands, and the students were allowed to stay out of class, hanging around in the schoolyard. The lack of authority in the school causes problems between the student and the teacher. For the teachers is not meaningful to call the roll or to annotate the students because there are not consequences for bad behavior. I think school 6
  • 7. administration is of importance to maintain order in the school. 3. How did you feel? Provide one example you consider most relevant to support your answer. During my time as an observer I felt welcomed. The students were glad and excited for a change. They asked several times when I was starting as a teacher, I felt comfortable and eager to start with my classes and make them more interesting and motivating for them. Team teaching stage I. Introduction I was asked to do a test and a graded activity for the students. The content of these activities was primarily grammar, and the students were learning it for only two classes. The students were highly challenged with the activities I created, even so, they worked individually and a few students worked together and they completed the activities with no major problems. II. Reflective writing For what I observed in the first stages of the practicum, the students of this class were not considered to be excellent students, due to they are in the lowest level of English. They were not challenged by their teacher and their classes were mostly daily life conversations. When I started doing my team teaching stage I informed the teacher about the activities I wanted to do in my teaching stage, but his answer was “that is too hard for these students, they will not able to do it”. With the first activities I created for the class I was able to see that the students can do it, they are just not challenged enough and they stay on a “lazy stage” through out the class. For what I have red and seen in different educational websites, teachers need to develop academic language and literacy. Teachers need to be committed to high expectations and high standards for all students. Teachers need to show students how to face change; life; difficulties; education; and how to face success. Provide them opportunities for real academic language. "No one rises to low expectations,"... Teaching stage 7
  • 8. I. Introduction On the second week of November I arrived to school, signed my folder and walked to the class. On the schoolyard there is a stage that blocks the entrance to the English class, there are also numerous students outside their classrooms; I walked across the yard and enter the English class through a second entrance. In the class the students and the teacher stand in a circle talking. I enter the classroom to begin the lesson for the day but the teacher stops me. There is a strike in the school. The stage in the yard was to perform a goodbye ceremony to the students from 4th year of high school. An incident happened and the ceremony did not take place; the teachers decided not to teach and the students not to enter classes. The English class was in their classroom talking about the events and people who may cause the strike; this conversation lasted all 45 minutes. There were no classes that day. II. Reflective writing This event was highly uncommon, during my teaching stage and as an ex-student from this school I can say that this situation never happened before. A possible strike and a day without classes in the school reflect the changes that the establishment has gone through, and how different the students from these times differ from the students from 10 years ago. Situations do happen inside schools and classrooms, which may end up in a day without teaching. The conversation that took place inside the English class reveals how the students feel about the school, its teachers and administrators. It was clear for me that they do not whish to study and that they do not feel respect for adults. I was able to see the changes of the students and teachers and only in a period of 10 years. This event helped me realized that I am going to be a teacher of teenagers but they certainly do not think as I did when I was 16. 8
  • 9. 9
  • 10. 1.4School Information School: Pan American College Address: Avenida 1 norte #2065 City: Viña del Mar School’s Phone number: 2670275 Grade: 3º medio Schedule: Monday: 12:00 - 12:45 Tuesday: 15:15 - 16:00 Wednesday: 12:45 - 13:30 / 13:30 - 14:15 Thursday: 11:00 - 11:45 Friday: 10:15 - 11:00 Guide Teacher’s Name: Fernando Pizarro Guide Teacher’s E-mail Address: Guide Teacher’s Phone Number: 92822463 Observation Stage Report Task 1: The School and Learning Environment Name of student: Pilar Escalona Requena Name of School: Pan American College Number of students: 9 Date: September 30, 2009 Class: 3º m 10
  • 11. 1. The school: Pan American College is located in 1 North Avenue # 2065, Viña del Mar. Their founders are Mr. Hector Soazo and Madam Nelda Rojas de Soazo. The school starts its educational activities in the year 1960. In 1969, the first generation of students graduates from the school, marking an important step in the history of the school. Until this date, twenty six generations of students have graduated from the school. The school offers students incorporation since kindergarten up to high school. Students that want to be a member of the school have to take a Language test, an English test, and a Math test. They also have to give a personal interview, and have a general annual grade of 5,5 or more. The general formation of the students is to: • Develop artistic, scientific and sporty abilities and aptitudes. • Orientate their values towards respect, responsibility, honesty, tolerance and solidarity. • Develop their self-esteem, creativity and capacity to solve everyday issues and troubles. The school offers extracurricular activities, such as swimming, basketball, soccer, choir, instrumental music, catechism and psycho-pedagogy. Pan American College is an English school, therefore, English is taught since kindergarten. Since 11 grade, English is divided into three levels, being level one the lowest; according to their grades, the students are placed in each level. In elementary school the students have fours hours of English peer week; and in high school the students have six hours of English peer week. In the year 2002, the school incorporates itself to the Jornada Escolar Completa Diurna (JECD); and in 2003 it adopts a subsidize modality. The organization of the school includes a supporter; finances; the principal; administration and secretary; inspector; UTP; teachers; orientation; assistants; representatives; parents; CCPP; CCAA; and students. Pan American College seeks to form children and youngsters with proper academic preparation and with solid ethic and moral values which allows them to be creative and autonomous, with a positive self-esteem ables to incorporate themselves into superior studies and ables to successfully manage themselves in our society. 2. The classroom The classroom is located in the oldest building of the school. It is used for English class (level 1) and for extracurricular activities. The classroom remains looked after class; the English teacher and the inspector have the key, and are the only ones who are allowed to open it. Since it is an old classroom, it is not impeccable; it has a broken window, holes on the wall, and a cracked whiteboard. The students seat on individual chairs and usually around the teacher’s table. It is poorly equipped; it does not have a clock or a whiteboard eraser. 11
  • 12. The students do not feel engaged, they do not take their English book with them to the class, they rarely bring classroom materials, such as pencils, erasers and paper; they rarely write on their notebooks. They do not study for tests; they are always late for class. 3. The activities & resources a) The teacher uses the English book for every activity. He usually explains an activity of the book for the students to complete; or he writes and activity from the teacher’s book on the whiteboard, and the students have to complete it on their notebooks. After completing the activity the students give their notebooks to the teacher and he checks the answers. The book used for this class is Blockbuster US 3 by Express Publishing. Usually one activity covers the entire hour. b) The resources the school has are English dictionaries, a datashow, a computer lab, TV, DVD and a radio. At this moment the datashow is not working. When I asked about technology usage for English teaching, my guide teacher told me that the computer lab it is not in its best conditions, therefore it is not advisable to use. Paper is also an issue, due to it is only for tests and not for activities, therefore my guide teacher only uses the whiteboard and the English book for classroom activities. Task 2: Student’s learning 1. The learners The students are in the lowest level of English, therefore it is not a meaningful subject for them; they do not feel motivated because for them English I is a relaxing time in their schedule. The students have to be explained several times a subject or an activity because they don’t pay attention, thus they prefer the teacher to do most of their work asking him to do the exercises as examples. 2. Behavior during classroom activities There are not any students with special needs. The students are encouraged only when there is an extra point for a test, or a grade involved. For managing issues and motivating the students, the teacher talks to them regularly about respect, responsibility and their future studies at the university and the importance their school grades has for their next studies. 3. Discuss the learning styles and levels of English in the classroom. Observation scale: Observations clear & well informed: not observed Demonstrates understanding of social and educational factors: medium Objective & factual information: Not observed Evidence of active search of information: low Use of English expression clear: low 12
  • 13. Team Teaching Stage Name of student: Pilar Escalona Requena Name of School: Pan American College Date: September 30 2009 Task Nº1: Collaboration activities 1. What kind of activity did you perform the first time you were asked for help? How long did it take? I was asked to bring two worksheets about Relative Pronouns. I had to explain the use of who, which and whose. Later I explained the activities of each worksheet. After the students finished the activities I checked the answers, and help them clarify doubts and mistakes. These activities took one hour. 2. What were the students doing before you started helping out? I started the class with these activities, thus the students were just arriving to the classroom. 3. How did the students react? Describe the atmosphere of the room and the levels of engagement in the room. The students didn’t have a different reaction with me; they knew it was my time to help the teacher, thus the atmosphere did not change. They followed my instructions and completed the activity, asking me doubts along the process. 4. What other assignments were asked you to do? How often? I was only asked to do a graded activity for the following class. 5. Were you asked to prepare any kind of special audio visual material learning material for the students? Were they used? How effective were they? No, I wasn’t asked to work with technology. Task 2: Lesson Planning Answer the following questions and explain how you planned the learning activities for your students. Be as precise as you can. 1. How did you get the information for planning the lessons for your students? From the students´ workbook, I also did some research using the Internet, and I search for activities and worksheets online. 2. Did your guide teacher give you any suggestions for planning? To follow the book. 3. How long did it take to you to prepare learning material for your first lesson? It took me around 4 hours to create the learning material I needed for my first class. 13
  • 14. Parents Meeting Report I. Datos Generales: 1.Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: Pan American College 2.Curso: 3º medio 3.Profesor jefe: Ricardo Fagestrom 4.Profesor en Práctica: Pilar Escalona Requena 5.Fecha: 06 de octubre 6.Hora: 18:00 – 19:30 hrs. 7.Tabla de la reunión: Entrega de Calificaciones Parciales; Rendimiento escolar; Uso de nuevo uniforme escolar. II. Instrucciones: 1.Complete la información que encontrará a continuación. 2.Escriba sucintamente los temas propuestos en la tabla de la reunión, destacando el tema principal que la convocó. •El tema principal fue la entrega de notas parciales, esta es entregada a los apoderados. El problema principal de los alumnos es la asignatura de Física. Se considera la opción de tener un taller de Física con un profesor extra para que los alumnos puedan subir su rendimiento académico. También se hace hincapié en la asignatura de PSU Matemáticas cuyo profesor percibe poco interés y responsabilidad por parte de los alumnos. En cuanto a las otras asignaturas, los alumnos mantienen un promedio medio; por lo que se les pide a los padres más apoyo y responsabilidad. •El rendimiento académico general de los alumnos es muy bajo. Estos dejan sus materiales escolares en el colegio por lo tanto no realizan sus tareas en casa, se han recibido quejas por parte de los auxiliares y profesores. Se pide nuevamente apoyo de los padres. Los padres sienten que es responsabilidad del establecimiento escolar. El profesor Fagestrom hace hincapié en el apoyo familiar. También se les habla a los padres sobre la asistencia de los alumnos, y se les pide que los alumnos no sean retirados de clases con tanta regularidad, solo en caso de emergencia. •A partir del próximo año el colegio renovara el uniforme escolar. Las alumnas deberán usar Jumper, y los alumnos una chaqueta nueva, dejando los suéteres de lado. Quejas por parte de los padres ya que los alumnos y alumnas deberán hacer un gasto monetario solo por un año más de actividad escolar. 3.Comente sus impresiones de la reunión. Puede referirse a: •Aquellos temas que estaban en Tabla y no fueron tratados. Todos los temas fueron tratados. •Conducción de la reunión por parte del profesor jefe El profesor Fagestrom tiene mucha experiencia en trabajo de grupo, escribió los puntos claros de lo reunión y los abarco todos. Clarifico dudas y manejo cada discusión con profesionalidad. 14
  • 15. •Intervenciones de los apoderados (presidente de curso, secretario (a), tesorero (a). Las intervenciones se hicieron luego de cada punto de forma general. Los apoderados expresaban su opinión y buscaban soluciones a los problemas, principalmente al rendimiento general del curso. •Clima de la reunión (participación de los apoderados, situaciones inesperadas, manejo del tiempo, atmósfera de la reunión, etc.) La asistencia fue de un 50 %; hubo quejas por la compra del nuevo uniforme escolar y principalmente por el manejo de los alumnos dentro del recinto escolar. Los padres sienten que es responsabilidad del colegio hacerse cargo de sus hijos, pero el profesor pide mucho mas apoyo por parte de ellos. •Tratamiento de los OFT del nivel en la reunión. Responsabilidad y respeto. Se les pide a los padres durante toda la reunión atención y preocupación por las actividades escolares, tareas y pruebas; por el comportamiento y rendimiento escolar de sus hijos; apoyo y comunicación entre padre-alumno-profesor. Class and Orientation Report I. Datos Generales: 1. Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: Pan American College 2. Curso: 3º medio 3. Profesor jefe: Ricardo Fagestrom 4. Profesor en Práctica: Pilar Escalona 5. Fecha: 26 octubre 6. Hora: 11:00-11:45 II.- Desarrollo del consejo de curso 1. Tema de Orientación: Se discute principalmente el tema de Puertas Abiertas para el viernes 30 de octubre. Esta es una oportunidad para que los alumnos que tengan baja nota en un ramo tengan la posibilidad de subirla. Los alumnos pueden elegir una asignatura de elección y realizar un trabajo que será expuesto el día viernes. Este trabajo es con nota y es una ayuda extra para subir su promedio. El profesor destaca la responsabilidad que deben tomar los expositores, y el respeto que deben tener los demás alumnos para sus compañeros; el espera que los estudiantes no solo tomen oportunidades como esta para preocuparse de sus notas, sino que deberían hacerlo siempre, ya que es de gran importancia para su futuro universitario. Luego de Puertas Abiertas, el profesor les da la sala a los alumnos para que conversen sobre su viaje de estudio para este verano y el dinero que tienen colectado como curso, y para que finalicen los detalles para el desayuno que deben ofrecer a 4º medio como despedida del colegio. 2. OFT cubierto: Responsabilidad y respeto. Al igual que en la reunión de apoderados, el profesor hace énfasis en la falta de responsabilidad que demuestran como alumnos del colegio. Las horas de retiro de clases, la falta de interés en estas, la no entrega de 15
  • 16. tareas y la falta de estudio sobre todo para las pruebas. El profesor les habla sobre la importancia de la responsabilidad, sobre todo para su futuro profesional que se aproxima en un año más; y la importancia que tiene el colegio como antesala a la universidad. También les habla sobre el respeto entre alumnos-as y entre alumnos- profesor. Como ejemplo les pide a los alumnos que no deciden participar en Puertas abiertas, que asistan como apoyo y respeto a sus otros compañeros, y que no vean toda oportunidad de no clases para faltar al colegio. 3. Tabla del Consejo de Curso: Puertas Abiertas; Viaje de estudio; Desayuno 4º medio. Teachers Meeting I. Datos Generales: 1. Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: Pan American College 2. Profesor en Práctica: Pilar Escalona Requena 3. Fecha: 07 de octubre 4. Tabla de la reunión: Promedios, alumnos practicantes, niveles. 5. Hora: 11:00 – 12:00 II. Instrucciones: 1. Complete la información que encontrará en el punto “I. Datos Generales” 2. Escriba los temas propuestos en la tabla de la reunión, destacando el tema principal que la convocó. 3. Comente sus impresiones de la reunión. Puede referirse a: • Aquellos temas que estaban en Tabla y no fueron tratados. En si, no hubo una tabla. El profesor jefe del departamento de inglés condujo la reunión. Estas reuniones se realizan una vez a la semana, así que el profesor encargado solicitaba a los otros profesores la entrega de los temas hablados en la reunion anterior; estos eran las notas y promedios de los cursos de enseñanza media; la diferencia necesaria que debe existir entre un nivel y el otro; y la inclusión de cuatro alumnos practicantes al colegio. • Modalidad de la reunión. ¿Quién la conduce? La conduce el jefe del departamento de inglés, el señor Agustin Castillo. • Modalidad de Intervención de los profesores. Los profesores solo intervenían si les hacían preguntas o si debían entregar notas y reportes. • Clima de la reunión (frecuencia de participación de los profesores, situaciones inesperadas, manejo del tiempo, atmósfera de la reunión, etc.) La reunión fue muy seria, duro exactamente una hora, no hubo situaciones inesperadas. La gran participación fue por parte del profesor Castillo, y hubo pequeñas intervenciones por parte de los profesores y los alumnos en práctica. • Varios (aspectos y /o comentarios en torno a temas educativos generales, tanto a nivel del establecimiento como nivel regional educacional) 16
  • 17. A nivel del departamento de inglés hay mucha seriedad e importancia por parte del colegio, debido a que hay tres niveles diferenciales de ingles, y a los futuros alumnos se les pide una prueba de conocimiento del idioma para ingresar al colegio. Aun con esta seriedad e importancia debo decir que el nivel de inglés de los alumnos es muy bajo; la dirección del colegio no hace evaluaciones a los profesores de esta asignatura; los alumnos no están motivados ni reconocen que este colegio es bilingüe. 1.5Unit plans and lesson plans Lesson plans from September 30th to October 8th to.html Lesson plans from October 13th to October 28th Lesson plans from October 29th to November 4th Lesson plans from November 5th to November 26th Unit plans 17
  • 18. 1.6Learning material For this class, a blog was made to provide students with information regarding tests, grades, subjects and activities practiced in English class, level 1. This blog contains videos, audios, worksheets and power point presentations. Due to numerous activities were created for this class, I recommend you to follow the following link to get to the learning material. 1.7Evaluation Instruments Reported Speech October 2nd 3. Johnson is my friend, he lives in Africa. She said… 4. My father is a doctor, he works at the hospital. He said … Name: 5. Loreto is going to travel to Japan next year. She said … 6. I will give a flower to you. He said… I Rewrite the sentences from 7. I want to buy a computer. Direct to Reported Speech. He said… (Reescribe las oraciones de direct a reported speech) 8. Hey Sergio, that is my apple! Maria told Sergio… 1. My name is Jonas, What is 9. I have a cat named Gordis, your name? she is fat! He said… He said…. 2. I am a singer and my band is 10. I have to go to the office, “Roller”. please call me later. He said… She said…. 18
  • 19. 11. Can you show me the way You have to change the pronouns into home? the correct form and you also have to He said…. change the modals. 12. Johanna, I have your notebook. He told Johanna…… 13. Will you go? I said….. 14. I hate you. I told Lucas…. 15. My mobile phone number is 555-3321 She said…. II Change the quotations into reported speech. (Cambia estas citas a reported speech) 16. You can come over tomorrow. She said…. 1. I'm going to make you an offer 17. I like to go shopping on you can't refuse. (te haré una oferta Sunday. que tu no puedes rechazar) Roxana said.... Vito Corleone…. 18. The car is very old. My father said...... 19. I will send you a message. My boyfriend told me… 2. Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. (Toto, tengo la sensación de que ya no estamos en 20. You can stay until tomorrow. Kansas) The girl said........ Dorothy…. 21. I am always late. She said.... 3. I'm walking here! I'm walking here! (estoy caminando aqui! Estoy caminando aqui¡) 22. June has a new puppy. Rizzo…. She told me..... 23. Time will tell. They said..... 4. There's no crying in baseball! (no 24. I don’t want to see you hay llantos en béisbol!) anymore. Jimmy… Lorenzo said..... 5. A boy's best friend is his mother. (la mejor amiga de un joven es su madre) Read carefully the sentence before Norman… changing it into reported speech. Remember the verbs change from present to past. 19
  • 20. 6. Wait a minute, wait a minute. You haven’t heard anything yet! Wait a minute, I will tell you! d) You said/told me we were going to (Espera un minuto, espera un minuto. No be friends forever. has escuchado nada aun. Espera un minuto, yo te lo diré!) Jackie…. e) Her husband said/told the house was ugly. f) She said/told the TV was broken. g) Can you say/tell something? h) Will you say/tell your sister I miss her? i) Jack said/tell this would happen. III Underline the correct word. (Subraya la palabra correcta) j) Kate already saw this movie, she said/tell. a) She said / told tomorrow was going to rain. b) Jose said / told Julia he needed some space. c) Her sister said / told her she was adopted. Speaking test October 23rd Question 4 3 2 1 Score Hello, how The student The student The student The student do you do? doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question What’s your The student The student The student The student name? doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t Where are any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the you from? mistakes question What do you The student The student The student The student like to do? doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the 20
  • 21. mistakes question Why do you The student The student The student The student like…? doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question What do you The student The student The student The student think about doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t …? any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question Question 4 3 2 1 Score Good The student The student The student The student morning, doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t how are any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the you? mistakes question What do you The student The student The student The student do? doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t Where do any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the you study? mistakes question How old are The student The student The student The student you? doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t When is any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the your mistakes question birthday? Do you The student The student The student The student like…? doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t Why do you any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the like…? mistakes question What do you The student The student The student The student think about doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t …? any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question Speaking test November 11th Question 4 3 2 1 Score Hello, how do you The student The student The student The student do? doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question First slide. What is The student The student The student The student this…? What do you doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t think about…? any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question Do you agree? The student The student The student The student Do you disagree…? doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t 21
  • 22. any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question Why? The student The student The student The student doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question Second slide. What The student The student The student The student is this…? What is doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t your opinion any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the about…? mistakes question Do you agree…? The student The student The student The student Do you disagree…? doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question Why? The student The student The student The student doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question Question 4 3 2 1 Score Good morning. How The student The student The student The student are you? doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question First slide. What is The student The student The student The student this…? What do you doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t think about…? any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question Do you agree? The student The student The student The student Do you disagree…? doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question Why? The student The student The student The student doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question Second slide. What The student The student The student The student is this…? What are doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t your ideas about…? any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question Do you agree…? The student The student The student The student Do you disagree…? doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question Why? The student The student The student The student doesn’t make makes 1 – 2 makes more doesn’t any mistakes mistakes. than 2 answer the mistakes question 22
  • 23. Speaking test November 27th Question 4 3 2 1 Score The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 1 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the mistakes. mistakes question The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 2 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the mistakes. mistakes question The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 3 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the mistakes. mistakes question The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 4 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the mistakes. mistakes question The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 5 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the mistakes. mistakes question The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 6 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the mistakes. mistakes question The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 7 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the mistakes. mistakes question The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 8 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the mistakes. mistakes question The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 9 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the mistakes. mistakes question The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 10 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the mistakes. mistakes question The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 11 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the mistakes. mistakes question The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 12 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the mistakes. mistakes question The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 13 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the mistakes. mistakes question The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 14 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the 23
  • 24. mistakes. mistakes question The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 15 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the mistakes. mistakes question The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 16 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the mistakes. mistakes question The student doesn’t The student The student makes The student doesn’t Slide 17 make any mistakes makes 1 – 2 more than 2 answer the mistakes. mistakes question Writings and videos rubric (cumulative works) CATEGOR 4 - Above Stan 3 - Meets Stan 2 - Approaching Stan 1 - Below Stan Score Y dards dards dards dards Grammar & Author makes Author makes Author makes 3-4 Author makes Spelling no errors in 1-2 errors in errors in grammar or more than 4 grammar or grammar or spelling that distract errors in spelling that spelling that the reader from the grammar or distracts the distract the content. spelling that reader from the reader from the distracts the content. content. reader from the content. Capitalizati Author makes Author makes Author makes a few Author makes on & no errors in 1-2 errors in errors in several errors Punctuation capitalization or capitalization capitalization and/or in capitalization punctuation, so or punctuation, punctuation that and/or the essay is but the essay catch the reader's punctuation exceptionally is still easy to attention and that catch the easy to read. read. interrupt the flow. reader's attention and interrupt the flow. Neatness The final draft The final draft The final draft of the The final draft of the story is of the story is story is readable and is not neat or readable, readable, neat some of the pages attractive. It clean, neat and and attractive. are attractive. It looks like the attractive. It is It may have looks like parts of it student just free of erasures one or two might have been wanted to get it and crossed- erasures, but done in a hurry. done and didn't out words. It they are not care what it looks like the distracting. It looked like. author took looks like the great pride in it. author took some pride in it. 24
  • 25. Organizatio The story is The story is a The story is a little Ideas are not n very well little well hard to follow. well arrange. organized. organized. Writing Student Student Student devotes Student Process devotes a lot of devotes some time and effort devotes little time and effort sufficient time to the writing time and effort to the writing and effort to process but was not to the writing process the writing very thorough. Does process. (prewriting, process enough to get by. Doesn't seem drafting, (prewriting, to care. reviewing, and drafting, editing). Works reviewing, and hard to make editing). Works the story and gets the wonderful. job done. Title Title is creative, Title is related Title is present, but No title. sparks interest to the story and does not appear to and is related topic. be related to the to the story and story and topic. topic. Drafts All drafts are Only 2 drafts Only 1 draft is revise No drafts revise and are revise and and included included included included Cumulative works Writings: “Tell me about yourself”; “Your favorite…”; “Who is this?”; “Phobias” of.html 25
  • 26. 2 Evaluation 2.2Teacher Evaluation These evaluations are delivered in paper. 2.3Self evaluation 1 2 3 4 Number of Blog Entries X Technology X Organization and X Presentation Quality of Reflective X Writing Evidence of Growth and X Understanding Professionalism X 2.4Peer evaluation I made a comment in Sandra’s blog. She posted the learning material she used for her classes. I found the power point presentation very appealing and motivating for her students. I also recommended her a website called ESL Printables in which she will find numerous activities to download. 26
  • 27. Here is the comment: blogID=565978375538218049&postID=6258860151729679113&page =1&token=1260475547290_AIe9_BGiVe0AWgyO9BoIbPxm-9IE6UYl D7Qs9V9xulQqOciHQO- IIUMVXsxILeNo37_VixaWNKk2bNA_I3l1Vp79lZGg1fReyluGyasuBd- ukgV7NlwD6neAvaGhN-aQJwB2SjJVOfi7d5bBIe2gjMOzysbqpco- L1ExxVPFEaynbLqQTBxaHTkaWzjV83Mfalc1JzBAHPariy8VU6Rjlj6d TRKK-dfDagNdCTmY3ooql2LFfk1lzN4 27