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WBS 3630 (WBA) Module 2 Planning the Inquiry
Reviewing the Tools
Writing the proposal
Paula Nottingham 24/11/16
M1 ideas
with new ideas
M2 Planning
plan for
change within
and after
M3 Doing the
Staging your
applause (?)
BAPP Arts – planning inquiry
Preparation is key but do not become
Are there any images that relate to how
you feel about where you are now?
Think about this inquiry proposal as the staging of a production. This image is
related to Megan’s production of Annie. Relate the inquiry to you practice and
what you know about your practice…
What do you know
and what do you want to know?
What I know
What I want to know
Compare your list with others and come up with
some common themes about what you know….
these might change and may not be value-free. Try
to relate your ‘assumptions’ and the power
relationships in your particular context.
Planning (Module 2)
What kind of knowledge and understanding
(arts and workplace)will you be gaining from
this inquiry?
What else have you learned (is it connected)?
Learning objectives – gaining from evaluating
experience, gathering data, and planning a
‘capstone project’ or inquiry?
How does Part 4 –
(lines of inquiry) go
together with Part 5
How do I complete
the proposal/plan and forms
for submission?
Inquiry Tools -
How do I use Part
6 for my inquiry
planning ?
Where are you now in Module 2?
Part 4 is about to
starting to develop
your inquiry question
– and to find out what
others beyond your
immediate circle think
– it is about exploring
the expertise from
those who ‘know’
about your area of
1. You should have draft
inquiry questions that you
can later fine-tune for
your plan. Discuss these
with your adviser and
2. You should have some
literature that you have
read for its meaning and
informs your topic – this
literature will help you
start to plan a literature
review for Module 3
1. You need to understand your
professional context and get
permission from any
gatekeepers in your workplace.
You need to fill out an
Employer/Professional Support
form (there are 2 of these forms
to choose form up on the
MyLearning Module site)
choose 1 of these depending on
what your inquiry is about (1
works for 1 main organisation 2
works well for Community based
freelancers using a mentor)
2. You need to plan how to gain
people’s permission to ask them
questions, using consent forms
and filling out an Ethics Form for
the university - the actual
activity for the inquiry will be in
Module 3.
Part 5 is about your
professional ethics and
informed consent…
Your professional
practice is in the arts –
here you will be a
Part 6 is about
understanding the
tools/methods to
carry out practitioner
research – using
ethical practice from
Part 5…
As a part of your inquiry
you will probably do some
practitioner research - so
you need to plan this for
Module 3.
Module 2 is about
understanding the tools in
order propose how you
will use them in Module 3
– you will get ethical
permission from the
university to carry out your
practitioner research.
Inquiry Tools
Focus Groups
Writing the plan/proposal
The forms
The critical reflection
What are the inquiry tools and what
do we do with them for Module 2?
What is the plan?
Why do I need an
Inquiry question(s)?
What is the critical
How do I fill out the
What needs to be
handed in for
Observations can be a rich source of
information and look at events and behaviour.
Inquiry Tools
Focus Groups
The observation method involves the researcher in
watching, recording and analysing events of interest.
Events may be recorded, by the researcher - data may be
structured more openly or using a predetermined
framework using a observation grid to examine the number
of times that behaviour occurs or to record specific
responses or interventions.
The observer may also be a participant in the events being
studied… this participant observation can be recorded in
your journal.
Data is often both qualitative (how and why) and
quantitative (how much and when). You can prepare a
‘coding framework’ or grid that ensures data is collected
within agreed boundaries of subjectivity-objectivity.
Interactions with interviewees are noted in the analysis
AND describe how you carried out the observation –
include the insider-researcher perspective.
You can practice developing your analytical skills by
observing meetings (or similar events) in the workplace
(Bell, 2005).
Analysing Observations
The data is gathered and displayed as descriptions and
quotes, you can use diagrams, charts or photographs
to show relationships/
Record what has happened sensitively and appropriately to
issues of ethics, permission and confidentiality.
You need to report an understanding of the context for
the event or meeting that was observed in order to draw
conclusions from the data.
The main advantage of the survey approach is the ability to gather
data from wide range of representative respondents.
Inquiry Tools
Focus Groups
Surveys are associated with asking groups of people questions about
who they are or what they ‘think’ using their attitudes to issues.
Surveys can be both quantitative (counting up the responses and
giving percentages of the responses) and qualitative (leaving space
for participants to make comments).
The survey approach can use a representative sample of the
population of interest. BAPP Arts survey are generally small-scale
(so they are indicative but not considered statistically sound) but the
national census and large-scale MORI polls are examples of large
probability surveys – some of which you can use as datasets.
The aim is to devise precise written questions for answer by a
predetermined group or sample. If closed questions are used, the
questionnaire can provide a means of gathering data from a wide range
of respondents in a comparatively short space of time.
Low response rates are often problematic as they can affect the validity and
reliability of your data.
Questions need careful definition as does their positioning and layout in the
printed questionnaire. These questions can be factual in nature, finding out
basic information for comparison and correlation, or using attitudinal scale
that was popularised by Likert (Bell, 2005) that allow for a greater range of
response than yes or no answers.
“Attitudes can … be ascertained by presenting a list of declarative
statements and asking respondents to rate them in terms of agreement
or disagreement” (Black, 1999, p.227).
Analysing the data
The framework for data analysis of replies determined in advance.
Coding your questionnaire: There are five steps involved in the
coding process (Survey Monkey can export this data):
1. Develop the coding frame for both pre-coded (closed) and
open questions.
2. Create a codebook and coding instructions.
3. Code the questionnaires.
4. Transfer the values to a computer (as in an Excel
5. Check and clean the data (you can make simple graphs with
the data).
Interpretation involves identifying significant results, trends, patterns,
similarities and differences and offering an explanation for them. This
can be expressed in the form of numbers or words in your findings…
Inquiry Tools
Focus Groups
Interview- what is it?
It is a qualitative method where you collect what people say
(from your sample) in order to use it as evidence. Its
advantage is that you “can follow up on ideas, probe
responses and investigate motives and feelings” (Bell,
2005, p.157). You can ask the why questions…
It is an occasion to gather information ‘for the record’, with
a specific agenda set out by the researcher, it is not just a
conversation (Denscombe,2007).
When it is processed, the evidence from the interview will
provide data for your research.
Sampling – choosing who to interview
There are a number of different ways to design a
sampling frame and this will depend on your approach
and access. Match your methods to your research
problem and work-based learning project
Purposive - choosing people who can answer the
questions using defined criteria like expertise or their
being in certain roles within the workplace (qualitative)
Representative - selection of the sample population
(quantitative and mixed - i.e. the interviews might follow a
survey) more ‘scientific’ - using a version of probability or
non-probability sampling
Types of Interview
Structured - closed questions to illicit information that can
be turned into data, like a social survey in person or for
targeted information, uses identical questions that can
be standardised
Semi-structured - broad topic questions but with some
built in flexibility, usually some standardisation
Open – usually around a general topic but where you allow
the participant to introduce subjects and/or narratives
more freely.
Developing questions and trying them out
Interview Questions - ask what you would like to know
about for your project. Think this process through.
Piloting the process - draft the questions and their
sequence. Try this out with a willing participant who can
offer you suggestions for any changes - you can also talk
about this stage with your Academic Advisor. Change
your interview process as needed.
How does this differ from professional networking? How is
it similar?
Interview Preparations
Consent Forms - the ‘researcher’ needs to ensure
informed consent from the participants – more in the
campus session on ethics
Access and/or Gatekeeper Permission – you may need
to write or email the Manager telling them what you are
doing and receive the ok to interview people
You may need a letter from Middlesex University to
formalise your agreement with the workplace, especially
if confidentiality agreements are required.
Protocols - arranging the meeting
Send an information sheet, interview questions and
consent form prior to the meeting if possible. Tell the
participant what they will need to do to prepare and how
much time you will need. Make clear your needs…
Allow time to contact people to agree to interview, for
example, to work with children you might need a CRB
(Criminal Records Bureau) check.
Most people at work are busy and scheduling is required,
other interviews might take place outside of work
because of confidentiality or preference. You may have
to do interviews over the phone or Skype.
Notes and taping
Gain permission to record the audio visual – use 2
devices to ensure you get the interview - digital
devices mean that you can store the information but be
careful about the storage and confidentiality
You may want to take a few notes to highlight certain
responses - have sheets prepared and maybe a
clipboard. This may not be possible in an ‘ethnographic’
situation i.e. an evening performance venue.
Doing the interview
Be punctual and have all handouts ready (Consent form,
questionnaires, etc.).
Arrange the surroundings, i.e. the seating and recording
devices, so that the participant is comfortable.
It is important that the participant is supported in the process
and that you also engage with them in a professional manner
BUT that you come away from the interview with the
evidence that you need for your inquiry
Asking the questions
Keeping a neutral tone and ‘chairing the process’ to
keep it on time, stopping if necessary or asked to stop.
Taping also means the recording of your voice, so you
want to keep your talking down to a minimum. Don’t ask
leading questions - this is harder than it sounds - BUT try
to ask clarification questions to bring out interesting
points, that is why you are there.
In a semi-structured or open interview or focus group -
there will be extra information that you may need to sift
out, but try not to cut off the flow of the speaker.
Managing data from interviews
• Generally the interview data is transcribed into written
• Quotes should be written as they are spoken, and you
can add in non-verbal responses to the text.
• Generally, this data is kept in a secure place that you
describe in your writing up, and is only viewed by the
original researcher although in some cases academic
advisors may need to check this process.
• In this case, transcriptions and tapes should be kept until
the end of the programme.
Analysing interviews
The analysis of data collected from interviews can be
complex. It has been collected within a certain context or a
variety of different ones and must be analysed with that in
mind. Use research sources to help you decide your
Quotes can be selected because they typify the data
(common responses) or there might be some statements
that are significant though only said once (significant).
Analysing interviews
The qualitative researcher can categorise (code) data
that has emerged into themes, and the data may include
the researchers own ideas, impressions and interpretations
that are observed. The data is organised so that
comparisons, contrasts and evaluations can be made with
the aim of finding the meaning of the evidence presented.
Content analysis can also looks at how often words and
phrases are used to explain meaning by a systematic
review of the data that could be subjected to statistical
significance testing, e.g. categorising the positive and
negative statements in a transcript of the interview or
related documents (like government policy papers).
Focus Groups
Your choice of setting, public or private, depends on the situation.
Inquiry Tools
Focus Groups
Focus Groups
Focus groups are similar to group interviews but they have a
different dynamics because of the interaction between the
“Focus groups are more likely to include members who
either have similar characteristics or experience… or are
known to have a professional concern about and knowledge
of the issues involved.” (Bell, 2005, p. 162).
Focus Groups
Focus groups can also be hard to manage so the role of the
moderator or facilitator (yourself) is an important one to
make sure to provide the ‘trigger’ topic or questions and to
channel the discussion to elicit the data needed for the
research (Denscombe, 2007, p. 179).
With focus groups you may want to have everyone identify
themselves first so that you can identify their voice - these
are more difficult to transcribe.
Focus Groups - the setting
Recording devices
Actual seating arrangement for a recent focus group in which Paula took part.
Actions for after the interview or focus group
Transcription should be verbatim – including pauses,
nonverbal responses, repetitions in order to analyse
the data after the interview
If you are transcribing yourself, leave enough time
(rule of thumb is 1 hour = 8 hours of transcription)
OR transcribe only the quotes you need.
You can pay someone to do this but need to insure
confidentiality and anonymity – i.e. use pseudonyms
or name substitutes like Respondent 1, Actor 1, Actor
2 etc. or describe them by their role UNLESS you
have permission to do otherwise.
Inquiry Tools
Focus Groups
These include papers or digital materials that
would be like talking to someone about your
area of interest – in Part 5 you looked at
ethical documents from you work for
example – these might also include policy
documents or web research about your topic
that are ‘artefacts’ that do not ‘critique’ but
represent points of view or practice.
So in response to the questions at the beginning…
Part 4 - The lines of inquiry is
what you are trying to find out…
you use expertise from your
‘field’ to define your inquiry
Part 5 - Ethical practice and
consent are a part of
practitioner research – so are
built into your process of finding
out and doing activities after
you find out…
Your main inquiry
question (sub-questions )
are written into the
proposal /plan
Ethical principles are
summarised in the
accompanied by the 3
forms and a Critical
You need to decide what
literature you will need to
‘theorise’ your topic and
area of interest
So in response to the three questions at the beginning…
Part 6
tools/methods are
used to gather data
about your inquiry
to add to what you
can find out from
literature – you
should now decide
what tools will be
used for your
In the plan you decide who you
need to ask permission from the
Gatekeepers – this might be the
person who signs your Employer
Support form (your main
employer or a professional peer)
AND who you need to talk to - the
specific people - their roles and
the criteria you are using to
choose them for your sample -
and the reasons (the rationale)
about why you want to speak
with them
So in response to the three questions at the beginning…
How do I complete the
proposal/plan for
Use what you have learned
during the Module to draft a plan
– send the draft to your adviser
for feedback.
Writing the plan/proposal
Outline of the Inquiry Plan
Use the following headings in bold for your inquiry plan and discuss:
Title of the Professional Inquiry
Context of the Inquiry Rationale and Inquiry Question(s)
Aims / Objectives
Literature, art work and Ideas
Inquiry tools & Ethical consent/permissions
Approach to analysis
Schedule of activities
Full explanations are in your module handbook.
So in response to the three questions at the beginning…
• Employer/Professional Support form is signed by someone you
work for or a professional peer
• Ethics Release form you do yourself but it explains the process
you are using for your practitioner research – Note: this form is
linked to the employer’s permission – so you need to get the
signature of the place you are carrying out the research
• Award Title form is about your degree title (not the title of the
inquiry ) but the BA (Hons) Professional Practice in Arts (and your
specialism in brackets).
• 2 others you can prepare –1. the BAPP Arts Informed Consent
form and 2. the Information for Participants – THIS ARE FOR
not start the research until ethical approval is given after the
The forms
So in response to the three questions at the beginning…
The critical reflection is
similar to what you did in
Module 1 – it talks about
what you have learned
during the module.
Write this on a blog and
then reproduce the blog
(cut and paste the text
or pdf the blog post) as
an appendix of the plan
– so Appendix 1.
The critical reflection
So once again a portfolio approach to the submission – ask
you adviser any questions you might have!!!
Where are you now in Module 2?
Action planning:
•Complete your draft for the proposal
and send this and the draft for the
forms to your tutor for feedback
•Refer to your Module 2 Handbook
• Reader 4, Reader 5, Reader 6
• the Reading List up on the
Library on the UniHub/MyUniHub
• Your tutor
• Your SIGs
LOOK at Research Literature on
Reading List for practitioner
research planning – it is on the
module site in My Learning or
directly from the library links
e.g. Bell
Fox et al.
Costley et al.
Blaxter Hughes and Tight
LOOK at Arts-based Literature
on directly from the library links
like Summon
This was in part 4 but you can do
more than 3 sources – these
sources of expertise will hlp
define your planning and start
the review of literature you will
need for the inquiry
Forms for Module 2 WBS3630
The forms are important to submit for Module 2
3 main forms are needed now and a several others to help with the planning for Module 3.
These can be put in your appendices to mock up your planning. You can send the forms
separately or in your appendices.
Specialist Title- do a draft and send to your tutor
Ethics form - do a draft and send to your tutor
Employer/Professional Support form - 2 versions of this to choose from – 1. for
those working in 1 main organisation or 1 School 2. for freelancers who will be working
outside of 1 main organisation - do a draft and send to your tutor
BAPP Arts Informed Consent Form (mock this up for Module 3) - do a draft and send to
your tutor
BAPP Arts Information Sheet (mock this up for Module 3) - do a draft and send to your
The SAMPLEs might be useful for planning in schools
What is the word count?
In Module 1 you had a 1000 word
count that has a 10% above or below
as standard academic practice. In
Module 2 we have and an ‘indicated’
word count – so you are not confined
to this 10% - but this let’s you know
the size of work – so 3000 words
approximately but we also encourage
people to use images, diagrammes
etc. where appropriate
Am I doing the real research for the
inquiry now in Module 2?
No – this is the preparation for the
the forms…
There are 3 main forms
and 2 suggested to prepare (the
BAPP Arts Informed Consent form
+ the BAPP Arts Information Sheet
These are telling the university who
you plan to talk with and the that
you will take care with the

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Final Module 2 WBS 3630 24.11.16

  • 1. WBS 3630 (WBA) Module 2 Planning the Inquiry Reviewing the Tools Writing the proposal Paula Nottingham 24/11/16
  • 2. M1 ideas communication, reflection, networking Arts knowledge with new ideas M2 Planning Rehearsal plan for change within and after inquiry M3 Doing the inquiry Staging your work experience knowledge performance applause (?) BAPP Arts – planning inquiry
  • 4. Think about this inquiry proposal as the staging of a production. This image is related to Megan’s production of Annie. Relate the inquiry to you practice and what you know about your practice… Annie
  • 5. What do you know and what do you want to know? What I know 1 2 3 What I want to know 1 2 3 Compare your list with others and come up with some common themes about what you know…. these might change and may not be value-free. Try to relate your ‘assumptions’ and the power relationships in your particular context.
  • 6. Planning (Module 2) What kind of knowledge and understanding (arts and workplace)will you be gaining from this inquiry? What else have you learned (is it connected)? Learning objectives – gaining from evaluating experience, gathering data, and planning a ‘capstone project’ or inquiry?
  • 7. How does Part 4 – (lines of inquiry) go together with Part 5 –(ethics)? How do I complete the proposal/plan and forms for submission? Inquiry Tools - How do I use Part 6 for my inquiry planning ? Where are you now in Module 2?
  • 8. Part 4 is about to starting to develop your inquiry question – and to find out what others beyond your immediate circle think – it is about exploring the expertise from those who ‘know’ about your area of interest 1. You should have draft inquiry questions that you can later fine-tune for your plan. Discuss these with your adviser and SIGs. 2. You should have some literature that you have read for its meaning and informs your topic – this literature will help you start to plan a literature review for Module 3
  • 9. 1. You need to understand your professional context and get permission from any gatekeepers in your workplace. You need to fill out an Employer/Professional Support form (there are 2 of these forms to choose form up on the MyLearning Module site) choose 1 of these depending on what your inquiry is about (1 works for 1 main organisation 2 works well for Community based freelancers using a mentor) 2. You need to plan how to gain people’s permission to ask them questions, using consent forms and filling out an Ethics Form for the university - the actual activity for the inquiry will be in Module 3. Part 5 is about your professional ethics and understanding informed consent… Your professional practice is in the arts – here you will be a practitioner-researcher
  • 10. Part 6 is about understanding the tools/methods to carry out practitioner research – using ethical practice from Part 5… As a part of your inquiry you will probably do some practitioner research - so you need to plan this for Module 3. Module 2 is about understanding the tools in order propose how you will use them in Module 3 – you will get ethical permission from the university to carry out your practitioner research.
  • 11. Inquiry Tools Observations Surveys Interviews Focus Groups Documents Writing the plan/proposal The forms The critical reflection What are the inquiry tools and what do we do with them for Module 2? What is the plan? Why do I need an Inquiry question(s)? What is the critical review? How do I fill out the forms? What needs to be handed in for assessment?
  • 12. Observations Observations can be a rich source of information and look at events and behaviour. Inquiry Tools Observations Surveys Interviews Focus Groups Documents
  • 13. Observations The observation method involves the researcher in watching, recording and analysing events of interest. Events may be recorded, by the researcher - data may be structured more openly or using a predetermined framework using a observation grid to examine the number of times that behaviour occurs or to record specific responses or interventions. The observer may also be a participant in the events being studied… this participant observation can be recorded in your journal.
  • 14. Observations Data is often both qualitative (how and why) and quantitative (how much and when). You can prepare a ‘coding framework’ or grid that ensures data is collected within agreed boundaries of subjectivity-objectivity. Interactions with interviewees are noted in the analysis AND describe how you carried out the observation – include the insider-researcher perspective. You can practice developing your analytical skills by observing meetings (or similar events) in the workplace (Bell, 2005).
  • 15. Analysing Observations The data is gathered and displayed as descriptions and quotes, you can use diagrams, charts or photographs to show relationships/ Record what has happened sensitively and appropriately to issues of ethics, permission and confidentiality. You need to report an understanding of the context for the event or meeting that was observed in order to draw conclusions from the data.
  • 16. Surveys The main advantage of the survey approach is the ability to gather data from wide range of representative respondents. Inquiry Tools Observations Surveys Interviews Focus Groups Documents
  • 17. Surveys Surveys are associated with asking groups of people questions about who they are or what they ‘think’ using their attitudes to issues. Surveys can be both quantitative (counting up the responses and giving percentages of the responses) and qualitative (leaving space for participants to make comments). The survey approach can use a representative sample of the population of interest. BAPP Arts survey are generally small-scale (so they are indicative but not considered statistically sound) but the national census and large-scale MORI polls are examples of large probability surveys – some of which you can use as datasets. .
  • 18. Surveys The aim is to devise precise written questions for answer by a predetermined group or sample. If closed questions are used, the questionnaire can provide a means of gathering data from a wide range of respondents in a comparatively short space of time. Low response rates are often problematic as they can affect the validity and reliability of your data. Questions need careful definition as does their positioning and layout in the printed questionnaire. These questions can be factual in nature, finding out basic information for comparison and correlation, or using attitudinal scale that was popularised by Likert (Bell, 2005) that allow for a greater range of response than yes or no answers. “Attitudes can … be ascertained by presenting a list of declarative statements and asking respondents to rate them in terms of agreement or disagreement” (Black, 1999, p.227).
  • 19. Analysing the data The framework for data analysis of replies determined in advance. Coding your questionnaire: There are five steps involved in the coding process (Survey Monkey can export this data): 1. Develop the coding frame for both pre-coded (closed) and open questions. 2. Create a codebook and coding instructions. 3. Code the questionnaires. 4. Transfer the values to a computer (as in an Excel spreadsheet). 5. Check and clean the data (you can make simple graphs with the data). Interpretation involves identifying significant results, trends, patterns, similarities and differences and offering an explanation for them. This can be expressed in the form of numbers or words in your findings…
  • 21. Interview- what is it? It is a qualitative method where you collect what people say (from your sample) in order to use it as evidence. Its advantage is that you “can follow up on ideas, probe responses and investigate motives and feelings” (Bell, 2005, p.157). You can ask the why questions… It is an occasion to gather information ‘for the record’, with a specific agenda set out by the researcher, it is not just a conversation (Denscombe,2007). When it is processed, the evidence from the interview will provide data for your research.
  • 22. Sampling – choosing who to interview There are a number of different ways to design a sampling frame and this will depend on your approach and access. Match your methods to your research problem and work-based learning project Purposive - choosing people who can answer the questions using defined criteria like expertise or their being in certain roles within the workplace (qualitative) Representative - selection of the sample population (quantitative and mixed - i.e. the interviews might follow a survey) more ‘scientific’ - using a version of probability or non-probability sampling
  • 23. Types of Interview Structured - closed questions to illicit information that can be turned into data, like a social survey in person or for targeted information, uses identical questions that can be standardised Semi-structured - broad topic questions but with some built in flexibility, usually some standardisation Open – usually around a general topic but where you allow the participant to introduce subjects and/or narratives more freely.
  • 24. Developing questions and trying them out Interview Questions - ask what you would like to know about for your project. Think this process through. Piloting the process - draft the questions and their sequence. Try this out with a willing participant who can offer you suggestions for any changes - you can also talk about this stage with your Academic Advisor. Change your interview process as needed. How does this differ from professional networking? How is it similar?
  • 25. Interview Preparations Consent Forms - the ‘researcher’ needs to ensure informed consent from the participants – more in the campus session on ethics Access and/or Gatekeeper Permission – you may need to write or email the Manager telling them what you are doing and receive the ok to interview people You may need a letter from Middlesex University to formalise your agreement with the workplace, especially if confidentiality agreements are required.
  • 26. Protocols - arranging the meeting Send an information sheet, interview questions and consent form prior to the meeting if possible. Tell the participant what they will need to do to prepare and how much time you will need. Make clear your needs… Allow time to contact people to agree to interview, for example, to work with children you might need a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) check. Most people at work are busy and scheduling is required, other interviews might take place outside of work because of confidentiality or preference. You may have to do interviews over the phone or Skype.
  • 27. Notes and taping Gain permission to record the audio visual – use 2 devices to ensure you get the interview - digital devices mean that you can store the information but be careful about the storage and confidentiality You may want to take a few notes to highlight certain responses - have sheets prepared and maybe a clipboard. This may not be possible in an ‘ethnographic’ situation i.e. an evening performance venue.
  • 28. Doing the interview Be punctual and have all handouts ready (Consent form, questionnaires, etc.). Arrange the surroundings, i.e. the seating and recording devices, so that the participant is comfortable. It is important that the participant is supported in the process and that you also engage with them in a professional manner BUT that you come away from the interview with the evidence that you need for your inquiry
  • 29. Asking the questions Keeping a neutral tone and ‘chairing the process’ to keep it on time, stopping if necessary or asked to stop. Taping also means the recording of your voice, so you want to keep your talking down to a minimum. Don’t ask leading questions - this is harder than it sounds - BUT try to ask clarification questions to bring out interesting points, that is why you are there. In a semi-structured or open interview or focus group - there will be extra information that you may need to sift out, but try not to cut off the flow of the speaker.
  • 30. Managing data from interviews • Generally the interview data is transcribed into written findings. • Quotes should be written as they are spoken, and you can add in non-verbal responses to the text. • Generally, this data is kept in a secure place that you describe in your writing up, and is only viewed by the original researcher although in some cases academic advisors may need to check this process. • In this case, transcriptions and tapes should be kept until the end of the programme.
  • 31. Analysing interviews The analysis of data collected from interviews can be complex. It has been collected within a certain context or a variety of different ones and must be analysed with that in mind. Use research sources to help you decide your approach… Quotes can be selected because they typify the data (common responses) or there might be some statements that are significant though only said once (significant).
  • 32. Analysing interviews The qualitative researcher can categorise (code) data that has emerged into themes, and the data may include the researchers own ideas, impressions and interpretations that are observed. The data is organised so that comparisons, contrasts and evaluations can be made with the aim of finding the meaning of the evidence presented. Content analysis can also looks at how often words and phrases are used to explain meaning by a systematic review of the data that could be subjected to statistical significance testing, e.g. categorising the positive and negative statements in a transcript of the interview or related documents (like government policy papers).
  • 33. Focus Groups Your choice of setting, public or private, depends on the situation. Inquiry Tools Observations Surveys Interviews Focus Groups Documents
  • 34. Focus Groups Focus groups are similar to group interviews but they have a different dynamics because of the interaction between the participants. “Focus groups are more likely to include members who either have similar characteristics or experience… or are known to have a professional concern about and knowledge of the issues involved.” (Bell, 2005, p. 162).
  • 35. Focus Groups Focus groups can also be hard to manage so the role of the moderator or facilitator (yourself) is an important one to make sure to provide the ‘trigger’ topic or questions and to channel the discussion to elicit the data needed for the research (Denscombe, 2007, p. 179). With focus groups you may want to have everyone identify themselves first so that you can identify their voice - these are more difficult to transcribe.
  • 36. Focus Groups - the setting Researcher Gatekeeper Recording devices Actual seating arrangement for a recent focus group in which Paula took part.
  • 37. Actions for after the interview or focus group Transcription should be verbatim – including pauses, nonverbal responses, repetitions in order to analyse the data after the interview If you are transcribing yourself, leave enough time (rule of thumb is 1 hour = 8 hours of transcription) OR transcribe only the quotes you need. You can pay someone to do this but need to insure confidentiality and anonymity – i.e. use pseudonyms or name substitutes like Respondent 1, Actor 1, Actor 2 etc. or describe them by their role UNLESS you have permission to do otherwise.
  • 38. Documents Inquiry Tools Observations Surveys Interviews Focus Groups Documents These include papers or digital materials that would be like talking to someone about your area of interest – in Part 5 you looked at ethical documents from you work for example – these might also include policy documents or web research about your topic that are ‘artefacts’ that do not ‘critique’ but represent points of view or practice.
  • 39. So in response to the questions at the beginning… Part 4 - The lines of inquiry is what you are trying to find out… you use expertise from your ‘field’ to define your inquiry questions… Part 5 - Ethical practice and consent are a part of practitioner research – so are built into your process of finding out and doing activities after you find out… Your main inquiry question (sub-questions ) are written into the proposal /plan Ethical principles are summarised in the plan/proposal accompanied by the 3 forms and a Critical Reflection You need to decide what literature you will need to ‘theorise’ your topic and area of interest
  • 40. So in response to the three questions at the beginning… Part 6 tools/methods are used to gather data about your inquiry to add to what you can find out from literature – you should now decide what tools will be used for your inquiry In the plan you decide who you need to ask permission from the Gatekeepers – this might be the person who signs your Employer Support form (your main employer or a professional peer) AND who you need to talk to - the specific people - their roles and the criteria you are using to choose them for your sample - and the reasons (the rationale) about why you want to speak with them
  • 41. So in response to the three questions at the beginning… How do I complete the proposal/plan for submission? Use what you have learned during the Module to draft a plan – send the draft to your adviser for feedback. Writing the plan/proposal
  • 42. Outline of the Inquiry Plan Use the following headings in bold for your inquiry plan and discuss: Title of the Professional Inquiry Context of the Inquiry Rationale and Inquiry Question(s) Aims / Objectives Literature, art work and Ideas Inquiry tools & Ethical consent/permissions Approach to analysis Resources Schedule of activities Conclusion Full explanations are in your module handbook.
  • 43. So in response to the three questions at the beginning… • Employer/Professional Support form is signed by someone you work for or a professional peer • Ethics Release form you do yourself but it explains the process you are using for your practitioner research – Note: this form is linked to the employer’s permission – so you need to get the signature of the place you are carrying out the research • Award Title form is about your degree title (not the title of the inquiry ) but the BA (Hons) Professional Practice in Arts (and your specialism in brackets). • 2 others you can prepare –1. the BAPP Arts Informed Consent form and 2. the Information for Participants – THIS ARE FOR PREPARATION FOR THE PRACTIOTNER RESEARCH – you do not start the research until ethical approval is given after the The forms
  • 44. So in response to the three questions at the beginning… The critical reflection is similar to what you did in Module 1 – it talks about what you have learned during the module. Write this on a blog and then reproduce the blog (cut and paste the text or pdf the blog post) as an appendix of the plan – so Appendix 1. The critical reflection So once again a portfolio approach to the submission – ask you adviser any questions you might have!!!
  • 45. Where are you now in Module 2? Action planning: •Complete your draft for the proposal and send this and the draft for the forms to your tutor for feedback •Refer to your Module 2 Handbook • Reader 4, Reader 5, Reader 6 • the Reading List up on the Library on the UniHub/MyUniHub site. • Your tutor • Your SIGs
  • 46. LOOK at Research Literature on Reading List for practitioner research planning – it is on the module site in My Learning or directly from the library links e.g. Bell Others? Fox et al. Costley et al. Blaxter Hughes and Tight LOOK at Arts-based Literature on directly from the library links like Summon This was in part 4 but you can do more than 3 sources – these sources of expertise will hlp define your planning and start the review of literature you will need for the inquiry
  • 47. FROM THE MY LEARNING SITE FOR WBS3630 (WBA) Forms for Module 2 WBS3630 The forms are important to submit for Module 2 3 main forms are needed now and a several others to help with the planning for Module 3. These can be put in your appendices to mock up your planning. You can send the forms separately or in your appendices. Forms Specialist Title- do a draft and send to your tutor Ethics form - do a draft and send to your tutor Employer/Professional Support form - 2 versions of this to choose from – 1. for those working in 1 main organisation or 1 School 2. for freelancers who will be working outside of 1 main organisation - do a draft and send to your tutor BAPP Arts Informed Consent Form (mock this up for Module 3) - do a draft and send to your tutor BAPP Arts Information Sheet (mock this up for Module 3) - do a draft and send to your tutor The SAMPLEs might be useful for planning in schools
  • 48. Q&A What is the word count? In Module 1 you had a 1000 word count that has a 10% above or below as standard academic practice. In Module 2 we have and an ‘indicated’ word count – so you are not confined to this 10% - but this let’s you know the size of work – so 3000 words approximately but we also encourage people to use images, diagrammes etc. where appropriate Q&A Am I doing the real research for the inquiry now in Module 2? No – this is the preparation for the inquiry the forms… There are 3 main forms and 2 suggested to prepare (the BAPP Arts Informed Consent form + the BAPP Arts Information Sheet These are telling the university who you plan to talk with and the that you will take care with the process…