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      Images of the social group I am aiming my product at

The social group that my magazine is aimed at are young males and females. They are mainly C2 & D, or students, and are
between the age of 17 and 23. They take a strong interest in music; they don't just listen to it when they are waiting for the
bus. They are passionate about how the music is made, the skill behind the music, the live playing of the music, the quality of
how they listen to it, and they may also play instruments themselves and be in their own bands. They care a lot about going
to gigs and festivals, as they want to appreciate their favourite band's music in the flesh. Their lifestyle is laidback, as they are
either students or work an average job as they are quite young, and they like to have a good time as well as working hard.
They have a good knowledge and range of music, liking many rock genres both old and new including classic rock, metal,
punk, alternative, indie etc. They don't care about keeping up with fashion and mainstream things, or the newest music, but
just wear and listen to what they want. They may feel different to a lot of the people around them, which is why they may
use websites like Tumblr to connect with people who like the same things as them. They also use Facebook and Twitter
because a lot of their friends are on there and it is a good way to keep in touch. They may have other hobbies such art &
photography, and are interested in a lot of films as they care about the arts and music. They appreciate good films and
recognize the classic directors instead of just watching any old film that comes out in the cinema, and they would have a wide
DVD collection and may have Lovefilm, but they wouldn't torrent films similarly to the way they buy their music. They would
drink energy drinks and fizzy drinks such as Red Bull and Coca Cola because they tend to not go to bed early, instead they are
on the internet or with friends. When they are drinking, they would drink beer like Peroni and spirits like Jack Daniels and
Jagermeister. Instead of going to nightclubs, they prefer to go drinking in pubs, bars and at house parties/friends houses and
they would pick a gig or festival over a club or party. They shop in some high street stores like Topshop/Topman and Urban
Outfitters, but they also like retro stores like Beyond Retro where they can get leather jackets etc, and they also shop online
for some of their clothes like band t shirts. They wear boots such as Dr. Martens and other shoe casual shoes such as
Converse and Vans. They like to buy CD's because they care about the music quality and paying for the music they
appreciate. Similarly, they use over ear headphones which are good quality, instead of the bad quality free ones you get from
apple. They listen to their music on iPods or iPhones, which most of them own, or just an ordinary phone instead of

                                      I have represented the audience and
                                      social group through my images,                             The mast head and name of my magazine represent the
                                      using clothing, setting and model. I                        audience as the name, Legend, links to the genre of music as
                                      used clothing typical to my audience,                       they see the music and the people as legendary and
                                      with band/print tshirt, skinny jeans,                       timeless, as they're music lasts forever as opposed to one
                                      boots and a leather jacket. The                             hit wonder pop stars. The design of the mast head also
                                      colours are also quite dark in the                          represents the genre, as I have said it links to logo's in the
                                      colour images, which reflects the feel                      rock genre such as band logos like Metallica, and games like
                                      of the music. The setting was a bit                         Guitar Hero.
                                      rough and dark, like the audience like
                                      to think of themselves. The model is
                                      young and has dark eye make up and
                                      hair, which the social group also has
                                      a lot of the time. The images
                                      throughout my magazine represent
                                      the audience by making the
                                      band/models look cool and a bit dark
The bands I have used in the          and rocky, as they would be their                                                         According to my
magazine represent my audience        idols and what they aspire to look                                                        questionnaire results, my
as the range of bands reflect what    like.                                                                                     audience would most like to
this social group listen to. On the                            This story represents the audience                               attend Reading festival so
plus section on the cover for                                  and social group as having a wide                                here I am representing
example, there are a mix of old                                knowledge and love of music, saying                              them. I am also representing
and new bands. As my audience                                  “chosen by you” showing the                                      the social group's lifestyle,as
like classic rock, current rock and                            audience have picked the music. It                               they like to attend festivals
alternative rock, I have reflected                             also shows they are not just                                     and gigs regularly in their
their taste in the stories and                                 interested in Classic rock, as it is                             spare time and as their
bands I used. My sell line also                                songs of “the 21st century”. I have                              lifestyle. Also for this reason,
reflects this, saying “the past,                               also included a free CD, representing                            I have included a mention of
present, and future of music”                                  the genre because this is their                                  the gigs of the month in the
showing the rock genre spans all                               preffered way of music, by paying for                            contents, and a live shot.
generations and eras because it is                             the CD because they care about the                               Also, the band's tour dates
true music.                                                    quality of the music and the people                              on the double page spread.
                                                               who make it.
                         AND WHY?

Bauer Media offers 300 magazines in 15 countries with a wide range of interests such as women’s
gossip magazine Closer and men’s magazine FHM. They are Europe’s largest privately owned
publishing group and employ around 6,400 people. They product around 38 million magazines
per week. The music magazines from Bauer Media are Kerrang!, Mojo and Q. They also have
radio stations and tv channels such as Kerrang tv and Kiss. By producing my magazine with Bauer
Media, there would be advantages such as they have experience with marketing the rock and
indie genre through those three magazines and also distribute the products via TV, Radio and
online. This would be beneficial because my target audience, being young, would like to access
products via these technologies. On the other side, with three rock based magazines, my
magazine may not have a place in their company and may blend in with them.

                     IPC Media produces 60 magazines and prints reaching around 26 million UK adults. They produce NME and
                     Uncut, but NME is their only massive music magazine, as Uncut is not as popular. They also have the
                     competing magazines for Bauer media, such as Nuts and Look. Their magazines are aimed more at women
                     than men, as almost two thirds of women and 42% of men readers.
                     They also have NME TV and NME Radio, which would mean it would be benificial in the same way as Bauer
                     Media would be. IPC Media do have a classic rock genre magazine, but the target audience is much older
                     and my product would stand out against it for young people, especially my target audience. NME is an indie
                     rock genre magazine, and does not appeal to my audience the same way, as they are a slightly different
                     social group and the music is not represented in the same way as my magazine. Overall I am deciding to go
                     with IPC Media, because there is less competition in the brands they have and they have a gap for a
                     younger audience rock magazine, and they would market my magazine succsessfully with NME being the
                     same age range, which is a hugely popular magazine.

I would use some other ways of distributing/marketing my product than selling it in the supermarket. I would still do this, as
it is a main seller of magazines. However, due to the age of my audience and according to the results of my questionnaire,
almost all of my audience use twitter, facebook and tumblr regularly, so I would use the internet and social networking in
order to market my magazine further. Similar to Classic Rock and NME I would have a twitter account for the magazine,
tweeting news, stories, music and things from the magazine to appeal to the audience and make them want to buy the
magazine. I would also have a facebook page, where fans/readers can like the magazine and see news and stories similar to
twitter, and their friends would see they have liked the magazine, meaning it would gain readers and interest as they would
have similar social groups on their facebooks.
                                                                                             I would also have a Radio and TV
                                                                                             channel like NME, as this gains more
                                                                                             of a readership and allows fans to
                                                                                             feel involved in more than just a
                                                                                             magazine, but a range of medias
                                                                                             making them feel accepted with
                                                                                             their ideal music taste in all these
                                                                                             forms. This also appeals to the age of
                                                                                             my audience as they can listen to the
                                                                                             music on the go with the radio and
                                                                                             TV of my magazine.

                    The audience for my media product are 17-23 year old, almost
                    equally male and female, and are C1&C2 or students. They like to
                    express individuality through their music, clothing, and general
                    lifestyle. They attend gigs and festivals, and some play their own
                    instruments and are in bands. They have a passion for the music, and
                    they are not interested as much in the appearance of the people,
                    unlike genres such as pop where is seems a lot more about
                    appearance than the talent. They tend to like other arts, such as
                    photography and film, and their love for classic rock and good music
                    is similar to their other hobbies; they are interested in both digital
                    and film photography, and some own their own film camera. They
                    don't just take an interest in any old film coming out in the cinema,
                    they have a knowledge of classic and current films, and appreciate
                    the directors and skills behind certain films. They may also like cult
                    films, unlike people who like genres such as pop music, who would be
                    more interested in mainstream current films. They like coffee, energy
                    drinks and fizzy drinks, and for alcoholic drinks they like beer and
                    whiskey/bourbon. They don’t care too much for their appearance;
                    they wear jeans, boots, doc martens, band t shirts, hoodies, leather
                    jackets. They prefer to be comfy and casual than keep up with
                    passing fashions. They would rather save their money and splash out
                    on festival tickets, good quality headphones, gig tickets etc.

My questionnaire results showed my
audience would most like to go to Reading
and Leeds festival, so to appeal to them I                                    When I asked my audience which layout
included a competition to win tickets to this years festival. Also,           they prefer and what attracts them
when I asked my audience they said they would be more likely to               most on the cover, they said Image
buy a magazine if it had a competition to win gig or festival                 attracts them and they like a neat and
tickets, so this definatley would attract the attention of my                 bold layout. Because of this, I used a
audience.                                                                     striking black and white image, which
                                                                              has a lot of contrast, so this is the most
                    My audience said in the questionnaire they think          eyecatching thing on the cover
                    the ideal price for a magazine is £2 - £3 so I priced     hopefully attracting my audience.
                    my magazine at £2.70, which is half the price of the      I also addressed the layout preferences,
                    current Classic Rock genres on the shelves, which         not overcluttering the cover like NME
                    would mean my magazine would appeal more to               but keeping it bold with lettering and
                    young people and students with less money.                headlines standing out, but a lot of the
                                                                              stories being in line and keeping the
                                                                              cover neat.

The black and white image appeals to my audience as they see the genre
as timeless, and the black and white striking image lets them know straight
away the genre is rock. The colour scheme also does this; the black, white
and dull brown appeals to the audience as it is recognizable as Classic
Rock, and the dark moody colours appeal to the audience and represent
the music genre.

The internet was a big part of my research and planning for my magazine, for example I used
google look research similar magazines and magazine publishing houses. I used the social
networking sites Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr to ask my audience to do my questionnaire,
which was helpful because it allowed me to target a specific age and group of people that I know.
I did my questionnaire on Zoomerang, which was a easy way of producing and using a
questionnaire, and made it easy for people to access/fill out as well as easy for me to have an
overview of the results allowing me to make better decisions towards my magazine.

                        I used publisher to do my preliminary task, which was good for using simple text and
                        pictures and creating a basic layout. It also helped with creating a rough draft for my
                        magazine cover, and helped me decide where to position things and which style I
                        would like to create my magazine in.

                     I used a Canon DSLR camera to take my shots for my magazine.
                     This helped me create a professional final product, rather than
                     using a point and shoot camera, I could change the shutter speed,
                     ISO number and settings on my camera in order to get more
                     effective images on my cover, contents and double page spread.
I then started using Photoshop to manipulate my images and start putting together my magazine. I learnt to make
my images look more eye-catching and professional, as well as appeal to my audience more. With the examples
below, the cover image was originally in colour but after changing it to black and white and increasing the
contrast, the image became more striking and effective for a front cover. The skin stood out more and the eyes
are more noticeable and this will attract the audience more. The background is also more dark, making it easier to
put text on. In the second image, I edited the colour and saturation levels, by increasing the saturation the purple
and blue in the photo stood out more, making it a lot more effective for a magazine. Using photoshop to create
my magazine gave a lot more range and ideas, and allowed me to create a professional looking outcome, using
skills on photoshop.

                               Using Blogger to present my work was helpful as it was easy to keep everything neat and
                               organized, presenting the work in chronological order and allowing me to edit posts and easily
                               include links and saved time for me, as when I had finished something you can just upload it
                               straight to the blog instead of having to present it in hard copies. It also helps me see the
                               progression through the course and easily look at any changes I need to make.
                                                                          In the progression from my preliminary task to the
                                                                          finished magazine, I feel that my skills in all areas of
                                                                          producing media products have improved. I have learnt
                                                                          how to effectively target a specific audience and create a
                                                                          finished, clean, professional looking product. Looking at
                                                                          the images on both products, I have definitely learnt how
                                                                          to create a more striking cover using image; the photo
                                                                          used in my preliminary task was supposed to the main,
                                                                          eye-catching image on the cover but I hadn't thought
                                                                          about how to draw an audience in and I didn't think
                                                                          about composition or colour in order to do this. In my
                                                                          magazine cover however, I have considered setting,
                                                                          colour, clothing, composition, shot type and the effect it
                                                                          will have on drawing in my audience and creating a
                                                                          professional product. Unlike my preliminary task, the
                                                                          front cover has a clear colour scheme, and the whole
                                                                          cover looks finished and tied in together, like everything
                                                                          is in the right place and colour. My preliminary task has
                                                                          got a sense of

colour scheme, it doesnt seem to have a good or effective house style. I have learnt how to use colour to make the magazine look
like a whole product and give it a house style so it looks professional alongside other music magazines. Another noticeable
difference between the preliminary and the finished product is the masthead; the Negus magazine's masthead is dull, boring and
doesn't stand out anywhere near enough and even the headlines overpower the masthead. However, in my final cover, the
masthead is a lot more bold, centred and attention grabbing – you instantly know its the name of the magazine and it focuses your
attention to the two main things, the image and the name. It is also balanced with the puffs and headlines, not overpowering them
or being over powered. As well as these things I have used more professional design features like the barcode and the banner which
adds to the finished product. Overall, I have learnt how to successfully draw in and attract my audience, create a professional
looking style and make a similar product to real music magazines on the market.

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Final evaluation 3

  • 2. HOW DOES YOUR MEDIA PRODUCT REPRESENT PARTICULAR SOCIAL GROUPS? Images of the social group I am aiming my product at
  • 3. SOCIAL GROUP/AUDIENCE The social group that my magazine is aimed at are young males and females. They are mainly C2 & D, or students, and are between the age of 17 and 23. They take a strong interest in music; they don't just listen to it when they are waiting for the bus. They are passionate about how the music is made, the skill behind the music, the live playing of the music, the quality of how they listen to it, and they may also play instruments themselves and be in their own bands. They care a lot about going to gigs and festivals, as they want to appreciate their favourite band's music in the flesh. Their lifestyle is laidback, as they are either students or work an average job as they are quite young, and they like to have a good time as well as working hard. They have a good knowledge and range of music, liking many rock genres both old and new including classic rock, metal, punk, alternative, indie etc. They don't care about keeping up with fashion and mainstream things, or the newest music, but just wear and listen to what they want. They may feel different to a lot of the people around them, which is why they may use websites like Tumblr to connect with people who like the same things as them. They also use Facebook and Twitter because a lot of their friends are on there and it is a good way to keep in touch. They may have other hobbies such art & photography, and are interested in a lot of films as they care about the arts and music. They appreciate good films and recognize the classic directors instead of just watching any old film that comes out in the cinema, and they would have a wide DVD collection and may have Lovefilm, but they wouldn't torrent films similarly to the way they buy their music. They would drink energy drinks and fizzy drinks such as Red Bull and Coca Cola because they tend to not go to bed early, instead they are on the internet or with friends. When they are drinking, they would drink beer like Peroni and spirits like Jack Daniels and Jagermeister. Instead of going to nightclubs, they prefer to go drinking in pubs, bars and at house parties/friends houses and they would pick a gig or festival over a club or party. They shop in some high street stores like Topshop/Topman and Urban Outfitters, but they also like retro stores like Beyond Retro where they can get leather jackets etc, and they also shop online for some of their clothes like band t shirts. They wear boots such as Dr. Martens and other shoe casual shoes such as Converse and Vans. They like to buy CD's because they care about the music quality and paying for the music they appreciate. Similarly, they use over ear headphones which are good quality, instead of the bad quality free ones you get from apple. They listen to their music on iPods or iPhones, which most of them own, or just an ordinary phone instead of Blackberry.
  • 4. HOW DOES YOUR MEDIA PRODUCT REPRESENT PARTICULAR SOCIAL GROUPS? I have represented the audience and social group through my images, The mast head and name of my magazine represent the using clothing, setting and model. I audience as the name, Legend, links to the genre of music as used clothing typical to my audience, they see the music and the people as legendary and with band/print tshirt, skinny jeans, timeless, as they're music lasts forever as opposed to one boots and a leather jacket. The hit wonder pop stars. The design of the mast head also colours are also quite dark in the represents the genre, as I have said it links to logo's in the colour images, which reflects the feel rock genre such as band logos like Metallica, and games like of the music. The setting was a bit Guitar Hero. rough and dark, like the audience like to think of themselves. The model is young and has dark eye make up and hair, which the social group also has a lot of the time. The images throughout my magazine represent the audience by making the band/models look cool and a bit dark The bands I have used in the and rocky, as they would be their According to my magazine represent my audience idols and what they aspire to look questionnaire results, my as the range of bands reflect what like. audience would most like to this social group listen to. On the This story represents the audience attend Reading festival so plus section on the cover for and social group as having a wide here I am representing example, there are a mix of old knowledge and love of music, saying them. I am also representing and new bands. As my audience “chosen by you” showing the the social group's lifestyle,as like classic rock, current rock and audience have picked the music. It they like to attend festivals alternative rock, I have reflected also shows they are not just and gigs regularly in their their taste in the stories and interested in Classic rock, as it is spare time and as their bands I used. My sell line also songs of “the 21st century”. I have lifestyle. Also for this reason, reflects this, saying “the past, also included a free CD, representing I have included a mention of present, and future of music” the genre because this is their the gigs of the month in the showing the rock genre spans all preffered way of music, by paying for contents, and a live shot. generations and eras because it is the CD because they care about the Also, the band's tour dates true music. quality of the music and the people on the double page spread. who make it.
  • 5. WHAT KIND OF INSTITUTION MIGHT DISTIBUTE YOUR MEDIA PRODUCT AND WHY? Bauer Media offers 300 magazines in 15 countries with a wide range of interests such as women’s gossip magazine Closer and men’s magazine FHM. They are Europe’s largest privately owned publishing group and employ around 6,400 people. They product around 38 million magazines per week. The music magazines from Bauer Media are Kerrang!, Mojo and Q. They also have radio stations and tv channels such as Kerrang tv and Kiss. By producing my magazine with Bauer Media, there would be advantages such as they have experience with marketing the rock and indie genre through those three magazines and also distribute the products via TV, Radio and online. This would be beneficial because my target audience, being young, would like to access products via these technologies. On the other side, with three rock based magazines, my magazine may not have a place in their company and may blend in with them. IPC Media produces 60 magazines and prints reaching around 26 million UK adults. They produce NME and Uncut, but NME is their only massive music magazine, as Uncut is not as popular. They also have the competing magazines for Bauer media, such as Nuts and Look. Their magazines are aimed more at women than men, as almost two thirds of women and 42% of men readers. They also have NME TV and NME Radio, which would mean it would be benificial in the same way as Bauer Media would be. IPC Media do have a classic rock genre magazine, but the target audience is much older and my product would stand out against it for young people, especially my target audience. NME is an indie rock genre magazine, and does not appeal to my audience the same way, as they are a slightly different social group and the music is not represented in the same way as my magazine. Overall I am deciding to go with IPC Media, because there is less competition in the brands they have and they have a gap for a younger audience rock magazine, and they would market my magazine succsessfully with NME being the same age range, which is a hugely popular magazine.
  • 6. HOW I WOULD DISTRIBUTE MY MEDIA PRODUCT I would use some other ways of distributing/marketing my product than selling it in the supermarket. I would still do this, as it is a main seller of magazines. However, due to the age of my audience and according to the results of my questionnaire, almost all of my audience use twitter, facebook and tumblr regularly, so I would use the internet and social networking in order to market my magazine further. Similar to Classic Rock and NME I would have a twitter account for the magazine, tweeting news, stories, music and things from the magazine to appeal to the audience and make them want to buy the magazine. I would also have a facebook page, where fans/readers can like the magazine and see news and stories similar to twitter, and their friends would see they have liked the magazine, meaning it would gain readers and interest as they would have similar social groups on their facebooks. I would also have a Radio and TV channel like NME, as this gains more of a readership and allows fans to feel involved in more than just a magazine, but a range of medias making them feel accepted with their ideal music taste in all these forms. This also appeals to the age of my audience as they can listen to the music on the go with the radio and TV of my magazine.
  • 7. WHO WOULD BE THE AUDIENCE FOR YOUR MEDIA PRODUCT? The audience for my media product are 17-23 year old, almost equally male and female, and are C1&C2 or students. They like to express individuality through their music, clothing, and general lifestyle. They attend gigs and festivals, and some play their own instruments and are in bands. They have a passion for the music, and they are not interested as much in the appearance of the people, unlike genres such as pop where is seems a lot more about appearance than the talent. They tend to like other arts, such as photography and film, and their love for classic rock and good music is similar to their other hobbies; they are interested in both digital and film photography, and some own their own film camera. They don't just take an interest in any old film coming out in the cinema, they have a knowledge of classic and current films, and appreciate the directors and skills behind certain films. They may also like cult films, unlike people who like genres such as pop music, who would be more interested in mainstream current films. They like coffee, energy drinks and fizzy drinks, and for alcoholic drinks they like beer and whiskey/bourbon. They don’t care too much for their appearance; they wear jeans, boots, doc martens, band t shirts, hoodies, leather jackets. They prefer to be comfy and casual than keep up with passing fashions. They would rather save their money and splash out on festival tickets, good quality headphones, gig tickets etc.
  • 8. HOW DID YOU ATTRACT/ADDRESS YOUR AUDIENCE? My questionnaire results showed my audience would most like to go to Reading and Leeds festival, so to appeal to them I When I asked my audience which layout included a competition to win tickets to this years festival. Also, they prefer and what attracts them when I asked my audience they said they would be more likely to most on the cover, they said Image buy a magazine if it had a competition to win gig or festival attracts them and they like a neat and tickets, so this definatley would attract the attention of my bold layout. Because of this, I used a audience. striking black and white image, which has a lot of contrast, so this is the most My audience said in the questionnaire they think eyecatching thing on the cover the ideal price for a magazine is £2 - £3 so I priced hopefully attracting my audience. my magazine at £2.70, which is half the price of the I also addressed the layout preferences, current Classic Rock genres on the shelves, which not overcluttering the cover like NME would mean my magazine would appeal more to but keeping it bold with lettering and young people and students with less money. headlines standing out, but a lot of the stories being in line and keeping the cover neat. The black and white image appeals to my audience as they see the genre as timeless, and the black and white striking image lets them know straight away the genre is rock. The colour scheme also does this; the black, white and dull brown appeals to the audience as it is recognizable as Classic Rock, and the dark moody colours appeal to the audience and represent the music genre.
  • 9. WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNT ABOUT TECHNOLOGIES FROM THE PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTING THIS PRODUCT? The internet was a big part of my research and planning for my magazine, for example I used google look research similar magazines and magazine publishing houses. I used the social networking sites Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr to ask my audience to do my questionnaire, which was helpful because it allowed me to target a specific age and group of people that I know. I did my questionnaire on Zoomerang, which was a easy way of producing and using a questionnaire, and made it easy for people to access/fill out as well as easy for me to have an overview of the results allowing me to make better decisions towards my magazine. I used publisher to do my preliminary task, which was good for using simple text and pictures and creating a basic layout. It also helped with creating a rough draft for my magazine cover, and helped me decide where to position things and which style I would like to create my magazine in. I used a Canon DSLR camera to take my shots for my magazine. This helped me create a professional final product, rather than using a point and shoot camera, I could change the shutter speed, ISO number and settings on my camera in order to get more effective images on my cover, contents and double page spread.
  • 10. I then started using Photoshop to manipulate my images and start putting together my magazine. I learnt to make my images look more eye-catching and professional, as well as appeal to my audience more. With the examples below, the cover image was originally in colour but after changing it to black and white and increasing the contrast, the image became more striking and effective for a front cover. The skin stood out more and the eyes are more noticeable and this will attract the audience more. The background is also more dark, making it easier to put text on. In the second image, I edited the colour and saturation levels, by increasing the saturation the purple and blue in the photo stood out more, making it a lot more effective for a magazine. Using photoshop to create my magazine gave a lot more range and ideas, and allowed me to create a professional looking outcome, using skills on photoshop. Using Blogger to present my work was helpful as it was easy to keep everything neat and organized, presenting the work in chronological order and allowing me to edit posts and easily include links and saved time for me, as when I had finished something you can just upload it straight to the blog instead of having to present it in hard copies. It also helps me see the progression through the course and easily look at any changes I need to make.
  • 11. LOOKING BACK AT YOUR PRELIMINARY TASK, WHAT DO YOU FEEL YOU HAVE LEARNT IN THE PROGRESSION FROM IT TO THE FULL PRODUCT? In the progression from my preliminary task to the finished magazine, I feel that my skills in all areas of producing media products have improved. I have learnt how to effectively target a specific audience and create a finished, clean, professional looking product. Looking at the images on both products, I have definitely learnt how to create a more striking cover using image; the photo used in my preliminary task was supposed to the main, eye-catching image on the cover but I hadn't thought about how to draw an audience in and I didn't think about composition or colour in order to do this. In my magazine cover however, I have considered setting, colour, clothing, composition, shot type and the effect it will have on drawing in my audience and creating a professional product. Unlike my preliminary task, the front cover has a clear colour scheme, and the whole cover looks finished and tied in together, like everything is in the right place and colour. My preliminary task has got a sense of colour scheme, it doesnt seem to have a good or effective house style. I have learnt how to use colour to make the magazine look like a whole product and give it a house style so it looks professional alongside other music magazines. Another noticeable difference between the preliminary and the finished product is the masthead; the Negus magazine's masthead is dull, boring and doesn't stand out anywhere near enough and even the headlines overpower the masthead. However, in my final cover, the masthead is a lot more bold, centred and attention grabbing – you instantly know its the name of the magazine and it focuses your attention to the two main things, the image and the name. It is also balanced with the puffs and headlines, not overpowering them or being over powered. As well as these things I have used more professional design features like the barcode and the banner which adds to the finished product. Overall, I have learnt how to successfully draw in and attract my audience, create a professional looking style and make a similar product to real music magazines on the market.