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AS Media Studies Evaluation

      By Jasmine Aduhene
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions
                                   of real media products?
   When I carried out my research on existing products like magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads I identified
   certain codes and conventions which existed in magazine covering rock music as a whole and indie rock music. There were many
   conventions that stood out in the existing products looked at, these conventions were:

Page Numbers- The page numbers of a magazine are definitely a convention
which stood out, this is because page numbers are always on pages in magazines
in general, the page numbers and what will be on pages are also featured in the
contents pages of magazines a guide.

Masthead- The masthead is also a very popular convention, because no
magazine is complete without a masthead. A masthead is the main source of a
magazine and the same masthead is always on the magazine depending on the
company/business. For example the Kerrang masthead will always stay the same,
however the colour of it may change depending on the colour of the magazine
front cover.

Fonts/Writing style- The conventions of fonts and the writing style of a
magazine may always change, however the different sizes of the fonts may stay     Page Number conventions
the same because the size of font is probably chosen depending on which size is           Masthead conventions
the most legible.

Colour scheme- Another popular convention when it comes to magazines is the
colour scheme of the magazine and whether it works. Magazines usually have
colour schemes relating to the genre and in this case my magazine is based on
the colours black, white red and purple which represent rock and purple ton
represent the difference in indie rock.

Style of photography- The style of the photography is basically based on the
pose of the model and the camera angle on and in a magazine. In my magazine
the style of the photography is definitely represented through the poses of the
models. This convention exists in almost every magazine and the pose of the
magazine often links to the theme and genre of the magazine.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My media product was made with a specific audience in mind, this audience were people from the age of 16-25. My music magazine
represents social groups that have a high interest in rock music and indie rock music, this Is because of the very musical them and the
limited edition guitar shown in the magazine. My music magazine doesn’t really represent people of different class , however it may
be perceived as representing gender and different social groups.

                                  The dominant representation of my music magazine would definitely be
                                  age, this is because automatically when someone looks at my music
                                  magazine the it is most likely that their opinion will be that it is for a
                                  young audience, and anyone over the age of 26 wouldn’t read my
                                  magazine. This is definitely a stereo type.

                         My magazine doesn’t necessarily have a target gender, however stereotypically a
                         music magazine which is indie rock themed will be aimed at males, however I
                         incorporated purple into the magazine to aim it at both males and females because
                         purple is seen as a feminine colour. On the other hand my magazine represents
                         gender by having a visual male model, on the contents page there is a female model
                         however her face is not visual.

                              The readers of my music magazine may belong to social groups such as punks,
                              hipsters, indie, goths and many more. My product is based on indie rock so if
                              anything it definitely represents the indie rock culture the most. It also has a link
                              to punk and goths because stereotypically they listen to rock music and lastly my
                              product should definitely have a connection with the hipster culture, this is
                              because the hipster culture and fashion definitely links to the indie fashion.

                      My music magazine doesn’t show young children however it shows a young adult, the young adult it shows
                      is the model. Stereotypically my music magazine would only appeal to teenagers because there is a
                      teenager featured in this magazine however that convention is challenged.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

                     Publishing- The publishing company that I chose to publish my music magazine
                     was the professional publishers association otherwise known as the PPA. I chose
                     this company because there were no magazines that they had published that
                     were similar to mine. I also chose this company because it is well known and
                     publishes a lot of magazine for different well know companies. For example on
                     the right hand side of this page I have put an image of a vogue magazine that the
                     PPA have previously published. Another reason why I chose the PPA was because
                     they also promote magazines for businesses, one way they do this is advertising
                     them on their website.

                                       Distribution- The Distribution company I have chosen to distribute my music
                                       magazine is WWMD which is short for Worldwide magazine distributors. I chose
                                       this distribution company because they are world wide and because they have
                                       innovative magazine sales. It was important that I chose a distributor with
                                       innovative magazine sales because that means that my magazine sales would be
                                       An advantage of using this distribution company would be that they know how to
                                       increase my music magazine sales and a disadvantage would be that they try to
                                       increase the sales of my magazine and they are unsuccessful.

I didn't include the distribution company on the front cover of my music magazine, this is
because it would confuse the audience because it already has the PPA publishing logo on it.

                                                              The PPA logo on the front cover of
                                                              my magazine
Who would be the audience for your media product?

   The audience for my final product

   At the beginning of this product I did a lot of research to identify a potential audience for my research and planning stage, I also did a
   lot a lot of researching other products(magazines) and who their audience would be.

   Throughout this project I researched and noticed that my audience would be 16-24 year olds this is because of the feedback I got from
   my questionnaire. This age group is the most popular for music magazines because they are young but old enough to listen to every
   type of music and choose what they like, for example someone younger would not listen to music with rude words.

   The gender of my music magazine would definitely be both male and female, because rock music especially indie rock music has a lot
   of women in bands nowadays, and a lot of the ladies in the bands are lead singers. Sop this is where women become more involved
   with their genre of music. Through my questionnaire results it was evident that 4 more males answered it than females, however this
   doesn’t show that the audience of my music magazine would be more men.

   I think that the audience of class for my music product would be everyone, it definitely doesn’t matter what class someone is to read a
   music magazine, the only thing that matters is their interests and whether they are interested in reading an indie rock magazine.
   However some classes like the middle class may be more interested than other classes, so my audience would definitely be young
   adults and adults who are of any class and of any gender.

These two slides are evidence of how I collected who the audience
of my media product would be.
How did you attract/address your audience?
  When making my magazine an initial idea was to attract an audience, I worked on doing this by researching indie rock music and
  researching who my target audience would be, because without a target audience I wouldn’t know who my magazine would
  appeal to the most. On and inside my music magazine I chose to attract my target audience to my magazine firstly by the bright,
  attractive colours of my magazine and the pose of the model with the retro, wooden looking guitar. On my contents page the
  method I used to attract my audience was to get a rebellious image, and that image was of a model flicking her hair, this attracts
  the audience because of the sharp red colour I used and what the colour red sands for, which is passion, I also used the colour
  red because it is an attention grabbing colour. On the double page spread the way in which I chose to attract the audience was
  to make half of the double page spread a full image which fully represents music, and also by the colours of my font.

  The audiences definitely has an impact that plays a very huge part in the making of the magazine, I had to make
  sure that my music magazine addressed my audience. In honesty I don’t really think my music magazine
  addressed my audience that much because I didn’t use a conversational approach in my text however making
  my double page spread title “Why is Indie so Indie”, invited the audience in and not only had the answer in the
  double spread but also gives the audience a chance to answer that question or ask themselves, why indie is so

This is an example of how I used text to address the audience, I
used quotation marks to make it seem more conversational, like
someone is peaking to the audience.

                                                                        This image attracts the audience more than addressing them ,
                                                                        this because it looks as though the model in this image is playing
                                                                        to a bunch of people.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this
In order to do this whole process of making my indie rock themed music magazine I used a
variety of software and equipment, all of these equipment and software enabled me to make my
magazine, and make the production of it more realistic. Below are the listed equipment and
different type software and websites I used.

                 Photoshop- Throughout this whole process I used Photoshop, from start
                 to finish, Photoshop played a very important role in the making of my
                 music magazine, it enabled me to edit the photos I took, make the front
                 cover, contents page and double page spread of my magazine. I also
                 used Photoshop in the beginning to make my style sheets and my flat
                 pitches, my preliminary task and my mood board.

Microsoft Word- Throughout this process I didn’t use Microsoft
word a lot. I used Microsoft word to research indie rock and
indie fashion. I thought this was efficient because I didn’t want
every form of how I present my work to be the same.
Google Chrome- I used Google Chrome and Google
                                as my main source of research on indie rock and
                                images for my mood board. Google chrome was
                                very important because without the internet I
                                would have been able to blog my work.

Nikon/Canon camera- At the very
beginning of this magazine making
process I used these two types of
cameras to take the photos. I t was
essential that I used these cameras being
they produce really good quality photos.

                                  Apple Mac computer- To do this whole process I used
                                  apple Mac computers, these computers were difficult
                                  to use at the start due to the different software,
                                  however I did get used to using them.
Microsoft PowerPoint- When working on the blogging of the
 whole process if my music magazine I used Microsoft
 PowerPoint to analyse magazine covers, magazine contents
 pages and other magazine double page spreads, I also used it
 to analyse my questionnaire results. As well as doing that I am
 now using it to make a complete evaluation.

                              Slideshare- I used Slideshare to post my PowerPoint
                              presentation, I chose to use Slideshare because I found that
                              it was the easiest way to upload my PowerPoint
                              presentation to my blog. I also found that putting my
                              PowerPoint on slideshare made it very easy to access.

WordPress- Throughout this project I used Wordpress,
Wordpress is a blogging website and every piece of
work I did went on Wordpress.
Survey Monkey- Throughout this process of finding out what
  I need for my music magazine and how it came across to an
  audience when it was finished, I used survey monkey, survey
  monkey was very convenient and all I had to do was post a
  link onto my blog to give easy access to those who wanted to
  answer my questionnaire’s.

 Paint- Through this process I used paint to change
files and images into JPEG images at home, this is
because I didn't have Photoshop at home and it
was the only alternative. I also used paint to crop
images as well as turn them into JPEG images.

      DaFont /1001 free fonts- In order to get some of the
      fonts for my music magazine like the mast head I visited
      these two websites, and 1001 free fonts,
      these websites were very good because they had a
      variety of fonts to choose from which related to the
      theme of my magazine. The way in which I used these
      websites was that I got the fonts I wanted and saved
      them to Photoshop.
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the
                             progression from it to the full product?
At the beginning of this magazine making process I made a preliminary task, this preliminary task
magazine on the left was made when I was just getting started and knew nothing about Photoshop. I
produced this preliminary task without any research, very little planning and very little knowledge of the
software and hardware I was using. I think that overall I did a good job however it took time an d patience
to get my head around Photoshop. Although I produced this preliminary magazine without any
knowledge of software I managed to learn how to put text in front of the image, change the colour and
size of the text and choose my preferred font. I also learned how to alter the image by using the cropping
tool, place a barcode I got from the internet on the bottom left of the page and place the masthead
behind the model. One of the most important steps of using Photoshop was using layers, I learned how to
use the layers correctly in order to put everything into place.
                Whilst learning how to make my music magazine I was able to develop a lot of skills
                using Photoshop and other websites like survey monkey and slideshare. I learnt how to
                crop and edit images using tools such as contrasting tools and the black and white tools.
                I also learnt How to use the font tools to change colour and size of the fonts.

                                  When comparing my preliminary task front cover to final front cover, it was very noticeable that the
                                  appearance of my preliminary task was very basic, this is because it doesn’t have a lot of detail on it
                                  and there are not many skills being shown. However on my final front cover the skills are being
                                  shown and there is more detail. The skills being shown are the different range of colours, which lie in
                                  the fonts, another skill is the masthead, this is because the masthead font in not basic and was not
                                  taken from the Photoshop option, I downloaded off the internet so that was also a skill I learnt.
                                  Making the background image black and white was also a skill I learnt because I didn’t just make it
                                  black and white I played around wit the image a little bit to make some aspects darker than others
                                  like his hair and some lighter like his arm and his shirt, this is also why I took the background away
                                  from the from the barcode because it is Perfectly clear to see because the models shirt I white.

                                  All of these developments led to my final product and were also evident in my double page spread
                                  and my contents page.
Evaluation questionnaire feedback
In my evaluation questionnaire I asked 10 questions in a whole, these ten questions basically were asked to an
audience of people to find out what they thought of my music magazine, the way it made them feel and many other
questions relating to the magazine . Below I will explain and describe what these ten questions meant and how my
music magazine was seen in the eyes of an audience. I got 1o people to answer my questionnaire.

What kind of genre does the magazine make you think of?- When asking this question it was very important that the
theme of my magazine was identified, all of the audiences selected that they thought my magazine was of Rock
genre, this showed that I was able to get information and tips from the first questionnaire I had made from the
audience and turn those tips into a magazine that would reflect what I purposely aimed to make.

Which of the following aspects catches your eye first when you look at the front cover?-When looking at the front
cover, showing from the answers I received on survey monkey, it was evident that the most attractive aspects of the
front cover firstly was the pose of the model, which received 100% of votes, however I allowed this question to have
multiple options and the audience were allowed to select more than one answer. The other aspects which were
chosen that caught the eye of the audience on the front cover was the photograph, the colour scheme and the text.

How do you feel when you look at the front cover?- I asked this question purposely to find out how my music
magazine makes the audience feel and what sense they have when they look at it, the responses were mainly that
they felt it goes with the theme of the magazine, and it gave them an insight of what is inside the magazine. The
audience also felt that it is a good magazine that is full of interesting and fun things to read and look at, others
pointed out the fact that the front cover looked very powerful and had that impact, mainly due to the pose of the
Is the title a direct representation of the magazines theme? Why?- When asking this question the response I
received on survey monkey was that 90% of people who answered my questionnaire said yes and the remaining 10%
said no, the reason why that person said no was because they thought the name ‘collaboration’ was not versatile
enough for an indie rock magazine, however on the other hand the reason why others said yes was because the name
‘collaboration’ represents music in a way in which the beats, the tunes and people work together to form one, or in
another form collaboration stands for people coming together and performing music like in a band. In addition to this
one person linked the representation to the title because it fades and has a fiery red colour.
Evaluation questionnaire feedback
After looking at the front cover, would you like to know more about the genre featured in the double spread and why?- When
asking this question I aimed to find out whether my music magazine seemed and looked interesting enough to make my target
audience want to know more about the genre featured in the double page spread, the responses I got were that they wanted to know
more about the genre they also wanted to know more about the artist featured in the double page spread, however my music
magazine is not based on the artist and is more based on the genre of indie rock.

Does the image and the font on the front cover help you to understand the genre and contents of the magazine and why?- When
asking this question, I wanted to obtain information on what impact the image and the font on the front cover had, and whether my
audience could understand by looking at these what the genre and the contents of the magazine would be. The feedback I got back on
survey monkey was that the audience said that the font and image represents rock and roll and stays true to the genre I am
representing in my magazine, other answers were that the look and the pose of the model with a retro, vintage style guitar reminds
them of indie rock music.

If any part of the magazine was set out differently, do you think it would be more effective- which part and why?-
This question was asked because I wanted to know my faults with the magazine and how it could have been more effective. Some of
the audience that answered said that if the double page spread was laid out differently it would have more effect sand also If the font
on the double page spread was more legible then it would be more effective. Others said the positioning of the text would have made
the magazine more effective because it would be easier to read. Lastly 30% of the people who answered my questionnaire thought
that the magazine was laid out really well and no other changes could have been made to make it more effective.

What do you think the whole magazine is trying to communicate?- I chose to ask this question to an audience of people to finally see
whether my music magazine represented indie rock, and rock at its most, despite indie being at the front of the magazine. The
audience thought that the front cover went perfectly well with the indie rock theme, in the questionnaire it was also answered that
the magazine communicated how versatile rock music can be and that fashion does lie within indie rock music.

Does the layout of the magazine appeal to its intended audience and why?- The layout of the magazine was not what I planned it to
be fully because the double page was definitely not what I planned in my flat plan however the front cover was and the contents page
includes some aspects of what I planned. However the answers to this question were that it appeals to a young audience, and also
that the layout is interesting and draws the readers focus and the use of different colours also makes the magazine better to read

Do you think the ages and the genre of this are shown to be realistic and interesting and why is this so?- An answer to this question
answered by the audience was “ Yes, I think that rock is shown to be realising and the people in the images portray rock genre” and some
of the audience said that they thought the theme and genre of the magazine was researched and not just written through little knowledge and this is why t is
shown to be realistic.
Self Evaluation
In order to made this music magazine I had to use a lot of new software s and websites I had never used before, for
example Photoshop and Word Press. At first these were quite hard to get my head around and figure how
everything worked, however as I became used to using them, everything got a lot more easier. This music magazine
also made me realise that with practice on Photoshop my skills definitely did get better, because I didn’t start off
on the best foot.
Layout – On my music magazine , I tried to position everything in a way that anyone could easily recognise that
every part(front cover, contents page and double page spread) of my music magazine had a link and that they were
connected. The layout of my contents page definitely worked out how I pictured, because of the colours used and
how I edited the image and all of the text included onto it. On my contents page I went for a simple look with a
large image, and a simple listed contents, the impact of this is that it is easy for an audience to access, because
their eyes only have to slide down the page . On my double page I think that I could have worked on the layout a
little bit more and included more font. However I think that everything does flow due to the fact that the images
taken link and are of the same person and all look very indie.
Background- The background on my double page spread where the text lies is white, the white background makes
it a lot easier to read the text, however the font of the text is not that easy to read. The background to the contents
page is also very clear, and there is very easy access to read the font.
Content- The content of my magazine is about indie rock, and indie fashion and how they are portrayed, I think its
quite interesting however I could have included a little bit more information, and more imagery on indie fashion, in
the double age spread of my music magazine. I t also could have seen more detailed, .because that would give the
audience a stronger insight of a indie rock. In my opinion the content of my front cover looked very detailed and
definitely would catch my eye.
Pictures – The images that I took and edited for my magazine definitely suit my work because of the pose of the
model on my front cover and my double page spread, I think it was important that I kept the same model to show
the link in the magazine. I think that they are interesting mainly because of the way they are posing , and another
bonus is that the picture quality for my music magazine is quite clear, so that makes it more appealing to my target
Self Evaluation
Colours – In order to choose the correct colours for my indie rock themed magazine I used the answers in the
questionnaire made, most people voted for the three colours: White, Black and Red, I think it was important that I
went with what a selected audience said because when making a magazine it is most important to know what my
target audience wanted . I think that these colours did work very well, in addition to that I chose to incorporate
purple into my final front cover to give it that uniqueness, and a difference when comparing to the contents and
double page spreads. I think that my Front cover is the most attractive out of all the pages I created, this is because
it has a lot more going on and looks quite realistic.

Font styles – On my contents page, in order to get my masthead I visited a website called DaFonts , I think this font
was very effective and represents rock to the fullest, I used a basic font for the rest of the front cover and also
included some italics, and they were easy to read. The font style on my contents page was also very basic and was a
Calibri font, I think this is the easiest font to read in the whole magazine and definitely suited the rest of my work.
Lastly my double page spreads font was quite trick to get right, I don’t think that it is easy to read however I think
that the different choice of colour makes It more eye-catching, however that chosen font does not suit my work.

Readability – I think that the double page spread font is hard to read due to my bad choice of font, however the
rest o the font on my contents page and font cover are a lot easier to read . There is also easy access when making
our way around each page, because it each page is not bombarded with a large amount of font.

House Style – The set theme of my music magazine is Indie Rock, how it came about and the fashion that lies
within the indie theme, I chose this set theme because I thought that it was very interesting and there was a lot to
focus on, and also because it is a very creative theme, and that there were no standards. I think that this set them
of indie rock allowed me to easily match everything so in this case, everything does work well together.

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As media studies evaluation 1

  • 1. AS Media Studies Evaluation By Jasmine Aduhene
  • 2. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? When I carried out my research on existing products like magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads I identified certain codes and conventions which existed in magazine covering rock music as a whole and indie rock music. There were many conventions that stood out in the existing products looked at, these conventions were: Page Numbers- The page numbers of a magazine are definitely a convention which stood out, this is because page numbers are always on pages in magazines in general, the page numbers and what will be on pages are also featured in the contents pages of magazines a guide. Masthead- The masthead is also a very popular convention, because no magazine is complete without a masthead. A masthead is the main source of a magazine and the same masthead is always on the magazine depending on the company/business. For example the Kerrang masthead will always stay the same, however the colour of it may change depending on the colour of the magazine front cover. Fonts/Writing style- The conventions of fonts and the writing style of a magazine may always change, however the different sizes of the fonts may stay Page Number conventions the same because the size of font is probably chosen depending on which size is Masthead conventions the most legible. Colour scheme- Another popular convention when it comes to magazines is the colour scheme of the magazine and whether it works. Magazines usually have colour schemes relating to the genre and in this case my magazine is based on the colours black, white red and purple which represent rock and purple ton represent the difference in indie rock. Style of photography- The style of the photography is basically based on the pose of the model and the camera angle on and in a magazine. In my magazine the style of the photography is definitely represented through the poses of the models. This convention exists in almost every magazine and the pose of the magazine often links to the theme and genre of the magazine.
  • 3. How does your media product represent particular social groups? My media product was made with a specific audience in mind, this audience were people from the age of 16-25. My music magazine represents social groups that have a high interest in rock music and indie rock music, this Is because of the very musical them and the limited edition guitar shown in the magazine. My music magazine doesn’t really represent people of different class , however it may be perceived as representing gender and different social groups. The dominant representation of my music magazine would definitely be age, this is because automatically when someone looks at my music magazine the it is most likely that their opinion will be that it is for a young audience, and anyone over the age of 26 wouldn’t read my magazine. This is definitely a stereo type. My magazine doesn’t necessarily have a target gender, however stereotypically a music magazine which is indie rock themed will be aimed at males, however I incorporated purple into the magazine to aim it at both males and females because purple is seen as a feminine colour. On the other hand my magazine represents gender by having a visual male model, on the contents page there is a female model however her face is not visual. The readers of my music magazine may belong to social groups such as punks, hipsters, indie, goths and many more. My product is based on indie rock so if anything it definitely represents the indie rock culture the most. It also has a link to punk and goths because stereotypically they listen to rock music and lastly my product should definitely have a connection with the hipster culture, this is because the hipster culture and fashion definitely links to the indie fashion. My music magazine doesn’t show young children however it shows a young adult, the young adult it shows is the model. Stereotypically my music magazine would only appeal to teenagers because there is a teenager featured in this magazine however that convention is challenged.
  • 4. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? Publishing- The publishing company that I chose to publish my music magazine was the professional publishers association otherwise known as the PPA. I chose this company because there were no magazines that they had published that were similar to mine. I also chose this company because it is well known and publishes a lot of magazine for different well know companies. For example on the right hand side of this page I have put an image of a vogue magazine that the PPA have previously published. Another reason why I chose the PPA was because they also promote magazines for businesses, one way they do this is advertising them on their website. Distribution- The Distribution company I have chosen to distribute my music magazine is WWMD which is short for Worldwide magazine distributors. I chose this distribution company because they are world wide and because they have innovative magazine sales. It was important that I chose a distributor with innovative magazine sales because that means that my magazine sales would be high. An advantage of using this distribution company would be that they know how to increase my music magazine sales and a disadvantage would be that they try to increase the sales of my magazine and they are unsuccessful. I didn't include the distribution company on the front cover of my music magazine, this is because it would confuse the audience because it already has the PPA publishing logo on it. The PPA logo on the front cover of my magazine
  • 5. Who would be the audience for your media product? The audience for my final product At the beginning of this product I did a lot of research to identify a potential audience for my research and planning stage, I also did a lot a lot of researching other products(magazines) and who their audience would be. Throughout this project I researched and noticed that my audience would be 16-24 year olds this is because of the feedback I got from my questionnaire. This age group is the most popular for music magazines because they are young but old enough to listen to every type of music and choose what they like, for example someone younger would not listen to music with rude words. The gender of my music magazine would definitely be both male and female, because rock music especially indie rock music has a lot of women in bands nowadays, and a lot of the ladies in the bands are lead singers. Sop this is where women become more involved with their genre of music. Through my questionnaire results it was evident that 4 more males answered it than females, however this doesn’t show that the audience of my music magazine would be more men. I think that the audience of class for my music product would be everyone, it definitely doesn’t matter what class someone is to read a music magazine, the only thing that matters is their interests and whether they are interested in reading an indie rock magazine. However some classes like the middle class may be more interested than other classes, so my audience would definitely be young adults and adults who are of any class and of any gender. These two slides are evidence of how I collected who the audience of my media product would be.
  • 6. How did you attract/address your audience? When making my magazine an initial idea was to attract an audience, I worked on doing this by researching indie rock music and researching who my target audience would be, because without a target audience I wouldn’t know who my magazine would appeal to the most. On and inside my music magazine I chose to attract my target audience to my magazine firstly by the bright, attractive colours of my magazine and the pose of the model with the retro, wooden looking guitar. On my contents page the method I used to attract my audience was to get a rebellious image, and that image was of a model flicking her hair, this attracts the audience because of the sharp red colour I used and what the colour red sands for, which is passion, I also used the colour red because it is an attention grabbing colour. On the double page spread the way in which I chose to attract the audience was to make half of the double page spread a full image which fully represents music, and also by the colours of my font. The audiences definitely has an impact that plays a very huge part in the making of the magazine, I had to make sure that my music magazine addressed my audience. In honesty I don’t really think my music magazine addressed my audience that much because I didn’t use a conversational approach in my text however making my double page spread title “Why is Indie so Indie”, invited the audience in and not only had the answer in the double spread but also gives the audience a chance to answer that question or ask themselves, why indie is so indie. This is an example of how I used text to address the audience, I used quotation marks to make it seem more conversational, like someone is peaking to the audience. This image attracts the audience more than addressing them , this because it looks as though the model in this image is playing to a bunch of people.
  • 7. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? In order to do this whole process of making my indie rock themed music magazine I used a variety of software and equipment, all of these equipment and software enabled me to make my magazine, and make the production of it more realistic. Below are the listed equipment and different type software and websites I used. Photoshop- Throughout this whole process I used Photoshop, from start to finish, Photoshop played a very important role in the making of my music magazine, it enabled me to edit the photos I took, make the front cover, contents page and double page spread of my magazine. I also used Photoshop in the beginning to make my style sheets and my flat pitches, my preliminary task and my mood board. Microsoft Word- Throughout this process I didn’t use Microsoft word a lot. I used Microsoft word to research indie rock and indie fashion. I thought this was efficient because I didn’t want every form of how I present my work to be the same.
  • 8. Google Chrome- I used Google Chrome and Google as my main source of research on indie rock and images for my mood board. Google chrome was very important because without the internet I would have been able to blog my work. Nikon/Canon camera- At the very beginning of this magazine making process I used these two types of cameras to take the photos. I t was essential that I used these cameras being they produce really good quality photos. Apple Mac computer- To do this whole process I used apple Mac computers, these computers were difficult to use at the start due to the different software, however I did get used to using them.
  • 9. Microsoft PowerPoint- When working on the blogging of the whole process if my music magazine I used Microsoft PowerPoint to analyse magazine covers, magazine contents pages and other magazine double page spreads, I also used it to analyse my questionnaire results. As well as doing that I am now using it to make a complete evaluation. Slideshare- I used Slideshare to post my PowerPoint presentation, I chose to use Slideshare because I found that it was the easiest way to upload my PowerPoint presentation to my blog. I also found that putting my PowerPoint on slideshare made it very easy to access. WordPress- Throughout this project I used Wordpress, Wordpress is a blogging website and every piece of work I did went on Wordpress.
  • 10. Survey Monkey- Throughout this process of finding out what I need for my music magazine and how it came across to an audience when it was finished, I used survey monkey, survey monkey was very convenient and all I had to do was post a link onto my blog to give easy access to those who wanted to answer my questionnaire’s. Paint- Through this process I used paint to change files and images into JPEG images at home, this is because I didn't have Photoshop at home and it was the only alternative. I also used paint to crop images as well as turn them into JPEG images. DaFont /1001 free fonts- In order to get some of the fonts for my music magazine like the mast head I visited these two websites, and 1001 free fonts, these websites were very good because they had a variety of fonts to choose from which related to the theme of my magazine. The way in which I used these websites was that I got the fonts I wanted and saved them to Photoshop.
  • 11. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? At the beginning of this magazine making process I made a preliminary task, this preliminary task magazine on the left was made when I was just getting started and knew nothing about Photoshop. I produced this preliminary task without any research, very little planning and very little knowledge of the software and hardware I was using. I think that overall I did a good job however it took time an d patience to get my head around Photoshop. Although I produced this preliminary magazine without any knowledge of software I managed to learn how to put text in front of the image, change the colour and size of the text and choose my preferred font. I also learned how to alter the image by using the cropping tool, place a barcode I got from the internet on the bottom left of the page and place the masthead behind the model. One of the most important steps of using Photoshop was using layers, I learned how to use the layers correctly in order to put everything into place. Whilst learning how to make my music magazine I was able to develop a lot of skills using Photoshop and other websites like survey monkey and slideshare. I learnt how to crop and edit images using tools such as contrasting tools and the black and white tools. I also learnt How to use the font tools to change colour and size of the fonts. When comparing my preliminary task front cover to final front cover, it was very noticeable that the appearance of my preliminary task was very basic, this is because it doesn’t have a lot of detail on it and there are not many skills being shown. However on my final front cover the skills are being shown and there is more detail. The skills being shown are the different range of colours, which lie in the fonts, another skill is the masthead, this is because the masthead font in not basic and was not taken from the Photoshop option, I downloaded off the internet so that was also a skill I learnt. Making the background image black and white was also a skill I learnt because I didn’t just make it black and white I played around wit the image a little bit to make some aspects darker than others like his hair and some lighter like his arm and his shirt, this is also why I took the background away from the from the barcode because it is Perfectly clear to see because the models shirt I white. All of these developments led to my final product and were also evident in my double page spread and my contents page.
  • 12. Evaluation questionnaire feedback In my evaluation questionnaire I asked 10 questions in a whole, these ten questions basically were asked to an audience of people to find out what they thought of my music magazine, the way it made them feel and many other questions relating to the magazine . Below I will explain and describe what these ten questions meant and how my music magazine was seen in the eyes of an audience. I got 1o people to answer my questionnaire. What kind of genre does the magazine make you think of?- When asking this question it was very important that the theme of my magazine was identified, all of the audiences selected that they thought my magazine was of Rock genre, this showed that I was able to get information and tips from the first questionnaire I had made from the audience and turn those tips into a magazine that would reflect what I purposely aimed to make. Which of the following aspects catches your eye first when you look at the front cover?-When looking at the front cover, showing from the answers I received on survey monkey, it was evident that the most attractive aspects of the front cover firstly was the pose of the model, which received 100% of votes, however I allowed this question to have multiple options and the audience were allowed to select more than one answer. The other aspects which were chosen that caught the eye of the audience on the front cover was the photograph, the colour scheme and the text. How do you feel when you look at the front cover?- I asked this question purposely to find out how my music magazine makes the audience feel and what sense they have when they look at it, the responses were mainly that they felt it goes with the theme of the magazine, and it gave them an insight of what is inside the magazine. The audience also felt that it is a good magazine that is full of interesting and fun things to read and look at, others pointed out the fact that the front cover looked very powerful and had that impact, mainly due to the pose of the model. Is the title a direct representation of the magazines theme? Why?- When asking this question the response I received on survey monkey was that 90% of people who answered my questionnaire said yes and the remaining 10% said no, the reason why that person said no was because they thought the name ‘collaboration’ was not versatile enough for an indie rock magazine, however on the other hand the reason why others said yes was because the name ‘collaboration’ represents music in a way in which the beats, the tunes and people work together to form one, or in another form collaboration stands for people coming together and performing music like in a band. In addition to this one person linked the representation to the title because it fades and has a fiery red colour.
  • 13. Evaluation questionnaire feedback After looking at the front cover, would you like to know more about the genre featured in the double spread and why?- When asking this question I aimed to find out whether my music magazine seemed and looked interesting enough to make my target audience want to know more about the genre featured in the double page spread, the responses I got were that they wanted to know more about the genre they also wanted to know more about the artist featured in the double page spread, however my music magazine is not based on the artist and is more based on the genre of indie rock. Does the image and the font on the front cover help you to understand the genre and contents of the magazine and why?- When asking this question, I wanted to obtain information on what impact the image and the font on the front cover had, and whether my audience could understand by looking at these what the genre and the contents of the magazine would be. The feedback I got back on survey monkey was that the audience said that the font and image represents rock and roll and stays true to the genre I am representing in my magazine, other answers were that the look and the pose of the model with a retro, vintage style guitar reminds them of indie rock music. If any part of the magazine was set out differently, do you think it would be more effective- which part and why?- This question was asked because I wanted to know my faults with the magazine and how it could have been more effective. Some of the audience that answered said that if the double page spread was laid out differently it would have more effect sand also If the font on the double page spread was more legible then it would be more effective. Others said the positioning of the text would have made the magazine more effective because it would be easier to read. Lastly 30% of the people who answered my questionnaire thought that the magazine was laid out really well and no other changes could have been made to make it more effective. What do you think the whole magazine is trying to communicate?- I chose to ask this question to an audience of people to finally see whether my music magazine represented indie rock, and rock at its most, despite indie being at the front of the magazine. The audience thought that the front cover went perfectly well with the indie rock theme, in the questionnaire it was also answered that the magazine communicated how versatile rock music can be and that fashion does lie within indie rock music. Does the layout of the magazine appeal to its intended audience and why?- The layout of the magazine was not what I planned it to be fully because the double page was definitely not what I planned in my flat plan however the front cover was and the contents page includes some aspects of what I planned. However the answers to this question were that it appeals to a young audience, and also that the layout is interesting and draws the readers focus and the use of different colours also makes the magazine better to read Do you think the ages and the genre of this are shown to be realistic and interesting and why is this so?- An answer to this question answered by the audience was “ Yes, I think that rock is shown to be realising and the people in the images portray rock genre” and some of the audience said that they thought the theme and genre of the magazine was researched and not just written through little knowledge and this is why t is shown to be realistic.
  • 14. Self Evaluation In order to made this music magazine I had to use a lot of new software s and websites I had never used before, for example Photoshop and Word Press. At first these were quite hard to get my head around and figure how everything worked, however as I became used to using them, everything got a lot more easier. This music magazine also made me realise that with practice on Photoshop my skills definitely did get better, because I didn’t start off on the best foot. Layout – On my music magazine , I tried to position everything in a way that anyone could easily recognise that every part(front cover, contents page and double page spread) of my music magazine had a link and that they were connected. The layout of my contents page definitely worked out how I pictured, because of the colours used and how I edited the image and all of the text included onto it. On my contents page I went for a simple look with a large image, and a simple listed contents, the impact of this is that it is easy for an audience to access, because their eyes only have to slide down the page . On my double page I think that I could have worked on the layout a little bit more and included more font. However I think that everything does flow due to the fact that the images taken link and are of the same person and all look very indie. Background- The background on my double page spread where the text lies is white, the white background makes it a lot easier to read the text, however the font of the text is not that easy to read. The background to the contents page is also very clear, and there is very easy access to read the font. Content- The content of my magazine is about indie rock, and indie fashion and how they are portrayed, I think its quite interesting however I could have included a little bit more information, and more imagery on indie fashion, in the double age spread of my music magazine. I t also could have seen more detailed, .because that would give the audience a stronger insight of a indie rock. In my opinion the content of my front cover looked very detailed and definitely would catch my eye. Pictures – The images that I took and edited for my magazine definitely suit my work because of the pose of the model on my front cover and my double page spread, I think it was important that I kept the same model to show the link in the magazine. I think that they are interesting mainly because of the way they are posing , and another bonus is that the picture quality for my music magazine is quite clear, so that makes it more appealing to my target audience.
  • 15. Self Evaluation Colours – In order to choose the correct colours for my indie rock themed magazine I used the answers in the questionnaire made, most people voted for the three colours: White, Black and Red, I think it was important that I went with what a selected audience said because when making a magazine it is most important to know what my target audience wanted . I think that these colours did work very well, in addition to that I chose to incorporate purple into my final front cover to give it that uniqueness, and a difference when comparing to the contents and double page spreads. I think that my Front cover is the most attractive out of all the pages I created, this is because it has a lot more going on and looks quite realistic. Font styles – On my contents page, in order to get my masthead I visited a website called DaFonts , I think this font was very effective and represents rock to the fullest, I used a basic font for the rest of the front cover and also included some italics, and they were easy to read. The font style on my contents page was also very basic and was a Calibri font, I think this is the easiest font to read in the whole magazine and definitely suited the rest of my work. Lastly my double page spreads font was quite trick to get right, I don’t think that it is easy to read however I think that the different choice of colour makes It more eye-catching, however that chosen font does not suit my work. Readability – I think that the double page spread font is hard to read due to my bad choice of font, however the rest o the font on my contents page and font cover are a lot easier to read . There is also easy access when making our way around each page, because it each page is not bombarded with a large amount of font. House Style – The set theme of my music magazine is Indie Rock, how it came about and the fashion that lies within the indie theme, I chose this set theme because I thought that it was very interesting and there was a lot to focus on, and also because it is a very creative theme, and that there were no standards. I think that this set them of indie rock allowed me to easily match everything so in this case, everything does work well together.