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Graduate School, Urdaneta City Campus 
DM 212 
Human Resource Development 
and Management 
September 07, 2013 
Presenter: Michael John D. Sison 
MDM (Public Management) 
Presented to: 
Dr. Reynaldo T. Gelido and HRMD class
Personnel Selection 
Main Topics at glance: 
a. Objectives of the personnel selection process; 
b. Various sources of information used for 
personnel selection; 
c. Value of different employment tests; and 
d. Different approaches to conducting an 
employment interview
Personnel Selection 
Other Topics include: 
a. Use of Emerging Technologies for Screening 
b. Selecting Managers; and 
c. Challenges to HR especially in Personnel 
“How much competition is there when you're 
job searching? For most jobs, it's a lot. 
Google, the company where just about 
everyone would love to work, gets over a 
million job applications each year and 
reportedly only hires .4 - .5% of applicants.” 
- Alison Doyle 
(The Number of Job Applications Per Opening, August 2013)
The BIG Picture. 
a. Objectives of personnel selection 
Definition of Personnel Selection 
● Process of choosing from the pool of 
qualified applicants the individuals who are 
most likely to successfully perform a job. It is 
a meticulous procedure of “screening out and 
selecting in” (Maximiano, 2006).
a. Objectives of personnel selection 
Definition of Personnel Selection 
● Process of choosing individuals from a pool 
of applicants who are most likely to achieve 
the goals of the jobs that may be assigned to 
them (Medina, 2006).
Simply put, 
personnel selection 
is the process of 
getting the right 
person for the 
right job at the 
right time.
Objectives of personnel selection process 
● For the organization to be more efficient 
and maintain its competitive position; 
● To avoid choosing the wrong candidates; 
● To avoid wasting time, resources, training 
costs, etc. of the organization to an ‘unlikely’ 
new recruit. 
Medina, 2006.
Steps in Personnel Selection 
The following steps in Personnel Selection are 
based on the works of Jose Mario B. Maximiano’s 
Managing Human Resources in the 21st Century 
and Roberto G. Medina’s Personnel and Human 
Resources Management both published in 2006.
Step one: Review and screening of applicants 
The screening out of unqualified applicants 
begins in what they call paper screening. 
If the job opening requires e-commerce, e-marketing 
and e-procurement skill, the HR 
Recruitment Assistant screens out those 
resumes that indicate such lack of knowledge 
(Maximiano, 2006).
When the information 
gathered does not match 
the job requirements as 
stated in the job 
specification, no further 
processing of the 
application is done 
(Medina, 2006).
Eliminate some of the applicants: 
● Inadequate or inappropriate education and 
● Low salary offered for the job; and 
● Working conditions 
Medina, 2006.
Step two: Preliminary interview 
HR Department run a series of job interviews, 
the first of which and the most challenging is 
the preliminary one (i.e. Preliminary Interview). 
This is employed to verify the impressions 
made by the job applicant in the initial 
Step three: Battery of job tests 
On the basis of the information 
on the application form 
contains and from the 
impression the officer gathered 
at the preliminary interview, 
s/he decides who should be 
called in to take job tests. 
Employment tests/exams are 
used to determine the ability of 
the applicant to perform an 
assigned job (Medina, 2006).
Step four: In-depth interviews 
The HR people will definitely 
use one or two of the various 
types of interview. 
The usual points of inquiry 
delve on areas not presented 
fully in completed application 
forms and tests. This exposes 
the applicant to queries on a 
wide area which may cover 
experiences, attitudes and 
future plans (Medina, 2006).
Step five: Pre-employment 
An applicant should be able to pass the 
1. Background/character investigation 
2. Medical examination.
Step five: Pre-employment 
1. Background investigation 
- Whenever applicable, former employers are 
contacted for confirmation of the applicant’s 
work record. The school where the applicant 
has graduated may also be contacted to verify 
the accuracy of the academic credentials 
Step five: Pre-employment 
1. Medical examination 
- A healthy and strong workforce is a 
productive workforce.
Reasons for pre-employment medico-physical 
● To determine the physical and mental 
fitness of qualified applicants; 
● To guide proper placement of qualified 
applicants according to physical and mental 
abilities and attributes; and 
● To avoid hiring a person who is still ill and 
unfit for work and avoid hiring a person who 
indulges in bad habits.
Step six: Final evaluation and hiring 
The Human Resources Office will determine from 
among the applicants who will be short-listed. 
Normally, an HR officer will inform who are in the 
shortlist of “hot candidates” (Maximiano, 2006).
The line manager, who will have the direct 
responsibility over the job, is usually given 
the authority to make the final choice among 
the (three) best qualified candidates. Only one 
is chosen, and that person will be required to 
submit the necessary requirements.
b. Various sources of information used for 
personnel selection 
● Preliminary Interview – this can be done over 
the phone or via the internet. 
● Resume – a summary of credentials of the 
● Application form – shows the eagerness of the 
applicant to join the company 
● Selection test – assessment of the ability of 
the applicant 
● Employment interview – when the applicant 
is being actually considered, s/he will be 
interviewed by the HR. 
Source: Somera, A. Human Resources Development Management. 2013.
Cont. b. Various sources of information 
used for personnel selection 
● Transcript of records (TOR) 
● Birth certificate issued by the National 
Statistics Office (NSO) 
● Marriage certificate (if applicable) 
● Social Security Systems number/E-1 form 
● Tax Identification Number/TIN (from the 
Bureau of Internal Revenue) 
● Biodata or resumé 
● High School/College Diploma
● National Bureau of Investigation 
(NBI)/police/barangay clearance 
● Medical Certificate 
● Marriage Certificate (if married) 
● Training/National Certificates 
● Professional License 
● Civil Service Eligibility (for government) 
● Community Tax Certificate (cedula) 
● Other pertinent documents 
Source: Employment Guide for Students and Jobseekers, Department 
of Labor and Employment, Manila, Philippines
c. Value of different employment tests 
The purpose of testing is to measure the 
applicant’s natural and acquired abilities.
Different employment tests that will be 
discussed on the following slides are taken from 
the works of Jose Mario B. Maximiano’s 
Managing Human Resources in the 21st Century 
and Roberto G. Medina’s Personnel and Human 
Resources Management both published in 2006 
and Abigail Somera’s Human Resources 
Development and Management. .
Any trained HR staff may employ the 
following job tests: 
1. Intelligence, mental ability, or alertness 
test – will assess your IQ (intelligence 
quotient), your manipulative abilities and 
your capacity to think ahead and judge 
accurately. This includes verbal reasoning, 
abstract reasoning, analyzing and solving 
problems and reading comprehension.
2. Personality test – will assess your EQ 
(emotional quotient) or emotional maturity, 
your sense of responsibility and peculiar 
characteristics, ability to manage stress and 
coordinate with others.
3. Aptitude test – will appraise natural 
abilities, capacity to learn and perform a job 
of the applicant. It is generally divided into 
clerical (e.g. numbers, names of 
persons/places, etc.) and mechanical (e.g. 
specific abilities, skills, coordination of 
senses, etc.).
Types of Aptitude tests 
4. Psychomotor test – will assess your 
physical strength, manual dexterity and 
5. Arithmetic test – measures how well you 
can work out mathematical problems that 
come up frequently in a given job.
6. Job knowledge test – used to measure the 
knowledge of applicant regarding the job.
7. Proficiency test – used to measure how 
well an applicant performs a portion (or 
sample) of the job.
8. Interest test – will show how interested an 
applicant is to the job.
8. Integrity test – Integrity tests assess attitudes 
and experiences related to a person’s honesty, 
dependability, trustworthiness, reliability and 
pro-social behavior (Somera, 2013). 
This test is used to identify individuals who are 
likely to engage in any inappropriate, dishonest, 
anomalous and antisocial behavior at work.
8. Work samples and Simulations – These tests 
typically focus on measuring specific job skills 
or knowledge, but can also assess more general 
skills such as organizational skill, analytic skills 
and interpersonal skills (Somera, 2013). 
Examples of these include installing a telephone 
line, creating a document in Word, or tuning an 
engine. Portfolio of work samples among 
photographers and vestibule training among 
BPOs are also included.
Wholesome job tests 
IQ = Left part of brain = 
Intelligence Quotient 
EQ = Right part of brain = 
Emotional Quotient 
Aptitude (clerical) Aptitude 
Psychomotor Arithmetic
d. Different approaches to conducting an 
employment interview 
● Structured interview – is conducted 
according to predetermined outline. Rather 
than being open-ended, it is pre-arranged, 
almost scripted and orderly. 
● Unstructured interview – is carried out 
without a predetermined checklist of 
● Screening interview – a requisite before a 
face-to-face interview between the applicant 
and third party recruiter or someone from the 
HRD. Some examples of screening interview 
- Telephone interview; 
- Computer interview; and 
- Video interview (Somera, 2013).
● Stress interview – is a method to determine 
whether or not you an applicant is highly 
emotional, an attitude can surely affect work. 
● Panel interview – is a style in which two or more 
HR people conduct the interview with one 
● Group interview – is a method in which you, with 
other applicants are questioned together.
● One-on-one interview – This is the traditional 
interview in which candidates meet with the 
employers in person, one on one (Somera, 2013). 
● Situation/Performance interview – candidates 
may be asked role play one of the job functions. 
This is done to assess specific skills (Somera, 
● Serial interview – occur when candidates are 
passed from one interviewer to another interviewer 
throughout the course of the day (Somera, 2013). 
● Sequential interview – the candidate meets with 
one or more interviewers on a one-on-one basis. 
This is done over the course of several days, 
weeks, or even months (Somera, 2013).
● Audition interview – this works well on for 
positions in which companies want to see a 
candidate in action before they make a hiring 
decision. Interviewers may take the candidate 
through a simulation or brief exercise in order to 
evaluate the candidate’s skills (Somera, 2013). 
This may include VTR test/screening.
Use of Emerging Technologies 
for Screening Employees 
Advances in technology have changed the 
traditional approach to screening prospective 
employees (Maximiano, 2006). 
Today, more companies use phone interviews 
and teleconference or video conference interviews 
as a method of screening out unqualified 
Phone interview 
Phone interview is used when geographical 
location of the job applicant and interviewer 
are different from each other. It is often 
employed in BPOs and other call center 
Teleconference/Video conference 
Summation of principal benefits: 
1. Saves valuable time and other resources. 
2. Employs a (virtual) face-to-face encounter. 
3. Harnesses productivity among HR employees. 
4. Realizes the need to expand recruiting areas 
to meet new changes in a workforce.
Teleconference/Video conference 
Downsides of Teleconference/Video 
conference interviews: 
1. “install and forget” 
2. Poses an inaccurate judgment on HR 
3. Job applicant may feel uncomfortable
Teleconference/Video conference 
What to do? 
“The gateway to self-improvement is open to those who are willing to learn” 
(Maximiano, 2006). 
New products, services and emerging technologies 
require a new set of development skills. 
It is imperative that new training programs 
tailored to video conference interviewing skills are 
developed and delivered to hiring managers.
Students and those who 
soon-to-be joining the 
corporate world should be 
able to cope with the 
changing times, adapt to 
the fast-paced technology 
and globally-changing 
“We do not need to 
stay where we 
are, and get stuck 
with it. Climb to 
new heights if we 
must by learning 
other possibilities” 
(Maximiano, 2006).
Selecting Managers 
There are occasions when the position of the 
manager becomes vacant or a new 
managerial position has been created . There 
are some ways to select the best candidate for 
this post: assessment centers and panel 
Selecting Managers 
Assessment Centers 
An assessment center is a process in which 
multiple raters evaluate applicants or job 
incumbents on their managerial potential. It 
will use activities such as role-playing, pencil-and- 
paper tests, cases, leaderless group 
discussions, etc. (Medina, 2006).
Selecting Managers 
Trained raters have to observe the 
participants while doing the exercises that 
consist of samples of managerial situations 
requiring the application for managerial skills 
and behaviors (Medina, 2006).
Selecting Managers 
Assessment Centers 
The panel’s objective is to produce a description 
of the past behavior of the candidates in 
situations that are similar to the proposed 
management positions. Checking of references 
may also be done (Medina, 2006).
Selecting Managers 
Biographical Data 
The content of biographical data instruments 
varies widely, and may include such areas 
such as leadership, teamwork skills, specific 
job knowledge and specific skills (e.g. 
knowledge of certain software, specific tool 
use), interpersonal skills, extraversion, 
creativity, etc. (Somera, 2013).
Selecting Managers in the Government 
Lifted from The Philippine Labor & Employment Plan 
2011- 2016 published by the Department of Labor and 
Employment (DOLE) on April 2011, the capacity-building 
strategies of DOLE specified in their material 
were modified and used in this presentation as general 
guidelines that could be utilized in selecting managers 
in the government: 
● Implementation of the CSC-Strategic Performance 
Management System in government offices. 
● Implementation of a competency development 
program that identifies, develops, and reinforces the 
competencies needed for the attainment of labor and 
employment goals.
Selecting Managers in the Government Cont. 
● Monitoring of CES Eligibility Compliance of 
government officials. 
● Implementation of a management succession 
program toward the identification and development of a 
corps of future leaders thereby ensuring continuity at 
all levels of service delivery. 
● Implementation of an enhanced selection and 
promotion system that observes merit, fitness and 
fairness in the selection. 
Source: Department of Labor and Employment, The Philippine Labor & Employment 
Plan 2011-2016 (Inclusive Growth and Productive Work) Gen. Luna cor. Muralla 
Sts. Intramuros, Manila.
Topics for springboard discussion: 
Challenges to Human Resource 
Challenge 1: 
Challenge 2: New 
and Emerging 
Challenge 3: 
changes and 
other challenges 
that may arise
Topics for springboard discussion: 
Rising to the Challenges of Human Resource 
Challenge 1: 
Problem: Skills and 
Specialization of 
employees and job 
Solution: Strict checking 
of the authenticity of 
records and job 
Challenge 2: 
Problem: From 
traditional and old ways 
of HR, shifting to a new 
and technology-driven 
Solution: HR must 
develop key concepts to 
easily adapt to changing 
times and fast-paced 
Challenge 3: 
Problem: Economic 
setbacks and challenges 
that may arise and 
hinder the success of the 
Solution: Employ 
management concepts, 
utilize resources to their 
advantage, forecast 
future trends, adapt to 
changing times, etc.
● Books 
Corpuz, Crispina R. Human Resource Management (Revised Edition). 
Rex Book Store, Inc. March 2006. 
Maximiano, Jose Mario B. Managing Human Resources in the 21st 
Rex Book Store, Inc. 2006. 
Medina, Roberto G. Personnel and Human Resources Management. 
Rex Book Store, Inc. March 2006. 
● PDF 
Department of Labor and Employment, The Philippine Labor & 
Employment Plan 2011-2016 (Inclusive Growth and Productive Work) 
Gen. Luna cor. Muralla Sts. Intramuros, Manila.
● Unpublished material 
Somera, Abigail P. Human Resources Development Management (Job 
Analysis, Employee Involvement and Flexible Work Schedules, 
Expanding the Talent Pool and Employee Selection). May 11, 2013. 
● Web 
Doyle, Alison The Number of Job Applications Per Opening. 
per-opening.htm Posted August 18, 2013 Accessed 
February 2014 
Slides 60-61 are author’s own analysis. 
The author claims no copyright ownership of all the pictures or graphics 
used in this presentation.
Maraming salamat. 
Mabuhay ang mga masisipag na manggagawa sa 
buong mundo!

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Final employee selection

  • 1. Employee Selection PANGASINAN STATE UNIVERSITY Graduate School, Urdaneta City Campus DM 212 Human Resource Development and Management September 07, 2013 Presenter: Michael John D. Sison MDM (Public Management) Presented to: Dr. Reynaldo T. Gelido and HRMD class
  • 2. Personnel Selection Main Topics at glance: a. Objectives of the personnel selection process; b. Various sources of information used for personnel selection; c. Value of different employment tests; and d. Different approaches to conducting an employment interview
  • 3. Personnel Selection Other Topics include: a. Use of Emerging Technologies for Screening Employees; b. Selecting Managers; and c. Challenges to HR especially in Personnel Selection.
  • 4. “How much competition is there when you're job searching? For most jobs, it's a lot. Google, the company where just about everyone would love to work, gets over a million job applications each year and reportedly only hires .4 - .5% of applicants.” - Alison Doyle (The Number of Job Applications Per Opening, August 2013)
  • 5. The BIG Picture. Who is the BEST among the rest?
  • 6. a. Objectives of personnel selection process Definition of Personnel Selection ● Process of choosing from the pool of qualified applicants the individuals who are most likely to successfully perform a job. It is a meticulous procedure of “screening out and selecting in” (Maximiano, 2006).
  • 7. a. Objectives of personnel selection process Definition of Personnel Selection ● Process of choosing individuals from a pool of applicants who are most likely to achieve the goals of the jobs that may be assigned to them (Medina, 2006).
  • 8. Simply put, personnel selection is the process of getting the right person for the right job at the right time.
  • 9. Objectives of personnel selection process ● For the organization to be more efficient and maintain its competitive position; ● To avoid choosing the wrong candidates; ● To avoid wasting time, resources, training costs, etc. of the organization to an ‘unlikely’ new recruit. _____________ Medina, 2006.
  • 10. Steps in Personnel Selection YOUR DREAM JOB, BABY!
  • 11. The following steps in Personnel Selection are based on the works of Jose Mario B. Maximiano’s Managing Human Resources in the 21st Century and Roberto G. Medina’s Personnel and Human Resources Management both published in 2006.
  • 12. Step one: Review and screening of applicants The screening out of unqualified applicants begins in what they call paper screening. If the job opening requires e-commerce, e-marketing and e-procurement skill, the HR Recruitment Assistant screens out those resumes that indicate such lack of knowledge (Maximiano, 2006).
  • 13. When the information gathered does not match the job requirements as stated in the job specification, no further processing of the application is done (Medina, 2006).
  • 14. Eliminate some of the applicants: ● Inadequate or inappropriate education and experience; ● Low salary offered for the job; and ● Working conditions _____________ Medina, 2006.
  • 15. Step two: Preliminary interview HR Department run a series of job interviews, the first of which and the most challenging is the preliminary one (i.e. Preliminary Interview). This is employed to verify the impressions made by the job applicant in the initial screening.
  • 16. Step three: Battery of job tests On the basis of the information on the application form contains and from the impression the officer gathered at the preliminary interview, s/he decides who should be called in to take job tests. Employment tests/exams are used to determine the ability of the applicant to perform an assigned job (Medina, 2006).
  • 17. Step four: In-depth interviews The HR people will definitely use one or two of the various types of interview. The usual points of inquiry delve on areas not presented fully in completed application forms and tests. This exposes the applicant to queries on a wide area which may cover experiences, attitudes and future plans (Medina, 2006).
  • 18. Step five: Pre-employment An applicant should be able to pass the following: 1. Background/character investigation 2. Medical examination.
  • 19. Step five: Pre-employment 1. Background investigation - Whenever applicable, former employers are contacted for confirmation of the applicant’s work record. The school where the applicant has graduated may also be contacted to verify the accuracy of the academic credentials submitted.
  • 20. Step five: Pre-employment 1. Medical examination - A healthy and strong workforce is a productive workforce.
  • 21. Reasons for pre-employment medico-physical examinations: ● To determine the physical and mental fitness of qualified applicants; ● To guide proper placement of qualified applicants according to physical and mental abilities and attributes; and ● To avoid hiring a person who is still ill and unfit for work and avoid hiring a person who indulges in bad habits.
  • 22. Step six: Final evaluation and hiring The Human Resources Office will determine from among the applicants who will be short-listed. Normally, an HR officer will inform who are in the shortlist of “hot candidates” (Maximiano, 2006).
  • 23. The line manager, who will have the direct responsibility over the job, is usually given the authority to make the final choice among the (three) best qualified candidates. Only one is chosen, and that person will be required to submit the necessary requirements.
  • 24. b. Various sources of information used for personnel selection ● Preliminary Interview – this can be done over the phone or via the internet. ● Resume – a summary of credentials of the applicant ● Application form – shows the eagerness of the applicant to join the company ● Selection test – assessment of the ability of the applicant ● Employment interview – when the applicant is being actually considered, s/he will be interviewed by the HR. Source: Somera, A. Human Resources Development Management. 2013.
  • 25. Cont. b. Various sources of information used for personnel selection ● Transcript of records (TOR) ● Birth certificate issued by the National Statistics Office (NSO) ● Marriage certificate (if applicable) ● Social Security Systems number/E-1 form ● Tax Identification Number/TIN (from the Bureau of Internal Revenue) ● Biodata or resumé ● High School/College Diploma
  • 26. Cont. ● National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)/police/barangay clearance ● Medical Certificate ● Marriage Certificate (if married) ● Training/National Certificates ● Professional License ● Civil Service Eligibility (for government) ● Community Tax Certificate (cedula) ● Other pertinent documents Source: Employment Guide for Students and Jobseekers, Department of Labor and Employment, Manila, Philippines
  • 27. c. Value of different employment tests The purpose of testing is to measure the applicant’s natural and acquired abilities.
  • 28. Different employment tests that will be discussed on the following slides are taken from the works of Jose Mario B. Maximiano’s Managing Human Resources in the 21st Century and Roberto G. Medina’s Personnel and Human Resources Management both published in 2006 and Abigail Somera’s Human Resources Development and Management. .
  • 29. Any trained HR staff may employ the following job tests: 1. Intelligence, mental ability, or alertness test – will assess your IQ (intelligence quotient), your manipulative abilities and your capacity to think ahead and judge accurately. This includes verbal reasoning, abstract reasoning, analyzing and solving problems and reading comprehension.
  • 30. 2. Personality test – will assess your EQ (emotional quotient) or emotional maturity, your sense of responsibility and peculiar characteristics, ability to manage stress and coordinate with others.
  • 31. 3. Aptitude test – will appraise natural abilities, capacity to learn and perform a job of the applicant. It is generally divided into clerical (e.g. numbers, names of persons/places, etc.) and mechanical (e.g. specific abilities, skills, coordination of senses, etc.).
  • 32. Types of Aptitude tests Aptitude Tests Numerical ability Perceptual speed Spatial test Reasoning test Verbal ability
  • 33. 4. Psychomotor test – will assess your physical strength, manual dexterity and coordination.
  • 34. 5. Arithmetic test – measures how well you can work out mathematical problems that come up frequently in a given job.
  • 35. 6. Job knowledge test – used to measure the knowledge of applicant regarding the job.
  • 36. 7. Proficiency test – used to measure how well an applicant performs a portion (or sample) of the job.
  • 37. 8. Interest test – will show how interested an applicant is to the job.
  • 38. 8. Integrity test – Integrity tests assess attitudes and experiences related to a person’s honesty, dependability, trustworthiness, reliability and pro-social behavior (Somera, 2013). This test is used to identify individuals who are likely to engage in any inappropriate, dishonest, anomalous and antisocial behavior at work.
  • 39. 8. Work samples and Simulations – These tests typically focus on measuring specific job skills or knowledge, but can also assess more general skills such as organizational skill, analytic skills and interpersonal skills (Somera, 2013). Examples of these include installing a telephone line, creating a document in Word, or tuning an engine. Portfolio of work samples among photographers and vestibule training among BPOs are also included.
  • 40. Wholesome job tests IQ = Left part of brain = Intelligence Quotient EQ = Right part of brain = Emotional Quotient Aptitude (clerical) Aptitude Psychomotor Arithmetic
  • 41. d. Different approaches to conducting an employment interview ● Structured interview – is conducted according to predetermined outline. Rather than being open-ended, it is pre-arranged, almost scripted and orderly. ● Unstructured interview – is carried out without a predetermined checklist of questions.
  • 42. ● Screening interview – a requisite before a face-to-face interview between the applicant and third party recruiter or someone from the HRD. Some examples of screening interview include: - Telephone interview; - Computer interview; and - Video interview (Somera, 2013).
  • 43. ● Stress interview – is a method to determine whether or not you an applicant is highly emotional, an attitude can surely affect work. ● Panel interview – is a style in which two or more HR people conduct the interview with one applicant. ● Group interview – is a method in which you, with other applicants are questioned together.
  • 44. ● One-on-one interview – This is the traditional interview in which candidates meet with the employers in person, one on one (Somera, 2013). ● Situation/Performance interview – candidates may be asked role play one of the job functions. This is done to assess specific skills (Somera, 2013).
  • 45. ● Serial interview – occur when candidates are passed from one interviewer to another interviewer throughout the course of the day (Somera, 2013). ● Sequential interview – the candidate meets with one or more interviewers on a one-on-one basis. This is done over the course of several days, weeks, or even months (Somera, 2013).
  • 46. ● Audition interview – this works well on for positions in which companies want to see a candidate in action before they make a hiring decision. Interviewers may take the candidate through a simulation or brief exercise in order to evaluate the candidate’s skills (Somera, 2013). This may include VTR test/screening.
  • 47. Use of Emerging Technologies for Screening Employees Advances in technology have changed the traditional approach to screening prospective employees (Maximiano, 2006). Today, more companies use phone interviews and teleconference or video conference interviews as a method of screening out unqualified candidates.
  • 48. Phone interview Phone interview is used when geographical location of the job applicant and interviewer are different from each other. It is often employed in BPOs and other call center companies.
  • 49. Teleconference/Video conference interviews Summation of principal benefits: 1. Saves valuable time and other resources. 2. Employs a (virtual) face-to-face encounter. 3. Harnesses productivity among HR employees. 4. Realizes the need to expand recruiting areas to meet new changes in a workforce.
  • 50. Teleconference/Video conference interviews Downsides of Teleconference/Video conference interviews: 1. “install and forget” 2. Poses an inaccurate judgment on HR 3. Job applicant may feel uncomfortable
  • 51. Teleconference/Video conference interviews What to do? “The gateway to self-improvement is open to those who are willing to learn” (Maximiano, 2006). New products, services and emerging technologies require a new set of development skills. It is imperative that new training programs tailored to video conference interviewing skills are developed and delivered to hiring managers.
  • 52. Students and those who soon-to-be joining the corporate world should be able to cope with the changing times, adapt to the fast-paced technology and globally-changing world. “We do not need to stay where we are, and get stuck with it. Climb to new heights if we must by learning other possibilities” (Maximiano, 2006).
  • 53. Selecting Managers There are occasions when the position of the manager becomes vacant or a new managerial position has been created . There are some ways to select the best candidate for this post: assessment centers and panel interview.
  • 54. Selecting Managers Assessment Centers An assessment center is a process in which multiple raters evaluate applicants or job incumbents on their managerial potential. It will use activities such as role-playing, pencil-and- paper tests, cases, leaderless group discussions, etc. (Medina, 2006).
  • 55. Selecting Managers Trained raters have to observe the participants while doing the exercises that consist of samples of managerial situations requiring the application for managerial skills and behaviors (Medina, 2006).
  • 56. Selecting Managers Assessment Centers The panel’s objective is to produce a description of the past behavior of the candidates in situations that are similar to the proposed management positions. Checking of references may also be done (Medina, 2006).
  • 57. Selecting Managers Biographical Data The content of biographical data instruments varies widely, and may include such areas such as leadership, teamwork skills, specific job knowledge and specific skills (e.g. knowledge of certain software, specific tool use), interpersonal skills, extraversion, creativity, etc. (Somera, 2013).
  • 58. Selecting Managers in the Government Lifted from The Philippine Labor & Employment Plan 2011- 2016 published by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) on April 2011, the capacity-building strategies of DOLE specified in their material were modified and used in this presentation as general guidelines that could be utilized in selecting managers in the government: ● Implementation of the CSC-Strategic Performance Management System in government offices. ● Implementation of a competency development program that identifies, develops, and reinforces the competencies needed for the attainment of labor and employment goals.
  • 59. Selecting Managers in the Government Cont. ● Monitoring of CES Eligibility Compliance of government officials. ● Implementation of a management succession program toward the identification and development of a corps of future leaders thereby ensuring continuity at all levels of service delivery. ● Implementation of an enhanced selection and promotion system that observes merit, fitness and fairness in the selection. Source: Department of Labor and Employment, The Philippine Labor & Employment Plan 2011-2016 (Inclusive Growth and Productive Work) Gen. Luna cor. Muralla Sts. Intramuros, Manila.
  • 60. Topics for springboard discussion: Challenges to Human Resource Human Resource (Personnel Selection) Challenge 1: Globalization Challenge 2: New and Emerging Technology Challenge 3: Economical changes and other challenges that may arise
  • 61. Topics for springboard discussion: Rising to the Challenges of Human Resource Challenge 1: Globalization Problem: Skills and Specialization of employees and job applicants Solution: Strict checking of the authenticity of records and job requirements Challenge 2: Technology Problem: From traditional and old ways of HR, shifting to a new and technology-driven HR Solution: HR must develop key concepts to easily adapt to changing times and fast-paced technology Challenge 3: Changes Problem: Economic setbacks and challenges that may arise and hinder the success of the organization Solution: Employ management concepts, utilize resources to their advantage, forecast future trends, adapt to changing times, etc.
  • 62. References: ● Books Corpuz, Crispina R. Human Resource Management (Revised Edition). Rex Book Store, Inc. March 2006. Maximiano, Jose Mario B. Managing Human Resources in the 21st Century. Rex Book Store, Inc. 2006. Medina, Roberto G. Personnel and Human Resources Management. Rex Book Store, Inc. March 2006. ● PDF Department of Labor and Employment, The Philippine Labor & Employment Plan 2011-2016 (Inclusive Growth and Productive Work) Gen. Luna cor. Muralla Sts. Intramuros, Manila.
  • 63. ● Unpublished material Somera, Abigail P. Human Resources Development Management (Job Analysis, Employee Involvement and Flexible Work Schedules, Expanding the Talent Pool and Employee Selection). May 11, 2013. ● Web Doyle, Alison The Number of Job Applications Per Opening. per-opening.htm Posted August 18, 2013 Accessed February 2014 Slides 60-61 are author’s own analysis. Disclaimer: The author claims no copyright ownership of all the pictures or graphics used in this presentation.
  • 64. Maraming salamat. Mabuhay ang mga masisipag na manggagawa sa buong mundo!