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Fennesc Fox Research Paper
Fennec Fox
The Fennec Fox, native to North Africa and the Middle East, isn't currently considered an
endangered species, but its territory is under threat from tourism and development. The Fennec Fox
is considered one of the 15 cutest endangered animals.The Fennec Fox is my favorite animal
because it is adorable, it adapts to its environment, and its strong loyalty to it's family. The Fennec
Fox is the smallest of all the world's foxes. It has enormous ears, measuring 6 inches, which seem to
have been borrowed from a much bigger relative. They use their ears as tools. Their bat–like ears
emit body heat at night and help keep the foxes cool during the day. Fennec Foxes may be small but
their size and shape helps them to gracefully glide across the land when in search for food or just
letting off some steam. They have long, thick, soft fur coats with a furry undercoat that keeps them
warm during cold nights and protects them from the hot sun during the day. These foxes are cream–
colored with black–tipped tails. Although this species of fox is smaller than many others, it has fur
that blends into its surroundings and offers a great deal of protection ... Show more content on ...
Fennec Foxes are sometimes called "Desert Foxes" because they live in desert zones of North Africa
and the Sinai and Arabian areas. They are nocturnal and try to avoid the daytime heat of the desert
environment. They search for plants but also feast upon rodents, eggs, reptiles, and insects. Like
most desert dwellers, the Fennec Fox has the ability to go for long periods without water. Fennec
Foxes have been known to jump in the air 2 feet high from a standing position, and they are able to
leap a distance of 4 meters. Its paws are covered with fur so that the fox can walk on hot sand, like
it's wearing snowshoes. Having to work so hard to survive in its environment makes their loyalty
stronger twards one
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Persuasive Essay On Cat Declawing
Denver followed the footsteps of California as it implemented an ordinance that bans the declawing
of its feline friends, an initiative that has brought joy towards cat owners and veterinarians. In the
process, Denver became the first US city outside California to ban the procedure that has caused
nothing but pain and stress towards cats, and it was easy for the city to implement the said ban as the
council supported the measure in the past weeks. A unanimous vote became the proverbial icing on
the cake for the ordinance.
Before Denver, eight cities, including Los Angeles and San Francisco, have implemented bans
against the procedure which the critics labelled as inhumane and painful for cats, while countries
such as Australia, Israel, Brazil, Japan, and across much of Europe have established bans against the
procedure. Paw Project local leader and veterinarian Aubrey Lavizzo was the brains behind the
initiative, while she persuaded Councilwoman Kendra Black to lead the proposal.
An hour–long public hearing done a week earlier has presented numerous emotional appeals that are
convincing the council to outlaw declawing, yet a number of pet owners objected the proposal by
saying that the pain that cats experience was just temporary. They also justified that the procedure
has improved the cats' indoor behavior.
The bill will only affect elective declawing since any medically required procedure is still allowed
and conducted by a licensed veterinarian who uses anesthesia for
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The Dangers Of Snow Leopards
There are less than 5,000 snow leopards left in the wild. To put that in perspective, that averages to
about one for every 4 people that live on Ft. Leavenworth. Snow leopards pose no threat to humans,
but humans are the greatest threat to snow leopards. (1)A snow leopard is an amazing creature. (2)
Snow leopards are " solitary animals" that live and hunt in the rocky areas of the Himalayas and
surrounding mountains (National Geographic). (3) They have beautiful white coats that are inches
thick to keep them warm and help them hide and blend into their surroundings. (3)Each leopard coat
has different spots, like human fingerprints. (3)They are one of the few large cats that understands to
ration its food for days. (2) Snow leopards have tails as long as their bodies that "make a good scarf"
during the cold mountain nights (Defenders). (3) They curl up in their tails to keep warm. (3) They
are about 3–4 feet in length and around 2 feet tall. (3) They can very far–over 40 feet! (4) Snow
leopards (panthera uncia) are special creatures that live at the top of their food chain (Patent).
(1) Snow leopards are an extremely miniscule threat to humans. (2) They are shy creatures, and
according to the Snow Leopard Trust, "There has never been a verified attack on a human" –not
even in zoos–because they are afraid of humans. (3) Snow leopards are not typically aggressive and
would rather hide or run than confront a human. (3) They prefer to hunt and move at morning and
evening so they are not seen often. (3) People describe them as ghosts because they are rarely seen
due to their camouflage and because they are sleeping quite often. (2) Snow leopards do attack
"corralled sheep [herds]" in times of need (Defenders). (3) They do this when the farmer or herder
brings his flock into the leopard's territory. (3) The herd eats everything and leaves nothing for the
usual prey of the snow leopard. (3) The prey leaves and the herd is the only thing the leopard has to
eat, so it strikes. (2) Snow leopards are actually remarkably important as they indicate " the health of
[their] high altitude" habitats (WWF). (3) When they are in high population, it shows that all the
species below them in the food chain are
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Alhi Lion Adaptations
As time changes so will animals and I've created an animal predicted to last 250 million years on
madagascar. The Alhi Lion is a beast when it comes to surviving. So the adaptations it has gained
over the years include; the ability to change color at different times, spikes on the back, and the
ability to swim in water. My animal will be living in the humid sub continental grassland next to a
very large river. The Alhi Lion is normally a soft white color because of a slight mutation in genes.
Although it is white, it can also change colors and camouflage. A white lion in a grassland probably
won't survive very well. Therefore, he adapted so he can change colors. This will help him when
hiding from various predators. Lions today get left
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The Domestication Of Cats
Cats are domestic animals who have lived with humans for a long period of time. They are very
popular pets in the world it is estimated that there is over 70 million cats in just the U.S. The exact
origination of these popular animals is unknown but information of the creature can be traced back
to Middle East about 9,500 years ago. A cat skeleton was found in southern Cyprus that matches
with that time period. In China as well about 5,300 years ago traces of the animal were found. They
ate any food they could find such as rodents and millets. It wasn't until the 5th and 6th dynasties of
China when the cat was declared a sacred and holy animal. However it was not yet domesticated,
until the Egyptian civilization where its talent for catching
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Discrimination Of Cats
I believe that cats should all be treated equally. Every type of cat is beautiful and should be judged
the same. Whether it be long fur, short fur, no fur, flat face, defined face. They are all beautiful and
each have their own characteristics. So can some cats really be discriminated against compared to
others? Hairless cats and black cats are the most discriminated against because people don't like the
way they look and the cultural stigma. Them being hairless only adds onto their charm. It gives them
a cute look by all of them looking grumpy and their eyes are larger and prettier than other cat types.
Every cat type has their own characteristics and should be judged equally and fairly. I believe that
some cats shouldn't be discriminated against and judged unfairly upon based on looks, just like
Nelson Mandela believed that racism should be abolished and races being discriminated against
should have a fair life. Nelson Mandela was the South African president from 1994 to 1999 fighting
against the apartheid. The apartheid was a system of discrimination or segregation on grounds of
race. This is like the discrimination or certain cat types and how some get treated unfairly based on
looks. The apartheid gave the minority a hard time. Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, the prime minister from
1958–1959, would polish the apartheid policy into a system he called separate development.
Minority groups of blacks, were separated into Bantu's, a place with self–government. This worked
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Leo The Lion
Leo the Lion is a horoscope animal and famous constellation. The word Leo means "lion" in Latin.
But not everyone sees a lion in those stars. The Incas of Peru see a puma and the Chinese see a
horse. But to the Greeks it was a lion. To locate Leo, look for a backward question mark and a
triangle. The question mark is called the sickle or scythe and is the front of Leo. The dot of the
question mark is the star Regulus. First find the Big Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major (The
Great Bear). It will lead to Regulus. Find the two stars near the handle of the Big Dipper. Make a
straight line through the Bear's paws. The line should hit the first star in Leo's shoulder. Keep going
and the line will hit Regulus. This star is 100 times brighter
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Male Calico Research Paper
Male calico cats are very rare and because of this scarcity they are very valuable in the cat world.
Calico is a type of cat that is denoted by their orange, black and white coat. The color of a cat's coat
is strongly correlated to the gender of the cat because it is a sex–linked trait (Moss, 2015). Within
genetics, the gender is determined by the X or Y chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes
and males have one X and one Y chromosome. The black and orange color of a cat's coat is denoted
by the X gene. Most commonly, for a male cat, when they display an orange color it is shown in a
striped fashion. Female cats can have more variety in their colors and how those colors are
displayed on the coat because they have two X chromosomes. In other words, females can have both
the black and orange fur because they have the two X chromosomes, whereas males can only
display one of those colors at a time (Moss, 2015). ... Show more content on ...
This is possible when the XY chromosome combination does not split all the way, creating an XXY
combination. This improper division is not restricted only to cats, however it can occur in humans as
well, with different outcomes. Although genetically, this creates a unique and rare outcome, it
doesn't do this without any adverse effects. For example, most male calico cats are infertile, so they
cannot reproduce and are not of future value to a cat breeder (Moss, 2015). However, they can be
valuable on the market due to their
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Short Story
Then, as he studied them, the pair emerged from the long grass into shorter, more open pasture, and
Leon felt every nerve in his body snap tight. They were not buffalo but lions. Never before had he
seen lions of that size or colour. The early–morning sun was behind them, highlighting their regal,
stately progress. Their manes were deepest Stygian black and shaggy as haystacks, ruffling in the
breeze as they stopped to stare up at the approaching aircraft. Leon throttled back the engines and let
the Bumble Bee drop until her landing wheels were skimming the ground. As he headed straight
towards the lions, they swelled out their manes and swung their long black–tufted tails against their
flanks in mounting agitation. One sank down and ... Show more content on ...
Let them be, he decided. Let them settle down until I can get mad von Meerbach here to deal with
them. As Leon touched down and let the Bumble Bee roll out on the airstrip below Percy's Camp,
the two Masai were still celebrating the find. When he cut the engines, Loikot shouted joyously, 'Did
I tell you, Manyoro?' and answered himself immediately: 'Yes, I told you! But did you believe me,
Manyoro? No, you did not! Of the two of us, who is the stupid and stubborn one? Is it me,
Manyoro? No, it is not! Which of us is the great hunter and finder of lions? Is it you, Manyoro? No,
it is Loikot!' He adopted a noble and heroic pose, while Manyoro covered his face with his hands in
mock–chagrin. 'You are the greatest tracker in Africa and surpassingly beautiful, Loikot,' Leon
interrupted, 'but now I have work for you. You must return to your lions and stay with them until I
can bring Kichwa Muzuru for the hunt. You must follow them closely, but not so closely that you
alarm them and scare them away.' 'I know those lions. They will not elude me,' Loikot vowed. 'I
have them in my eye.' 'When I return and you hear the sound of the engines, you must light a
smudge fire. The smoke will guide me to you.' 'I will have the lions in my eye, and the sound of
your engines in my ear,' Loikot boasted. Leon turned to Manyoro, 'Who is the chief of the area in
which we found the lions today?' 'His name is Massana and his manyatta is at
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Puma Concolor Essay
The stability of Felidae Puma Concolor can only be ensured with the enforcement of legislation
targeted to transform highways and human residences; the fractioning of puma territory in California
is detrimental to the species. The Felidae Puma Concolor is known by many names cougar, puma,
mountain lion, the cat is often mistaken for a bobcat.
Hypothesis: The highways which cut through the great forest and mountain ranges of California are
a large contributor to the population of California's Mountain Lions due to the division of natural
environmental habitats. Human communities also play a role in Mountain Lion population stunts
because human neighborhoods are ever expanding.
An approximate number of 100–200 California Pumas are killed a year. This information which was
found by the University of Santa Cruz keeping in consideration that the Mountain Lion can only be
hunted with legal consent in the Serco's of a Mountain Lion killing a human becoming to
comfortable with humans or hunting live stock(this includes pets). Last year the state of California
had 107 Mountain Lions hunted and shot dead but, permitted 237 Puma to be shot dead. The last ...
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When young Mountain Lions reach maturity approximately at the age of two adult Puma leaves the
territory of the mother to find their own for food purposes. The young Pumas do not do well in
locating home range territories near by because older male lions preoccupy them, thus the young
adult puma is sent to edges of deep vegetated mountain ranges near the mortal world. The presence
alone of a Mountain Lion near a town or city leads to panic and over reaction ending with the hunt
of the cat. So the hyper territorial nature of the cat is a factor working against it. A behavioral and
radio tracking method would be used to measure the patterns of the pumas in this engineered region
along route 9 and high way
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Analysis Of Robert Darnton's 'Workers Revolt'
Chiara Maddison
The essay titled "Workers Revolt: The Great Cat Massacre of the Rue Saint–Séverin" by Robert
Darnton discusses a massacre of cats that, according to the worker Nicolas Contat, took place in
Paris in the first half of the 1700s. Contat's writes about two apprentices, Jerome and Léveille. They
had poor living conditions, were given food scraps to eat, and they had to deal with the master and
their superiors. On top of all this, during the night stray cats would howl, keeping them awake. One
day Léveille decided to crawl along the roof until he got near the master's bedroom and began to
howl with the cats. The aster and his wife became convinced that they were being bewitched and
ordered the apprentices to get rid of the cats. They chased cats of rooftops, hit them with iron bars,
and trapped them in sacks. They also performed mock trials where the rest of the workshop would
join in and hang the cats with a noose. Although to us this seems like a horrific act of violence, the
workers turned it into a celebration. These different views of the same event exist because of the
different societies. The hatred these workers had for the bourgeois, popular celebrations, and the
things that cats symbolized all contributed to the humor of the cat massacre. We must first
understand these to be able to understand the cat massacre. The first thing that people must know
about this time is the situation of workers. Towards the end of the 1600s, larger printing shops
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The World 's Most Dangerous Predators, The Cheetah, And...
The area of the African continent south of the Sahara Desert is called Sub–Saharan Africa. Now
close your eyes and imagine if you were sitting on a beach chair in the middle of said desert;
imagine all of the amazing and unbelievable pictures that will draw upon your eyes. Sub–Saharan
Africa is unarguably one of the most beautiful but also one of the most dangerous places in today's
world, home of two of the world 's most dangerous predators, the cheetah, and the lion. Two cats
that come from the same species that have very different characteristics such as weight, size, and
hunting tactics, but that share the same habitat makes me wonder which animal is more successful in
his/her territory.
Let 's compare the characteristics of the ... Show more content on ...
Cheetahs are solitary animals, meaning that they spend most of their time alone, including the
mother, so there is no male figure to protect these infants.
Lions live a dissimilar lifestyle than Cheetahs; Lions travel in "Prides" which are family units who
work together to survive. Lions also give birth to about 3 cubs in litters of two. Similar to the
cheetahs, lion cubs are also born blind, they generally open their eyes between 3–11 days "Lion cubs
are born in dense cover and remain hidden from the pride for about 1–2 months.". Unlike the
cheetah cubs, more than one individual plays a role in raising the cub. Any lactating female
belonging to the pride will suckle cubs regardless if it is the cub 's mother or not (Lion cubs – All the
important facts you should know, N.D., para 3–4). Lion cubs are never left alone and always stay
with the pride; while the mother Is out hunting the males of the pride will usually protect the cubs.
Cheetahs usually start to wean around the 6–week mark, which means they will begin to start
transitioning from drinking milk to eating meat that the mother will harvest for them from an earlier
hunt and they also will start becoming less dependent on the mother thus ending the nursing period
"Cheetahs: A Predator's Role In The Ecosystem, 2012, para 3–4". Then at the 8–week mark cheetahs
will begin following the mother around shadowing her every move learning
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The Cheetah Or The Lion?
The Cheetah or The Lion?
The area of the African continent south of the Sahara Desert is called Sub–Saharan Africa. Now
close your eyes and imagine if you were sitting on a beach chair in the middle of said desert,
imagine all of the amazing and unbelievable pictures that will draw upon your eyes. Sub–Saharan
Africa is unarguably one of the most beautiful but also one of the most dangerous places in today's
world, home of two of the world 's most dangerous predators, the cheetah, and the lion. Two cats
that come from the same species that have very different characteristics such as weight, size, and
hunting tactics but that share the same habitat makes me wonder which animal is more successful in
his/her territory. Let 's compare the ... Show more content on ...
Lions live a very different lifestyle than Cheetahs; Lions travel in "Prides" which are family units
who work together to survive. Lions also give birth to about 3 cubs in litters of two. Similar to the
cheetahs, lion cubs are also born blind they usually open their eyes between 3–11 days "Lion cubs
are born in dense cover and remain hidden from the pride for about 1–2 months.". Unlike the
cheetah cubs, more than one individual plays a role in raising the cub. Any lactating female
belonging to the pride will suckle cubs regardless if it is the cub 's mother or not. Lion cubs are
never left alone and always stay with the pride; while the mother is out hunting the males of the
pride will usually protect the cubs.
Cheetahs usually start to wean around the 6–week mark, which means they will begin to start
transitioning from drinking milk to eating meat that the mother will harvest for them from an earlier
hunt and they also will start becoming less dependent on the mother thus ending the nursing period.
Then at the 8–week mark cheetahs will begin following the mother around shadowing her every
move learning how to become a skilled hunter. Every step is a lesson because once these cheetah
cubs reach 18 months the mother leaves them to fend for their own and she continues her normal
day to day routine. Cheetah siblings usually stay in a
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Big Lion Research Paper
Have you ever seen a big lion? Lions are furious because they like to eat animals and if you make
them mad they would probably get you injured. Their diet helps them survive and makes them
stronger. they like to hide so they catch their prey. They have long fur and they have sharp teeth so
they could catch prey.
Lions have strong bodies and powerful legs,teeth and big jaws for killing prey. their coat is yellow
and goldish adult males are shaggy manes. Their color of their mane depend on their age. Baby lions
have spots in their coats but as they grow up their spots start to disappear. If lions didn't have their
coats then they would look simulator like a tiger. Lions eat a variety of prey that are wild beast like
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Panthera Leo Research Paper
The animal kingdom consists of about 800,000 known species (to include those that have been
proven to exist). All animals have multiple cells and therefore rely on the cells of other living or
dead organisms for their sustenance (growth and development). Animals develop from small groups
of unspecialized cells and the animals with simple cells grow their missing body parts through
regeneration. There are 36 phyla in the kingdom Animalia, for instance, Porifera, Annelida,
Mollusca, Arthropoda, Echinodermata and Chordata among others (Dudley, 2002). Panthera leo
The African lion (Panthera leo), is a bold and admired species of the animal kingdom which
commands a lot of respect and fear in equal measure from human beings and wild animals alike. It
belongs to the phylum Chordata, class Mammalia, order Carnivora and family Felidae. African lions
live in sub–Saharan Africa where there are savanna grasslands that play host to a variety of ... Show
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Dimorphic males have dark manes that distinguish them easily from the females. Adult males weigh
up to 200kg while an average females weighs 120kg. The Panthera leo are polygamous and they
breed once every year. Statistics show that male lions are conspicuously large and they use this
advantage to dominate the pride of lions, which they have control over. Pride males form coalitions
in order to increase their chances of deposing an alpha male in another territory. Succession battles
are violent and bloody and may lead to serious injuries or death to the losers. These hostile
takeovers are precipitated by the need to pass individual genes to the next generation of lions
through the siring of cubs. As a result, the incumbent lion often takes unorthodox precautions of
eliminating the genes of the defeated lion through the killing of the suckling cubs of their
predecessors (Grinnel,
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I Felt Like Making A Deep Breath Of Fresh Air
It is my impression that a poem is complicated, obscure, and must have deep meaning. However,
after reading William Carlos Williams' poems, I felt like making a deep breath of fresh air. It was the
first time I felt that poems could be simple like this. In his poems, everything is expressed in simple
words. Even a reader as me, an international student, could understand his words easily. Also, the
images he described are the common but neglected scenes. Nonetheless, when I closed the book,
some of the images overlapped with my memory. It seemed like something happened before in my
experience but I ignored. The fragments now look so beautiful. I especially like his poems To a Poor
Old Woman, Poem, and Her Daughter. These three poems help me to find the beauty around me,
help me to change a direction to see the world, help me to appreciate. In the poem To a Poor Old
Woman, Williams described an old woman eating plums on the street. "Munching a plum on the
street a paper bag of them in her hand." I was laughing when I read this. Eagerly eating something
on the street, I believe it happened in many people's life. For example, I have a nice memory of
eating a hot roast sweet potato on the street in a cold winter afternoon. However, some people think
eating on the street is impolite and unsightly. In New York, eating on the street even is illegal in
some residential neighborhoods. For an poor old woman in the poem, she might had no free time or
a spacious dining–room to enjoy her
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The Characteristics Of The Snow Leopards
Michael Duvall
Ms. Beary
Environmental Science 5th
10 November 2017
Snow Leopards The world is full of many diverse animals. They all have many unique attributes.
Some are carnivores. Others are herbivores. Many are indigenous to certain biomes. Some are
thriving in population, while others are on the brink of extinction. All animals have their specialties
in surviving. One such unique animal is the snow leopard. The snow leopard is fighting for its
existence against many obstacles. The snow leopard has many adaptations to its biome. This animal
is very unique and scarce. The snow leopard is indigenous to the mountains of Central Asia. Their
habitat is in total two million kilometers. The habitat crosses twelve different countries. These
countries include China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, India, Bhutan, Mongolia, Nepal,
Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan. This mountain range is called the Himalayas.
Snow leopards are located between three thousand and five thousand four hundred meters above sea
level, except in Russia and mongolia where they are found at one thousand meters. The climate at
this elevation is typically dry and cold. Because of this, only small shrubs and grasses can grow on
the steep slopes of the mountain. This terrain is prefered for the snow leopards. The cliffs, ravines,
and rocky outcrops provide great cover and clear views to aid in hunting. Each snow leopard lives
within a defined home range. In this range the
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Diamondback Rattlesnake Essay
Did you know that the Diamondback Rattlesnake is the longest venomous snake in North America?
The Diamondback rattlesnake can reach up to eight feet in length. The snake also the largest of the
rattlesnake species and is part of the pit viper family. The Diamondback Rattlesnakes environment,
behavior, and physical traits make it very different from other dangerous snakes.
The Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake lives on the east coast of North America. The snake is
commonly found in wooded, sandy areas around fallen logs and brush piles. Even though You can
find these snakes in marshes and swamps, it is abnormal to find them in water or near damp areas.
But, occasionally these intrepid snakes may venture into salt water, swimming near the Keys on the
Florida coast. They are also found in dry pines like woodlands. These snakes are crepuscular
(meaning that they are more active in the early mornings). These snakes usually hunt at ground
level, but on few meager occasions will climb a few feet off the ground when pursuing prey. In
colder–wintered regions, the snake will hibernate in mammal or gopher tortoise ... Show more
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Their venom is a potent Hemotoxin, the venom kills red blood cells and impales muscle tissue. The
venom is highly potent and lethal to humans, but antivenin is ubiquitous and deaths are very
uncommon. The snake is easily recognizable by its large head and bulky body The ground color of
its body is olive brown and has large diamonds with brown centers and cream borders. The tail is
brownish grey (banded with dark rings). Newborns have a button at the end of their tail, and adults
and juveniles have a rattle. Young and old have a cat eye with a vertical pupil. While baby snakes
are 15 inches long, they can grow up to eight feet because of its complementing 20 year livelihood
The Diamondback Rattler can also strike 2/3 of its body length so a six foot snake can strike four
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Caracal Research Paper
Interesting Facts about the Caracal
There are many people who might know much about the caracal; however there are many
interesting facts to note about this cat. The caracal is also known by the name desert lynx, African
lynx, Persian lynx and Asian lynx; however they are not members of the lynx family, rather they are
from the Felidae family.
The name caracal translates to mean black ear, borrowed from the Turkish language. This is because
the caracal has long hairy tufts on the ears, and it is longer than that of other cats. This makes them
noticeable and so when they go hunting, they will often flatten the ears so as to prevent their prey
from noticing them.
Even though they hunt for prey, interestingly the caracals will also eat plants ... Show more content
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The cubs will stay hidden in a den until they are about one month old and that is when they
gradually start going outside the den.
They are born blind and will stay blind for up to ten days after which their eyes open. They start
eating meat when they are 2 months old and they become sexually mature at 1 year, after this they
start becoming independent and may leave their mother shortly after. Once they leave, they will go
away to establish their own territory, living a solitary lifestyle just like other adult caracals.
Conservation of the caracal
The caracals occur in a widely spread manner across various locations in the world and as such they
are not considered to be threatened and they are therefore taken to be of least concern. The main
threats for the caracal come in the form of habitat loss due to climate change and human activities,
being killed by human beings due to the threat they pose to livestock and being killed by larger cats
and other animals that view them as competition for prey such as lions, cheetahs, leopards and
However, there are areas in which the caracal is protected so as to prevent humans from killing them
at will so as to protect their
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Cat Chat: How Cats Communicate
Cat Chat: How Cats Communicate
Don't know what your cat is trying to tell you?
You might not, if you haven't been around felines a lot.
Of course, cats meow. And the type of meow they use gives you a good idea of what they're trying
to communicate with you. This is especially true if your pet is a Siamese cat. This breed of cat is
very vocal. One Siamese owner had a cat that meowed loudly – and persistently – whenever it
wanted to play a game of hide and seek. Every time the cat used his "special meow", which the
owner recognized, she knew that he was "hiding" and needed to be "found." She dutifully played.
In fact, Siamese cats have a voice that's often mistaken for a human voice. When a Siamese cat in
heat, he sounds very human–like. Don't be surprised if your cat almost seems to be saying "hello."
It's eerie to hear in the middle of the night. Many individuals also think that the meow of a Siamese
cat is similar to a human baby crying.
But all cats use their voices at one time or another. ... Show more content on ...
Some experts think it's a feline form of "meditation" and that this action comforts them. If this
theory is at all correct, the "purring" sound of the feline is the equivalent of our "Ohm" when we
When your cat trusts you enough, she'll eventually roll over on her back, exposing her stomach.
This, in cat behavior, is the ultimate form of submission. You should be impressed. It does not
necessarily mean though that he wants his tummy rubbed. So be careful life you try this. To discover
your cat's true feelings, watch how he holds his tail. The way in which he switches his tail is also a
subtle form of communication. Cats are not dogs. When a dog wags his tail, he's a happy animal. A
cat whose tail is flicking rapidly back and forth – the equivalent of a wag – is actually annoyed . . .
or the least
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Descriptive Essay On Lion
Cherry Mae Colong
Professor Gina Crawford
English 101
29 October 2017
Lions (A Descriptive Essay)
Majestic, noble, and brave, this famous iconic wild animal on the planet has captivated the people
since the beginning of time. They are most feared by other animals thus, known as the king of the
jungle – no other than the lions. Member of the genus Panthera, the lion is one of the big cats in the
Felidae family. A lion's head and body size average about 4.5 to 6.5 feet and tail of about 26 to 40
inches in length. A lion also weighs about 265 up to 420 pounds and a size relative to a 6–foot
human. These mammals are also carnivores. Lions have always seen hunting in groups called pride.
While lions generally avoid a full–grown elephant, lions still prefer their preys large like the zebras,
buffaloes, and giraffes. Poised as the top animal in the ecological pyramid, lions have strong
physical qualities, fascinating reputation, and an unfortunate decreasing number of population.
Without a doubt, lions have strong physical qualities. One, in particular, is the lions' amazingly
strong forepaws. So strong and powerful that a lion could kill a hyena in just one blow. Also, a lion's
muscular body has less bone mass compared to the other animals, which makes it responsible for its
graceful movements. Each of their paws is equipped with soft pads, making them soundless as they
move. A lions' eyes are well–adapted in low light, an advantage for them to go hunting at night. A
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Lion Facts
Lions are one of the big cats in the genus Panthera and members of the Felidae family. The term
African lion collectively denotes the various subspecies of lions found in Africa. With some male
lions exceeding 550 lb (250 kg) in weight, it is the second biggest living cat after the tiger. At
present, wild lions exist in Asia and in sub–Saharan Africa while other kinds of lions have vanished
from Southwest Asia and North Africa in historic times. This list contains 10 interesting facts about
lions you didn't know.
List Item
Every adult lion requires 10–15 pounds of meat each day.
List Item
Lions in captivity live twice as long as lions in the wild (15 years in the wild; 25 to 30 years in
List Item
Ancient Romans used Barbary
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The Ecology Of Lions
The Ecology of Lions
Pedro Hernandez Lions are one of the five big cats in the ecosystem. A lion is a member of a Felidae
which means Carnivor. Lions are the king of the jungle. Lions take their territory serious. If a lion
tries taking over he will have to fight the lion in charge of the pride.
Lions are 1 of 5 big cats in our ecosystem. Lions are not dangerous unless they have to be. Lions are
carnivores. Lions Zebras, Impalas, deer, and many other species that have lots of meat.Lions are
mostly found out in Africa. In the U.S we have some lions in many different zoos. Lions stay the
their mom until they are 2 ½ to 3 years old. The habitat that Lions live in are Woodlands. Lions live
in this type of habitat because they like the type
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Essay about Endangered Species Report: Jaguar
Jaguars are part of exclusive group known as the "big cats," which include the lion, tiger, and
panther. The scientific name for this species is Panthera Onca. Panthera is a Greek term originating
from the Latin word for panther while Onca is derived from the Latin word for lynx. Most Central
and South American countries refer to the Jaguar as "el tigre" or the tiger. This is the only big cat
found in the New World (western hemisphere) and the only one in the entire genus. The entire
taxonomy classification is as follows: Kingdom– Animalia, Phylum– Chordata, Class– Mammalia,
Order– Carnivora, Family– Felidae, Genus– Panthera, Species– Panthera Onca.
The range for the jaguar is fairly extensive. Its historical range started in the ... Show more content
on ...
Of all of the big cats, the jaguar is the third largest. It resembles the leopard but possesses a more
powerful, sturdy body structure, more robust head, and shorter tail. Its strong and stocky limbs help
make it more adept to do certain activities such as swimming, crawling, and climbing. Many jaguars
have been known to even enjoy swimming from time to time (Defenders). The weights and heights
of jaguars generally depend on the amount of prey available in the habitat and the sex. Most
sexually mature adult jaguars weigh in at a range of 120 – 210 pounds but larger cats have been
found to weigh around 290 – 330 pounds. Their shoulders come up to about 27 – 30 off of the
ground and the length reaches 5 – 6 feet with females usually being 10–20 percent shorter than
males (Save 2). Jaguars are known for their distinct appearance with their tawny–yellow background
color (which fades to white toward the underside) and black rosettes. The larger rosettes usually
occur in the mid–section of the cat which may form black rings. Most of the rosettes are smaller
though and may consist of just one black spot.
The jaguar's strength and overall girth comes form its diverse range of species that it is liable to
consume. These cats are complete carnivores meaning that meat is their only source of food. Their
sturdy and powerful body structure makes them a top tier predator because they
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Spotted Leopard Is Endangered Species
Spotted leopard is endangered species because of over hunting. It is one of the five big cats in the
genus Panthera. Is also a member of the Felidae family. This PC currently resides in the sub Sahara
part of Africa and parts of Asia. The spotted leopard like other leopards have short legs. The spotted
leopard only girls to about 3 feet tall. The leopards girl is rather large with these largest canines has
any other feline. Another name for leopards is johar 's both leopards and johar 's that are metallic are
known as Black Panthers. The spotted Panther is known for it 's golden red spots. The spotted
leopard shows the great diversity of species with several different patterns in the spots. The spotted
leopard species has several different ... Show more content on ...
A leopard will kill its prey with one swift bite to the neck, breaking it. The largest of the leopards is
about five feet in length, with its tail adding another 3 feet and over 200 pounds. It can range from a
dark golden to a light cream color. There are also melanistic coats, which are all black, sometimes
called Black Panthers. All leopards have the dark rosette pattern, spots on their coats, although they
are not visible on the black coats. The males are generally 20 to 40 percent larger than the
females.On average, each liter will produce two cubs, each weighing only one and a half to two
pounds. The cubs remain with their mother for 18 to 24 months. There are over 20 subspecies in the
leopard group and each one is slightly different than the others. They are excellent climbers and can
drag prey that is three times their weight up into a tree to keep it safe from scavengers and other
hunters. They are often found hunting nocturnally, and hiding in the brush during the hot afternoons.
They can hunt in places with nearly no light because of their circular pupil which is capable of vast
dilation. They also have a superb sense of smell and the ability to detect movement.People usually
think of leopards in the savannas of Africa but in the Russian Far East, a rare subspecies has adapted
to life in th e temperate forests that make up the northern–most part of the species' range. Similar to
other leopards,
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Animal Observation
Animals do not appear to be happy at the zoo. I observed multiple animals such as a polar bear,
Tigers, snow leopards, grizzly bears and Deers. Under my observations these animals did not seem
to enjoy being at the zoo.
The first animal I observed was a polar bear. Once I reached the housing of the polar bear, I noticed
its behavior. To me the polar bear appeared depressed. It Laid on a cot that did not appear
comfortable at all. It looked at us the visitors, and put his head back to its normal positions. It was as
if the bear was bored, and unexcited. I thought to myself. Did I come at the wrong time? The
animals don't seem very lively.
The polar bears housing area had trees, steps and large rocks. I noticed it was two cots for the bears
to lay on, however there was only one bear in the housing area. Perhaps the polar bear was lonely
because its housing mate was not there . That's something that I thought about.
The housing environment for the polar bear wasn't as spacious as I thought it would be, but after all
it was a zoo. There was also a small pond near the polar bear, and small bushes.
From my knowledge I know that polar bears live in very cold environments with snow. In Fact they
seem to enjoy it. There was no snow at the zoo of course. Therefore the polar bear seem uninterested
in the environment it was in.
The polar bear was covered with thick white fur. Unfortunately I was not able to see the contents of
its actual body and form because it did not move
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The Highly Adaptable Amur Leopard
The leopard species is mostly associated with the stable conditions in the African savannah however
there is a rare exception living in the harsh winters of eastern Russia. This species goes by the
common names of Amur leopard, Far East leopard, Manchurian leopard or the Korean leopard. The
Amur leopard's scientific name is Panthera pardus orientalis, in the family felidae and one of ten sub
species of leopards. In 2000 the IUCN added the Amur leopard to their Red List of Threatened
Species classifying the subspecies as Critically Endangered, and the CITES has listed it on
Appendix I. This species is down to a population size of roughly thirty adults, making it the most
rare species of big cat in the wild (WWF). Previously the Amur leopard stretched from southeastern
Russia, through Northeast China, and into the Korean peninsula in the 19th century however after
decades of "destruction, poaching, and hunting of its prey, the Amur leopard has been restricted to a
tiny fragment of its former range" (Klappenbach). Due to this unbalance of nature the Amur
Leopard is struggling to survive. In the period between 1970 and 1983 the leopard lost eighty
percent of its habitat range. Today only 20–25 leopards it inhabit a 5,000 km squared area in Russian
Province of Primorsky Krai while only 7–12 are thought to be scattered in areas of northern China.
The Amur leopard, being highly adaptable, can survive a wide range of variability in temperature
and precipitation. This adaptability
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Tundra Swan Research Paper
There are only three types of swans and one is known as a Tundra Swan. They travel in groups
found in the Arctic regions in the parts of the world. They are commonly known as whistling swans
and their relative size is larger than a goose, but smaller than a Mute Swan. They are estimated at
89,620 tundra swans throughout the regions.
The characteristics of the Tundra Swan is very similar to the rest of the swans, but it has a distinct
difference. An adult Tundra Swan is completely white, but more often than not their heads and necks
are stained a rusty color. This is because of the ferrous minerals found in the muddy water from
feeding. The Tundra Swan has a black bill with a yellow spot at the base. The male swans are
typically larger than ... Show more content on ...
There are two Tundra Swan populations. They are known are the eastern and western populations.
Since 1990 the western population has increased by 2% per year; leaving the average population as
89,620 swans in 2000. Also, since 1990 the eastern population has had a 5% increase per year;
leaving the average population at 103,080 swans in 2000. Adding up both the eastern and western
population,it is an average of 96,350 Tundra Swans.
The Tundra Swan food sources depend on the region in which the swans live. The Tundra Swan
mostly eat sea foods like the aquatic plants found in shallow waters. This consists of wigeon grass,
sago, leaf pondweeds, and more. The Tundra Swan is not only a herbivore, they are also known for
eating the clams. When the clams rise up on the shore they peck it open and eat the insides. In
conclusion, the Tundra Swan eats plants and small sea animals like clams.
Have you ever wondered if the Tundra Swan travels in herds or alone. If you answer either way then
you are correct. It depends on what the swans are doing. The only time that they are not in herds is
when they are trying to find a mate. Even at that some of the Tundra Swans are still in herds
throughout the grounds. The herds consists of swans that failed at finding a mate or if they are too
young to
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Annotated Bibliography On The Domestic Cat
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the cat species that is commonly kept as a pet. For the cat family, see Felidae.
For other uses, see Cat (disambiguation) and Cats (disambiguation).
For technical reasons, "Cat #1" redirects here. For that album, see Cat 1 (album).
Domestic cat[1]
Cat poster 1.jpg
Various types of domestic cat
Conservation status
Scientific classification e
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Suborder: Feliformia
Family: Felidae
Genus: Felis
Species: F. silvestris
Subspecies: F. s. catus
Trinomial name
Felis silvestris catus
Linnaeus, 1758[2]
Felis catus (original combination)[3]
Felis catus domestica (invalid junior synonym)[4]
The ... Show more content on ...
Cats have been known to extirpate a bird species within specific regions and may have contributed
to the extinction of isolated island populations.[10] Cats are thought to be primarily responsible for
the extinction of 33 species of birds, and the presence of feral and free–ranging cats makes some
otherwise suitable locations unsuitable for attempted species reintroduction.[11]
Since cats were venerated in ancient Egypt, they were commonly believed to have been
domesticated there,[12] but there may have been instances of domestication as early as the Neolithic
from around 9,500 years ago (7,500 BC).[13] A genetic study in 2007[14] concluded that all
domestic cats are descended from Near Eastern wildcats, having diverged around 8,000 BC in the
Middle East.[12][15] A 2016 study found that leopard cats were undergoing domestication
independently in China around 5,500 BC, though this line of partially domesticated cats leaves no
trace in the domesticated populations of today.[16][17] A 2017 study confirmed that domestic cats
are descendants of those first domesticated by farmers in the Near East around 9,000 years ago.[18]
As of a
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Dna Tells Tale Of How Cats Conquered The World Summary
Julianna Baker
Benjamin Wheeler
Biology 101
27 July 2017
Domesticated cats are currently spread wide and far across the world, posing as the cute creatures
we know them as today, but how did they get there? What exactly did they domesticate from, and in
what ways were they transported around the world? In her article, "DNA Tells Tale of How Cats
Conquered the World," Tina Hesman Saey examines and analyzes these questions, using the
research and findings from Eva–Maria Geigl, Thierry Grange, and Carlos Driscoll.
Using the DNA from today's cats, scientists have found out that modern house cats have been
domesticated from African wildcats. However, the big question still remained: how did they make it
all the way around the world? Geigl ... Show more content on ...
Being natural predators, they would hunt rodents, which encouraged Middle Eastern farmers to keep
them around. Grange explains that this set up could be dubbed as "mutually profitable for both
sides" (qtd. in Saey). Also, as many cat owners know, cats typically mark their territory and stay in
one place. Using this knowledge, scientists have drawn conclusions that cats were transported to
Europe; they didn't migrate there themselves. This idea is backed up with evidence from mitotypes.
"European wildcats carried one mitotype. It's called clade I. A 6,400–year–old Bulgarian cat and a
5,200–year–old Romanian cat had a different type of mitochondrial DNA. They both had mitotype
IV–A" (Saey). These mitotypes are relative to location, so when cats in Africa were found with
mitotypes previously only found in Egypt, it suggested that cats were being transported by people.
Saey also brings up a valid point, "Thirty–two of 70 cats from Southwest Asia also had that
mitotype. That rapid spread may indicate that sailors traveled with cats, some of which could have
jumped ship to find a new
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Essay On Big Cat Public Safety Act
A woman flees from authorities with her collection of tigers, monkeys, a fox, and a skunk – and her
14–year–old daughter who was living under the same roof as the wild animals.
A California couple, whose escaped pet tiger prowled neighborhoods for weeks before finally being
shot and killed by authorities, quickly packed their things up and fled with the rest of their big cat
collection in tow.
What does these two as well as dozens of other cases all have in common? The people all wind up in
one state, Nevada.
While 45 out of the 50 states that make up America have laws forbidding people from owning exotic
wildlife there are five that have no such rules.
Like Nevada the four other states Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Wisconsin have no
standards nor statewide laws restricting private possession of dangerous wild animals.
You would think someone who is willing to go through all the trouble and expense to obtain a ...
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The federal government needs to act immediately to protect both the animal and the general public.
The government needs to pass the Big Cat Public Safety Act. It passage will prohibit unqualified
morons from possessing and breeding big cats, bolster weak laws in states that have them, and fill
any gaps in states like Nevada who just lost their damn minds and never passed any legislation on
wildlife ownership..
Until the state takes action, there can only be two outcomes. The Big cat act gets passed or there will
be a massacre in which a loose hungry Tiger, Leopard or Lion escapes from it's backyard pens and
kills a few kids and then the politicians will pass the act as well as passing the blame for not passing
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The Adventures Of Sergot : A Prologue : The Adventures Of...
The adventures of Margot. Prologue We have been flying for over 20 days to find the last of
humanity on Jupiter and save them. Along the way we encountered armed drones, giant rats, robots,
talking jungle cats, and talking river whales. Plus an alien which thank god was friendly. I've been
on Jupiter since everybody left. I am Margot and I have green hair and blue eyes. I am 11 years old
Chapter one The house started to cave in. I was almost crushed by a piece of debris. "IT'S AN
ALIEN INVASION!" says mom. "RUN!" says dad. We get outside. The sky is filled with alien
ships. We manage to steal one. "Wow, look at all the weapons in here". I exclaimed. "Take one of
each and try to fight some of them off". I just take a big weapon. I fire the thing and it takes an
entire 20 ships out. " 20 down 100,080 to go," I say to myself. But I only have 10 more rounds. I set
it to rapid fire which is written in a weird way like it is all in symbols. I know that because all guns
always have the 2nd switch for rapid fire."Get in" says, dad. I climbed into the ship and we fired
away. We soared through the skies and I kept tumbling and stumbling around. !@#%^$&)&%#(^ I
heard through the intercom. It was probably an alien that didn't realize we took their ship. The ship
shakes around. "We are going to crash!!!" I shouted. Just then, we jolted back up. WOAH!! I cried.
Then the entire ship went completely dark. Chapter two
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Taking a Look a the Iberian Lynx
Taxonomy & Phylogeny The Iberian Lynx is a member of the Felidae family under the Lynx genus.
Its scientific name is Lynx Pardinus. The Iberian lynx is believed to be a descendent of the Issoire
Lynx (Lynx issiodorensis), along with the other members of the lynx family (bobcat, Canada Lynx,
and Eurasian Lynx). Until recently, the Iberian lynx was thought to be a sub species of the Eurasian
Lynx, it is now classified as a separate species.
Iberian Lynx were originally found all throughout Spain, Portugal and parts of Southern France.
They inhabit dense scrubby areas mixed with open fields. These habitats were once prevalent
throughout the Spanish countryside, but now are disappearing. The area that the Iberian Lynx is able
to successfully occupy has been drastically reduced by human development resulting in habitat
Today, Iberian lynx are only found natural in two areas of southern Spain. The highest
concentrations are found Sierra Morena. The other wild population is found in Donana National
park. They do not have enough space to provide for their food needs.
Population At one time the Iberian Lynx was abundant throughout the Iberian Peninsula. With the
decline of its habitat the Iberian Lynx population began to plummet. This decline in population was
very rapid. The loss of habitat restricted food sources and separated populations, which caused the
Lynx to disappear at an alarming rate. In The 1960s there was estimated to be 3000 Iberian
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Snow Leopards Research Paper
Panthera uncia, commonly known as the snow leopard, is a longhaired cat included in the Felidae
family, or big cat family. Snow leopards were formerly classified as Leo uncia but were placed in
the genus Panthera with the other big cat species due to their common ancestors. Snow leopards are
closely related to tigers, or Panthera tigris. Both species separated from the big cat family around 3.9
million years ago, and genetic studies show that snow leopards branched from tigers around 3.2
million years ago, which shows their close tie to tigers (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014).
Snow leopards physiological traits include a soft, dense, insulating undercoat with a thick, pale
grayish coat of hair about 2 inches long with dark spots similar to ... Show more content on ...
al, 2014) and are also found in Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan (Wikramanayake et. al, 2006). They are
populated at a low density among large range areas. The natural diet of snow leopards consists
primarily of wild blue sheep and Siberian ibex, but also includes pikas, hares, and game birds. An
average of 1.5 kilograms of meat is required per snow leopard daily, which is equivalent to 3.3
pounds (Lyngdoh et. al, 2014). With much of the land being developed for livestock production, the
natural source of food for snow leopards has depleted from their natural habitats. The decrease in
prey resources has contributed to an estimated 20 percent decline in the overall snow leopard
population in the past 20 years (Lyngdoh et. al, 2014). Furthermore, this has led to an increasing
number of livestock and domestic animals as the snow leopard's new prey source. Although human
density of the land is low, much of the land used for livestock overlaps snow leopard territory,
causing an issue between humans and snow leopards (Jackson, 2015). This issue has contributed to
their continued list as an endangered
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The Effects Of Placental Mammals On Humans
As humans, we get the opportunity to share and coexist on this planet with some extraordinarily
unique and diverse organisms. Of such organisms, the placental mammals are some of the most
adaptable organisms on earth, residing in places as harsh as the Savannah Desert and the Arctic.
Here in Minnesota, we have 75 species of mammals ranging from the large majestic Moose to the
small and nimble Least Shrew. I got the opportunity to further research the Bobcat, in hopes of
understanding their feeding behavior, reproductive patterns, seasonal movements, and
communication interspecifically as well as intraspecifically. Bobcats belong to the order Carnivora,
family Felidae and their scientific name is Lynx rufus. "Lynx in Latin means lamp, from ... Show
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Male bobcats with their large, muscular bodies have been seen to regularly kill deer, usually fawns
or does in poor physical condition, although in some cases adult bucks have been taken as well.
With that being said, when a severe winter occurs male bobcats tend to have a higher survival rate
compared to female bobcats. Bobcats are extraordinary hunters, that stalk their prey with immense
patience and stealth. "Like most wild felines, bobcats are not capable of extended chases, so they
must get close to their prey, without being seen, before launching their attack" (Hansen 29). One in
such adaptation that bobcats, as well as many other felines possess allowing them to diminish the
gap between them and their prey is the,"webbed skin and fur between their toes" that help muffle
sound as they stalk their prey (Hansen 33). Bobcats also have sharp retractile claws that are
important for seizing and controlling prey so that the killing bite can be delivered. In reference to a
bobcat's teeth, they also have a distinguishing characteristic in that they lack a set of premolars,
which gives them 28 teeth instead of the usual 30 found in other felines. Bobcats tend to primarily
be solitary hunters, but on occasion females and their kittens will
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Characteristics Of The Leopard
The Leopard
Long ago, the leopard and the Ethiopian, his white hunting companion, lived in a place called the
High Veldt. The two dominated this vast grassland, and they were able to hunt and catch any animal
they wished. Their favorite meals consisted of the plain sandy–yellow–brown coated giraffe and
zebra. One sunny day, the giraffe and zebra were hiding from the leopard and Ethiopian within the
shadows of the trees. Mysteriously, jagged shadow–shapes appeared on the fur of the giraffe and the
zebra. The prey became permanently striped and spotted and were so well camouflaged that the
leopard and Ethiopian were now incapable of finding lunch. The two hunters knew they needed to
up their game, so the Ethiopian turned his skin black. The leopard asked his companion to give him
spots so he could blend in, too. The Ethiopian pressed his five fingertips all over the leopard's plain
coat; both of them were now camouflaged just like the giraffe and zebra.
This retelling of Rudyard Kipling's "How the Leopard Got His Spots" is a fanciful fable which
portrays the cunning nature of the leopard. Besides its stealthiness and competitiveness, this spotted
wonder possesses several other traits which display God's originality in creating it. In order to
understand the significance of the leopard, one must understand its physical characteristics and
behavior, unique habitat and hunting strategies, and extreme threats to its existence.
It's helpful to understand the taxonomy and naming
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Jaguar Research Paper
"big" cats. The jaguar is closely related to the Leopard and have a number of similar characteristics
especiallThe Jaguar is scientifically known as the Pantera onca. It is considered to be one of the
world's y the distinctive spotted fur. It is often confused with the leopard because of the similar
brownish/yellow base fur colour which is distinctively marked with dark rosette markings.
However, the jaguar can be distinguished by the presence of small dots or irregular shapes within
the larger rosette markings, a more stocky and muscular body and a shorter tail. The jaguar is known
for its power and swiftness. Its name comes from the word yagar which means "he who kills with
one leap". Despite its agility it has been hunted for many years ... Show more content on ...
It is the largest feline on the American Continent. It has a broad head with very strong jaws and has
been thought to have the most powerful bite of all the world's cats. It has very sharp teeth and claws.
They can weigh from 79–350 pounds. The jaguar is known for speeds up to 50 miles per hour. Their
fast movement is important for them to catch their food. Jaguars are carnivores. They have a
lifecycle of 12 to 15 years but in captivity it can be as long as 22 years. They bear live young after a
90 to 105 day gestation period but can only have cubs every other year. The habit of the jaguar is
usually solitary, only getting together to mate during breeding season. The average litter size is 3.
Their young are called cubs. The cubs of the jaguar are born with no father because he leaves after
he mates with the mother. The cubs are born blind and can weigh from 25–32 ounces. By two weeks
of age their eyes are open. The cubs are weaned from their mother by 3 months of age and by 6
months they have learned to do things the way their mother does and begins to hunt with their
mother. By the time they are a year old they can hunt on their own but stay with the mother until
about 3 years old before going to their own territory. They reach sexual maturity by 3 years of
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Felids Research Paper
Felidae The first cat like ancestor is the sabertooth tiger about 60 million years ago. The felidaes
overall life span could be anywhere between 15–30 years with some exceptions. Felids tend to have
lithe and flexible bodies with muscular limbs. In the great majority of species, the tail is between a
third and a half the length of the body. The limbs are flimsy with soft toe pads and protractible
claws. Compared with most other mammals, the head is highly dome shaped with a short muzzle.
The skull has a wide arches and a large dip and that allow for the connection of jaw muscles. Felids
have relatively large eyes and most are omnivores. Their ears are erect and rotate to get sound.
Felids have strong muscles to enable high jumps or fast running.
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Evolution Of Cats Essay
The house cat has been a favored companion for many years. Their small size and independent
tendencies makes them ideal pets for those who do not want a high maintenance animal. They are
quirky and show lots of love if you take care of them. Cats are complex animals, but can be great
pets. They have their own way of doing things, but still can be a great companion. They have gone
through a lot throughout the years, yet still have barely changed. Cats are interesting in their own
ways, both their history and personalities.
The cat's scientific name is Eukaryota Anamalia Chordata Mammalia Carnivora Felidae Felis catus
("Felis Catus: The Domestic Cat," n.d.). Usually just the term Felidae is used ("Felis Catus: The
Domestic Cat," n.d.). The evolution ... Show more content on ...
They have special adaptations that they have acquired through time and evolution. On the outside,
cats have whiskers on their face that help them to navigate (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008, p.12).
They also have cupped ears that can rotate to catch sound, which helps them to hunt (Foss, Stewart
& Swift, 2008, p.10). Their tongues are covered in papillae to help scrape food off of bones or to
clean itself (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008, p.10). Their fur coats protect them from cold, bug bites,
stings, and other irritants, and can also be raised when frightened or threatened to seem larger in size
(Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008, p.10). Not easily seen are the sweat glands that cats only have on their
paw pads (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008, p.11). Moving inward, cats have a very flexible spine,
aiding them when falling to land on their feet or to help them get into small spaces (Foss, Stewart &
Swift, 2008, p.12). Most cats can see ultraviolet light (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008, p.9). Evolution
has favored night vision over being able to see colors during the day (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008,
p.9). Another part of the cat's night vision is that at the back of the eye, there is a layer of cells that
reflects the light (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008, p.9). Cats have to have a good sense of hearing and
sight since they depend on that more than smell when hunting (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008,
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Fennesc Fox Research Paper

  • 1. Fennesc Fox Research Paper Fennec Fox The Fennec Fox, native to North Africa and the Middle East, isn't currently considered an endangered species, but its territory is under threat from tourism and development. The Fennec Fox is considered one of the 15 cutest endangered animals.The Fennec Fox is my favorite animal because it is adorable, it adapts to its environment, and its strong loyalty to it's family. The Fennec Fox is the smallest of all the world's foxes. It has enormous ears, measuring 6 inches, which seem to have been borrowed from a much bigger relative. They use their ears as tools. Their bat–like ears emit body heat at night and help keep the foxes cool during the day. Fennec Foxes may be small but their size and shape helps them to gracefully glide across the land when in search for food or just letting off some steam. They have long, thick, soft fur coats with a furry undercoat that keeps them warm during cold nights and protects them from the hot sun during the day. These foxes are cream– colored with black–tipped tails. Although this species of fox is smaller than many others, it has fur that blends into its surroundings and offers a great deal of protection ... Show more content on ... Fennec Foxes are sometimes called "Desert Foxes" because they live in desert zones of North Africa and the Sinai and Arabian areas. They are nocturnal and try to avoid the daytime heat of the desert environment. They search for plants but also feast upon rodents, eggs, reptiles, and insects. Like most desert dwellers, the Fennec Fox has the ability to go for long periods without water. Fennec Foxes have been known to jump in the air 2 feet high from a standing position, and they are able to leap a distance of 4 meters. Its paws are covered with fur so that the fox can walk on hot sand, like it's wearing snowshoes. Having to work so hard to survive in its environment makes their loyalty stronger twards one ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Persuasive Essay On Cat Declawing Denver followed the footsteps of California as it implemented an ordinance that bans the declawing of its feline friends, an initiative that has brought joy towards cat owners and veterinarians. In the process, Denver became the first US city outside California to ban the procedure that has caused nothing but pain and stress towards cats, and it was easy for the city to implement the said ban as the council supported the measure in the past weeks. A unanimous vote became the proverbial icing on the cake for the ordinance. Before Denver, eight cities, including Los Angeles and San Francisco, have implemented bans against the procedure which the critics labelled as inhumane and painful for cats, while countries such as Australia, Israel, Brazil, Japan, and across much of Europe have established bans against the procedure. Paw Project local leader and veterinarian Aubrey Lavizzo was the brains behind the initiative, while she persuaded Councilwoman Kendra Black to lead the proposal. An hour–long public hearing done a week earlier has presented numerous emotional appeals that are convincing the council to outlaw declawing, yet a number of pet owners objected the proposal by saying that the pain that cats experience was just temporary. They also justified that the procedure has improved the cats' indoor behavior. The bill will only affect elective declawing since any medically required procedure is still allowed and conducted by a licensed veterinarian who uses anesthesia for ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Dangers Of Snow Leopards There are less than 5,000 snow leopards left in the wild. To put that in perspective, that averages to about one for every 4 people that live on Ft. Leavenworth. Snow leopards pose no threat to humans, but humans are the greatest threat to snow leopards. (1)A snow leopard is an amazing creature. (2) Snow leopards are " solitary animals" that live and hunt in the rocky areas of the Himalayas and surrounding mountains (National Geographic). (3) They have beautiful white coats that are inches thick to keep them warm and help them hide and blend into their surroundings. (3)Each leopard coat has different spots, like human fingerprints. (3)They are one of the few large cats that understands to ration its food for days. (2) Snow leopards have tails as long as their bodies that "make a good scarf" during the cold mountain nights (Defenders). (3) They curl up in their tails to keep warm. (3) They are about 3–4 feet in length and around 2 feet tall. (3) They can very far–over 40 feet! (4) Snow leopards (panthera uncia) are special creatures that live at the top of their food chain (Patent). (1) Snow leopards are an extremely miniscule threat to humans. (2) They are shy creatures, and according to the Snow Leopard Trust, "There has never been a verified attack on a human" –not even in zoos–because they are afraid of humans. (3) Snow leopards are not typically aggressive and would rather hide or run than confront a human. (3) They prefer to hunt and move at morning and evening so they are not seen often. (3) People describe them as ghosts because they are rarely seen due to their camouflage and because they are sleeping quite often. (2) Snow leopards do attack "corralled sheep [herds]" in times of need (Defenders). (3) They do this when the farmer or herder brings his flock into the leopard's territory. (3) The herd eats everything and leaves nothing for the usual prey of the snow leopard. (3) The prey leaves and the herd is the only thing the leopard has to eat, so it strikes. (2) Snow leopards are actually remarkably important as they indicate " the health of [their] high altitude" habitats (WWF). (3) When they are in high population, it shows that all the species below them in the food chain are ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Alhi Lion Adaptations As time changes so will animals and I've created an animal predicted to last 250 million years on madagascar. The Alhi Lion is a beast when it comes to surviving. So the adaptations it has gained over the years include; the ability to change color at different times, spikes on the back, and the ability to swim in water. My animal will be living in the humid sub continental grassland next to a very large river. The Alhi Lion is normally a soft white color because of a slight mutation in genes. Although it is white, it can also change colors and camouflage. A white lion in a grassland probably won't survive very well. Therefore, he adapted so he can change colors. This will help him when hiding from various predators. Lions today get left ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Domestication Of Cats Cats are domestic animals who have lived with humans for a long period of time. They are very popular pets in the world it is estimated that there is over 70 million cats in just the U.S. The exact origination of these popular animals is unknown but information of the creature can be traced back to Middle East about 9,500 years ago. A cat skeleton was found in southern Cyprus that matches with that time period. In China as well about 5,300 years ago traces of the animal were found. They ate any food they could find such as rodents and millets. It wasn't until the 5th and 6th dynasties of China when the cat was declared a sacred and holy animal. However it was not yet domesticated, until the Egyptian civilization where its talent for catching ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Discrimination Of Cats I believe that cats should all be treated equally. Every type of cat is beautiful and should be judged the same. Whether it be long fur, short fur, no fur, flat face, defined face. They are all beautiful and each have their own characteristics. So can some cats really be discriminated against compared to others? Hairless cats and black cats are the most discriminated against because people don't like the way they look and the cultural stigma. Them being hairless only adds onto their charm. It gives them a cute look by all of them looking grumpy and their eyes are larger and prettier than other cat types. Every cat type has their own characteristics and should be judged equally and fairly. I believe that some cats shouldn't be discriminated against and judged unfairly upon based on looks, just like Nelson Mandela believed that racism should be abolished and races being discriminated against should have a fair life. Nelson Mandela was the South African president from 1994 to 1999 fighting against the apartheid. The apartheid was a system of discrimination or segregation on grounds of race. This is like the discrimination or certain cat types and how some get treated unfairly based on looks. The apartheid gave the minority a hard time. Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, the prime minister from 1958–1959, would polish the apartheid policy into a system he called separate development. Minority groups of blacks, were separated into Bantu's, a place with self–government. This worked ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Leo The Lion Leo the Lion is a horoscope animal and famous constellation. The word Leo means "lion" in Latin. But not everyone sees a lion in those stars. The Incas of Peru see a puma and the Chinese see a horse. But to the Greeks it was a lion. To locate Leo, look for a backward question mark and a triangle. The question mark is called the sickle or scythe and is the front of Leo. The dot of the question mark is the star Regulus. First find the Big Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major (The Great Bear). It will lead to Regulus. Find the two stars near the handle of the Big Dipper. Make a straight line through the Bear's paws. The line should hit the first star in Leo's shoulder. Keep going and the line will hit Regulus. This star is 100 times brighter ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Male Calico Research Paper Male calico cats are very rare and because of this scarcity they are very valuable in the cat world. Calico is a type of cat that is denoted by their orange, black and white coat. The color of a cat's coat is strongly correlated to the gender of the cat because it is a sex–linked trait (Moss, 2015). Within genetics, the gender is determined by the X or Y chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes and males have one X and one Y chromosome. The black and orange color of a cat's coat is denoted by the X gene. Most commonly, for a male cat, when they display an orange color it is shown in a striped fashion. Female cats can have more variety in their colors and how those colors are displayed on the coat because they have two X chromosomes. In other words, females can have both the black and orange fur because they have the two X chromosomes, whereas males can only display one of those colors at a time (Moss, 2015). ... Show more content on ... This is possible when the XY chromosome combination does not split all the way, creating an XXY combination. This improper division is not restricted only to cats, however it can occur in humans as well, with different outcomes. Although genetically, this creates a unique and rare outcome, it doesn't do this without any adverse effects. For example, most male calico cats are infertile, so they cannot reproduce and are not of future value to a cat breeder (Moss, 2015). However, they can be valuable on the market due to their ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Short Story Then, as he studied them, the pair emerged from the long grass into shorter, more open pasture, and Leon felt every nerve in his body snap tight. They were not buffalo but lions. Never before had he seen lions of that size or colour. The early–morning sun was behind them, highlighting their regal, stately progress. Their manes were deepest Stygian black and shaggy as haystacks, ruffling in the breeze as they stopped to stare up at the approaching aircraft. Leon throttled back the engines and let the Bumble Bee drop until her landing wheels were skimming the ground. As he headed straight towards the lions, they swelled out their manes and swung their long black–tufted tails against their flanks in mounting agitation. One sank down and ... Show more content on ... Let them be, he decided. Let them settle down until I can get mad von Meerbach here to deal with them. As Leon touched down and let the Bumble Bee roll out on the airstrip below Percy's Camp, the two Masai were still celebrating the find. When he cut the engines, Loikot shouted joyously, 'Did I tell you, Manyoro?' and answered himself immediately: 'Yes, I told you! But did you believe me, Manyoro? No, you did not! Of the two of us, who is the stupid and stubborn one? Is it me, Manyoro? No, it is not! Which of us is the great hunter and finder of lions? Is it you, Manyoro? No, it is Loikot!' He adopted a noble and heroic pose, while Manyoro covered his face with his hands in mock–chagrin. 'You are the greatest tracker in Africa and surpassingly beautiful, Loikot,' Leon interrupted, 'but now I have work for you. You must return to your lions and stay with them until I can bring Kichwa Muzuru for the hunt. You must follow them closely, but not so closely that you alarm them and scare them away.' 'I know those lions. They will not elude me,' Loikot vowed. 'I have them in my eye.' 'When I return and you hear the sound of the engines, you must light a smudge fire. The smoke will guide me to you.' 'I will have the lions in my eye, and the sound of your engines in my ear,' Loikot boasted. Leon turned to Manyoro, 'Who is the chief of the area in which we found the lions today?' 'His name is Massana and his manyatta is at ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Puma Concolor Essay The stability of Felidae Puma Concolor can only be ensured with the enforcement of legislation targeted to transform highways and human residences; the fractioning of puma territory in California is detrimental to the species. The Felidae Puma Concolor is known by many names cougar, puma, mountain lion, the cat is often mistaken for a bobcat. Hypothesis: The highways which cut through the great forest and mountain ranges of California are a large contributor to the population of California's Mountain Lions due to the division of natural environmental habitats. Human communities also play a role in Mountain Lion population stunts because human neighborhoods are ever expanding. An approximate number of 100–200 California Pumas are killed a year. This information which was found by the University of Santa Cruz keeping in consideration that the Mountain Lion can only be hunted with legal consent in the Serco's of a Mountain Lion killing a human becoming to comfortable with humans or hunting live stock(this includes pets). Last year the state of California had 107 Mountain Lions hunted and shot dead but, permitted 237 Puma to be shot dead. The last ... Show more content on ... When young Mountain Lions reach maturity approximately at the age of two adult Puma leaves the territory of the mother to find their own for food purposes. The young Pumas do not do well in locating home range territories near by because older male lions preoccupy them, thus the young adult puma is sent to edges of deep vegetated mountain ranges near the mortal world. The presence alone of a Mountain Lion near a town or city leads to panic and over reaction ending with the hunt of the cat. So the hyper territorial nature of the cat is a factor working against it. A behavioral and radio tracking method would be used to measure the patterns of the pumas in this engineered region along route 9 and high way ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Analysis Of Robert Darnton's 'Workers Revolt' Chiara Maddison The essay titled "Workers Revolt: The Great Cat Massacre of the Rue Saint–Séverin" by Robert Darnton discusses a massacre of cats that, according to the worker Nicolas Contat, took place in Paris in the first half of the 1700s. Contat's writes about two apprentices, Jerome and Léveille. They had poor living conditions, were given food scraps to eat, and they had to deal with the master and their superiors. On top of all this, during the night stray cats would howl, keeping them awake. One day Léveille decided to crawl along the roof until he got near the master's bedroom and began to howl with the cats. The aster and his wife became convinced that they were being bewitched and ordered the apprentices to get rid of the cats. They chased cats of rooftops, hit them with iron bars, and trapped them in sacks. They also performed mock trials where the rest of the workshop would join in and hang the cats with a noose. Although to us this seems like a horrific act of violence, the workers turned it into a celebration. These different views of the same event exist because of the different societies. The hatred these workers had for the bourgeois, popular celebrations, and the things that cats symbolized all contributed to the humor of the cat massacre. We must first understand these to be able to understand the cat massacre. The first thing that people must know about this time is the situation of workers. Towards the end of the 1600s, larger printing shops ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The World 's Most Dangerous Predators, The Cheetah, And... The area of the African continent south of the Sahara Desert is called Sub–Saharan Africa. Now close your eyes and imagine if you were sitting on a beach chair in the middle of said desert; imagine all of the amazing and unbelievable pictures that will draw upon your eyes. Sub–Saharan Africa is unarguably one of the most beautiful but also one of the most dangerous places in today's world, home of two of the world 's most dangerous predators, the cheetah, and the lion. Two cats that come from the same species that have very different characteristics such as weight, size, and hunting tactics, but that share the same habitat makes me wonder which animal is more successful in his/her territory. Let 's compare the characteristics of the ... Show more content on ... Cheetahs are solitary animals, meaning that they spend most of their time alone, including the mother, so there is no male figure to protect these infants. Lions live a dissimilar lifestyle than Cheetahs; Lions travel in "Prides" which are family units who work together to survive. Lions also give birth to about 3 cubs in litters of two. Similar to the cheetahs, lion cubs are also born blind, they generally open their eyes between 3–11 days "Lion cubs are born in dense cover and remain hidden from the pride for about 1–2 months.". Unlike the cheetah cubs, more than one individual plays a role in raising the cub. Any lactating female belonging to the pride will suckle cubs regardless if it is the cub 's mother or not (Lion cubs – All the important facts you should know, N.D., para 3–4). Lion cubs are never left alone and always stay with the pride; while the mother Is out hunting the males of the pride will usually protect the cubs. Cheetahs usually start to wean around the 6–week mark, which means they will begin to start transitioning from drinking milk to eating meat that the mother will harvest for them from an earlier hunt and they also will start becoming less dependent on the mother thus ending the nursing period "Cheetahs: A Predator's Role In The Ecosystem, 2012, para 3–4". Then at the 8–week mark cheetahs will begin following the mother around shadowing her every move learning ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Cheetah Or The Lion? The Cheetah or The Lion? The area of the African continent south of the Sahara Desert is called Sub–Saharan Africa. Now close your eyes and imagine if you were sitting on a beach chair in the middle of said desert, imagine all of the amazing and unbelievable pictures that will draw upon your eyes. Sub–Saharan Africa is unarguably one of the most beautiful but also one of the most dangerous places in today's world, home of two of the world 's most dangerous predators, the cheetah, and the lion. Two cats that come from the same species that have very different characteristics such as weight, size, and hunting tactics but that share the same habitat makes me wonder which animal is more successful in his/her territory. Let 's compare the ... Show more content on ... Lions live a very different lifestyle than Cheetahs; Lions travel in "Prides" which are family units who work together to survive. Lions also give birth to about 3 cubs in litters of two. Similar to the cheetahs, lion cubs are also born blind they usually open their eyes between 3–11 days "Lion cubs are born in dense cover and remain hidden from the pride for about 1–2 months.". Unlike the cheetah cubs, more than one individual plays a role in raising the cub. Any lactating female belonging to the pride will suckle cubs regardless if it is the cub 's mother or not. Lion cubs are never left alone and always stay with the pride; while the mother is out hunting the males of the pride will usually protect the cubs. Cheetahs usually start to wean around the 6–week mark, which means they will begin to start transitioning from drinking milk to eating meat that the mother will harvest for them from an earlier hunt and they also will start becoming less dependent on the mother thus ending the nursing period. Then at the 8–week mark cheetahs will begin following the mother around shadowing her every move learning how to become a skilled hunter. Every step is a lesson because once these cheetah cubs reach 18 months the mother leaves them to fend for their own and she continues her normal day to day routine. Cheetah siblings usually stay in a ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Big Lion Research Paper Have you ever seen a big lion? Lions are furious because they like to eat animals and if you make them mad they would probably get you injured. Their diet helps them survive and makes them stronger. they like to hide so they catch their prey. They have long fur and they have sharp teeth so they could catch prey. Lions have strong bodies and powerful legs,teeth and big jaws for killing prey. their coat is yellow and goldish adult males are shaggy manes. Their color of their mane depend on their age. Baby lions have spots in their coats but as they grow up their spots start to disappear. If lions didn't have their coats then they would look simulator like a tiger. Lions eat a variety of prey that are wild beast like ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Panthera Leo Research Paper Taxonomy Introduction The animal kingdom consists of about 800,000 known species (to include those that have been proven to exist). All animals have multiple cells and therefore rely on the cells of other living or dead organisms for their sustenance (growth and development). Animals develop from small groups of unspecialized cells and the animals with simple cells grow their missing body parts through regeneration. There are 36 phyla in the kingdom Animalia, for instance, Porifera, Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Echinodermata and Chordata among others (Dudley, 2002). Panthera leo The African lion (Panthera leo), is a bold and admired species of the animal kingdom which commands a lot of respect and fear in equal measure from human beings and wild animals alike. It belongs to the phylum Chordata, class Mammalia, order Carnivora and family Felidae. African lions live in sub–Saharan Africa where there are savanna grasslands that play host to a variety of ... Show more content on ... Dimorphic males have dark manes that distinguish them easily from the females. Adult males weigh up to 200kg while an average females weighs 120kg. The Panthera leo are polygamous and they breed once every year. Statistics show that male lions are conspicuously large and they use this advantage to dominate the pride of lions, which they have control over. Pride males form coalitions in order to increase their chances of deposing an alpha male in another territory. Succession battles are violent and bloody and may lead to serious injuries or death to the losers. These hostile takeovers are precipitated by the need to pass individual genes to the next generation of lions through the siring of cubs. As a result, the incumbent lion often takes unorthodox precautions of eliminating the genes of the defeated lion through the killing of the suckling cubs of their predecessors (Grinnel, ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. I Felt Like Making A Deep Breath Of Fresh Air It is my impression that a poem is complicated, obscure, and must have deep meaning. However, after reading William Carlos Williams' poems, I felt like making a deep breath of fresh air. It was the first time I felt that poems could be simple like this. In his poems, everything is expressed in simple words. Even a reader as me, an international student, could understand his words easily. Also, the images he described are the common but neglected scenes. Nonetheless, when I closed the book, some of the images overlapped with my memory. It seemed like something happened before in my experience but I ignored. The fragments now look so beautiful. I especially like his poems To a Poor Old Woman, Poem, and Her Daughter. These three poems help me to find the beauty around me, help me to change a direction to see the world, help me to appreciate. In the poem To a Poor Old Woman, Williams described an old woman eating plums on the street. "Munching a plum on the street a paper bag of them in her hand." I was laughing when I read this. Eagerly eating something on the street, I believe it happened in many people's life. For example, I have a nice memory of eating a hot roast sweet potato on the street in a cold winter afternoon. However, some people think eating on the street is impolite and unsightly. In New York, eating on the street even is illegal in some residential neighborhoods. For an poor old woman in the poem, she might had no free time or a spacious dining–room to enjoy her ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Characteristics Of The Snow Leopards Michael Duvall Ms. Beary Environmental Science 5th 10 November 2017 Snow Leopards The world is full of many diverse animals. They all have many unique attributes. Some are carnivores. Others are herbivores. Many are indigenous to certain biomes. Some are thriving in population, while others are on the brink of extinction. All animals have their specialties in surviving. One such unique animal is the snow leopard. The snow leopard is fighting for its existence against many obstacles. The snow leopard has many adaptations to its biome. This animal is very unique and scarce. The snow leopard is indigenous to the mountains of Central Asia. Their habitat is in total two million kilometers. The habitat crosses twelve different countries. These countries include China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, India, Bhutan, Mongolia, Nepal, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan. This mountain range is called the Himalayas. Snow leopards are located between three thousand and five thousand four hundred meters above sea level, except in Russia and mongolia where they are found at one thousand meters. The climate at this elevation is typically dry and cold. Because of this, only small shrubs and grasses can grow on the steep slopes of the mountain. This terrain is prefered for the snow leopards. The cliffs, ravines, and rocky outcrops provide great cover and clear views to aid in hunting. Each snow leopard lives within a defined home range. In this range the ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Diamondback Rattlesnake Essay Did you know that the Diamondback Rattlesnake is the longest venomous snake in North America? The Diamondback rattlesnake can reach up to eight feet in length. The snake also the largest of the rattlesnake species and is part of the pit viper family. The Diamondback Rattlesnakes environment, behavior, and physical traits make it very different from other dangerous snakes. The Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake lives on the east coast of North America. The snake is commonly found in wooded, sandy areas around fallen logs and brush piles. Even though You can find these snakes in marshes and swamps, it is abnormal to find them in water or near damp areas. But, occasionally these intrepid snakes may venture into salt water, swimming near the Keys on the Florida coast. They are also found in dry pines like woodlands. These snakes are crepuscular (meaning that they are more active in the early mornings). These snakes usually hunt at ground level, but on few meager occasions will climb a few feet off the ground when pursuing prey. In colder–wintered regions, the snake will hibernate in mammal or gopher tortoise ... Show more content on ... Their venom is a potent Hemotoxin, the venom kills red blood cells and impales muscle tissue. The venom is highly potent and lethal to humans, but antivenin is ubiquitous and deaths are very uncommon. The snake is easily recognizable by its large head and bulky body The ground color of its body is olive brown and has large diamonds with brown centers and cream borders. The tail is brownish grey (banded with dark rings). Newborns have a button at the end of their tail, and adults and juveniles have a rattle. Young and old have a cat eye with a vertical pupil. While baby snakes are 15 inches long, they can grow up to eight feet because of its complementing 20 year livelihood The Diamondback Rattler can also strike 2/3 of its body length so a six foot snake can strike four ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Caracal Research Paper Interesting Facts about the Caracal There are many people who might know much about the caracal; however there are many interesting facts to note about this cat. The caracal is also known by the name desert lynx, African lynx, Persian lynx and Asian lynx; however they are not members of the lynx family, rather they are from the Felidae family. The name caracal translates to mean black ear, borrowed from the Turkish language. This is because the caracal has long hairy tufts on the ears, and it is longer than that of other cats. This makes them noticeable and so when they go hunting, they will often flatten the ears so as to prevent their prey from noticing them. Even though they hunt for prey, interestingly the caracals will also eat plants ... Show more content on ... The cubs will stay hidden in a den until they are about one month old and that is when they gradually start going outside the den. They are born blind and will stay blind for up to ten days after which their eyes open. They start eating meat when they are 2 months old and they become sexually mature at 1 year, after this they start becoming independent and may leave their mother shortly after. Once they leave, they will go away to establish their own territory, living a solitary lifestyle just like other adult caracals. Conservation of the caracal The caracals occur in a widely spread manner across various locations in the world and as such they are not considered to be threatened and they are therefore taken to be of least concern. The main threats for the caracal come in the form of habitat loss due to climate change and human activities, being killed by human beings due to the threat they pose to livestock and being killed by larger cats and other animals that view them as competition for prey such as lions, cheetahs, leopards and hyenas. However, there are areas in which the caracal is protected so as to prevent humans from killing them at will so as to protect their ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Cat Chat: How Cats Communicate Cat Chat: How Cats Communicate Don't know what your cat is trying to tell you? You might not, if you haven't been around felines a lot. Of course, cats meow. And the type of meow they use gives you a good idea of what they're trying to communicate with you. This is especially true if your pet is a Siamese cat. This breed of cat is very vocal. One Siamese owner had a cat that meowed loudly – and persistently – whenever it wanted to play a game of hide and seek. Every time the cat used his "special meow", which the owner recognized, she knew that he was "hiding" and needed to be "found." She dutifully played. In fact, Siamese cats have a voice that's often mistaken for a human voice. When a Siamese cat in heat, he sounds very human–like. Don't be surprised if your cat almost seems to be saying "hello." It's eerie to hear in the middle of the night. Many individuals also think that the meow of a Siamese cat is similar to a human baby crying. But all cats use their voices at one time or another. ... Show more content on ... Some experts think it's a feline form of "meditation" and that this action comforts them. If this theory is at all correct, the "purring" sound of the feline is the equivalent of our "Ohm" when we meditate. When your cat trusts you enough, she'll eventually roll over on her back, exposing her stomach. This, in cat behavior, is the ultimate form of submission. You should be impressed. It does not necessarily mean though that he wants his tummy rubbed. So be careful life you try this. To discover your cat's true feelings, watch how he holds his tail. The way in which he switches his tail is also a subtle form of communication. Cats are not dogs. When a dog wags his tail, he's a happy animal. A cat whose tail is flicking rapidly back and forth – the equivalent of a wag – is actually annoyed . . . or the least ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Descriptive Essay On Lion Cherry Mae Colong Professor Gina Crawford English 101 29 October 2017 Lions (A Descriptive Essay) Majestic, noble, and brave, this famous iconic wild animal on the planet has captivated the people since the beginning of time. They are most feared by other animals thus, known as the king of the jungle – no other than the lions. Member of the genus Panthera, the lion is one of the big cats in the Felidae family. A lion's head and body size average about 4.5 to 6.5 feet and tail of about 26 to 40 inches in length. A lion also weighs about 265 up to 420 pounds and a size relative to a 6–foot human. These mammals are also carnivores. Lions have always seen hunting in groups called pride. While lions generally avoid a full–grown elephant, lions still prefer their preys large like the zebras, buffaloes, and giraffes. Poised as the top animal in the ecological pyramid, lions have strong physical qualities, fascinating reputation, and an unfortunate decreasing number of population. Without a doubt, lions have strong physical qualities. One, in particular, is the lions' amazingly strong forepaws. So strong and powerful that a lion could kill a hyena in just one blow. Also, a lion's muscular body has less bone mass compared to the other animals, which makes it responsible for its graceful movements. Each of their paws is equipped with soft pads, making them soundless as they move. A lions' eyes are well–adapted in low light, an advantage for them to go hunting at night. A ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Lion Facts Lions are one of the big cats in the genus Panthera and members of the Felidae family. The term African lion collectively denotes the various subspecies of lions found in Africa. With some male lions exceeding 550 lb (250 kg) in weight, it is the second biggest living cat after the tiger. At present, wild lions exist in Asia and in sub–Saharan Africa while other kinds of lions have vanished from Southwest Asia and North Africa in historic times. This list contains 10 interesting facts about lions you didn't know. List Item Every adult lion requires 10–15 pounds of meat each day. List Item Lions in captivity live twice as long as lions in the wild (15 years in the wild; 25 to 30 years in captivity). List Item Ancient Romans used Barbary ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. The Ecology Of Lions The Ecology of Lions Pedro Hernandez Lions are one of the five big cats in the ecosystem. A lion is a member of a Felidae which means Carnivor. Lions are the king of the jungle. Lions take their territory serious. If a lion tries taking over he will have to fight the lion in charge of the pride. Lions are 1 of 5 big cats in our ecosystem. Lions are not dangerous unless they have to be. Lions are carnivores. Lions Zebras, Impalas, deer, and many other species that have lots of meat.Lions are mostly found out in Africa. In the U.S we have some lions in many different zoos. Lions stay the their mom until they are 2 ½ to 3 years old. The habitat that Lions live in are Woodlands. Lions live in this type of habitat because they like the type ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Essay about Endangered Species Report: Jaguar Jaguars are part of exclusive group known as the "big cats," which include the lion, tiger, and panther. The scientific name for this species is Panthera Onca. Panthera is a Greek term originating from the Latin word for panther while Onca is derived from the Latin word for lynx. Most Central and South American countries refer to the Jaguar as "el tigre" or the tiger. This is the only big cat found in the New World (western hemisphere) and the only one in the entire genus. The entire taxonomy classification is as follows: Kingdom– Animalia, Phylum– Chordata, Class– Mammalia, Order– Carnivora, Family– Felidae, Genus– Panthera, Species– Panthera Onca. The range for the jaguar is fairly extensive. Its historical range started in the ... Show more content on ... Of all of the big cats, the jaguar is the third largest. It resembles the leopard but possesses a more powerful, sturdy body structure, more robust head, and shorter tail. Its strong and stocky limbs help make it more adept to do certain activities such as swimming, crawling, and climbing. Many jaguars have been known to even enjoy swimming from time to time (Defenders). The weights and heights of jaguars generally depend on the amount of prey available in the habitat and the sex. Most sexually mature adult jaguars weigh in at a range of 120 – 210 pounds but larger cats have been found to weigh around 290 – 330 pounds. Their shoulders come up to about 27 – 30 off of the ground and the length reaches 5 – 6 feet with females usually being 10–20 percent shorter than males (Save 2). Jaguars are known for their distinct appearance with their tawny–yellow background color (which fades to white toward the underside) and black rosettes. The larger rosettes usually occur in the mid–section of the cat which may form black rings. Most of the rosettes are smaller though and may consist of just one black spot. The jaguar's strength and overall girth comes form its diverse range of species that it is liable to consume. These cats are complete carnivores meaning that meat is their only source of food. Their sturdy and powerful body structure makes them a top tier predator because they ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Spotted Leopard Is Endangered Species Spotted leopard is endangered species because of over hunting. It is one of the five big cats in the genus Panthera. Is also a member of the Felidae family. This PC currently resides in the sub Sahara part of Africa and parts of Asia. The spotted leopard like other leopards have short legs. The spotted leopard only girls to about 3 feet tall. The leopards girl is rather large with these largest canines has any other feline. Another name for leopards is johar 's both leopards and johar 's that are metallic are known as Black Panthers. The spotted Panther is known for it 's golden red spots. The spotted leopard shows the great diversity of species with several different patterns in the spots. The spotted leopard species has several different ... Show more content on ... A leopard will kill its prey with one swift bite to the neck, breaking it. The largest of the leopards is about five feet in length, with its tail adding another 3 feet and over 200 pounds. It can range from a dark golden to a light cream color. There are also melanistic coats, which are all black, sometimes called Black Panthers. All leopards have the dark rosette pattern, spots on their coats, although they are not visible on the black coats. The males are generally 20 to 40 percent larger than the females.On average, each liter will produce two cubs, each weighing only one and a half to two pounds. The cubs remain with their mother for 18 to 24 months. There are over 20 subspecies in the leopard group and each one is slightly different than the others. They are excellent climbers and can drag prey that is three times their weight up into a tree to keep it safe from scavengers and other hunters. They are often found hunting nocturnally, and hiding in the brush during the hot afternoons. They can hunt in places with nearly no light because of their circular pupil which is capable of vast dilation. They also have a superb sense of smell and the ability to detect movement.People usually think of leopards in the savannas of Africa but in the Russian Far East, a rare subspecies has adapted to life in th e temperate forests that make up the northern–most part of the species' range. Similar to other leopards, ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Animal Observation Animals do not appear to be happy at the zoo. I observed multiple animals such as a polar bear, Tigers, snow leopards, grizzly bears and Deers. Under my observations these animals did not seem to enjoy being at the zoo. The first animal I observed was a polar bear. Once I reached the housing of the polar bear, I noticed its behavior. To me the polar bear appeared depressed. It Laid on a cot that did not appear comfortable at all. It looked at us the visitors, and put his head back to its normal positions. It was as if the bear was bored, and unexcited. I thought to myself. Did I come at the wrong time? The animals don't seem very lively. The polar bears housing area had trees, steps and large rocks. I noticed it was two cots for the bears to lay on, however there was only one bear in the housing area. Perhaps the polar bear was lonely because its housing mate was not there . That's something that I thought about. The housing environment for the polar bear wasn't as spacious as I thought it would be, but after all it was a zoo. There was also a small pond near the polar bear, and small bushes. From my knowledge I know that polar bears live in very cold environments with snow. In Fact they seem to enjoy it. There was no snow at the zoo of course. Therefore the polar bear seem uninterested in the environment it was in. The polar bear was covered with thick white fur. Unfortunately I was not able to see the contents of its actual body and form because it did not move ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. The Highly Adaptable Amur Leopard The leopard species is mostly associated with the stable conditions in the African savannah however there is a rare exception living in the harsh winters of eastern Russia. This species goes by the common names of Amur leopard, Far East leopard, Manchurian leopard or the Korean leopard. The Amur leopard's scientific name is Panthera pardus orientalis, in the family felidae and one of ten sub species of leopards. In 2000 the IUCN added the Amur leopard to their Red List of Threatened Species classifying the subspecies as Critically Endangered, and the CITES has listed it on Appendix I. This species is down to a population size of roughly thirty adults, making it the most rare species of big cat in the wild (WWF). Previously the Amur leopard stretched from southeastern Russia, through Northeast China, and into the Korean peninsula in the 19th century however after decades of "destruction, poaching, and hunting of its prey, the Amur leopard has been restricted to a tiny fragment of its former range" (Klappenbach). Due to this unbalance of nature the Amur Leopard is struggling to survive. In the period between 1970 and 1983 the leopard lost eighty percent of its habitat range. Today only 20–25 leopards it inhabit a 5,000 km squared area in Russian Province of Primorsky Krai while only 7–12 are thought to be scattered in areas of northern China. The Amur leopard, being highly adaptable, can survive a wide range of variability in temperature and precipitation. This adaptability ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Tundra Swan Research Paper There are only three types of swans and one is known as a Tundra Swan. They travel in groups found in the Arctic regions in the parts of the world. They are commonly known as whistling swans and their relative size is larger than a goose, but smaller than a Mute Swan. They are estimated at 89,620 tundra swans throughout the regions. The characteristics of the Tundra Swan is very similar to the rest of the swans, but it has a distinct difference. An adult Tundra Swan is completely white, but more often than not their heads and necks are stained a rusty color. This is because of the ferrous minerals found in the muddy water from feeding. The Tundra Swan has a black bill with a yellow spot at the base. The male swans are typically larger than ... Show more content on ... There are two Tundra Swan populations. They are known are the eastern and western populations. Since 1990 the western population has increased by 2% per year; leaving the average population as 89,620 swans in 2000. Also, since 1990 the eastern population has had a 5% increase per year; leaving the average population at 103,080 swans in 2000. Adding up both the eastern and western population,it is an average of 96,350 Tundra Swans. The Tundra Swan food sources depend on the region in which the swans live. The Tundra Swan mostly eat sea foods like the aquatic plants found in shallow waters. This consists of wigeon grass, sago, leaf pondweeds, and more. The Tundra Swan is not only a herbivore, they are also known for eating the clams. When the clams rise up on the shore they peck it open and eat the insides. In conclusion, the Tundra Swan eats plants and small sea animals like clams. Have you ever wondered if the Tundra Swan travels in herds or alone. If you answer either way then you are correct. It depends on what the swans are doing. The only time that they are not in herds is when they are trying to find a mate. Even at that some of the Tundra Swans are still in herds throughout the grounds. The herds consists of swans that failed at finding a mate or if they are too young to ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Annotated Bibliography On The Domestic Cat Cat From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the cat species that is commonly kept as a pet. For the cat family, see Felidae. For other uses, see Cat (disambiguation) and Cats (disambiguation). For technical reasons, "Cat #1" redirects here. For that album, see Cat 1 (album). Domestic cat[1] Cat poster 1.jpg Various types of domestic cat Conservation status Domesticated Scientific classification e Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Suborder: Feliformia Family: Felidae Genus: Felis Species: F. silvestris Subspecies: F. s. catus Trinomial name Felis silvestris catus Linnaeus, 1758[2] Synonyms Felis catus (original combination)[3] Felis catus domestica (invalid junior synonym)[4] The ... Show more content on ... Cats have been known to extirpate a bird species within specific regions and may have contributed to the extinction of isolated island populations.[10] Cats are thought to be primarily responsible for the extinction of 33 species of birds, and the presence of feral and free–ranging cats makes some otherwise suitable locations unsuitable for attempted species reintroduction.[11] Since cats were venerated in ancient Egypt, they were commonly believed to have been domesticated there,[12] but there may have been instances of domestication as early as the Neolithic
  • 114. from around 9,500 years ago (7,500 BC).[13] A genetic study in 2007[14] concluded that all domestic cats are descended from Near Eastern wildcats, having diverged around 8,000 BC in the Middle East.[12][15] A 2016 study found that leopard cats were undergoing domestication independently in China around 5,500 BC, though this line of partially domesticated cats leaves no trace in the domesticated populations of today.[16][17] A 2017 study confirmed that domestic cats are descendants of those first domesticated by farmers in the Near East around 9,000 years ago.[18] [19] As of a ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Dna Tells Tale Of How Cats Conquered The World Summary Julianna Baker Benjamin Wheeler Biology 101 27 July 2017 Title Domesticated cats are currently spread wide and far across the world, posing as the cute creatures we know them as today, but how did they get there? What exactly did they domesticate from, and in what ways were they transported around the world? In her article, "DNA Tells Tale of How Cats Conquered the World," Tina Hesman Saey examines and analyzes these questions, using the research and findings from Eva–Maria Geigl, Thierry Grange, and Carlos Driscoll. Using the DNA from today's cats, scientists have found out that modern house cats have been domesticated from African wildcats. However, the big question still remained: how did they make it all the way around the world? Geigl ... Show more content on ... Being natural predators, they would hunt rodents, which encouraged Middle Eastern farmers to keep them around. Grange explains that this set up could be dubbed as "mutually profitable for both sides" (qtd. in Saey). Also, as many cat owners know, cats typically mark their territory and stay in one place. Using this knowledge, scientists have drawn conclusions that cats were transported to Europe; they didn't migrate there themselves. This idea is backed up with evidence from mitotypes. "European wildcats carried one mitotype. It's called clade I. A 6,400–year–old Bulgarian cat and a 5,200–year–old Romanian cat had a different type of mitochondrial DNA. They both had mitotype IV–A" (Saey). These mitotypes are relative to location, so when cats in Africa were found with mitotypes previously only found in Egypt, it suggested that cats were being transported by people. Saey also brings up a valid point, "Thirty–two of 70 cats from Southwest Asia also had that mitotype. That rapid spread may indicate that sailors traveled with cats, some of which could have jumped ship to find a new ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Essay On Big Cat Public Safety Act A woman flees from authorities with her collection of tigers, monkeys, a fox, and a skunk – and her 14–year–old daughter who was living under the same roof as the wild animals. A California couple, whose escaped pet tiger prowled neighborhoods for weeks before finally being shot and killed by authorities, quickly packed their things up and fled with the rest of their big cat collection in tow. What does these two as well as dozens of other cases all have in common? The people all wind up in one state, Nevada. While 45 out of the 50 states that make up America have laws forbidding people from owning exotic wildlife there are five that have no such rules. Like Nevada the four other states Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Wisconsin have no standards nor statewide laws restricting private possession of dangerous wild animals. You would think someone who is willing to go through all the trouble and expense to obtain a ... Show more content on ... The federal government needs to act immediately to protect both the animal and the general public. The government needs to pass the Big Cat Public Safety Act. It passage will prohibit unqualified morons from possessing and breeding big cats, bolster weak laws in states that have them, and fill any gaps in states like Nevada who just lost their damn minds and never passed any legislation on wildlife ownership.. Until the state takes action, there can only be two outcomes. The Big cat act gets passed or there will be a massacre in which a loose hungry Tiger, Leopard or Lion escapes from it's backyard pens and kills a few kids and then the politicians will pass the act as well as passing the blame for not passing it ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. The Adventures Of Sergot : A Prologue : The Adventures Of... The adventures of Margot. Prologue We have been flying for over 20 days to find the last of humanity on Jupiter and save them. Along the way we encountered armed drones, giant rats, robots, talking jungle cats, and talking river whales. Plus an alien which thank god was friendly. I've been on Jupiter since everybody left. I am Margot and I have green hair and blue eyes. I am 11 years old Chapter one The house started to cave in. I was almost crushed by a piece of debris. "IT'S AN ALIEN INVASION!" says mom. "RUN!" says dad. We get outside. The sky is filled with alien ships. We manage to steal one. "Wow, look at all the weapons in here". I exclaimed. "Take one of each and try to fight some of them off". I just take a big weapon. I fire the thing and it takes an entire 20 ships out. " 20 down 100,080 to go," I say to myself. But I only have 10 more rounds. I set it to rapid fire which is written in a weird way like it is all in symbols. I know that because all guns always have the 2nd switch for rapid fire."Get in" says, dad. I climbed into the ship and we fired away. We soared through the skies and I kept tumbling and stumbling around. !@#%^$&)&%#(^ I heard through the intercom. It was probably an alien that didn't realize we took their ship. The ship shakes around. "We are going to crash!!!" I shouted. Just then, we jolted back up. WOAH!! I cried. Then the entire ship went completely dark. Chapter two ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Taking a Look a the Iberian Lynx Taxonomy & Phylogeny The Iberian Lynx is a member of the Felidae family under the Lynx genus. Its scientific name is Lynx Pardinus. The Iberian lynx is believed to be a descendent of the Issoire Lynx (Lynx issiodorensis), along with the other members of the lynx family (bobcat, Canada Lynx, and Eurasian Lynx). Until recently, the Iberian lynx was thought to be a sub species of the Eurasian Lynx, it is now classified as a separate species. Range Iberian Lynx were originally found all throughout Spain, Portugal and parts of Southern France. They inhabit dense scrubby areas mixed with open fields. These habitats were once prevalent throughout the Spanish countryside, but now are disappearing. The area that the Iberian Lynx is able to successfully occupy has been drastically reduced by human development resulting in habitat destruction. Today, Iberian lynx are only found natural in two areas of southern Spain. The highest concentrations are found Sierra Morena. The other wild population is found in Donana National park. They do not have enough space to provide for their food needs. Population At one time the Iberian Lynx was abundant throughout the Iberian Peninsula. With the decline of its habitat the Iberian Lynx population began to plummet. This decline in population was very rapid. The loss of habitat restricted food sources and separated populations, which caused the Lynx to disappear at an alarming rate. In The 1960s there was estimated to be 3000 Iberian ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Snow Leopards Research Paper Panthera uncia, commonly known as the snow leopard, is a longhaired cat included in the Felidae family, or big cat family. Snow leopards were formerly classified as Leo uncia but were placed in the genus Panthera with the other big cat species due to their common ancestors. Snow leopards are closely related to tigers, or Panthera tigris. Both species separated from the big cat family around 3.9 million years ago, and genetic studies show that snow leopards branched from tigers around 3.2 million years ago, which shows their close tie to tigers (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014). Snow leopards physiological traits include a soft, dense, insulating undercoat with a thick, pale grayish coat of hair about 2 inches long with dark spots similar to ... Show more content on ... al, 2014) and are also found in Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan (Wikramanayake et. al, 2006). They are populated at a low density among large range areas. The natural diet of snow leopards consists primarily of wild blue sheep and Siberian ibex, but also includes pikas, hares, and game birds. An average of 1.5 kilograms of meat is required per snow leopard daily, which is equivalent to 3.3 pounds (Lyngdoh et. al, 2014). With much of the land being developed for livestock production, the natural source of food for snow leopards has depleted from their natural habitats. The decrease in prey resources has contributed to an estimated 20 percent decline in the overall snow leopard population in the past 20 years (Lyngdoh et. al, 2014). Furthermore, this has led to an increasing number of livestock and domestic animals as the snow leopard's new prey source. Although human density of the land is low, much of the land used for livestock overlaps snow leopard territory, causing an issue between humans and snow leopards (Jackson, 2015). This issue has contributed to their continued list as an endangered ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. The Effects Of Placental Mammals On Humans As humans, we get the opportunity to share and coexist on this planet with some extraordinarily unique and diverse organisms. Of such organisms, the placental mammals are some of the most adaptable organisms on earth, residing in places as harsh as the Savannah Desert and the Arctic. Here in Minnesota, we have 75 species of mammals ranging from the large majestic Moose to the small and nimble Least Shrew. I got the opportunity to further research the Bobcat, in hopes of understanding their feeding behavior, reproductive patterns, seasonal movements, and communication interspecifically as well as intraspecifically. Bobcats belong to the order Carnivora, family Felidae and their scientific name is Lynx rufus. "Lynx in Latin means lamp, from ... Show more content on ... Male bobcats with their large, muscular bodies have been seen to regularly kill deer, usually fawns or does in poor physical condition, although in some cases adult bucks have been taken as well. With that being said, when a severe winter occurs male bobcats tend to have a higher survival rate compared to female bobcats. Bobcats are extraordinary hunters, that stalk their prey with immense patience and stealth. "Like most wild felines, bobcats are not capable of extended chases, so they must get close to their prey, without being seen, before launching their attack" (Hansen 29). One in such adaptation that bobcats, as well as many other felines possess allowing them to diminish the gap between them and their prey is the,"webbed skin and fur between their toes" that help muffle sound as they stalk their prey (Hansen 33). Bobcats also have sharp retractile claws that are important for seizing and controlling prey so that the killing bite can be delivered. In reference to a bobcat's teeth, they also have a distinguishing characteristic in that they lack a set of premolars, which gives them 28 teeth instead of the usual 30 found in other felines. Bobcats tend to primarily be solitary hunters, but on occasion females and their kittens will ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Characteristics Of The Leopard The Leopard Long ago, the leopard and the Ethiopian, his white hunting companion, lived in a place called the High Veldt. The two dominated this vast grassland, and they were able to hunt and catch any animal they wished. Their favorite meals consisted of the plain sandy–yellow–brown coated giraffe and zebra. One sunny day, the giraffe and zebra were hiding from the leopard and Ethiopian within the shadows of the trees. Mysteriously, jagged shadow–shapes appeared on the fur of the giraffe and the zebra. The prey became permanently striped and spotted and were so well camouflaged that the leopard and Ethiopian were now incapable of finding lunch. The two hunters knew they needed to up their game, so the Ethiopian turned his skin black. The leopard asked his companion to give him spots so he could blend in, too. The Ethiopian pressed his five fingertips all over the leopard's plain coat; both of them were now camouflaged just like the giraffe and zebra. This retelling of Rudyard Kipling's "How the Leopard Got His Spots" is a fanciful fable which portrays the cunning nature of the leopard. Besides its stealthiness and competitiveness, this spotted wonder possesses several other traits which display God's originality in creating it. In order to understand the significance of the leopard, one must understand its physical characteristics and behavior, unique habitat and hunting strategies, and extreme threats to its existence. It's helpful to understand the taxonomy and naming ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Jaguar Research Paper "big" cats. The jaguar is closely related to the Leopard and have a number of similar characteristics especiallThe Jaguar is scientifically known as the Pantera onca. It is considered to be one of the world's y the distinctive spotted fur. It is often confused with the leopard because of the similar brownish/yellow base fur colour which is distinctively marked with dark rosette markings. However, the jaguar can be distinguished by the presence of small dots or irregular shapes within the larger rosette markings, a more stocky and muscular body and a shorter tail. The jaguar is known for its power and swiftness. Its name comes from the word yagar which means "he who kills with one leap". Despite its agility it has been hunted for many years ... Show more content on ... It is the largest feline on the American Continent. It has a broad head with very strong jaws and has been thought to have the most powerful bite of all the world's cats. It has very sharp teeth and claws. They can weigh from 79–350 pounds. The jaguar is known for speeds up to 50 miles per hour. Their fast movement is important for them to catch their food. Jaguars are carnivores. They have a lifecycle of 12 to 15 years but in captivity it can be as long as 22 years. They bear live young after a 90 to 105 day gestation period but can only have cubs every other year. The habit of the jaguar is usually solitary, only getting together to mate during breeding season. The average litter size is 3. Their young are called cubs. The cubs of the jaguar are born with no father because he leaves after he mates with the mother. The cubs are born blind and can weigh from 25–32 ounces. By two weeks of age their eyes are open. The cubs are weaned from their mother by 3 months of age and by 6 months they have learned to do things the way their mother does and begins to hunt with their mother. By the time they are a year old they can hunt on their own but stay with the mother until about 3 years old before going to their own territory. They reach sexual maturity by 3 years of ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Felids Research Paper Felidae The first cat like ancestor is the sabertooth tiger about 60 million years ago. The felidaes overall life span could be anywhere between 15–30 years with some exceptions. Felids tend to have lithe and flexible bodies with muscular limbs. In the great majority of species, the tail is between a third and a half the length of the body. The limbs are flimsy with soft toe pads and protractible claws. Compared with most other mammals, the head is highly dome shaped with a short muzzle. The skull has a wide arches and a large dip and that allow for the connection of jaw muscles. Felids have relatively large eyes and most are omnivores. Their ears are erect and rotate to get sound. Felids have strong muscles to enable high jumps or fast running. ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Evolution Of Cats Essay The house cat has been a favored companion for many years. Their small size and independent tendencies makes them ideal pets for those who do not want a high maintenance animal. They are quirky and show lots of love if you take care of them. Cats are complex animals, but can be great pets. They have their own way of doing things, but still can be a great companion. They have gone through a lot throughout the years, yet still have barely changed. Cats are interesting in their own ways, both their history and personalities. The cat's scientific name is Eukaryota Anamalia Chordata Mammalia Carnivora Felidae Felis catus ("Felis Catus: The Domestic Cat," n.d.). Usually just the term Felidae is used ("Felis Catus: The Domestic Cat," n.d.). The evolution ... Show more content on ... They have special adaptations that they have acquired through time and evolution. On the outside, cats have whiskers on their face that help them to navigate (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008, p.12). They also have cupped ears that can rotate to catch sound, which helps them to hunt (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008, p.10). Their tongues are covered in papillae to help scrape food off of bones or to clean itself (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008, p.10). Their fur coats protect them from cold, bug bites, stings, and other irritants, and can also be raised when frightened or threatened to seem larger in size (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008, p.10). Not easily seen are the sweat glands that cats only have on their paw pads (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008, p.11). Moving inward, cats have a very flexible spine, aiding them when falling to land on their feet or to help them get into small spaces (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008, p.12). Most cats can see ultraviolet light (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008, p.9). Evolution has favored night vision over being able to see colors during the day (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008, p.9). Another part of the cat's night vision is that at the back of the eye, there is a layer of cells that reflects the light (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008, p.9). Cats have to have a good sense of hearing and sight since they depend on that more than smell when hunting (Foss, Stewart & Swift, 2008, ... Get more on ...