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Feminist Criticism Essay
Crafting an essay on this particular topic presents a multitude of challenges, requiring a deep
understanding of feminist theory, literary analysis, and cultural contexts. Firstly, delving into
feminist criticism demands a nuanced comprehension of gender dynamics, intersectionality, and
power structures within literature and society. It involves navigating complex theoretical
frameworks from various feminist perspectives, such as liberal feminism, radical feminism, and
postcolonial feminism, among others.
Furthermore, conducting a feminist critique entails scrutinizing literary works through a critical
lens, identifying patriarchal norms, gender stereotypes, and instances of sexism or misogyny
embedded within texts. This process requires meticulous textual analysis and interpretation, often
involving close readings of primary sources and secondary literature.
Additionally, writing a feminist criticism essay necessitates engaging with contemporary debates
and ongoing discussions within the field, considering evolving notions of gender identity,
sexuality, and representation. It demands staying abreast of current research, theoretical
developments, and social movements shaping feminist discourse today.
Moreover, effectively addressing the complexities of feminist criticism in an essay requires the
writer to navigate sensitive topics with empathy, awareness, and cultural sensitivity. It involves
grappling with contentious issues, confronting biases, and challenging preconceived notions
while fostering critical dialogue and promoting inclusivity.
In sum, composing an essay on this subject is a formidable task that demands intellectual rigor,
analytical prowess, and a commitment to social justice. It requires synthesizing theoretical
insights with textual analysis, engaging with diverse perspectives, and navigating complex socio-
political terrain. However, despite its challenges, such an endeavor is essential for advancing our
understanding of literature, culture, and the ongoing struggle for gender equality.
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Feminist Criticism EssayFeminist Criticism Essay
A Report On Data Center
About this Report
The primary aim of this document is to submit a report on Data center. Several
factors related to data center are considered while documenting this report such as
physical issues that should be dealt with while building a data center, cloud based and
infrastructure based options available for maintaining a data center. Importance of
having a data center is the standpoint substantiated with accountable facts collected
from surveys as referenced.
Data center is physical (sometimes virtual) block/building reserved by an
organization where the private information of an organization is stored, processed
and served. The data size vary from one company to other depending on their need
and requirements. Data ... Show more content on ...
When it comes to maintaining the data centers, there are important factors to be
considered. Size of data center play a vital role as the computers and servers are to be
increased and maintained when the data of an organizations increase day to day. In
other terms scalability factor need to be considered. Maintaining suitable
environment is another key factor in data center. Proper cooling and heating
temperatures are to be maintained at different zones within the data centers and
suitable exhaust systems are to be build. Power supply is another area to be focused.
As data centers need to be alive for all the time, energy resources are to be supplied
without any failures and fluctuations. All these factors deals with large investments
and maintenance charges. But several cost cutting approaches and methods are being
followed to reduce the cost in hosting and maintaining data centers. As an example of
that energy saving LED building practices in data centers is followed by many
Maintaining security in Data center is another area that need to be worked at. As data
should not be accessed by any third party agent/system, imposing security becomes
very important. Only authorized persons are to be given access to enter and monitor
the systems and processes in data centers. The authorization is achieved by providing
identification to staff be means of issuing Personal Identification
The Presence Of Rat Model Of Parkinson s Disease
The present study was established to show revealed the presence of neurochemical
and histopathological changes in the cerebellum of rat model of Parkinson s disease
induced by the intrastriatal injection of rotenone. This may change the strategy of the
disease treatment that depends mainly on the restoration of dopaminelevels in the
basal ganglia.
The present findings showed the development of hyperexcitability in the cerebellum
of rat model of PD induced by intrastriatal injection of rotenone. This was indicated
from the significant increase in the excitatory amino acid neurotransmitters; glutamate
and aspartate and the significant decrease in the inhibitory amino acids; GABA,
glycine and taurine. These neurotransmitters are involved in many functions such as
motor behavior, cognition, and emotion (Ottersen and Storm Mathisen, 1986,
Schmidt et al., 1992)1,2. The balance between excitatory and inhibitory
neurotransmission is important for brain to sustain proper neuronal function (Mel et
al., 2004)[1]. Perturbation in glutamatergic and GABAergic neurotransmission is
associated with several neurological and psychiatric disorders (Sanacora et al., 2004)
(3) [glutamate gaba balance 1].
Functional neuroimaging study using PET or blood oxygen level dependent
functional MRI frequently demonstrated increased activation in the cerebellum in
patients with PD during performance of various upper limb movements (Rascol et
al., 1997; Catalan et al., 1999; Wu and Hallett, 2005; Yu et
Alpha Male Characters
When it comes to being an alpha male, there aren t many choices for anime that
depict alpha male characters. Unfortunately for betas like us, Princess Lover s!
OVA is not for us. To begin, the story seems to revolve around a true alpha male
who deserves to live on the Jersey shore more than I do. First off, I never watched
the main series cause I heard it was bad and since I try my best to watch only good
shows like Elfen Lied and Air I never got around to watching this. From what I
gather from the OVA is that Mr. Alpha Male here is engaged to some fancy blonde
slut and she doesn t want to put out or something along those lines. Anyways, since
he s alpha as fuck he just starts going to town on her and turns her into a sex crazed
slave who... Show more content on ...
Seeing an alpha male go to town on a girl and turn her into a sex crazed maniac
who will do anything he wants makes me feel depressed. If he was morbidly obese
and in a power chair or some random idiot I would have found it better..but with an
alpha male leading the pack I couldn t enjoy it as much as I could have. Him being
so alpha was disheartening and the oh u fancy slut was too fancy for my tastes. I like
my women plain and boring with unibrows and hairy armpits. Her bitchy attitude
about oh goddd you made me a dirty woman and you re disgusting for making a lady
incontinent made me feel even more pathetic and the crushing reality of being a
beta male set in. I saw that frog telling me You will never make a lady incontinent
and then the tears started flowing. In summary this OVA was not for me. If you are
a true alpha male like Randy Savage or Chris Benoit this would be right up your
alley. But since I am nothing but a beta male I could not be entertained by such a
program that obviously caters to those who go to the gym daily and to the tanning
salon 3 times a s not for us people who are plain and generic people who
lead plain and generic lives. In conclusion, watching this anime shows the crushing
reality that you will be forever alone and will never be an alpha
Why I Want To Go To A Gym
Everyone has their own little spot to escape from the world to feel relief and
relaxation. They often go there when they need peace and quiet, or to think about
things. The place I go to do this is the basketball court. Basketball has always been
my favorite sport and ever since I was a little boy, I can reminisce about the hype
of watching the Boston Celtics in the living room with my father. When I was in
6th grade, I remember him saying he had a surprise for me after returning home
from school. Ty, want to go to a Celtics game this Friday? my eyes immediately
widened with eagerness and excitement. The day I stepped foot into TD Garden,
everything else in the world that mattered seemed to disappear, it seemed to me be
the greatest place... Show more content on ...
When I lace up my shoes and step foot onto the court all of life s problems and
struggles just vanish, never coming to mind while playing on the hardwood.
Nothing can stop me; because I am in my territory, my sanctuary. The game and
the court; they are my canvas, and I am Picasso, the game is an art and every time
I step into the gym are efforts to create a masterpiece. I feel as if I am in complete
control, like a maestro conducting his symphony and everything I do is nothing
but sweet music with the perfect melody and flow. Every move I make, every
decision I make, every shot I take is vital to the performance of my team with
nothing less than a hundred percent effort in mind. I feel as free as bird, soaring
through the open air, flying for the first time in the clouds, free. The game and the
sound of the ball dribbling take away all the negativity I may be experiencing and
immediately replace it with optimism, leaving me in a state of complete serenity.
Whenever I feel down I just pick up a ball and head to the gym and my attitude is
shifted to a sense of relief and joy. Having the blessed opportunity to play basketball
has truly impacted the individual who I am
Breast Feeding Vs. The Bottle
Breast feeding vs. The Bottle: The Decision is yours Some mothers have to give
up breastfeeding even though they want to breastfeed. To give up breastfeeding
can be a sensitive issue in a time when breastfeeding is promoted as the healthiest
for mother and child (Larsen Kronborg, 2013, p. 848). The debate over whether
breast feeding is better than bottle feeding or vice versa has been a debate for
many years. With more and more research that is continuously being developed, the
option to breast feed or bottle feed is ultimately up to the parents of the child.
Although the decision could be based on factors such as a physical incapability or
financial burdens, the end result should always be what is going to be best for the
baby. As research continues to grow, there has been proven evidence of the positive
and negative aspects that come with breast feeding and bottle feeding.
The Benefits of Breast Feeding Starting from infancy, parents have the right to make
the decisions in their new child s life, which includes breast feeding their child. Infant
nutrition is important in development and health throughout life (Klag, McNamara,
Geraghty, Keim, 2015, p. 1059) Although the process has been known to bring some
complications and many attempts, the end result has been proven to be beneficial to
not only the infant during that time but can be tracked in their life down the line.
The decision to breast feed is a decision that will not only impact the child, but can
Use Of Remote Supervision And Real Time Control Of The...
1. Introduction
Electrical equipments generate heat over time while functioning, if the situation is
not noticed and taken care of properly machine malfunction may occur, which could
cause severe damage to devices or even people. So measuring ambient temperature
and temperature of equipments frequently become a crucial procedure in industries
and other places where temperature must be kept in a certain range. But while people
is far away from the equipment or specific environment, real time monitoring of and
response to any temperature changes become troublesome.
In this project a temperature alarm SMS notifier is designed to realize the functions
of remote supervision and real time control of the temperature change under specific
circumstances. The variation of temperature is detected by the temperature alarm
circuit, when the change exceeds a default value, LEDs on the fire alarm circuit board
will flash, and then the board will send an alert message to the preset mobile phone
number to notify the user about the incident. The alert notification part involves an
Arduino Uno board, which is a relevantly new but one of the most versatile hardware
computing platform and development environment for software in the past decade.
Connecting an Arduino Uno board together with a GPRS shield and a shield with
LEDs would allow the entire circuit having the function mentioned above and work
as a temperature alarm SMS notifier.
Making a fire alarm SMS notifier which detects
Descriptive Essay Qingdao
The travel city I would recommend is Qingdao. Although I came to the city less
than a year, but I have deeply loved here, obsessed with the climate here, scenery,
local conditions and customs.why someone should visit ?After 08 years of Olympic
Games, Qingdao s popularity has raised a lot in Qingdao, and Qingdaohas become
one of the most popular cities in the country.Because Qingdao is a seaside city, but
also a lot of people because of the sea view and admiring, so the summer during the
summer vacation, a particularly large number of people, so people think the best time
to travel in April and October.April Qingdao spring turns warm again, feeling that the
whole city Huanran Zhongshan Park Sakura, Sakura Avenue on both sides of the
cherry blossom, quite spectacular. Of course, you do not like crowded, Qingdao has
many streets on both sides planted cherryblossoms, as in addition to Japan, cherry
planting the most concentrated areas, may be in your hotel downstairs is a cherry
road. As the last calm before the peak season, take a walk in the old city.Qingdao is
a city on the hill, mountain linked, choose a good weather on the mountain or
mountain view or small signal seamounts, look at the red house near the brim, and
then look at the quiet shore. Red tile blue was displayed in front of you.Qingdao
four seasons I love most is autumn, when the wind wrapped with the smell of the sea
to hit you, it is a magical feeling, Ba Da Guan beauty of autumn leaves in a complete
Human Impact On The Platte River
Since the settlement of the American West, rivers have experienced changes in the
natural flows and movements. Among these processes flooding has become
controlled as dams have been built. Esselman et al. (2011) tracked numerous
categories of anthropocentric activities through geographical informational systems.
The team found that upstream fish habitats were exponentially impacted by human
activities downstream. In addition to the upstream movement of impacts human
impacts also travel downstream. Different human impacts on the Yellowstone River
versus the Platte River have greatly affected the river ecosystems. One example
humans have impacted aquatic ecosystems has been through the introduction of
invasive species. Invasive species are a... Show more content on ...
In another report by Kessler et al., (2013) the possibility of analyzing a variety of
restoration methods will help to determine a cost effective plan. This means that the
restoration of roosting and feeding grounds for the sandhill cranes can be achieved if
numerous methods are first explored. In addition to exploring a variety of restoration
methods the combination of public agencies and private individuals will promote
restoration and conservation efforts. A restoration project along the Dolores River in
southwestern Colorado and eastern Utah that combined the public and private sectors
created a program that could share ideas, finances, and other vital planning decisions
(Oppenheimer et al.,
Similarities Between Judith And Her Maidservant
The painting Judith and Her Maidservant with the head of Holofernes was painted by
the Italian born painter Artemisia Gentileschi. In this Baroque painting, it depicts a
story from the bible about Judith, a widow, tricking an opposing leader, Holofernes,
during a war. Judith and her maidservant enter Holofernestent and have rounds of
drinks. Over time, Holofernes becomes quite drunk and passes out. While he is
passed out, Judith and her maidservant decapitates Holofernes thus defeating the
opposing soldiers in the war. In the painting, it depicts specifically moments after
Holofernes head was fully decapitated and Judith attempting to hide what she just did.
In Gentileschi s painting, there are a few naturalistic qualities that make her piece...
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The skin of the women fold nicely, for example around Judith s face and neck, the
folds are rounded and proportionate to her body and face. The folds of the tent s
cloth and the clothes around the bodies of the women are absolutely realistic,
wrapping eloquently around their bodies, arms, and waists. For example, on the
maidservants arm her sleeves not only appropriately look rolled up but they also
atomically match the maidservant s arm. However, I feel like the realism is lost
when it comes to the candle and Judith s sword. They look quite dull compared to the
human figures and cloth in the painting, making them look very simplistic. The light
used in the painting is done very well, showing that there can only be so much light
coming from one candle, which makes the lighting very natural. In my opinion, the
light represents the pure and misogynistic views towards women. These views see
women as people that can t do wrong, seeing women only as kind or maternal beings.
The dim or unlit parts of the painting, specifically the maidservant hiding Holofernes
head, represents the potential of
U.s. Trade Patterns The Choice Of Trade
U.S. trade patterns are an important topic of study due to America s power and
central position in the international market. This topic of US trade partners and our
trading patterns with those partners has been approached from a variety of
perspectives by several economists. Namely, Sattinger (1978), Srivastava and Green
(1986), Summary (1989), and Pollins (1989a and 1989b). The literature draws many
conclusions from American competitiveness and the political and social factors that
help explain bilateral trade patterns the choice of trade partners. And while there is
an abundance of literature concerning this topic there has been little done from the
perspective of how America s trade partners have developed and shifted over the last
25 years, which is what this paper will focus on achieving. International tradeflows
are also an important topic and have been estimated by many economists including,
Tinbergen (1962), Anderson (1979), Helpman and Krugman (1985), Helpman
(1987), Feenstra (2002), and Anderson and van Wincoop (2003). Each of these
researchers used a variant of the gravity model to estimate trade flows which not only
demonstrates the continuing empirical validity of the model but gives firm
background with which to base this analysis. The basic gravity model states that the
volume of trade between two countries is proportional to the size of the two
economies, and various measures of trade resistance such as geographical distance
between the countries,
How Is Jfk Assassination Justified
Shots fired on November 22nd, 1963 when the most impactful president was
assassinated by
Lee Harvey Oswald. President Kennedy was assassinated while riding in a vehicle
Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. Oswald fired three shots at Kennedy from the Texas
School Book
Depository Building in central Dallas (Rubinstein 15). Although people did support
Kennedy did for the country, his assassination was not justified because he
established the Peace
Corps, launched a drive for a civil rights bill to end racial segregation, and he was
overall apart
of the Civil Rights movement.
Lee Harvey Oswald was a marine with a record of insane behavior. He was known to
loner, and was later removed from the Marine. March 1963 he purchased ... Show
more content on ...
Oswald later
killed the police officer, J.D. Tippit, and he was later charged for the assassination of
President. Oswald was killed when he was being transferred to a normal jail in the
basement. He
was killed by Jack Ruby.
There were many accomplishments made by President Kennedy, and there may have
been some that people or his assassin disagreed with. For example, he proposed a
voting rights bill that he hoped would end racial segregation. He also proposed a
voting rights
bill and federal programs to provide health care to elderly and poor citizens. He was
involved in
the civil rights movement. Lastly, he established the Peace Corps. The Peace Corps
is a program
to help young men and women get out of hunger and poverty, and they volunteered in
areas i.e taught in schools, built water systems, and assisted new crops and
agricultural methods.
Since Kennedy had a plan to kill Fidel Castro, that could ve been a reason why
assassinated Kennedy, and here is the reason why. Lee Harvey Oswald founded a pro
organization called the, Fair Play for Cuba Committee. (Rubinstein 15) That is a
Invasive Species
There are invaders coming to homes all over America. They are causing damage to
entire ecosystems and they can spread to new areas very rapidly if the issue is not
dealt with now. These invaders that are destroying our native plants and ecosystems
are known as invasive species. Invasive plant species are a problem all over the
United Statesand many people fail to realize it. These invaders can cause huge
amounts of damage to native environments. More people need to be made aware of
the problem that is happening with these species. Education is the best way to get
people to realize the problem at hand and get involved in helping reduce the spread
and prevent further damage from being done. According to the United States National
Arboretum,... Show more content on ...
Garlic mustard was introduced into New Jersey in 1886 as a common garden
plant. It is called this because of its distinct garlic smell. Many people would use
garlic mustard in their salad to give it a tangy taste. Eventually, the seeds spread
and caused problems in other environments where it was introduced such as New
England. Garlic mustard is still a problem in New England today. Garlic mustard is
not a problem because it destroys the native plants, but much like many invasive
plants, it deprives the native plant species of the needed light and space they need to
grow. (Invasive Plant Atlas of New
Khepera Mobile Robots For Search And Rescue Operation
Khepera Mobile Robots for Search and Rescue Operation
Keywords: Mobile Robot, Explore Unknown Map with Obstacles, Gas Detection, V
rep, Khepera III, Albers Algorithm.
Abstract: Nowadays, using robots instead of humans in risk operations is an
interesting point in the field of robotics. In this paper we introduce an integrated
approach for search and rescue operation of detecting gas sources in large areas;
e.g. houses, factories, and labs. This aims at saving people s lives at bottlenecks
resulting from gas leak and ignition of fires. Experiment is performed using master
Khepera robot supplied with gas sensor circuit to search map, in addition to two slave
Khepera supplied with gripper to take the best path to clinch the victim.
Moreover, this paper proposes an improvement of Albers exploration algorithm to
reduce the time required to explore unknown map with different polygon obstacles.
The proposed approach aims to minimizing the overall exploration time, making it
possible to localize fire sources in an efficient way, as demonstrated in
Vrep simulation as well as real world experiments with Khepera III robot. A
comparison among different algorithms has showed the effectiveness of the
proposed one where the percentage of performance speedup is about 30% to 57%
depending on size of the map and number of obstacles.
Autonomous Robots are meant to perform searching operations inside buildings,
mines and caves , which are considered extremely serious. These
Potiential Future Effects of Global Warming
Introduction Climate change is one the biggest threats to nature and mankind in the
21st century. The impacts of climate change are visible everywhere, whether it s
melting glaciers, rising sea level, severe storms, heavy flooding, reduced snowfall
in the north and a severe drought in the south. It will also have a number of effects
on the flora and fauna in the future. Scientists predict that global warming in the near
future may cause a mass extinction of wildlife, affecting more than 1 million
species, i.e. about a quarter of all kinds of currently known. World overheating
causes significant changes in climatic conditions and it can damage sensitive
ecosystems in which species live. Sea level rise is a potentially disastrous result of
climate change. Glaciers melt because of the rising temperatures and ocean waters
warm. Therefore, small island developing states and low lying coastal areas are
particularly vulnerable to sea level rise and climatechange. The more sea levels will
rise, the harder will be the situation for the coastal cities, and will be more
impressive to erosion prone coast. Moreover, coastal areas will be exposed to
impressive erosion. Coastal areas have an extremely high population density, since it
is a home to more than 50% of the population, generating over 70% of gross national
product. Moreover, the coastal zone is deeply integrated into the economy, even very
distant from the shore areas and stresses on coastal zones seriously
Criticism Of Lewis Theory Essay
Like previously mentioned though they re many critics of Lewis theory, many
saw flaws and felt the need to criticism Lewis for these flaws. The first problem that
some find within Lewis theology of animals is his persistence on the existence of
the devil (aka Satan). Lewis is moral convinced that the evil in this world lies in the
truth that some animals live by destroying each other (Linzey). Others are also
critical of Lewis theory because of his idea of animalresurrection, Lewis states that
the tamer animals are in a sense more of a natural animal. Meaning that God has
some sort of favor over them. One woman by the name of Evelyn Underhill said
this, of course I agree that animals too are involved in the Fall and await of
redemption... Show more content on ...
Lewis seemed to have a countless amount of critics that just seem to have nothing
positive to say about his writings, but yet he seemed to manage and become
successful. Nonetheless there are dozens of options to talk about when Lewis and
writings, not to mention specifically his book series The Chronicles of Narnia that
seemed to be some of his most popular and longest lasting work of his. This might
have to account for some of the reason why there is so much criticism about Lewis
work today. It could just due to the fact that we don t quite understand where Lewis
was coming from. For example the sexism comments made about Lewis writing,
maybe we just don t understand the language and the context of the words. On the
other hand I think that Lewis might have been a head of his time, accounting for
many critics during the time of Lewis s writings. For this turn to the discussion on
Lewis animal theory and how there were definitely parts of his theory that made
sense to people back then, however, there was some parts that just didn t fit into
their schemas of that time. Lastly there might just be criticism because we can t be
in Lewis head and understand what he is trying to say without saying it. An example
of this is the debate that continues to this day, which is in what order are individuals
supposed to read the books in The Chronicles of
Jimi Henderson Analysis
David Henderson, an African American poet, wrote the article Jimi Hendrix Deep
Within the Blues and Alive Onstage at Woodstock 25 Years After Death to show
how Jimi Hendrix has continued to influence many people after his untimely
death. Additionally, Henderson claims that no other musician has been able to
replicate Hendrix s precise and rapid picking and his recognizance of sound and
noise. Henderson personally knew Hendrix as he previously wrote his book Scuse
Me While I Kiss The Sky to express his opinion on popular black music at the time
and as a promise he made to Hendrix at a nightclub in Manhattan in 1969. It is
impossible to deny that Jimi Hendrixhas not continued to be one of the most
influential music artists due to his unique way of play[ing] with feedback,
control[ing] it, and make[ing] it melodic. A skill that no other musical artist has been
able to replicate. Another important aspect of Hendrix s life... Show more content on ...
In addition, many modern musicians have paid homage to Hendrix by performing
covers of his songs. Examples include when the Red Hot Chili Peppers performed
Fire and when Living Colour performed Crosstown Traffic in their tribute album.
Jimi Hendrix has even had some influence over the rap genre with well known
rapper, Future naming his second album HNDRXX. Henderson also states that to
listen to Hendrix today is constantly to be reminded of his gifts. Hendrix is highly
regarded as one of the best guitarist in history even though his musical career only
spanned four years. With his psychedelic inspired riffs, improvisational ability and
his ability to range between pure blues and avant garde jazz forms it is no surprise
that he is often referred to as a virtuoso artist on
Literature Review Paper On Progeria
Abstract After a while of searching about progeria, we have found that there are
two types of progeria Hutchison Gilford and Werner Syndrome. They both have the
same mutation and symptoms, but they differ in the time the mutation occurs, but
still, there is not any specific cure for it yet. Also, we have found that progeria is
not related to family disorders history like other mutations. The mutation actually
happens randomly at a rate of one of four to eight million people. Introduction
Progeria is one of the rarest and weirdest diseases that was found by Dr. Jonathan
Hutchison in the United Kingdom in 1886. It starts to appear at the age of nine to
twenty four months. It is caused by a problem in the genes that occur rarely to
people at a rate of one of four to eight million.... Show more content on ...
Progeria is so unpopulated disease since it is so harmful but there are not many
people who know it and there are not many kinds of research about it. Progeria has
no specific cure yet and that is the reason that makes progeria so dangerous.
Literature Review There are two types of Progeria. They are Hutchison Gilford
Syndrome (HGPS) and Werner Syndrome, and the most common type is HGPS.
According to MNT, Medical News Today, Progeria is a rare genetic condition that
causes a person to age prematurely. Children with progeria appear healthy, but by
the age of 2 years, they look as if they have become old too fast . A single gene
mutation is responsible for progeria. The gene, known as lamin A (LMNA), makes a
protein necessary for holding the center (nucleus) of a cell together. When this gene
had a defect (mutation), an abnormal form of the lamin A protein called Progerin is
produced and makes cells unstable. Unlike many genetic mutations, progeria is rarely
passed down in families. (Figure 1 shows the mutation). (Figure 1 The
The Princess Gruesome Death And Medea 1079 Summary
According to Torrance (2007), In her article, The Princess s Gruesome Death and
Medea 1079 it states that for the past few years, with regards to Medea s role there
has been some contrast oh how the role was played. There were some discussions
that claim contrast between passion and reason using Platonic Genesis made by
Galen. Also another author namely H. Foley emphasized that there was gender
conflict. Whether it was gender ideology or Platonic exegesis, it was clear that
Euripides wanted to show through his monologue Medea the internal struggles
between two forces. Based on the article, the focus of Medea s duality is her
monologue, which was often viewed as her passion or thumos decisively
conquering her rational plans or bouleumata. According to the author, some crucial
lines in questions were deleted by some authors because it raises problem although
some still retain all or most of the speeches as genuinely Euripidean which addresses
the problem. Two essentially ways of interpreting 1079 are given, the main point is
to understand the reading my vengeful passion is stronger than my plans which was
adapted by the Platonists and used to provide the Platonic theory which is divided
into rational and irrational parts. This is unproblematic in terms of immediate
meaning since it makes less sense of the context of the play where we should
understand that Medea was overwhelmed by her vengeful passion than her ability to
plan. The alternative reading involves
The Influence Of Drinking And Driving
This paper is going to be about the importance of not drinking and driving, and
knowing what could happen if you drive under the influence of drinking. A lot can
happen and some people don t realize the damage that could be done once you are
behind the wheel. Drinking and driving can cause different affects. For example it
can cause not being able to concentrate on the road.
One of the problems or effects drinking and driving can have on a person is not
being able to concentrate on the road. In 2015, 10,265 people died from car crashes
related to driving under the influence of drinking. While driving a motorized vehicle
which could be a car, motorcycle, scooter, or etc, you have to be concentrated on
your surroundings. If you have drank and
Compare And Contrast The Mill And The Factories
The factories and the mills are a mixed blessing. They drastically changed the way
we live and work, but also introduced a variety of problems. I am a female factory
worker in London. Thousands of families migrated into the city in hope of better
life and prosperity. A million people now live in London. The city has quadrupled
in size. More about urbanization?? The factories brought us job opportunities and
increased the production of goods. Inventions and ideas are still being introduced to
us left and right. Overall, the outcome from the factories and the widespread of new
ideas has raised our standard of living. However, it is mostly for the upper and upper
middle class. The upper class receives healthier diets, better housing, cheaper mass
John Locke Law Of Nature
The Law of Nature is the universal concept at which most philosophers would refer
to when describing the natural state of society and humans (Joseph, 1999). The
meaning of the Law of Nature also differs from one philosopher to another. Here,
Hobbes describes it as something humans of rational thinking would try to escape
even if it means subjecting oneself to absolute authority (Baumgold, 2010).
The Social Contract has taken up a new meaning under Hobbes. Social Contract has
become the means by which Man, defined to be self interested and reasonable,
escapes the Law of Nature which was described to be intolerable. That Man, is
willing to give up his freedom just to lead a civil life which is more conducive for his
self interests. Locke
John Locke is one of the most influential thinkers of his time. His work, Two
Treatises on Government, inspired the founding fathers of the United States of
America and contradicted the prevalent ideas in England (Dienstag, 1996). For
Locke, the Law of Nature, contrary to Hobbes, is a state of perfect and complete
liberty to lead one s life as best as one sees it fit; that it should be free from any
kind of interference from others (Dienstag, 1996). This is under the belief of Locke
that everyone is equally created by God and therefore has equal freedom to pursue
his personal interests. Although, this does not mean that anyone is free to harm and
trespass one another. This is for the same reason that only God has the right to take
Intelligence Test and Gifted Requirements Essay
Intelligence Test and Gifted Requirements
The Gifted program exists to provide more academic opportunities for those who
qualify as gifted. Gifted means performing or demonstrating the potential for
performing at significantly higher levels of accomplishment in one or more academic
fields due to intellectual ability, when compared to others of similar age, experience,
and environment (Quoted in Gifted ). In order to make it into the program the student
must show higher intellectual ability than the average student at his or her age, but
what determines that factor? The student must take a multidimensional test and score
in the 98th percentile. However, the most weighted part of the test remains an
average IQ test. ... Show more content on ...
She states, In my 24 years as a gifted facilitator, there have been a handful, (3 5)
students whose IQ tests did not accurately reflect their intelligence. She also informed
that if a student is close to making the cut, they are given a second test in a year or
two (Sebelius 1). Intelligence tests should not remain the primary qualification to
gain admittance in the gifted program because it allows minorities and the
economically disadvantaged to remain underrepresented in the program. The
minorities and the economically disadvantaged tend to score lower than the average
gifted student; as a result, they fail to gain admittance when they have actually
proven qualified. The tests also effect how they are feeling (sebuleus). If under
privileged students feel negatively about their situation it may affect the score of their
test. Under their circumstances, they are not presented with the same opportunities as
other gifted students due to financial or environmental problems. These problems can
alter their psychological state ultimately undermining their score. However, they do
better on the test overall, as opposed to just the IQ segment of the test, but the IQ test
still remains more heavily weighted than other means of testing, when those other
means of testing play a more important role than given credit
Essay on Predictive Policing
Information technology has advanced in multiple ways in society, where
organizations has implement the structure into their work environment. Industries
have outsource their manufacturing to other places in the world and rely on
telecommunication to keep the marketing. The geographic distribution has changed
significantly by reducing the distance it takes to complete an operation, due to
information technology. These are just a couple of examples of how this advanced
technology has reshape our society and continuing. The New York PoliceDepartment
has structured some information technology applications to help optimize their firm
performance in reducing crime versus patrols in the street. Some of the implications
involved in the... Show more content on ...
In the State of New York, fusion center is a perfect example of information
technology optimizing their performance in reducing crime within their police
departments. The New York/New Jersey High Intensity Drug Trafficking Center
serves as an information hub for law enforcement. According to (Johnson, 2008), the
mass of intelligence data in the central location has proved to be a key factor in
identifying individuals and organizations that are facilitating or carrying out terrorist
activity in New York City.
On the other hand, random patrols of the streets is the older method in preventing
crime in geographical locations. The random patrol of the streets was set for pre
determined pattern of crime in design locations. After repeated research of this
method alone, it has been address the method demonstrates how deployment models
have been repeatedly use to access the quality of district designs, without the
suggested method of optimally determining those designs. According to (Karen,
2007), there were more issues that occur when given combinatorial complexity of
deployment solution procedure; when information technology were not involved.
Dating back 15 years before 2004, less optimal determination of patrol areas were
directed when police make calls for design patrol areas, in maximal coverage and
backup when crime occurred (Karen, 2007).
Computer Statistics (COMPSTAT), change the attitude
IT 650 Principles Of Database Design
IT 650 Principles of Database Design
Database Normalization
Srikanth Karra
Southern New Hampshire University Normalization:
It is used to lower the database redundancy to keep database consistency for long
term. Normalization is the set of rules and protocol that defines how the information
should be stored into database entities. This process increases the number of
database objects (entities) by dividing one database table in to multiple smaller table
with proper link (Relationship) in between them. There are myriads of advantages for
normalizing database, few are as follows:
It removes repeated or duplicate entries of database
It improves the memory storage by avoiding duplicate entries.
Maintains the Integrity of information resides in the database system.
It organizes the large amount of information in a ... Show more content on ...
By applying this rule, patient and employees table has to be divided into smaller
tables. Patient table limits hospital to enter more than one appointment, drug allergy,
symptom, prescription entries.
Please see the below 3NF database design:
De normalization:
It removes the relationship or primary foreign key constraints from a database
tables. This is normally used whenever there is an alteration of database design is
needed. Altering or modifying database schema some time requires a break in the
relationship of two or more entities. For example when there is a need to change
the type of a foreign key then its referring primary key has to be first changed to the
required type. This can only happen if both the table losses the relationship. The
major use of de normalization is to increase the performance of the database. For a
large amount of database system performance is at priority hence de normalization is
one of the method to optimize the database
The Adversarial Risk Analysis Approach
Source: Figure 3 (Rios and Insua, 2012)Source: Figure 4 (Rios and Insua, 2012)
Source: Figure 5 (Rios and Insua, 2012) Source: Figure 6 (Rios and Insua, 2012)
The Adversarial Risk Analysis Approach relaxes the common knowledge assumption
in order to make this model more realistic. If the Defender s decision problem is a
standard decision analysis problem, shown in Figure 3, with the Attacker s decision
node regarded as a random variable. Then her decision tree in Figure 4 illustrates the
uncertainty about the Attacker s decision by replacing A (in a square, Fig 3) with A
(in a circle, Fig 3). (Rios and Insua 2012)
Once the Defender has already assessed pD(S | d, a, v) and uD(d, s, v), she needs
pD(A | d), which is ... Show more content on ...
The Defender s decision is illustrated as a random variable as it is not under control
in the Attacker s analysis. The arrow from D (in a circle, Fig 5) to A (in a square, Fig
5) in the influence diagram demonstrates that he will know the Defender s decision
while he has to decide. The Defender s private information v, is not known by the
Attacker, therefore his uncertainty is demonstrated through a probability
distribution pA(V), illustrating the Attacker s previous beliefs about the Defender
s private information. Assuming the Defender analyses the Attacker s decision,
knowing that he is an expected utility maximiser and uses Bayes s rule to discover
about the Defender s private information from monitoring of her defence decision.
Consequently, the arrow in the influence diagram from V (in a circle, Fig 5) to D
(in a circle, Fig 5), represents probabilistic dependence, is to be inverted to acquire
the Attacker s subsequent beliefs about v: pA(V|D=d), yet to acquire this it is
needed to assess pA(D|v). (Rios and Insua 2012)
If the Defender knew the Attacker s utility function uA(a,s,v) and the probabilities
pA(S|d,a,v) and pA(V|d), she could predict his decision a*(d) for any d в€€ D by
solving backwards the tree in Figure 6, followed by computing his expected utility
Compute at chance node S: П€A(d,a,v) for each (d,a,v) as in Equation (2).
Compute for
Microsoft s Strategic Commitment For The Cloud With...
Since its inception, SharePoint has become a Swiss Army knife that covers a wide
range of information needs and has been deployed for many different functional
requirements. Many companies have customized it, whether in its look and feel,
building custom integration with external systems or developing new applications.
Furthermore, companies have grown to depend on third party independent software
vendors (ISVs) to fill SharePoint s gaps or build vertical applications onto
SharePoint server. While such moves have typically delivered good business benefits,
they have made migrating from one generation to the next costly and complex.
Industry leaders estimate that close to 90% of SharePoint deployments are still
deployed in the ... Show more content on ...
Microsoft has the potential to innovate in this cloud environment because it can use
analytics to quickly understand business usage trends across thousands of
organizations a level of visibility it did not have in the traditional approach. It can
then rapidly develop applications and approaches as well as test and deploy new
interfaces. Users will realize the benefits of this rapid innovation as their work
environments become more nimble, leading to stronger engagement; IT departments
will realize the benefits of having Microsoft manage this aspect of their technology
portfolio, allowing them to concentrate on other projects.
Business drivers and cost management: SharePoint Online doesn t take long to set up
and users can perform basic tasks quickly. Microsoft trickles improvements through
every three months. For SharePoint Server (on premise), Microsoft has traditionally
aggregated changes to deliver them in service packs and new versions far less
frequently. Consequently, IT departments using SharePoint Online will be relieved of
possible downtime concerns related to service
Project Based Learning Pedagogy
1) Which pedagogy is most comfortable for you and your current teaching style?
What about this pedagogy appeals to you most?
The project based learning pedagogy appeals to me the most. I am typically a hands
on learner who likes to research and gather information. I think this is an excellent
learning strategy because it allows students to get involved in their learning process
rather than just receiving information. For example, at my internship site, I am
observing a 9th grade earth science class, and it is apparent that the students are
bored, which is why there are so many behavioral problems in the classroom. I notice
students sleeping, listening to music, texting and being disruptive, primarily because
they are not actively engaging
Detection Ratio Of Cyber Attack Detection
Improved the Detection Ratio of Cyber Attack Using Feature Reduction Based on
Support Vector Machine and Glowworm Optimization
Abstract The swarm intelligence plays vital role in feature reduction process in cyber
attack detection. The family of swarm intelligence gives bucket of algorithm for the
processing of feature reduction such as ant colony optimization, particle swarm
optimization and many more. In family of swarm new algorithm is called glowworm
optimization algorithm based on the concept of luciferin. The luciferin collects the
similar agent of glow and proceeds the minimum distance for the processing of lights.
Such concept used for the reduction of feature in cyber attack classification. The
reduce attribute classified by well know classifier is called support vector machine.
The combination of support vector machine and glowworm swarm optimization
performs very well in compression of pervious feature reduction technique. The
proposed algorithm is implemented in MATLAB software, for the validation of
algorithm used KDDCUP99 dataset.
Keywords Cyber Attack, Feature Reduction, GSO, SVM
Now a day s internet based services faced a problem of cyber threats and attack. The
cyber attack performs illegal activity over computer and network. The cyber attack
damage of computer software and meaningful information over the internet
communication. For the detection and prevention of cyber attack various approach
are used such as system level approach and
Revised Order Of The Sacraments Of Initiation
Revised Order of the Sacraments of Initiation Bishop ГЃlvaro Corrada said, The
sacraments draw humanity into the truth and love of God revealed in Christ, thereby
disposing the faithful to live this love more deeply in their daily lives of Christian
freedom and witness. They serve to introduce us into the Catholic Church, increase
our understanding of our religion, bestow upon us essential Christian virtues, and
strengthen our faith. There are seven sacraments in total: Baptism, Confirmation,
Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Marriage.
The first three Sacraments listed are the Sacraments of Initiation. The Sacraments of
Christian Initiation Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist lay the foundations of
every Christian life...By means of these Sacraments of Christian Initiation, [we] thus
receive in increasing measure the treasures of the divine life and advance toward the
perfection of charity. (CCC Chapter 1, Article 2:1212) These sacraments represent our
birth into the Church, the seal of our birth into the Church, and the reception of Jesus
body. In the words of the Catholic Church, The Christian is born anew by Baptism,
strengthened by Confirmation, and receives in the Eucharist the food of eternal life.
(CCC Chapter 1, Article 2:1212)
In the early Church, the three Sacraments of Initiation were practiced in one
significant process. When the person reached a point of spiritual maturity (usually as
an adult, contrary to today), he
The Challenges Of Seamus Heaney
This essay will analyse the challenges Seamus Heaney faced during the process of
translation and writing, including his own conscious effort to make the play
suitable for a modern audience. It will demonstrate how Heaney s use of language
and poetry aided in presenting modern ideas through the timbre of Irish/English
diction and idiom in an attempt to make the play more speakable . Identifying
features of Greek theatrical conventions and how Heaney used these to shape his
play. Heaney also presents social and political issues through The Burial at Thebes
in a way that resonates with a contemporary audience. The responsibility of the
translator of a piece first intended for performance are complex. The challenges can
be different depending on whether a translation is commissioned for performance or
for publication in text, or both. Translation of an ancient Greek play is far more than
simply an act of transmission of one language into another, it involves the
conveyance of a context and finding a balance of reference which will both keep faith
with the original and allow for current thinking. There are many variables in the
approaches to translating an ancient Greek play, these can include, attempting to be
accurate to the original Greek letter and meaning, communicating the spirit and feel
of the original, or a pragmatic translation where the emphasis is on the target
language and culture (Hardwick, 2008, p. 207). A translator would have to make
decisions about the
Examples Of Bram Stoker As A Perverted Christ Figure In...
Dracula as a Perverted Christ Figure In Bram Stoker s novel, Dracula, is presented
as a perverted Christ figure because he imitates multiple actions of Christianity, and
perverts those ideas. An example of how Dracula is a perverted Christ figure would
be when Dracula forces Mina to drink his blood, he tries to mimic the Christian
Communion, like when Christ gave up his blood for us. In the novel Draculaalso
takes the lives of numerous people, just two of them being Renfield, and the mother
looking for her child. Dracula also has the ability to transform into different figures,
for example a bat and a wolf. God is also has the ability to do this, but Dracula uses
this power to do wrong and perverts the Christian church. Alongside with this... Show
more content on ...
Dracula takes the lives of multiple people in the novel, he even threatens people
about taking their lives. One of the victims of Dracula would be Renfield, Dracula
beats him and then takes his life afterwards. ...except that the poor fellow is dead ...
I did not see him; but I saw a bat rise from Renfield s window, and flap westward
(Stoker 337). Dracula sneaks into the asylum where Renfield is at and he beats
him nearly to death, and then afterwards he comes back and ends his life. Dracula
also murders a mother who is looking for her child by releasing a pack of wolves.
Monster, give me back my child!...there was no cry from the woman, and the
howling of the wolves was but short (Stoker 57). Dracula has no mercy and does
not care for the mother, which would be another reason on how he stands as a
perverted Christ figure. He is not loving others like it says in the bible to do, and he
is committing murder just like it says in the bible not to do. not murder, and
anyone who murders will be subject to judgment (Matthew 5:21). In the Christian
bible it is forbidden for anyone to murder, but once again Dracula goes against these
rules, and violates the Christian
Legumes Advantages And Disadvantages
Forage legumes can be defined as monocarpellary fruit that contain only a single
row of seed and dehisces along both structure and ribs . Legumes are the member
of plant family Fabaceae but in the past legumes belongs to leguminosae. There
leaves are trifoliate in nature and have tape root system. Legumes are grown
generally in agriculture for the food grain that are edible in nature like pulses, beans,
pea, lentil, soya bean about 500 genera and 1100 species of legumes are known.
Legumes associated with nitrogen fixing bacteria that have ability to fix atmospheric
nitrogen. This nitrogen makes the plant seed full of protein and carbohydrates which
are rich component ... Show more content on ...
Legumes have rich source of fiber that increase the energy of the animal. Fiber also
help animal in up taking of forage in digestibility. Protein content in them is too high
due to N fixation which helps animal to provide high ratio of protein in their
nutrition. Legumes are also source of other minerals like Ca, Mg, Zn, Co, Cu.
According to survey of scientist (Wilman, Mtengeti and Moseley) that feeding values
of legumes and grasses are different due to the cell structure and anatomy of the
Energy feedstock: Legumes are also the source of electrical energy generation. For
example alfalfa production used in the feeding of ruminant and electricity generation
as the leaves are used for grazing purpose and stem of the plant are used. Therefore
legumes are used for many purposes in the agro ecosystem.
Soil and Water conservation: When we planted legumes than the soil erosion and
water logging conditions will be less as compared to other crops. It is due to
precipitation and runoff water level. Soil organic matter concentration increases in
this way. It is the main benefit of legume to use as cover crop that reduces soil
erosion and water level increases mineral content in the soil. Water up taking level of
the plant also increases that helps in soil water holding capacity of
A Research On The Kansas State University Housing
Intro As I graduated high school, I always had the desire to up my career. So, my
next step is to go to college. A week later, I started to think how am I going to live
on my own? Where will I stay at, for my existing 4 years or maybe years? So, I did
my research on the Kansas State University housing homepage. As I am looking
through my options, I was interested in the Kramer complex s. My mom told me is
it safe, healthy, and in good living conditions to live there? When I kept scrolling
down it showed how it will have safety and good healthconditions throughout the
complex. According to the Kansas State Universityhousing and dining home page,
020 Forming a Committee, Every College must have an active safety committee. This
must be a goal of each Dean. If the Dean desires, departments within a College may
also have safety committees. The University Environmental Health Safety Committee
recommends that large departments or departments with high hazards have a safety
committee. . By me reading this, I had very high expectations for having very healthy
environment within the housing departments. When I made a decision to choose as
students Kansas State students feels weird and uncomfortable living away from
home and have no choice to live on campus, students have to rely on K States
promise for students live safe and healthy regulated housing for the amount for
money you payed for. Goodnow Hall. Goodnow is a coeducational hall located in the
Kramer Community on the west
The Military Of The Army Essay
Mission Command Army officer who in charge of leading military missions must
bear in mind that his success or failure is dependent on his commanding style.
There are typical ways through which an officer is more successful than the other
is. Just think about why a great Greek s military leader, Thucydides, failed to save
the city of Amphipolis. He was distant from the army to protect the important
military strategic city. Thucydides failure was his absence that made his army
psychologically impotent and the enemy courageous. () Command presence was
vital in classical periods because of the limitation of means of communication.
Leaders usually led their army through direct involvement in detailed tasks.
Command presence, more than influencing the army through close relationship
with subordinate, has also a great impact on the enemy army. As a classical custom
required leaders to take part in leading the army, many great leaders was successful
by taking direct command of the army on the front battle. The coalition army in
Napoleonic War purposefully avoid fighting where Napoleon had a direct
command on the army. It is so evident that Napoleon presence had psychological
influence on his own army and had taken as a center of gravity by the coalition
army of Europe. Alexander the Great defeat the vast area of Asia Minor with small
number of the army due to Alexander himself directly led the Army. Since command
presence have a remarkable importance of moral and psychological
Essay On Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Located on the X chromosome lies a gene whose improper function would take
from us what we often sloppily overlook our mobility. The freedom to dance with
poise, to run with agility, to dress one s self, to bend over and scoop a dropped
pencil off the floor are all motions which are only dreamt of by those with Duchenne
Muscular Dystrophy. An X linked recessive disorder which can be exhibited in both
males and females, DMD is most prominent in males, affecting 3500 boys in the
world (McKusick). DMD affects muscle skeletal, smooth, and cardiac by causing
degeneration (McKusick). Diagnosis occurs around five years old, and by age ten, a
wheelchair is often necessary for the patient. The skeletal ... Show more content on ...
Sixty percent of patients with DMD have a dystrophin gene which holds a deletion
(Bulman et al. 457). Another six to ten percent of patients have a dystrophin gene
which contains a duplication of one or more exons (Bulman et al. 457). Along with
these mutations, other mapping techniques have been used to distinguish further
disruptions in the dystrophin gene which seem to cause DMD. Western blotting
techniques have been used to identify nonsense mutations on the dystrophin gene
(Bulman et al. 458). Polymerase chain sequencing has been used to find a mutation in
exon 26 (Bulman et al. 458). Southern analysis revealed that another gene problem
which leads to DMD is a premature chain termination, which results in a truncated
dystrophin protein (Clemens et al. 1781). These are all mutations found in patients
with DMD, which shows that there are various ways the dystrophin gene can be
affected. Each of these mutations cause a problem in that they do not function
correctly when coding for the protein dystrophin.
The malfunction of the protein dystrophin is responsible for the symptoms of DMD.
If the dystrophin gene functions correctly, the normal allele codes for the production
of the protein dystrophin ( NCBI ). This is a high molecular weight protein, and it is
in .002% of the total proteins. Normally, the dystrophin protein functions inside
muscle cells, providing structural support. It anchors parts of the internal
Wole Soyinka s Death and the King s Horseman Essay
Wole Soyinka s Death and the King s Horseman
In his play, Death and the King s Horseman, Wole Soyinka would have us examine
every clash and conflict, save for the one involving culture. Certainly this may seem
the most obvious part of the play, but we would do the general understanding of Death
a disservice if we ignored one of the central conflicts in the play. Every element of
the play is placed in terms of two extremes, and the cultures must be considered one
of those pairs. Suicide is no exception to this examination; it must be seen in the
conflicting lights that Soyinka gives us: British vs. Yoruban, physical vs.
metaphysical, personal vs. social; and an expression of failure vs. a form of
redemption. In examining how the play ... Show more content on ...
In Britain, the sadness comes from missing someone who clearly left the world
too early before God called them. In Africa, the sadness comes from worrying
about the destruction of the universe because tradition has been broken. So we
arrive back where we started; the Yorubans consider everything in terms of a larger
consciousness; Westerns in terms of personal freedom and experience. When all
these ideologies are forced to coalesce during the colonial occupation, Elesin s
situation is bound to happen. The clash of all these opposing ideas creates the
conflict that makes Death and the King s Horseman. When Elesin s mind is given
a taste of the English belief of free will, he is tempted away from his birth culture.
The idea that the world does not rest on his shoulders, that the afterlife of the
Yoruba might be false, and that he might continue to live until God chooses to
strike him down (and enjoy the splendors of life and sex) creates a hole in his core
beliefs. The taste is too much and too little; it nags in the back of his mind and
eventually causes his downfall at the time of his expected suicide. Suicide becomes
personal, physical, and scary. And so he runs away recklessly to the Westerners. Yet
the fact that Elesin lives is a failure to the Yorubans and, although a momentary
success, eventually becomes a failure as well to the British. He is forced to make a
bad decision because he
Essay On America By Allen Ginsberg
In another famous poem of his titled, America , Allen Ginsberg reflects on the
rottenness pervasive in his native country. He manifests strong resentment over the
post World War US policy be it over nuclear bomb, or over Asian countries, or
related to Communism for that matter. Ginsberg takes America to task for its
hypocritical appearance. He claims that America may put up an exterior of an angelic
country but it resembles a devil from within. Its acts do not correspond with its
exterior. It betrays not only the onlookers but its own people. The poem being
conversational in nature, rather expressively manifests truly the emotions of
Ginsberg and the likes of him relating to America .The irregular structure of the poem
, further complements the theme of the poem since through this irregularity ,
Ginsberg is able to convey the frustration of the commoners over the dirty politics of
their leaders.
Something similar in vein seems to be reiterated by Walt Whitmanin his poem, A
Hand Mirror in which ... Show more content on ...
It is a poem written and composed shortly after the demise of Ginsberg s mother
Naomi Ginsberg. She was a mental patient and recurrently suffered several nervous
breakdowns, one of which led to her tragic demise. In the poem Ginsberg ponders
over the intense loss that he has suffered due to his others demise .His state as
manifested in the poem comes across as of a person in shock, pain as well as self
denial , one who denies in order to pacify himself. He initially denies his mother s
death and tries to comprehend what has actually happened. But later on comes to
accept it and remarks, that his mother s existence was a dream , a dream that has
now passed into oblivion . In the words of critic Betty Friedan this rational and sane
approach towards his mother s death reflects his approach towards life, and in
general is symbolic of human approaches to losses, be they personal or
Art Allows Me to Leave Reality Essay
Good art allows me to flee the realms of reality. In my mind s limitless
consciousness, I can escape the mundanity of everyday life. It opens a door in my
head to a world only limited by my imagination. I am no more a slave to gravity,
chained down on the earth when I am reading. I can be a bird and soar high above
the clouds, or be a fish and swim deep down in the darkest depths of the ocean. I
am there, I am that person, and everything else around me regardless of what it is,
fades away. Sometimes these people are the one s I d like to be but sometimes I
encounter nefarious characters I wholly condemn. I am able to feel the emotions that
the artist intends for me to feel. However, it is not merely reading or listening, but
understanding... Show more content on ...
Languages form an essential part of every human experience. To express oneself is
one of the simplest joys we can experience. English and Music are two such
languages in my life, that indirectly relate to, have a profound impact on mine. My
interests in Music, just as in Literature, extend to a wide array of genres, whether it
be Bob Dylan or Tchaikovsky. After relentless perseverance at the age of 16, My
father bought me a black dreadnought. I spent hours upon hours practicing by
watching instructional videos and my favorite guitar players play. In no time I was
playing shows, from winning school competitions to performing at live music
theatre events. I had soon established a name for myself as a singer songwriter by
being a supporting act for many bands. I soon began recording my rendition of
songs on my laptop, eventually writing my own music and now working on my
album. This has proved to be a huge learning curve, in enabling me to understand the
dynamics of a composition, Thereby continually improving myself. In my spare time,
I have been teaching English to Arab students. It has been a remarkably challenging
experience. I have learned far more teaching than I had as a student, in trying to
articulate my thoughts in words they could understand. This has been a humbling and
rewarding experience. I realize there remains a vast ocean of knowledge I am still
unaware of, which empowers me to thrive and work hard in an undergraduate
Abolishment Of Slavery In The USA
i. In most cases, the more educated a country is, the more developed the country is.
The concept is easier to understand on a smaller scale. Imagine two people, Person
A and Person B. Both Person A and B are extremely intelligent and hardworking;
the difference between them is their opportunities. They both have access to
primary school, and do very well. Person A goes on to graduate from a secondary
education, but Person B cannot because he does not have access to it. Person B
gets an unspecialized job, where he cannot utilize his brainpower. His potential is
wasted. After graduating from his secondary education, Person A goes for a tertiary
education, where he gets a degree in engineering. He uses his degree to help his
country develop. Now, imagine a country primarily populated with people like
Person A. The country would develop rapidly. A country primarily populated with
people like Person B, however would hardly develop.
п»їii. Oftentimes, the higher the literacy rate is in a country, the more developed the
country is. Literate people can get ... Show more content on ...
Slavery prevented African Americans from reaching their full potential. Just like
women in India, African American s potential contribution to developmentwas
untouched. Unfortunately, racial inequality between African Americans and
Caucasians in America went further than the abolishment of slavery. After the
abolishment of slavery, most places were segregated. African Americans were
isolated from opportunity. Fortunately, places are no longer segregated.
Unfortunately, though, this does not make up for everything. As a whole, the African
American population is not as developed. In fact, a significant majority of people
living in ghettos are African American. This is because they had a late start to
contributing to development. If it were not for slavery and segregation, African
Americans would be just as developed as any other American
Analysis Of Peasant Woman Cooking By A Fire Place
Peasant Woman Cooking by a Fire Place by Vincent Van Gogh is a brilliant piece
of artwork. If the audience truly ponders on this piece of art, it has a deep and
serious meaning. The artworks meaning goes far past the viewing of the eye. A
peasant woman is pictured cooking over an open fire. She is surrounded by darkness,
in a messy setting with an unpleasant face. In PeasantWoman Cooking by Fire Place,
Vincent Van Goghstrived to show the challenging and indigent life of peasants and
lower class through value, facial expression and space.
In Peasant Woman Cooking by a Fire Place, there is a great amount of value. For
example, there is darkness around her nose and cheeks. This darkness symbolizes
a dark cloud hanging over her, like she has shame and wretchedness sticking with
her. Another example is the darkness around the edges of the painting. This
darkness is like an arch around the peasant woman. By creating this distribution of
value, Van Gogh creates a murky feeling. Van Gogh s main purpose for this
distribution of value was to create an overall feeling for the audience, a feeling that
would have the audience sense the challenging and depressing moments of peasants
and lower class. The richness of the darkness helps the audience deeply feel the
emotions of the peasant. There is also a hint of lightness in this artwork. The fire she
is cooking on acts as the main light in the peasants living area. The fire lights up her
face and hands, as well as behind the sitting
Strategic Behavior And Game Theory
Strategic behavior and game theory coincide together in many ways. Strategic
behavior plans happen within the confines of game theory. Silva, Mota, and Gril
(2015) describe game theory and all that is involved with it as one of the most
powerful tools within social science in general and economics (p. 421). With this
statement, a deeper look into the measures that sum up strategic behavior and game
theory is essential for an understanding of a firm s decision in the global economy.
Strategic Behavior
As oligopolists compete for advantages in their market, they must make decisions
about the approach they take. Strategic behavior is the plan the oligopolist takes after
understanding all of the measures that will go into the plan as well as the opportunity
costs by not choosing other plans (Salvatore, 2015). These actions are taken into
consideration by the competitors in the industry as well. They then must arrange or
manipulate their plan in order to compete.
Role in Economics Strategic behavior is what drives a company into a competitive
market with the tools to be successful. If the leaders in a company do not take into
account all of the criteria that establishes a strategic behavioral plan, they will not be
able to compete in the industry at their highest potential. Ursacescu and Cioc (2015)
describe the criteria that is incorporated into making strategic behavioral decisions
such as operational intelligence, informational intelligence,
Differences Between Freak The Mighty
There are many differences between the book, Freak the Mighty by Rodman
Philbrick, and the movie, The Mighty, starring Kieran Culkin, Kevin, and Elden
Henson, Max. There are many more than the ones I m about to list but these are just
the major ones. Such as the way Max and Kevin meet, when they rescue the purse
from the sewer, and Kevin s death. The first differenceis how Max and Kevin meet. In
the book, Kevin gets his ornithopter stuck in a tree, and Max helps him get it out of
the tree. In the movie, Kevin gets his ornithopter stuck in a tree, and Max just stares
at him over the wooden gate trying not to get noticed, and then the next day when
they come to school, Kevin is Max s tutor. I think this is one of the most important
Exercise Questions On Angles Of Elevation And Depression
Name : _____________________________ Rating : ______________
Course/ Yr and Sec : __________________ Date: _______________
Instructor: __________________________
Exercise 3.2
Angles of Elevation and Depression
Solve the following problems correctly. Draw the figure if necessary.
1.From the top of a cliff 25 meters high, the angle of depression of a boat is 10o.
How far out is the boat to the cliff?
2.To illuminate the entrance of the library building, a night light is mounted on a
6.6m pole. If the base of the pole is 24m from the entrance, find the angle of
depression from the light.
3.The top of a lighthouse has an angle of elevation equal to 47030 ... Show more
content on ...
4(d) =? why? Formula : tan Оё = d/a
tan 85o15 = d 3 d = 3 (tan 85o15 ) = 3 (12.034622) = 36.10 k p. h. (speed of the car
every 15 min.) 4(d) = 4(36.10) 144.4 k p. h. (speed of the car per hour)
2.Lighthouse X and Y are on a north south line. The bearing of a boat at sea from
lighthouse X is S52o25 E which is 10 km due east of lighthouse Y. how far is
lighthouse X for lighthouse Y?
Let a = the distance of X from Y
Tan 520 25 = 10 a
a = 10 Tan 520 25
a = 7.7 km ( the distance of X from Y)
1.A west bound ship was sighted 1 mile south of a lighthouse. After 15 minutes its
bearing was 670 3 W. How fast was the ship sailing? (Draw the figure).
2.A ship sails north from a dock for 30 miles and then east for 57 miles. What is its
bearing from the dock? (Draw the
Mokyr And The Industrial Revolution
without a voice in history. As one can see throughout history, historians neglected
much of the history of the lower classes until the 1960s and 1970s, which produced
massive amounts of works pertaining to the social interactions of people. Walton,
throughout his article, continues to carry on the story of the underprivileged and
lower class people, We have seen that there was clear and sometimes very direct
relationship between severe poverty and behavior which could be defined as insane
by the relevant authorities. Focusing on the less fortunate became commonplace
within the historical writing world of the 1960s 1970s, and these precise topics were
different than any before it. Social historians approach to writing about the Industrial
... Show more content on ...
Historians are now bringing in other disciplines to help further their look into certain
historical periods. The Industrial Revolution is a widely covered topic, as one can
see, but new breakthroughs in science have allotted historians to further their
explanation, and this is true of Joel Mokyr discussing the Industrial Revolution.
Mokyr uses scientific knowledge to make great distinctions between the East and
West during the Industrial Revolution, The crucial difference between East and West
was useful knowledge, that is, technology and its underlying epistemic base in
natural philosophy, chemical, medical, and engineering knowledge. By introducing
science into his research, Mokyr is able to make bold claims about the Industrial
Revolution as to why it was a European abnormality. Mokyr dawns upon the idea
that technology and science played a major role in making Europe a powerhouse,
The great divergence between East and West as the central historiographical issue of
our time, viewed science and technology as inseparable. Chinese technology, no
matter how sophisticated and advanced, remained grounded on a narrow epistemic
base. Historians are now using scientific research to further their views in history, and
thus allowing modern historians to diagnose past events in another depth. Mokyr uses
science again to prove why the Industrial Revolution happened in Europe and not
Asia, As is well known, the Chinese in the Song period had discovered magnetism
and developed a floating needle that served as a compass...Yet the understanding of
electricity seems to have eluded them, let alone the connection between electricity
and magnetism. This historian is able to bring in other disciplines to help his
argument and assumptions, thus adding another level of research that a modern
historian can use to his/her
Exploring Corporate Strategy
ECS8C_C01.qxd 22/10/2007 11:54 Page 597 CASE STUDIES ECS8C_C01.qxd 22
/10/2007 11:54 Page 598 ECS8C_C01.qxd 22/10/2007 11:54 Page 599 Guide to
using the case studies The main text of this book includes 87 short illustrations and
15 case examples which have been chosen to enlarge specific issues in the text and
/or provide practical examples of how business and public sector organisations are
managing strategic issues. The case studies which follow allow the reader to extend
this linking of theory and practice further by analysing the strategic issues of
specific organisations in much greater depth and often providing solutions to some
of the problems or difficulties identified in the case. There... Show more content
on ...
Pharmaceutical Industry global forces at work in the ethical pharmaceutical industry.
TUI competitive forces in the travel industry. HiFi how can small players survive
changing markets? Amazon (B) latest developments in a successful Formula
One developing the capabilities for competitive success in a hi tech industry.
Manchester United clash of expectations in the football world. Salvation Army
strategic challenges for a global not for profit organisation with a mission. Bayer MS
The Legend Of Subbanna Summary
The play is a monologue based on the legend of Veeranna who belongs to the
chitradurga region of Karnataka. Before its theatrical effectiveness in the play the
legend is incorporated from Kannada writer, T.R. Subbanna s (Knows as TaRaSu)
novel, Hamsageethe (Swan Song) Published in 1952. The title of the novel literally
means the swan song of the protagonist, Venkatasubbayya whom Subbanna inserts in
the tale of Veeranna, the archaka of the Hidambeshwara temple. About the legend
narrated in Subbanna s version Aparna Bhargava Dharwadker writes in the
Introduction to his collected Play (Vol.II): The married priesthas passionately in love
with a mistress to whom he takes the offering form the temple after the evening
prayers. One day the palegar (chieftain) discovers a hair in the prasada and demands
and explanation from Veerganna, who claims that the hair belongs to god. Challenged
by the chieftain to prove the truth of this claim, the priest in turn challenges god to
display hair or accepts his head in punishment, and enters a meditative trance to the
accompaniment of Venkatasubbayya s song. When the chieftain arrives the next day
to expose Veeranna s lie, the Shivalinga has indeed sprouted long silken hair, and
when (urged by the singer) he pulls out a tuft to test its authenticity, blood begins to
ooze from the crown of the lingam. overwhelmed by a sense of sin at having injured
the deity, Veeranna beheads himself in eh sanctum (xxxi).
Bernal DГaz Del Castillo s The Conquest Of New Spain
The author of The Conquest of New Spain was Bernal DГaz del Castillo, a Spanish
foot soldier who played a role in the conquest of Mexico. Decades after this
conquest, Castillo chose to write his own personal account of the events that took
place leading up to and during it. Due to the misrepresentation shown by Francisco
Lopez de Gomara and Gonzalo de Illescas who spoke the truth neither in the
beginning, nor the middle, nor the end , Castillo chose to write his own version
(Cohen 1963, 7). Written with exceptional detail, his book gives readers an
eyewitness account into the life of a soldier fighting to begin a new empire.
Considering the fact that Castillo wrote this book as a first hand account, there could
have been some conflict with the author s viewpoint, such as certain biases or
exaggerations.... Show more content on ...
Because of this, it is genuinely entertaining to read, unlike a more traditional history
textbook. Textbooks simply relay facts, whereas his first hand account actually lets
readers view history through the eyes of someone who was actually there to witness
it. Castillo s narrative begins with him explaining exactly who he is and how he
came to join Hernando Cortes in his conquest of New Spain. It is amazing how
graphic and precise Castillo s details are, keeping in mind how long it has been
since these events took place. One example of this is when he describes their
meeting with Montezuma. His depiction gives readers such a vivid view into this
historical meeting: The great Montezuma descended from his litter, and these other
great Caciques supported him beneath a marvelously rich canopy of green feathers,
decorated with gold work, silver, pearls, and chalchihuites, which hung from a sort
of border (Cohen 1963, 217). He then goes on to describe exactly what Montezuma
was wearing, going into great detail and really illustrating everything he saw and
Nuclear Energy And Its Effects
Nuclear energy can be produced by fission, by splitting a nucleus into smaller
products, (precisely equal parts). These products are equal to half of the original
mass. In the process of nuclear fission, energy and neutrons will be emitted. Along
with the emission of neutrons, also during the process of fission, a large amount of a
product s energy is released.
Every day we are surrounded by so much radiation however, only some radiation can
be harmful to us. Radiation such as microwaves, radio waves, and infrared are
classes as non ionizing and are not a threat to humans. Radiation classed as Ionizing
radiation is most definitely harmful to us because it has the capability of removing
electrons from other atoms and then ... Show more content on ...
They also have a less powerful ionizing rate compared to alpha particles.
Gamma rays are energy, also known as electromagnetic radiation. They have no
charge or mass. They move through the air extremely quickly (at the speed of light)
and to ionize them, they need to directly hit the nucleus of an atom. This suggests that
gamma rays have a very low ionizing rate and can travel much t=further through the
air compared to alpha and beta particles.
Nuclear fuelled power plants are very similar to fossil fuelled power pants, in which
they both turn water into steam in order to control the turbine generators that produce
energy; the only difference is the source of heat. At nuclear powerplants, a nuclear
reactor produces and controls the amount of energy that is released when atoms of
Uranium split, which is called fission. The heat that is used to make this steam is
created by this form of fission. Uranium fuelled nuclear power plants are a clean and
efficient way of boiling water to produce the steam that is used to operate the turbine
generators within the power plant.
Figure 1 shows the equation for the nuclear fission of uranium 235.
Even though we use Nuclear energy to give places electricity, Nuclear energy is used
in many more things than just in the production of electricity. Such as; Hospitals,
schools, households or business , Nuclear Radiation can be used to treat heavy
Moses vs Abraham
In the Old Testament, Abraham and Moses were two very prominent leaders chosen
by God to do his will. Throughout Genesis and Exodus, both men play important
roles in fulfilling God s will. They are put to many tests, given covenants, and
communicate constantly with God. Although they have many similarities such as
being leaders and men of God, there are also many differences between the two.
In terms of leadership, Abraham was a noble leader. Although he grew up in a
camp where the notion of one God was not accepted, he eventually manages to
become the leader of a tribe and make the people believe in his faith. He leads them
around endlessly from Ur to Canaan, to Egypt, then back to Canaan. His tribe
followed him around without much ... Show more content on ...
And although they received similar covenants, they received it in a different way.
When Abraham received his, he got it through prayer. This seems to be dominant
during Abraham s days as a leader. He communicated with God mostly thought
prayer. When he asked God for advise on what to do about Hagar and her son, he
does it though prayer. When he asked God about the wicked city of Sodom, he did it
in prayer. And finally
Fuel Subsidies Literature Review
Literature Review Neellohit Datta (1315709)
Topic: The Effectiveness of Fuel Subsidies on Developing Economies
Black Gold is the other name for petroleum, the reason being, it is black when it is
extracted, and subsequently the byproducts such as petrol, diesel, LPG, propane and
so on are as precious as gold. As importing fuel for the less petroleum rich countries
is costly, the government generally gives subsidies to the residents of the nation, to
make the byproducts more easily accessible. They are also used as an attempt to
avoid inflation in the economy and safeguard citizens from the price fluctuations in
the global energy markets.
The flipside is that the Fuel subsidies given by the ... Show more content on ...
Walsh (May 2013): The Fiscal and Welfare Impacts of Reforming Fuel Subsidies in
India URL:
Michael Plante (March 2013): The Long run Macroeconomic Impacts of Fuel
Subsidies URL:
Javier Arze del Granado, David Coady, and Robert Gillingham (September 2010):
The Unequal Benefits of Fuel Subsidies: A Review of Evidence for Developing
Countries URL:
Brendan Greely (March 2014): Why Fuel Subsidies in Developing Nations Are an
Economic Addiction URL: 03 13/why
fuel subsidies in developing nations are an economic addiction
Utpal Bhaskar (February 2015): Budget 2015: Petroleum subsidy slashed by half
Lethal Injection Of Capital Punishment In The United States
Capital Punishment is usually reserved for the country s most vicious and non
rehabilitatable murderers. These men and women actually will know the day they
die; albeit not naturally. These Inmates will be put to death by a U.S. state, the federal
government, or the U.S. military. The most common method of execution is lethal
injection. Lethal injection is used in some states in conjunction with the less popular
hanging, electrocution, lethal gas, and shooting squad methods. But, in recent times
these antiquated methods are used as a backup in case of shortage of the drugs
required for lethal injection. Large pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer, have no
longer been selling their drugs to correctional institutions for ... Show more content
on ...
In an opinion concurring in the Supreme Court s order denying review in a Texas
death penalty case, Callins v. Collins, No. 93 7054, Justice Scalia wrote, The Fifth
Amendment provides that (n)o person shall be held to answer for a capital . . .
crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, . . . nor be deprived of
life . . . without due process of law. This clearly permits the death penalty to be
imposed, and establishes beyond doubt that the death penalty is not one of the cruel
and unusual punishments prohibited by the Eighth
The Consequent Analysis Of The Minnesota Starvation...
In 1946, the Minnesota Starvation Experiment was directed by a doctor named Ancel
Keys (Colin, 2017). The consequent analysis of the results from this experiment is
what this paper is focused on. For the experiment, 36 young, healthy men volunteered
to be test subjects. They had initially acquired eating disorders and were put into
consideration with the purpose of checking on the complications that came by as a
result of the disorders associated with eating for this period (Colin, 2017). Initially,
this particular experiment was a design that was meant to provide a better
understanding about human starvationas well as providing a guide on the efforts
directed towards giving relief to the famine that resulted during the ending of war.
More so, for this experiment, preliminary results happened to be used by the
workers in the regions affected during the year 1946 and was characterized by a
period of semi starvation (6 Months) (Arcelus, 2015). During this period for the
experiment, intake for the participants was drastically reduced to 1560 calories a day
with consequent reduction and strict control of physical activities. Consequently, the
participants experienced psychological problems that were very severe including
depression, hypochondria, self mutilation and even hysteria. In addition, there was
evidence of eating disorders such as sexual interest reduction, food preoccupation,
food hording, poor concentration and as well as edema on the extremities (Hofer,
Breadwinner Perseverance Quotes
Over the mountains, in the city of Kabul in the marketplace, tea boys running
around in the hot sun selling gum, tea, and cigarettes. But in the corner next to a
building there is a young boy sitting on a blanket reading and writing letters. But
what might think of an average boy, there is actually a girl trying to help out her
family. Parvana is that boy on the blanket. Perseverance is defined as someone
whom is going through a difficult time but manage to stay strong. In the book, The
Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis, is about having hope even when times don t look
so good. The Breadwinner reveals how a girl, Parvana, shows perseverance
throughout the story. (Rylie) First of all, Parvana shows perseverance by agreeing
to cut her hair and dress as a boy to work and get food for her family. The book
states, She took off her own clothes and put on her brother s. Hossain s shalwar
kameez was pale green, both the loose shirt and the baggy trousers. This explains
how Parvana demonstrates perseverance by showing that she cuts her hair, and
dresses in her brother s shalwar kameez to look and act like a boy. Parvana takes a
risk and transforms into a boy, so she can go work at the market to make money for
her family.... Show more content on ...
Weera to wait for her father to get out of jail, and not going with her mother and
siblings to Mazar Sharif for Nooria s wedding. The text states, I m not going to
Mazar! This illustrates that Parvana shows perseverance because she is willing to
be away from her family for a very long time, just so she can stay home to wait for
her father. This also explains perseverance because Parvana talks back to her mother,
she demands that she stay home and will not go anywhere until she finds her father
and know he is
Halmoni And The Picnic Summary
Unit Enhancement to Address Diversity
Halmoni and the Picnic Story by Nyul Choi
Halmoni and the Picnic is a story in our unit of study. This is a story that most
students enjoy reading year after every year. My additions to the lesson to the
reading lesson are in italics to show how I could make the lesson more multicultural.
The summary of the Halmoni and the Picnic story: Yunmi is concerned about her
grandmother, Halmoni, who has lately moved from the country of Korea to stay with
Yunmi s familyin America. The grandmother is not comfortable in the strange new
culture, and she is too shy to converse in English and create new associates. Yunmi
and her schoolmates Anna Marie and Hellen decide to ask Yunmi s grandmother to
join them in their ... Show more content on ...
Sometimes I have the girls read a page altogether, at times all the boys read at once,
sometimes I read a page aloud and other times the east or west half of the class. I can
see that this takes the attention of the student who isn t such a good reader and it this
strategy does well in my classroom. There is good comprehension questions listed in
my teaching manual that I use. After the execution of the new joint center standards,
I have learned that I should have the students review the story. This is an issue I plan
to add to the lesson. To help understand the story, I tell the students to go through the
pages and attempt to foretell what will happen in the story. I have the students try to
suggest which characters are grandmother Halmoni, Anna Marie, Yunmi, and Helen.
As they try to find these characters, I ask my students whether they think they feel
sad or happy. When we have done reading the story, I feel it is essential to have the
students discuss whether their projections about what the story would be about being
right. Then I ask the students what is the problem in the story and how was it solved.
A number of the concepts taught in this story include predicting outcomes, writing an
invitation, using context to figure out unknown words, and irregular verbs. It would
be fun for the students to set apart some time and write their own invitation for that
Radiology Research Papers
Radiology research paper
Cone beam computed tomography
Theodore Bennett #4
Dental Assisting 125
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a specialized type of x ray
examination used to create 3 dimensional images of the head and neck structure.
After attending a lecture on this technology I was greatly interested to learn more.
For this research paper I wanted to compare and contrast cone beam CT with other
more traditional types of radiographic exam equipment.
Since their first discovery and usage in the 1890 s, X ray machines have seen many
developments and improvements. One of the biggest advances has been the creation
of machines which can produce a fully three dimensional image. When most people
think of dental x rays, ... Show more content on ...
This mode of examination allows the healthcare provider to obtain a much greater
amount of information then is available with more traditional forms of x ray
examination. Because most x rays are a 2 dimensional representation of a 3
dimensional object, many important details and subtle differences are lost in the
translation. With cone beam CT you are able to see different structures from multiple
vantage points. These characteristics make it the choice of many speciality dental
practices, in particular oral surgery. While it s cost does make it a major investment,
cone beam CT is an excellent technology which is able to do things which other x ray
units cannot. I look forward to hopefully getting some more hands on experience with
this fascinating
Essay on History of Surfing
History of Surfing
Surfing, act of riding on waves as they break over a shallow shoreline surface, such
as a reef, sand bar, or some other submerged surface. People can surf with just their
body, this is called body surfing, or by lying, kneeling, or standing on a surfboard.
Equipment Used The Surfboard Modern surfboards are constructed of a plastic
foam core that can be shaped by hand or machine, then covered with a shell of
fiberglass and resin. Personal boards can vary in dimensions. The high performance
surfboards used by top professional competitors are about 6 to 6.5 feet long, and
18.5 inches wide, less than 2.5 inches thick, and weigh about 6 pounds. These boards
are called shortboards. Most longboards are 9 feet ... Show more content on ...
In competition, surfers are judged using a subjective system that awards points based
on the size of the wave ridden, the distance ridden, and the quality of the maneuvers
performed by the surfer. Now that we know the basics what about the other stuff???
The Roots of Surfing Hawaii Although no one knows exactly where and when
stand up surfing began, there is no doubt that over the centuries the ancient sport
of he e nalu (wave sliding) was perfected by the Kings and Queens, and by men and
women in the Sandwich Isles, long before the 15th century. Of the Hawaiians who
surfed, it was the chiefly class who claimed the highest reputation for dedicated
proficiency with board and waves. They had their own prayers, chanters, board
shapers, wood and beaches where they alone could surf with others of similar rank.
No one dared to drop in on their wave, that meant death, or at least a near death
experience. Surfing achieved a special status and respectability in ancient Hawaii.
Renowned surfers were celebrated in song and dance and often enjoyed special
privileges in the royal circle. Which ever board they choose, being the long or short
board, the Chiefs took great pride in the skill, grace, speed and courage with which
they rode the Pacific s swells. However humble one s surfboard was, it was treated
with respect. Even before the board was shaped a proper surfbuilding ritual was
observed. It began with a tree. Only three types of trees were

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  • 1. Feminist Criticism Essay Crafting an essay on this particular topic presents a multitude of challenges, requiring a deep understanding of feminist theory, literary analysis, and cultural contexts. Firstly, delving into feminist criticism demands a nuanced comprehension of gender dynamics, intersectionality, and power structures within literature and society. It involves navigating complex theoretical frameworks from various feminist perspectives, such as liberal feminism, radical feminism, and postcolonial feminism, among others. Furthermore, conducting a feminist critique entails scrutinizing literary works through a critical lens, identifying patriarchal norms, gender stereotypes, and instances of sexism or misogyny embedded within texts. This process requires meticulous textual analysis and interpretation, often involving close readings of primary sources and secondary literature. Additionally, writing a feminist criticism essay necessitates engaging with contemporary debates and ongoing discussions within the field, considering evolving notions of gender identity, sexuality, and representation. It demands staying abreast of current research, theoretical developments, and social movements shaping feminist discourse today. Moreover, effectively addressing the complexities of feminist criticism in an essay requires the writer to navigate sensitive topics with empathy, awareness, and cultural sensitivity. It involves grappling with contentious issues, confronting biases, and challenging preconceived notions while fostering critical dialogue and promoting inclusivity. In sum, composing an essay on this subject is a formidable task that demands intellectual rigor, analytical prowess, and a commitment to social justice. It requires synthesizing theoretical insights with textual analysis, engaging with diverse perspectives, and navigating complex socio- political terrain. However, despite its challenges, such an endeavor is essential for advancing our understanding of literature, culture, and the ongoing struggle for gender equality. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Feminist Criticism EssayFeminist Criticism Essay
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  • 4. Alpha Male Characters When it comes to being an alpha male, there aren t many choices for anime that depict alpha male characters. Unfortunately for betas like us, Princess Lover s! OVA is not for us. To begin, the story seems to revolve around a true alpha male who deserves to live on the Jersey shore more than I do. First off, I never watched the main series cause I heard it was bad and since I try my best to watch only good shows like Elfen Lied and Air I never got around to watching this. From what I gather from the OVA is that Mr. Alpha Male here is engaged to some fancy blonde slut and she doesn t want to put out or something along those lines. Anyways, since he s alpha as fuck he just starts going to town on her and turns her into a sex crazed slave who... Show more content on ... Seeing an alpha male go to town on a girl and turn her into a sex crazed maniac who will do anything he wants makes me feel depressed. If he was morbidly obese and in a power chair or some random idiot I would have found it better..but with an alpha male leading the pack I couldn t enjoy it as much as I could have. Him being so alpha was disheartening and the oh u fancy slut was too fancy for my tastes. I like my women plain and boring with unibrows and hairy armpits. Her bitchy attitude about oh goddd you made me a dirty woman and you re disgusting for making a lady incontinent made me feel even more pathetic and the crushing reality of being a beta male set in. I saw that frog telling me You will never make a lady incontinent and then the tears started flowing. In summary this OVA was not for me. If you are a true alpha male like Randy Savage or Chris Benoit this would be right up your alley. But since I am nothing but a beta male I could not be entertained by such a program that obviously caters to those who go to the gym daily and to the tanning salon 3 times a s not for us people who are plain and generic people who lead plain and generic lives. In conclusion, watching this anime shows the crushing reality that you will be forever alone and will never be an alpha
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  • 6. Breast Feeding Vs. The Bottle Breast feeding vs. The Bottle: The Decision is yours Some mothers have to give up breastfeeding even though they want to breastfeed. To give up breastfeeding can be a sensitive issue in a time when breastfeeding is promoted as the healthiest for mother and child (Larsen Kronborg, 2013, p. 848). The debate over whether breast feeding is better than bottle feeding or vice versa has been a debate for many years. With more and more research that is continuously being developed, the option to breast feed or bottle feed is ultimately up to the parents of the child. Although the decision could be based on factors such as a physical incapability or financial burdens, the end result should always be what is going to be best for the baby. As research continues to grow, there has been proven evidence of the positive and negative aspects that come with breast feeding and bottle feeding. The Benefits of Breast Feeding Starting from infancy, parents have the right to make the decisions in their new child s life, which includes breast feeding their child. Infant nutrition is important in development and health throughout life (Klag, McNamara, Geraghty, Keim, 2015, p. 1059) Although the process has been known to bring some complications and many attempts, the end result has been proven to be beneficial to not only the infant during that time but can be tracked in their life down the line. The decision to breast feed is a decision that will not only impact the child, but can also
  • 7. Use Of Remote Supervision And Real Time Control Of The... 1. Introduction Electrical equipments generate heat over time while functioning, if the situation is not noticed and taken care of properly machine malfunction may occur, which could cause severe damage to devices or even people. So measuring ambient temperature and temperature of equipments frequently become a crucial procedure in industries and other places where temperature must be kept in a certain range. But while people is far away from the equipment or specific environment, real time monitoring of and response to any temperature changes become troublesome. In this project a temperature alarm SMS notifier is designed to realize the functions of remote supervision and real time control of the temperature change under specific circumstances. The variation of temperature is detected by the temperature alarm circuit, when the change exceeds a default value, LEDs on the fire alarm circuit board will flash, and then the board will send an alert message to the preset mobile phone number to notify the user about the incident. The alert notification part involves an Arduino Uno board, which is a relevantly new but one of the most versatile hardware computing platform and development environment for software in the past decade. Connecting an Arduino Uno board together with a GPRS shield and a shield with LEDs would allow the entire circuit having the function mentioned above and work as a temperature alarm SMS notifier. Making a fire alarm SMS notifier which detects
  • 8. Descriptive Essay Qingdao The travel city I would recommend is Qingdao. Although I came to the city less than a year, but I have deeply loved here, obsessed with the climate here, scenery, local conditions and customs.why someone should visit ?After 08 years of Olympic Games, Qingdao s popularity has raised a lot in Qingdao, and Qingdaohas become one of the most popular cities in the country.Because Qingdao is a seaside city, but also a lot of people because of the sea view and admiring, so the summer during the summer vacation, a particularly large number of people, so people think the best time to travel in April and October.April Qingdao spring turns warm again, feeling that the whole city Huanran Zhongshan Park Sakura, Sakura Avenue on both sides of the cherry blossom, quite spectacular. Of course, you do not like crowded, Qingdao has many streets on both sides planted cherryblossoms, as in addition to Japan, cherry planting the most concentrated areas, may be in your hotel downstairs is a cherry road. As the last calm before the peak season, take a walk in the old city.Qingdao is a city on the hill, mountain linked, choose a good weather on the mountain or mountain view or small signal seamounts, look at the red house near the brim, and then look at the quiet shore. Red tile blue was displayed in front of you.Qingdao four seasons I love most is autumn, when the wind wrapped with the smell of the sea to hit you, it is a magical feeling, Ba Da Guan beauty of autumn leaves in a complete mess,
  • 9. Human Impact On The Platte River Since the settlement of the American West, rivers have experienced changes in the natural flows and movements. Among these processes flooding has become controlled as dams have been built. Esselman et al. (2011) tracked numerous categories of anthropocentric activities through geographical informational systems. The team found that upstream fish habitats were exponentially impacted by human activities downstream. In addition to the upstream movement of impacts human impacts also travel downstream. Different human impacts on the Yellowstone River versus the Platte River have greatly affected the river ecosystems. One example humans have impacted aquatic ecosystems has been through the introduction of invasive species. Invasive species are a... Show more content on ... In another report by Kessler et al., (2013) the possibility of analyzing a variety of restoration methods will help to determine a cost effective plan. This means that the restoration of roosting and feeding grounds for the sandhill cranes can be achieved if numerous methods are first explored. In addition to exploring a variety of restoration methods the combination of public agencies and private individuals will promote restoration and conservation efforts. A restoration project along the Dolores River in southwestern Colorado and eastern Utah that combined the public and private sectors created a program that could share ideas, finances, and other vital planning decisions (Oppenheimer et al.,
  • 10. Similarities Between Judith And Her Maidservant The painting Judith and Her Maidservant with the head of Holofernes was painted by the Italian born painter Artemisia Gentileschi. In this Baroque painting, it depicts a story from the bible about Judith, a widow, tricking an opposing leader, Holofernes, during a war. Judith and her maidservant enter Holofernestent and have rounds of drinks. Over time, Holofernes becomes quite drunk and passes out. While he is passed out, Judith and her maidservant decapitates Holofernes thus defeating the opposing soldiers in the war. In the painting, it depicts specifically moments after Holofernes head was fully decapitated and Judith attempting to hide what she just did. In Gentileschi s painting, there are a few naturalistic qualities that make her piece... Show more content on ... The skin of the women fold nicely, for example around Judith s face and neck, the folds are rounded and proportionate to her body and face. The folds of the tent s cloth and the clothes around the bodies of the women are absolutely realistic, wrapping eloquently around their bodies, arms, and waists. For example, on the maidservants arm her sleeves not only appropriately look rolled up but they also atomically match the maidservant s arm. However, I feel like the realism is lost when it comes to the candle and Judith s sword. They look quite dull compared to the human figures and cloth in the painting, making them look very simplistic. The light used in the painting is done very well, showing that there can only be so much light coming from one candle, which makes the lighting very natural. In my opinion, the light represents the pure and misogynistic views towards women. These views see women as people that can t do wrong, seeing women only as kind or maternal beings. The dim or unlit parts of the painting, specifically the maidservant hiding Holofernes head, represents the potential of
  • 11. U.s. Trade Patterns The Choice Of Trade U.S. trade patterns are an important topic of study due to America s power and central position in the international market. This topic of US trade partners and our trading patterns with those partners has been approached from a variety of perspectives by several economists. Namely, Sattinger (1978), Srivastava and Green (1986), Summary (1989), and Pollins (1989a and 1989b). The literature draws many conclusions from American competitiveness and the political and social factors that help explain bilateral trade patterns the choice of trade partners. And while there is an abundance of literature concerning this topic there has been little done from the perspective of how America s trade partners have developed and shifted over the last 25 years, which is what this paper will focus on achieving. International tradeflows are also an important topic and have been estimated by many economists including, Tinbergen (1962), Anderson (1979), Helpman and Krugman (1985), Helpman (1987), Feenstra (2002), and Anderson and van Wincoop (2003). Each of these researchers used a variant of the gravity model to estimate trade flows which not only demonstrates the continuing empirical validity of the model but gives firm background with which to base this analysis. The basic gravity model states that the volume of trade between two countries is proportional to the size of the two economies, and various measures of trade resistance such as geographical distance between the countries,
  • 12. How Is Jfk Assassination Justified Shots fired on November 22nd, 1963 when the most impactful president was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. President Kennedy was assassinated while riding in a vehicle through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. Oswald fired three shots at Kennedy from the Texas School Book Depository Building in central Dallas (Rubinstein 15). Although people did support what Kennedy did for the country, his assassination was not justified because he established the Peace Corps, launched a drive for a civil rights bill to end racial segregation, and he was overall apart of the Civil Rights movement. Lee Harvey Oswald was a marine with a record of insane behavior. He was known to be loner, and was later removed from the Marine. March 1963 he purchased ... Show more content on ... Oswald later killed the police officer, J.D. Tippit, and he was later charged for the assassination of the President. Oswald was killed when he was being transferred to a normal jail in the basement. He was killed by Jack Ruby. There were many accomplishments made by President Kennedy, and there may have been some that people or his assassin disagreed with. For example, he proposed a voting rights bill that he hoped would end racial segregation. He also proposed a voting rights bill and federal programs to provide health care to elderly and poor citizens. He was involved in
  • 13. the civil rights movement. Lastly, he established the Peace Corps. The Peace Corps is a program to help young men and women get out of hunger and poverty, and they volunteered in different areas i.e taught in schools, built water systems, and assisted new crops and agricultural methods. Since Kennedy had a plan to kill Fidel Castro, that could ve been a reason why Oswald assassinated Kennedy, and here is the reason why. Lee Harvey Oswald founded a pro Castro organization called the, Fair Play for Cuba Committee. (Rubinstein 15) That is a
  • 14. Invasive Species There are invaders coming to homes all over America. They are causing damage to entire ecosystems and they can spread to new areas very rapidly if the issue is not dealt with now. These invaders that are destroying our native plants and ecosystems are known as invasive species. Invasive plant species are a problem all over the United Statesand many people fail to realize it. These invaders can cause huge amounts of damage to native environments. More people need to be made aware of the problem that is happening with these species. Education is the best way to get people to realize the problem at hand and get involved in helping reduce the spread and prevent further damage from being done. According to the United States National Arboretum,... Show more content on ... Garlic mustard was introduced into New Jersey in 1886 as a common garden plant. It is called this because of its distinct garlic smell. Many people would use garlic mustard in their salad to give it a tangy taste. Eventually, the seeds spread and caused problems in other environments where it was introduced such as New England. Garlic mustard is still a problem in New England today. Garlic mustard is not a problem because it destroys the native plants, but much like many invasive plants, it deprives the native plant species of the needed light and space they need to grow. (Invasive Plant Atlas of New
  • 15. Khepera Mobile Robots For Search And Rescue Operation Khepera Mobile Robots for Search and Rescue Operation Keywords: Mobile Robot, Explore Unknown Map with Obstacles, Gas Detection, V rep, Khepera III, Albers Algorithm. Abstract: Nowadays, using robots instead of humans in risk operations is an interesting point in the field of robotics. In this paper we introduce an integrated approach for search and rescue operation of detecting gas sources in large areas; e.g. houses, factories, and labs. This aims at saving people s lives at bottlenecks resulting from gas leak and ignition of fires. Experiment is performed using master Khepera robot supplied with gas sensor circuit to search map, in addition to two slave Khepera supplied with gripper to take the best path to clinch the victim. Moreover, this paper proposes an improvement of Albers exploration algorithm to reduce the time required to explore unknown map with different polygon obstacles. The proposed approach aims to minimizing the overall exploration time, making it possible to localize fire sources in an efficient way, as demonstrated in Vrep simulation as well as real world experiments with Khepera III robot. A comparison among different algorithms has showed the effectiveness of the proposed one where the percentage of performance speedup is about 30% to 57% depending on size of the map and number of obstacles. 1 INTRODUCTION Autonomous Robots are meant to perform searching operations inside buildings, mines and caves , which are considered extremely serious. These
  • 16. Potiential Future Effects of Global Warming Introduction Climate change is one the biggest threats to nature and mankind in the 21st century. The impacts of climate change are visible everywhere, whether it s melting glaciers, rising sea level, severe storms, heavy flooding, reduced snowfall in the north and a severe drought in the south. It will also have a number of effects on the flora and fauna in the future. Scientists predict that global warming in the near future may cause a mass extinction of wildlife, affecting more than 1 million species, i.e. about a quarter of all kinds of currently known. World overheating causes significant changes in climatic conditions and it can damage sensitive ecosystems in which species live. Sea level rise is a potentially disastrous result of climate change. Glaciers melt because of the rising temperatures and ocean waters warm. Therefore, small island developing states and low lying coastal areas are particularly vulnerable to sea level rise and climatechange. The more sea levels will rise, the harder will be the situation for the coastal cities, and will be more impressive to erosion prone coast. Moreover, coastal areas will be exposed to impressive erosion. Coastal areas have an extremely high population density, since it is a home to more than 50% of the population, generating over 70% of gross national product. Moreover, the coastal zone is deeply integrated into the economy, even very distant from the shore areas and stresses on coastal zones seriously
  • 17. Criticism Of Lewis Theory Essay Like previously mentioned though they re many critics of Lewis theory, many saw flaws and felt the need to criticism Lewis for these flaws. The first problem that some find within Lewis theology of animals is his persistence on the existence of the devil (aka Satan). Lewis is moral convinced that the evil in this world lies in the truth that some animals live by destroying each other (Linzey). Others are also critical of Lewis theory because of his idea of animalresurrection, Lewis states that the tamer animals are in a sense more of a natural animal. Meaning that God has some sort of favor over them. One woman by the name of Evelyn Underhill said this, of course I agree that animals too are involved in the Fall and await of redemption... Show more content on ... Lewis seemed to have a countless amount of critics that just seem to have nothing positive to say about his writings, but yet he seemed to manage and become successful. Nonetheless there are dozens of options to talk about when Lewis and writings, not to mention specifically his book series The Chronicles of Narnia that seemed to be some of his most popular and longest lasting work of his. This might have to account for some of the reason why there is so much criticism about Lewis work today. It could just due to the fact that we don t quite understand where Lewis was coming from. For example the sexism comments made about Lewis writing, maybe we just don t understand the language and the context of the words. On the other hand I think that Lewis might have been a head of his time, accounting for many critics during the time of Lewis s writings. For this turn to the discussion on Lewis animal theory and how there were definitely parts of his theory that made sense to people back then, however, there was some parts that just didn t fit into their schemas of that time. Lastly there might just be criticism because we can t be in Lewis head and understand what he is trying to say without saying it. An example of this is the debate that continues to this day, which is in what order are individuals supposed to read the books in The Chronicles of
  • 18. Jimi Henderson Analysis David Henderson, an African American poet, wrote the article Jimi Hendrix Deep Within the Blues and Alive Onstage at Woodstock 25 Years After Death to show how Jimi Hendrix has continued to influence many people after his untimely death. Additionally, Henderson claims that no other musician has been able to replicate Hendrix s precise and rapid picking and his recognizance of sound and noise. Henderson personally knew Hendrix as he previously wrote his book Scuse Me While I Kiss The Sky to express his opinion on popular black music at the time and as a promise he made to Hendrix at a nightclub in Manhattan in 1969. It is impossible to deny that Jimi Hendrixhas not continued to be one of the most influential music artists due to his unique way of play[ing] with feedback, control[ing] it, and make[ing] it melodic. A skill that no other musical artist has been able to replicate. Another important aspect of Hendrix s life... Show more content on ... In addition, many modern musicians have paid homage to Hendrix by performing covers of his songs. Examples include when the Red Hot Chili Peppers performed Fire and when Living Colour performed Crosstown Traffic in their tribute album. Jimi Hendrix has even had some influence over the rap genre with well known rapper, Future naming his second album HNDRXX. Henderson also states that to listen to Hendrix today is constantly to be reminded of his gifts. Hendrix is highly regarded as one of the best guitarist in history even though his musical career only spanned four years. With his psychedelic inspired riffs, improvisational ability and his ability to range between pure blues and avant garde jazz forms it is no surprise that he is often referred to as a virtuoso artist on
  • 19. Literature Review Paper On Progeria Abstract After a while of searching about progeria, we have found that there are two types of progeria Hutchison Gilford and Werner Syndrome. They both have the same mutation and symptoms, but they differ in the time the mutation occurs, but still, there is not any specific cure for it yet. Also, we have found that progeria is not related to family disorders history like other mutations. The mutation actually happens randomly at a rate of one of four to eight million people. Introduction Progeria is one of the rarest and weirdest diseases that was found by Dr. Jonathan Hutchison in the United Kingdom in 1886. It starts to appear at the age of nine to twenty four months. It is caused by a problem in the genes that occur rarely to people at a rate of one of four to eight million.... Show more content on ... Progeria is so unpopulated disease since it is so harmful but there are not many people who know it and there are not many kinds of research about it. Progeria has no specific cure yet and that is the reason that makes progeria so dangerous. Literature Review There are two types of Progeria. They are Hutchison Gilford Syndrome (HGPS) and Werner Syndrome, and the most common type is HGPS. According to MNT, Medical News Today, Progeria is a rare genetic condition that causes a person to age prematurely. Children with progeria appear healthy, but by the age of 2 years, they look as if they have become old too fast . A single gene mutation is responsible for progeria. The gene, known as lamin A (LMNA), makes a protein necessary for holding the center (nucleus) of a cell together. When this gene had a defect (mutation), an abnormal form of the lamin A protein called Progerin is produced and makes cells unstable. Unlike many genetic mutations, progeria is rarely passed down in families. (Figure 1 shows the mutation). (Figure 1 The
  • 20. The Princess Gruesome Death And Medea 1079 Summary According to Torrance (2007), In her article, The Princess s Gruesome Death and Medea 1079 it states that for the past few years, with regards to Medea s role there has been some contrast oh how the role was played. There were some discussions that claim contrast between passion and reason using Platonic Genesis made by Galen. Also another author namely H. Foley emphasized that there was gender conflict. Whether it was gender ideology or Platonic exegesis, it was clear that Euripides wanted to show through his monologue Medea the internal struggles between two forces. Based on the article, the focus of Medea s duality is her monologue, which was often viewed as her passion or thumos decisively conquering her rational plans or bouleumata. According to the author, some crucial lines in questions were deleted by some authors because it raises problem although some still retain all or most of the speeches as genuinely Euripidean which addresses the problem. Two essentially ways of interpreting 1079 are given, the main point is to understand the reading my vengeful passion is stronger than my plans which was adapted by the Platonists and used to provide the Platonic theory which is divided into rational and irrational parts. This is unproblematic in terms of immediate meaning since it makes less sense of the context of the play where we should understand that Medea was overwhelmed by her vengeful passion than her ability to plan. The alternative reading involves
  • 21. The Influence Of Drinking And Driving This paper is going to be about the importance of not drinking and driving, and knowing what could happen if you drive under the influence of drinking. A lot can happen and some people don t realize the damage that could be done once you are behind the wheel. Drinking and driving can cause different affects. For example it can cause not being able to concentrate on the road. One of the problems or effects drinking and driving can have on a person is not being able to concentrate on the road. In 2015, 10,265 people died from car crashes related to driving under the influence of drinking. While driving a motorized vehicle which could be a car, motorcycle, scooter, or etc, you have to be concentrated on your surroundings. If you have drank and
  • 22. Compare And Contrast The Mill And The Factories The factories and the mills are a mixed blessing. They drastically changed the way we live and work, but also introduced a variety of problems. I am a female factory worker in London. Thousands of families migrated into the city in hope of better life and prosperity. A million people now live in London. The city has quadrupled in size. More about urbanization?? The factories brought us job opportunities and increased the production of goods. Inventions and ideas are still being introduced to us left and right. Overall, the outcome from the factories and the widespread of new ideas has raised our standard of living. However, it is mostly for the upper and upper middle class. The upper class receives healthier diets, better housing, cheaper mass
  • 23. John Locke Law Of Nature The Law of Nature is the universal concept at which most philosophers would refer to when describing the natural state of society and humans (Joseph, 1999). The meaning of the Law of Nature also differs from one philosopher to another. Here, Hobbes describes it as something humans of rational thinking would try to escape even if it means subjecting oneself to absolute authority (Baumgold, 2010). The Social Contract has taken up a new meaning under Hobbes. Social Contract has become the means by which Man, defined to be self interested and reasonable, escapes the Law of Nature which was described to be intolerable. That Man, is willing to give up his freedom just to lead a civil life which is more conducive for his self interests. Locke John Locke is one of the most influential thinkers of his time. His work, Two Treatises on Government, inspired the founding fathers of the United States of America and contradicted the prevalent ideas in England (Dienstag, 1996). For Locke, the Law of Nature, contrary to Hobbes, is a state of perfect and complete liberty to lead one s life as best as one sees it fit; that it should be free from any kind of interference from others (Dienstag, 1996). This is under the belief of Locke that everyone is equally created by God and therefore has equal freedom to pursue his personal interests. Although, this does not mean that anyone is free to harm and trespass one another. This is for the same reason that only God has the right to take away
  • 24. Intelligence Test and Gifted Requirements Essay Intelligence Test and Gifted Requirements The Gifted program exists to provide more academic opportunities for those who qualify as gifted. Gifted means performing or demonstrating the potential for performing at significantly higher levels of accomplishment in one or more academic fields due to intellectual ability, when compared to others of similar age, experience, and environment (Quoted in Gifted ). In order to make it into the program the student must show higher intellectual ability than the average student at his or her age, but what determines that factor? The student must take a multidimensional test and score in the 98th percentile. However, the most weighted part of the test remains an average IQ test. ... Show more content on ... She states, In my 24 years as a gifted facilitator, there have been a handful, (3 5) students whose IQ tests did not accurately reflect their intelligence. She also informed that if a student is close to making the cut, they are given a second test in a year or two (Sebelius 1). Intelligence tests should not remain the primary qualification to gain admittance in the gifted program because it allows minorities and the economically disadvantaged to remain underrepresented in the program. The minorities and the economically disadvantaged tend to score lower than the average gifted student; as a result, they fail to gain admittance when they have actually proven qualified. The tests also effect how they are feeling (sebuleus). If under privileged students feel negatively about their situation it may affect the score of their test. Under their circumstances, they are not presented with the same opportunities as other gifted students due to financial or environmental problems. These problems can alter their psychological state ultimately undermining their score. However, they do better on the test overall, as opposed to just the IQ segment of the test, but the IQ test still remains more heavily weighted than other means of testing, when those other means of testing play a more important role than given credit
  • 25. Essay on Predictive Policing Information technology has advanced in multiple ways in society, where organizations has implement the structure into their work environment. Industries have outsource their manufacturing to other places in the world and rely on telecommunication to keep the marketing. The geographic distribution has changed significantly by reducing the distance it takes to complete an operation, due to information technology. These are just a couple of examples of how this advanced technology has reshape our society and continuing. The New York PoliceDepartment has structured some information technology applications to help optimize their firm performance in reducing crime versus patrols in the street. Some of the implications involved in the... Show more content on ... In the State of New York, fusion center is a perfect example of information technology optimizing their performance in reducing crime within their police departments. The New York/New Jersey High Intensity Drug Trafficking Center serves as an information hub for law enforcement. According to (Johnson, 2008), the mass of intelligence data in the central location has proved to be a key factor in identifying individuals and organizations that are facilitating or carrying out terrorist activity in New York City. On the other hand, random patrols of the streets is the older method in preventing crime in geographical locations. The random patrol of the streets was set for pre determined pattern of crime in design locations. After repeated research of this method alone, it has been address the method demonstrates how deployment models have been repeatedly use to access the quality of district designs, without the suggested method of optimally determining those designs. According to (Karen, 2007), there were more issues that occur when given combinatorial complexity of deployment solution procedure; when information technology were not involved. Dating back 15 years before 2004, less optimal determination of patrol areas were directed when police make calls for design patrol areas, in maximal coverage and backup when crime occurred (Karen, 2007). Computer Statistics (COMPSTAT), change the attitude
  • 26. IT 650 Principles Of Database Design IT 650 Principles of Database Design Database Normalization Srikanth Karra Southern New Hampshire University Normalization: It is used to lower the database redundancy to keep database consistency for long term. Normalization is the set of rules and protocol that defines how the information should be stored into database entities. This process increases the number of database objects (entities) by dividing one database table in to multiple smaller table with proper link (Relationship) in between them. There are myriads of advantages for normalizing database, few are as follows: It removes repeated or duplicate entries of database It improves the memory storage by avoiding duplicate entries. Maintains the Integrity of information resides in the database system. It organizes the large amount of information in a ... Show more content on ... By applying this rule, patient and employees table has to be divided into smaller tables. Patient table limits hospital to enter more than one appointment, drug allergy, symptom, prescription entries. Please see the below 3NF database design: De normalization: It removes the relationship or primary foreign key constraints from a database tables. This is normally used whenever there is an alteration of database design is needed. Altering or modifying database schema some time requires a break in the relationship of two or more entities. For example when there is a need to change the type of a foreign key then its referring primary key has to be first changed to the required type. This can only happen if both the table losses the relationship. The major use of de normalization is to increase the performance of the database. For a large amount of database system performance is at priority hence de normalization is one of the method to optimize the database
  • 27. The Adversarial Risk Analysis Approach Source: Figure 3 (Rios and Insua, 2012)Source: Figure 4 (Rios and Insua, 2012) Source: Figure 5 (Rios and Insua, 2012) Source: Figure 6 (Rios and Insua, 2012) The Adversarial Risk Analysis Approach relaxes the common knowledge assumption in order to make this model more realistic. If the Defender s decision problem is a standard decision analysis problem, shown in Figure 3, with the Attacker s decision node regarded as a random variable. Then her decision tree in Figure 4 illustrates the uncertainty about the Attacker s decision by replacing A (in a square, Fig 3) with A (in a circle, Fig 3). (Rios and Insua 2012) Once the Defender has already assessed pD(S | d, a, v) and uD(d, s, v), she needs pD(A | d), which is ... Show more content on ... The Defender s decision is illustrated as a random variable as it is not under control in the Attacker s analysis. The arrow from D (in a circle, Fig 5) to A (in a square, Fig 5) in the influence diagram demonstrates that he will know the Defender s decision while he has to decide. The Defender s private information v, is not known by the Attacker, therefore his uncertainty is demonstrated through a probability distribution pA(V), illustrating the Attacker s previous beliefs about the Defender s private information. Assuming the Defender analyses the Attacker s decision, knowing that he is an expected utility maximiser and uses Bayes s rule to discover about the Defender s private information from monitoring of her defence decision. Consequently, the arrow in the influence diagram from V (in a circle, Fig 5) to D (in a circle, Fig 5), represents probabilistic dependence, is to be inverted to acquire the Attacker s subsequent beliefs about v: pA(V|D=d), yet to acquire this it is needed to assess pA(D|v). (Rios and Insua 2012) If the Defender knew the Attacker s utility function uA(a,s,v) and the probabilities pA(S|d,a,v) and pA(V|d), she could predict his decision a*(d) for any d в€€ D by solving backwards the tree in Figure 6, followed by computing his expected utility П€A. Compute at chance node S: П€A(d,a,v) for each (d,a,v) as in Equation (2). Compute for
  • 28. Microsoft s Strategic Commitment For The Cloud With... Analysis Since its inception, SharePoint has become a Swiss Army knife that covers a wide range of information needs and has been deployed for many different functional requirements. Many companies have customized it, whether in its look and feel, building custom integration with external systems or developing new applications. Furthermore, companies have grown to depend on third party independent software vendors (ISVs) to fill SharePoint s gaps or build vertical applications onto SharePoint server. While such moves have typically delivered good business benefits, they have made migrating from one generation to the next costly and complex. Industry leaders estimate that close to 90% of SharePoint deployments are still deployed in the ... Show more content on ... Microsoft has the potential to innovate in this cloud environment because it can use analytics to quickly understand business usage trends across thousands of organizations a level of visibility it did not have in the traditional approach. It can then rapidly develop applications and approaches as well as test and deploy new interfaces. Users will realize the benefits of this rapid innovation as their work environments become more nimble, leading to stronger engagement; IT departments will realize the benefits of having Microsoft manage this aspect of their technology portfolio, allowing them to concentrate on other projects. Business drivers and cost management: SharePoint Online doesn t take long to set up and users can perform basic tasks quickly. Microsoft trickles improvements through every three months. For SharePoint Server (on premise), Microsoft has traditionally aggregated changes to deliver them in service packs and new versions far less frequently. Consequently, IT departments using SharePoint Online will be relieved of possible downtime concerns related to service
  • 29. Project Based Learning Pedagogy 1) Which pedagogy is most comfortable for you and your current teaching style? What about this pedagogy appeals to you most? The project based learning pedagogy appeals to me the most. I am typically a hands on learner who likes to research and gather information. I think this is an excellent learning strategy because it allows students to get involved in their learning process rather than just receiving information. For example, at my internship site, I am observing a 9th grade earth science class, and it is apparent that the students are bored, which is why there are so many behavioral problems in the classroom. I notice students sleeping, listening to music, texting and being disruptive, primarily because they are not actively engaging
  • 30. Detection Ratio Of Cyber Attack Detection Improved the Detection Ratio of Cyber Attack Using Feature Reduction Based on Support Vector Machine and Glowworm Optimization Abstract The swarm intelligence plays vital role in feature reduction process in cyber attack detection. The family of swarm intelligence gives bucket of algorithm for the processing of feature reduction such as ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization and many more. In family of swarm new algorithm is called glowworm optimization algorithm based on the concept of luciferin. The luciferin collects the similar agent of glow and proceeds the minimum distance for the processing of lights. Such concept used for the reduction of feature in cyber attack classification. The reduce attribute classified by well know classifier is called support vector machine. The combination of support vector machine and glowworm swarm optimization performs very well in compression of pervious feature reduction technique. The proposed algorithm is implemented in MATLAB software, for the validation of algorithm used KDDCUP99 dataset. Keywords Cyber Attack, Feature Reduction, GSO, SVM 1. INTRODUCTION Now a day s internet based services faced a problem of cyber threats and attack. The cyber attack performs illegal activity over computer and network. The cyber attack damage of computer software and meaningful information over the internet communication. For the detection and prevention of cyber attack various approach are used such as system level approach and
  • 31. Revised Order Of The Sacraments Of Initiation Revised Order of the Sacraments of Initiation Bishop ГЃlvaro Corrada said, The sacraments draw humanity into the truth and love of God revealed in Christ, thereby disposing the faithful to live this love more deeply in their daily lives of Christian freedom and witness. They serve to introduce us into the Catholic Church, increase our understanding of our religion, bestow upon us essential Christian virtues, and strengthen our faith. There are seven sacraments in total: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Marriage. The first three Sacraments listed are the Sacraments of Initiation. The Sacraments of Christian Initiation Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist lay the foundations of every Christian life...By means of these Sacraments of Christian Initiation, [we] thus receive in increasing measure the treasures of the divine life and advance toward the perfection of charity. (CCC Chapter 1, Article 2:1212) These sacraments represent our birth into the Church, the seal of our birth into the Church, and the reception of Jesus body. In the words of the Catholic Church, The Christian is born anew by Baptism, strengthened by Confirmation, and receives in the Eucharist the food of eternal life. (CCC Chapter 1, Article 2:1212) In the early Church, the three Sacraments of Initiation were practiced in one significant process. When the person reached a point of spiritual maturity (usually as an adult, contrary to today), he
  • 32. The Challenges Of Seamus Heaney This essay will analyse the challenges Seamus Heaney faced during the process of translation and writing, including his own conscious effort to make the play suitable for a modern audience. It will demonstrate how Heaney s use of language and poetry aided in presenting modern ideas through the timbre of Irish/English diction and idiom in an attempt to make the play more speakable . Identifying features of Greek theatrical conventions and how Heaney used these to shape his play. Heaney also presents social and political issues through The Burial at Thebes in a way that resonates with a contemporary audience. The responsibility of the translator of a piece first intended for performance are complex. The challenges can be different depending on whether a translation is commissioned for performance or for publication in text, or both. Translation of an ancient Greek play is far more than simply an act of transmission of one language into another, it involves the conveyance of a context and finding a balance of reference which will both keep faith with the original and allow for current thinking. There are many variables in the approaches to translating an ancient Greek play, these can include, attempting to be accurate to the original Greek letter and meaning, communicating the spirit and feel of the original, or a pragmatic translation where the emphasis is on the target language and culture (Hardwick, 2008, p. 207). A translator would have to make decisions about the
  • 33. Examples Of Bram Stoker As A Perverted Christ Figure In... Dracula as a Perverted Christ Figure In Bram Stoker s novel, Dracula, is presented as a perverted Christ figure because he imitates multiple actions of Christianity, and perverts those ideas. An example of how Dracula is a perverted Christ figure would be when Dracula forces Mina to drink his blood, he tries to mimic the Christian Communion, like when Christ gave up his blood for us. In the novel Draculaalso takes the lives of numerous people, just two of them being Renfield, and the mother looking for her child. Dracula also has the ability to transform into different figures, for example a bat and a wolf. God is also has the ability to do this, but Dracula uses this power to do wrong and perverts the Christian church. Alongside with this... Show more content on ... Dracula takes the lives of multiple people in the novel, he even threatens people about taking their lives. One of the victims of Dracula would be Renfield, Dracula beats him and then takes his life afterwards. ...except that the poor fellow is dead ... I did not see him; but I saw a bat rise from Renfield s window, and flap westward (Stoker 337). Dracula sneaks into the asylum where Renfield is at and he beats him nearly to death, and then afterwards he comes back and ends his life. Dracula also murders a mother who is looking for her child by releasing a pack of wolves. Monster, give me back my child!...there was no cry from the woman, and the howling of the wolves was but short (Stoker 57). Dracula has no mercy and does not care for the mother, which would be another reason on how he stands as a perverted Christ figure. He is not loving others like it says in the bible to do, and he is committing murder just like it says in the bible not to do. not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment (Matthew 5:21). In the Christian bible it is forbidden for anyone to murder, but once again Dracula goes against these rules, and violates the Christian
  • 34. Legumes Advantages And Disadvantages USES AND BENEFITS OF LEGUMES IN AGRO ECOSYSTEM Legumes: Forage legumes can be defined as monocarpellary fruit that contain only a single row of seed and dehisces along both structure and ribs . Legumes are the member of plant family Fabaceae but in the past legumes belongs to leguminosae. There leaves are trifoliate in nature and have tape root system. Legumes are grown generally in agriculture for the food grain that are edible in nature like pulses, beans, pea, lentil, soya bean about 500 genera and 1100 species of legumes are known. Legumes associated with nitrogen fixing bacteria that have ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. This nitrogen makes the plant seed full of protein and carbohydrates which are rich component ... Show more content on ... Legumes have rich source of fiber that increase the energy of the animal. Fiber also help animal in up taking of forage in digestibility. Protein content in them is too high due to N fixation which helps animal to provide high ratio of protein in their nutrition. Legumes are also source of other minerals like Ca, Mg, Zn, Co, Cu. According to survey of scientist (Wilman, Mtengeti and Moseley) that feeding values of legumes and grasses are different due to the cell structure and anatomy of the plants. Energy feedstock: Legumes are also the source of electrical energy generation. For example alfalfa production used in the feeding of ruminant and electricity generation as the leaves are used for grazing purpose and stem of the plant are used. Therefore legumes are used for many purposes in the agro ecosystem. Soil and Water conservation: When we planted legumes than the soil erosion and water logging conditions will be less as compared to other crops. It is due to precipitation and runoff water level. Soil organic matter concentration increases in this way. It is the main benefit of legume to use as cover crop that reduces soil erosion and water level increases mineral content in the soil. Water up taking level of the plant also increases that helps in soil water holding capacity of
  • 35. A Research On The Kansas State University Housing Intro As I graduated high school, I always had the desire to up my career. So, my next step is to go to college. A week later, I started to think how am I going to live on my own? Where will I stay at, for my existing 4 years or maybe years? So, I did my research on the Kansas State University housing homepage. As I am looking through my options, I was interested in the Kramer complex s. My mom told me is it safe, healthy, and in good living conditions to live there? When I kept scrolling down it showed how it will have safety and good healthconditions throughout the complex. According to the Kansas State Universityhousing and dining home page, 020 Forming a Committee, Every College must have an active safety committee. This must be a goal of each Dean. If the Dean desires, departments within a College may also have safety committees. The University Environmental Health Safety Committee recommends that large departments or departments with high hazards have a safety committee. . By me reading this, I had very high expectations for having very healthy environment within the housing departments. When I made a decision to choose as students Kansas State students feels weird and uncomfortable living away from home and have no choice to live on campus, students have to rely on K States promise for students live safe and healthy regulated housing for the amount for money you payed for. Goodnow Hall. Goodnow is a coeducational hall located in the Kramer Community on the west
  • 36. The Military Of The Army Essay Mission Command Army officer who in charge of leading military missions must bear in mind that his success or failure is dependent on his commanding style. There are typical ways through which an officer is more successful than the other is. Just think about why a great Greek s military leader, Thucydides, failed to save the city of Amphipolis. He was distant from the army to protect the important military strategic city. Thucydides failure was his absence that made his army psychologically impotent and the enemy courageous. () Command presence was vital in classical periods because of the limitation of means of communication. Leaders usually led their army through direct involvement in detailed tasks. Command presence, more than influencing the army through close relationship with subordinate, has also a great impact on the enemy army. As a classical custom required leaders to take part in leading the army, many great leaders was successful by taking direct command of the army on the front battle. The coalition army in Napoleonic War purposefully avoid fighting where Napoleon had a direct command on the army. It is so evident that Napoleon presence had psychological influence on his own army and had taken as a center of gravity by the coalition army of Europe. Alexander the Great defeat the vast area of Asia Minor with small number of the army due to Alexander himself directly led the Army. Since command presence have a remarkable importance of moral and psychological
  • 37. Essay On Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Located on the X chromosome lies a gene whose improper function would take from us what we often sloppily overlook our mobility. The freedom to dance with poise, to run with agility, to dress one s self, to bend over and scoop a dropped pencil off the floor are all motions which are only dreamt of by those with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. An X linked recessive disorder which can be exhibited in both males and females, DMD is most prominent in males, affecting 3500 boys in the world (McKusick). DMD affects muscle skeletal, smooth, and cardiac by causing degeneration (McKusick). Diagnosis occurs around five years old, and by age ten, a wheelchair is often necessary for the patient. The skeletal ... Show more content on ... Sixty percent of patients with DMD have a dystrophin gene which holds a deletion (Bulman et al. 457). Another six to ten percent of patients have a dystrophin gene which contains a duplication of one or more exons (Bulman et al. 457). Along with these mutations, other mapping techniques have been used to distinguish further disruptions in the dystrophin gene which seem to cause DMD. Western blotting techniques have been used to identify nonsense mutations on the dystrophin gene (Bulman et al. 458). Polymerase chain sequencing has been used to find a mutation in exon 26 (Bulman et al. 458). Southern analysis revealed that another gene problem which leads to DMD is a premature chain termination, which results in a truncated dystrophin protein (Clemens et al. 1781). These are all mutations found in patients with DMD, which shows that there are various ways the dystrophin gene can be affected. Each of these mutations cause a problem in that they do not function correctly when coding for the protein dystrophin. The malfunction of the protein dystrophin is responsible for the symptoms of DMD. If the dystrophin gene functions correctly, the normal allele codes for the production of the protein dystrophin ( NCBI ). This is a high molecular weight protein, and it is in .002% of the total proteins. Normally, the dystrophin protein functions inside muscle cells, providing structural support. It anchors parts of the internal
  • 38. Wole Soyinka s Death and the King s Horseman Essay Wole Soyinka s Death and the King s Horseman In his play, Death and the King s Horseman, Wole Soyinka would have us examine every clash and conflict, save for the one involving culture. Certainly this may seem the most obvious part of the play, but we would do the general understanding of Death a disservice if we ignored one of the central conflicts in the play. Every element of the play is placed in terms of two extremes, and the cultures must be considered one of those pairs. Suicide is no exception to this examination; it must be seen in the conflicting lights that Soyinka gives us: British vs. Yoruban, physical vs. metaphysical, personal vs. social; and an expression of failure vs. a form of redemption. In examining how the play ... Show more content on ... In Britain, the sadness comes from missing someone who clearly left the world too early before God called them. In Africa, the sadness comes from worrying about the destruction of the universe because tradition has been broken. So we arrive back where we started; the Yorubans consider everything in terms of a larger consciousness; Westerns in terms of personal freedom and experience. When all these ideologies are forced to coalesce during the colonial occupation, Elesin s situation is bound to happen. The clash of all these opposing ideas creates the conflict that makes Death and the King s Horseman. When Elesin s mind is given a taste of the English belief of free will, he is tempted away from his birth culture. The idea that the world does not rest on his shoulders, that the afterlife of the Yoruba might be false, and that he might continue to live until God chooses to strike him down (and enjoy the splendors of life and sex) creates a hole in his core beliefs. The taste is too much and too little; it nags in the back of his mind and eventually causes his downfall at the time of his expected suicide. Suicide becomes personal, physical, and scary. And so he runs away recklessly to the Westerners. Yet the fact that Elesin lives is a failure to the Yorubans and, although a momentary success, eventually becomes a failure as well to the British. He is forced to make a bad decision because he
  • 39. Essay On America By Allen Ginsberg In another famous poem of his titled, America , Allen Ginsberg reflects on the rottenness pervasive in his native country. He manifests strong resentment over the post World War US policy be it over nuclear bomb, or over Asian countries, or related to Communism for that matter. Ginsberg takes America to task for its hypocritical appearance. He claims that America may put up an exterior of an angelic country but it resembles a devil from within. Its acts do not correspond with its exterior. It betrays not only the onlookers but its own people. The poem being conversational in nature, rather expressively manifests truly the emotions of Ginsberg and the likes of him relating to America .The irregular structure of the poem , further complements the theme of the poem since through this irregularity , Ginsberg is able to convey the frustration of the commoners over the dirty politics of their leaders. Something similar in vein seems to be reiterated by Walt Whitmanin his poem, A Hand Mirror in which ... Show more content on ... It is a poem written and composed shortly after the demise of Ginsberg s mother Naomi Ginsberg. She was a mental patient and recurrently suffered several nervous breakdowns, one of which led to her tragic demise. In the poem Ginsberg ponders over the intense loss that he has suffered due to his others demise .His state as manifested in the poem comes across as of a person in shock, pain as well as self denial , one who denies in order to pacify himself. He initially denies his mother s death and tries to comprehend what has actually happened. But later on comes to accept it and remarks, that his mother s existence was a dream , a dream that has now passed into oblivion . In the words of critic Betty Friedan this rational and sane approach towards his mother s death reflects his approach towards life, and in general is symbolic of human approaches to losses, be they personal or
  • 40. Art Allows Me to Leave Reality Essay Good art allows me to flee the realms of reality. In my mind s limitless consciousness, I can escape the mundanity of everyday life. It opens a door in my head to a world only limited by my imagination. I am no more a slave to gravity, chained down on the earth when I am reading. I can be a bird and soar high above the clouds, or be a fish and swim deep down in the darkest depths of the ocean. I am there, I am that person, and everything else around me regardless of what it is, fades away. Sometimes these people are the one s I d like to be but sometimes I encounter nefarious characters I wholly condemn. I am able to feel the emotions that the artist intends for me to feel. However, it is not merely reading or listening, but understanding... Show more content on ... Languages form an essential part of every human experience. To express oneself is one of the simplest joys we can experience. English and Music are two such languages in my life, that indirectly relate to, have a profound impact on mine. My interests in Music, just as in Literature, extend to a wide array of genres, whether it be Bob Dylan or Tchaikovsky. After relentless perseverance at the age of 16, My father bought me a black dreadnought. I spent hours upon hours practicing by watching instructional videos and my favorite guitar players play. In no time I was playing shows, from winning school competitions to performing at live music theatre events. I had soon established a name for myself as a singer songwriter by being a supporting act for many bands. I soon began recording my rendition of songs on my laptop, eventually writing my own music and now working on my album. This has proved to be a huge learning curve, in enabling me to understand the dynamics of a composition, Thereby continually improving myself. In my spare time, I have been teaching English to Arab students. It has been a remarkably challenging experience. I have learned far more teaching than I had as a student, in trying to articulate my thoughts in words they could understand. This has been a humbling and rewarding experience. I realize there remains a vast ocean of knowledge I am still unaware of, which empowers me to thrive and work hard in an undergraduate environment. Art
  • 41. Abolishment Of Slavery In The USA A. i. In most cases, the more educated a country is, the more developed the country is. The concept is easier to understand on a smaller scale. Imagine two people, Person A and Person B. Both Person A and B are extremely intelligent and hardworking; the difference between them is their opportunities. They both have access to primary school, and do very well. Person A goes on to graduate from a secondary education, but Person B cannot because he does not have access to it. Person B gets an unspecialized job, where he cannot utilize his brainpower. His potential is wasted. After graduating from his secondary education, Person A goes for a tertiary education, where he gets a degree in engineering. He uses his degree to help his country develop. Now, imagine a country primarily populated with people like Person A. The country would develop rapidly. A country primarily populated with people like Person B, however would hardly develop. п»їii. Oftentimes, the higher the literacy rate is in a country, the more developed the country is. Literate people can get ... Show more content on ... Slavery prevented African Americans from reaching their full potential. Just like women in India, African American s potential contribution to developmentwas untouched. Unfortunately, racial inequality between African Americans and Caucasians in America went further than the abolishment of slavery. After the abolishment of slavery, most places were segregated. African Americans were isolated from opportunity. Fortunately, places are no longer segregated. Unfortunately, though, this does not make up for everything. As a whole, the African American population is not as developed. In fact, a significant majority of people living in ghettos are African American. This is because they had a late start to contributing to development. If it were not for slavery and segregation, African Americans would be just as developed as any other American
  • 42. Analysis Of Peasant Woman Cooking By A Fire Place Peasant Woman Cooking by a Fire Place by Vincent Van Gogh is a brilliant piece of artwork. If the audience truly ponders on this piece of art, it has a deep and serious meaning. The artworks meaning goes far past the viewing of the eye. A peasant woman is pictured cooking over an open fire. She is surrounded by darkness, in a messy setting with an unpleasant face. In PeasantWoman Cooking by Fire Place, Vincent Van Goghstrived to show the challenging and indigent life of peasants and lower class through value, facial expression and space. In Peasant Woman Cooking by a Fire Place, there is a great amount of value. For example, there is darkness around her nose and cheeks. This darkness symbolizes a dark cloud hanging over her, like she has shame and wretchedness sticking with her. Another example is the darkness around the edges of the painting. This darkness is like an arch around the peasant woman. By creating this distribution of value, Van Gogh creates a murky feeling. Van Gogh s main purpose for this distribution of value was to create an overall feeling for the audience, a feeling that would have the audience sense the challenging and depressing moments of peasants and lower class. The richness of the darkness helps the audience deeply feel the emotions of the peasant. There is also a hint of lightness in this artwork. The fire she is cooking on acts as the main light in the peasants living area. The fire lights up her face and hands, as well as behind the sitting
  • 43. Strategic Behavior And Game Theory Introduction Strategic behavior and game theory coincide together in many ways. Strategic behavior plans happen within the confines of game theory. Silva, Mota, and Gril (2015) describe game theory and all that is involved with it as one of the most powerful tools within social science in general and economics (p. 421). With this statement, a deeper look into the measures that sum up strategic behavior and game theory is essential for an understanding of a firm s decision in the global economy. Strategic Behavior Definition As oligopolists compete for advantages in their market, they must make decisions about the approach they take. Strategic behavior is the plan the oligopolist takes after understanding all of the measures that will go into the plan as well as the opportunity costs by not choosing other plans (Salvatore, 2015). These actions are taken into consideration by the competitors in the industry as well. They then must arrange or manipulate their plan in order to compete. Role in Economics Strategic behavior is what drives a company into a competitive market with the tools to be successful. If the leaders in a company do not take into account all of the criteria that establishes a strategic behavioral plan, they will not be able to compete in the industry at their highest potential. Ursacescu and Cioc (2015) describe the criteria that is incorporated into making strategic behavioral decisions such as operational intelligence, informational intelligence,
  • 44. Differences Between Freak The Mighty There are many differences between the book, Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick, and the movie, The Mighty, starring Kieran Culkin, Kevin, and Elden Henson, Max. There are many more than the ones I m about to list but these are just the major ones. Such as the way Max and Kevin meet, when they rescue the purse from the sewer, and Kevin s death. The first differenceis how Max and Kevin meet. In the book, Kevin gets his ornithopter stuck in a tree, and Max helps him get it out of the tree. In the movie, Kevin gets his ornithopter stuck in a tree, and Max just stares at him over the wooden gate trying not to get noticed, and then the next day when they come to school, Kevin is Max s tutor. I think this is one of the most important ones
  • 45. Exercise Questions On Angles Of Elevation And Depression Name : _____________________________ Rating : ______________ Course/ Yr and Sec : __________________ Date: _______________ Instructor: __________________________ Exercise 3.2 Angles of Elevation and Depression Solve the following problems correctly. Draw the figure if necessary. 1.From the top of a cliff 25 meters high, the angle of depression of a boat is 10o. How far out is the boat to the cliff? 2.To illuminate the entrance of the library building, a night light is mounted on a 6.6m pole. If the base of the pole is 24m from the entrance, find the angle of depression from the light. 3.The top of a lighthouse has an angle of elevation equal to 47030 ... Show more content on ... 4(d) =? why? Formula : tan Оё = d/a Solution: tan 85o15 = d 3 d = 3 (tan 85o15 ) = 3 (12.034622) = 36.10 k p. h. (speed of the car every 15 min.) 4(d) = 4(36.10) 144.4 k p. h. (speed of the car per hour) 2.Lighthouse X and Y are on a north south line. The bearing of a boat at sea from lighthouse X is S52o25 E which is 10 km due east of lighthouse Y. how far is lighthouse X for lighthouse Y? Figure:Solution: Let a = the distance of X from Y Tan 520 25 = 10 a a = 10 Tan 520 25 a = 7.7 km ( the distance of X from Y) Seatwork: 1.A west bound ship was sighted 1 mile south of a lighthouse. After 15 minutes its bearing was 670 3 W. How fast was the ship sailing? (Draw the figure). 2.A ship sails north from a dock for 30 miles and then east for 57 miles. What is its bearing from the dock? (Draw the
  • 46. Mokyr And The Industrial Revolution without a voice in history. As one can see throughout history, historians neglected much of the history of the lower classes until the 1960s and 1970s, which produced massive amounts of works pertaining to the social interactions of people. Walton, throughout his article, continues to carry on the story of the underprivileged and lower class people, We have seen that there was clear and sometimes very direct relationship between severe poverty and behavior which could be defined as insane by the relevant authorities. Focusing on the less fortunate became commonplace within the historical writing world of the 1960s 1970s, and these precise topics were different than any before it. Social historians approach to writing about the Industrial ... Show more content on ... Historians are now bringing in other disciplines to help further their look into certain historical periods. The Industrial Revolution is a widely covered topic, as one can see, but new breakthroughs in science have allotted historians to further their explanation, and this is true of Joel Mokyr discussing the Industrial Revolution. Mokyr uses scientific knowledge to make great distinctions between the East and West during the Industrial Revolution, The crucial difference between East and West was useful knowledge, that is, technology and its underlying epistemic base in natural philosophy, chemical, medical, and engineering knowledge. By introducing science into his research, Mokyr is able to make bold claims about the Industrial Revolution as to why it was a European abnormality. Mokyr dawns upon the idea that technology and science played a major role in making Europe a powerhouse, The great divergence between East and West as the central historiographical issue of our time, viewed science and technology as inseparable. Chinese technology, no matter how sophisticated and advanced, remained grounded on a narrow epistemic base. Historians are now using scientific research to further their views in history, and thus allowing modern historians to diagnose past events in another depth. Mokyr uses science again to prove why the Industrial Revolution happened in Europe and not Asia, As is well known, the Chinese in the Song period had discovered magnetism and developed a floating needle that served as a compass...Yet the understanding of electricity seems to have eluded them, let alone the connection between electricity and magnetism. This historian is able to bring in other disciplines to help his argument and assumptions, thus adding another level of research that a modern historian can use to his/her
  • 47. Exploring Corporate Strategy ECS8C_C01.qxd 22/10/2007 11:54 Page 597 CASE STUDIES ECS8C_C01.qxd 22 /10/2007 11:54 Page 598 ECS8C_C01.qxd 22/10/2007 11:54 Page 599 Guide to using the case studies The main text of this book includes 87 short illustrations and 15 case examples which have been chosen to enlarge speciп¬Ѓc issues in the text and /or provide practical examples of how business and public sector organisations are managing strategic issues. The case studies which follow allow the reader to extend this linking of theory and practice further by analysing the strategic issues of speciп¬Ѓc organisations in much greater depth and often providing solutions to some of the problems or difп¬Ѓculties identiп¬Ѓed in the case. There... Show more content on ... Pharmaceutical Industry global forces at work in the ethical pharmaceutical industry. TUI competitive forces in the travel industry. HiFi how can small players survive changing markets? Amazon (B) latest developments in a successful Formula One developing the capabilities for competitive success in a hi tech industry. Manchester United clash of expectations in the football world. Salvation Army strategic challenges for a global not for profit organisation with a mission. Bayer MS
  • 48. The Legend Of Subbanna Summary The play is a monologue based on the legend of Veeranna who belongs to the chitradurga region of Karnataka. Before its theatrical effectiveness in the play the legend is incorporated from Kannada writer, T.R. Subbanna s (Knows as TaRaSu) novel, Hamsageethe (Swan Song) Published in 1952. The title of the novel literally means the swan song of the protagonist, Venkatasubbayya whom Subbanna inserts in the tale of Veeranna, the archaka of the Hidambeshwara temple. About the legend narrated in Subbanna s version Aparna Bhargava Dharwadker writes in the Introduction to his collected Play (Vol.II): The married priesthas passionately in love with a mistress to whom he takes the offering form the temple after the evening prayers. One day the palegar (chieftain) discovers a hair in the prasada and demands and explanation from Veerganna, who claims that the hair belongs to god. Challenged by the chieftain to prove the truth of this claim, the priest in turn challenges god to display hair or accepts his head in punishment, and enters a meditative trance to the accompaniment of Venkatasubbayya s song. When the chieftain arrives the next day to expose Veeranna s lie, the Shivalinga has indeed sprouted long silken hair, and when (urged by the singer) he pulls out a tuft to test its authenticity, blood begins to ooze from the crown of the lingam. overwhelmed by a sense of sin at having injured the deity, Veeranna beheads himself in eh sanctum (xxxi). But
  • 49. Bernal DГaz Del Castillo s The Conquest Of New Spain The author of The Conquest of New Spain was Bernal DГaz del Castillo, a Spanish foot soldier who played a role in the conquest of Mexico. Decades after this conquest, Castillo chose to write his own personal account of the events that took place leading up to and during it. Due to the misrepresentation shown by Francisco Lopez de Gomara and Gonzalo de Illescas who spoke the truth neither in the beginning, nor the middle, nor the end , Castillo chose to write his own version (Cohen 1963, 7). Written with exceptional detail, his book gives readers an eyewitness account into the life of a soldier fighting to begin a new empire. Considering the fact that Castillo wrote this book as a first hand account, there could have been some conflict with the author s viewpoint, such as certain biases or exaggerations.... Show more content on ... Because of this, it is genuinely entertaining to read, unlike a more traditional history textbook. Textbooks simply relay facts, whereas his first hand account actually lets readers view history through the eyes of someone who was actually there to witness it. Castillo s narrative begins with him explaining exactly who he is and how he came to join Hernando Cortes in his conquest of New Spain. It is amazing how graphic and precise Castillo s details are, keeping in mind how long it has been since these events took place. One example of this is when he describes their meeting with Montezuma. His depiction gives readers such a vivid view into this historical meeting: The great Montezuma descended from his litter, and these other great Caciques supported him beneath a marvelously rich canopy of green feathers, decorated with gold work, silver, pearls, and chalchihuites, which hung from a sort of border (Cohen 1963, 217). He then goes on to describe exactly what Montezuma was wearing, going into great detail and really illustrating everything he saw and
  • 50. Nuclear Energy And Its Effects 1.Background Nuclear energy can be produced by fission, by splitting a nucleus into smaller products, (precisely equal parts). These products are equal to half of the original mass. In the process of nuclear fission, energy and neutrons will be emitted. Along with the emission of neutrons, also during the process of fission, a large amount of a product s energy is released. Every day we are surrounded by so much radiation however, only some radiation can be harmful to us. Radiation such as microwaves, radio waves, and infrared are classes as non ionizing and are not a threat to humans. Radiation classed as Ionizing radiation is most definitely harmful to us because it has the capability of removing electrons from other atoms and then ... Show more content on ... They also have a less powerful ionizing rate compared to alpha particles. Gamma rays are energy, also known as electromagnetic radiation. They have no charge or mass. They move through the air extremely quickly (at the speed of light) and to ionize them, they need to directly hit the nucleus of an atom. This suggests that gamma rays have a very low ionizing rate and can travel much t=further through the air compared to alpha and beta particles. Nuclear fuelled power plants are very similar to fossil fuelled power pants, in which they both turn water into steam in order to control the turbine generators that produce energy; the only difference is the source of heat. At nuclear powerplants, a nuclear reactor produces and controls the amount of energy that is released when atoms of Uranium split, which is called fission. The heat that is used to make this steam is created by this form of fission. Uranium fuelled nuclear power plants are a clean and efficient way of boiling water to produce the steam that is used to operate the turbine generators within the power plant. Figure 1 shows the equation for the nuclear fission of uranium 235. 2.Discussion Even though we use Nuclear energy to give places electricity, Nuclear energy is used in many more things than just in the production of electricity. Such as; Hospitals, schools, households or business , Nuclear Radiation can be used to treat heavy medical
  • 51. Moses vs Abraham In the Old Testament, Abraham and Moses were two very prominent leaders chosen by God to do his will. Throughout Genesis and Exodus, both men play important roles in fulfilling God s will. They are put to many tests, given covenants, and communicate constantly with God. Although they have many similarities such as being leaders and men of God, there are also many differences between the two. In terms of leadership, Abraham was a noble leader. Although he grew up in a camp where the notion of one God was not accepted, he eventually manages to become the leader of a tribe and make the people believe in his faith. He leads them around endlessly from Ur to Canaan, to Egypt, then back to Canaan. His tribe followed him around without much ... Show more content on ... And although they received similar covenants, they received it in a different way. When Abraham received his, he got it through prayer. This seems to be dominant during Abraham s days as a leader. He communicated with God mostly thought prayer. When he asked God for advise on what to do about Hagar and her son, he does it though prayer. When he asked God about the wicked city of Sodom, he did it in prayer. And finally
  • 52. Fuel Subsidies Literature Review Literature Review Neellohit Datta (1315709) Topic: The Effectiveness of Fuel Subsidies on Developing Economies Introduction: Black Gold is the other name for petroleum, the reason being, it is black when it is extracted, and subsequently the byproducts such as petrol, diesel, LPG, propane and so on are as precious as gold. As importing fuel for the less petroleum rich countries is costly, the government generally gives subsidies to the residents of the nation, to make the byproducts more easily accessible. They are also used as an attempt to avoid inflation in the economy and safeguard citizens from the price fluctuations in the global energy markets. The flipside is that the Fuel subsidies given by the ... Show more content on ... Walsh (May 2013): The Fiscal and Welfare Impacts of Reforming Fuel Subsidies in India URL: Michael Plante (March 2013): The Long run Macroeconomic Impacts of Fuel Subsidies URL: /wp1303.pdf Javier Arze del Granado, David Coady, and Robert Gillingham (September 2010): The Unequal Benefits of Fuel Subsidies: A Review of Evidence for Developing Countries URL: Brendan Greely (March 2014): Why Fuel Subsidies in Developing Nations Are an Economic Addiction URL: 03 13/why fuel subsidies in developing nations are an economic addiction Utpal Bhaskar (February 2015): Budget 2015: Petroleum subsidy slashed by half URL:
  • 53. Lethal Injection Of Capital Punishment In The United States Introduction: Capital Punishment is usually reserved for the country s most vicious and non rehabilitatable murderers. These men and women actually will know the day they die; albeit not naturally. These Inmates will be put to death by a U.S. state, the federal government, or the U.S. military. The most common method of execution is lethal injection. Lethal injection is used in some states in conjunction with the less popular hanging, electrocution, lethal gas, and shooting squad methods. But, in recent times these antiquated methods are used as a backup in case of shortage of the drugs required for lethal injection. Large pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer, have no longer been selling their drugs to correctional institutions for ... Show more content on ... In an opinion concurring in the Supreme Court s order denying review in a Texas death penalty case, Callins v. Collins, No. 93 7054, Justice Scalia wrote, The Fifth Amendment provides that (n)o person shall be held to answer for a capital . . . crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, . . . nor be deprived of life . . . without due process of law. This clearly permits the death penalty to be imposed, and establishes beyond doubt that the death penalty is not one of the cruel and unusual punishments prohibited by the Eighth
  • 54. The Consequent Analysis Of The Minnesota Starvation... In 1946, the Minnesota Starvation Experiment was directed by a doctor named Ancel Keys (Colin, 2017). The consequent analysis of the results from this experiment is what this paper is focused on. For the experiment, 36 young, healthy men volunteered to be test subjects. They had initially acquired eating disorders and were put into consideration with the purpose of checking on the complications that came by as a result of the disorders associated with eating for this period (Colin, 2017). Initially, this particular experiment was a design that was meant to provide a better understanding about human starvationas well as providing a guide on the efforts directed towards giving relief to the famine that resulted during the ending of war. More so, for this experiment, preliminary results happened to be used by the workers in the regions affected during the year 1946 and was characterized by a period of semi starvation (6 Months) (Arcelus, 2015). During this period for the experiment, intake for the participants was drastically reduced to 1560 calories a day with consequent reduction and strict control of physical activities. Consequently, the participants experienced psychological problems that were very severe including depression, hypochondria, self mutilation and even hysteria. In addition, there was evidence of eating disorders such as sexual interest reduction, food preoccupation, food hording, poor concentration and as well as edema on the extremities (Hofer, 2014).
  • 55. Breadwinner Perseverance Quotes Over the mountains, in the city of Kabul in the marketplace, tea boys running around in the hot sun selling gum, tea, and cigarettes. But in the corner next to a building there is a young boy sitting on a blanket reading and writing letters. But what might think of an average boy, there is actually a girl trying to help out her family. Parvana is that boy on the blanket. Perseverance is defined as someone whom is going through a difficult time but manage to stay strong. In the book, The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis, is about having hope even when times don t look so good. The Breadwinner reveals how a girl, Parvana, shows perseverance throughout the story. (Rylie) First of all, Parvana shows perseverance by agreeing to cut her hair and dress as a boy to work and get food for her family. The book states, She took off her own clothes and put on her brother s. Hossain s shalwar kameez was pale green, both the loose shirt and the baggy trousers. This explains how Parvana demonstrates perseverance by showing that she cuts her hair, and dresses in her brother s shalwar kameez to look and act like a boy. Parvana takes a risk and transforms into a boy, so she can go work at the market to make money for her family.... Show more content on ... Weera to wait for her father to get out of jail, and not going with her mother and siblings to Mazar Sharif for Nooria s wedding. The text states, I m not going to Mazar! This illustrates that Parvana shows perseverance because she is willing to be away from her family for a very long time, just so she can stay home to wait for her father. This also explains perseverance because Parvana talks back to her mother, she demands that she stay home and will not go anywhere until she finds her father and know he is
  • 56. Halmoni And The Picnic Summary Unit Enhancement to Address Diversity Halmoni and the Picnic Story by Nyul Choi Halmoni and the Picnic is a story in our unit of study. This is a story that most students enjoy reading year after every year. My additions to the lesson to the reading lesson are in italics to show how I could make the lesson more multicultural. The summary of the Halmoni and the Picnic story: Yunmi is concerned about her grandmother, Halmoni, who has lately moved from the country of Korea to stay with Yunmi s familyin America. The grandmother is not comfortable in the strange new culture, and she is too shy to converse in English and create new associates. Yunmi and her schoolmates Anna Marie and Hellen decide to ask Yunmi s grandmother to join them in their ... Show more content on ... Sometimes I have the girls read a page altogether, at times all the boys read at once, sometimes I read a page aloud and other times the east or west half of the class. I can see that this takes the attention of the student who isn t such a good reader and it this strategy does well in my classroom. There is good comprehension questions listed in my teaching manual that I use. After the execution of the new joint center standards, I have learned that I should have the students review the story. This is an issue I plan to add to the lesson. To help understand the story, I tell the students to go through the pages and attempt to foretell what will happen in the story. I have the students try to suggest which characters are grandmother Halmoni, Anna Marie, Yunmi, and Helen. As they try to find these characters, I ask my students whether they think they feel sad or happy. When we have done reading the story, I feel it is essential to have the students discuss whether their projections about what the story would be about being right. Then I ask the students what is the problem in the story and how was it solved. A number of the concepts taught in this story include predicting outcomes, writing an invitation, using context to figure out unknown words, and irregular verbs. It would be fun for the students to set apart some time and write their own invitation for that
  • 57. Radiology Research Papers Radiology research paper Cone beam computed tomography Theodore Bennett #4 Dental Assisting 125 Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a specialized type of x ray examination used to create 3 dimensional images of the head and neck structure. After attending a lecture on this technology I was greatly interested to learn more. For this research paper I wanted to compare and contrast cone beam CT with other more traditional types of radiographic exam equipment. Since their first discovery and usage in the 1890 s, X ray machines have seen many developments and improvements. One of the biggest advances has been the creation of machines which can produce a fully three dimensional image. When most people think of dental x rays, ... Show more content on ... This mode of examination allows the healthcare provider to obtain a much greater amount of information then is available with more traditional forms of x ray examination. Because most x rays are a 2 dimensional representation of a 3 dimensional object, many important details and subtle differences are lost in the translation. With cone beam CT you are able to see different structures from multiple vantage points. These characteristics make it the choice of many speciality dental practices, in particular oral surgery. While it s cost does make it a major investment, cone beam CT is an excellent technology which is able to do things which other x ray units cannot. I look forward to hopefully getting some more hands on experience with this fascinating
  • 58. Essay on History of Surfing History of Surfing Surfing, act of riding on waves as they break over a shallow shoreline surface, such as a reef, sand bar, or some other submerged surface. People can surf with just their body, this is called body surfing, or by lying, kneeling, or standing on a surfboard. Equipment Used The Surfboard Modern surfboards are constructed of a plastic foam core that can be shaped by hand or machine, then covered with a shell of fiberglass and resin. Personal boards can vary in dimensions. The high performance surfboards used by top professional competitors are about 6 to 6.5 feet long, and 18.5 inches wide, less than 2.5 inches thick, and weigh about 6 pounds. These boards are called shortboards. Most longboards are 9 feet ... Show more content on ... In competition, surfers are judged using a subjective system that awards points based on the size of the wave ridden, the distance ridden, and the quality of the maneuvers performed by the surfer. Now that we know the basics what about the other stuff??? The Roots of Surfing Hawaii Although no one knows exactly where and when stand up surfing began, there is no doubt that over the centuries the ancient sport of he e nalu (wave sliding) was perfected by the Kings and Queens, and by men and women in the Sandwich Isles, long before the 15th century. Of the Hawaiians who surfed, it was the chiefly class who claimed the highest reputation for dedicated proficiency with board and waves. They had their own prayers, chanters, board shapers, wood and beaches where they alone could surf with others of similar rank. No one dared to drop in on their wave, that meant death, or at least a near death experience. Surfing achieved a special status and respectability in ancient Hawaii. Renowned surfers were celebrated in song and dance and often enjoyed special privileges in the royal circle. Which ever board they choose, being the long or short board, the Chiefs took great pride in the skill, grace, speed and courage with which they rode the Pacific s swells. However humble one s surfboard was, it was treated with respect. Even before the board was shaped a proper surfbuilding ritual was observed. It began with a tree. Only three types of trees were