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The 2010 FedEx/Ketchum Social
Media Benchmarking Study
A Note from FedEx and Ketchum
Dear Colleague,

We are excited to present you with our findings and insights from the 2010 FedEx/Ketchum
Social Media Benchmarking Study—a comprehensive exploration of how social media
impacts today’s communications landscape. This document reflects the input of leaders
from over 60 top global organizations across most major industries.!

Study participants answered the social media related questions keeping many of us up at
night: How do we leverage social media to drive internal culture, brand performance, and
reputation management? What is the appropriate budget allocation to support social
media programming? How should we adapt internal structures to develop and roll out
social media strategies? What is the best way to measure the ROI of social media spend?

It is our sincere hope that you find the trends and best practices we uncovered as helpful
as we do, and that we will continue to build our collective strength in this new
communications frontier together. Thanks to all those organizations who committed their
time to this effort. This study would not have happened without your enthusiastic


Bill Margaritis                           David B. Rockland, Ph.D.
SVP, Global Communications                Partner
& Investor Relations                      Ketchum, Inc.
FedEx Corporation                          2
Study Background
Motivation & Methodology
FedEx and Ketchum initiated this study to benchmark best
practices in leveraging social media to drive internal culture,
brand performance, and reputation management.
           Both organizations recognized a lack of in-­depth
           research regarding how social media impacts the
           way companies program, budget, and set up their
           Ketchum used a standardized interview protocol to
           guide 30 minute conversations with Chief
           Communications Officers or their Social Media Leads
           at 62 leading companies across most major industries.
           Interviews occurred between August and October

Participating Companies

a Wide Range of Industries

                    6% 3%   3%

         15%                     13%         Consumer Products
                                             Financial Services
                                       12%   Food & Beverage

    7%                                       Healthcare
                                             Professional Services
         8%                      9%          Technology
Executive Summary (1/2)
The way the world                 100% of companies reported some degree of social
communicates is                   media engagement regardless of industry.
changing. You can                Participants agreed that social media is a channel (not a
either adapt or                  strategy) that should be part of a holistic communication
become irrelevant.               and marketing approach tied to business goals.
                           Companies recognized that social media is distinct from
                           traditional channels in its interactivity, transparency, and
                           embrace of informality. These characteristics demand
                           unparalleled degrees of collaboration across businesses and
                           functions including Communications, Marketing,
                           Legal/Compliance, and IT.
              Participants repeatedly stressed the necessity for transparency and
              authenticity in every social media program, no matter its simplicity
              or sophistication.
            Social media leaders argue that the voice and tone that works in traditional

            means credible.

            seven distinct phases: Listening, Reclaiming, Collaborating, Strategy &
            Planning, Experimenting, Assessing, and Refining.

            Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are the dominant social media platforms,
            but participants repeatedly conveyed the need to stay on top of emerging
            tools and technology in order to remain relevant.
Executive Summary (2/2)
                                  Organizations recognized the rise of citizen journalism
to feedback,                      and the need to engage bloggers to support brand
                                  development and reputation management.
play.                          Participants conveyed significantly greater focus on
                               external rather than internal social media applications, but
                               expressed strong interest in ramping up capabilities
                               primarily via enhanced intranets in 2011 and beyond.
                       Participants most frequently estimated spending between five
                       and fifteen percent of their overall communications budgets on
                       social media programming in 2010.
               Organizations are trending towards more formal collaborative social
               media oversight models that are inclusive of diverse business units and
               Most organizations do not have formal internal learning programs
               established to promote the development of social media expertise.
               Companies continue to see the value in partnering with third parties to
               develop and execute social media programming.

Terms & Players
Defining Terms:
Social Media vs. Digital Assets
Participants agreed that social media and digital assets are equally
important, fundamentally different, and often complementary.
Social media is most commonly characterized as a means for two-­
way dialogue with internal and external stakeholders.
Digital Assets are most commonly described as owned properties,
tools, or rich media content (e.g., websites, apps, or video) that
companies create to support online programming.
Companies use digital assets to enrich the conversations they
participate in via social media forums.
Externally, the most commonly leveraged social media
platforms include:

                                                        Digital assets and
                                                   social media go hand-­

                                                      tools that power the
                                                               social web.
100% of study participants reported some degree
of social media presence.
The most common external objectives included:
     Generating word of mouth advocacy
     Developing brand loyalty and closer
     relationships with customers
     Addressing customer care issues
     Educating costumers and media about
     company-­related issues
     Supporting product/service launch/sales
Each major channel (Twitter, Facebook, and
YouTube) serves its own purpose and participants
were hesitant to compare effectiveness across
Twitter is the favored channel supporting
customer care and media relations.
Facebook and YouTube are most frequently
leveraged to develop brand loyalty and closer
relationships with customers, and to share
product/service information.

                                                   ignoring it.

Leadership, Participation, and Observation
Participants fell into three distinct categories based on their degree of social media
engagement. Current social media leaders are mostly B2C companies.

 Engrain social media in every aspect of communication.
 Identify and integrate new social media tools on an ongoing basis.            10%
 Employ in-­house team of three or more social media specialists.


 Engrain social media in some aspects of communication.
 Explore integration of new social media tools following validation from
 businesses leading in the social space.
 Hire 1 specialist and/or expand responsibilities of communicators to include
 social media competence and rely on agency support for expert counsel.
 Engrain social media in few aspects of communication.
 Seek to build awareness of the social media landscape and
 how to play effectively.
 Expand responsibilities of communicators to include social media
 competence and rely on agency support for expert counsel.                       have to be a leader.

                                                    *Note: Percentages
                                                     reflect estimates
                                                                                be a close follower. It
                                                     based on evaluation           all depends what
                                                     of participant profiles
                                                     developed via
We found a strong social      What About Companies in
media advocate on the
Compliance team, and              Regulated Industries?
that made all the                         Companies in regulated industries
difference in the world             (healthcare, financial services, energy,
in terms of selling our
                                  etc.) reported social media participation
ideas in to
leadership.                                     despite clear legal hurdles.

                  Participant Insights
             4   ideas for social media success in
                 regulated industries
         1. Research the rules regarding disclosure and
         2. Manage internal stakeholder expectations and
            identify internal champions from across the
         3. Establish a business case and ongoing
            management plan with Legal/Compliance teams.
         4. In particularly risk-­averse cultures, consider
            focusing social media outreach on a specific
            theme like Corporate Responsibility efforts.
B2C companies are
The B2B Opportunity                                           leading the social
B2B companies also reported significant social
media programming across the major channels.               B2Bs are just waking
                                                          up to these tools and
B2B participants lagged behind their B2C                      the best will learn
counterparts in terms of the depth and sophistication
of programming, but shared plans for ramping up                how to leverage
participation.                                                     them to win.

            Participant Insights
                  3   ideas driving B2B social media trends

                    1. Even if buyers are senior and less likely to care
                       about social media, the managers who influence
                       them do.
                    2. As the prevalence of e-­commerce continues to
                       grow, so does the opportunity to drive traffic to
                       websites through digital and social media
                    3. Video trumps words when it comes to explaining
                       products and services in simple, visually
                       compelling ways.
External Social Media Programming
I realize everyone is
Strategy vs. Channel                                                 telling you social
                                                                  media is a unicorn,
Participants agreed that social media is a
channel, not a strategy
Social media programming should be part of a
holistic communication and marketing approach
tied to business goals.

There was wide-­spread agreement that social media is not a
                                                                                     Jay Baer,
                                                                            Independent Social
                                                                               Media Strategist
                  Companies recognized that social media is distinct from
                  traditional channels in its interactivity, transparency, and
                  embrace of informality.

                  These characteristics demand unparalleled degrees of
                  collaboration across businesses and functions including
                  Communications, Marketing, Legal/Compliance, and IT.

Crawl . Walk. Run. Be
 Getting Started                                very deliberate about

                                                very conscious along
media programs revealed seven distinct phases
                                                the way.

Nail the Fundamentals:
                              Participation & Planning

Participant Insights
Two ways to crash and burn out of the gate (and how to avoid them)
                  LACK OF
                  ONGOING                demands ongoing
                  PARTICIPATION          participation the dialogue

                  LACK OF A
                  CRISIS RESPONSE        media-­oriented crisis
                  STRATEGY               management plan to protect
                                         against the risk of viral

The Twin Pillars of
                          Transparency & Authenticity
               Participants repeatedly stressed the necessity for transparency and
              authenticity in every social media program, no matter its simplicity or
                 Social media leaders argue that the voice and tone that works in

                                              CONVERSATIONAL = CREDIBLE

                                                                   -­up organizations
                                                             brands       a matter of

                                                  for the company and its customers.
                               Organizations also expressed awareness of the online
You have to be              Before launching any new social endeavor, ask yourself:
genuine online
same as the real                          WHAT VALUE ARE WE ADDING TO THE
world. People realize                     COMMUNITIES WE SEEK TO ENGAGE?

Content is king the             Participating companies characterized
tools are important but           the content that is most often shared
they are only tools.             among target audiences in two ways:
Authentic messaging is
                                               ENTERTAINING OR HELPFUL

                    What makes content entertaining depends on the

                 highly regarded content.
                 Helpful content provides information about products or
                 services that enhances the customer experience.

                                shared via social media channels received
                                positive responses among customers.

Using the Big Three: Twitter, Facebook,
and YouTube
The social media space is rapidly evolving and new technologies and
tools are consistently emerging. Even if companies are not using the
latest platforms, (e.g., Foursquare, Gowalla, Tumblr) most agree that

                             At present Twitter, Facebook, and
                             YouTube are the dominant platforms,
                               and in the following slides we feature
                                     three celebrated programs from
                                        participating companies.

Tackling Twitter with GM
   GM tackles reputation management using
   multiple social media channels including Twitter.
   Training employees to send a mix of both
   personal and professional tweets and status
   human side even through times of crisis.
   To begin, GM developed an online social media
   training portal for novice users and offered
   advanced in-­person courses for more web savvy
   team members. About 2,000 employees
   completed the online introduction in its first two
   months alone and thousands more have
   participated since. GM is currently updating its
   social media policy and training approach to
   require all employees to go through training
   while creating two distinct groups of users
   those who are authorized to speak on behalf of
   GM and everyone else.                                                                GM social media training portal

   Employee driven social media programming
   bankruptcy and brand building efforts.
   Employee tweet examples include:
                                                                        Repaying taxpayers ahead of
                                                                        schedule because we are designing,
             Great weather for the                                      building, and selling the best cars and
                                                                        trucks ever.

 Source: Miller, Lindsay. Can GM employees woo the country back through social media? May 3, 2010.
Facebook Fantasy with PepsiCo and Doritos

                       Doritos Canada leveraged Facebook
             to promote a contest where users were asked to
             name a mysterious new chip flavor and create a
             30-­second video commercial advertising it.

             Doritos offered $25,000 and 1% of future consumer
             sales to the winning commercial and name.

             The contest drew over 75,000 participants, 14.5
             million page views, and 2.1 million video views.

             More than 900,000 consumers visited the Doritos
             Facebook page over the course of the two-­month

             Doritos' sales in Canada doubled during that time.

  Source: Wood, Cara. Creative solutions from Doritos, Club ABC Tours, Meg Whitman.
          Direct Marketing News. October 12, 2009.
Utilizing YouTube with Ford

Ford gave away 100 Ford Fiestas for six months
complete with free gas, insurance, parking and a
concierge service to 100 lucky recipients.
Each one was sent
documented for public consumption and shared
across major social media platforms.
Official Fiesta Movement content has drawn 6.5
million YouTube views and 3.7 million Twitter
The program has elicited the interest of about 50,000
                                        currently drive a
Ford. Ford sold 10,000 units in the first six days of
  Source: McCracken, George. How Ford Got Social Marketing Right. Harvard Business Review.
          January 7, 20110.
Navigating the Blogosphere
Organizations recognized the rise of citizen journalism and
the need to engage bloggers to support brand development                          everywhere.
and reputation management.
                                                                               Concentrate on
                                                                                   where your
general media relations strategies.
                                                                                consumers are.
Most companies stressed the need to differentiate between bloggers
with real influence versus those with relatively small followings leveraging
monitoring services to determine the appropriate level of engagement.

                 Participant Insights
                           3    ideas supporting stronger
                                blogger relationships
                           1. Invite bloggers to on-­site events and give them
                              special access to products and services.
                           2. Be transparent about relevant business goals and
                              ensure bloggers disclose their association with the

                                press releases to enable them to better use their
                                unique voices in posts.
Internal Social Media Programming
Growing Interest in Internal Social Media
Participants conveyed significantly greater focus on external rather than internal social
media applications, but expressed strong interest in ramping up capabilities primarily
via social media equipped intranets in 2011 and beyond. The most frequently
referenced intranet features included leadership blogs, wikis, and             -­

40%           of study participants already have social media equipped intranets

50%           of study participants plan to redesign their intranets in the next one
              to two years to include greater social media capabilities

              of study participants do not have significant social

10%           media intranet capability and do not plan to add
              tools in the next one to two years
                                                                                  These tools
                                                                             present a whole
                                             *Note: Percentages                  new way of
                                              reflect estimates
                                              based on evaluation
                                              of participant profiles
                                              developed via
                                                                                   across the
                                              interviews.                         enterprise.
Adding Value Inside the Enterprise
       The most common internal social media objectives were:
                   Enhancing knowledge management
                   Supporting collaboration within and across teams,
                   functions, and geographies
                   Developing culture and community
                       Participants reported that investment in internal social
                       media applications is most strongly tied to tool
                       purchase and development. Upkeep and ongoing
                       management is not a major cost.
                                            Organizations use intranet
                                            analytics (blog development,
Employees are                               comments, discussion board
using social media                          activity, etc.) and broader
all the time at                             engagement and
                                            communications survey results to
using the tools                             monitor and measure the impact
                                            of internal social media
with in the                                 programming.
Three Keys to Effective
Intranet Management
Participants agreed on three critical steps guiding effective intranet
development and ongoing management:
         1. Ensure proper leadership and employee buy-­in.
            Create a business case to build executive support.
            Begin and end development with employee needs in mind    not a
            corporate vision.
            Engage employees throughout the design process to develop a
            user-­centric experience.

          2. Establish strategic roll-­out plans including pilot programs.
            Leverage formal internal communications channels and
            informal influencers to drive awareness and adoption.
            Ensure opportunities for training and dialogue about
            how to leverage new tools.                                Be patient and
                                                                       develop thick
         3. Build ongoing governance and
            moderation plans.
                                                                       skin. It takes a
            Establish clear roles and responsibilities to             while to get an
            ensure effective content management at                   effective intranet
            corporate and local levels.                               off the ground.

Developing Social Media Policies
 Participant Insights
4    themes regarding employee social media policy
1.   Most companies either have, or plan to develop social media policies in the

2.   Effective policies are natural extensions of existing codes of
     conduct. For example:
            Keep confidential information private
            Only speak on behalf of the company if authorized
            Identify yourself as an employee if endorsing a

3.   Strong policy development is the result of:
           External benchmarking many policies are published
           Cross-­functional collaboration typically Comms/
           Marketing, Legal/Compliance, and HR play leading roles

4.   Employee buy-­in and adoption of policies is driven by clear
     internal communication and relevant learning opportunities.
Cracking the Code on Monitoring
          & Measurement
        Companies are distinguishing between monitoring of online mentions
        and activity versus measuring the ROI of social media spend.
        Participants cited Radian6 as the paid monitoring partner of choice,
        but competitors such as BuzzMetrics, Evolve24, Focus, Symphony,
        and Sysomos (among others) were also mentioned.
          The most common free services include TweetDeck and Google
              Participants generally agreed that there is no consistent,
              reliable approach to measurement and determining ROI.
                         There is widespread agreement that looking solely at

                               Companies expressed the desire to improve the
Everyone is struggling         way they assess quality of online interaction,
to figure out how you          level of user engagement, and ultimately
determine the impact           impact on business performance.
on the business. It
might not be a
dollar figure.
Measurement Progress:
The Barcelona Principles
                 Top experts from the Association for Measurement and the Evaluation
                 of Communication (AMEC), the Public Relations Society of America
                 (PRSA), and other major industry organizations have established a set
                 of seven principles to guide communications measurement.

                 and outlines the following agreements to inform future social media
                 measurement efforts:

   Organizations need clearly defined goals and outcomes for social media.
   Media content analysis should be supplemented by web and search analytics, sales and
   CRM data, survey data and other methods.
   Evaluating quality and quantity is critical, just as it is with conventional media.

   Understanding reach and influence is important, but existing sources are not accessible,
   transparent or consistent enough to be reliable;; experimentation and testing are key to

How Much Does it Cost?
Money is allocated on a project by project basis by different functions,
divisions, or sub-­brands, depending on type and need.
Participants most frequently estimated spending between five and fifteen
percent of their overall external communications budgets on social media
programming in 2010.
Most organizations predicted budget increases in social media spending
in 2011, but participants were hesitant to quantify growth estimates.
Social media programming budgets may be off-­set by investment in
talent (FTEs) with specific social media-­related roles (salary is a
fixed cost).
                  Typically, there is more budget allocated
                  to digital assets than social media
                  more established, better understood,
                  and easier to measure.
                                                                on investment
                                                                you have to put
                                                                 in to get out.

The Evolution of the
                                                               Social media is forcing
Communications Team                                                   business units to
Structure                                                         collaborate in ways
                                                                     they never have
Communications tends to oversee social media programming      before. You really have
and execution, but Marketing also plays a leading role           to be aligned across
particularly when social media programming is oriented around
product launch and promotion. Legal/Compliance teams are more          the enterprise.
integrally involved in social media programming in regulated industries.

Organizations are trending towards more formal collaborative social
media oversight models that are inclusive of diverse business units and
functions (Comms, Marketing, Legal/Compliance, Business Leaders).

There are disparate approaches to evolving team structures. Some organizations
have created new groups of 1-­10 people focused exclusively on social media.
Others rely on current staff to expand their expertise. The direction of choice

content to be participants.

Most organizations are either already including or plan to include a degree of
social media competency in job descriptions.

Building Social Media Capabilities
Most organizations do not have formal internal learning programs
established to promote the development of social media expertise.
Participants leverage the following learning solutions to support social
media competence building among communications team members:
      Peer-­to-­peer training: Many companies identified internal social
      media experts and empowered them to bring colleagues up to
      Reverse mentoring: Younger professionals are frequently
      tapped to onboard more experienced team members.
      One-­off courses provided by agencies: Most participants
      mentioned leveraging agency-­sponsored workshops to
      build social media knowledge.
           Many participants advocated attending
             social media conferences, but                  works great to have
             highlighted that many cover familiar           a peer lead training
             territory and the most effective ones          sessions. People are
              are targeted at their particular                more receptive to
               industries.                                       new ideas from
                                                                  someone they
You need an expert                      Agencies & Vendors
whether in-­house or
agency-­based to                   Most organizations continue to see value in
really make the most      partnering with third parties to develop and execute
of social media.                                    social media programming.

                       Participants reported that PR and Advertising firms both
                        have significant influence as social media counselors.

                Boutique digital and social media shops also provide valuable
                               insight to a smaller portion of study participants.

                   Most companies did not share plans to significantly shift the
                                  nature or scope of agency engagement.

Concluding Thoughts & Contact Details
Social media is disrupting the way the world communicates and
companies must continue to evolve how they interact with people to
remain relevant.

The pace and scope of change as new tools and technology emerge
demands an unparalleled degree of organizational nimbleness.

As digital and social tools become the go-­to resources for everything
from news and information to friendship and love, smart brands will
continue to figure out better ways to add value to the online
experience internally and externally.

We look forward to addressing your feedback, questions, or comments.

Renee Horne                                   Daniel Dworkin
Director, Digital & Social Media Engagement   Senior Consultant
FedEx Corporation                             Ketchum Pleon Change                   


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Fed exsocialmediastudy findingsreport_final

  • 1. The 2010 FedEx/Ketchum Social Media Benchmarking Study
  • 2. A Note from FedEx and Ketchum Dear Colleague, We are excited to present you with our findings and insights from the 2010 FedEx/Ketchum Social Media Benchmarking Study—a comprehensive exploration of how social media impacts today’s communications landscape. This document reflects the input of leaders from over 60 top global organizations across most major industries.! Study participants answered the social media related questions keeping many of us up at night: How do we leverage social media to drive internal culture, brand performance, and reputation management? What is the appropriate budget allocation to support social media programming? How should we adapt internal structures to develop and roll out social media strategies? What is the best way to measure the ROI of social media spend? It is our sincere hope that you find the trends and best practices we uncovered as helpful as we do, and that we will continue to build our collective strength in this new communications frontier together. Thanks to all those organizations who committed their time to this effort. This study would not have happened without your enthusiastic participation. Best, Bill Margaritis David B. Rockland, Ph.D. SVP, Global Communications Partner & Investor Relations Ketchum, Inc. FedEx Corporation 2
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 8 10 16 27 32 33 35 38 39
  • 5. Motivation & Methodology FedEx and Ketchum initiated this study to benchmark best practices in leveraging social media to drive internal culture, brand performance, and reputation management. Both organizations recognized a lack of in-­depth research regarding how social media impacts the way companies program, budget, and set up their teams. Ketchum used a standardized interview protocol to guide 30 minute conversations with Chief Communications Officers or their Social Media Leads at 62 leading companies across most major industries. Interviews occurred between August and October 2010. 5
  • 7. Demographics: a Wide Range of Industries 6% 3% 3% Airline 15% 13% Consumer Products Energy Financial Services 12% Food & Beverage 7% Healthcare Manufacturing Other 3% Professional Services Retail 8% 9% Technology Telecommunication 6% 15% 7
  • 8. Executive Summary (1/2) The way the world 100% of companies reported some degree of social communicates is media engagement regardless of industry. changing. You can Participants agreed that social media is a channel (not a either adapt or strategy) that should be part of a holistic communication become irrelevant. and marketing approach tied to business goals. Companies recognized that social media is distinct from traditional channels in its interactivity, transparency, and embrace of informality. These characteristics demand unparalleled degrees of collaboration across businesses and functions including Communications, Marketing, Legal/Compliance, and IT. Participants repeatedly stressed the necessity for transparency and authenticity in every social media program, no matter its simplicity or sophistication. Social media leaders argue that the voice and tone that works in traditional means credible. seven distinct phases: Listening, Reclaiming, Collaborating, Strategy & Planning, Experimenting, Assessing, and Refining. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are the dominant social media platforms, but participants repeatedly conveyed the need to stay on top of emerging tools and technology in order to remain relevant. 8
  • 9. Executive Summary (2/2) Organizations recognized the rise of citizen journalism to feedback, and the need to engage bloggers to support brand development and reputation management. play. Participants conveyed significantly greater focus on external rather than internal social media applications, but expressed strong interest in ramping up capabilities primarily via enhanced intranets in 2011 and beyond. Participants most frequently estimated spending between five and fifteen percent of their overall communications budgets on social media programming in 2010. Organizations are trending towards more formal collaborative social media oversight models that are inclusive of diverse business units and functions. Most organizations do not have formal internal learning programs established to promote the development of social media expertise. Companies continue to see the value in partnering with third parties to develop and execute social media programming. 9
  • 11. Defining Terms: Social Media vs. Digital Assets Participants agreed that social media and digital assets are equally important, fundamentally different, and often complementary. Social media is most commonly characterized as a means for two-­ way dialogue with internal and external stakeholders. Digital Assets are most commonly described as owned properties, tools, or rich media content (e.g., websites, apps, or video) that companies create to support online programming. Companies use digital assets to enrich the conversations they participate in via social media forums. Externally, the most commonly leveraged social media platforms include: Digital assets and social media go hand-­ tools that power the social web. 11
  • 12. 100% of study participants reported some degree of social media presence. The most common external objectives included: Generating word of mouth advocacy Developing brand loyalty and closer relationships with customers Addressing customer care issues Educating costumers and media about company-­related issues Supporting product/service launch/sales Each major channel (Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube) serves its own purpose and participants were hesitant to compare effectiveness across mediums. Twitter is the favored channel supporting customer care and media relations. Facebook and YouTube are most frequently leveraged to develop brand loyalty and closer relationships with customers, and to share product/service information. ignoring it. 12
  • 13. Leadership, Participation, and Observation Participants fell into three distinct categories based on their degree of social media engagement. Current social media leaders are mostly B2C companies. Leadership Engrain social media in every aspect of communication. Identify and integrate new social media tools on an ongoing basis. 10% Employ in-­house team of three or more social media specialists. Participation 75% Engrain social media in some aspects of communication. Explore integration of new social media tools following validation from businesses leading in the social space. Hire 1 specialist and/or expand responsibilities of communicators to include social media competence and rely on agency support for expert counsel. Observation Engrain social media in few aspects of communication. Seek to build awareness of the social media landscape and how to play effectively. 15% Expand responsibilities of communicators to include social media competence and rely on agency support for expert counsel. have to be a leader. *Note: Percentages reflect estimates be a close follower. It based on evaluation all depends what of participant profiles developed via interviews. achieve. 13
  • 14. We found a strong social What About Companies in media advocate on the Compliance team, and Regulated Industries? that made all the Companies in regulated industries difference in the world (healthcare, financial services, energy, in terms of selling our etc.) reported social media participation ideas in to leadership. despite clear legal hurdles. Participant Insights 4 ideas for social media success in regulated industries 1. Research the rules regarding disclosure and reporting. 2. Manage internal stakeholder expectations and identify internal champions from across the enterprise. 3. Establish a business case and ongoing management plan with Legal/Compliance teams. 4. In particularly risk-­averse cultures, consider focusing social media outreach on a specific theme like Corporate Responsibility efforts. 14
  • 15. B2C companies are The B2B Opportunity leading the social B2B companies also reported significant social media programming across the major channels. B2Bs are just waking up to these tools and B2B participants lagged behind their B2C the best will learn counterparts in terms of the depth and sophistication of programming, but shared plans for ramping up how to leverage participation. them to win. Participant Insights 3 ideas driving B2B social media trends 1. Even if buyers are senior and less likely to care about social media, the managers who influence them do. 2. As the prevalence of e-­commerce continues to grow, so does the opportunity to drive traffic to websites through digital and social media programming. 3. Video trumps words when it comes to explaining products and services in simple, visually compelling ways. 15
  • 16. External Social Media Programming
  • 17. I realize everyone is Strategy vs. Channel telling you social media is a unicorn, Participants agreed that social media is a channel, not a strategy horse? Social media programming should be part of a holistic communication and marketing approach tied to business goals. There was wide-­spread agreement that social media is not a Jay Baer, Independent Social Media Strategist Companies recognized that social media is distinct from traditional channels in its interactivity, transparency, and embrace of informality. These characteristics demand unparalleled degrees of collaboration across businesses and functions including Communications, Marketing, Legal/Compliance, and IT. 17
  • 18. Crawl . Walk. Run. Be Getting Started very deliberate about very conscious along media programs revealed seven distinct phases the way. 18
  • 19. Nail the Fundamentals: Participation & Planning Participant Insights Two ways to crash and burn out of the gate (and how to avoid them) LACK OF ONGOING demands ongoing PARTICIPATION participation the dialogue LACK OF A CRISIS RESPONSE media-­oriented crisis STRATEGY management plan to protect against the risk of viral 19
  • 20. The Twin Pillars of Transparency & Authenticity Participants repeatedly stressed the necessity for transparency and authenticity in every social media program, no matter its simplicity or sophistication. Social media leaders argue that the voice and tone that works in CONVERSATIONAL = CREDIBLE -­up organizations brands a matter of for the company and its customers. Organizations also expressed awareness of the online -­promotional. You have to be Before launching any new social endeavor, ask yourself: genuine online same as the real WHAT VALUE ARE WE ADDING TO THE world. People realize COMMUNITIES WE SEEK TO ENGAGE? 20
  • 21. Content is king the Participating companies characterized tools are important but the content that is most often shared they are only tools. among target audiences in two ways: Authentic messaging is ENTERTAINING OR HELPFUL What makes content entertaining depends on the highly regarded content. Helpful content provides information about products or services that enhances the customer experience. shared via social media channels received positive responses among customers. 21
  • 22. Using the Big Three: Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube The social media space is rapidly evolving and new technologies and tools are consistently emerging. Even if companies are not using the latest platforms, (e.g., Foursquare, Gowalla, Tumblr) most agree that At present Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are the dominant platforms, and in the following slides we feature three celebrated programs from participating companies. 22
  • 23. Tackling Twitter with GM GM tackles reputation management using multiple social media channels including Twitter. Training employees to send a mix of both personal and professional tweets and status human side even through times of crisis. To begin, GM developed an online social media training portal for novice users and offered advanced in-­person courses for more web savvy team members. About 2,000 employees completed the online introduction in its first two months alone and thousands more have participated since. GM is currently updating its social media policy and training approach to require all employees to go through training while creating two distinct groups of users those who are authorized to speak on behalf of GM and everyone else. GM social media training portal Employee driven social media programming bankruptcy and brand building efforts. Employee tweet examples include: Repaying taxpayers ahead of schedule because we are designing, Great weather for the building, and selling the best cars and trucks ever. Source: Miller, Lindsay. Can GM employees woo the country back through social media? May 3, 2010. 23
  • 24. Facebook Fantasy with PepsiCo and Doritos Doritos Canada leveraged Facebook to promote a contest where users were asked to name a mysterious new chip flavor and create a 30-­second video commercial advertising it. Doritos offered $25,000 and 1% of future consumer sales to the winning commercial and name. The contest drew over 75,000 participants, 14.5 million page views, and 2.1 million video views. More than 900,000 consumers visited the Doritos Facebook page over the course of the two-­month campaign. Doritos' sales in Canada doubled during that time. Source: Wood, Cara. Creative solutions from Doritos, Club ABC Tours, Meg Whitman. Direct Marketing News. October 12, 2009. 24
  • 25. Utilizing YouTube with Ford Ford gave away 100 Ford Fiestas for six months complete with free gas, insurance, parking and a concierge service to 100 lucky recipients. Each one was sent documented for public consumption and shared across major social media platforms. Official Fiesta Movement content has drawn 6.5 million YouTube views and 3.7 million Twitter impressions. The program has elicited the interest of about 50,000 currently drive a Ford. Ford sold 10,000 units in the first six days of sales. Source: McCracken, George. How Ford Got Social Marketing Right. Harvard Business Review. January 7, 20110. 25
  • 26. Navigating the Blogosphere Organizations recognized the rise of citizen journalism and the need to engage bloggers to support brand development everywhere. and reputation management. Concentrate on where your general media relations strategies. consumers are. Most companies stressed the need to differentiate between bloggers with real influence versus those with relatively small followings leveraging monitoring services to determine the appropriate level of engagement. Participant Insights 3 ideas supporting stronger blogger relationships 1. Invite bloggers to on-­site events and give them special access to products and services. 2. Be transparent about relevant business goals and ensure bloggers disclose their association with the company. 3. press releases to enable them to better use their unique voices in posts. 26
  • 27. Internal Social Media Programming
  • 28. Growing Interest in Internal Social Media Applications Participants conveyed significantly greater focus on external rather than internal social media applications, but expressed strong interest in ramping up capabilities primarily via social media equipped intranets in 2011 and beyond. The most frequently referenced intranet features included leadership blogs, wikis, and -­ interfaces. 40% of study participants already have social media equipped intranets 50% of study participants plan to redesign their intranets in the next one to two years to include greater social media capabilities of study participants do not have significant social 10% media intranet capability and do not plan to add tools in the next one to two years These tools present a whole *Note: Percentages new way of reflect estimates based on evaluation collaborating of participant profiles developed via across the interviews. enterprise. 28
  • 29. Adding Value Inside the Enterprise The most common internal social media objectives were: Enhancing knowledge management Supporting collaboration within and across teams, functions, and geographies Developing culture and community Participants reported that investment in internal social media applications is most strongly tied to tool purchase and development. Upkeep and ongoing management is not a major cost. Organizations use intranet analytics (blog development, Employees are comments, discussion board using social media activity, etc.) and broader all the time at engagement and communications survey results to using the tools monitor and measure the impact of internal social media with in the programming. workplace. 29
  • 30. Three Keys to Effective Intranet Management Participants agreed on three critical steps guiding effective intranet development and ongoing management: 1. Ensure proper leadership and employee buy-­in. Create a business case to build executive support. Begin and end development with employee needs in mind not a corporate vision. Engage employees throughout the design process to develop a user-­centric experience. 2. Establish strategic roll-­out plans including pilot programs. Leverage formal internal communications channels and informal influencers to drive awareness and adoption. Ensure opportunities for training and dialogue about how to leverage new tools. Be patient and develop thick 3. Build ongoing governance and moderation plans. skin. It takes a Establish clear roles and responsibilities to while to get an ensure effective content management at effective intranet corporate and local levels. off the ground. 30
  • 31. Developing Social Media Policies Participant Insights 4 themes regarding employee social media policy development: 1. Most companies either have, or plan to develop social media policies in the 2. Effective policies are natural extensions of existing codes of conduct. For example: Keep confidential information private Only speak on behalf of the company if authorized Identify yourself as an employee if endorsing a product/service 3. Strong policy development is the result of: External benchmarking many policies are published Cross-­functional collaboration typically Comms/ Marketing, Legal/Compliance, and HR play leading roles 4. Employee buy-­in and adoption of policies is driven by clear internal communication and relevant learning opportunities. 31
  • 33. Cracking the Code on Monitoring & Measurement Companies are distinguishing between monitoring of online mentions and activity versus measuring the ROI of social media spend. Participants cited Radian6 as the paid monitoring partner of choice, but competitors such as BuzzMetrics, Evolve24, Focus, Symphony, and Sysomos (among others) were also mentioned. The most common free services include TweetDeck and Google Alerts. Participants generally agreed that there is no consistent, reliable approach to measurement and determining ROI. There is widespread agreement that looking solely at sufficient. Companies expressed the desire to improve the Everyone is struggling way they assess quality of online interaction, to figure out how you level of user engagement, and ultimately determine the impact impact on business performance. on the business. It might not be a dollar figure. 33
  • 34. Measurement Progress: The Barcelona Principles Top experts from the Association for Measurement and the Evaluation of Communication (AMEC), the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), and other major industry organizations have established a set of seven principles to guide communications measurement. and outlines the following agreements to inform future social media measurement efforts: Organizations need clearly defined goals and outcomes for social media. Media content analysis should be supplemented by web and search analytics, sales and CRM data, survey data and other methods. Evaluating quality and quantity is critical, just as it is with conventional media. Understanding reach and influence is important, but existing sources are not accessible, transparent or consistent enough to be reliable;; experimentation and testing are key to success. 34
  • 35. How Much Does it Cost? -­ Money is allocated on a project by project basis by different functions, divisions, or sub-­brands, depending on type and need. Participants most frequently estimated spending between five and fifteen percent of their overall external communications budgets on social media programming in 2010. Most organizations predicted budget increases in social media spending in 2011, but participants were hesitant to quantify growth estimates. Social media programming budgets may be off-­set by investment in talent (FTEs) with specific social media-­related roles (salary is a fixed cost). Typically, there is more budget allocated to digital assets than social media programming more established, better understood, and easier to measure. on investment you have to put in to get out. 35
  • 36. The Evolution of the Social media is forcing Communications Team business units to Structure collaborate in ways they never have Communications tends to oversee social media programming before. You really have and execution, but Marketing also plays a leading role to be aligned across particularly when social media programming is oriented around product launch and promotion. Legal/Compliance teams are more the enterprise. integrally involved in social media programming in regulated industries. Organizations are trending towards more formal collaborative social media oversight models that are inclusive of diverse business units and functions (Comms, Marketing, Legal/Compliance, Business Leaders). There are disparate approaches to evolving team structures. Some organizations have created new groups of 1-­10 people focused exclusively on social media. Others rely on current staff to expand their expertise. The direction of choice content to be participants. Most organizations are either already including or plan to include a degree of social media competency in job descriptions. 36
  • 37. Building Social Media Capabilities Most organizations do not have formal internal learning programs established to promote the development of social media expertise. Participants leverage the following learning solutions to support social media competence building among communications team members: Peer-­to-­peer training: Many companies identified internal social media experts and empowered them to bring colleagues up to speed. Reverse mentoring: Younger professionals are frequently tapped to onboard more experienced team members. One-­off courses provided by agencies: Most participants mentioned leveraging agency-­sponsored workshops to build social media knowledge. Many participants advocated attending social media conferences, but works great to have highlighted that many cover familiar a peer lead training territory and the most effective ones sessions. People are are targeted at their particular more receptive to industries. new ideas from someone they 37 know.
  • 38. You need an expert Agencies & Vendors whether in-­house or agency-­based to Most organizations continue to see value in really make the most partnering with third parties to develop and execute of social media. social media programming. Participants reported that PR and Advertising firms both have significant influence as social media counselors. Boutique digital and social media shops also provide valuable insight to a smaller portion of study participants. Most companies did not share plans to significantly shift the nature or scope of agency engagement. 38
  • 39. Concluding Thoughts & Contact Details Social media is disrupting the way the world communicates and companies must continue to evolve how they interact with people to remain relevant. The pace and scope of change as new tools and technology emerge demands an unparalleled degree of organizational nimbleness. As digital and social tools become the go-­to resources for everything from news and information to friendship and love, smart brands will continue to figure out better ways to add value to the online experience internally and externally. We look forward to addressing your feedback, questions, or comments. Renee Horne Daniel Dworkin Director, Digital & Social Media Engagement Senior Consultant FedEx Corporation Ketchum Pleon Change 39