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Planning and Policy Subdivision

ENTRIPS – Community Meeting #1 - Minutes
Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Meeting Location: Recology Community Room
Golden Gate Disposal & Recycling Co.
900 7th Street, San Francisco , CA 94107

Project Team Attendees:
              Timothy Papandreau – SFMTA - SSD
              Erin Miller – SFMTA - SSD
              Jerry Robbins – SFMTA - SSD
              Bonnie Nelson – Nelson/Nygaard
              Mike Eiseman – Nelson/Nygaard
              Steve Wertheim – SF Planning
              Jon Swae – SF Planning


         a) The Eastern Neighborhoods Plan – Steve Werthiem spoke about the planning
            that took place in the Eastern Neighborhoods from 2000 – 2008. This included
            plans for East SoMa, Mission, Showplace Square/Potrero Hill, and Central
            Waterfront. Steve explained how the 2035 projections show a large portion of the
            housing growth and the vast majority of the job growth taking place in the Eastern

         b) EN TRIPS Context – Erin Miller spoke about the need for transportation planning
            to catch up to the land use planning in the Eastern Neighborhoods. She gave a
            brief overview of EN-TRIPS as an evaluation of circulation impacts from
            anticipated future growth. EN TRIPS will focus on key corridors of concern and
            develop conceptual transportation and street design alternatives. EN-TRIPS will
            also identify challenges throughout the study area so that they are included in on-
            going SFMTA programs.

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
One South Van Ness Avenue, Seventh Fl. San Francisco, CA 94103 | Tel: 415.701.4500 | Fax: 415.701.4430 |
c) Technical Analysis – Bonnie Nelson presented on the EN TRIPS work to date.
            Their work to date includes two detailed reports, the Existing Conditions and the
            Future Conditions, as well as the initial corridor analysis and prioritization.

              Bonnie went on to share some of the key findings from the Existing and Future
              Conditions Report. Without changes to the system, but assuming the anticipated
              growth, this would include a 70% increase in travel demand, a significant increase
              in vehicle traffic, a strained transit system, a more complete bike network,
              continued pedestrian/vehicle and bicycle/vehicle collisions, particularly in SoMa.
              Bonnie presented 13 corridors that have been preliminarily designated as a “high
              need.” Moving forward, the goals are to select the highest priority corridor
              segments for the development of conceptual alternative circulation modifications
              and streetscape improvemetns for selected corridor segments. The possibility to
              develop design guidance for future improvements for the remainder of the study
              area was also briefly discussed.

Break Out and Regroup

         a) After the presentation, community members were instructed to give feedback.
            They did this by writing their comments on the maps around the room. The maps
            included “high need” corridors and general Eastern Neighborhoods maps.
            Community members were also given stickers to indicate their highest priority
            areas. Red stickers represented the highest priority (see attached images).

         b) Everyone reconvened to discuss the break out session. Bonnie Nelson led the
            discussion by reviewing the community input given on each corridor map.

         c) Mission Street – There were a couple requests for more express buses. Lighting
            was also cited as an issue.

         d) 16th Street – A main concern was the transit connection to the waterfront. There
            was a request for better pedestrian/transit/bicycle improvements. The railroad
            crossing was cited as part of the connectivity problem. There was also concern
            about vehicle and transit access to the new hospital in Mission Bay.

         e) Division Street – Community member reported this area to be poorly lit and
            unsafe for pedestrians and bicyclists. There is especially high pedestrian activity
            near the Townsend Circle. The community finds the general environment and
            street angle make it easy to lose one’s sense of direction in this area.

         f)   2nd Street – This corridor was cited as good for pedestrians, the community would
              like to keep it that way. There was also some interest in potential conflicts with
              the proposed 2nd Street bike lanes.

         g) 3rd and 4th Streets – Fourth Street was cited as being very unfriendly for bicyclists.
            A community member commented that 3rd Street transit only lanes are not being
            properly enforced.

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
One South Van Ness Avenue, Seventh Fl. San Francisco, CA 94103 | Tel: 415.701.4500 | Fax: 415.701.4430 |
h) 5th Street – There was a request for stronger transit along this corridor.
            Community members also cited missing street crossings.

         i)   6th Street – Nelson/Nygaard rated this corridor highly for its need to improve
              pedestrian, bicycle, and traffic conflicts. A community member commented that
              cars are turning into alleys off of 6th to go to parking garages – creating a safety

         j)   7th and 8th Streets – There were some concerns about the pedestrian
              environment. In particular there were request to change 7th Street to 2-way traffic
              flow, reduce lanes, and add sidewalks that are currently missing.

         k) Folsom Street – There was some concern about the absence of the 7th-11th Street
            portion of the Folsom Street corridor. Community members expressed their favor
            for a 2-way Folsom Street. They also want to make sure that this corridor
            maintains good transit service and bicycle priorities

         l)   Townsend Street – It was stressed that this corridor is an important pedestrian
              and bicycle connector for the Caltrain Station. Multiple community members noted
              the poor pedestrian environment, which includes missing sidewalks. They
              suggest extending design treatment for Townsend all the way to traffic circle at 8th.
              They also noted that buses that stop in the middle of street are hazardous for bike
              riders and the design of new bike lanes at intersections may also cause a safety
              hazard for cyclists.

         m) Potrero Hill – Multiple people advocated for additional transit service for residents.
            Issues include the redevelopment of the public housing project and the need for
            improved transit for this traveling up and down the hills.

         n) Rincon Hill – Community members spoke about transportation improvements not
            keeping pace with new growth in the area.

         o) Central Waterfront – Community members are concerned about the impacts Pier
            70 and Salesforce will have on traffic conditions.

         p) Area Wide – Community members had a few general comments about the
            Eastern Neighborhoods. They wanted to make sure EN TRIPS would not forget
            about areas not officially included as part of the Eastern Neighborhoods, that
            private shuttles were being tracked, that something was done to improve
            east/west vehicular crossing through 101 and 280, that America’s Cup impacts
            are mitigated, and that transportation improvements are made before growth
            takes place.

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
One South Van Ness Avenue, Seventh Fl. San Francisco, CA 94103 | Tel: 415.701.4500 | Fax: 415.701.4430 |
Community Meeting #1 Comments
Transposed from maps and diagrams

                                                                   Comment                                                                   Focus Issue

                                                                Mission Street - Mission District
         Need added E/W vehicular crossing through US 101 and I 280                                                                      Auto
         Lack of lighting for peds. When roll-up windows are down, it makes walking at night scary. It's a disincentive for MUNI use.    Pedestrian -
                                                                                                                                         Sidewalks -
         More express buses. The fun parade on Giants Night was fun as well.                                                             Transit
         BRT - Mission/Van Ness OVERDUE! The 14 is the pitts re congestion. Increase capacity with BRT.                                  Transit

                                                           16th Street - East of Potrero - Mission District
         Please consider vehicular travel for hospital/medical center for patients who may not be able to take transit or bike.          Auto
         Interim solution for E/W transit between 16th St. BART and Mission Bay by 2014 when Childrens' Hospital opens.                  Land Use & Transit

         INTERIM - not a 10 year solution that relies on Caltrain or High Speed Rail outstanding issues.
         16th Street east of Potrero is dangerous! No traffic controls from DeHaro to Mission Bay along 16th.                            Traffic Signals
         Need strong transit connection on 16th to Waterfront.                                                                           Transit
         Needs Transit - the only street that connects Bay [?] and Market. (not just Mission)                                            Transit
         Devise a way to go over or under the railroad tracks. Then solutions for transit on 16th would be easy.                         Transit
         16th BART to Mission Bay!                                                                                                       Transit
         No transit NETWORK south of Market Street.                                                                                      Transit

         Need to inform projects already approved (Rincon Hill), and on HILLS.

                                                           16th Street - East of Potrero - Mission District
         Take down Central Freeway!                                                                                                      Auto
         Difficult segment. Lacks sense of direction. Shadowed by overpass. Bikers feel unsafe.                                          Bicycles
         What about Showplace Square/Potrero?                                                                                            Neighborhood
         Agree with Traffic Congestion issues projected for 8th &Townsend and Division & Bryant. There is a lot of pedestrian activity   Pedestrian -
         at these locations (food and shopping).                                                                                         Sidewalks -
         Consider areas that are not immediately affected by High Speed Rail as alternatives.                                            Waterfront

                                                                                                                                                     CM#1 February 2, 2011
Community Meeting #1 Comments
Transposed from maps and diagrams

                                                                  Comment                                                                    Focus Issue

                                                                  Division Street - Mission District
         Take down Central Freeway!                                                                                                      Auto
         Difficult segment. Lacks sense of direction. Shadowed by overpass. Bikers feel unsafe.                                          Bicycles
         What about Showplace Square/Potrero?                                                                                            Neighborhood
         Agree with Traffic Congestion issues projected for 8th &Townsend and Division & Bryant. There is a lot of pedestrian activity   Pedestrian -
         at these locations (food and shopping).                                                                                         Sidewalks -
         Consider areas that are not immediately affected by High Speed Rail as alternatives.                                            Waterfront
                                                           Circulation Corridor Secgment Evaluation Map
         16th Street BART to Waterfront! Can't wait for HSR                                                                              Transit
         Public Transit for concentrated area of residents without cars - #53 bus route.                                                 Transit

         [Note: 53-Southern Heights discontinued TEP 2009]
         Need increased capacity up the Hill [24th Street?]                                                                              Transit
         Public Transit to City College - Evans Campus.                                                                                  Transit
                                                              2nd Street - Market to Bryant - SoMa
         America's Cup traffic (all modes): How do we mitigate impacts on Rincon Hill?                                                   America's Cup
         2nd Street bike lanes must be reviewed with Neighbors to look at potential conflicts.                                           Bicycles
         We need a 2-way Folsom with 11-Downtown connector bus from 11th to the Embarcadero.                                             Folsom Street

         What about Muni 20 bus route too (CPMC to SF General)?                                                                          Transit

         [Discontinued 20-Columbus TEP Nov 2009]
         Need to return 12-Folsom to Embarcadero. $20 M/year in property taxes each year paid by Rincon Hill plan area residents         Transit
         and our transit service gets cut?!

                                                                                                                                                   CM#1 February 2, 2011
Community Meeting #1 Comments
Transposed from maps and diagrams

                                                                    Comment                                                               Focus Issue

                                                                          3rd and 4th Streets - SoMa
         4th Street corridor is very unfriendly for bikes.                                                                            Bicycles
         What is the visibility to neighbors of the plans for 4th Street traffic flow where the new Central Subway goes underground   Central Subway
         after Brannan?

         Get constituent input early in the process, please.
                                                                5th Street - Market to Brannan - SoMa
         Add new E/W crossing through 101                                                                                             Pedestrian -
                                                                                                                                      Sidewalks -
         Need stronger transit connection down 5th Street. #27-Bryant too short.                                                      Transit
                                                               6th Street - Market to Brannan - SoMa
         Segment rated very highly overall as important for pedestrians and traffic conflicts (also bikes).                           Pedestrian -
                                                                                                                                      Sidewalks -
                                                        7th and 8th Streets - Market to Bryant - SoMa
         Reduce lanes and slow down traffic on 7th.                                                                                   Auto
         Can 7th Street be 2-way between Harrison and Bryant?                                                                         Auto
         7th Street should be a priority because of:                                                                                  Neighborhood

         -elementary school
         -truck conflicts
         -bike & ped issues
         Need sidewalks on 7th between 16th and Townsend (west side)                                                                  Pedestrian -
                                                                                                                                      Sidewalks -
         Illegal truck parking on 7th.                                                                                                Trucks

                                                                                                                                                 CM#1 February 2, 2011
Community Meeting #1 Comments
Transposed from maps and diagrams

                                                                  Comment                                                                 Focus Issue

                                                                Folsom Street - 2nd to 7th - SoMa
         Folsom important bt 7th and 11th for cyclists.                                                                               Bicycles
         Folsom between 7th and 11th should be a priority corridor.                                                                   Planning
         Every study always calls for Folsom 2-way for Muni already!                                                                  Planning - all modes

         Implement priority with bike lanes and pedestrian protection for entire length of corridor!
         Any change to transit on Folsom should not sacrifice the service it provides. It really connects SoMa and Southpark to the   Transit
         Mission - absolutely replaces driving.
         Why Folsom 2nd to 7th? Proposed Neighborhood Commercial Transit (NCT) district is from 6th to 10th Street.                   Transit

         Highest proposed housing density is clustered around Folsom in [    ].

         TEP proposed enhanced transit for this area. That's why Western SoMa Plan upzones the neighborhood. If there is no
         ehnanced transit, the upzoning should be put on hold.
                                                         Townsend Street - 3rd to 5th and 5th to 7th - SoMa
         Too many parked traffic control cars. Interferes with Bus and Trucks.                                                        Auto
         Bikes and parked [ing] cars vie for space in the current bike lane. Still dangerous as doors open into bike lane.            Bicycles
         Terrible walking environment west of 4th Street                                                                              Pedestrian -
                                                                                                                                      Sidewalks -
         Townsend St. does have some sidewalks on the north side. If it is to be an encouraged walking corridor (no crossing of 6th   Pedestrian -
         St. needed), the completion of sidewalks from 4th to 7th should be a priority.                                               Sidewalks -
         Integrate Townsend Street Planning with 4th & King and HSR/Caltrain planning                                                 Planning

                                                                                                                                                 CM#1 February 2, 2011

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Feb 2, 2011 Community Meeting Comment Boards
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Task 10: Community Meeting Notes & Comments

  • 1. SUSTAINABLE STREETS Planning and Policy Subdivision ENTRIPS – Community Meeting #1 - Minutes Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Meeting Location: Recology Community Room Golden Gate Disposal & Recycling Co. 900 7th Street, San Francisco , CA 94107 Project Team Attendees: Timothy Papandreau – SFMTA - SSD Erin Miller – SFMTA - SSD Jerry Robbins – SFMTA - SSD Bonnie Nelson – Nelson/Nygaard Mike Eiseman – Nelson/Nygaard Steve Wertheim – SF Planning Jon Swae – SF Planning Presentation: a) The Eastern Neighborhoods Plan – Steve Werthiem spoke about the planning that took place in the Eastern Neighborhoods from 2000 – 2008. This included plans for East SoMa, Mission, Showplace Square/Potrero Hill, and Central Waterfront. Steve explained how the 2035 projections show a large portion of the housing growth and the vast majority of the job growth taking place in the Eastern Neighborhoods. b) EN TRIPS Context – Erin Miller spoke about the need for transportation planning to catch up to the land use planning in the Eastern Neighborhoods. She gave a brief overview of EN-TRIPS as an evaluation of circulation impacts from anticipated future growth. EN TRIPS will focus on key corridors of concern and develop conceptual transportation and street design alternatives. EN-TRIPS will also identify challenges throughout the study area so that they are included in on- going SFMTA programs. San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency One South Van Ness Avenue, Seventh Fl. San Francisco, CA 94103 | Tel: 415.701.4500 | Fax: 415.701.4430 |
  • 2. c) Technical Analysis – Bonnie Nelson presented on the EN TRIPS work to date. Their work to date includes two detailed reports, the Existing Conditions and the Future Conditions, as well as the initial corridor analysis and prioritization. Bonnie went on to share some of the key findings from the Existing and Future Conditions Report. Without changes to the system, but assuming the anticipated growth, this would include a 70% increase in travel demand, a significant increase in vehicle traffic, a strained transit system, a more complete bike network, continued pedestrian/vehicle and bicycle/vehicle collisions, particularly in SoMa. Bonnie presented 13 corridors that have been preliminarily designated as a “high need.” Moving forward, the goals are to select the highest priority corridor segments for the development of conceptual alternative circulation modifications and streetscape improvemetns for selected corridor segments. The possibility to develop design guidance for future improvements for the remainder of the study area was also briefly discussed. Break Out and Regroup a) After the presentation, community members were instructed to give feedback. They did this by writing their comments on the maps around the room. The maps included “high need” corridors and general Eastern Neighborhoods maps. Community members were also given stickers to indicate their highest priority areas. Red stickers represented the highest priority (see attached images). b) Everyone reconvened to discuss the break out session. Bonnie Nelson led the discussion by reviewing the community input given on each corridor map. c) Mission Street – There were a couple requests for more express buses. Lighting was also cited as an issue. d) 16th Street – A main concern was the transit connection to the waterfront. There was a request for better pedestrian/transit/bicycle improvements. The railroad crossing was cited as part of the connectivity problem. There was also concern about vehicle and transit access to the new hospital in Mission Bay. e) Division Street – Community member reported this area to be poorly lit and unsafe for pedestrians and bicyclists. There is especially high pedestrian activity near the Townsend Circle. The community finds the general environment and street angle make it easy to lose one’s sense of direction in this area. f) 2nd Street – This corridor was cited as good for pedestrians, the community would like to keep it that way. There was also some interest in potential conflicts with the proposed 2nd Street bike lanes. g) 3rd and 4th Streets – Fourth Street was cited as being very unfriendly for bicyclists. A community member commented that 3rd Street transit only lanes are not being properly enforced. San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency One South Van Ness Avenue, Seventh Fl. San Francisco, CA 94103 | Tel: 415.701.4500 | Fax: 415.701.4430 |
  • 3. h) 5th Street – There was a request for stronger transit along this corridor. Community members also cited missing street crossings. i) 6th Street – Nelson/Nygaard rated this corridor highly for its need to improve pedestrian, bicycle, and traffic conflicts. A community member commented that cars are turning into alleys off of 6th to go to parking garages – creating a safety problem. j) 7th and 8th Streets – There were some concerns about the pedestrian environment. In particular there were request to change 7th Street to 2-way traffic flow, reduce lanes, and add sidewalks that are currently missing. k) Folsom Street – There was some concern about the absence of the 7th-11th Street portion of the Folsom Street corridor. Community members expressed their favor for a 2-way Folsom Street. They also want to make sure that this corridor maintains good transit service and bicycle priorities l) Townsend Street – It was stressed that this corridor is an important pedestrian and bicycle connector for the Caltrain Station. Multiple community members noted the poor pedestrian environment, which includes missing sidewalks. They suggest extending design treatment for Townsend all the way to traffic circle at 8th. They also noted that buses that stop in the middle of street are hazardous for bike riders and the design of new bike lanes at intersections may also cause a safety hazard for cyclists. m) Potrero Hill – Multiple people advocated for additional transit service for residents. Issues include the redevelopment of the public housing project and the need for improved transit for this traveling up and down the hills. n) Rincon Hill – Community members spoke about transportation improvements not keeping pace with new growth in the area. o) Central Waterfront – Community members are concerned about the impacts Pier 70 and Salesforce will have on traffic conditions. p) Area Wide – Community members had a few general comments about the Eastern Neighborhoods. They wanted to make sure EN TRIPS would not forget about areas not officially included as part of the Eastern Neighborhoods, that private shuttles were being tracked, that something was done to improve east/west vehicular crossing through 101 and 280, that America’s Cup impacts are mitigated, and that transportation improvements are made before growth takes place. San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency One South Van Ness Avenue, Seventh Fl. San Francisco, CA 94103 | Tel: 415.701.4500 | Fax: 415.701.4430 |
  • 4. EN TRIPS Community Meeting #1 Comments Transposed from maps and diagrams Comment Focus Issue Mission Street - Mission District Need added E/W vehicular crossing through US 101 and I 280 Auto Lack of lighting for peds. When roll-up windows are down, it makes walking at night scary. It's a disincentive for MUNI use. Pedestrian - Sidewalks - Crosswalks More express buses. The fun parade on Giants Night was fun as well. Transit BRT - Mission/Van Ness OVERDUE! The 14 is the pitts re congestion. Increase capacity with BRT. Transit 16th Street - East of Potrero - Mission District Please consider vehicular travel for hospital/medical center for patients who may not be able to take transit or bike. Auto Interim solution for E/W transit between 16th St. BART and Mission Bay by 2014 when Childrens' Hospital opens. Land Use & Transit INTERIM - not a 10 year solution that relies on Caltrain or High Speed Rail outstanding issues. 16th Street east of Potrero is dangerous! No traffic controls from DeHaro to Mission Bay along 16th. Traffic Signals Need strong transit connection on 16th to Waterfront. Transit Needs Transit - the only street that connects Bay [?] and Market. (not just Mission) Transit Devise a way to go over or under the railroad tracks. Then solutions for transit on 16th would be easy. Transit 16th BART to Mission Bay! Transit No transit NETWORK south of Market Street. Transit Need to inform projects already approved (Rincon Hill), and on HILLS. 16th Street - East of Potrero - Mission District Take down Central Freeway! Auto Difficult segment. Lacks sense of direction. Shadowed by overpass. Bikers feel unsafe. Bicycles What about Showplace Square/Potrero? Neighborhood Agree with Traffic Congestion issues projected for 8th &Townsend and Division & Bryant. There is a lot of pedestrian activity Pedestrian - at these locations (food and shopping). Sidewalks - Crosswalks Consider areas that are not immediately affected by High Speed Rail as alternatives. Waterfront Connection CM#1 February 2, 2011 1
  • 5. EN TRIPS Community Meeting #1 Comments Transposed from maps and diagrams Comment Focus Issue Division Street - Mission District Take down Central Freeway! Auto Difficult segment. Lacks sense of direction. Shadowed by overpass. Bikers feel unsafe. Bicycles What about Showplace Square/Potrero? Neighborhood Agree with Traffic Congestion issues projected for 8th &Townsend and Division & Bryant. There is a lot of pedestrian activity Pedestrian - at these locations (food and shopping). Sidewalks - Crosswalks Consider areas that are not immediately affected by High Speed Rail as alternatives. Waterfront Connection Circulation Corridor Secgment Evaluation Map 16th Street BART to Waterfront! Can't wait for HSR Transit Public Transit for concentrated area of residents without cars - #53 bus route. Transit [Note: 53-Southern Heights discontinued TEP 2009] Need increased capacity up the Hill [24th Street?] Transit Public Transit to City College - Evans Campus. Transit 2nd Street - Market to Bryant - SoMa America's Cup traffic (all modes): How do we mitigate impacts on Rincon Hill? America's Cup 2nd Street bike lanes must be reviewed with Neighbors to look at potential conflicts. Bicycles We need a 2-way Folsom with 11-Downtown connector bus from 11th to the Embarcadero. Folsom Street What about Muni 20 bus route too (CPMC to SF General)? Transit [Discontinued 20-Columbus TEP Nov 2009] Need to return 12-Folsom to Embarcadero. $20 M/year in property taxes each year paid by Rincon Hill plan area residents Transit and our transit service gets cut?! CM#1 February 2, 2011 2
  • 6. EN TRIPS Community Meeting #1 Comments Transposed from maps and diagrams Comment Focus Issue 3rd and 4th Streets - SoMa 4th Street corridor is very unfriendly for bikes. Bicycles What is the visibility to neighbors of the plans for 4th Street traffic flow where the new Central Subway goes underground Central Subway after Brannan? Get constituent input early in the process, please. 5th Street - Market to Brannan - SoMa Add new E/W crossing through 101 Pedestrian - Sidewalks - Crosswalks Need stronger transit connection down 5th Street. #27-Bryant too short. Transit 6th Street - Market to Brannan - SoMa Segment rated very highly overall as important for pedestrians and traffic conflicts (also bikes). Pedestrian - Sidewalks - Crosswalks 7th and 8th Streets - Market to Bryant - SoMa Reduce lanes and slow down traffic on 7th. Auto Can 7th Street be 2-way between Harrison and Bryant? Auto 7th Street should be a priority because of: Neighborhood -elementary school -truck conflicts -bike & ped issues Need sidewalks on 7th between 16th and Townsend (west side) Pedestrian - Sidewalks - Crosswalks Illegal truck parking on 7th. Trucks CM#1 February 2, 2011 3
  • 7. EN TRIPS Community Meeting #1 Comments Transposed from maps and diagrams Comment Focus Issue Folsom Street - 2nd to 7th - SoMa Folsom important bt 7th and 11th for cyclists. Bicycles Folsom between 7th and 11th should be a priority corridor. Planning Every study always calls for Folsom 2-way for Muni already! Planning - all modes Implement priority with bike lanes and pedestrian protection for entire length of corridor! Any change to transit on Folsom should not sacrifice the service it provides. It really connects SoMa and Southpark to the Transit Mission - absolutely replaces driving. Why Folsom 2nd to 7th? Proposed Neighborhood Commercial Transit (NCT) district is from 6th to 10th Street. Transit Highest proposed housing density is clustered around Folsom in [ ]. TEP proposed enhanced transit for this area. That's why Western SoMa Plan upzones the neighborhood. If there is no ehnanced transit, the upzoning should be put on hold. Townsend Street - 3rd to 5th and 5th to 7th - SoMa Too many parked traffic control cars. Interferes with Bus and Trucks. Auto Bikes and parked [ing] cars vie for space in the current bike lane. Still dangerous as doors open into bike lane. Bicycles Terrible walking environment west of 4th Street Pedestrian - Sidewalks - Crosswalks Townsend St. does have some sidewalks on the north side. If it is to be an encouraged walking corridor (no crossing of 6th Pedestrian - St. needed), the completion of sidewalks from 4th to 7th should be a priority. Sidewalks - Crosswalks Integrate Townsend Street Planning with 4th & King and HSR/Caltrain planning Planning CM#1 February 2, 2011 4