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Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 1
What are Blogs, Importance Of Blogs, Personal Blogs, Corporate Blogs, Popular Blog Platforms,
What are Tags, Widgets, Blog Optimization, Blog Stats.
A blog (a truncation of "weblog") is a discussion or informational website published on the
World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts). Posts are
typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at
the top of the web page.
The term "weblog" was coined by Jorn Barger on December 17, 1997. The short form, "blog",
was coined by Peter Merholz, who jokingly broke the word weblog into the phrase we blog in
the sidebar of his blog in April or May 1999. Shortly thereafter, Evan Williams at
Pyra Labs used "blog" as both a noun and verb ("to blog", meaning "to edit one's weblog or to
post to one's weblog") and devised the term "blogger" in connection with Pyra Labs' Blogger
product, leading to the popularization of the terms.
Rise in popularity
After a slow start, blogging rapidly gained in popularity. Blog usage spread during 1999 and the
years following, being further popularized by the near-simultaneous arrival of the first hosted
blog tools:
 Bruce Ableson launched Open Diary in October 1998, which soon grew to thousands of
online diaries. Open Diary innovated the reader comment, becoming the first blog
community where readers could add comments to other writers' blog entries.
 Brad Fitzpatrick started LiveJournal in March 1999.
 Andrew Smales created in July 1999 as an easier alternative to maintaining a
"news page" on a Web site, followed by DiaryLand in September 1999, focusing more on
a personal diary community.[23]
 Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan (Pyra Labs) launched in August 1999
(purchased by Google in February 2003)
Create a blog
1. Sign in to Blogger.
2. On the left, click the Down arrow Down arrow.
3. Click New blog.
4. Enter a name for your blog.
5. Click Next.
6. Choose a blog address or URL.
7. Click Save.
Note: Make sure you comply with the Blogger Content Policy and Terms of Service.
There are many different types of blogs, differing not only in the type of content, but also in the
way that content is delivered or written.
1.Personal blogs
The personal blog is an ongoing online diary or commentary written by an individual, rather than
a corporation or organization. While the vast majority of personal blogs attract very few readers,
other than the blogger's immediate family and friends, a small number of personal blogs have
become popular, to the point that they have attracted lucrative advertising sponsorship. A tiny
Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 2
number of personal bloggers have become famous, both in the online community and in the real
2.Collaborative blogs or group blogs
A type of weblog in which posts are written and published by more than one author. The
majority of high-profile collaborative blogs are organised according to a single uniting theme,
such as politics, technology or advocacy. In recent years, the blogosphere has seen the
emergence and growing popularity of more collaborative efforts, often set up by already
established bloggers wishing to pool time and resources, both to reduce the pressure of
maintaining a popular website and to attract a larger readership.
3.Micro blogging
Micro blogging is the practice of posting small pieces of digital content—which could be text,
pictures, links, short videos, or other media—on the Internet. Micro blogging offers a portable
communication mode that feels organic and spontaneous to many users. It has captured the
public imagination, in part because the short posts are easy to read on the go or when waiting.
Friends use it to keep in touch, business associates use it to coordinate meetings or share useful
resources, and celebrities and politicians (or their publicists) microblog about concert dates,
lectures, book releases, or tour schedules. A wide and growing range of add-on tools enables
sophisticated updates and interaction with other applications. The resulting profusion of
functionality is helping to define new possibilities for this type of communication. Examples of
these include Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and, by far the largest, WeiBo.
4.Corporate and organizational blogs
A blog can be private, as in most cases, or it can be for business or not-for-profit organization or
government purposes. Blogs used internally, and only available to employees via an Intranet are
called corporate blogs. Companies use internal corporate blogs enhance the communication,
culture and employee engagement in a corporation. Internal corporate blogs can be used to
communicate news about company policies or procedures, build employee esprit de corps and
improve morale. Companies and other organizations also use external, publicly accessible blogs
for marketing, branding, or public relations purposes. Some organizations have a blog authored
by their executive; in practice, many of these executive blog posts are penned by a ghostwriter,
who makes posts in the style of the credited author. Similar blogs for clubs and societies are
called club blogs, group blogs, or by similar names; typical use is to inform members and other
interested parties of club and member activities.
5.Aggregated blogs
Individuals or organization may aggregate selected feeds on specific topic, product or service
and provide combined view for its readers. This allows readers to concentrate on reading instead
of searching for quality on-topic content and managing subscriptions. Many such aggregation
called planets from name of Planet (software) that perform such aggregation, hosting sites
usually have planet. subdomain in domain name (like
6.By genre
Some blogs focus on a particular subject, such as political blogs, journalism blogs, health blogs,
travel blogs (also known as travelogs), gardening blogs, house blogs, Book Blogs, fashion blogs,
beauty blogs, lifestyle blogs, party blogs, wedding blogs, photography blogs, project blogs,
psychology blogs, sociology blogs, education blogs, niche blogs, classical music blogs, quizzing
blogs, legal blogs (often referred to as a blawgs), or dreamlogs. How-to/Tutorial blogs are
becoming increasing popular. Two common types of genre blogs are art blogs and music blogs.
A blog featuring discussions especially about home and family is not uncommonly called a mom
Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 3
blog. While not a legitimate type of blog, one used for the sole purpose of spamming is known as
a splog.
7.By media type
A blog comprising videos is called a vlog, one comprising links is called a linklog, a site
containing a portfolio of sketches is called a sketchblog or one comprising photos is called a
photoblog. Blogs with shorter posts and mixed media types are called tumblelogs. Blogs that are
written on typewriters and then scanned are called typecast or typecast blogs. A rare type of blog
hosted on the Gopher Protocol is known as a phlog.
8.By device
A blog can also be defined by which type of device is used to compose it. A blog written by a
mobile device like a mobile phone or PDA could be called a moblog. One early blog was
Wearable Wireless Webcam, an online shared diary of a person's personal life combining text,
video, and pictures transmitted live from a wearable computer and EyeTap device to a web site.
This practice of semi-automated blogging with live video together with text was referred to as
sousveillance. Such journals have been used as evidence in legal matters.
9.Reverse blog
A reverse blog is composed by its users rather than a single blogger. This system has the
characteristics of a blog, and the writing of several authors. These can be written by several
contributing authors on a topic, or opened up for anyone to write. There is typically some limit to
the number of entries to keep it from operating like a web forum.
Blogs are a great marketing tool for serviced apartments and accommodation providers
especially. We have come up with our top 10 great reasons for starting a blog:
1. Blogs create content
Starting a blog is a great way of creating content. By introducing a blog, you have the capacity to
add new pages to your website on a regular basis. Each new blog article is a whole new index-
able page for the search engine to find and score.
In terms of the length of your blog, the current thinking is that the longer the better and we
recommend an absolute minimum of 300 to 400 words and ideally over 1,000 words. The longer
blogs create more new words for the search engines to index and also help let the search engines
know exactly what the page is about.
It is important to make sure your blog article is focused on a single topic so you rank well in that
particular area, rather than badly for a range of topics or keywords. When writing a longer blog
make sure your blog is well structured, easy to read and divided into sections.
2. Blogs allow you to introduce keywords, great for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
When you create your own blog you also have the opportunity to introduce keywords that will
attract the right audience and help with your search engine optimisation. Google’s AdWords
Keyword Planner is a great tool for checking how popular certain keywords are and how often
they get searched each month. It also tells you how competitive that keyword is. Our advice is to
always focus on ‘longer tailed keywords’ which have less competition but bring better quality
Make a note of the keywords you wish to include in your blog before you start to write but make
sure they appear naturally and don’t ‘over stuff’ them into your blog. Avoid using the same
keywords on multiple pages as this can result in ‘keyword cannibalisation’. The search engine
becomes confused with a number of pages covering the same topic and as a result none of the
Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 4
pages score well. Far better to have separate pages or separate blogs focused on separate topics
which all go on to score well.
It is also perfectly acceptable to have the odd post which isn’t keyword focused at all and is
purely informative.
3. Blogs allow you to update your content regularly
A serviced apartment or holiday accommodation website can be fairly static as the information
regarding your apartments and your services typically does not change significantly over time.
This makes it hard for service apartment and accommodation providers to add new content
unless of course you have a new property to brag about.
Google and other search engines like freshness, and new content scores highly. By writing a blog
you gain the ability to regularly add new content to your site, something that will keep the search
engines happy and will help your rankings!
4. Blogs allow you to develop a personality for your brand and your website
Starting a blog is a great way to give your brand personality. For instance if you are offering chic
serviced apartments in a cool city centre, reflect that in your blog. Write about the local
neighbourhood, the trendy bars, restaurants and street art which are all on your doorstep. Include
great images which reflect your brand and your brand position.
5. Blogs give you a voice to inform your customers and peers
As you create your own blog, with more and more articles about your neighbourhood and the
great things to do in your area, you gain the opportunity to inform your customers and your
peers. You also become a valuable source of local information. Tell everyone more about you,
your business and the area your business operates it. Have you just won an award, has a new
trendy bar opened on your street, or is there a popular ice cream parlour across the road. All
these things will make your brand more appealing and more importantly customers will be able
to visualise how they can use their spare time when visiting.
6. Blogs make you think outside the box and review your local neighborhood
Blogs are a great way of making you take a step back and see the bigger picture. Go out and
about and talk to neighboring businesses. Eat at the local restaurants and drink at the local bars,
if you don’t already! Find out who their customers are and talk to the demographic to find out
what motivates them to be there. Maybe your neighborhood is great for up and coming artists.
Why not support those artists by commissioning some art to display on your premises, or offer
them some gallery space – and then blog about it!
7. Blogs give you something to share and talk about on your social media channels
Another great reason for starting a blog is to help your social media. A blog article gives you
something to talk about and share. Choose topics that people are likely to share and post them on
Twitter, Facebook, Google + and LinkedIn. Add your blog to your email signature.
Take time to review a local attraction or a great new restaurant in the area. Make use of the
keywords and find popular hashtags to spread the word. Put your own personality into the blog,
write about your own personal experience and make your story stand out from the crowd.
8. Blogs encourage third party links
By blogging about your neighboring businesses you will create a rapport with other business
owners. Get to know them and keep them informed about what your business is achieving by
sharing relevant blogs with them. Frequently reference the content of others in your community
in your blog pages and interact on other people’s blogs. Who knows, they may offer your
customers a special deal, write a reciprocal blog or set up a reciprocal link from their website
which are all great for your business.
Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 5
9. Blogs drive traffic you wouldn’t otherwise get
When you create your own blog, you are creating the opportunity to build traffic from a whole
new audience. A blog on a local bar, or an up and coming artist, will bring in different people to
those looking for accommodation in the area. But they are still potential customers. If your blog
is written with links to other blogs and stories of the local community you can then sell your
‘destination’ to them and more likely to secure a booking before they scour the competition.
An artist's depiction of the interconnections between blogs and blog authors in the "blogosphere"
in 2007.
The collective community of all blogs and blog authors, particularly notable and widely read
blogs, is known as the blogosphere. Since all blogs are on the internet by definition, they may be
seen as interconnected and socially networked, through blogrolls, comments, linkbacks
(refbacks, trackbacks or pingbacks), and backlinks. Discussions "in the blogosphere" were
occasionally used by the media as a gauge of public opinion on various issues. Because new,
untapped communities of bloggers and their readers can emerge in the space of a few years,
Internet marketers pay close attention to "trends in the blogosphere".
Blog search engines
Several blog search engines have been used to search blog contents, such as Bloglines (defunct),
BlogScope (defunct), and Technorati (defunct).
Blogging communities and directories
Several online communities exist that connect people to blogs and bloggers to other bloggers.
Interest-specific blogging platforms are also available. For instance, Blogster has a sizable
community of political bloggers among its members. Global Voices aggregates international
bloggers, "with emphasis on voices that are not ordinarily heard in international mainstream
Blogging and advertising
It is common for blogs to feature banner advertisements or promotional content, either to
financially benefit the blogger, support website hosting costs, or to promote the blogger's favorite
causes or products. The popularity of blogs has also given rise to "fake blogs" in which a
company will create a fictional blog as a marketing tool to promote a product.
As the popularity of blogging continued to rise (as of 2006), the commercialization of blogging
is rapidly increasing. Many corporations and companies collaborate with bloggers to increase
advertising and engage online communities towards their products. In the book Fans, Bloggers,
and Gamers, Henry Jenkins stated that "Bloggers take knowledge in their own hands, enabling
successful navigation within and between these emerging knowledge cultures. One can see such
behaviour as co-optation into commodity culture insofar as it sometimes collaborates with
corporate interests, but one can also see it as increasing the diversity of media culture, providing
opportunities for greater inclusiveness, and making more responsive to consumers."
The personal blog is an ongoing online diary or commentary written by an individual, rather than
a corporation or organization.
The success of a personal blog quite often depends on the post frequency as well. That's because
it's not just about posting good content once and letting it slide afterwards. That kind of
Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 6
popularity will get a personal blog nowhere. If anything, it'll only make it look like its best time
has passed.
There’s plenty of space on the internet for everybody. People love to share ideas, give shape to
their thoughts, and maybe even reach a global audience. How to put yourself on the path to
achieve all of that? For once, what if you start a personal blog? Blogs are super-effective for a
couple of reasons. Chief of them is that 77% of internet users read blogs, so your audience is
already out there.
According to Maureen Taylor
1 Select a blog host.
A host is a website whose blogging platform you'll use in order to start blogging. With the rise of
the internet, dozens of blogging hosts have risen to prominence, many of them easy to use for
people who know next to nothing about computers. There are plenty of free hosts in addition to
hosts for which you need to pay. Here are a list of just a few:
Free blog hosts:
 Blogger
 Tumblr
 SimpleSite
Blog hosts with fees:
 GoDaddy
 Bluehost
 HostGator
 Hostmonster
2. Determine how much control you want control over your URL. If you use a free blogging
platform, your URL is going to look something like this:
Every activity and skill set that is required to manage a blog comes under the purview of
Blogging, for example, writing posts, publishing them, designing, social marketing, etc. In
simple words, blogging is the process of adding new content to a blog and updating it at regular
 Blogger (Person) − Person involved in blogging is called a 'blogger'.
 Blogger (Service) − It is a service provided by Google that allows us to compose a post,
edit, update, and manage it. You can customize your blogs easily with the help of a
'blogger'. It lets you share what is on your mind and earn money. It is a convenient
platform for avid as well as novice users. No technical knowledge or coding is required.
It runs directly on Google servers and is impossible to hack.
 WordPress − It’s a free software to create and customize a search engine friendly
website or a blog. A number of themes and plugins are available to transform your
website as required. Approximately 70 million people are a part of WordPress
community. WordPress is available in both free and premium plans.
Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 7
 Blogspot − Blogspot is a free web hosting service gifted to web developers by Google. It
helps Google Blogger in delivering its service. We cannot use any other platform to use
 Tumbler − It is a microblogging platform that allows us to make a blog and customize it.
We may use stories, images, videos, audio, etc. Bloggers can either keep their blogs
private or follow other blogs.
Corporate blogging can be defined as “the use of blogs to further accomplish company goals”.
A corporate blog is a blog operated by a company by one or more of its employees. Its basic
functionality is not that different from “normal” blogs: The person responsible for blogging
creates content and publishes it, and users will usually have the option to rate and comment on
posts. However, the purpose of a corporate blog is usually quite different. While privately active
bloggers usually choose topics that interest them and with which they are very familiar, at least
in most cases, a corporate blog functions as a marketing tool. Although corporate blogs are all
similar in this respect, their chosen themes and goals are nevertheless very different. Even so,
any content published by a company is usually intended to address a specific target audience and
inspire their interest in the company.
Different variants of the corporate blog
So far, we have used the phrase “corporate blog” – but this is somewhat misleading because just
as with other blogs, there is no defined format or goal for company blogging. Although most
companies have similar intentions with their internet blogs, the corporate blog still has quite a
few variants. These include:
Service Blog: With this kind of blog, the company provides customers with additional
information about its products. These can be, for example, recipes from a food manufacturer
or tips for craftsmen from a building materials specialist.
Campaign Blog: This blog usually operates for a fixed period and is intended to support
certain advertising campaigns. Among other things, further information on the product,
references to social commitment during its production, or the presentation of ultra-modern
production methods would be some likely topics.
Topic Blog: This variant is very broad and has just one limitation – the blog must be oriented
towards a certain topic area. A themed blog is particularly useful to establish the company as
an expert in a certain area and thus influence the formation of opinion.
Customer Relationship Blog: This blog is designed to build a community that identifies
with the company to a certain extent and thus enjoys a special relationship with it. This can,
for example, be a very helpful way to conduct online product evaluations.
Internal blogs
An internal blog, generally accessed through the corporation's Intranet, is a weblog that any
employee can view. Many blogs are also communal, allowing anyone to post to them. The
informal nature of blogs may encourage:
 employee participation
 free discussion of issues
 collective intelligence
Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 8
 direct communication between various layers of an organization
 a sense of community
Internal blogs may be used in lieu of meetings and e-mail discussions, and can be especially
useful when the people involved are in different locations, or have conflicting schedules. Blogs
may also allow individuals who otherwise would not have been aware of or invited to participate
in a discussion to contribute their expertise.[1]
Corporate blogging is the practice of creating
content that addresses industry updates, expert tips or best practices and company news from the
perspective of a brand.
External blogs
An external blog is a publicly available weblog where company employees, teams, or
spokespersons share their views. It is often used to announce new products and services (or the
end of old products), to explain and clarify policies, or to react on public criticism on certain
issues. It also allows a window to the company culture and is often treated more informally than
traditional press releases, though a corporate blog often tries to accomplish similar goals as press
releases do. In some corporate blogs, all posts go through a review before they are posted. Some
corporate blogs, but not all, allow comments to be made to the posts. According to Hoffman
Agency, corporate blogs should not be ‘about me’, but should be a platform to show thought
leadership and communicate views on industry issues.
Let’s find your best blog website builder. Our top picks are:
1. Squarespace – Best website builder for blogging
Squarespace is the best blogging website builder available. Its stunning designs make for
beautiful posts, and its powerful SEO tools can help you get your content in front of tons of
readers. In recent years, its ease of use has seen massive improvements, and overall, Squarespace
scored 4.7 out of 5 in our research process.
2. Wix – Best for powerful built-in blogging features
Wix is an intuitive site builder that lets you integrate a blog at the click of a button. It’s easy to
use and comes packed with features. Plus, Wix makes it simple to integrate your blog with a
fully fledged website.
3. – Best for more control over your blog’s design is a blog hosting service from the same company that’s behind
It’s a great option for building a blog, and in our research, it achieved an overall score of 4.2 out
of 5.
It’s free to launch your blog on, but you have to pay for extra features like
storage and your own domain name. Like Wix, to remove the logo you need to
upgrade to one of’s paid plans, which start from $4 a month.
4. powered by Bluehost – Best for creative, content-heavy blogs looking to
grow is a free and open source software that has helped millions of people launch blogs
online. In fact, is so popular that it now powers 40% of all websites in 2021.
That’s one heck of a social recommendation!
To use, you need hosting. itself recommends Bluehost for this and
so do we, because of how well it performed in our research for WordPress blogs.
5. Weebly – Best for starting a basic blog for free
Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 9
Weebly is an ideal website builder for anyone that wants to create a blog for the very first time.
This is because it’s pretty simple to use. To add a blog to your website and populate it with great
content, all you have to do is point and click with its intuitive drag-and-drop editor. Plus, it’s the
most affordable choice out of all the builders on this list!
6. GoDaddy – Best for getting your blog up and running quickly
GoDaddy’s website builder is an excellent option for building a professional-looking blog
quickly, thanks to its ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) builder. This means all you have to do
is answer a few questions and it will build your blog for you! It’s perfect if you’re a beginner, or
just short on time.
7. Zyro – Best for a simple, grid-based, drag-and-drop blog
Although Zyro hasn’t been around as long as some of the other big names, that doesn’t mean you
should overlook it in your search for the perfect blog builder. Like Weebly, it doesn’t come with
all the fancy extras, but it’s solid and reliable, as well as being super-easy to use. If you want a
simple but classic blog that allows your content to speak for yourself, Zyro could be your best
8. Site123 – Best if you want plenty of stock images for your blog
Site123 is a very basic builder, so not ideal for serious or complex blogging sites, but it is
intuitive and easy to get the hang of while you get started. Overall, it scored 3.6 out of 5 in our
research and testing. You get a brilliant live chat feature, making it perfect for beginners who are
a bit nervous or need that extra level of support.
9. Strikingly – Best for building a single-page blog
Strikingly isn’t going to win any awards for innovative blog design, but it is a good builder for
simple, one-page personal blogs. Overall, it scored 3.4 out of 5 in our research, and its standout
features include a thorough onboarding process and a handy on-page chat feature to help if you
get stuck. However, it is lacking in features, and our users found the editor a bit tricky to get a
grip on.
10. Duda – Best if you’re building a blog for a client
Duda is a design-focused website builder that demands no technical skill – think of it as a less
powerful version of Squarespace. Its variety of stylish templates and excellent ease of use make
it a good choice for starting a blog quickly, but you won’t get many standout features for the
price. In fact, Duda is around 59% more expensive than Squarespace, which is why it only scores
1.2/5 in our research for value for money!
Simply put, a blog tag is a word or phrase that describes a blog post. They are an easy way to
attach “labels” to your content and link similar articles together, and are typically one to three
Tags allow you to manage your blog posts by subject. Once you've added tags to your posts, you
can customize your templates to link to a feed of all posts by tag. You can also add a post filter
module so visitors can filter posts by tag.
Create a blog tag
You can create a new blog tag from the blog tag dashboard or the Settings tab of the post editor.
In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Website > Blog.
 In the left sidebar menu, click Tags.
 In the upper right, click Add new tag.
 Enter a name for your tag, and then click Create.
Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 10
Edit a blog tag
 In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Website > Blog.
 In the left sidebar menu, click Tags.
 Hover over the blog tag and click Edit.
 Enter a new name for your tag, then click Update.
Combine blog tags
 In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Website > Blog.
 In the left sidebar menu, click Tags.
 Select the checkboxes next to the tags you want to combine.
 At the top of the table, click Combine.
 In the pop-up box, click the Tag to reassign to blog posts dropdown menu and select
a tag. This tag will replace the tags you've selected on existing blog posts.
Delete a blog tag
 In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Website > Blog.
 In the left sidebar menu, click Tags.
 Hover over the tag, then click the More dropdown menu and select Delete.
 Type delete in the text field, then click Delete to finish deleting the tag.
Add or create a tag for a blog post in the editor
 In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Website > Blog.
 Hover over the blog post and click Edit.
 In the blog post editor, navigate to the Settings tab.
 To add an existing tag, click the Tags dropdown menu and select the tag. To create a
new tag:
o Click the Tags dropdown menu.
o Type your tag in the field.
o Click + Add ["name of your new tag"] tag to add the new tag.
Widget is a graphical element of interaction that can be found on mobile devices or websites. It
shows important information for users, e.g. about the weather, date or time. In the case of
websites, it is usually an element placed in the footer or side panel. Widget adds its code to the
page so that users can carry out various actions. Installing a ready-made widget is time-saving
for web developers.
Advantages of widgets:
Interesting Graphic Form
Dynamic Or Static
Easy Customization
Responsive Design.
The main function of widgets on websites is to make them more functional and attractive.
Widget is a great alternative to traditional banner ads. In general, it can be easily tailored to the
layout of the website and its goal.
Example of Using Widgets
A widget can be a contact form, calendar or internal search engine. It is introduced to improve
the website or make it more attractive for users. These elements enable the presentation of video
files or images in the browser, as well as easy integration with social media
Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 11
A blog not only helps a business position itself as a thought leader, it also helps the business
establish a dialogue with its target audience, collect leads and provide an SEO boost. Now
consider this, 70-80% of all search users ignore paid ads, focusing mostly on organic search
results. Your blog pages can bring you more visibility in the SERPs and drive organic traffic.
Improve Readability
There are different ways to make your blog more “readable” for your audience. These ways can
be broadly divided into three categories:
 Legibility: Clarity of visual design and typography.
 Readability: Complexity of words and sentence structure.
 Comprehension: Ease of understanding the text and drawing valid conclusions.
How to Optimize Blog Content for Search Engines
1. Identify the target audience for your blog.
No matter what industry your blog targets, you’ll want to identify and speak to the primary
audience that will be reading your content. Understanding who your audience is and what you
want them to do when they click on your article will help guide your blog strategy.
Buyer personas are an effective way to target readers using their buying behaviors,
demographics, and psychographics. Without this insight, you could be producing grammatically
correct and accurate content that few people will click on because it doesn’t speak to them on a
personal level.
2. Conduct keyword research.
Now that you’ve selected your target audience and prepared a buyer persona, it’s time to find out
what content your readers want to consume. Keyword research can be a heavy task to take on if
you don’t begin with a strategy. Therefore, I recommend starting with the topics your blog will
cover, then expand or contract your scope from there. For an in-depth tutorial, check out our
how-to guide on keyword research.
3. Add visuals.
Search engines like Google value visuals for certain keywords. Images and videos are among the
most common visual elements that appear on the search engine results page. In order to achieve a
coveted spot in an image pack or a video snippet, you’ll want to design creative graphics, use
original photos and videos, and add descriptive alt text to every visual element within your blog
Alt text is a major factor that determines whether or not your image or video appears in the
SERP and how highly it appears. Alt text is also important for screen readers so that visually
impaired individuals have a positive experience consuming content on your blog site.
4. Write a catchy title.
The title of your blog post is the first element a reader will see when they come across your
article, and it heavily influences whether they’ll click or keep scrolling. A catchy title uses data,
asks a question, or leads with curiosity to pique the reader’s interest.
5. Include an enticing CTA.
What’s a blog post without a call to action? The purpose of a CTA is to lead your reader to the
next step in their journey through your blog. The key to a great CTA is that it’s relevant to the
topic of your existing blog post and flows naturally with the rest of the content. Whether you’re
selling a product, offering a newsletter subscription, or wanting the reader to consume more of
your content, you’ll need an enticing CTA on every blog post you publish.
6. Focus on the reader's experience.
Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 12
Any great writer or SEO will tell you that the reader experience is the most important part of a
blog post. The reader experience includes several factors like readability, formatting, and page
speed. That means you’ll want to write content that’s clear, comprehensive of your topic, and
accurate according to the latest data and trends.
It can be difficult to keep up with the constantly changing stats and facts about blogging. That’s
why we created this ultimate list of blogging statistics and facts.
If you’re running your own blog, it’s important to be in the loop with the latest trends so that
you’re not missing out on any opportunities to increase your traffic or revenue.
Ultimate List of Blogging Statistics and Facts
We hope these blogging stats give you some insight and help you make healthy decisions for
your blog’s future.
General Blogging Statistics
1. Each month, approximately 409 million people view more than 20 billion pages.
2. There are about 70 million posts being published each month by WordPress users.
3. 77 million new blog comments are generated by readers each month.
4. 71% of WordPress sites are written in English.
5. The average blog post takes 3.5 hours to write.
6. Bloggers who write articles of 2,000+ words are far more likely to have strong results.
7. 46% of bloggers edit their own work, while 54% have editors or have at least shown their
work to someone else to review.
8. 43% of people admit to skimming blog posts.
9. 36% of readers prefer list-based headlines.
10. Websites that also have a blog are shown to have 434% more indexed pages.
11. Companies who blog get 97% more links to their websites.
12. Blogs have been rated as the 5th most trustworthy source for gathering online information.
13. 66% of bloggers today are publishing a few times per month, rather than a few times per
week back in 2014.
14. 77% of internet users read blogs.
15. Internet users in the US spend 3X more time on blogs than they do on email.
16. The “how-to” headline—a close cousin to the listicle—is the third most popular headline
preference at around 17%.
Blogging SEO Stats
17. Only 38% of bloggers are updating older articles.
18. 34% of bloggers say that updating content produces strong results.
19. Around 5% of bloggers don’t have access to analytics.
20. Titles with 6-13 words attract the highest and most consistent amount of traffic.
21. SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads (such as direct mail or print
advertising) have a 1.7% close rate.
22. 72% of online marketers describe content creation as their most effective SEO tactic.
Want more SEO statistics? We got you covered.
Blogging Traffic Stats
23. Businesses that blog experience twice as much email traffic as businesses who don’t.
24. Having a hyphen or colon in the headline increased click-through rates by 9%.
25. Making your headline 6-8 words can increase your CTR by 21%.
Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 13
26. Over 50% of bloggers report that it has gotten harder to get traffic from Facebook over
the past two years, and nearly one-fifth say it has gotten harder to get traffic from Google.
27. Over the past year, there’s been a 93% increase in blogs using promotional techniques
to drive traffic to their post including paid ads.
Guest Blogging Statistics
28. 60% of blogs write 1-5 guest posts per month.
29. 3% of blogs write over 100 guest posts per month.
30. Only 6% of bloggers publish the majority of their original content as guest posts.
31. 62.96% of readers perceive blogs with multiple authors to be more credible.
32. 79% of editors say guest content is too promotional.
33. Guest content is in higher demand in the summer months of June, July, and August.
Travel Blogging Statistics
34. 59% of travel bloggers run more than one travel blog.
35. Over 80% of travel planning is done through the internet and is growing.
36. 33% of US travelers use travel blogs for travel advice.
37. The majority of travel blogs are between 1-4 years old.
38. Most travel blogs use publication and sponsored posts as one of the main income sources.
39. The average travel blogger will charge an average of $200 per sponsored post.
40. 94% of travel blogs sell advertising.
41. Most travel blog’s traffic mainly stems from non-brand search with direct traffic a distant
Blogging Growth Stats
42. The number of bloggers in the USA is expected to grow to 31.7 million in 2020.
43. There are more than 500 million blogs that exist in 2019.
44. Tumblr has more than 440 million blogs.
45. WordPress has about 60 million blogs.
46. Blogging has grown by 12% since 2015.
47. At this moment, there are roughly 1.9 billion web pages. Judging by the growth rate, we
will be hitting 2 billion in less than a year.
48. The average blog post is 1151 words, that’s a 42% increase in the last 5 years.
Social Media Blogging Statistics
49. 66% of marketers reported using blogs in their social media content in 2017.
50. 59% of people will share an article without reading it first, or ever.
51. LinkedIn is the most effective social media platform for delivering content and securing
audience engagement.
52. 95.9% of bloggers promote their blog posts via social media.
53. Tumblr had 456.1 million blog accounts as of January 2019.
54. 69% of bloggers say they use social share buttons.
Blogging With Visuals and Videos Stats
55. Articles with images get 94% more views as opposed to those with no visuals.
56. 71% of bloggers report using visuals as part of their marketing strategy.
57. Using photos of real people instead of stock photos can result in a 35% conversion
58. 43% of consumers increasingly want video content from marketers.
59. 19% of bloggers are now including video in their typical posts.
60. 45% of bloggers who add audio to their posts such as podcast see better results.
Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 14
61. Video content is 50 times more likely to drive organic search traffic than plain text.
62. 32% of marketers say visual images are the most important form of content for their
Blogging Statistics for Marketers
63. Marketers who prioritize blogging are 13x more likely to have a positive ROI on their
64. 61% of the most effective B2B content marketers meet with their content team daily or
65. 64% of B2B marketers outsource blog copywriting.
66. Spending on marketing automation tools is expected to reach $25.1 billion annually by
67. 60% of marketers have a documented personalization strategy.
68. 57% of marketers say they’ve gained customers specifically through blogging.
69. 53% of marketers say blogging is their top content marketing priority.
70. B2B marketers who have blogs get 67% more leads than those who don’t.
71. Around 60% of marketer will reuse blog content 2-3 times.
72. 60% of B2B marketers struggle with creating engaging content.

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  • 1. Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 1 What are Blogs, Importance Of Blogs, Personal Blogs, Corporate Blogs, Popular Blog Platforms, What are Tags, Widgets, Blog Optimization, Blog Stats. WHAT ARE BLOGS A blog (a truncation of "weblog") is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page. The term "weblog" was coined by Jorn Barger on December 17, 1997. The short form, "blog", was coined by Peter Merholz, who jokingly broke the word weblog into the phrase we blog in the sidebar of his blog in April or May 1999. Shortly thereafter, Evan Williams at Pyra Labs used "blog" as both a noun and verb ("to blog", meaning "to edit one's weblog or to post to one's weblog") and devised the term "blogger" in connection with Pyra Labs' Blogger product, leading to the popularization of the terms. Rise in popularity After a slow start, blogging rapidly gained in popularity. Blog usage spread during 1999 and the years following, being further popularized by the near-simultaneous arrival of the first hosted blog tools:  Bruce Ableson launched Open Diary in October 1998, which soon grew to thousands of online diaries. Open Diary innovated the reader comment, becoming the first blog community where readers could add comments to other writers' blog entries.  Brad Fitzpatrick started LiveJournal in March 1999.  Andrew Smales created in July 1999 as an easier alternative to maintaining a "news page" on a Web site, followed by DiaryLand in September 1999, focusing more on a personal diary community.[23]  Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan (Pyra Labs) launched in August 1999 (purchased by Google in February 2003) Create a blog 1. Sign in to Blogger. 2. On the left, click the Down arrow Down arrow. 3. Click New blog. 4. Enter a name for your blog. 5. Click Next. 6. Choose a blog address or URL. 7. Click Save. Note: Make sure you comply with the Blogger Content Policy and Terms of Service. TYPES There are many different types of blogs, differing not only in the type of content, but also in the way that content is delivered or written. 1.Personal blogs The personal blog is an ongoing online diary or commentary written by an individual, rather than a corporation or organization. While the vast majority of personal blogs attract very few readers, other than the blogger's immediate family and friends, a small number of personal blogs have become popular, to the point that they have attracted lucrative advertising sponsorship. A tiny
  • 2. Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 2 number of personal bloggers have become famous, both in the online community and in the real world. 2.Collaborative blogs or group blogs A type of weblog in which posts are written and published by more than one author. The majority of high-profile collaborative blogs are organised according to a single uniting theme, such as politics, technology or advocacy. In recent years, the blogosphere has seen the emergence and growing popularity of more collaborative efforts, often set up by already established bloggers wishing to pool time and resources, both to reduce the pressure of maintaining a popular website and to attract a larger readership. 3.Micro blogging Micro blogging is the practice of posting small pieces of digital content—which could be text, pictures, links, short videos, or other media—on the Internet. Micro blogging offers a portable communication mode that feels organic and spontaneous to many users. It has captured the public imagination, in part because the short posts are easy to read on the go or when waiting. Friends use it to keep in touch, business associates use it to coordinate meetings or share useful resources, and celebrities and politicians (or their publicists) microblog about concert dates, lectures, book releases, or tour schedules. A wide and growing range of add-on tools enables sophisticated updates and interaction with other applications. The resulting profusion of functionality is helping to define new possibilities for this type of communication. Examples of these include Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and, by far the largest, WeiBo. 4.Corporate and organizational blogs A blog can be private, as in most cases, or it can be for business or not-for-profit organization or government purposes. Blogs used internally, and only available to employees via an Intranet are called corporate blogs. Companies use internal corporate blogs enhance the communication, culture and employee engagement in a corporation. Internal corporate blogs can be used to communicate news about company policies or procedures, build employee esprit de corps and improve morale. Companies and other organizations also use external, publicly accessible blogs for marketing, branding, or public relations purposes. Some organizations have a blog authored by their executive; in practice, many of these executive blog posts are penned by a ghostwriter, who makes posts in the style of the credited author. Similar blogs for clubs and societies are called club blogs, group blogs, or by similar names; typical use is to inform members and other interested parties of club and member activities. 5.Aggregated blogs Individuals or organization may aggregate selected feeds on specific topic, product or service and provide combined view for its readers. This allows readers to concentrate on reading instead of searching for quality on-topic content and managing subscriptions. Many such aggregation called planets from name of Planet (software) that perform such aggregation, hosting sites usually have planet. subdomain in domain name (like 6.By genre Some blogs focus on a particular subject, such as political blogs, journalism blogs, health blogs, travel blogs (also known as travelogs), gardening blogs, house blogs, Book Blogs, fashion blogs, beauty blogs, lifestyle blogs, party blogs, wedding blogs, photography blogs, project blogs, psychology blogs, sociology blogs, education blogs, niche blogs, classical music blogs, quizzing blogs, legal blogs (often referred to as a blawgs), or dreamlogs. How-to/Tutorial blogs are becoming increasing popular. Two common types of genre blogs are art blogs and music blogs. A blog featuring discussions especially about home and family is not uncommonly called a mom
  • 3. Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 3 blog. While not a legitimate type of blog, one used for the sole purpose of spamming is known as a splog. 7.By media type A blog comprising videos is called a vlog, one comprising links is called a linklog, a site containing a portfolio of sketches is called a sketchblog or one comprising photos is called a photoblog. Blogs with shorter posts and mixed media types are called tumblelogs. Blogs that are written on typewriters and then scanned are called typecast or typecast blogs. A rare type of blog hosted on the Gopher Protocol is known as a phlog. 8.By device A blog can also be defined by which type of device is used to compose it. A blog written by a mobile device like a mobile phone or PDA could be called a moblog. One early blog was Wearable Wireless Webcam, an online shared diary of a person's personal life combining text, video, and pictures transmitted live from a wearable computer and EyeTap device to a web site. This practice of semi-automated blogging with live video together with text was referred to as sousveillance. Such journals have been used as evidence in legal matters. 9.Reverse blog A reverse blog is composed by its users rather than a single blogger. This system has the characteristics of a blog, and the writing of several authors. These can be written by several contributing authors on a topic, or opened up for anyone to write. There is typically some limit to the number of entries to keep it from operating like a web forum. IMPORTANCE OF BLOGS Blogs are a great marketing tool for serviced apartments and accommodation providers especially. We have come up with our top 10 great reasons for starting a blog: 1. Blogs create content Starting a blog is a great way of creating content. By introducing a blog, you have the capacity to add new pages to your website on a regular basis. Each new blog article is a whole new index- able page for the search engine to find and score. In terms of the length of your blog, the current thinking is that the longer the better and we recommend an absolute minimum of 300 to 400 words and ideally over 1,000 words. The longer blogs create more new words for the search engines to index and also help let the search engines know exactly what the page is about. It is important to make sure your blog article is focused on a single topic so you rank well in that particular area, rather than badly for a range of topics or keywords. When writing a longer blog make sure your blog is well structured, easy to read and divided into sections. 2. Blogs allow you to introduce keywords, great for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) When you create your own blog you also have the opportunity to introduce keywords that will attract the right audience and help with your search engine optimisation. Google’s AdWords Keyword Planner is a great tool for checking how popular certain keywords are and how often they get searched each month. It also tells you how competitive that keyword is. Our advice is to always focus on ‘longer tailed keywords’ which have less competition but bring better quality traffic. Make a note of the keywords you wish to include in your blog before you start to write but make sure they appear naturally and don’t ‘over stuff’ them into your blog. Avoid using the same keywords on multiple pages as this can result in ‘keyword cannibalisation’. The search engine becomes confused with a number of pages covering the same topic and as a result none of the
  • 4. Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 4 pages score well. Far better to have separate pages or separate blogs focused on separate topics which all go on to score well. It is also perfectly acceptable to have the odd post which isn’t keyword focused at all and is purely informative. 3. Blogs allow you to update your content regularly A serviced apartment or holiday accommodation website can be fairly static as the information regarding your apartments and your services typically does not change significantly over time. This makes it hard for service apartment and accommodation providers to add new content unless of course you have a new property to brag about. Google and other search engines like freshness, and new content scores highly. By writing a blog you gain the ability to regularly add new content to your site, something that will keep the search engines happy and will help your rankings! 4. Blogs allow you to develop a personality for your brand and your website Starting a blog is a great way to give your brand personality. For instance if you are offering chic serviced apartments in a cool city centre, reflect that in your blog. Write about the local neighbourhood, the trendy bars, restaurants and street art which are all on your doorstep. Include great images which reflect your brand and your brand position. 5. Blogs give you a voice to inform your customers and peers As you create your own blog, with more and more articles about your neighbourhood and the great things to do in your area, you gain the opportunity to inform your customers and your peers. You also become a valuable source of local information. Tell everyone more about you, your business and the area your business operates it. Have you just won an award, has a new trendy bar opened on your street, or is there a popular ice cream parlour across the road. All these things will make your brand more appealing and more importantly customers will be able to visualise how they can use their spare time when visiting. 6. Blogs make you think outside the box and review your local neighborhood Blogs are a great way of making you take a step back and see the bigger picture. Go out and about and talk to neighboring businesses. Eat at the local restaurants and drink at the local bars, if you don’t already! Find out who their customers are and talk to the demographic to find out what motivates them to be there. Maybe your neighborhood is great for up and coming artists. Why not support those artists by commissioning some art to display on your premises, or offer them some gallery space – and then blog about it! 7. Blogs give you something to share and talk about on your social media channels Another great reason for starting a blog is to help your social media. A blog article gives you something to talk about and share. Choose topics that people are likely to share and post them on Twitter, Facebook, Google + and LinkedIn. Add your blog to your email signature. Take time to review a local attraction or a great new restaurant in the area. Make use of the keywords and find popular hashtags to spread the word. Put your own personality into the blog, write about your own personal experience and make your story stand out from the crowd. 8. Blogs encourage third party links By blogging about your neighboring businesses you will create a rapport with other business owners. Get to know them and keep them informed about what your business is achieving by sharing relevant blogs with them. Frequently reference the content of others in your community in your blog pages and interact on other people’s blogs. Who knows, they may offer your customers a special deal, write a reciprocal blog or set up a reciprocal link from their website which are all great for your business.
  • 5. Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 5 9. Blogs drive traffic you wouldn’t otherwise get When you create your own blog, you are creating the opportunity to build traffic from a whole new audience. A blog on a local bar, or an up and coming artist, will bring in different people to those looking for accommodation in the area. But they are still potential customers. If your blog is written with links to other blogs and stories of the local community you can then sell your ‘destination’ to them and more likely to secure a booking before they scour the competition. COMMUNITY AND CATALOGING An artist's depiction of the interconnections between blogs and blog authors in the "blogosphere" in 2007. Blogosphere The collective community of all blogs and blog authors, particularly notable and widely read blogs, is known as the blogosphere. Since all blogs are on the internet by definition, they may be seen as interconnected and socially networked, through blogrolls, comments, linkbacks (refbacks, trackbacks or pingbacks), and backlinks. Discussions "in the blogosphere" were occasionally used by the media as a gauge of public opinion on various issues. Because new, untapped communities of bloggers and their readers can emerge in the space of a few years, Internet marketers pay close attention to "trends in the blogosphere". Blog search engines Several blog search engines have been used to search blog contents, such as Bloglines (defunct), BlogScope (defunct), and Technorati (defunct). Blogging communities and directories Several online communities exist that connect people to blogs and bloggers to other bloggers. Interest-specific blogging platforms are also available. For instance, Blogster has a sizable community of political bloggers among its members. Global Voices aggregates international bloggers, "with emphasis on voices that are not ordinarily heard in international mainstream media." Blogging and advertising It is common for blogs to feature banner advertisements or promotional content, either to financially benefit the blogger, support website hosting costs, or to promote the blogger's favorite causes or products. The popularity of blogs has also given rise to "fake blogs" in which a company will create a fictional blog as a marketing tool to promote a product. As the popularity of blogging continued to rise (as of 2006), the commercialization of blogging is rapidly increasing. Many corporations and companies collaborate with bloggers to increase advertising and engage online communities towards their products. In the book Fans, Bloggers, and Gamers, Henry Jenkins stated that "Bloggers take knowledge in their own hands, enabling successful navigation within and between these emerging knowledge cultures. One can see such behaviour as co-optation into commodity culture insofar as it sometimes collaborates with corporate interests, but one can also see it as increasing the diversity of media culture, providing opportunities for greater inclusiveness, and making more responsive to consumers." PERSONAL BLOGS The personal blog is an ongoing online diary or commentary written by an individual, rather than a corporation or organization. The success of a personal blog quite often depends on the post frequency as well. That's because it's not just about posting good content once and letting it slide afterwards. That kind of
  • 6. Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 6 popularity will get a personal blog nowhere. If anything, it'll only make it look like its best time has passed. There’s plenty of space on the internet for everybody. People love to share ideas, give shape to their thoughts, and maybe even reach a global audience. How to put yourself on the path to achieve all of that? For once, what if you start a personal blog? Blogs are super-effective for a couple of reasons. Chief of them is that 77% of internet users read blogs, so your audience is already out there. HOW TO CREATE A PERSONAL BLOG According to Maureen Taylor 1 Select a blog host. A host is a website whose blogging platform you'll use in order to start blogging. With the rise of the internet, dozens of blogging hosts have risen to prominence, many of them easy to use for people who know next to nothing about computers. There are plenty of free hosts in addition to hosts for which you need to pay. Here are a list of just a few: Free blog hosts:   Blogger  Tumblr  SimpleSite  Blog hosts with fees:  GoDaddy  Bluehost  HostGator  Hostmonster 2. Determine how much control you want control over your URL. If you use a free blogging platform, your URL is going to look something like this: BLOGGING Every activity and skill set that is required to manage a blog comes under the purview of Blogging, for example, writing posts, publishing them, designing, social marketing, etc. In simple words, blogging is the process of adding new content to a blog and updating it at regular intervals.  Blogger (Person) − Person involved in blogging is called a 'blogger'.  Blogger (Service) − It is a service provided by Google that allows us to compose a post, edit, update, and manage it. You can customize your blogs easily with the help of a 'blogger'. It lets you share what is on your mind and earn money. It is a convenient platform for avid as well as novice users. No technical knowledge or coding is required. It runs directly on Google servers and is impossible to hack.  WordPress − It’s a free software to create and customize a search engine friendly website or a blog. A number of themes and plugins are available to transform your website as required. Approximately 70 million people are a part of WordPress community. WordPress is available in both free and premium plans.
  • 7. Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 7  Blogspot − Blogspot is a free web hosting service gifted to web developers by Google. It helps Google Blogger in delivering its service. We cannot use any other platform to use it.  Tumbler − It is a microblogging platform that allows us to make a blog and customize it. We may use stories, images, videos, audio, etc. Bloggers can either keep their blogs private or follow other blogs. CORPORATE BLOGS Corporate blogging can be defined as “the use of blogs to further accomplish company goals”. (Wiley) A corporate blog is a blog operated by a company by one or more of its employees. Its basic functionality is not that different from “normal” blogs: The person responsible for blogging creates content and publishes it, and users will usually have the option to rate and comment on posts. However, the purpose of a corporate blog is usually quite different. While privately active bloggers usually choose topics that interest them and with which they are very familiar, at least in most cases, a corporate blog functions as a marketing tool. Although corporate blogs are all similar in this respect, their chosen themes and goals are nevertheless very different. Even so, any content published by a company is usually intended to address a specific target audience and inspire their interest in the company. Different variants of the corporate blog So far, we have used the phrase “corporate blog” – but this is somewhat misleading because just as with other blogs, there is no defined format or goal for company blogging. Although most companies have similar intentions with their internet blogs, the corporate blog still has quite a few variants. These include: Service Blog: With this kind of blog, the company provides customers with additional information about its products. These can be, for example, recipes from a food manufacturer or tips for craftsmen from a building materials specialist. Campaign Blog: This blog usually operates for a fixed period and is intended to support certain advertising campaigns. Among other things, further information on the product, references to social commitment during its production, or the presentation of ultra-modern production methods would be some likely topics. Topic Blog: This variant is very broad and has just one limitation – the blog must be oriented towards a certain topic area. A themed blog is particularly useful to establish the company as an expert in a certain area and thus influence the formation of opinion. Customer Relationship Blog: This blog is designed to build a community that identifies with the company to a certain extent and thus enjoys a special relationship with it. This can, for example, be a very helpful way to conduct online product evaluations. TYPES OF CORPORATE BLOGS Internal blogs An internal blog, generally accessed through the corporation's Intranet, is a weblog that any employee can view. Many blogs are also communal, allowing anyone to post to them. The informal nature of blogs may encourage:  employee participation  free discussion of issues  collective intelligence
  • 8. Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 8  direct communication between various layers of an organization  a sense of community Internal blogs may be used in lieu of meetings and e-mail discussions, and can be especially useful when the people involved are in different locations, or have conflicting schedules. Blogs may also allow individuals who otherwise would not have been aware of or invited to participate in a discussion to contribute their expertise.[1] Corporate blogging is the practice of creating content that addresses industry updates, expert tips or best practices and company news from the perspective of a brand. External blogs An external blog is a publicly available weblog where company employees, teams, or spokespersons share their views. It is often used to announce new products and services (or the end of old products), to explain and clarify policies, or to react on public criticism on certain issues. It also allows a window to the company culture and is often treated more informally than traditional press releases, though a corporate blog often tries to accomplish similar goals as press releases do. In some corporate blogs, all posts go through a review before they are posted. Some corporate blogs, but not all, allow comments to be made to the posts. According to Hoffman Agency, corporate blogs should not be ‘about me’, but should be a platform to show thought leadership and communicate views on industry issues. POPULAR BLOG PLATFORMS Let’s find your best blog website builder. Our top picks are: 1. Squarespace – Best website builder for blogging Squarespace is the best blogging website builder available. Its stunning designs make for beautiful posts, and its powerful SEO tools can help you get your content in front of tons of readers. In recent years, its ease of use has seen massive improvements, and overall, Squarespace scored 4.7 out of 5 in our research process. 2. Wix – Best for powerful built-in blogging features Wix is an intuitive site builder that lets you integrate a blog at the click of a button. It’s easy to use and comes packed with features. Plus, Wix makes it simple to integrate your blog with a fully fledged website. 3. – Best for more control over your blog’s design is a blog hosting service from the same company that’s behind It’s a great option for building a blog, and in our research, it achieved an overall score of 4.2 out of 5. It’s free to launch your blog on, but you have to pay for extra features like storage and your own domain name. Like Wix, to remove the logo you need to upgrade to one of’s paid plans, which start from $4 a month. 4. powered by Bluehost – Best for creative, content-heavy blogs looking to grow is a free and open source software that has helped millions of people launch blogs online. In fact, is so popular that it now powers 40% of all websites in 2021. That’s one heck of a social recommendation! To use, you need hosting. itself recommends Bluehost for this and so do we, because of how well it performed in our research for WordPress blogs. 5. Weebly – Best for starting a basic blog for free
  • 9. Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 9 Weebly is an ideal website builder for anyone that wants to create a blog for the very first time. This is because it’s pretty simple to use. To add a blog to your website and populate it with great content, all you have to do is point and click with its intuitive drag-and-drop editor. Plus, it’s the most affordable choice out of all the builders on this list! 6. GoDaddy – Best for getting your blog up and running quickly GoDaddy’s website builder is an excellent option for building a professional-looking blog quickly, thanks to its ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) builder. This means all you have to do is answer a few questions and it will build your blog for you! It’s perfect if you’re a beginner, or just short on time. 7. Zyro – Best for a simple, grid-based, drag-and-drop blog Although Zyro hasn’t been around as long as some of the other big names, that doesn’t mean you should overlook it in your search for the perfect blog builder. Like Weebly, it doesn’t come with all the fancy extras, but it’s solid and reliable, as well as being super-easy to use. If you want a simple but classic blog that allows your content to speak for yourself, Zyro could be your best bet. 8. Site123 – Best if you want plenty of stock images for your blog Site123 is a very basic builder, so not ideal for serious or complex blogging sites, but it is intuitive and easy to get the hang of while you get started. Overall, it scored 3.6 out of 5 in our research and testing. You get a brilliant live chat feature, making it perfect for beginners who are a bit nervous or need that extra level of support. 9. Strikingly – Best for building a single-page blog Strikingly isn’t going to win any awards for innovative blog design, but it is a good builder for simple, one-page personal blogs. Overall, it scored 3.4 out of 5 in our research, and its standout features include a thorough onboarding process and a handy on-page chat feature to help if you get stuck. However, it is lacking in features, and our users found the editor a bit tricky to get a grip on. 10. Duda – Best if you’re building a blog for a client Duda is a design-focused website builder that demands no technical skill – think of it as a less powerful version of Squarespace. Its variety of stylish templates and excellent ease of use make it a good choice for starting a blog quickly, but you won’t get many standout features for the price. In fact, Duda is around 59% more expensive than Squarespace, which is why it only scores 1.2/5 in our research for value for money! WHAT ARE TAGS Simply put, a blog tag is a word or phrase that describes a blog post. They are an easy way to attach “labels” to your content and link similar articles together, and are typically one to three words. Tags allow you to manage your blog posts by subject. Once you've added tags to your posts, you can customize your templates to link to a feed of all posts by tag. You can also add a post filter module so visitors can filter posts by tag. Create a blog tag You can create a new blog tag from the blog tag dashboard or the Settings tab of the post editor. In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Website > Blog.  In the left sidebar menu, click Tags.  In the upper right, click Add new tag.  Enter a name for your tag, and then click Create.
  • 10. Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 10 Edit a blog tag  In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Website > Blog.  In the left sidebar menu, click Tags.  Hover over the blog tag and click Edit.  Enter a new name for your tag, then click Update. Combine blog tags  In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Website > Blog.  In the left sidebar menu, click Tags.  Select the checkboxes next to the tags you want to combine.  At the top of the table, click Combine.  In the pop-up box, click the Tag to reassign to blog posts dropdown menu and select a tag. This tag will replace the tags you've selected on existing blog posts. Delete a blog tag  In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Website > Blog.  In the left sidebar menu, click Tags.  Hover over the tag, then click the More dropdown menu and select Delete.  Type delete in the text field, then click Delete to finish deleting the tag. Add or create a tag for a blog post in the editor  In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Website > Blog.  Hover over the blog post and click Edit.  In the blog post editor, navigate to the Settings tab.  To add an existing tag, click the Tags dropdown menu and select the tag. To create a new tag: o Click the Tags dropdown menu. o Type your tag in the field. o Click + Add ["name of your new tag"] tag to add the new tag. WIDGETS Widget is a graphical element of interaction that can be found on mobile devices or websites. It shows important information for users, e.g. about the weather, date or time. In the case of websites, it is usually an element placed in the footer or side panel. Widget adds its code to the page so that users can carry out various actions. Installing a ready-made widget is time-saving for web developers. Advantages of widgets: Interesting Graphic Form Dynamic Or Static Easy Customization Responsive Design. The main function of widgets on websites is to make them more functional and attractive. Widget is a great alternative to traditional banner ads. In general, it can be easily tailored to the layout of the website and its goal. Example of Using Widgets A widget can be a contact form, calendar or internal search engine. It is introduced to improve the website or make it more attractive for users. These elements enable the presentation of video files or images in the browser, as well as easy integration with social media
  • 11. Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 11 BLOG OPTIMIZATION A blog not only helps a business position itself as a thought leader, it also helps the business establish a dialogue with its target audience, collect leads and provide an SEO boost. Now consider this, 70-80% of all search users ignore paid ads, focusing mostly on organic search results. Your blog pages can bring you more visibility in the SERPs and drive organic traffic. Improve Readability There are different ways to make your blog more “readable” for your audience. These ways can be broadly divided into three categories:  Legibility: Clarity of visual design and typography.  Readability: Complexity of words and sentence structure.  Comprehension: Ease of understanding the text and drawing valid conclusions. How to Optimize Blog Content for Search Engines 1. Identify the target audience for your blog. No matter what industry your blog targets, you’ll want to identify and speak to the primary audience that will be reading your content. Understanding who your audience is and what you want them to do when they click on your article will help guide your blog strategy. Buyer personas are an effective way to target readers using their buying behaviors, demographics, and psychographics. Without this insight, you could be producing grammatically correct and accurate content that few people will click on because it doesn’t speak to them on a personal level. 2. Conduct keyword research. Now that you’ve selected your target audience and prepared a buyer persona, it’s time to find out what content your readers want to consume. Keyword research can be a heavy task to take on if you don’t begin with a strategy. Therefore, I recommend starting with the topics your blog will cover, then expand or contract your scope from there. For an in-depth tutorial, check out our how-to guide on keyword research. 3. Add visuals. Search engines like Google value visuals for certain keywords. Images and videos are among the most common visual elements that appear on the search engine results page. In order to achieve a coveted spot in an image pack or a video snippet, you’ll want to design creative graphics, use original photos and videos, and add descriptive alt text to every visual element within your blog post. Alt text is a major factor that determines whether or not your image or video appears in the SERP and how highly it appears. Alt text is also important for screen readers so that visually impaired individuals have a positive experience consuming content on your blog site. 4. Write a catchy title. The title of your blog post is the first element a reader will see when they come across your article, and it heavily influences whether they’ll click or keep scrolling. A catchy title uses data, asks a question, or leads with curiosity to pique the reader’s interest. 5. Include an enticing CTA. What’s a blog post without a call to action? The purpose of a CTA is to lead your reader to the next step in their journey through your blog. The key to a great CTA is that it’s relevant to the topic of your existing blog post and flows naturally with the rest of the content. Whether you’re selling a product, offering a newsletter subscription, or wanting the reader to consume more of your content, you’ll need an enticing CTA on every blog post you publish. 6. Focus on the reader's experience.
  • 12. Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 12 Any great writer or SEO will tell you that the reader experience is the most important part of a blog post. The reader experience includes several factors like readability, formatting, and page speed. That means you’ll want to write content that’s clear, comprehensive of your topic, and accurate according to the latest data and trends. BLOG STATS It can be difficult to keep up with the constantly changing stats and facts about blogging. That’s why we created this ultimate list of blogging statistics and facts. If you’re running your own blog, it’s important to be in the loop with the latest trends so that you’re not missing out on any opportunities to increase your traffic or revenue. Ultimate List of Blogging Statistics and Facts We hope these blogging stats give you some insight and help you make healthy decisions for your blog’s future. General Blogging Statistics 1. Each month, approximately 409 million people view more than 20 billion pages. 2. There are about 70 million posts being published each month by WordPress users. 3. 77 million new blog comments are generated by readers each month. 4. 71% of WordPress sites are written in English. 5. The average blog post takes 3.5 hours to write. 6. Bloggers who write articles of 2,000+ words are far more likely to have strong results. 7. 46% of bloggers edit their own work, while 54% have editors or have at least shown their work to someone else to review. 8. 43% of people admit to skimming blog posts. 9. 36% of readers prefer list-based headlines. 10. Websites that also have a blog are shown to have 434% more indexed pages. 11. Companies who blog get 97% more links to their websites. 12. Blogs have been rated as the 5th most trustworthy source for gathering online information. 13. 66% of bloggers today are publishing a few times per month, rather than a few times per week back in 2014. 14. 77% of internet users read blogs. 15. Internet users in the US spend 3X more time on blogs than they do on email. 16. The “how-to” headline—a close cousin to the listicle—is the third most popular headline preference at around 17%. Blogging SEO Stats 17. Only 38% of bloggers are updating older articles. 18. 34% of bloggers say that updating content produces strong results. 19. Around 5% of bloggers don’t have access to analytics. 20. Titles with 6-13 words attract the highest and most consistent amount of traffic. 21. SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads (such as direct mail or print advertising) have a 1.7% close rate. 22. 72% of online marketers describe content creation as their most effective SEO tactic. Want more SEO statistics? We got you covered. Blogging Traffic Stats 23. Businesses that blog experience twice as much email traffic as businesses who don’t. 24. Having a hyphen or colon in the headline increased click-through rates by 9%. 25. Making your headline 6-8 words can increase your CTR by 21%.
  • 13. Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 13 26. Over 50% of bloggers report that it has gotten harder to get traffic from Facebook over the past two years, and nearly one-fifth say it has gotten harder to get traffic from Google. 27. Over the past year, there’s been a 93% increase in blogs using promotional techniques to drive traffic to their post including paid ads. Guest Blogging Statistics 28. 60% of blogs write 1-5 guest posts per month. 29. 3% of blogs write over 100 guest posts per month. 30. Only 6% of bloggers publish the majority of their original content as guest posts. 31. 62.96% of readers perceive blogs with multiple authors to be more credible. 32. 79% of editors say guest content is too promotional. 33. Guest content is in higher demand in the summer months of June, July, and August. Travel Blogging Statistics 34. 59% of travel bloggers run more than one travel blog. 35. Over 80% of travel planning is done through the internet and is growing. 36. 33% of US travelers use travel blogs for travel advice. 37. The majority of travel blogs are between 1-4 years old. 38. Most travel blogs use publication and sponsored posts as one of the main income sources. 39. The average travel blogger will charge an average of $200 per sponsored post. 40. 94% of travel blogs sell advertising. 41. Most travel blog’s traffic mainly stems from non-brand search with direct traffic a distant second. Blogging Growth Stats 42. The number of bloggers in the USA is expected to grow to 31.7 million in 2020. 43. There are more than 500 million blogs that exist in 2019. 44. Tumblr has more than 440 million blogs. 45. WordPress has about 60 million blogs. 46. Blogging has grown by 12% since 2015. 47. At this moment, there are roughly 1.9 billion web pages. Judging by the growth rate, we will be hitting 2 billion in less than a year. 48. The average blog post is 1151 words, that’s a 42% increase in the last 5 years. Social Media Blogging Statistics 49. 66% of marketers reported using blogs in their social media content in 2017. 50. 59% of people will share an article without reading it first, or ever. 51. LinkedIn is the most effective social media platform for delivering content and securing audience engagement. 52. 95.9% of bloggers promote their blog posts via social media. 53. Tumblr had 456.1 million blog accounts as of January 2019. 54. 69% of bloggers say they use social share buttons. Blogging With Visuals and Videos Stats 55. Articles with images get 94% more views as opposed to those with no visuals. 56. 71% of bloggers report using visuals as part of their marketing strategy. 57. Using photos of real people instead of stock photos can result in a 35% conversion increase. 58. 43% of consumers increasingly want video content from marketers. 59. 19% of bloggers are now including video in their typical posts. 60. 45% of bloggers who add audio to their posts such as podcast see better results.
  • 14. Ramakrishna Dasiga, Faculty in Management, ADC-RJY 14 61. Video content is 50 times more likely to drive organic search traffic than plain text. 62. 32% of marketers say visual images are the most important form of content for their businesses. Blogging Statistics for Marketers 63. Marketers who prioritize blogging are 13x more likely to have a positive ROI on their efforts. 64. 61% of the most effective B2B content marketers meet with their content team daily or weekly. 65. 64% of B2B marketers outsource blog copywriting. 66. Spending on marketing automation tools is expected to reach $25.1 billion annually by 2023. 67. 60% of marketers have a documented personalization strategy. 68. 57% of marketers say they’ve gained customers specifically through blogging. 69. 53% of marketers say blogging is their top content marketing priority. 70. B2B marketers who have blogs get 67% more leads than those who don’t. 71. Around 60% of marketer will reuse blog content 2-3 times. 72. 60% of B2B marketers struggle with creating engaging content.