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Falls	in	Older	Adults:	
Identifying	risk	and	physical	therapy	management	
Nathan	Dugan,	SPT	
Columbia	University	
Louis	Stokes	Cleveland	VA	Medical	Center	
*  General	fall	statistics	
*  Risk	factors	
*  American	Geriatrics	Society	Guidelines	
*  Outcome	measures	
*  Interventions	
*  Other	resources	
“…an	unexpected	event	in	which	the	participant	comes	
to	rest	on	the	ground,	floor,	or	lower	level.”1	
What	is	a	fall?
*  30%	of	community-dwelling	older	adults	fall	each	year	
*  10%	of	falls	result	in	fracture	or	other	serious	injury2	
*  Significant	source	of	morbidity/mortality3	
*  >40%	of	institutionalized	older	adults	fall	each	year	
*  Leading	cause	of	fatal	and	nonfatal	injuries	
*  2.4	million	ED	visits	
*  >689,000	hospital	admissions4	
General	Fall	Statistics	for	Older	
*  Direct	medical	costs	$30	billion!	(2010)5	
*  Direct	&	indirect	costs	$54.9	billion	by	2020!6	
*  Cost	per	fall:	$9,000-$13,000!	(2002)7	
*  Cost	per	injurious	fall:	$20,000!	(1998)8	
*  Falls	are	independent	predictor	for	long-term	care	
General	Fall	Statistics	for	Older	
*  History	of	falls***	
*  Use	of	AD**	
*  Physical	disability**	
*  Disability	in	IADL	
*  Female	gender	
*  Living	alone	
*  Increased	age	
2-3x	increased	risk	
Risk	Factors	for	Falls-
Sociodemographic	Factors9,10
*  Dizziness	and	vertigo	
*  Parkinson	disease	
*  Fear	of	falling	
*  Depression	
*  (Poor)	Self-perceived	
health	status	
*  CVA	
*  Urinary	incontinence	
*  Pain	
*  Rheumatic	disease	
*  Cognitive	impairment	
*  Hypotension	
*  Diabetes	
2-3x	increased	risk	
Risk	Factors	for	Falls-Psychological	
and	Medical	Factors9,10
*  Antiepileptic	
*  Sedatives	
*  Antihypertensive	
*  Number	of	medications	
2-3x	increased	risk	
Risk	Factors	for	Falls-Medication	
*  Gait	impairment	
*  Vision	impairment	
*  Hearing	impairment	
*2-3x	increased	risk	
Risk	Factors	for	Falls-Mobility	and	
Sensory	Factors9,10
*  Best	practice	guidelines:	
*  All	older	adults	should	be	asked	if	they	have	fallen	in	past	year	
*  Frequency	and	circumstances	of	falls	should	be	obtained	
*  Older	adults	seeking	medical	care	because	of	fall,	reporting	
multiple	falls	or	difficulty	with	walking	or	balance	should	be	given	
multifactorial	risk	assessment	
*  Older	adults	who	have	fallen	should	have	assessment	of	gait	and	
*  Those	performing	poorly	should	be	given	multifactorial	fall	risk	
*  Individuals	reporting	only	1	fall	and	demonstrating	no	difficulty	with	
balance	and	gait	do	not	require	multifactorial	fall	risk	assessment		
American	Geriatrics	Society	Clinical	
*  Focused	history	
*  Falls,	meds,	risk	factors	
*  Physical	examination	
*  LEs,	neuro,	cardiovascular,	visual	
*  	Functional	Assessment	
*  	ADL/IADL,	ADs,	subjective	func	ability/fear	of	falling	
*  Environmental	assessment	
*  Home/work/community	environment	
Multifactorial	Fall	Risk	Assessment
What	are	the	best	outcome	measures	to	use	when	
assessing	fall	risk	in	older	adults?	
Assessing	Risk	for	Falls
*  Berg	Balance	Scale	
*  Functional	Gait	Assessment	
*  Clinical	Test	of	Sensory	Interaction	
and	Balance	(CTSIB);	Modified	
*  Dynamic	Gait	Index	
*  Four	Square	Step	Test	
*  Timed	Up	and	Go	
*  Rivermead	Mobility	Index	
*  Functional	Reach	Test	
*  Dizziness	Handicap	Scale	
*  Push	and	Release	Test	
*  Tinetti	Performance	Oriented	
Mobility	Assessment	
*  Balance	Evaluation	Systems	Test	
*  Fullerton	Advanced	Balance	Scale	
*  Function	in	Sitting	Test	
*  Brunel	Balance	Assessment	
*  Community	Balance	and	Mobility	
*  Tinetti	Falls	Efficacy	Scale	
*  Activities-Specific	Balance	
Confidence	Scale	
*  Five	Times	Sit	to	Stand	
*  Walking	While	Talking	
*  Step	Test	
Common	Outcome	Measures	for	
Assessing	Fall	Risk
Cut-Off	Scores	for	High	Fall	Risk12	
Outcome	Measure	 Cutoff	for	high	fall	risk	(older	adults)	
Timed-Up-and-Go	 >13.5s	(>32.6s	frail*)	
Functional	Reach	Test	 <7”	
5	Times	Sit	to	Stand/Four-Square	Step	
Berg	Balance	Scale	 <45/56	
Functional	Gait	Assessment	 <23/30	
Tinetti-POMA	 <19/28	(<11/16	for	balance	component)	
Fullerton	Advanced	Balance	Scale	 <25/40	
*3	or	more:	unintentional	wt	loss	(>10lbs	1yr),		self-reported	exhaustion,	weakness	
(grip),	slow	walking	speed,	low	physical	activity11
*  Moderate	to	highly	challenging	balance	activity	
significantly	reduces	rate	of	falls	as	a	single	
*  Strength	training,	stretching,	walking	do	not	
*  Comprehensive	intervention	should	include	balance,	
strength,	and	gait	training	exercises13	
Best	Intervention	Practices
*  Challenge	COM	with	feet	fixed	
*  Narrow	BOS	
*  Repetition,	progression,	continually	challenging	
patient	is	key	
Static	Balance	Training13
*  Tai	Chi	
*  Reaching	while	moving	
*  Standing	up	
*  Turning	in	a	circle/circling/figure-8	
*  Stair	stepping	
*  Dance	steps	
*  Unanticipated	directional	changes	
*  Obstacle	courses	
Dynamic	Balance/Gait	Training13
*  Difficulty	walking	while	talking=high	risk	of	falls	
*  Performance	can	be	improved	
*  Conversing	while	maintaining	walking	speed	
*  Walking	and	counting	
*  Walking	while	performing	manual	tasks	
*  Variable	priority	may	improve	outcomes	
Dual-Task	Training13
*  Effective	in	improving	reaction	times	and	stepping	
*  Little	evidence	to	support	this	alone	translates	to	
fewer	falls	
Perturbation	and	Compensatory	
Stepping	Training13
*  Key	element	of	fall	prevention	
*  Focus	on	
*  LE	and	postural	muscles	
*  Limited	UE	support	
*  Moderate	or	high	intensity	
Strength	Training13
*  In	those	at	high	risk	for	falls,	or	done	without	
concurrent	balance	training…	
	May	result	in	increased	risk	of	falls	
*  Should	not	be	included	at	beginning	of	fall-prevention	
program,	except	in	higher	functioning	individuals	
*  Account	for	contributing	risk	factors	
*  Triage	factors	based	on	impairments	
*  Implement	appropriate	interventions	
*  Less	than	50%	of	PTs	linked	interventions	to	risk	factors	
or	referred	to	other	providers	
Example:		Visual	impairment	trial	
What	Comprises	an	Effective	Fall-
Prevention	Intervention?13
*  Minimum	of	12	weeks	for	optimal	outcomes	(50	
*  Individuals	that	begin	exercise	program	but	do	not	meet	
this	minimum	may	increase	risk	for	falls	
How	Long	Should	Interventions	Be?
How	Can	We	Meet	This	50-Hour	
*  Designed	as	home-based	exercise	program	
*  Meta-analysis	showed	35%	reduction	in	falls	and	fall-
related	injuries	in	older	adults	
*  Most	effective	in	those	80	or	older	
*  Results	in	confidence	in	carrying	out	ADL/IADL	
*  Beneficial	for	individuals	with	moderate	and	high	
functional	impairment
OTAGO	Exercise	Program13,14
Strength	Exercise-OTAGO
Balance	Exercise-OTAGO
Balance	Exercises-OTAGO	(cont’d)
*  Will	not	reduce	falls	on	its	own!	
*  30	minutes,	2	times/week	
*  Performed	at	usual	pace	with	usual	AD	
*  Can	be	broken	up	into	10	minute	bouts	
Gait	Training-OTAGO
*  Interventions	should	be	structured	
*  Interventions	should	be	tailored	to	challenge	patient	
based	on	his/her	specific	impairments	
*  Interventions	must	achieve	optimal	dose	
*  Management	should	not	end	at	d/c,	prescribe	
adequate	HEP	
Take	Home	Points
*  CDC	Compendium	of	Effective	Fall	Interventions:
*  CDC	STEADI	Program:
*  OTAGO	Exercise	Program:
Relevant	Resources
1.  Lamb	SE,	Jorstad-Stein	EC,	Hauer	K,	et	al.	Development	of	a	common	outcome	data	set	for	fall	injury	
prevention	trials:	the	prevention	of	falls	network	Europe	consensus.	J	Am	Geriatr	Soc	2005;53:1618-1622.	
2.  Tinetti	ME,		Speechley	M,	Ginter	SF.	Risk	factors	for	falls	among	elderly	persons	living	in	the	community.	
New	Eng	J	Med	1998;319(26):1701-1707.	
3.  Gillespie	LD,	Roberton	MC,	Gillespie	WJ,	et	al.	Interventions	for	preventing	falls	in	older	people	living	in	
the	community.	The	Cochrane	Library	2012;9.	
4.  Centers	for	Disease	Control	and	Prevention,	National	Center	for	Injury	Prevention	and	Control.	Web–
based	Injury	Statistics	Query	and	Reporting	System	(WISQARS)	[online].	Accessed	December	19,	2013.	
5.  Stevens	JA,	Corso	PS,	Finkelstein	EA,	Miller	TR.	The	costs	of	fatal	and	nonfatal	falls	among	older	adults.	
Injury	Prevention	2006a;12:290–5.	
6.  Englander	F,	Hodson	TJ,	Terregrossa	RA.	Economic	dimensions	of	slip	and	fall	injuries.	Journal	of	Forensic	
Science	1996;41(5):733–746.	
7.  Carroll	NV,	Slattum	PW,	Cox	FM.	The	cost	of	falls	among	the	community-dwelling	elderly.	Journal	of	
Managed	Care	Pharmacy.	2005;11(4):307-16.	
8.  Shumway-Cook	A,	Ciol	MA,	Hoffman	J,	Dudgeon	BJ,	Yorston	K,	Chan	L.	Falls	in	the	Medicare	population:	
incidence,	associated	factors,	and	impact	on	health	care.	Physical	Therapy	2009.89(4):1-9.	
9.  Deandrea	S,	Lucenteforte	E,	Bravi	F,	et	al.	Risk	factors	for	falls	in	community-dwelling	older	people:	a	
systematic	review	and	meta-analysis.	Epidemiology	2010;21(5):658-668.	
10.  Deandrea	S,	Bravi	F,	Turati	F,	et	al.	Risk	factors	for	falls	in	older	people	in	nursing	homes	and	hospitals:	a	
systematic	review	and	meta-analysis.	Archives	of	Gerontology	and	Geriatrics	2013;56:407-415.	
11.  Fried	LP,	Tangen	CM,	Watson	J,	et	al.	Frailty	in	older	adults:	evidence	for	a	phenotype.	Journal	of	Gerontology	
12.  Rehabilitation	Measures	Database	[online]	www.rehabmeasures/org.	Accessed	December	19,	2013.	
13.  Shubert	TE.	Evidence-based	exercise	prescription	for	balance	and	falls	prevention:	a	current	review	of	the	
literature.	Journal	of	Geriatric	Physical	Therapy	2011;34(3):100-108.	
14.  Sherrington	C,	Whitney	JC,	Lord	SR,		et	al.	Effective	exercise	for	the	prevention	of	falls:	a	systematic	review	
and	meta-analysis.	Journal	of	the	American	Geriatrics	Society	2008;56:2234–2243.	

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