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Facial Anthropology
Human identification is one of the important part in forensic medicine. It consists of a series of steps
to differentiate individuals and establish their identity. Forensic anthropology serves an important
role in reconstructing the biological profile, taking into consideration its four main components:
ancestry, age, stature as well as sex and despites having the same bones, male and female skeleton
exhibit a number of differences (Lima et all, 2012). Sexual dimorphism is best describes as the
difference based on phenotype characteristic between males and females of the same species.
(Yesmin et all, 2011).
Measurements and evaluation of human body is done by physical anthropometry. Anthrpometry is
defined as 'Anthropos' means man and 'metry' means mesure. Thus, it is the measurement of body
proportion and size of living and ... Show more content on ...
The ratio of the morphological facial height to facial width and multiplied by 100 is known as facial
index and the total facial index exhibits sexual differences and different shapes of face. (K Sharma
et all, 2014). There are several factors that affect the facial index of an individuals including race,
gender, age, ethnic, climate, nutritional, socio–economic as well as genetic factors (D.Jeramic et all,
2013). Based on facial index, we can determine the types of faces that are classified into following
five groups according to Banister's classification which are hypereuriproscopic (very broad face),
euriproscopic (broad face), mesoproscopic (round face), leptoproscopic (long face),
hyperleptoproscopic (very long face).
The present study is carried out to determine the cephalic and facial index as well as to find out the
type of head and face shape in various ages, sex and races in students and staffs of Management and
Science University and to compare them with previous studies in different
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Essay about Anthropology
Paulina Para
November 2, 2015
Anthropology 101
"Cold Water"
Cold Water, directed by Noriko Ogami is a documentary from 1986 about cross–cultural adaptation
and culture shock. It is about diving into a new culture and having it feel, as one foreign student puts
it, like a "plunge into cold water." Twelve Boston University foreign students express their
perceptions of their experiences in the U.S. as each of them (plus one American student and three
specialists) is interviewed about living and studying in a new culture. Initial focus is on the arrival
and immediate post–arrival period and the culture shock which, for most of the interviewees,
follows on its heels. It becomes clear that central to the problems encountered ... Show more content
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Next, things gets easier. The third stage said from this documentary happens to be the adjustment
stage. Here things start to clear up and you start to feel more at ease and at home. Frustrations are
often subdued as travelers begin to feel more familiar and comfortable with the cultures, people,
food, and languages of new environments. Soon the navigation becomes easier along with the
friends and communities of support are being established.
Finally the last stage is referred as the "acceptance stage," according to one foreign student. After
some weeks or months we are noticing improvement within ourselves after have wrestling with the
emotional stages. The final stage of cultural shock doesn't mean that the new cultures and
environments are completely understood, it signifies realization that complete understanding isn't
necessary to function and thrive in new surroundings. During this stage, travelers have the
familiarity and are able to draw together the resources they need to feel at ease.
The same students which laid out for us the stages of cultural shock also shared their experiences
expressing how they felt about Americans. Tina Lang, one of the foreign students at Boston
University referred Americans as "superficial." As direct and straight forward as that description was
I like to agree with her. As Americans we are so focused on looking our best on the outside that we
never put aside any time to work on our
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Anthropology what a vulnerable observer you are! You may well have to jump into the arms of the
scientists if you are going to try to keep your grass hut at the academy! –– Ruth Behar
Debates on the role the reflexive plague the field of cultural anthropology as postmodern critics join
the bandwagon attempting to claim authority in this dubiously recognized discipline. In the
borderline realm between the sciences and humanities, cultural anthropology has tried to find a
niche in which it can comfortably rest. For many, this has been in building a foundation of the
methodical. If anthropology can classify, categorize, and synthesize, it can assert its legitamacy to
the glares of academia. However, in the attempts to ... Show more content on ...
The anthropologist is not a data classification machine. The anthropologist is a human being with
specific angles, interpretations, and background. Reality is perception. By reading ethnographies, we
are learning from other's perception. The range of approaches is specifically what gives this
discipline it's richness and depth. Johannes Fabian in Remembering the Present: Painting and
Popular History, comments,
Which and whose reality? Once the ethnographer has ceased to think that being in touch with reality
and truth is guaranteed by following the rules of scientific investigation, the outcome of contests and
confrontations cannot be a victory of one kind of knowledge over the other. (p304)
Fabian in this ethnography beautiful depicts his role to give the reader a sense of the dialogue and
When two cultures interact, the exchange itself reveals insight. Fabian does not dismiss this in his
ethnography. Like a stone thrown to water, the anthropologist cannot attempt to study the
environment without the acknowledgement of the ripples he/she creates. An example of Fabian's
reflexivity is as follows,
Perhaps Tshibumba sensed my incredibility and imagined the explanations I might come up with.
That is why he made sure I understood what he wanted to accomplish with this painting –– to create
a kind of presence. (p300)
In this example, Fabian shows the reader how his presence may have an effect on the data. With the
use of the word "perhaps", he
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Visual Anthropology And Cultural Anthropology
Society is made up of ordinary items that throughout the years are given value by outsiders, people
who think outside of the world they are in, or by those, who are, from a different time period.
Anthropologists have been able to study the differences in human cultures and how they have
evolve. "There are now four major fields of anthropology: biological anthropology, cultural
anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and archaeology" (Dennis O 'Neil). Within these fields are
subfields, visual anthropology is a very important subfield of cultural anthropology. Visual
anthropology is the study of the history of human customs and culture through what one sees or
perceives in various types of media. Therefore, "...the use of visual material in anthropological the study of visual systems and visible cultures" (Banks and Morphy). Since media is
seen as a representation of the truth, it is reasonable to say that it plays a major role in the accurate
views of how society is. There are two categories in which I would like to describe how visual
anthropology tries to describe human culture and custom: images and objects. Through visual
anthropology, images, ads, and cartoons are constantly changing individual's views and the world in
which they live in. Images are not merely pictures to state the obvious, they are pictures that have a
deeper meaning. Whether the meaning is shown or not shown, they convey representation of
something more meaningful in the end. Stuart Hall
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Anthropology, Cultural, And Anthropology: Definition Of...
Definition of Feminist Anthropology According to Anthropologists
Feminist anthropology is divided into four fields according to anthropology; archeological,
biological, cultural, and linguistic. It seeks to transform researches, anthropological practices, and
the production of knowledge, using perspectives from the theory of feminism. Simultaneously,
feminist anthropology challenges essentials of feminist theories developed in Europe and America.
Feminists practiced cultural anthropology since its commencement. It was not until the 1970s that
the feminist anthropology boycott started. Rayna Rapp argues, it is subject to a 'double difference'
from mainstream academia. It is a feminist tradition – part of a branch of scholarship, sometimes ...
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Anthropology of women
The anthropology of women attempted to mend women as distinct cultural actors to save them from
being erased by male anthropologists' who focus on men's lives as the universal character of a
society. Male anthropologists rarely have access to women in tribes and societies because of the
sexual threat they pose to these women, since the stories of men about women in instances only take
over whenever women aren't present at all. The male anthropologists' ignorance and the indigenous
men's domination solidifies the creations of instances where, according to "Rosaldo" and
"Lamphere", the asymmetry between women and men becomes universal. Having an asymmetrical
world, a second anthropology of women would arise out of American engagements with the arguing
of this universal asymmetry how it was never timeless, but a product of capitalist relations that came
to dominate the global mode of production. As both approaches grew more vocal in their critique of
male's descriptions as one–sided. Women were only described to be as 'add women and mix'
approach to ethnography, and it became popular. They were not necessarily described at detail, but
mentioned as part of the wider
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Ethics In Anthropology
Knowledge and Ethics in Anthropology: Obligations and Requirements, edited by Lissette
Josephides broadly discuss the epistemological and ethical elements that are involved in the field of
anthropology. The book is largely inspiring in Marilyn Strathern's work, challenging and debating
different aspect of her contribution to the field.
The book is divided into four parts and nine papers; firstly it is introduce the 'Epistemology,
Subjectivity and Ethics of Knowing Others'; secondly, in a more applicable approach it looks the
notion of 'Person, Sociality, and Value: Partibility as Sacrifice, Consumption and Investment';
thirdly, considering one of the major discussions within anthropology, it is argued 'Mobilizing power
and Belonging: The local ... Show more content on ...
He begins basing the paper into Strathern's studies on kinship in Elmdon, a village in Essex in the
south of England. In this case study, kinship is defined and used as a place to connect people, to
create a sense of belonging within the community. "In particular, kinship was used as a metaphor of
the British system of class and status" (172) that helped people from Elmdon to define a "common
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Reflection About Anthropology
When I first enrolled in this class, I had absolutely no idea or clue as to what Anthropology was. I
had this sense that I had at least heard of the word before, but later realized that it was only the
clothing store I was aware of. I never knew that Indiana Jones was supposed to be considered an
Anthropologist, all I ever associated him with was stealing ancient artifacts. I also was uninformed
of the fact that Bones was a show about Forensic Anthropology. If anything, the media does not
portray a clear idea as to what Anthropology really is and what it's purpose is for humankind. I
investigated and interviewed five people to see if they had the same understanding of it as I had in
the beginning which was nothing at all. I interviewed people mostly under the age of thirty, with the
exception of one seventy eight years old. Only two of them are currently college students, while the
others have no higher education than high school. The ones with some college education were the
only ones who actually knew even the slightest about it at all. All of them had no response to what a
stereotypical Anthropologist looks like because none of them know how to decipher one through the
media. It is undoubtedly evident that having some extra education and exploring different fields can
open the door to higher knowledge.
When I asked what is Anthropology or what do you think it is, I got a variety of answers. One
response I got was from my grandmother, Delores Kimm, who is seventy eight
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The Importance Of Forensic Anthropology
In 1940, Law enforcement agencies began to call Anthropologists to assist with identifying a human
and their skeletal remains, as this led on Forensic Anthropology started to become known. The crime
rate in today society is dramatically rising. With the help of Forensic Anthropology people can help
solve crimes committed. When Forensic Anthropology became popular it made an impact on society
and everyone around the world, and still does today. To truly understand the complicity of Forensic
Anthropology you need to know: what is it, what they do in the field of work, and why it is
important to society.
Forensic anthropology is the study "The analysis of human biological and cultural remains for legal
purposes"( Anthropology is the study of humans, and forensic anthropologists focus their studies on
the human body as it helps figure out the severity of the accident. Determining a humans' cause of
death is done by the help of forensic anthropology. There are many ways a scientist can determine
the cause of the of death. The process to determine a deiced human body usually involves an
examination on the skeleton remains. "Their study of human remains aids in the detection of crime
by working to assess the age, sex, stature, ancestry, and unique features of a skeleton, which may
include documenting trauma to the skeleton and its postmortem interval" (Forensic Anthropologist
job description). Bone damage and fragments can also provide evidence from the murder victim
which can
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Essay on anthropology
Anthropology proves to be satisfying and intellectually fulfilling to many in the field.
However, there are also many challenges and bumps in the road along the way. Napolean A.
Chagnon and
Claire Sterk faced many of these challenges themselves. During his fieldwork with the Yanomamo,
Chagnon faced many challenges interacting with the natives. Chagnon could not practically
communicate with the people until about six months after he arrived. He notes ? the hardest thing to
live with was the incessant, passioned, and often aggressive demands they would make.? An
example of this is the natives threatening with a shout such as; ?If you don?t take me with you on
your next boat trip to Widokalyateri, I?ll chop a hole in your canoe!? While ... Show more content
on ...
Developing a relationship and trust with women who had never had any trustworthy people in their
lives was quite challenging as well. Sterk was once followed home by one of the woman?s pimps
and his friends, and was jumped. The woman admitted to Sterk over a year later that they wanted to
teach her a lesson and she knew about it all along. Sterk describes ? At one time, I felt true hatred
for a crack house owner and was unable to adhere to the rules of courteous interactions.? ( Sterk 10)
In Gmelch?s work with ethnography, he took students to do fieldwork in Barbados. He says his
students usually come out of the experience learning more about themselves than they did about the
people they were supposed to be studying. The students learned more than they ever had about
intimacy in relationships than they ever had in their culture. They compared it to the impersonality
and detachment of their suburban lives. One of the biggest adjustments the students had to make
was adjusting to the slow–pace of village life. Many got used to being entertained just by socializing
with the people and had no desire to leave if given a chance. Materialism diminished as the students
began to feel embarrassed that they have so much. The people in the villages had so little and were
seemingly so much happier than Americans. The students became minorities for their stay in the
villages. One student says ? I have never been in a
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Integrative Approach In Anthropology
Archaeology and the subdivision of bioarchaeology have played a profound role in our knowledge
and understanding of past and modern populations. Through the analyses of human skeletal remains,
the broad field of anthropology provides remarkable insights into multiple aspects of human life.
Specifically, the field of bioarchaeology has contributed to our understanding of how environmental,
cultural, and biological factors have influenced death and survival in the archaeological record
(Martin, Harrod, & Perez, 2013:1). Despite its immense contributions to the understanding of
human behaviour, anthropological techniques have faced a great deal of scrutiny when it comes to
assessing health and disease from human remains. Perhaps the greatest factor ... Show more content
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In order to develop an in–depth understanding of each of the factors that contributed to the health
and well–being of an individual, bioarchaeologists collaborate with researchers from multiple
disciplines, such as biology, epidemiology, and demography to assess the context of remains
(Larsen, 2015:66). This integrative approach ultimately allows for the consideration of a wide range
of factors that may have contributed to an individual's social history (Martin et al., 2013:60). In
particular, this knowledge is used to create an osteobiography of the sociocultural and biological
factors that were experienced by the individual throughout their lifetime (Lecture: Week 8). Through
the use of this osteobiography, bioarchaeologists can gain critical insights into the social and
biological phenomena that may have contributed to the presence of skeletal indicators, such as
abnormal lesions, or stunted growth patterns that are demonstrated in many past populations
(Larsen, 2015:425). While growth or stature may be interpreted simply as a result of genetic factors,
bioarchaeologists integrate data from across several different domains in order to determine whether
stature, or height–for–age, is the result of biological or environmental stressors, or a combination of
both (Larsen, 2015:426). Rather than jumping to simple conclusions, bioarchaeologists seek to
develop an understanding of the broader connections between health and contextualization in order
to better understand why certain individuals are more susceptible to disease and mortality than
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Forensic Anthropology Essay
The field of Forensic Science has journeyed a long way. Its earliest recordings were said to be in the
700s, where the Chinese utilized fingerprints to identify documents and clay sculptures. Forensic
Anthropology is one of the many fields that fall under the umbrella of Forensic Science. Forensic
Anthropology is the study of human origins, physical, behavior, social, and cultural development.
(Crime Laboratory System) This paper will focus primarily on the integral role Forensic
Anthropology plays in the identification of human skeletal remains. Forensic anthropologists are
called upon for various reasons, such as aiding in the collection and analysis of human remains, and
indentifying victims who are beyond recognition. This paper ... Show more content on ...
The article published by the Forensic Science Central in the United Kingdom (2012), identified the
various features of the human skeleton that can aid in determining the sex of the individual. Some of
the features includes, but are not limited to, the pelvic bone, which is wider in female than males,
and the skull, which has various ways to identify the sex. The skull is said to be equally beneficial to
the pelvic bone in establishing an individual's sex. Research shows that the skull of a male will have
a more rounded supraorbital margin (brow ridge), and a bony glabella (the portion of bone between
the eyebrows and nose). The male's mastoid process that sits behind the ear is larger, and their
mandible is more squared than in females. The nasal cavity of a male is longer and narrower.
Oppositely, the female supraorbital margin is much sharper, and her glabella is much smoother. The
female's mastoid process is smaller in size, and the mandible is less squared. The research also
stated that the female nasal cavity will be slighty wider, and pear–shaped. Another factor that may
be beneficial in determining the sex of skeletal remains is racial background. The research
highlighted that if the racial background is known, the sex would be easier to be
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Anthropology and Gender Essay
Though women have played an integral part in the history of the discipline of anthropology, it was
not until the early 1970's that the field of anthropology and gender, or feminist anthropology
emerged. Sex and gender roles have always been a vital part of any ethnographic study, but the
contributors of this theory began to address the androcentric nature of anthropology itself. The
substantial gap in information concerning the study of women was perceived as a male bias, a
prejudice made more apparent because what little women–centered fieldwork was done received
insufficient attention from the academic community. While anthropology was considered one of the
more egalitarian fields of study, it was dominated by white, Western males who ... Show more
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One of Slocum's contemporaries, Eleanor Leacock (1922–1987) chose to differently analyze gender
research, focusing on distinctions in power as it relates to society, the economy, and politics (2011:
397). She concentrated on North American natives and aboriginal Australians and their changing
gender roles as the result of Western influence. Another feminist trend gave emphasis to gender
identities, analyzing the ways in which race, class and gender converge. David Valentine, born in
1966, illustrates such an emphasis in his work which concerns the cross–cultural variations on the
westernized concepts of gender identity and sexuality, by which we categorize sexual desire
(2011:398). As evidenced by the variety of emphases within the theory, feminist anthropologists
were fully committed to assessing all previously ignored facets of the subjugated female within
numerous cultures worldwide.
Several decades ago the idea of women as subordinate was considered to be a universality by the
aforementioned white, Western male anthropologists who lead the field. Despite an anthropologist's
endeavor to be unbiased, the fact is these traditional anthropologists came from a culture where
many aspects of human life were male dominant. Though many studied
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The Origins Of Structural Anthropology
Ari Lotter
Ms. Kasurak
26 September 2015
Claude Levi Strauss
Structural analysis, at its core, is an attempt to comprehend things beyond the system of human
understanding. It's meant to be an objective, purely scientific approach untarnished by human
cultural and social systems. Claude Lévi–Strauss saw this pure science being applied in linguistics,
among the social sciences, and applied its objective principles and methods to anthropology.
Structural linguistics is a method of analyzing languages, broken down into signs, both syntactically
and lexically. Signs, in a structural context, are associations between concepts and means of
expressing those concepts. Comparing opposed syntagma and signs in this exploded arrangement
permits understanding of linguistic associations (syntax, etc.). By examining the paradigmatic
relations between signs, and diachronic syntagmatic configurations (something Lévi–Strauss applied
heavily in his theories about structural mythology), a basic objective understanding of the langue in
question can be gleaned from examples of its verbiage.
Ferdinand de Saussure, the linguist who explained language as a structure of signs, developed his
ideal method of a purely analytical science of linguistics in part because he was aware of the
impossibility of understanding exactly how the human mind creates and understands language. By
approaching language from a structuralist point of view, he was attempting to
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Forensic Anthropology Essay
Forensic anthropology is a subfield of physical anthropology that aims to assist in the identification
of human remains and to help determine what happened to the remains (Ubelaker, 2006). A forensic
anthropologist is able to aid law enforcement by narrowing down the list of possible victims. This
subfield of anthropology consists of several processes and a vast list of duties that are important in
providing positive identification.Even though forensic anthropology dates back many years, major
advancements in this field are still being made today.
Forensic anthropology is not a new concept and has been rapidly evolving for many years.
According to Douglas H. Ubelaker, a forensic anthropologist and curator for the Smithsonian
Institution, ... Show more content on ...
The evidence that they find gets relayed to the medical examiner. Forensic anthropologists have the
ability to classify the cause of death by examining marks or fractures found on the bones which in
return helps officials determine the weapon used. All of this information helps the medical examiner
find the cause of death, based on damages to the bones that a forensic anthropologist finds.
Forensic anthropologists hold many legal responsibilities. Their job consists not only on the
scientific level but must adhere to the law as well. A forensic anthropologists duties include: scene
investigation, proper documentation, preservation of evidence, following all health and safety
precautions, giving a written report, and appearing in court (Galloway et al. 1990) As stated in
Physical Anthropology and the Law: Legal Responsibilities of Forensic Anthropologists
"the forensic scientist must contend with four pressures, these being from law enforcement, the
adversary system, science, and the individual's own sense of morality. The pressures must be
balanced to form an overriding concept of ethical behavior at all stages of professional involvement
in the forensic investigation." (Galloway et al. 1990:39). Without a background in the legal
implications, the forensic anthropologist could jeopardize the entire investigation, since they are
considered an expert in their field. All findings must be
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Cultural Anthropology : Physical Anthropology
Anthropology: It is a general comprehensive science of man in the past and present of any culture.
This is divided into two main areas: physical anthropology, dealing with biological evolution and
physiological adaptation of humans, and social or cultural anthropology that deals with people living
in society, ie forms of evolution of language, culture and customs. Anthropology uses tools and
knowledge produced by the natural sciences and the social sciences. Aspiration of anthropological
discipline is to produce knowledge about the human being in various areas, but always as part of a
society. Thus, attempts to encompass both the biological evolution of our species, development and
lifestyles of people who have disappeared, the social structures of today and the diversity of cultural
and linguistic expressions that characterize humanity.
Physical Anthropology: Physical anthropology is primarily concerned with the evolution of man,
human biology and the study of other primates, using working methods used in the natural sciences.
In other words, the study of man considering its nature and culture.
Cultural Anthropology: The branch of anthropology that studies the characteristics of learned
behavior in human societies, ie science of human culture. Overall, it is the science that studies the
origin, development, structure, characteristics and variations of human culture both past societies
like those of the present. Ethnography, ethnology, archeology, linguistics and
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Anthropology : Anthropology And Anthropology
I would've never imagined the endless careers that are available to anthropology majors, before
taking Professor Sharratt's Intro to Anthropology course. The things that I have learned in
anthropology have opened my mind to a variety of different career paths that is possible with a
degree in anthropology. Anthropology majors go off to a plethora of careers with their degrees in
anthropology. Anthropology is "the study of humankind in all times and place". Anthropology has
four different subfields which include: Physical/Biological, Socio/Cultural, Linguistic, and
Archeology. This wide range of a study allows for one to stand out to companies in a various
amount of industries including law, health, and often times business. Some job duties ... Show more
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Forensic anthropologist document and investigate human remains from past experiences. Forensic
anthropologists are also very helpful when mass disasters occur and a large amount of people die
due to a certain event. Tersigni–Tarrant, Teresa, and Shirley state how forensic anthropology takes
place during a mass disaster by stating "The staff working in the disaster morgue has several
responsibilities: documentation and processing of remains, identification of the victim, examination
of remains for medicolegal interpretations (e.g., cause of death), and documentation of the overall
process" (444). Forensic anthropology can be very vital to a culture or country because it allows for
one to understand how someone has passed away, which could possibly effect the same culture or
country in the future. Forensic anthropologist take the time to examine the cause of one's death and
help a certain culture or country understand a particular outcome. There are forensic anthropologists
employed by the FBI. Another possible career opportunity in anthropology that I ran across that
intrigued me was an exhibit designer. Exhibit designers are mainly employed at museums. Their job
duties include researching, educating, and designing in a museum setting. Exhibit designers are
responsible for the preservation of anthropology related items such as human remains and past
objects. In the search for an exhibit designer
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Anthropology: The Characteristics And Aspects Of Cultural...
Cultural Anthropology
2015–11–09 12:34 PM
Anthropos = humanity Archaeology, Biological/Physical, Linguistic (salvage ethnography)
Ethnos = culture Graphy = writing Field work: 'go native' – live among, adapt and become the kind
of people
CHAPTER 1 – What is Anthropology?
How is anthropology different from...
Sociology – both study social relations Political Science – both interested in power relations
Economics – both study material conditions of peoples lives History Psychology – both study
relationships between people and society
Key Distinguishing Features:
A focus on the concept of culture A comparative perspective A holistic perspective – look at culture
as an integrated whole ... Show more content on ...
Often occurs under pressure from the domination of a more powerful group over a subjugated one
Global Culture: a constellation of technologies, practices, attitudes, values, and symbols that spread
internationally Globalization: the process by which the exchange of products, investment, and
people across national and regional boundaries increases Liberalization policies: policies that
attempt to eliminate national government controls on investment, imports, currency rates, and many
other practices that ere considered to constrain
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Anthropology and Its Branches
Anthropology is the study of human beings, in particular the study of their physical character,
evolutionary history, racial classification, historical and present–day geographic distribution, group
relationships, and cultural history. Anthropology can be characterized as the naturalistic description
and interpretation of the diverse peoples of the world.
Modern–day anthropology consists of two major divisions: cultural anthropology, which deals with
the study of human culture in all its aspects; and physical anthropology, which is the study of human
physical character, in both the past and present.
Anthropology emerged as an independent science in the late 18th century, it developed two
divisions: physical anthropology, which focuses on ... Show more content on ...
For example, paintings on walls of tombs may throw light on the status of the person buried there.
Such paintings often depict practices prevalent in a society. Study of burial sites can
helparchaeologists understand the religious beliefs of a group of people.
Biological Anthropology
Biological anthropology, also known as physical anthropology, deals with tracing the biological
origins, evolutionary changes, and the genetic diversity of the human species. In the process,
biological anthropologists study primate behavior, and anatomical variations between primates and
human beings in order to understand physical changes that have taken place in humans during their
evolutionary journey from apes. They may also take up genetic analysis and anthropometric studies
to find reasons behind the physical differences between people of various groups.
Besides these major branches, anthropology also has other divisions like forensic anthropology,
medical anthropology, and ecological anthropology. Although each branch is a specialized field of
study, they are inter–related. This gives anthropologists an edge over researchers from other fields in
addressing human problems, as they study human existence not in isolation but in totality.
Evolution Of Man – What is it?
The modern theory concerning the evolution of man proposes that humans and apes derive from an
apelike ancestor that lived on earth a few million years ago. The theory states that man,
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Anthropology Personal Statement
I am applying to pursue a graduate degree in anthropology for multiple reasons. The main reason is
that I very much want to pursue a career in anthropology, specifically archaeology. It is something I
am very passionate about and wish to delve into. My passion has only grown as I continue to get
more experience in the field. I am also very avid about learning in general. My lifelong goal has
been to learn as much as I possibly can. Both going back to school in general and specifically for an
anthropology degree allow me to learn. Just going back to school will allow me to learn more about
the field. I will learn new information and develop new ways of seeking out information.
Specifically, an anthropology degree, and hopefully career, will allow me to continue learning ...
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This coursework culminated in a detailed analysis of commingled cremated remains with the goal of
identifying the Minimum Number of Individuals, gathering as much demographic data as possible,
and deducing the manner of cremation. Additionally, this information was used to interpret cultural
After graduation I participated in the Adelphi University Archaeology & Physical Anthropology
Field School in Eleutherna, Crete, Greece. During my time there, I cleaned and identified human
remains from a Cretan rescue excavation. Additionally, I was part of a small team that excavated
two co–buried Bronze Age Individuals at the Orthi Petra site.
My work has also given me important experience. I have been consistently interning and working at
history and anthropology museums since graduation. I have worked as a Cultural Intern, Cultural
Consultant, and now as a Curation Technician at the Pechanga Cultural Resources Center, a native
cultural institution in Temecula, CA. While there I have processed and cataloged repatriated
collections and am instructing and supervising an intern in collection
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Anthropology : An Anthropological Perspective
Anthropology is the study of humans throughout the world. It examines our ancestors, how we
behave, adapt to different environments, communicate, socialize with one another, and more. The
study of anthropology focuses on the features that make us human; our genetic makeup, the
evolution of humans, and the physiology. It also focuses on language, religion, family, and more.
The goal of anthropology is to be able to describe and analyze the different cultures. Anthropologist
believes that the only way humans can be understood is by seeking information from various
cultures and different societies. Anthropologist use multiple methods to collect data and to
understand evolution of humans from millions of years ago. To take an anthropological approach
anthropologist should not study participants using their values or a bias approach. The
anthropological perspective includes cultural relativism, holism, and the etic and emic perspective
which are all important when studying culture. When it comes to understanding diversity, the
anthropological view can help understand the diversity amongst cultural groups. Anthropology
incorporates the holistic approach to study all aspects of human behavior; examining human culture,
behavior, and human culture. Cultural relativism is the idea that people's values and customs must
be understood in terms of culture of which they are a part of. Every culture is different, we are
taught to act a certain, and we are all raised to believe in
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Forensic Anthropology
Over the span of this Anthropological course, I have come upon the realization that Forensic
Anthropology is a big interest of mine. So I would like to apply to the department of Anthropology's
Honors program to further my studies. My motivations for this decision are derived from several
places. For one, becoming part of the prestigious program would help me gain the necessary
experience that would allow me to further my career goals and obtain a job that will make me
happy. The skills and experience that would come from participating in this program are
unparalleled. It would allow me to fully develop and become my full potential while also harvesting
my skills in the subject of Anthropology. Another motivation that lead me to apply to the ... Show
more content on ...
After reading endless articles on how forensic studies are applied within the legal world I decided
that this is a topic I could spend a year, or more, focused on. Since Forensic Anthropology involves
nearly all of anthropology's subfields, I will never get uninterested in the subject. The opportunity to
engage within research on this subject matter excites me in many ways. For one, I would be able to
use the many interesting techniques forensics has to offer to learn and develop my skills. I would
also be able to know that this evidence is and can have an impact on court cases and legal matters
which is extremely exciting. This mesh of biological and social anthropology would keep me on my
feet and challenge me to new extremes: something I really look forward to. I envision working
under the supervision of UMass faculty member Ventura Perez. After a careful review of each
member of the University's anthropology department, I decided upon Perez for several reasons. The
first, and most obvious, being his extensive background in forensic
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Armchair Anthropology : The Historical Context Of...
The Historical Context of Anthropology Since the emergence of anthropology in the late 1800's, the
customs and methods of this academic discipline have been altered in many ways. It is assumed that
in the early years of anthropology, theorists relied on travelers in order to articulate their theories
(Dahl 2017). This practice is known as armchair anthropology and involves creating theories
without any fieldwork. Some examples of famous armchair anthropologists include Edward Burnett
Tylor and James Frazer. The work of both theorists involved no travelling or conducting of
fieldwork. Early anthropology focused on primitive cultures and how societies transformed from
being barbaric to civilized. In modern days, anthropology is discovering new topics to study every
day and the information relies a great amount on fieldwork and lab work conducted by
anthropologists to support their findings. As some of the early methods of anthropology continue to
be used by anthropology, more are being developed in order to produce more efficient research and
theories. Armchair anthropologists conclude their research by studying artifacts and not conducting
the proper research required (Horn 2012). Theories made by armchair anthropologists are based on
assumptions rather than facts and evidence, this can cause misunderstandings between different
races and cultures that are being studied leading to false information being spread and becoming
popularized. Before ethnographic fieldwork was
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Personal Reflection Of Anthropology
Starting the first day of school, we talked about the what Anthropology is and how it is distinctive
from other groups. When Professor Fisk talked about how anthropology is not culture bound and by
the end of the semester he would hopefully take off these "cultural blinders" that all people have.
From that day I knew that Anthropology was going to be a class that I learned a lot of knowledge
that I would take with me forever and apply it to my life.
In chapter 9, we talked about the concept of culture and the ways of thinking and behaviors. We
talked about the 5 characteristics of culture; culture is based on symbols, culture is learned, culture
is shared, culture is integrated, and culture is dynamic. To not have these "blinders" means when you
enter into a new culture you need to understand the people and why they act/do certain things
without judging. I believe the biggest one is culture is learned. You are not born with culture but
instead as you grow up you understand what is acceptable and not acceptable in your specific
culture. I cannot be ethnocentric and belief that my culture is the best culture and everyone else is
less than mine. Instead I need to be culture relative and give respect to the patterns and way of life.
Ever since I was a little girl I want to go to Africa and help them in a way that I didn't even know at
the time. Now that I know what I want to do with my career as a Pharmacist, I know that I want to
administer medicine to help the death rate in
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Anthropology Is A Study Of Humankind
Anthropology is a study of humankind in all places at all times as one may say it is an observer of
human mind. This essay will critically discuss the following keys. Firstly, it will start by defining the
term holistic than it will critically discuss the statement which says why anthropology has been
describe as holistic study of humankind. Secondly, it will concisely discuss four subfields which are
linguistic anthropology, socio–cultural anthropology, physical or biological anthropology, and
archaeological anthropology by linking them with the above statement explaining their role in
making the discipline holistic. Lastly, it will conclude by refreezing the important aspects that this
essay has captured in the discussion.
One might describe ... Show more content on ...
Firstly, historical linguistics deals with the arrival of language and how languages have altered and
diverged overtime (Nzozo, 2013). Secondly, descriptive linguistic studies the sounds (phones) sound
systems, grammar, syntax, and the meaning that are attached to words in specific languages (Nzozo,
2013). One might also describe it as an analytic and descriptive branch of how language was used in
the past by a collective of people. Thirdly, ethno linguistic inspects the relationship between culture
and language and how the two interact and influence each other (Nzozo, 2013). In addition, one
could say it is the way different ethnic groups view the world and it is the mixture of ethnology and
linguistics. Lastly, Sociolinguistics search relationships between language and social relations for
example, a social linguist might want to study how one's social standing affects his or her language
usage (Nzozo,
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Sarcophagus In Anthropology
Throughout history, archaeology has been a tool used to learn more about past human activities and
their cultures by analyzing artifacts, architecture, environment data, and etc. that has been left
behind. Many artifacts and monuments became instrumental in expanding the knowledge of the past
and the Hagia Triada Sarcophagus is no exception. By analyzing the physical details such as
size/dimensions, material, style, images depicted, and the location of the artifact, this can help
people determine the reason and purpose of its existence. Eventually this can lead to how it may
change or add to the knowledge of the classical world. Looking at an artifact's physical attributes is
always the first step to uncovering the archaeological significance ... Show more content on ...
In addition, styles that were common in Minoan Art is present in the images. For example, women
had pale white skin with similar hairstyle, and were bare breasted while the men were dark skinned.
Bulls were also present throughout the sarcophagus, a common theme in various pieces of Minoan
artifacts. However, while much of the images contain styles of Minoan art, there are some details
that are different. This can be seen in the griffin on the shorter side of the sarcophagus where
Minoan characteristics of the griffin with a bird head, leonine body, and notched wings are present
but it is missing details such as the running spirals on its neck and wings like the griffins found in
the Throne Room at Knossos or Xeste 3 on Thera. All this contributes to the date of c. 1400 as this
was the time period of the Mycenaean occupation of Crete as well as provides a narrative of the
funerary rituals performed by Minoans and perhaps even the
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Subfields Of Anthropology
Anthropologists study how cultures shape and identify people, how evolution and the environment
change us, and the ways that humans throughout time have communication and integrated with one
another. Anthropologists seek to understand how humans have changed over time as well as how
cultures relate to one another in traits that are either universal or unique. There are four subfields of
Archaeology is the study of what has been left behind by various peoples since the beginning of
mankind. This includes studying objects like pottery, jewelry, and tools, as well as mapping out
houses and other structures. Examining skeletal remains can help us find out what kind of diet
someone had and what kind of diseases they may have suffered from. We can also see how they
interacted with the natural environment, such as building dams, building monolithic monuments out
of stone, and carving temples out of cliffsides.
Biological anthropology deals in studying how humans adapted to their environments and dangers
as well as how they evolved ... Show more content on ...
This would include social constructs like gender roles, caste systems, and the way respect among
individuals is treated. This would also tie into things like religion that would dictate one's dress and
diet. Additionally, cultural anthropology encapsulates understanding the arts, values, and practices
among different groups.Linguistic anthropology is the study of the ways that humans have
communicated over time and how language affects how we perceive the world and each other.
Linguistic anthropologists seek to understand how language is used among individuals and how it is
used to build and relay meaning. Examples would include studying different languages that
originated from a single language or a language that developed as a result of two people integrating
themselves and their
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Anthropology And The Study Of Culture
1. Anthropology and the Study of Culture
a. The field of anthropology that I find to be most interesting is anthropological linguistics.
Personally, I believe this subdivision is so interesting because it is so diverse and covers so much
ground on how our language and others have evolved over time. Ranging from early cave writings,
to sign language, to the language and slang we all know and use today, language among not only our
cultures but also others have vastly changed and there is proof of this that dates back to ancient
times. The mere complexity of our current language is beyond what past civilizations could have
even imagined it would come to be. What I find to be very interesting is the fact that even today our
upbringing, social class, or cultural norms, can define how we speak. For instance, there are certain
slangs or terms that someone may say because they were brought up around people who spoke using
that kind of language. While this is true for some, but not all, children of an upper class parents may
grow up speaking very formally, and be taught to not use any slang or vulgar words. They continue
using this vocabulary further on in life because it is what they were taught to do. This can also be
applied to any other social class, or even differ between people from different geographic locations.
Linguistics is often learned and adopted from generation to generation and from civilization to
b. A person who studies anthropological linguistics
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The Crash Movie Anthropology
In anthropology, there are studies of racism and how different ethnicities act towards each other.
People's thoughts and assumptions about someone are based on their skin color, or where you are
from, and how this type group acts, and people judged based on that assumption. This is something
called rationalization where you categorize a person into a specific group of people. In
anthropology, there is something called "white privilege" where based on your skin color, you have
more or less rights as a person. This is presented in the movie "The Crash" which takes a look at the
way race plays a role in American lives every day, in our modern society. This movie presents about
different ethnicities such as the Persians, the Hispanics, the Blacks,
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Cultural Anthropology Research Paper
Throughout the world many people find it very difficult to communicate with people that do not
share the same ideals as them. This lack of communication is a major barrier in advancement of our
world. Anthropology, in short, is the study of humans living and dead Anthropology is divided into
five main categories: applied, linguistic, medical, biological, archaeological, and cultural. Each of
these five divisions teaches a different aspect of human life.
Cultural anthropology teaches acceptance. There are social norms that can be found in every culture,
the difference from culture to culture is socialization– how people react appropriately to one in
another. These differences can be in food, clothing, or religion. Each difference has meaning to why
it is done that certain way, either because of climate, history, resources or any other aspect that
causes people to live the way they do. If cultural differences are studied further, comparisons can be
made to one's own way of life and both cultures begin to look very similar. Once a person has been
made aware of the differences and the reasons why they occur, it becomes easier to become more
understand to a group of people's needs or wants.
This universal of understanding tends to come in handy during a job or even in everyday social
interaction. People tend to want to work harder when they are treated as equals and not when they
are being told what to do. Anthropology research teaches how to be respectful when interacting with
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Paradigm Shift Anthropology
Marshall Sahlins' has a quote that we stand on the shoulders of giants to shit on their heads reflects
the idea of paradigm shift. The shoulders personify the collective knowledge of those researchers
before us, as students it is where we gain our information. It is not through our own work that we
initially study our respective fields; we study the accumulation of work that those giants have
codified. The shit represents new ideas, criticism, and reworking of the previously held beliefs. The
constant questioning of beliefs, seeking new answers is an intrinsic feature of scientific inquiry. This
holds true not only in the hard sciences but in the social sciences as well, some may say to an even
greater extent, due to the nature of the ... Show more content on ...
Boas' reliance on empirical data to formulate theories underscores Kuhn's central idea that
paradigms are only changed through examination of new data. As data on cultures preceding Boas
was slim at best, it is not hard to see how Boas could acquire data contrary to the existing viewpoint.
This data collection itself was a new theory, the new invention required. Kuhnian thought states that
preparadigmatic schools emphasize the collection of the facts, as Boas was emphasizing. Crisis
within the paradigm is witnessed by the competition between the schools of thought. Emerging from
this crisis is Boasian anthropology, with its reliance on empirical data as the basis for study. This
data collection is subdivided into the four subfields Boas saw as a requirement for this new field.
The four–field approach emerges as the dominant force in anthropology. With this approach the
community changes its view of the field, and produces new methods and goals. These methods and
goals have been used as a professional consensus in anthropology since the Boasian transformation.
It may be argued that the Boasian example is not indicative of a paradigm shift, as anthropology
itself was too new a field to have a consensus. Whether or not the data gathered resulted from
anomalies in his working paradigm is a consideration. Boas does appear to have stepped outside the
bounds of the paradigm from the start, never attempting to fit his data into the existing evolutionary
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Anthropology : Anthropology And Cultural Anthropology
What is anthropology? This is a question that can be answered in numerous ways, but we are going
to define it as simple as possible. If we break the word down into its two components it means the
study of human beings. "Anthropo" means human beings or human kind and "logy" or "logia" is
Greek for the study or knowledge of something. When we put it all together, it is the study of human
beings which can be very broad. Anthropology can be broken down into four subfields: physical
anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, and cultural anthropology.
Physical anthropology is all of the physical aspects of being human like human evolution and
human variation. People come in different heights, weights, and etc. The next subfield is
archaeology which is the human cultures in the past. Examples of these are artifacts and architecture
like pyramids and buildings. The third subfield of anthropology is called linguistic anthropology is
the study of language. The last subfield is called cultural anthropology and it is focused on the study
of cultural variation throughout the world. Cultural anthropology can also be called ethnology. Two
of the subfields that I thought were evident in most of the movies we watched were cultural
anthropology and linguistic anthropology.
One of my favorite examples of cultural anthropology was from the beginning of the semester in the
movie The Gods Must be Crazy. When Xi was venturing to the end of the earth to drop off the Evil
Thing, he has
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Inequality In Anthropology
Throughout the history of anthropology and the ethnographic method, topics of ritual, gender and
inequality have been diminutive. Anthropologists have turned their research to primarily minuscule
civilizations, observing participants, surveying and interviewing communities. During this, is it an
absolute necessity to marinate an individual into their preferred society to accumulate a profound
grasp about its people and practical details, which frankly cannot be achieved from literary works.
By doing so the researcher obtains a perceptive education into participants daily essence and
formalities. One must live in their conditions, sustain alliances during involvement and most
importantly, partake in its inhabitants activities while jotting down ... Show more content on ...
Tommy and I crossed paths last week, while playing soccer at the recreational center. With the
project lingering in my mind, I decided to approach him and assemble information. With limited
material obtained, he was born in China, and his family moved to the United States when he was
ten. In spite of his origins, what's intriguing is that he has been exposed to both the Western practice
and his native. Making him an untarnished participant, candidly a best of both worlds. Obtaining
access to his home is something that won't be a practical issue. His parents property however could
be troublesome. Briefly speaking with Tommy, they are disciplinary, tentative, genuine Chinese
folks. Terminology used to define them is the exact reason I've chosen their residence, exposing
myself to something out of the norm and reveal basics of rituals and gender. As researchers you
must insert yourself in outlandish settings. Stated by ethnographic schemes, one must let loose own
assumptions about the party to productivity exercise it. In my case, I can't view Tommy's group the
same way as people in my own.Throughout this process, It is equally vital to rest personal feelings
and be less
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Queer Anthropology
The American Anthropological Association decided in 2010 to remove the word science from the
statement of the long range plan. This decision caused a long standing debate in the anthropological
community to reawaken with a forceful start. Different anthropologists claim how removing science
allowed more sub– divisions of anthropology to be included under the statement umbrella. Others
claim how it diminished the name of what anthropology was as a science. This argument questions
how anthropology will thrive or unravel if it moves away from the sciences and into other areas of
interest. First, the debate of what the nature of anthropology could be said to begin in the era of
Franz Boas. Franz Boas stated how he expected anthropologists ... Show more content on ...
The purpose of anthropology has not shifted, but queer anthropologists can argue how the shift
further highlights the intersectionality of the different divisions of anthropology. It includes new
possibilities of researching different communities or even areas of interest and how they play a part
in one another. Creating a more inclusive discipline of anthropology helps create a more inclusive
community of various identities and interests within
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Cultural Anthropology
What is anthropology? Anthropology is the scientific and humanistic study of human beings. So
what is cultural anthropology? Cultural anthropology is the study of human thoughts and behaviors.
As soon as we are born we are taught what our cultural knowledge is; what our norms and values
are, as well as cultural construction and world view. Everyday we experience and encounter
phenomenons that are part of our culture; without realizing it. Before taking this class, I often
thought that our advanced society was the standard to which to measure all other societies from, but
after reviewing the material in this course, it is impossible to make such a comparison. Many of the
people in a culture similar to the U.S. would probably find most of the cultures we have studied to
be "slow" strange or undesirable. In fact, it seems that many of the societies actually prefer to live
the way they do and they accept it as normal. "Normal" is a relative term, and it is difficult to
establish evidence to label a culture or its characteristics as abnormal. What may seem to work here
in the U.S. often would be disastrous to other cultures. Last summer I had traveled parts of Europe
with my friends, and it was astonishing to see the difference between cultures. One thing that was
noticed right off the bat was that the Europeans start their week on a Monday and it ends on Sunday.
While in the U.S. we start our week on Sunday and it goes to Saturday. Also while here in the U.S
we think of
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History Of Anthropology By Tuskegee
Through the advertisement of, it is made realistic to find the origin of one's family
line. Leaves after leaf tells a story to how one's great great grandfather served as a fighter pilot in the
Second World War or discover your mother's great uncle was one of the candidates chosen and
impacted by the Tuskegee experiment. Family history can be easy to access. But how can we trace
the origin of disease or on a broader scale, the origin of mankind? The study of anthropology has
focused solely on this area to discover the evolution of human beings from the being of time.
Anthropology is a broad study of multiple areas of human relationships, artifacts, development,
cultures, and so on with making reference to both past and present
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What It Is For The Anthropology Of Religion
In 1966 Geertz described religion as '(1) a system of symbols which acts to (2) establish powerful,
pervasive, and long lasting moods and motivations in men by (3) formulating conceptions of general
order of existence and (4) clothing these conceptions with such an aura of faculty that (5) the moods
and motivations seem uniquely realistic' (Geertz, 1966 :4), a quote which Asad refers to as 'perhaps
the most influential, certainly the most accomplished, anthropological definition of religion to have
appeared in the last two decades' (Asad, 1983 :237). In this essay I intend to briefly outline what it is
Geertz aims to achieve with his approach, concentrating mainly on his focus on symbols and
identifying the contributions this idea has given to the anthropology of religion. I will also touch
upon the similarities and differences between Geertz's (1966) definition and that of Asad (1983).
Geertz's describes his definition of religion as a universal one but geared to focus on the particular;
one that can be applied to all religions, and once identified as a religion we can distinguish a
separation between religion and other entities i.e. politics, therefore allowing us to discuss the
relationship which intertwines them. Geertz describes culture as 'a system of inherited conceptions
expressed in symbolic forms by means of which men communicate, perpetuate, and develop their
knowledge about and attitudes toward life' (Geertz, 1966 :3), thus the ways of which we understand
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Anthropology And Forensic Anthropology
In recent years, a crime scene investigation is becoming more complex and sophisticated, thanks to
the advancement of science and technology, now there are many more resources for research, which
is why Forensic Anthropology has also changed and has come a long way in assisting medical and
legal specialists in identifying unidentified human or not human remains. But, what is Forensic
Anthropology? Anthropology is a science that has many subfields. One of them is Physical
Anthropology, and Forensic Anthropology is a practical application of this subfield, that "specializes
in the identification of human skeletal remains for legal purposes" (Haviland et al, 8). According to
the American Board of Forensic Anthropology (ABFA), "Forensic anthropology is the application of
the science of physical or biological anthropology to the legal process. Physical or biological
anthropologists who specialize in forensics primarily focus their studies on the human skeleton".
M.Y. Iscan, in turn, defines it more broadly as the expertise of human remains and their ... Show
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In general, the nature of human remains and physical evidence that a forensic anthropologist can
examine to obtain relevant information covers a wide range, from something as small as a single
tooth or bone fragment, to something much greater as body segments or a complete skeleton. In the
legal field, the identification of skeletal remains is important in solving a crime, but moreover, it
also serves as support for other aspects, such as the case of an inheritance, marital status of a person
for legal purposes, as well as humanitarian reasons, in case of accidents, natural disasters, wars,
where people want to know what really happened to their loved ones, instead of the uncertainty
whether they are alive or not, people would prefer to bury them and grieve before continuing with
the open
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Importance Of Ethics In Anthropology
Vishan Neupane Professor Ritu Khanduri ANTH 2322–002 1 December 2017 Ethics, fieldwork and
anthropology Anthropology is a worldwide discipline which involve social institution, humanities
and natural sciences. Cultural anthropology studies the contemporary human cultures and shows
how social behavior are formed and how they shape the world around them. Anthropological
researchers always have ethical obligations, especially to the materials they study, and the group of
people with whom they work. When exploring the community, anthropologists learn about matters
that their informants would prefer to keep their identity secret which leads them to protect informant
identity. Social research can impact ethical dilemmas. A simple mistake of the anthropologist may
lead to social isolation of an informant. Anthropologists should always know whether the group they
are being researched wishes to stay anonymous or receive recognition. During an anthropologist's
fieldwork, anthropologists look over enculturation. Enculturation is a process by which we obtain
and transmit culture which is experienced universally among humans. It teaches the individual about
their role in the society as well as what kind of behavior is accepted within that culture and lifestyle.
Some anthropologists are ethnocentric. They critique other groups relative to their own ethnic group
or culture, especially with concern for customs, language, behavior, and religion. The group of
people that falls in this
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Forensic Anthropology Essay
The field of forensic anthropology centers on the analysis of human remains; a key component of
such an analysis is the knowledge of how much time has passed between the death of an individual
and the discovery of the associated remains. This period is termed the postmortem interval and is
useful in regards to providing an identification of remains, as awareness of the time of death can be
instrumental in determining the specifics of a crime. Determination or estimation of the postmortem
interval (PMI) is possible due to certain consistencies in the process of decomposition of organisms
as well as both biotic and abiotic factors associated with decaying remains. Over time, new methods
have been added to the repertoire of forensic anthropology, ... Show more content on ...
Following the cessation of cardiac and respiratory functions in humans, cell death commences
leading to the complete death of the individual. The chemical processes that result from the massive
death of cells, such as release of enzymes and digestive fluids, act to begin the decay of the cadaver.
Of important note, normal bacteria associated with the human digestive system are no longer held in
check by the human immune system and the physical separations between the digestive tract and the
other organs. Thus, bacterial action is a critical decay component, and the significance of such
action will be investigated shortly. In traditional forensic taphonomic nomenclature, the cadaver
progresses from the "fresh" stage upon death to the "bloat" stage at the beginning of microbial
action (Finley et al. 2015). Upon the onset of insect activity, "active decay" begins until most
consumable matter is removed, leading to the "advanced decay" stage; "dry" decay follows when
only bone and keratinous tissue remains (Finley et al. 2015). Based upon environmental conditions
such as temperature and moisture availability, the time interval for each of these stages and thus the
overall decay process from fleshed body to skeleton may vary significantly. Thus, a standard
taphonomic analysis of remains may not provide a very accurate indication of PMI; however, other
methods used in conjunction can greatly increase accuracy in PMI
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Facial Anthropology

  • 1. Facial Anthropology Human identification is one of the important part in forensic medicine. It consists of a series of steps to differentiate individuals and establish their identity. Forensic anthropology serves an important role in reconstructing the biological profile, taking into consideration its four main components: ancestry, age, stature as well as sex and despites having the same bones, male and female skeleton exhibit a number of differences (Lima et all, 2012). Sexual dimorphism is best describes as the difference based on phenotype characteristic between males and females of the same species. (Yesmin et all, 2011). Measurements and evaluation of human body is done by physical anthropometry. Anthrpometry is defined as 'Anthropos' means man and 'metry' means mesure. Thus, it is the measurement of body proportion and size of living and ... Show more content on ... The ratio of the morphological facial height to facial width and multiplied by 100 is known as facial index and the total facial index exhibits sexual differences and different shapes of face. (K Sharma et all, 2014). There are several factors that affect the facial index of an individuals including race, gender, age, ethnic, climate, nutritional, socio–economic as well as genetic factors (D.Jeramic et all, 2013). Based on facial index, we can determine the types of faces that are classified into following five groups according to Banister's classification which are hypereuriproscopic (very broad face), euriproscopic (broad face), mesoproscopic (round face), leptoproscopic (long face), hyperleptoproscopic (very long face). The present study is carried out to determine the cephalic and facial index as well as to find out the type of head and face shape in various ages, sex and races in students and staffs of Management and Science University and to compare them with previous studies in different ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Essay about Anthropology Paulina Para November 2, 2015 Anthropology 101 "Cold Water" Cold Water, directed by Noriko Ogami is a documentary from 1986 about cross–cultural adaptation and culture shock. It is about diving into a new culture and having it feel, as one foreign student puts it, like a "plunge into cold water." Twelve Boston University foreign students express their perceptions of their experiences in the U.S. as each of them (plus one American student and three specialists) is interviewed about living and studying in a new culture. Initial focus is on the arrival and immediate post–arrival period and the culture shock which, for most of the interviewees, follows on its heels. It becomes clear that central to the problems encountered ... Show more content on ... Next, things gets easier. The third stage said from this documentary happens to be the adjustment stage. Here things start to clear up and you start to feel more at ease and at home. Frustrations are often subdued as travelers begin to feel more familiar and comfortable with the cultures, people, food, and languages of new environments. Soon the navigation becomes easier along with the friends and communities of support are being established. Finally the last stage is referred as the "acceptance stage," according to one foreign student. After some weeks or months we are noticing improvement within ourselves after have wrestling with the emotional stages. The final stage of cultural shock doesn't mean that the new cultures and environments are completely understood, it signifies realization that complete understanding isn't necessary to function and thrive in new surroundings. During this stage, travelers have the familiarity and are able to draw together the resources they need to feel at ease. The same students which laid out for us the stages of cultural shock also shared their experiences expressing how they felt about Americans. Tina Lang, one of the foreign students at Boston University referred Americans as "superficial." As direct and straight forward as that description was I like to agree with her. As Americans we are so focused on looking our best on the outside that we never put aside any time to work on our ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology what a vulnerable observer you are! You may well have to jump into the arms of the scientists if you are going to try to keep your grass hut at the academy! –– Ruth Behar Debates on the role the reflexive plague the field of cultural anthropology as postmodern critics join the bandwagon attempting to claim authority in this dubiously recognized discipline. In the borderline realm between the sciences and humanities, cultural anthropology has tried to find a niche in which it can comfortably rest. For many, this has been in building a foundation of the methodical. If anthropology can classify, categorize, and synthesize, it can assert its legitamacy to the glares of academia. However, in the attempts to ... Show more content on ... The anthropologist is not a data classification machine. The anthropologist is a human being with specific angles, interpretations, and background. Reality is perception. By reading ethnographies, we are learning from other's perception. The range of approaches is specifically what gives this discipline it's richness and depth. Johannes Fabian in Remembering the Present: Painting and Popular History, comments, Which and whose reality? Once the ethnographer has ceased to think that being in touch with reality and truth is guaranteed by following the rules of scientific investigation, the outcome of contests and confrontations cannot be a victory of one kind of knowledge over the other. (p304) Fabian in this ethnography beautiful depicts his role to give the reader a sense of the dialogue and exchange. When two cultures interact, the exchange itself reveals insight. Fabian does not dismiss this in his ethnography. Like a stone thrown to water, the anthropologist cannot attempt to study the environment without the acknowledgement of the ripples he/she creates. An example of Fabian's reflexivity is as follows, Perhaps Tshibumba sensed my incredibility and imagined the explanations I might come up with. That is why he made sure I understood what he wanted to accomplish with this painting –– to create a kind of presence. (p300) In this example, Fabian shows the reader how his presence may have an effect on the data. With the use of the word "perhaps", he
  • 6. ... Get more on ...
  • 7.
  • 8. Visual Anthropology And Cultural Anthropology Society is made up of ordinary items that throughout the years are given value by outsiders, people who think outside of the world they are in, or by those, who are, from a different time period. Anthropologists have been able to study the differences in human cultures and how they have evolve. "There are now four major fields of anthropology: biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and archaeology" (Dennis O 'Neil). Within these fields are subfields, visual anthropology is a very important subfield of cultural anthropology. Visual anthropology is the study of the history of human customs and culture through what one sees or perceives in various types of media. Therefore, "...the use of visual material in anthropological the study of visual systems and visible cultures" (Banks and Morphy). Since media is seen as a representation of the truth, it is reasonable to say that it plays a major role in the accurate views of how society is. There are two categories in which I would like to describe how visual anthropology tries to describe human culture and custom: images and objects. Through visual anthropology, images, ads, and cartoons are constantly changing individual's views and the world in which they live in. Images are not merely pictures to state the obvious, they are pictures that have a deeper meaning. Whether the meaning is shown or not shown, they convey representation of something more meaningful in the end. Stuart Hall ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. Anthropology, Cultural, And Anthropology: Definition Of... Definition of Feminist Anthropology According to Anthropologists Feminist anthropology is divided into four fields according to anthropology; archeological, biological, cultural, and linguistic. It seeks to transform researches, anthropological practices, and the production of knowledge, using perspectives from the theory of feminism. Simultaneously, feminist anthropology challenges essentials of feminist theories developed in Europe and America. Feminists practiced cultural anthropology since its commencement. It was not until the 1970s that the feminist anthropology boycott started. Rayna Rapp argues, it is subject to a 'double difference' from mainstream academia. It is a feminist tradition – part of a branch of scholarship, sometimes ... Show more content on ... Anthropology of women The anthropology of women attempted to mend women as distinct cultural actors to save them from being erased by male anthropologists' who focus on men's lives as the universal character of a society. Male anthropologists rarely have access to women in tribes and societies because of the sexual threat they pose to these women, since the stories of men about women in instances only take over whenever women aren't present at all. The male anthropologists' ignorance and the indigenous men's domination solidifies the creations of instances where, according to "Rosaldo" and "Lamphere", the asymmetry between women and men becomes universal. Having an asymmetrical world, a second anthropology of women would arise out of American engagements with the arguing of this universal asymmetry how it was never timeless, but a product of capitalist relations that came to dominate the global mode of production. As both approaches grew more vocal in their critique of male's descriptions as one–sided. Women were only described to be as 'add women and mix' approach to ethnography, and it became popular. They were not necessarily described at detail, but mentioned as part of the wider ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Ethics In Anthropology Knowledge and Ethics in Anthropology: Obligations and Requirements, edited by Lissette Josephides broadly discuss the epistemological and ethical elements that are involved in the field of anthropology. The book is largely inspiring in Marilyn Strathern's work, challenging and debating different aspect of her contribution to the field. The book is divided into four parts and nine papers; firstly it is introduce the 'Epistemology, Subjectivity and Ethics of Knowing Others'; secondly, in a more applicable approach it looks the notion of 'Person, Sociality, and Value: Partibility as Sacrifice, Consumption and Investment'; thirdly, considering one of the major discussions within anthropology, it is argued 'Mobilizing power and Belonging: The local ... Show more content on ... He begins basing the paper into Strathern's studies on kinship in Elmdon, a village in Essex in the south of England. In this case study, kinship is defined and used as a place to connect people, to create a sense of belonging within the community. "In particular, kinship was used as a metaphor of the British system of class and status" (172) that helped people from Elmdon to define a "common being–in–the–world" ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Reflection About Anthropology When I first enrolled in this class, I had absolutely no idea or clue as to what Anthropology was. I had this sense that I had at least heard of the word before, but later realized that it was only the clothing store I was aware of. I never knew that Indiana Jones was supposed to be considered an Anthropologist, all I ever associated him with was stealing ancient artifacts. I also was uninformed of the fact that Bones was a show about Forensic Anthropology. If anything, the media does not portray a clear idea as to what Anthropology really is and what it's purpose is for humankind. I investigated and interviewed five people to see if they had the same understanding of it as I had in the beginning which was nothing at all. I interviewed people mostly under the age of thirty, with the exception of one seventy eight years old. Only two of them are currently college students, while the others have no higher education than high school. The ones with some college education were the only ones who actually knew even the slightest about it at all. All of them had no response to what a stereotypical Anthropologist looks like because none of them know how to decipher one through the media. It is undoubtedly evident that having some extra education and exploring different fields can open the door to higher knowledge. When I asked what is Anthropology or what do you think it is, I got a variety of answers. One response I got was from my grandmother, Delores Kimm, who is seventy eight ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. The Importance Of Forensic Anthropology In 1940, Law enforcement agencies began to call Anthropologists to assist with identifying a human and their skeletal remains, as this led on Forensic Anthropology started to become known. The crime rate in today society is dramatically rising. With the help of Forensic Anthropology people can help solve crimes committed. When Forensic Anthropology became popular it made an impact on society and everyone around the world, and still does today. To truly understand the complicity of Forensic Anthropology you need to know: what is it, what they do in the field of work, and why it is important to society. Forensic anthropology is the study "The analysis of human biological and cultural remains for legal purposes"( Anthropology is the study of humans, and forensic anthropologists focus their studies on the human body as it helps figure out the severity of the accident. Determining a humans' cause of death is done by the help of forensic anthropology. There are many ways a scientist can determine the cause of the of death. The process to determine a deiced human body usually involves an examination on the skeleton remains. "Their study of human remains aids in the detection of crime by working to assess the age, sex, stature, ancestry, and unique features of a skeleton, which may include documenting trauma to the skeleton and its postmortem interval" (Forensic Anthropologist job description). Bone damage and fragments can also provide evidence from the murder victim which can ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. Essay on anthropology Anthropology proves to be satisfying and intellectually fulfilling to many in the field. However, there are also many challenges and bumps in the road along the way. Napolean A. Chagnon and Claire Sterk faced many of these challenges themselves. During his fieldwork with the Yanomamo, Chagnon faced many challenges interacting with the natives. Chagnon could not practically communicate with the people until about six months after he arrived. He notes ? the hardest thing to live with was the incessant, passioned, and often aggressive demands they would make.? An example of this is the natives threatening with a shout such as; ?If you don?t take me with you on your next boat trip to Widokalyateri, I?ll chop a hole in your canoe!? While ... Show more content on ... Developing a relationship and trust with women who had never had any trustworthy people in their lives was quite challenging as well. Sterk was once followed home by one of the woman?s pimps and his friends, and was jumped. The woman admitted to Sterk over a year later that they wanted to teach her a lesson and she knew about it all along. Sterk describes ? At one time, I felt true hatred for a crack house owner and was unable to adhere to the rules of courteous interactions.? ( Sterk 10) In Gmelch?s work with ethnography, he took students to do fieldwork in Barbados. He says his students usually come out of the experience learning more about themselves than they did about the people they were supposed to be studying. The students learned more than they ever had about intimacy in relationships than they ever had in their culture. They compared it to the impersonality and detachment of their suburban lives. One of the biggest adjustments the students had to make was adjusting to the slow–pace of village life. Many got used to being entertained just by socializing with the people and had no desire to leave if given a chance. Materialism diminished as the students began to feel embarrassed that they have so much. The people in the villages had so little and were seemingly so much happier than Americans. The students became minorities for their stay in the villages. One student says ? I have never been in a ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Integrative Approach In Anthropology Archaeology and the subdivision of bioarchaeology have played a profound role in our knowledge and understanding of past and modern populations. Through the analyses of human skeletal remains, the broad field of anthropology provides remarkable insights into multiple aspects of human life. Specifically, the field of bioarchaeology has contributed to our understanding of how environmental, cultural, and biological factors have influenced death and survival in the archaeological record (Martin, Harrod, & Perez, 2013:1). Despite its immense contributions to the understanding of human behaviour, anthropological techniques have faced a great deal of scrutiny when it comes to assessing health and disease from human remains. Perhaps the greatest factor ... Show more content on ... In order to develop an in–depth understanding of each of the factors that contributed to the health and well–being of an individual, bioarchaeologists collaborate with researchers from multiple disciplines, such as biology, epidemiology, and demography to assess the context of remains (Larsen, 2015:66). This integrative approach ultimately allows for the consideration of a wide range of factors that may have contributed to an individual's social history (Martin et al., 2013:60). In particular, this knowledge is used to create an osteobiography of the sociocultural and biological factors that were experienced by the individual throughout their lifetime (Lecture: Week 8). Through the use of this osteobiography, bioarchaeologists can gain critical insights into the social and biological phenomena that may have contributed to the presence of skeletal indicators, such as abnormal lesions, or stunted growth patterns that are demonstrated in many past populations (Larsen, 2015:425). While growth or stature may be interpreted simply as a result of genetic factors, bioarchaeologists integrate data from across several different domains in order to determine whether stature, or height–for–age, is the result of biological or environmental stressors, or a combination of both (Larsen, 2015:426). Rather than jumping to simple conclusions, bioarchaeologists seek to develop an understanding of the broader connections between health and contextualization in order to better understand why certain individuals are more susceptible to disease and mortality than ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. Forensic Anthropology Essay The field of Forensic Science has journeyed a long way. Its earliest recordings were said to be in the 700s, where the Chinese utilized fingerprints to identify documents and clay sculptures. Forensic Anthropology is one of the many fields that fall under the umbrella of Forensic Science. Forensic Anthropology is the study of human origins, physical, behavior, social, and cultural development. (Crime Laboratory System) This paper will focus primarily on the integral role Forensic Anthropology plays in the identification of human skeletal remains. Forensic anthropologists are called upon for various reasons, such as aiding in the collection and analysis of human remains, and indentifying victims who are beyond recognition. This paper ... Show more content on ... The article published by the Forensic Science Central in the United Kingdom (2012), identified the various features of the human skeleton that can aid in determining the sex of the individual. Some of the features includes, but are not limited to, the pelvic bone, which is wider in female than males, and the skull, which has various ways to identify the sex. The skull is said to be equally beneficial to the pelvic bone in establishing an individual's sex. Research shows that the skull of a male will have a more rounded supraorbital margin (brow ridge), and a bony glabella (the portion of bone between the eyebrows and nose). The male's mastoid process that sits behind the ear is larger, and their mandible is more squared than in females. The nasal cavity of a male is longer and narrower. Oppositely, the female supraorbital margin is much sharper, and her glabella is much smoother. The female's mastoid process is smaller in size, and the mandible is less squared. The research also stated that the female nasal cavity will be slighty wider, and pear–shaped. Another factor that may be beneficial in determining the sex of skeletal remains is racial background. The research highlighted that if the racial background is known, the sex would be easier to be ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. Anthropology and Gender Essay Though women have played an integral part in the history of the discipline of anthropology, it was not until the early 1970's that the field of anthropology and gender, or feminist anthropology emerged. Sex and gender roles have always been a vital part of any ethnographic study, but the contributors of this theory began to address the androcentric nature of anthropology itself. The substantial gap in information concerning the study of women was perceived as a male bias, a prejudice made more apparent because what little women–centered fieldwork was done received insufficient attention from the academic community. While anthropology was considered one of the more egalitarian fields of study, it was dominated by white, Western males who ... Show more content on ... One of Slocum's contemporaries, Eleanor Leacock (1922–1987) chose to differently analyze gender research, focusing on distinctions in power as it relates to society, the economy, and politics (2011: 397). She concentrated on North American natives and aboriginal Australians and their changing gender roles as the result of Western influence. Another feminist trend gave emphasis to gender identities, analyzing the ways in which race, class and gender converge. David Valentine, born in 1966, illustrates such an emphasis in his work which concerns the cross–cultural variations on the westernized concepts of gender identity and sexuality, by which we categorize sexual desire (2011:398). As evidenced by the variety of emphases within the theory, feminist anthropologists were fully committed to assessing all previously ignored facets of the subjugated female within numerous cultures worldwide. Several decades ago the idea of women as subordinate was considered to be a universality by the aforementioned white, Western male anthropologists who lead the field. Despite an anthropologist's endeavor to be unbiased, the fact is these traditional anthropologists came from a culture where many aspects of human life were male dominant. Though many studied ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. The Origins Of Structural Anthropology Ari Lotter Ms. Kasurak HSB4U1 26 September 2015 Claude Levi Strauss THE ORIGINS OF STRUCTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY Structural analysis, at its core, is an attempt to comprehend things beyond the system of human understanding. It's meant to be an objective, purely scientific approach untarnished by human cultural and social systems. Claude Lévi–Strauss saw this pure science being applied in linguistics, among the social sciences, and applied its objective principles and methods to anthropology. Structural linguistics is a method of analyzing languages, broken down into signs, both syntactically and lexically. Signs, in a structural context, are associations between concepts and means of expressing those concepts. Comparing opposed syntagma and signs in this exploded arrangement permits understanding of linguistic associations (syntax, etc.). By examining the paradigmatic relations between signs, and diachronic syntagmatic configurations (something Lévi–Strauss applied heavily in his theories about structural mythology), a basic objective understanding of the langue in question can be gleaned from examples of its verbiage. Ferdinand de Saussure, the linguist who explained language as a structure of signs, developed his ideal method of a purely analytical science of linguistics in part because he was aware of the impossibility of understanding exactly how the human mind creates and understands language. By approaching language from a structuralist point of view, he was attempting to ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Forensic Anthropology Essay Forensic anthropology is a subfield of physical anthropology that aims to assist in the identification of human remains and to help determine what happened to the remains (Ubelaker, 2006). A forensic anthropologist is able to aid law enforcement by narrowing down the list of possible victims. This subfield of anthropology consists of several processes and a vast list of duties that are important in providing positive identification.Even though forensic anthropology dates back many years, major advancements in this field are still being made today. Forensic anthropology is not a new concept and has been rapidly evolving for many years. According to Douglas H. Ubelaker, a forensic anthropologist and curator for the Smithsonian Institution, ... Show more content on ... The evidence that they find gets relayed to the medical examiner. Forensic anthropologists have the ability to classify the cause of death by examining marks or fractures found on the bones which in return helps officials determine the weapon used. All of this information helps the medical examiner find the cause of death, based on damages to the bones that a forensic anthropologist finds. Forensic anthropologists hold many legal responsibilities. Their job consists not only on the scientific level but must adhere to the law as well. A forensic anthropologists duties include: scene investigation, proper documentation, preservation of evidence, following all health and safety precautions, giving a written report, and appearing in court (Galloway et al. 1990) As stated in Physical Anthropology and the Law: Legal Responsibilities of Forensic Anthropologists "the forensic scientist must contend with four pressures, these being from law enforcement, the adversary system, science, and the individual's own sense of morality. The pressures must be balanced to form an overriding concept of ethical behavior at all stages of professional involvement in the forensic investigation." (Galloway et al. 1990:39). Without a background in the legal implications, the forensic anthropologist could jeopardize the entire investigation, since they are considered an expert in their field. All findings must be ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Cultural Anthropology : Physical Anthropology glossary Anthropology: It is a general comprehensive science of man in the past and present of any culture. This is divided into two main areas: physical anthropology, dealing with biological evolution and physiological adaptation of humans, and social or cultural anthropology that deals with people living in society, ie forms of evolution of language, culture and customs. Anthropology uses tools and knowledge produced by the natural sciences and the social sciences. Aspiration of anthropological discipline is to produce knowledge about the human being in various areas, but always as part of a society. Thus, attempts to encompass both the biological evolution of our species, development and lifestyles of people who have disappeared, the social structures of today and the diversity of cultural and linguistic expressions that characterize humanity. Physical Anthropology: Physical anthropology is primarily concerned with the evolution of man, human biology and the study of other primates, using working methods used in the natural sciences. In other words, the study of man considering its nature and culture. Cultural Anthropology: The branch of anthropology that studies the characteristics of learned behavior in human societies, ie science of human culture. Overall, it is the science that studies the origin, development, structure, characteristics and variations of human culture both past societies like those of the present. Ethnography, ethnology, archeology, linguistics and ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Anthropology : Anthropology And Anthropology I would've never imagined the endless careers that are available to anthropology majors, before taking Professor Sharratt's Intro to Anthropology course. The things that I have learned in anthropology have opened my mind to a variety of different career paths that is possible with a degree in anthropology. Anthropology majors go off to a plethora of careers with their degrees in anthropology. Anthropology is "the study of humankind in all times and place". Anthropology has four different subfields which include: Physical/Biological, Socio/Cultural, Linguistic, and Archeology. This wide range of a study allows for one to stand out to companies in a various amount of industries including law, health, and often times business. Some job duties ... Show more content on ... Forensic anthropologist document and investigate human remains from past experiences. Forensic anthropologists are also very helpful when mass disasters occur and a large amount of people die due to a certain event. Tersigni–Tarrant, Teresa, and Shirley state how forensic anthropology takes place during a mass disaster by stating "The staff working in the disaster morgue has several responsibilities: documentation and processing of remains, identification of the victim, examination of remains for medicolegal interpretations (e.g., cause of death), and documentation of the overall process" (444). Forensic anthropology can be very vital to a culture or country because it allows for one to understand how someone has passed away, which could possibly effect the same culture or country in the future. Forensic anthropologist take the time to examine the cause of one's death and help a certain culture or country understand a particular outcome. There are forensic anthropologists employed by the FBI. Another possible career opportunity in anthropology that I ran across that intrigued me was an exhibit designer. Exhibit designers are mainly employed at museums. Their job duties include researching, educating, and designing in a museum setting. Exhibit designers are responsible for the preservation of anthropology related items such as human remains and past objects. In the search for an exhibit designer ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Anthropology: The Characteristics And Aspects Of Cultural... Cultural Anthropology 2015–11–09 12:34 PM Anthropology Anthropos = humanity Archaeology, Biological/Physical, Linguistic (salvage ethnography) Ethnography Ethnos = culture Graphy = writing Field work: 'go native' – live among, adapt and become the kind of people CHAPTER 1 – What is Anthropology? How is anthropology different from... Sociology – both study social relations Political Science – both interested in power relations Economics – both study material conditions of peoples lives History Psychology – both study relationships between people and society Key Distinguishing Features: A focus on the concept of culture A comparative perspective A holistic perspective – look at culture as an integrated whole ... Show more content on ... Often occurs under pressure from the domination of a more powerful group over a subjugated one Global Culture: a constellation of technologies, practices, attitudes, values, and symbols that spread internationally Globalization: the process by which the exchange of products, investment, and people across national and regional boundaries increases Liberalization policies: policies that attempt to eliminate national government controls on investment, imports, currency rates, and many other practices that ere considered to constrain ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Anthropology and Its Branches Anthropology is the study of human beings, in particular the study of their physical character, evolutionary history, racial classification, historical and present–day geographic distribution, group relationships, and cultural history. Anthropology can be characterized as the naturalistic description and interpretation of the diverse peoples of the world. Modern–day anthropology consists of two major divisions: cultural anthropology, which deals with the study of human culture in all its aspects; and physical anthropology, which is the study of human physical character, in both the past and present. Anthropology emerged as an independent science in the late 18th century, it developed two divisions: physical anthropology, which focuses on ... Show more content on ... For example, paintings on walls of tombs may throw light on the status of the person buried there. Such paintings often depict practices prevalent in a society. Study of burial sites can helparchaeologists understand the religious beliefs of a group of people. Biological Anthropology Biological anthropology, also known as physical anthropology, deals with tracing the biological origins, evolutionary changes, and the genetic diversity of the human species. In the process, biological anthropologists study primate behavior, and anatomical variations between primates and human beings in order to understand physical changes that have taken place in humans during their evolutionary journey from apes. They may also take up genetic analysis and anthropometric studies to find reasons behind the physical differences between people of various groups. Besides these major branches, anthropology also has other divisions like forensic anthropology, medical anthropology, and ecological anthropology. Although each branch is a specialized field of study, they are inter–related. This gives anthropologists an edge over researchers from other fields in addressing human problems, as they study human existence not in isolation but in totality. Evolution Of Man – What is it? The modern theory concerning the evolution of man proposes that humans and apes derive from an apelike ancestor that lived on earth a few million years ago. The theory states that man, ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Anthropology Personal Statement I am applying to pursue a graduate degree in anthropology for multiple reasons. The main reason is that I very much want to pursue a career in anthropology, specifically archaeology. It is something I am very passionate about and wish to delve into. My passion has only grown as I continue to get more experience in the field. I am also very avid about learning in general. My lifelong goal has been to learn as much as I possibly can. Both going back to school in general and specifically for an anthropology degree allow me to learn. Just going back to school will allow me to learn more about the field. I will learn new information and develop new ways of seeking out information. Specifically, an anthropology degree, and hopefully career, will allow me to continue learning ... Show more content on ... This coursework culminated in a detailed analysis of commingled cremated remains with the goal of identifying the Minimum Number of Individuals, gathering as much demographic data as possible, and deducing the manner of cremation. Additionally, this information was used to interpret cultural contexts. After graduation I participated in the Adelphi University Archaeology & Physical Anthropology Field School in Eleutherna, Crete, Greece. During my time there, I cleaned and identified human remains from a Cretan rescue excavation. Additionally, I was part of a small team that excavated two co–buried Bronze Age Individuals at the Orthi Petra site. My work has also given me important experience. I have been consistently interning and working at history and anthropology museums since graduation. I have worked as a Cultural Intern, Cultural Consultant, and now as a Curation Technician at the Pechanga Cultural Resources Center, a native cultural institution in Temecula, CA. While there I have processed and cataloged repatriated collections and am instructing and supervising an intern in collection ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Anthropology : An Anthropological Perspective Anthropology is the study of humans throughout the world. It examines our ancestors, how we behave, adapt to different environments, communicate, socialize with one another, and more. The study of anthropology focuses on the features that make us human; our genetic makeup, the evolution of humans, and the physiology. It also focuses on language, religion, family, and more. The goal of anthropology is to be able to describe and analyze the different cultures. Anthropologist believes that the only way humans can be understood is by seeking information from various cultures and different societies. Anthropologist use multiple methods to collect data and to understand evolution of humans from millions of years ago. To take an anthropological approach anthropologist should not study participants using their values or a bias approach. The anthropological perspective includes cultural relativism, holism, and the etic and emic perspective which are all important when studying culture. When it comes to understanding diversity, the anthropological view can help understand the diversity amongst cultural groups. Anthropology incorporates the holistic approach to study all aspects of human behavior; examining human culture, behavior, and human culture. Cultural relativism is the idea that people's values and customs must be understood in terms of culture of which they are a part of. Every culture is different, we are taught to act a certain, and we are all raised to believe in ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Forensic Anthropology Over the span of this Anthropological course, I have come upon the realization that Forensic Anthropology is a big interest of mine. So I would like to apply to the department of Anthropology's Honors program to further my studies. My motivations for this decision are derived from several places. For one, becoming part of the prestigious program would help me gain the necessary experience that would allow me to further my career goals and obtain a job that will make me happy. The skills and experience that would come from participating in this program are unparalleled. It would allow me to fully develop and become my full potential while also harvesting my skills in the subject of Anthropology. Another motivation that lead me to apply to the ... Show more content on ... After reading endless articles on how forensic studies are applied within the legal world I decided that this is a topic I could spend a year, or more, focused on. Since Forensic Anthropology involves nearly all of anthropology's subfields, I will never get uninterested in the subject. The opportunity to engage within research on this subject matter excites me in many ways. For one, I would be able to use the many interesting techniques forensics has to offer to learn and develop my skills. I would also be able to know that this evidence is and can have an impact on court cases and legal matters which is extremely exciting. This mesh of biological and social anthropology would keep me on my feet and challenge me to new extremes: something I really look forward to. I envision working under the supervision of UMass faculty member Ventura Perez. After a careful review of each member of the University's anthropology department, I decided upon Perez for several reasons. The first, and most obvious, being his extensive background in forensic ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Armchair Anthropology : The Historical Context Of... The Historical Context of Anthropology Since the emergence of anthropology in the late 1800's, the customs and methods of this academic discipline have been altered in many ways. It is assumed that in the early years of anthropology, theorists relied on travelers in order to articulate their theories (Dahl 2017). This practice is known as armchair anthropology and involves creating theories without any fieldwork. Some examples of famous armchair anthropologists include Edward Burnett Tylor and James Frazer. The work of both theorists involved no travelling or conducting of fieldwork. Early anthropology focused on primitive cultures and how societies transformed from being barbaric to civilized. In modern days, anthropology is discovering new topics to study every day and the information relies a great amount on fieldwork and lab work conducted by anthropologists to support their findings. As some of the early methods of anthropology continue to be used by anthropology, more are being developed in order to produce more efficient research and theories. Armchair anthropologists conclude their research by studying artifacts and not conducting the proper research required (Horn 2012). Theories made by armchair anthropologists are based on assumptions rather than facts and evidence, this can cause misunderstandings between different races and cultures that are being studied leading to false information being spread and becoming popularized. Before ethnographic fieldwork was ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Personal Reflection Of Anthropology Starting the first day of school, we talked about the what Anthropology is and how it is distinctive from other groups. When Professor Fisk talked about how anthropology is not culture bound and by the end of the semester he would hopefully take off these "cultural blinders" that all people have. From that day I knew that Anthropology was going to be a class that I learned a lot of knowledge that I would take with me forever and apply it to my life. In chapter 9, we talked about the concept of culture and the ways of thinking and behaviors. We talked about the 5 characteristics of culture; culture is based on symbols, culture is learned, culture is shared, culture is integrated, and culture is dynamic. To not have these "blinders" means when you enter into a new culture you need to understand the people and why they act/do certain things without judging. I believe the biggest one is culture is learned. You are not born with culture but instead as you grow up you understand what is acceptable and not acceptable in your specific culture. I cannot be ethnocentric and belief that my culture is the best culture and everyone else is less than mine. Instead I need to be culture relative and give respect to the patterns and way of life. Ever since I was a little girl I want to go to Africa and help them in a way that I didn't even know at the time. Now that I know what I want to do with my career as a Pharmacist, I know that I want to administer medicine to help the death rate in ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Anthropology Is A Study Of Humankind Anthropology is a study of humankind in all places at all times as one may say it is an observer of human mind. This essay will critically discuss the following keys. Firstly, it will start by defining the term holistic than it will critically discuss the statement which says why anthropology has been describe as holistic study of humankind. Secondly, it will concisely discuss four subfields which are linguistic anthropology, socio–cultural anthropology, physical or biological anthropology, and archaeological anthropology by linking them with the above statement explaining their role in making the discipline holistic. Lastly, it will conclude by refreezing the important aspects that this essay has captured in the discussion. One might describe ... Show more content on ... Firstly, historical linguistics deals with the arrival of language and how languages have altered and diverged overtime (Nzozo, 2013). Secondly, descriptive linguistic studies the sounds (phones) sound systems, grammar, syntax, and the meaning that are attached to words in specific languages (Nzozo, 2013). One might also describe it as an analytic and descriptive branch of how language was used in the past by a collective of people. Thirdly, ethno linguistic inspects the relationship between culture and language and how the two interact and influence each other (Nzozo, 2013). In addition, one could say it is the way different ethnic groups view the world and it is the mixture of ethnology and linguistics. Lastly, Sociolinguistics search relationships between language and social relations for example, a social linguist might want to study how one's social standing affects his or her language usage (Nzozo, ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Sarcophagus In Anthropology Throughout history, archaeology has been a tool used to learn more about past human activities and their cultures by analyzing artifacts, architecture, environment data, and etc. that has been left behind. Many artifacts and monuments became instrumental in expanding the knowledge of the past and the Hagia Triada Sarcophagus is no exception. By analyzing the physical details such as size/dimensions, material, style, images depicted, and the location of the artifact, this can help people determine the reason and purpose of its existence. Eventually this can lead to how it may change or add to the knowledge of the classical world. Looking at an artifact's physical attributes is always the first step to uncovering the archaeological significance ... Show more content on ... In addition, styles that were common in Minoan Art is present in the images. For example, women had pale white skin with similar hairstyle, and were bare breasted while the men were dark skinned. Bulls were also present throughout the sarcophagus, a common theme in various pieces of Minoan artifacts. However, while much of the images contain styles of Minoan art, there are some details that are different. This can be seen in the griffin on the shorter side of the sarcophagus where Minoan characteristics of the griffin with a bird head, leonine body, and notched wings are present but it is missing details such as the running spirals on its neck and wings like the griffins found in the Throne Room at Knossos or Xeste 3 on Thera. All this contributes to the date of c. 1400 as this was the time period of the Mycenaean occupation of Crete as well as provides a narrative of the funerary rituals performed by Minoans and perhaps even the ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Subfields Of Anthropology Anthropologists study how cultures shape and identify people, how evolution and the environment change us, and the ways that humans throughout time have communication and integrated with one another. Anthropologists seek to understand how humans have changed over time as well as how cultures relate to one another in traits that are either universal or unique. There are four subfields of anthropology. Archaeology is the study of what has been left behind by various peoples since the beginning of mankind. This includes studying objects like pottery, jewelry, and tools, as well as mapping out houses and other structures. Examining skeletal remains can help us find out what kind of diet someone had and what kind of diseases they may have suffered from. We can also see how they interacted with the natural environment, such as building dams, building monolithic monuments out of stone, and carving temples out of cliffsides. Biological anthropology deals in studying how humans adapted to their environments and dangers as well as how they evolved ... Show more content on ... This would include social constructs like gender roles, caste systems, and the way respect among individuals is treated. This would also tie into things like religion that would dictate one's dress and diet. Additionally, cultural anthropology encapsulates understanding the arts, values, and practices among different groups.Linguistic anthropology is the study of the ways that humans have communicated over time and how language affects how we perceive the world and each other. Linguistic anthropologists seek to understand how language is used among individuals and how it is used to build and relay meaning. Examples would include studying different languages that originated from a single language or a language that developed as a result of two people integrating themselves and their ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Anthropology And The Study Of Culture 1. Anthropology and the Study of Culture a. The field of anthropology that I find to be most interesting is anthropological linguistics. Personally, I believe this subdivision is so interesting because it is so diverse and covers so much ground on how our language and others have evolved over time. Ranging from early cave writings, to sign language, to the language and slang we all know and use today, language among not only our cultures but also others have vastly changed and there is proof of this that dates back to ancient times. The mere complexity of our current language is beyond what past civilizations could have even imagined it would come to be. What I find to be very interesting is the fact that even today our upbringing, social class, or cultural norms, can define how we speak. For instance, there are certain slangs or terms that someone may say because they were brought up around people who spoke using that kind of language. While this is true for some, but not all, children of an upper class parents may grow up speaking very formally, and be taught to not use any slang or vulgar words. They continue using this vocabulary further on in life because it is what they were taught to do. This can also be applied to any other social class, or even differ between people from different geographic locations. Linguistics is often learned and adopted from generation to generation and from civilization to civilization. b. A person who studies anthropological linguistics ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. The Crash Movie Anthropology In anthropology, there are studies of racism and how different ethnicities act towards each other. People's thoughts and assumptions about someone are based on their skin color, or where you are from, and how this type group acts, and people judged based on that assumption. This is something called rationalization where you categorize a person into a specific group of people. In anthropology, there is something called "white privilege" where based on your skin color, you have more or less rights as a person. This is presented in the movie "The Crash" which takes a look at the way race plays a role in American lives every day, in our modern society. This movie presents about different ethnicities such as the Persians, the Hispanics, the Blacks, ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Cultural Anthropology Research Paper Throughout the world many people find it very difficult to communicate with people that do not share the same ideals as them. This lack of communication is a major barrier in advancement of our world. Anthropology, in short, is the study of humans living and dead Anthropology is divided into five main categories: applied, linguistic, medical, biological, archaeological, and cultural. Each of these five divisions teaches a different aspect of human life. Cultural anthropology teaches acceptance. There are social norms that can be found in every culture, the difference from culture to culture is socialization– how people react appropriately to one in another. These differences can be in food, clothing, or religion. Each difference has meaning to why it is done that certain way, either because of climate, history, resources or any other aspect that causes people to live the way they do. If cultural differences are studied further, comparisons can be made to one's own way of life and both cultures begin to look very similar. Once a person has been made aware of the differences and the reasons why they occur, it becomes easier to become more understand to a group of people's needs or wants. This universal of understanding tends to come in handy during a job or even in everyday social interaction. People tend to want to work harder when they are treated as equals and not when they are being told what to do. Anthropology research teaches how to be respectful when interacting with ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Paradigm Shift Anthropology Marshall Sahlins' has a quote that we stand on the shoulders of giants to shit on their heads reflects the idea of paradigm shift. The shoulders personify the collective knowledge of those researchers before us, as students it is where we gain our information. It is not through our own work that we initially study our respective fields; we study the accumulation of work that those giants have codified. The shit represents new ideas, criticism, and reworking of the previously held beliefs. The constant questioning of beliefs, seeking new answers is an intrinsic feature of scientific inquiry. This holds true not only in the hard sciences but in the social sciences as well, some may say to an even greater extent, due to the nature of the ... Show more content on ... Boas' reliance on empirical data to formulate theories underscores Kuhn's central idea that paradigms are only changed through examination of new data. As data on cultures preceding Boas was slim at best, it is not hard to see how Boas could acquire data contrary to the existing viewpoint. This data collection itself was a new theory, the new invention required. Kuhnian thought states that preparadigmatic schools emphasize the collection of the facts, as Boas was emphasizing. Crisis within the paradigm is witnessed by the competition between the schools of thought. Emerging from this crisis is Boasian anthropology, with its reliance on empirical data as the basis for study. This data collection is subdivided into the four subfields Boas saw as a requirement for this new field. The four–field approach emerges as the dominant force in anthropology. With this approach the community changes its view of the field, and produces new methods and goals. These methods and goals have been used as a professional consensus in anthropology since the Boasian transformation. It may be argued that the Boasian example is not indicative of a paradigm shift, as anthropology itself was too new a field to have a consensus. Whether or not the data gathered resulted from anomalies in his working paradigm is a consideration. Boas does appear to have stepped outside the bounds of the paradigm from the start, never attempting to fit his data into the existing evolutionary ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Anthropology : Anthropology And Cultural Anthropology What is anthropology? This is a question that can be answered in numerous ways, but we are going to define it as simple as possible. If we break the word down into its two components it means the study of human beings. "Anthropo" means human beings or human kind and "logy" or "logia" is Greek for the study or knowledge of something. When we put it all together, it is the study of human beings which can be very broad. Anthropology can be broken down into four subfields: physical anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, and cultural anthropology. Physical anthropology is all of the physical aspects of being human like human evolution and human variation. People come in different heights, weights, and etc. The next subfield is archaeology which is the human cultures in the past. Examples of these are artifacts and architecture like pyramids and buildings. The third subfield of anthropology is called linguistic anthropology is the study of language. The last subfield is called cultural anthropology and it is focused on the study of cultural variation throughout the world. Cultural anthropology can also be called ethnology. Two of the subfields that I thought were evident in most of the movies we watched were cultural anthropology and linguistic anthropology. One of my favorite examples of cultural anthropology was from the beginning of the semester in the movie The Gods Must be Crazy. When Xi was venturing to the end of the earth to drop off the Evil Thing, he has ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Inequality In Anthropology Throughout the history of anthropology and the ethnographic method, topics of ritual, gender and inequality have been diminutive. Anthropologists have turned their research to primarily minuscule civilizations, observing participants, surveying and interviewing communities. During this, is it an absolute necessity to marinate an individual into their preferred society to accumulate a profound grasp about its people and practical details, which frankly cannot be achieved from literary works. By doing so the researcher obtains a perceptive education into participants daily essence and formalities. One must live in their conditions, sustain alliances during involvement and most importantly, partake in its inhabitants activities while jotting down ... Show more content on ... Tommy and I crossed paths last week, while playing soccer at the recreational center. With the project lingering in my mind, I decided to approach him and assemble information. With limited material obtained, he was born in China, and his family moved to the United States when he was ten. In spite of his origins, what's intriguing is that he has been exposed to both the Western practice and his native. Making him an untarnished participant, candidly a best of both worlds. Obtaining access to his home is something that won't be a practical issue. His parents property however could be troublesome. Briefly speaking with Tommy, they are disciplinary, tentative, genuine Chinese folks. Terminology used to define them is the exact reason I've chosen their residence, exposing myself to something out of the norm and reveal basics of rituals and gender. As researchers you must insert yourself in outlandish settings. Stated by ethnographic schemes, one must let loose own assumptions about the party to productivity exercise it. In my case, I can't view Tommy's group the same way as people in my own.Throughout this process, It is equally vital to rest personal feelings and be less ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Queer Anthropology The American Anthropological Association decided in 2010 to remove the word science from the statement of the long range plan. This decision caused a long standing debate in the anthropological community to reawaken with a forceful start. Different anthropologists claim how removing science allowed more sub– divisions of anthropology to be included under the statement umbrella. Others claim how it diminished the name of what anthropology was as a science. This argument questions how anthropology will thrive or unravel if it moves away from the sciences and into other areas of interest. First, the debate of what the nature of anthropology could be said to begin in the era of Franz Boas. Franz Boas stated how he expected anthropologists ... Show more content on ... The purpose of anthropology has not shifted, but queer anthropologists can argue how the shift further highlights the intersectionality of the different divisions of anthropology. It includes new possibilities of researching different communities or even areas of interest and how they play a part in one another. Creating a more inclusive discipline of anthropology helps create a more inclusive community of various identities and interests within ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Cultural Anthropology What is anthropology? Anthropology is the scientific and humanistic study of human beings. So what is cultural anthropology? Cultural anthropology is the study of human thoughts and behaviors. As soon as we are born we are taught what our cultural knowledge is; what our norms and values are, as well as cultural construction and world view. Everyday we experience and encounter phenomenons that are part of our culture; without realizing it. Before taking this class, I often thought that our advanced society was the standard to which to measure all other societies from, but after reviewing the material in this course, it is impossible to make such a comparison. Many of the people in a culture similar to the U.S. would probably find most of the cultures we have studied to be "slow" strange or undesirable. In fact, it seems that many of the societies actually prefer to live the way they do and they accept it as normal. "Normal" is a relative term, and it is difficult to establish evidence to label a culture or its characteristics as abnormal. What may seem to work here in the U.S. often would be disastrous to other cultures. Last summer I had traveled parts of Europe with my friends, and it was astonishing to see the difference between cultures. One thing that was noticed right off the bat was that the Europeans start their week on a Monday and it ends on Sunday. While in the U.S. we start our week on Sunday and it goes to Saturday. Also while here in the U.S we think of ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. History Of Anthropology By Tuskegee Through the advertisement of, it is made realistic to find the origin of one's family line. Leaves after leaf tells a story to how one's great great grandfather served as a fighter pilot in the Second World War or discover your mother's great uncle was one of the candidates chosen and impacted by the Tuskegee experiment. Family history can be easy to access. But how can we trace the origin of disease or on a broader scale, the origin of mankind? The study of anthropology has focused solely on this area to discover the evolution of human beings from the being of time. Anthropology is a broad study of multiple areas of human relationships, artifacts, development, cultures, and so on with making reference to both past and present ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. What It Is For The Anthropology Of Religion In 1966 Geertz described religion as '(1) a system of symbols which acts to (2) establish powerful, pervasive, and long lasting moods and motivations in men by (3) formulating conceptions of general order of existence and (4) clothing these conceptions with such an aura of faculty that (5) the moods and motivations seem uniquely realistic' (Geertz, 1966 :4), a quote which Asad refers to as 'perhaps the most influential, certainly the most accomplished, anthropological definition of religion to have appeared in the last two decades' (Asad, 1983 :237). In this essay I intend to briefly outline what it is Geertz aims to achieve with his approach, concentrating mainly on his focus on symbols and identifying the contributions this idea has given to the anthropology of religion. I will also touch upon the similarities and differences between Geertz's (1966) definition and that of Asad (1983). Geertz's describes his definition of religion as a universal one but geared to focus on the particular; one that can be applied to all religions, and once identified as a religion we can distinguish a separation between religion and other entities i.e. politics, therefore allowing us to discuss the relationship which intertwines them. Geertz describes culture as 'a system of inherited conceptions expressed in symbolic forms by means of which men communicate, perpetuate, and develop their knowledge about and attitudes toward life' (Geertz, 1966 :3), thus the ways of which we understand what ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Anthropology And Forensic Anthropology In recent years, a crime scene investigation is becoming more complex and sophisticated, thanks to the advancement of science and technology, now there are many more resources for research, which is why Forensic Anthropology has also changed and has come a long way in assisting medical and legal specialists in identifying unidentified human or not human remains. But, what is Forensic Anthropology? Anthropology is a science that has many subfields. One of them is Physical Anthropology, and Forensic Anthropology is a practical application of this subfield, that "specializes in the identification of human skeletal remains for legal purposes" (Haviland et al, 8). According to the American Board of Forensic Anthropology (ABFA), "Forensic anthropology is the application of the science of physical or biological anthropology to the legal process. Physical or biological anthropologists who specialize in forensics primarily focus their studies on the human skeleton". M.Y. Iscan, in turn, defines it more broadly as the expertise of human remains and their ... Show more content on ... In general, the nature of human remains and physical evidence that a forensic anthropologist can examine to obtain relevant information covers a wide range, from something as small as a single tooth or bone fragment, to something much greater as body segments or a complete skeleton. In the legal field, the identification of skeletal remains is important in solving a crime, but moreover, it also serves as support for other aspects, such as the case of an inheritance, marital status of a person for legal purposes, as well as humanitarian reasons, in case of accidents, natural disasters, wars, where people want to know what really happened to their loved ones, instead of the uncertainty whether they are alive or not, people would prefer to bury them and grieve before continuing with the open ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Importance Of Ethics In Anthropology Vishan Neupane Professor Ritu Khanduri ANTH 2322–002 1 December 2017 Ethics, fieldwork and anthropology Anthropology is a worldwide discipline which involve social institution, humanities and natural sciences. Cultural anthropology studies the contemporary human cultures and shows how social behavior are formed and how they shape the world around them. Anthropological researchers always have ethical obligations, especially to the materials they study, and the group of people with whom they work. When exploring the community, anthropologists learn about matters that their informants would prefer to keep their identity secret which leads them to protect informant identity. Social research can impact ethical dilemmas. A simple mistake of the anthropologist may lead to social isolation of an informant. Anthropologists should always know whether the group they are being researched wishes to stay anonymous or receive recognition. During an anthropologist's fieldwork, anthropologists look over enculturation. Enculturation is a process by which we obtain and transmit culture which is experienced universally among humans. It teaches the individual about their role in the society as well as what kind of behavior is accepted within that culture and lifestyle. Some anthropologists are ethnocentric. They critique other groups relative to their own ethnic group or culture, especially with concern for customs, language, behavior, and religion. The group of people that falls in this ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Forensic Anthropology Essay The field of forensic anthropology centers on the analysis of human remains; a key component of such an analysis is the knowledge of how much time has passed between the death of an individual and the discovery of the associated remains. This period is termed the postmortem interval and is useful in regards to providing an identification of remains, as awareness of the time of death can be instrumental in determining the specifics of a crime. Determination or estimation of the postmortem interval (PMI) is possible due to certain consistencies in the process of decomposition of organisms as well as both biotic and abiotic factors associated with decaying remains. Over time, new methods have been added to the repertoire of forensic anthropology, ... Show more content on ... Following the cessation of cardiac and respiratory functions in humans, cell death commences leading to the complete death of the individual. The chemical processes that result from the massive death of cells, such as release of enzymes and digestive fluids, act to begin the decay of the cadaver. Of important note, normal bacteria associated with the human digestive system are no longer held in check by the human immune system and the physical separations between the digestive tract and the other organs. Thus, bacterial action is a critical decay component, and the significance of such action will be investigated shortly. In traditional forensic taphonomic nomenclature, the cadaver progresses from the "fresh" stage upon death to the "bloat" stage at the beginning of microbial action (Finley et al. 2015). Upon the onset of insect activity, "active decay" begins until most consumable matter is removed, leading to the "advanced decay" stage; "dry" decay follows when only bone and keratinous tissue remains (Finley et al. 2015). Based upon environmental conditions such as temperature and moisture availability, the time interval for each of these stages and thus the overall decay process from fleshed body to skeleton may vary significantly. Thus, a standard taphonomic analysis of remains may not provide a very accurate indication of PMI; however, other methods used in conjunction can greatly increase accuracy in PMI ... Get more on ...