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                                 CASES BY PDRM






 Facebook is a social networking service and website
  launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned
  by Facebook, Inc. As of January 2011[update], Facebook has
  more than 600 million active users.

 Users may create a personal profile, add other users as
  friends, and exchange messages, including automatic
  notifications when they update their profile.

 Facebook users must register before using the site.
  Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups,
  organized by workplace, school or college, or other
 The name of the service stems from the colloquial name for
  the book given to students at the start of the academic year
  by university administrations in the United States to help
  students get to know each other better.

 Facebook allows any users who declare themselves to be at
  least 13 years old to become registered users of the website.

 At January 2009, study ranked Facebook as
  the most used social networking service by worldwide
  monthly active users, followed by MySpace.
 Entertainment Weekly included the site on its end-of-the-
  decade "best-of" list, saying, "How on earth did we stalk our
  exes, remember our co-workers' birthdays, bug our
  friends, and play a rousing game of Scrabulous before
  Facebook?" Quantcast estimates Facebook has 138.9
  million monthly unique U.S. visitors in May 2011.

 According to Social Media Today, in April 2010 an
  estimated 41.6% of the U.S. population had a Facebook

Content Source :
• Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college
  roommates and fellow computer science students Eduardo
  Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.

• The website's membership was initially limited by the
  founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other
  colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford
 It gradually added support for students at various other
  universities before opening to high school students, and,
  finally, to anyone aged 13 and over, but based on on May 2011, there are 7.5 million
  children under 13 with accounts, violating the site's terms.
Photo’s Source :
 First, you must log on to
 Second, you must fill in the “First name” and “Last name”
  box with your favourite names. You can check whether
  your name is available or not.
 Third, you must fill in your e-mail in “Your e-mail” box.
  You also have to fill in your e-mail in “Re-enter e-mail” box
  for the e-mail confirmation.
 Fourth, you have to fill in your sex in the “I am” box and fix
  your date of birth in “Birthday” box.
 Fifth, check all your details and click the “Sign Up” button
  to see your profile.
 Sixth, you must complete the “Security Check” by type the
  word or phrase in the given box.
 Seventh, you must confirm your e-mail adress. So, you have
  to go to your e-mail and complete the “Facebook
  Registration Confirmation” by clicking the link in the
  message sent by Facebook.
 Lastly, just complete these three steps:
   Step 1 : Find Friend;
   Step 2 : Profile Information;
   Step 3 : Join a Network.
 Your profile is ready after these operation completed
For more detail, you can watch the video that teach
you how to sign up for your new Facebook account .
 You can watch the video by click the link below :
 Crime rate in our country is increasing every year. One of
  the main crime is “cyber crime”. Facebook plays an
  important role in the cyber crime for past five years.

 Official reports in UK have derived upon an astonishing
  inference that crimes linked to social networking site.
  Facebook have reached more than 100,000 mark across
  Britain in the last five years. This is nearly a 500% increase
  in crime related to online activities in the last three years in
 Police revealed they have investigated offences ranging
  from terrorism and gun crime to murders and rapes.
  Pedophiles have been caught grooming for youngsters
  and others simply abused the website to stalk women
  and young girls. Other offences have included
  fraud, hate crimes, malicious messages, suicides and
  threats of violence between neighbours.
 In the first months after Facebook was launched in
  2005, a few hundred incidents were initially traced
  back to the site. But currently the rate of crimes has
  increased manifold, primarily due to reckless sharing
  of private and confidential details openly on
  networking sites.
 While Facebook has had a record increase in number of
  new users logging on to its site in the last year, the rate of
  crimes that operate using information posted on this
  networking portal has equally increased. Offenders use
  fake identities and befriend victims scandalously in order
  to abuse their trust, bully, harass and use their private
  information for various ill doings.
 Since January, police in 16 sectors received 7545 complaints
  due up. Complaints via telephone told police about the
  alleged acts of terrorism, sudden death, pet loss and use of
  firearms violations.
 Cyber Bullying is currently the top most criminal activity at
  work across nations and due to lack of digital policing
  norms, it has become difficult to curb and stop the malice.
 A Facebook spokesperson, in defense, said, “While
  there is a correlation between Facebook’s growing size
  and the number of calls, there is no evidence to
  suggest that the use of Facebook was the cause or
  carrier of a criminal act in any of the phone calls
 With over 500 million users on Facebook alone, the
  call of the day is to assume caution while sharing
  information, as few accounts may just be fraudulent
  and harmful.

  Contents source:
•Now, lets read an article about Facebook crime by
 Charlotte Gill in The Daily Mail.
•Click the link below to read the article :
The Facebook crimewave hits 100,000 in the last five years
                  By Charlotte Gill

Last updated at 7:59 AM on 14th December 2010

 Crimes linked to Facebook reached more than 100,000
  across the country in the last five years, it emerged
 Police chiefs in 16 forces revealed that 7,545 calls from the
  public since January were concerned with the social
  networking site.
 Callers have alerted officers to alleged acts of terrorism,
  sudden deaths, missing pets and even firearms offences.
 Facebook users have used to site to detect crimes ranging
  from terrorism to missing pets
 Frauds, sexual offences and hate crimes were also reported
  to police, as well as a large number of malicious messages
  on the site.
 The figures have been obtained by the Daily Mail via
  Freedom of Information Act requests to forces.
 They compare to just 1,411 calls related to Facebook to
  police in the whole of 2005, when the network began to
  gain popularity

      Image and Content Source :
           5 YEARS.
 Facebook is a site which is used by teens and adults alike
  for social networking. The Facebook application is owned
  and operated by Facebook, Inc., which was established in
  September 2006.
 This private website is founded in Cambridge,
  Massachusetts, USA. The founders of Facebook were Chris
  Hughes, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin and Mark
 This group of people was roommates in college and they
  were classmates in their computer science course. Initially,
  Facebook was available only for students of Harvard
 It later then expanded to other universities in the United
  States and currently, it is serving more than 400 million
  users around the world.
1.Facebook lets you connect with you family, friends and
 Because of the popularity of the Facebook website, a lot of
  people are registering and becoming users of the
  application. Because of this, the website has become a
  common ground for people which results to finding your
  old friends, relatives and family members. This makes it
  easier for you to interact with them, and coordinate with
2.Facebook lets you post anything on your wall
 Another benefit of becoming a Facebook user is that you
  will be able to post almost anything on your wall. The wall
  of a particular user is a common ground for all your friends
  and yourself.
 This is a page in your profile which gives you the latest
  news and posts from your other friends including yourself.
 A lot of people are taking advantage of this page to post
  some information and updates on their personal lives. It
  can also be used to announce a reunion, and outing, event
  and the like.
 Through this wall, you can also tell your friends how you
    feel, and they are free to react with your wall post by
    commenting on it.
   Finally, not only can you post written content, but you can
    also put some videos, pictures and music on your wall.
   At the same time, all changes in your profile will be
    displayed on your wall as well.
     3.Facebook is a great opportunity for businesses to
                    make their products known
   Facebook is home to more than 400 million users around
    the world, and is growing everyday.
   This number of users will be the market of any
    advertisement posted in the website which is why
    businesses are taking advantage of this opportunity.
 Facebook could greatly benefit these businesses by
  increasing their income through advertising

 Content Source :
 The internet provides advertising opportunities for both
  small businesses and large companies. Many people today
  use the internet to find business solutions, as well as social
  networking. This article aims at highlighting the main
  advantages of advertising through networking websites like
  Facebook if you are considering this effective advertising
                   1. Targeted advertising
 The main reason why Facebook has become a popular
  advertising option is that it enables you to reach out to the
  target audience. The website has a large catalogue of
  personal information such as gender, dislikes, like, address,
  gender, employment information and marital status,
  among others. This gives Facebook better leverage in
  regards to enhancing targeted advertising.
2. Local marketing
 By creating targeted ads and business pages, local
  businesses now have the opportunity to reach out to
  targeted audience of specific personal profiles and
  geographical location. In addition to that, you can use the
  event invitations feature to advertise latest discounts
  offered by your company.

                3. Wider customer outreach
 Since Facebook users are increasing by the day, advertising
  has become fruitful as it lets you broaden your horizons.
  Facebook certainly provides endless possibilities into vast
  geographical locations, so a wider outreach is the main
  advantage. Considering the ever growing number of users
  each day, you should give it a try.
4. Inexpensive
 The benefits of advertising through social media are
  overwhelming. If you are just starting out in business,
  advertising through Facebook is cheaper as compared to
  other advertising options. Moreover, you can decide to put
  up adverts according to the stipulated daily advertising
                      5. Multiple ad views
 Adverts have a better luck of having an impact or getting
  noticed when seen several times. Since most Facebook
  users visit their pages regularly, your ads will stick into their
 Most folks use Facebook and other social sites to chat with
  their friends and rarely think about buying a product.
Photos and Contents source :
 Malaysian police has been told to use popular social networking
  site Facebook to solve crimes.
 It has been suggested that the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) use
  Facebook, a social networking site, as an alternative approach to
  solve criminal cases.

 National Key Result Areas (NKRA) for crime prevention
  laboratory leader Abdul Aziz Md Noor said the website which is
  widely used by the community could help the authorities fight

 We previously used the short-message service (SMS) through the
  Rakan Cop programme (to fight crime), but with this new
  approach we hope to solve cases faster.
 For example, by displaying photos of suspects on Facebook,
  the public could indirectly channel information regarding
  the case to the police, he said after presenting the results of
  the NKRA for crime prevention laboratories at the
  Government Tranformation Programme (GTP) Open Day
  held at the Sunway Convention Centre.

 Besides helping the police, he said the social networking
  site would also help foster a closer relationship between the
  PDRM and the people.Abdul Aziz said the public could
  also file reports and complaints on crime to police through
  the website.It is difficult for the police to control crime
  without the help and support of the community.If the
  public helps to report all criminal activities to the police,
  we believe the target to reduce crime by 20 per cent by the
  end of 2010 is possible, he said.
 At the same presentation, members of the public were
  urged to register as Rakan Cop members to facilitate police
  obtaining information quickly.They no longer need to go to
  the police station or see a police officer to give information,
  this can be done through SMS now, said Abdul Aziz.
 Facebook is a social networking website that allows people all over the
  world to interact and connect with each other. However, due to some
  privacy concerns and other issues, it is very beneficial to delete your
  Facebook account. Even though Facebook is the most popular social
  website, there are other options that you can also use if you want to
  continue using social networking sites. Below are major benefits of
  deleting Facebook.
                                 1. Saves time
 You might argue and say that you also waste time in various other ways
  other than using Facebook. Nevertheless, many researches show that
  people spend lots of time on Facebook, which affects their productivity
  in other parts of their lives. Through joining Facebook, you basically
  create an activity that you would not opt for as the best usage of your
 Furthermore, you have to maintain your Facebook account regularly,
  which is not always worth it. By deleting Facebook, you eliminate the
  need of maintaining your account.
2. Better relationships
 Facebook affects real relationships as it encourages online
  interaction as opposed to face to face meetings. When it is
  much healthier to communicate to real people either by
  phone or in person, Facebook would have people sit ahead
  of their computers and interact. The act of deleting
  Facebook makes certain that you develop only your online
  persona. Most users who have deleted their Facebook
  accounts now have better relationships with their friends
  and family.
3. Increases privacy
 Facebook encourages users to share more information with
  their friends, which may not always be beneficial.
  Furthermore, if your Facebook account is hacked, vital
  information can be stolen.

 To protect your privacy, it is much better to delete your
  account. That way you will never require worrying about
  information loss.
 The downside linked to deleting Facebook is that you will
  lose the option of easily communicating with your friends.

1 Don’t Have To Worry About Privacy
 The first benefit is that you won’t have to worry about
  privacy concerns. Many people aren’t aware of some of the
  strange terms of service changes that Facebook has made
  in the last year or so. Some of these have been changed
  back because users didn’t like them, but your photos and
  personal information could potentially be compromised
  using this system.
2 Facebook is a Waste of Time
 Many get sucked into Facebook and it ends up being a
  waste of time. Without having an account, you don’t
  have to worry about this becoming a problem at all and
  literally can save hell of time to spend with your family
  and friends.

        3 Control Over Types of Conversation
 Without Facebook you can have control over the types
  of conversations that you want to have with people.
  Some people just don’t like talking through a
  computer. You might not be able to type well or might
  enjoy the phone or talking in person much better.
4 Avoid Higher Risk of Effecting Your Computer From
                      Malware and Scams
 Some people click links in Facebook that lead to malware
  problems or scams. Without using an account, you won’t
  have to worry about getting these types of problems
  through that site. Well you can get malwares and trojans by
  visiting some sites and through emails but the risk is much
  higher when you use facebook and other social networking

                5 Reliable Communication
 Communication on Facebook is not as reliable as you
  would like. Some people are on it every day meaning you
  will reach them but some don’t sign on too often. Using
  your phone to call or text is a bit more reliable.
6 Can Keep Things to Yourself
 Without having a Facebook account, you can keep more
  things to yourself. You might not want others to know
  everything about your life all the time.
 Many celebrities not only in foreign countries but also
  in Malaysia, very active in ‘Facebook’.
 Some of them chat with their fans directly, while
  others just read the comments made by their fans
  about their new song or movie.
 Almost all celebrities have their own Facebook profile.
 Some of the celebrities also become famous because
  they upload their new videos or songs in their
  Facebook before it reach the market.
•One of the most popular malaysian artist who active in Facebook is ‘Bunkface’.

•You can visit their Facebook page by clicking this link :
 Facebook is a wide field of social engine which is famous
    for everything including love.
   Love is the popular topic in Facebook
   So many issues about Facebook love talked in many TV
    programmes, radio and newspaper news, blogs, and
    Facebook itself.
   Some of the celebrities also involved in this issue.
   Some the love were successful and some of them were
Here’s a video clip of combination of facebook love
images and facebook love song. Click the link below to
                    watch the video :
 “Anti-Facebook” is a group of peoples who hate Facebook.
  They active in web with their own blogs or websites that
  contain anti-Facebook photos, videos and phrases.
 Amount of Facebook users is said to be same with the
  amount of anti-Facebook admirers.
 Mark Zuckerberg, the creator and largest share holder of
  Facebook.Inc, does not sad when heard about this matter.
  Hence, he said that anti-Facebook admirers are not active
  and cannot destroy this famous social engine.
 Here are some anti-Facebook images :

Photos Source :







• to-solve-cases/






Facebook gen yes

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Facebook gen yes

  • 3.  Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. As of January 2011[update], Facebook has more than 600 million active users.  Users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile.  Facebook users must register before using the site. Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics.
  • 4.  The name of the service stems from the colloquial name for the book given to students at the start of the academic year by university administrations in the United States to help students get to know each other better.  Facebook allows any users who declare themselves to be at least 13 years old to become registered users of the website.  At January 2009, study ranked Facebook as the most used social networking service by worldwide monthly active users, followed by MySpace.
  • 5.  Entertainment Weekly included the site on its end-of-the- decade "best-of" list, saying, "How on earth did we stalk our exes, remember our co-workers' birthdays, bug our friends, and play a rousing game of Scrabulous before Facebook?" Quantcast estimates Facebook has 138.9 million monthly unique U.S. visitors in May 2011.  According to Social Media Today, in April 2010 an estimated 41.6% of the U.S. population had a Facebook account. Content Source :
  • 6. • Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. • The website's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University.
  • 7.  It gradually added support for students at various other universities before opening to high school students, and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over, but based on on May 2011, there are 7.5 million children under 13 with accounts, violating the site's terms.
  • 9.  First, you must log on to  Second, you must fill in the “First name” and “Last name” box with your favourite names. You can check whether your name is available or not.  Third, you must fill in your e-mail in “Your e-mail” box. You also have to fill in your e-mail in “Re-enter e-mail” box for the e-mail confirmation.  Fourth, you have to fill in your sex in the “I am” box and fix your date of birth in “Birthday” box.  Fifth, check all your details and click the “Sign Up” button to see your profile.
  • 10.  Sixth, you must complete the “Security Check” by type the word or phrase in the given box.  Seventh, you must confirm your e-mail adress. So, you have to go to your e-mail and complete the “Facebook Registration Confirmation” by clicking the link in the message sent by Facebook.  Lastly, just complete these three steps: Step 1 : Find Friend; Step 2 : Profile Information; Step 3 : Join a Network.  Your profile is ready after these operation completed successfully.
  • 11. For more detail, you can watch the video that teach you how to sign up for your new Facebook account . You can watch the video by click the link below :
  • 12.  Crime rate in our country is increasing every year. One of the main crime is “cyber crime”. Facebook plays an important role in the cyber crime for past five years.  Official reports in UK have derived upon an astonishing inference that crimes linked to social networking site. Facebook have reached more than 100,000 mark across Britain in the last five years. This is nearly a 500% increase in crime related to online activities in the last three years in UK.
  • 13.  Police revealed they have investigated offences ranging from terrorism and gun crime to murders and rapes. Pedophiles have been caught grooming for youngsters and others simply abused the website to stalk women and young girls. Other offences have included fraud, hate crimes, malicious messages, suicides and threats of violence between neighbours.  In the first months after Facebook was launched in 2005, a few hundred incidents were initially traced back to the site. But currently the rate of crimes has increased manifold, primarily due to reckless sharing of private and confidential details openly on networking sites.
  • 14.  While Facebook has had a record increase in number of new users logging on to its site in the last year, the rate of crimes that operate using information posted on this networking portal has equally increased. Offenders use fake identities and befriend victims scandalously in order to abuse their trust, bully, harass and use their private information for various ill doings.  Since January, police in 16 sectors received 7545 complaints due up. Complaints via telephone told police about the alleged acts of terrorism, sudden death, pet loss and use of firearms violations.  Cyber Bullying is currently the top most criminal activity at work across nations and due to lack of digital policing norms, it has become difficult to curb and stop the malice.
  • 15.  A Facebook spokesperson, in defense, said, “While there is a correlation between Facebook’s growing size and the number of calls, there is no evidence to suggest that the use of Facebook was the cause or carrier of a criminal act in any of the phone calls referenced”.  With over 500 million users on Facebook alone, the call of the day is to assume caution while sharing information, as few accounts may just be fraudulent and harmful. Contents source: giving-rise-to-cyber-crime-143/
  • 16. •Now, lets read an article about Facebook crime by Charlotte Gill in The Daily Mail. •Click the link below to read the article :
  • 17. The Facebook crimewave hits 100,000 in the last five years By Charlotte Gill Last updated at 7:59 AM on 14th December 2010  Crimes linked to Facebook reached more than 100,000 across the country in the last five years, it emerged yesterday.  Police chiefs in 16 forces revealed that 7,545 calls from the public since January were concerned with the social networking site.  Callers have alerted officers to alleged acts of terrorism, sudden deaths, missing pets and even firearms offences.  Facebook users have used to site to detect crimes ranging from terrorism to missing pets
  • 18.  Frauds, sexual offences and hate crimes were also reported to police, as well as a large number of malicious messages on the site.  The figures have been obtained by the Daily Mail via Freedom of Information Act requests to forces.  They compare to just 1,411 calls related to Facebook to police in the whole of 2005, when the network began to gain popularity Image and Content Source : -1338223/Facebook-crime-rises-540-cent- 3-years-police-chiefs-16-forces- reveal.html#ixzz1P9df5vqU
  • 19.
  • 21.  Facebook is a site which is used by teens and adults alike for social networking. The Facebook application is owned and operated by Facebook, Inc., which was established in September 2006.  This private website is founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. The founders of Facebook were Chris Hughes, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin and Mark Zuckerberg.  This group of people was roommates in college and they were classmates in their computer science course. Initially, Facebook was available only for students of Harvard University.
  • 22.  It later then expanded to other universities in the United States and currently, it is serving more than 400 million users around the world. 1.Facebook lets you connect with you family, friends and relatives  Because of the popularity of the Facebook website, a lot of people are registering and becoming users of the application. Because of this, the website has become a common ground for people which results to finding your old friends, relatives and family members. This makes it easier for you to interact with them, and coordinate with them.
  • 23. 2.Facebook lets you post anything on your wall  Another benefit of becoming a Facebook user is that you will be able to post almost anything on your wall. The wall of a particular user is a common ground for all your friends and yourself.  This is a page in your profile which gives you the latest news and posts from your other friends including yourself.  A lot of people are taking advantage of this page to post some information and updates on their personal lives. It can also be used to announce a reunion, and outing, event and the like.
  • 24.  Through this wall, you can also tell your friends how you feel, and they are free to react with your wall post by commenting on it.  Finally, not only can you post written content, but you can also put some videos, pictures and music on your wall.  At the same time, all changes in your profile will be displayed on your wall as well. 3.Facebook is a great opportunity for businesses to make their products known  Facebook is home to more than 400 million users around the world, and is growing everyday.  This number of users will be the market of any advertisement posted in the website which is why businesses are taking advantage of this opportunity.
  • 25.  Facebook could greatly benefit these businesses by increasing their income through advertising Content Source :
  • 26.  The internet provides advertising opportunities for both small businesses and large companies. Many people today use the internet to find business solutions, as well as social networking. This article aims at highlighting the main advantages of advertising through networking websites like Facebook if you are considering this effective advertising option. 1. Targeted advertising  The main reason why Facebook has become a popular advertising option is that it enables you to reach out to the target audience. The website has a large catalogue of personal information such as gender, dislikes, like, address, gender, employment information and marital status, among others. This gives Facebook better leverage in regards to enhancing targeted advertising.
  • 27. 2. Local marketing  By creating targeted ads and business pages, local businesses now have the opportunity to reach out to targeted audience of specific personal profiles and geographical location. In addition to that, you can use the event invitations feature to advertise latest discounts offered by your company. 3. Wider customer outreach  Since Facebook users are increasing by the day, advertising has become fruitful as it lets you broaden your horizons. Facebook certainly provides endless possibilities into vast geographical locations, so a wider outreach is the main advantage. Considering the ever growing number of users each day, you should give it a try.
  • 28. 4. Inexpensive  The benefits of advertising through social media are overwhelming. If you are just starting out in business, advertising through Facebook is cheaper as compared to other advertising options. Moreover, you can decide to put up adverts according to the stipulated daily advertising rates. 5. Multiple ad views  Adverts have a better luck of having an impact or getting noticed when seen several times. Since most Facebook users visit their pages regularly, your ads will stick into their mind.  Most folks use Facebook and other social sites to chat with their friends and rarely think about buying a product.
  • 29. Photos and Contents source : advertising-on-facebook/
  • 30.  Malaysian police has been told to use popular social networking site Facebook to solve crimes.  It has been suggested that the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) use Facebook, a social networking site, as an alternative approach to solve criminal cases.  National Key Result Areas (NKRA) for crime prevention laboratory leader Abdul Aziz Md Noor said the website which is widely used by the community could help the authorities fight crime.  We previously used the short-message service (SMS) through the Rakan Cop programme (to fight crime), but with this new approach we hope to solve cases faster.
  • 31.  For example, by displaying photos of suspects on Facebook, the public could indirectly channel information regarding the case to the police, he said after presenting the results of the NKRA for crime prevention laboratories at the Government Tranformation Programme (GTP) Open Day held at the Sunway Convention Centre.  Besides helping the police, he said the social networking site would also help foster a closer relationship between the PDRM and the people.Abdul Aziz said the public could also file reports and complaints on crime to police through the website.It is difficult for the police to control crime without the help and support of the community.If the public helps to report all criminal activities to the police, we believe the target to reduce crime by 20 per cent by the end of 2010 is possible, he said.
  • 32.  At the same presentation, members of the public were urged to register as Rakan Cop members to facilitate police obtaining information quickly.They no longer need to go to the police station or see a police officer to give information, this can be done through SMS now, said Abdul Aziz.
  • 33.  Facebook is a social networking website that allows people all over the world to interact and connect with each other. However, due to some privacy concerns and other issues, it is very beneficial to delete your Facebook account. Even though Facebook is the most popular social website, there are other options that you can also use if you want to continue using social networking sites. Below are major benefits of deleting Facebook. 1. Saves time  You might argue and say that you also waste time in various other ways other than using Facebook. Nevertheless, many researches show that people spend lots of time on Facebook, which affects their productivity in other parts of their lives. Through joining Facebook, you basically create an activity that you would not opt for as the best usage of your time.  Furthermore, you have to maintain your Facebook account regularly, which is not always worth it. By deleting Facebook, you eliminate the need of maintaining your account.
  • 34. 2. Better relationships  Facebook affects real relationships as it encourages online interaction as opposed to face to face meetings. When it is much healthier to communicate to real people either by phone or in person, Facebook would have people sit ahead of their computers and interact. The act of deleting Facebook makes certain that you develop only your online persona. Most users who have deleted their Facebook accounts now have better relationships with their friends and family.
  • 35. 3. Increases privacy  Facebook encourages users to share more information with their friends, which may not always be beneficial. Furthermore, if your Facebook account is hacked, vital information can be stolen.  To protect your privacy, it is much better to delete your account. That way you will never require worrying about information loss.  The downside linked to deleting Facebook is that you will lose the option of easily communicating with your friends. CONTENT SOURCE : facebook/
  • 36. 1 Don’t Have To Worry About Privacy  The first benefit is that you won’t have to worry about privacy concerns. Many people aren’t aware of some of the strange terms of service changes that Facebook has made in the last year or so. Some of these have been changed back because users didn’t like them, but your photos and personal information could potentially be compromised using this system.
  • 37. 2 Facebook is a Waste of Time  Many get sucked into Facebook and it ends up being a waste of time. Without having an account, you don’t have to worry about this becoming a problem at all and literally can save hell of time to spend with your family and friends. 3 Control Over Types of Conversation  Without Facebook you can have control over the types of conversations that you want to have with people. Some people just don’t like talking through a computer. You might not be able to type well or might enjoy the phone or talking in person much better.
  • 38. 4 Avoid Higher Risk of Effecting Your Computer From Malware and Scams  Some people click links in Facebook that lead to malware problems or scams. Without using an account, you won’t have to worry about getting these types of problems through that site. Well you can get malwares and trojans by visiting some sites and through emails but the risk is much higher when you use facebook and other social networking sites. 5 Reliable Communication  Communication on Facebook is not as reliable as you would like. Some people are on it every day meaning you will reach them but some don’t sign on too often. Using your phone to call or text is a bit more reliable.
  • 39. 6 Can Keep Things to Yourself  Without having a Facebook account, you can keep more things to yourself. You might not want others to know everything about your life all the time.
  • 40.  Many celebrities not only in foreign countries but also in Malaysia, very active in ‘Facebook’.  Some of them chat with their fans directly, while others just read the comments made by their fans about their new song or movie.  Almost all celebrities have their own Facebook profile.  Some of the celebrities also become famous because they upload their new videos or songs in their Facebook before it reach the market.
  • 41. •One of the most popular malaysian artist who active in Facebook is ‘Bunkface’. •You can visit their Facebook page by clicking this link :
  • 42.  Facebook is a wide field of social engine which is famous for everything including love.  Love is the popular topic in Facebook  So many issues about Facebook love talked in many TV programmes, radio and newspaper news, blogs, and Facebook itself.  Some of the celebrities also involved in this issue.  Some the love were successful and some of them were unsuccessful.
  • 43. Here’s a video clip of combination of facebook love images and facebook love song. Click the link below to watch the video :
  • 44.  “Anti-Facebook” is a group of peoples who hate Facebook. They active in web with their own blogs or websites that contain anti-Facebook photos, videos and phrases.  Amount of Facebook users is said to be same with the amount of anti-Facebook admirers.  Mark Zuckerberg, the creator and largest share holder of Facebook.Inc, does not sad when heard about this matter. Hence, he said that anti-Facebook admirers are not active and cannot destroy this famous social engine.
  • 45.  Here are some anti-Facebook images : Photos Source : • •
  • 46.  1338223/Facebook-crime-rises-540-cent-3-years-police- chiefs-16-forces-reveal.html#ixzz1P9df5vqU   documentid=4585071  cyber-crime-143/
  • 47.     1338223/Facebook-crime-rises-540-cent-3-years-police- chiefs-16-forces-reveal.html#ixzz1P9dV0BY4 
  • 48. • to-solve-cases/ • • • • • •

Editor's Notes

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