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Originally appreared in:                                                                                                   INFORMATION
November 2007 issue, pgs 91-95.                                                                                             TECHNOLOGY
Posted with permission.

Engineering portals add significant value
to E&P project delivery capabilities
A portal approach enables information sharing among globally spread E&P
project stakeholders.
Kailash Samdani, Infosys Technologies Limited and Andy Till, BP Exploration Limited

INTRODUCTION                                      Organizations are adopting portal               hydrocarbon potential and making a
   An E&P project is a complex engi-          technology to publish project engineer-             business case for field development.
neering effort involving hundreds of          ing information. Being able to share and            Once the business case is in place, a
engineers from different organizations,       review project engineering information              basic design development and selection
working together to design, construct         leads to significant benefits. Since pub-           of Original Equipment Manufacturers
and commission an asset before handing        lished information is available instant-            (OEM), vendors and contractors is car-
it over to the owner/operator. Efficient      ly—independent of stakeholder author-               ried out in basic design. Subsequently,
project management requires that engi-        ing system constraints or geographical              detailed plans and drawings are devel-
neering information is available to all key   location—information cycle times are                oped in the detailed design phase. Fab-
stakeholders in a way that enables them       reduced. A portal system uses a single              rication, construction and commis-
to work as one integrated organization.       integrated window to access all types of            sioning activities for various systems
   There are numerous challenges in shar-     engineering content, such as 3D models,             and equipments are carried out in the
ing and viewing engineering information       intelligent drawings, data sheets and en-           construct phase, which ends in handing
from various sources, spread globally. An     gineering databases. Also, operators are            over the project to operations.
engineering information portal provides       better prepared to run the asset due to                As shown in Fig. 1, engineering infor-
a single window to view the informa-          early exposure to engineering informa-              mation volume increases as the project
tion in a secure manner. It enables easy      tion that allows them space and time to             progresses from one phase to another.
collaboration between stakeholders and        develop and validate supporting proce-              During the detailed design and construct
supports productivity gains.                  dures and processes.                                phases, the volume of engineering in-
                                                                                                  formation shared and viewed reaches
BACKGROUND                                    TYPICAL PROJECT LIFECYCLE                           peak. Engineering information, such as
    Building a new E&P facility can cost         Figure 1 provides an overview of a               hundreds of 3D models, hundreds of
$1–5 billion, taking three to five years to   typical project lifecycle. The project’s            thousands of documents and millions
complete. As facility complexity increases,   assess phase is about determining the               of engineering data attributes, are shared
the tradition of nominating a single lead
EPCM (Engineering Procurement and
Construction Management) contractor is
being replaced by a consortium of EPC            lifecycle      Assess
                                                                                Basic       Detailed
                                                                                                              Construct           Operations
                                                                                design       design
contractors. As a result, the owner/op-          stages
erator is taking on more responsibility for                           Project management   Engineering project contractor   Operations
the management of interfaces between                                  contractors          • Detailed models, design        • Asset maintenance
stakeholders. Oil and gas companies are          Project              • Basic design         schematics                       and production
                                                 activities             development        • Piping and instruments           activities
developing and implementing new in-                                   • Large packages       diagrams                       • De-bottlenecking
formation management strategies to sup-                               • Contractor         • Fabrications drawings            studies
port their evolving role and improve their                             selection           • Construction and testing       • Process
                                                                                           • Testing and commissioning        re-engineering
project execution capabilities.
    Recent advances in technology are al-
                                                 Volume of
lowing organizations to take new man-            engineering
agement approaches of project informa-           content                                                               Handover
tion. First, the link between authoring
applications and publishing applications
has been broken and, as a result, docu-                              • Fewer               • Increased number of            • O&M users
ments and 3D models can be viewed                Information           stakeholders          stakeholders                   • Linking to business
                                                 characteristics     • Less information    • Large volume of information      systems
independent of the tool used to create
                                                                       volume              • Focus on details
them. Second, the advancements in por-
tal technology enable all stakeholders to      Fig. 1. Project lifecycle and information explosion.
view project information on the internet.
                                                             November 2007 World Oil

and viewed in this virtual explosion of                   these organizations to validate and share                 contradictions and potential delays affect-
engineering information.                                  the information. Traditionally, a project                 ing the project schedule.
   Hundreds of engineers and designers                    owner has little visibility of the informa-                   The logical conclusion of E&P proj-
belonging to various project stakeholders                 tion being exchanged among the external                   ects, as shown in Fig. 1, is the handover
such as owner, EPCM contractor, fabrica-                  project stakeholders on their behalf. From                of the facility to the operations team. It is
tors, vendors, etc, generate, share, review               a project perspective, this leads to multiple             crucial for operations to have a complete
and publish engineering information. Dif-                 sets of truths across organizations which,                set of cleansed and validated engineering
ferent systems and processes exist across                 if not managed appropriately, can result in               information so that they can efficiently
                                                                                                                    run and maintain the asset. Tradition-
                                                                                                                    ally, the operations teams received in-
                                                      Original equipment                                            formation in bulk toward the end of the
                                                         manufacturer           Data cleansing
                                                                               service provider                     construct phase at the time of handover.
                EDW         EDM      3D                Project
                                                                                                                    It is humanly impossible to review and
                                    models           management                                                     validate all shared information during
                                                      contractor                                                    the handover process.
                                                                               Construction and                         Several problems exist due to lack of a
                                                                                commissioning                       proper environment for sharing informa-
                    EDW       EDM        3D model                                   teams
                                         snapshots                                                                  tion. Little visibility leads to lack of con-
                                                                                                                    trol on engineering activities and prog-
                                                                                                                    ress. Project reviews can be delayed due to
        EPC 1                                        Engineering                                                    inconsistent information across multiple
                                                                                                  EPC 4
                                                       portal                                                       stakeholders. Productivity losses can oc-
                                                                                                                    cur as a result of the overheads in search-
             EDW        EDM        3D                                                                               ing and retrieving required project docu-
                                                                                                                    mentation. Operators are ill-prepared to
                                                                                                                    run and maintain the asset because of the
                                            EPC 2                                EPC 3                              bulk of information that is shared at the
                                                                                                                    time of hand-over. Technology advances
                                                                                                                    enable project owners to adopt a portal
                      EDW         EDM       3D                     EDW       EDM      3D                            approach, which addresses a number of
                                           models                                    models                         such issues.
 Fig. 2. Project engineering information portal.
 Engineering Data Warehouse (EDW), Engineering Document Management (EDM) and
                                                                                                                    A PORTAL APPROACH
 Engineering Procurement Contractor (EPC).                                                                            A portal approach provides a single
                                                                                                                    window to all project engineering content

 Table 1. Issues with portal solution and possible resolutions
  characteristic	                       Issue description	                                    Possible resolution

  Information types                     User expects to view 3D models as well as engi-       Portal should incorporate the ability to move seamlessly from 3D
                                        neering data sheets or smart P&IDs altogether.        models with associated detailed functionalities along with the abil-
                                                                                              ity to view intelligent drawings and engineering data tables.
                                                                                              The portal should be able to present information to a user either
                                                                                              through a native file format or rendition.
  Information quality                   User expects to view accurate and consistent          Portal should be able to perform quality assurance checks for
                                        information. Typically, different organizations       incoming data accuracy and consistency.
                                        follow different standards/conventions for data       Portal should be able to establish and update associations among
                                        management (e.g., different organizations may         3D models, engineering data and engineering documents, where
                                        represent the same pump by P_101 or P/101 or          necessary providing an aliasing capability.
                                        P101, etc. owing to their internal standards and
  Information volume                    The nature of project engineering information         Portal should be based on a robust technology platform that can
                                        is such that it keeps changing. The problem of        handle transactions involving high volumes over internet.
                                        managing such continuously changing informa-          Portal should be able to update the associations every time new
                                        tion gets compounded by the sheer volume of           information arrives and should posses change management func-
                                        information.                                          tionality.
  Information vulnerability             Hundreds of users from different organizations        The system should have a security model which is company, disci-
                                        need to access portal and interact according to       pline and role based.
                                        their role on the project, their job position and     Security of information should extend to the revision of individual
                                        organization they represent. Also companies may       documents and the design status.
                                        perceive risk in hosting such a portal on intranet.   The application and hosting environment should be certified by
                                                                                              an accredited Digital Security organization for use on Intranet /

                                                                         November 2007 World Oil

such as 3D models, intelligent documents                 cessed over the web in a secure manner, as                        lessly between otherwise unrelated data
and datasheets. It displays two types of                 well as in remote offshore areas and high                         sets. The ability to share and view infor-
information sets: published information                  latency-low bandwidth areas. It should be                         mation with multiple stakeholders across
(e.g., a document with a specific revi-                  able to interface with source systems on                          geographies improves team collabora-
sion number which will never change but                  the internet as well as intranet.                                 tion, which results in more informed and
could be superseded) and snapshot infor-                                                                                   quicker decisions due to increased visibil-
mation (e.g., a copy of a 3D model at a                  ISSUES AND POSSIBLE                                               ity. Developing and updating hook-up
specific time). Through a cleansing and                  RESOLUTIONS                                                       and commissioning workpacks is easier
validation process, these information sets                   Good information specifications                               and saves time. Portals enable simplified
can be aggregated together into an engi-                 are needed for all projects. A portal ap-                         and progressive handover of informa-
neering portal as shown in Fig. 2.                       proach quickly highlights inconsistencies                         tion to operations, which enables them
    When the portal is accessed, users are               in the project information. The true cost                         to contribute to reviews of operation and
provided with requisite information of all               of implementing a portal approach is                              maintenance apart from developing work
types from all stakeholders. Stakeholder                 marginal when compared to the real cost                           procedures and training manuals in ad-
organizations need to have systems (e.g.,                of getting the relevant project informa-                          vance. Portals enable a population of data
engineering data warehouse, engineering                  tion. If a project aspires to use a portal                        into enterprise systems, such as mainte-
document management systems, model-                      approach, it must have a clearly defined                          nance management, document manage-
ing systems) and processes (such as data                 and published approach to information                             ment and engineering data warehouses.
cleansing and validation processes) to                   management. The requirement of shar-                              Also, since the bulk of engineering or
publish a variety of engineering informa-                ing accurate, consistent and complete in-                         vendor data is common across projects,
tion to a portal environment.                            formation must be contractually binding                           a portal system substantially reduces the
    Project organizations desire to improve              on all information suppliers. It is prefer-                       cost of information for future projects.
the availability and visibility of engineer-             able to have information validated and
ing information throughout the project                   cleansed before it is published.                                  CONCLUSION
lifecycle to optimize concurrent engineer-                   Projects adopting a portal approach                              As the size of E&P projects continue
ing, minimize information cycle time and                 to access project information can face a                          to grow, the way in which stakeholders
eliminate rework due to poor informa-                    number of issues because of the nature of                         interact needs to evolve. Larger and more
tion. Requirements from a portal solution                information being handled. The project                            complex projects need to develop more
can be categorized into three broad areas.               information can be characterized as:                              appropriate ways of project execution.
                                                             •  Information types: Multiple native                         Technology advances are being increas-
Functional requirements. A portal                        file formats exist according to the au-                           ingly used to make projects more effi-
solution should provide a single window                  thoring system (3D models, intelligent                            cient. The web-based portal approach
to different project engineering content,                drawings, engineering data, etc).                                 enables organizations to control and
such as models, engineering databases                        •  Information quality: Complete-                             share project information among global
and intelligent, as well as dumb, drawings               ness and consistency of information                               stakeholders and reduce information
and documents. It should enable easy                     coming from different organizations or                            cycle time, thus improving the speed of
navigation through various information                   systems varies.                                                   execution, leading to a successful deliv-
sets, so that users can move seamlessly                      •  Information volume: Hundreds of                            ery of the project into operation. WO
across different content types. It should                3D models, hundreds of thousands of
be independent of source systems and be                  documents, and millions of engineering
able to interface with proprietary file for-             data attributes are available to view.                            The authors
mats from multiple suppliers. It should                      •  Information vulnerability: Infor-                                                Kailash Samdani works
support quality assurance checks before                  mation accessed by large numbers of us-                                                 with Domain Competency
the information is published on the por-                 ers from different organizations gives rise                                             Group of Infosys Technolo-
                                                         to security concerns.                                                                   gies Ltd. Kailash has 15
tal. It should also manage updated con-                                                                                                          years of experience in pre-
tent from stakeholders. It should enable                     Each information characteristic gives                                               sales, consulting and busi-
role based workflow capabilities coupled                 rise to a set of unique issues. These is-                                               ness development of IT en-
with an information security model and                   sues and resolution approaches are cov-                                                 abled advanced solutions
                                                         ered in Table 1.                                                                        to hydrocarbon, chemicals
also support collaboration among all us-                                                                                                         and metal industries. He
ers spread geographically.                                                                                                 has a BS degree in chemical engineering from
                                                         BENEFITS OF PORTAL                                                Birla Institute of Technology  Science, Pilani,
User requirements. A portal solution                     APPROACH                                                          India. He can be reached at Kailash_Samdani@
should provide viewing capabilities to                      A portal approach provides benefits
analyze information contained within                     in many areas. Easy access to current and                         Andy Till worked for BP
3D models and intelligent drawings                       consistent information is one of the key                          Exploration Ltd for 18 years
e.g., zoom in/out, collision detection,                  parameters to successful execution of                             in a number of roles and is
                                                                                                                           currently an IT consultant
mark-up, etc. It should provide easy, yet                large projects. A portal approach provides                        for Major Projects. Andy
advanced, search mechanisms to get to                    a single window to the published infor-                           spent his first eight years
desired information within a minimum                     mation, thus improving availability of                            as an engineer designing,
number of mouse-clicks.                                  requisite drawings and documents lead-                            constructing, installing and
                                                                                                                           commissioning both on-
                                                         ing to better preparedness for project re-                        shore and offshore facili-
Technical requirements. A portal so-                     views in less time. It enables quick access                       ties before moving to IT, where he continues to
lution should allow information to be ac-                to current information, moving seam-                              support both engineering and projects.
                                        Article copyright © 2009 by Gulf Publishing Company. All rights reserved.     Printed in U.S.A.
                      Not to be distributed in electronic or printed form, or posted on a website, without express written permission of copyright holder.

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Exploration Production Portals

  • 1. Originally appreared in: INFORMATION November 2007 issue, pgs 91-95. TECHNOLOGY Posted with permission. Engineering portals add significant value to E&P project delivery capabilities A portal approach enables information sharing among globally spread E&P project stakeholders. Kailash Samdani, Infosys Technologies Limited and Andy Till, BP Exploration Limited INTRODUCTION Organizations are adopting portal hydrocarbon potential and making a An E&P project is a complex engi- technology to publish project engineer- business case for field development. neering effort involving hundreds of ing information. Being able to share and Once the business case is in place, a engineers from different organizations, review project engineering information basic design development and selection working together to design, construct leads to significant benefits. Since pub- of Original Equipment Manufacturers and commission an asset before handing lished information is available instant- (OEM), vendors and contractors is car- it over to the owner/operator. Efficient ly—independent of stakeholder author- ried out in basic design. Subsequently, project management requires that engi- ing system constraints or geographical detailed plans and drawings are devel- neering information is available to all key location—information cycle times are oped in the detailed design phase. Fab- stakeholders in a way that enables them reduced. A portal system uses a single rication, construction and commis- to work as one integrated organization. integrated window to access all types of sioning activities for various systems There are numerous challenges in shar- engineering content, such as 3D models, and equipments are carried out in the ing and viewing engineering information intelligent drawings, data sheets and en- construct phase, which ends in handing from various sources, spread globally. An gineering databases. Also, operators are over the project to operations. engineering information portal provides better prepared to run the asset due to As shown in Fig. 1, engineering infor- a single window to view the informa- early exposure to engineering informa- mation volume increases as the project tion in a secure manner. It enables easy tion that allows them space and time to progresses from one phase to another. collaboration between stakeholders and develop and validate supporting proce- During the detailed design and construct supports productivity gains. dures and processes. phases, the volume of engineering in- formation shared and viewed reaches BACKGROUND TYPICAL PROJECT LIFECYCLE peak. Engineering information, such as Building a new E&P facility can cost Figure 1 provides an overview of a hundreds of 3D models, hundreds of $1–5 billion, taking three to five years to typical project lifecycle. The project’s thousands of documents and millions complete. As facility complexity increases, assess phase is about determining the of engineering data attributes, are shared the tradition of nominating a single lead EPCM (Engineering Procurement and Construction Management) contractor is Project being replaced by a consortium of EPC lifecycle Assess Basic Detailed Construct Operations design design contractors. As a result, the owner/op- stages erator is taking on more responsibility for Project management Engineering project contractor Operations the management of interfaces between contractors • Detailed models, design • Asset maintenance stakeholders. Oil and gas companies are Project • Basic design schematics and production activities development • Piping and instruments activities developing and implementing new in- • Large packages diagrams • De-bottlenecking formation management strategies to sup- • Contractor • Fabrications drawings studies port their evolving role and improve their selection • Construction and testing • Process • Testing and commissioning re-engineering project execution capabilities. Recent advances in technology are al- Volume of lowing organizations to take new man- engineering agement approaches of project informa- content Handover tion. First, the link between authoring applications and publishing applications has been broken and, as a result, docu- • Fewer • Increased number of • O&M users ments and 3D models can be viewed Information stakeholders stakeholders • Linking to business characteristics • Less information • Large volume of information systems independent of the tool used to create volume • Focus on details them. Second, the advancements in por- tal technology enable all stakeholders to Fig. 1. Project lifecycle and information explosion. view project information on the internet. November 2007 World Oil
  • 2. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY and viewed in this virtual explosion of these organizations to validate and share contradictions and potential delays affect- engineering information. the information. Traditionally, a project ing the project schedule. Hundreds of engineers and designers owner has little visibility of the informa- The logical conclusion of E&P proj- belonging to various project stakeholders tion being exchanged among the external ects, as shown in Fig. 1, is the handover such as owner, EPCM contractor, fabrica- project stakeholders on their behalf. From of the facility to the operations team. It is tors, vendors, etc, generate, share, review a project perspective, this leads to multiple crucial for operations to have a complete and publish engineering information. Dif- sets of truths across organizations which, set of cleansed and validated engineering ferent systems and processes exist across if not managed appropriately, can result in information so that they can efficiently run and maintain the asset. Tradition- ally, the operations teams received in- Original equipment formation in bulk toward the end of the manufacturer Data cleansing service provider construct phase at the time of handover. EDW EDM 3D Project It is humanly impossible to review and models management validate all shared information during contractor the handover process. Construction and Several problems exist due to lack of a commissioning proper environment for sharing informa- EDW EDM 3D model teams snapshots tion. Little visibility leads to lack of con- trol on engineering activities and prog- ress. Project reviews can be delayed due to EPC 1 Engineering inconsistent information across multiple EPC 4 portal stakeholders. Productivity losses can oc- cur as a result of the overheads in search- EDW EDM 3D ing and retrieving required project docu- models mentation. Operators are ill-prepared to run and maintain the asset because of the EPC 2 EPC 3 bulk of information that is shared at the time of hand-over. Technology advances enable project owners to adopt a portal EDW EDM 3D EDW EDM 3D approach, which addresses a number of models models such issues. Fig. 2. Project engineering information portal. Engineering Data Warehouse (EDW), Engineering Document Management (EDM) and A PORTAL APPROACH Engineering Procurement Contractor (EPC). A portal approach provides a single window to all project engineering content Table 1. Issues with portal solution and possible resolutions Information characteristic Issue description Possible resolution Information types User expects to view 3D models as well as engi- Portal should incorporate the ability to move seamlessly from 3D neering data sheets or smart P&IDs altogether. models with associated detailed functionalities along with the abil- ity to view intelligent drawings and engineering data tables. The portal should be able to present information to a user either through a native file format or rendition. Information quality User expects to view accurate and consistent Portal should be able to perform quality assurance checks for information. Typically, different organizations incoming data accuracy and consistency. follow different standards/conventions for data Portal should be able to establish and update associations among management (e.g., different organizations may 3D models, engineering data and engineering documents, where represent the same pump by P_101 or P/101 or necessary providing an aliasing capability. P101, etc. owing to their internal standards and procedures). Information volume The nature of project engineering information Portal should be based on a robust technology platform that can is such that it keeps changing. The problem of handle transactions involving high volumes over internet. managing such continuously changing informa- Portal should be able to update the associations every time new tion gets compounded by the sheer volume of information arrives and should posses change management func- information. tionality. Information vulnerability Hundreds of users from different organizations The system should have a security model which is company, disci- need to access portal and interact according to pline and role based. their role on the project, their job position and Security of information should extend to the revision of individual organization they represent. Also companies may documents and the design status. perceive risk in hosting such a portal on intranet. The application and hosting environment should be certified by an accredited Digital Security organization for use on Intranet / Internet. November 2007 World Oil
  • 3. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY such as 3D models, intelligent documents cessed over the web in a secure manner, as lessly between otherwise unrelated data and datasheets. It displays two types of well as in remote offshore areas and high sets. The ability to share and view infor- information sets: published information latency-low bandwidth areas. It should be mation with multiple stakeholders across (e.g., a document with a specific revi- able to interface with source systems on geographies improves team collabora- sion number which will never change but the internet as well as intranet. tion, which results in more informed and could be superseded) and snapshot infor- quicker decisions due to increased visibil- mation (e.g., a copy of a 3D model at a ISSUES AND POSSIBLE ity. Developing and updating hook-up specific time). Through a cleansing and RESOLUTIONS and commissioning workpacks is easier validation process, these information sets Good information specifications and saves time. Portals enable simplified can be aggregated together into an engi- are needed for all projects. A portal ap- and progressive handover of informa- neering portal as shown in Fig. 2. proach quickly highlights inconsistencies tion to operations, which enables them When the portal is accessed, users are in the project information. The true cost to contribute to reviews of operation and provided with requisite information of all of implementing a portal approach is maintenance apart from developing work types from all stakeholders. Stakeholder marginal when compared to the real cost procedures and training manuals in ad- organizations need to have systems (e.g., of getting the relevant project informa- vance. Portals enable a population of data engineering data warehouse, engineering tion. If a project aspires to use a portal into enterprise systems, such as mainte- document management systems, model- approach, it must have a clearly defined nance management, document manage- ing systems) and processes (such as data and published approach to information ment and engineering data warehouses. cleansing and validation processes) to management. The requirement of shar- Also, since the bulk of engineering or publish a variety of engineering informa- ing accurate, consistent and complete in- vendor data is common across projects, tion to a portal environment. formation must be contractually binding a portal system substantially reduces the Project organizations desire to improve on all information suppliers. It is prefer- cost of information for future projects. the availability and visibility of engineer- able to have information validated and ing information throughout the project cleansed before it is published. CONCLUSION lifecycle to optimize concurrent engineer- Projects adopting a portal approach As the size of E&P projects continue ing, minimize information cycle time and to access project information can face a to grow, the way in which stakeholders eliminate rework due to poor informa- number of issues because of the nature of interact needs to evolve. Larger and more tion. Requirements from a portal solution information being handled. The project complex projects need to develop more can be categorized into three broad areas. information can be characterized as: appropriate ways of project execution. •  Information types: Multiple native Technology advances are being increas- Functional requirements. A portal file formats exist according to the au- ingly used to make projects more effi- solution should provide a single window thoring system (3D models, intelligent cient. The web-based portal approach to different project engineering content, drawings, engineering data, etc). enables organizations to control and such as models, engineering databases •  Information quality: Complete- share project information among global and intelligent, as well as dumb, drawings ness and consistency of information stakeholders and reduce information and documents. It should enable easy coming from different organizations or cycle time, thus improving the speed of navigation through various information systems varies. execution, leading to a successful deliv- sets, so that users can move seamlessly •  Information volume: Hundreds of ery of the project into operation. WO across different content types. It should 3D models, hundreds of thousands of be independent of source systems and be documents, and millions of engineering able to interface with proprietary file for- data attributes are available to view. The authors mats from multiple suppliers. It should •  Information vulnerability: Infor- Kailash Samdani works support quality assurance checks before mation accessed by large numbers of us- with Domain Competency the information is published on the por- ers from different organizations gives rise Group of Infosys Technolo- to security concerns. gies Ltd. Kailash has 15 tal. It should also manage updated con- years of experience in pre- tent from stakeholders. It should enable Each information characteristic gives sales, consulting and busi- role based workflow capabilities coupled rise to a set of unique issues. These is- ness development of IT en- with an information security model and sues and resolution approaches are cov- abled advanced solutions ered in Table 1. to hydrocarbon, chemicals also support collaboration among all us- and metal industries. He ers spread geographically. has a BS degree in chemical engineering from BENEFITS OF PORTAL Birla Institute of Technology Science, Pilani, User requirements. A portal solution APPROACH India. He can be reached at Kailash_Samdani@ should provide viewing capabilities to A portal approach provides benefits analyze information contained within in many areas. Easy access to current and Andy Till worked for BP 3D models and intelligent drawings consistent information is one of the key Exploration Ltd for 18 years e.g., zoom in/out, collision detection, parameters to successful execution of in a number of roles and is currently an IT consultant mark-up, etc. It should provide easy, yet large projects. A portal approach provides for Major Projects. Andy advanced, search mechanisms to get to a single window to the published infor- spent his first eight years desired information within a minimum mation, thus improving availability of as an engineer designing, number of mouse-clicks. requisite drawings and documents lead- constructing, installing and commissioning both on- ing to better preparedness for project re- shore and offshore facili- Technical requirements. A portal so- views in less time. It enables quick access ties before moving to IT, where he continues to lution should allow information to be ac- to current information, moving seam- support both engineering and projects. Article copyright © 2009 by Gulf Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Not to be distributed in electronic or printed form, or posted on a website, without express written permission of copyright holder.