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Project Report
“ Exploiting Vulnerabilities Of Operating System Using
Mr.Amit Vikas Kumbhar
Mr.Sandeep Kumar
Appin Technology Lab
Jayanagar, Banglore
IT Security and Ethical Hacking
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 Introduction.
 Exploits.
 Classification
 Metasploit.
 Histry of Metasploit
 Use Of Metasploit
 Metasploit Framework
 Exploit.
 Definition
 Types Of Exploits
 Payload.
 Definition
 Types Of Payload
 Functions Of Payload
 Graphical Overview of Metasploit
 Steps for exploiting Vulnerabilities
 Pre–Exploting Phase
 Lab setup
 Example 1)
 Exploit :
 Payload :
 Example 2)
 Exploit :
 Payload :
Histry of Metasploit.
Use Of Metasploit.
Metasploit Framework.
Types Of Exploits.
Types Of Payload.
Functions Of Payload.
Graphical Overview of Metasploit.
Steps for exploiting Vulnerabilities
Exploting Phase.
Exploit :- windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom
Payload :- windows/add_user
Exploit :- windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom
Payload :- windows/generic_shell_bind_tcp
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 Example 3)
 Exploit :- windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom
 Payload :- windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp
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Introduction :-
How tough is it to really compromise a system? Most security professionals are
aware attacking and penetrating network devices is getting easier and attack
sophistication is getting more complex. In large part this phenomenon is due to the
old adage of "standing on the shoulders of giants." Many system researchers have
uncovered the security weakness is common system design years ago, and as
security professionals they shared the information. This allows someone with little
understanding of system architecture to be able to perform more complex attacks
than ever though possible.
For a security professional it is possible to compromise a system without spending
months learning a programming language and years learning system architecture.
We can actually use technology to assist in performing penetration system
penetration. Products like Core Security's Core Impact and Immunity's Canvas
products have been providing this type of functionality for a few years now. These
manufacturers do not just provide the technology, but they also provide training
and support of their products to allow a qualified professional to perform a more
methodological penetration test. It makes the task of compromising a system easier
for a security administrator.
The previously mentioned utilities are both fee based products, but more
recently an open source product has become a common sight in penetration
testing kits. This utility is called Metasploit™. Both Windows and Linux users can
take advantage of the Metasploit™ product to perform a penetration test or system
compromise. The utility itself is written in many programming languages including
perl, C, and assembler.
This environment provides many ready to use exploits and also allows for the
security tester to customize them or to create their own exploit. The basic process
for using the Metasploit™ console is not the most intuitive, but I think this was
done to discourage the least skilled script kiddies from attempting to penetrate the
system using this specific utility.
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Exploit s:
An exploit (from the same word in the French language, meaning "achievement",
or "accomplishment") is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or sequence of
commands that take advantage of a bug, glitch or vulnerability in order to cause
unintended or unanticipated behavior to occur on computer software, hardware,
or something electronic (usually computerised). This frequently includes such
things as gaining control of a computer system or allowing privilege escalation or
a denial of service attack.
Vulnerability :-
Vulnerability is a weakness which allows attacker to break into
or compremise system security.
Classification :-
There are several methods of classifying exploits. The most common is by how the
exploit contacts the vulnerable software. A 'remote exploit' works over a network
and exploits the security vulnerability without any prior access to the vulnerable
system. A 'local exploit' requires prior access to the vulnerable system and usually
increases the privileges of the person running the exploit past those granted by the
system administrator. Exploits against client application lso exist, usually
consisting of modified servers that send an exploit if accessed with client
application. Exploits against client applications may also require some interaction
with the user and thus may be used in combination with social engineering method.
This is the hacker way of getting into computers and websites for stealing data.
Another classification is by the action against vulnerable system: unauthorised data
access,arbitrary code execution ,denial of service.
Many exploits are designed to provide superuser -level access to a computer
system. However, it is also possible to use several exploits, first to gain low-level
access, then to escalate privileges repeatedly until one reaches root.
Normally a single exploit can only take advantage of a specific software
vulnerability. Often, when an exploit is published, the vulnerability is fixed
through a patch and the exploit becomes obsolete for newer versions of the
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software. This is the reason why some blackhat hackers do not publish their
exploits but keep them private to themselves or other crackers. Such exploits are
referred to as zero day exploits' and to obtain access to such exploits is the primary
desire of unskilled attackers, often nicknamed script kiddies.
Types :-
Exploits are commonly categorized and named by these criteria:
 The type of vulnerability they exploit (See the article on vulnerabilities for a
 Whether they need to be run on the same machine as the program that has
the vulnerability (local) or can be run on one machine to attack a program
running on another machine (remote).
 The result of running the exploit (Eop, Dos, Spoofing, etc...)
Pivoting :- Pivoting refers to method used by Penetration Testers that uses
compromised system to attack other systems on the same network to avoid
restrictions such as firewall configurations, which may prohibit direct access to all
machines. For example, an attacker compromises a web server on a corporate
network, the attacker can then use the compromised web server to attack other
systems on the network. These types of attacks are often called multi-layered
attacks. Pivoting is also known as island hopping.
Pivoting can further be distinguished into proxy pivoting and VPN pivoting:
Proxy pivoting generally describes the practice channeling traffic through a
compromised target using a proxy payload on the machine and launching attacks
from this computer. This type of pivoting is restricted to certain TCP and UDP
ports that are supported by the proxy.
 VPN pivoting enables the attacker to create an encrypted layer 2 tunnel into
the compromised machine to route any network traffic through that target
machine, for example to run a vulnerability scan on the internal network
through the compromised machine, effectively giving the attacker full
network access as if she were behind the firewall.
Typically, the proxy or VPN applications enabling pivoting are executed on the
target computer as the Payload (software) of an exploit.
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“The Metasploit Framework is a development platform for creating security
tools and exploits. The framework is used by network security professionals
to perform penetration tests, system administrators to verify patch
installations, product vendors to perform regression testing,and security
researchers world-wide.”
History of Metasploit :-
The Metasploit project was originally started as a network security game by four
core developers.
It then developed gradually to a Perl-based framework for running, configuring,
and developing exploits for well-known vulnerabilities.The 2.1 stable version of
the product was released in June 2004. Since then, the development of the product
and the addition of new exploits and payloads have rapidly increased.
The Metasploit Project is an open-source computer security project which
provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing
and IDS signature development. Its most well-known sub-project is the Metasploit
Framework, a tool for developing and executing exploit code against a remote
target machine. Other important sub-projects include the Opcode Database,
shellcode archive, and security research.
The Metasploit Project is also well-known for anti-forensic and evasion tools,
some of which are built into the Metasploit Framework.
Metasploit was created by HD Moore in 2003 as a portable network game using
the Perl scripting language. Later, the Metasploit Framework was then completely
rewritten in the Ruby programming language. It is most notable for releasing some
of the most technically sophisticated exploits to public security vulnerabilities. In
addition, it is a powerful tool for third-party security researchers to investigate
potential vulnerabilities. On October 21, 2009 the Metasploit Project announced
that it had been acquired by Rapid7, a security company that provides unified
vulnerability management solutions.
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Like comparable commercial products such as Immunity's Canvas or Core Security
Technologies'Core Impact, Metasploit can be used to test the vulnerability of
computer systems in order to protect them, and it can be used to break into remote
systems. Like many information security tools, Metasploit can be used for both
legitimate and unauthorized activities. Since the acquisition of the Metasploit
Framework, Rapid7 has added an commercial edition called Metasploit Express,
while keeping the Metasploit Framework updated and free.
Metasploit's emerging position as the de facto vulnerability development
framework has led in recent times to the release of software vulnerability
advisories often accompanied by a third party Metasploit exploit module that
highlights the exploitability, risk, and remediation of that particular bug.
Metasploit 3.0 (Ruby language) is also beginning to include fuzzing tools, to
discover software vulnerabilities in the first instance, rather than merely writing
exploits for currently public bugs. This new avenue has been seen with the
integration of the lorcon wireless (802.11) toolset into Metasploit 3.0 in November,
Metasploit use :-
Metasploit came about primarily to provide a framework for penetration testers to
develop exploits.The typical life cycle of a vulnerability and its exploitation is as
1. Discovery :- A security researcher or the vendor discovers a critical security
vulnerability in the software.
2. Disclosure :-The security researcher either adheres to a responsible disclosure
policy and informs the vendor, or discloses it on a public mailing list. Either way,
the vendor needs to come up with a patch for the vulnerability.
3. Analysis :-The researcher or others across the world begin analyzing the
vulnerability to determine its exploitability. Can it be exploited? Remotely? Would
the exploitation result in remote code execution, or would it simply crash the
remote service? What is the length of the exploit code that can be injected? This
phase also involves debugging the vulnerable application as malicious input is
injected to the vulnerable piece of code.
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4. Exploit Development :- Once the answers to the key questions are determined,
the process of developing the exploit begins.This has usually been considered a bit
of a black art, requiring an in-depth understanding of the processor’s registers,
assembly code, offsets, and payloads.
5. Testing :- This is the phase where the coder now checks the exploit code against
various platforms, service pack, or patches, and possibly even for different
processors (e.g., Intel, Sparc, and so on).
6. Release:- Once the exploit is tested, and the specific parameters required for its
successful execution have been determined, the coder releases the exploit, either
privately or on a public forum. Often, the exploit is tweaked so that it does not
work right out of the box.This is usually done to dissuade script kiddies from
simply downloading the exploit and running it against a vulnerable system.
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Metasploit Framework
This modularity of allowing to combine any exploit with any
advantage of the Framework: it facilitates the tasks of attackers, exploit writers,
and payload writers.
Versions of the Metasploit Framework since v3.0 are written in the
Programming Language. The previous version 2.7, was implem
runs on all versions of Unix (including Linux and Mac OS X), and also on
Windows. It includes two command line interfaces
native GUI. The web interface is intended to be run from the attacker's computer.
The Metasploit Framework can be extended to use external add
To choose an exploit and payload, some information about the target system is
needed such as operating system version and installed network services. This
information can be gleaned with
as nmap. Nessus can, in addition, detect the target system's
Metasploit Framework :
This modularity of allowing to combine any exploit with any payload is the major
advantage of the Framework: it facilitates the tasks of attackers, exploit writers,
Versions of the Metasploit Framework since v3.0 are written in the Ruby
. The previous version 2.7, was implemented in
runs on all versions of Unix (including Linux and Mac OS X), and also on
command line interfaces , a web-based interface and a
native GUI. The web interface is intended to be run from the attacker's computer.
Metasploit Framework can be extended to use external add-ons in multiple
To choose an exploit and payload, some information about the target system is
needed such as operating system version and installed network services. This
information can be gleaned with Port scanning and OS fingerprinting
in addition, detect the target system's vulnerabilities
payload is the major
advantage of the Framework: it facilitates the tasks of attackers, exploit writers,
ented in Perl. It
runs on all versions of Unix (including Linux and Mac OS X), and also on
based interface and a
native GUI. The web interface is intended to be run from the attacker's computer.
ons in multiple
To choose an exploit and payload, some information about the target system is
needed such as operating system version and installed network services. This
OS fingerprinting tools such
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In April 2010, Rapid7 released Metaploit Express, which is a commercial version
of Metasploit. Based on the Metasploit Framework, it offers a graphical user
interface, integrates nmap for discovery, and adds smart bruteforcing as well as
automated evidence collection. Rapid7 has a full-featured 7-day trial for Metasploit
Exploits :-
It is a code which allows an attacker to take advantage of vulnerable
Exploit Types :-
 Pretty much any protocol UDP, TCP, SMB, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, TFTP,
SSH, etc
 Active, Passive, Brute-Force
 Remote, Local, User-Interaction (technically remote category)
 Remote: windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom
 Local: no real local examples, but doable
 User-Interaction--All your browser, “have to click on something,” type
 windows/browser/ms06_013_createtextrange
Payloads :-
Payload is Arbitrary code that is to be executed upon successful exploitation.It is
a acutal code which run on the system after exploitation.
Types Of Payloads :-
1) Single [shell_reverse_tcp = inline (single)] :-
 A self-contained payload that performs a specific task
 Size varies depending on the task
 Example: Reverse or bind command shell
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2) Stager [shell/reverse_tcp = stager] :-
 A stub payload that loads / bootstraps a stage
 Size generally much smaller than single payloads
 Passes connection information onto the stage
3) Stage :-
 Similar to a single payload, but takes advantage of staging.
 Uses connection passed from the stager.
 Not subject to size limitations of individual vulnerabilities
 A stager can also be a stage
Functions of Payloads :-
Bind Shell: setup a socket, bind it to a specific port and listen for connection.
Upon accepting a connection spawn a shell. Victim has to allow incoming
connections on selected port.
Reverse Shell: instead of binding to a port waiting for connection, the shellcode
simply connect to a predefined IP and port number and spawn a shell.
Find Tag: find socket style payloads that search for a socket based on the
presence of a tag on the wire.
Find_Port: payloads that search for a socket by comparing peer port names
relative to the target machine.
Ordinal Payloads: Uses static ordinals in WS2_32.DLL to locate symbol
addresses. Leads to very tiny win32 stagers (92 byte reverse, 93 byte findsock)
Reverse Http: called PassiveX payloads in 2.x. Tunnel communication over
HTTP using IE 6. Payload modifies registry and launches IE, IE loads custom
ActiveX control to stage the payload, Uses standard IE proxy and authorization
settings, Can be used to inject VNC, Meterpreter, custom dlls.
Adduser: Executes the net user x x /add & net localgroup administrators x /add
Downloadexec: Download a .exe from a URL and execute it
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Uploadexec: uploads a .exe from local computer and executes
Exec: execute a command of your choice
Dllinject: injects a custom dll (you'll have to supply the dll)
VNCinject: injects a custom VNC server dll into memory
Meterpreter: the super payload, custom dll injected into memory (more on
Day2); tons of postexploitation tools
Opcode Database
The Opcode Database is an important resource for writers of new exploits. Buffer
overflow exploits on Windows often require precise knowledge of the position of
certain machine language opcodes in the attacked program or included DLLs.
These positions differ in the various versions and patch-levels of a given operating
system, and they are all documented and conveniently searchable in the Opcode
Database. This allows one to write buffer overflow exploits which work across
different versions of the target operating system.
Shellcode Database
The Shellcode database contains the payloads (also known as shellcode) used by
the Metasploit Framework. These are written in assembly language and full source
code is available.
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Graphical Overview of Metasploit :-
Steps for exploiting Vulnerabilities :-
1. Choosing and configuring an exploit(code that enters a target system by
taking advantage of one of its bugs; about 300 different exploits for
windows, Unix/Linux and Mac OS systems are included);
2. Checking whether the intended target system is susceptible to the chosen
exploit (optional);
3. Choosing and configuring a Payload (code that will be executed on the
target system upon successful entry, for instance a remote shell or aVNC
4. Choosing the encoding technique to encode the payload so that the Intrusion
Prevention System (IPS) will not catch the encoded payload;
5. Executing the exploit.
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 Pre–Exploiting Phase :-
Using exploit for penetration testing is legal, hence if you
want to penetratate your own system environment will not be
illegal. But as I don’t have the real time environment I have
created it using some third party softwares and operating systems
as given below.
1) Install Vmware/Virtual PC which allows you to install
various operating systems to use it at the same time.These
softwares also creates a virtual network between the host
operating systems and the own operating the
beginners can do the real practices or penetration on his own.
2) Install Metasploit Framework on the attackers system and
start penetrating systems on the host operating systems
installed in vmware.
 Lab Setup
 Own operating system – Windows XP professional
Service pack 3
IP Address –
 Host operating system 1 – Windows XP professional 2002
Services pack 1
IP Address –
 Host operating system 2 – Windows XP professional
Services pack 2
IP Address –
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 Exploiting Vulnerability :-
1) Exploit :- windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom
Payload :- Windows/adduser
Rort :- 135
Rhost :-
Steps - Click on msfconsole on program list on start show the below,
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Steps – use any exploit from list of exploits using keyword “use” following with
exploit name.
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Steps – watch exploits options “show options” to fill with appropriate values with
“set ” keyword.
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Steps – This is the target host operating system on vmware on whos IP address is
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Steps – set the value of RHOST with target IP address. set other default values if
you want to change.
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Steps - To see the list of PAYLOADS use command “Show payloads” and select
the PAYLOAD you want to set with keyword following with PAYLOAD name.
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Steps - Type “show option ” again to set values of PAYLOADS and set it
appropriately. set TARGET the same as the target operating system if there are
multiple targets shown in options .
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Steps - To exploit the vulnerability type the keyword “exploit” it will start
attacking on the given target system.
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Steps – Target system after exploiting the vulnerability it created a new user
account “Metasploit ” with password “metasploit” with administrator privileges.
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2) Exploit :- windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom
Payload :- generic/shell_bind_tcp
Rort :- 135
Rhost :-
Steps – select any exploit.
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 The Target systems IP address.
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 Step - set IP address of target system as “set HOST ” following with ip.
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 Step – set PAYLOAD generic/shell_bind_tcp
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 Step :- use exploits to execute attack on the Target system
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 Step :- Browsing the target system. Created a Folder named “system
Hacked” on the Desktop.
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Screen shot :- These is the screen shot of the target system after attack where
you can see the folder named “Hacked system” which is remotely created by the
attacker which identifies the system is vulnerable.
Remotely created folder on target system
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3) Exploit :- windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom
Payload :- Windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp
Rort :- 135
Rhost :-
 Windows/dcerpc/ms-3_026_dcom exploit is selected to exploit the target
system vulnerabilities.
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 Here the options are checked using the command show options
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 In this step the PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp is set to attack on
the target system.
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 This step starts exploiting the target system.
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 Here Using “ipconfig ” command the IP address and other useful
information is carried out.
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 Using metasploit core commands we can read,write or delete the data on
the target sytem as show below.
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 Here as per the file extension type or file name type we can search any file
on any directory as show below I typed “search –d c: -f * .txt” to search
all text files which shows following result.
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 As per search I found some file named “Confidential.txt” on the desktop of
user “meet” so I went on the path where the file exsist and Downloaded
with the command “Download confidential.txt”
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 Previously downloaded file is copided in the local attackers system in the
folder of the “Metasploit” in Program Files as show below,
Downloaded confidential file from Target system remotely
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 Here is the file we downloaded from the attackers system as we can see it
resides on the desktop.
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 Here we deleted that file from the storage device of the target system.
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 Now you can see that the file we deleted is not visible on the desktop
as we know it is deleted.
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  • 1. 1 | P a g e A Project Report On “ Exploiting Vulnerabilities Of Operating System Using Metasploits” Submitted By Mr.Amit Vikas Kumbhar To Mr.Sandeep Kumar Appin Technology Lab Jayanagar, Banglore IT Security and Ethical Hacking
  • 2. 2 | P a g e  Introduction.  Exploits.  Classification  Metasploit.  Histry of Metasploit  Use Of Metasploit  Metasploit Framework  Exploit.  Definition  Types Of Exploits  Payload.  Definition  Types Of Payload  Functions Of Payload  Graphical Overview of Metasploit  Steps for exploiting Vulnerabilities  Pre–Exploting Phase  Lab setup  Example 1)  Exploit :  Payload :  Example 2)  Exploit :  Payload : Contents Classification. Histry of Metasploit. Use Of Metasploit. Metasploit Framework. Definition. Types Of Exploits. Definition. Types Of Payload. Functions Of Payload. Graphical Overview of Metasploit. Steps for exploiting Vulnerabilities Exploting Phase. Exploit :- windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom Payload :- windows/add_user Exploit :- windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom Payload :- windows/generic_shell_bind_tcp windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom windows/generic_shell_bind_tcp
  • 3. 3 | P a g e  Example 3)  Exploit :- windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom  Payload :- windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp
  • 4. 4 | P a g e Introduction :- How tough is it to really compromise a system? Most security professionals are aware attacking and penetrating network devices is getting easier and attack sophistication is getting more complex. In large part this phenomenon is due to the old adage of "standing on the shoulders of giants." Many system researchers have uncovered the security weakness is common system design years ago, and as security professionals they shared the information. This allows someone with little understanding of system architecture to be able to perform more complex attacks than ever though possible. For a security professional it is possible to compromise a system without spending months learning a programming language and years learning system architecture. We can actually use technology to assist in performing penetration system penetration. Products like Core Security's Core Impact and Immunity's Canvas products have been providing this type of functionality for a few years now. These manufacturers do not just provide the technology, but they also provide training and support of their products to allow a qualified professional to perform a more methodological penetration test. It makes the task of compromising a system easier for a security administrator. The previously mentioned utilities are both fee based products, but more recently an open source product has become a common sight in penetration testing kits. This utility is called Metasploit™. Both Windows and Linux users can take advantage of the Metasploit™ product to perform a penetration test or system compromise. The utility itself is written in many programming languages including perl, C, and assembler. This environment provides many ready to use exploits and also allows for the security tester to customize them or to create their own exploit. The basic process for using the Metasploit™ console is not the most intuitive, but I think this was done to discourage the least skilled script kiddies from attempting to penetrate the system using this specific utility.
  • 5. 5 | P a g e Exploit s: An exploit (from the same word in the French language, meaning "achievement", or "accomplishment") is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or sequence of commands that take advantage of a bug, glitch or vulnerability in order to cause unintended or unanticipated behavior to occur on computer software, hardware, or something electronic (usually computerised). This frequently includes such things as gaining control of a computer system or allowing privilege escalation or a denial of service attack. Vulnerability :- Vulnerability is a weakness which allows attacker to break into or compremise system security. Classification :- There are several methods of classifying exploits. The most common is by how the exploit contacts the vulnerable software. A 'remote exploit' works over a network and exploits the security vulnerability without any prior access to the vulnerable system. A 'local exploit' requires prior access to the vulnerable system and usually increases the privileges of the person running the exploit past those granted by the system administrator. Exploits against client application lso exist, usually consisting of modified servers that send an exploit if accessed with client application. Exploits against client applications may also require some interaction with the user and thus may be used in combination with social engineering method. This is the hacker way of getting into computers and websites for stealing data. Another classification is by the action against vulnerable system: unauthorised data access,arbitrary code execution ,denial of service. Many exploits are designed to provide superuser -level access to a computer system. However, it is also possible to use several exploits, first to gain low-level access, then to escalate privileges repeatedly until one reaches root. Normally a single exploit can only take advantage of a specific software vulnerability. Often, when an exploit is published, the vulnerability is fixed through a patch and the exploit becomes obsolete for newer versions of the
  • 6. 6 | P a g e software. This is the reason why some blackhat hackers do not publish their exploits but keep them private to themselves or other crackers. Such exploits are referred to as zero day exploits' and to obtain access to such exploits is the primary desire of unskilled attackers, often nicknamed script kiddies. Types :- Exploits are commonly categorized and named by these criteria:  The type of vulnerability they exploit (See the article on vulnerabilities for a list)  Whether they need to be run on the same machine as the program that has the vulnerability (local) or can be run on one machine to attack a program running on another machine (remote).  The result of running the exploit (Eop, Dos, Spoofing, etc...) Pivoting :- Pivoting refers to method used by Penetration Testers that uses compromised system to attack other systems on the same network to avoid restrictions such as firewall configurations, which may prohibit direct access to all machines. For example, an attacker compromises a web server on a corporate network, the attacker can then use the compromised web server to attack other systems on the network. These types of attacks are often called multi-layered attacks. Pivoting is also known as island hopping. Pivoting can further be distinguished into proxy pivoting and VPN pivoting: Proxy pivoting generally describes the practice channeling traffic through a compromised target using a proxy payload on the machine and launching attacks from this computer. This type of pivoting is restricted to certain TCP and UDP ports that are supported by the proxy.  VPN pivoting enables the attacker to create an encrypted layer 2 tunnel into the compromised machine to route any network traffic through that target machine, for example to run a vulnerability scan on the internal network through the compromised machine, effectively giving the attacker full network access as if she were behind the firewall. Typically, the proxy or VPN applications enabling pivoting are executed on the target computer as the Payload (software) of an exploit.
  • 7. 7 | P a g e “The Metasploit Framework is a development platform for creating security tools and exploits. The framework is used by network security professionals to perform penetration tests, system administrators to verify patch installations, product vendors to perform regression testing,and security researchers world-wide.” History of Metasploit :- The Metasploit project was originally started as a network security game by four core developers. It then developed gradually to a Perl-based framework for running, configuring, and developing exploits for well-known vulnerabilities.The 2.1 stable version of the product was released in June 2004. Since then, the development of the product and the addition of new exploits and payloads have rapidly increased. The Metasploit Project is an open-source computer security project which provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development. Its most well-known sub-project is the Metasploit Framework, a tool for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine. Other important sub-projects include the Opcode Database, shellcode archive, and security research. The Metasploit Project is also well-known for anti-forensic and evasion tools, some of which are built into the Metasploit Framework. Metasploit was created by HD Moore in 2003 as a portable network game using the Perl scripting language. Later, the Metasploit Framework was then completely rewritten in the Ruby programming language. It is most notable for releasing some of the most technically sophisticated exploits to public security vulnerabilities. In addition, it is a powerful tool for third-party security researchers to investigate potential vulnerabilities. On October 21, 2009 the Metasploit Project announced that it had been acquired by Rapid7, a security company that provides unified vulnerability management solutions.
  • 8. 8 | P a g e Like comparable commercial products such as Immunity's Canvas or Core Security Technologies'Core Impact, Metasploit can be used to test the vulnerability of computer systems in order to protect them, and it can be used to break into remote systems. Like many information security tools, Metasploit can be used for both legitimate and unauthorized activities. Since the acquisition of the Metasploit Framework, Rapid7 has added an commercial edition called Metasploit Express, while keeping the Metasploit Framework updated and free. Metasploit's emerging position as the de facto vulnerability development framework has led in recent times to the release of software vulnerability advisories often accompanied by a third party Metasploit exploit module that highlights the exploitability, risk, and remediation of that particular bug. Metasploit 3.0 (Ruby language) is also beginning to include fuzzing tools, to discover software vulnerabilities in the first instance, rather than merely writing exploits for currently public bugs. This new avenue has been seen with the integration of the lorcon wireless (802.11) toolset into Metasploit 3.0 in November, 2006. Metasploit use :- Metasploit came about primarily to provide a framework for penetration testers to develop exploits.The typical life cycle of a vulnerability and its exploitation is as follows: 1. Discovery :- A security researcher or the vendor discovers a critical security vulnerability in the software. 2. Disclosure :-The security researcher either adheres to a responsible disclosure policy and informs the vendor, or discloses it on a public mailing list. Either way, the vendor needs to come up with a patch for the vulnerability. 3. Analysis :-The researcher or others across the world begin analyzing the vulnerability to determine its exploitability. Can it be exploited? Remotely? Would the exploitation result in remote code execution, or would it simply crash the remote service? What is the length of the exploit code that can be injected? This phase also involves debugging the vulnerable application as malicious input is injected to the vulnerable piece of code.
  • 9. 9 | P a g e 4. Exploit Development :- Once the answers to the key questions are determined, the process of developing the exploit begins.This has usually been considered a bit of a black art, requiring an in-depth understanding of the processor’s registers, assembly code, offsets, and payloads. 5. Testing :- This is the phase where the coder now checks the exploit code against various platforms, service pack, or patches, and possibly even for different processors (e.g., Intel, Sparc, and so on). 6. Release:- Once the exploit is tested, and the specific parameters required for its successful execution have been determined, the coder releases the exploit, either privately or on a public forum. Often, the exploit is tweaked so that it does not work right out of the box.This is usually done to dissuade script kiddies from simply downloading the exploit and running it against a vulnerable system.
  • 10. 10 | P a g e Metasploit Framework This modularity of allowing to combine any exploit with any advantage of the Framework: it facilitates the tasks of attackers, exploit writers, and payload writers. Versions of the Metasploit Framework since v3.0 are written in the Programming Language. The previous version 2.7, was implem runs on all versions of Unix (including Linux and Mac OS X), and also on Windows. It includes two command line interfaces native GUI. The web interface is intended to be run from the attacker's computer. The Metasploit Framework can be extended to use external add languages. To choose an exploit and payload, some information about the target system is needed such as operating system version and installed network services. This information can be gleaned with as nmap. Nessus can, in addition, detect the target system's Metasploit Framework : This modularity of allowing to combine any exploit with any payload is the major advantage of the Framework: it facilitates the tasks of attackers, exploit writers, Versions of the Metasploit Framework since v3.0 are written in the Ruby . The previous version 2.7, was implemented in runs on all versions of Unix (including Linux and Mac OS X), and also on command line interfaces , a web-based interface and a native GUI. The web interface is intended to be run from the attacker's computer. Metasploit Framework can be extended to use external add-ons in multiple To choose an exploit and payload, some information about the target system is needed such as operating system version and installed network services. This information can be gleaned with Port scanning and OS fingerprinting in addition, detect the target system's vulnerabilities payload is the major advantage of the Framework: it facilitates the tasks of attackers, exploit writers, Ruby ented in Perl. It runs on all versions of Unix (including Linux and Mac OS X), and also on based interface and a native GUI. The web interface is intended to be run from the attacker's computer. ons in multiple To choose an exploit and payload, some information about the target system is needed such as operating system version and installed network services. This OS fingerprinting tools such vulnerabilities.
  • 11. 11 | P a g e In April 2010, Rapid7 released Metaploit Express, which is a commercial version of Metasploit. Based on the Metasploit Framework, it offers a graphical user interface, integrates nmap for discovery, and adds smart bruteforcing as well as automated evidence collection. Rapid7 has a full-featured 7-day trial for Metasploit Express. Exploits :- It is a code which allows an attacker to take advantage of vulnerable System. Exploit Types :-  Pretty much any protocol UDP, TCP, SMB, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, TFTP, SSH, etc  Active, Passive, Brute-Force  Remote, Local, User-Interaction (technically remote category)  Remote: windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom  Local: no real local examples, but doable  User-Interaction--All your browser, “have to click on something,” type exploits  windows/browser/ms06_013_createtextrange Payloads :- Payload is Arbitrary code that is to be executed upon successful exploitation.It is a acutal code which run on the system after exploitation. Types Of Payloads :- 1) Single [shell_reverse_tcp = inline (single)] :-  A self-contained payload that performs a specific task  Size varies depending on the task  Example: Reverse or bind command shell
  • 12. 12 | P a g e 2) Stager [shell/reverse_tcp = stager] :-  A stub payload that loads / bootstraps a stage  Size generally much smaller than single payloads  Passes connection information onto the stage 3) Stage :-  Similar to a single payload, but takes advantage of staging.  Uses connection passed from the stager.  Not subject to size limitations of individual vulnerabilities  A stager can also be a stage Functions of Payloads :- Bind Shell: setup a socket, bind it to a specific port and listen for connection. Upon accepting a connection spawn a shell. Victim has to allow incoming connections on selected port. Reverse Shell: instead of binding to a port waiting for connection, the shellcode simply connect to a predefined IP and port number and spawn a shell. Find Tag: find socket style payloads that search for a socket based on the presence of a tag on the wire. Find_Port: payloads that search for a socket by comparing peer port names relative to the target machine. Ordinal Payloads: Uses static ordinals in WS2_32.DLL to locate symbol addresses. Leads to very tiny win32 stagers (92 byte reverse, 93 byte findsock) Reverse Http: called PassiveX payloads in 2.x. Tunnel communication over HTTP using IE 6. Payload modifies registry and launches IE, IE loads custom ActiveX control to stage the payload, Uses standard IE proxy and authorization settings, Can be used to inject VNC, Meterpreter, custom dlls. Adduser: Executes the net user x x /add & net localgroup administrators x /add Downloadexec: Download a .exe from a URL and execute it
  • 13. 13 | P a g e Uploadexec: uploads a .exe from local computer and executes Exec: execute a command of your choice Dllinject: injects a custom dll (you'll have to supply the dll) VNCinject: injects a custom VNC server dll into memory Meterpreter: the super payload, custom dll injected into memory (more on Day2); tons of postexploitation tools Opcode Database The Opcode Database is an important resource for writers of new exploits. Buffer overflow exploits on Windows often require precise knowledge of the position of certain machine language opcodes in the attacked program or included DLLs. These positions differ in the various versions and patch-levels of a given operating system, and they are all documented and conveniently searchable in the Opcode Database. This allows one to write buffer overflow exploits which work across different versions of the target operating system. Shellcode Database The Shellcode database contains the payloads (also known as shellcode) used by the Metasploit Framework. These are written in assembly language and full source code is available.
  • 14. 14 | P a g e Graphical Overview of Metasploit :- Steps for exploiting Vulnerabilities :- 1. Choosing and configuring an exploit(code that enters a target system by taking advantage of one of its bugs; about 300 different exploits for windows, Unix/Linux and Mac OS systems are included); 2. Checking whether the intended target system is susceptible to the chosen exploit (optional); 3. Choosing and configuring a Payload (code that will be executed on the target system upon successful entry, for instance a remote shell or aVNC Server); 4. Choosing the encoding technique to encode the payload so that the Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) will not catch the encoded payload; 5. Executing the exploit.
  • 15. 15 | P a g e  Pre–Exploiting Phase :- Using exploit for penetration testing is legal, hence if you want to penetratate your own system environment will not be illegal. But as I don’t have the real time environment I have created it using some third party softwares and operating systems as given below. 1) Install Vmware/Virtual PC which allows you to install various operating systems to use it at the same time.These softwares also creates a virtual network between the host operating systems and the own operating the beginners can do the real practices or penetration on his own. 2) Install Metasploit Framework on the attackers system and start penetrating systems on the host operating systems installed in vmware.  Lab Setup  Own operating system – Windows XP professional Service pack 3 IP Address –  Host operating system 1 – Windows XP professional 2002 Services pack 1 IP Address –  Host operating system 2 – Windows XP professional Services pack 2 IP Address –
  • 16. 16 | P a g e  Exploiting Vulnerability :- 1) Exploit :- windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom Payload :- Windows/adduser Rort :- 135 Rhost :- Steps - Click on msfconsole on program list on start show the below,
  • 17. 17 | P a g e Steps – use any exploit from list of exploits using keyword “use” following with exploit name.
  • 18. 18 | P a g e Steps – watch exploits options “show options” to fill with appropriate values with “set ” keyword.
  • 19. 19 | P a g e Steps – This is the target host operating system on vmware on whos IP address is
  • 20. 20 | P a g e Steps – set the value of RHOST with target IP address. set other default values if you want to change.
  • 21. 21 | P a g e Steps - To see the list of PAYLOADS use command “Show payloads” and select the PAYLOAD you want to set with keyword following with PAYLOAD name.
  • 22. 22 | P a g e Steps - Type “show option ” again to set values of PAYLOADS and set it appropriately. set TARGET the same as the target operating system if there are multiple targets shown in options .
  • 23. 23 | P a g e Steps - To exploit the vulnerability type the keyword “exploit” it will start attacking on the given target system.
  • 24. 24 | P a g e Steps – Target system after exploiting the vulnerability it created a new user account “Metasploit ” with password “metasploit” with administrator privileges.
  • 25. 25 | P a g e 2) Exploit :- windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom Payload :- generic/shell_bind_tcp Rort :- 135 Rhost :- Steps – select any exploit.
  • 26. 26 | P a g e  The Target systems IP address.
  • 27. 27 | P a g e  Step - set IP address of target system as “set HOST ” following with ip.
  • 28. 28 | P a g e  Step – set PAYLOAD generic/shell_bind_tcp
  • 29. 29 | P a g e  Step :- use exploits to execute attack on the Target system
  • 30. 30 | P a g e  Step :- Browsing the target system. Created a Folder named “system Hacked” on the Desktop.
  • 31. 31 | P a g e Screen shot :- These is the screen shot of the target system after attack where you can see the folder named “Hacked system” which is remotely created by the attacker which identifies the system is vulnerable. Remotely created folder on target system
  • 32. 32 | P a g e 3) Exploit :- windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom Payload :- Windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp Rort :- 135 Rhost :-  Windows/dcerpc/ms-3_026_dcom exploit is selected to exploit the target system vulnerabilities.
  • 33. 33 | P a g e  Here the options are checked using the command show options
  • 34. 34 | P a g e  In this step the PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp is set to attack on the target system.
  • 35. 35 | P a g e  This step starts exploiting the target system.
  • 36. 36 | P a g e  Here Using “ipconfig ” command the IP address and other useful information is carried out.
  • 37. 37 | P a g e  Using metasploit core commands we can read,write or delete the data on the target sytem as show below.
  • 38. 38 | P a g e  Here as per the file extension type or file name type we can search any file on any directory as show below I typed “search –d c: -f * .txt” to search all text files which shows following result.
  • 39. 39 | P a g e  As per search I found some file named “Confidential.txt” on the desktop of user “meet” so I went on the path where the file exsist and Downloaded with the command “Download confidential.txt”
  • 40. 40 | P a g e  Previously downloaded file is copided in the local attackers system in the folder of the “Metasploit” in Program Files as show below, Downloaded confidential file from Target system remotely
  • 41. 41 | P a g e  Here is the file we downloaded from the attackers system as we can see it resides on the desktop.
  • 42. 42 | P a g e  Here we deleted that file from the storage device of the target system.
  • 43. 43 | P a g e  Now you can see that the file we deleted is not visible on the desktop as we know it is deleted.
  • 44. 44 | P a g e Bibilography    