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  By Ellie Marsh
1. In what ways does your media product
    use, develop or challenge forms and
    conventions of real media products?
Front Cover Comparisons
1. On both front covers    2. On both there is a         3. On both magazines         4. On both the cover lines
there is the date, issue   similar shot which shows      there is the use of red to   are a mix of serif and sans
number and barcode         more of the body, this        highlight important          serif fonts which shows
these are conventions of   makes it easier to convey     information in the sell      contrast and a mix of
all magazines front        the genre through             lines, this stands out and   classic/vintage with
covers this follows        clothing and stance, there    draws the reader’s eye       urban styles this follows
conventions.               is no conventions for this.   this is a convention.        conventions.

                                         5. On both there is the
                                         use of puggs to draw the
                                         readers eye to a certain
                                         bit, these both use the
                                         same contrasting colours
                                         to make it stand out –
                                         this follows conventions.
1. On my cover the image        2. On my cover there            3. On my magazine I        4. On NME the name of
of the artists is a long shot   isn’t sell lines going across   offer a free poster to     the magazine is slightly
to show all clothing            the image as I didn’t           entice the reader unlike   covered whereas I wanted
whereas NME’s is a              want to cover it but NME        NME who doesn’t offer      mine to be visible as my
medium shot which               has the sell line right         anything free making       magazine is new and not
doesn’t show feet there         across the people this          mine more appealing this   well known there is no
isn’t conventions for this.     follows conventions.            follows conventions.       conventions for this.

                                                5. On my cover I rotated
                                                my text to make it look
                                                more urban and
                                                interesting whereas NME
                                                has text straight all over
                                                the cover this follows
                                                conventions for youth.
Contents Page Comparisons
1. On both  contents         2. On both there is a         3. On both magazines        4. On both there is very
pages there is the date so   similar layout with the       there is the contrast of    small text, this is a
people know when it was      strip down the side with      white text on black         convention of magazines
published which also tells   extra information on it       shapes, this highlights     with sizing rarely
you when the next issue is   related to the artists in     that information. This      exceeding around 10 for
due etc. This follows        the magazine. This isn’t a    isn’t a convention but is   the main body of text.
conventions.                 convention but an extra.      very common.                This looks professional.

                                            5. On both there is the
                                            main article name and
                                            then a line of text
                                            beneath it, this is a
                                            convention as it tells the
                                            reader more information
                                            about the article.
1. On both  my contents   2. On both there is a         3. On both magazines        4. On both there is very
page I use multiple       similar layout with the       there is the contrast of    small text, this is a
images which is the       strip down the side with      white text on black         convention of magazines
convention whereas NME    extra information on it       shapes, this highlights     with sizing rarely
use only one image        related to the artists in     that information. This      exceeding around 10 for
meaning mine is more      the magazine. This isn’t a    isn’t a convention but is   the main body of text.
conventional.             convention but an extra.      very common.                This looks professional.

                                        5. On both there is the
                                        main article name and
                                        then a line of text
                                        beneath it, this is a
                                        convention as it tells the
                                        reader more information
                                        about the article.
Double Page Spread Comparisons
1. On both articles there is   2. On both there is a         3. On both magazines          4. On both there are
the use of uneven text,        similar sized text which is   the article/picture credits   images of the artists the
and quotes this shows the      around a size 8 – 10. This    are written quite small       article is about which
urban style for the target     is a convention of            next to the title. This       may interest perspective
audience both magazines        magazine articles and         appears professional as       readers and makes the
are aimed at. This breaks      looks professional. This      this appears regularly        page more interesting
the conventions.               follows conventions.          and follows conventions.      this follows conventions.

                                               5. On both double page
                                               spreads there is a slight
                                               introduction into the
                                               article which gives an
                                               overview of what readers
                                               can expect this is
1. On my magazine             2. On my magazine there      3. On my magazine the i    4. NME has used black
article there is tour dates   is three pictures taking     use more than one          and white contrast
which promotes the artist     up half a page whereas       quotations which is next   whereas I have remained
and relates to the            on the NME magazine          to the pictures whereas    using my house style
information on their new      there is one main picture    the NME magazine has a     throughout including in
album.                        taking up a page .           quotation as the title.    the article.

                                             5. My article makes clear
                                             who the artist is in the
                                             title whereas NME doesn’t
                                             tell you who it is until
                                             you read the article or
                                             look at the picture.
2. How does your media product
represent particular social groups?
Top button done up on shirt.

                                                                                                       style collar
                                                                                                      follows Indie

Jess & George represent the social
   group I was aiming to reach
  through their Indie apparel. I
                                         style jacket
   purposefully included this to        follows Indie
   ensure that the genre of the         Clothes
 magazine was obvious just from         conventions.
  the clothing they are wearing.

                                                        Converse are openly   Desert Boots are
                                                        acknowledged as       openly acknowledged
                                                        Indie style shoes.    as Indie style shoes.
3. What kind of media institution might
distribute your media product and why?
A more appropriate publisher for my magazine would be Bauer, they
 produce music magazines which generally focus of a range of genres
and don’t focus on Indie-Pop specifically or at all. This means there is a
    gap in the market for Bauer Media to produce an Indie music
  magazine to rival IPC’s Indie magazine NME. Bauer Media reaches
   over nineteen million UK adults across multiple media channels a
week. This would make Bauer a perfect publisher for my magazine. As
seen in the table below there are no magazine covering Indie-Pop for
               young adults/teenagers for Bauer Media.
          Magazine Name        Music Genre                     Target Audience

      Mojo                Music - No particular   The MOJO audience is predominantly male
                          genre                   (77%) and affluent (63% ABC1).

      Q                   Music - No particular   The audience is split 75% male to 25% female
                          genre                   and is affluent (with 68% ABC1).

      Kerrang!            Rock Music              15-35 male bias
           Magazine        Average Issue
            Name            Readership

                                              These figures were calculated from
       Mojo                248
                                              the average readership of each
       Q                   427
                                              issue in the year starting Oct 2010
                                              and ending September 2011.
       Kerrang!            356

Magazine            Jan-    Jan-     YOY %
 Name               Jun      Jun     (year     These figures clearly show there has
                    2011    2010      on       been a drop in readership in Bauer’s
                                     year)     music magazines so a new Indie-Pop
                                    change     magazine may be the perfect answer
Mojo              87,262   91,678   -4.8%      to increasing readership again.
Q                 80,418   89,450   -10.1%
Kerrang!          43,033   44,013   -2.2%
4. Who would the audience be for your
          media product?
Both genders are included which would appeal
                           Top button done up on shirt.    to both genders in the target audience

                                                                                                        style collar
                                                                                                       follows Indie

Jess & George represent the target
  audience that I was aiming for.
   Also, the way in which they’re         Retro
    styled has connotations with          style jacket
 Indie clothing which is the target      follows Indie
 audience also. The ways in which        Clothes
  they are represented and would         conventions.                                            Age – Their age
                                                                                                   is that of the
 appeal to the target audience of
                                                                                                 Target Audience
 teens/young adults (stretching to                                                              meaning they would
 a maximum of around 25), both                                                                   appeal to them.
   female and male interested in                         Converse are openly   Desert Boots are
                                                         acknowledged as       openly acknowledged
             Indie music.                                Indie style shoes.    as Indie style shoes.
Indie-Pop music magazine aimed at a target
   audience of BC1C2’s around 13 – 25 (young
adults/teenagers). I chose this genre as from my
research into this target audience this would be
 highly appreciated and caters to their musical
The Questionnaire I used.
5. How did you attract/address your
Focus Group results
 A focus group was held with 2 male’s and 2 female’s aged
16/17. This fell perfectly into the age range I was targeting
  and enabled me to see what each gender thought of my
    ideas. I pitched the idea of a music magazine called
“Impulse” originally but the male’s didn’t like this name.
 I then suggested the name “Influxx” which both genders
   liked a lot. I then showed some ideas for fonts and the
 original font wasn’t liked but the second one chosen was
   (see below). I also pitched to them the ideas I had for
  articles, they agreed with all and said the artists chosen
   and the subject of the articles were all something they
 would really enjoy reading (some a little less than others
               depending on gender/interests)

    (First shown and                (Second shown and
    disliked)                       liked)
Based on my research from my
            questionnaire results and the focus
           group I decided some articles I would
              create for my magazine were:
• Up and coming band THE QUEEN OF HEARTS
     • Ellie Goulding new album review
 • Foster the People Birmingham gig review
               • Top 20 chart
        • Poster of Foster the People
     • Up and coming gig information
 •Which acoustic guitar is best on a budget?
• I used colloquial language such as “new band on
               the block” (in the article)
• I used rhetorical questions such as “What is the best
             acoustic guitar on a budget?”
• I included all of the clothing connotations of Indie-
                        Pop style.
  • I also offered the incentive of a free foster the
                    people poster.
6. What have you learnt about technologies
    from the process of constructing this
Say what each one is best used for!
                      WHAT DID I LEARN?! NEED TO MAKE
                      THIS CLEAR!
                               I learnt how to use a
                              camera and location to
                                 take effective and
                              professional photos. This
                               was the raw image
                              which I then improved
                                using Photoshop.

  I learnt how to use
                                                               I learnt how to use
Photoshop to create my
                                                               Adobe in Design to
front cover. This was also                                  create my contents page
   brilliant for image                                      and double page spread,
   manipulation and                                            this was useful for
  editing which I used                                        layouts, it enabled
throughout to improve                                          total control over
     image quality.                                            where everything
                                                                    would be.
Photoshop Skills
                         I learnt how to remove a
                         blemish from a picture by
                         using the clone stamp tool
                         to remove the shine from
                          the guitar. I did this by
                         selecting the texture from
                                 the guitar.

  I then ‘painted’ on
 the texture over the
 shine which made it
look the same as the
I learnt how to crop out an image from the
background by using the magnetic lasso tool to
crop the guitar out so there was no background.
Final Product
I learnt how to edit a pictures brightness/contrast
to make it look more professional and appealing.
I learnt how to edit a pictures colour balance to
make it look more professional and appealing.
I learnt how to
insert a puff onto
 my front cover.
I learnt how to insert
                               and edit text in
                            Photoshop. I selected
                                 a font from
                  , wrote in
                             my chosen text and
                               made it large.

I then opened this text
      in Photoshop.
I deleted the
background using the
 magic wand tool .
And then painted the
  colour onto the text
 with the paint brush
Adobe Indesign Skills

I learnt how to insert a border on Adobe Indesign
     using a shape tool, removing the fill and
              changing the line style.
I learnt how to arrange
                      the pages
                 appropriately from

To this...
I learnt how to insert a
    Photoshop file onto
     Adobe Indesign.
7. Looking back at your preliminary task,
 what do you feel you have learnt in the
  progression from it to the full product?
My Preliminary Task
Front Cover Comparisons
1. On both covers I         2. On both covers I used      3. On both covers I used   4. On both covers I used
included puggs, I think     strokes on the cover lines    underlining to highlight   rhetorical questions to
they are both incredibly    to ensure that they stood     text. This made it stand   involve the reader more.
effective in drawing the    out. I also used contrast     out and reinforce the      This makes the reader
eye to a certain piece of   to ensure that they were      importance of the          more likely to pick up the
information.                eye-catching.                 information.               magazine.

                                           5. On both covers I used
                                           a brick wall background,
                                           this appeals to the target
                                           audience as its seen as
                                           almost ‘urban’ therefore
                                           appropriate for teens.
1. On my preliminary           2. On my music              3. On my music               4. On my music
task I included a sell line,   magazine I included a       magazine I used a long       magazine I used the
in the main task I didn’t      barcode and price. This     shot. This is a convention   incentive of a free poster
feel this was suitable for a   looks professional as       of music magazines when      to entice readers to buy
music magazine due to          though you are able to      more than one person is      it. This is also a
conventions of real ones.      purchase it.                pictured.                    convention of magazines.

                                             5. On my preliminary
                                             task I didn’t have many
                                             cover lines but in the
                                             main task I put much
                                             more as this looks
Contents Page Comparisons
1. On both covers there is   2. On both there is a         3. On both magazines I       4. On both titles I used a
the date, this is a          similar layout of pictures    used shapes for the page     strokes which enhances
convention of contents       across the page corner to     numbers to make them         the text so it stands out
pages of all magazines.      corner breaking up the        stand out from the rest of   from the page. This also
Both are at the top of the   text, looking attractive      the text making it easier    matches the titles on the
page therefore visible.      and looking interesting.      to find articles.            front covers.

                                            5. On all images on both
                                            pages I anchored them.
                                            This made the page
                                            appear more attractive
                                            and was practical to find
                                            the relating article.
1. On my main task I put       2. On my music               3. On my music              4. On my music
a title for the articles and   magazine the images          magazine I used a           magazine I put a page
then extra information         were far better quality,     message from the editor     number and website
below which was far more       not as zoomed in and         to make it seem more        which is a convention in
professional and gave          without the flash shine      professional and personal   real magazines on
further information.           appearing.                   to the readers.             contents pages.

                                              5. On my preliminary
                                              task I didn’t have many
                                              articles but in the main
                                              task I put many more as
                                              this looks more
Although we didn’t create a
double page spread in the
preliminary task, I think this
shows the skills I have gained
as I have managed to
produce one of a good
quality following all the key
connotations that are
required. Also, I used many
different techniques to create
this style which I hadn’t been
aware of in the previous task
showing an improvement in
How I feel I’ve improved overall
• Better quality images
• More professional layout of pages
• More and better quality content
• Use of more magazine conventions
• Use of creativity
• Exploration of different fonts
• Improvement of skills in Photoshop and Adobe Indesign
• A consistent house style use effectively to promote
attention where required
• Using more technical features to produce a more
professional and polished finished product

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Evaluation influxx (1)

  • 1. Evaluation By Ellie Marsh
  • 2. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • 4. Similarities 1. On both front covers 2. On both there is a 3. On both magazines 4. On both the cover lines there is the date, issue similar shot which shows there is the use of red to are a mix of serif and sans number and barcode more of the body, this highlight important serif fonts which shows these are conventions of makes it easier to convey information in the sell contrast and a mix of all magazines front the genre through lines, this stands out and classic/vintage with covers this follows clothing and stance, there draws the reader’s eye urban styles this follows conventions. is no conventions for this. this is a convention. conventions. 5. On both there is the use of puggs to draw the readers eye to a certain bit, these both use the same contrasting colours to make it stand out – this follows conventions.
  • 5. Differences 1. On my cover the image 2. On my cover there 3. On my magazine I 4. On NME the name of of the artists is a long shot isn’t sell lines going across offer a free poster to the magazine is slightly to show all clothing the image as I didn’t entice the reader unlike covered whereas I wanted whereas NME’s is a want to cover it but NME NME who doesn’t offer mine to be visible as my medium shot which has the sell line right anything free making magazine is new and not doesn’t show feet there across the people this mine more appealing this well known there is no isn’t conventions for this. follows conventions. follows conventions. conventions for this. 5. On my cover I rotated my text to make it look more urban and interesting whereas NME has text straight all over the cover this follows conventions for youth.
  • 7. Similarities 1. On both contents 2. On both there is a 3. On both magazines 4. On both there is very pages there is the date so similar layout with the there is the contrast of small text, this is a people know when it was strip down the side with white text on black convention of magazines published which also tells extra information on it shapes, this highlights with sizing rarely you when the next issue is related to the artists in that information. This exceeding around 10 for due etc. This follows the magazine. This isn’t a isn’t a convention but is the main body of text. conventions. convention but an extra. very common. This looks professional. 5. On both there is the main article name and then a line of text beneath it, this is a convention as it tells the reader more information about the article.
  • 8. Differences 1. On both my contents 2. On both there is a 3. On both magazines 4. On both there is very page I use multiple similar layout with the there is the contrast of small text, this is a images which is the strip down the side with white text on black convention of magazines convention whereas NME extra information on it shapes, this highlights with sizing rarely use only one image related to the artists in that information. This exceeding around 10 for meaning mine is more the magazine. This isn’t a isn’t a convention but is the main body of text. conventional. convention but an extra. very common. This looks professional. 5. On both there is the main article name and then a line of text beneath it, this is a convention as it tells the reader more information about the article.
  • 9. Double Page Spread Comparisons
  • 10. Similarities 1. On both articles there is 2. On both there is a 3. On both magazines 4. On both there are the use of uneven text, similar sized text which is the article/picture credits images of the artists the and quotes this shows the around a size 8 – 10. This are written quite small article is about which urban style for the target is a convention of next to the title. This may interest perspective audience both magazines magazine articles and appears professional as readers and makes the are aimed at. This breaks looks professional. This this appears regularly page more interesting the conventions. follows conventions. and follows conventions. this follows conventions. 5. On both double page spreads there is a slight introduction into the article which gives an overview of what readers can expect this is conventional.
  • 11. Differences 1. On my magazine 2. On my magazine there 3. On my magazine the i 4. NME has used black article there is tour dates is three pictures taking use more than one and white contrast which promotes the artist up half a page whereas quotations which is next whereas I have remained and relates to the on the NME magazine to the pictures whereas using my house style information on their new there is one main picture the NME magazine has a throughout including in album. taking up a page . quotation as the title. the article. 5. My article makes clear who the artist is in the title whereas NME doesn’t tell you who it is until you read the article or look at the picture.
  • 12. 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
  • 13. Top button done up on shirt. Vintage style collar follows Indie Clothes conventions. Jess & George represent the social group I was aiming to reach Retro through their Indie apparel. I style jacket purposefully included this to follows Indie ensure that the genre of the Clothes magazine was obvious just from conventions. the clothing they are wearing. Converse are openly Desert Boots are acknowledged as openly acknowledged Indie style shoes. as Indie style shoes.
  • 14. 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17. Bauer A more appropriate publisher for my magazine would be Bauer, they produce music magazines which generally focus of a range of genres and don’t focus on Indie-Pop specifically or at all. This means there is a gap in the market for Bauer Media to produce an Indie music magazine to rival IPC’s Indie magazine NME. Bauer Media reaches over nineteen million UK adults across multiple media channels a week. This would make Bauer a perfect publisher for my magazine. As seen in the table below there are no magazine covering Indie-Pop for young adults/teenagers for Bauer Media. Magazine Name Music Genre Target Audience Mojo Music - No particular The MOJO audience is predominantly male genre (77%) and affluent (63% ABC1). Q Music - No particular The audience is split 75% male to 25% female genre and is affluent (with 68% ABC1). Kerrang! Rock Music 15-35 male bias
  • 18. Bauer Magazine Average Issue Name Readership These figures were calculated from Mojo 248 the average readership of each Q 427 issue in the year starting Oct 2010 and ending September 2011. Kerrang! 356 Magazine Jan- Jan- YOY % Name Jun Jun (year These figures clearly show there has 2011 2010 on been a drop in readership in Bauer’s year) music magazines so a new Indie-Pop change magazine may be the perfect answer Mojo 87,262 91,678 -4.8% to increasing readership again. Q 80,418 89,450 -10.1% Kerrang! 43,033 44,013 -2.2%
  • 19. 4. Who would the audience be for your media product?
  • 20. Both genders are included which would appeal Top button done up on shirt. to both genders in the target audience Vintage style collar follows Indie Clothes conventions. Jess & George represent the target audience that I was aiming for. Also, the way in which they’re Retro styled has connotations with style jacket Indie clothing which is the target follows Indie audience also. The ways in which Clothes they are represented and would conventions. Age – Their age is that of the appeal to the target audience of Target Audience teens/young adults (stretching to meaning they would a maximum of around 25), both appeal to them. female and male interested in Converse are openly Desert Boots are acknowledged as openly acknowledged Indie music. Indie style shoes. as Indie style shoes.
  • 21. Indie-Pop music magazine aimed at a target audience of BC1C2’s around 13 – 25 (young adults/teenagers). I chose this genre as from my research into this target audience this would be highly appreciated and caters to their musical tastes.
  • 23. 5. How did you attract/address your audience?
  • 24. Focus Group results A focus group was held with 2 male’s and 2 female’s aged 16/17. This fell perfectly into the age range I was targeting and enabled me to see what each gender thought of my ideas. I pitched the idea of a music magazine called “Impulse” originally but the male’s didn’t like this name. I then suggested the name “Influxx” which both genders liked a lot. I then showed some ideas for fonts and the original font wasn’t liked but the second one chosen was (see below). I also pitched to them the ideas I had for articles, they agreed with all and said the artists chosen and the subject of the articles were all something they would really enjoy reading (some a little less than others depending on gender/interests) (First shown and (Second shown and disliked) liked)
  • 25. Based on my research from my questionnaire results and the focus group I decided some articles I would create for my magazine were: • Up and coming band THE QUEEN OF HEARTS interview. • Ellie Goulding new album review • Foster the People Birmingham gig review • Top 20 chart • Poster of Foster the People • Up and coming gig information •Which acoustic guitar is best on a budget?
  • 26. • I used colloquial language such as “new band on the block” (in the article) • I used rhetorical questions such as “What is the best acoustic guitar on a budget?” • I included all of the clothing connotations of Indie- Pop style. • I also offered the incentive of a free foster the people poster.
  • 27. 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
  • 28. Say what each one is best used for! WHAT DID I LEARN?! NEED TO MAKE THIS CLEAR! I learnt how to use a camera and location to take effective and professional photos. This was the raw image which I then improved using Photoshop. I learnt how to use I learnt how to use Photoshop to create my Adobe in Design to front cover. This was also create my contents page brilliant for image and double page spread, manipulation and this was useful for editing which I used layouts, it enabled throughout to improve total control over image quality. where everything would be.
  • 29. Photoshop Skills I learnt how to remove a blemish from a picture by using the clone stamp tool to remove the shine from the guitar. I did this by selecting the texture from the guitar. I then ‘painted’ on the texture over the shine which made it look the same as the rest.
  • 30. I learnt how to crop out an image from the background by using the magnetic lasso tool to crop the guitar out so there was no background.
  • 32. I learnt how to edit a pictures brightness/contrast to make it look more professional and appealing.
  • 33. I learnt how to edit a pictures colour balance to make it look more professional and appealing.
  • 34. I learnt how to insert a puff onto my front cover.
  • 35. I learnt how to insert and edit text in Photoshop. I selected a font from, wrote in my chosen text and made it large. I then opened this text in Photoshop.
  • 36. I deleted the background using the magic wand tool .
  • 37. And then painted the colour onto the text with the paint brush tool.
  • 38. Adobe Indesign Skills I learnt how to insert a border on Adobe Indesign using a shape tool, removing the fill and changing the line style.
  • 39. I learnt how to arrange the pages appropriately from this... To this...
  • 40. I learnt how to insert a Photoshop file onto Adobe Indesign.
  • 41. 7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
  • 44. Similarities 1. On both covers I 2. On both covers I used 3. On both covers I used 4. On both covers I used included puggs, I think strokes on the cover lines underlining to highlight rhetorical questions to they are both incredibly to ensure that they stood text. This made it stand involve the reader more. effective in drawing the out. I also used contrast out and reinforce the This makes the reader eye to a certain piece of to ensure that they were importance of the more likely to pick up the information. eye-catching. information. magazine. 5. On both covers I used a brick wall background, this appeals to the target audience as its seen as almost ‘urban’ therefore appropriate for teens.
  • 45. Differences 1. On my preliminary 2. On my music 3. On my music 4. On my music task I included a sell line, magazine I included a magazine I used a long magazine I used the in the main task I didn’t barcode and price. This shot. This is a convention incentive of a free poster feel this was suitable for a looks professional as of music magazines when to entice readers to buy music magazine due to though you are able to more than one person is it. This is also a conventions of real ones. purchase it. pictured. convention of magazines. 5. On my preliminary task I didn’t have many cover lines but in the main task I put much more as this looks professional.
  • 47. Similarities 1. On both covers there is 2. On both there is a 3. On both magazines I 4. On both titles I used a the date, this is a similar layout of pictures used shapes for the page strokes which enhances convention of contents across the page corner to numbers to make them the text so it stands out pages of all magazines. corner breaking up the stand out from the rest of from the page. This also Both are at the top of the text, looking attractive the text making it easier matches the titles on the page therefore visible. and looking interesting. to find articles. front covers. 5. On all images on both pages I anchored them. This made the page appear more attractive and was practical to find the relating article.
  • 48. Differences 1. On my main task I put 2. On my music 3. On my music 4. On my music a title for the articles and magazine the images magazine I used a magazine I put a page then extra information were far better quality, message from the editor number and website below which was far more not as zoomed in and to make it seem more which is a convention in professional and gave without the flash shine professional and personal real magazines on further information. appearing. to the readers. contents pages. 5. On my preliminary task I didn’t have many articles but in the main task I put many more as this looks more professional.
  • 49. Although we didn’t create a double page spread in the preliminary task, I think this shows the skills I have gained as I have managed to produce one of a good quality following all the key connotations that are required. Also, I used many different techniques to create this style which I hadn’t been aware of in the previous task showing an improvement in knowledge.
  • 50. How I feel I’ve improved overall • Better quality images • More professional layout of pages • More and better quality content • Use of more magazine conventions • Use of creativity • Exploration of different fonts • Improvement of skills in Photoshop and Adobe Indesign • A consistent house style use effectively to promote attention where required • Using more technical features to produce a more professional and polished finished product