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My music magazine genre is R&B and Hip Hop. I chose to
combine these two genres because these were the most popular
amongst my target audience research, I also felt that both of
these genres can be linked as many R&B artists and Hip Hop
artists work together to make the music that the target audience
listens to. I also chose this genre because this is the genre of
music I listen to therefore I felt I’d have more knowledge about
this than any other music genres. For this piece of coursework I
have created a front cover, contents page and a double page
spread. Throughout this process of creating my music magazine I
have referred to existing products, target audience research and
other research materials. This has helped me to shape my own
music magazine that relates to a clear purpose and target
audience which is teenagers between the age of 16 – 19.
In what ways does
your media product
   use, develop or
challenge forms and
 conventions of real
  media products?
I firstly created a front cover which used similar conventions as a real music magazine
front cover. As I did not find a R&B magazine I used a Hip Hop magazine which is one of
the music genres which my music magazine represents. I decided to use a model who
volunteered to allow me to take pictures of him. I had three options I could either use the
green screen or take the image in a scenic area or create a ‘mise en scene’.
As my magazine is a R&B and Hip Hop magazine I decided to take
the images in an alley way because I thought this would create a
dark atmosphere which would be represented in the magazine as a
edgy feel. I asked the model to wear clothes which typically music
artists from the chosen music genres would dress like. Therefore the
model wore a cap and designer hoody. I thought this was effective
because it would make the model look more realistic as a R&B male
After taking these images I decided to take another set of images
with a different model but I took these images using the green
screen. Although it was the first time I used a green screen I did not
find it that challenging. I asked this model to wear black as I thought
this would be effective because many Hip Hop artists wear this
                               When I looked at the images I had I used to the first models
                               images for the front cover. The main image I chose as the
                               front cover image is effective because it shows what a male
                               R&B artist would wear and the facial expression and pose
                               that would be expected.
Conventions I have used                 Masthead – this is the title of the     Pug – this is to
                                        magazine which shows ownership of the   promote the
                                        magazine.                               magazine
Main image – this is the cover
image, it usually has significance to
an article in the magazine. It has
been taken as a medium close up
image to show the models facial
expression and importance of this to
something in the magazine.

Date and pricing – shows the
date and price of the magazine
which would be significant to the
reader who is looking on the shelf
in a shop.
Website – this is the information for the
companies website, this is important as it
promotes and furthers the company.
Coverlines – the coverlines are
around the magazine front cover
to catch the target audiences
attention, this gives the reader an
insight to what the magazine is

Barcode – this shows professionalism and
is an important asset to the front cover of
the magazine as it would be scanned in
a shop
Comparison between my own music magazine and existing product –
                              front cover
   Code magazine front cover                                        Vibe magazine front cover
                                     Masthead – both
                                     magazine have a clear
                                     masthead which are in
                                     the colour white, this
                                     stand out off the
                                     coloured background.
                                   Main image – the front cover
                                   image is significant as both
                                   are a medium close up
                                   image. The music artist in the
                                   Vibe magazine is wearing a
                                   cap similarly to the fictional
                                   model in the Code magazine
                                   who is wearing a cap too.
                                   Also both images are
                                   covering the masthead to
                                   show that the magazine is
                                   authentic and well known.
                                                                         Coverlines –the coverlines
                               Pug – both magazines has a pug in the top are in bold colours and
                               left hand corner of the magazine front    are in large font to show
Both magazines use the         cover. This is to promote the magazine.
word ‘exclusively to promote                                             the importance of this
the magazine further. These                                              information.
words are in black font to         Barcode – this is in the bottom left hand corner for
stand off the background           both magazines.
The contents page was more challenging than the front cover, this was mainly because
existing products which conformed to my music genres for my music magazine did not
have clear conventions. I looked at a range of different Hip Hop music magazine
contents page and many did not have the same conventions. In order for my music
magazine contents page to be effective I adapted some of the conventions from
different magazine genres.
I used three images on my contents page, the first was the image for my editors address.
The second image was an image I had previously took and was considering for my front
cover image. The third image was an image I recently took at a Drake concert, this artist
is a Hip Hop artist and conformed to the music genre Hip Hop and R&B. I edited the
second picture I took and the third image by selected only the image not the
background so this could be easily inserted on the contents page.
In an existing product I had seen that the title of the contents page was bold, I adapted
this convention on my own contents page but to conform to the theme colours of my
music magazine.
In another existing product I had seen that the magazine put heading for some of the
features in the magazine and then put the name of the feature under the title. I adapted
this convention to suit the features I had made up.
The most challenging part of this process was the layout of the contents page, I wanted
to make the contents look spacious much like the existing products I had seen but I also
wanted the contents page to look effective. In this case I developed conventions of
existing products my taking conventions and developing this to suit my music magazine.
Conventions I have used
                                                      Title – contents page title is
                                                      bold to stand off the
                                                      background and to show the
    Magazine name – this is in the                    reader what this page is.
    top right hand corner to further
    and reassure the magazine

Editors address – this is not featured in
any Hip Hop magazines that I have
seen, however I chose to create this
as I thought it make the magazine
more authentic, realistic and unique.

The contents of the magazine is going down
in numerical order. The font I have used is bold
and clear this is effective as it carries on the
theme that I have used throughout the
magazine to show consistency.

Colours – the colours I have used are
conforming the theme colours that are
grey, black and white. I have also
                                                   Images – the images I have used are at a range
used the colour purple to make the
                                                   of shot sizes and angles, this is to show diversity.
magazine look brighter and eye
                                                   By using two images which are males I thought
                                                   this would draw attention to both genders as
                                                   they can relate.
Comparison between my own music magazine and existing product –
                           contents page

 Code magazine contents page                                Vibe magazine contents page

                                 Title – the title of the
                                 contents pages are
                                 both in bold font and
                                 in large font to stand
                                 off the background.

                                Magazine name – the
                                magazine name is in the
                                top right hand corner to
                                reassure the reader of
                                the magazine name and
                                to make the magazine
                                elements consistent.
                                 Headings – these have
                                 been used in both
                                 magazines above the
                                 title of heading name
Font – for my magazine I have    of the page. This is to       Images – the Vibe magazine has
used a range of different        group the information         only used on image whereas I
colours for the font whereas,    and make it more clear        have used three images to break
the Vibe magazine has only                                     up the contents page and give
used one colour.                                               the reader more to look at.
The double page spread was not as challenging as the contents page as
I was able to look at a range of existing products. This enabled me to
have different ideas and adapt different elements to make my double
page spread unique. I did no have to worry about photography as I had
already taken images. I only had to decide what image I wanted to use
and where.
My double page spread was focused on the fictional model I had used
on the front cover. The double page spread would consist of a reported
interview. Firstly I began this process by creating the interview and then
putting this into reported speech. I then went onto the designing process. I
used the same theme colours that are black, grey and white for the
double page spread. I used a range of conventions from page numbers
to the magazines website name and headings. These conventions
conform but also challenge conventions as I have made my double page
spread different.
Conventions I have used

Headings – the main heading is
the artists name with a quote
underneath. This is to give the
reader an insight to the topics that
will be discussed in the interview.

Introduction – on the right hand
side is a short introduction to
introduce the artist and to
introduce the interview.

Colours – the background for the first
page is an image and the background
of the second page is the colour grey
as this ties well with the colour scheme.

 Font – the font is similar to what has been
 used so far this is to show consistency in
 the magazine. The font colours stand off      Page and website – I have added this
 the background are do not clash in            information as it makes the magazine more
 colours to make the double page spread        authentic. This shows that the company wants
 look more effective and bold.                 to further other elements of the company (in
                                               this case the website).
Comparison between my own music magazine and existing product –
 Heading – the name      double page spread
 of the artists are in the   Page number - the page number for the NME magazine is in
 headings for both           the bottom left hand corner where as I have situated the page
 magazine.                   number along with the website address in the bottom right
                             hand and left hand cornier.

                                                 Colours – the colours used for the existing product are
                                                 different to the colours used for the Code magazine
Layout – although the layout for both
                                                 double page spread. However both magazine use
magazines are different they do share a
                                                 two different text colours which is effective as the font
similar convention which is that an image is
                                                 stands out. The font type for both magazines are
on one side of the page. But the image for
                                                 simple and consistent which the reader would
the NME interview is a close up shot and is on
                                                 appreciate because it can be read easily. For the
the right hand side page whereas the Code
                                                 text another convention has been used which is
magazine has the image on the left hand
                                                 making the first letter large and in a different colour to
side and the image is at a long shot angle.
                                                 make this stand out and show the significance of the
                                                 interview starting point.
Overall my media product uses and develops various conventions of a real music
magazine. I have tried to stay as close to conventions which are in a music
magazine that conforms to the similar genres that I am representing in my music
magazine. However for my contents page I have had to challenge conventions and
make my own up to make the contents page look realistic and authentic to my
magazine theme and style.
By using the same theme colours I have enabled a style which is similar to real
media products as they follow a style which is put out in every magazine published.
Looking at existing products helped me to achieve an effective look of my own
magazine. I have also used the target audience research to shape up the content
of my magazine for example the target audience research showed that 16 – 19 year
olds would buy a magazine if it offered free gifts therefore I constructed an offer
advertisement on my front cover to ensure that the target audience would get what
the wanted.
A way that my music genre develops forms and conventions of real media products
is by firstly the name ‘Code’ I chose to use this name is it is short, catchy and can
mean different things. This develops forms and conventions as it gives the target
audience the chance to think of the meaning behind the name. The name could
mean different things but does relate back to R&B and Hip Hop as there is a code
behind every successful artist.
How does your media
 product represent
  particular social
I have represented teenagers in production by creating the magazine around both
males and females of a teenage age. I have made sure that the images, colours
scheme, language and structure will suit the purpose of the magazine and relate to the
teenagers. The images I have used are edgy which relates to this demographic. I have
not used images which are seductive or revealing as this could create a bad image for
the magazine. For example, the main image I have used for the front cover involves the
model wearing a hoodie and a cap this is typical of a teenage boy which shows that
teenagers of the age of 16 – 19 are represented in the magazine.
I have also represented teenagers in
production by using quick persuading
language which will catch the target
audience’s attention. For example in the
target audience research showed that
teenagers would buy a magazine for a free
gift/voucher, therefore I incorporated this into
production buy advertising a free £5 off
vouchers for HMV in the issue. This is also
significant as the free gift/voucher is relates
to the music industry because HMV is a British
entertainment retailing company. The short
and persuading language is effective as the
text is eye catching to the target audience
as they would be interested in free vouchers.
Also the colours I have chosen to use are representative of the target audience, I have
used grey, black and white repeatedly through the music magazine on my front cover,
contents page and double page spread. These colours represent a dark, pure and mixed
side to teenagers which is more of a true of their personality and preference. The
representation of teenagers in my music magazine conforms to the stereotypical view in
society which is rebellious and fun but also appreciative, in this case this is relating to the
appreciation of music. The price of the magazine was decided in relation to the reality of
what teenagers who may have a part-time job would be able to afford. From the target
audience research the price of £3 was the most suitable price as this would attract a
large amount of teenagers as the price is not too high and can also be considered due
to a issue being published every fortnight. This shows how teenagers have been
represented in production.

The images I have used in Code are edgy and relates to the music genres R&B and Hip
Hop. Both of these music genres promote a money orientated lifestyle whereby
materialistic items are important. Similarly 16 – 19 year olds are materialistic and aspire to
one day have loads of money for these expensive items. The front cover image shows
how the hoody label is in an area which can be easily viewed. Therefore this shows that
designer labels are important and significant amongst teenagers and celebrities.

                           Designer label
What kind of institution
 might distribute your
 media product and
Media institutions which will distribute my media product (Code magazine)…

 ‘A media institution is an established, often-profit based organization, that
 deal in the creation and distribution of advertising, entertainment and
 information services.’ In this case it would be a magazine publisher.
 IPC Media – International Publishing Corporation
 This is a company which distributes magazines. There are a range of magazines
 which this company distributes. The music magazine which IPC Media currently
 publishes is NME.

 As this is such a well known company I think that this would be the perfect institution
 that would distribute my magazine Code. In the UK alone the magazines under this
 publisher engages with 26 million adults. This would be effective for my magazine as it
 would have the correct exposure to those in the UK and worldwide.
 I think that IPC Media has a diverse range of magazine currently.

 My magazine would extend the genres of magazine from what they already have.
 Also think that IPC engage with teens and young people therefore this would be a
 good opportunity for their company to become even more popular by having a
 stronger teen audience. IPC Media’s advertisement and creativity would enable a
 certain social group to follow this and many more magazines.
Media institutions which will distribute my media product (Code magazine)…

Bauer Media Group founded in 1875 is another media institution which publishes
magazines. A well known music magazine which is published by this company is Q
magazine. This institution would be another good publisher for my magazine ‘Code’
because it would has the experience to further the advertisement and credibility. As
my magazine is a R&B and Hip Hop magazine this would help create a target
audience which would extend the current audience which Bauer engages with.
Currently the magazines which Bauer publish amounts to 38 million magazine a week

Magazine is not the only product that Bauer publishes, it only publishes Radio which is
another form of marketing. If the magazine was to get the right exposure through
radio this could make the magazine popular. This could lead to the magazine having
it own radio station for the music genres R&B and Hip Hop.

Another important factor is that Bauer do not publish a R&B and Hip Hop magazine
showing that there is a gap in the market therefore ‘Code’ would
be a good asset to this company.
Who would be the
audience for your
 media product?
•   The audience for this media product would be teenagers (males and
    females) between the age of 16 – 19 who enjoy R&B and Hip Hop music. I
    chose this age range at this age teenagers are experimenting with their music
    taste, fashion, language and trying to become their own person. My
    magazine challenges the stereotypical view that all teenagers do drugs, get
    involved in crime but instead they are lively and outgoing.
•   I chose to represent teenagers in my magazine as modelled versions after
    music artists, this is in relation to the way teenagers dress and the things they
    enjoy to do and find the things they want to find out about (gossip). Many
    teenagers enjoy music because of the emotion and feeling behind this, for
    this reason my music magazine is about representing that and allowing
    teenagers to be able to have something to read that they are interested in. I
    also didn’t want to just offer masses of text but also images, offers and other
    information which teenagers between the age of 16 – 19 are actually
    interested in.
•   The price of the magazine is another important feature of the magazine, I
    chose this price accordingly to what I thought a 16 – 19 year would be able
    to afford. I also wanted to give the reader the right amount of information for
    the amount they paid. Therefore by giving quality and unique information the
    reader would appreciate this and keep on reading other issues.
•   R&B and Hip Hop music is enjoyed by any nationality or ethnicity therefore I
    have not made my music magazine based around a specific nationality or
How did you
attract/address your
I attracted my target audience by having a   I used words like excluisvely,
volunteering model on the front cover. By    controversy and revealed to
using a medium close up shot this would      attract the target audience
draw more teenagers towards the magazine     as they would be interested
as they would want to know who this would    by these words to find out the
be.                                          latest information or gossip.

I used a pug which
is the advertisement
to attract the target
                                             The colours I used for the front
audience as those
                                             cover also attract the
who answered my
                                             audience as these colours are
survey said that
                                             bold and colourful. This shows
they would buy a
                                             the significance of this
magazine for a free
gift. Therefore by
offering this, it
would draw more
attention towards
                                             I also attracted the audience
the magazine.
                                             by advertising the price, this is
                                             important as teenagers
                                             between the age of 16 – 19 are
                                             conscious about their money.
What have you learnt
 about technologies
 from the process of
   constructing this
•   I used many programmes during the process of constructing this product. I used two
    different adobe software's to create my music magazine. To create the front cover
    and contents page I used Photoshop and to create the double page spread I used
    InDesign. This is was challenging to get used to as I had not used these software's
    before. To get an idea of how to use this software I used Google to search for some
    tutorial or tips. This helped me a lot as I was able to have some knowledge about
    layers, colours, inserting shapes and editing images. During my process I took some
    screenshots of the work I was producing to show progress.

Base of my front cover
                                               I finished my front cover like this,
                                               after receiving feedback and
                                               rearranging colours and text.
Before feedback   After feedback
I opened a separate document for the
Tools I used to create my front cover                image and selected around the image
                                                     without the background in so that this could
     To create the background I                      be placed on the background. For this I used
     used the gradient tool and                      the magic wand tool, I then copied the cut
     selected the colours black,                     out image on the background.
     grey and white. I moved
     around the scales which gave
     me this effect from the centre.
     To create the masthead I used the text
     tool. I selected the font type and the

     For the cover lines I done this same
     process but selected other font types.
     For the large coverline is selected the font
     type Stencil Std as it was bold and stands
     off the background image.

     Using the rectangle I interested a rectangle
     and coloured this in black. I then rotated it
     around and placed this is the top right
     hand corner to look like a
After receiving feedback I was told I need to
                                           make use of this space so therefore I thought
                                           that this space could be used to advertise the
                                           price. Inserted the circle tool, which I filled in
                                           black and placed the top right hand corner. I
                                           inserted text on top of this in white to make
                                           this conform to the theme colours.

                                           I then inserted two more shapes to
                                           advertise other information on the
                                           front cover. The first was a start to
                                           advertise an offer, I chose to fill this is
                                           in white because it stands off the
                                           background. The second shape was a
                                           rectangle with curved edges, I chose
                                           to fill this in white as it needed to allow
                                           the text to stand off it as the text was
                                           not visible on the image.

                                           I then inserted more text which was the
I then inserted a barcode which I found    information about the magazines website. The
from the internet to make the font cover   web address was originally in black however
look more attractive.                      after feedback I changed this an one of the
                                           coverlines to red. This colour made this
                                           information stand out. The colour red
                                           represents urgency and danger, automatically
                                           drawing the readers attention to this area.
By this point the designing process was easier for me as I had practice from the front
cover design process. I used similar colours and font types to keep the consistency. A
unique asset that I created was my editors address signature, I created this on paper
and then scanned this in. I think this is effective as it makes the contents page and
editors address more realistic.
I used this shape as the background as I thought it would
make the text stand out. Also by using this shape I have
shown the reader where the main set of information is

For the double page spread I used the InDesign as this seemed easier for layout.
InDesign was in fact easier to set out text as I used layer which I had set up on the
page layout. However, it was not good for editing images, therefore I did not edit
any pictures on this software. I was able to insert the text correctly as the tools are
the same as the tools in photoshop.
I was not aware of how to use
                blogger before I started this
                process however, after a
                while I got used to the
                uploading process and then
                became aware of how to                Slideshare has been the easiest
                post links etc.. Knowing this I       website I used as I was able to
                was able to post links which          upload a PowerPoint which I had
                related to my work and had            and then posted the presentation
                significance to something I           link on my blog. I used uploaded
                was researching.                      many PowerPoint's whether it was
                                                      from research to analysis of results as
                                                      it was an easier way of presenting
                                                      my work.

This process taught me how to use different technologies which I had not used before. This put
me out of my comfort zone, at times this was difficult as certain things were hard and took longer.
However, as I was patient I was able to deal with this better. I have bettered my ict skills during
this process. I have also learnt how to manipulate images and how to edit background and
colours. These skills I can use in the future as I have learnt these new skills.
Something which I used often was importing items and uploading items, this could at times take a
long time if there was a lot of memory.
Looking back at your
preliminary task, what do
you feel you have learnt
in the progression from it
    to the full product?
•   Looking back ay my preliminary task I feel that I have firstly learnt how to
    design something unique better. My preliminary task was poorly designed
    and had not layout or structure compared to my music magazine which is
    far more better in design and structure.
•   I also felt that I have been able to better my ict skills which I did not have
    when I started my preliminary task. Throughout the process I made sure that
    my decisions were taken on the basis that the magazine must look realistic
    and also fulfil what my target audience would want. For this I made sure I got
    target audience research along with feedback for the product I had
    created. This helped me as I was able to take in other opinions, not just my
    own which could at times be seen as biased.
•   During this process I have been able to expand my knowledge by
    researching further on my own favourite music genres and adapting this to
    my work. This made the process more enjoyable and interesting. I have learnt
    how to use Adobe Photoshop and InDesign confidently whereas at the start
    the process I did not know anything about these software’s. I have also learnt
    how to upload PowerPoint's on slideshare and also how to edit posts on the
•   I have also learnt the importance time in this process, if I was to do this task
    again I would structure my time better and allow more time for when I am
    working out new software’s. By estimating and planning my time
    appropriately I wouldn’t have had to feel so rushed towards the end of this

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Question 1
Question 1Question 1
Question 1
As media foundation evalutation
As media foundation evalutationAs media foundation evalutation
As media foundation evalutation
Question 1- Conventions
Question 1- ConventionsQuestion 1- Conventions
Question 1- Conventions
Q1 – in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and...
Q1 – in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and...Q1 – in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and...
Q1 – in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and...
Evaluation of magazine
Evaluation of magazineEvaluation of magazine
Evaluation of magazine
Question 1
Question 1Question 1
Question 1
Media magazine evaluation
Media magazine evaluationMedia magazine evaluation
Media magazine evaluation
Media magazine evaluation
Media magazine evaluationMedia magazine evaluation
Media magazine evaluation
As media evaluation – asmaa tanveer
As media evaluation – asmaa tanveerAs media evaluation – asmaa tanveer
As media evaluation – asmaa tanveer
Evaluation Question 1
Evaluation Question 1Evaluation Question 1
Evaluation Question 1
Evaluation Question 1
Evaluation Question 1Evaluation Question 1
Evaluation Question 1
Evaluation question 1
Evaluation question 1Evaluation question 1
Evaluation question 1
Evaluation question 1
Evaluation question 1Evaluation question 1
Evaluation question 1
Evaluation question 1 second draft
Evaluation question 1   second draftEvaluation question 1   second draft
Evaluation question 1 second draft
Evaluation question 1
Evaluation question 1Evaluation question 1
Evaluation question 1
Media question 1
Media question 1Media question 1
Media question 1
Question 1
Question 1Question 1
Question 1

Media evaluation

  • 1.
  • 2. My music magazine genre is R&B and Hip Hop. I chose to combine these two genres because these were the most popular amongst my target audience research, I also felt that both of these genres can be linked as many R&B artists and Hip Hop artists work together to make the music that the target audience listens to. I also chose this genre because this is the genre of music I listen to therefore I felt I’d have more knowledge about this than any other music genres. For this piece of coursework I have created a front cover, contents page and a double page spread. Throughout this process of creating my music magazine I have referred to existing products, target audience research and other research materials. This has helped me to shape my own music magazine that relates to a clear purpose and target audience which is teenagers between the age of 16 – 19.
  • 3. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • 4. I firstly created a front cover which used similar conventions as a real music magazine front cover. As I did not find a R&B magazine I used a Hip Hop magazine which is one of the music genres which my music magazine represents. I decided to use a model who volunteered to allow me to take pictures of him. I had three options I could either use the green screen or take the image in a scenic area or create a ‘mise en scene’. As my magazine is a R&B and Hip Hop magazine I decided to take the images in an alley way because I thought this would create a dark atmosphere which would be represented in the magazine as a edgy feel. I asked the model to wear clothes which typically music artists from the chosen music genres would dress like. Therefore the model wore a cap and designer hoody. I thought this was effective because it would make the model look more realistic as a R&B male artist. After taking these images I decided to take another set of images with a different model but I took these images using the green screen. Although it was the first time I used a green screen I did not find it that challenging. I asked this model to wear black as I thought this would be effective because many Hip Hop artists wear this colour. When I looked at the images I had I used to the first models images for the front cover. The main image I chose as the front cover image is effective because it shows what a male R&B artist would wear and the facial expression and pose that would be expected.
  • 5. Conventions I have used Masthead – this is the title of the Pug – this is to magazine which shows ownership of the promote the magazine. magazine Main image – this is the cover image, it usually has significance to an article in the magazine. It has been taken as a medium close up image to show the models facial expression and importance of this to something in the magazine. Date and pricing – shows the date and price of the magazine which would be significant to the reader who is looking on the shelf in a shop. Website – this is the information for the companies website, this is important as it promotes and furthers the company. Coverlines – the coverlines are around the magazine front cover to catch the target audiences attention, this gives the reader an insight to what the magazine is offering Barcode – this shows professionalism and is an important asset to the front cover of the magazine as it would be scanned in a shop
  • 6. Comparison between my own music magazine and existing product – front cover Code magazine front cover Vibe magazine front cover Masthead – both magazine have a clear masthead which are in the colour white, this stand out off the coloured background. Main image – the front cover image is significant as both are a medium close up image. The music artist in the Vibe magazine is wearing a cap similarly to the fictional model in the Code magazine who is wearing a cap too. Also both images are covering the masthead to show that the magazine is authentic and well known. Coverlines –the coverlines Pug – both magazines has a pug in the top are in bold colours and left hand corner of the magazine front are in large font to show Both magazines use the cover. This is to promote the magazine. word ‘exclusively to promote the importance of this the magazine further. These information. words are in black font to Barcode – this is in the bottom left hand corner for stand off the background both magazines. colours.
  • 7. The contents page was more challenging than the front cover, this was mainly because existing products which conformed to my music genres for my music magazine did not have clear conventions. I looked at a range of different Hip Hop music magazine contents page and many did not have the same conventions. In order for my music magazine contents page to be effective I adapted some of the conventions from different magazine genres. I used three images on my contents page, the first was the image for my editors address. The second image was an image I had previously took and was considering for my front cover image. The third image was an image I recently took at a Drake concert, this artist is a Hip Hop artist and conformed to the music genre Hip Hop and R&B. I edited the second picture I took and the third image by selected only the image not the background so this could be easily inserted on the contents page. In an existing product I had seen that the title of the contents page was bold, I adapted this convention on my own contents page but to conform to the theme colours of my music magazine. In another existing product I had seen that the magazine put heading for some of the features in the magazine and then put the name of the feature under the title. I adapted this convention to suit the features I had made up. The most challenging part of this process was the layout of the contents page, I wanted to make the contents look spacious much like the existing products I had seen but I also wanted the contents page to look effective. In this case I developed conventions of existing products my taking conventions and developing this to suit my music magazine.
  • 8. Conventions I have used Title – contents page title is bold to stand off the background and to show the Magazine name – this is in the reader what this page is. top right hand corner to further and reassure the magazine name. Editors address – this is not featured in any Hip Hop magazines that I have seen, however I chose to create this as I thought it make the magazine more authentic, realistic and unique. The contents of the magazine is going down in numerical order. The font I have used is bold and clear this is effective as it carries on the theme that I have used throughout the magazine to show consistency. Colours – the colours I have used are conforming the theme colours that are grey, black and white. I have also Images – the images I have used are at a range used the colour purple to make the of shot sizes and angles, this is to show diversity. magazine look brighter and eye By using two images which are males I thought catching, this would draw attention to both genders as they can relate.
  • 9. Comparison between my own music magazine and existing product – contents page Code magazine contents page Vibe magazine contents page Title – the title of the contents pages are both in bold font and in large font to stand off the background. Magazine name – the magazine name is in the top right hand corner to reassure the reader of the magazine name and to make the magazine elements consistent. Headings – these have been used in both magazines above the title of heading name Font – for my magazine I have of the page. This is to Images – the Vibe magazine has used a range of different group the information only used on image whereas I colours for the font whereas, and make it more clear have used three images to break the Vibe magazine has only up the contents page and give used one colour. the reader more to look at.
  • 10. The double page spread was not as challenging as the contents page as I was able to look at a range of existing products. This enabled me to have different ideas and adapt different elements to make my double page spread unique. I did no have to worry about photography as I had already taken images. I only had to decide what image I wanted to use and where. My double page spread was focused on the fictional model I had used on the front cover. The double page spread would consist of a reported interview. Firstly I began this process by creating the interview and then putting this into reported speech. I then went onto the designing process. I used the same theme colours that are black, grey and white for the double page spread. I used a range of conventions from page numbers to the magazines website name and headings. These conventions conform but also challenge conventions as I have made my double page spread different.
  • 11. Conventions I have used Headings – the main heading is the artists name with a quote underneath. This is to give the reader an insight to the topics that will be discussed in the interview. Introduction – on the right hand side is a short introduction to introduce the artist and to introduce the interview. Colours – the background for the first page is an image and the background of the second page is the colour grey as this ties well with the colour scheme. Font – the font is similar to what has been used so far this is to show consistency in the magazine. The font colours stand off Page and website – I have added this the background are do not clash in information as it makes the magazine more colours to make the double page spread authentic. This shows that the company wants look more effective and bold. to further other elements of the company (in this case the website).
  • 12. Comparison between my own music magazine and existing product – Heading – the name double page spread of the artists are in the Page number - the page number for the NME magazine is in headings for both the bottom left hand corner where as I have situated the page magazine. number along with the website address in the bottom right hand and left hand cornier. Colours – the colours used for the existing product are different to the colours used for the Code magazine Layout – although the layout for both double page spread. However both magazine use magazines are different they do share a two different text colours which is effective as the font similar convention which is that an image is stands out. The font type for both magazines are on one side of the page. But the image for simple and consistent which the reader would the NME interview is a close up shot and is on appreciate because it can be read easily. For the the right hand side page whereas the Code text another convention has been used which is magazine has the image on the left hand making the first letter large and in a different colour to side and the image is at a long shot angle. make this stand out and show the significance of the interview starting point.
  • 13. Overall my media product uses and develops various conventions of a real music magazine. I have tried to stay as close to conventions which are in a music magazine that conforms to the similar genres that I am representing in my music magazine. However for my contents page I have had to challenge conventions and make my own up to make the contents page look realistic and authentic to my magazine theme and style. By using the same theme colours I have enabled a style which is similar to real media products as they follow a style which is put out in every magazine published. Looking at existing products helped me to achieve an effective look of my own magazine. I have also used the target audience research to shape up the content of my magazine for example the target audience research showed that 16 – 19 year olds would buy a magazine if it offered free gifts therefore I constructed an offer advertisement on my front cover to ensure that the target audience would get what the wanted. A way that my music genre develops forms and conventions of real media products is by firstly the name ‘Code’ I chose to use this name is it is short, catchy and can mean different things. This develops forms and conventions as it gives the target audience the chance to think of the meaning behind the name. The name could mean different things but does relate back to R&B and Hip Hop as there is a code behind every successful artist.
  • 14. How does your media product represent particular social group?
  • 15. I have represented teenagers in production by creating the magazine around both males and females of a teenage age. I have made sure that the images, colours scheme, language and structure will suit the purpose of the magazine and relate to the teenagers. The images I have used are edgy which relates to this demographic. I have not used images which are seductive or revealing as this could create a bad image for the magazine. For example, the main image I have used for the front cover involves the model wearing a hoodie and a cap this is typical of a teenage boy which shows that teenagers of the age of 16 – 19 are represented in the magazine. I have also represented teenagers in production by using quick persuading language which will catch the target audience’s attention. For example in the target audience research showed that teenagers would buy a magazine for a free gift/voucher, therefore I incorporated this into production buy advertising a free £5 off vouchers for HMV in the issue. This is also significant as the free gift/voucher is relates to the music industry because HMV is a British entertainment retailing company. The short and persuading language is effective as the text is eye catching to the target audience as they would be interested in free vouchers.
  • 16. Also the colours I have chosen to use are representative of the target audience, I have used grey, black and white repeatedly through the music magazine on my front cover, contents page and double page spread. These colours represent a dark, pure and mixed side to teenagers which is more of a true of their personality and preference. The representation of teenagers in my music magazine conforms to the stereotypical view in society which is rebellious and fun but also appreciative, in this case this is relating to the appreciation of music. The price of the magazine was decided in relation to the reality of what teenagers who may have a part-time job would be able to afford. From the target audience research the price of £3 was the most suitable price as this would attract a large amount of teenagers as the price is not too high and can also be considered due to a issue being published every fortnight. This shows how teenagers have been represented in production. The images I have used in Code are edgy and relates to the music genres R&B and Hip Hop. Both of these music genres promote a money orientated lifestyle whereby materialistic items are important. Similarly 16 – 19 year olds are materialistic and aspire to one day have loads of money for these expensive items. The front cover image shows how the hoody label is in an area which can be easily viewed. Therefore this shows that designer labels are important and significant amongst teenagers and celebrities. Designer label
  • 17. What kind of institution might distribute your media product and why?
  • 18. Media institutions which will distribute my media product (Code magazine)… ‘A media institution is an established, often-profit based organization, that deal in the creation and distribution of advertising, entertainment and information services.’ In this case it would be a magazine publisher. IPC Media – International Publishing Corporation This is a company which distributes magazines. There are a range of magazines which this company distributes. The music magazine which IPC Media currently publishes is NME. As this is such a well known company I think that this would be the perfect institution that would distribute my magazine Code. In the UK alone the magazines under this publisher engages with 26 million adults. This would be effective for my magazine as it would have the correct exposure to those in the UK and worldwide. I think that IPC Media has a diverse range of magazine currently. My magazine would extend the genres of magazine from what they already have. Also think that IPC engage with teens and young people therefore this would be a good opportunity for their company to become even more popular by having a stronger teen audience. IPC Media’s advertisement and creativity would enable a certain social group to follow this and many more magazines.
  • 19. Media institutions which will distribute my media product (Code magazine)… Bauer Media Group founded in 1875 is another media institution which publishes magazines. A well known music magazine which is published by this company is Q magazine. This institution would be another good publisher for my magazine ‘Code’ because it would has the experience to further the advertisement and credibility. As my magazine is a R&B and Hip Hop magazine this would help create a target audience which would extend the current audience which Bauer engages with. Currently the magazines which Bauer publish amounts to 38 million magazine a week worldwide. Magazine is not the only product that Bauer publishes, it only publishes Radio which is another form of marketing. If the magazine was to get the right exposure through radio this could make the magazine popular. This could lead to the magazine having it own radio station for the music genres R&B and Hip Hop. Another important factor is that Bauer do not publish a R&B and Hip Hop magazine showing that there is a gap in the market therefore ‘Code’ would be a good asset to this company.
  • 20. Who would be the audience for your media product?
  • 21. The audience for this media product would be teenagers (males and females) between the age of 16 – 19 who enjoy R&B and Hip Hop music. I chose this age range at this age teenagers are experimenting with their music taste, fashion, language and trying to become their own person. My magazine challenges the stereotypical view that all teenagers do drugs, get involved in crime but instead they are lively and outgoing. • I chose to represent teenagers in my magazine as modelled versions after music artists, this is in relation to the way teenagers dress and the things they enjoy to do and find the things they want to find out about (gossip). Many teenagers enjoy music because of the emotion and feeling behind this, for this reason my music magazine is about representing that and allowing teenagers to be able to have something to read that they are interested in. I also didn’t want to just offer masses of text but also images, offers and other information which teenagers between the age of 16 – 19 are actually interested in. • The price of the magazine is another important feature of the magazine, I chose this price accordingly to what I thought a 16 – 19 year would be able to afford. I also wanted to give the reader the right amount of information for the amount they paid. Therefore by giving quality and unique information the reader would appreciate this and keep on reading other issues. • R&B and Hip Hop music is enjoyed by any nationality or ethnicity therefore I have not made my music magazine based around a specific nationality or ethnicity.
  • 22. How did you attract/address your audience?
  • 23. I attracted my target audience by having a I used words like excluisvely, volunteering model on the front cover. By controversy and revealed to using a medium close up shot this would attract the target audience draw more teenagers towards the magazine as they would be interested as they would want to know who this would by these words to find out the be. latest information or gossip. I used a pug which is the advertisement to attract the target The colours I used for the front audience as those cover also attract the who answered my audience as these colours are survey said that bold and colourful. This shows they would buy a the significance of this magazine for a free information. gift. Therefore by offering this, it would draw more attention towards I also attracted the audience the magazine. by advertising the price, this is important as teenagers between the age of 16 – 19 are conscious about their money.
  • 24. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
  • 25. I used many programmes during the process of constructing this product. I used two different adobe software's to create my music magazine. To create the front cover and contents page I used Photoshop and to create the double page spread I used InDesign. This is was challenging to get used to as I had not used these software's before. To get an idea of how to use this software I used Google to search for some tutorial or tips. This helped me a lot as I was able to have some knowledge about layers, colours, inserting shapes and editing images. During my process I took some screenshots of the work I was producing to show progress. Base of my front cover I finished my front cover like this, after receiving feedback and rearranging colours and text.
  • 26. Before feedback After feedback
  • 27. I opened a separate document for the Tools I used to create my front cover image and selected around the image without the background in so that this could To create the background I be placed on the background. For this I used used the gradient tool and the magic wand tool, I then copied the cut selected the colours black, out image on the background. grey and white. I moved around the scales which gave me this effect from the centre. To create the masthead I used the text tool. I selected the font type and the size. For the cover lines I done this same process but selected other font types. For the large coverline is selected the font type Stencil Std as it was bold and stands off the background image. Using the rectangle I interested a rectangle and coloured this in black. I then rotated it around and placed this is the top right hand corner to look like a banner/advertisement.
  • 28. After receiving feedback I was told I need to make use of this space so therefore I thought that this space could be used to advertise the price. Inserted the circle tool, which I filled in black and placed the top right hand corner. I inserted text on top of this in white to make this conform to the theme colours. I then inserted two more shapes to advertise other information on the front cover. The first was a start to advertise an offer, I chose to fill this is in white because it stands off the background. The second shape was a rectangle with curved edges, I chose to fill this in white as it needed to allow the text to stand off it as the text was not visible on the image. I then inserted more text which was the I then inserted a barcode which I found information about the magazines website. The from the internet to make the font cover web address was originally in black however look more attractive. after feedback I changed this an one of the coverlines to red. This colour made this information stand out. The colour red represents urgency and danger, automatically drawing the readers attention to this area.
  • 29. By this point the designing process was easier for me as I had practice from the front cover design process. I used similar colours and font types to keep the consistency. A unique asset that I created was my editors address signature, I created this on paper and then scanned this in. I think this is effective as it makes the contents page and editors address more realistic. I used this shape as the background as I thought it would make the text stand out. Also by using this shape I have shown the reader where the main set of information is situated. For the double page spread I used the InDesign as this seemed easier for layout. InDesign was in fact easier to set out text as I used layer which I had set up on the page layout. However, it was not good for editing images, therefore I did not edit any pictures on this software. I was able to insert the text correctly as the tools are the same as the tools in photoshop.
  • 30. I was not aware of how to use blogger before I started this process however, after a while I got used to the uploading process and then became aware of how to Slideshare has been the easiest post links etc.. Knowing this I website I used as I was able to was able to post links which upload a PowerPoint which I had related to my work and had and then posted the presentation significance to something I link on my blog. I used uploaded was researching. many PowerPoint's whether it was from research to analysis of results as it was an easier way of presenting my work. This process taught me how to use different technologies which I had not used before. This put me out of my comfort zone, at times this was difficult as certain things were hard and took longer. However, as I was patient I was able to deal with this better. I have bettered my ict skills during this process. I have also learnt how to manipulate images and how to edit background and colours. These skills I can use in the future as I have learnt these new skills. Something which I used often was importing items and uploading items, this could at times take a long time if there was a lot of memory.
  • 31. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
  • 32. Looking back ay my preliminary task I feel that I have firstly learnt how to design something unique better. My preliminary task was poorly designed and had not layout or structure compared to my music magazine which is far more better in design and structure. • I also felt that I have been able to better my ict skills which I did not have when I started my preliminary task. Throughout the process I made sure that my decisions were taken on the basis that the magazine must look realistic and also fulfil what my target audience would want. For this I made sure I got target audience research along with feedback for the product I had created. This helped me as I was able to take in other opinions, not just my own which could at times be seen as biased. • During this process I have been able to expand my knowledge by researching further on my own favourite music genres and adapting this to my work. This made the process more enjoyable and interesting. I have learnt how to use Adobe Photoshop and InDesign confidently whereas at the start the process I did not know anything about these software’s. I have also learnt how to upload PowerPoint's on slideshare and also how to edit posts on the blog. • I have also learnt the importance time in this process, if I was to do this task again I would structure my time better and allow more time for when I am working out new software’s. By estimating and planning my time appropriately I wouldn’t have had to feel so rushed towards the end of this process.