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3. What have you learned from
   your audience feedback?
Paper Questionnaire
• We gave the following questionnaire to 10
  people, we showed them all three of the
  products we’d produced and asked them to
  answer the questionnaire honestly.
Documentary Section
Question 1
    What do you think of the exposition of our three
                 minute documentary?
                                         This clearly shows the
5                                        nobody thought it was poor.
                                         Although 20% rated it as
                                         average, we think that the
3                                        80% majority saying good or
                                         very good conveys that the
2                                        quality was good but there
                                         were a few minor details to
1                                        change. The major thing
                                         people said was that they
                                         wanted to see a few more
     Very Good   Good   Average   Poor   VoxPops and more case
Question 2
Do you think the camera angles and shots used
     were effective for our documentary?

  (No)                    With 70% saying the camera
                          angles/shots were effective we feel that
                          this is a strong majority. We think that a
                          few of the shots may have had more
                          effective ways to be filmed as suggested
              70% (Yes)   in the feedback to use high angle shots
                          etc however, due to health and safety
                          some of these were not possible.
Question 3
Were the transitions used appropriately?

                       A huge 90% majority and comments
                       show that the transitions did not
                       distract from the documentary and
                       meant that things ran smoothly
                       between sections. We think this is great
                       as we found some of the transitions
                       were too blatant and were not
                       appropriate. The only negative
           90% (Yes)
                       comment we received was that they
                       wanted a few more transitions instead
                       of straight cuts.
Question 4
Do you think the sound levels were appropriate?

                             Although this is directly split, we think
                             this is because it was difficult to deal
                             with sound levels as different areas had
                             different diadetic sounds, due to this we
                             were unable to control the background
 (No)            50% (Yes)
                             noises and found it hard to set sound
                             levels to an appropriate level without
                             also affecting the background noise.
                             Also due to different people talking at
                             different sound levels it was hard to
                             ensure they all were the same.
Question 5
Do you think the music chosen was appropriate
    for our documentary genre? Give detail

                      Everyone agreed the music was
                      good, this was because we chose
                      different pieces to match different
                      emotions. Someone said the bit with
                      slow music and article headlines was
                      particularly good.

Question 6
      Did you learn anything new from our
        documentary? If so what was this?

                        The main thing people said they’d learnt
 No                     was the figures of babies born in
20%                     different countries. One of the people
                        who said they hadn’t learnt anything
                        actually said that this was because they
                        knew pregnant people showing what a
                        huge issue it is.

Question 7
      What do you believe are the strengths of our
                                                         Overall, this shows our aim
  4                                                      for it to appeal to
3.5                                                      teenagers is fulfilled as key
  3                                                      aspects were to engage the
2.5                                                      viewer personally and to
                                                         enable teens to
                                                         understand the huge issue
1.5                                                      on out hands. Someone
  1                                                      said that the piece to
0.5                                                      camera was good as they
  0                                                      felt they could relate to a
                                                         teenage presenter.
        Use of      Piece to    Clear to  No Strengths
      Transitions   Camera     understand
Question 8
Are there any improvements to be made to our
       documentary? If so what are they?

   28%                 The only criticism we really received was
                       that there were a few shaky shots and
                       that some people wanted a few more
                       different interviews.

Question 9
Would you continue to watch the rest of our
                          With 100% of people that would
                          watch the rest of the documentary
                          this shows that it is
                          interesting, engaging and appeals
                          to our target audience.

Radio Trailer Section
Question 1
Do you think the radio trailer linked in well with
            our documentary? How?

                            People though the use of the same
                            music, script, voice etc all
                            contributed to them working well

Question 2
Do you think the sound levels are suitable?

                       Sound levels in different areas had
                       different diadetic sounds, due to this we
                       were unable to control the background
                       noises and found it hard to set sound
                       levels to an appropriate level without
                       also affecting the background noise.
                       Also due to different people talking at
                       different sound levels it was hard to
        Yes            ensure they all were the same.
Question 3
      What caught your attention the most? Why?
  4                                                  People said that all
3.5                                                  were good but the
  3                                                  baby was really
2.5                                                  unexpected and
                                                     caught your
      Baby crying   Extract of     Music   Nothing
        sound        VoxPop
Question 4
                     What improvements could be made?
  3                                                             Although we thought
2.5                                                             it would be good to
  2                                                             put the music later
1.5                                                             we now realise we
  1                                                             needed this sooner
0.5                                                             to keep interest.
      Clearer sound levels

                                              No improvements
                             Music nearer
Question 5
After listening to the radio trailer would this
 make you want to watch the documentary?

                         People said the presenter
                         seems really relatable and
                         they liked the James Bond
                         style spin on it. They think it
                         would stand out on the radio
                         and would want to know
                         more about it because of the
Double Page Spread Section
Question 1
        What stands out on the dps the most?

8                                         People said it was fun trying
7                                         to guess what country the
                                          babies represented. We think
                                          this was a really good feature
5                                         to include as it’s added a little
4                                         bit of humour to it which
                                          teenagers would appreciate.
    Images   Colours   Masthead   Other
Question 2
Do you think the colour scheme is suitable?
               Why/why not?

                           People said that they liked to
                           contrast of the background to
                           the other colours but though
   No                      they looked good
  40%                      together, others liked how
                           some colours complimented
                           each other and some thought
              Yes          that the colours were a bit too
              60%          dark or feminine.
Question 3
Do you think the chosen magazine relates well
      to our teen pregnancy topic? Why?
     (No)                    Someone said that they’d
                             seen an article on teenage
                             pregnancy in teen vogue
                             before so thought it was
                             great. Others said they could
                             see it appearing in Teen Vogue
                             and some said that a TV
                             magazine may have been
            90% (Yes)        more appropriate.
Question 4
• Are the images used suitable? How/Why?

                        People said that the cartoons
                        were fun and quirky, others
                        said you could clearly tell it
                        was an article aimed at teens
                        and others said it was clearly
                        about teenage pregnancy

  Is it clear to you that the double page
spread, radio trailer and documentary are all
     related to one another? How/Why?
                        People said the same images
                        were on the documentary and
                        dps, the same music on the
                        documentary and the radio
                        trailer and on all the name
                        was clearly visible. I think this
                        is very positive, we tried to
                        link the 3 together as much as
                        possible to create an identity
                        so this shows we achieved it.
Question 6
After reading the article would this entice you
       to watch our documentary? Why?

      No                  Some thought the images were
     20%                  intriguing, some said the
                          presenter seemed nice and
                          would be entertaining and some
                          said that the colours put them
                          off slightly thinking it would be
                          really female orientated. Overall
                          this is positive feedback, the
              Yes         article writing was what we
              80%         spent longest on so I’m not too
                          surprised it was received well.
Question 7
Are there any improvements to be made? If so
 what are these?
                                                 I’m not surprised by this as
                                                  of the 3 tasks this was the
                                                   last to be completed, we
   2                                              were nearing the deadline
 1.5                                              and didn’t spend as much
   1                                             time on it as the rest of the
 0.5                                                         tasks.
       Colours could Less crowded      No
         be lighter   on the page improvements
• The feedback was really useful, there are some
  areas that would need changes but overall the
  reception to the work was very good. The main
  thing learnt from this was that people thought
  our article did look right in Teen Vogue making
  that a good decision – how we made that
  decision will follow. On the whole I was not
  surprised by any of the results, the areas people
  picked up on were little mistakes that would need
  addressing however, the mainly positive feedback
  is great from our target audience.
Survey Monkey Questionnaire
Question 1
                What gender are you?

20                                   As we were aiming this
                                     documentary more at
                                     females we wanted to
15                                    include slightly more
                                     females to get a more
10                                   accurate point of view
                                    however, we also wanted
                                    males views just to make
                                  sure it was still accessible for
     Male   Female
Question 2
                    How old are you?

                                         We wanted the views of
                             Under 13    people slightly out of our
      13%    13%
                                        target audience age group
                             13 - 16      but predominantly we
                             17 -19       wanted to focus on our
10%                27%       20 - 23       target audience ages.
                             23 - 27
       27%                   28+
Question 3
     How often do you buy magazines

 8                         We think this shows that not
 6                             that many teens buy
                             magazines therefore we
                            wanted to target our group
 2                         specifically so teenaged girls
 0                           and therefore wanted to
                           know the best magazine that
                                appealed to them .
Question 4
   Why do you choose to buy or not to buy magazines?
                   From this the main responses we received were:

For fashion and celebrity info                       I prefer to look at things online.

                                 It’s wasted money

Good to keep up with stuff                           Nobody my age does anymore
Question 5
Do TV listing magazines interest you?

                           We think this shows that not
                           that many teens would buy a
                                TV listing magazine
                           therefore we wanted to pick
                           a magazine our target group
                           would be more likely to buy.

Question 6
   What does or doesn’t interest you in these magazines?
                        From this the main responses we received were:

            TV guides                                        They're just boring.

                                    Any spoilers or gossip

Only tv articles interest me in them but they
mainly only include tv guides                        They're something my Nan reads.
Question 7
    We're creating a new documentary on Teenage
Pregnancy, would you prefer to read an article on this in a
   TV listings magazine or a normal type of magazine?

              TV Listings
                 13%               We think this shows that we
                                    shouldn’t put our DPS in a
                                      TV listings magazine.

Question 8
     If you had to pick one the following magazines for
        this article to appear in which would it be?
                                                    We think this shows that we
8                                                   should put our DPS in Teen
6                                                             Vogue
      Heat   OK!    Teen Vogue TV Cosmo Now TV
                   Vogue      Choice        Times
• Overall from this survey I learnt that although
  a TV listings magazine is the obviously choice
  to publish our DPS in, teenagers don’t tend to
  buy them therefore it would not reach our
  target audience. In order to match the style of
  teen vogue we adapted our style of article in
  order to fit in. I was not surprised by these
  findings as I’m a teenager and I wouldn’t be
  interested in TV listing magazines.
Focus group response to this
• I held a focus group with 10 people ranging ages
  16 – 20 with 5 males and 5 females. I asked the
   “How effective is the combination of the main
    product and ancillary texts? Do you think they
       belong together? Would you watch this
             documentary on this basis?”

Gender: Female
Age: 16
Occupation: Student
Overall view: Finds everything interesting and links well

     “I really like the look of this documentary! It looks really interesting the
     way you have presented everything. The radio trailer is really different
     with the agent kind of music, I like how this is used in the documentary
   too because that links really well. I think the double page spread definitely
       links in too and it advertises the documentary really well. I think this
            would fit in well to teen vogue! I would definitely watch this

Gender: Male
Age: 16
Occupation: Student
Overall view: Thinks it links well but isn’t really his interest

   “Based on your questions I think all the items look like they go together, I
         think you could pick out the fact that they’re all for the same
   Documentary. I think they’d be effective to interest girls. But, to be honest
     it doesn’t really interest me that much, if it was on and there wasn’t
   anything I particularly wanted to watch I wouldn’t mind watching it but it
                          wouldn’t be my first choice. ”

Gender: Female
Age: 17
Occupation: Student
Overall view: Thinks it looks better than most documentaries

   “I really like the Double Page Spread, it’s colourful, lively and I though the
     cartoon babies were great! They were really good fun to try and guess
        what country it was representing – the most challenging was the
   Netherlands! I think all 3 things go together really well and would interest
   me in watching the documentary. There are quite a few documentaries of
      this style out there at the moment and I think yours looks better than
    most of them! The others are too repetitive but this is something fresh.”

Gender: Male
Age: 17
Occupation: Student
Overall view: He wants to be a doctor and see this as interesting from that point of view
but thinks as a boy its not that interesting

   “I think there are some good links between the 3 things, I think the Radio
   Trailer and the Documentary link better than the Double Page Spread but
     I suppose it’s easier to make those two link. I think overall though they
   link pretty well. As a boy I wouldn’t really be overly interested in this kind
   of documentary but I want to be a doctor so I find it interesting from that
      point of view. I think if it was a real documentary because there’s the
       views of people in the medical profession this would be interesting.”

Gender: Female
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Overall view: Really liked it, would watch the documentary

    “I think it was great! I like the links with the same kinds of things being
     repeated like the script for the documentary and the radio trailer have
    some of the same bits in there so I think that’s really good because you
   know what you’re expecting rather than the radio trailer misrepresenting
   the documentary. The links between the things are clear and so I think its
      quite a strong advertisement for the documentary. I would no doubt
   watch this as I think it’s set the tone as informative and I would learn a lot
                                        from it.”

Gender: Male
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Overall view: Really liked it, thought everything was really interesting especially to
teenagers because of the presenter’s age

     “I thought it seemed really interesting. In some ways the Double Page
    Spread seems quite girly as it’s all pink but because it’s a girly magazine
     that fits in well. The actual documentary and radio trailer aren’t overly
     girly which is really good as most of these style documentaries are too
   girly and I get bored. The three things link well but as I said obviously the
   double page spread is more girly because of the magazine. The best bit I
    think is the presenter being a teenager, this makes me able to relate so I
   would want to watch the documentary because I think that would make it
                   more interesting then an adult presenting it.”

Gender: Female
Age: 19
Occupation: Student
Overall view: Based on the degree she’s doing she knows a lot about this and thinks it’s
an accurate representation

   “I think everything’s good, there are clear links between the products and
   they overlap in some ways. Together they promote the documentary well.
   I would watch this as I’m doing a degree related to the medical profession
    and I think this shows a good rounded view of teen pregnancy. Especially
       because I see cases even younger than this so I know how bad it is.”

Gender: Female
Age: 19
Occupation: Student
Overall view: He has a friend who’s a teen Dad so he thinks it’s a good topic, he likes the
approach being slightly more feminine as he thinks this subject would most likely appeal
to girls anyway.
    “My best friends a teen Dad so I know this is important to make people
   more aware as I know my friend wasn’t. I think the three things look good
     together and I like the fact the article is more feminine as this kind of
   documentary is more likely to appeal to girls anyway so you might as well
   appeal to them even more. But I like that nothing else is feminine to lads
     can watch it too. I would probably watch this because I know loads of
    people who are getting pregnant in their teen years and I think it’s good
           to open discussions on it more and make people aware.”

Gender: Female
Age: 20
Occupation: Student
Overall view: Thinks the subject is great and needs exploring

       “I think the concept is great, this is a subject that really needs exploring.
        The Documentary, Radio Trailer and Article all look good together and I
         think I most likely would watch the documentary. The only bad thing I
           have to say is that I think the article is quite overly pink, some girls
          wouldn’t like this. But I get that Teen Vogue is quite a pink and girly
                                     magazine anyway.”

Gender: Female
Age: 20
Occupation: Student
Overall view: He’s quite interested in it and he thinks that everything belongs together
and that overall it looks good and should appeal to the target audience

       “First off I think it all links really well, there’s the same fonts etc being
      used to it looks good all together. I think they’d definitely appeal to the
       target audience and get people to watch it. As for me I wouldn’t say I
      definitely wouldn’t watch it but I wouldn’t go out my way to make sure I
                                             saw it.”
• Overall from this focus group, I found most of the
  feedback positive. As I decided that it would be
  better to aim the documentary at females I’m not
  surprised by some of the male’s responses
  however, it is very good that they would still
  consider watching the documentary regardless.
  The feedback from the females is great as they
  fall into the target audience perfectly and this
  shows that our research questionnaires etc
  worked really well.

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Evaluation - Question 3

  • 1. 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?
  • 2. Paper Questionnaire • We gave the following questionnaire to 10 people, we showed them all three of the products we’d produced and asked them to answer the questionnaire honestly.
  • 3.
  • 5. Question 1 What do you think of the exposition of our three minute documentary? 6 This clearly shows the 5 nobody thought it was poor. Although 20% rated it as 4 average, we think that the 3 80% majority saying good or very good conveys that the 2 quality was good but there were a few minor details to 1 change. The major thing people said was that they 0 wanted to see a few more Very Good Good Average Poor VoxPops and more case studies.
  • 6. Question 2 Do you think the camera angles and shots used were effective for our documentary? 30% (No) With 70% saying the camera angles/shots were effective we feel that this is a strong majority. We think that a few of the shots may have had more effective ways to be filmed as suggested 70% (Yes) in the feedback to use high angle shots etc however, due to health and safety some of these were not possible.
  • 7. Question 3 Were the transitions used appropriately? 10% (No) A huge 90% majority and comments show that the transitions did not distract from the documentary and meant that things ran smoothly between sections. We think this is great as we found some of the transitions were too blatant and were not appropriate. The only negative 90% (Yes) comment we received was that they wanted a few more transitions instead of straight cuts.
  • 8. Question 4 Do you think the sound levels were appropriate? Although this is directly split, we think this is because it was difficult to deal with sound levels as different areas had different diadetic sounds, due to this we 50% were unable to control the background (No) 50% (Yes) noises and found it hard to set sound levels to an appropriate level without also affecting the background noise. Also due to different people talking at different sound levels it was hard to ensure they all were the same.
  • 9. Question 5 Do you think the music chosen was appropriate for our documentary genre? Give detail No 0% Everyone agreed the music was good, this was because we chose different pieces to match different emotions. Someone said the bit with slow music and article headlines was particularly good. Yes 100%
  • 10. Question 6 Did you learn anything new from our documentary? If so what was this? The main thing people said they’d learnt No was the figures of babies born in 20% different countries. One of the people who said they hadn’t learnt anything actually said that this was because they knew pregnant people showing what a huge issue it is. Yes 80%
  • 11. Question 7 What do you believe are the strengths of our documentary? 4.5 Overall, this shows our aim 4 for it to appeal to 3.5 teenagers is fulfilled as key 3 aspects were to engage the 2.5 viewer personally and to enable teens to 2 understand the huge issue 1.5 on out hands. Someone 1 said that the piece to 0.5 camera was good as they 0 felt they could relate to a teenage presenter. Use of Piece to Clear to No Strengths Transitions Camera understand
  • 12. Question 8 Are there any improvements to be made to our documentary? If so what are they? No 28% The only criticism we really received was that there were a few shaky shots and that some people wanted a few more different interviews. Yes 72%
  • 13. Question 9 Would you continue to watch the rest of our documentary? No 0% With 100% of people that would watch the rest of the documentary this shows that it is interesting, engaging and appeals to our target audience. Yes 100%
  • 15. Question 1 Do you think the radio trailer linked in well with our documentary? How? No 0% People though the use of the same music, script, voice etc all contributed to them working well together. Yes 100%
  • 16. Question 2 Do you think the sound levels are suitable? Sound levels in different areas had No different diadetic sounds, due to this we 20% were unable to control the background noises and found it hard to set sound levels to an appropriate level without also affecting the background noise. Also due to different people talking at different sound levels it was hard to Yes ensure they all were the same. 80%
  • 17. Question 3 What caught your attention the most? Why? 4.5 4 People said that all 3.5 were good but the 3 baby was really 2.5 unexpected and caught your 2 attention. 1.5 1 0.5 0 Baby crying Extract of Music Nothing sound VoxPop
  • 18. Question 4 What improvements could be made? 4.5 4 3.5 3 Although we thought 2.5 it would be good to 2 put the music later 1.5 we now realise we 1 needed this sooner 0.5 to keep interest. 0 Clearer sound levels No improvements Music nearer beginning
  • 19. Question 5 After listening to the radio trailer would this make you want to watch the documentary? No 0% People said the presenter seems really relatable and they liked the James Bond style spin on it. They think it would stand out on the radio and would want to know more about it because of the trailer. Yes 100%
  • 21. Question 1 What stands out on the dps the most? 8 People said it was fun trying 7 to guess what country the babies represented. We think 6 this was a really good feature 5 to include as it’s added a little 4 bit of humour to it which teenagers would appreciate. 3 2 1 0 Images Colours Masthead Other
  • 22. Question 2 Do you think the colour scheme is suitable? Why/why not? People said that they liked to contrast of the background to the other colours but though No they looked good 40% together, others liked how some colours complimented each other and some thought Yes that the colours were a bit too 60% dark or feminine.
  • 23. Question 3 Do you think the chosen magazine relates well to our teen pregnancy topic? Why? 10% (No) Someone said that they’d seen an article on teenage pregnancy in teen vogue before so thought it was great. Others said they could see it appearing in Teen Vogue and some said that a TV magazine may have been 90% (Yes) more appropriate.
  • 24. Question 4 • Are the images used suitable? How/Why? No 0% People said that the cartoons were fun and quirky, others said you could clearly tell it was an article aimed at teens and others said it was clearly about teenage pregnancy Yes 100%
  • 25. Question5 Is it clear to you that the double page spread, radio trailer and documentary are all related to one another? How/Why? No 0% People said the same images were on the documentary and dps, the same music on the documentary and the radio trailer and on all the name was clearly visible. I think this is very positive, we tried to link the 3 together as much as possible to create an identity Yes so this shows we achieved it. 100%
  • 26. Question 6 After reading the article would this entice you to watch our documentary? Why? No Some thought the images were 20% intriguing, some said the presenter seemed nice and would be entertaining and some said that the colours put them off slightly thinking it would be really female orientated. Overall this is positive feedback, the Yes article writing was what we 80% spent longest on so I’m not too surprised it was received well.
  • 27. Question 7 Are there any improvements to be made? If so what are these? 4.5 4 3.5 I’m not surprised by this as 3 of the 3 tasks this was the 2.5 last to be completed, we 2 were nearing the deadline 1.5 and didn’t spend as much 1 time on it as the rest of the 0.5 tasks. 0 Colours could Less crowded No be lighter on the page improvements
  • 28. Overall • The feedback was really useful, there are some areas that would need changes but overall the reception to the work was very good. The main thing learnt from this was that people thought our article did look right in Teen Vogue making that a good decision – how we made that decision will follow. On the whole I was not surprised by any of the results, the areas people picked up on were little mistakes that would need addressing however, the mainly positive feedback is great from our target audience.
  • 30. Question 1 What gender are you? 25 20 As we were aiming this documentary more at females we wanted to 15 include slightly more females to get a more 10 accurate point of view however, we also wanted males views just to make 5 sure it was still accessible for them. 0 Male Female
  • 31. Question 2 How old are you? We wanted the views of Under 13 people slightly out of our 13% 13% target audience age group 13 - 16 but predominantly we 10% 17 -19 wanted to focus on our 10% 27% 20 - 23 target audience ages. 23 - 27 27% 28+
  • 32. Question 3 How often do you buy magazines 10 8 We think this shows that not 6 that many teens buy magazines therefore we 4 wanted to target our group 2 specifically so teenaged girls 0 and therefore wanted to know the best magazine that appealed to them .
  • 33. Question 4 Why do you choose to buy or not to buy magazines? From this the main responses we received were: For fashion and celebrity info I prefer to look at things online. It’s wasted money Good to keep up with stuff Nobody my age does anymore
  • 34. Question 5 Do TV listing magazines interest you? We think this shows that not Yes that many teens would buy a 20% TV listing magazine therefore we wanted to pick a magazine our target group would be more likely to buy. No 80%
  • 35. Question 6 What does or doesn’t interest you in these magazines? From this the main responses we received were: TV guides They're just boring. Any spoilers or gossip Only tv articles interest me in them but they mainly only include tv guides They're something my Nan reads.
  • 36. Question 7 We're creating a new documentary on Teenage Pregnancy, would you prefer to read an article on this in a TV listings magazine or a normal type of magazine? TV Listings 13% We think this shows that we shouldn’t put our DPS in a TV listings magazine. Normal 87%
  • 37. Question 8 If you had to pick one the following magazines for this article to appear in which would it be? 16 14 12 10 We think this shows that we 8 should put our DPS in Teen 6 Vogue 4 2 0 Heat OK! Teen Vogue TV Cosmo Now TV Vogue Choice Times
  • 38. Overall • Overall from this survey I learnt that although a TV listings magazine is the obviously choice to publish our DPS in, teenagers don’t tend to buy them therefore it would not reach our target audience. In order to match the style of teen vogue we adapted our style of article in order to fit in. I was not surprised by these findings as I’m a teenager and I wouldn’t be interested in TV listing magazines.
  • 39. Focus group response to this • I held a focus group with 10 people ranging ages 16 – 20 with 5 males and 5 females. I asked the questions: “How effective is the combination of the main product and ancillary texts? Do you think they belong together? Would you watch this documentary on this basis?”
  • 40. Abi Gender: Female Age: 16 Occupation: Student Overall view: Finds everything interesting and links well “I really like the look of this documentary! It looks really interesting the way you have presented everything. The radio trailer is really different with the agent kind of music, I like how this is used in the documentary too because that links really well. I think the double page spread definitely links in too and it advertises the documentary really well. I think this would fit in well to teen vogue! I would definitely watch this documentary.”
  • 41. Connor Gender: Male Age: 16 Occupation: Student Overall view: Thinks it links well but isn’t really his interest “Based on your questions I think all the items look like they go together, I think you could pick out the fact that they’re all for the same Documentary. I think they’d be effective to interest girls. But, to be honest it doesn’t really interest me that much, if it was on and there wasn’t anything I particularly wanted to watch I wouldn’t mind watching it but it wouldn’t be my first choice. ”
  • 42. Sophie Gender: Female Age: 17 Occupation: Student Overall view: Thinks it looks better than most documentaries “I really like the Double Page Spread, it’s colourful, lively and I though the cartoon babies were great! They were really good fun to try and guess what country it was representing – the most challenging was the Netherlands! I think all 3 things go together really well and would interest me in watching the documentary. There are quite a few documentaries of this style out there at the moment and I think yours looks better than most of them! The others are too repetitive but this is something fresh.”
  • 43. Rajan Gender: Male Age: 17 Occupation: Student Overall view: He wants to be a doctor and see this as interesting from that point of view but thinks as a boy its not that interesting “I think there are some good links between the 3 things, I think the Radio Trailer and the Documentary link better than the Double Page Spread but I suppose it’s easier to make those two link. I think overall though they link pretty well. As a boy I wouldn’t really be overly interested in this kind of documentary but I want to be a doctor so I find it interesting from that point of view. I think if it was a real documentary because there’s the views of people in the medical profession this would be interesting.”
  • 44. Charley Gender: Female Age: 18 Occupation: Student Overall view: Really liked it, would watch the documentary “I think it was great! I like the links with the same kinds of things being repeated like the script for the documentary and the radio trailer have some of the same bits in there so I think that’s really good because you know what you’re expecting rather than the radio trailer misrepresenting the documentary. The links between the things are clear and so I think its quite a strong advertisement for the documentary. I would no doubt watch this as I think it’s set the tone as informative and I would learn a lot from it.”
  • 45. Oliver Gender: Male Age: 18 Occupation: Student Overall view: Really liked it, thought everything was really interesting especially to teenagers because of the presenter’s age “I thought it seemed really interesting. In some ways the Double Page Spread seems quite girly as it’s all pink but because it’s a girly magazine that fits in well. The actual documentary and radio trailer aren’t overly girly which is really good as most of these style documentaries are too girly and I get bored. The three things link well but as I said obviously the double page spread is more girly because of the magazine. The best bit I think is the presenter being a teenager, this makes me able to relate so I would want to watch the documentary because I think that would make it more interesting then an adult presenting it.”
  • 46. Georgina Gender: Female Age: 19 Occupation: Student Overall view: Based on the degree she’s doing she knows a lot about this and thinks it’s an accurate representation “I think everything’s good, there are clear links between the products and they overlap in some ways. Together they promote the documentary well. I would watch this as I’m doing a degree related to the medical profession and I think this shows a good rounded view of teen pregnancy. Especially because I see cases even younger than this so I know how bad it is.”
  • 47. Josh Gender: Female Age: 19 Occupation: Student Overall view: He has a friend who’s a teen Dad so he thinks it’s a good topic, he likes the approach being slightly more feminine as he thinks this subject would most likely appeal to girls anyway. “My best friends a teen Dad so I know this is important to make people more aware as I know my friend wasn’t. I think the three things look good together and I like the fact the article is more feminine as this kind of documentary is more likely to appeal to girls anyway so you might as well appeal to them even more. But I like that nothing else is feminine to lads can watch it too. I would probably watch this because I know loads of people who are getting pregnant in their teen years and I think it’s good to open discussions on it more and make people aware.”
  • 48. Kate Gender: Female Age: 20 Occupation: Student Overall view: Thinks the subject is great and needs exploring “I think the concept is great, this is a subject that really needs exploring. The Documentary, Radio Trailer and Article all look good together and I think I most likely would watch the documentary. The only bad thing I have to say is that I think the article is quite overly pink, some girls wouldn’t like this. But I get that Teen Vogue is quite a pink and girly magazine anyway.”
  • 49. Tom Gender: Female Age: 20 Occupation: Student Overall view: He’s quite interested in it and he thinks that everything belongs together and that overall it looks good and should appeal to the target audience “First off I think it all links really well, there’s the same fonts etc being used to it looks good all together. I think they’d definitely appeal to the target audience and get people to watch it. As for me I wouldn’t say I definitely wouldn’t watch it but I wouldn’t go out my way to make sure I saw it.”
  • 50. Overall • Overall from this focus group, I found most of the feedback positive. As I decided that it would be better to aim the documentary at females I’m not surprised by some of the male’s responses however, it is very good that they would still consider watching the documentary regardless. The feedback from the females is great as they fall into the target audience perfectly and this shows that our research questionnaires etc worked really well.