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Emilie Browning
A company would not want to spend
thousands or millions of pounds or
dollars creating a film for no-one to
watch because it doesn’t appeal to
The reason the film industry spend so
much time and money on audience
research, test screenings and surveys or
similar is to ensure that audiences will
like a film.
For example; the popular film E.T was
test screened before it came out in
1982. People would fill out
questionnaires or answer questions
regarding what they liked about the
film, if they would go out and see it
themselves.This builds an audience
profile so they know how to target
the film to a certain audience.Test
screenings are also helpful to know if
the ending was good, for example
originally in E.T, the alien died which
many people disliked, for this reason
E.T went back home at the end of the
Test Screening
Audience Research
Audience Research also helps us
know what our target audience would
be which is helpful as we would then
know that who we could target a film
to, it’s very time consuming and costs
a lot but ultimately it is worth it as
you are able to advertise the product
in a lot of different ways that best suit
the target market, also with social
media nowadays it creates a new
platform for people to promote films
which appeals to a wide range of
different target groups.
An audience is very
influential to how the
story goes and how they
market a product as the
film companies will want
it to appeal to the
audience as that is
essentially what will
bring the money in, if
people enjoy it they will
pay to watch it and even
promote it to their
friends which is free
Our Audience
When discovering our audience we
went through a range of methods to
find similar films to what we wanted to
create and using secondary research
we learnt more about their audiences.
We also use primary research which
helped us get answers from people
that we wanted to target the audience
to and learn what there interests were.
Our pitch presentation also helped us
lay out all this information out so we
could explain who we wanted to aim
our film to.
During our private research we gathered data that we
had not collected before through the use of survey
monkey where we sent a survey to people that could
fit our target audience wand others who may be
potentially interested in watching our film to see what
they would prefer.We took more quantitative answers
and we were more interested in certain genres they
would prefer to watch instead of the detail in why they
would watch them, we also did this as it was more
statistically reliable so we could clearly see in the
graphs what they preferred.
In the first question I
was able to get the
data about the
gender of the
audience, from the
survey we were able
to make the decision
that our protagonist
was female so that
our audience could
relate to her.
Most of the
audience was 15-
24, so by creating
a teen drama, I
knew that it
would work well
with being able to
aim it to the
As most of our
audience was
completing their
GCSE’s or A-
Levels to ensure
the audience
would relate to
the film we chose
to do it in a
As said in the
analysis of my
primary research
earlier on in the
journal, I was able
to see that
medy were the
most popular this
is why we chose
Creating a teaser
trailer meant that
it would attract
most of our
audience, so the
reason we chose
this was to appeal
to them, along
with our poster
and magazine also
influencing them.
The trailer is
again very
likely to
influence our
audience, and
our main job
was to appeal
to them
As it most of the
answers derived
from being quite
important or very
important we knew
that we wanted to
make the audience
relate so were able
to do this by relating
the gender, the age
and her education.
Most people
liked a
character so we
decided to do it.
As you know our
protagonist is a
“loner” girl
taken influence
by people like
Tyler in ‘13
From applying a
theory into our
work, this helped us
understand why
someone would
want to watch our
film and as the
most popular was
‘Entertainment’ we
knew we would
have to make it
In conclusion, our primary research was very
influential in the way we were going to
shape our project for example, from
learning about what our audience preferred
we knew we wanted to create a female
character that was in her later teens and
went to a college/high school so we could
relate to the audience what we wanted to
Through the secondary research we used Pearl and Dean which is an online website that enables you to search films and discover their audience demographic. Through using secondary
informaiton it allows
Published information available from other sources that has already been gathered. This information is relevant to the problem at hand. Either internal or external to an organisation. Start by
collecting this type. </li></ul><ul><li>Primary: </li></ul><ul><li>Data collected for the first time, by a method other than secondary research, to answer specific questions. Primary data comes
from the researcher for the purpose of the specific purpose it hand. </li></ul>
2. Group Task 1 <ul><li>In groups of 5 or 6 identify the advantages and disadvantages of using secondary and primary research. </li></ul><ul><li>Be prepared to report you findings to the group.
3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Secondary Research <ul><li>Advantages </li></ul><ul><li>Inexpensive </li></ul><ul><li>Easily accessible </li></ul><ul><li>Immediately available
</li></ul><ul><li>Will provide essential background and help to clarify or refine research problem – essential for literature review </li></ul><ul><li>Secondary data sources will provide research
method alternatives. </li></ul><ul><li>Will also alert the researcher to any potential difficulties. </li></ul>
4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Secondary Research <ul><li>Disadvantages </li></ul><ul><li>Frequently outdated – e.g. census data </li></ul><ul><li>Potentially unreliable – not always
sure where information has come from </li></ul><ul><li>May not be applicable – may not totally answer your research questions </li></ul><ul><li>Lack of availability – i.e. no data available or
very difficult to obtain </li></ul>
5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Primary Research <ul><li>Advantages </li></ul><ul><li>Applicable and usable – if done right </li></ul><ul><li>Accurate and reliable – can answer your
direct research questions </li></ul><ul><li>Up-to-date – as you have collected the data </li></ul>
6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Primary Research <ul><li>Disadvantages </li></ul><ul><li>Expensive </li></ul><ul><li>Not immediately available – takes time to define problem, sampling
frame, method and analysis. </li></ul><ul><li>Not as readily accessible </li></ul>
7. Primary Research Methods & Techniques <ul><li>Surveys </li></ul><ul><li>Personal interview (intercepts) </li></ul><ul><li>Mail </li></ul><ul><li>In-house, self-administered
</li></ul><ul><li>Telephone, fax, e-mail, Web </li></ul>Quantitative Data Primary Research Experiments Mechanical observation SimulationQualitative Data Case studies Human observation
Individual depth interviews Focus groups
8. Primary Research Methods <ul><li>Experimental (e.g. test marketing) </li></ul><ul><li>Observational (human and mechanical)</li></ul><ul><li>Survey (mail, telephone, personal interview,
in-house self-administered, online) </li></ul><ul><li>Focus groups (groups of 8 to 12 people with moderatortrying to reach a consensus of opinions) </li></ul>
9. Group Task 2 <ul><li>Make a list of the advantages & disadvantages of the following research methods as applied to the leisure/travel and tourism sectors: </li></ul><ul><li>Personal
Interviews </li></ul><ul><li>Mail Surveys </li></ul><ul><li>Telephone Surveys </li></ul><ul><li>In-House, Self-Administered Surveys </li></ul><ul><li>Online Surveys </li></ul><ul><li>Focus
groups </li></ul>
10. Personal Interviews (including focus groups) <ul><li>Advantages </li></ul><ul><li>High response rate </li></ul><ul><li>Great flexibility (ability to adapt/explain questions)
</li></ul><ul><li>Can show or demonstrate items </li></ul><ul><li>Fuller explanations can be given </li></ul><ul><li>Very timely data </li></ul><ul><li>Body language can emphasize responses
11. Personal Interviews <ul><li>Disadvantages </li></ul><ul><li>Relatively expensive </li></ul><ul><li>Possibility of interviewer and interviewee bias </li></ul><ul><li>Personal nature of
questions (e.g., age or income) </li></ul><ul><li>Respondents not relaxed (put on the spot) </li></ul><ul><li>Time may not be convenient for respondents </li></ul>
12. Mail Surveys <ul><li>Advantages </li></ul><ul><li>Relatively inexpensive </li></ul><ul><li>No interviewer bias </li></ul><ul><li>Consistent questions (for all respondents)
</li></ul><ul><li>Large number of respondents can be included </li></ul><ul><li>Anonymity </li></ul><ul><li>Respondents can choose the most convenient time to answer </li></ul>
13. Mail Surveys <ul><li>Disadvantages </li></ul><ul><li>Low response rates (relative to other survey types) </li></ul><ul><li>Junk mail syndrome </li></ul><ul><li>Impersonal nature </li></ul>
14. Telephone Surveys <ul><li>Advantages </li></ul><ul><li>More flexibility compared to mail surveys </li></ul><ul><li>Quicker but will cost you some money (telephone bill)
</li></ul><ul><li>High response rates </li></ul><ul><li>Disadvantages </li></ul><ul><li>Interviews tend to be a lot shorter </li></ul><ul><li>More obtrusive than mail </li></ul><ul><li>Greater
difficulties in rapportbuilding - Researchers cannot study behaviouror body language </li></ul><ul><li>Long-distance calls are expensive </li></ul>
15. In-House, Self-Administered Surveys <ul><li>Advantages </li></ul><ul><li>Completed on-sight by customers within the premises of a leisure and travel organisation
</li></ul><ul><li>Convenient </li></ul><ul><li>Disadvantages </li></ul><ul><li>Generate low response rates </li></ul>
16. Online Surveys <ul><li>Advantages </li></ul><ul><li>Relative speed and flexibility </li></ul><ul><li>Large and growing audience </li></ul><ul><li>Relatively inexpensive
</li></ul><ul><li>Uses graphics and visual aids </li></ul><ul><li>Disadvantages </li></ul><ul><li>Technical skills and time required to develop and analyse questionnaires </li></ul><ul><li>May
deter visitors from your website. </li></ul>
17. Sources of Secondary Research Information for Leisure and Travel External <ul><li>Library – books, journals, newspapers, CD-roms, directories. </li></ul><ul><li>Internet – on-line computer
searches e.g. Data bases, periodicals (Emerald) and newsletters, demographic data (GIS). (URLs and Search engines) </li></ul><ul><li>Trade associations and societies (also available on
internet). </li></ul><ul><li>Census – also government data on internet </li></ul><ul><li>Published company accounts </li></ul>
18. Sources of Secondary Research Information for Leisure and Travel Internal <ul><li>Sales invoices – e.g. membershipsor flights sold </li></ul><ul><li>Usage figures – e.g. leisure centre
</li></ul><ul><li>Personnel records – e.g. staff turnover </li></ul><ul><li>Sales people – e.g. expense accounts, call reports </li></ul>
19. Task 3 – Collecting Secondary Data/Information <ul><li>Group 1 - Log on to the internet and collect data/information from the worksheet provided. </li></ul><ul><li>Group 2 – Go to the
library and collect data/information from the worksheet provided (once you have found the data/information please put the source back in its original place). </li></ul>
How did you get this feedback?
We got our pitch presentation feedback through
our teacher Liz and she explained what she disliked
and liked about our product in the form of our
How did you get this feedback?
Several students in our class were also picked on to
ask any questions, that gave me the opportunity to
further explain any details that I had left out when
presenting it.
How did you get this feedback?
They also gave either some constructive criticism
or points about what they enjoyed about our
How did you use this feedback?
I was able to use the feedback that I was given to
further improve our work as it helped improve
what I wanted to achieve, which was creating three
promotional products that would appeal to our
target audience.
How did you use this feedback?
This meant that I was able to adjust small things
such as the protagonists gender (due to the
audience research and the lack of male actors).
How did you use this feedback?
Consequently it would be less stressful on us to find
someone and it meant our audience could relate to
the character more, also men are stereotypically
more creepy if they do what our protagonist does
and that is not what we wanted to portray.
Was it useful? What insight did it
give you?
The information that we received was useful as it
meant we were creating a better product because
of it.
Was it useful? What insight did it
give you?
The insight we got was that they liked that we had
already picked out a colour scheme, that was the
colour of the PowerPoint, which meant we could
establish a brand identity.
Was it useful? What insight did it
give you?
My classmates and teacher liked that we were
thinking outside the box and was creating a new
idea that could be interesting to do and were
looking forward to what we are going to create.
Did you make any changes to your
work because of it?
However we did make some changes to our work
as they were unsure when and how we were going
to portray the OCD and that it is very difficult to
portray elements of comedy when there is such a
broad spectrum of what comedy is.
Did you make any changes to your
work because of it?
This meant that we got to think about if we should
include comedy and how we would portray the
OCD as it is a serious topic and should be known to
different audiences that a person should not be
defined by something they have.
What does the final audience
feedback suggest about the
success of your marketing
The final audience feedback can give us a rough
idea of how our audience would take the film.
What does the final audience
feedback suggest about the
success of your marketing
Some of the audience watching our pitch was our
target audience and they found the idea
interesting and enjoyed what it could be.
What does the final audience
feedback suggest about the
success of your marketing
This could suggest that our promotional campaign
could be taken positively as others enjoyed it so
maybe more will.
How did you get this feedback?
From our rough cut we again got similar feedback
as we presented our rough cut and rough print
products to the class and got oral feedback
explaining what they did and didn’t like.
How did you get this feedback?
We also got the opportunity to answer any queries
that needed answering in case anyone was
confused due to the product not being fully
finished, this was only for a brief overview
How did you get this feedback?
We were able to get better feedback from when
they filled out some feedback sheets to explain
how we can improve or what we did well.
How did you use this feedback?
We used the feedback that we got for good use as
we were able to improve on what we had been told
was weaker and what could confuse some of the
audience unless the attention to detail was very
high which in a lot of cases isn’t.
How did you use this feedback?
Doing this allowed us to make our product even
better and ensure that our audience would like it.
Was it useful? What insight did it
give you?
It was useful as we were told what was liked about
the trailer and how this could effect people when
viewing our product.
Was it useful? What insight did it
give you?
We wanted a real review and we were
complimented on our different editing techniques
we used such as our use of overlaying videos.
Did you make any changes to your
work because of it?
We did make some changes due to it not being
complete and not having a final product.
Did you make any changes to your
work because of it?
We were missing our voice over which clarified
quite a few things and to the audience without it
the plot got a bit lost.
Did you make any changes to your
work because of it?
The music also did not match what we wanted to
achieve and it was playing the whole way through
when at times we wanted it brought down so it was
clear what the characters were saying.
What does the final audience
feedback suggest about the success
of your marketing campaign?
The final audience feedback suggests how the
audience will receive our final teaser trailer.
What does the final audience
feedback suggest about the success
of your marketing campaign?
So for this reason making a few of the changes
they recommend will mean that people would
prefer it more so it is better that this is done so we
gain a bigger audience.
How did you get this feedback?
We were given this feedback in theYouTube
comments of our video so that we could see from
everyone what their comments were clearly and all
in one place.
How did you use this feedback?
This information meant that they could analyse our
trailer and give a sort of review like a critic would in
how our work was able to relate to the audience.
How did you use this feedback?
This also let me self-reflect if I had achieved what I
had wanted to achieve and if I left anything out
then I know I could improve the next to I did it.
Was it useful? What insight did it give
The information was fairly useful in terms of
knowing if we had met our objectives however it
wasn’t all that useful as there is no way to improve
what I have written or created and I don’t plan on
recreating as I am very happy with the turn out.
Did you make any changes to your
work because of it?
We did not make any changes as we couldn’t,
however if I were to do it again I would add an
animatic sound at the beginning during the
company ident so it is not completely silent.
What does the final audience
feedback suggest about the success
of your marketing campaign?
From the audience feedback it determines that our
audience will enjoy the teaser trailer and hopefully
want to see our film as it was received very well by
the people watching it and those who left

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What audiences influenced our film project

  • 2. Introduction A company would not want to spend thousands or millions of pounds or dollars creating a film for no-one to watch because it doesn’t appeal to anyone. The reason the film industry spend so much time and money on audience research, test screenings and surveys or similar is to ensure that audiences will like a film.
  • 3. For example; the popular film E.T was test screened before it came out in 1982. People would fill out questionnaires or answer questions regarding what they liked about the film, if they would go out and see it themselves.This builds an audience profile so they know how to target the film to a certain audience.Test screenings are also helpful to know if the ending was good, for example originally in E.T, the alien died which many people disliked, for this reason E.T went back home at the end of the film. Test Screening
  • 4. Audience Research Audience Research also helps us know what our target audience would be which is helpful as we would then know that who we could target a film to, it’s very time consuming and costs a lot but ultimately it is worth it as you are able to advertise the product in a lot of different ways that best suit the target market, also with social media nowadays it creates a new platform for people to promote films which appeals to a wide range of different target groups.
  • 5. An audience is very influential to how the story goes and how they market a product as the film companies will want it to appeal to the audience as that is essentially what will bring the money in, if people enjoy it they will pay to watch it and even promote it to their friends which is free marketing.
  • 6. Our Audience When discovering our audience we went through a range of methods to find similar films to what we wanted to create and using secondary research we learnt more about their audiences. We also use primary research which helped us get answers from people that we wanted to target the audience to and learn what there interests were. Our pitch presentation also helped us lay out all this information out so we could explain who we wanted to aim our film to.
  • 7. Primary During our private research we gathered data that we had not collected before through the use of survey monkey where we sent a survey to people that could fit our target audience wand others who may be potentially interested in watching our film to see what they would prefer.We took more quantitative answers and we were more interested in certain genres they would prefer to watch instead of the detail in why they would watch them, we also did this as it was more statistically reliable so we could clearly see in the graphs what they preferred.
  • 8. In the first question I was able to get the data about the gender of the audience, from the survey we were able to make the decision that our protagonist was female so that our audience could relate to her. Primary
  • 9. Primary Most of the audience was 15- 24, so by creating a teen drama, I knew that it would work well with being able to aim it to the audience.
  • 10. Primary As most of our audience was completing their GCSE’s or A- Levels to ensure the audience would relate to the film we chose to do it in a college.
  • 11. Primary As said in the analysis of my primary research earlier on in the journal, I was able to see that Teen/Romance/Co medy were the most popular this is why we chose this.
  • 12. Primary Creating a teaser trailer meant that it would attract most of our audience, so the reason we chose this was to appeal to them, along with our poster and magazine also influencing them.
  • 13. Primary The trailer is again very likely to influence our audience, and our main job was to appeal to them
  • 14. Primary As it most of the answers derived from being quite important or very important we knew that we wanted to make the audience relate so were able to do this by relating the gender, the age and her education.
  • 15. Primary Most people liked a stereotypical character so we decided to do it. As you know our protagonist is a stereotypical “loner” girl taken influence by people like Tyler in ‘13 ReasonsWhy’.
  • 16. Primary From applying a theory into our work, this helped us understand why someone would want to watch our film and as the most popular was ‘Entertainment’ we knew we would have to make it entertaining
  • 17. Primary In conclusion, our primary research was very influential in the way we were going to shape our project for example, from learning about what our audience preferred we knew we wanted to create a female character that was in her later teens and went to a college/high school so we could relate to the audience what we wanted to do.
  • 18. Secondary Through the secondary research we used Pearl and Dean which is an online website that enables you to search films and discover their audience demographic. Through using secondary informaiton it allows Published information available from other sources that has already been gathered. This information is relevant to the problem at hand. Either internal or external to an organisation. Start by collecting this type. </li></ul><ul><li>Primary: </li></ul><ul><li>Data collected for the first time, by a method other than secondary research, to answer specific questions. Primary data comes from the researcher for the purpose of the specific purpose it hand. </li></ul> 2. Group Task 1 <ul><li>In groups of 5 or 6 identify the advantages and disadvantages of using secondary and primary research. </li></ul><ul><li>Be prepared to report you findings to the group. </li></ul> 3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Secondary Research <ul><li>Advantages </li></ul><ul><li>Inexpensive </li></ul><ul><li>Easily accessible </li></ul><ul><li>Immediately available </li></ul><ul><li>Will provide essential background and help to clarify or refine research problem – essential for literature review </li></ul><ul><li>Secondary data sources will provide research method alternatives. </li></ul><ul><li>Will also alert the researcher to any potential difficulties. </li></ul> 4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Secondary Research <ul><li>Disadvantages </li></ul><ul><li>Frequently outdated – e.g. census data </li></ul><ul><li>Potentially unreliable – not always sure where information has come from </li></ul><ul><li>May not be applicable – may not totally answer your research questions </li></ul><ul><li>Lack of availability – i.e. no data available or very difficult to obtain </li></ul> 5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Primary Research <ul><li>Advantages </li></ul><ul><li>Applicable and usable – if done right </li></ul><ul><li>Accurate and reliable – can answer your direct research questions </li></ul><ul><li>Up-to-date – as you have collected the data </li></ul> 6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Primary Research <ul><li>Disadvantages </li></ul><ul><li>Expensive </li></ul><ul><li>Not immediately available – takes time to define problem, sampling frame, method and analysis. </li></ul><ul><li>Not as readily accessible </li></ul> 7. Primary Research Methods & Techniques <ul><li>Surveys </li></ul><ul><li>Personal interview (intercepts) </li></ul><ul><li>Mail </li></ul><ul><li>In-house, self-administered </li></ul><ul><li>Telephone, fax, e-mail, Web </li></ul>Quantitative Data Primary Research Experiments Mechanical observation SimulationQualitative Data Case studies Human observation Individual depth interviews Focus groups 8. Primary Research Methods <ul><li>Experimental (e.g. test marketing) </li></ul><ul><li>Observational (human and mechanical)</li></ul><ul><li>Survey (mail, telephone, personal interview, in-house self-administered, online) </li></ul><ul><li>Focus groups (groups of 8 to 12 people with moderatortrying to reach a consensus of opinions) </li></ul> 9. Group Task 2 <ul><li>Make a list of the advantages & disadvantages of the following research methods as applied to the leisure/travel and tourism sectors: </li></ul><ul><li>Personal Interviews </li></ul><ul><li>Mail Surveys </li></ul><ul><li>Telephone Surveys </li></ul><ul><li>In-House, Self-Administered Surveys </li></ul><ul><li>Online Surveys </li></ul><ul><li>Focus groups </li></ul> 10. Personal Interviews (including focus groups) <ul><li>Advantages </li></ul><ul><li>High response rate </li></ul><ul><li>Great flexibility (ability to adapt/explain questions) </li></ul><ul><li>Can show or demonstrate items </li></ul><ul><li>Fuller explanations can be given </li></ul><ul><li>Very timely data </li></ul><ul><li>Body language can emphasize responses </li></ul> 11. Personal Interviews <ul><li>Disadvantages </li></ul><ul><li>Relatively expensive </li></ul><ul><li>Possibility of interviewer and interviewee bias </li></ul><ul><li>Personal nature of questions (e.g., age or income) </li></ul><ul><li>Respondents not relaxed (put on the spot) </li></ul><ul><li>Time may not be convenient for respondents </li></ul> 12. Mail Surveys <ul><li>Advantages </li></ul><ul><li>Relatively inexpensive </li></ul><ul><li>No interviewer bias </li></ul><ul><li>Consistent questions (for all respondents) </li></ul><ul><li>Large number of respondents can be included </li></ul><ul><li>Anonymity </li></ul><ul><li>Respondents can choose the most convenient time to answer </li></ul> 13. Mail Surveys <ul><li>Disadvantages </li></ul><ul><li>Low response rates (relative to other survey types) </li></ul><ul><li>Junk mail syndrome </li></ul><ul><li>Impersonal nature </li></ul> 14. Telephone Surveys <ul><li>Advantages </li></ul><ul><li>More flexibility compared to mail surveys </li></ul><ul><li>Quicker but will cost you some money (telephone bill) </li></ul><ul><li>High response rates </li></ul><ul><li>Disadvantages </li></ul><ul><li>Interviews tend to be a lot shorter </li></ul><ul><li>More obtrusive than mail </li></ul><ul><li>Greater difficulties in rapportbuilding - Researchers cannot study behaviouror body language </li></ul><ul><li>Long-distance calls are expensive </li></ul> 15. In-House, Self-Administered Surveys <ul><li>Advantages </li></ul><ul><li>Completed on-sight by customers within the premises of a leisure and travel organisation </li></ul><ul><li>Convenient </li></ul><ul><li>Disadvantages </li></ul><ul><li>Generate low response rates </li></ul> 16. Online Surveys <ul><li>Advantages </li></ul><ul><li>Relative speed and flexibility </li></ul><ul><li>Large and growing audience </li></ul><ul><li>Relatively inexpensive </li></ul><ul><li>Uses graphics and visual aids </li></ul><ul><li>Disadvantages </li></ul><ul><li>Technical skills and time required to develop and analyse questionnaires </li></ul><ul><li>May deter visitors from your website. </li></ul> 17. Sources of Secondary Research Information for Leisure and Travel External <ul><li>Library – books, journals, newspapers, CD-roms, directories. </li></ul><ul><li>Internet – on-line computer searches e.g. Data bases, periodicals (Emerald) and newsletters, demographic data (GIS). (URLs and Search engines) </li></ul><ul><li>Trade associations and societies (also available on internet). </li></ul><ul><li>Census – also government data on internet </li></ul><ul><li>Published company accounts </li></ul> 18. Sources of Secondary Research Information for Leisure and Travel Internal <ul><li>Sales invoices – e.g. membershipsor flights sold </li></ul><ul><li>Usage figures – e.g. leisure centre </li></ul><ul><li>Personnel records – e.g. staff turnover </li></ul><ul><li>Sales people – e.g. expense accounts, call reports </li></ul> 19. Task 3 – Collecting Secondary Data/Information <ul><li>Group 1 - Log on to the internet and collect data/information from the worksheet provided. </li></ul><ul><li>Group 2 – Go to the library and collect data/information from the worksheet provided (once you have found the data/information please put the source back in its original place). </li></ul>
  • 20. How did you get this feedback? We got our pitch presentation feedback through our teacher Liz and she explained what she disliked and liked about our product in the form of our pitch.
  • 21. How did you get this feedback? Several students in our class were also picked on to ask any questions, that gave me the opportunity to further explain any details that I had left out when presenting it.
  • 22. How did you get this feedback? They also gave either some constructive criticism or points about what they enjoyed about our product.
  • 23. How did you use this feedback? I was able to use the feedback that I was given to further improve our work as it helped improve what I wanted to achieve, which was creating three promotional products that would appeal to our target audience.
  • 24. How did you use this feedback? This meant that I was able to adjust small things such as the protagonists gender (due to the audience research and the lack of male actors).
  • 25. How did you use this feedback? Consequently it would be less stressful on us to find someone and it meant our audience could relate to the character more, also men are stereotypically more creepy if they do what our protagonist does and that is not what we wanted to portray.
  • 26. Was it useful? What insight did it give you? The information that we received was useful as it meant we were creating a better product because of it.
  • 27. Was it useful? What insight did it give you? The insight we got was that they liked that we had already picked out a colour scheme, that was the colour of the PowerPoint, which meant we could establish a brand identity.
  • 28. Was it useful? What insight did it give you? My classmates and teacher liked that we were thinking outside the box and was creating a new idea that could be interesting to do and were looking forward to what we are going to create.
  • 29. Did you make any changes to your work because of it? However we did make some changes to our work as they were unsure when and how we were going to portray the OCD and that it is very difficult to portray elements of comedy when there is such a broad spectrum of what comedy is.
  • 30. Did you make any changes to your work because of it? This meant that we got to think about if we should include comedy and how we would portray the OCD as it is a serious topic and should be known to different audiences that a person should not be defined by something they have.
  • 31. What does the final audience feedback suggest about the success of your marketing campaign? The final audience feedback can give us a rough idea of how our audience would take the film.
  • 32. What does the final audience feedback suggest about the success of your marketing campaign? Some of the audience watching our pitch was our target audience and they found the idea interesting and enjoyed what it could be.
  • 33. What does the final audience feedback suggest about the success of your marketing campaign? This could suggest that our promotional campaign could be taken positively as others enjoyed it so maybe more will.
  • 35. How did you get this feedback? From our rough cut we again got similar feedback as we presented our rough cut and rough print products to the class and got oral feedback explaining what they did and didn’t like.
  • 36. How did you get this feedback? We also got the opportunity to answer any queries that needed answering in case anyone was confused due to the product not being fully finished, this was only for a brief overview however.
  • 37. How did you get this feedback? We were able to get better feedback from when they filled out some feedback sheets to explain how we can improve or what we did well.
  • 38. How did you use this feedback? We used the feedback that we got for good use as we were able to improve on what we had been told was weaker and what could confuse some of the audience unless the attention to detail was very high which in a lot of cases isn’t.
  • 39. How did you use this feedback? Doing this allowed us to make our product even better and ensure that our audience would like it.
  • 40. Was it useful? What insight did it give you? It was useful as we were told what was liked about the trailer and how this could effect people when viewing our product.
  • 41. Was it useful? What insight did it give you? We wanted a real review and we were complimented on our different editing techniques we used such as our use of overlaying videos.
  • 42. Did you make any changes to your work because of it? We did make some changes due to it not being complete and not having a final product.
  • 43. Did you make any changes to your work because of it? We were missing our voice over which clarified quite a few things and to the audience without it the plot got a bit lost.
  • 44. Did you make any changes to your work because of it? The music also did not match what we wanted to achieve and it was playing the whole way through when at times we wanted it brought down so it was clear what the characters were saying.
  • 45. What does the final audience feedback suggest about the success of your marketing campaign? The final audience feedback suggests how the audience will receive our final teaser trailer.
  • 46. What does the final audience feedback suggest about the success of your marketing campaign? So for this reason making a few of the changes they recommend will mean that people would prefer it more so it is better that this is done so we gain a bigger audience.
  • 48. How did you get this feedback? We were given this feedback in theYouTube comments of our video so that we could see from everyone what their comments were clearly and all in one place.
  • 49. How did you use this feedback? This information meant that they could analyse our trailer and give a sort of review like a critic would in how our work was able to relate to the audience.
  • 50. How did you use this feedback? This also let me self-reflect if I had achieved what I had wanted to achieve and if I left anything out then I know I could improve the next to I did it.
  • 51. Was it useful? What insight did it give you? The information was fairly useful in terms of knowing if we had met our objectives however it wasn’t all that useful as there is no way to improve what I have written or created and I don’t plan on recreating as I am very happy with the turn out.
  • 52. Did you make any changes to your work because of it? We did not make any changes as we couldn’t, however if I were to do it again I would add an animatic sound at the beginning during the company ident so it is not completely silent.
  • 53. What does the final audience feedback suggest about the success of your marketing campaign? From the audience feedback it determines that our audience will enjoy the teaser trailer and hopefully want to see our film as it was received very well by the people watching it and those who left comments.