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Ethical Hacker
Page Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures EC–Council Certified C EH
Ethical Hacker EC–Council TM Page Hackers are here. Where are you?
Computers around the world are systematically being victimized by rampant hacking. This hacking
is not only widespread, but is being executed so flawlessly that the attackers compromise a system,
steal everything of value and completely erase their tracks within 20 minutes. The goal of the ethical
hacker is to help the organization take preemptive measures against malicious attacks by attacking
the system himself; all the while staying within legal limits. This philosophy stems from the proven
practice of trying to catch more content...
How Do They Go About It? Approaches to Ethical Hacking Ethical Hacking Testing Ethical Hacking
Deliverables Computer Crimes and Implications Legal Perspective (U.S. Federal Law) Section 1029
and Penalties Section 1030 and Penalties Japan Cyber Laws United Kingdom Cyber Laws Australia
Cyber Laws Germany's Cyber Laws Singapore's Cyber Laws Summary Page Module: Footprinting
Scenario Module Objectives Revisiting Reconnaissance Defining Footprinting Information
Gathering Methodology Unearthing Initial Information Finding Company's URL Internal URL
Extracting Archive of a Website Google Search for Company's Info People Search Footprinting
through Job Sites Passive Information Gathering Competitive Intelligence Gathering Public and
Private Websites EC–Council DNS Enumerator SpiderFoot (http:/
/ Sensepost Footprint Tools (
/bidiblah) Wikito Footprinting Tool Web Data Extractor Tool Additional Footprinting Tools Whois
Nslookup Extract DNS Information Types of DNS Records Necrosoft Advanced DIG Locate the
Network Range ARIN Traceroute Traceroute Analysis 3D Traceroute ( Tool:
NeoTrace (Now McAfee Visual Trace) GEOSpider (
Geowhere Footprinting Tool ( Google Earth Tool: VisualRoute
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Hacking Essay
As the world becomes more and more reliant on computers the computer hacking industry is greatly
rising. With people such as Kevin Mitnick, who is known as a "computer terrorist"
(Kjochaiche 1), computerized information isn't safe any more. Kevin is known as "the most
high–profiled computer criminal and responsible for more havoc in the computer world
today."(1) He considered this a fun and easy task. He got caught and thrown into prison, but
once he got out nothing changed. Kevin stated that as long as the technology is there it just calls to
people to break into it. Computer hackers usually start off young, thinking that it is nothing but a
little harmless fun. But as they get older, they realize it has turned more content...
There are two types of theses but both have their own problems. The first "checks every
password possible from the entry site." (1) The second uses a program that goes in and reads
the passwords off. The problem with both is that you have to "get the cracker into the site,
undetected"(1) You also must cover you trail. Some prefer the manual method first.
"There are actually lists of 100(or more) most–used passwords."(2) Hackers have
reported that, "a simple password that appears in the English dictionary will take about an
hour or less for a hacker to crack."(4) "This is not considered a long time to a hacker
."(Brian 2) Third, they use what is called web spoofing. This is the most dangerous
because they see what every you are doing. They can get you passwords plus any other
information you might have. This web spoofing is caused by a middle man who can redirect
information from your page, to his page, to the page you were sending the information to.
"The middle man sees all."(How are they getting my password? 3) This is above all
the easiest way to get any information that they might want or need. The last method is through
Java. Through a program they can hack into a computers hard drive through your Java program.
That is why if you can avoid keeping your passwords on your hard drive do it. Some people keep
their passwords on three by five cards and store them which is allot safer. The best method to
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Ethical Issues In The Workplace Essay
Ethical Issues in the Workplace due to Hacking
Statement of the Issue
There is a new crime on the verge of being on America 's top ten crimes list, computer hacking.
Computer hacking is the practice of unlawfully gaining access to and sometimes tampering with
information in a computer system. Since the cyber age, the use of computers has slowing
integrated into most of society 's everyday life and since then new crimes have emerged as a result
of this age. The access of information readily available at the click of a button, can be very enticing
to unlawfully acquire, but the companies who hold this important information has a duty to keep all
files and information safeguarded. As a result of the cyber age, no longer are there more
Stakeholder 's must know what is at stake when information is compromised. оЂЊ Upon being hired
an employee must know their company 's policy regarding information that can be disclosed. An
employee has the duty to take actions based on ethical standards that must be known and recognized
by all who are involved. "In Maryland, accessing and telling the world about another person 's
personal information is an invasion of privacy that may make the hacker liable for money damages to
the victim." (, 2013) оЂЊ You, an employee, a hacker and the company has the duty to
respect privacy of information and action. "A person who violates subsection (c)(1) of this section
is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 3 years or a
fine not exceeding $1,000 or both." (2010 Maryland Code CRIMINAL LAW. TITLE 7, section
7–302) оЂЊ Other customers of that company may feel their privacy information and action should
be respected by others. The other customers feel like the customer has a duty to them to uphold their
privacy and not share it with third parties or other people they did not give permission.
Bottom line is that companies have the same problems with theft of intellectual property and
personal information just as much as everyone else, but we expect more from them to keep their
customer 's information secure.
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Ethical Hacking From Legal Perspective
Chapter3 Ethical hacking from legal perspective
3.1 is ethical hacking legal?
Even that ethical hackers have no criminal intention when they hack but do you think it is legal?
Ethical hacker or white hacker is often hired in organizations to check the security of organization
system by applying penetration result they will determine weakness point on organization
system. When organization hiring these ethical hackers, they think that protect them legally.
Actually It Depends on the hacker adherence to hacking ethics and adhere to the intention not to
break the system or cause sabotage of the organization system or reputation. "Frequently, we find it's
possible to break the law while doing something ethical, and conversely following the law doesn't
necessary more content...
The ethical hacker ensures that the customer's framework or system is appropriately assessed for
security issues and vulnerabilities.
Due to the way of ethical hacking, it is not shocking that the ethical hacker could run over delicate,
individual, secret or exclusive data. In such manner, the ethical hacking code ought to manage the
activities of the ethical hacker in taking care of such data. The code of ethical must concentrate on
the insurance how secure is the customer's framework or system, and the viability of the ethical
hacker in doing his work.
This is a list of ethics that every ethical hacker recommended to commitment whit it to avoid legal
1.Keep private and secret data picked up in your expert work. Specifically, in accordance with
customer records and customer individual data. Also, do Not gather, give, offer, or exchange any
individual data. For example, name, email address, Social Security number, or another special
identifier to an outsider without customer earlier
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Ethical Hacking
[pic] A Paper Presentation on [pic] THE ART OF EXPLOITATION [pic] ABSTRACT: The
explosive growth of the Internet has brought many good things: electronic commerce, easy access to
vast stores of reference material, collaborative computing, e–mail, and new avenues for advertising
and information distribution, to name a few. As with most technological advances, there is also a
dark side: criminal hackers. Governments, companies, and private citizens around the world are
anxious to be a part of this revolution, but they are afraid that some hacker will more
в– First Def Con hacking conference in Las Vegas ZERO TOLERANCE (1994–1998) в– 1995:
The Mitnick Takedown: Arrested again; charged with stealing 20,000 credit card numbers. в– 1995:
Russian Hackers Siphon $10 million from Citibank; Vladimir Levin, leader. в– Oct 1998 teenager
hacks into Bell Atlantic phone system; disabled communication at airport disables runway lights. в–
1999 hackers attack Pentagon, MIT, FBI web sites. в– 1999: E–commerce company attacked;
blackmail threats followed by 8 million credit card numbers stolen. And now the present condition
HACKING: [pic] The term "hacker" has a dual usage in the computer industry today. Originally, the
term was defined as 1. A person who enjoys learning the details of computer systems and how to
stretch their capabilities–as opposed to most users of computers, who prefer to learn only the
minimum amount necessary. 2. One who programs enthusiastically or who enjoys programming
rather than just theorizing about programming. This complimentary description was often extended
to the verb form "hacking" which was used to describe the rapid crafting of a new program or the
making of – changes to existing, usually complicated software. As computers became increasingly
available at universities, user communities began to extend beyond researchers in engineering or
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Ethical Hacking
1.0 Introduction
With the tremendous advancement of Internet, different aspects of it are achieving the highest peak
of growth. An example of it is e–commerce. More and more computers get connected to the Internet,
wireless devices and networks are booming and sooner or later, nearly every electronic device may
have its own IP address. The complexity of networks is increasing, the software on devices gets
more sophisticated and user friendly – interacting with other devices and people are a main issues.
At the same time, the complexity of the involved software grows, life cycles are getting shorter and
maintaining high quality is difficult. Most users want (or need) to have access to information from
all over more content...
An ethical hacker is therefore a good hacker, somebody who uses the methods and tools of the
blackhat [4] community to test the security of networks and servers. The goal of an ethical hack is
neither to do damage nor to download any valuable information –it's more a service for a client to
test his environment on how it would withstand a hacker attack. The final output from an ethical
hack is mostly a detailed report about the detected problems and vulnerabilities. Many times, the
report does even have instructions on how to remove certain abilities. Ethical hacking does
perfectly fit into the security life cycle (see figure 1.1). Ethical hacking is a way of doing a
security assessment a current situation (from a technical point of view) can be checked. Like all
other assessments (or audits), an ethical hack is a random sample and passing an ethical hack
doesn't mean there are no security issues. An ethical hack's results is a detailed report of the
findings as well as a testimony that a hacker with a certain amount of time and skills is or isn't able
to successfully attack a system or get access to certain information.
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Essay on Ethical Computer Hacking
Have you ever been a victim of a cyber crime? Something as simple as a weird pop up that won't go
away? Or maybe something a little bit more serious like your personal web page gets hi–jacked? All
this "malicious" damage that causes you much grief isn't so much the work of a hacker, per se,
but more the work of a "cracker" or a "script kiddie". Now you're confused right? Well let's just say
everyone who knows how manipulate a computer isn't doing it on bad and evil terms, like writing
a virus to deploy on a certain date to permanently delete certain file extensions. But maybe they're
the people sitting hours on end to deploy a fix for that certain virus someone else is writing, or
safeguarding a local bank's network to make sure that more content...
These are the people setting the very negative example of computer literate people around the world.
They know no morals, or ethical value behind what they do, but to compromise, and cause havoc
upon the end user computing world. Hackers fall into two categories: Black Hat and White Hat
Hackers. While Black Hat hackers illegally crack into systems for malicious reasons, their White
Hat counterparts probe and test for security flaws and IT research (Black Hat/White Hat). The term "
hacker" can be explained as a person who enjoys learning the details of a computer system and
how to stretch their capabilities beyond a person who learns the bare minimum to use a computer
(Palmer). By this definition, a hacker can be anyone who is willing to expand their knowledge
with a computer to better benefit themselves, or more importantly, others. Many people disregard
the ethical sense to hacking and believe all forms of hacking to be unjust, which is untrue, but
hacking can be very beneficial. White Hat, or Ethical Hacking can be very useful by having
security professionals attempt to break in to explore and try to exploiting systems to discover a
loop–hole or security flaw in a network. This is similar to having independent auditors come into an
organization to verify its bookkeeping records. These White Hat hackers are usually experts in their
field and use the
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Ethical Hacking
Almost 90 percent of our society now depends on complex computer based system. With the
increasingly use of computer and explosive growth of the Internet has brought many good things:
electronic commerce, online banking, e–mail, video conferencing etc. The improvement of systems
security to prevent criminal hacker has become an important concern to society. There are many
ways to protect those information systems; it seems that the Ethical Hacking is a better way.
Therefore, whether to teach or not teach the "Ethical Hacking" as a course in Tertiary education has
become an interesting argument. In this article will analysis the ethical, legal, and ethical
implications of this issue.
In order to discuss the ethical, legal, and more content...
A firewall can prevent computers being hack or attack. However, if Ethical Hacking is being taught
to someone, it is expected that the activity of Ethical Hacking is permitted by the system owner
beforehand. Otherwise, such activity will treated as an offence against the law.
In the current society, business, organizations and government are very dependent on computers and
Internet. Adequately protecting an organization 's information assets is a requisite issue. Many
organizations have deployed security software or devices, such as firewalls or intrusion detection
systems, to help protect their information assets and to quickly identify potential attacks. IBM
Systems Journal states that "some organizations came to realize that one of the best ways to evaluate
the intruder threat to their interests would be to have independent computer security professionals
attempt to hack into their computer systems" (IBM 2001). This might be a good way to evaluate the
system vulnerability. However, to allow a penetration test team break into their systems, the
organization may have faces some risks. For example, the penetration test team may fail to identify
significant vulnerabilities; sensitive security information may be disclosed, increasing the risk of the
organizations being vulnerable to external attacks (The Canadian Institute of Chartered
Accountants). Some organization even send their system administrator to be trained Ethical Hacking
as a career course in Tertiary
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The Pros And Cons Of Hacking
Hackers: Control and Property
The ethical issues surrounding hacking, stem from several sources mainly dealing with order and
control, and information ownership. What is difficult to decipher from all the media hoopla
surrounding the terms, "hacker" and "hacking" is both the simultaneous sensationalism and the
condemnation of said activities. Of course just recently, even a movie was made and was
appropriately called Hackers. The term and all that it implies has truly entered our popular
consciousness when Hollywood has made a box office movie on it. As the advancement of
computer technologies and systems of information become increasingly more and more complex in
today's fast paced modern world and said technologies become an more content...
"Hackers", on the other hand probably view the system more abstractly, as a resource waiting to be
used at the end of a telephone line, a challenge beckoning them, calling to them irresistibly,
whispering to them, "There will be no damage done and no one will be the wiser."
On either side of this debate is the concept of free information. What is information anyway? Can it
really be free? The Internet is a complex series of systems of information in which the circulation
and distribution of these systems can create even more complex institutional relationships among the
systems. Information, in and of itself should be available to anyone, in theory. Yet there is the other
side, in which a terrorist can hack into the U.S. Defense Department or NASA databases and start a
nuclear war. There must be some middle ground that can be reached in which the ideal of free
information and the protection of property rights can coexist in harmony. What solution we have so
far can only be to protect
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Ethical Hacking Essay
Ethical hacking, in my opinion, is just as much as an oxymoron as 'constructive criticism'. Before I
go on to show that 'ethical hacking' is but an oxymoron only in the literal sense, it is essential for
one to understand the words 'ethical' and 'hacking' – origin, meaning and the misconception. 'Ethical'
can be defined as 'working with high professional morals and principles'. The original hacker was a
person who liked to tinker with software and hardware alike, enjoying and exploring the way the
things work. They would tweak their subject to perform faster, better or differently than it initially
did. There was nothing negative about being a hacker, until the word was repeatedly misused by the
media, synonymising 'crackers' more content...
No mischievous objectives are to be perused. The misuse of the system and information provided
to a hacker is strictly prohibited. Secondly, an ethical hacker is to, at all times, respect his
employer's/subject's privacy. The information one gathers is to treated with utmost respect. While
fool proofing the system, the hacker will come across sensitive data such as passwords, personal
pictures and other valuable documents. These are, under all circumstances, to be kept private. An
effective way to ward off the temptation of snooping around is to keep other people, one's
employers, involved in the penetration testing process. Third, and last of the basic rules, is to not
crash the system in question. This can easily be avoided by planning properly, before jumping into
the process and working plainly on instinct. This mainly happens when the white hat does not read
the system documentation properly or does not understand the working and power of the tools he is
An appropriate example of a an ethical hacker, who lives up to his designation, is the 24 year old
Ankit Fadia. Even at this young age, Fadia boast to have written 14 international best–selling books
on topics related to Computer Security, which have been appreciated by professionals and
industrialist all over the world. Faida is considered by many to be the truest form of a white hat. He
shows us the true potential and nature of a white hat, a picture very few of us can imagine.
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Supporting (UKRI) OA monographs at Salford.pptx

Ethical Hacking Essay

  • 1. Ethical Hacker Page Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures EC–Council Certified C EH Ethical Hacker EC–Council TM Page Hackers are here. Where are you? Computers around the world are systematically being victimized by rampant hacking. This hacking is not only widespread, but is being executed so flawlessly that the attackers compromise a system, steal everything of value and completely erase their tracks within 20 minutes. The goal of the ethical hacker is to help the organization take preemptive measures against malicious attacks by attacking the system himself; all the while staying within legal limits. This philosophy stems from the proven practice of trying to catch more content... How Do They Go About It? Approaches to Ethical Hacking Ethical Hacking Testing Ethical Hacking Deliverables Computer Crimes and Implications Legal Perspective (U.S. Federal Law) Section 1029 and Penalties Section 1030 and Penalties Japan Cyber Laws United Kingdom Cyber Laws Australia Cyber Laws Germany's Cyber Laws Singapore's Cyber Laws Summary Page Module: Footprinting Scenario Module Objectives Revisiting Reconnaissance Defining Footprinting Information Gathering Methodology Unearthing Initial Information Finding Company's URL Internal URL Extracting Archive of a Website Google Search for Company's Info People Search Footprinting through Job Sites Passive Information Gathering Competitive Intelligence Gathering Public and Private Websites EC–Council DNS Enumerator SpiderFoot (http:/ / Sensepost Footprint Tools ( /bidiblah) Wikito Footprinting Tool Web Data Extractor Tool Additional Footprinting Tools Whois Nslookup Extract DNS Information Types of DNS Records Necrosoft Advanced DIG Locate the Network Range ARIN Traceroute Traceroute Analysis 3D Traceroute ( Tool: NeoTrace (Now McAfee Visual Trace) GEOSpider ( Geowhere Footprinting Tool ( Google Earth Tool: VisualRoute Get more content on
  • 2. Hacking Essay As the world becomes more and more reliant on computers the computer hacking industry is greatly rising. With people such as Kevin Mitnick, who is known as a "computer terrorist" (Kjochaiche 1), computerized information isn't safe any more. Kevin is known as "the most high–profiled computer criminal and responsible for more havoc in the computer world today."(1) He considered this a fun and easy task. He got caught and thrown into prison, but once he got out nothing changed. Kevin stated that as long as the technology is there it just calls to people to break into it. Computer hackers usually start off young, thinking that it is nothing but a little harmless fun. But as they get older, they realize it has turned more content... There are two types of theses but both have their own problems. The first "checks every password possible from the entry site." (1) The second uses a program that goes in and reads the passwords off. The problem with both is that you have to "get the cracker into the site, undetected"(1) You also must cover you trail. Some prefer the manual method first. "There are actually lists of 100(or more) most–used passwords."(2) Hackers have reported that, "a simple password that appears in the English dictionary will take about an hour or less for a hacker to crack."(4) "This is not considered a long time to a hacker ."(Brian 2) Third, they use what is called web spoofing. This is the most dangerous because they see what every you are doing. They can get you passwords plus any other information you might have. This web spoofing is caused by a middle man who can redirect information from your page, to his page, to the page you were sending the information to. "The middle man sees all."(How are they getting my password? 3) This is above all the easiest way to get any information that they might want or need. The last method is through Java. Through a program they can hack into a computers hard drive through your Java program. That is why if you can avoid keeping your passwords on your hard drive do it. Some people keep their passwords on three by five cards and store them which is allot safer. The best method to Get more content on
  • 3. Ethical Issues In The Workplace Essay Ethical Issues in the Workplace due to Hacking Statement of the Issue There is a new crime on the verge of being on America 's top ten crimes list, computer hacking. Computer hacking is the practice of unlawfully gaining access to and sometimes tampering with information in a computer system. Since the cyber age, the use of computers has slowing integrated into most of society 's everyday life and since then new crimes have emerged as a result of this age. The access of information readily available at the click of a button, can be very enticing to unlawfully acquire, but the companies who hold this important information has a duty to keep all files and information safeguarded. As a result of the cyber age, no longer are there more content... Stakeholder 's must know what is at stake when information is compromised. оЂЊ Upon being hired an employee must know their company 's policy regarding information that can be disclosed. An employee has the duty to take actions based on ethical standards that must be known and recognized by all who are involved. "In Maryland, accessing and telling the world about another person 's personal information is an invasion of privacy that may make the hacker liable for money damages to the victim." (, 2013) оЂЊ You, an employee, a hacker and the company has the duty to respect privacy of information and action. "A person who violates subsection (c)(1) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 3 years or a fine not exceeding $1,000 or both." (2010 Maryland Code CRIMINAL LAW. TITLE 7, section 7–302) оЂЊ Other customers of that company may feel their privacy information and action should be respected by others. The other customers feel like the customer has a duty to them to uphold their privacy and not share it with third parties or other people they did not give permission. Bottom line is that companies have the same problems with theft of intellectual property and personal information just as much as everyone else, but we expect more from them to keep their customer 's information secure. Get more content on
  • 4. Ethical Hacking From Legal Perspective Chapter3 Ethical hacking from legal perspective 3.1 is ethical hacking legal? Even that ethical hackers have no criminal intention when they hack but do you think it is legal? Ethical hacker or white hacker is often hired in organizations to check the security of organization system by applying penetration result they will determine weakness point on organization system. When organization hiring these ethical hackers, they think that protect them legally. Actually It Depends on the hacker adherence to hacking ethics and adhere to the intention not to break the system or cause sabotage of the organization system or reputation. "Frequently, we find it's possible to break the law while doing something ethical, and conversely following the law doesn't necessary more content... The ethical hacker ensures that the customer's framework or system is appropriately assessed for security issues and vulnerabilities. Due to the way of ethical hacking, it is not shocking that the ethical hacker could run over delicate, individual, secret or exclusive data. In such manner, the ethical hacking code ought to manage the activities of the ethical hacker in taking care of such data. The code of ethical must concentrate on the insurance how secure is the customer's framework or system, and the viability of the ethical hacker in doing his work. This is a list of ethics that every ethical hacker recommended to commitment whit it to avoid legal troubles 1.Keep private and secret data picked up in your expert work. Specifically, in accordance with customer records and customer individual data. Also, do Not gather, give, offer, or exchange any individual data. For example, name, email address, Social Security number, or another special identifier to an outsider without customer earlier Get more content on
  • 5. Ethical Hacking [pic] A Paper Presentation on [pic] THE ART OF EXPLOITATION [pic] ABSTRACT: The explosive growth of the Internet has brought many good things: electronic commerce, easy access to vast stores of reference material, collaborative computing, e–mail, and new avenues for advertising and information distribution, to name a few. As with most technological advances, there is also a dark side: criminal hackers. Governments, companies, and private citizens around the world are anxious to be a part of this revolution, but they are afraid that some hacker will more content... в– First Def Con hacking conference in Las Vegas ZERO TOLERANCE (1994–1998) в– 1995: The Mitnick Takedown: Arrested again; charged with stealing 20,000 credit card numbers. в– 1995: Russian Hackers Siphon $10 million from Citibank; Vladimir Levin, leader. в– Oct 1998 teenager hacks into Bell Atlantic phone system; disabled communication at airport disables runway lights. в– 1999 hackers attack Pentagon, MIT, FBI web sites. в– 1999: E–commerce company attacked; blackmail threats followed by 8 million credit card numbers stolen. And now the present condition is: "HACK YOUR ORGANIZATION BEFORE THE BAD GUYS DO IT" HACKER AND HACKING: [pic] The term "hacker" has a dual usage in the computer industry today. Originally, the term was defined as 1. A person who enjoys learning the details of computer systems and how to stretch their capabilities–as opposed to most users of computers, who prefer to learn only the minimum amount necessary. 2. One who programs enthusiastically or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming. This complimentary description was often extended to the verb form "hacking" which was used to describe the rapid crafting of a new program or the making of – changes to existing, usually complicated software. As computers became increasingly available at universities, user communities began to extend beyond researchers in engineering or Get more content on
  • 6. Ethical Hacking Chapter–1 1.0 Introduction With the tremendous advancement of Internet, different aspects of it are achieving the highest peak of growth. An example of it is e–commerce. More and more computers get connected to the Internet, wireless devices and networks are booming and sooner or later, nearly every electronic device may have its own IP address. The complexity of networks is increasing, the software on devices gets more sophisticated and user friendly – interacting with other devices and people are a main issues. At the same time, the complexity of the involved software grows, life cycles are getting shorter and maintaining high quality is difficult. Most users want (or need) to have access to information from all over more content... An ethical hacker is therefore a good hacker, somebody who uses the methods and tools of the blackhat [4] community to test the security of networks and servers. The goal of an ethical hack is neither to do damage nor to download any valuable information –it's more a service for a client to test his environment on how it would withstand a hacker attack. The final output from an ethical hack is mostly a detailed report about the detected problems and vulnerabilities. Many times, the report does even have instructions on how to remove certain abilities. Ethical hacking does perfectly fit into the security life cycle (see figure 1.1). Ethical hacking is a way of doing a security assessment a current situation (from a technical point of view) can be checked. Like all other assessments (or audits), an ethical hack is a random sample and passing an ethical hack doesn't mean there are no security issues. An ethical hack's results is a detailed report of the findings as well as a testimony that a hacker with a certain amount of time and skills is or isn't able to successfully attack a system or get access to certain information. Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Ethical Computer Hacking Have you ever been a victim of a cyber crime? Something as simple as a weird pop up that won't go away? Or maybe something a little bit more serious like your personal web page gets hi–jacked? All this "malicious" damage that causes you much grief isn't so much the work of a hacker, per se, but more the work of a "cracker" or a "script kiddie". Now you're confused right? Well let's just say everyone who knows how manipulate a computer isn't doing it on bad and evil terms, like writing a virus to deploy on a certain date to permanently delete certain file extensions. But maybe they're the people sitting hours on end to deploy a fix for that certain virus someone else is writing, or safeguarding a local bank's network to make sure that more content... These are the people setting the very negative example of computer literate people around the world. They know no morals, or ethical value behind what they do, but to compromise, and cause havoc upon the end user computing world. Hackers fall into two categories: Black Hat and White Hat Hackers. While Black Hat hackers illegally crack into systems for malicious reasons, their White Hat counterparts probe and test for security flaws and IT research (Black Hat/White Hat). The term " hacker" can be explained as a person who enjoys learning the details of a computer system and how to stretch their capabilities beyond a person who learns the bare minimum to use a computer (Palmer). By this definition, a hacker can be anyone who is willing to expand their knowledge with a computer to better benefit themselves, or more importantly, others. Many people disregard the ethical sense to hacking and believe all forms of hacking to be unjust, which is untrue, but hacking can be very beneficial. White Hat, or Ethical Hacking can be very useful by having security professionals attempt to break in to explore and try to exploiting systems to discover a loop–hole or security flaw in a network. This is similar to having independent auditors come into an organization to verify its bookkeeping records. These White Hat hackers are usually experts in their field and use the Get more content on
  • 8. Ethical Hacking Almost 90 percent of our society now depends on complex computer based system. With the increasingly use of computer and explosive growth of the Internet has brought many good things: electronic commerce, online banking, e–mail, video conferencing etc. The improvement of systems security to prevent criminal hacker has become an important concern to society. There are many ways to protect those information systems; it seems that the Ethical Hacking is a better way. Therefore, whether to teach or not teach the "Ethical Hacking" as a course in Tertiary education has become an interesting argument. In this article will analysis the ethical, legal, and ethical implications of this issue. In order to discuss the ethical, legal, and more content... A firewall can prevent computers being hack or attack. However, if Ethical Hacking is being taught to someone, it is expected that the activity of Ethical Hacking is permitted by the system owner beforehand. Otherwise, such activity will treated as an offence against the law. In the current society, business, organizations and government are very dependent on computers and Internet. Adequately protecting an organization 's information assets is a requisite issue. Many organizations have deployed security software or devices, such as firewalls or intrusion detection systems, to help protect their information assets and to quickly identify potential attacks. IBM Systems Journal states that "some organizations came to realize that one of the best ways to evaluate the intruder threat to their interests would be to have independent computer security professionals attempt to hack into their computer systems" (IBM 2001). This might be a good way to evaluate the system vulnerability. However, to allow a penetration test team break into their systems, the organization may have faces some risks. For example, the penetration test team may fail to identify significant vulnerabilities; sensitive security information may be disclosed, increasing the risk of the organizations being vulnerable to external attacks (The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants). Some organization even send their system administrator to be trained Ethical Hacking as a career course in Tertiary Get more content on
  • 9. The Pros And Cons Of Hacking Hackers: Control and Property The ethical issues surrounding hacking, stem from several sources mainly dealing with order and control, and information ownership. What is difficult to decipher from all the media hoopla surrounding the terms, "hacker" and "hacking" is both the simultaneous sensationalism and the condemnation of said activities. Of course just recently, even a movie was made and was appropriately called Hackers. The term and all that it implies has truly entered our popular consciousness when Hollywood has made a box office movie on it. As the advancement of computer technologies and systems of information become increasingly more and more complex in today's fast paced modern world and said technologies become an more content... "Hackers", on the other hand probably view the system more abstractly, as a resource waiting to be used at the end of a telephone line, a challenge beckoning them, calling to them irresistibly, whispering to them, "There will be no damage done and no one will be the wiser." On either side of this debate is the concept of free information. What is information anyway? Can it really be free? The Internet is a complex series of systems of information in which the circulation and distribution of these systems can create even more complex institutional relationships among the systems. Information, in and of itself should be available to anyone, in theory. Yet there is the other side, in which a terrorist can hack into the U.S. Defense Department or NASA databases and start a nuclear war. There must be some middle ground that can be reached in which the ideal of free information and the protection of property rights can coexist in harmony. What solution we have so far can only be to protect Get more content on
  • 10. Ethical Hacking Essay Ethical hacking, in my opinion, is just as much as an oxymoron as 'constructive criticism'. Before I go on to show that 'ethical hacking' is but an oxymoron only in the literal sense, it is essential for one to understand the words 'ethical' and 'hacking' – origin, meaning and the misconception. 'Ethical' can be defined as 'working with high professional morals and principles'. The original hacker was a person who liked to tinker with software and hardware alike, enjoying and exploring the way the things work. They would tweak their subject to perform faster, better or differently than it initially did. There was nothing negative about being a hacker, until the word was repeatedly misused by the media, synonymising 'crackers' more content... No mischievous objectives are to be perused. The misuse of the system and information provided to a hacker is strictly prohibited. Secondly, an ethical hacker is to, at all times, respect his employer's/subject's privacy. The information one gathers is to treated with utmost respect. While fool proofing the system, the hacker will come across sensitive data such as passwords, personal pictures and other valuable documents. These are, under all circumstances, to be kept private. An effective way to ward off the temptation of snooping around is to keep other people, one's employers, involved in the penetration testing process. Third, and last of the basic rules, is to not crash the system in question. This can easily be avoided by planning properly, before jumping into the process and working plainly on instinct. This mainly happens when the white hat does not read the system documentation properly or does not understand the working and power of the tools he is using. An appropriate example of a an ethical hacker, who lives up to his designation, is the 24 year old Ankit Fadia. Even at this young age, Fadia boast to have written 14 international best–selling books on topics related to Computer Security, which have been appreciated by professionals and industrialist all over the world. Faida is considered by many to be the truest form of a white hat. He shows us the true potential and nature of a white hat, a picture very few of us can imagine. Get more content on