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Ambition And Prophecy In Macbeth Essay
In William Shakespeare's Macbeth, two important themes that take place in the play are ambition
and prophecy. Ambition is often the motivating force in one's life. It is supposed to be the
motivating factor that drives one towards success. In the play, Macbeth has ambition and desire for
power that leads him at the end to his downfall. Furthermore, prophecy is done through the role of
the three witches in the play. Prophecy has its effect onMacbeth and the decisions he makes
throughout the play.
In the beginning of the play, after the visit of the three witches, Macbeth tends to ignore his desires
for power, and depends on chance. "If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me,
without my stir" (I, 3, 143–144), this declaration by Macbeth shows his initial stand, which is
believing in fate and to be sin free. As Macbeth's character develops throughout the play, he moves
from being reliant on chance, to take actions to fulfill his darker desires. However, Lady Macbeth
also has a manipulative mastermind, she possesses the power to influence her husband's decisions
in a negative manner. "... and you shall put This night's great business into my dispatch, Which shall
to all our nights and days to come Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom," (I, 5, 55–60) Lady
Macbeth was the one who conceives the entire plan about murdering king Duncan, and hashes out
the details before Macbeth even truly considers taking action to make the prophecies come true.
"Was the hope drunk Wherein you dressed yourself? Hath it slept since? And wakes it now, to look
so green and pale At what it did so freely? From this time Such I account thy love," (I, 6, 26–40)
even though Macbeth has the desire to become a king, he did not have enough courage to take any
action to fulfil his desire. In contrast, Lady Macbeth is full of courage and will stop at nothing to
get what she wants and desires. She attacks Macbeth's weakest spot, his courage, by convincing him
that he will only be a man if he commits the murder.
Macbeth is a brave man who is not naturally inclined to perform evil deeds, yet he desperately wants
and desires power and succession. At the beginning, Lady Macbeth was being in control and
dominating Macbeth. Later in the
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Ambition : The Power Of Ambition
Ambition, the desire to achieve greatness and fulfill our passions, has long been one of humanity's
most powerful and helpful traits. Ambition propels us to conquer, create, and build the incredible
things that influence and improve billions of people 's' lives around the globe today. The fruit of
the power of ambition is clearly evident nearly everywhere we turn in present society, as exciting
innovations, spellbinding humanitarian action, and glorious successes are now able to be beheld
and admired by billions of people with vast reach of social media. However, with this
ever–increasing multitude of inspiring progress and triumphs, the globe has also been forced to bear
witness to an unprecedented showcase of ambition's more destructive and malicious side, as
bombings, scandals, and political corruption bleakly headline many of the news stories and articles
that we see today. Despite the incredible amount of disturbing events that grip currently grip us, the
manipulative dark side of ambition has haunted the human race throughout the entire duration of our
species's history. Because of this, the power of ambition has been immortalized by countless authors
in some of the most globally renowned literary works of all time. At the forefront of this, we can
find the famous tragedy Macbeth, written by revered playwright William Shakespeare and set in
Scotland during the Medieval Era. Being a tragedy, the play's main character Macbeth is blessed
with countless virtues, such as
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Definition Essay On Ambition
Ambition is a human trait to have extreme determination to complete your goals. Every ambitious
person is affected differently: some might have the goal to be rich, while another's ambition leads
them to run a marathon. Ambition is the passion to achieve your aspirations, even if they are nearly
impossible to achieve. This trait is not cookie–cutter, it's a complex characteristic that has many
different factors. Some might consider it a good trait, while another person could consider it a bad
trait. With hard work and ambition, success can be achieved. Although, without the hard work, all
that's left is a goal and the yearning to complete it. Ambition does not mean success, nor does it
make one productive: ambition is just desire. more content...
When people first started using the word, they were talking about people that were striving for
honor and popularity (Online Etymology Dictionary). For some people, the word still has the same
meaning, which is why ambition can have a negative connotation. Some people are considered
ambitious because they want fame, fortune, and honor. Ambition led by greed won't make
somebody happy. It may make somebody complete their goals, but they're purely selfish and won't
make them happy like they think. This negative type of ambition is an excessive form of ambition:
it makes people obsessive and they stop caring about everything, but their dreams. People who are
overambitious are, usually, willing to do anything to become successful and often lose the people
they care about the most in the process. Ambition can create selfish, ruthless, and greedy people.
Although it can be detrimental, without ambition, people lack drive. Society could not survive
without ambition: nothing would move forward because ambition leads to change and progression.
People without any ambition tend to be very lazy and end up unsuccessful people. Not having an
objective to strive for is extremely unhealthy which is why many apathetic people become depressed.
When one doesn't have ambition, they don't have anything to look forward to, they just live one day
at a time, waiting for something to happen.
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Ambition Essay
Ambition is a strong desire to do or achieve something. Many people view ambition as a positive
aspect, many do not. The great things that people have accomplished are driven by ambition. Yet, too
much ambition can drive someone to have very destructive actions. Ambition is a negative trait
based on the fact that it gives you a careless attitude and gets you wealthy but not exactly satisfied.
Ambition can cause you to be self–absorbed and give you a careless attitude toward your family or
the important aspects of life. "It means you care more about getting ahead rather than about your
kids or your wife or your husband"(Gale). Ambition can cause you care more about "climbing the
corporate ladder" or try to "win that next marathon" more content...
Genuine happiness is not brought by wealth and power, it is brought by family or pets."Some
people think that ambitious people are selfish and are never satisfied because they always want
more." Despite the fact that ambitious people may have the best car, or the greatest house in the
neighborhood, this does not guarantee true happiness in life. Materialistic items are only
temporary, the happiness you get from a new Audi A3 Sedan is only for a brief time. The
happiness you get from marrying the love of your life is until the end of time. Ambitious people
are continually working on the next goal or dream. This means they rarely have time for their
kids or their wives or husbands. This may divide the family, lead to divorce, where the kids and
adults endure suffering . "...but not enough to spend all your time working for your loved ones
instead of spending time with them." Your ambition may be driven by the need to provide for your
family, or ensure that your family is financially stable. The time spent constantly searching for
another way to get a check can cut into the time you can be spending with your family. Ambition is
a negative trait because it gives you a careless attitude and gets you wealthy but not exactly happy.
Those with ambition may have the best car or the best house yet may not be completely happy. Yes,
ambition can be a extremely constructive part of one's life, but for
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Ambition In Hamlet
The personal and business matters of an individual almost always overlap. Many complications
surface when finding an appropriate balance between family and work, which consequently lead to
the integration of the two. A unified approach to dealing with family and work can increase the
chances of displaying remarkable honour and ambition. On the other hand, integrating two complex
aspects of an individual's life can work against any progress within an individual's want to meet ends
with family obligation or political ambition. In Shakespeare's Hamlet, the inevitable integration of
family honour and political ambition work in benefit to Fortinbras' and young Hamlet's desire to
avenge his father's death. Within the fathers of the play, more content...
Hamlet going to great lengths to banish Claudius' false face and reveal his true heart could construe
as not only his great honour for his father, but also for Denmark, for a fitting King would not be
In addition to betrayal, a fitting King would not disregard family honour by marrying the wife of
his brother, who he murdered, and later attempting to kill the same brother's son. Throughout the
play, Claudius reveals how his hunger for power remains the cause of his continual acts of
dishonour to Hamlet and Young Hamlet. Claudius asking God for forgiveness proves that the fruits
of power are not as satisfactory when family honour and obligation become sacrificed. Despite
Claudius acknowledging that "stronger guilt defeats [his] strong intent," (3.3.41) he also knows that
"in the corrupted currents of this world/ Offense's gilded hand may shove by justice" (3.3.58–59). As
Claudius remains in possession of "[his] crown, [his] own ambition, and [his] queen" (3.3.56), he
knows God will not forgive him of his grave deed for, ironically, he believes that "There's such
divinity doth hedge a king" (4.5.121). Claudius' integrated awareness, but lack of actual action,
towards political ambition and family honour causes a void of any triumph for himself, for his
position as king. Claudius remains stressed by his guilt, thus, raising suspicion as to whether or not
he can handle where his ambitions take him. Continuing with Claudius' evident lack of
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Essay on Ambition in Shakespeare's Macbeth
In Macbeth ambition plays a huge role in character devolvement. Ambition affects four of the major
characters. The characters are Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Malcom, and Banquo. The sisters are the
source of Ambition. It is as if they control ambition. The ambition the sisters' control is negative
ambition. Ambition is, wanting to have more then you have and wanting it now. Macbeth's
ambition is powered by the sisters. Through the sisters he learns that he is to be king, he does not
know how he is going to become king however. Ambition is the key to his downfall. Before he had
this ambition he said that he would never have dreamed of killing the king to become king. The
ambition drove him to kill the king, so that he could become then more content...
He believes that he is seeing banquo. Lady Macbeth is more power hungry and ambitious then
Macbeth is. She, through ambition she gives the finial push to Macbeth to kill Duncan the king
of Scotland. Her power however, is not driven by the sisters, hers is greed. She wants to be
Queen, she wants the power of being Queen. Both Lady Macbeth and Macbeths ambition is tragic
flaw. Her ambition drives her to her to go crazy which ultimately drives her to her death. There is
an instance where she is sleep walking, eyes open. She goes to her vanity and sits down, she
looks at her hands a sees blood. Then she sticks her hand in the water bowl and attempts to wash
them. When she pulls them back out the blood did not wash away. Only she can see the blood
her maid and doctor see this happening and they just think that she is going crazy. This is only
the beginning of her insaneness. Just before her death she vilely reads a letter that Macbeth sent
to her, telling her that he was to be King some how. It is her guilt that kills her. Banquo's ambition
is unlike Macbeths and Lady Macbeths, his ambition does not drive him to kill. His ambition is he
wants his son to become king, and he wants his son's son to become king and so on. He does not
quite know how to make his ambition successful but he knows that it is not worth killing for.
Macbeth becomes jealous of Banquo's ambition and Macbeths ambition drives him tell people to kill
Banquo. Malcolm is Duncan's son
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Importance of Ambitions in Life Essay
Importance of Ambitions in Life
Ambition is defined as a strong desire to obtain success, power, or riches or as something that you
want very much to do or to obtain. Having an ambition represents everything to many people. The
only purpose in a man's life is fulfilling his dream, because am ambition can be associated with a
dream. And if this dream doesn't exist you can't say that you have lived your life to the full.
In the moments of solitary meditation when we are alone with ourselves and we can no longer lie
or delude ourselves, we ask the fundamental question: why do I have to die, why is it that my life
must end, why is my existence finite, limited in time? Ambition is the catalyst more
The creative act is born from an irresistible impulse towards the absolute, that is the wish of the
individual to lift his subjectivity to the maximum perfection allowed by his spiritual resources and
then to transpose this degree of spiritual elevation into a concrete world. On the other hand, the
creative act is born from the hope that people will recognize the value of his work and therefore
remember his name forever. You should consider the first aspiration of the individual. We can assert
that that it is dissolved in a paradox. Of course, the process of creation augments substantially the
spiritual energies of the individual, it even makes him think that he represents the supreme measure
of the generating principle of life, but the work, the product of this process does not succeed in
conveying all the superior exigencies of the creator and, consequently, it does not completely confirm
his exceptional self–appreciation during the creation of his work.
But in my opinion when you have an ambition it means that you are living for fulfilling it, you
live your life to the full, you are completely dedicated and focused on what you want to achieve or
fulfil. When you have a certain ambition, even if it is a very strange one and you hope every day
that one day you will fulfil it, you have passion and you give everything you have to see you dream
come true.
To take an example I can
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Essay about Macbeth's ambition
An ambition for power can seem to be true perfection, but one should be careful what they wish for,
because that power might be exactly what causes their downfall. In the play Macbeth written by
William Shakespeare ambition plays a great role and is also a main theme. Ambition is often the
motivating force in one's life. It is supposed to be the motivating factor that drives one towards
success. The main character, Macbeth has ambition even though it leads him to his downfall. In
contrast, Lady Macbeth pursues her goals with greater determination, yet she is less capable of
withstanding the outcome of her actions. She becomes guilty which leads to her death since she
becomes mentally ill and commits suicide, leaving Macbeth without more content...
IV), Macbeth is angry, he knows to become king he needs to either give up or step over Malcolm
(meaning defeat him or perhaps assassinate Duncan). Macbeth begins to plan his betrayal against
Duncan as he sees Malcolm standing in the way of Macbeth gaining the throne. Macbeth's ambition
to become king leads him to betray his beloved king Duncan.
"Who can be wise, amazed, temp'rate, and furious,
Loyal and neutral, in a moment? No man.
Th' expedition of my violent love
Outrun the pauser, reason." (Macbeth, Act II Sc. II)
Macbeth pretends to show sorrow after hearing the news of Duncan's death, in another way he is
asking himself these questions. This shows that Macbeth is already starting to feel guilty of what
he has done. "To show an unfelt sorrow is an office which the false man does easy." (Malcolm,
Act II, scene III), Macbeth shows false sorrow; he is covering up his lie by showing his sorrow
towards Duncan's death. A liar can easily pretend to feel sorrow even though he doesn't feel any.
Macbeth's ambition led him to lose all the trust and loyalty from his army and thanes, as he
becomes greedy and overconfident of himself. The witches' prophecies have led him to think that
no one can kill him. The prophecies showing truth are next to impossible. The apparitions shown to
Macbeth by the witches include (Act IV Sc. I): He is told to beware Macduff, the Thane of Fife
(Apparition 1 – an armed head),
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Personal Ambition
Personal ambitions and goals have been influential within my life causing a major impact on the
professional and personal connections that I have made within my community.
Every morning when I wake up I am in a positive state of mind that can lead to completing my daily
goals and finishes with the feeling of success. When starting the day striving to meet my goals gives
me a sense of accomplishment through my personal ambitions. I find every goal that I attain assists
me in reaching bigger and more desirable goals resulting in being a man with numerous trades and
Having a positive reputation and a last name that others respect is very important in todays society
resulting in strong connections socially and professionally by having strong personal relations
skills. All the above things has given me the motivation to strive towards larger goals. Without
reaching and accomplishing small goals you will not be able to succeed and reach for large goals
which will can limit your ambitions.
At the age of 12 I created my own little business with a simple plan and a goal of just making a
small income by mowing lawns with my small Honda lawn mower. My plan aloud me to receive 80
dollars a month in the first year but steadily increased every summer because my customer base
increased word of mouth and supply and demand. My financial gain has increased by 525 percent
when comparing it to my first monthly income of 80 dollars a month. Challenges soon started to arise
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Essay on Ambition in Macbeth
In the play of "Macbeth", Shakespeare gradually and effectively deepens our understanding of the
themes and most importantly the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The main theme
of Macbeth is ambition, and how it compels the main characters to pursue it. The antagonists of the
play are the three witches, who symbolise the theme appearance and reality. Macbeth and Lady
Macbeth's relation is an irony throughout the play, as most of their relation is based on greed and
power. This is different from most of Shakespeare's other plays, which are mostly based on romance
and trust. There is also guilt that leads Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to the final consequences of the
play. As the progresses, the constant changes in Macbeth and more content...
The witches proclaim a prophecy to Macbeth, in which he will be the Thane of Glamis then the
Thane of Cawdor then become a king in the near future. This startles Macbeth as most turns out to be
true but he also starts hoping that the prophecy comes true. However, when Macbeth goes to meet
King Duncan, he discovers that Malcolm will be Duncan's heir, and not him. At this point,
Macbeth's intentions turn evil, which he feels guilty about:
"Stars, hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires."
The language Shakespeare uses here gives us an insight that evil acts are done in the dark,
therefore Macbeth does not want the "stars" light to shine upon his dark side and reveal his "deep
desires". After leaving King Duncan's castle, Macbeth goes home and tells his wife about King
Duncan arriving at their place. Lady Macbeth, knowing the prophecy, decides to help Macbeth fulfil
his ambition by planning Duncan's death. However, Macbeth struggles with his conscience before
"this night's great business". He is in a dilemma on whether he should take advantage of Duncan's
arrival and fulfil his ambition or not:
" But in these cases we still have judgement here, that we but teach bloody instructions, which being
taught return to plague th'inventor."
At this point, Shakespeare has created a dilemma for Macbeth, as Macbeth is in doubt of what he
should do. He is aware that what goes
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What Is My Ambition In Ambition Essay
"You need to go one step ahead" a constant thought that incited me to aim/experience/ go for/ take
up higher education. Right from the school days the experiences, knowledge and the learnings
have strongly reinforced my career goals. "Growth is the most important career goal that a person
must look into" I believe. Hence in order to unceasingly grow in my line of work and to serve the
society in best possible way, I desire to pursue my graduate education in electrical.
The fact that there are so many engineers in my family, had inspired me to take up electrical
engineering. Right from childhood I was very engrossed in finding out alternative solutions to real
life problems. Gradually, I started building interest in the logic behind the more
I took a gap of 1 year after high school to enter into the institution and get a course of my study
interest. Quality has always been my first priority and I didn't want to compromise for any less than
I deserve. (I don't know if this is to be pointed out.)
I secured All India Rank of 10,044 out of 10 lakh students, in the All India Engineering Entrance
Examination, one of the toughest engineering entrance exams in India. I was fortunate enough to get
admission into one of the most reputed government colleges of India–National Institute of
Technology, Surat.
When I entered college, I realized that I was surrounded by students who were at–least as good as
me. Competition was tough. It first dawned on me when I cleared first semester with a CGPA of
7.94. I started working hard, semester after semester, and that is evident in my gradually increasing
CGPA, which was 8.28 by the end of completion year. I finished my undergraduate with department
rank 14, out of 91
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What Is Ambition Essay
"A dream without ambition is like a car without're not going anywhere," (Hampton).
Ambition is something many people have however many people don't know what the true meaning
of ambition is. The dictionary definition of ambition is, "a strong desire to do or to achieve
something, typically requiring determination and hard work" ( Ambition has made
great leaders since the dawn of time, like Cleopatra, and any great leader adopts, or already
possesses, six habits that are found in the minds and hearts of two of the greatest leaders of the 20th
century, Nelson Mandela and Gandhi, but ambition can be seen as a two–faced word causing it to
have a negative light as well. Humans adapted to change for centuries. Humans adapted to weather,
to wars, and to other humans. Every creature, not just humans, have had to develop over time to new
habits and traits to help them survive. Ambition is one trait that has been around for centuries buried
inside the minds and hearts of humans. more content...
Stacy Schiff stated, "She lost her kingdom once; regained it; nearly lost it again; amassed an
empire; lost it all" (Schiff). The statement explains that Cleopatra had enough ambition to keep
fighting for her kingdom. The definition of ambition begins to give off the idea that Cleopatra had
ambition. Ambition gave her the strength and determination to fight for her kingdom, even when
she lost it. Cleopatra lost her kingdom at least twice, almost three times, however, she battled
through it and kept getting her kingdom back. Cleopatra's ambition made her a great ancient leader
and female leader, "Even at a time when female rulers were no rarity, Cleopatra stood out, the sole
woman of her world to rule alone" (Schiff). Ambition has made Cleopatra stand out as a great and
ambitious leader. She helped create the six habits that create great
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Macbeth Essay On Ambition
Shyann Anaya
English 4
Period 5
January 29, 2018
Mr. Trussel
"Ambitious Leaders" THESIS: In Macbeth, the author, William Shakespeare, uses Macbeth's
vaulting ambition to show how misused ambition can be a flaw. In Macbeth, the author, William
Shakespeare, uses Macbeth's vaulting ambition to show how misused ambition can be a
tremendous flaw. A strong desire to do or achieve something runs in all of us. Some people
possess that quality as a flaw. Shakespeare shows in his writing that leaders with flawed ambition
will act selfishly and unfairly, while those who use ambition as a strength will act reasonably and
with benevolence. The basis for a flawed ambitious leader is seen in an award–winning jealous
ice–skater, the 37th more content...
Simpson was regarded not only as a hero in the football community, but also as a gentle and kind
person. Unfortunately, he fell victim to his own impulsiveness. On June 13th, 1994, Nicole Brown
Simpson and a friend were discovered viciously slaughtered in front of Nicole's home. To this day,
it is still unclear the motive of O.J.'s actions on that fateful night, but there is no doubt he acted
out of rage and impulsiveness. Prior to the murder, O.J. went "into a jealous rage if Nicole so
much as cast a glance in another guy's direction" (Anolik). Because of his anger and
impulsiveness, O.J. Simpson was stripped of his heroic stance and placed in a prison cell. He took
control of another person's fate for his own personal and unknown reasons. Macbeth could have let
fate lead itself, but instead he decided to attempt to control his own future future by murdering his
superior. O.J. Simpson, like Macbeth, was once looked upon as a hero, but was defeated by his own
impulsiveness and
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Essay On Personal Ambition
I am very ambitious person, looking forward always to achieve my goals. I live with my parents,
take care of them, and help them in daily living. They instilled me the high values and the good
principals. They taught me that education is everything. It is the foundation of this life; by it, I can
achieve all my greatest goals. I am at this time a student at Cambridge College. I am organized,
tough and energetic. I loved to help people and support them; I stand with the justice in every event
with my family or friends.
I loved to be the leader, take the responsibility, the right decisions and give the advices, especially
with matters that dealing with care of people and their health. My passion is how to manage their
issues and resolve their problems. So that, my desire quickly chose the healthcare management as an
academic program. I love to take care of people and I want to help them to live better. I felt pride
also when I took an internship in a hospital, I felt comfortable that I did something good for the
people, seen the smiles along the patients face I dealt with. I like help people to have a better
quality of healthcare because I believe this is my social responsibility.
I have been raised on the good ethics, always I was honest and learnt what is loyalty mean, I am a
person with personal integrity, responsible, dependable and truthful. I used to help others, respect
everybody and always say the truth and thankful to my family and my friends. I take the pride of
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Essay On Personal Ambition In The Army
People in general go through life with the same ambitions to be successful, have purpose, and
fulfillment. Essentially people are taught these aspects by our parents, grandparents, teachers, and
coaches; people that you are surrounded by as you grow and mature in life. Personal ambition and
/or goals are no different when it comes to being a Soldier; from day one Soldiers or potential
applicants find encouragement early on in their military career from their recruiter. Personal
experiences with your recruiter is the first interaction you have with someone in the military that has
and will influence you in the beginning. However, depending on who you talk to some would say it
was their Drill Sergeant (DS). This individual is the true definition
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The Definition Of Ambition
Ambition Ambition, an earnest desire for some type of achievement of distinction, as power, honor,
fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment. The word ambition originated from
the Romans according to The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins. "Politicians
are still among the most ambitious men, but the Romans thought them so much more so than others
that they confined their word ambito (from ambi, "around" and eo, "go"), meaning "ardent striving
for pomp and power," to politicians alone. In fact it took centuries before ambition, the English
derivative of ambito, took on a more positive meaning and was applied to any person striving for
wealth, power, skill or recognition,"(2). While researching this word, I found that ambition doesn't
always run alone. To achieve ambition more content...
To me, this definition of ambition is to some extend truthful. Personally I would define ambition
as the drive or "impulse" and desire to reach your goal, the push to do anything you can to reach
your goal. In the poem "Ambition", by Maggie Pogue Johnson (8b), she indicated that ambition is
a necessity that people need in life which will aid us most in life. It is our effort to "reach Life's
distant goal (Line 12)." She also states that ambition will "lift from hovels, banish strife, and aid
every one (Line 19–20)." In "A Man's Ambition is to Conquer the World," (8c) the unknown author
creates the image that a man's goal is to conquer the world and he can not let a "women bewitch
him,"( Line 2). He must escape from their tender demands and intimate bonds, the man has to leave
their comfort zone, to conquer the
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Speech On Ambition
As a baker, I love to make all of the different types of deliciously smelling bread, such as rye,
wheat, brioche, and sourdough. Each has a different recipe, flour ratio, cook time, and density,
however all are connected with one thing. Yeast, which brings rise to the bread. Yeast to flour is
ambition to success. Rising to success requires adding and taking away ambition to create a perfect
balance. While, ambition is thought of as being the main cause of the downfalls of many people as
well as the corruption of their morals, however overall ambition has positively affected most
individuals, driving them to achieve their goals and exploding great results when used in moderation.
Ambition is extraordinary compared to other characteristics more content...
They will think themselves justified in their misdeeds, simply because they worked hard to achieve
their goals. This is clear for, "a great strength of American society is the drive to succeed –– well, not
just to succeed, but to do better than anyone else; to be a star, a tycoon, an authority, a power, a
celebrity or a leader; to be admired, respected, feared or obeyed more than your peers...As for one
of the great weaknesses of American society, see all of the above" (Source 4). The American
ambition and the need to win, in a manner of speaking, no matter what's the costs. While, at first
glance, it shows up this drive is gainful, that same drive can lead individuals to depend on
degenerate, unpleasant intends to accomplish significance. In the event that the ambition to succeed
can make one desert their own particular ethics, at that point it is absolutely a negative power. The
drive to succeed blinds individuals so much that they will remain determined and do anything so as
to accomplish their ambition. Continuing, in one survey the "National Opinion Research Center at
the University of Chicago asked respondents what mattered for "getting ahead in life." Ambition
ranked first at 43 percent, followed closely by "hard work" (38 percent) and "a good education" (36
percent)" (Source 4). The author utilizes these statistics to move down his idea of this area
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Ambition Essay
Before I could really start to write about ambition, I had to ask myself what ambition really was.
What causes people to be ambitious, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of being an
ambitious person? At first, I must admit it was fairly difficult to comprehend. But I found it to all
come together when I related it to another kind of person or group of people – dreamers.
When I think of ambitious people I think of dreamers. These are the people with hopes of one day
conquering and ruling the world single handedly, and having everything work out just the way they
want it to. I also feel that an ambitious person is a confident one. And because of this, they feel there
is nothing they cannot more content...
And in order to dream as large, one would have to be ambitious. I then asked my mother a similar
question, but found a great difference not only in the period of time it took for a response, but in
the answer as well. Her answer was more realistic, almost as if she knew her limitations and her
options, and her dreams had both narrowed. This helped me to understand that high ambitions lie in
the youth of the world. And although adults may be ambitious at heart, their minds help them decide
what is and is not realistic.
Through my experiences in dealing with ambitious people (and being one myself) I found that
ambition may cause certain amounts of unnecessary stress. It may even cause you to forget about
the things that hold great importance in your life. An ambitious person tends to only see his or
her objective, and anything that gets in the way of progress is either ignores or looked at as an
advantage. This in return may cause people to dislike you, not because they want to see you fail,
but instead want you to realize that they have to have ambitions and dreams. And from time to
time, they desire some kind of acknowledgement for their goals that they hope to one day
accomplish. Some people may see this as a form of jealousy, but I see it as being human. We all
want things that we do not have, so why should ambitions be any different?
Therefore, ambition can be perceived in many different
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What Does Ambition Mean To You Essay
"Our ambition should be to rule ourselves, the true kingdom for each one of us; and true progress
is to know more, and be more, and to do more" is a quote by Oscar Wilde. Ambition is a driving
force required to succeed. It gives you a reason, a goal and a will to succeed. The greatest minds
in history were able to do what they did because of ambition. They had a goal that they wanted to
accomplish, and to do that they needed the push. I believe that ambition is the word that describes
me as a person. Ambition comes with setting goals. I am always setting goals for my future, and I
already made a plan on what to do after I graduate from highschool. I already decided what
university I want to go to and why. However, reaching these goals require
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Examples Of Ambition In Life
An Essay on My Ambition in Life
Ambition is not always praiseworthy. Sometimes odium attaches to it. Milton calls it 'the last
infirmity of noble minds'. Ambition for power and conquest has wrought no end of misery in this
world. But ambition also inspires man to 'scorn delights and live laborious days'. It rouses the
spirit of emulation in gifted persons. In the humbler stations of life, to which most of us belong, it
acts as an impetus to good work. Surely such an ambition is not to be condemned. Ambition
becomes a vice only if I seek to improve my position in life at the expense of other, or to serve my
own interest without offending others. When, for example, I am asked to state what my ambition in
life is, the assumption certainly is more content...
I confess a weakness for the ideals of a teacher. I know that a teacher in our country is bound to be
poor. Yet to be a teacher is to me a noble ambition. I like to imagine myself watching the slowly
expanding minds of young people like the petals of flowers, and helping them to receive eagerly
the light of knowledge. But then I hesitate when I think of the poverty, and drudgery of a teacher's
life. It may it may be that, driven by this poverty, I may be forced to sacrifice the ideals that I
cherish in order to do my duties to myself and my family. To take up duties to which one cannot be
blind to the heroism that underlies a teacher's calling. To me that is an inspiring
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Essays On Ambition

  • 1. Ambition And Prophecy In Macbeth Essay In William Shakespeare's Macbeth, two important themes that take place in the play are ambition and prophecy. Ambition is often the motivating force in one's life. It is supposed to be the motivating factor that drives one towards success. In the play, Macbeth has ambition and desire for power that leads him at the end to his downfall. Furthermore, prophecy is done through the role of the three witches in the play. Prophecy has its effect onMacbeth and the decisions he makes throughout the play. In the beginning of the play, after the visit of the three witches, Macbeth tends to ignore his desires for power, and depends on chance. "If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me, without my stir" (I, 3, 143–144), this declaration by Macbeth shows his initial stand, which is believing in fate and to be sin free. As Macbeth's character develops throughout the play, he moves from being reliant on chance, to take actions to fulfill his darker desires. However, Lady Macbeth also has a manipulative mastermind, she possesses the power to influence her husband's decisions in a negative manner. "... and you shall put This night's great business into my dispatch, Which shall to all our nights and days to come Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom," (I, 5, 55–60) Lady Macbeth was the one who conceives the entire plan about murdering king Duncan, and hashes out the details before Macbeth even truly considers taking action to make the prophecies come true. "Was the hope drunk Wherein you dressed yourself? Hath it slept since? And wakes it now, to look so green and pale At what it did so freely? From this time Such I account thy love," (I, 6, 26–40) even though Macbeth has the desire to become a king, he did not have enough courage to take any action to fulfil his desire. In contrast, Lady Macbeth is full of courage and will stop at nothing to get what she wants and desires. She attacks Macbeth's weakest spot, his courage, by convincing him that he will only be a man if he commits the murder. Macbeth is a brave man who is not naturally inclined to perform evil deeds, yet he desperately wants and desires power and succession. At the beginning, Lady Macbeth was being in control and dominating Macbeth. Later in the Get more content on
  • 2. Ambition : The Power Of Ambition Ambition, the desire to achieve greatness and fulfill our passions, has long been one of humanity's most powerful and helpful traits. Ambition propels us to conquer, create, and build the incredible things that influence and improve billions of people 's' lives around the globe today. The fruit of the power of ambition is clearly evident nearly everywhere we turn in present society, as exciting innovations, spellbinding humanitarian action, and glorious successes are now able to be beheld and admired by billions of people with vast reach of social media. However, with this ever–increasing multitude of inspiring progress and triumphs, the globe has also been forced to bear witness to an unprecedented showcase of ambition's more destructive and malicious side, as bombings, scandals, and political corruption bleakly headline many of the news stories and articles that we see today. Despite the incredible amount of disturbing events that grip currently grip us, the manipulative dark side of ambition has haunted the human race throughout the entire duration of our species's history. Because of this, the power of ambition has been immortalized by countless authors in some of the most globally renowned literary works of all time. At the forefront of this, we can find the famous tragedy Macbeth, written by revered playwright William Shakespeare and set in Scotland during the Medieval Era. Being a tragedy, the play's main character Macbeth is blessed with countless virtues, such as Get more content on
  • 3. Definition Essay On Ambition Ambition is a human trait to have extreme determination to complete your goals. Every ambitious person is affected differently: some might have the goal to be rich, while another's ambition leads them to run a marathon. Ambition is the passion to achieve your aspirations, even if they are nearly impossible to achieve. This trait is not cookie–cutter, it's a complex characteristic that has many different factors. Some might consider it a good trait, while another person could consider it a bad trait. With hard work and ambition, success can be achieved. Although, without the hard work, all that's left is a goal and the yearning to complete it. Ambition does not mean success, nor does it make one productive: ambition is just desire. more content... When people first started using the word, they were talking about people that were striving for honor and popularity (Online Etymology Dictionary). For some people, the word still has the same meaning, which is why ambition can have a negative connotation. Some people are considered ambitious because they want fame, fortune, and honor. Ambition led by greed won't make somebody happy. It may make somebody complete their goals, but they're purely selfish and won't make them happy like they think. This negative type of ambition is an excessive form of ambition: it makes people obsessive and they stop caring about everything, but their dreams. People who are overambitious are, usually, willing to do anything to become successful and often lose the people they care about the most in the process. Ambition can create selfish, ruthless, and greedy people. Although it can be detrimental, without ambition, people lack drive. Society could not survive without ambition: nothing would move forward because ambition leads to change and progression. People without any ambition tend to be very lazy and end up unsuccessful people. Not having an objective to strive for is extremely unhealthy which is why many apathetic people become depressed. When one doesn't have ambition, they don't have anything to look forward to, they just live one day at a time, waiting for something to happen. Get more content on
  • 4. Ambition Essay Ambition is a strong desire to do or achieve something. Many people view ambition as a positive aspect, many do not. The great things that people have accomplished are driven by ambition. Yet, too much ambition can drive someone to have very destructive actions. Ambition is a negative trait based on the fact that it gives you a careless attitude and gets you wealthy but not exactly satisfied. Ambition can cause you to be self–absorbed and give you a careless attitude toward your family or the important aspects of life. "It means you care more about getting ahead rather than about your kids or your wife or your husband"(Gale). Ambition can cause you care more about "climbing the corporate ladder" or try to "win that next marathon" more content... Genuine happiness is not brought by wealth and power, it is brought by family or pets."Some people think that ambitious people are selfish and are never satisfied because they always want more." Despite the fact that ambitious people may have the best car, or the greatest house in the neighborhood, this does not guarantee true happiness in life. Materialistic items are only temporary, the happiness you get from a new Audi A3 Sedan is only for a brief time. The happiness you get from marrying the love of your life is until the end of time. Ambitious people are continually working on the next goal or dream. This means they rarely have time for their kids or their wives or husbands. This may divide the family, lead to divorce, where the kids and adults endure suffering . "...but not enough to spend all your time working for your loved ones instead of spending time with them." Your ambition may be driven by the need to provide for your family, or ensure that your family is financially stable. The time spent constantly searching for another way to get a check can cut into the time you can be spending with your family. Ambition is a negative trait because it gives you a careless attitude and gets you wealthy but not exactly happy. Those with ambition may have the best car or the best house yet may not be completely happy. Yes, ambition can be a extremely constructive part of one's life, but for Get more content on
  • 5. Ambition In Hamlet The personal and business matters of an individual almost always overlap. Many complications surface when finding an appropriate balance between family and work, which consequently lead to the integration of the two. A unified approach to dealing with family and work can increase the chances of displaying remarkable honour and ambition. On the other hand, integrating two complex aspects of an individual's life can work against any progress within an individual's want to meet ends with family obligation or political ambition. In Shakespeare's Hamlet, the inevitable integration of family honour and political ambition work in benefit to Fortinbras' and young Hamlet's desire to avenge his father's death. Within the fathers of the play, more content... Hamlet going to great lengths to banish Claudius' false face and reveal his true heart could construe as not only his great honour for his father, but also for Denmark, for a fitting King would not be traitorous. In addition to betrayal, a fitting King would not disregard family honour by marrying the wife of his brother, who he murdered, and later attempting to kill the same brother's son. Throughout the play, Claudius reveals how his hunger for power remains the cause of his continual acts of dishonour to Hamlet and Young Hamlet. Claudius asking God for forgiveness proves that the fruits of power are not as satisfactory when family honour and obligation become sacrificed. Despite Claudius acknowledging that "stronger guilt defeats [his] strong intent," (3.3.41) he also knows that "in the corrupted currents of this world/ Offense's gilded hand may shove by justice" (3.3.58–59). As Claudius remains in possession of "[his] crown, [his] own ambition, and [his] queen" (3.3.56), he knows God will not forgive him of his grave deed for, ironically, he believes that "There's such divinity doth hedge a king" (4.5.121). Claudius' integrated awareness, but lack of actual action, towards political ambition and family honour causes a void of any triumph for himself, for his position as king. Claudius remains stressed by his guilt, thus, raising suspicion as to whether or not he can handle where his ambitions take him. Continuing with Claudius' evident lack of Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Ambition in Shakespeare's Macbeth In Macbeth ambition plays a huge role in character devolvement. Ambition affects four of the major characters. The characters are Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Malcom, and Banquo. The sisters are the source of Ambition. It is as if they control ambition. The ambition the sisters' control is negative ambition. Ambition is, wanting to have more then you have and wanting it now. Macbeth's ambition is powered by the sisters. Through the sisters he learns that he is to be king, he does not know how he is going to become king however. Ambition is the key to his downfall. Before he had this ambition he said that he would never have dreamed of killing the king to become king. The ambition drove him to kill the king, so that he could become then more content... He believes that he is seeing banquo. Lady Macbeth is more power hungry and ambitious then Macbeth is. She, through ambition she gives the finial push to Macbeth to kill Duncan the king of Scotland. Her power however, is not driven by the sisters, hers is greed. She wants to be Queen, she wants the power of being Queen. Both Lady Macbeth and Macbeths ambition is tragic flaw. Her ambition drives her to her to go crazy which ultimately drives her to her death. There is an instance where she is sleep walking, eyes open. She goes to her vanity and sits down, she looks at her hands a sees blood. Then she sticks her hand in the water bowl and attempts to wash them. When she pulls them back out the blood did not wash away. Only she can see the blood her maid and doctor see this happening and they just think that she is going crazy. This is only the beginning of her insaneness. Just before her death she vilely reads a letter that Macbeth sent to her, telling her that he was to be King some how. It is her guilt that kills her. Banquo's ambition is unlike Macbeths and Lady Macbeths, his ambition does not drive him to kill. His ambition is he wants his son to become king, and he wants his son's son to become king and so on. He does not quite know how to make his ambition successful but he knows that it is not worth killing for. Macbeth becomes jealous of Banquo's ambition and Macbeths ambition drives him tell people to kill Banquo. Malcolm is Duncan's son Get more content on
  • 7. Importance of Ambitions in Life Essay Importance of Ambitions in Life Ambition is defined as a strong desire to obtain success, power, or riches or as something that you want very much to do or to obtain. Having an ambition represents everything to many people. The only purpose in a man's life is fulfilling his dream, because am ambition can be associated with a dream. And if this dream doesn't exist you can't say that you have lived your life to the full. In the moments of solitary meditation when we are alone with ourselves and we can no longer lie or delude ourselves, we ask the fundamental question: why do I have to die, why is it that my life must end, why is my existence finite, limited in time? Ambition is the catalyst more content... The creative act is born from an irresistible impulse towards the absolute, that is the wish of the individual to lift his subjectivity to the maximum perfection allowed by his spiritual resources and then to transpose this degree of spiritual elevation into a concrete world. On the other hand, the creative act is born from the hope that people will recognize the value of his work and therefore remember his name forever. You should consider the first aspiration of the individual. We can assert that that it is dissolved in a paradox. Of course, the process of creation augments substantially the spiritual energies of the individual, it even makes him think that he represents the supreme measure of the generating principle of life, but the work, the product of this process does not succeed in conveying all the superior exigencies of the creator and, consequently, it does not completely confirm his exceptional self–appreciation during the creation of his work. But in my opinion when you have an ambition it means that you are living for fulfilling it, you live your life to the full, you are completely dedicated and focused on what you want to achieve or fulfil. When you have a certain ambition, even if it is a very strange one and you hope every day that one day you will fulfil it, you have passion and you give everything you have to see you dream come true. To take an example I can Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about Macbeth's ambition An ambition for power can seem to be true perfection, but one should be careful what they wish for, because that power might be exactly what causes their downfall. In the play Macbeth written by William Shakespeare ambition plays a great role and is also a main theme. Ambition is often the motivating force in one's life. It is supposed to be the motivating factor that drives one towards success. The main character, Macbeth has ambition even though it leads him to his downfall. In contrast, Lady Macbeth pursues her goals with greater determination, yet she is less capable of withstanding the outcome of her actions. She becomes guilty which leads to her death since she becomes mentally ill and commits suicide, leaving Macbeth without more content... IV), Macbeth is angry, he knows to become king he needs to either give up or step over Malcolm (meaning defeat him or perhaps assassinate Duncan). Macbeth begins to plan his betrayal against Duncan as he sees Malcolm standing in the way of Macbeth gaining the throne. Macbeth's ambition to become king leads him to betray his beloved king Duncan. "Who can be wise, amazed, temp'rate, and furious, Loyal and neutral, in a moment? No man. Th' expedition of my violent love Outrun the pauser, reason." (Macbeth, Act II Sc. II) Macbeth pretends to show sorrow after hearing the news of Duncan's death, in another way he is asking himself these questions. This shows that Macbeth is already starting to feel guilty of what he has done. "To show an unfelt sorrow is an office which the false man does easy." (Malcolm, Act II, scene III), Macbeth shows false sorrow; he is covering up his lie by showing his sorrow towards Duncan's death. A liar can easily pretend to feel sorrow even though he doesn't feel any. Macbeth's ambition led him to lose all the trust and loyalty from his army and thanes, as he becomes greedy and overconfident of himself. The witches' prophecies have led him to think that no one can kill him. The prophecies showing truth are next to impossible. The apparitions shown to Macbeth by the witches include (Act IV Sc. I): He is told to beware Macduff, the Thane of Fife (Apparition 1 – an armed head), Get more content on
  • 9. Personal Ambition Personal ambitions and goals have been influential within my life causing a major impact on the professional and personal connections that I have made within my community. Every morning when I wake up I am in a positive state of mind that can lead to completing my daily goals and finishes with the feeling of success. When starting the day striving to meet my goals gives me a sense of accomplishment through my personal ambitions. I find every goal that I attain assists me in reaching bigger and more desirable goals resulting in being a man with numerous trades and accomplishments. Having a positive reputation and a last name that others respect is very important in todays society resulting in strong connections socially and professionally by having strong personal relations skills. All the above things has given me the motivation to strive towards larger goals. Without reaching and accomplishing small goals you will not be able to succeed and reach for large goals which will can limit your ambitions. At the age of 12 I created my own little business with a simple plan and a goal of just making a small income by mowing lawns with my small Honda lawn mower. My plan aloud me to receive 80 dollars a month in the first year but steadily increased every summer because my customer base increased word of mouth and supply and demand. My financial gain has increased by 525 percent when comparing it to my first monthly income of 80 dollars a month. Challenges soon started to arise Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Ambition in Macbeth In the play of "Macbeth", Shakespeare gradually and effectively deepens our understanding of the themes and most importantly the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The main theme of Macbeth is ambition, and how it compels the main characters to pursue it. The antagonists of the play are the three witches, who symbolise the theme appearance and reality. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's relation is an irony throughout the play, as most of their relation is based on greed and power. This is different from most of Shakespeare's other plays, which are mostly based on romance and trust. There is also guilt that leads Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to the final consequences of the play. As the progresses, the constant changes in Macbeth and more content... The witches proclaim a prophecy to Macbeth, in which he will be the Thane of Glamis then the Thane of Cawdor then become a king in the near future. This startles Macbeth as most turns out to be true but he also starts hoping that the prophecy comes true. However, when Macbeth goes to meet King Duncan, he discovers that Malcolm will be Duncan's heir, and not him. At this point, Macbeth's intentions turn evil, which he feels guilty about: "Stars, hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires." The language Shakespeare uses here gives us an insight that evil acts are done in the dark, therefore Macbeth does not want the "stars" light to shine upon his dark side and reveal his "deep desires". After leaving King Duncan's castle, Macbeth goes home and tells his wife about King Duncan arriving at their place. Lady Macbeth, knowing the prophecy, decides to help Macbeth fulfil his ambition by planning Duncan's death. However, Macbeth struggles with his conscience before "this night's great business". He is in a dilemma on whether he should take advantage of Duncan's arrival and fulfil his ambition or not: " But in these cases we still have judgement here, that we but teach bloody instructions, which being taught return to plague th'inventor." At this point, Shakespeare has created a dilemma for Macbeth, as Macbeth is in doubt of what he should do. He is aware that what goes Get more content on
  • 11. What Is My Ambition In Ambition Essay "You need to go one step ahead" a constant thought that incited me to aim/experience/ go for/ take up higher education. Right from the school days the experiences, knowledge and the learnings have strongly reinforced my career goals. "Growth is the most important career goal that a person must look into" I believe. Hence in order to unceasingly grow in my line of work and to serve the society in best possible way, I desire to pursue my graduate education in electrical. The fact that there are so many engineers in my family, had inspired me to take up electrical engineering. Right from childhood I was very engrossed in finding out alternative solutions to real life problems. Gradually, I started building interest in the logic behind the more content... I took a gap of 1 year after high school to enter into the institution and get a course of my study interest. Quality has always been my first priority and I didn't want to compromise for any less than I deserve. (I don't know if this is to be pointed out.) I secured All India Rank of 10,044 out of 10 lakh students, in the All India Engineering Entrance Examination, one of the toughest engineering entrance exams in India. I was fortunate enough to get admission into one of the most reputed government colleges of India–National Institute of Technology, Surat. When I entered college, I realized that I was surrounded by students who were at–least as good as me. Competition was tough. It first dawned on me when I cleared first semester with a CGPA of 7.94. I started working hard, semester after semester, and that is evident in my gradually increasing CGPA, which was 8.28 by the end of completion year. I finished my undergraduate with department rank 14, out of 91 Get more content on
  • 12. What Is Ambition Essay "A dream without ambition is like a car without're not going anywhere," (Hampton). Ambition is something many people have however many people don't know what the true meaning of ambition is. The dictionary definition of ambition is, "a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work" ( Ambition has made great leaders since the dawn of time, like Cleopatra, and any great leader adopts, or already possesses, six habits that are found in the minds and hearts of two of the greatest leaders of the 20th century, Nelson Mandela and Gandhi, but ambition can be seen as a two–faced word causing it to have a negative light as well. Humans adapted to change for centuries. Humans adapted to weather, to wars, and to other humans. Every creature, not just humans, have had to develop over time to new habits and traits to help them survive. Ambition is one trait that has been around for centuries buried inside the minds and hearts of humans. more content... Stacy Schiff stated, "She lost her kingdom once; regained it; nearly lost it again; amassed an empire; lost it all" (Schiff). The statement explains that Cleopatra had enough ambition to keep fighting for her kingdom. The definition of ambition begins to give off the idea that Cleopatra had ambition. Ambition gave her the strength and determination to fight for her kingdom, even when she lost it. Cleopatra lost her kingdom at least twice, almost three times, however, she battled through it and kept getting her kingdom back. Cleopatra's ambition made her a great ancient leader and female leader, "Even at a time when female rulers were no rarity, Cleopatra stood out, the sole woman of her world to rule alone" (Schiff). Ambition has made Cleopatra stand out as a great and ambitious leader. She helped create the six habits that create great Get more content on
  • 13. Macbeth Essay On Ambition Shyann Anaya English 4 Period 5 January 29, 2018 Mr. Trussel "Ambitious Leaders" THESIS: In Macbeth, the author, William Shakespeare, uses Macbeth's vaulting ambition to show how misused ambition can be a flaw. In Macbeth, the author, William Shakespeare, uses Macbeth's vaulting ambition to show how misused ambition can be a tremendous flaw. A strong desire to do or achieve something runs in all of us. Some people possess that quality as a flaw. Shakespeare shows in his writing that leaders with flawed ambition will act selfishly and unfairly, while those who use ambition as a strength will act reasonably and with benevolence. The basis for a flawed ambitious leader is seen in an award–winning jealous ice–skater, the 37th more content... Simpson was regarded not only as a hero in the football community, but also as a gentle and kind person. Unfortunately, he fell victim to his own impulsiveness. On June 13th, 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson and a friend were discovered viciously slaughtered in front of Nicole's home. To this day, it is still unclear the motive of O.J.'s actions on that fateful night, but there is no doubt he acted out of rage and impulsiveness. Prior to the murder, O.J. went "into a jealous rage if Nicole so much as cast a glance in another guy's direction" (Anolik). Because of his anger and impulsiveness, O.J. Simpson was stripped of his heroic stance and placed in a prison cell. He took control of another person's fate for his own personal and unknown reasons. Macbeth could have let fate lead itself, but instead he decided to attempt to control his own future future by murdering his superior. O.J. Simpson, like Macbeth, was once looked upon as a hero, but was defeated by his own impulsiveness and Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On Personal Ambition I am very ambitious person, looking forward always to achieve my goals. I live with my parents, take care of them, and help them in daily living. They instilled me the high values and the good principals. They taught me that education is everything. It is the foundation of this life; by it, I can achieve all my greatest goals. I am at this time a student at Cambridge College. I am organized, tough and energetic. I loved to help people and support them; I stand with the justice in every event with my family or friends. I loved to be the leader, take the responsibility, the right decisions and give the advices, especially with matters that dealing with care of people and their health. My passion is how to manage their issues and resolve their problems. So that, my desire quickly chose the healthcare management as an academic program. I love to take care of people and I want to help them to live better. I felt pride also when I took an internship in a hospital, I felt comfortable that I did something good for the people, seen the smiles along the patients face I dealt with. I like help people to have a better quality of healthcare because I believe this is my social responsibility. I have been raised on the good ethics, always I was honest and learnt what is loyalty mean, I am a person with personal integrity, responsible, dependable and truthful. I used to help others, respect everybody and always say the truth and thankful to my family and my friends. I take the pride of Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On Personal Ambition In The Army People in general go through life with the same ambitions to be successful, have purpose, and fulfillment. Essentially people are taught these aspects by our parents, grandparents, teachers, and coaches; people that you are surrounded by as you grow and mature in life. Personal ambition and /or goals are no different when it comes to being a Soldier; from day one Soldiers or potential applicants find encouragement early on in their military career from their recruiter. Personal experiences with your recruiter is the first interaction you have with someone in the military that has and will influence you in the beginning. However, depending on who you talk to some would say it was their Drill Sergeant (DS). This individual is the true definition Get more content on
  • 16. The Definition Of Ambition Ambition Ambition, an earnest desire for some type of achievement of distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment. The word ambition originated from the Romans according to The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins. "Politicians are still among the most ambitious men, but the Romans thought them so much more so than others that they confined their word ambito (from ambi, "around" and eo, "go"), meaning "ardent striving for pomp and power," to politicians alone. In fact it took centuries before ambition, the English derivative of ambito, took on a more positive meaning and was applied to any person striving for wealth, power, skill or recognition,"(2). While researching this word, I found that ambition doesn't always run alone. To achieve ambition more content... To me, this definition of ambition is to some extend truthful. Personally I would define ambition as the drive or "impulse" and desire to reach your goal, the push to do anything you can to reach your goal. In the poem "Ambition", by Maggie Pogue Johnson (8b), she indicated that ambition is a necessity that people need in life which will aid us most in life. It is our effort to "reach Life's distant goal (Line 12)." She also states that ambition will "lift from hovels, banish strife, and aid every one (Line 19–20)." In "A Man's Ambition is to Conquer the World," (8c) the unknown author creates the image that a man's goal is to conquer the world and he can not let a "women bewitch him,"( Line 2). He must escape from their tender demands and intimate bonds, the man has to leave their comfort zone, to conquer the Get more content on
  • 17. Speech On Ambition As a baker, I love to make all of the different types of deliciously smelling bread, such as rye, wheat, brioche, and sourdough. Each has a different recipe, flour ratio, cook time, and density, however all are connected with one thing. Yeast, which brings rise to the bread. Yeast to flour is ambition to success. Rising to success requires adding and taking away ambition to create a perfect balance. While, ambition is thought of as being the main cause of the downfalls of many people as well as the corruption of their morals, however overall ambition has positively affected most individuals, driving them to achieve their goals and exploding great results when used in moderation. Ambition is extraordinary compared to other characteristics more content... They will think themselves justified in their misdeeds, simply because they worked hard to achieve their goals. This is clear for, "a great strength of American society is the drive to succeed –– well, not just to succeed, but to do better than anyone else; to be a star, a tycoon, an authority, a power, a celebrity or a leader; to be admired, respected, feared or obeyed more than your peers...As for one of the great weaknesses of American society, see all of the above" (Source 4). The American ambition and the need to win, in a manner of speaking, no matter what's the costs. While, at first glance, it shows up this drive is gainful, that same drive can lead individuals to depend on degenerate, unpleasant intends to accomplish significance. In the event that the ambition to succeed can make one desert their own particular ethics, at that point it is absolutely a negative power. The drive to succeed blinds individuals so much that they will remain determined and do anything so as to accomplish their ambition. Continuing, in one survey the "National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago asked respondents what mattered for "getting ahead in life." Ambition ranked first at 43 percent, followed closely by "hard work" (38 percent) and "a good education" (36 percent)" (Source 4). The author utilizes these statistics to move down his idea of this area Get more content on
  • 18. Ambition Essay Ambition Before I could really start to write about ambition, I had to ask myself what ambition really was. What causes people to be ambitious, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of being an ambitious person? At first, I must admit it was fairly difficult to comprehend. But I found it to all come together when I related it to another kind of person or group of people – dreamers. When I think of ambitious people I think of dreamers. These are the people with hopes of one day conquering and ruling the world single handedly, and having everything work out just the way they want it to. I also feel that an ambitious person is a confident one. And because of this, they feel there is nothing they cannot more content... And in order to dream as large, one would have to be ambitious. I then asked my mother a similar question, but found a great difference not only in the period of time it took for a response, but in the answer as well. Her answer was more realistic, almost as if she knew her limitations and her options, and her dreams had both narrowed. This helped me to understand that high ambitions lie in the youth of the world. And although adults may be ambitious at heart, their minds help them decide what is and is not realistic. Through my experiences in dealing with ambitious people (and being one myself) I found that ambition may cause certain amounts of unnecessary stress. It may even cause you to forget about the things that hold great importance in your life. An ambitious person tends to only see his or her objective, and anything that gets in the way of progress is either ignores or looked at as an advantage. This in return may cause people to dislike you, not because they want to see you fail, but instead want you to realize that they have to have ambitions and dreams. And from time to time, they desire some kind of acknowledgement for their goals that they hope to one day accomplish. Some people may see this as a form of jealousy, but I see it as being human. We all want things that we do not have, so why should ambitions be any different? Therefore, ambition can be perceived in many different Get more content on
  • 19. What Does Ambition Mean To You Essay "Our ambition should be to rule ourselves, the true kingdom for each one of us; and true progress is to know more, and be more, and to do more" is a quote by Oscar Wilde. Ambition is a driving force required to succeed. It gives you a reason, a goal and a will to succeed. The greatest minds in history were able to do what they did because of ambition. They had a goal that they wanted to accomplish, and to do that they needed the push. I believe that ambition is the word that describes me as a person. Ambition comes with setting goals. I am always setting goals for my future, and I already made a plan on what to do after I graduate from highschool. I already decided what university I want to go to and why. However, reaching these goals require Get more content on
  • 20. Examples Of Ambition In Life An Essay on My Ambition in Life Ambition is not always praiseworthy. Sometimes odium attaches to it. Milton calls it 'the last infirmity of noble minds'. Ambition for power and conquest has wrought no end of misery in this world. But ambition also inspires man to 'scorn delights and live laborious days'. It rouses the spirit of emulation in gifted persons. In the humbler stations of life, to which most of us belong, it acts as an impetus to good work. Surely such an ambition is not to be condemned. Ambition becomes a vice only if I seek to improve my position in life at the expense of other, or to serve my own interest without offending others. When, for example, I am asked to state what my ambition in life is, the assumption certainly is more content... I confess a weakness for the ideals of a teacher. I know that a teacher in our country is bound to be poor. Yet to be a teacher is to me a noble ambition. I like to imagine myself watching the slowly expanding minds of young people like the petals of flowers, and helping them to receive eagerly the light of knowledge. But then I hesitate when I think of the poverty, and drudgery of a teacher's life. It may it may be that, driven by this poverty, I may be forced to sacrifice the ideals that I cherish in order to do my duties to myself and my family. To take up duties to which one cannot be blind to the heroism that underlies a teacher's calling. To me that is an inspiring Get more content on