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Essays About Death Penalty
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essays About Death Penalty" can be a challenging and
nuanced task. The subject matter is highly controversial and has been a source of intense debate
for many years. Crafting a well-balanced and thoughtful essay on this topic requires extensive
research, critical thinking, and the ability to navigate through complex ethical, legal, and social
One of the challenges lies in presenting a comprehensive overview of the death penalty,
considering its historical context, legal implications, societal impact, and ethical considerations. It
is essential to delve into various perspectives, from moral arguments for and against capital
punishment to examining its effectiveness as a deterrent.
Furthermore, addressing the emotional aspects associated with the death penalty adds an
additional layer of complexity. The essay should be sensitive to the profound human experiences
involved, such as the impact on victims' families, the potential for wrongful convictions, and the
ethical implications for society as a whole.
Balancing statistical data with real-life examples and case studies is crucial to providing a well-
rounded perspective. Navigating through the myriad of opinions and conflicting evidence
requires a careful analysis of sources and an understanding of the evolving nature of the debate.
In conclusion, tackling the subject of "Essays About Death Penalty" demands a writer's ability to
navigate through a multifaceted and contentious topic, requiring thorough research, analytical
skills, and empathy. Crafting a well-rounded essay on this subject requires a delicate balance to
address the complexities involved.
If you find yourself struggling with such an essay or any other academic writing task, you may
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Essays About Death Penalty Essays About Death Penalty
IT Infrastructure Essay
We ensure you enjoy a perfectly managed, maintained, and implemented IT
Managing all the tasks of complex IT infrastructure is now simplified with a full
range of first rate Telecom solutions. We claim to be the best IT infrastructure
advisors due to our expertise in the domain and we are sure that we have every
feature to serve you in your IT infrastructure planning, design, management, and
Innovative IT solutions and instant results are integral parts of our professional
services. Furthermore, our experienced team is eager to get more familiar with your
business needs to sharpen our strategies. We know the importance of your time and
money and believe in building ... Show more content on ...
Thus, for enhanced networking solutions, you may trust us to connect your
manpower to enhance the productivity and performance.
Server Setup Configuration:
IQminds provides server installation and maintenance services for the small or large
offices. Thus, don t care you are working with 10 or 10000 employees since our
custom made servers can fulfill all the specific needs of any business. The servers
custom made by our company can be used as a Web server, Proxy server, Backup
server, DNS server Firewall server etc.
Assembled Branded Computers / Laptops / Printers:
With the ultimate aim of customer satisfaction, we provide installation and support of
computer hardware and software. We can assemble the computers or Laptops for
you as per your need and if you are interested in purchasing branded hardware, we
can be the first and preferred choice for you. Some of our prominent services include
Sales of branded and assembled computers/laptops, Printers, Computer hardware
maintenance etc.
Telephone PABX System installation with voice recording
PABX and voice line system is an integral part of communication between the client
and service provider. Additionally, all the branches of the organizations may face
trouble in the absence of a proper communication. Thus, Our IT infrastructure services
include installing, managing, and maintaining PABX telephone systems. Our
services are flexible and designed to meet the needs of
Islamic Financial System And Islamic Institutions
INTRODUCTION An Islamic Financial system could be simply defined as a
financial system that is based on the principles and values of Islam which mops up
riba and guarantees a profit sharing mechanism. Islamic Financial system has
developed over past decades as an indication of Islamic Worldwide view represented
by the Shari ah. The profound basis of Islamic financial system surpasses the
interaction of factors of production and the behaviour of the economy. (Iqbal 1997)
Shari ah is the foundation on which Islamic finance is built. The mainstay of the
Islamic Financial system is the linkage between economic activities in the Islamic
financial system and the real sector. The constancy of currency is furthered in an
Islamic financial system because money is not regarded as a commodity. Islamic
finance is equity based, asset backed, ethical, sustainable, environmentally and
socially responsible finance. It promotes risk sharing, connects the financial sector
with the real economy, and emphasizes financial inclusion and social welfare .
(World Bank) Islamic financial system advocates the highest level of governance and
transparency because it is guided by principles of the Shari ah. Generally, in any
economy, financial systems (conventional and Islamic) exist in order to raise funds
and channel these funds into productive financial and economic activities. Thus,
financial systems also perform the function of mobilising surplus funds from
economic agents and institutions and
The Unified Modeling Language ( Uml )
The Unified Modeling language (UML) is defined in the Software Engineering as
a form of defining the design of the system. It is a way to envision the system
architecture in the form of a diagram. The paper discusses about the genesis of
UML modeling and the forms of diagrams which are used in the UML modeling
based on the survey conducted on various employees based on their skill set and
level of experience in the software engineering field. Now we will go through each
aspect of the UML modeling and try to derive conclusions on how far was UML
modeling has been able to penetrate into day to day activities of this field and also
discuss about the complexities associated with each components of the UML
modeling as well as pros and cons. UML is powerful modeling language by which
we can develop many diagrams which are user ready.UML can be used in web and
commercial applications etc.UML is used to visualize, construct and to make a note
of the software systems. In the beginning it was only used for the object oriented
documentation and it can be also applied in the visualization of certain systems for
elements such as discrete components in a system and their interaction and user
interaction. The UML contains many diagrams which are used to envision a system
architecture. In UML the diagrams are divided into two types mainly1)Structural
UML diagrams and 2)Behavioral UML diagrams . The Structural UML diagrams
contain class diagram, composite diagram, component diagram,
Values And Values Of Relationships
All relationships should have values and beliefs but all relationships must follow at
least 5 of the same beliefs and values:
Intimacy; Yes you can be intimate with your family and friends, magazines such as
Cosmopolitan and Mens health have changed what intimacy means to something
more sexual.
Trust: In any relationship romantic or family or friendship, trust is a KEY
component without or lack of it a relationship will not be able to work.
Honesty: This is more than telling the truth, it is telling the truth in a way you can
understand one another.
Respect: Respect is another key factor in any relationship, to have respect for another
in the relationship (referring to friendships, romantic relationship, family relationship)
means ... Show more content on ...
Foto, A. (2010) Arema Foto (aremafoto). Available at:
/169665/couple playing video games (Accessed: 16 February 2017).
Liew, M. (2016) How liking different styles of music can affect relationships.
Available at: liking different styles of music can
affect relationships (Accessed: 16 February 2017).
COYNE, S.M., Busby, D., Bushman, B.J. and Stockdale, L. (no date) Gaming in the
Game of Love: Effects of Video Games on Conflict in Couples. Available at: https:/
(Accessed: 16 February 2017).
Ellis, J. (2015) Video games and relationships: A list of pros and cons. Available at: games relationships list pros cons/ (Accessed:
16 February 2017).
Saxbe, D. (2012) 7 keys to a healthy and happy relationship. Available at: https:/
/ there and everywhere/201201/7 keys healthy
and happy relationship (Accessed: 16 February
Exploration Of Vegetarianism
An Exploration of Vegetarianism: How We Can Save the World
Vegetarianism refers to that voluntary abstinence from eating meat. The term
vegetarian was started in 1847 by the founders of the Vegetarian Society of Great
Britain. But the practice of vegetarianism has been around for as long as humans
have had diets. A majority of the world s oldest cultures advocate a vegetarian diet
for their health and religious beliefs. More Americans should consider being a
vegetarian because of spiritual reasons, it improves one s health, helps world hunger,
and saves animals
Many religions around the world ban the consumption of meat. Hinduism, which is
the main religion in India, bans the consumption of beef. India has more vegetarians
than any other country ... Show more content on ...
The cow ran through the streets of Great Falls for hours, it avoided the cops,
animal control officers, cars, trucks and even a train. Hours later it was cornered
near the Missouri river, where then the daring animal made a life altering choice, she
jumped into its freezing waters and swam across to the bank where a tranquilizer
gun then brought her down. This cow was now suddenly thrust into the lime light.
People around the world were cheering for her after the story got international
attention. The slaughterhouse manager gave the brave cow the name Molly, and
then sent her to a nearby farm to live and spend the rest of her days grazing in the
wide open
What Is The Role Of Migration In The US
It is important to note the most powerful and universal bond between two groups is
language. In the case of the Puerto Rican and the Mexican American experience
within the US, their bond goes even further than just the language of Spanish. The
land mass that is now known as Mexico and Puerto Rico were once Indian lands
confiscated by Spain. In the quest for a decent life, parallels can be drawn of
migration causation due to US foreign policy in both the Puerto Rican and Mexican
Puerto Rico and parts of Mexico both became US possessions without the consent of
their sovereign governments. Puerto Rico lost its independence by political
maneuvering of Spain and the Southwest part of Mexico became part of the United
States through
Moral Evil vs. Natural Evil Essay
Evil can be categorized into two forms, moral evil and natural evil. Moral evil is
brought about by bad choices that stem from our free will. Natural evil is bad things
that happen to people, whether they deserve them or not. The problem with evil is,
Either we must say that God is not wholly good, and that he permits or is even the
author of evil. Or we must say that God is not omnipotent, and although he is wholly
good and would prevent evil if he could, he is powerless to stop it. (Fitzgerald 340).
This is a significant problem to the revealed religions because they believe in a
wholly good and omnipotent God. Why then, would this God allow evil? In this
paper, I will provide, explain, and evaluate St. Augustine of Hippos ... Show more
content on ...
This would be similar to taking pieces out of a wooden wheel. The more slices that
are removed, the worse the wheel becomes, but it is still a wheel. Likewise a good
person can become less good by being corrupted, but he still exists as a person as long
as there is some form of good left. This small incorruptible good inside of us is like a
piece of God in every living thing. Man can be corrupted like this because we can
make morally wrong choices that deprive us of good. This is due to our free will.
God created mankind with the ability to make choices based on our own wants;
this is known as free will. If free will did not exist, the world would be a very
boring place. Imagine never being able to make your own decisions. God did not
want this so he gave us the power to think on our own. We are rational beings and
mostly make good decisions, but the bad decisions are what lead to evil.
Consciences act like a moral compass in our heads, trying to steer us away from the
evil choices and towards the good. Our consciences could be part of that small
incorruptible good that is inside of us. Sometimes a conscience is not enough to
guide us, though, and evil choices stem from our free will. Free
Pros And Cons Of New Year Millionaire
What is New Year Millionaire? Let us begin by way of trying to take into accout
what New Year Millionaire is ahead of taking a look at the professionals and cons.
New Year Millionaire is a product created via New Year Millionaire Team to
exploit the binary options trading gadget in place on the moment. They have got
found a loophole that reduces your dangers and will increase your Profits. New
Year Millionaire Team provides you with New Year Millionaire to milk the device
and cut back those risks significantly. It trades for you after information about your
finances has been inserted. New Year Millionaire Overview Binary choices with
New Year Millionaire have long been an excellent option to make money and make a
Huge profit. Millions of... Show more content on ...
New Year Millionaire Execs What are the professionals with New Year Millionaire
Software? To begin, it really works and that s what matters. If a product does not
do what it is saying, it isn t worth your time. Easy as that. New Year Millionaire is a
fantastic product as it is able to provide results and I have found it to be
particularly helpful. After the usage of it for a month or so, I ve generated rather a
bit of of money that would in a different way now not had been possible. The 24
hour reinforce is splendid. It s a kind of pros that merely will get overlooked
however should not. The New Year Millionaire support is astounding each time
you ve a query to ask. I ve had a few hurdles to pass and their fortify crew has at all
times been there to assist me. New Year Millionaire Cons Are there any cons with
this New Year Millionaire product? Yes, it is close to impossible to find a product
that doesn t have cons. The one con with this product would be you won t be
discovering 100% success. It is simply not possible to win each option and that is
the means it is. You will still have to take a seat down and have a look at your
choices from time to time earlier than shifting ahead to get the type of results you
might be
The Effects Of Underage Soldiers On Children
Child Soldiers Children all across world are being exploited as child soldiers.
Everyday kids younger the age of 10 are putting their lives on the line mostly by
force. ВЁOver the last ten years, two million children have been killed in conflict.
Over one million have been orphaned, over six million have been seriously injured or
permanently disabled and over ten million have been left with serious psychological
trauma.ВЁ(Children In Conflict). A child soldier is a child with armed forces; they re
trained to fight, cook, be porters, messengers, informant spies, etc. Countries all
across the world have been using children to fight, places like the United Kingdom,
Africa, and Asia lean on children to do their dirty work regardless of what laws are
put into place for recruitment age. Underage soldiers has been an unnecessary evil
for far too long and there are many programs in place to help lower such numbers. A
mutual goal all programs and laws have is to heighten the recruitment age to 18, so
that only adults may be put into active duty. OPAC was the first international treaty
focusing on ending militaryexploitation of children. 165 countries have already
signed in agreement with this law, but 18 have yet to do the same. 14 countries that
have signed have not ratified the protocol. (Children and Armed Conflict). By not
ratifying protocol children are still being put into armed forces everyday as if the
treaty wasn t signed to begin with which can be considered a war crime.
Carpeting Process Analysis
Refinishing Your Hardwood Floors? Learn How To Hand Refinish The Steps
If you have carpeting throughout your home that you are looking to rip out so you
can refinish the hardwood, chances are that the steps in your home have carpeting
on them too. Steps can be one of the most frustrating parts of the hardwood
refinishing process because so much of it needs to be done by hand. Follow these
tips to learn how to refinish the steps on your own.
You ll start by removing the old carpeting on the stairs that was previously nailed
or glued down. A pry bar works great for lifting up each area of carpeting, which will
give you enough leverage to rip it out by hand.
It s important that you remove every single nail or patch of glue left behind on the
wood, because it can potentially ruin your sanding equipment later on. Event he
tiny staples will need to be removed with pliers if there is a sharp end still stuck in
the hardwood. Glue residue can be scrubbed away with a commercial glue removal
product and a scrub brush. Dry the steps off with a rag when finished. ... Show more
content on ...
Stairs are one part of your home s hardwood that can be a little bit rougher, because
stairs that are too slippery can cause a person to slip and fall. Only use sandpaper
with a grit no finer than 60, which will help give people in your home some much
needed traction when going up and down the
Scene Analysis Of Song At Midnight
Scene Analysis on Song at Midnight: the First Meet of Song Danping and Sun Xiao
The first meeting of Song Danping and Sun Xiao ou in the film Song at midnight is
not only the first exposure of the phantom in the theater after ten years, but also a
turning point of Sun s life. So the scene that Sun goes upstairs to meet the phantom
Song is both an end of the ten year nightmare of Song, and a starting of a new story
of revenge and revolution.
However, the changeover cannot be accomplished at one stroke, which is specially
reflected by the transitions of Sun s attitudes and behaviors: from vacillate, to
touched, then ends up in determined. This scene s duration is more than half an hour
with two long cuts of retrospections about the ordeal happened to Song. We only
focus on the scene in the loft above the theater, and the analysis can ... Show more
content on ...
We can focus on three plots that assist Sun who finally determines to help Song.
First one is about Sun s reaction after hearing Song s story out. A medium shot shows
they are sitting at the table with different gestures: Sun sits up with his right fist
clenched and left hand clutching tightly again and again; Song leans his right elbow
onto the table with his ugly right hand hanging down the tabletop loosely. Then, not
like the former parts, Song stands up and move to the window slowly and unsteadily,
and Sun follows him proactively. In part 1 and part 2пјЊSun s gestures, including sit
down near the stairs, go to the cabinet and the table, are all forced by Song. The
reason is not only Sun is still in shock but also he doesn t know who the phantom
is. However, in part 3, Sun s movements are all initiated by his own. So when Song
asks Sun to help him to comfort Li Xiaoxia, Song s character changes from a
dominator to a suppliant. To a kindly person, Sun cannot reject
Till We Have Faces Essay
Many of the works of C.S. Lewis contain themes of Christianity and the relationship
between man and the spiritual world. Written in the mid 1950s and towards the
end of his life, Till We Have Faces is one of Lewis most intellectual works.
Considered as his most mature work of writing, it is a retelling of the classical
mythical story of Cupid and Psyche from the perspective of Orual, the older sister
of Psyche. It prompts the reader to relate with Orual as the victim of the gods,
then, when the veil is lifted and the faults of Orual are revealed, the reader is able to
better recognize the faults of his own and those of society. Till We Have Faces opens
the eyes of readers to what loveshould be, and to its effect upon the world.
For many, love is a constant search for happiness that never ends. The desire for
love is longed for and pursued by every human. Many constantly seek it in self
satisfaction, but are never fully satisfied with the love which they attain. The
biggest reason for this is the distortion of the love which is sought for. True love is
pure and selfless, the perfection of a person. It is truly something which must be
cultivated in order to recognize and attain it. Love is a gift so sacred that it is worth
living and dying for. Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, [love] is not ...
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Especially within a society such as ours, which distorts love into lust, the ability to
recognize and display the gift of love is essential. Selfish love, which is so inherent
to humanity, inhibits God from acting in our lives, blinding us from experiencing
His presence and eternal joy. It is so easy to look for pleasure and love in self
satisfaction. However, the path to lasting happiness is not found through instant
gratifications, but in the grueling practice of living a life full of
Perks Of Being A Wallflower Movie And Book Comparison
A few days ago, I was finally able to watch the long awaited movie adaptation of
Stephan Chbosky s epistolary novel The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The movie
follows awkward introvert Charlie Kelmeckis as he copes with the suicide of his
best friend, starting high school, his first love, and his raging mental illness while
struggling to find a group of friends with which he belongs. It was evident from the
beginning that the author was heavily influenced by J.D. Salinger s The Catcher in
the Rye. Holden, just like Charlie, is also a troubled teenage boy with many
underlying issues that he struggles to deal with while attempting to understand his
own identity. However, while both storylines seem similar at first, upon closer
examination, I... Show more content on ...
Holden is fixated on individuality and not being phony, while Charlie is infatuated
with happiness. When reading The Catcher in the Rye, it is not difficult to notice
Holden s hate for phoniness. Avoiding that one trait seems to be the deciding factor
when making most of his spontaneous decisions. The way Holden talks about
phoniness with such malice made me fully agree with him. In a world filled with
such pretentiousness, people should definitely try to hold on to whatever integrity
they have left, not change to accommodate what others expect from them. That is
where Charlie s character contradicts Holden s the most. Charlie always conforms
to the wishes of others to make them happy. He is willing to be whatever others
want him to be and hardly ever stands by his personal opinions. Charlie firmly
believes that by propitiating everyone around him, it will ultimately lead to his own
happiness. I find it quite ironic that a character so heavily based on Holden Caulfield
would so accurately personify everything wrong with the world in Holden s eyes, but
I suppose that is where the similarities in the two characters
Summary Of Madam Seer Can You Please Tell Me Your
You walk into a dark, musty room and see this young girl with long black hair and
sitting in a chair and in her hands is a bowl of a dark blood red liquid and dried herbs
that is giving off a soft purple smoke as the liquid bubbles and curns.You had come
here for one reason: To hear the story she has to tell and share it with the world.The
reason for this is that you are a storyteller. As you walk over to her, she looks up at
you, her deep green eyes gleaming like gems with her face hidden slightly by a
sheer crimson veil that is hiding her face, which is that of sheer perfection and dark
beauty despite the fact she is thousands of years old she looks young.You shiver and
ask her a question.Madam seer could you please tell me your... Show more content on ...
ing started to change.It was a dark day and the sky was threatening to pour out
tears of rain that would drown the village.I was running to the shelter of my house
when I ran right into him almost falling over.He caught me before I hit the ground
and looked down at me as he held me away from the ground at a slight angle.He
looked at me with the dark desire of demon and I knew what he was right away.He
was not a mortal but a demon in the guise of a mortal man. Suddenly you see a
young man with long black hair and piercing black eyes comes into view.He is
laughing as he faces a beautiful young woman with long black hair,soft frightened
eyes, and soft features so unlike those of the seer before you, but after a moment of
thinking you realize that she is the seer in front of you.You gasp softly in surprise
and keep watching.The scene changes into that of a dark looming forest at night
and the seer voice says softly in the same hypnotic voice It was later on that night
the rain started to fall and I followed him and his followers into the forest.What I
saw was horrifying and changed me forever.One of his newest followers who had
not started to change was tied up in the middle of a satanic symbol blindfolded with
a piece of crimson silk.She fought against her bindings as he was chanting his pitch
black eyes gleaming watching her struggle as if against an unseen enemy.As he
continued to chant the young girl started to scream as if in pain as she was
surrounded but a putrid black
Why Hinduism Should Be Considered A World Religion
Cole Cramer
Professor Schadler
RELS 105
Why Hinduism Should Be Considered a World Religion
Religion in the world today mostly depend on the number of adherents and the rate of
at which they increase in the world. While considering the statistics, studies indicate
that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and with a projection that by the
year 2050, its popularity shall have increased more than any other religion in the
world. Alongside Islam is the Hinduism, religion which is also projected to have a
faster growth rate and according to research in 2011(Gerald 20), it had grown in
various countries mainly due to migration from India. The growth rate of Hinduism is
projected at two percent annually when ... Show more content on ...
Unlike other religions across the world, Hinduism does not have a specific way of
worship, or a god and scriptures to be used. The religion that is considered to be
the oldest has an array of beliefs and practices within it, and therefore many have
always referred to it as a family religion or a way of life. In the recent years, it has
been established that there is a way in conformation to an almost similarity among
the Hindus, and a larger population now consider a sacred text known as Veda and
have a shared system of values known as dharma.
Religion can be characterized by the existence of belief and faith that something is
acceptable and should be practiced without questioning or confirmation. In the
Hindu religion, it can be confirmed that the way many things are characterized and
the belief in the consequences of a person s conduct can be categorically defined
as faith. For instance, in Hindu, there is a belief that the individual soul is not
created, but it has been in existence and will continue to exist. Just like in other
religions whereby the actions of a person reaps the consequences in the next phase
of life, Hindus, however, believe that the souls will one day comeback to life in a
different form, which utterly depends on the consequences of its actions before the
rebirth. The kind of body that the soul will inhabit after that is determined by Karma,
which is a term used to refer to actions
The Benefits Of The Black Market
Kryslin Cotton
English 1301
Professor Cain
23 November 2016
Under Ground Kings:
The Benefits of the Black Market
Why is there over 120 thousand people waiting on an organ transplant? Why are
there 44 million uninsured people in the United States alone? Why is it that 1 in 10
americans cannot afford their medical medications? All simply answered by the fact
that it s all too expensive. The poverty level, according to USDA 2015, in the United
States for a family of four is $24 thousand. With so many conditions, cancers, and
diseases, everyone should have equal health opportunity, but this is not the case. In
turn, the population turns to alternative sources of help: such as the Black Market.
The black market is basically any service or good in exchange for money that isn t
legal. According to Amy Fontinelle, author of The Mechanics of the Black Market ,
illegal operations could be as simple as [...] bartering and not reporting the taxable
value of the transaction, or hiring a regular housekeeper or babysitter, but failing to
pay employment taxes (Fontinelle). Black markets contort and falsify government
records. Many people enter the world of black markets because they do not want to
or are not able to acquire licenses for certain occupations due to governmental
restrictions. Such as in New York, to become a licensed taxi driver, one must
purchase a medallion which cost $600 thousand or more; they turn to black market
alternatives until they are caught. In extenuating
The Main Causes Of Arranged Marriage
Made in heaven, found on earth marriages are a new beginning according to some
and the final end for others ( Arranged Marriage , 2009). Marriage is religiously
and socially a huge responsibility and its failure could affect societies negatively.
Arranged marriages are planned by families, when the bride and the groom are
chosen either randomly from a wedding or by family relatives. Especially in the
Gulf countries, certain families consider such marriages of high social importance.
Arranged marriages in this region have a low expectancy of success. Forced
marriages, short engagements and incompatibility between potential couples are the
main causes of divorce in arranged marriages in the Gulf region.
The initial major cause of divorce in arranged marriages is forced marriage. When
both sides get married unwillingly, a lifelong struggle will begin to adapt with the
undesired reality. The Saudi Gazette newspaper stated that a lot of women are still
forced into their marriages by their families ( Saudi Arabia Forced and Arranged
Marriages , 2003). Especially in Saudi Arabia, marriage is viewed through a ... Show
more content on ...
According to Al Qabas Newspaper (2016), forty eight percent of women in Kuwait
are divorced as a result of the gaps between married couples. These gaps could be
age differences, education levels, interests and financial problems. For instance,
many girls get married at a young age to a husband who is ten to twenty years older,
creating a relationship between two different generations that lacks mutual
understanding. For example, Batoul got married at the age of nine, having no
knowledge at all, to twenty year old Mohammed. Divorce is an ultimate solution to
marriages in which a husband cannot financially provide his family needs. Life
becomes impossible for some couples if they come from two different
Engagement With North Korea Essay
Engagement with North Korea did not start with the Clinton Administration, in 1988
President Reagan s modest initiative enabled unofficial non governmental visits by
North Koreans into the United States. This gave permission for limited commercial
exports of US humanitarian goods to Pyongyang, and permission for engagement
between U.S. diplomats and North Korean officials. The importance of these
engagements should be evaluated in four main policy objectives towards our national
1)Enhance regional stability:
North Korea s geographic position is critical to the national security of the U.S.,
Japan, South, Korea and the South Pacific region as a whole. Armed with significant
nuclear weapons and the fourth largest army in the world, the possibility of an
unstable North Korea has been avoided for decades, therefore recent threats ... Show
more content on ...
policy has prevented any threats to the international nonproliferation from a nuclear
North Korea which would have led to the development of nuclear weapons in South
Korea, and Japan, and even the trade of nuclear weapons material or technology. In
regard to missiles, the United States has secured North Korea s announcement of a
long range moratorium in fall 1999 through years of efforts. Nevertheless, there has
been no deal yet to curb North Korea s exports of its indigenous deployment. Recent
threats have prevented the U.S. in moving forward with future deals and weakens
current established ones.
3)Encourage dialogue between North Korea and South Korea:
Domestic and inter Korean politics heavily influences U.S. policy results; therefore,
maintaining a consistent diplomatic relationship with North Korea is imperative to
the dialogue between the North and South. Inconsistency from President Kim Young
Sam was largely due to his failure with Pyongyang as a result of his approach to
policymaking and domestic political pressures. Meanwhile, President Kim De Jung
Case Study Multiple Myeloma
Multiple Myeloma Presenting With Spinal Cord Compression: Case Report
Liew Chiu Yee
Multiple myeloma is a haematological malignancy characterized by clonal
proliferation of malignant plasma cell in the bone marrow with diffuse bony
involvement. The spine is the most common skeletal site being involved. This case
report describes a multiple myeloma patient presented with spinal cord compression
and illustrates the aspects of differential diagnosis, the use of laboratory and imaging
for diagnosis.
Multiple myeloma accounts for 1% of all malignancies and 10% of haematological
malignancies. Ninety eight percent of cases occur over the age of 40 years with the
median age of diagnosis at 66 years old.
Multiple myeloma is characterized by plasma cell accumulation in the bone marrow
commonly localized in the spine. 80 90% of patients develop myeloma bone disease
at some stage of their disease. Myeloma bone disease associated morbidities include
bone pain, pathological fractures, spinal cord compression and hypercalcaemia. Bony
lesion in myeloma is lytic in nature and pathological fracture is a frequent
complication. Spinal cord compression is a complication of pathological fracture of
spinal column or extension of vertebral body myeloma lesion. Imaging techniques are
essential to identify the extent of intramedullary and extramedullary foci, and to
evaluate disease progression. A multidisciplinary approach is needed in the
management of spinal involvement in multiple myeloma.
Theme Of Mise En Scene In The Godfather
The American films The Godfather I and II directed by Francis Ford Coppola,
included mise en scene to emphasize certain characteristics and themes during both
films. In this essay I will discuss how mise en scene was used to portray the lives of
the Mafia families in the 1940s and 50s.
The mise en scene in The Godfather I, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, plays a huge
role in how the film is perceived by viewers. Mise En Scene is characterized as, The
arrangement of everything that appears in the framing actors, lighting, dГ©cor,
props, and costume ( The Godfather utilizes mise en scene
perfectly. Coppola combined all the right components of a typical mafia film and
made something extraordinary. From the clothing, to the homes, to the cars, and
lighting; The Godfather was executed wonderfully. Lighting plays a huge part in The
Godfather. The first scene opens with only one man talking, in low light. The relaxed
lighting makes the scene intense and leaving the audience with a sense of fear. With
the light just appearing on the man s face, the foundation is totally dark, highlighting
the threatening tone of the scene. This scene uses the same lighting elements as
chiaroscuro paintings would have. If you were to pause the scene at certain points
you would be able to see the rembrandt light and the strong tonal contrasts between
light and dark. Different props are also used throughout the film. When you think
about the Mafia, you think Italian men
Dracula, And Michael Pink And Bram Stoker s Dracula
There s a reason why Bram Stoker s Dracula is arguably one of the greatest gothic
novels of all time, and Michael Pink s readaptation of the classic certainly does not
disappoint. Pink s Dracula, performed by the Colorado Ballet on Sunday, October
15, 2017, at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House at Denver Center for the Performing
Arts with music composed by Philip Feeney left me feeling spooked and desperately
wanting more. Prevailing themes of rising tension, suspense, and terror made for an
intriguing experience that was executed beautifully by a talented cast and crew. The
effortless blend of horror and romance is captivating and offers a range of elements
each individual audience member can appreciate.
Originally premiering in 1996, Bradford Alhambra, England; the dance adaptation of
Bram Stoker s gothic novel, Dracula is divided into three acts, each focusing on a
different victim of Count Dracula (Domenico Luciano). Dracula tells the story of
Jonathan Harker (Yosvani Ramos), who travels to Transylvania to settle a transaction
with a nobleman, Count Dracula, over the purchase of property in England. As
demonstrated in the first act, Harker s visit to Transylvania haunts him with
recurring nightmares as he awakes in the sanatorium in shear terror wrapped in his
wife s arms. In the second act, the audience is introduced to Lucy (Chandra
Kuykendall), a friend of Harker s wife Mina, who is so effortlessly seduced by
Dracula at a Tea Dance in the Grand Hotel.
Chrysalids Similarities
A comparison of To Kill a Mockingbird The Chrysalids To Kill a Mockingbird and
The Chrysalids are both novels that discuss flaws in human nature. These extend to
racism, both past and future, unfair judgement, and justice. Though they take place
in different time periods and have different characters with different beliefs, the
two novels showcase similar and yet unique interpretations of their central themes:
prejudice, conformity and religion. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not
based on reason or experience, expressed in many forms. Be it race, gender or
appearance, be it young or old prejudice is present. When looking at the inhabitants
of Waknuk in The Chrysalids, it is evident that they show prejudice. Usually there
was only one small thing wrong, but however much or little was wrong it was an
offence, and if it happened among people it was a blasphemy (Wyndham 19). This
quote by David references the harsh ideas of the Waknuk people and how they
discriminate against any organism that is not up to their standards. There are many
instances of prejudice shown against living things. An example of this is when
David says, We would sing a hymn while my father ceremonially slaughtered the two
headed calf, four legged chicken (19). This quote shows that because these animals
are different in some way, they would be killed, even though they could provide like
any other animal. The Waknuk people are not the only prejudiced society in the
novel. During the
Eminent Domain Essay
Student name
Institution name
Question: Is the policy of eminent domain providing for the public welfare, through
the taking of privately owned property, using a rightful procedure involving due
process and just compensation as it was intended to do when the policy was founded?
Eminent domain is the inherent power of the government to take over a citizen s
property for public use without the owner s consent. Initially, this public policy
originated in the Middle Ages throughout the world. It became part of the British
common law before reaching the United States where it was then illustrated in the US
Constitution in 1791 (Britannica: eminent domain). The Fifth Amendment granted
the federal government the right ... Show more content on ...
The constitution puts it out clear that the person whose private property has been
seized for public use is entitled to just compensation, which is a fair current cash
market value of the property in question. This is quoted to be the price that a
willing buyer would give and a willing seller would accept for the property. This is
why it is referred to as the fair price because it was where the buyer and seller
would reach at a consensus. Eminent Domain has affected very many people across
all the counties in the United States of America each and every year. One such
instance is that which occurred in 2002 in Long Beach, NJ. At this time, the
government promised a number of redevelopment projects in efforts to try and
improve the lakeside community. Uncountable number of locals, even the lifelong
residents who knew long beach as their home fell victims of eviction. This was done
with false promises from the government that there was an oncoming improvement in
the financial environment and the improvement of the general aesthetic value of the
town. Instead, a massive block of several up market shops sprouted that the locals
never came to realizing their dreams of reaping direct benefits from the projects.
Instead, it was the
The Importance Of Expedi Two-Day Trip To Niagara Falls
If you ever need to know what activities there are to do in certain places, Expedia is
the place to go. One of the cities that they have touched on is New York, and it is
not surprising considering the allure there. Expedia has listed several activities that
you should do in New York, and here are the five best that they list.
Niagara Falls is a very polarizing waterfall, and it is something you have to see to
believe. The great thing is if you go to New York, you can go on the two day trip to
the Niagara Falls and experience its greatness. This is no doubt highlighted by The
Maid of the Mist, and if you go on this boat trip prepare to get wet!
The 4 course dinner cruise over the
Analysis Of The Poem Porphyria s Lover By Robert...
With so much poetry coming out of Britain it can be hard for any of it to stand out
from the rest, but Porphyria s Lover by Robert Browning and A Poison Tree by
William Blake manage to stand out from other poems. These two poems differ in
structure, writing style, and voice but both have something that sticks them out from
the rest; murderers without a moral compass. While murder isn t new to poetryit is
rare to find it as nonchalant as it is in these two poems. These killers were not
killing just because they hated their victims; they were killing because they could
and the fact that a life was ended meant nothing to them. This is why these poems
stick out from the rest. The poem Porphyria s Lover by Robert Browning tells the
story of two lovers who were not supposed to be and ends in the death of one of the
lovers. The poem starts with a stormy night and Porphyria, one of the two lovers,
visits her lover in a small cottage. We are given the image of her lover being angry
with her by the way he ignores her. She tries to seduce him by making her smooth
white shoulder bare (Browning 17) and pulling her lovers head against her. Porphyria
admitted that although she loved him she was too weak to give herself completely to
him. She claims she thought about him at her dinner feast which could mean that the
reason they couldn t be together was because of class differences. While she told him
what went through her mind he looked at her eyes and claimed that he realized
The Role Of Alexander Kerensky In The February
The year 1917 was a historic year in Russian history. It saw two revolutions, in
February and in October. The February Revolution resulted in the abdication of Tsar
Nicholas II and the suppression of the Romanov monarchy. In October, the Bolshevik
Party took over the reins of government in the October Revolution, establishing the
world s first socialist state. There has been an intense debate regarding the role of
key individuals Alexander Kerensky and Vladimir Leninin the events of 1917, and
the role of other factors, such as the economy, the First World War and public
opinion. I believe that Kerensky was more significant in this year because of his
failures and his mistakes. It could be argued that Kerensky acted as a catalyst towards
... Show more content on ...
His response was to arrest the leading Bolsheviks, however some went into exile just
as Lenin did as he escaped to Finland. In further retaliation, Kerensky appointed
General Kornilov as head of the army with the task of suppressing the left. Kornilov
decided that it was time to deal with the revolutionaries and to establish a strong
government in Russia. Also Kornilov wanted the Tsar back in power which
contradicted what Kerensky wanted. Therefore it leads me to believe that this
was poor judgement by Kerensky and it shows how he was indirectly linked to
him. Kornilov ordered the Cossacks to march on Petrograd. Kerensky panicked
and asked the Bolsheviks for help. The Bolsheviks agreed and so Kerensky armed
the Bolshevik red guards with rifles. However, Kornilov s troops never arrived in
Petrograd as the railway workers stopped the trains so the Cossacks couldn t get to
Petrograd. It is quite impossible for me to betray Russia into the hands of her
ancient enemy, the German race, and to turn the Russian people into German slaves.
Here, Kornilov described Russia s contribution in worldWar I as anobligation to
prevent the Russian people from being confined by Germany. Although the Cossacks
couldn t get to Petrograd, the red guards kept the rifles which were given to them by
Kerensky and they would later be used in the October revolution. Consequently, it is
clear that Kerensky had a key role in 1917, holding important government positions
and ultimately losing the support of both the left and the right, allowing the
Bolsheviks to take power. Not only was Kerensky s lack of knowledge of the
ideologies Kornilov had his failure, but also the fact that he armed the opposition.
From the point Kerensky armed the red guards it was inevitable that a different
leader would emerge, either Kornilov or
Battle Of Baskstogne Essay
Battle of Bastogne The Battle of Bastogne was a key battle between the American
and German forces in a town of Bastogne in Belgium. The night before the push into
Bastogne, General Middleton gave General McAuliffe a standing order to Hold
Bastogne . Both generals felt that the enemy needed the town of Bastogne and the
entrance into Bastogne would create a wider complex of roads leading to the west.
During the night of the 18th the two commanders met in the VIII Corps command
post to have a meeting with Colonel Ewell, who is the first to be committed to his
instructions and all mission orders (CMH Online 2005). Units from the American
side included the 9th Armored Division, several artillery battalions, and many
infantrymen. On the 18th of December the 705th Tank Destroyer Battalion arrived,
and on the 19th the 101st Airborne joined the battle. Additional support arrived in the
form of M4 Sherman tanks led by Lieutenant Charles P. Boggess as he fought his way
from the south.... Show more content on ...
Having this in mind Eisenhower sent some of the best American troops to the town,
he knew that if the Allies were to hold Bastogne they would have to give their best.
For the task of holding Bastogne the Americans sent in the 101st Airborne Division
with soldiers (Cole Christian, 2006). The 101st accomplishment of the near
impossible of fighting off the Germans in Bastogne deserves enormous. Without the
massive amount of additional infantry, artillery, tanks, tank destroyers, and engineers
that helped them, the outcome of the battle might have been a different story
(Philips 2003). The Nazis mistakes also helped the 101st when they removed most
of their troops from Bastogne to Meuse, because of this the Americans were able to
hold the city until Patton s army arrived. When Patton s Third Army arrived the
German troops quickly started falling back and the Siege of Bastogne was over
Stricter Building Codes
More than 930,000 policyholders in South Florida lost coverage after 11 insurance
companies went bankrupt, caused by more than 600,000 insurance claims filed. This
led the Florida Legislature to create new entities, such as the Joint Underwriting
Association, the Florida Windstorm Underwriting Association, and the Florida
Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, in effort to restore adequate insurance capacity.[95]
Stricter building codes were created in Florida in the aftermath of Hurricane
Andrew. A survey by Tim Marshall and Richard Herzog of the Haag Engineer
Company in Carrollton, Texas, highlighted several construction issues. On the roof
of some homes, the concrete tiles were glued to felt paper, which could easily be
ripped by straight line... Show more content on ...
A migration of mostly White families northward to Broward and Palm Beach
County was ongoing, but accelerated after Andrew.[100] Many of these families
had used the money they received from insurance claims to relocate.[101] The
population growth was especially noticeable in southwestern Broward County,
where land development was pushed years ahead of schedule .[100] Similar
migration occurred within the Jewish community. Although some areas of Miami
Dade County still have significant Jewish populations, many Jews resettled to
Coral Springs, west Fort Lauderdale, Hallandale Beach, Plantation, and Tamarac in
Broward County and Boca Raton and West Palm Beach in Palm Beach
County.[102] The county had a net loss of about 36,000 people in 1992, while
Broward and Palm Beach counties gained about 17,000 and 2,300 Miami Dade
County residents, respectively.[103] By 2001, 230,710 people moved from Miami
Dade County to Broward County, while 29,125 Miami Dade County residents
moved to Palm Beach County. However, as Broward County became more crowded,
100,871 people relocated from Broward County to Palm Beach County.[104]
Consequently, the Hispanic population in south Miami Dade County climbed
rapidly.[101] In Homestead, for example, the Latino population increased rose from
30% to 45% between 1990 and 2000.[105] Due to damage to
Geoffroy Tory
The history of the graphic design is one of the most important pages in the evolution
of our world. All periods and persons after the prehistory related with the visual
communications are undoubtedly the builders of our advanced and technological
communication in the present. It is impossible to not feel passionate to write about
the Graphic designhistory however, one essay is not enough to write about the whole
History of the Graphic Design, that is why the next pages will be written about one
person who has an important place in the Graphic Design history, this essay will be
written about Geoffroy Tory.
French man, Art lover, engraver, printer, book decorator and many other skills,
Geoffroy Tory is without discussion one of the most important ... Show more content
on ...
This book is full of detailed pages experimenting with the perfection of the letters, to
get this perfection, Tory utilized geometric figures and grids. Introducing capital
letters into the geometric figures and grids, definitely, he was trying to make a
special innovation. Experimentation was a kind of language for tory because he was
always with something new. This time he decided to utilize grids, geometric figures,
and capital letters to match the with the human body parts especially the head. That
was a geniality that put this work in the top of the typographical
Musical Counterpoint In The Baroque And Classical Eras
Musical Counterpoint in the Baroque and Classical Eras Counterpoint, according to
the Encyclopedia Britannica, is the art of combining different melodic lines in a
musical composition. It is among the characteristic elements of Western musical
practice (Jackson). Counterpoint is very prevalent in Western music, from around the
Renaissance Era to modern times, and has been common practice until the twentieth
century ( Counterpoint ). From the Renaissance era to the Classical era, counterpoint
has had the same general principles and structures, been utilized by great composers,
such as Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven, and resulted in some of the most beautiful
music. The guidelines of counterpoint, while having increased in freeness over...
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Irene Girton states, In the first species, each note in the underlying melody is
accompanied by a single note in the new contrapuntal line with consonant harmonic
intervals (Girton). Essentially, the second line must match the rhythm of the first line
and avoid dissonances. The second species, according to Girton, introduces harmonic
dissonance in the form of a passing tone of the second line, so for every note of the
original line, there are two notes in the new line (Girton). Next, the third species
permits four notes contrapuntal notes against one, and presents more complicated
and challenging problems (Girton). For example, a four quarter note line against a
whole note will be difficult to reach a goal because of the increased possibility of
dissonance. For the fourth species, Girton explains, the Fourth species, like second
species, permits two notes against one, but with a suspension figure (Girton). This
means that there can be a dissonance on the first beat that resolves on the second
contrapuntal note. The last species to master before allowing free counterpoint
encourages mixed rhythmic values in the contrapuntal line, with possible
embellishment (ornamentation) or other elaborations (Girton). As one masters each
species, the created contrapuntal lines become more dissonant and complex, thus
increasing both the complication of the music
The Main Concepts Of The Philosophy Of Liberalism
What is Liberalism?
The term liberalism has a variety of meanings nowadays. Freedom or liberty for
each and every individual is the main aim of the philosophy of liberalism. Freedom
had different concepts in different periods of time in the history and therefore the
programs of liberalism were also different in those time periods. However the main
aim always remained the same. Liberalism not only believed in human nature was
good but it also believed that humans were rational. It supposes that, as people have a
logical intellect, they have the ability to identify different challenges and problems
and solve them. This will thus improve the human condition systematically.
Conservatism, on the other hand, is the opposite doctrine ... Show more content on ...
But then people started to believe in reason and rationality. People started to think.
Up until then those who were powerful used to rule. There was the hereditary
aristocracy. But then the people started to realize that this system should be changed.
And hence the old traditions were questions, the governments were challenged. This
intellectual progress to enlightenment led to powerful revolutionary movements.
These movements were successful to put an end to the powerful regimes of the time
many parts of the world like Europe, Latin America and North America. Then after
that came the French revolution which also successfully put an end to the hereditary
aristocracy. These revolutions and movement led to many later
Communication And Gap Of A Good Manager
Communication and Gap in doing some Tasks in a Management Role A good
manager is a journey of passion, commitment and challenges. To become an effective
manager/leader support team is essential. No one can do everything and be
everything. It is not unusual to find managers who lack communication skills and
gaps in doing some tasks while in leadership/management roles. I am going to
discuss two of my weaknesses that I have had for several years now, and they are
communicationand gap in doing some tasks. They both go hand in hand and can
hinder one s ability to be an effective leader/manager. The first one is
communication, which plays a pivotal role in expressing my messages clearly,
precisely and effectively to my listeners in my personal and especially professional
life. Although, I am good at communicating one on one and in small groups, I find
when it comes to talking in a large group; I tend to forget what I want to say, due to
nervousness. Sometimes, communicating the right messagewith good intentions gets
lost or becomes challenging for me, which is necessary in a management role. One
example of this, was when my manager was spinning off a combination of the vault,
but was having trouble. I had no idea that she may have tried a few times, but did
not get it. Being oblivious to the fact and perhaps not being clear in my
communicating to her, I simply said, I thought you did that a long time ago. She
shouted at me, Don t you talk to your
E. Coli
Have you ever wondered why people are always talking about E. coli, what it is, and
how you can get it? What are the conditions this bacteria lives in? These interesting
questions led the investigator to find out which material inhibits E. coli replication in
an aqueous environment the most. E. coli (also known as escherichia coli) is a bacteria
that normally lives in the intestines of people and animals named after Dr. Theodor
Escherich. Most E. coli are harmless and actually are vital to a healthy human
intestinal tract. However, some E. coli are pathogenic, meaning they can cause either
diarrhea or illness outside of the intestinal tract( According to Food, you can get E. coli by eating contaminated food, especially undercooked
ground beef,... Show more content on ...
coli like to live at body temperature (37.4ВєC), can obtain energy from a wide variety
of sources, don t need oxygen to survive, and under ideal conditions, individual E.
coli cells can double every 20 minutes. At that rate, it would be possible to produce
a million E. coli cells from one parent cell within about 7 hours(The University of
Waikato). These pollutants in the water will not only affect those insects who are
able to walk on water , but the birds and other animals that feed on these insects.
Many shorebirds use the surface tension of water to move their prey to the surface
of the water. The birds swim in small, fast circle on the surface of the water, creating
a vortex that pulls creatures up within their reach, where they peck and eat them
(Choi 32). To determine how E. coli develops in different environments, the
researcher will be investigating how E. coli inhibits different materials in an aqueous
environment. During the experiment, the researcher will then calculate the colonies
in a 1 centimeter radius in the most dense spot of the petri dishes of each material.
Then he will find the averages of the 3 petri dishes of each material and compare
with the results of each
Shelia Johnson Personality
Shelia Johnson has long been a powerful influence in the entertainment industry,
starting with her work as founding partner of Black Entertainment Television (BET).
She has served as executive producer for documentaries and a feature films. Ms.
Johnson is founder and chair of the Middleburg Film Festival, an annual celebration
of independent film. As Founder and CEO of Salamander Hotels Resorts, Ms.
Johnson currently oversees a growing portfolio of luxury properties in Virginia,
Florida, South Carolina, and Louisiana. As Vice Chairman of Monumental Sports
Entertainment, Ms. Johnson is the only African American woman to have ownership
in three professional sports teams: the NBA s Washington Wizards, the NHL s
Washington Capitals, and the... Show more content on ...
Emotional intelligence consist of these five attributes self awareness, self management
, empathy, relationship management, and effective communication. I believe the
aspect of emotional intelligence that Shelia Johnson most frequently demonstrates
are the act of knowing and understanding how to be leader. For example she runs
several businesses, oversee projects, all while being a mother, business partner even
with going a through one of the most publicized divorce settlements, due to
professional and personal differences and after 20 years of marriage; but not
allowing it to ruin her lifestyle, her business mindset or shatter her goals. Emotional
intelligence is a powerful tool critical for exceeding goals, improving critical work
relationships, and creating a healthy, productive workplace and organizational
Stereotypes Of The Rednecks
Many places in the world have multiple groups of people. However, throughout time,
many of these groups have changed, stayed the same, or have divided into multiple
subgroups. These subgroups tend to have their own stereotypes that all tie into one
big group of people. Take the rednecks for example. Rednecks have always been
around, but through time this big group has turned into different small groups.
Although there are many subgroups to the rednecks, the three main ones are the
hillbillies, the folk, and the farmers. The hillbillies are the most stereotyped of the
rednecks. Television depicts the hillbillies as primarily being incestuous, no teeth,
gun shooting, and trashy yard people. Most people in today s time believe that
Emergency Room Triage Observation
When first arriving at St. Luke s Cedar Rapids, Iowa Emergency Department the
patient is added to the Epic computer system as a patient in the waiting room with a
chief complaint. Behind a closed within view of the waiting area is the triage area
staffed with one nurse and one patient care technician. The emergency department is
divided into six pods made up of six to seven patient rooms in each designated pod.
Each of the six pods are staffed with two nurses, one patient care technician, and a
provider. While observing the emergency department I noted that there were
inconsistencies within the triage process. Many times the patient no matter the length
of wait would not have any vitals obtained. My preceptor informed me that the
information... Show more content on ...
My preceptor validated my concerns with the information that these were not only
her concerns also. My preceptor stated that all nurses are trained for triage, but over
the course of the last six months, it has dramatically changed to be a growing
concern amongst staff. The emergency room manager, Nikki informed me that all
nurses are expected to work in the emergency room for six months before they are
allowed to float to the triage area. She states that this is so the triage nurse
understands the flow, the expectation and improved communication with each
separate pod. She stated that over the last year due to increased staffing changes not
all the float triage nurses have been held to the same standard, provided with
continued education or even receive the six month requirements before being allowed
to float to
Persuasive Speech On Blood Donations
Donating Blood
Just imagine if one of your brothers or sisters was born with a heart defect and had
to have daily transfusions of blood in order to have a chance of survival.
Unfortunately, things happen like this everyday and some of you may have
experienced them already. In this essay I am going to persuade you to become a blood
donor. I try to donate blood every two months or so because it makes me feel like I
am doing something good and saving people s lives. Do you know that 95% of all
Americans will need a blood transfusion sometime in our lives (Red Cross web
site)? That statistic means that there is a possibility that you, and your family and
friends could need support from volunteer blood donors. In this essay I will discuss
the need for blood donations, solutions that can increase blood donations, and actions
that need to be taken to increase blood donations.
The need for blood is growing more everyday while the numbers of donors is
decreasing. Sickle cell disease affects more than 70,000 people in the U.S. About
1,000 babies are born with the disease each year. Sickle cell patients can require
frequent blood transfusions throughout their lives (
According to the Red Cross blood website 41,000 pints of blood are needed every
single day, and they need us to make that possible. Donating blood is a safe process
that is done with a sterile needle used only one time for each donor. There is a four
step process to donating blood. First, is the
A Brief Note On Professional And Individual Ethics
The site is a private property of Mr John Cruger Mrs Alicia Cruger (Created for
sake of assignment). The site is a flat land and vacant currently and the client intend
to build 2 townhouses and it is not sure whether they will lease or sell the property
after completion.
1)Architect s Point of View
As an architect, in terms of practicalities and technicalities of the project, I do see
the potential of the site. Being in the Richmond area, the project is bound to be a
success either be lease or sold. Furthermore, the site is flat and has no significant tree
to preserve, make it even better for architect, engineers and contractor.
Yes. The site will be easy to design and construct, however, in terms of society
cognizance, the architect must take serious consideration of neighborhood opinion.
Suitable construction method must be implemented and working hour system must
be change and plan properly.
As a professional architect, I shall carry my professional work faithfully,
conscientiously, competently and in a professional manner. Therefore, I always make
the client clear on details of the project, for instance, job scopes, budget, schedule and
most importantly completion date. I also must respect and acknowledge the
professional aspirations and contribution of other previous architect of the project or
other consultants involved during the project.
In terms of aesthetics and culture, the site not in the mandatory heritage
Adolescent Alcohol Use And Its Consequences
Abstract Attitudinal variances were studied in intuitive processing, in the framework
of an optical search assignment. Aims: The aim of the study was to recapitulate
outcomes of recent epidemiological research on adolescent alcohol use and its
consequences, to summarize the risk factors for drinking in adolescents and to reflect
operative preventative interferences. Methods: A literature review of pertinent studies
on adolescent alcohol use. Alcohol use and other risk taking behaviors develop in
adolescence and incline to cluster together. Alcohol consumption in adolescence
appears to persevere into adulthood and is allied with alcohol problems, including
dependence, premature death and diminished work capacity. Early documentation of
adolescent risk factors may be helpful in preventing and/or diminishing risk.
Attitudinal differences are to be altered by these consequences. Conclusion: There is
a need for loftier long standing imminent group revisions to investigate the long term
magnitudes of adolescent drinking and supplementary effort is needed to identify the
most operative interference tactics. Introduction The term adolescent is an adjective
concerning a young person in the process of developing from a child into an adult
and dates from the late 18th century ( Adolescent, 1989). It is a resultant from the
Latin verb adolescere which means to grow up ( Adolescent, 1989). This research
will analyze outlines of drinking in
Data Report On Data Management And Analysis
This section presents data process involved in data management and analysis, it
discusses data entry, data cleaning and data analysis. The section starts with data
entry where the data cleaning and analysis were presented thereafter. 3.14.1 Data
entry Data entry refers to the process of recording data, regularly into a computer
programmes (Rahm Hai Do, 2010). During the evaluation, data were entered into
computerised software packages to assist in analysis process. Quantitative data from
questionnaires and documentary review were entered to stata software programme
whereby qualitative data obtained from interviews were entered to Atlas.ti software.
A verbatim (transcription) was performed to transform word by word audio recorded
interview data to written a document (Creswell, 2007), which by then were translated
from Swahili to English language before being entered into Atlas.ti where the local
translator was consulted to review the interview transcript. 3.14.2 Data cleaning Data
cleaning refers to systematic procedure to identify and correct data errors and
inconsistencies and omit them to enhance quality of collected data for analysis
(Rahm Hai Do, 2010). In this evaluation all qualitative and quantitative data undergo
cleaning process to ensure its consistency and accuracy. In this evaluation data
cleaning for qualitative data involved a series of activities that included the
followings as suggested by Miles and Huberman (1994): summarizing the qualitative
Michael Jackson And The King Of Pop
Michael Jackson or formally known as the King of pop characterized a musical time
changing and touching the lives of millions for time he was on earth. Michael, being
one of eight children from the multi talented Jackson family, was dispatched into a
musical universe not at all like others. But, his dedication and fame blossomed to the
illustrious Jackson 5 and ultimately made him the solo pop start we all knew and
loved. Michael was genuinely an amazing man that utilized his music to breakdown
numerous boundaries that confronted the normal individual in the public arena, for
instance, racism one of the greatest issues of Michaels time and was dealt with via
songs constructing a fan base of millions who could relate to what Michael had to
say. Michael was almost always in the spot light for disputable matters, for example,
the subject of his skin however nothing of genuine damming nature. Notwithstanding
Michaels numerous achievements all through his profession, numerous people felt as
though the King of Pop was no more powerful as he succumbed to a progression of
misfortunate events in 2005. California against Michael Joseph Jackson was a very
heartbreaking case to numerous fans across the country. The contents of the case
included allegations that Michael was involved with close acquaintance, or a young
boy by the name of Gavin Arvizo. Many skeptics at the time assumed that Michael
attacked the young boy, intoxicated him, and proceeded to continuously attack the

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  • 1. Essays About Death Penalty Writing an essay on the topic of "Essays About Death Penalty" can be a challenging and nuanced task. The subject matter is highly controversial and has been a source of intense debate for many years. Crafting a well-balanced and thoughtful essay on this topic requires extensive research, critical thinking, and the ability to navigate through complex ethical, legal, and social issues. One of the challenges lies in presenting a comprehensive overview of the death penalty, considering its historical context, legal implications, societal impact, and ethical considerations. It is essential to delve into various perspectives, from moral arguments for and against capital punishment to examining its effectiveness as a deterrent. Furthermore, addressing the emotional aspects associated with the death penalty adds an additional layer of complexity. The essay should be sensitive to the profound human experiences involved, such as the impact on victims' families, the potential for wrongful convictions, and the ethical implications for society as a whole. Balancing statistical data with real-life examples and case studies is crucial to providing a well- rounded perspective. Navigating through the myriad of opinions and conflicting evidence requires a careful analysis of sources and an understanding of the evolving nature of the debate. In conclusion, tackling the subject of "Essays About Death Penalty" demands a writer's ability to navigate through a multifaceted and contentious topic, requiring thorough research, analytical skills, and empathy. Crafting a well-rounded essay on this subject requires a delicate balance to address the complexities involved. If you find yourself struggling with such an essay or any other academic writing task, you may consider seeking assistance. Services like offer a platform where similar essays and a variety of academic writing services can be ordered, providing support and guidance for those navigating the challenges of essay writing. Essays About Death Penalty Essays About Death Penalty
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  • 3. Islamic Financial System And Islamic Institutions INTRODUCTION An Islamic Financial system could be simply defined as a financial system that is based on the principles and values of Islam which mops up riba and guarantees a profit sharing mechanism. Islamic Financial system has developed over past decades as an indication of Islamic Worldwide view represented by the Shari ah. The profound basis of Islamic financial system surpasses the interaction of factors of production and the behaviour of the economy. (Iqbal 1997) Shari ah is the foundation on which Islamic finance is built. The mainstay of the Islamic Financial system is the linkage between economic activities in the Islamic financial system and the real sector. The constancy of currency is furthered in an Islamic financial system because money is not regarded as a commodity. Islamic finance is equity based, asset backed, ethical, sustainable, environmentally and socially responsible finance. It promotes risk sharing, connects the financial sector with the real economy, and emphasizes financial inclusion and social welfare . (World Bank) Islamic financial system advocates the highest level of governance and transparency because it is guided by principles of the Shari ah. Generally, in any economy, financial systems (conventional and Islamic) exist in order to raise funds and channel these funds into productive financial and economic activities. Thus, financial systems also perform the function of mobilising surplus funds from economic agents and institutions and
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  • 6. Exploration Of Vegetarianism An Exploration of Vegetarianism: How We Can Save the World Vegetarianism refers to that voluntary abstinence from eating meat. The term vegetarian was started in 1847 by the founders of the Vegetarian Society of Great Britain. But the practice of vegetarianism has been around for as long as humans have had diets. A majority of the world s oldest cultures advocate a vegetarian diet for their health and religious beliefs. More Americans should consider being a vegetarian because of spiritual reasons, it improves one s health, helps world hunger, and saves animals Many religions around the world ban the consumption of meat. Hinduism, which is the main religion in India, bans the consumption of beef. India has more vegetarians than any other country ... Show more content on ... The cow ran through the streets of Great Falls for hours, it avoided the cops, animal control officers, cars, trucks and even a train. Hours later it was cornered near the Missouri river, where then the daring animal made a life altering choice, she jumped into its freezing waters and swam across to the bank where a tranquilizer gun then brought her down. This cow was now suddenly thrust into the lime light. People around the world were cheering for her after the story got international attention. The slaughterhouse manager gave the brave cow the name Molly, and then sent her to a nearby farm to live and spend the rest of her days grazing in the wide open
  • 7. What Is The Role Of Migration In The US It is important to note the most powerful and universal bond between two groups is language. In the case of the Puerto Rican and the Mexican American experience within the US, their bond goes even further than just the language of Spanish. The land mass that is now known as Mexico and Puerto Rico were once Indian lands confiscated by Spain. In the quest for a decent life, parallels can be drawn of migration causation due to US foreign policy in both the Puerto Rican and Mexican histories. Puerto Rico and parts of Mexico both became US possessions without the consent of their sovereign governments. Puerto Rico lost its independence by political maneuvering of Spain and the Southwest part of Mexico became part of the United States through
  • 8. Moral Evil vs. Natural Evil Essay Evil can be categorized into two forms, moral evil and natural evil. Moral evil is brought about by bad choices that stem from our free will. Natural evil is bad things that happen to people, whether they deserve them or not. The problem with evil is, Either we must say that God is not wholly good, and that he permits or is even the author of evil. Or we must say that God is not omnipotent, and although he is wholly good and would prevent evil if he could, he is powerless to stop it. (Fitzgerald 340). This is a significant problem to the revealed religions because they believe in a wholly good and omnipotent God. Why then, would this God allow evil? In this paper, I will provide, explain, and evaluate St. Augustine of Hippos ... Show more content on ... This would be similar to taking pieces out of a wooden wheel. The more slices that are removed, the worse the wheel becomes, but it is still a wheel. Likewise a good person can become less good by being corrupted, but he still exists as a person as long as there is some form of good left. This small incorruptible good inside of us is like a piece of God in every living thing. Man can be corrupted like this because we can make morally wrong choices that deprive us of good. This is due to our free will. God created mankind with the ability to make choices based on our own wants; this is known as free will. If free will did not exist, the world would be a very boring place. Imagine never being able to make your own decisions. God did not want this so he gave us the power to think on our own. We are rational beings and mostly make good decisions, but the bad decisions are what lead to evil. Consciences act like a moral compass in our heads, trying to steer us away from the evil choices and towards the good. Our consciences could be part of that small incorruptible good that is inside of us. Sometimes a conscience is not enough to guide us, though, and evil choices stem from our free will. Free
  • 9. Pros And Cons Of New Year Millionaire What is New Year Millionaire? Let us begin by way of trying to take into accout what New Year Millionaire is ahead of taking a look at the professionals and cons. New Year Millionaire is a product created via New Year Millionaire Team to exploit the binary options trading gadget in place on the moment. They have got found a loophole that reduces your dangers and will increase your Profits. New Year Millionaire Team provides you with New Year Millionaire to milk the device and cut back those risks significantly. It trades for you after information about your finances has been inserted. New Year Millionaire Overview Binary choices with New Year Millionaire have long been an excellent option to make money and make a Huge profit. Millions of... Show more content on ... New Year Millionaire Execs What are the professionals with New Year Millionaire Software? To begin, it really works and that s what matters. If a product does not do what it is saying, it isn t worth your time. Easy as that. New Year Millionaire is a fantastic product as it is able to provide results and I have found it to be particularly helpful. After the usage of it for a month or so, I ve generated rather a bit of of money that would in a different way now not had been possible. The 24 hour reinforce is splendid. It s a kind of pros that merely will get overlooked however should not. The New Year Millionaire support is astounding each time you ve a query to ask. I ve had a few hurdles to pass and their fortify crew has at all times been there to assist me. New Year Millionaire Cons Are there any cons with this New Year Millionaire product? Yes, it is close to impossible to find a product that doesn t have cons. The one con with this product would be you won t be discovering 100% success. It is simply not possible to win each option and that is the means it is. You will still have to take a seat down and have a look at your choices from time to time earlier than shifting ahead to get the type of results you might be
  • 10. The Effects Of Underage Soldiers On Children Child Soldiers Children all across world are being exploited as child soldiers. Everyday kids younger the age of 10 are putting their lives on the line mostly by force. ВЁOver the last ten years, two million children have been killed in conflict. Over one million have been orphaned, over six million have been seriously injured or permanently disabled and over ten million have been left with serious psychological trauma.ВЁ(Children In Conflict). A child soldier is a child with armed forces; they re trained to fight, cook, be porters, messengers, informant spies, etc. Countries all across the world have been using children to fight, places like the United Kingdom, Africa, and Asia lean on children to do their dirty work regardless of what laws are put into place for recruitment age. Underage soldiers has been an unnecessary evil for far too long and there are many programs in place to help lower such numbers. A mutual goal all programs and laws have is to heighten the recruitment age to 18, so that only adults may be put into active duty. OPAC was the first international treaty focusing on ending militaryexploitation of children. 165 countries have already signed in agreement with this law, but 18 have yet to do the same. 14 countries that have signed have not ratified the protocol. (Children and Armed Conflict). By not ratifying protocol children are still being put into armed forces everyday as if the treaty wasn t signed to begin with which can be considered a war crime.
  • 11. Carpeting Process Analysis Refinishing Your Hardwood Floors? Learn How To Hand Refinish The Steps If you have carpeting throughout your home that you are looking to rip out so you can refinish the hardwood, chances are that the steps in your home have carpeting on them too. Steps can be one of the most frustrating parts of the hardwood refinishing process because so much of it needs to be done by hand. Follow these tips to learn how to refinish the steps on your own. Preparation You ll start by removing the old carpeting on the stairs that was previously nailed or glued down. A pry bar works great for lifting up each area of carpeting, which will give you enough leverage to rip it out by hand. It s important that you remove every single nail or patch of glue left behind on the wood, because it can potentially ruin your sanding equipment later on. Event he tiny staples will need to be removed with pliers if there is a sharp end still stuck in the hardwood. Glue residue can be scrubbed away with a commercial glue removal product and a scrub brush. Dry the steps off with a rag when finished. ... Show more content on ... Stairs are one part of your home s hardwood that can be a little bit rougher, because stairs that are too slippery can cause a person to slip and fall. Only use sandpaper with a grit no finer than 60, which will help give people in your home some much needed traction when going up and down the
  • 12. Scene Analysis Of Song At Midnight Scene Analysis on Song at Midnight: the First Meet of Song Danping and Sun Xiao ou The first meeting of Song Danping and Sun Xiao ou in the film Song at midnight is not only the first exposure of the phantom in the theater after ten years, but also a turning point of Sun s life. So the scene that Sun goes upstairs to meet the phantom Song is both an end of the ten year nightmare of Song, and a starting of a new story of revenge and revolution. However, the changeover cannot be accomplished at one stroke, which is specially reflected by the transitions of Sun s attitudes and behaviors: from vacillate, to touched, then ends up in determined. This scene s duration is more than half an hour with two long cuts of retrospections about the ordeal happened to Song. We only focus on the scene in the loft above the theater, and the analysis can ... Show more content on ... We can focus on three plots that assist Sun who finally determines to help Song. First one is about Sun s reaction after hearing Song s story out. A medium shot shows they are sitting at the table with different gestures: Sun sits up with his right fist clenched and left hand clutching tightly again and again; Song leans his right elbow onto the table with his ugly right hand hanging down the tabletop loosely. Then, not like the former parts, Song stands up and move to the window slowly and unsteadily, and Sun follows him proactively. In part 1 and part 2пјЊSun s gestures, including sit down near the stairs, go to the cabinet and the table, are all forced by Song. The reason is not only Sun is still in shock but also he doesn t know who the phantom is. However, in part 3, Sun s movements are all initiated by his own. So when Song asks Sun to help him to comfort Li Xiaoxia, Song s character changes from a dominator to a suppliant. To a kindly person, Sun cannot reject
  • 13. Till We Have Faces Essay Many of the works of C.S. Lewis contain themes of Christianity and the relationship between man and the spiritual world. Written in the mid 1950s and towards the end of his life, Till We Have Faces is one of Lewis most intellectual works. Considered as his most mature work of writing, it is a retelling of the classical mythical story of Cupid and Psyche from the perspective of Orual, the older sister of Psyche. It prompts the reader to relate with Orual as the victim of the gods, then, when the veil is lifted and the faults of Orual are revealed, the reader is able to better recognize the faults of his own and those of society. Till We Have Faces opens the eyes of readers to what loveshould be, and to its effect upon the world. For many, love is a constant search for happiness that never ends. The desire for love is longed for and pursued by every human. Many constantly seek it in self satisfaction, but are never fully satisfied with the love which they attain. The biggest reason for this is the distortion of the love which is sought for. True love is pure and selfless, the perfection of a person. It is truly something which must be cultivated in order to recognize and attain it. Love is a gift so sacred that it is worth living and dying for. Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, [love] is not ... Show more content on ... Especially within a society such as ours, which distorts love into lust, the ability to recognize and display the gift of love is essential. Selfish love, which is so inherent to humanity, inhibits God from acting in our lives, blinding us from experiencing His presence and eternal joy. It is so easy to look for pleasure and love in self satisfaction. However, the path to lasting happiness is not found through instant gratifications, but in the grueling practice of living a life full of
  • 14. Perks Of Being A Wallflower Movie And Book Comparison Essay A few days ago, I was finally able to watch the long awaited movie adaptation of Stephan Chbosky s epistolary novel The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The movie follows awkward introvert Charlie Kelmeckis as he copes with the suicide of his best friend, starting high school, his first love, and his raging mental illness while struggling to find a group of friends with which he belongs. It was evident from the beginning that the author was heavily influenced by J.D. Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye. Holden, just like Charlie, is also a troubled teenage boy with many underlying issues that he struggles to deal with while attempting to understand his own identity. However, while both storylines seem similar at first, upon closer examination, I... Show more content on ... Holden is fixated on individuality and not being phony, while Charlie is infatuated with happiness. When reading The Catcher in the Rye, it is not difficult to notice Holden s hate for phoniness. Avoiding that one trait seems to be the deciding factor when making most of his spontaneous decisions. The way Holden talks about phoniness with such malice made me fully agree with him. In a world filled with such pretentiousness, people should definitely try to hold on to whatever integrity they have left, not change to accommodate what others expect from them. That is where Charlie s character contradicts Holden s the most. Charlie always conforms to the wishes of others to make them happy. He is willing to be whatever others want him to be and hardly ever stands by his personal opinions. Charlie firmly believes that by propitiating everyone around him, it will ultimately lead to his own happiness. I find it quite ironic that a character so heavily based on Holden Caulfield would so accurately personify everything wrong with the world in Holden s eyes, but I suppose that is where the similarities in the two characters
  • 15. Summary Of Madam Seer Can You Please Tell Me Your Story You walk into a dark, musty room and see this young girl with long black hair and sitting in a chair and in her hands is a bowl of a dark blood red liquid and dried herbs that is giving off a soft purple smoke as the liquid bubbles and curns.You had come here for one reason: To hear the story she has to tell and share it with the world.The reason for this is that you are a storyteller. As you walk over to her, she looks up at you, her deep green eyes gleaming like gems with her face hidden slightly by a sheer crimson veil that is hiding her face, which is that of sheer perfection and dark beauty despite the fact she is thousands of years old she looks young.You shiver and ask her a question.Madam seer could you please tell me your... Show more content on ... ing started to change.It was a dark day and the sky was threatening to pour out tears of rain that would drown the village.I was running to the shelter of my house when I ran right into him almost falling over.He caught me before I hit the ground and looked down at me as he held me away from the ground at a slight angle.He looked at me with the dark desire of demon and I knew what he was right away.He was not a mortal but a demon in the guise of a mortal man. Suddenly you see a young man with long black hair and piercing black eyes comes into view.He is laughing as he faces a beautiful young woman with long black hair,soft frightened eyes, and soft features so unlike those of the seer before you, but after a moment of thinking you realize that she is the seer in front of you.You gasp softly in surprise and keep watching.The scene changes into that of a dark looming forest at night and the seer voice says softly in the same hypnotic voice It was later on that night the rain started to fall and I followed him and his followers into the forest.What I saw was horrifying and changed me forever.One of his newest followers who had not started to change was tied up in the middle of a satanic symbol blindfolded with a piece of crimson silk.She fought against her bindings as he was chanting his pitch black eyes gleaming watching her struggle as if against an unseen enemy.As he continued to chant the young girl started to scream as if in pain as she was surrounded but a putrid black
  • 16. Why Hinduism Should Be Considered A World Religion Cole Cramer Professor Schadler RELS 105 07/16/16 Why Hinduism Should Be Considered a World Religion Introduction Religion in the world today mostly depend on the number of adherents and the rate of at which they increase in the world. While considering the statistics, studies indicate that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and with a projection that by the year 2050, its popularity shall have increased more than any other religion in the world. Alongside Islam is the Hinduism, religion which is also projected to have a faster growth rate and according to research in 2011(Gerald 20), it had grown in various countries mainly due to migration from India. The growth rate of Hinduism is projected at two percent annually when ... Show more content on ... Unlike other religions across the world, Hinduism does not have a specific way of worship, or a god and scriptures to be used. The religion that is considered to be the oldest has an array of beliefs and practices within it, and therefore many have always referred to it as a family religion or a way of life. In the recent years, it has been established that there is a way in conformation to an almost similarity among the Hindus, and a larger population now consider a sacred text known as Veda and have a shared system of values known as dharma. Religion can be characterized by the existence of belief and faith that something is acceptable and should be practiced without questioning or confirmation. In the Hindu religion, it can be confirmed that the way many things are characterized and the belief in the consequences of a person s conduct can be categorically defined as faith. For instance, in Hindu, there is a belief that the individual soul is not created, but it has been in existence and will continue to exist. Just like in other religions whereby the actions of a person reaps the consequences in the next phase of life, Hindus, however, believe that the souls will one day comeback to life in a different form, which utterly depends on the consequences of its actions before the rebirth. The kind of body that the soul will inhabit after that is determined by Karma, which is a term used to refer to actions
  • 17. The Benefits Of The Black Market Kryslin Cotton English 1301 Professor Cain 23 November 2016 Under Ground Kings: The Benefits of the Black Market Why is there over 120 thousand people waiting on an organ transplant? Why are there 44 million uninsured people in the United States alone? Why is it that 1 in 10 americans cannot afford their medical medications? All simply answered by the fact that it s all too expensive. The poverty level, according to USDA 2015, in the United States for a family of four is $24 thousand. With so many conditions, cancers, and diseases, everyone should have equal health opportunity, but this is not the case. In turn, the population turns to alternative sources of help: such as the Black Market. The black market is basically any service or good in exchange for money that isn t legal. According to Amy Fontinelle, author of The Mechanics of the Black Market , illegal operations could be as simple as [...] bartering and not reporting the taxable value of the transaction, or hiring a regular housekeeper or babysitter, but failing to pay employment taxes (Fontinelle). Black markets contort and falsify government records. Many people enter the world of black markets because they do not want to or are not able to acquire licenses for certain occupations due to governmental restrictions. Such as in New York, to become a licensed taxi driver, one must purchase a medallion which cost $600 thousand or more; they turn to black market alternatives until they are caught. In extenuating
  • 18. The Main Causes Of Arranged Marriage Made in heaven, found on earth marriages are a new beginning according to some and the final end for others ( Arranged Marriage , 2009). Marriage is religiously and socially a huge responsibility and its failure could affect societies negatively. Arranged marriages are planned by families, when the bride and the groom are chosen either randomly from a wedding or by family relatives. Especially in the Gulf countries, certain families consider such marriages of high social importance. Arranged marriages in this region have a low expectancy of success. Forced marriages, short engagements and incompatibility between potential couples are the main causes of divorce in arranged marriages in the Gulf region. The initial major cause of divorce in arranged marriages is forced marriage. When both sides get married unwillingly, a lifelong struggle will begin to adapt with the undesired reality. The Saudi Gazette newspaper stated that a lot of women are still forced into their marriages by their families ( Saudi Arabia Forced and Arranged Marriages , 2003). Especially in Saudi Arabia, marriage is viewed through a ... Show more content on ... According to Al Qabas Newspaper (2016), forty eight percent of women in Kuwait are divorced as a result of the gaps between married couples. These gaps could be age differences, education levels, interests and financial problems. For instance, many girls get married at a young age to a husband who is ten to twenty years older, creating a relationship between two different generations that lacks mutual understanding. For example, Batoul got married at the age of nine, having no knowledge at all, to twenty year old Mohammed. Divorce is an ultimate solution to marriages in which a husband cannot financially provide his family needs. Life becomes impossible for some couples if they come from two different
  • 19. Engagement With North Korea Essay Engagement with North Korea did not start with the Clinton Administration, in 1988 President Reagan s modest initiative enabled unofficial non governmental visits by North Koreans into the United States. This gave permission for limited commercial exports of US humanitarian goods to Pyongyang, and permission for engagement between U.S. diplomats and North Korean officials. The importance of these engagements should be evaluated in four main policy objectives towards our national security: 1)Enhance regional stability: North Korea s geographic position is critical to the national security of the U.S., Japan, South, Korea and the South Pacific region as a whole. Armed with significant nuclear weapons and the fourth largest army in the world, the possibility of an unstable North Korea has been avoided for decades, therefore recent threats ... Show more content on ... policy has prevented any threats to the international nonproliferation from a nuclear North Korea which would have led to the development of nuclear weapons in South Korea, and Japan, and even the trade of nuclear weapons material or technology. In regard to missiles, the United States has secured North Korea s announcement of a long range moratorium in fall 1999 through years of efforts. Nevertheless, there has been no deal yet to curb North Korea s exports of its indigenous deployment. Recent threats have prevented the U.S. in moving forward with future deals and weakens current established ones. 3)Encourage dialogue between North Korea and South Korea: Domestic and inter Korean politics heavily influences U.S. policy results; therefore, maintaining a consistent diplomatic relationship with North Korea is imperative to the dialogue between the North and South. Inconsistency from President Kim Young Sam was largely due to his failure with Pyongyang as a result of his approach to policymaking and domestic political pressures. Meanwhile, President Kim De Jung has
  • 20. Case Study Multiple Myeloma Multiple Myeloma Presenting With Spinal Cord Compression: Case Report Liew Chiu Yee Abstract Multiple myeloma is a haematological malignancy characterized by clonal proliferation of malignant plasma cell in the bone marrow with diffuse bony involvement. The spine is the most common skeletal site being involved. This case report describes a multiple myeloma patient presented with spinal cord compression and illustrates the aspects of differential diagnosis, the use of laboratory and imaging for diagnosis. Introduction Multiple myeloma accounts for 1% of all malignancies and 10% of haematological malignancies. Ninety eight percent of cases occur over the age of 40 years with the median age of diagnosis at 66 years old. Multiple myeloma is characterized by plasma cell accumulation in the bone marrow commonly localized in the spine. 80 90% of patients develop myeloma bone disease at some stage of their disease. Myeloma bone disease associated morbidities include bone pain, pathological fractures, spinal cord compression and hypercalcaemia. Bony lesion in myeloma is lytic in nature and pathological fracture is a frequent complication. Spinal cord compression is a complication of pathological fracture of spinal column or extension of vertebral body myeloma lesion. Imaging techniques are essential to identify the extent of intramedullary and extramedullary foci, and to evaluate disease progression. A multidisciplinary approach is needed in the management of spinal involvement in multiple myeloma.
  • 21. Theme Of Mise En Scene In The Godfather The American films The Godfather I and II directed by Francis Ford Coppola, included mise en scene to emphasize certain characteristics and themes during both films. In this essay I will discuss how mise en scene was used to portray the lives of the Mafia families in the 1940s and 50s. The mise en scene in The Godfather I, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, plays a huge role in how the film is perceived by viewers. Mise En Scene is characterized as, The arrangement of everything that appears in the framing actors, lighting, dГ©cor, props, and costume ( The Godfather utilizes mise en scene perfectly. Coppola combined all the right components of a typical mafia film and made something extraordinary. From the clothing, to the homes, to the cars, and lighting; The Godfather was executed wonderfully. Lighting plays a huge part in The Godfather. The first scene opens with only one man talking, in low light. The relaxed lighting makes the scene intense and leaving the audience with a sense of fear. With the light just appearing on the man s face, the foundation is totally dark, highlighting the threatening tone of the scene. This scene uses the same lighting elements as chiaroscuro paintings would have. If you were to pause the scene at certain points you would be able to see the rembrandt light and the strong tonal contrasts between light and dark. Different props are also used throughout the film. When you think about the Mafia, you think Italian men
  • 22. Dracula, And Michael Pink And Bram Stoker s Dracula There s a reason why Bram Stoker s Dracula is arguably one of the greatest gothic novels of all time, and Michael Pink s readaptation of the classic certainly does not disappoint. Pink s Dracula, performed by the Colorado Ballet on Sunday, October 15, 2017, at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House at Denver Center for the Performing Arts with music composed by Philip Feeney left me feeling spooked and desperately wanting more. Prevailing themes of rising tension, suspense, and terror made for an intriguing experience that was executed beautifully by a talented cast and crew. The effortless blend of horror and romance is captivating and offers a range of elements each individual audience member can appreciate. Originally premiering in 1996, Bradford Alhambra, England; the dance adaptation of Bram Stoker s gothic novel, Dracula is divided into three acts, each focusing on a different victim of Count Dracula (Domenico Luciano). Dracula tells the story of Jonathan Harker (Yosvani Ramos), who travels to Transylvania to settle a transaction with a nobleman, Count Dracula, over the purchase of property in England. As demonstrated in the first act, Harker s visit to Transylvania haunts him with recurring nightmares as he awakes in the sanatorium in shear terror wrapped in his wife s arms. In the second act, the audience is introduced to Lucy (Chandra Kuykendall), a friend of Harker s wife Mina, who is so effortlessly seduced by Dracula at a Tea Dance in the Grand Hotel.
  • 23. Chrysalids Similarities A comparison of To Kill a Mockingbird The Chrysalids To Kill a Mockingbird and The Chrysalids are both novels that discuss flaws in human nature. These extend to racism, both past and future, unfair judgement, and justice. Though they take place in different time periods and have different characters with different beliefs, the two novels showcase similar and yet unique interpretations of their central themes: prejudice, conformity and religion. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or experience, expressed in many forms. Be it race, gender or appearance, be it young or old prejudice is present. When looking at the inhabitants of Waknuk in The Chrysalids, it is evident that they show prejudice. Usually there was only one small thing wrong, but however much or little was wrong it was an offence, and if it happened among people it was a blasphemy (Wyndham 19). This quote by David references the harsh ideas of the Waknuk people and how they discriminate against any organism that is not up to their standards. There are many instances of prejudice shown against living things. An example of this is when David says, We would sing a hymn while my father ceremonially slaughtered the two headed calf, four legged chicken (19). This quote shows that because these animals are different in some way, they would be killed, even though they could provide like any other animal. The Waknuk people are not the only prejudiced society in the novel. During the
  • 24. Eminent Domain Essay Student name Institution name Date Introduction Question: Is the policy of eminent domain providing for the public welfare, through the taking of privately owned property, using a rightful procedure involving due process and just compensation as it was intended to do when the policy was founded? Eminent domain is the inherent power of the government to take over a citizen s property for public use without the owner s consent. Initially, this public policy originated in the Middle Ages throughout the world. It became part of the British common law before reaching the United States where it was then illustrated in the US Constitution in 1791 (Britannica: eminent domain). The Fifth Amendment granted the federal government the right ... Show more content on ... The constitution puts it out clear that the person whose private property has been seized for public use is entitled to just compensation, which is a fair current cash market value of the property in question. This is quoted to be the price that a willing buyer would give and a willing seller would accept for the property. This is why it is referred to as the fair price because it was where the buyer and seller would reach at a consensus. Eminent Domain has affected very many people across all the counties in the United States of America each and every year. One such instance is that which occurred in 2002 in Long Beach, NJ. At this time, the government promised a number of redevelopment projects in efforts to try and improve the lakeside community. Uncountable number of locals, even the lifelong residents who knew long beach as their home fell victims of eviction. This was done with false promises from the government that there was an oncoming improvement in the financial environment and the improvement of the general aesthetic value of the town. Instead, a massive block of several up market shops sprouted that the locals never came to realizing their dreams of reaping direct benefits from the projects. Instead, it was the
  • 25. The Importance Of Expedi Two-Day Trip To Niagara Falls If you ever need to know what activities there are to do in certain places, Expedia is the place to go. One of the cities that they have touched on is New York, and it is not surprising considering the allure there. Expedia has listed several activities that you should do in New York, and here are the five best that they list. 1. 2 DAY TRIP TO NIAGARA FALLS Niagara Falls is a very polarizing waterfall, and it is something you have to see to believe. The great thing is if you go to New York, you can go on the two day trip to the Niagara Falls and experience its greatness. This is no doubt highlighted by The Maid of the Mist, and if you go on this boat trip prepare to get wet! 2. 4 COURSE DINNER CRUISE The 4 course dinner cruise over the
  • 26. Analysis Of The Poem Porphyria s Lover By Robert... With so much poetry coming out of Britain it can be hard for any of it to stand out from the rest, but Porphyria s Lover by Robert Browning and A Poison Tree by William Blake manage to stand out from other poems. These two poems differ in structure, writing style, and voice but both have something that sticks them out from the rest; murderers without a moral compass. While murder isn t new to poetryit is rare to find it as nonchalant as it is in these two poems. These killers were not killing just because they hated their victims; they were killing because they could and the fact that a life was ended meant nothing to them. This is why these poems stick out from the rest. The poem Porphyria s Lover by Robert Browning tells the story of two lovers who were not supposed to be and ends in the death of one of the lovers. The poem starts with a stormy night and Porphyria, one of the two lovers, visits her lover in a small cottage. We are given the image of her lover being angry with her by the way he ignores her. She tries to seduce him by making her smooth white shoulder bare (Browning 17) and pulling her lovers head against her. Porphyria admitted that although she loved him she was too weak to give herself completely to him. She claims she thought about him at her dinner feast which could mean that the reason they couldn t be together was because of class differences. While she told him what went through her mind he looked at her eyes and claimed that he realized
  • 27. The Role Of Alexander Kerensky In The February Revolution... The year 1917 was a historic year in Russian history. It saw two revolutions, in February and in October. The February Revolution resulted in the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the suppression of the Romanov monarchy. In October, the Bolshevik Party took over the reins of government in the October Revolution, establishing the world s first socialist state. There has been an intense debate regarding the role of key individuals Alexander Kerensky and Vladimir Leninin the events of 1917, and the role of other factors, such as the economy, the First World War and public opinion. I believe that Kerensky was more significant in this year because of his failures and his mistakes. It could be argued that Kerensky acted as a catalyst towards ... Show more content on ... His response was to arrest the leading Bolsheviks, however some went into exile just as Lenin did as he escaped to Finland. In further retaliation, Kerensky appointed General Kornilov as head of the army with the task of suppressing the left. Kornilov decided that it was time to deal with the revolutionaries and to establish a strong government in Russia. Also Kornilov wanted the Tsar back in power which contradicted what Kerensky wanted. Therefore it leads me to believe that this was poor judgement by Kerensky and it shows how he was indirectly linked to him. Kornilov ordered the Cossacks to march on Petrograd. Kerensky panicked and asked the Bolsheviks for help. The Bolsheviks agreed and so Kerensky armed the Bolshevik red guards with rifles. However, Kornilov s troops never arrived in Petrograd as the railway workers stopped the trains so the Cossacks couldn t get to Petrograd. It is quite impossible for me to betray Russia into the hands of her ancient enemy, the German race, and to turn the Russian people into German slaves. Here, Kornilov described Russia s contribution in worldWar I as anobligation to prevent the Russian people from being confined by Germany. Although the Cossacks couldn t get to Petrograd, the red guards kept the rifles which were given to them by Kerensky and they would later be used in the October revolution. Consequently, it is clear that Kerensky had a key role in 1917, holding important government positions and ultimately losing the support of both the left and the right, allowing the Bolsheviks to take power. Not only was Kerensky s lack of knowledge of the ideologies Kornilov had his failure, but also the fact that he armed the opposition. From the point Kerensky armed the red guards it was inevitable that a different leader would emerge, either Kornilov or
  • 28. Battle Of Baskstogne Essay Battle of Bastogne The Battle of Bastogne was a key battle between the American and German forces in a town of Bastogne in Belgium. The night before the push into Bastogne, General Middleton gave General McAuliffe a standing order to Hold Bastogne . Both generals felt that the enemy needed the town of Bastogne and the entrance into Bastogne would create a wider complex of roads leading to the west. During the night of the 18th the two commanders met in the VIII Corps command post to have a meeting with Colonel Ewell, who is the first to be committed to his instructions and all mission orders (CMH Online 2005). Units from the American side included the 9th Armored Division, several artillery battalions, and many infantrymen. On the 18th of December the 705th Tank Destroyer Battalion arrived, and on the 19th the 101st Airborne joined the battle. Additional support arrived in the form of M4 Sherman tanks led by Lieutenant Charles P. Boggess as he fought his way from the south.... Show more content on ... Having this in mind Eisenhower sent some of the best American troops to the town, he knew that if the Allies were to hold Bastogne they would have to give their best. For the task of holding Bastogne the Americans sent in the 101st Airborne Division with soldiers (Cole Christian, 2006). The 101st accomplishment of the near impossible of fighting off the Germans in Bastogne deserves enormous. Without the massive amount of additional infantry, artillery, tanks, tank destroyers, and engineers that helped them, the outcome of the battle might have been a different story (Philips 2003). The Nazis mistakes also helped the 101st when they removed most of their troops from Bastogne to Meuse, because of this the Americans were able to hold the city until Patton s army arrived. When Patton s Third Army arrived the German troops quickly started falling back and the Siege of Bastogne was over
  • 29. Stricter Building Codes More than 930,000 policyholders in South Florida lost coverage after 11 insurance companies went bankrupt, caused by more than 600,000 insurance claims filed. This led the Florida Legislature to create new entities, such as the Joint Underwriting Association, the Florida Windstorm Underwriting Association, and the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, in effort to restore adequate insurance capacity.[95] Stricter building codes were created in Florida in the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew. A survey by Tim Marshall and Richard Herzog of the Haag Engineer Company in Carrollton, Texas, highlighted several construction issues. On the roof of some homes, the concrete tiles were glued to felt paper, which could easily be ripped by straight line... Show more content on ... A migration of mostly White families northward to Broward and Palm Beach County was ongoing, but accelerated after Andrew.[100] Many of these families had used the money they received from insurance claims to relocate.[101] The population growth was especially noticeable in southwestern Broward County, where land development was pushed years ahead of schedule .[100] Similar migration occurred within the Jewish community. Although some areas of Miami Dade County still have significant Jewish populations, many Jews resettled to Coral Springs, west Fort Lauderdale, Hallandale Beach, Plantation, and Tamarac in Broward County and Boca Raton and West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County.[102] The county had a net loss of about 36,000 people in 1992, while Broward and Palm Beach counties gained about 17,000 and 2,300 Miami Dade County residents, respectively.[103] By 2001, 230,710 people moved from Miami Dade County to Broward County, while 29,125 Miami Dade County residents moved to Palm Beach County. However, as Broward County became more crowded, 100,871 people relocated from Broward County to Palm Beach County.[104] Consequently, the Hispanic population in south Miami Dade County climbed rapidly.[101] In Homestead, for example, the Latino population increased rose from 30% to 45% between 1990 and 2000.[105] Due to damage to
  • 30. Geoffroy Tory The history of the graphic design is one of the most important pages in the evolution of our world. All periods and persons after the prehistory related with the visual communications are undoubtedly the builders of our advanced and technological communication in the present. It is impossible to not feel passionate to write about the Graphic designhistory however, one essay is not enough to write about the whole History of the Graphic Design, that is why the next pages will be written about one person who has an important place in the Graphic Design history, this essay will be written about Geoffroy Tory. French man, Art lover, engraver, printer, book decorator and many other skills, Geoffroy Tory is without discussion one of the most important ... Show more content on ... This book is full of detailed pages experimenting with the perfection of the letters, to get this perfection, Tory utilized geometric figures and grids. Introducing capital letters into the geometric figures and grids, definitely, he was trying to make a special innovation. Experimentation was a kind of language for tory because he was always with something new. This time he decided to utilize grids, geometric figures, and capital letters to match the with the human body parts especially the head. That was a geniality that put this work in the top of the typographical
  • 31. Musical Counterpoint In The Baroque And Classical Eras Musical Counterpoint in the Baroque and Classical Eras Counterpoint, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, is the art of combining different melodic lines in a musical composition. It is among the characteristic elements of Western musical practice (Jackson). Counterpoint is very prevalent in Western music, from around the Renaissance Era to modern times, and has been common practice until the twentieth century ( Counterpoint ). From the Renaissance era to the Classical era, counterpoint has had the same general principles and structures, been utilized by great composers, such as Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven, and resulted in some of the most beautiful music. The guidelines of counterpoint, while having increased in freeness over... Show more content on ... Irene Girton states, In the first species, each note in the underlying melody is accompanied by a single note in the new contrapuntal line with consonant harmonic intervals (Girton). Essentially, the second line must match the rhythm of the first line and avoid dissonances. The second species, according to Girton, introduces harmonic dissonance in the form of a passing tone of the second line, so for every note of the original line, there are two notes in the new line (Girton). Next, the third species permits four notes contrapuntal notes against one, and presents more complicated and challenging problems (Girton). For example, a four quarter note line against a whole note will be difficult to reach a goal because of the increased possibility of dissonance. For the fourth species, Girton explains, the Fourth species, like second species, permits two notes against one, but with a suspension figure (Girton). This means that there can be a dissonance on the first beat that resolves on the second contrapuntal note. The last species to master before allowing free counterpoint encourages mixed rhythmic values in the contrapuntal line, with possible embellishment (ornamentation) or other elaborations (Girton). As one masters each species, the created contrapuntal lines become more dissonant and complex, thus increasing both the complication of the music
  • 32. The Main Concepts Of The Philosophy Of Liberalism What is Liberalism? INTRODUCTION The term liberalism has a variety of meanings nowadays. Freedom or liberty for each and every individual is the main aim of the philosophy of liberalism. Freedom had different concepts in different periods of time in the history and therefore the programs of liberalism were also different in those time periods. However the main aim always remained the same. Liberalism not only believed in human nature was good but it also believed that humans were rational. It supposes that, as people have a logical intellect, they have the ability to identify different challenges and problems and solve them. This will thus improve the human condition systematically. Conservatism, on the other hand, is the opposite doctrine ... Show more content on ... But then people started to believe in reason and rationality. People started to think. Up until then those who were powerful used to rule. There was the hereditary aristocracy. But then the people started to realize that this system should be changed. And hence the old traditions were questions, the governments were challenged. This intellectual progress to enlightenment led to powerful revolutionary movements. These movements were successful to put an end to the powerful regimes of the time many parts of the world like Europe, Latin America and North America. Then after that came the French revolution which also successfully put an end to the hereditary aristocracy. These revolutions and movement led to many later
  • 33. Communication And Gap Of A Good Manager Communication and Gap in doing some Tasks in a Management Role A good manager is a journey of passion, commitment and challenges. To become an effective manager/leader support team is essential. No one can do everything and be everything. It is not unusual to find managers who lack communication skills and gaps in doing some tasks while in leadership/management roles. I am going to discuss two of my weaknesses that I have had for several years now, and they are communicationand gap in doing some tasks. They both go hand in hand and can hinder one s ability to be an effective leader/manager. The first one is communication, which plays a pivotal role in expressing my messages clearly, precisely and effectively to my listeners in my personal and especially professional life. Although, I am good at communicating one on one and in small groups, I find when it comes to talking in a large group; I tend to forget what I want to say, due to nervousness. Sometimes, communicating the right messagewith good intentions gets lost or becomes challenging for me, which is necessary in a management role. One example of this, was when my manager was spinning off a combination of the vault, but was having trouble. I had no idea that she may have tried a few times, but did not get it. Being oblivious to the fact and perhaps not being clear in my communicating to her, I simply said, I thought you did that a long time ago. She shouted at me, Don t you talk to your
  • 34. E. Coli Have you ever wondered why people are always talking about E. coli, what it is, and how you can get it? What are the conditions this bacteria lives in? These interesting questions led the investigator to find out which material inhibits E. coli replication in an aqueous environment the most. E. coli (also known as escherichia coli) is a bacteria that normally lives in the intestines of people and animals named after Dr. Theodor Escherich. Most E. coli are harmless and actually are vital to a healthy human intestinal tract. However, some E. coli are pathogenic, meaning they can cause either diarrhea or illness outside of the intestinal tract( According to Food, you can get E. coli by eating contaminated food, especially undercooked ground beef,... Show more content on ... coli like to live at body temperature (37.4ВєC), can obtain energy from a wide variety of sources, don t need oxygen to survive, and under ideal conditions, individual E. coli cells can double every 20 minutes. At that rate, it would be possible to produce a million E. coli cells from one parent cell within about 7 hours(The University of Waikato). These pollutants in the water will not only affect those insects who are able to walk on water , but the birds and other animals that feed on these insects. Many shorebirds use the surface tension of water to move their prey to the surface of the water. The birds swim in small, fast circle on the surface of the water, creating a vortex that pulls creatures up within their reach, where they peck and eat them (Choi 32). To determine how E. coli develops in different environments, the researcher will be investigating how E. coli inhibits different materials in an aqueous environment. During the experiment, the researcher will then calculate the colonies in a 1 centimeter radius in the most dense spot of the petri dishes of each material. Then he will find the averages of the 3 petri dishes of each material and compare with the results of each
  • 35. Shelia Johnson Personality Shelia Johnson has long been a powerful influence in the entertainment industry, starting with her work as founding partner of Black Entertainment Television (BET). She has served as executive producer for documentaries and a feature films. Ms. Johnson is founder and chair of the Middleburg Film Festival, an annual celebration of independent film. As Founder and CEO of Salamander Hotels Resorts, Ms. Johnson currently oversees a growing portfolio of luxury properties in Virginia, Florida, South Carolina, and Louisiana. As Vice Chairman of Monumental Sports Entertainment, Ms. Johnson is the only African American woman to have ownership in three professional sports teams: the NBA s Washington Wizards, the NHL s Washington Capitals, and the... Show more content on ... Emotional intelligence consist of these five attributes self awareness, self management , empathy, relationship management, and effective communication. I believe the aspect of emotional intelligence that Shelia Johnson most frequently demonstrates are the act of knowing and understanding how to be leader. For example she runs several businesses, oversee projects, all while being a mother, business partner even with going a through one of the most publicized divorce settlements, due to professional and personal differences and after 20 years of marriage; but not allowing it to ruin her lifestyle, her business mindset or shatter her goals. Emotional intelligence is a powerful tool critical for exceeding goals, improving critical work relationships, and creating a healthy, productive workplace and organizational
  • 36. Stereotypes Of The Rednecks Many places in the world have multiple groups of people. However, throughout time, many of these groups have changed, stayed the same, or have divided into multiple subgroups. These subgroups tend to have their own stereotypes that all tie into one big group of people. Take the rednecks for example. Rednecks have always been around, but through time this big group has turned into different small groups. Although there are many subgroups to the rednecks, the three main ones are the hillbillies, the folk, and the farmers. The hillbillies are the most stereotyped of the rednecks. Television depicts the hillbillies as primarily being incestuous, no teeth, gun shooting, and trashy yard people. Most people in today s time believe that
  • 37. Emergency Room Triage Observation When first arriving at St. Luke s Cedar Rapids, Iowa Emergency Department the patient is added to the Epic computer system as a patient in the waiting room with a chief complaint. Behind a closed within view of the waiting area is the triage area staffed with one nurse and one patient care technician. The emergency department is divided into six pods made up of six to seven patient rooms in each designated pod. Each of the six pods are staffed with two nurses, one patient care technician, and a provider. While observing the emergency department I noted that there were inconsistencies within the triage process. Many times the patient no matter the length of wait would not have any vitals obtained. My preceptor informed me that the information... Show more content on ... My preceptor validated my concerns with the information that these were not only her concerns also. My preceptor stated that all nurses are trained for triage, but over the course of the last six months, it has dramatically changed to be a growing concern amongst staff. The emergency room manager, Nikki informed me that all nurses are expected to work in the emergency room for six months before they are allowed to float to the triage area. She states that this is so the triage nurse understands the flow, the expectation and improved communication with each separate pod. She stated that over the last year due to increased staffing changes not all the float triage nurses have been held to the same standard, provided with continued education or even receive the six month requirements before being allowed to float to
  • 38. Persuasive Speech On Blood Donations Donating Blood Just imagine if one of your brothers or sisters was born with a heart defect and had to have daily transfusions of blood in order to have a chance of survival. Unfortunately, things happen like this everyday and some of you may have experienced them already. In this essay I am going to persuade you to become a blood donor. I try to donate blood every two months or so because it makes me feel like I am doing something good and saving people s lives. Do you know that 95% of all Americans will need a blood transfusion sometime in our lives (Red Cross web site)? That statistic means that there is a possibility that you, and your family and friends could need support from volunteer blood donors. In this essay I will discuss the need for blood donations, solutions that can increase blood donations, and actions that need to be taken to increase blood donations. The need for blood is growing more everyday while the numbers of donors is decreasing. Sickle cell disease affects more than 70,000 people in the U.S. About 1,000 babies are born with the disease each year. Sickle cell patients can require frequent blood transfusions throughout their lives ( According to the Red Cross blood website 41,000 pints of blood are needed every single day, and they need us to make that possible. Donating blood is a safe process that is done with a sterile needle used only one time for each donor. There is a four step process to donating blood. First, is the
  • 39. A Brief Note On Professional And Individual Ethics PROFESSIONAL / INDIVIDUAL ETHICS Scenario The site is a private property of Mr John Cruger Mrs Alicia Cruger (Created for sake of assignment). The site is a flat land and vacant currently and the client intend to build 2 townhouses and it is not sure whether they will lease or sell the property after completion. 1)Architect s Point of View As an architect, in terms of practicalities and technicalities of the project, I do see the potential of the site. Being in the Richmond area, the project is bound to be a success either be lease or sold. Furthermore, the site is flat and has no significant tree to preserve, make it even better for architect, engineers and contractor. Yes. The site will be easy to design and construct, however, in terms of society cognizance, the architect must take serious consideration of neighborhood opinion. Suitable construction method must be implemented and working hour system must be change and plan properly. As a professional architect, I shall carry my professional work faithfully, conscientiously, competently and in a professional manner. Therefore, I always make the client clear on details of the project, for instance, job scopes, budget, schedule and most importantly completion date. I also must respect and acknowledge the professional aspirations and contribution of other previous architect of the project or other consultants involved during the project. In terms of aesthetics and culture, the site not in the mandatory heritage
  • 40. Adolescent Alcohol Use And Its Consequences Abstract Attitudinal variances were studied in intuitive processing, in the framework of an optical search assignment. Aims: The aim of the study was to recapitulate outcomes of recent epidemiological research on adolescent alcohol use and its consequences, to summarize the risk factors for drinking in adolescents and to reflect operative preventative interferences. Methods: A literature review of pertinent studies on adolescent alcohol use. Alcohol use and other risk taking behaviors develop in adolescence and incline to cluster together. Alcohol consumption in adolescence appears to persevere into adulthood and is allied with alcohol problems, including dependence, premature death and diminished work capacity. Early documentation of adolescent risk factors may be helpful in preventing and/or diminishing risk. Attitudinal differences are to be altered by these consequences. Conclusion: There is a need for loftier long standing imminent group revisions to investigate the long term magnitudes of adolescent drinking and supplementary effort is needed to identify the most operative interference tactics. Introduction The term adolescent is an adjective concerning a young person in the process of developing from a child into an adult and dates from the late 18th century ( Adolescent, 1989). It is a resultant from the Latin verb adolescere which means to grow up ( Adolescent, 1989). This research will analyze outlines of drinking in
  • 41. Data Report On Data Management And Analysis This section presents data process involved in data management and analysis, it discusses data entry, data cleaning and data analysis. The section starts with data entry where the data cleaning and analysis were presented thereafter. 3.14.1 Data entry Data entry refers to the process of recording data, regularly into a computer programmes (Rahm Hai Do, 2010). During the evaluation, data were entered into computerised software packages to assist in analysis process. Quantitative data from questionnaires and documentary review were entered to stata software programme whereby qualitative data obtained from interviews were entered to Atlas.ti software. A verbatim (transcription) was performed to transform word by word audio recorded interview data to written a document (Creswell, 2007), which by then were translated from Swahili to English language before being entered into Atlas.ti where the local translator was consulted to review the interview transcript. 3.14.2 Data cleaning Data cleaning refers to systematic procedure to identify and correct data errors and inconsistencies and omit them to enhance quality of collected data for analysis (Rahm Hai Do, 2010). In this evaluation all qualitative and quantitative data undergo cleaning process to ensure its consistency and accuracy. In this evaluation data cleaning for qualitative data involved a series of activities that included the followings as suggested by Miles and Huberman (1994): summarizing the qualitative
  • 42. Michael Jackson And The King Of Pop Michael Jackson or formally known as the King of pop characterized a musical time changing and touching the lives of millions for time he was on earth. Michael, being one of eight children from the multi talented Jackson family, was dispatched into a musical universe not at all like others. But, his dedication and fame blossomed to the illustrious Jackson 5 and ultimately made him the solo pop start we all knew and loved. Michael was genuinely an amazing man that utilized his music to breakdown numerous boundaries that confronted the normal individual in the public arena, for instance, racism one of the greatest issues of Michaels time and was dealt with via songs constructing a fan base of millions who could relate to what Michael had to say. Michael was almost always in the spot light for disputable matters, for example, the subject of his skin however nothing of genuine damming nature. Notwithstanding Michaels numerous achievements all through his profession, numerous people felt as though the King of Pop was no more powerful as he succumbed to a progression of misfortunate events in 2005. California against Michael Joseph Jackson was a very heartbreaking case to numerous fans across the country. The contents of the case included allegations that Michael was involved with close acquaintance, or a young boy by the name of Gavin Arvizo. Many skeptics at the time assumed that Michael attacked the young boy, intoxicated him, and proceeded to continuously attack the