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Essay Water
Crafting an essay on the topic of water presents a unique set of challenges. At first glance, the
topic might seem straightforward, but delving into the intricacies of water's significance,
properties, and global relevance requires careful consideration and thorough research.
One of the initial hurdles is striking the right balance between scientific details and broader, more
accessible insights. Addressing the chemical composition of water, its role in biological processes,
and the various forms it takes is essential. Simultaneously, it's crucial to capture the attention of a
diverse audience, making the content engaging and understandable to readers with varying levels
of scientific knowledge.
The challenge extends beyond the technical aspects, touching on the environmental, social, and
cultural dimensions of water. Discussing its scarcity in some regions, the impact of pollution,
and the importance of conservation involves navigating through complex and often emotionally
charged subjects. Tackling such topics with sensitivity requires a nuanced approach to ensure the
essay resonates with readers while remaining factual and unbiased.
Additionally, maintaining a cohesive narrative throughout the essay can be demanding.
Balancing the exploration of water's historical significance, current challenges, and future
implications requires careful structuring to prevent the essay from becoming disjointed or
Moreover, the essay on water demands a unique blend of creativity and precision. Finding
innovative ways to present well-known facts and inspiring readers to contemplate the broader
implications of water-related issues is no small feat. This necessitates creativity in language use,
analogies, and possibly incorporating real-world examples to make the essay relatable.
In conclusion, writing an essay on water is a challenging endeavor that requires a delicate
balance between scientific rigor and accessibility, sensitivity to global issues, and creative
expression. Successfully navigating these challenges can lead to a compelling and informative
piece that engages readers on multiple levels.
[Note: At this point, I'd like to mention that similar essays and more can be ordered on]
Essay Water Essay Water
Why Are Many Galaxies Moving Away From Each Other
How did it all start why are all the galaxies moving away from each other? It all
started over 14.7 billion years ago. When what we know as black in space, was
once white space and there was a little dot smaller than the point of a pen. In which
all the galaxies there are today we put together into one little point. We know this
because the Hubble telescope helped us see everything is moving away, which
means it had to be all together at one point. When all the galaxies were together in
one little dot in white space they were extremely hot. And suddenly a huge explosion
happened that huge explosion is the Big Bang. The Big Bang is an explosion that
made all the galaxies expand and as they expanded they started to cool down. When
Sigmund Freud s Civilization And Its Discontents
Sigmund Freud, in his book Civilization and Its Discontents, contests that humans are
subject to savage, animalistic instincts. He opposes the Marxist value that humans are
superior to their animal counterparts, rather, he holds, humans are quite like wolves
to each other. With this claim, he explores how internal compositions work in the
grand scheme, to create a working mechanism of society that tames and creates
internal negotiations of behaviour and instinct. (also include what comes of the last
question) Freud, a psychologist, had views that were at odds with Marxist values,
derived from a philosopher and economist. Their views on what drives human nature
are fundamentally different. Freud adhered to the belief that humans are enslaved by
their instinctive forces. This is to say that humans are driven to seek out pleasure.
Marx, on the other hand, believed that humans are motivated by their place in society
through labour. His core value was the division of labor, and how it structures society.
Freud understood man in a Darwinian sense, that man comes from natural selection,
in the sense that Darwin insisted on its [homo sapiens] kinship with lesser cousins
and observed that the stamp of [its] lowly origin was quite ineffaceable (12). This
contrasts with the Marxist assumption that humans are different from animals, the
belief in human exceptionalism. Under this presumption, Marx finds that abuse and
violence occurs in consequence to disproportionate distributions
Synthesis Of Pi3k Inhibitors
To start with, the synthesis of class I and class III phosphoinositide 3 kinase
inhibitors has become a much needed research process. Creating and modifying the
PI3K inhibitors through the addition and elimination of organic functional groups
or amino acids has allowed scientists to find the best way in attacking the
irregularities formed in the body. Plenty of class I PI3K inhibitors like those seen
in Figure 3 have been identified and modified for therapeutic means. For example,
GDC 0941 and BKM 120 are both inhibitors that are being considered as possible
clinical trial candidates [2]. Other inhibitors have also been developed for specific
PI3K isoforms which helps to highlight the usefulness of the PI3K pathways [2]. To
get a better... Show more content on ...
In the studies being done, scientists realized that the BKM 120 inhibitor not only
affects the PI3K/PKB/mTOR pathway, but the microtubule synthesis pathway, as
well [5]. This dual activity found in the BMK 120 inhibitor was due to the structure
of the inhibitor; Figure 5 illustrates how these two functions are possible (a) and what
the ratio of microtubule inhibition and PI3K inhibition are in the cell (b) [5]. Through
extensive studies on the BMK 120 inhibitor and other similar compound structures,
researchers, like Bohancker et al., have been able to identify key structural
components for the two activities. The Bohancker et al. found that additional nitrogen
in the core of the molecule could help remove the tubulin inhibition, as well as, less
symmetry in the BMK 120 overall structure [5]. In general, the research being done in
these two examples, and the many other inhibitor synthesis experiments, show how
the creation and modification of the phosphoinositide 3 kinases inhibitors is a huge
part PI3K studies. From these developments, scientists can get a better sense of how
the inhibitors will work in cells and treating diseases. Though the synthesis of
phosphoinositide 3 kinase inhibitors is necessary for advancements in this field,
research on how efficient and effective these inhibitors are is just as imperative.
Many assays have been developed to study the effectiveness of PI3Ks mainly through
the quantifying of kinase
Advantages Of Fema
I wavered back and forth a bit on which approach was better suited for society s
well being. Early on in our modern Government it appears that most of the
Emergency Management was piece mailed as events occurred. Although, as new
events occurred, new programs seemed to be established to ease the post
emergency recovery. This way of business reminds me of duct taping a hole in a
pipe; at some point you need to replace the pipe with something more suited for the
application. While the all hazards approach, and the emphasis on catastrophic events
both have advantages, I believe that the all hazards approach provides us with a
clearer path for emergency managementrecovery and preparedness. The first such
example, according to (Haddow,... Show more content on ...
(Haddow et al., 2011). No clearer example needs to be shown other than the
hurricane Katrina disaster. The all hazards approach worked great as it matured
into what it was near the end of the 1990 s. When we shifted our eyes off the ball
and fixated on terrorism as the only predicament we would face, we were not
prepared for what transpired in New Orleans. FEMA should not have become a
division of the Department of Homeland Security, any more than the DHS should fall
under the Department of Defense. I deduce the jury is still out as we have not had
any substantial natural disasters occur
Male Bashing Analysis
Annotation #3This quote is important and stands out in the article for the reason that
it brings biological explanations to woman marking. I myself as well as the author
have never been inclined toward biological explanations in this case. It is, however,
quite interesting to observe a Professor of linguistics share his claims of this subject.
I am certainly sure that along with myself, many readers had not expected biology to
come into this article.
Page 392Then why do you think she s male bashing? He answered, with disarming
honesty Because she s a woman and she s saying things about men.
Annotation #4This quote may certainly have the audience feel somewhat shocked at
the comment said by a male audience member. It shows that Deborah
Scabies Physiology
Epidemiology and Causes Human scabies is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei var.
hominis (Winland Brown Porter, 2015). Human scabies is commonly seen in
children, young adults, health care workers, and persons of all ages who live in a
confined environment with unrelated others Human scabies is very contiguous. The
main characteristic of scabies is uncontrollable itching that is not localized. It is
commonly seen in overcrowded, poverty, poor hygiene, malnutrition, and sexual
promiscuity conditions. Pathophysiology Scabies is an aerobic organism, it requires
air to survive. It embedded itself into the skin after initial contact, and rapidly
reproduce. Itching occurs after primary infection, and it is from the inflammatory
process. For reinfestation, itching occurs within 24 hours.... Show more content on ...
Scabies are commonly residing in interdigital web spaces, wrists, anterior axially
folds, periumbilical skin, pelvic gridle, penis and ankles. Rash may or may not be
present. Children may present with more tired and irritable than usual, and changes
in feeding habits. It is more commonly seen on the palms soles, face, neck and
scale in small children. Physical findings are red papules (1 2 mm) in areas where
mites are mites are attracted, few or no hair follicles, and the stratum corneum is thin
and soft. Excoriations may present due to the scratching. In fair skinned people the
embedded scabies have a whitish color with black specks. Diagnostics
SWOT and Strategy Evaluation Paper
SWOT and Strategy Evaluation Paper Bradley Garner PHL/320 June 18, 2015 Dr.
Looking at the world today, no person can imagine his or her life without some form
of internet usage. The Internet has become a part of our daily life. The Internet
Provider industry is ruling all the other sectors of business. With today s booming
technology, most businesses have difficulty without the services of the Internet.
Earlier day s access to the Internet was a costlier, therefore confined to only high
profile businesses and people of wealth. The average homeowner did not have access.
Even today, smart phone usage does not account for the large numbers of families
without direct... Show more content on ...
helps the companies or industry to analyse and understand where the industry
should place itself in the market, how they can improve and how to defeat their
competitors. With the SWOT analysis, a business understands its competitor s
position in the market or industry and identifies where the funds and resources of
the company should be invested so as to create new products and services for the
consumers (Aimee, 2010). Thus before conducting the SWOT analysis, we will
divide the ISP s into four groups: large ISP s, small ISP s, Telco and cable
companies STRENGTHS In the Internet Provider Industry, the large or big
companies have much more experience of the industry in comparison to small ISP
s. Consumers who are aware of these larger branded names will subscribe to such
known companies. Large ISPs have the ability of innovation; they can afford taking
risks. Their huge infrastructure is based on laid fibre optics, thus providing Internet
at lower rates and they also own some parts of networks which increase their strength
in the market (Rahima, 2013.) Their trained and qualified staff is more experienced
and provide high quality work. WEAKNESSES The large companies in this industry
lack superior customer service. With technology rising faster than consumers are
educated, computer education and training is on the rise as well. This need for
Why Do You Want To Be A Teen Activist
Do you know what a teen activist is? A teen activist is someone who fights for
what they think is right. There are many different kinds of activist. There are
animal rights activist, there are environmental activists, political activists, etc.
There are many different ages of activist. Whatever their age, they can still make a
difference. To be an activist, you must understand what you want to be an activist
for. You must educate yourself about the issue you want to make better. You can
take public action, or private action. If you want to be and animal rights activist,
you could avoid clothes that are made out of animal substances, or be vegan or
vegetarian. If you want to be a political activist, you could take part in a lecture,
seminar, or conference. Whatever type you are, you have to support your opinion
and set goals. There are many ways to make a change. You can reach out to family
and friends. You could donate money or supplies. You could also volunteer or make
your own website. Whatever way you chose to take action, you can always make a
change. There are... Show more content on ...
According to, in 1980, Dian moved to Ithaca, New York, as a
visiting associate professor at Cornell University. She used the time away from
Karisoke to focus on the manuscript for her book, Gorillas in the Mist. Published in
1983, the book is an account of her years in the rainforest with the mountain
gorillas. She studied the familial relationships and social structures of Mt.
Gorillas. She was also a very staunch opponent of poaching. She also started a
nature preserve for the study of Mt. Gorillas. Teen activists, or people of any age,
can make a big difference in our world. All around the world, there are people
making a difference. There have been activists more than 100 years ago. Activist
have risked their lives and ranks to make a difference. We owe a huge thanks to the
people who have changed our world, and maybe, our way of
Inside Out And Back Again Essay
Charlotte Russell1/6/15
Essayperiod 2 In the novel Inside Out and Back Again by Thanha Lai, the universal
refugee experience is expressed through the title, and Ha s individual experience of
fleeing and finding home. This essay will show the hardships of turning inside out
and how hard it is coming back again. In Inside Out and Back Again an independent,
determined girl named Ha flees her home in Vietnam because of war and poverty. Ha
and her family flee to Alabama to start a better life. In Alabama, Ha faces challenges
such as bullying, and racism that make her stronger to come back again. In Inside
Out and Back Again Ha s life is turned inside out. Ha s father was in the Navy and
was captured. ... Show more content on ...
After Ha is faced with hardships and grief from fleeing home she starts to come
back again. Ha was struggling to learn the English language until Miss. Washington
offered to tutor her. Ha says my vocabulary grows (Page 166)! which is a big
accomplishment for Ha because she didn t know any English when she came
Obesity Case Study
10 mice were allocated in each group. Group 1 is the normal control, group 2 is the
high fat control, and group 3 is the test group fed with pioglitazone (30mg/kg).
Discussion: Obesity causes an increase in the production of free radicals, leading to
an increase in oxidative stress. Following obesity, a reduction in total antioxidant
capacity and the activity of enzyme such as catalase, adding up to other obesity
related problems (1,4,5). Pioglitazone activates PPAR пЃ§ type 1 and 2, improve
insulin sensitivity and glycemic control, in people with type 2 diabetes (8 9). In a
study by Bahramikia and colleagues , performed on rats, receiving a high fat diet, in
comparison with the control group, the levels of LDL C, total cholesterol, and... Show
more content on ...
The serum MDA level was increased in high fat control group, compared to the
normal control group , due to increase in fatty acids and decrease in serum
antioxidant capacity. Singh et al. reported that the use of pioglitazone (30 mg
/ kg), has reduced the serum MDA levels (19). Consistently, in the present study,
the serum MDA levels in the pioglitazone group was significantly decreased,
compared to the control group (p 0.05). In a study by Hussian and colleagues,
pioglitazone has reduced the serum glucose, LDL and cholesterol level in non
diabetic hyperlipidemia rats, compared to the controls (20). In the current study,
serum glucose, LDL and serum cholesterol levels were decreased in the third group,
compared to the second group (p 0.05). The UCP 1 gene expression alterations
observed in this study, can be due to the lipid alterations in the high fat diet groups
The UCP 1 gene expression alterations observed in this study, can be due to the high
fat consumption in these groups. Weight gain and decrease in TAC, the catalase
enzyme activity, and the antioxidants of the serum in the second group, compared to
the first group can be due to high calorie regimen and the free radicals produced by
the high fat diet, that has dominated the antioxidant capacity of the serum, which are
consistent with the data
Counseling For Alcohol And Drug Abuse
In Counseling for Alcohol and Drug Abuse, the need to use different techniques is an
integral part of the process. Working with an individual that is either entering into
recovery or actively in recovery, the clinician must take their time with introducing
the 12 Steps. The individual may not be open to the 12 Step philosophies at the onset.
Addictionis very complex and actively affects the person on a daily basis; therefore, it
is so important to start from the beginning of counseling to create a structured
program. Alcoholics Anonymoushas given a wonderful platform of structure for the
addicted ones to create a safe, solid, 12 Step guideline to follow, in order to maintain
Continual Sobriety, One day at a time. Many counselors... Show more content on ...
In counseling, the individual must begin with gaining trust in the therapist. The 12
Steps may not be introduced at the onset of counseling depending on the stage of
their situation. Often times, it is helpful to gradually work with the person to
explore what they have done in the past and see why it did or did not work for
them. Many times the client will tell the therapist that they have failed with the 12
Steps, so they feel it is not worth trying again. Hearing this statement is key to the
path that now creates the work. There is a great deal of misconceptions about 12
Step programs, and people generally have been misguided. Some of these false
beliefs are that 12 Step programs are Cults, they are for old people, they are religious,
they brainwash people, sometimes they make you want to drink or use after going to
a meeting. These notions are false and inaccurate. It is usually individuals that have
gone to the meetings for a short amount of time and they are unable to sustain
consistency. These individuals do not get involved in service and they often return to
using drugs or drinking again due to not being done, with using substances. In the
therapy interaction, these misconceptions must be heard by the therapist and given
ample time in counseling to talk about and unpacked, for further qualification. This
may take time and patients to hear these feelings and to process with the client. In
facilitating effective treatment while counseling, it
The Book Of Martha And Mrs. Todd s Shortcut
Mehran Azarbad
Heba Elsherief
EAC 505 N1B
14 August 2015
Relationship between Fantasy and Time
Fantasy and time have an absolute relationship as described in the stories The Book
of Martha and Mrs. Todd s Shortcut . The authors have tried to bring out how fantasy
literature and its relationship with time can be used to get the mind of the audience
and its results to the imaginations of the reader in that sense. Therefore, in
understanding the exact imaginations and how they affect or are affected by time,
then the relationship arguments can be explored with specific and distinctive examples
Literature fantasy tries to depict the unbelievable imaginations in the subject of
existence. Its close relation with time comes if the exact setting ... Show more content
on ...
Taking the narrative of Octovia Butler, Martha prays. This time is very unknown
of the exact duration she did this and also, readers wonder how comes she is in her
room and praying then in few minutes she gets herself in heaven and in the
presence of God? Is it the power of prayer? She tries to imagine the scenario and it
seems to be like a dream to her in this case. In time factor, it is impossible to move
such fast.
Again, fantasy and time relationship can richly help in comparing the impossible
actions with what we tend to have an idea about. In the narrative of Octavia, there is
fantasy relation and the time when Martha started to compare God, on his physical
with Michelangelo Moses and his dressing denies this. The reaction of God really is
unrealistic and the whole story is like a dream to Martha. It defines so perfectly the
interaction between the time that Martha was in heaven and the imaginations that she
gets herself and her mind
Childhood Tinnitus In Children
Childhood tinnitus can have negative implications on children leading to behavioral
psychological problems. Specifically, in concentration, sleeping, learning, listening
emotions.This study shows that excessive noise with music, toys, stress or anxiety
can cause
tinnitus. Tinnitus is a ringing or buzzing sound in the ear. Often tinnitus goes
unnoticed in
children because children don t really report symptoms to their parent. If a parent
does seek
professional help for their child, it s because their child is having significant tinnitus.
Data was
collected on children that visited the tinnitus clinic in Seoul St. Mary s Hospital with
the main
complaint of tinnitus between January 2000 and December 2011. The children were
... Show more content on ...
The behavior and phycological
changes that happens due to tinnitus was very surprising to me. Let alone the fact
that many of
the children with mild symptoms, don t mention it to the parents. A simple
explanation and
reassurance was given to the children with mild symptoms. After the counseling
session, the
children with mild symptoms seemed to be fine with just the reassurance. On the
other hand, the
children with bothersome symptoms had a much different treatment. Their treatment
was tinnitus
retraining therapy. TRT consists or hearing aids, psychological treatment to ignore
the tinnitus
noise and combined it with relaxation exercises and stress management. If it was more
bothersome then the patients could take short term medications such as muscle
relaxers. I
wouldn t have thought that tinnitus would play a part in behavioral problems but I
can defiantly
see how this disorder would interfere with sleep and concentration, which in turn can
behavioral problems. Thankfully there is treatments that can help relive tinnitus.
Bae, S.C, Kim, M. Park, S.N. Park, J.M. Yeo, S.W. (2014). Childhood Tinnitus:
Karl Marx And Frederick Engels Manifesto Of The
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels wrote Manifesto of the Communist Party in 1848
in Brussels. This document was primarily focused on political propaganda that
correlated with two classes of society. It was written during a time of Communism
and social change (Marx, 1). The history of all hitherto existing society is the
history of class struggles (Marx, 2). I believe this statement is saying that class
struggles are the reason society has developed to its current state. Marx and Engels s
primary reasoning for this document is to unveil these class struggles within society.
Society is split between two classes: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat (Marx, 2).
Bourgeoisie is the middle class, and Proletariat is the working class within society.
The proletariat
Steve Jobs Speech Analysis
Steve Jobs, a world class tech guru, and Neil Gaiman, a Newbery medal winning
author, were both tasked with the similar job of writing and delivering a
commencement speech to university graduates. Steve Jobs speech occured at the
highly esteemed, prestigious university of Stanford, while Neil Gaiman delivered
his speech at the University of the Arts. Both speeches carried a very similar
message; Jobs speech urged students to find what they love and all will fall into
place, and Gaiman s speech advised students to take risks and do whatever it takes
to do what they love. However, whilst Gaiman is able to use varying structure
throughout his speech to develop his messages that he wants to the graduates to take
away along with relatable evidence graduates, Jobs incredibly simplistic structure and
evidence that is foreign to most students do not allow for him to effectively reach his
students. Steve Jobsspeech fails to reach the Stanford graduates as it consists of three
stories that are identical in structure filled with examples foreign to his audiencein his
attempt to inspire Stanford s class of 2015 to do what they love and trust that
everything will work out. All three of his stories one about connecting the dots,
another about love and loss, and final story about death unfold the exact same way:
first, he recounts to a time in which he was younger. Then, he tells a seemingly
somber story to the audience., Each story also ends the exact same way, where the
School Lunches Persuasive Essay
Having past those awkward teen years, I know exactly what temptations lurk
around the corner when dealing with weight. I can only say it gets progressively
easier to maintain a healthy weight as you get older, but only if you follow my
tips. Tip 1: Do not smoke, drink or take recreational drugs. Am I serious? Well
considering smoking is anti beauty, drinking is a fattening sugar alcohol and drugs
can lead to eating binges, my answer is yes. Tip 2: Don t eat school lunches. The
reason schools created lunches were for busy parents who didn t have time to
prepare lunch at home. The result? Fattening choices like French fries and deep fried
chicken nuggets, desserts and ice cream. If you are wondering why you have gained
weightduring the school year, you... Show more content on ...
If any of you are television wrestling fans (WWE or any other league) you ll see that
most of the men are literally huge. Not many are less than 250 pounds, and that s
just the starting weight. It s utterly impossible to be as big (muscle wise) and not
weigh at least 250. That s all well and good for the pros. They re mostly on display
and we all assume it s fake. But I m talking about the kids in this sport. They range
in age from 14 18 years old and for the most part it s a great sport. It, as in all
competitive sports, teaches camaraderie, sportsmanship and working with others.
Wrestling is a sport that builds character and strong bodies. So where s my beef?
That s just it, in some cases there s just not enough of it. Take the 103 pound class.
How is a grappler supposed to maintain this kind of weight throughout a high
school career? He isn t. Most kids as they mature go on to the next weight class.
Now that s all well and good if everyone moved up as they progressed through
school, but that s just not the case. I m sure if any high school coaches are reading
this piece I ve now caught their attention. My problem starts right here. I m not
accusing any coach or parent of purposely trying to
The Value Of Bluebeard By Charles Perrault
In a husband and wife relationship communication is key, without communication
there is room for deceit and rumors to do nothing but distance or even turn the couple
on each other. Compromise is also extremely important in order to have a successful
relationship, otherwise the relationship will be tense and neither person will be
content with the relationship. Fairy tales will often center around a toxic marriagethat
causes nothing but grief to the wife, the husband, or even both because of that
missing communicationand compromise. In a criticism piece by Walter Benjamin,
he writes on how sometimes the value lies in a moral; at other times practical
advice is offered; and occasionally there is a proverb or maxim (Benjamin 358). The
value... Show more content on ...
The children then almost get eaten by a witch because of their mother s
selfishness and the lack of communication in their parent s relationship. When the
children get lost in the woods, they encounter a witch with a house made of candy
and eventually they go inside and become her prisoners. The witch says to Gretel,
get up lazy bones, fetch some water and you re your brother something good. He s
staying outside in a shed, waiting to be fattened up. When he s put on enough
weight, I ll eat him (Grimm Brothers 240). Here the witch s intentions are revealed,
and Gretel learns of the dangerous situation her and her brother are in. Hansel and
Gretel are forced into a life threatened situation because of the dysfunctional
relationship between their parents. Once again, the lack of compromise in the
relationship between Hansel and Gretel s parents has negatively affected them. Fairy
tales have all kinds of morals or lessons to learn, but a very important one is the
effect that a relationship between two people can have on others outside of the
relationship indirectly or
Judicial Branch Research Paper
The Constitution of the United States, the most remarkable document that was ever
created. In this document, it clearly outlines the government that the United States
will operate under and gave the leaders specific ways to guide the citizens of the
country. For instance, in the Constitution, it established a judicial branch and outlined
the laws that it will possessed. According to the Constitution, the judicial branch
should act as a system of checks and balances against the other two branches of
government. Under these circumstances, there are various courts that are created. For
instance, there are the district courts, circuit courts, and above all there is the
Supreme Court. The judges that serve in the Supreme Court are nominated by the...
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Since the Supreme Court is the highest and most powerful court, it can overrule any
of the other court s decisions. A great example of this was the Brown v. Board of
Education of Education of Topeka that schools segregated by race were
unconstitutional (US History 1). In this case, it overruled the decision made in 1896
in the Plessy v. Ferguson case where the separate but equal idea was made legal. This
shows how important the power the Supreme Court has is. If the separate but equal
case was never unconstitutional, the African Americans might still be suffering from
injustice in the society. On the other hand, there has also been other cases that have
been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. For instance, in the U.S. Supreme
Court s 1989 decision in Stanford v. Kentucky, which held that executing minors was
not unconstitutional, was no longer valid (Roper v. Simmons 1). This decision has
brought y many benefits to the minors that have been convicted to a crime since it
gives them longer time to prove their innocence. Furthermore, the idea of executing
minors is still considered too brutal and inhumane. So the power that the Supreme
Court possess can help the country abolish some of its unjust
Howard Zinn s The United States
Howard Zinn s A People s History of the United States has been highly influential
since its initial publication in 1980. It spawned adaptations for young readers (a
two volume adaptation by Rebecca Stefoff: A Young People s History of the United
States) and The People Speak, a History Channel documentary based on Zinn s
work. Zinn himself was until his death in 2010 a heroic figure to many, especially
for this book and for his ongoing teaching and social activism, which were directly
A People s History of the United States was praised from the moment it appeared on
shelves. A 1980 Library Journal review called it brilliant and moving and said it
was well designed to appeal to both historians and general readers. However, the
volume was not without its criticisms. Some of these critiques align with party
lines. Roger Kimball s review in the conservative National Review labeled Zinn a
Professor of contempt and dismissed the work as the ultimate in anti American
history, a patchwork of leftist clichГ©s. Oscar Handlin s review for The American
Scholar dismissed both Zinn s approach to history and the actual content of the work,
citing a number of Zinn s claims as fallacious.
Some criticisms of the work carried more intellectual weight and addressed the
quality of Zinn s reasoning directly. Bruce Kuklick s review of the book for The
Nation suggested that A People s History of the United States was essentially a
textbook for the left, and as such it
Techniques Of Steven Spielberg
DIRECTOR S STYLE Steven Spielberg used classic linear storytelling in his
movies, the narrative in most of his movies were Plot driven and very effective. He
is a storyteller always mindful of holding his audience. Steven Spielberg is one of the
greatest directors of today. He is master in taking stories and incidents from the past
and and rejuvinating them with his own potential.
STEVEN SPIELBERG: The Approach to Character
The characters in Spielberg movies are often extreme.
THE SPIELBERG FACE . The technique of Spielberg s face is to zoom in on a
character as they are looking at something. Most of the time the face is fully
surprised or amazed and the thing that they are looking at is not revealed until the
character shows their expression. Spielberg was the first to show the technique and
this is why its called the Spielberg face. Spielberg face is present in all his movies
like Jurassic Park, Close Encounters and The Color Purple.
Sideways tracking shots One of the classic filming technique, but Spielberg makes
his tracking shots look different from everyone else. His sideways shots are very long,
... Show more content on ...
Steven Spielberg is the highest grossing director by the worldwide box office
collection that was ($9.444 million). Steven has made only 27 films in fourty years
and got 24 super hits out of it.He has contributed to the film industry with
revolutionary techniques and genres and ideas. He introduced people with different
technological ideas and special effects. Steven Spielberg has probably shown us
adventure films with one of the best special effects. Steven Spielberg is known for
the stylistic theme to the film and has shown mainstream approach in his work. He is
the most commercially successful director of all the time. He has been thanked in
Oscar speech more than Jesus in the award winning speeches by different actors,
producers and
Natural Gas World Market
Introduction Table .1
OPEC Graph.1
Major Natural gas producers Graph.2
Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)
Natural gas Demand Price
Natural gas could be the 100% replacement of crude oil
1. Introduction
Natural gas is a very important energy source in the world and it is the cleanest and
most hydrogen rich of all the hydrocarbon energy sources and it has high energy
conversation efficiencies for power generation [1]. In olden days natural ... Show
more content on ...
Iran: Iran is stood up one the second largest proven reserve for Natural gas. As per
the latest reports around 1000 Trillion cubic feet natural gas reserve after Russia.
There is many gas fields inside the country but it is really spread in different areas
like onshore and offshore. The main fields are South par,North pars, Kangan, Nar
and these south pars is showing its important role in this industry.
Iran s strategic partnership with Russia the global gas economy is watching very
crucially especially the European countries and in GECF Iran stood an important
role among the all countries Iran s major export is medium term gas export
consumers like China, India and Pakistan. Qatar: As per the proven reserve Qatar
standing 3rd position after Russia and Iran with more than 900 Trillion Cubic Feet.
Major reserve is on the north field which is seems to be a geographical relation
between Iran s south par field. Qatar natural gas industry is mainly controlled by the
Qatar gas. This company is a consortium of Exxonmobil, Mitsui and Marubeni. Qatar
having an important role in this GECF and their headquarters strategically situated
on Doha capital of Qatar .Qatar planning a huge increase of production in coming
years by the proper planning. Qatar is largest exporter of LNG to USA this relation
Dissemination And Implementation Science Essay
Pam: What is Dissemination and Implementation Science? Per the U.S. National
Library of Medicine, dissemination and implementation science actually refers to two
separate activities. Implementation science refers to the study of the empirical
methods that impact how evidence based interventions are integrated into clinical
practice settings. Dissemination science refers to the process of spreading newly
acquired information and knowledge to the previously mentioned practice settings. Dissemination and
Implementation 101 The goal of implementation science is to identify, understand
and resolve the barriers and challenges of successfully implementing new medical
interventions that are safe and effective. Translating medical research into clinical
practice is highly complex process that involves disseminating the information to
clinicians and persuading them to adopt and successfully implement the new... Show
more content on ...
Research shows that it takes approximately 17 long years for just 14 percent of
medical research to translate into clinical practices. This means that health care
consumers will experience considerable delays or never even have opportunities to
experience the new medical benefits or technologies. The driving goal of
dissemination and implementation based science is to create evidence based
interventions that can be successfully applied in real world settings. Increasing the
number of new interventions that translate into clinical practices will positively
impact and improve community health by expanding the available approaches and
alternatives. Implementation science strives to enhance, generalize and represent
intervention research in order to increase the quality of public health levels. Once
dissemination efforts rise beyond traditional journal publications and meeting
presentations, the number of evidence based interventions that are implemented will
A Sense of Tragedy and Humour in alan Bennett s Talking...
A Sense of Tragedy and Humour in alan Bennett s Talking Heads Monologues
Alan Bennett uses a variety of techniques to convey a sense of both tragedy and
humour in his Talking Heads monologues. I will be looking specifically at Bed
Among The Lentils and Cream Cracker Under The Settee. Alan Bennett achieves both
of these effects by use of several clever choices regarding the casting as well as sound
and visual effects.
There are two very different types of humour in Bed Among The Lentils and Cream
Cracker Under The Settee . BATL uses a lot of sarcastic, bitter humour whereas
CCUTS uses some wry, discreet humour and at times Doris, the elderly woman in
CCUTS, seems to be mocking herself ... Show more content on ...
Susan is a very sarcastic and bitter person. This may be due to her marriage with
Geoffrey as this is a very boring situation for her. Not only this, Geoffrey exploits
her alcoholism to make people think he is a caring husband willing to stand by his
wife every step of the way.
He grips my hand in public, nay brandishes it.
This line implies that Susan feels trapped in her marriage and is unable to stop
Geoffrey taking control and making her decisions for her.
Doris has also had a very unhappy life with several tragic incidents, most notably, the
loss of her baby at a very young age.
I wanted him called John. The midwife said he wasn t fit to be called anything
All them years ago when we were first married and I was having the baby.
These lines show that Doris lives in the past a lot and this probably contributes to
her sadness as she is unable to move on from the loss of her baby and later, the loss
of her husband.
Doris is also extremely reliant on Zulema to carry out jobs in and around the house
for her. this frustrates Doris as she would rather be doing this herself to ensure that
they are done properly.
Zulema doesn t dust. She half dusts.
This shows that Doris is unsatisfied with Zulema and is rather fussy when it comes to
Susan is constantly
Van Morrison s Brown Eyed Girl Song Essay
Van Morrison s Brown Eyed Girl Song
When we hear the song Brown Eyed Girl, it is safe to assume the majority of us
think of the Van Morrison version that was first introduced in his album Blowin Your
Mind, released in 1967. Since that time the song s legend and popularity have grown
to unprecedented heights. Many artists have redone the song, some with a similar
music style to Morrison (like Jimmy Buffet), and others of a completely different
genre like the punk rock band Green Day. In my essay I will argue that the stylistic
differences between the two songs are not a barrier. Rather, in combination with the
similarities associating with cover songs, they form a bridge between two genres. In
this case, it is achieved by ... Show more content on ...
With his lyrics and style he is able to produce a feeling with the song that is calm and
relaxed. Morrison is able to take you back to a style of music that is characteristic of
the time of Brown Eyed Girl s production, a time of happiness in his life. You can
tell by the pitch and tone of his voice that he is in an enjoyable state. He talks about
the younger years of his life when he had hardly any obligations. He sings about all
that happens with the brown eyed girl, from the running and jumping, to the
activities in the green grass behind the stadium. Throughout the whole song there is
never really a time that his voice or tone is lowered to let you assume it was an
unhappy time for him. Even when Morrison is wondering where all the fun times
went, singing just overcome thinking about it, he still is able to keep a happy rhythm
and tone in the song through his voice and background music. Overall the feeling that
you inherit from his song is a happy calm feeling that many listeners enjoy.
Green Day, who surfaced in the early 1990 s, has never been known to do covers,
especially of songs with as slow a tempo as Morrison s Brown Eyed Girl. Green
Day, who sings strictly punk rock, was given the idea of covering the song by the
father of one of the group members, who was a huge fan of Morrison himself. After
hearing the proposal, Green Day thought about it and knew
The Organization and Work of People at Bletchley Park...
The Organization and Work of People at Bletchley Park
Bletchley Park was a small estate 50 miles outside London. Bletchley Park,
codenamed Station X was an evacuation site for MI6 and the government code and
cypher school (Gccs). This location was chosen, as it was far away from London
that the Germans would not consider it a worthwhile target to attack. It was founded
in 1939 after world war two had started and aimed to break encoded German
Messages that were sent using Enigma . Station X was so important that when
several code breakers wrote a letter to Winston Churchill asking for more money
(because of coming under intense pressure) Churchill s immediate respond was that
make sure they ... Show more content on ...
At the beginning of the war (1939) there were around 1000 people working there
however by the end (1945) there were around 7000 people working there. The people
that were recruited often arrived knowing nothing at all about the work they were
about to undergo.
There were two main groups of people at Bletchley Park. There were the code
breakers such as Alan Turin and Dilly Knox. Then there was the administrative
staff that was mainly girls aged eighteen to twenty two. However when the bombes
and colossuses were installed women, known as wrens, were recruited from the
navy to operate the new machines. The way Bletchley Park got encrypted
messages were from Y centres which were set up all over England, who
intercepted the German messages and sent it to Bletchley Park. In Bletchley Park
the messages would be sent to Hut 3 where they would be decrypted. Once that
had been done the messages would be sent by a small passage way, pushed by a
broom, to hut 6 where they would be changed from German (or later Japanese,
Italian, as they were on Germany s side) to English. It would then go into the index
of messages in hut 6. The huts were manned twenty four hours a day seven days a
week. The people worked eight hour shifts. Hut three, had someone who handed out
new messages as soon as the new shifts walked into he room. Bletchley
How Diseases Affects Every Individual Essay
Diseases affect every individual. They could have a disease themselves, may
know someone or of someone that has one, or the country where they live could
have have faced a disease epidemic. Epidemics, which we have studied in our
course, analyze how diseases spread and how outbreaks affect countless
individuals in countless different countries. This topic relates directly to course
material as it encompasses many of the situations and ideas that have been
discussed such as, poverty, dying, environment, and social factors and how they
relate and coincide with disease. The country you reside in ultimately dictates the
technological advances that you have access to when dealing with stopping the
spread of diseases. Epidemics also can be considered by looking at poverty
because non industrialized countries have a harder time when it comes to dealing
with the spread of disease as they do not possess the tools that are used to prevent
spreading. We have studied how the overall development of the country where you
live can play a very important role in the assistance you receive as well as the level
of care. Thus, the next five articles consider how diseases are handled and dealt with
depending on the location of the country and whether or not it is an industrialized or
non industrialized.
Article 1: Vaccination strategies for epidemiccholera in Haiti with implications for
the developing world (Chao, Halloran, Longini, and Nair 2011).
This article discusses the
Implementing A New Software Or Equipment Or Launching
You ll also need to research the current competitive landscape in order to understand
whether the proposed idea or action is viable. Whether you are implementing a new
software or equipment or launching your own new product, you need to compare the
proposed product or service with other similar items on the market.
This might mean you need to compare the feasibility of your chosen software (for
example, accounting platform) with other products on the market. What are the
benefits of your proposed choice and what are the weaknesses? Are the risks
associated with your chosen software smaller or bigger than those of competitive
The same analysis applies when launching a new product. Part of your feasibility
study must then focus on understanding what the customers are looking for and
whether your proposed idea answers these needs. You should also compare the
proposed product with the existing products or services and focus on the advantages,
as well as disadvantages, you might have.
Step 4: Examining the market conditions
You also need to examine the market conditions. There are four specific points of
analysis when it comes to the market in terms of feasibility. These are:
Defining the target market.
Studying the buying habits of the target market.
Understanding the sale and market share outlook of the proposal.
Outlining the product awareness that is required for the use of your product or service.
The main goal of this part of the feasibility study is
Degenerative Disc Disease
With the New Year comes a renewed passion for fitness goals, whether it is running
your first 5K, competing in a triathlon or simply committing to walking a mile
every day. But if you have chronic pain caused by a stiff neck or degenerative disc
disease, it may be difficult to find the motivation to achieve the success you crave
or take control of your overall health and physical fitness. While a diagnosis of
degenerative disc disease may seem alarming, patients should keep in mind that it is
neither a disease nor strictly degenerative. The phrase degenerative disc disease
actually describes the symptoms of pain and possible associated radiating weakness
or numbness stemming from a degenerated disc in the spine. The word degenerative
Trial by Fire
[pic] Trial by Fire Did Texas execute an innocent man? by David Grann September
7, 2009 [pic] Cameron Todd Willingham in his cell on death row, in 1994. He
insisted upon his innocence in the deaths of his children and refused an offer to plead
guilty in return for a life sentence. Photograph by Ken Light. Related Links Audio:
Grann on the Texas execution that may change the death penalty debate. Video:
David Grann discusses the flaws of the Cameron Todd Willingham investigation. Ask
the Author: Live chat with Grann Wednesday, September 2 at 3 P.M. E.T. The fire
moved quickly through the house, a one story wood frame structure in a working
class neighborhood of Corsicana, in northeast Texas. Flames... Show more content on ...
According to the medical examiner, they, too, died from smoke inhalation. News
of the tragedy, which took place on December 23, 1991, spread through Corsicana.
A small city fifty five miles northeast of Waco, it had once been the center of Texas
s first oil boom, but many of the wells had since dried up, and more than a quarter
of the city s twenty thousand inhabitants had fallen into poverty. Several stores
along the main street were shuttered, giving the place the feel of an abandoned
outpost. Willingham and his wife, who was twenty two years old, had virtually no
money. Stacy worked in her brother s bar, called Some Other Place, and
Willingham, an unemployed auto mechanic, had been caring for the kids. The
community took up a collection to help the Willinghams pay for funeral
arrangements. Fire investigators, meanwhile, tried to determine the cause of the
blaze. (Willingham gave authorities permission to search the house: I know we
might not ever know all the answers, but I d just like to know why my babies were
taken from me. ) Douglas Fogg, who was then the assistant fire chief in Corsicana,
conducted the initial inspection. He was tall, with a crew cut, and his voice was
raspy from years of inhaling smoke from fires and cigarettes. He had grown up in
Corsicana and, after graduating from high school, in 1963, he had joined the Navy,
serving as a medic in Vietnam, where he was wounded on four occasions.
Essay about It s Time to End School Inequality
The right to an adequate education is a freedom every American child should have;
however, that is not the case. Standardized testing reveals that students living in an
economically stable neighborhood are more mentally developed than students living
in poverty stricken communities. The problem with the educational system is not
schools need to close and children need to be relocated to another one, it is inequality
within the educational system continues to widen due to the expansion of the
economic gap. One cannot fix issues of the broken system by closing public schools
and endorsing charter schoolproliferation. One must first start with the economic
situation of each school to ensure all students, teachers, and schools... Show more
content on ...
Poverty stricken neighborhoods are underfunded, therefore, do not have all the
materials on hand to teach its students. When I was in school, I had a book for
every class so I may take it home and complete my homework. Some of Chicago s
Elementary Schools does not have books until mid year, closer to the end of the year.
The teacher did not fail the student nor did the school did not fail the student. The
blame belongs to the education system which failed the student, teacher, school, and
community. It is impossible for the teacher to teach the student without access to
material. It is impossible for the student to learn the material without access to it.
However, the student, teacher, school, and community is penalized for students not
doing well on standardized tests as Mr. Emmanuel decides to shut the school s doors
for good as he opens up the Charter Schools.
At one of Chicago s newest Noble Charter Schools, my daughter only had a History
and Spanish book. Math, Biology, Health, English, and Literature books were only
accessible at school during the class. Homework was given; however, she did not
have a book to review examples or explanations when she did not remember. All
she had was her notes, which lacked much of the material needed for
comprehension. She became frustrated as the coursework was not hard, but not able
to grab a book to do homework caused her to lose sleep as she
Analysis Of Kara Walker And Larry Walker
Kara Walker was born to Gwen and Larry Walker on the 26th of November, 1969.
They, at the time of Kara s birth, lived in Stockington, California with their two
children Dana and Larry Jr. Gwen worked as an administrative assistant and Larry
was a professor of arts at the University of the Pacific in Stockington; he taught a
wide variety of studio classes while he worked there and often brought his projects
home with him. Kara and her siblings all remember sitting upon his lap while he
worked; Kara in particular has said in an interview with her father that You [Larry
Walker] held me and kept me around. There was a feeling of safety associated with
making stuff and I got a good vibe from doing drawings ( Kara Walker Larry
Walker ). Her mother and father also made it a point of taking their children to
museums and art galleries throughout their childhood; Larry additionally allowed
his children to come with him when he delivered artworks to various exhibits.
Kara s life changed drastically when she was thirteen years old. In 1983 her father
accepted the position as Chair of the Department of Art at Georgia State University
and they moved from their home in San Francisco to the Atlanta area in Georgia.
Kara attended her first high school there, Towers High School, whose environment
was vastly different then what she had been used to on the west coast. Kara was
continuously put down because of her race; she was called a nigger by her
classmates, told she resembled an
Smell Disorders
Trailer Stop and smell the roses is a famous idiomatic reference many make when
they want to convey the importance of appreciating the beauty of life. But have
any of us imagined what it may be like to NOT smell the roses or anything for that
matter? Humans often take their sense of smell for granted, as they rely more
heavily on sight and sound in day to day activities. Yet smell in my opinion can be
such an important aspect of life as the brain has the capability to associate smells
with danger and it can even elicit memories. For example, the odorof smoke notifies
us that something dangerous could be happening, or walking into a bakery with the
smell of fresh chocolate chip cookies can cause pleasure, bringing back childhood
memories... Show more content on ...
The most common causes include head injury (common in young adults) and viral
infections or Alzheimer disease in older adults ( Loss of Smell Ear,Nose, and
Throat Disorders ). Head injuries may result in anosmia due to damage or
destruction to the fibers of the olfactory nerves where they pass through the roof of
the nasal cavity. Sometimes injuries may also cause a fracture to the cribriform
plate ( Loss of Smell Ear,Nose, and Throat Disorders ). Infections and tumors near
the cribriform plate also can damage the olfactory nerve. Some less common causes
of anosmia include the overuse of antibiotics ,which may kill off all the olfactory
neurons at once. If the cause is due to sinus infections or irritation, doctors may
suggest a treatment of steam inhalation, nasal sprays, antibiotics, and occasionally
surgery. If a tumor near the cribriform is causing the individual to lack olfactory
abilities, then surgical removal and radiation is typically the course of treatment.
However, in causes where anosmia resulted from head trauma or undiagnosed causes
there are no current treatment options.
The Necessary Qualities Of A Good Democratic Citizen
The necessary qualities of a good democratic citizen require an individual to
recognize an injustice within the law, actively oppose that law, and to do so
regardless if that unjust law affects the citizen personally. Rousseau, Emerson, and
Douglass all agree that freedom and equality are natural rights endowed to all
humans. However the three authors diverge in consensus when envisioning the
necessary qualities of a good democratic citizen, such as the position from which each
author is theorizing, a citizen s obligation to the state, and the moral implications of
slavery. Douglass s view of a good democratic citizen is superior because, unlike
Rousseau and Emerson, Douglass is able to theorize from the position of a free
black man and is therefore able to recognize the intersections of race and inequality
within the law and politics.
Rousseau is theorizing from the concept of the general will, which promotes
individuals to become conscious citizens who actively participate as a community
to form policies for a governing structure. The general will advocates for a
commitment to generality, a common interest that will unite all citizens for the
benefit of all. Rousseau states, each one of us puts into the community his person
and all his powers under the supreme direction of the general will; and as a body, we
incorporate every member as an indivisible part of the whole (Rousseau 61). The
general will is an expression of the law that is superior to an individual s
Morphologies Of The As-Formed Zeolite Nannostructures...
3.2.SEM and TEM studies
Morphologies of the as prepared zeolite nanostructures products (ZF, ZM, ZS, and
ZT) have been examined using both of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and
transmission electron microscopy (TEM), as shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively.
The images taken by SEM demonstrated that ZM and ZT are made up of aggregates
of a sphere like structures with an average size of ca.3.54 and 3.07 Ојm, respectively.
In addition, ZF and ZS samples were found to consist of aggregates of a (sphere and
sheet) and (sphere and cubic) like structures with an average size of ca. 10.33 and
8.65 Ојm, respectively. Moreover, TEM images, exhibits that the samples; ZF, ZM,
ZS, and ZT, are composed of (spherical), (spherical and irregular), ... Show more
content on ...
(13)). log (Qe Qt) = log Qe K1t/2.303 (8) t/Qt = (1/K2Qe2) + (1/Qe) t (9)
Qt = Kint t 0.5 +C (10) ln Ct = ln Co Kextt (11) ln (1 F) = Kextt (12) log R = log
[Ko m/ 2.303V] + О± log t (13) where, Qe (mg/g) is the amount of the adsorbed dye
at equilibrium, Qt (mg/g) is the amount of the adsorbed dye at time t (min), k1 (1
/min) is the pseudo first order rate constant, k2 (g/mg.min) is the pseudo second order
rate constant, C (mg/g) is the thickness of boundary layer, kint (mg/(g.min0.5)) is
internal diffusion constant, Kext (1/min) is external diffusion constant, Ct (mg/L) is
the concentration of dye at time t, F is fraction attainment of equilibrium or extent of
conversion and it was calculated using Eq. (14), О± (mg/g.min) 1) and Ko (g
/mg.min) are the Bangham constants. In addition, R can be calculated using Eq. (15)
F = Qt/Qe (14)
R = log [Co/ (Co Qtm)] (15)
Figure 7 (A F) represents all of the above six kinetic models, respectively. Moreover,
all of the constants and correlation coefficients for the above six kinetic models were
calculated in Table 3. The data exhibited that the adsorptionprocess of malachite
green dye follows the pseudo second order model more than pseudo first order,
because the correlation coefficients of the first model is greater than
Tax Evasion Paper
The Extended Arm of the United States Government in its Battle against Tax Evaders
Professor: Kenneth Lavery
Submitted By: Deanne Patterson
Week 6: July 31, 2011
Taxes are a major contributor of the American economy. The tax system in the United
States depends on voluntary compliance, which means that each citizen is
responsible for filing a tax return when required and for determining and paying the
correct amount of tax . (Albrect, Albrect, Albrect Albrect and Zimbelman). When
individuals under report, exaggerate deductions, and hide money in off shore
accounts, this is clearly misrepresentation of their income to the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) and is deemed tax evasion. The term tax evasion is defined as using
illegal ... Show more content on ...
The Interpretation of the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United
States continues to present many arguments as to the legality of income taxes in
America and Globally. This student believes that the interpretation of the Sixteenth
Amendment to the Constitution of the United States continues to present many
arguments concerning the legality of the American income tax system. When the
Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution was ratified (February 3, 1913) giving
Congress the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes , citizens began arguing
that it was not properly ratified and income taxes are illegal. Citizens continue to
raise such arguments in spite of the fact that they have no basis in law and the
courts have repeatedly rejected their arguments as frivolous. Promoters and their
followers have long employed frivolous arguments concerning the legality of the
income tax as pretexts to enrich themselves or evade their taxes. Their motivation is
usually monetary. Anti taxation groups used different arguments to gain followers,
they all share one thing in common; they received substantial sentences in a federal
prison for their activities. Their followers paid a steep price for following bad advice.
Some were prosecuted, many more were involved in years of litigation and
ultimately had to pay all taxes owed along with penalties and
The Election Cycle Of The Swing State
When the words swing state are mentioned, Florida is perhaps one of the first
states a person may think of. In this year s election cycle, the story is no different.
Florida has a single senate seat up for election, and Marco Rubio (R), and Patrick
Murphy (D) are hoping to claim it on November 8th. Marco Rubio has held that seat
since the last senate election in 2010, giving him an edge as the incumbent. Patrick
Murphy is the challenger and has been a member of the House of Representatives
since 2012. A glance at any polling numbers shows Rubio ahead, and most have
shown him ahead since the beginning of the race. The polls do not show a
commanding lead, as one may expect from an incumbent. While polling margins are
slimmer than many average incumbents, money has not stopped flowing to Rubio.
His finances are typical of an incumbent particularly that of a closely contested race.
It may be impossible to tell which has the greater effect of Rubio s fundraising. In
states that are typically swing states and have close political races, simple analyses
such as incumbency advantage may not fully explain the results and polls in the race.
Patrick Murphy, Democrat, is a congressman challenging Marco Rubio s Florida
Senate seat. Marco Rubio is advantaged, both by incumbency and his presidential
campaign. As an incumbent, Rubio should have an advantage over Murphy for
numerous reasons. John Sides et al. succinctly explains how incumbents have more
campaign and political experience,
Comparison Of Veterinary And Human Anesthesia
In Veterinary and human anesthesia: an overview of some parallels and contrasts
Clark reports that veterinary anesthesia is a specialty (Clark). If this part of
veterinary medicine is important enough to form a specialty based on it, why are
we not doing more to ensure that all animals undergoing anesthesia are receiving
proper care? This specialty requires veterinarians to undergo at least one to two
more years of training after graduating from veterinary school and to have a three
year residency to be eligible to sit for boards and to obtain this specialty (Clark).
With this much work and effort being put in by some veterinarians to train in
anesthesia, it would seem that many people feel that this is an important area to focus
on in veterinary medicine. If this is true, why are some people ignoring the need for
better anesthetic care for animals? According to Clark this is in part due to the cost
of providing medical care to animals. (Clark). While this might be true that
veterinary care can be expensive to the clinic, this could still be improved by having
at least one trained and certified technician on the staff who is responsible for
monitoring anesthesia. Animals undergoing an anesthetic procedure are often
grouped into different classes of risk based what the veterinarian feels the animals
overall health is and how necessary he feels the surgeryis to the animal s survival and
what he feels the expected outcome of the surgery might be. Carter states
Analysis Of The Film Rain Man
Rain Man
The media portrays different exceptionalities within different movies. Cinema seems
to be one of, if not the most, viewed media resources today and has the largest
influence on how different exceptionalities are viewed. Autism spectrum disorder is
one of the main exceptionality portrayed in the movie industry. Rain Man established
a new standard for the realistic representation of autism. This breakthrough
Hollywood film is based on the real life story of Raymond Babbitt, played by Dustin
Hoffman. Hoffman s performance enabled his character to assert his presence with
the intensity which helped humanize not only his self centered brother Charlie,
played by Tom Cruise but also the audience. This allowed us to better understand
how individuals with autism perceive the world. This success of this file enabled
the use of this film as an assessment for measuring how succeeding depictions of
autism have changed or remained the same. There are two major aspects of the film
that may not have seemed troubling in 1988 when the film premiered but would be
found upsetting today as our knowledge of the spectrum disorder has gained strides.
In the film, Raymond is portrayed as an autistic savant ( one who combines certain
deficiencies in social interaction, language and sensory processing with extraordinary
abilities in math and memory ), which created an incorrect stereotype that all
individuals with autism are savant when, in fact, only around 10%
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Bio-Plastics
Bio plastics are made from two words bio + plastics. The plastics made from biomass
material or dispose easily as soil or both properties called bio plastics. Bio Plastics
are not a single class of polymers but rather a family of products, which vary
considerably. A bio plastic is a substance made from organic biomass sources unlike
conventional plastics which are made from petroleum. Bio plastics are made from a
number of different processes. Some uses a microorganism to process base material,
such as vegetable oil, cellulose, starch, acid and alcohol. Great revolution has come
up in packaging industry due to bio plastics. Plastics made up of natural resources
are easy to produce. It is an evergreen plastic because resources grow annually e.g.
Corn starch, potato, sugarcane etc. As price of petroleum is sky rocketing now a
day. Climate is highly affected by using conventional plastics. Policies of government
are push bio plastics. Bio plastics can be fully bio degradable, or can be fully bio
based or can be both properties.
Resources of bio plastics
Bio plastics are made up of ... Show more content on ...
Although it is not produced from renewable raw materials, it is fully biodegradable
bio plastics. Caprolactone has following properties: It is good resistant to water,
oil resistant, solvent resistant. Its melting point is low (58 60) degree and it is
easy to process. Caprolactone resins use for surface coating, fully biodegradable
compostable bags, sutures, caprolactone is use drug delivery device, or adhesion
barrier. Caprolactone is fully biodegradable bio plastic. Caprolactone low melting
point makes it suitable for composting as a means of disposal. Degradation time is
very short. In Sweden there has been an attempt to produce caprolactone bags, but
they degrade before reaching to customers. Mostly caprolactone is used by mixing
with starch to obtain a good biodegradable material at a low
Film Analysis Of Fight Club
Fight Club is the opposite of Watchmen, the style of David Fincher and his faded
green aesthetic fit perfectly in the world of Fight Club and help to give the Film a
sense of identity that wouldn t exist if the film was created by a lesser director.
The way this Film is shot, the editing, the score, it all combines to help tell the
story in a new way that feels entirely separate from the book. Additionally, Fincher
works to bring the concepts of the book to life through adaptation not translation, he
knows that many of the themes and ideas of the book will not work if simply ripped
out of the page and thrown on screen. He decided early on that the Novel would have
to change to fit the screen, he knows that communicating messages across... Show
more content on ...
Things like The lady sitting next to Jack in the airplane wearing glasses and a red
coat and then Tyler pops up in the exact same spot, wearing similar clothing. Mirrors
not showing the reflection of Tyler or Marla, Bob s shirt being burned to the car
wreck that Jack is investigating. Hell, there s an entire section about how dildos in
the Film relate to how the Film is actually a metaphor for Jack s sexual identity and
the battle between Masculinity (Represented by Tyler) and Femininity (Represented
by Marla) happening in Jack s head. Now hearing these ideas from me with no proof
may make them seem far fetched, but I really recommend you go to the site and read
up on it. I won t cover it here because I can t say anymore without simply stealing the
author s intellectual property, but I think you get the point; Fight Club is a testament
not only to adaptations but also to masterful filmmaking.
The edit at the beginning of this section showing Jared Leto falling to the ground
was no accident. Watch it again, you can tell that Sound is taken full advantage of.
Whereas a book would never have that sound, in the fight club you aren t reading
Fight Club you re feeling it in your gut.
Fight Club is a success in terms of an adaptation and of well done filmmaking. Why
Watchmen fails is a complete lack of Identity
4. Identity
When you watch a Film such as Fight Club, Se7en, Zodiac, Enemy or Prisoners.
The Fall Of Caesar s Angel
The Fall Of Caesar s Angel
As Caesar dies, he gasps, Et tu, Brute? (III. i. 77). To betray a close friend for the
better of the country only to have it end all in vain is a tragedy in its own. For
Brutus, this is his journey in Shakespeare s play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.
Although the play is named after Caesar, it is evident that Brutus is the tragic hero as
the audience watches the events of the play unfold. Brutus s characteristics and
actions line up perfectly with Aristotle s definition of a tragic hero which states that
the tragic hero must be admirable and of noble birth, possess hamartia, undergo
peripeteia as well as anagnorisis, and force the audience to experience catharsis in
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by Shakespeare. First of all, Brutus high rank and
admirable qualities coincide with Aristotle s definition of a tragic hero. In the play,
Brutus is a highly regarded senator whom has everyone s trust including Caesar s.
By the cause of his honorable stature, Brutus is loved and admired by everyone in
Rome. Although his honor leads him into poor judgement, many people still have
trust in him and follow him all the way through the play. Even after he has conspired
against his friend Caesar, and dies at the end of the play, his enemies still see him as
a noble Roman. After coming upon Brutus body, Antony laments, This was the
noblest Roman of them all/...His life was gentle, and the elements/ So mixed in him
that Nature might stand up/ And say to all
Analyzing Chelsea Rathburn s After Filing For Divorce
After Filing for Divorce Chelsea Rathburn s After Filing for Divorce compares the
emotions that the speaker feels after filing for a divorce to the morning after a
wild party and all the mess someone might find after waking up and realizing all the
destruction that is left in the aftermath. Rathburn s speaker recalls how she felt in
the beginning of the marriage and now how she feels after filing for the divorce.
She sees the wreckage that is her life, the dread of the cleanup, and how her
happiness has strayed so far from where it began. The speaker starts to reflect on how
she feels like her life is a mess and how she is able to see the mess after filing for the
divorce. Rathburn describes this by using the words the shaken survey of... Show
more content on ...
All her memories of the night before are starting to come back to her. The line It s
not enough to face your own regrets (line 7) alludes to things she may have said or
done and now wishes she could take it back. She is remembering the words that
she spoke. Or could this be the words that someone else said to her? (Though they
re coming back fast, the things you said) (line 8). The words that were said and the
actions that were done start to come back into focus and the speaker is left to
wallow in her remorse. She realizes the words and actions are not something that
can be taken back. All the speaker can do is clean up the messes that has been made,
think about the words that were spoken and how they led to the end of her
Exploration Of The New World
Exploration of the New World (Americas) became very popular around the 1500 s
and beyond. The Spanish were the first of the Old World to find the New World
and colonize, and they did so on an Island known as Hispaniola. Of course, this
inspired other countries in Europe to do the same, leading up to the English explorers
who colonized in Jamestown. Surprisingly, even though these two colonies were
settled a little over 100 years apart from each other, they have many similarities and
Firstly, both the Spanish and English explorers main goal were to get rich quick,
which also tied in to how their economies worked. The way they did this, however,
was different. The Spanish traded many resources with the Indians, and in return ...
Show more content on ...
However, on terms of resources, the Spanish had much more than the English. The
English mooched off of the Indians because their ways of collectivism (when all
the colonists worked and received the same amount of resources) weren t working
according to plan. Not every colonist worked as hard as the other, or even worked,
and would still receive the same amount of food. This led to many arguments.
Also, they didn t have many resources of water since they were only by the ocean,
which was saltwater, and they found this made you very sick. This all changed
under the rule of Governor Sir Thomas Dale. Everyone got their own land under
Governor Dale, and were forced to grow their own food if they wanted to survive.
This is when John Rolfe had created a new strain of tobacco that could flourish on
Virginia s land, eventually making some of the English settlers of the New World rich.
Characteristics between the settlers in both colonies were different. The Spanish
explorers settlers were all males who wanted to explore, get rich, and work hard to
get rich they didn t let anything stop them in doing so, even if it meant being
violent. The English explorers, however, were already members of the upper class,
so of course they wanted to get rich but they did not want to work hard at it, so
Examples Of Manhood In Macbeth
True Man
( A discussion of the theme, manhood, in The Tragedy of Macbeth Acts 1 4) What is
the definition of manhood? Importantly, what characteristics make a true man? From
The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare in Acts 1 through Act 4 answers
these prior questions. It seems that the theme of manhood is thoroughly discussed in
this tragedy. The Tragedy of Macbethis about a soldier named Macbeth who defeats a
traitor, the present Thane of Cawdor, in a battle, in the outskirts of Scotland.
However, on Macbeth s journey home he encounters three strange women, witches,
who prophesize three things about his future life. After the first prophecy comes true
Macbeth embarks on an ambitious quest for power. Consequently, Macbeth does all
to receive his three prophecies. Later Macbeth becomes paranoid and visits the three
strange women again. This time they give Macbeth three apparitions and he is
pleased with them; though, in the end Macbeth loses all he intemperately gains.
Ultimately, after analyzing the discussion of the theme, manhood, in The Tragedy of
Macbeth William Shakespeare defines what a true man is comprised of in Acts 1
through 4.
Macbeth s best friend Banquo is discussed as the true definition of a man by
William Shakespeare in this tragedy. Shakespeare intentionally hints in extent that
Banquo is the definition of a true man. As stated by Banquo in The Tragedy of
Macbeth Act 3 scene 1, May they not be my oracles as well And set me up in hope?
But hush, no
Mental Illness In Slaughterhouse Five
Billy s mental illness shows suffering of post traumatic stress
After reading and studying Kurt Vonnegut s novel of Slaughterhouse Five, I have
concluded that Billy s mental illness shows suffering of post traumatic stress. While
analysing different critics opinions and views on this, I found similar ideas while
showing different viewpoints on what post traumatic stress is and how Billy shows
this. Billy Pilgrim is the protagonist in this novel where his primary source of post
traumatic stress is from World War II where he was a prisoner of war; however
other events in his life also added to his trauma. Post traumatic stress is defined as a
mental health condition that s triggered by a terrifying event either experiencing it or
witnessing ... Show more content on ...
All moments, past, present and future always have existed, always will exist. (pg.
22) The Tralfamadorian s read everything all at once, however Vonnegut cannot
arrange for this novel to be read simultaneously, so the structure of the book is
shaped similarly to create that effect. The prayer in Billy s office in real life where
he works, is quite ironic as the meaning is deciphered as not being able to change
the past, present and the future. For me, that meant that Billy doesn t believe in
free will, as he thinks that he can t do or change anything about his life. This is
seen as Billy really didn t like life at all showing his lack of enthusiasm to go on
which could be seen as something that has traumatised him in the past. An example
of this from the novel is when he time travels back to when he was going to learn
to swim by the method of sink or swim . The horror of he dimly sensed that
somebody was rescuing him. Billy resented that, (pg 32) showing the traumatic
experience that has shaped who he is today. With Vonnegut expressing his own
opinion about the Tralfamadorian s concept of time because as an Earthling, I had to
believe whatever clocks said , it shows that Vonnegut and Billy believe that time is
unchangeable. I agree with Cox that the
Comparing Love in Go Tell It on the Mountain, Giovanni s...
Baldwin s first three novels Go Tell It on the Mountain, Giovanni s Room, and
Another Country boil over with anger, prejudice, and hatred, yet the primary force
his characters must contend with is love. Not meek or mawkish but ...something
active, more like fire, like the wind (qtd. in O Neale 126), Baldwins notion of love
can conquer the horrors of society and pave the way to emotional security (Kinnamon
5). His recipecalls for a determined identity, a confrontation with and acceptance of
reality, and finally, an open, committed relationship. Though Baldwin s characters
desperately need love, they fail to meetthese individual requirements, and the seeds
of love they sow never take root and grow to fruition.... Show more content on ...
Baldwin points to his high school writing as an act of love. It was an attempt not
to get the world s attention it was an attempt to be loved. It seemed a way to save
myself and a way to save my family. It came out of despair (qtd. in Kinnamon 3).
Baldwin believes in the redemptive power of love, the power to save. But first
must come despair. All of Baldwin s characters suffer tremendously, for they live in
modern society. Few love. Since suffering is universal but a love fulfilled is not,
suffering alone does not allow one to love, ...but if dealt with courageously...can lead
to self knowledge, self acceptance, and the forging of a genuine self identity (Nelson
122). With no internal conflicts, one can open up to another person, and love can
This process, however, is rarely completed. In Another Country a vivid portrait of
the universal need for love is suggested by Rufus s interpretation of a saxophonist s
improvisation. Rufus plays in a jazz combo with a young saxophonist who already
...had received the blow from which he never would recover (9):
...[S]omewhere along the line he had discovered that he could say it with a
saxophone. He had a lot to say. He stood there, wide legged, humping the air, filling
his barrel chest, shivering in the rags of his twenty odd years, and screaming through
the horn Do you love me? Do you
Strategies For Selecting A Target A Market For Tucson...
Table 3
4 Types of segmentation
Demographic Includes income, education, age and occupation
GeographicIncludes Macro economic factors and customer orientation
PsychographicIncludes attitudes and values
BehavioralIncludes relationship, knowledge and character
Table 4
There are 03 types of strategies for selecting a target a market for Tucson textiles
Undifferentiated marketingThis type of marketing views the market as one group with
no segments therefore using a single marketing strategy. Undifferentiated marketing
generally involves targeting the whole with one product and an undifferentiated
marketing can be cheaper that other strategies because there is only one product to
produce. This strategy utilizes a single marketing mix to reach the maximum number
of consumers in the target market selected.
Differentiated marketingHere the marketing strategy targets different market
segments with specific marketing mix, which is designed to meet those segments
needs. Differentiated marketing strategy involves the preparation and communication
of different brand and product messages to different types of customers.
Concentrated marketingThis type of marketing focuses on selecting a particular
market. This strategy can categorize the company into a single product. Concentrated
marketing is famous for small firms because mass distribution, production and mass
advertising are not necessary these firms can achieve profit with limited resources.
Appendix 03
There are 4 types
Witch Craze in Europe
Witch craze in Europe during: the period of the Protestant Reformation, Catholic
Counter Reformation, the Scientific Revolution, and the consolidation of national
governments from about 1480 1700
For more than two hundred years, individuals were persecuted as witches throughout
the continent of Europe, even though the witch hunt was concentrated on
Southwestern Germany, Switzerland, England, Scotland, Poland, and parts of
France. In a collective frenzy. witches were sought, identified, arrested, mostly
tortured, and tried for a variety of reasons. The total number of witches tried
exceeded 100,000 people. This essay is supposed to identify three major reasons for
the witch craze in sixteenth and seventeenth century Europe.
During the ... Show more content on ...
There were test, such as, being throw into the ocean and seeing if you would drown
or not. If you drowned you were not a witch, if you did not you were. So, either way
you would die. You would die because they would burn you alive. Others were
tortured so much that they just admit that they were witches, even though they were
not. They wanted the pain to end.
The three main reasons for the persecutions of many innocent victims in Europe
which last from about 1480 1700. Was, first, age, gender, and a persons class.
Second, was the public opinion and peer pressure of people. And third, was very
strong religious beliefs. The techniques of the witch hunts were the most helpless, or
the ones that are blamed by somebody else ,in other words scapegoating . These
techniques are the very same we used today in many political, economic, ideological
conflicts. So we some what have witch hunts
Analysis Of Archie Andrews By John L. Goldwater, Louis...
Archie Andrews. One of the characters where some 35 years old know him and
even some 13 year olds know it? How is this possible? Well back in the day the day,
there used to be something called Archie comics. It was founded in 1939, and many
people around America were fans of it because it featured all types of genres,
including but not limited to humor, romance, crime, and adventures. The founder of
this innovative comic was John L. Goldwater, Louis Silberkleit, and Maurice Coyne.
Now getting back to this generation s Archie Andrews, which is from the new series
Riverdale, a tv series that came out January 26th, 2017. This was just a copy of the
original Archie Comic formed into a tv show. In the comics, Archie was named the
typical... Show more content on ...
This version is the most changed. Archie doesn t have freckles anymore and he a
tall, muscular teenage boy with pale skin red hair, and his love for music for
music and football only increases. He is generally calm, but he does get annoyed
when he is trying to do the right thing and someone stops him. He must be 15 or 16
years old because he is studying as a high school sophomore. I feel that he is sort
of expendable because every other character from Riverdale has their own
consistent storyline. He doesn t know about Polly. He doesn t know about his dad
and Veronica s parents. He only heard the gunshot. He is actually involved with
Ms. Grundy with her music, his dad, Betty, Veronica, and sometimes Jughead.
They just need to give him more to do. I guess they thought the Grundy storyline
was crazy enough to tide him over for some time. But there are no lasting effects of
the relationship with him. This character is often a time shown to be extremely
passionate towards music. He has stayed shut of what he heard a gunshot on the
4th of July just so they Ms. Grundy doesn t stop his music classes. He takes help of
Valerie, a girl in one of the famous band in the town of Riverdale. When she tells
him about a music teacher shes got in mind. He goes directly to him for extra help.
He got rejected due to the lack of written music, so he stayed up all night writing his
song, though sloppy and rushed. Instead of practicing for his football game which
The Vitality Strategy Of Australia
Australia has one of the world s best and greatest sunlight based vitality assets, yet
today short of what 1% of our power is created from this clean vitality source. Also
regardless of 10 years of government renewable vitality targets we at present create
just around 7% of our power from renewable vitality sources.
We re attempting to help fabricate the right arrangements to open a blast in clean
vitality venture, and to make the chances of the clean vitality upheaval in Australia
The vitality strategy of Australia is liable to the administrative and financial impact
of each of the three levels of Government in Australia, albeit just the State and
Federal levels focus approach for essential commercial enterprises, for example, coal.
Elected vitality strategies keep on supporting the coal mining and characteristic gas
commercial enterprises through subsidies for fossil fuel utilize and creation as the
fares by those businesses help essentially to the income of remote trade and
government incomes. Australia is a standout amongst the most coal ward nations on
the planet. Coal and regular gas, alongside oil based items, are presently the essential
wellsprings of Australian vitality utilization, in spite of the way that the coal business
creates pretty nearly 38% of Australia s aggregate nursery gas discharges.
Government strategy is starting to change with the distribution of the Garnaut report
and Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme White Paper, the
Peasants Revolt
Assignment Two HIST 304| The Peasant s Revolt and The Decline of Serfdom| Why
did the Peasants Revolt Occur? Did the insurgents hope to abolish serfdom? How and
why did serfdom decline and eventually disappear in England, notwithstanding the
failure of the 1381 uprising and other influences of lower class protest against social
inequality and injustice? |
Naomi Woods Student 297278812/22/2011|
The Peasants Revolt is one of the most well known revolts of Medieval England, the
revolt began as a local revolt in Essex in May of 1381, but it soon spread throughout
the South East of England affecting many smaller towns along the way and having
the biggest impact on London when the people turned their grievances towards the
young ... Show more content on ...
Whatever the real story is to how he came to be a part of the revolt, people must
have trusted and seen something in Straw that said he could help them, as they
followed him from a Churchyard through the streets of Essex causing destruction as
they moved. The Peasants Revolt was not just confined to London, it spread to many
other places in England. Each town had their own reasons for the starting of the
The Peasants of Essex (as mentioned above) demanded the abolishment of serfdom
among other things.
The Peasants of Kent demanded there be no lordship in but the lordship of the king
and that the goods of the church be divided among the Parishioners, and that there be
no villein in England.
The tenants of the Abbey of St. Albans, Hertfordshire, besieged the abbot, insisting on
their rights to hunt in the woods, fish in the river, grind their own corn at home, and
sell land among themselves.
The tenants of Buy St. Edmunds, Suffolk, broke into the abbey and for a time
extorted their liberties from the abbot.
In Winchester, Hampshire and Beverly and Scarborough, Yorkshire, the unprivileged
rose against the privileged.
(History of England, Page 176 177)
According to Frossiart at Canterbury the rebels entered the Church of St Thomas
where they did
Company Background And Background Of Apple Inc.
Section A Company Background and Product Background
Company Background Apple Inc.
Apple Inc. is a multinational corporation that produces consumer electronics, personal
computers, mobile communication devices, computer software and peripherals,
commercial servers, and is also a digital distributor of media content. The company
also owns a chain of retail stores known as Apple Stores, which are available both
offline and online.
The founders of Apple Inc., Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne created
Apple Computer on 1st of April 1976, and incorporated the company on 3rd
January 1977 in Cupertino, California. Wayne then withdrew from the partnership,
leaving Jobs and Wozniak as the primary co founders of the company. After that,
Apple went public on December 12, 1980 at $22.00 per share. The stock has split
four times since the IPO so on a split adjusted basis the IPO share price was $0.39.
As for now, Tim Cook took over as the current CEO of Apple Inc. (Apple Inc., 2015).
It is obvious that Apple designed and manufactured a wide variety of products and
services since the beginning of time. Apple s core product lines are originally the iPad
tablet computer. Without delay, they developed more and more dominant products
including iPhone smart phone, iPod portable media players, ... Show more content on ...
was known as Apple Computer, Inc. for more than three decades, however it faced
rocky sales and low market share during the 1990s due to mismanagement.
Therefore, Jobs, who had been ousted from the company in 1985, returned to
Apple in 1996 after his company NeXT was bought by Apple. Jobs subsequently
instilled a new corporate philosophy of recognizable products and simple design
since 1998, which later became the reason for the success of Apple Inc.. With the
succeed of iMac, iPod and iTunes Music Store, Apple recognized itself as a leader in
the consumer electronics and media sales industries, leading it to drop Computer
from the company s name in
Dominica Essay
Dominica concedes at any rate MFN treatment to all its exchanging accomplices. It
has connected the CARICOM Common Outside Tariff (CET) since 1991 and
actualized the fourth and last stage of the CARICOM CET decreases on 1 July
2001. The timetable depends on the Orchestrated Commodity Description what s
more, Coding System 1996 since 1 January 1999. The tax, as connected in 2002,
includes 6,333 levy lines at the eight digit level. 8 Traditions obligations on imports
from nonCARICOM nations extend from 0% to 165%. Items confronting the most
noteworthy rate (165%) incorporate polishes, paints, and varnishes. The most
noteworthy rate connected on agrarian items is 150%, which relates to the last rate
bound in the WTO. On account of modern... Show more content on ...
Dominica takes an interest in various provincial and particular exchange plans, to
be specific: the Caribbean Group (CARICOM) and the IMF (2007), SMEP, p. 42.
Association of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).Through the last it is a some
portion of a completely settled money related union with alternate conditions of the
Eastern Caribbean. Dominica is at present arranging an Economic Partnership
Concurrence with the EU through the CARIFORUM design. It is too associated
with arrangements to shape the hemispheric Free Trade Area of the Americas.
Multilateral Dominica is a establishing WTO Member and applies at slightest MFN
treatment to all its exchanging accomplices. It has GATS duties in 20 segments.
Dominica is a recipient of the U.S. Caribbean Basin Initiative that stipends obligation
free passage into the United States for numerous products. Dominica likewise has a
place with the overwhelmingly English talking Caribbean Community and Common
Market (CARICOM), the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME), what s
more, the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). 11 The legislature of
Dominica does not require exchange licenses for most products and items. The
Supplies Control (Limited Imports and Exports) Order 14 of 2003 be that as it may,
determines a couple things where licenses are essential, contingent upon their
wellspring of starting point. An import permit for these merchandise must be
acquired before the importation of any of these products.
Analysis and Comparison of Hsbc and Barclays Bank
Analysis And Comparison Of Hsbc And Barclays Bank Finance Essay
This report compares financial performance of two major banks of UK i.e. HSBC
Bank Plc and Barclays Bank Plc on the basis of their Balance sheets and profit and
loss accounts for the year 2009. This report also provides SWOT analysis of both
banks i.e. HSBC and Barclays Bank Plc and provides an insight into their Banking
The key financial indicators for evaluating financial performance of any bank are
Profit Before Tax, Capital Ratio, Adjusted Gross Leverage, Loan Funding Ratio, Net
income, Assets and Liabilities, Equity and Share Holders return.
Barclays reported net profit of ВЈ 10,289 milllion in 2009, an increase of 96% as
compared to 2008.Although Barclays Bank ... Show more content on
Although the parent company HSBC holdings was established in 1990,when The
HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Purchased Midland Bank of UK, and
its headquarter moved to London from HongKong as a condition in the takeover deal
in 1993.
HSBCs stock is traded on London, NewYork, HongKong, Paris and Bermuda stock
HSBC is one of the Largest Banking and Financial Services organisations in the
world, shares in HSBC holdings plc are held by over 220,000 share holders in 121
countries. HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services to more than
100 million customers through four customers an global businesses: Personal
Financial Services; Commercial banking: Global banking and Markets: private
HSBC UK retail banking comprises two customer groups , personal Financial
services ( PFS ) and commercial banking( CMB ). UK personal Financial Services
provides current account, savings , personal loans , mortgages , cards, financial
planning, as well as life and general insurance to UK personal customers through a
variety of distribution channels under various HSBC brands, including First direct,
Marks and Spencer money and partnership card.
As at 31 December 2009 , the bank had 1,369 branches in the United Kingdom.
Financial Performance and Interpretative Analysis
Barclays Bank PLC
Barclays delivered net profit for the year of ВЈ10,289m in 2009, an increase of
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  • 1. Essay Water Crafting an essay on the topic of water presents a unique set of challenges. At first glance, the topic might seem straightforward, but delving into the intricacies of water's significance, properties, and global relevance requires careful consideration and thorough research. One of the initial hurdles is striking the right balance between scientific details and broader, more accessible insights. Addressing the chemical composition of water, its role in biological processes, and the various forms it takes is essential. Simultaneously, it's crucial to capture the attention of a diverse audience, making the content engaging and understandable to readers with varying levels of scientific knowledge. The challenge extends beyond the technical aspects, touching on the environmental, social, and cultural dimensions of water. Discussing its scarcity in some regions, the impact of pollution, and the importance of conservation involves navigating through complex and often emotionally charged subjects. Tackling such topics with sensitivity requires a nuanced approach to ensure the essay resonates with readers while remaining factual and unbiased. Additionally, maintaining a cohesive narrative throughout the essay can be demanding. Balancing the exploration of water's historical significance, current challenges, and future implications requires careful structuring to prevent the essay from becoming disjointed or overwhelming. Moreover, the essay on water demands a unique blend of creativity and precision. Finding innovative ways to present well-known facts and inspiring readers to contemplate the broader implications of water-related issues is no small feat. This necessitates creativity in language use, analogies, and possibly incorporating real-world examples to make the essay relatable. In conclusion, writing an essay on water is a challenging endeavor that requires a delicate balance between scientific rigor and accessibility, sensitivity to global issues, and creative expression. Successfully navigating these challenges can lead to a compelling and informative piece that engages readers on multiple levels. [Note: At this point, I'd like to mention that similar essays and more can be ordered on] Essay Water Essay Water
  • 2. Why Are Many Galaxies Moving Away From Each Other How did it all start why are all the galaxies moving away from each other? It all started over 14.7 billion years ago. When what we know as black in space, was once white space and there was a little dot smaller than the point of a pen. In which all the galaxies there are today we put together into one little point. We know this because the Hubble telescope helped us see everything is moving away, which means it had to be all together at one point. When all the galaxies were together in one little dot in white space they were extremely hot. And suddenly a huge explosion happened that huge explosion is the Big Bang. The Big Bang is an explosion that made all the galaxies expand and as they expanded they started to cool down. When the
  • 3. Sigmund Freud s Civilization And Its Discontents Sigmund Freud, in his book Civilization and Its Discontents, contests that humans are subject to savage, animalistic instincts. He opposes the Marxist value that humans are superior to their animal counterparts, rather, he holds, humans are quite like wolves to each other. With this claim, he explores how internal compositions work in the grand scheme, to create a working mechanism of society that tames and creates internal negotiations of behaviour and instinct. (also include what comes of the last question) Freud, a psychologist, had views that were at odds with Marxist values, derived from a philosopher and economist. Their views on what drives human nature are fundamentally different. Freud adhered to the belief that humans are enslaved by their instinctive forces. This is to say that humans are driven to seek out pleasure. Marx, on the other hand, believed that humans are motivated by their place in society through labour. His core value was the division of labor, and how it structures society. Freud understood man in a Darwinian sense, that man comes from natural selection, in the sense that Darwin insisted on its [homo sapiens] kinship with lesser cousins and observed that the stamp of [its] lowly origin was quite ineffaceable (12). This contrasts with the Marxist assumption that humans are different from animals, the belief in human exceptionalism. Under this presumption, Marx finds that abuse and violence occurs in consequence to disproportionate distributions
  • 4. Synthesis Of Pi3k Inhibitors To start with, the synthesis of class I and class III phosphoinositide 3 kinase inhibitors has become a much needed research process. Creating and modifying the PI3K inhibitors through the addition and elimination of organic functional groups or amino acids has allowed scientists to find the best way in attacking the irregularities formed in the body. Plenty of class I PI3K inhibitors like those seen in Figure 3 have been identified and modified for therapeutic means. For example, GDC 0941 and BKM 120 are both inhibitors that are being considered as possible clinical trial candidates [2]. Other inhibitors have also been developed for specific PI3K isoforms which helps to highlight the usefulness of the PI3K pathways [2]. To get a better... Show more content on ... In the studies being done, scientists realized that the BKM 120 inhibitor not only affects the PI3K/PKB/mTOR pathway, but the microtubule synthesis pathway, as well [5]. This dual activity found in the BMK 120 inhibitor was due to the structure of the inhibitor; Figure 5 illustrates how these two functions are possible (a) and what the ratio of microtubule inhibition and PI3K inhibition are in the cell (b) [5]. Through extensive studies on the BMK 120 inhibitor and other similar compound structures, researchers, like Bohancker et al., have been able to identify key structural components for the two activities. The Bohancker et al. found that additional nitrogen in the core of the molecule could help remove the tubulin inhibition, as well as, less symmetry in the BMK 120 overall structure [5]. In general, the research being done in these two examples, and the many other inhibitor synthesis experiments, show how the creation and modification of the phosphoinositide 3 kinases inhibitors is a huge part PI3K studies. From these developments, scientists can get a better sense of how the inhibitors will work in cells and treating diseases. Though the synthesis of phosphoinositide 3 kinase inhibitors is necessary for advancements in this field, research on how efficient and effective these inhibitors are is just as imperative. Many assays have been developed to study the effectiveness of PI3Ks mainly through the quantifying of kinase
  • 5. Advantages Of Fema I wavered back and forth a bit on which approach was better suited for society s well being. Early on in our modern Government it appears that most of the Emergency Management was piece mailed as events occurred. Although, as new events occurred, new programs seemed to be established to ease the post emergency recovery. This way of business reminds me of duct taping a hole in a pipe; at some point you need to replace the pipe with something more suited for the application. While the all hazards approach, and the emphasis on catastrophic events both have advantages, I believe that the all hazards approach provides us with a clearer path for emergency managementrecovery and preparedness. The first such example, according to (Haddow,... Show more content on ... (Haddow et al., 2011). No clearer example needs to be shown other than the hurricane Katrina disaster. The all hazards approach worked great as it matured into what it was near the end of the 1990 s. When we shifted our eyes off the ball and fixated on terrorism as the only predicament we would face, we were not prepared for what transpired in New Orleans. FEMA should not have become a division of the Department of Homeland Security, any more than the DHS should fall under the Department of Defense. I deduce the jury is still out as we have not had any substantial natural disasters occur
  • 6. Male Bashing Analysis Annotation #3This quote is important and stands out in the article for the reason that it brings biological explanations to woman marking. I myself as well as the author have never been inclined toward biological explanations in this case. It is, however, quite interesting to observe a Professor of linguistics share his claims of this subject. I am certainly sure that along with myself, many readers had not expected biology to come into this article. Page 392Then why do you think she s male bashing? He answered, with disarming honesty Because she s a woman and she s saying things about men. Annotation #4This quote may certainly have the audience feel somewhat shocked at the comment said by a male audience member. It shows that Deborah
  • 7. Scabies Physiology Epidemiology and Causes Human scabies is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis (Winland Brown Porter, 2015). Human scabies is commonly seen in children, young adults, health care workers, and persons of all ages who live in a confined environment with unrelated others Human scabies is very contiguous. The main characteristic of scabies is uncontrollable itching that is not localized. It is commonly seen in overcrowded, poverty, poor hygiene, malnutrition, and sexual promiscuity conditions. Pathophysiology Scabies is an aerobic organism, it requires air to survive. It embedded itself into the skin after initial contact, and rapidly reproduce. Itching occurs after primary infection, and it is from the inflammatory process. For reinfestation, itching occurs within 24 hours.... Show more content on ... Scabies are commonly residing in interdigital web spaces, wrists, anterior axially folds, periumbilical skin, pelvic gridle, penis and ankles. Rash may or may not be present. Children may present with more tired and irritable than usual, and changes in feeding habits. It is more commonly seen on the palms soles, face, neck and scale in small children. Physical findings are red papules (1 2 mm) in areas where mites are mites are attracted, few or no hair follicles, and the stratum corneum is thin and soft. Excoriations may present due to the scratching. In fair skinned people the embedded scabies have a whitish color with black specks. Diagnostics
  • 8. SWOT and Strategy Evaluation Paper SWOT and Strategy Evaluation Paper Bradley Garner PHL/320 June 18, 2015 Dr. Tony Bennett SWOT ANALYSIS OF INTERNET PROVIDER INDUSTRY Looking at the world today, no person can imagine his or her life without some form of internet usage. The Internet has become a part of our daily life. The Internet Provider industry is ruling all the other sectors of business. With today s booming technology, most businesses have difficulty without the services of the Internet. Earlier day s access to the Internet was a costlier, therefore confined to only high profile businesses and people of wealth. The average homeowner did not have access. Even today, smart phone usage does not account for the large numbers of families without direct... Show more content on ... SWOT ANALYSIS OF INTERNET PROVIDER INDUSTRY A SWOT analysis helps the companies or industry to analyse and understand where the industry should place itself in the market, how they can improve and how to defeat their competitors. With the SWOT analysis, a business understands its competitor s position in the market or industry and identifies where the funds and resources of the company should be invested so as to create new products and services for the consumers (Aimee, 2010). Thus before conducting the SWOT analysis, we will divide the ISP s into four groups: large ISP s, small ISP s, Telco and cable companies STRENGTHS In the Internet Provider Industry, the large or big companies have much more experience of the industry in comparison to small ISP s. Consumers who are aware of these larger branded names will subscribe to such known companies. Large ISPs have the ability of innovation; they can afford taking risks. Their huge infrastructure is based on laid fibre optics, thus providing Internet at lower rates and they also own some parts of networks which increase their strength in the market (Rahima, 2013.) Their trained and qualified staff is more experienced and provide high quality work. WEAKNESSES The large companies in this industry lack superior customer service. With technology rising faster than consumers are educated, computer education and training is on the rise as well. This need for customer
  • 9. Why Do You Want To Be A Teen Activist Do you know what a teen activist is? A teen activist is someone who fights for what they think is right. There are many different kinds of activist. There are animal rights activist, there are environmental activists, political activists, etc. There are many different ages of activist. Whatever their age, they can still make a difference. To be an activist, you must understand what you want to be an activist for. You must educate yourself about the issue you want to make better. You can take public action, or private action. If you want to be and animal rights activist, you could avoid clothes that are made out of animal substances, or be vegan or vegetarian. If you want to be a political activist, you could take part in a lecture, seminar, or conference. Whatever type you are, you have to support your opinion and set goals. There are many ways to make a change. You can reach out to family and friends. You could donate money or supplies. You could also volunteer or make your own website. Whatever way you chose to take action, you can always make a change. There are... Show more content on ... According to, in 1980, Dian moved to Ithaca, New York, as a visiting associate professor at Cornell University. She used the time away from Karisoke to focus on the manuscript for her book, Gorillas in the Mist. Published in 1983, the book is an account of her years in the rainforest with the mountain gorillas. She studied the familial relationships and social structures of Mt. Gorillas. She was also a very staunch opponent of poaching. She also started a nature preserve for the study of Mt. Gorillas. Teen activists, or people of any age, can make a big difference in our world. All around the world, there are people making a difference. There have been activists more than 100 years ago. Activist have risked their lives and ranks to make a difference. We owe a huge thanks to the people who have changed our world, and maybe, our way of
  • 10. Inside Out And Back Again Essay Charlotte Russell1/6/15 Essayperiod 2 In the novel Inside Out and Back Again by Thanha Lai, the universal refugee experience is expressed through the title, and Ha s individual experience of fleeing and finding home. This essay will show the hardships of turning inside out and how hard it is coming back again. In Inside Out and Back Again an independent, determined girl named Ha flees her home in Vietnam because of war and poverty. Ha and her family flee to Alabama to start a better life. In Alabama, Ha faces challenges such as bullying, and racism that make her stronger to come back again. In Inside Out and Back Again Ha s life is turned inside out. Ha s father was in the Navy and was captured. ... Show more content on ... After Ha is faced with hardships and grief from fleeing home she starts to come back again. Ha was struggling to learn the English language until Miss. Washington offered to tutor her. Ha says my vocabulary grows (Page 166)! which is a big accomplishment for Ha because she didn t know any English when she came
  • 11. Obesity Case Study 10 mice were allocated in each group. Group 1 is the normal control, group 2 is the high fat control, and group 3 is the test group fed with pioglitazone (30mg/kg). Discussion: Obesity causes an increase in the production of free radicals, leading to an increase in oxidative stress. Following obesity, a reduction in total antioxidant capacity and the activity of enzyme such as catalase, adding up to other obesity related problems (1,4,5). Pioglitazone activates PPAR пЃ§ type 1 and 2, improve insulin sensitivity and glycemic control, in people with type 2 diabetes (8 9). In a study by Bahramikia and colleagues , performed on rats, receiving a high fat diet, in comparison with the control group, the levels of LDL C, total cholesterol, and... Show more content on ... The serum MDA level was increased in high fat control group, compared to the normal control group , due to increase in fatty acids and decrease in serum antioxidant capacity. Singh et al. reported that the use of pioglitazone (30 mg / kg), has reduced the serum MDA levels (19). Consistently, in the present study, the serum MDA levels in the pioglitazone group was significantly decreased, compared to the control group (p 0.05). In a study by Hussian and colleagues, pioglitazone has reduced the serum glucose, LDL and cholesterol level in non diabetic hyperlipidemia rats, compared to the controls (20). In the current study, serum glucose, LDL and serum cholesterol levels were decreased in the third group, compared to the second group (p 0.05). The UCP 1 gene expression alterations observed in this study, can be due to the lipid alterations in the high fat diet groups The UCP 1 gene expression alterations observed in this study, can be due to the high fat consumption in these groups. Weight gain and decrease in TAC, the catalase enzyme activity, and the antioxidants of the serum in the second group, compared to the first group can be due to high calorie regimen and the free radicals produced by the high fat diet, that has dominated the antioxidant capacity of the serum, which are consistent with the data
  • 12. Counseling For Alcohol And Drug Abuse In Counseling for Alcohol and Drug Abuse, the need to use different techniques is an integral part of the process. Working with an individual that is either entering into recovery or actively in recovery, the clinician must take their time with introducing the 12 Steps. The individual may not be open to the 12 Step philosophies at the onset. Addictionis very complex and actively affects the person on a daily basis; therefore, it is so important to start from the beginning of counseling to create a structured program. Alcoholics Anonymoushas given a wonderful platform of structure for the addicted ones to create a safe, solid, 12 Step guideline to follow, in order to maintain Continual Sobriety, One day at a time. Many counselors... Show more content on ... In counseling, the individual must begin with gaining trust in the therapist. The 12 Steps may not be introduced at the onset of counseling depending on the stage of their situation. Often times, it is helpful to gradually work with the person to explore what they have done in the past and see why it did or did not work for them. Many times the client will tell the therapist that they have failed with the 12 Steps, so they feel it is not worth trying again. Hearing this statement is key to the path that now creates the work. There is a great deal of misconceptions about 12 Step programs, and people generally have been misguided. Some of these false beliefs are that 12 Step programs are Cults, they are for old people, they are religious, they brainwash people, sometimes they make you want to drink or use after going to a meeting. These notions are false and inaccurate. It is usually individuals that have gone to the meetings for a short amount of time and they are unable to sustain consistency. These individuals do not get involved in service and they often return to using drugs or drinking again due to not being done, with using substances. In the therapy interaction, these misconceptions must be heard by the therapist and given ample time in counseling to talk about and unpacked, for further qualification. This may take time and patients to hear these feelings and to process with the client. In facilitating effective treatment while counseling, it
  • 13. The Book Of Martha And Mrs. Todd s Shortcut Mehran Azarbad Heba Elsherief EAC 505 N1B 14 August 2015 Relationship between Fantasy and Time Fantasy and time have an absolute relationship as described in the stories The Book of Martha and Mrs. Todd s Shortcut . The authors have tried to bring out how fantasy literature and its relationship with time can be used to get the mind of the audience and its results to the imaginations of the reader in that sense. Therefore, in understanding the exact imaginations and how they affect or are affected by time, then the relationship arguments can be explored with specific and distinctive examples Literature fantasy tries to depict the unbelievable imaginations in the subject of existence. Its close relation with time comes if the exact setting ... Show more content on ... Taking the narrative of Octovia Butler, Martha prays. This time is very unknown of the exact duration she did this and also, readers wonder how comes she is in her room and praying then in few minutes she gets herself in heaven and in the presence of God? Is it the power of prayer? She tries to imagine the scenario and it seems to be like a dream to her in this case. In time factor, it is impossible to move such fast. Again, fantasy and time relationship can richly help in comparing the impossible actions with what we tend to have an idea about. In the narrative of Octavia, there is fantasy relation and the time when Martha started to compare God, on his physical with Michelangelo Moses and his dressing denies this. The reaction of God really is unrealistic and the whole story is like a dream to Martha. It defines so perfectly the interaction between the time that Martha was in heaven and the imaginations that she gets herself and her mind
  • 14. Childhood Tinnitus In Children Childhood tinnitus can have negative implications on children leading to behavioral and psychological problems. Specifically, in concentration, sleeping, learning, listening and emotions.This study shows that excessive noise with music, toys, stress or anxiety can cause tinnitus. Tinnitus is a ringing or buzzing sound in the ear. Often tinnitus goes unnoticed in children because children don t really report symptoms to their parent. If a parent does seek professional help for their child, it s because their child is having significant tinnitus. Data was collected on children that visited the tinnitus clinic in Seoul St. Mary s Hospital with the main complaint of tinnitus between January 2000 and December 2011. The children were ... Show more content on ... The behavior and phycological changes that happens due to tinnitus was very surprising to me. Let alone the fact that many of the children with mild symptoms, don t mention it to the parents. A simple explanation and reassurance was given to the children with mild symptoms. After the counseling session, the children with mild symptoms seemed to be fine with just the reassurance. On the other hand, the children with bothersome symptoms had a much different treatment. Their treatment was tinnitus retraining therapy. TRT consists or hearing aids, psychological treatment to ignore the tinnitus noise and combined it with relaxation exercises and stress management. If it was more
  • 15. bothersome then the patients could take short term medications such as muscle relaxers. I wouldn t have thought that tinnitus would play a part in behavioral problems but I can defiantly see how this disorder would interfere with sleep and concentration, which in turn can cause behavioral problems. Thankfully there is treatments that can help relive tinnitus. References Bae, S.C, Kim, M. Park, S.N. Park, J.M. Yeo, S.W. (2014). Childhood Tinnitus:
  • 16. Karl Marx And Frederick Engels Manifesto Of The Communist... Karl Marx and Frederick Engels wrote Manifesto of the Communist Party in 1848 in Brussels. This document was primarily focused on political propaganda that correlated with two classes of society. It was written during a time of Communism and social change (Marx, 1). The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles (Marx, 2). I believe this statement is saying that class struggles are the reason society has developed to its current state. Marx and Engels s primary reasoning for this document is to unveil these class struggles within society. Society is split between two classes: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat (Marx, 2). Bourgeoisie is the middle class, and Proletariat is the working class within society. The proletariat
  • 17. Steve Jobs Speech Analysis Steve Jobs, a world class tech guru, and Neil Gaiman, a Newbery medal winning author, were both tasked with the similar job of writing and delivering a commencement speech to university graduates. Steve Jobs speech occured at the highly esteemed, prestigious university of Stanford, while Neil Gaiman delivered his speech at the University of the Arts. Both speeches carried a very similar message; Jobs speech urged students to find what they love and all will fall into place, and Gaiman s speech advised students to take risks and do whatever it takes to do what they love. However, whilst Gaiman is able to use varying structure throughout his speech to develop his messages that he wants to the graduates to take away along with relatable evidence graduates, Jobs incredibly simplistic structure and evidence that is foreign to most students do not allow for him to effectively reach his students. Steve Jobsspeech fails to reach the Stanford graduates as it consists of three stories that are identical in structure filled with examples foreign to his audiencein his attempt to inspire Stanford s class of 2015 to do what they love and trust that everything will work out. All three of his stories one about connecting the dots, another about love and loss, and final story about death unfold the exact same way: first, he recounts to a time in which he was younger. Then, he tells a seemingly somber story to the audience., Each story also ends the exact same way, where the
  • 18. School Lunches Persuasive Essay Having past those awkward teen years, I know exactly what temptations lurk around the corner when dealing with weight. I can only say it gets progressively easier to maintain a healthy weight as you get older, but only if you follow my tips. Tip 1: Do not smoke, drink or take recreational drugs. Am I serious? Well considering smoking is anti beauty, drinking is a fattening sugar alcohol and drugs can lead to eating binges, my answer is yes. Tip 2: Don t eat school lunches. The reason schools created lunches were for busy parents who didn t have time to prepare lunch at home. The result? Fattening choices like French fries and deep fried chicken nuggets, desserts and ice cream. If you are wondering why you have gained weightduring the school year, you... Show more content on ... If any of you are television wrestling fans (WWE or any other league) you ll see that most of the men are literally huge. Not many are less than 250 pounds, and that s just the starting weight. It s utterly impossible to be as big (muscle wise) and not weigh at least 250. That s all well and good for the pros. They re mostly on display and we all assume it s fake. But I m talking about the kids in this sport. They range in age from 14 18 years old and for the most part it s a great sport. It, as in all competitive sports, teaches camaraderie, sportsmanship and working with others. Wrestling is a sport that builds character and strong bodies. So where s my beef? That s just it, in some cases there s just not enough of it. Take the 103 pound class. How is a grappler supposed to maintain this kind of weight throughout a high school career? He isn t. Most kids as they mature go on to the next weight class. Now that s all well and good if everyone moved up as they progressed through school, but that s just not the case. I m sure if any high school coaches are reading this piece I ve now caught their attention. My problem starts right here. I m not accusing any coach or parent of purposely trying to
  • 19. The Value Of Bluebeard By Charles Perrault In a husband and wife relationship communication is key, without communication there is room for deceit and rumors to do nothing but distance or even turn the couple on each other. Compromise is also extremely important in order to have a successful relationship, otherwise the relationship will be tense and neither person will be content with the relationship. Fairy tales will often center around a toxic marriagethat causes nothing but grief to the wife, the husband, or even both because of that missing communicationand compromise. In a criticism piece by Walter Benjamin, he writes on how sometimes the value lies in a moral; at other times practical advice is offered; and occasionally there is a proverb or maxim (Benjamin 358). The value... Show more content on ... The children then almost get eaten by a witch because of their mother s selfishness and the lack of communication in their parent s relationship. When the children get lost in the woods, they encounter a witch with a house made of candy and eventually they go inside and become her prisoners. The witch says to Gretel, get up lazy bones, fetch some water and you re your brother something good. He s staying outside in a shed, waiting to be fattened up. When he s put on enough weight, I ll eat him (Grimm Brothers 240). Here the witch s intentions are revealed, and Gretel learns of the dangerous situation her and her brother are in. Hansel and Gretel are forced into a life threatened situation because of the dysfunctional relationship between their parents. Once again, the lack of compromise in the relationship between Hansel and Gretel s parents has negatively affected them. Fairy tales have all kinds of morals or lessons to learn, but a very important one is the effect that a relationship between two people can have on others outside of the relationship indirectly or
  • 20. Judicial Branch Research Paper The Constitution of the United States, the most remarkable document that was ever created. In this document, it clearly outlines the government that the United States will operate under and gave the leaders specific ways to guide the citizens of the country. For instance, in the Constitution, it established a judicial branch and outlined the laws that it will possessed. According to the Constitution, the judicial branch should act as a system of checks and balances against the other two branches of government. Under these circumstances, there are various courts that are created. For instance, there are the district courts, circuit courts, and above all there is the Supreme Court. The judges that serve in the Supreme Court are nominated by the... Show more content on ... Since the Supreme Court is the highest and most powerful court, it can overrule any of the other court s decisions. A great example of this was the Brown v. Board of Education of Education of Topeka that schools segregated by race were unconstitutional (US History 1). In this case, it overruled the decision made in 1896 in the Plessy v. Ferguson case where the separate but equal idea was made legal. This shows how important the power the Supreme Court has is. If the separate but equal case was never unconstitutional, the African Americans might still be suffering from injustice in the society. On the other hand, there has also been other cases that have been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. For instance, in the U.S. Supreme Court s 1989 decision in Stanford v. Kentucky, which held that executing minors was not unconstitutional, was no longer valid (Roper v. Simmons 1). This decision has brought y many benefits to the minors that have been convicted to a crime since it gives them longer time to prove their innocence. Furthermore, the idea of executing minors is still considered too brutal and inhumane. So the power that the Supreme Court possess can help the country abolish some of its unjust
  • 21. Howard Zinn s The United States Howard Zinn s A People s History of the United States has been highly influential since its initial publication in 1980. It spawned adaptations for young readers (a two volume adaptation by Rebecca Stefoff: A Young People s History of the United States) and The People Speak, a History Channel documentary based on Zinn s work. Zinn himself was until his death in 2010 a heroic figure to many, especially for this book and for his ongoing teaching and social activism, which were directly related. A People s History of the United States was praised from the moment it appeared on shelves. A 1980 Library Journal review called it brilliant and moving and said it was well designed to appeal to both historians and general readers. However, the volume was not without its criticisms. Some of these critiques align with party lines. Roger Kimball s review in the conservative National Review labeled Zinn a Professor of contempt and dismissed the work as the ultimate in anti American history, a patchwork of leftist clichГ©s. Oscar Handlin s review for The American Scholar dismissed both Zinn s approach to history and the actual content of the work, citing a number of Zinn s claims as fallacious. Some criticisms of the work carried more intellectual weight and addressed the quality of Zinn s reasoning directly. Bruce Kuklick s review of the book for The Nation suggested that A People s History of the United States was essentially a textbook for the left, and as such it
  • 22. Techniques Of Steven Spielberg DIRECTOR S STYLE Steven Spielberg used classic linear storytelling in his movies, the narrative in most of his movies were Plot driven and very effective. He is a storyteller always mindful of holding his audience. Steven Spielberg is one of the greatest directors of today. He is master in taking stories and incidents from the past and and rejuvinating them with his own potential. STEVEN SPIELBERG: The Approach to Character The characters in Spielberg movies are often extreme. FILMING TECHNIQUE THE SPIELBERG FACE . The technique of Spielberg s face is to zoom in on a character as they are looking at something. Most of the time the face is fully surprised or amazed and the thing that they are looking at is not revealed until the character shows their expression. Spielberg was the first to show the technique and this is why its called the Spielberg face. Spielberg face is present in all his movies like Jurassic Park, Close Encounters and The Color Purple. Sideways tracking shots One of the classic filming technique, but Spielberg makes his tracking shots look different from everyone else. His sideways shots are very long, ... Show more content on ... Steven Spielberg is the highest grossing director by the worldwide box office collection that was ($9.444 million). Steven has made only 27 films in fourty years and got 24 super hits out of it.He has contributed to the film industry with revolutionary techniques and genres and ideas. He introduced people with different technological ideas and special effects. Steven Spielberg has probably shown us adventure films with one of the best special effects. Steven Spielberg is known for the stylistic theme to the film and has shown mainstream approach in his work. He is the most commercially successful director of all the time. He has been thanked in Oscar speech more than Jesus in the award winning speeches by different actors, producers and
  • 23. Natural Gas World Market Contents Introduction Table .1 OPEC Graph.1 Major Natural gas producers Graph.2 Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) Natural gas Demand Price Natural gas could be the 100% replacement of crude oil Conclusion 1. Introduction Natural gas is a very important energy source in the world and it is the cleanest and most hydrogen rich of all the hydrocarbon energy sources and it has high energy conversation efficiencies for power generation [1]. In olden days natural ... Show more content on ... Iran: Iran is stood up one the second largest proven reserve for Natural gas. As per the latest reports around 1000 Trillion cubic feet natural gas reserve after Russia. There is many gas fields inside the country but it is really spread in different areas like onshore and offshore. The main fields are South par,North pars, Kangan, Nar and these south pars is showing its important role in this industry. Iran s strategic partnership with Russia the global gas economy is watching very crucially especially the European countries and in GECF Iran stood an important role among the all countries Iran s major export is medium term gas export consumers like China, India and Pakistan. Qatar: As per the proven reserve Qatar standing 3rd position after Russia and Iran with more than 900 Trillion Cubic Feet. Major reserve is on the north field which is seems to be a geographical relation between Iran s south par field. Qatar natural gas industry is mainly controlled by the Qatar gas. This company is a consortium of Exxonmobil, Mitsui and Marubeni. Qatar having an important role in this GECF and their headquarters strategically situated on Doha capital of Qatar .Qatar planning a huge increase of production in coming years by the proper planning. Qatar is largest exporter of LNG to USA this relation
  • 24. Dissemination And Implementation Science Essay Pam: What is Dissemination and Implementation Science? Per the U.S. National Library of Medicine, dissemination and implementation science actually refers to two separate activities. Implementation science refers to the study of the empirical methods that impact how evidence based interventions are integrated into clinical practice settings. Dissemination science refers to the process of spreading newly acquired information and knowledge to the previously mentioned practice settings. Dissemination and Implementation 101 The goal of implementation science is to identify, understand and resolve the barriers and challenges of successfully implementing new medical interventions that are safe and effective. Translating medical research into clinical practice is highly complex process that involves disseminating the information to clinicians and persuading them to adopt and successfully implement the new... Show more content on ... Research shows that it takes approximately 17 long years for just 14 percent of medical research to translate into clinical practices. This means that health care consumers will experience considerable delays or never even have opportunities to experience the new medical benefits or technologies. The driving goal of dissemination and implementation based science is to create evidence based interventions that can be successfully applied in real world settings. Increasing the number of new interventions that translate into clinical practices will positively impact and improve community health by expanding the available approaches and alternatives. Implementation science strives to enhance, generalize and represent intervention research in order to increase the quality of public health levels. Once dissemination efforts rise beyond traditional journal publications and meeting presentations, the number of evidence based interventions that are implemented will
  • 25. A Sense of Tragedy and Humour in alan Bennett s Talking... A Sense of Tragedy and Humour in alan Bennett s Talking Heads Monologues Alan Bennett uses a variety of techniques to convey a sense of both tragedy and humour in his Talking Heads monologues. I will be looking specifically at Bed Among The Lentils and Cream Cracker Under The Settee. Alan Bennett achieves both of these effects by use of several clever choices regarding the casting as well as sound and visual effects. There are two very different types of humour in Bed Among The Lentils and Cream Cracker Under The Settee . BATL uses a lot of sarcastic, bitter humour whereas CCUTS uses some wry, discreet humour and at times Doris, the elderly woman in CCUTS, seems to be mocking herself ... Show more content on ... Susan is a very sarcastic and bitter person. This may be due to her marriage with Geoffrey as this is a very boring situation for her. Not only this, Geoffrey exploits her alcoholism to make people think he is a caring husband willing to stand by his wife every step of the way. He grips my hand in public, nay brandishes it. This line implies that Susan feels trapped in her marriage and is unable to stop Geoffrey taking control and making her decisions for her. Doris has also had a very unhappy life with several tragic incidents, most notably, the loss of her baby at a very young age. I wanted him called John. The midwife said he wasn t fit to be called anything All them years ago when we were first married and I was having the baby. These lines show that Doris lives in the past a lot and this probably contributes to her sadness as she is unable to move on from the loss of her baby and later, the loss of her husband. Doris is also extremely reliant on Zulema to carry out jobs in and around the house for her. this frustrates Doris as she would rather be doing this herself to ensure that they are done properly. Zulema doesn t dust. She half dusts. This shows that Doris is unsatisfied with Zulema and is rather fussy when it comes to cleanliness. Susan is constantly
  • 26. Van Morrison s Brown Eyed Girl Song Essay Van Morrison s Brown Eyed Girl Song When we hear the song Brown Eyed Girl, it is safe to assume the majority of us think of the Van Morrison version that was first introduced in his album Blowin Your Mind, released in 1967. Since that time the song s legend and popularity have grown to unprecedented heights. Many artists have redone the song, some with a similar music style to Morrison (like Jimmy Buffet), and others of a completely different genre like the punk rock band Green Day. In my essay I will argue that the stylistic differences between the two songs are not a barrier. Rather, in combination with the similarities associating with cover songs, they form a bridge between two genres. In this case, it is achieved by ... Show more content on ... With his lyrics and style he is able to produce a feeling with the song that is calm and relaxed. Morrison is able to take you back to a style of music that is characteristic of the time of Brown Eyed Girl s production, a time of happiness in his life. You can tell by the pitch and tone of his voice that he is in an enjoyable state. He talks about the younger years of his life when he had hardly any obligations. He sings about all that happens with the brown eyed girl, from the running and jumping, to the activities in the green grass behind the stadium. Throughout the whole song there is never really a time that his voice or tone is lowered to let you assume it was an unhappy time for him. Even when Morrison is wondering where all the fun times went, singing just overcome thinking about it, he still is able to keep a happy rhythm and tone in the song through his voice and background music. Overall the feeling that you inherit from his song is a happy calm feeling that many listeners enjoy. Green Day, who surfaced in the early 1990 s, has never been known to do covers, especially of songs with as slow a tempo as Morrison s Brown Eyed Girl. Green Day, who sings strictly punk rock, was given the idea of covering the song by the father of one of the group members, who was a huge fan of Morrison himself. After hearing the proposal, Green Day thought about it and knew
  • 27. The Organization and Work of People at Bletchley Park... The Organization and Work of People at Bletchley Park Bletchley Park was a small estate 50 miles outside London. Bletchley Park, codenamed Station X was an evacuation site for MI6 and the government code and cypher school (Gccs). This location was chosen, as it was far away from London that the Germans would not consider it a worthwhile target to attack. It was founded in 1939 after world war two had started and aimed to break encoded German Messages that were sent using Enigma . Station X was so important that when several code breakers wrote a letter to Winston Churchill asking for more money (because of coming under intense pressure) Churchill s immediate respond was that make sure they ... Show more content on ... At the beginning of the war (1939) there were around 1000 people working there however by the end (1945) there were around 7000 people working there. The people that were recruited often arrived knowing nothing at all about the work they were about to undergo. There were two main groups of people at Bletchley Park. There were the code breakers such as Alan Turin and Dilly Knox. Then there was the administrative staff that was mainly girls aged eighteen to twenty two. However when the bombes and colossuses were installed women, known as wrens, were recruited from the navy to operate the new machines. The way Bletchley Park got encrypted messages were from Y centres which were set up all over England, who intercepted the German messages and sent it to Bletchley Park. In Bletchley Park the messages would be sent to Hut 3 where they would be decrypted. Once that had been done the messages would be sent by a small passage way, pushed by a broom, to hut 6 where they would be changed from German (or later Japanese, Italian, as they were on Germany s side) to English. It would then go into the index of messages in hut 6. The huts were manned twenty four hours a day seven days a week. The people worked eight hour shifts. Hut three, had someone who handed out new messages as soon as the new shifts walked into he room. Bletchley
  • 28. How Diseases Affects Every Individual Essay Introduction Diseases affect every individual. They could have a disease themselves, may know someone or of someone that has one, or the country where they live could have have faced a disease epidemic. Epidemics, which we have studied in our course, analyze how diseases spread and how outbreaks affect countless individuals in countless different countries. This topic relates directly to course material as it encompasses many of the situations and ideas that have been discussed such as, poverty, dying, environment, and social factors and how they relate and coincide with disease. The country you reside in ultimately dictates the technological advances that you have access to when dealing with stopping the spread of diseases. Epidemics also can be considered by looking at poverty because non industrialized countries have a harder time when it comes to dealing with the spread of disease as they do not possess the tools that are used to prevent spreading. We have studied how the overall development of the country where you live can play a very important role in the assistance you receive as well as the level of care. Thus, the next five articles consider how diseases are handled and dealt with depending on the location of the country and whether or not it is an industrialized or non industrialized. Article 1: Vaccination strategies for epidemiccholera in Haiti with implications for the developing world (Chao, Halloran, Longini, and Nair 2011). This article discusses the
  • 29. Implementing A New Software Or Equipment Or Launching Your... You ll also need to research the current competitive landscape in order to understand whether the proposed idea or action is viable. Whether you are implementing a new software or equipment or launching your own new product, you need to compare the proposed product or service with other similar items on the market. This might mean you need to compare the feasibility of your chosen software (for example, accounting platform) with other products on the market. What are the benefits of your proposed choice and what are the weaknesses? Are the risks associated with your chosen software smaller or bigger than those of competitive products? The same analysis applies when launching a new product. Part of your feasibility study must then focus on understanding what the customers are looking for and whether your proposed idea answers these needs. You should also compare the proposed product with the existing products or services and focus on the advantages, as well as disadvantages, you might have. Step 4: Examining the market conditions You also need to examine the market conditions. There are four specific points of analysis when it comes to the market in terms of feasibility. These are: Defining the target market. Studying the buying habits of the target market. Understanding the sale and market share outlook of the proposal. Outlining the product awareness that is required for the use of your product or service. The main goal of this part of the feasibility study is
  • 30. Degenerative Disc Disease With the New Year comes a renewed passion for fitness goals, whether it is running your first 5K, competing in a triathlon or simply committing to walking a mile every day. But if you have chronic pain caused by a stiff neck or degenerative disc disease, it may be difficult to find the motivation to achieve the success you crave or take control of your overall health and physical fitness. While a diagnosis of degenerative disc disease may seem alarming, patients should keep in mind that it is neither a disease nor strictly degenerative. The phrase degenerative disc disease actually describes the symptoms of pain and possible associated radiating weakness or numbness stemming from a degenerated disc in the spine. The word degenerative though
  • 31. Trial by Fire [pic] Trial by Fire Did Texas execute an innocent man? by David Grann September 7, 2009 [pic] Cameron Todd Willingham in his cell on death row, in 1994. He insisted upon his innocence in the deaths of his children and refused an offer to plead guilty in return for a life sentence. Photograph by Ken Light. Related Links Audio: Grann on the Texas execution that may change the death penalty debate. Video: David Grann discusses the flaws of the Cameron Todd Willingham investigation. Ask the Author: Live chat with Grann Wednesday, September 2 at 3 P.M. E.T. The fire moved quickly through the house, a one story wood frame structure in a working class neighborhood of Corsicana, in northeast Texas. Flames... Show more content on ... According to the medical examiner, they, too, died from smoke inhalation. News of the tragedy, which took place on December 23, 1991, spread through Corsicana. A small city fifty five miles northeast of Waco, it had once been the center of Texas s first oil boom, but many of the wells had since dried up, and more than a quarter of the city s twenty thousand inhabitants had fallen into poverty. Several stores along the main street were shuttered, giving the place the feel of an abandoned outpost. Willingham and his wife, who was twenty two years old, had virtually no money. Stacy worked in her brother s bar, called Some Other Place, and Willingham, an unemployed auto mechanic, had been caring for the kids. The community took up a collection to help the Willinghams pay for funeral arrangements. Fire investigators, meanwhile, tried to determine the cause of the blaze. (Willingham gave authorities permission to search the house: I know we might not ever know all the answers, but I d just like to know why my babies were taken from me. ) Douglas Fogg, who was then the assistant fire chief in Corsicana, conducted the initial inspection. He was tall, with a crew cut, and his voice was raspy from years of inhaling smoke from fires and cigarettes. He had grown up in Corsicana and, after graduating from high school, in 1963, he had joined the Navy, serving as a medic in Vietnam, where he was wounded on four occasions.
  • 32. Essay about It s Time to End School Inequality The right to an adequate education is a freedom every American child should have; however, that is not the case. Standardized testing reveals that students living in an economically stable neighborhood are more mentally developed than students living in poverty stricken communities. The problem with the educational system is not schools need to close and children need to be relocated to another one, it is inequality within the educational system continues to widen due to the expansion of the economic gap. One cannot fix issues of the broken system by closing public schools and endorsing charter schoolproliferation. One must first start with the economic situation of each school to ensure all students, teachers, and schools... Show more content on ... Poverty stricken neighborhoods are underfunded, therefore, do not have all the materials on hand to teach its students. When I was in school, I had a book for every class so I may take it home and complete my homework. Some of Chicago s Elementary Schools does not have books until mid year, closer to the end of the year. The teacher did not fail the student nor did the school did not fail the student. The blame belongs to the education system which failed the student, teacher, school, and community. It is impossible for the teacher to teach the student without access to material. It is impossible for the student to learn the material without access to it. However, the student, teacher, school, and community is penalized for students not doing well on standardized tests as Mr. Emmanuel decides to shut the school s doors for good as he opens up the Charter Schools. At one of Chicago s newest Noble Charter Schools, my daughter only had a History and Spanish book. Math, Biology, Health, English, and Literature books were only accessible at school during the class. Homework was given; however, she did not have a book to review examples or explanations when she did not remember. All she had was her notes, which lacked much of the material needed for comprehension. She became frustrated as the coursework was not hard, but not able to grab a book to do homework caused her to lose sleep as she
  • 33. Analysis Of Kara Walker And Larry Walker Kara Walker was born to Gwen and Larry Walker on the 26th of November, 1969. They, at the time of Kara s birth, lived in Stockington, California with their two children Dana and Larry Jr. Gwen worked as an administrative assistant and Larry was a professor of arts at the University of the Pacific in Stockington; he taught a wide variety of studio classes while he worked there and often brought his projects home with him. Kara and her siblings all remember sitting upon his lap while he worked; Kara in particular has said in an interview with her father that You [Larry Walker] held me and kept me around. There was a feeling of safety associated with making stuff and I got a good vibe from doing drawings ( Kara Walker Larry Walker ). Her mother and father also made it a point of taking their children to museums and art galleries throughout their childhood; Larry additionally allowed his children to come with him when he delivered artworks to various exhibits. Kara s life changed drastically when she was thirteen years old. In 1983 her father accepted the position as Chair of the Department of Art at Georgia State University and they moved from their home in San Francisco to the Atlanta area in Georgia. Kara attended her first high school there, Towers High School, whose environment was vastly different then what she had been used to on the west coast. Kara was continuously put down because of her race; she was called a nigger by her classmates, told she resembled an
  • 34. Smell Disorders Trailer Stop and smell the roses is a famous idiomatic reference many make when they want to convey the importance of appreciating the beauty of life. But have any of us imagined what it may be like to NOT smell the roses or anything for that matter? Humans often take their sense of smell for granted, as they rely more heavily on sight and sound in day to day activities. Yet smell in my opinion can be such an important aspect of life as the brain has the capability to associate smells with danger and it can even elicit memories. For example, the odorof smoke notifies us that something dangerous could be happening, or walking into a bakery with the smell of fresh chocolate chip cookies can cause pleasure, bringing back childhood memories... Show more content on ... The most common causes include head injury (common in young adults) and viral infections or Alzheimer disease in older adults ( Loss of Smell Ear,Nose, and Throat Disorders ). Head injuries may result in anosmia due to damage or destruction to the fibers of the olfactory nerves where they pass through the roof of the nasal cavity. Sometimes injuries may also cause a fracture to the cribriform plate ( Loss of Smell Ear,Nose, and Throat Disorders ). Infections and tumors near the cribriform plate also can damage the olfactory nerve. Some less common causes of anosmia include the overuse of antibiotics ,which may kill off all the olfactory neurons at once. If the cause is due to sinus infections or irritation, doctors may suggest a treatment of steam inhalation, nasal sprays, antibiotics, and occasionally surgery. If a tumor near the cribriform is causing the individual to lack olfactory abilities, then surgical removal and radiation is typically the course of treatment. However, in causes where anosmia resulted from head trauma or undiagnosed causes there are no current treatment options. Additional
  • 35. The Necessary Qualities Of A Good Democratic Citizen Essay The necessary qualities of a good democratic citizen require an individual to recognize an injustice within the law, actively oppose that law, and to do so regardless if that unjust law affects the citizen personally. Rousseau, Emerson, and Douglass all agree that freedom and equality are natural rights endowed to all humans. However the three authors diverge in consensus when envisioning the necessary qualities of a good democratic citizen, such as the position from which each author is theorizing, a citizen s obligation to the state, and the moral implications of slavery. Douglass s view of a good democratic citizen is superior because, unlike Rousseau and Emerson, Douglass is able to theorize from the position of a free black man and is therefore able to recognize the intersections of race and inequality within the law and politics. Rousseau is theorizing from the concept of the general will, which promotes individuals to become conscious citizens who actively participate as a community to form policies for a governing structure. The general will advocates for a commitment to generality, a common interest that will unite all citizens for the benefit of all. Rousseau states, each one of us puts into the community his person and all his powers under the supreme direction of the general will; and as a body, we incorporate every member as an indivisible part of the whole (Rousseau 61). The general will is an expression of the law that is superior to an individual s
  • 36. Morphologies Of The As-Formed Zeolite Nannostructures... 3.2.SEM and TEM studies Morphologies of the as prepared zeolite nanostructures products (ZF, ZM, ZS, and ZT) have been examined using both of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), as shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. The images taken by SEM demonstrated that ZM and ZT are made up of aggregates of a sphere like structures with an average size of ca.3.54 and 3.07 Ојm, respectively. In addition, ZF and ZS samples were found to consist of aggregates of a (sphere and sheet) and (sphere and cubic) like structures with an average size of ca. 10.33 and 8.65 Ојm, respectively. Moreover, TEM images, exhibits that the samples; ZF, ZM, ZS, and ZT, are composed of (spherical), (spherical and irregular), ... Show more content on ... (13)). log (Qe Qt) = log Qe K1t/2.303 (8) t/Qt = (1/K2Qe2) + (1/Qe) t (9) Qt = Kint t 0.5 +C (10) ln Ct = ln Co Kextt (11) ln (1 F) = Kextt (12) log R = log [Ko m/ 2.303V] + О± log t (13) where, Qe (mg/g) is the amount of the adsorbed dye at equilibrium, Qt (mg/g) is the amount of the adsorbed dye at time t (min), k1 (1 /min) is the pseudo first order rate constant, k2 (g/mg.min) is the pseudo second order rate constant, C (mg/g) is the thickness of boundary layer, kint (mg/(g.min0.5)) is internal diffusion constant, Kext (1/min) is external diffusion constant, Ct (mg/L) is the concentration of dye at time t, F is fraction attainment of equilibrium or extent of conversion and it was calculated using Eq. (14), О± (mg/g.min) 1) and Ko (g /mg.min) are the Bangham constants. In addition, R can be calculated using Eq. (15) F = Qt/Qe (14) R = log [Co/ (Co Qtm)] (15) Figure 7 (A F) represents all of the above six kinetic models, respectively. Moreover, all of the constants and correlation coefficients for the above six kinetic models were calculated in Table 3. The data exhibited that the adsorptionprocess of malachite green dye follows the pseudo second order model more than pseudo first order, because the correlation coefficients of the first model is greater than
  • 37. Tax Evasion Paper The Extended Arm of the United States Government in its Battle against Tax Evaders Professor: Kenneth Lavery Submitted By: Deanne Patterson Week 6: July 31, 2011 Taxes are a major contributor of the American economy. The tax system in the United States depends on voluntary compliance, which means that each citizen is responsible for filing a tax return when required and for determining and paying the correct amount of tax . (Albrect, Albrect, Albrect Albrect and Zimbelman). When individuals under report, exaggerate deductions, and hide money in off shore accounts, this is clearly misrepresentation of their income to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and is deemed tax evasion. The term tax evasion is defined as using illegal ... Show more content on ... The Interpretation of the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States continues to present many arguments as to the legality of income taxes in America and Globally. This student believes that the interpretation of the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States continues to present many arguments concerning the legality of the American income tax system. When the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution was ratified (February 3, 1913) giving Congress the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes , citizens began arguing that it was not properly ratified and income taxes are illegal. Citizens continue to raise such arguments in spite of the fact that they have no basis in law and the courts have repeatedly rejected their arguments as frivolous. Promoters and their followers have long employed frivolous arguments concerning the legality of the income tax as pretexts to enrich themselves or evade their taxes. Their motivation is usually monetary. Anti taxation groups used different arguments to gain followers, they all share one thing in common; they received substantial sentences in a federal prison for their activities. Their followers paid a steep price for following bad advice. Some were prosecuted, many more were involved in years of litigation and ultimately had to pay all taxes owed along with penalties and
  • 38. The Election Cycle Of The Swing State When the words swing state are mentioned, Florida is perhaps one of the first states a person may think of. In this year s election cycle, the story is no different. Florida has a single senate seat up for election, and Marco Rubio (R), and Patrick Murphy (D) are hoping to claim it on November 8th. Marco Rubio has held that seat since the last senate election in 2010, giving him an edge as the incumbent. Patrick Murphy is the challenger and has been a member of the House of Representatives since 2012. A glance at any polling numbers shows Rubio ahead, and most have shown him ahead since the beginning of the race. The polls do not show a commanding lead, as one may expect from an incumbent. While polling margins are slimmer than many average incumbents, money has not stopped flowing to Rubio. His finances are typical of an incumbent particularly that of a closely contested race. It may be impossible to tell which has the greater effect of Rubio s fundraising. In states that are typically swing states and have close political races, simple analyses such as incumbency advantage may not fully explain the results and polls in the race. Patrick Murphy, Democrat, is a congressman challenging Marco Rubio s Florida Senate seat. Marco Rubio is advantaged, both by incumbency and his presidential campaign. As an incumbent, Rubio should have an advantage over Murphy for numerous reasons. John Sides et al. succinctly explains how incumbents have more campaign and political experience,
  • 39. Comparison Of Veterinary And Human Anesthesia In Veterinary and human anesthesia: an overview of some parallels and contrasts Clark reports that veterinary anesthesia is a specialty (Clark). If this part of veterinary medicine is important enough to form a specialty based on it, why are we not doing more to ensure that all animals undergoing anesthesia are receiving proper care? This specialty requires veterinarians to undergo at least one to two more years of training after graduating from veterinary school and to have a three year residency to be eligible to sit for boards and to obtain this specialty (Clark). With this much work and effort being put in by some veterinarians to train in anesthesia, it would seem that many people feel that this is an important area to focus on in veterinary medicine. If this is true, why are some people ignoring the need for better anesthetic care for animals? According to Clark this is in part due to the cost of providing medical care to animals. (Clark). While this might be true that veterinary care can be expensive to the clinic, this could still be improved by having at least one trained and certified technician on the staff who is responsible for monitoring anesthesia. Animals undergoing an anesthetic procedure are often grouped into different classes of risk based what the veterinarian feels the animals overall health is and how necessary he feels the surgeryis to the animal s survival and what he feels the expected outcome of the surgery might be. Carter states
  • 40. Analysis Of The Film Rain Man Rain Man The media portrays different exceptionalities within different movies. Cinema seems to be one of, if not the most, viewed media resources today and has the largest influence on how different exceptionalities are viewed. Autism spectrum disorder is one of the main exceptionality portrayed in the movie industry. Rain Man established a new standard for the realistic representation of autism. This breakthrough Hollywood film is based on the real life story of Raymond Babbitt, played by Dustin Hoffman. Hoffman s performance enabled his character to assert his presence with the intensity which helped humanize not only his self centered brother Charlie, played by Tom Cruise but also the audience. This allowed us to better understand how individuals with autism perceive the world. This success of this file enabled the use of this film as an assessment for measuring how succeeding depictions of autism have changed or remained the same. There are two major aspects of the film that may not have seemed troubling in 1988 when the film premiered but would be found upsetting today as our knowledge of the spectrum disorder has gained strides. In the film, Raymond is portrayed as an autistic savant ( one who combines certain deficiencies in social interaction, language and sensory processing with extraordinary abilities in math and memory ), which created an incorrect stereotype that all individuals with autism are savant when, in fact, only around 10%
  • 41. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Bio-Plastics Bio plastics are made from two words bio + plastics. The plastics made from biomass material or dispose easily as soil or both properties called bio plastics. Bio Plastics are not a single class of polymers but rather a family of products, which vary considerably. A bio plastic is a substance made from organic biomass sources unlike conventional plastics which are made from petroleum. Bio plastics are made from a number of different processes. Some uses a microorganism to process base material, such as vegetable oil, cellulose, starch, acid and alcohol. Great revolution has come up in packaging industry due to bio plastics. Plastics made up of natural resources are easy to produce. It is an evergreen plastic because resources grow annually e.g. Corn starch, potato, sugarcane etc. As price of petroleum is sky rocketing now a day. Climate is highly affected by using conventional plastics. Policies of government are push bio plastics. Bio plastics can be fully bio degradable, or can be fully bio based or can be both properties. Resources of bio plastics Bio plastics are made up of ... Show more content on ... Although it is not produced from renewable raw materials, it is fully biodegradable bio plastics. Caprolactone has following properties: It is good resistant to water, oil resistant, solvent resistant. Its melting point is low (58 60) degree and it is easy to process. Caprolactone resins use for surface coating, fully biodegradable compostable bags, sutures, caprolactone is use drug delivery device, or adhesion barrier. Caprolactone is fully biodegradable bio plastic. Caprolactone low melting point makes it suitable for composting as a means of disposal. Degradation time is very short. In Sweden there has been an attempt to produce caprolactone bags, but they degrade before reaching to customers. Mostly caprolactone is used by mixing with starch to obtain a good biodegradable material at a low
  • 42. Film Analysis Of Fight Club Fight Club is the opposite of Watchmen, the style of David Fincher and his faded green aesthetic fit perfectly in the world of Fight Club and help to give the Film a sense of identity that wouldn t exist if the film was created by a lesser director. The way this Film is shot, the editing, the score, it all combines to help tell the story in a new way that feels entirely separate from the book. Additionally, Fincher works to bring the concepts of the book to life through adaptation not translation, he knows that many of the themes and ideas of the book will not work if simply ripped out of the page and thrown on screen. He decided early on that the Novel would have to change to fit the screen, he knows that communicating messages across... Show more content on ... Things like The lady sitting next to Jack in the airplane wearing glasses and a red coat and then Tyler pops up in the exact same spot, wearing similar clothing. Mirrors not showing the reflection of Tyler or Marla, Bob s shirt being burned to the car wreck that Jack is investigating. Hell, there s an entire section about how dildos in the Film relate to how the Film is actually a metaphor for Jack s sexual identity and the battle between Masculinity (Represented by Tyler) and Femininity (Represented by Marla) happening in Jack s head. Now hearing these ideas from me with no proof may make them seem far fetched, but I really recommend you go to the site and read up on it. I won t cover it here because I can t say anymore without simply stealing the author s intellectual property, but I think you get the point; Fight Club is a testament not only to adaptations but also to masterful filmmaking. The edit at the beginning of this section showing Jared Leto falling to the ground was no accident. Watch it again, you can tell that Sound is taken full advantage of. Whereas a book would never have that sound, in the fight club you aren t reading Fight Club you re feeling it in your gut. Fight Club is a success in terms of an adaptation and of well done filmmaking. Why Watchmen fails is a complete lack of Identity 4. Identity When you watch a Film such as Fight Club, Se7en, Zodiac, Enemy or Prisoners.
  • 43. The Fall Of Caesar s Angel The Fall Of Caesar s Angel As Caesar dies, he gasps, Et tu, Brute? (III. i. 77). To betray a close friend for the better of the country only to have it end all in vain is a tragedy in its own. For Brutus, this is his journey in Shakespeare s play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. Although the play is named after Caesar, it is evident that Brutus is the tragic hero as the audience watches the events of the play unfold. Brutus s characteristics and actions line up perfectly with Aristotle s definition of a tragic hero which states that the tragic hero must be admirable and of noble birth, possess hamartia, undergo peripeteia as well as anagnorisis, and force the audience to experience catharsis in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by Shakespeare. First of all, Brutus high rank and admirable qualities coincide with Aristotle s definition of a tragic hero. In the play, Brutus is a highly regarded senator whom has everyone s trust including Caesar s. By the cause of his honorable stature, Brutus is loved and admired by everyone in Rome. Although his honor leads him into poor judgement, many people still have trust in him and follow him all the way through the play. Even after he has conspired against his friend Caesar, and dies at the end of the play, his enemies still see him as a noble Roman. After coming upon Brutus body, Antony laments, This was the noblest Roman of them all/...His life was gentle, and the elements/ So mixed in him that Nature might stand up/ And say to all
  • 44. Analyzing Chelsea Rathburn s After Filing For Divorce After Filing for Divorce Chelsea Rathburn s After Filing for Divorce compares the emotions that the speaker feels after filing for a divorce to the morning after a wild party and all the mess someone might find after waking up and realizing all the destruction that is left in the aftermath. Rathburn s speaker recalls how she felt in the beginning of the marriage and now how she feels after filing for the divorce. She sees the wreckage that is her life, the dread of the cleanup, and how her happiness has strayed so far from where it began. The speaker starts to reflect on how she feels like her life is a mess and how she is able to see the mess after filing for the divorce. Rathburn describes this by using the words the shaken survey of... Show more content on ... All her memories of the night before are starting to come back to her. The line It s not enough to face your own regrets (line 7) alludes to things she may have said or done and now wishes she could take it back. She is remembering the words that she spoke. Or could this be the words that someone else said to her? (Though they re coming back fast, the things you said) (line 8). The words that were said and the actions that were done start to come back into focus and the speaker is left to wallow in her remorse. She realizes the words and actions are not something that can be taken back. All the speaker can do is clean up the messes that has been made, think about the words that were spoken and how they led to the end of her
  • 45. Exploration Of The New World Exploration of the New World (Americas) became very popular around the 1500 s and beyond. The Spanish were the first of the Old World to find the New World and colonize, and they did so on an Island known as Hispaniola. Of course, this inspired other countries in Europe to do the same, leading up to the English explorers who colonized in Jamestown. Surprisingly, even though these two colonies were settled a little over 100 years apart from each other, they have many similarities and differences. Firstly, both the Spanish and English explorers main goal were to get rich quick, which also tied in to how their economies worked. The way they did this, however, was different. The Spanish traded many resources with the Indians, and in return ... Show more content on ... However, on terms of resources, the Spanish had much more than the English. The English mooched off of the Indians because their ways of collectivism (when all the colonists worked and received the same amount of resources) weren t working according to plan. Not every colonist worked as hard as the other, or even worked, and would still receive the same amount of food. This led to many arguments. Also, they didn t have many resources of water since they were only by the ocean, which was saltwater, and they found this made you very sick. This all changed under the rule of Governor Sir Thomas Dale. Everyone got their own land under Governor Dale, and were forced to grow their own food if they wanted to survive. This is when John Rolfe had created a new strain of tobacco that could flourish on Virginia s land, eventually making some of the English settlers of the New World rich. Characteristics between the settlers in both colonies were different. The Spanish explorers settlers were all males who wanted to explore, get rich, and work hard to get rich they didn t let anything stop them in doing so, even if it meant being violent. The English explorers, however, were already members of the upper class, so of course they wanted to get rich but they did not want to work hard at it, so
  • 46. Examples Of Manhood In Macbeth True Man ( A discussion of the theme, manhood, in The Tragedy of Macbeth Acts 1 4) What is the definition of manhood? Importantly, what characteristics make a true man? From The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare in Acts 1 through Act 4 answers these prior questions. It seems that the theme of manhood is thoroughly discussed in this tragedy. The Tragedy of Macbethis about a soldier named Macbeth who defeats a traitor, the present Thane of Cawdor, in a battle, in the outskirts of Scotland. However, on Macbeth s journey home he encounters three strange women, witches, who prophesize three things about his future life. After the first prophecy comes true Macbeth embarks on an ambitious quest for power. Consequently, Macbeth does all to receive his three prophecies. Later Macbeth becomes paranoid and visits the three strange women again. This time they give Macbeth three apparitions and he is pleased with them; though, in the end Macbeth loses all he intemperately gains. Ultimately, after analyzing the discussion of the theme, manhood, in The Tragedy of Macbeth William Shakespeare defines what a true man is comprised of in Acts 1 through 4. Macbeth s best friend Banquo is discussed as the true definition of a man by William Shakespeare in this tragedy. Shakespeare intentionally hints in extent that Banquo is the definition of a true man. As stated by Banquo in The Tragedy of Macbeth Act 3 scene 1, May they not be my oracles as well And set me up in hope? But hush, no
  • 47. Mental Illness In Slaughterhouse Five Billy s mental illness shows suffering of post traumatic stress After reading and studying Kurt Vonnegut s novel of Slaughterhouse Five, I have concluded that Billy s mental illness shows suffering of post traumatic stress. While analysing different critics opinions and views on this, I found similar ideas while showing different viewpoints on what post traumatic stress is and how Billy shows this. Billy Pilgrim is the protagonist in this novel where his primary source of post traumatic stress is from World War II where he was a prisoner of war; however other events in his life also added to his trauma. Post traumatic stress is defined as a mental health condition that s triggered by a terrifying event either experiencing it or witnessing ... Show more content on ... All moments, past, present and future always have existed, always will exist. (pg. 22) The Tralfamadorian s read everything all at once, however Vonnegut cannot arrange for this novel to be read simultaneously, so the structure of the book is shaped similarly to create that effect. The prayer in Billy s office in real life where he works, is quite ironic as the meaning is deciphered as not being able to change the past, present and the future. For me, that meant that Billy doesn t believe in free will, as he thinks that he can t do or change anything about his life. This is seen as Billy really didn t like life at all showing his lack of enthusiasm to go on which could be seen as something that has traumatised him in the past. An example of this from the novel is when he time travels back to when he was going to learn to swim by the method of sink or swim . The horror of he dimly sensed that somebody was rescuing him. Billy resented that, (pg 32) showing the traumatic experience that has shaped who he is today. With Vonnegut expressing his own opinion about the Tralfamadorian s concept of time because as an Earthling, I had to believe whatever clocks said , it shows that Vonnegut and Billy believe that time is unchangeable. I agree with Cox that the
  • 48. Comparing Love in Go Tell It on the Mountain, Giovanni s... Baldwin s first three novels Go Tell It on the Mountain, Giovanni s Room, and Another Country boil over with anger, prejudice, and hatred, yet the primary force his characters must contend with is love. Not meek or mawkish but ...something active, more like fire, like the wind (qtd. in O Neale 126), Baldwins notion of love can conquer the horrors of society and pave the way to emotional security (Kinnamon 5). His recipecalls for a determined identity, a confrontation with and acceptance of reality, and finally, an open, committed relationship. Though Baldwin s characters desperately need love, they fail to meetthese individual requirements, and the seeds of love they sow never take root and grow to fruition.... Show more content on ... Baldwin points to his high school writing as an act of love. It was an attempt not to get the world s attention it was an attempt to be loved. It seemed a way to save myself and a way to save my family. It came out of despair (qtd. in Kinnamon 3). Baldwin believes in the redemptive power of love, the power to save. But first must come despair. All of Baldwin s characters suffer tremendously, for they live in modern society. Few love. Since suffering is universal but a love fulfilled is not, suffering alone does not allow one to love, ...but if dealt with courageously...can lead to self knowledge, self acceptance, and the forging of a genuine self identity (Nelson 122). With no internal conflicts, one can open up to another person, and love can flower. This process, however, is rarely completed. In Another Country a vivid portrait of the universal need for love is suggested by Rufus s interpretation of a saxophonist s improvisation. Rufus plays in a jazz combo with a young saxophonist who already ...had received the blow from which he never would recover (9): ...[S]omewhere along the line he had discovered that he could say it with a saxophone. He had a lot to say. He stood there, wide legged, humping the air, filling his barrel chest, shivering in the rags of his twenty odd years, and screaming through the horn Do you love me? Do you
  • 49. Strategies For Selecting A Target A Market For Tucson... Table 3 4 Types of segmentation Demographic Includes income, education, age and occupation GeographicIncludes Macro economic factors and customer orientation PsychographicIncludes attitudes and values BehavioralIncludes relationship, knowledge and character Table 4 There are 03 types of strategies for selecting a target a market for Tucson textiles Undifferentiated marketingThis type of marketing views the market as one group with no segments therefore using a single marketing strategy. Undifferentiated marketing generally involves targeting the whole with one product and an undifferentiated marketing can be cheaper that other strategies because there is only one product to produce. This strategy utilizes a single marketing mix to reach the maximum number of consumers in the target market selected. Differentiated marketingHere the marketing strategy targets different market segments with specific marketing mix, which is designed to meet those segments needs. Differentiated marketing strategy involves the preparation and communication of different brand and product messages to different types of customers. Concentrated marketingThis type of marketing focuses on selecting a particular market. This strategy can categorize the company into a single product. Concentrated marketing is famous for small firms because mass distribution, production and mass advertising are not necessary these firms can achieve profit with limited resources. Appendix 03 There are 4 types
  • 50. Witch Craze in Europe Witch craze in Europe during: the period of the Protestant Reformation, Catholic Counter Reformation, the Scientific Revolution, and the consolidation of national governments from about 1480 1700 For more than two hundred years, individuals were persecuted as witches throughout the continent of Europe, even though the witch hunt was concentrated on Southwestern Germany, Switzerland, England, Scotland, Poland, and parts of France. In a collective frenzy. witches were sought, identified, arrested, mostly tortured, and tried for a variety of reasons. The total number of witches tried exceeded 100,000 people. This essay is supposed to identify three major reasons for the witch craze in sixteenth and seventeenth century Europe. During the ... Show more content on ... There were test, such as, being throw into the ocean and seeing if you would drown or not. If you drowned you were not a witch, if you did not you were. So, either way you would die. You would die because they would burn you alive. Others were tortured so much that they just admit that they were witches, even though they were not. They wanted the pain to end. The three main reasons for the persecutions of many innocent victims in Europe which last from about 1480 1700. Was, first, age, gender, and a persons class. Second, was the public opinion and peer pressure of people. And third, was very strong religious beliefs. The techniques of the witch hunts were the most helpless, or the ones that are blamed by somebody else ,in other words scapegoating . These techniques are the very same we used today in many political, economic, ideological conflicts. So we some what have witch hunts
  • 51. Analysis Of Archie Andrews By John L. Goldwater, Louis... Archie Andrews. One of the characters where some 35 years old know him and even some 13 year olds know it? How is this possible? Well back in the day the day, there used to be something called Archie comics. It was founded in 1939, and many people around America were fans of it because it featured all types of genres, including but not limited to humor, romance, crime, and adventures. The founder of this innovative comic was John L. Goldwater, Louis Silberkleit, and Maurice Coyne. Now getting back to this generation s Archie Andrews, which is from the new series Riverdale, a tv series that came out January 26th, 2017. This was just a copy of the original Archie Comic formed into a tv show. In the comics, Archie was named the typical... Show more content on ... This version is the most changed. Archie doesn t have freckles anymore and he a tall, muscular teenage boy with pale skin red hair, and his love for music for music and football only increases. He is generally calm, but he does get annoyed when he is trying to do the right thing and someone stops him. He must be 15 or 16 years old because he is studying as a high school sophomore. I feel that he is sort of expendable because every other character from Riverdale has their own consistent storyline. He doesn t know about Polly. He doesn t know about his dad and Veronica s parents. He only heard the gunshot. He is actually involved with Ms. Grundy with her music, his dad, Betty, Veronica, and sometimes Jughead. They just need to give him more to do. I guess they thought the Grundy storyline was crazy enough to tide him over for some time. But there are no lasting effects of the relationship with him. This character is often a time shown to be extremely passionate towards music. He has stayed shut of what he heard a gunshot on the 4th of July just so they Ms. Grundy doesn t stop his music classes. He takes help of Valerie, a girl in one of the famous band in the town of Riverdale. When she tells him about a music teacher shes got in mind. He goes directly to him for extra help. He got rejected due to the lack of written music, so he stayed up all night writing his song, though sloppy and rushed. Instead of practicing for his football game which
  • 52. The Vitality Strategy Of Australia Introduction Australia has one of the world s best and greatest sunlight based vitality assets, yet today short of what 1% of our power is created from this clean vitality source. Also regardless of 10 years of government renewable vitality targets we at present create just around 7% of our power from renewable vitality sources. We re attempting to help fabricate the right arrangements to open a blast in clean vitality venture, and to make the chances of the clean vitality upheaval in Australia clear. The vitality strategy of Australia is liable to the administrative and financial impact of each of the three levels of Government in Australia, albeit just the State and Federal levels focus approach for essential commercial enterprises, for example, coal. Elected vitality strategies keep on supporting the coal mining and characteristic gas commercial enterprises through subsidies for fossil fuel utilize and creation as the fares by those businesses help essentially to the income of remote trade and government incomes. Australia is a standout amongst the most coal ward nations on the planet. Coal and regular gas, alongside oil based items, are presently the essential wellsprings of Australian vitality utilization, in spite of the way that the coal business creates pretty nearly 38% of Australia s aggregate nursery gas discharges. Government strategy is starting to change with the distribution of the Garnaut report and Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme White Paper, the
  • 53. Peasants Revolt Assignment Two HIST 304| The Peasant s Revolt and The Decline of Serfdom| Why did the Peasants Revolt Occur? Did the insurgents hope to abolish serfdom? How and why did serfdom decline and eventually disappear in England, notwithstanding the failure of the 1381 uprising and other influences of lower class protest against social inequality and injustice? | Naomi Woods Student 297278812/22/2011| The Peasants Revolt is one of the most well known revolts of Medieval England, the revolt began as a local revolt in Essex in May of 1381, but it soon spread throughout the South East of England affecting many smaller towns along the way and having the biggest impact on London when the people turned their grievances towards the young ... Show more content on ... Whatever the real story is to how he came to be a part of the revolt, people must have trusted and seen something in Straw that said he could help them, as they followed him from a Churchyard through the streets of Essex causing destruction as they moved. The Peasants Revolt was not just confined to London, it spread to many other places in England. Each town had their own reasons for the starting of the Revolt. The Peasants of Essex (as mentioned above) demanded the abolishment of serfdom among other things. The Peasants of Kent demanded there be no lordship in but the lordship of the king and that the goods of the church be divided among the Parishioners, and that there be no villein in England. The tenants of the Abbey of St. Albans, Hertfordshire, besieged the abbot, insisting on their rights to hunt in the woods, fish in the river, grind their own corn at home, and sell land among themselves. The tenants of Buy St. Edmunds, Suffolk, broke into the abbey and for a time extorted their liberties from the abbot. In Winchester, Hampshire and Beverly and Scarborough, Yorkshire, the unprivileged rose against the privileged. (History of England, Page 176 177) According to Frossiart at Canterbury the rebels entered the Church of St Thomas where they did
  • 54. Company Background And Background Of Apple Inc. Section A Company Background and Product Background Company Background Apple Inc. Apple Inc. is a multinational corporation that produces consumer electronics, personal computers, mobile communication devices, computer software and peripherals, commercial servers, and is also a digital distributor of media content. The company also owns a chain of retail stores known as Apple Stores, which are available both offline and online. The founders of Apple Inc., Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne created Apple Computer on 1st of April 1976, and incorporated the company on 3rd January 1977 in Cupertino, California. Wayne then withdrew from the partnership, leaving Jobs and Wozniak as the primary co founders of the company. After that, Apple went public on December 12, 1980 at $22.00 per share. The stock has split four times since the IPO so on a split adjusted basis the IPO share price was $0.39. As for now, Tim Cook took over as the current CEO of Apple Inc. (Apple Inc., 2015). It is obvious that Apple designed and manufactured a wide variety of products and services since the beginning of time. Apple s core product lines are originally the iPad tablet computer. Without delay, they developed more and more dominant products including iPhone smart phone, iPod portable media players, ... Show more content on ... was known as Apple Computer, Inc. for more than three decades, however it faced rocky sales and low market share during the 1990s due to mismanagement. Therefore, Jobs, who had been ousted from the company in 1985, returned to Apple in 1996 after his company NeXT was bought by Apple. Jobs subsequently instilled a new corporate philosophy of recognizable products and simple design since 1998, which later became the reason for the success of Apple Inc.. With the succeed of iMac, iPod and iTunes Music Store, Apple recognized itself as a leader in the consumer electronics and media sales industries, leading it to drop Computer from the company s name in
  • 55. Dominica Essay Dominica concedes at any rate MFN treatment to all its exchanging accomplices. It has connected the CARICOM Common Outside Tariff (CET) since 1991 and actualized the fourth and last stage of the CARICOM CET decreases on 1 July 2001. The timetable depends on the Orchestrated Commodity Description what s more, Coding System 1996 since 1 January 1999. The tax, as connected in 2002, includes 6,333 levy lines at the eight digit level. 8 Traditions obligations on imports from nonCARICOM nations extend from 0% to 165%. Items confronting the most noteworthy rate (165%) incorporate polishes, paints, and varnishes. The most noteworthy rate connected on agrarian items is 150%, which relates to the last rate bound in the WTO. On account of modern... Show more content on ... Dominica takes an interest in various provincial and particular exchange plans, to be specific: the Caribbean Group (CARICOM) and the IMF (2007), SMEP, p. 42. Association of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).Through the last it is a some portion of a completely settled money related union with alternate conditions of the Eastern Caribbean. Dominica is at present arranging an Economic Partnership Concurrence with the EU through the CARIFORUM design. It is too associated with arrangements to shape the hemispheric Free Trade Area of the Americas. Multilateral Dominica is a establishing WTO Member and applies at slightest MFN treatment to all its exchanging accomplices. It has GATS duties in 20 segments. Dominica is a recipient of the U.S. Caribbean Basin Initiative that stipends obligation free passage into the United States for numerous products. Dominica likewise has a place with the overwhelmingly English talking Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME), what s more, the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). 11 The legislature of Dominica does not require exchange licenses for most products and items. The Supplies Control (Limited Imports and Exports) Order 14 of 2003 be that as it may, determines a couple things where licenses are essential, contingent upon their wellspring of starting point. An import permit for these merchandise must be acquired before the importation of any of these products.
  • 56. Analysis and Comparison of Hsbc and Barclays Bank Analysis And Comparison Of Hsbc And Barclays Bank Finance Essay This report compares financial performance of two major banks of UK i.e. HSBC Bank Plc and Barclays Bank Plc on the basis of their Balance sheets and profit and loss accounts for the year 2009. This report also provides SWOT analysis of both banks i.e. HSBC and Barclays Bank Plc and provides an insight into their Banking Strategies. The key financial indicators for evaluating financial performance of any bank are Profit Before Tax, Capital Ratio, Adjusted Gross Leverage, Loan Funding Ratio, Net income, Assets and Liabilities, Equity and Share Holders return. Barclays reported net profit of ВЈ 10,289 milllion in 2009, an increase of 96% as compared to 2008.Although Barclays Bank ... Show more content on ... Although the parent company HSBC holdings was established in 1990,when The HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Purchased Midland Bank of UK, and its headquarter moved to London from HongKong as a condition in the takeover deal in 1993. HSBCs stock is traded on London, NewYork, HongKong, Paris and Bermuda stock exchange. HSBC is one of the Largest Banking and Financial Services organisations in the world, shares in HSBC holdings plc are held by over 220,000 share holders in 121 countries. HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services to more than 100 million customers through four customers an global businesses: Personal Financial Services; Commercial banking: Global banking and Markets: private banking. HSBC UK retail banking comprises two customer groups , personal Financial services ( PFS ) and commercial banking( CMB ). UK personal Financial Services provides current account, savings , personal loans , mortgages , cards, financial planning, as well as life and general insurance to UK personal customers through a variety of distribution channels under various HSBC brands, including First direct, Marks and Spencer money and partnership card. As at 31 December 2009 , the bank had 1,369 branches in the United Kingdom. Financial Performance and Interpretative Analysis Barclays Bank PLC Barclays delivered net profit for the year of ВЈ10,289m in 2009, an increase of