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Definition On Extracurricular Activities
Definition on Extracurricular Activities Extracurricular activities allow students to pursue interests
outside of a standardized context (Strate,1996). Extracurricular activities are the activities that caters
the students' voluntary involvement that is situated at the external realm of the academic curriculum
of a school or in a university. These activities encourage students to permissively expose themselves
with others of the same age with a purpose. However, extracurricular activities are offered to all
students but volunteer activities are not always extracurricular activities. Every activity is a students'
initiative in order to help others such as feeding programs, tutorials, etc. On the other hand,
extracurricular activities are not only made for the purpose of allowing the students to do social
outreach but for them to interact with others and build public relationship that would help them
along during their stay in the university. This present study aims to investigate if these
extracurricular activities cannot only be defined by the following involvements, but it could serve as
an outlet for students from more content...
Being brilliant in the classroom can be done by any individual, but in order for one to be
holistically developed one must be knowledgeable on how to take control on things that may arise
after school as a professional. Extracurricular activities will train students to be resilient in any
situation that they may encounter and seek solutions for every conflict that will arouse. In fact, the
students will acquire the skills such as being innovative, creative, and idealistic on seeking solutions
for every
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Importance Of Extracurricular Activities Essay
Extracurricular Activities: High School and Beyond Despite the belief in extracurricular activities
harming students, they can actually be beneficial. Extracurricular activities benefit students by
helping them learn how to manage their time more efficiently and improve academics; students that
participate in after–school activities reap the benefits socially, outside of the classroom, and in their
future endeavors. They help develop students and shape them into who they will become in the
future. Extracurricular activities leave a positive impact on both the students and the school as a
whole, and are essential to the educational experience. Extracurricular activities can help students
learn how to manage their time more efficiently and improve academics. Students must adapt to
balancing their activities and school work appropriately, which helps the student get their homework
done on time and limit procrastination (Jackson). With less time to do homework, students are more
conscious about finishing all their assignments and use what time they do have more efficiently.
Students that participate in extracurricular activities realize they do not have as much time to
complete their tasks, so they compensate by planning out when they will complete their homework,
showing responsibility, and time management ("Why Extracurricular"). Responsibility and good
time management are essential skills that will allow students to be more successful as they grow into
adults. According
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Extracurricular Activities Essay
The Effects of Extracurricular Activities on Students: Rough Draft When most people think of band,
football, photography, and chess club they do not believe that these programs will teach more than
how to throw a ball or how to play B flat on an instrument, but that is untrue. There have been many
studies done on the effectiveness extracurricular activities (ECAs) have on students, and how these
activities produce miraculous outcomes and can be the foundation for the academic excellence of a
student. Taxes are so high in our country, and many schools have cut after school programs because
of budget expenses, which students will benefit immensely from ECAs throughout their lives
because it raises the graduation rate, broadens student' more content...
"Almost 80% of the adults in Whitman's zip code are college graduates, and the median household
is three times the U.S average (Kronholz, 2012, p. 5)." Walt Whitman'sHigh school and Whitman's
Middle school in Montgomery County have over a hundred activities for students. These students
have an opportunity to try new things while having an adult role model teaching them outside of
school's basic curriculum. The National Center for Educational Statistics found evidence that
students enrolled in extracurricular activities will graduate high school with a 3.0 or higher GPA.
These students also learned that commitment is the key to success (Kronholz, 2012). "Whitman
says that 96% of its students go to college; its SAT scores in math and critical reading are 250
above the national average (Kronholz, 2012, p. 5)." Two high schools in Long Island, New York did
a study on students in ECA's and those not involved. The data that was received was that these
students had a higher graduation rate with a better GPA than non–extracurricular students. The other
differences that were shown were the student 's behavior, and that ECA students received more
academic awards. The study produced that about eighty percent of students in ECA did better in
every category they took data on. (Abruzzo, Lenis, Romero, Maser & Morote, 2015).
A significant amount of skills learned and advanced in ECAs that are essential to students of all ages,
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The Benefits Of Extracurricular Activities
The benefits of extracurricular activities is extensive. The positive effects that extracurricular
activities have on students are behavior, better grades, school completion, positive aspects to become
successful adults, and a social aspect. (Massoni, 2011). There are greater positives than negatives
with participation in extracurricular activities.
One benefit is to learn about time management and prioritizing things in their life (Burgess, 2009).
Adolescents need to learn how to be a handle the multiple responsibilities which will give them vital
experience by participating in these activities (Burgess, 2009). Participating in extracurricular
activities provides positive aspects that students need to become productive students and adults
(Massoni, 2011). By participating in extracurricular activities students learn lessons in leadership,
teamwork, organization, analytical thinking, problem solving, time management, learning to juggle
many tasks at once which can allow them to discover their talents at young age for preparation in
their future (Massoni, 2011).
When a student decides they want to join an extracurricular activity, they look for one that interests
them and one that they like or enjoy. It is important for students to join and participate in
extracurricular activities because it helps the student when they apply to colleges (Burgess, 2009).
By being able to show excellent grades as well as participation in extracurricular activities, the
student is
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More than half of American teenagers attending school participate in some type of extracurricular
activities (Gardner, Roth and Brooks–Gunn, 2006). Extracurricular activities can include sports,
journalism, drama or theater, art or music, youth groups, student council, and clubs. Today about one
in four students participate in academics clubs (Miller & Zittleman, 2012). Since extracurricular
activities are so popular among students, it is important to understand the pros and cons of engaging
in extracurricular activities.
The purpose of this literature review is to examine the benefits and costs of extracurricular activities.
First, I discuss how participating in extracurricular activities benefits students. Among the benefits I
discuss are academic performance, enhanced self esteem, and respectful behavior. Secondly, I will
discuss the cost of participating in extracurricular activities. The costs I discuss are time
management, and expenses.
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITES Students who participate in extracurricular activities usually
benefit from the many opportunities granted to them (Israel 2010). More than half of American
teenagers–attending high schools participate in some type of extracurricular activities (Gardner,
Roth & Brooks–Gunn, 2006). The benefits include higher school attendance, improved self–esteem,
enhanced academic performance, and reduced behavior issues (Killgo 2010; McNeal 2012; Sterns
2010; Worrell 2005). When students participate in
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Extra-Curricular Activities Essay
Extra–curricular activities are voluntary and anyone in college can participate. When engaging in
extracurricular activities, students gain advantages from it. According to Education Partnership Inc.
(2012), 98% of the children are aware of the different extracurricular activities offered by their
school; however, only a minimal amount of them are interested to join. In addition, partaking in
these activities has advantages that students can use in the long–run. Behavior is one of the effects
that a member gain when participating extra–curricular activities. Accountancy students who most
likely partake to Extra–curricular activities improve their behavior and reduce behavioral problems.
For instance, joining sports increase discipline value and responsibility in practices and drills
because in every game they participate in, they have to be accurate and skillful. After they
successfully accomplished or won the game they earn self–assurance and self–esteem. They develop
their relationship with other people who could be helpful as they meet people in the business world
(Brown, M.D., 2000). Another instance is that accountancy students learn to manage time ––– For
Academics and more content...
According to Massoni (2011), extra–curricular activities develop skills like management,
collaboration, decision making, critical thinking, problem solving, multi–tasking and time balancing.
Improving their skills can possibly help them to find out new capacities. Besides, Accountancy
students can use the skills they have acquired as an additional knowledge for their career. In line
with career, joining extra–curricular activities can be added to the future applicants' resume for it
can be a stepping stone to impress potential employers since they have skills acquired which are less
likely taught inside the
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Extracurricular Activities
Some students in in Anaheim schools aren't involved in extracurricular activities. These students
aren't receiving the benefits that being a part of an extracurricular has to offer. An extracurricular
activity helps students with responsibility and time management. In order to be successful in
Anaheim Schools students need to join an extracurricular activity and get support from their parents.
In the documentary Mad Hot Ballroom by Marilyn Agrelo its states "The key to success in life is
to find something you love and do it well"(Agrelo). Once you find something you love to do, you
can use it to your benefit in order to succeed in your education. For example in the Mad Hot
Ballroom documentary the students love to dance, and with the The ability to succeed in school
can be achieved in a variety of ways. Success can be obtained if student are willing to put in effort
and follow a path to success. The research conducted was the methods teachers or school used to
improve student success in education. Therefore Anaheim schools can improve student success if
the following changes take place: schools are to have a mandatory after–school study class, schools
and parents promote a growth mindset, endorse student to join extracurricular activities.
How to Succeed
Students aren't always prepared to come back to school after a long vacation. In Anaheim schools
after students come back from a three months vacation, it takes them a while to get back on a school
schedule. Many of the
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Positive Effects Of Extracurricular Activities
The Effects of Extracurricular Activities Extracurricular activities, one of the firsts to go because of
budget cuts, may possibly be the start to a successful/happy future. Getting involved in
extracurricular activities has always helped students. They open up many opportunities. Sports like
football, soccer, volleyball as well as art and music programs allow students to explore their interests
and potentially find their career path. Unfortunately, many of extracurricular activities are being
removed. School systems are trying to deal with academic achievement, keeping students on track
while dealing with severe budget cuts. Although the removal of extracurricular activities due to
budget cuts saves money, they should not be cut. They increase academic achievement, help your
health, and keep students out of trouble. Budget Cuts are the act of reducing budgeted expenditures.
When budget cuts are made, extracurricular activities and teachers are the main targets. Teachers get
laid off and extracurricular activities are completely cut off in order to save money. Firstly, I believe
extracurricular activities should not be removed due to budget cuts because they increase academic
achievement. As we all know academics are crucial to college. What we don't realize is that
extracurricular activities are part of increased academic achievement. The National Educational
longitudinal study of 1988 found support that proves that
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Persuasive Essay On Extracurricular Activities
The alarm rings. Students waking up, feeling butterflies in the stomach, anxious to go to school.
Hearts pounding with fear and lips quivering ever so slightly, time ticking by, minute by minute,
second by second. Students, lazily flopping their hands, fidgeting with their fingers, waiting for the
traumatizing enemy that awaits them: homework.
Many students feel that teachers give them too much homework at school, giving them less time
for other activities. Students spend at least 6 hours a day at school for about 180 days. Students
get a tremendous amount of homework which is leading them to have lower hours of sleep.
Students also have to go to extracurricular activities in or out of school. "I think that the teachers
should be more considerate about how we have a lot of extracurricular activities and they should
balance their amount of homework", says Anika Sinha, student of Hillsborough Middle School.
Some extracurricular activities can also take up a lot of time each day, giving students even less
time to do their homework and get a proper amount of sleep everyday.
For example, a 13 year old girl, anonymous, had trouble with this situation. The girl was struggling
in school because she was extremely troubled with having an extremely large amount of hw in
every single class. During the Fall of 2017, she had to go to a 3 hour ceremony event for one of her
sibling's high school speeches after school. This was extremely hectic for the girl because it had
also caused a lot of stress in her mind. She came home at 10:00 pm from the ceremony and had a
lot of homework left to do. She was extremely tired and was about to fall asleep, trying to wake
herself up every minute, slowly getting even more tired by the second. Her eyes were gouging out,
the girl, wishing just to finish the homework quickly and get it over with. The next morning, she
was perceived as a hybrid of Sleepy and Grumpy. While some students might feel that they are being
given too much homework, others might not feel the same way. Younger children are given more
time to play and do other things, rather than homework. As they grow up, more responsibilities are
given, and too much is asked from them, which might be hard for the student to handle.
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Essay On Extracurricular Activities
Consider all the extracurricular activities (community involvement, paid and/or volunteer work
experience, entrepreneurial ventures) that you have been involved in during the past four years.
Select three activities that you feel demonstrate your leadership abilities best. Focus your description
on elements that demonstrate: leadership, teamwork, initiative, achievement, commitment and
breadth. Each description should focus on one activity only.
Main Activities (3): Please limit your description for each activity to 500 words.
CICS – Initiative
CICS is an non–profit organization funded by the government and United Way to help new
immigrants settle in and adapt to their new environment. Being one of the youths that had overcome
the difficulty in adapting to a new school, new community, and new culture, I was excited to receive
the opportunity to ease the hardships of other new immigrants as a front desk receptionist at the
CICS branch dedicated towards youths. It is vital that newcomers are not only welcomed by those in
the community, but also provided with support from other youths with similar experiences. Thus, the
assistance from student volunteers is an invaluable part of the Immigration Youth Center as it
promotes unity and motivation for new immigrants to become a part of and partake in the local
The position as a front desk receptionist is a important position since it is the first point of contact
between new immigrants and assistance. To obtain the position, I had to submit my resume and
participate in an interview with the centerВґs main coordinator and the receptionist to assess my
competence in problem solving and dedication to community service. I think the unique factor which
elevated my standing amongst other applicants was my ability to fluently communicate in Cantonese
and Mandarin and my previous experiences in translation and mentoring. Furthermore, I think that
my background as a transition mentor and peer tutor has prepared me to become a relatable friend
other youths can express with their concerns. As a receptionist, I am mainly responsible for handling
front office reception and administration duties which include greeting guests, answering phone
calls, handling program
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It is important for adolescents to participate in extracurricular activities. Student who participate in
these activities improve their academic scores and social life. Extracurricular activities can also help
reduce many peer pressure related problems. "They enrich the lives of the students, their families and
our communities. These activities create well rounded children who learn what their interests and
talents are because they have been exposed to such opportunities" (Extracurricular Activities,
Blogadmin). For most adolescents extracurricular activities should be required among what they do
outside of school. What are extracurricular activities? Extracurricular activities are those sponsored
by and usually held at school more content...
Many activities also require a minimum grade point average (GPA) to join (Dowshen). This
requirement is a boost for most of the students to excel in school so they can participate in these
activities. Although extracurricular activities take up a lot of time they are worth the time that a
student puts into it (Extracurricular Activities). So why are extracurricular activities important?
Extracurricular activities shape how a person acts within him or herself, in the community, and
their performance in school. Schools should highly encourage every student to be in some type of
activity (Hollrah). Although extracurricular activities can help improve students' academics, they
can also have a bad effect on how grades turn out. Extracurricular activities take time, and this can
affect on how much time the student has to complete home work or study (Wells). This can lead
to a student doing poorly on tests and in the big run, failing the class which will hurt the student
college applications. If a student that is involved in a sport is badly injured, this can affect the
student because he or she is missing school, and then all the work that is missed will have to be
made up. Stress is also a big factor that is put together with extracurricular activities. Stress can
affect how the child does in school; if a student is stressed out, they can get sick. Being sick requires
the child to stay home and then they will
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Essay On Extracurricular Experiences
Please list any extracurricular activities or employment experience you have which you think
demonstrates good citizenship and leadership qualities.These could include school involvement,
volunteer experience, work experience, involvement in athletics or the arts, participation in student
exchange or leadership programs, or other activities which show your leadership and innovation
skills. You can respond to this question in bulleted/point form.
10 Day Mission Trip to Trujillo, Peru (Jul 2017)
Raised over $13,000 through a fundraising dinner and silent auction to assist families affected by the
devastating flood in March
Helped to construct of an orphanage
Visited the city dump to witness the daily hardships experienced by workers, cared for them by
buying them fresh fruits
Helped to reconstruct houses by making and transporting bricks
Built relationships with Peruvian children
Head of Student Voice (Student Activity Council 2017–18)
Mended a division between IB & academic students at Glenforest by becoming Head of Student
Voice to encourage and remind academic students that their involvement isn't dependent on their
Led a team of 8 grade representatives in meetings and activities to encourage school spirit and student
Represented the voice of the student body through surveys, interviews and detailed reports
Youth Fellowship Founder/Chair (since 2016)
Founded the Christian fellowship at Glenforest, which met bi–weekly and assisted the community
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Obstacles are simply hurdles which repeatedly show up in our lives to test hard work and
determination. To me possessing the dedication to succeed is more important than measuring wins
and losses. Moving to the United States propelled me to face multiple circumstances, which
continuously tested my diligence to succeed. My parents, relatives and teachers had always told me
that Academics were the only key to success. Sports were simply for leisure. At the beginning of
middle school, however, I discovered such was not the case. Academics, sports and extracurricular
activities were valued almost equally in American society. In the first year of middle school, I met
with reality. For many weeks, I had excelled in my academics switching from regular classes to
more challenging Pre–AP classes and exploring interesting electives. The day that my P.E. teacher
informed our class we could fail if we weren 't able to run a mile in twenty minutes every week,
changed everything. Suddenly, my perception of this new culture, which was gradually assimilating
into my life, changed dramatically. Whereas fitness and physical education had simply served as
mere diversions from academics in the schools I had previously attended, this new culture placed
more importance on these same essentials. As the first Friday approached, anxiety overwhelmed my
thoughts. Having never completely run a timed mile, I was stepping into completely foreign
territory. While my classmates swiftly ran past me, I
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Essay On Extracurricular Activities
Extracurriculars Lead to Extra Success
Noah, an experienced employee, received a manager position at a big construction company after 24
years of working his way up the employment ladder. After receiving the position, he faced many
issues such as confrontations with co–workers and issues with job production. As he faced these
issues, Noah was able to look back at his many years of wrestling, and remember how he handled
confrontations with teammates as well as handling the agony of defeat. Having gone through these
similar experiences, Noah was able to handle his work issues with confidence. This is an example
of how important extracurricular activities can be in a person's life. In order to completely prepare
for real life situations, children should participate in some form of extracurricular activity. In addition
to preparing children for real life situations, extracurricular activities are the best way to improve
students participation academically. The following statistic serves as an example. "The probability
that the typical person in the sample would drop out of school is .0487, but if this same person
participated in athletics, the estimated probability would be .0299." (Holloway) When students
participate in extracurriculars, they are often forced to talk to others and form relationships with
people. These relationships will most likely improve academic participation because the kids will
feel more comfortable going to school with someone they know. The more comfortable a student
feels during school, the more likely they are to put in more work academically and ultimately be
more successful. Along with feeling more confident, extracurricular activities keep kids from getting
in trouble. Kids are less likely to be doing something they shouldn't if they focus on something like
an extracurricular activity. Holloway also writes: "Recent research suggests that participation in
extracurricular activities may increase students' sense of engagement or attachment to their school,
and thereby decrease the likelihood of school failure and dropping out". School pride is something
that is promoted throughout all of adolescence. Those students that feel more involved in their
school, are less likely to drop out
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Extracurricular Activities Essay
Extracurricular Activities
Research was performed on the claim of fact that students involved in extracurricular activities
receive higher grades than those not involved in activities. This topic was studied because high
school budgets are meager, and the administrations of these schools want to spend the money
efficiently. Consequently, funding for extracurricularactivities may be decreased. This report
examines the correlation between extracurricular activities and academic performance.
The scope of the investigation only includes high school students and the relationship between their
involvement in activities and their academic performance. Some collegiate level studies were used
since the benefits more content...
The first paper entitled "High School Extracurricular Activities and College Grades" by Mary
Rombokas studies the relationship between high academic marks and involvement in extracurricular
activities. This article includes a survey performed by Rombokas on this subject. The second article
referenced was "Student Perceptions of the Intercollegiate Athletic Program at a Community
College" by Judith S. Berson. This is a study on how participating on a collegiate level softball team
affected the team members' grades.
Key Points
The key points that will be made in this claim of fact are that students involved in extracurricular
activities receive better grades than those who are not involved in extracurricular activities. In
addition, activities improve the overall student. Therefore, they help students to receive better grades
by teaching them character building lessons, teaching them lifelong skills, saving some at risk
students who would possibly drop out of school, and helping students develop social skills.
Mary Rombokas performed a study of college–aged students who were involved in extracurricular
activities in high school to discover if there was in fact a correlation between involvement in
activities and academic achievement. She concluded after questioning two hundred ninety–two
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Effects Of Extracurricular Activities Essay
Extracurricular activities refer to activities that provide opportunities for students to develop specific
skills or knowledge, and take place outside of school hours. Extracurricular activities offer
experiences of teamwork and support the development of many social, cognitive, and physical skills
of the students. By joining extracurricular activities, the students learn to manage their time, relieve
stress and learn to strive for excellence in more than one thing.
Extracurricular activities are found in all levels of our schools in many different forms. They can be
sports, clubs, debate, theatre, school publications, students newspaper, music, art, dance, scout, and
other social events. Extracurricular are totally voluntary, so the more content...
The positive effects that extracurricular activities have on students are behavior, better grades, school
completion, positive aspects to become successful adults, and a social aspect (Massoni, 2011).
Students that actively participate in extracurricular activities have reduced behavior problems. The
students who participate in extracurricular will show good self–discipline. They also have
responsibility to perform the task correctly. When students perform these things correctly, they are
rewarded for their good behavior and they take pride in their accomplishments. Because of the pride
they achieve, they gain better self–respect, self–esteem, and self–confidence.
The other effect of extracurricular activities for students is the social aspect. Students that are
involved in extracurricular activities meet many new people. By joining extracurricular activities, the
students will meet people that they share interests with. In extracurricular activities, students also
learn about group work, and sometimes they end up having less conformity to gender
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My Life Of Extracurriculars
The Life of Extracurriculars Have you ever felt like that one kid who just doesn't do anything?
The kid that was in just one extracurricular and a lame one at that. Well, that was me until fifth
grade. I joined girl scouts when I was in kindergarten. I enjoyed it and made new friends, but
suddenly, our leaders kept leaving. We got new leaders yearly until Katie's mom decided to stick
with us. I had been liking it so far, but then in fifth grade, everything changed. When I was in fifth
grade, I wasn't really friends with anyone. The only people I knew was this guy I PREVIOUSLY
had a crush on and Myra. I only knew Myra a little bit because we talked a minuscule amount in
fourth grade. When the year started out, I had to make new friends. I also wanted to try a sport
that year instead of just girl scouts. I talked to a few people and narrowed my choices down to
either skating or basketball. I am the cheap kid in the family, so when I compared prices, I
immediately went with basketball. Once I decided on basketball, I realized I had missed the
sign–ups. I was freaking out because I really wanted to play, but I thought I had missed my chance.
Bali and Olga, the two people who convinced me to join in the first place, reassured me that it
would be ok and I would get to play. I wasn't very good at basketball to start out with. I am also
pretty antisocial when it comes to people I don't know well. At practice, I would only talk to Bali
and Olga and was pretty shy about practicing
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Extracurricular Activities Essay
Have you ever wanted your school to be involved in all of your extracurricular activities? It could
help you get scholarships and have an impressive academic resume but it can also have many
consequences too. Schools should not be involved in student's extracurricular activities because it
can make grades suffer, make the student stressed and cause health problems. Schools should not
have any involvement with student's extracurricular activities because it can stress onto to the
student. A student can be too focused on doing one out of their three extracurricular activities
that they forgot to study for their huge Unit test and complete their homework that is due
tomorrow. The student can start to stress about how they maybe will not do as well on the test as
they hoped for because they didn't have a lot of time to study for it. For example, I tend to go to
junior class meetings after school and they usually end around 3:30. My walk home is 20 minutes
long and I would get home around 4 but if the meeting runs longer I don't get home until close to
5. I would have so much homework to do and would have to study for test and quizzes coming up
and it would start to stress me out because I would have to stay up late. After that, I would stress
about me staying up late to complete everything because I know the next day I would be extremely
tired in school. Schools having any involvement in a student's extracurricular activities can
sometimes be draining and extremely stressful.
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Extracurricular Activities In Schools Essay
Can being involved in extracurricular activities both inside and outside of school help students
increase their chances of doing well during school? Many people in school, no matter what age or
grade one may be in, are involved in some type of extracurricular. Of this same group, however,
some only participate due to their guardians deciding what they will be involved in as a child.
Whether it be attached to the school they attend or not, many people aren't aware of the many
positive effects that extracurriculars may have on their own self, or their child. An integral part of
extracurriculars are the students themselves. Without the students showing if they are able to further
develop any life skills while participating in the activity, then the teachers and coaches of the like
will continue to provide a means for this activity to take place, making everything that any student
learns while partaking in this activity useless and not worth any students time. While being involved
in extracurricular activities can help boost one's confidence in the activity they choose to be
participating in, during school the activity can also help develop an individual's sense of learning
and sense of being that they would not get the chance to experience otherwise. One of the many
important qualities that a student can develop while in school is their personality which can evolve
from participating in extracurriculars. In the article "A Dual Step Transfer Model: Sport and
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Essay On Extracurricular Activities

  • 1. Definition On Extracurricular Activities Definition on Extracurricular Activities Extracurricular activities allow students to pursue interests outside of a standardized context (Strate,1996). Extracurricular activities are the activities that caters the students' voluntary involvement that is situated at the external realm of the academic curriculum of a school or in a university. These activities encourage students to permissively expose themselves with others of the same age with a purpose. However, extracurricular activities are offered to all students but volunteer activities are not always extracurricular activities. Every activity is a students' initiative in order to help others such as feeding programs, tutorials, etc. On the other hand, extracurricular activities are not only made for the purpose of allowing the students to do social outreach but for them to interact with others and build public relationship that would help them along during their stay in the university. This present study aims to investigate if these extracurricular activities cannot only be defined by the following involvements, but it could serve as an outlet for students from more content... Being brilliant in the classroom can be done by any individual, but in order for one to be holistically developed one must be knowledgeable on how to take control on things that may arise after school as a professional. Extracurricular activities will train students to be resilient in any situation that they may encounter and seek solutions for every conflict that will arouse. In fact, the students will acquire the skills such as being innovative, creative, and idealistic on seeking solutions for every Get more content on
  • 2. Importance Of Extracurricular Activities Essay Extracurricular Activities: High School and Beyond Despite the belief in extracurricular activities harming students, they can actually be beneficial. Extracurricular activities benefit students by helping them learn how to manage their time more efficiently and improve academics; students that participate in after–school activities reap the benefits socially, outside of the classroom, and in their future endeavors. They help develop students and shape them into who they will become in the future. Extracurricular activities leave a positive impact on both the students and the school as a whole, and are essential to the educational experience. Extracurricular activities can help students learn how to manage their time more efficiently and improve academics. Students must adapt to balancing their activities and school work appropriately, which helps the student get their homework done on time and limit procrastination (Jackson). With less time to do homework, students are more conscious about finishing all their assignments and use what time they do have more efficiently. Students that participate in extracurricular activities realize they do not have as much time to complete their tasks, so they compensate by planning out when they will complete their homework, showing responsibility, and time management ("Why Extracurricular"). Responsibility and good time management are essential skills that will allow students to be more successful as they grow into adults. According Get more content on
  • 3. Extracurricular Activities Essay The Effects of Extracurricular Activities on Students: Rough Draft When most people think of band, football, photography, and chess club they do not believe that these programs will teach more than how to throw a ball or how to play B flat on an instrument, but that is untrue. There have been many studies done on the effectiveness extracurricular activities (ECAs) have on students, and how these activities produce miraculous outcomes and can be the foundation for the academic excellence of a student. Taxes are so high in our country, and many schools have cut after school programs because of budget expenses, which students will benefit immensely from ECAs throughout their lives because it raises the graduation rate, broadens student' more content... "Almost 80% of the adults in Whitman's zip code are college graduates, and the median household is three times the U.S average (Kronholz, 2012, p. 5)." Walt Whitman'sHigh school and Whitman's Middle school in Montgomery County have over a hundred activities for students. These students have an opportunity to try new things while having an adult role model teaching them outside of school's basic curriculum. The National Center for Educational Statistics found evidence that students enrolled in extracurricular activities will graduate high school with a 3.0 or higher GPA. These students also learned that commitment is the key to success (Kronholz, 2012). "Whitman says that 96% of its students go to college; its SAT scores in math and critical reading are 250 above the national average (Kronholz, 2012, p. 5)." Two high schools in Long Island, New York did a study on students in ECA's and those not involved. The data that was received was that these students had a higher graduation rate with a better GPA than non–extracurricular students. The other differences that were shown were the student 's behavior, and that ECA students received more academic awards. The study produced that about eighty percent of students in ECA did better in every category they took data on. (Abruzzo, Lenis, Romero, Maser & Morote, 2015). A significant amount of skills learned and advanced in ECAs that are essential to students of all ages, throughout Get more content on
  • 4. The Benefits Of Extracurricular Activities The benefits of extracurricular activities is extensive. The positive effects that extracurricular activities have on students are behavior, better grades, school completion, positive aspects to become successful adults, and a social aspect. (Massoni, 2011). There are greater positives than negatives with participation in extracurricular activities. One benefit is to learn about time management and prioritizing things in their life (Burgess, 2009). Adolescents need to learn how to be a handle the multiple responsibilities which will give them vital experience by participating in these activities (Burgess, 2009). Participating in extracurricular activities provides positive aspects that students need to become productive students and adults (Massoni, 2011). By participating in extracurricular activities students learn lessons in leadership, teamwork, organization, analytical thinking, problem solving, time management, learning to juggle many tasks at once which can allow them to discover their talents at young age for preparation in their future (Massoni, 2011). When a student decides they want to join an extracurricular activity, they look for one that interests them and one that they like or enjoy. It is important for students to join and participate in extracurricular activities because it helps the student when they apply to colleges (Burgess, 2009). By being able to show excellent grades as well as participation in extracurricular activities, the student is Get more content on
  • 5. INTRODUCTION More than half of American teenagers attending school participate in some type of extracurricular activities (Gardner, Roth and Brooks–Gunn, 2006). Extracurricular activities can include sports, journalism, drama or theater, art or music, youth groups, student council, and clubs. Today about one in four students participate in academics clubs (Miller & Zittleman, 2012). Since extracurricular activities are so popular among students, it is important to understand the pros and cons of engaging in extracurricular activities. The purpose of this literature review is to examine the benefits and costs of extracurricular activities. First, I discuss how participating in extracurricular activities benefits students. Among the benefits I discuss are academic performance, enhanced self esteem, and respectful behavior. Secondly, I will discuss the cost of participating in extracurricular activities. The costs I discuss are time management, and expenses. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITES Students who participate in extracurricular activities usually benefit from the many opportunities granted to them (Israel 2010). More than half of American teenagers–attending high schools participate in some type of extracurricular activities (Gardner, Roth & Brooks–Gunn, 2006). The benefits include higher school attendance, improved self–esteem, enhanced academic performance, and reduced behavior issues (Killgo 2010; McNeal 2012; Sterns 2010; Worrell 2005). When students participate in Get more content on
  • 6. Extra-Curricular Activities Essay Extra–curricular activities are voluntary and anyone in college can participate. When engaging in extracurricular activities, students gain advantages from it. According to Education Partnership Inc. (2012), 98% of the children are aware of the different extracurricular activities offered by their school; however, only a minimal amount of them are interested to join. In addition, partaking in these activities has advantages that students can use in the long–run. Behavior is one of the effects that a member gain when participating extra–curricular activities. Accountancy students who most likely partake to Extra–curricular activities improve their behavior and reduce behavioral problems. For instance, joining sports increase discipline value and responsibility in practices and drills because in every game they participate in, they have to be accurate and skillful. After they successfully accomplished or won the game they earn self–assurance and self–esteem. They develop their relationship with other people who could be helpful as they meet people in the business world (Brown, M.D., 2000). Another instance is that accountancy students learn to manage time ––– For Academics and more content... According to Massoni (2011), extra–curricular activities develop skills like management, collaboration, decision making, critical thinking, problem solving, multi–tasking and time balancing. Improving their skills can possibly help them to find out new capacities. Besides, Accountancy students can use the skills they have acquired as an additional knowledge for their career. In line with career, joining extra–curricular activities can be added to the future applicants' resume for it can be a stepping stone to impress potential employers since they have skills acquired which are less likely taught inside the Get more content on
  • 7. Extracurricular Activities Some students in in Anaheim schools aren't involved in extracurricular activities. These students aren't receiving the benefits that being a part of an extracurricular has to offer. An extracurricular activity helps students with responsibility and time management. In order to be successful in Anaheim Schools students need to join an extracurricular activity and get support from their parents. In the documentary Mad Hot Ballroom by Marilyn Agrelo its states "The key to success in life is to find something you love and do it well"(Agrelo). Once you find something you love to do, you can use it to your benefit in order to succeed in your education. For example in the Mad Hot Ballroom documentary the students love to dance, and with the The ability to succeed in school can be achieved in a variety of ways. Success can be obtained if student are willing to put in effort and follow a path to success. The research conducted was the methods teachers or school used to improve student success in education. Therefore Anaheim schools can improve student success if the following changes take place: schools are to have a mandatory after–school study class, schools and parents promote a growth mindset, endorse student to join extracurricular activities. How to Succeed Students aren't always prepared to come back to school after a long vacation. In Anaheim schools after students come back from a three months vacation, it takes them a while to get back on a school schedule. Many of the Get more content on
  • 8. Positive Effects Of Extracurricular Activities The Effects of Extracurricular Activities Extracurricular activities, one of the firsts to go because of budget cuts, may possibly be the start to a successful/happy future. Getting involved in extracurricular activities has always helped students. They open up many opportunities. Sports like football, soccer, volleyball as well as art and music programs allow students to explore their interests and potentially find their career path. Unfortunately, many of extracurricular activities are being removed. School systems are trying to deal with academic achievement, keeping students on track while dealing with severe budget cuts. Although the removal of extracurricular activities due to budget cuts saves money, they should not be cut. They increase academic achievement, help your health, and keep students out of trouble. Budget Cuts are the act of reducing budgeted expenditures. When budget cuts are made, extracurricular activities and teachers are the main targets. Teachers get laid off and extracurricular activities are completely cut off in order to save money. Firstly, I believe extracurricular activities should not be removed due to budget cuts because they increase academic achievement. As we all know academics are crucial to college. What we don't realize is that extracurricular activities are part of increased academic achievement. The National Educational longitudinal study of 1988 found support that proves that Get more content on
  • 9. Persuasive Essay On Extracurricular Activities The alarm rings. Students waking up, feeling butterflies in the stomach, anxious to go to school. Hearts pounding with fear and lips quivering ever so slightly, time ticking by, minute by minute, second by second. Students, lazily flopping their hands, fidgeting with their fingers, waiting for the traumatizing enemy that awaits them: homework. Many students feel that teachers give them too much homework at school, giving them less time for other activities. Students spend at least 6 hours a day at school for about 180 days. Students get a tremendous amount of homework which is leading them to have lower hours of sleep. Students also have to go to extracurricular activities in or out of school. "I think that the teachers should be more considerate about how we have a lot of extracurricular activities and they should balance their amount of homework", says Anika Sinha, student of Hillsborough Middle School. Some extracurricular activities can also take up a lot of time each day, giving students even less time to do their homework and get a proper amount of sleep everyday. For example, a 13 year old girl, anonymous, had trouble with this situation. The girl was struggling in school because she was extremely troubled with having an extremely large amount of hw in every single class. During the Fall of 2017, she had to go to a 3 hour ceremony event for one of her sibling's high school speeches after school. This was extremely hectic for the girl because it had also caused a lot of stress in her mind. She came home at 10:00 pm from the ceremony and had a lot of homework left to do. She was extremely tired and was about to fall asleep, trying to wake herself up every minute, slowly getting even more tired by the second. Her eyes were gouging out, the girl, wishing just to finish the homework quickly and get it over with. The next morning, she was perceived as a hybrid of Sleepy and Grumpy. While some students might feel that they are being given too much homework, others might not feel the same way. Younger children are given more time to play and do other things, rather than homework. As they grow up, more responsibilities are given, and too much is asked from them, which might be hard for the student to handle. Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On Extracurricular Activities Consider all the extracurricular activities (community involvement, paid and/or volunteer work experience, entrepreneurial ventures) that you have been involved in during the past four years. Select three activities that you feel demonstrate your leadership abilities best. Focus your description on elements that demonstrate: leadership, teamwork, initiative, achievement, commitment and breadth. Each description should focus on one activity only. Main Activities (3): Please limit your description for each activity to 500 words. CICS – Initiative CICS is an non–profit organization funded by the government and United Way to help new immigrants settle in and adapt to their new environment. Being one of the youths that had overcome the difficulty in adapting to a new school, new community, and new culture, I was excited to receive the opportunity to ease the hardships of other new immigrants as a front desk receptionist at the CICS branch dedicated towards youths. It is vital that newcomers are not only welcomed by those in the community, but also provided with support from other youths with similar experiences. Thus, the assistance from student volunteers is an invaluable part of the Immigration Youth Center as it promotes unity and motivation for new immigrants to become a part of and partake in the local community. The position as a front desk receptionist is a important position since it is the first point of contact between new immigrants and assistance. To obtain the position, I had to submit my resume and participate in an interview with the centerВґs main coordinator and the receptionist to assess my competence in problem solving and dedication to community service. I think the unique factor which elevated my standing amongst other applicants was my ability to fluently communicate in Cantonese and Mandarin and my previous experiences in translation and mentoring. Furthermore, I think that my background as a transition mentor and peer tutor has prepared me to become a relatable friend other youths can express with their concerns. As a receptionist, I am mainly responsible for handling front office reception and administration duties which include greeting guests, answering phone calls, handling program Get more content on
  • 11. It is important for adolescents to participate in extracurricular activities. Student who participate in these activities improve their academic scores and social life. Extracurricular activities can also help reduce many peer pressure related problems. "They enrich the lives of the students, their families and our communities. These activities create well rounded children who learn what their interests and talents are because they have been exposed to such opportunities" (Extracurricular Activities, Blogadmin). For most adolescents extracurricular activities should be required among what they do outside of school. What are extracurricular activities? Extracurricular activities are those sponsored by and usually held at school more content... Many activities also require a minimum grade point average (GPA) to join (Dowshen). This requirement is a boost for most of the students to excel in school so they can participate in these activities. Although extracurricular activities take up a lot of time they are worth the time that a student puts into it (Extracurricular Activities). So why are extracurricular activities important? Extracurricular activities shape how a person acts within him or herself, in the community, and their performance in school. Schools should highly encourage every student to be in some type of activity (Hollrah). Although extracurricular activities can help improve students' academics, they can also have a bad effect on how grades turn out. Extracurricular activities take time, and this can affect on how much time the student has to complete home work or study (Wells). This can lead to a student doing poorly on tests and in the big run, failing the class which will hurt the student college applications. If a student that is involved in a sport is badly injured, this can affect the student because he or she is missing school, and then all the work that is missed will have to be made up. Stress is also a big factor that is put together with extracurricular activities. Stress can affect how the child does in school; if a student is stressed out, they can get sick. Being sick requires the child to stay home and then they will Get more content on
  • 12. Essay On Extracurricular Experiences Please list any extracurricular activities or employment experience you have which you think demonstrates good citizenship and leadership qualities.These could include school involvement, volunteer experience, work experience, involvement in athletics or the arts, participation in student exchange or leadership programs, or other activities which show your leadership and innovation skills. You can respond to this question in bulleted/point form. 10 Day Mission Trip to Trujillo, Peru (Jul 2017) Raised over $13,000 through a fundraising dinner and silent auction to assist families affected by the devastating flood in March Helped to construct of an orphanage Visited the city dump to witness the daily hardships experienced by workers, cared for them by buying them fresh fruits Helped to reconstruct houses by making and transporting bricks Built relationships with Peruvian children Head of Student Voice (Student Activity Council 2017–18) Mended a division between IB & academic students at Glenforest by becoming Head of Student Voice to encourage and remind academic students that their involvement isn't dependent on their stream Led a team of 8 grade representatives in meetings and activities to encourage school spirit and student involvement Represented the voice of the student body through surveys, interviews and detailed reports Youth Fellowship Founder/Chair (since 2016) Founded the Christian fellowship at Glenforest, which met bi–weekly and assisted the community Get more content on
  • 13. Obstacles are simply hurdles which repeatedly show up in our lives to test hard work and determination. To me possessing the dedication to succeed is more important than measuring wins and losses. Moving to the United States propelled me to face multiple circumstances, which continuously tested my diligence to succeed. My parents, relatives and teachers had always told me that Academics were the only key to success. Sports were simply for leisure. At the beginning of middle school, however, I discovered such was not the case. Academics, sports and extracurricular activities were valued almost equally in American society. In the first year of middle school, I met with reality. For many weeks, I had excelled in my academics switching from regular classes to more challenging Pre–AP classes and exploring interesting electives. The day that my P.E. teacher informed our class we could fail if we weren 't able to run a mile in twenty minutes every week, changed everything. Suddenly, my perception of this new culture, which was gradually assimilating into my life, changed dramatically. Whereas fitness and physical education had simply served as mere diversions from academics in the schools I had previously attended, this new culture placed more importance on these same essentials. As the first Friday approached, anxiety overwhelmed my thoughts. Having never completely run a timed mile, I was stepping into completely foreign territory. While my classmates swiftly ran past me, I Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On Extracurricular Activities Extracurriculars Lead to Extra Success Noah, an experienced employee, received a manager position at a big construction company after 24 years of working his way up the employment ladder. After receiving the position, he faced many issues such as confrontations with co–workers and issues with job production. As he faced these issues, Noah was able to look back at his many years of wrestling, and remember how he handled confrontations with teammates as well as handling the agony of defeat. Having gone through these similar experiences, Noah was able to handle his work issues with confidence. This is an example of how important extracurricular activities can be in a person's life. In order to completely prepare for real life situations, children should participate in some form of extracurricular activity. In addition to preparing children for real life situations, extracurricular activities are the best way to improve students participation academically. The following statistic serves as an example. "The probability that the typical person in the sample would drop out of school is .0487, but if this same person participated in athletics, the estimated probability would be .0299." (Holloway) When students participate in extracurriculars, they are often forced to talk to others and form relationships with people. These relationships will most likely improve academic participation because the kids will feel more comfortable going to school with someone they know. The more comfortable a student feels during school, the more likely they are to put in more work academically and ultimately be more successful. Along with feeling more confident, extracurricular activities keep kids from getting in trouble. Kids are less likely to be doing something they shouldn't if they focus on something like an extracurricular activity. Holloway also writes: "Recent research suggests that participation in extracurricular activities may increase students' sense of engagement or attachment to their school, and thereby decrease the likelihood of school failure and dropping out". School pride is something that is promoted throughout all of adolescence. Those students that feel more involved in their school, are less likely to drop out Get more content on
  • 15. Extracurricular Activities Essay Extracurricular Activities Research was performed on the claim of fact that students involved in extracurricular activities receive higher grades than those not involved in activities. This topic was studied because high school budgets are meager, and the administrations of these schools want to spend the money efficiently. Consequently, funding for extracurricularactivities may be decreased. This report examines the correlation between extracurricular activities and academic performance. Scope The scope of the investigation only includes high school students and the relationship between their involvement in activities and their academic performance. Some collegiate level studies were used since the benefits more content... The first paper entitled "High School Extracurricular Activities and College Grades" by Mary Rombokas studies the relationship between high academic marks and involvement in extracurricular activities. This article includes a survey performed by Rombokas on this subject. The second article referenced was "Student Perceptions of the Intercollegiate Athletic Program at a Community College" by Judith S. Berson. This is a study on how participating on a collegiate level softball team affected the team members' grades. Key Points The key points that will be made in this claim of fact are that students involved in extracurricular activities receive better grades than those who are not involved in extracurricular activities. In addition, activities improve the overall student. Therefore, they help students to receive better grades by teaching them character building lessons, teaching them lifelong skills, saving some at risk students who would possibly drop out of school, and helping students develop social skills. Academics Mary Rombokas performed a study of college–aged students who were involved in extracurricular activities in high school to discover if there was in fact a correlation between involvement in activities and academic achievement. She concluded after questioning two hundred ninety–two college Get more content on
  • 16. Effects Of Extracurricular Activities Essay Extracurricular activities refer to activities that provide opportunities for students to develop specific skills or knowledge, and take place outside of school hours. Extracurricular activities offer experiences of teamwork and support the development of many social, cognitive, and physical skills of the students. By joining extracurricular activities, the students learn to manage their time, relieve stress and learn to strive for excellence in more than one thing. Extracurricular activities are found in all levels of our schools in many different forms. They can be sports, clubs, debate, theatre, school publications, students newspaper, music, art, dance, scout, and other social events. Extracurricular are totally voluntary, so the more content... The positive effects that extracurricular activities have on students are behavior, better grades, school completion, positive aspects to become successful adults, and a social aspect (Massoni, 2011). Students that actively participate in extracurricular activities have reduced behavior problems. The students who participate in extracurricular will show good self–discipline. They also have responsibility to perform the task correctly. When students perform these things correctly, they are rewarded for their good behavior and they take pride in their accomplishments. Because of the pride they achieve, they gain better self–respect, self–esteem, and self–confidence. The other effect of extracurricular activities for students is the social aspect. Students that are involved in extracurricular activities meet many new people. By joining extracurricular activities, the students will meet people that they share interests with. In extracurricular activities, students also learn about group work, and sometimes they end up having less conformity to gender Get more content on
  • 17. My Life Of Extracurriculars The Life of Extracurriculars Have you ever felt like that one kid who just doesn't do anything? The kid that was in just one extracurricular and a lame one at that. Well, that was me until fifth grade. I joined girl scouts when I was in kindergarten. I enjoyed it and made new friends, but suddenly, our leaders kept leaving. We got new leaders yearly until Katie's mom decided to stick with us. I had been liking it so far, but then in fifth grade, everything changed. When I was in fifth grade, I wasn't really friends with anyone. The only people I knew was this guy I PREVIOUSLY had a crush on and Myra. I only knew Myra a little bit because we talked a minuscule amount in fourth grade. When the year started out, I had to make new friends. I also wanted to try a sport that year instead of just girl scouts. I talked to a few people and narrowed my choices down to either skating or basketball. I am the cheap kid in the family, so when I compared prices, I immediately went with basketball. Once I decided on basketball, I realized I had missed the sign–ups. I was freaking out because I really wanted to play, but I thought I had missed my chance. Bali and Olga, the two people who convinced me to join in the first place, reassured me that it would be ok and I would get to play. I wasn't very good at basketball to start out with. I am also pretty antisocial when it comes to people I don't know well. At practice, I would only talk to Bali and Olga and was pretty shy about practicing Get more content on
  • 18. Extracurricular Activities Essay Have you ever wanted your school to be involved in all of your extracurricular activities? It could help you get scholarships and have an impressive academic resume but it can also have many consequences too. Schools should not be involved in student's extracurricular activities because it can make grades suffer, make the student stressed and cause health problems. Schools should not have any involvement with student's extracurricular activities because it can stress onto to the student. A student can be too focused on doing one out of their three extracurricular activities that they forgot to study for their huge Unit test and complete their homework that is due tomorrow. The student can start to stress about how they maybe will not do as well on the test as they hoped for because they didn't have a lot of time to study for it. For example, I tend to go to junior class meetings after school and they usually end around 3:30. My walk home is 20 minutes long and I would get home around 4 but if the meeting runs longer I don't get home until close to 5. I would have so much homework to do and would have to study for test and quizzes coming up and it would start to stress me out because I would have to stay up late. After that, I would stress about me staying up late to complete everything because I know the next day I would be extremely tired in school. Schools having any involvement in a student's extracurricular activities can sometimes be draining and extremely stressful. Get more content on
  • 19. Extracurricular Activities In Schools Essay Can being involved in extracurricular activities both inside and outside of school help students increase their chances of doing well during school? Many people in school, no matter what age or grade one may be in, are involved in some type of extracurricular. Of this same group, however, some only participate due to their guardians deciding what they will be involved in as a child. Whether it be attached to the school they attend or not, many people aren't aware of the many positive effects that extracurriculars may have on their own self, or their child. An integral part of extracurriculars are the students themselves. Without the students showing if they are able to further develop any life skills while participating in the activity, then the teachers and coaches of the like will continue to provide a means for this activity to take place, making everything that any student learns while partaking in this activity useless and not worth any students time. While being involved in extracurricular activities can help boost one's confidence in the activity they choose to be participating in, during school the activity can also help develop an individual's sense of learning and sense of being that they would not get the chance to experience otherwise. One of the many important qualities that a student can develop while in school is their personality which can evolve from participating in extracurriculars. In the article "A Dual Step Transfer Model: Sport and Non–Sport Get more content on