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Why Is Ocean Biodiversity Important
As you may know, one of the best ways for me to study a particular subject is by trying to explain
it to someone else. What I am about to tell you this time, however, is not going to be a review for
an exam but it is something that I am deeply passionate about: ocean biodiversity. In the most
basic sense, biodiversity is the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat. Why is ocean
biodiversity important and how does it play a role in our lives? Boris Worm, a marine research
ecologist and associate professor at Dalhousie University in Canada, and his associates explains
that, "local species richness enhance ecosystem productivity and stability... marine ecosystems
provide a wide variety goods and services, including vital food resources for millions of people,
flood control and waste detoxification" (Worm). In their research study, they discovered that
higher diversity of marine plants results in greater ecosystem stability and eighty percent more
biomass. On the other hand, fisheries with limited diversity saw significant loss in water quality
and catch yield. World Ocean Review believes that ocean biodiversity, makes habitats more
resilient to environmental change... and it plays a vital role in the production of plant biomass
(primary producers) which is the basic food source for all life in the ocean" (Worm). You know
from science class that primary producers form the base and the most important part of the food
web. This is why ocean biodiversity is essential
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Biodiversity Loss And Loss Of Species Essay
Biodiversity Loss
The environmental issue that I chose to research is 'Biodiversity Loss'. Biodiversity loss is the loss
of species on our planet. For example, this is animals and plants that have done extinct. This has
impacted every corner of the globe, since the dinosaurs we have lost thousands of animals and other
forms of life to extinction. According to Endangered Earth "there are now 41,415 species on the
IUCN Red List, and 16,306 of them are endangered species threatened with extinction,"
(Endangered Earth 2016). It is estimated that we only know about 15% of all the species that call
Earth home, at this rate we will lose thousands of species before scientist can even identify them
(Watson 2011). There are several reasons the humans are at fault for the extinction rate, to name a
few; hunting, loss of habitats, pollution, climate change, and so many others. One of the main issues
that is causing a loss in biodiversity is the loss of habitats. The majority of habitats that are destroyed
for more land or for their resources, which leads to having more land. When the land runs out of their
natural resources houses and other 'buildings' are built up in the place of the natural habitat. Once
the buildings are built, humans move into the area bringing diseases and species not native to the
area. This can simultaneously knock out hundreds of species that no longer have homes or are
unable to adapt to the new environment (Biodiversity Information 2016). One of the more
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The Issue Of Biodiversity Loss Essay
To begin to comprehend the nature of the issue of biodiversity loss, it is necessary to look at the
current technologies used to track these phenomena. The myriad of methods in which species are
tracked are advancing faster than ever. Stewart Pimm and his colleagues, in the article "Review:
Emerging Technologies To ConserveBiodiversity" speak of how technologies have advanced,
Tracking individuals has moved from using bulky and expensive radio–collars to smaller
satellite–based devices and even to innovative non–invasive approaches. Technology provides new
opportunities through informative compounds from the tracked animal 's tissue (such as isotopes
and genetic material) and even directly from remote sensing.
In addition to the improved field technology, a large number of open databases have been created
to track, and give access to, recorded species. For instance, Global Biodiversity Information
Facility, has over 1.64 million recorded species and over 639 million occurrences. The open
sourcing of such information allows for a comprehensive review of species distribution. These
new technologies have led to a more detailed insight into the populations of species in a given area.
However, this also brings to light the current severity of biodiversity loss and questions as to how
the problem will be solved.
There are numerous solutions currently in place to prevent further loss of biodiversity and species
extinction. In the United States, there are large agencies such as
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Marine Biodiversity : A Global Pattern Essay
Marine biodiversity Definition: Marine biodiversity refers to the species richness and abundance of
genes, species and habitats in the world 's oceans and seas. And since the world is covered with
approximately 70% water the amount of life in the oceans is enormous. According to the definition
of the Convention on Biological Diversity, biodiversity is the variability among living organisms
from all sources, including inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the
ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species
and of ecosystems.
Why Marine Biodiversity Is a global pattern: Biodiversity is essential for the benefits the
ecosystems can provide to humans. Biodiversity effects a larger number of plant species meaning a
greater variety of crops, greater species diversity and ensuring natural sustainability for all life
forms, food, medicinal resources and pharmaceutical drugs, wood products, ornamental plants,
breeding stocks, population reservoirs, future resources, diversity in genes, species. biological
diversity is the resource upon which families, communities, nations and future generations depend.
But we are currently using 25% more natural resources than the planet can sustain As a result
species, habitats and local communities are under pressure or direct threats and if we continue to
abuse this resources it will eventually be depleted and unuseable.
''The dataset shows the global patterns of
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Essay on Biodiversity
INTRODUCTION Franck and Brownstone define biological diversity as 'the variety and variability
of living organisms and the biological communities in which they live' (36). Decades of progress in
both the scientific and political arenas have advanced environmental legislation to protect
biodiversity at not only the ecosystem level, but for specific species and genetic material as well.
Research has shown the importance of every organism and their role in the global ecosystem, and
legislation has gradually matured to protect not only species which may become endangered, but the
habitats they need to survive as well. Growing consciousness surrounding environmental issues has
enabled these protections to more content...
Simultaneously, thousands of other species across the globe face the same threat: extinction.
Biodiversity is an essential part of our world, our global ecosystem. As Planet Earth?s resources
diminish and its creatures vanish, those who recognize the need to preserve what is disappearing
look to international politics to accomplish what individuals cannot. The most important instrument
for implementation of international policy has been the Convention On International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which went into effect in 1975.
The plight of the rhinoceros is not unlike the all–too–familiar danger that the elephant faces. Illegal
trade is greatly responsible for the endangerment of the species. Valued for their ivory horns, over
90% of the five rhino species have disappeared, while the rest continue to dwindle. The worth of
one rhinoceros horn is $44,000, and the demand remains high in the countries of China, Taiwan,
South Korea and in the Middle East. In East Asia, the horns are regarded as powerful medicinal
tools, known to cure everything from nosebleeds to food poisoning. In a powdered from, the horn is
thought to be a powerful aphrodisiac. Similarly, the animals? genitalia are also considered extremely
Existing rhino populations continue to decline. In East Africa, the Black Rhinoceros
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Reflection Essay On Biodiversity
So many interesting things there are to see stepping out my front door peering into my own front
yard. An incredibly biodiverse world that I have never paid much attention to until today. As I
walked around my front yard I would like to share with you the things I witnessed in the
following areas; my surroundings, the abiotic factors, the population, the community, the
interactions I saw, and my overall observation of God's goodness. As we look at the world around
us we are looking at biodiversity all the time, but most of us are not thinking about our
surroundings in these terms. Biodiversity according to David Krogh in his book Biology, A
Guide to the Natural World says that it means "a diversity of species in a given area,"(p.672). I
believe that having biodiversity is valuable because the more members you have in a community
the more resources you have at your disposal. This is important because it builds strength within a
community or as David Krogh said "more diverse communities tend to be more stable
communities," (p.673). In my front yard this morning I saw birds, rabbits, a few maple trees, leaves
on the ground with the dead grass poking through, some dying petunias, some dog scat. I
performed my observation at 8:02am and according to the weather app on my phone the
temperature was 46 degrees Fahrenheit with 55% humidity and the wind was 6mph. There were a
few clouds visible in the sky and the sun was up and it was a beautiful crisp fall morning.
There were two communities that I paid attention to the maple tree and the petunia plant. The maple
tree has nearly lost all of its leaves which were all orange and had lost their nutrients so that the
tree could live through the upcoming cold winter. As I looked at the petunia I noticed that though it
was clearly dying as well there was evidence of phototropism "curvature of shoots in response to
light,"(Krogh, p.452). This was a fairly large potted petunia plant and there were areas that seemed
to be fighting for light and food.
There were two populations I paid attention to the most and that was the birds that I watched fly
from tree to tree within my cul–de–sac and the rabbits as they chased each other around in my front
lawn, into the
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Biodiversity And Its Impact On Biodiversity
Biodiversity is what makes the planet earth unique and different from every other planet in the
solar system. Biodiversity can be studied on a global level all the way down to studying it within a
microscopic ecosystem (National Wildlife Federation, 2015). It is important to understand that
biodiversity can be looked at genetically as well as environmentally as well. For example, genetic
biodiversity is seen in the variation of different breeds within the dog species, while environmental
biodiversity is the diversity of ecosystems and habitats (National Wildlife Federation, 2015).
Preserving biodiversity is perhaps the most important task that humans have to complete while living
on this planet. The ecosystems that make up all of the regions worldwide are immensely complex,
so conservation may be difficult at times. Additionally, many factors influence the species that
inhabit ecosystems, and these factors may complicate the preservation of biodiversity. Moreover,
there is a plethora of threats to biodiversity, both natural and manmade that are destroying
ecosystems on a daily basis. Out of these threats, the human influences are particularly severe and
must be taken care of at all costs. Biodiversity provides countless benefits for every ecosystem and
creature, which is what makes it worthy of conservation. Through the introduction and relocation of
species, some degree of restoration may be possible in the future. Biodiversity is an amazing natural
process that makes life
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Biodiversity And Its Effects On The Environment
The sky is dyed red by the flames engulfing the forest. As water floods the land, what little is left is
quickly washed away. Those that would normally resist such disasters are gone. There are much
fewer species in our world than there was a long time ago because the world's biodiversity is in a
deplorable state. As more and more companies access and exploit natural resources at a rate which
the land cannot compensate, more and more organisms are disappearing from the planet. Although
some may believe that the companies actions have no effect on the environment, it cannot be denied
that many species are endangered or already extinct because of their actions; companies indirectly
and directly affect the biodiversity in the world. Biodiversity is the number of species of plants,
animals, microorganism, and ecosystems in a given region. As all species are somehow related and
codependent on one another, biodiversity plays an important role in the survival of many species.
Each organism, no matter how small has an important part in natural sustainability, ecosystems, and
species variety. Animals which live in the waters help to preserve water reservoirs and lakes, while
trees help prevent soil erosion and recycles nutrient. Many organisms help break down the pollution
that humans have spread. In the case of any natural disasters, they are able to compensate and
quickly help the environment recover. When their natural habitats are removed though, they are
forced into extinction
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Impact Of Biodiversity On The Environment
Furthermore, it is a proven fact that biodiversity changes influence "the flow of ecosystem services",
i.e. benefits that people receive from ecosystems, including such services as provisioning, cultural,
and regulating ones (Perrings 1). The most acute group of services in terms of biodiversity
connection with the environment concerns regulating services, which relate to control of biological
variability, presence of pathogens and pests, emergence and mitigation of environmental hazards, as
well as many other essential environmental processes (Perrings 1). Hence, it is obvious that if
biodiversity significantly alters, the environment will be susceptible to a wide range of various
impacts. Moreover, all of them will be of negative character. Diminishing biodiversity, for instance,
means that the process of climate regulation performed by ecosystems and their correlation will be
threatened and disrupted. As a result, it will intensify problems with the biodiversity and lead to
further extinction of many species.
Nonetheless, researchers agree that it is difficult to predict exact impacts of biodiversity loss on the
environment and the combined effect of the biodiversity loss, degradation of the environment, and
climate change. The latter three phenomena may intensify impacts of each other and lead to more
severe and abundant problems relating to each of them. Therefore, it becomes of utmost importance
to address the existing problems today so that the future of mankind
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The Importance Of Biodiversity
Biodiversity loss is becoming an unpleasant pattern in today's world. Additionally, there are three
levels of biodiversity; species diversity, ecosystem diversity, and genetic diversity. Firstly, species
diversity is categorized as the volume of all living things. Secondly, ecosystem diversity is the
region/habitat in which the species thrive. Lastly, genetic diversity is the variety of genes in a
species, which allow the species to adapt and evolve to better suit their environment. Currently, the
world is witnessing a profound loss of biodiversity. According to The National Wildlife Federation,
the greatest species diversity is found among the invertebrates, including insects, crustaceans,
sponges, and scorpions. In addition, The National Wildlife Federation conclude that "scientists know
the least about the diversity of microscopic organisms such as bacteria and protozoa" (TNWF).
Although, Microorganisms may be tiny, but they are vital, forming the base of the food chain
ecosystems. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment estimated that "8700 did per year or
approximately 24 species per day" (Fred Pierce). Ever since Cuvier discovery of extinction became a
concept in France, biodiversity rates have been on a steady decline (Kolbert 2015). The current
declining biodiversity rates are comparable to mass extinction events in the past. This is significant
because many animals depend on each other to maintain their lifestyle or play a vital role for the
environment. These species
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The Human Impact On Biodiversity
There are over 2,000 species that are either endangered or threatened in the United States and in
foreign countries in the year 2016 according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The biodiversity
all across the world is decreasing at a tremendous rate. Because of this, the protection of endangered
species is a very important focus. In 1973 the Endangered Species Act was put into effect. Under this
Act, all threatened and endangered species are protected. The biodiversity refers to the variety of
species in a given ecosystem. People do not think these creatures are important, that is simply
untrue. Some people believe that human needs take priority over the needs of other species.
However, biodiversity should be protected because more content...
Studies are being done all across the world to gain more knowledge on biodiversity in order to keep
these species alive and well.
The groundbreaking studies that have been done, and are still being done, by Scotland 's scientists is
accumulating global knowledge of biodiversity in the pursuit of protecting endangered plants and
animals (Scotland Scientists). Roseanna Cunningham said: "The process of evolution leads species
to adapt to changing circumstances, to strengthen, grow and, at times, to falter. Unfortunately human
impact on the environment has, for centuries now, sped up this natural process at a rate many
species cannot match. Our scientists have increased our understanding of biodiversity and provided
clear direction on how humans can help support and protect the marvelous variety of life around us"
(Scotland Scientists). This quotation explains to the world that evolution cannot happen overnight.
The evolution of different species takes so much time that our rapidly changing society is
destroying the creatures of the world. However, because of the work done by the Scottish scientists
the world is coming to know and acknowledge the importance of biodiversity. Because of Scotland's
scientists work on this matter, we are having a clear direction about how humans can help support
and protect an awe–inspiring variety of life around us, the world can move on to actually protecting
endangered and threatened
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Biodiversity And Its Effects On Biodiversity
Abstract. Biodiversity is a variety of life and it is important to maintain biodiversity because it
provides everyone's needs for food source, water source and shelter. Currently, Georgia Gwinnett
College expanding with construction around the area, will this cause a disturbance where the
campus will not be able to have biodiversity or having some disturbance can increase it? The
research measured biodiversity in 5 different places around campus, these locations varying levels of
disturbance and resources. After analysis, it was determined that sites further away from the stream
at the downstream location had less biodiversity, and that the GGC site location had more
biodiversity than both of the stream locations, which may be due to more diverse habitats with the
location, or sharing more transition areas with areas of higher disturbance.
Introduction. Biodiversity is a variety of life on Earth at all levels from genes to ecosystems and
the ecological and evolutionary process that is able to keep biodiversity in balance (Willington,
2005). Biodiversity is important because it satisfy's everyone including animals, organisms and
humans basic needs such as food and water source and as well shelter(Wood, 1997). The overall
goal in biodiversity conservation is to create a foundation in developing ways to protect and use
biological resources in a way where it does not destroy important habitats in an ecosystem
(Nangendo, 2002). In ecology it has been taught that everything from
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Essay about The Importance of Biodiversity
What exactly is Biodiversity? Biodiversity is generally defined as "the existence of many different
kinds of plants and animals in an environment." (Merriam Webster Dictionary, n.d.) However, there
is no single definition for biodiversity. One definition for biological diversity is "a diversity among
and within plant and animal species in an environment" (Biological Diversity, n.d.). Biodiversity can
also be defined as "the number and variety of organisms found within a specified geographic region"
(Biological Diversity, n.d.). Another definition is "the variability among living organisms on the
earth, including the variability within and between species and within and between ecosystems"
(Biological Diversity, n.d.). There are at more content...
At the opposite end of the spectrum, characteristics of genetically healthy populations include many
beings that are completely unrelated to each other.
Ecological diversity is the variation of habitat styles that are offered in a given area. These habitats
can have very dissimilar physical characteristics. Some examples of this are temperature and soil
type, as well as different entities occupying them. After the habitat with all its organisms and their
multifaceted exchanges are careful measured together, it is characterized as an ecosystem. Ecosystem
diversity is normally referred to as the level that is deliberated in relation to biodiversity.
Many different people for a variety of reasons have argued the value of biodiversity, but they all
point to a unified ideal of conservation. Humans would need to ensure that our natural resources are
available for all of our future generations. Several assemblies and establishments in our modern
society also are aware of the intrinsic value of biodiversity in all of its forms. Some examples of this
include waste managers, pharmacists, the food industry, the pet industry, hobbyists, hunters and
anglers, scientists and, finally, conservationists.
Biodiversity also means there are other options out there, and we have to find them. The options
range from medicine to technology that are inspired by animals and plants. The nature in the world
is an immense fountain of helpful information that might,
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biodiversity Essay
Biodiversity, as defined by E.O. Wilson, "is meant to be all inclusive– it's the genetic based
variation of living organisms at all levels, from the variety of genes in populations of single species,
through species, on up to the array of natural ecosystems." This includes plants, animals,
insects, fungi, bacteria, and all microorganisms. All of these things create what is known as a web.
These things interact with each other in some way there for they depend on one another throughout
their lifetime. There are many separate ways in which we can study biodiversity. These ways
include, genetic, species, community, ecosystem, and taxonomic diversity. Biodiversity can be best more content...
In the video, during the drought, the side of the field with a more diverse environment held stern as
the other wilted away.
Areas that are very diverse are very important to humans as well. They provide a wide arrange of
pharmaceuticals such as aspirin and penicillin. "Some
40 percent of U.S. prescriptions are for pharmaceuticals derived from wild plants, animals and
microorganisms.(E.O. Wilson)" They also provide fruit, oils, beverages, drugs (including
illegal narcotics), fuel, and much more. Humans also benefit from biodiversity from what E.O.
Wilson calls "biophillia," which is the natural affiliation humans have for natural
environments.(E.O. Wilson)
Old growth forests play a dentrimental role in biodiversity preservation.
It's most important feature is biodiversity. Old growth forests provide us with many of the things
that we as humans take for granted, for example, breathable air pure water, and pest control through
birds, bats, and insects.
In the Eastern U.S., most of the old growth occurs in small isolated areas.
Scientist have come to the conclusion that even if these matured areas cover a substantial portion of
landscape, it will not provide long term diversity for many species that live in such a
community.(How much old growth..?)
Many environmentalists are increasingly concerned with this biodiversity
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Essay On Endangered Plants
Imagine this: you step outside and feel the barren, rough, red Earth beneath your feet. There's not a
single plant in sight–no rustling of the leaves, no mighty towering trees to block the severe winds,
and the scorching heat of the sun searing upon your face because there's no shade. And when you
take a whiff of air, you feel nothing filling up the space inside your lungs, liberating your body's
activities. What's wrong with this picture? It's not possible, of course. Even though plants aren't the
building blocks of life, they're pretty close and without them, most of life wouldn't exist–YOU
wouldn't exist. In my research, I will go in–depth about biodiversity–which defines as a quantity of
the relative diversity more content...
Based upon the same experiments and samples taken, it was concluded that the atmospheric nitrogen
pollution was caused by the burning of fossil fuels and rigorous agriculture (Ananthaswamy, 2004).
According to the 2004 release of the Threatened and Endangered Species System (TESS)
information, there are 599 endangered plants and 147 threatened plants in the US alone (TESS,
2004). These listings rely on a very stern legal system. Whether they can be labeled "rare",
"threatened," or "endangered", it is determined by the measure of endangerment the species sustain.
An "endangered" type is one that is in jeopardy of extinction throughout all or a major fraction of its
range. A "threatened" species is one that is likely to become in danger of extinction in the future
(UFWS, 2004).
Ways for prevention of plant dissolution/ rewards
Here in DeKalb County, we have several different threatened plant species. They are: Bay–star Vine,
Flatrock Onion, Granite Rock Stonecrop, Indian Olive, Piedmont Barren Strawberry, and the Pool
Sprite Snorkelwort. We have one endangered plant: it is the Black–spored Quillwort (UFWS, 2004).
There are over 542 discrete approved ecosystem recovery plans. Some plans cover more than one
species while a few have different plans covering various parts of their ranges (TESS, 2004). One
organization is the Botanic Gardens Conservation International. It has just recently been added as a
participant of the bigger
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Biodiversity And Biodiversity
The current climate change is projected to have a significant influence over biodiversity. The
changes create risk to almost all the species on land to extinct by 2050. Due to earth's rapid
warming that is now faster than at any time in the past 10,000 years, the species survival is likely
to be at the fullest risk. The rapid heating temperature on earth almost always caused danger to
plants, animals, places and even people's livelihoods. It also damages the ecosystem, including
coral reefs, whole loss of unique forms of life that will create a complete disaster on earth. These
changes force the species to adapt to new climate patterns, if species can not evolve to live in a
certain ranges of temperature, or when it actually lives dependent to a certain temperature range,
then its existence is endangered. With the more intense rising of sea level and warmer ocean, the
prolonged period of a shortage of water resulted threaten crops, wildlife and storage of fresh water.
Various studies reveal that species usually move to higher elevations and latitudes in response to
climate change. The local extinction also record the loss of population at the warm edge of species
ranges that located in the lower elevations and latitudes. The data particularly show that roughly
half of the 976 species surveyed has extinct. Loss of species is normally happen in tropical region
across the climatic zones, habitats and group of organism. The species mostly are Earth's species
animals that
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Impact Of Biodiversity On The Environment
Background Vast biodiversity is the key feature that makes Earth unique in comparison to other
planets. Not only are there 7 billion people inhabiting the Earth, so are 9 million different types of
plants, animals, protists and fungi. It was recognized in the 1980's that species were being lost at
rapid rates from ecosystems. It is known that all organisms play important roles within their
ecosystems being that organisms interact with their ecosystem through feedback mechanisms
(Cardinale, B. J., et al., 2012). If biodiversity is diminishing then food webs and ecosystems will
also be disrupted. In humanity, Health cannot be sustained without a viable environment (Yassi, A.,
The primary cause of biodiversity loss is human activity. Any type of anthropogenic action done in
the environment will undoubtedly indirectly affect human health (Yassi, A., 2001). Modernization is
affecting the environment because it is reducing the amount of natural habitats that a lot of
organisms need to sustain and survive. Factors such as global warming, which is also accelerating
due to human activity, is altering temperatures which is also creating harsher environments for some
organisms to survive. Air pollution and water pollution are also factors that are affecting
biodiversity, which in turn is reducing our ability to take advantage of ecosystem services that
humanity requires. There are many symbiotic relationships that occur in all ecosystems. If one
aspect of an ecosystem
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Persuasive Essay On Biodiversity Conservation
Biodiversity Conservation in Australia
Biodiversity exists in every type of environment. Our existence, as humans, depends greatly on these
environments, whether it be for food, materials, or energy. Thus, the conservation of this biodiversity
is crucial in sustaining life on Earth. Currently in Australia, the risk of extinction is very real for
thousands of species. This is not only detrimental to the actual threatened species, but also for all of
the other species in the ecosystem that depend on it. Australia's biodiversity is constantly being
threatened by habitat loss, unsustainable practices, overuse of resources, and climate change.
Unfortunately, once biodiversity has been lost, it can never fully be restored, thus, we must act
quickly and efficiently to ensure that the least amount of permanent loss occurs.
According to Australia's 2010–2030 Biodiversity Conservation Strategy, there are three important
steps that must be taken above all else to conserve biodiversity. Firstly, all Australian's must be
engaged and motivated to take action. Secondly, everyone must work to aid in "building ecosystem
resilience." Lastly, once the first two steps have been taken, we must work toward attaining tangible
results (Australian Government Department of Environment and Energy).
Currently, the main cause of biodiversity loss in Australia is very much due to human intervention in
nature–this leading cause being habitat destruction. Thus, it is no surprise that the demolishing of the
rainforest is a major problem and threat to Australian biodiversity. As of now, with the massive
amount of deforestation occurring daily around the globe, Australia is the only western country to
still have large patches of rainforest. Thankfully, today's world has seen a surge in activism. Thus, it
is no surprise that there are many movements and campaigns by the Australian people to protect their
Unfortunately, however, activism is not enough to fully protect biodiversity and prevent further loss.
Even with all of the good that comes with these movements, there are a lot of problems with
Australia's current state of conservation. Australia has dug itself into a fairly deep hole; continuing
unsustainable practices in the
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a.Biodiversity– is the degree of variation of life. It is a measure of the variety of organisms present
in different ecosystems. This can refer to genetic variation, ecosystem variation, or species variation
(number of species) within an area, biome, or planet. Terrestrial biodiversity tends to be highest near
the equator, which seems to be the result of the warm climate and high primary productivity.
Biodiversity is not distributed evenly on Earth. It is the richest in the tropics. Marine biodiversity
tends to be highest along coasts in the Western Pacific, where sea surface temperature is highest and
in the mid–latitudinal band in all oceans. There are latitudinal gradients in species diversity.
Biodiversity generally more content...
As ecosystems are defined by the network of interactions among organisms, and between organisms
and their environment, they can be of any size but usually encompass specific, limited spaces. f.
species diversity– is the number of different species that are represented in a given community (a
dataset). The effective number of species refers to the number of equally abundant species needed
to obtain the same mean proportional species abundance as that observed in the dataset of interest
(where all species may not be equally abundant). Species diversity consists of two components:
species richness and species evenness. Species richness is a simple count of species, whereas
species evenness quantifies how equal the abundances of the species are. g. species richness–is the
number of different species represented in an ecological community, landscape or region. Species
richness is simply a count of species, and it does not take into account the abundances of the species
or their relative abundance distributions.
2. Differentiate the following Genetic diversity| Community diversity| Landscape diversity| level of
biodiversity, refers to the total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species.
It is distinguished from genetic variability, which describes the tendency of genetic characteristics to
vary.| Anecosystem is a higher level of community. A community is made up of
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Importance Of Biodiversity In Agriculture
Biodiversity and Ecosystem services for food and agriculture
Biodiversity and ecosystem services are a very important concept for keeping a maintain place for
animals and plants. The animals and plants sustain key functions of the ecosystems, it's structure and
processes. Biodiversity for food and agriculture can be managed to maintain or enhance ecosystems
functions to provide options for the optimization for agriculture production, and contribute to the
resilience of ecosystems for risk mitigation. Indeed, biodiversity enhances ecosystems services
because those components that appear redundant at one point in time become important when
changes occur.
Biological diversity is important to agriculture because crop genetic diversity has a critical role to
play in increasing and sustaining production levels and nutritional throughout the full range of
different agroecological(the study of ecological processes applied to agricultural production systems)
conditions. Diverse plants can mean in soil biodiversity that can provide vital functions that regulate
the soils nutrients.
Ecosystems services are defined as " the benefits provided by ecosystems to humans." This is like if
a bee pollinates a rose and grows more roses and we can buy and sell those roses for are pleasure.
Many key ecosystem services provided by biodiversity, such as the nutrients cycling, pest regulation
and pollination, and sustain agricultural productivity. Promoting the
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Biodiversity Essays

  • 1. Why Is Ocean Biodiversity Important As you may know, one of the best ways for me to study a particular subject is by trying to explain it to someone else. What I am about to tell you this time, however, is not going to be a review for an exam but it is something that I am deeply passionate about: ocean biodiversity. In the most basic sense, biodiversity is the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat. Why is ocean biodiversity important and how does it play a role in our lives? Boris Worm, a marine research ecologist and associate professor at Dalhousie University in Canada, and his associates explains that, "local species richness enhance ecosystem productivity and stability... marine ecosystems provide a wide variety goods and services, including vital food resources for millions of people, flood control and waste detoxification" (Worm). In their research study, they discovered that higher diversity of marine plants results in greater ecosystem stability and eighty percent more biomass. On the other hand, fisheries with limited diversity saw significant loss in water quality and catch yield. World Ocean Review believes that ocean biodiversity, makes habitats more resilient to environmental change... and it plays a vital role in the production of plant biomass (primary producers) which is the basic food source for all life in the ocean" (Worm). You know from science class that primary producers form the base and the most important part of the food web. This is why ocean biodiversity is essential Get more content on
  • 2. Biodiversity Loss And Loss Of Species Essay Biodiversity Loss The environmental issue that I chose to research is 'Biodiversity Loss'. Biodiversity loss is the loss of species on our planet. For example, this is animals and plants that have done extinct. This has impacted every corner of the globe, since the dinosaurs we have lost thousands of animals and other forms of life to extinction. According to Endangered Earth "there are now 41,415 species on the IUCN Red List, and 16,306 of them are endangered species threatened with extinction," (Endangered Earth 2016). It is estimated that we only know about 15% of all the species that call Earth home, at this rate we will lose thousands of species before scientist can even identify them (Watson 2011). There are several reasons the humans are at fault for the extinction rate, to name a few; hunting, loss of habitats, pollution, climate change, and so many others. One of the main issues that is causing a loss in biodiversity is the loss of habitats. The majority of habitats that are destroyed for more land or for their resources, which leads to having more land. When the land runs out of their natural resources houses and other 'buildings' are built up in the place of the natural habitat. Once the buildings are built, humans move into the area bringing diseases and species not native to the area. This can simultaneously knock out hundreds of species that no longer have homes or are unable to adapt to the new environment (Biodiversity Information 2016). One of the more Get more content on
  • 3. The Issue Of Biodiversity Loss Essay To begin to comprehend the nature of the issue of biodiversity loss, it is necessary to look at the current technologies used to track these phenomena. The myriad of methods in which species are tracked are advancing faster than ever. Stewart Pimm and his colleagues, in the article "Review: Emerging Technologies To ConserveBiodiversity" speak of how technologies have advanced, Tracking individuals has moved from using bulky and expensive radio–collars to smaller satellite–based devices and even to innovative non–invasive approaches. Technology provides new opportunities through informative compounds from the tracked animal 's tissue (such as isotopes and genetic material) and even directly from remote sensing. In addition to the improved field technology, a large number of open databases have been created to track, and give access to, recorded species. For instance, Global Biodiversity Information Facility, has over 1.64 million recorded species and over 639 million occurrences. The open sourcing of such information allows for a comprehensive review of species distribution. These new technologies have led to a more detailed insight into the populations of species in a given area. However, this also brings to light the current severity of biodiversity loss and questions as to how the problem will be solved. There are numerous solutions currently in place to prevent further loss of biodiversity and species extinction. In the United States, there are large agencies such as Get more content on
  • 4. Marine Biodiversity : A Global Pattern Essay Marine biodiversity Definition: Marine biodiversity refers to the species richness and abundance of genes, species and habitats in the world 's oceans and seas. And since the world is covered with approximately 70% water the amount of life in the oceans is enormous. According to the definition of the Convention on Biological Diversity, biodiversity is the variability among living organisms from all sources, including inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems. Why Marine Biodiversity Is a global pattern: Biodiversity is essential for the benefits the ecosystems can provide to humans. Biodiversity effects a larger number of plant species meaning a greater variety of crops, greater species diversity and ensuring natural sustainability for all life forms, food, medicinal resources and pharmaceutical drugs, wood products, ornamental plants, breeding stocks, population reservoirs, future resources, diversity in genes, species. biological diversity is the resource upon which families, communities, nations and future generations depend. But we are currently using 25% more natural resources than the planet can sustain As a result species, habitats and local communities are under pressure or direct threats and if we continue to abuse this resources it will eventually be depleted and unuseable. ''The dataset shows the global patterns of Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Biodiversity Biodiversity INTRODUCTION Franck and Brownstone define biological diversity as 'the variety and variability of living organisms and the biological communities in which they live' (36). Decades of progress in both the scientific and political arenas have advanced environmental legislation to protect biodiversity at not only the ecosystem level, but for specific species and genetic material as well. Research has shown the importance of every organism and their role in the global ecosystem, and legislation has gradually matured to protect not only species which may become endangered, but the habitats they need to survive as well. Growing consciousness surrounding environmental issues has enabled these protections to more content... Simultaneously, thousands of other species across the globe face the same threat: extinction. Biodiversity is an essential part of our world, our global ecosystem. As Planet Earth?s resources diminish and its creatures vanish, those who recognize the need to preserve what is disappearing look to international politics to accomplish what individuals cannot. The most important instrument for implementation of international policy has been the Convention On International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which went into effect in 1975. The plight of the rhinoceros is not unlike the all–too–familiar danger that the elephant faces. Illegal trade is greatly responsible for the endangerment of the species. Valued for their ivory horns, over 90% of the five rhino species have disappeared, while the rest continue to dwindle. The worth of one rhinoceros horn is $44,000, and the demand remains high in the countries of China, Taiwan, South Korea and in the Middle East. In East Asia, the horns are regarded as powerful medicinal tools, known to cure everything from nosebleeds to food poisoning. In a powdered from, the horn is thought to be a powerful aphrodisiac. Similarly, the animals? genitalia are also considered extremely valuable. Existing rhino populations continue to decline. In East Africa, the Black Rhinoceros Get more content on
  • 6. Reflection Essay On Biodiversity So many interesting things there are to see stepping out my front door peering into my own front yard. An incredibly biodiverse world that I have never paid much attention to until today. As I walked around my front yard I would like to share with you the things I witnessed in the following areas; my surroundings, the abiotic factors, the population, the community, the interactions I saw, and my overall observation of God's goodness. As we look at the world around us we are looking at biodiversity all the time, but most of us are not thinking about our surroundings in these terms. Biodiversity according to David Krogh in his book Biology, A Guide to the Natural World says that it means "a diversity of species in a given area,"(p.672). I believe that having biodiversity is valuable because the more members you have in a community the more resources you have at your disposal. This is important because it builds strength within a community or as David Krogh said "more diverse communities tend to be more stable communities," (p.673). In my front yard this morning I saw birds, rabbits, a few maple trees, leaves on the ground with the dead grass poking through, some dying petunias, some dog scat. I performed my observation at 8:02am and according to the weather app on my phone the temperature was 46 degrees Fahrenheit with 55% humidity and the wind was 6mph. There were a few clouds visible in the sky and the sun was up and it was a beautiful crisp fall morning. There were two communities that I paid attention to the maple tree and the petunia plant. The maple tree has nearly lost all of its leaves which were all orange and had lost their nutrients so that the tree could live through the upcoming cold winter. As I looked at the petunia I noticed that though it was clearly dying as well there was evidence of phototropism "curvature of shoots in response to light,"(Krogh, p.452). This was a fairly large potted petunia plant and there were areas that seemed to be fighting for light and food. There were two populations I paid attention to the most and that was the birds that I watched fly from tree to tree within my cul–de–sac and the rabbits as they chased each other around in my front lawn, into the Get more content on
  • 7. Biodiversity And Its Impact On Biodiversity Biodiversity is what makes the planet earth unique and different from every other planet in the solar system. Biodiversity can be studied on a global level all the way down to studying it within a microscopic ecosystem (National Wildlife Federation, 2015). It is important to understand that biodiversity can be looked at genetically as well as environmentally as well. For example, genetic biodiversity is seen in the variation of different breeds within the dog species, while environmental biodiversity is the diversity of ecosystems and habitats (National Wildlife Federation, 2015). Preserving biodiversity is perhaps the most important task that humans have to complete while living on this planet. The ecosystems that make up all of the regions worldwide are immensely complex, so conservation may be difficult at times. Additionally, many factors influence the species that inhabit ecosystems, and these factors may complicate the preservation of biodiversity. Moreover, there is a plethora of threats to biodiversity, both natural and manmade that are destroying ecosystems on a daily basis. Out of these threats, the human influences are particularly severe and must be taken care of at all costs. Biodiversity provides countless benefits for every ecosystem and creature, which is what makes it worthy of conservation. Through the introduction and relocation of species, some degree of restoration may be possible in the future. Biodiversity is an amazing natural process that makes life Get more content on
  • 8. Biodiversity And Its Effects On The Environment The sky is dyed red by the flames engulfing the forest. As water floods the land, what little is left is quickly washed away. Those that would normally resist such disasters are gone. There are much fewer species in our world than there was a long time ago because the world's biodiversity is in a deplorable state. As more and more companies access and exploit natural resources at a rate which the land cannot compensate, more and more organisms are disappearing from the planet. Although some may believe that the companies actions have no effect on the environment, it cannot be denied that many species are endangered or already extinct because of their actions; companies indirectly and directly affect the biodiversity in the world. Biodiversity is the number of species of plants, animals, microorganism, and ecosystems in a given region. As all species are somehow related and codependent on one another, biodiversity plays an important role in the survival of many species. Each organism, no matter how small has an important part in natural sustainability, ecosystems, and species variety. Animals which live in the waters help to preserve water reservoirs and lakes, while trees help prevent soil erosion and recycles nutrient. Many organisms help break down the pollution that humans have spread. In the case of any natural disasters, they are able to compensate and quickly help the environment recover. When their natural habitats are removed though, they are forced into extinction Get more content on
  • 9. Impact Of Biodiversity On The Environment Furthermore, it is a proven fact that biodiversity changes influence "the flow of ecosystem services", i.e. benefits that people receive from ecosystems, including such services as provisioning, cultural, and regulating ones (Perrings 1). The most acute group of services in terms of biodiversity connection with the environment concerns regulating services, which relate to control of biological variability, presence of pathogens and pests, emergence and mitigation of environmental hazards, as well as many other essential environmental processes (Perrings 1). Hence, it is obvious that if biodiversity significantly alters, the environment will be susceptible to a wide range of various impacts. Moreover, all of them will be of negative character. Diminishing biodiversity, for instance, means that the process of climate regulation performed by ecosystems and their correlation will be threatened and disrupted. As a result, it will intensify problems with the biodiversity and lead to further extinction of many species. Nonetheless, researchers agree that it is difficult to predict exact impacts of biodiversity loss on the environment and the combined effect of the biodiversity loss, degradation of the environment, and climate change. The latter three phenomena may intensify impacts of each other and lead to more severe and abundant problems relating to each of them. Therefore, it becomes of utmost importance to address the existing problems today so that the future of mankind Get more content on
  • 10. The Importance Of Biodiversity Biodiversity loss is becoming an unpleasant pattern in today's world. Additionally, there are three levels of biodiversity; species diversity, ecosystem diversity, and genetic diversity. Firstly, species diversity is categorized as the volume of all living things. Secondly, ecosystem diversity is the region/habitat in which the species thrive. Lastly, genetic diversity is the variety of genes in a species, which allow the species to adapt and evolve to better suit their environment. Currently, the world is witnessing a profound loss of biodiversity. According to The National Wildlife Federation, the greatest species diversity is found among the invertebrates, including insects, crustaceans, sponges, and scorpions. In addition, The National Wildlife Federation conclude that "scientists know the least about the diversity of microscopic organisms such as bacteria and protozoa" (TNWF). Although, Microorganisms may be tiny, but they are vital, forming the base of the food chain ecosystems. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment estimated that "8700 did per year or approximately 24 species per day" (Fred Pierce). Ever since Cuvier discovery of extinction became a concept in France, biodiversity rates have been on a steady decline (Kolbert 2015). The current declining biodiversity rates are comparable to mass extinction events in the past. This is significant because many animals depend on each other to maintain their lifestyle or play a vital role for the environment. These species Get more content on
  • 11. The Human Impact On Biodiversity There are over 2,000 species that are either endangered or threatened in the United States and in foreign countries in the year 2016 according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The biodiversity all across the world is decreasing at a tremendous rate. Because of this, the protection of endangered species is a very important focus. In 1973 the Endangered Species Act was put into effect. Under this Act, all threatened and endangered species are protected. The biodiversity refers to the variety of species in a given ecosystem. People do not think these creatures are important, that is simply untrue. Some people believe that human needs take priority over the needs of other species. However, biodiversity should be protected because more content... Studies are being done all across the world to gain more knowledge on biodiversity in order to keep these species alive and well. The groundbreaking studies that have been done, and are still being done, by Scotland 's scientists is accumulating global knowledge of biodiversity in the pursuit of protecting endangered plants and animals (Scotland Scientists). Roseanna Cunningham said: "The process of evolution leads species to adapt to changing circumstances, to strengthen, grow and, at times, to falter. Unfortunately human impact on the environment has, for centuries now, sped up this natural process at a rate many species cannot match. Our scientists have increased our understanding of biodiversity and provided clear direction on how humans can help support and protect the marvelous variety of life around us" (Scotland Scientists). This quotation explains to the world that evolution cannot happen overnight. The evolution of different species takes so much time that our rapidly changing society is destroying the creatures of the world. However, because of the work done by the Scottish scientists the world is coming to know and acknowledge the importance of biodiversity. Because of Scotland's scientists work on this matter, we are having a clear direction about how humans can help support and protect an awe–inspiring variety of life around us, the world can move on to actually protecting endangered and threatened Get more content on
  • 12. Biodiversity And Its Effects On Biodiversity Abstract. Biodiversity is a variety of life and it is important to maintain biodiversity because it provides everyone's needs for food source, water source and shelter. Currently, Georgia Gwinnett College expanding with construction around the area, will this cause a disturbance where the campus will not be able to have biodiversity or having some disturbance can increase it? The research measured biodiversity in 5 different places around campus, these locations varying levels of disturbance and resources. After analysis, it was determined that sites further away from the stream at the downstream location had less biodiversity, and that the GGC site location had more biodiversity than both of the stream locations, which may be due to more diverse habitats with the location, or sharing more transition areas with areas of higher disturbance. Introduction. Biodiversity is a variety of life on Earth at all levels from genes to ecosystems and the ecological and evolutionary process that is able to keep biodiversity in balance (Willington, 2005). Biodiversity is important because it satisfy's everyone including animals, organisms and humans basic needs such as food and water source and as well shelter(Wood, 1997). The overall goal in biodiversity conservation is to create a foundation in developing ways to protect and use biological resources in a way where it does not destroy important habitats in an ecosystem (Nangendo, 2002). In ecology it has been taught that everything from Get more content on
  • 13. Essay about The Importance of Biodiversity What exactly is Biodiversity? Biodiversity is generally defined as "the existence of many different kinds of plants and animals in an environment." (Merriam Webster Dictionary, n.d.) However, there is no single definition for biodiversity. One definition for biological diversity is "a diversity among and within plant and animal species in an environment" (Biological Diversity, n.d.). Biodiversity can also be defined as "the number and variety of organisms found within a specified geographic region" (Biological Diversity, n.d.). Another definition is "the variability among living organisms on the earth, including the variability within and between species and within and between ecosystems" (Biological Diversity, n.d.). There are at more content... At the opposite end of the spectrum, characteristics of genetically healthy populations include many beings that are completely unrelated to each other. Ecological diversity is the variation of habitat styles that are offered in a given area. These habitats can have very dissimilar physical characteristics. Some examples of this are temperature and soil type, as well as different entities occupying them. After the habitat with all its organisms and their multifaceted exchanges are careful measured together, it is characterized as an ecosystem. Ecosystem diversity is normally referred to as the level that is deliberated in relation to biodiversity. Many different people for a variety of reasons have argued the value of biodiversity, but they all point to a unified ideal of conservation. Humans would need to ensure that our natural resources are available for all of our future generations. Several assemblies and establishments in our modern society also are aware of the intrinsic value of biodiversity in all of its forms. Some examples of this include waste managers, pharmacists, the food industry, the pet industry, hobbyists, hunters and anglers, scientists and, finally, conservationists. Biodiversity also means there are other options out there, and we have to find them. The options range from medicine to technology that are inspired by animals and plants. The nature in the world is an immense fountain of helpful information that might, Get more content on
  • 14. biodiversity Essay "BIODIVERSITY" Biodiversity, as defined by E.O. Wilson, "is meant to be all inclusive– it's the genetic based variation of living organisms at all levels, from the variety of genes in populations of single species, through species, on up to the array of natural ecosystems." This includes plants, animals, insects, fungi, bacteria, and all microorganisms. All of these things create what is known as a web. These things interact with each other in some way there for they depend on one another throughout their lifetime. There are many separate ways in which we can study biodiversity. These ways include, genetic, species, community, ecosystem, and taxonomic diversity. Biodiversity can be best more content... In the video, during the drought, the side of the field with a more diverse environment held stern as the other wilted away. Areas that are very diverse are very important to humans as well. They provide a wide arrange of pharmaceuticals such as aspirin and penicillin. "Some 40 percent of U.S. prescriptions are for pharmaceuticals derived from wild plants, animals and microorganisms.(E.O. Wilson)" They also provide fruit, oils, beverages, drugs (including illegal narcotics), fuel, and much more. Humans also benefit from biodiversity from what E.O. Wilson calls "biophillia," which is the natural affiliation humans have for natural environments.(E.O. Wilson) Old growth forests play a dentrimental role in biodiversity preservation. It's most important feature is biodiversity. Old growth forests provide us with many of the things that we as humans take for granted, for example, breathable air pure water, and pest control through birds, bats, and insects. In the Eastern U.S., most of the old growth occurs in small isolated areas. Scientist have come to the conclusion that even if these matured areas cover a substantial portion of landscape, it will not provide long term diversity for many species that live in such a community.(How much old growth..?) Many environmentalists are increasingly concerned with this biodiversity Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On Endangered Plants Biodiversity Imagine this: you step outside and feel the barren, rough, red Earth beneath your feet. There's not a single plant in sight–no rustling of the leaves, no mighty towering trees to block the severe winds, and the scorching heat of the sun searing upon your face because there's no shade. And when you take a whiff of air, you feel nothing filling up the space inside your lungs, liberating your body's activities. What's wrong with this picture? It's not possible, of course. Even though plants aren't the building blocks of life, they're pretty close and without them, most of life wouldn't exist–YOU wouldn't exist. In my research, I will go in–depth about biodiversity–which defines as a quantity of the relative diversity more content... Based upon the same experiments and samples taken, it was concluded that the atmospheric nitrogen pollution was caused by the burning of fossil fuels and rigorous agriculture (Ananthaswamy, 2004). According to the 2004 release of the Threatened and Endangered Species System (TESS) information, there are 599 endangered plants and 147 threatened plants in the US alone (TESS, 2004). These listings rely on a very stern legal system. Whether they can be labeled "rare", "threatened," or "endangered", it is determined by the measure of endangerment the species sustain. An "endangered" type is one that is in jeopardy of extinction throughout all or a major fraction of its range. A "threatened" species is one that is likely to become in danger of extinction in the future (UFWS, 2004). Ways for prevention of plant dissolution/ rewards Here in DeKalb County, we have several different threatened plant species. They are: Bay–star Vine, Flatrock Onion, Granite Rock Stonecrop, Indian Olive, Piedmont Barren Strawberry, and the Pool Sprite Snorkelwort. We have one endangered plant: it is the Black–spored Quillwort (UFWS, 2004). There are over 542 discrete approved ecosystem recovery plans. Some plans cover more than one species while a few have different plans covering various parts of their ranges (TESS, 2004). One organization is the Botanic Gardens Conservation International. It has just recently been added as a participant of the bigger Get more content on
  • 16. Biodiversity And Biodiversity The current climate change is projected to have a significant influence over biodiversity. The changes create risk to almost all the species on land to extinct by 2050. Due to earth's rapid warming that is now faster than at any time in the past 10,000 years, the species survival is likely to be at the fullest risk. The rapid heating temperature on earth almost always caused danger to plants, animals, places and even people's livelihoods. It also damages the ecosystem, including coral reefs, whole loss of unique forms of life that will create a complete disaster on earth. These changes force the species to adapt to new climate patterns, if species can not evolve to live in a certain ranges of temperature, or when it actually lives dependent to a certain temperature range, then its existence is endangered. With the more intense rising of sea level and warmer ocean, the prolonged period of a shortage of water resulted threaten crops, wildlife and storage of fresh water. Various studies reveal that species usually move to higher elevations and latitudes in response to climate change. The local extinction also record the loss of population at the warm edge of species ranges that located in the lower elevations and latitudes. The data particularly show that roughly half of the 976 species surveyed has extinct. Loss of species is normally happen in tropical region across the climatic zones, habitats and group of organism. The species mostly are Earth's species animals that Get more content on
  • 17. Impact Of Biodiversity On The Environment Background Vast biodiversity is the key feature that makes Earth unique in comparison to other planets. Not only are there 7 billion people inhabiting the Earth, so are 9 million different types of plants, animals, protists and fungi. It was recognized in the 1980's that species were being lost at rapid rates from ecosystems. It is known that all organisms play important roles within their ecosystems being that organisms interact with their ecosystem through feedback mechanisms (Cardinale, B. J., et al., 2012). If biodiversity is diminishing then food webs and ecosystems will also be disrupted. In humanity, Health cannot be sustained without a viable environment (Yassi, A., 2001). The primary cause of biodiversity loss is human activity. Any type of anthropogenic action done in the environment will undoubtedly indirectly affect human health (Yassi, A., 2001). Modernization is affecting the environment because it is reducing the amount of natural habitats that a lot of organisms need to sustain and survive. Factors such as global warming, which is also accelerating due to human activity, is altering temperatures which is also creating harsher environments for some organisms to survive. Air pollution and water pollution are also factors that are affecting biodiversity, which in turn is reducing our ability to take advantage of ecosystem services that humanity requires. There are many symbiotic relationships that occur in all ecosystems. If one aspect of an ecosystem Get more content on
  • 18. Persuasive Essay On Biodiversity Conservation Biodiversity Conservation in Australia Biodiversity exists in every type of environment. Our existence, as humans, depends greatly on these environments, whether it be for food, materials, or energy. Thus, the conservation of this biodiversity is crucial in sustaining life on Earth. Currently in Australia, the risk of extinction is very real for thousands of species. This is not only detrimental to the actual threatened species, but also for all of the other species in the ecosystem that depend on it. Australia's biodiversity is constantly being threatened by habitat loss, unsustainable practices, overuse of resources, and climate change. Unfortunately, once biodiversity has been lost, it can never fully be restored, thus, we must act quickly and efficiently to ensure that the least amount of permanent loss occurs. According to Australia's 2010–2030 Biodiversity Conservation Strategy, there are three important steps that must be taken above all else to conserve biodiversity. Firstly, all Australian's must be engaged and motivated to take action. Secondly, everyone must work to aid in "building ecosystem resilience." Lastly, once the first two steps have been taken, we must work toward attaining tangible results (Australian Government Department of Environment and Energy). Currently, the main cause of biodiversity loss in Australia is very much due to human intervention in nature–this leading cause being habitat destruction. Thus, it is no surprise that the demolishing of the rainforest is a major problem and threat to Australian biodiversity. As of now, with the massive amount of deforestation occurring daily around the globe, Australia is the only western country to still have large patches of rainforest. Thankfully, today's world has seen a surge in activism. Thus, it is no surprise that there are many movements and campaigns by the Australian people to protect their environment. Unfortunately, however, activism is not enough to fully protect biodiversity and prevent further loss. Even with all of the good that comes with these movements, there are a lot of problems with Australia's current state of conservation. Australia has dug itself into a fairly deep hole; continuing unsustainable practices in the Get more content on
  • 19. Biodiversity Biodiversity a.Biodiversity– is the degree of variation of life. It is a measure of the variety of organisms present in different ecosystems. This can refer to genetic variation, ecosystem variation, or species variation (number of species) within an area, biome, or planet. Terrestrial biodiversity tends to be highest near the equator, which seems to be the result of the warm climate and high primary productivity. Biodiversity is not distributed evenly on Earth. It is the richest in the tropics. Marine biodiversity tends to be highest along coasts in the Western Pacific, where sea surface temperature is highest and in the mid–latitudinal band in all oceans. There are latitudinal gradients in species diversity. Biodiversity generally more content... As ecosystems are defined by the network of interactions among organisms, and between organisms and their environment, they can be of any size but usually encompass specific, limited spaces. f. species diversity– is the number of different species that are represented in a given community (a dataset). The effective number of species refers to the number of equally abundant species needed to obtain the same mean proportional species abundance as that observed in the dataset of interest (where all species may not be equally abundant). Species diversity consists of two components: species richness and species evenness. Species richness is a simple count of species, whereas species evenness quantifies how equal the abundances of the species are. g. species richness–is the number of different species represented in an ecological community, landscape or region. Species richness is simply a count of species, and it does not take into account the abundances of the species or their relative abundance distributions. 2. Differentiate the following Genetic diversity| Community diversity| Landscape diversity| level of biodiversity, refers to the total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species. It is distinguished from genetic variability, which describes the tendency of genetic characteristics to vary.| Anecosystem is a higher level of community. A community is made up of Get more content on
  • 20. Importance Of Biodiversity In Agriculture Biodiversity and Ecosystem services for food and agriculture Biodiversity and ecosystem services are a very important concept for keeping a maintain place for animals and plants. The animals and plants sustain key functions of the ecosystems, it's structure and processes. Biodiversity for food and agriculture can be managed to maintain or enhance ecosystems functions to provide options for the optimization for agriculture production, and contribute to the resilience of ecosystems for risk mitigation. Indeed, biodiversity enhances ecosystems services because those components that appear redundant at one point in time become important when changes occur. Biological diversity is important to agriculture because crop genetic diversity has a critical role to play in increasing and sustaining production levels and nutritional throughout the full range of different agroecological(the study of ecological processes applied to agricultural production systems) conditions. Diverse plants can mean in soil biodiversity that can provide vital functions that regulate the soils nutrients. Ecosystems services are defined as " the benefits provided by ecosystems to humans." This is like if a bee pollinates a rose and grows more roses and we can buy and sell those roses for are pleasure. Many key ecosystem services provided by biodiversity, such as the nutrients cycling, pest regulation and pollination, and sustain agricultural productivity. Promoting the Get more content on