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Essay Internet
Writing an essay on the topic of the Internet can be both a challenging and intriguing task. The
difficulty lies in the vastness and complexity of the subject matter. The Internet is a multifaceted
entity that encompasses a wide array of aspects, from its historical development to its societal
impact, technological advancements, and the ever-evolving landscape of cyberspace.
To effectively tackle this topic, one must navigate through the intricate web of information,
distinguishing between relevant and obsolete details. The challenge lies in presenting a cohesive
narrative that captures the essence of the Internet, addressing its profound influence on
communication, commerce, education, and social dynamics. Striking the right balance between
depth and breadth of coverage is essential to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
Moreover, the rapid evolution of the Internet adds an extra layer of complexity. Staying current
with the latest trends, innovations, and controversies is crucial to crafting an essay that reflects
the contemporary state of the Internet. This dynamic nature requires constant research and
updates, making the writing process more demanding.
On the other hand, the fascination and intrigue surrounding the Internet offer ample
opportunities for creativity and exploration. Discussing the profound impact of the Internet on
global connectivity, information dissemination, and cultural exchange can be intellectually
stimulating. Analyzing the positive and negative aspects, exploring ethical considerations, and
envisioning the future of the Internet contribute to a thought-provoking essay.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on the topic of the Internet presents its challenges due to its
vast scope and dynamic nature, it also provides an intellectually rewarding experience.
Navigating through the complexities and weaving a coherent narrative requires dedication,
research, and a nuanced understanding of the subject. However, the opportunity to delve into the
fascinating world of the Internet and explore its myriad facets makes the writing process both
challenging and enriching.
For assistance with essays on various topics, including the Internet, you can explore the services
offered at, where you can find expert guidance and support for your academic
writing needs.
Essay Internet Essay Internet
Shoemaker Ivy 9 Research Paper
Shoemaker Levy 9(SL9) is a comet . On July 16th, 1994, twenty three years ago
now, this comet had crashed into Jupiter. Although this is when the crash had
happened the comet, SL9, had been discovered a year before it had rammed into
Jupiter, on the date of March 24, 1993. Shoemaker Levy 9 s collision with Jupiter
had been the first seen on another planetother than our home planet itself, Earth. This
impact that SL9 made on
Jupiter actually lasted around six days and created plumes that were recorded to be
2,000 to 3,000 kilometers high with also increasing the temperature 53,000 to 71,000
degrees fahrenheit. Shoemaker Levy 9 also left dark rings around Jupiter which
were erased by the winds on jupiter, These many pieces of the comet had made
significant ... Show more content on ...
Back in 1993 , Shoemaker Levy 9 was first discovered by Carolyn Shoemaker and
David Levy, which is where the name Shoemaker Levy has come from. It turns out
that the comet had been captured in Jupiter s gravity and it clashed into Jupiter and
even when this comet was first discovered it had been torn
Computer Based Systems And Its Effects On The Workplace
Introduction The use of a timeclock to monitor only select employees negatively
impacts the workplace, as it creates an environment that lacks trust and causes
morale to plummet. Even so, many good intentioned managers implement
timeclocks as a way to manage some, or all employees, believing this will be a way
to keep employees honest as well as become a money saving endeavor. What they
fail to realize is that it can actually cost the company in several ways; it may lead to
financial loss for the company in unearned wages and can be the cause of losing
quality employees. Punching a timeclock is not a new idea. The original Bundy
timeclock was patented in 1890 by Willard Le Grand Bundy in Auburn, New York.
Today, computer based systems are used in conjunction with magnetic stripe cards,
barcodes, RFID (radio frequency identification) chips, and even biometric scans to
monitor the coming and goings of employees. (Wikipedia, 2015) The clocks are
meant to encourage promptness and decrease unwarranted overtime, but some
employees feel singled out and that they are being punished for the indiscretions of
others. Dee Haverrn recently posted an online discussion about being made to
clock in as a Registered Nurse, I resent being treated like a factory worker.
(Haverrn, 2007) Many HR experts and employees agree that salaried exempt
employees may feel micro managed and discouraged when made to punch a
timeclock. Applying uniformity and reason to policy
My Philosophy of Teaching Essay
My Philosophy of Teaching
Education is an important aspect in the lives of all individuals. From the day we are
born until the day we die, we are constantly learning. At a very young age, children
begin attending school. Throughout their educational career, children have many
different teachers who hold many different views, beliefs, and values. Methods of
instruction, personalities, and classroom interaction are all unique to the teacher.
Some teachers may come in each day just because it s their job, and they need the
paycheck. Yet, the ones who are there for the success of their students are the ones
who truly make a difference.
I believe the success of a student depends tremendously on the teacher. ... Show more
content on ...
Teachers should pass this enthusiasm onto their students and gain their interest in the
subject. Children need teachers who care about them, teachers who love them. When
a student knows you care, they are more likely to succeed.
Teachers should have confidence in their students. They should set high expectations
for all students, and then give them the support and encouragement they need to
obtain those expectations. Teachers should praise students. They need to create a
comfortable learning environment where students can make mistakes. Mistakes are a
part of learning. As a child my mother always told me, Practice makes perfect and If
at first you don t succeed, try, try again. At times, students may become frustrated.
Teachers need to encourage their students and give them positive reinforcement. They
should help their students to never give up.
At times, even the best teachers may not be coming through to their students. What
may seem like the perfect lesson plan for one class may not be such a success in
another. Yet good teachers have the ability to recognize this. They monitor and adjust.
Teachers need to observe their students to see if the lesson is coming through to
them. If it is not, the teacher should not give up and move on to new material. They
need to adjust, and reteach the lesson in a way that will come though to the
Ketamine Essay
Chronic intake, delayed onset of action, drug resistance and numerous side effects
of current antidepressants have forced researchers to look for new and safer drugs
(1, 2) with rapid onset and longer acting times. Results obtained in recent years have
been encouraging especially with ketamine a global NMDAR antagonist. The
antidepressant like activity of ketamine has been shown in many preclinical studies
(1 7). A single non anesthetic dose of ketamine reversed the symptoms of major
depression (MDD) under clinical conditions (8). The antidepressant effects of
ketamine were also observed in patients who suffered from treatment resistant
depression or suicidal ideations (9 12). Despite successful clinical trials with
ketamine, its use on a... Show more content on ...
Because Ca2+ is the focal point to all processes mentioned above, we have focused
our study on hyperforin a Ca2+ modulator. Hyperforin is the natural and
biologically active compound extracted from Hypericum perforatum (St John s
Wort) (26). Both St John s Wort and hyperforin attenuated symptoms of mild to
moderate depression in a few clinical trials and displayed antidepressant like
activity in preclinical studies (27, 28). From a molecular perspective, hyperforin
has a multi directional mechanism of action. It acts on ligand gated (GABA,
NMDA, and AMPA receptors) (29, 30) and voltage gated channels (Ca2+, K+, and
Na+) (29, 31). In contrast to blockade of ion transport through the plasma membrane,
hyperforin can increase inward Ca2+ currents. These processes are dose dependent
and probably involve different cellular events. In vitro studies have shown that
hyperforin increases intracellular Ca2+ levels by the activation of the non selective
canonical transient receptor potential 6 channel (TRPC6) or by releasing Ca2+ from
the mitochondria (32 34). As has been previously shown, hyperforin activates
intracellular signaling pathways leading to changes in intracellular Ca2+ levels.
Leuner et al. showed that hyperforin
Pride and Prejudice and Falling in Love Essay
One of the most famous extracts from the novel, Austen allows her two
protagonists to take each other on in a battle of words and wits, showing up the
intellectual superiority of the two in sharp contrast to the superfluous nature of the
people around them. Miss Bingley s attempts to attract Darcy s attentions are lost
in an extract that enhances Austen s themes, develops her narrative and allows the
romantic readers to catch their breath as we see Darcy and Elizabeth begin to fall
for each other, despite their independent states of denial. By way of context, the
dialogue between Darcy and Elizabeth takes place following Miss Bingley s attempt
to show up Elizabeth s ill breeding by parading around the room in front of Mr Darcy.
In Miss... Show more content on ...
Vanity is physical pride, and so here Austen makes a distinction between pride in
intellect and pride in physical appearance condemning only the latter, whereas the
former where there is real superiority of mind... will always be under good
regulation. Thus Austen shows that there is a form of `good pride and makes room
to allow some characters to have this pride, namely: Mr Darcy, Elizabeth and, to a
large extent, Mr Bennet. Austen s use of irony and sarcasm in the novel shines
through in this extract. For example, the irony of Darcy s aforementioned statement
lies in the fact that Darcy makes it, and Darcy was the man who originally deemed
Elizabeth not pretty enough to even notice, let alone dance with (page 9) implying
that he felt himself more attractive than Elizabeth or at least, deserving of a prettier
partner. Austen s tone is ironic again when Elizabeth concludes that she is perfectly
convinced... that Mr Darcy has no defect (line 6,) saying that he is perfect and admits
it himself, although her own opinion of
†After Midnight’ makes you feel as if you were
living in...
After Midnight makes you feel as if you were living in Harlem during the 30s.
The by gone era of 1920s and 30s, jam packed with illicit alcohol, street cars and loud
noises, are often remembered as a time when music was more important than content.
If that is true, then After Midnight is definitely a product of its time.
After midnight is an effervescent new Lincoln center jazz venue performed at the
Brooks Atkinson Theatre. The production will mimic the highly acclaimed musical,
Cotton Club Parade by inviting special celebrities to take the stage, starring American
idol winner Fantasia Barrino, Emmy nominee DulГ© Hill and Tony winner Adriane
Lenox. It was an era when swing was big in Harlem, after Midnight is a jazz ... Show
more content on ...
In a present day twist, everything about the plot and the characters has been
recycled from the old days. The performers are energetic and smiling all through the
play and there are many things that bring a smile to even the weariest faces, such as
balloons, trumpets, tap dancers and a bit of romantic comedy; it all creates stage
magic. Another key component that adds a lot of character to this modern spin of the
Harlem Renaissance is the exceptional costumes by a Cuban designer, Isabel Toledo;
she found enough sparkle, feathers and beads to dress a flapper army.
Although the true stars of this play are the performers from the Jazz at Lincoln
Center All stars, it s clear that the stage gets caught on fire when Fantasia Barrino
performed I Can t Give You Anything but Love, her smooth yet fierce voice
embraced Dorothy Fields and Jimmy McHugh classic with obvious fondness.
Isabel Toledo evidently likes Fantasia s curvy body, designing to her a well fitting,
electric blue, lampshade skirt. She also interacts with the public when she sang the
lesser known Zaz Zuh Zaz (by Cab Calloway and Harry White), inviting the public to
be a part of this fantastic Jazz extravaganza.
It feels like the show, did not want to be seen as an old copy, and indeed, the tricks
there are self explanatory. The notion of combining old school with today s era has an
obvious effect of spicing up the foundation. Yet, it does not eliminate the thought that
the cast could ve
Fifty Shades Of Grey Themes
Fifty Shades of Grey is an elaborate film that ties love and romance with bondage and
discipline, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism (BDSM) (Leistner
Mark, 2016). This movie has a push/pull romantic relationship with an university
senior Anastasia (Ana) Steele and a muiti millionaire Christian Grey. Ana and
Christian are instantly attracted to each other however, their relationship throughout
the movie tends to be strictly sexually based. Ana is a hopeless romantic and
Christian is a sadistic lover, which causes Christian to become apprehensive about
Ana and send Ana on a course that ultimately causes her to try everything in her
power to prevent that resistance. This begins to draw them closer together, but Ana
then learns about... Show more content on ...
This is depicted throughout the entire film, from the first time the main characters
have sex all way to the end of the film. In addition, the role that each gender plays in
the movie is another theme that was portrayed in the film. BDSM within the film is
expressed as pleasurable and something that everyone will enjoy. With all the whips,
toys and ties that are mentioned or said within in the film it sounds amusing for
anyone. In addition, the contract (De Luca Johnson, 201) that is a fundamental base
line for Christian to be involved with Ana is poorly portrayed. Within the movie it is
seen not as a consent between both the dominant and submissive, however it is a rule
that is turned into a living, breathing, and at times uncomfortable interpersonal
experiences (Laurie Kean, 2015). In reality, this consent is something that both the
dominant and submissive agree to that will and will not happen when being involved
in BDSM not something that will alter one s life. BDSM is based on trust and
communication between the dominant and the submissive, which was lacked in the
film. Ana agreed to situations that she didn t know she was putting herself in, for
example punishment that Ana was going to receive because she was out of line (De
Luca Johnson, 2015). Here in the movie it was shown as whipping using a leather
belt on the butt, the tears and faces that she was making whilst it was happening
showed that it was not pleasurable. Here once again, BDSM was not presented
correctly. Research suggests that an important factor in maintaining sexual
satisfaction and relationship satisfaction is being able to communicate effectively
(Leistner, Mark, 2016), this is why at the end of the film, Ana ended the relationship
because communication was not there and she felt hurt and betrayed rather than
Informative Essay On Fake News
Bogus News
Everyone is tuned into the news because sometimes it has information the society
needs to know. The reason I say sometimes must do with the fact that not all news
is trustworthy. Fake news is seen very often and can be misinterpreted by many
people. Well, what is fake news? I believe fake news is information that is false
and just out there to get attention to it. Behind fake news comes fake ideas, most
people s opinions on social media, and false predictions or sayings. Nowadays,
anything could be considered as news but I think it s important to identify the real
news from the fake ones. That way whatever anyone hears or sees will be reliable.
According to the Philippine Daily Inquirer, Tan says, Fake ideas are more subtly
dangerous than fake facts. I agree with this statement because facts are facts and
ideas can be changed several times. When it comes to ideas, good or bad, some go
beyond our expectations that we question ourselves, Will it happen? or Will it
work? . Anyone can come up with an idea and expose what they created to the
whole world. The Philippine Daily Inquirer states, ... they exaggerate an idea and
twist its logic beyond recognition. In fake news any nonsense is shown and said but,
the public can t distinguish was it true and what is false. If the news is about political
issues or relates to something about the government, it should be accurate. The article
Real Confusion about Fake News, Kappan explains, At present, we worry that
Conquer The Termites Case Study
Conquer The termites: Get Expert Controlling solutions In Melbourne It is the
Brisbane s leading or cutting edge Termite Inspection as well as Termite Control
specialist team comprising of fully skilled experts who can help you all the way to
get out of such annoyance. You can be able to conquer the disastrous Termites easily
with their help. They offer various home owners in Brisbane the peace of mind, by
rendering effective solutions to all termite (basically known as the white ant) and
pest control needs along with an experienced, licensed as well as a trusted team of
professionals. Association You Can always Rely Upon The association understands
the stress of yours, which the termites bring to you as a homeowner; both emotionally
Rhetorical Analysis of The Killer Instinct
Rhetorical analysis of The Killer Instinct (January 2000) The Killer Instinct is an
article published in A Monthly Journal of Religion Public Life by Institute on
Religion Public life in January 2000. This journal, which started from 1998, contains
various articles with opinions, arguments, debates and commentary on religious and
moral questions, and social issues going in American society. Thomas Sally, a poet
and a writer, argues in the article that it s the nature of boys who constructs them
rough and not the toys that create them violent. She argues with various examples
from her friends and even from her own experience throughout the article making
clear sense of support to her argument. This article by Thomas Sally is a successful
argument appealing toward its audience with a clear and strong use of
reasoning(logos), emotion(pathos) and authority(ethos) .Thomas Sally s appeal to
logicis the strongest persuasive proof to her argument. The motive for her use of
reasoning is strong due to the explanation of suitable examples from her real life
experience on the subject. Thomas Sally explains, by reasoning, at the beginning
paragraphs that a boy enjoys the warlike fascination of slashing shooting and even
punching if they don t find anything. Thomas Sally uses logos as, We don t tell
someone struggling with lust simply not to want sex; we don t tell a glutton that his
problems will be solved if he stops being hungry. This is a clear logical
Jose San De Martin Research Paper
South America s Two Liberators Two men, One room, A Spanish Empire is
defeated several years later. The year is 1822, two great generals with the same
goal, to liberate South America from the Spanish. A calm and unselfish Jose San
De Martin meets an agitated and annoyed Simon Bolivar. Arm in arm, they walk to
an empty room towards the back of a narrow building. When they enter the room
silence is all that is left to hear from the outside. No one has ever known exactly
was said during the conversations, since there were no eyewitnesses nor was there
anybody to transcribe their words onto paper. Both men are well known and lived
during about the same time period. However, their areas of liberation, methods of
liberation and motives were very... Show more content on ...
Before the conference was even planned, San Martin wrote to Bolivar, stating that
the two of them must join forces if the struggle for independence was to succeed.
(Simon Bolivar and Sam Martin) After Bolivar had agreed happily, The meeting
was scheduled, and the two of them had failed to meet eyes and agree on how they
wanted to liberate Peru. The flamboyant and self assertive BolГvar stood in sharp
contrast to the reflective and self effacing San MartГn. BolГvar wished to accomplish
the liberation of Peru himself in spite of San MartГn s previous efforts there, and as a
republican, he rejected San MartГn s contention that the disruptive political factions
in Peru would be best contained for the national good by a monarch. There isn t a
record of the Guayaquil conversations, except for a few details that were given in
subsequent correspondence between the two men. Apparently, San MartГn offered to
serve under BolГvar s command, but BolГvar seemed to be unwilling to share the
task of liberation.The result was that San MartГn retired from active service in the
wars of liberation and from the political imbroglio in Peru, and BolГvar s forces
delivered the final blow to the Spanish colonial regime in South America at the Battle
of Ayacucho two years later. What is still unknown from this event is why San Martin
had left so
Notre Dame Stereotypes
If disabled people were truly heard, an explosion of knowledge of the human body
and psyche would take place says Susan Wendell, a disability rights advocate. From
able bodied actors playing individuals with disabilities, to victimizing those with
disabilities and depicting them as being completely helpless, Hollywood still has
issues with the portrayal of those living with disabilities. Unfortunately, such films
that present people with disabilities in a stereotypical manner are relatively prevalent.
Films such as The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Forrest Gump, and Wonder highlight
these traditional stereotypes. Media, particularly film, is problematic due to its
inaccurate and flawed portrayals of individuals who live with mental and physical
disabilities on daily basis.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a classic Disney film first released in 1996. The
plot focuses around Quasimodo, a deformed man hidden away from the world in a
bell tower. The character of Quasimodo is repeatedly dehumanized, and presented as
being lesser due to the fact that he has a physical deformity. Quasimodo only
receives recognition after saving a beautiful gypsy girl, Esmerelda, and killing the
controlling priest, Frollo. It is only after these events that the people who had
previously viewed him as being monstrous have a miraculous change of heart and ...
Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, despite the film s good intentions, it still has detrimental consequences
for those living with disabilities. The name Quasimodo itself is derogatory, meaning
half formed. When Archdeacon Frollo discovers that the infant he has just rescued
has a physical disability, he recoils, calling it a demon and trying to kill him. The
only thing that prevents this is his own guilt and his strong religious faith. Frollo, as
a Christian feels as if it is his duty to rescue
El Nino, La Nina and Hurricanes Essay
El Nino, La Nina and Hurricanes
How does the change in climate affect the frequency and the path of those powerful
hurricanes and tropical storms in the tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans? Global
warming has a profound vast impact on the Earth. Besides landmasses, ocean is
warmed unevenly. Additionally, unexpected changes in ocean current will aggregate
the uneven distribution of water temperatures along the globe. Warmer or cooler than
normal sea surface temperatures occur along the Tropical Pacific will provide good
indications of the future climatic change. These weather scenarios are also known as
El Nino, and La Nina. They are indicated by the Southern Oscillation Index, which
shows the prevailing winds in the ... Show more content on ...
The opposite holds too also. Recent El Nino occurred in 1983 84, 1987, 1991 94,
1997 98, and 2004. Recent La Nina occurred in 1989 90, 1999 2001 (NOAA). From
the Southern Oscillation Chart, we can see that El Nino and La Nina is occurring
more frequently and having a greater intensity. Theoretically, El Nino will suppress
growth, while La Nina will promote the growth of hurricanes. We will examine
whether the theory holds too by looking at the archive hurricane paths.
In 1997 and 2004, there were 29 33 tropical systems in the Pacific Ocean. Most of
them curve to the north and six of them hit Japan, while the Philippines was being
hit only once in 1997. This year, Japan was hit eight times while the Philippines
were only hit once. There were less hurricanes, and they tended to curve north in El
Nino year. In Atlantic, there were 8 hurricanes formed in 1997. None moved west to
hit Texas or Mexico. In 2004, there were 13 hurricanes and 3 hit Florida. All
Hurricanes made the curve to the north during El Nino. None hit the West Gulf Coast
In 1999 2001, the La Nina years, there were 16 18 tropical systems formed in the
Atlantic. Two to five tropical systems hit the Western Gulf Coast. In the Pacific,
there were more than 33 tropical systems formed each year, while 5 8 tropical storms
hit the Philippines. There were less systems hitting Japan during El Nino years
Engagement Rings Research Paper
Since prehistoric times we have searched for a way to use unique engagement rings to
identify our chosen mate, and announce our marriage to the world. While
engagement rings hold considerably more sentimental and romantic value in our
society, this certainly has not always been the case. In fact, up until the late 1700 s,
engagement ringswere used not as a romantic gesture, but as a way for a man to
assert his ownership of his wife.
Throughout history engagement rings have been made from many different
materials. From braided grass rings worn by the wives of cavemen, to rings made of
human hair and gemstones worn by 19th century Victorians, each culture and era
throughout history has taken their own approach to this tradition.
It was not ... Show more content on ...
The engagement ring which you choose to present to that women, should be as
unique and beautiful as she is. Unfortunately, with the limited selection of
engagement rings available at most retail outlets, finding a unique ring can be a
difficult task. This however, does not mean it is impossible. You will simply need to
broaden your horizons a bit.
Thanks to the availability of online retailers such as and, there is a way that you can find the unique engagement rings that
you are looking for. These online retailers are able to offer a much larger selection
than traditional retailers, allowing you to maximize the chances of finding that
perfect ring.
Finding the perfect engagement ring that matches the personality and style of the
woman in your life, can be an amazing feeling. Unfortunately, for many people that
feeling fades quickly after learning how much the ring will cost them. Finding the
perfect ring will not matter if you can not afford to buy it. There is no need to worry
tho, shopping online can help you with this aspect of purchasing unique engagement
rings as
Reciprocal Votional Changed By Peter Holley
I have a dad bod. Here s why women love it Peter Holley
It is a well known fact that men and women are attracted to each other, excluding
homosexuals. But to whom does the reciprocal attraction primarily apply, and are
some individuals more attractive than others? In that case, what decides that? These
rather complicated questions are treated and addressed in Peter Holley s article I
have a dad bod. Here s why women love it from the 11th of May, 2015. In the article,
Holley elucidates and clarifies women s attraction to men, claiming that it exclusively
and indubitably concerns men with dad bods, for which reason they are more
desirable than men who are fit.
Holley utilizes a particularly interesting language that contains informality ... Show
more content on ...
Much more. (ll. 13 17, p. 2). In this quotation, Holley states that his latter body type
has resulted in much more success with women, which he argues for later. However,
he only takes his own experiences into account, which makes his arguments invalid
and untenable. Additionally, he generalizes isolated incidences, claiming that they
apply to everybody. An example of this is seen when he outlines his friend s success
with a woman, who, according to Holley, loves his dad bod: She keeps telling me
she loves my body, he told me over the phone after things with his new woman
started getting serious. She says it turns her on! (ll. 3 4, p. 5). In this quote, we are
dealing with an isolated case, for which reason it cannot be used to say something
general about women s attraction to men. Moreover, Holley uses a research to
argue for the reason that women love dad bods, after which he jumps to a
conclusion that deviates remarkably from the results of the study: The implication?
When women don t have to worry so much about threats to their survival, they
instinctually go for softer and more cuddly types. (ll. 13 15, p. 4). Holley construes
the research for the benefit of himself and his arguments, as men with less
masculine features are not necessarily soft and cuddly types, just like it does not
mean they are in possession of dad bods. Less manly features could instead indicate
a nice or sweet personality, which could be why women from wealthier countries
have voted for them. Hence, the results of the research do not inevitably demonstrate
that women love dad bods, for
European And Non-European Culture In The 1500s And
Europeans had many goals throughout the 1500s and 1600s. To achieve their goals,
they deferred to the non European culture. However, the question remains how did
the Europeans accommodate themselves to Non European culture? The European
traders and missionaries would accommodate themselves by integrating into the Non
European culture, by adapting their physical appearance, by referring to the traditional
practices, and through the response of the nations wants to European goods.
In order for Europe s influence to be successful across the world, they had a guide
written by Father Jean de BrГ©beuf, called Instructions for The Fathers of Our
Society Who Shall Be Sent to The Hurons. In this small guide, Father Jean, writes
instruction for other European members to follow in order to be successful in their
influence in the new world. The thought of being the superior race, followed them to
the new world, so embracing a culture that they thought was low class, was a big
change to the European men. As to the other numerous things which may be
unpleasant, they must be endured for the love of God, without saying anything or
appearing to notice them. They did not do anything that contradicts the Natives
belief, as they were trying to convert them to the idealized culture. They were doing
so in a way that the Natives did not realize they were being converted. So, the
Europeans change their normal customs in order to gain their trust. In which they
accommodate to non European
19th Century Italy Abandoned Children Essay
Why Were So Many Children Abandoned In 19th Century Italy?
The Counter Reformation in 1648 brought a desire to control women s sexuality and
reproduction. A system that controlled midwives and increased men s role in
overseeing pregnancy and childbirth thus arose. Whereas midwives once protected a
woman s honour, they were now required to monitor illicit pregnancies and bring the
illegitimate children to foundling homes. Foundling homes were orphanages that
housed abandoned children. By the 19th Century, the number of infants left at the
foundling homes was at such a high rate that the homes were struggling to cope. The
contributing factors as to why the number of abandoned infants rose to such heights
in the 19th Century are these: an ... Show more content on ...
Spies surveyed unwed women in congregations for any pregnancies so as to protect
communities against their morally corrupting effects. Married women were also
monitored for pregnancies so as to ensure that no legitimate infants were abandoned
since the concern was only with illegitimate infants. In addition, girls and boys were
abandoned in equal numbers by the early 19th Century (Barbagli, P125), which
reinforces how the concern was not with the gender of the child but the existence of
the illegitimate child itself. As a Catholic country, Italy viewed pregnancy as a
primarily female issue since nature conceals paternity with an impenetrable veil
(Kertzer, P70). This view meant that men were free from the obligations of pregnancy
and as such, single mothers were without paternal support or state benefits in any
form. The harsh solitude that a single mother had to endure would have made the
mere thought of having a child completely unbearable. When comparing Italy with
Protestant countries in which infant abandonment was near unheard of, it is clear that
this contributed to the high rates of infant abandonment in Italy. The societal view
that an illegitimate pregnancy was the fault of the woman also meant that
Jesse James Research Paper
August, 16 1998 I was born on Sunday, August 16, 1998. My fall name is Jesse Lee
Tonga, my mom wanted my name to be Jesse James but my dad didn t wanted my
name to be Jesse James, there was no really reason why my mom and dad chose
my name. I was born at McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls South Dakota, at 7:56
on Sunday morning of the 16 of August. I was 9 pounds 4 oz 21 inch and I had
blue eye and brown hair. On the day I was born my mom and went to the hospital
at 2:30am after dropping my brother Zach off at my grandma and grandpa s house.
I was born on my mom and dad s 1 year wedding anniversary and my dad s birthday.
I am the second child that my mom and dad had. I have one brother that is older then
I am and 1 sister that is younger then me.... Show more content on ...
My mom and dad listen to more of the country and rock .The number one song on the
day i was born was The Boy Is Mine by Brandy Monica (Birthday No #1). The song
The Boy Is Mine by Brandy Monica win MTV Video Music Award for Best Video
from a Film in 1998. More song that play on my day of birth was Blaze of glory by
Jon Bon Jovi and I Don t Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith (90s Hits Billboard
#1s.). The song I Don t Want To Miss Thing by Aerosmith also win the MTV Video
Music Award for Best Video from a
Analysis Of Mid Term Break By Seamus Heaney
A death in the family is always unexpected. Even being able to prepare for a death
is no help, once we hear that a love one had passed the breath is taken out of us.
The worse types of deaths are ones that take people before their time, when the
world seems like it has a bright future for them. The poem Mid Term Break by
Seamus Heaney give us some of the same unexpectedness. The title infers a poem
about a student on their seasonal break, while the poem itself takes a sharp turn down
a dark path. Dread builds as the reader continues, finally culminating in heartbreak
when it is found out that it was the authors younger brother who has passed. The
author elicits these emotions by his use of imagery, the breakup of the stanzas, and the
... Show more content on ...
Add to the fact that he is slowly releasing the information of what is happening, it
gives the reader a sense of dread as they read because they do not know where it is
going next. In the first stanza, it talks about how I sat all morning in the college
sick bay (687). From the very beginning of the poem it seems just like a college
student going home sick on their semester break, but in the start of the next stanza
the tone quickly changes. The author goes on to talk about coming home to his
father crying, and Big Jim telling him that is was a hard blow. The poem then goes
on to describe what is happening at the funeral, telling the reader only a little bit at
a time. This causes a rising sense of dread in the reader, since they know that
someone has died but they do not know exactly who. The very last line finally tells
a four foot box, a foot for every year (687). By slowly giving out tidbits of
information throughout the poem the author has kept the final reveal a secret, that
his baby brother is the one who has died. This final line is the culmination of the
dread that the reader is experiencing, finally ending in heartbreak as they realized it
was an innocent child who has passed. Throughout his description of what he is
experiencing he seems to have a detachment towards what he is experiencing, and this
can have a dramatic impact on the way that
Consequences Of Esperanza Rising
Many people who have read Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan believe that
Esperanza and her mother should have stayed in Mexico, but in my opinion, I
believe that they were right to leave for California. If they stayed, they would have
had to face several consequences, one being having to live with Esperanza s uncle,
despicable Tio Luis. At the same time, when they went to California, they did not
have to leave everything behind, it was a choice they made. After all, as Esperanza
herself said in the book, Do not ever be afraid to start over. (p. 253)
Esperanza and her mother made the choice to leave Mexico and go to California to
work and escape Tio Luis, which I believe to be a good decision. Before going,
Esperanza was spoiled, rich, and quite full of herself, living in a high social class
family, and in general thought of herself better than others. At first, she was against
leaving everything she knew and loved, but in the end, found herself liking
California. Esperanza made new friends, in particular, Isabel, who taught her many
things, even though she was younger. She taught her how to appreciate what she had,
and how to get a job done. She taught her how to deal with the fact that ... Show more
content on ...
Many people do choose to stay in their home country, for various reasons, but others,
such as Esperanza and her mother, choose to leave one place for another, the same
way many Syrians are immigrating to Germany. In other words, while several stay,
several leave as well, and it is therefore up to those said people to decide. A point
often overlooked, though, when all of the numbers are in the air, it is very easy to
forget that these are people, not just statistics. As said in Pam Munoz Ryan s book,
Esperanza Rising, There is no rose without thorns. This represents that, despite the
peremptory positive effects, there is nothing without flaws and no life without
Cannibal Coop Analysis
With the development of the internet, it is undeniable the techniques in computers
are developing rapidly. As a result, chat rooms are formed, which enables internet
users to meet people or make friends all over the world. Communication via chat
rooms are beneficial and most users find it easier and convenient, but It can be a
double edged sword for many users because many do not realize or disregard the
dangers of online chatting. The article published on CBS NEWS about Ex NYPD
officer dubbed Cannibal Cop tells his story is a story of a former New York police
officer Gilberto Valle. Gilberto Valle was tagged as the Cannibal Cop for the
horrifying statement he made in fetish driven online chats. Valle s shared his
gruesome fetish wishes... Show more content on ...
It s clear that he misused his power and if the court makes a decision in Valle s
favor and decide that the use of a computer for personal use is not the violation of
CFAA then Valle might be free from all his charges. As CFAA just prevents
unauthorized access to the computer and doesn t mention any criteria regarding the
use of computers. But the decision is very critical because it is not just about the
Valle case if the court makes a decision in his favor may employers will be
benefited. They can access the government or office computers for personal use.
There should be rules and the CFAA should also cover the misuse of authorized
computers. If the rules are set its prevents higher rank officers from misusing the
computer. If not we have to worry about Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? They are
watching us, but who is watching them, they have the power doesn t mean they can
do whatever they want therefore strict rules and laws must be maintained so that
everyone is on
Business Law Term Paper Rent a Car Contract
Term Paper Rent a Car Contract ADM 3360A Andrew Sarofeim 4856542
December 7, 2010 Introduction With the ability to fly anywhere around the world
at a relatively affordable price, many Canadians are finding themselves taking trips
to visit family, friends, or complete strangers more often than ever before.
However, the ability to travel in a given destination of choice will require the
ability to drive a car. This has created a large demand for cars that can be rented,
hence the large amount of rent a car locations being created all around the world. In
order to rent a car in a given travel destination, consumers must abide by a very strict
contract that consumers must agree... Show more content on ...
Part three explains that as the result of the consumer accepting the vehicle as is,
the consumer waives all right to return the vehicle to the premise if the consumer
finds out that the vehicle looks or feels different than originally sought. Clause 3
Payment by Renter A (1) Defines what constitutes what an hour means for the
purposes of the contract. For the purposes of the contract, it represents 60
consecutive minutes. (2) Defines what constitutes what a day means for the
purposes of the contract. For the purposes of the contract, a day represents 24
consecutive hours. (3) Defines what constitutes a calendar day. A calendar day
represents either a full or partial day, which will be determined by hours. (4)
Defines what constitutes a week. For the purposes of the contract, a week is
determined by 7 consecutive days with 24 hour periods. (5) Defines what
constitutes a month. For the purposes of the contract, a month represents 30
consecutive 24 hour days. (6) This sub clause explains that the owner must charge
the consumer for atleast a minimum of one day. B (1) The renter agrees to pay the
owner the amount of total time that the vehicle has been in the hands of the
consumer, as stated by the total per day value stated on the first page of the contract.
(2) If the owner has offered free km as an
Essay on Apollo Program
Michael Penwarden Phillip Whitworth 6/20/13 Senior paper No nation which
expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in this race for
space...We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not
because they are easy, but because they are hard. John F. Kennedy. The Apollo
missions had one main goal, to land on the moon and get back to earth safely.
Apollo was the third space flight program after Project Gemini and Project Mercury,
flown by NASA (National Astronautics and Space Administration). The program
started in 1967 and was able to land humans on the moon by 1972. The Apollo
missions had important effects on technologies and the nation as a result of Kennedy
s dream to put a man on the... Show more content on ...
It was launched July 5, 1966. (NASA) Apollo 4 was still an unmanned mission but
it was given the name Apollo back. During this mission the objectives where to
demonstrate structural integrity and operations needed for launch and recovery.
The flight lasted nine hours and landed 16km off target. It successfully
demonstrated the heat shield at lunar re entry speeds. It was launched November
9, 1967. (NASA) The Apollo 5 mission was used to verify operations of the lunar
module and evaluate descent propulsion systems. There was no Apollo capsule on
this flight and no recovery; it was just testing the rocket. It was launched June 22,
1968. (NASA) Apollo 6 was the second flight of Saturn V; Saturn V was a type of
rocket that they used. Problems occurred with vibrations when they caused two
second stage engines to shut down early. The third stage engine also failed and
achieved high speed entry speeds. The problems with vibrations where fixed thus
Saturn V was deemed safe for human. It was launched April 4, 1968. (NASA)
Apollo 7 was very important; it was the first manned mission after the fire. It was
also the first real flight due to Apollo 1 burning pre launch. The launch was
broadcasted live on TV and was very important because it proved America s
legitimate space program. The flight went off without a hitch and landed safely. The
astronauts of Apollo 7 were Walter Schirra as commander, R. Walter Cunningham as
lunar module pilot, and Donn F.
Pericles Lion And The Sea-Onion Analysis
he Lion and the Sea Onion. Most self respecting artists would pick the former as the
subject for a monument and dismiss the latter. Yet, the man behind the moniker of
Sea Onion cannot be so easily dismissed. Pericles, the great Athenian statesman, was
, or Sea Onion, by contemporary poets because of the large size of his head ( Pericles
, The Lion of Justice, in this case, refers to King Henry II of England(
King Henry II Biography ). On the surface, both Henry II and Pericles appear to be
equally great leaders who made lasting impact on Western civilizations. Henry II
established the English Common Law, which ensured the same laws applied
everywhere in the country (Hinds 60). He also laid the foundation for a unified
Britain by claiming Scotland and Ireland as parts of his realm (Morgan 143).
Pericles united the Greek city states into an empire known as the Delian League with
Athens at its center ( Pericles , University Press Inc). Under his leadership and
patronage, arts, literature, and philosophy flourished, creating a cultural legacy that
shaped all areas of Western thinking. Pericles also led the restoration of the
Acropolis and the ambitious construction of the Parthenon (Nardo 10). But looking
beyond their accomplishments, these two historical figures differ greatly in their
motivations and personal conducts. Arguably, two of the most essential traits of a
good leader are integrity and dedication to the common good. Using these qualities
as a metric for comparison, we will see that Henry II falls short while Pericles is
clearly deserving of a monument in his honor
Both Henry II and Pericles were highly driven and ambitious. But while Henry was
fueled by the desire to glorify himself and his reign, Pericles wished to glorify
Athens and its people. Henry II wanted to reclaim lands that were previously under
his grandfather s rule. He used force and threats to claim lordship over Wales,
Scotland, and Ireland (Hinds 12). In his mind, it was his birthright. As a general and
statesman, Pericles also helped reclaim land (noticeably Delphi) for Athens ( Pericles
, Bio). But rather than conquering neighboring poleis
, Pericles chose to focus on making Athens a city
Gingerroot Tea Worksheet
In order to test the claim that ginger root tea can be used in order to relieve
heartburn. I would start by using the scientific method in order to see if gingerroots
relieves heartburns. So by observing their hypothesis they state that heartburn is
caused by excess stomach acid and that gingerroot tea works just as rolaids which is
an antacids that neutralize stomachacids to relieve heartburn. So knowing that acids
produce H+ in aqueous solutions and bases produce OH in aqueous solutions. With
that said Acid + Base neutralized reaction. I would basically compare both the
gingerroot tea and the Rolaids tablet. Then place the base in a beaker, so have two
beakers with one containing the gingerroot tea and the other rolaid tablet. I
Cannibalism Is Taboo And A Violation Of The Law
The film showcases cannibalism, which is taboo and a violation of the law.
Cannibalism is generally frowned upon because it is not something that civilized
societies engage in. Cannibalism is an action that is primitive and what wild
animals do in order to survive. For humans to commit this atrocity, it signifies that
we have not moved beyond our animal nature. Thus, cannibalism threatens the idea
that we have evolved beyond this primitive behavior that separates us from wild
animals. It violates the border between civilized and savage. When we see
Leatherface and his family engage in cannibalism, we are repulsed that they could
violate this taboo that is central to maintaining a civilized society. Additionally,
cannibalism is taboo because it is like eating oneself. Kristeva (1982) writes, Fear
of the uncontrollable generative mother repels me from the body; I give up
cannibalism because abjection (of the mother) leads me toward respect for the
body of the other, my fellow man, my brother. The maternal body is a reminder of
the ties and dependence we had on our mothers. The fear of the mother s generative
power makes her body and thus all other bodies abject and inedible. By not
consuming the flesh of other humans, we are able to maintain our connections to
other people. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre depicts more severe acts of violence on
women than men, which may be explained by the abject. Creed (1986) suggests that
the reason for significant bleeding in a slasher
Napoleon s Buttons
The book Napoleon s buttons was an informative story that mixed slow and
confusing chemistry with history. This mix allowed a history buff like me to get
involved with the chemical make up and structure of common elements. Penny Le
Couteur and Jay Burreson used this book to explain their theories on how key
historical events are related to the chemical make up of important elements. In essay
after essay they explain the historyand events. In addition, they go further in depth to
explain the details of particular elements and why they are important. The historical
aspects of this book are what grabbed my attention. The long string of facts otherwise
would have been too confusing for even the smartest of readers. For example, the first
... Show more content on ...
From a historical perspective it was intriguing to discover how dyes affected the
hierarchy in the ancient world. The repeated use of dyes represented a transition in
humanity from simple hunting and gathering societies; to well developed structured
governments and economies where people focused less on survival and more on
status. Colors in ancient times represented political, military, and social status.
Without the discovery of dyes kings would be clothed just like the normal people
giving them a less godly appearance and less power. Even today certain connotations
exist with colors like black for evil white for good, etc... The authors include this
essay to demonstrate man s first foray into chemistry by mixing and blending dyes to
create more extravagant colors to sell. The lust for colorful clothes drove vendors
to create more eccentric dyes, thereby forcing them to utilize experimental
chemistry to create new shades and hues. The book here focuses too much on the
historical aspects. I can see the relationship but it is weak and describing the
chemical make up of colors doesn t explain why it relates to history. Essay twelve
discusses a dark time for chemists. Suddenly, in the mid 1500 s chemists went from
being priests and healers to witches and devils. Chemistry during this period is
limited and men known as alchemists ran the show. These men used herbs metals and
spices to create useful substances and herbal remedies. Helpful as they
Baumrind s Life-Span Development
Presented in the book Life Span Development, in chapter 8, it explains the four types
of parenting styles by Baumrind s. The first one is called Authoritarian parenting.
Authoritarian parenting is a restrictive, punitive style in which parenting exhorts the
child to follow their directions and respect their work and effort. The second parenting
style is called Authoritative parenting. This is when the children are encouraged to be
independent but still place limits and controls on their actions. The third parenting
style is called neglectful parenting. Neglectful parenting is a style in which the
parents are uninvolved in the child s life. The last out of the four parenting styles is
called Indulgent parenting. This parenting style is when the parents are highly
involved with their children but place few demands or controls on them.
Out of all for these parenting styles by Baumrind s I would say that the parenting
style my parents used was Authoritative parenting. My parents are the types of
parents who would sit down with you and let you know what you did wrong. They
would also let you have an opinion in the conversation. They used communication
rather than physically hitting us or punishing us. They are the type of parents that if
you knew you make a mistake you would go directly to them. My ... Show more
content on ...
I was doing very well on all of my classes besides one. I had a 62% in my English
class. The reason behind that grade was I was getting distracted because my best
friend was in that class, and we would always stay off task. One day my mother
and father sat me down after dinner and asked me about my grade in English. I told
them the truth and said that I would bring my grade up by the end of the semester
before the grades were due. At the point I realized that I needed to be serious about
my grades because not only did I want to bring my grade up for my parents but I
wanted to do it for myself, my
The Myth Of The London Blitz
There was a myth going around about the London Blitz such as on September 7,
1940 the German Luftwaffe began a massive raid on London. The German
Luftwaffe continued bombing London for the next 9 months, while they were
doing this more than 40,000 civilians were killed and over a million homes were
damaged. Newspaper, radio and newsreel were focused on a way all Britons of all
classes were pulled together as one. Stories were emphazised and high morale in the
face of the brutal Nazi attacks. Britains national memory and remains firmly
embedded in British novels, films, history books and documentaries. In 30 years this
view of people s reactions to the Blitz has been attack by many historians and so the
concept of the myth has arisen. Historians
Michael Eisner
Case study The Walt Disney Company: The Entertainment King
1.Briefly describe the type(s) of diversification strategies that Walt Disney pursues/has
pursued over the years.
The Walt Disney company can be seen as a highly diversified company. Over the
years, it has pursued a wide range of diversification strategies that we can
enhance:В•Horizontal integration: obviously, Walt Disneyhas invaded several
markets, diversifying its offer to many fields. In 2000, we can find five big main
fields of action where Walt Disney operates: Media Network, studio entertainment,
theme parks and resort, consumer products and internet and direct marketing.
Moreover, each of these categories is itself divided in other categories characterized
by the ... Show more content on ...
The main point is that Walt Disney relied on many logics of diversification to
implement the introduction of new products on the market, and to diversify its
activity, that is why its activity seemed to be so flourishing and so wide.
2.What is the critical resource that Walt Disney is trying to leverage in its
businesses?Walt Disney handles a lot of resources in its businesses, but we can
consider that there is one main critical resource that it tries to leverage: creativity,
and in a way, all the resources that are linked to it (intellectual property for instance).
Actually, over the years, Walt Disney adopted different strategies, diversified its
activity, always trying to manage creativity in the best way. Under Einer, creativity
was handled through the brain storming meetings, and when they were reduced or
became useless, they were regretted. Furthermore, the only way to survive for the
company was to keep being creative, which is why it had hard times when creativity
was not sufficient or handled correctly. Diversification is also a way to expand
creativity to many fields keeping the Walt Disney spirit and culture.
3.The period from 1984 until about 1994 was a successful one for Walt Disney.
How was Disney set up to extract so much value out of its businesses?The years
1984 1994 were those of change for Walt Disney, under the management of Eisner.
And success followed changes and
Public Green Spaces At The Mouth Of Mill Creek
Cincinnati s riverfront is misused and neglected. Once the backbone of the city s
economic activity, much of it now lies vacant and abandoned. Scarred by the derelict
remains of its industrial past and cut off from the city by roads and railways, these
sites are largely forgotten by the public and show little signs of their untapped
The landscape is in clear need of repair.
In some other locations, sections of the waterfront have been converted into
riverfront parks. While such public green spaces are an important factor in the
success of a city, we should not be content with merely building a standard park.
Cities should use the elements given to them in their landscape to create placemaking
spaces unique to ... Show more content on ...
In reality, there is no evidence of residential or recreational activities taking place in
the area. In some places the riverfront was used as a construction material dump site,
with evidence of the waste being burned on site.
Non commercial use is hampered by a lack of accessible and legal ways into the
site. The site is currently almost completely blocked off by railroads and raised
roadways, with the exception of a private road entrance on the east end, making
trespassing required to access the riverfront. In addition, the banks along the river are
steep and highly susceptible to erosion. No access to the water is possible with these
The site is completely within the flood zone and temporary flood protection only
exists a fourth of a mile beyond the site. The area along the river and mill creek is
in the floodway, meaning even minor flooding affects the area. The rest of the site is
within the 100 year floodplain, meaning it has annual flood probability of 1%.
The landscape itself can serve as protection from flooding. By raising the elevation
along the riverfront, water is held back from the city. This can be done with a series
of berms. When looking at FEMA s flood maps we can see that already there are two
natural exceptions to the floodplain. On the site there are two existing berms
excluded from the floodplain zone providing protection to the area beyond them.
Innately, the landscape can be employed as
Fuel Cell Essay
One of the important issues to ensure the safety of a ship in the case of a gas leak is
the condition of air flow inside the fuel cell stack package. Poor air flow increases the
risk of fire or explosion by accumulating leaked gas in one place. Against this
backdrop, the installation place for a ventilating fan and its capacity should be
properly decided to make the air flow smooth inside the package, and an alarm unit
and gas detector should be installed at the proper place to detect gas leak. In this
study, we report the characteristics of air flow inside the stack package to ensure the
safety in the case of a gas leak for the 300 kW MCFC stack package model ships by
applying CFD techniques. aimed at the places where leaked gas... Show more content
on ...
These days, many shipping firms are adopting liquefied natural gas (LNG) as marine
fuel in an attempt to replace conventionally used HFO as a marine fuel.
Such a trend to use LNG in the ship considers to safely utilize Boil off Gas (BOG),
and as one of the options, application of fuel cell to the ship are being considered
Fuel cells (FCs), energy storage systems (ESSs), wind power, and sunlight have
received significant attentions as environment friendly energy sources for green
vessels in the future [7]. Among these, FCs have strong potential as an alternatives to
traditional marine propulsion power plants owing to their high efficiency, easy
modularization, multi fuel flexibility, and environmental friendliness [8,9]. In
addition, FCs can essentially offer a silent and vibration free operation, reducing the
needs for noise insulation of machinery. In particular, high temperaturemolten
carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs) have various advantages for eco ships, because they
achieve the system efficiency of more than 80% with negligible air pollutant
emissions, when used as the waste heat. Furthermore, it may be highly efficient
economically for gas transport ships to utilize fuel such as LNG and liquefied H2
carriers, since MCFCs can use the BOG emitted from the LNG ship [10,11].
However, developments of MCFC green ships are still in a primitive
Early American Architecture
Architecture Book
a. Tepee: forms a cone shape; and the straight edges, where the smoke flaps are
sewed, overlap and are held together with wooden pins. Most windows are cut out in
teepees along with the entry ways. Tipis were used mainly by Plains Indians, such as
the Lipan Apache, Comanche and Kiowa, after the Spanish introduced horses into
North America about 500 years ago.
b. Pueblos: apartment like structures built of stone, adobe mud, and other local
material. These structures were usually multi storied buildings surrounding an open
plaza. The rooms were accessible only through ladders lowered by the inhabitants,
thus protecting them from break ins and unwanted guests. They were occupied by
hundreds to thousands of Pueblo people in ... Show more content on
Garrison: typically two stories with the second story overhanging in the front. The
traditional ornamentation is four carved drops below the overhang. Garrisons usually
have an exterior chimney at the end. Older versions have casement windows with
small panes of glass, while later versions have double hung windows. The second
story windows often are smaller than those on the first floor. Dormers often break
through the cornice line.aa
b. German and Dutch (Dormers): A dormer is a structural element of a building
that protrudes from the plane of a sloping roof surface. Dormers are used, either in
original construction or as later additions, to create usable space in the roof of a
building by adding headroom and usually also by enabling addition of windows. A
dormer window is a window set into the dormer. Like skylights, dormer windows
are a source of light and ventilation for top floors, but unlike skylights they also
increase the amount of headroom in the room and allow for more usable space.
c. Spanish (Coquina): Settlers in the Spanish territories of North America built
simple, low homes made using rocks, adobe brick, coquina, or stucco.Located in the
American South, Southwest, and California. These homes were usually one story,
flat roof, or roof with a low pitch, earth, thatch, or clay tile roof covering, thick walls
made with rocks, coquina, or adobe brick coated with stucco, several exterior door,
and small windows, originally without
Uc Berkeley Research Paper
UC Berkeley: Origin of Free Speech, Topic of Extremes
Here we go again; yet again do we, as Americans, get to see another protest go
violent, but what is it about this time? Following up with recent news, Milo
Yiannopolis, a highly controversial right wing speaker and Breitbart columnist, was
forced to evacuate UC Berkeley after a protest broke into violence as many left
protesters began destroying nearby areas and attacking innocent people. Naturally,
with such a controversial person coming to UC Berkeley and such a violent
occurring as a result, many opinions came out to the surface including two extreme
articles that we will focus on: a left wing article from Daily Cal by Luis Tenorio and
Miranda Smith and a right wing article from Fox News by Todd Starnes.
Throughout the article by Tenorio and Smith, the violence of the event is written off
and excused as a defense, saying that it crossed the line of tolerance as they claim
that [tolerance] ends where harm begins and that it is an event about safety and
equitable ... Show more content on ...
Through this, it can be seen that they decided to focus on what they see, which is a
valid view, and to deny the presence of other viewpoints and issues that are present.
It may be true that yes, for you two, this is solely an issue on personal safety;
however for many who disagree with you, it is a major issue of free speech and
academic freedom as this event presents itself as an attack on the First Amendment
and academic freedom. By shutting down the event with violence, it is forcefully
cutting off and blocking the differing opinion and ultimately isolating students,
including those of which who want to hear different opinions, within a bubble of the
ideas you hold. Does that not sound like an attack on academic freedom and free
speech to
Isolation In Louis Perez s The History Of Japan
Japanese technology and culture is everywhere today; in my room alone I own a
Nintendo 3ds, a Nintendo GameCube, PS3, a Toshiba laptop and nine box sets of
Japanese anime, with a further three series downloaded on my iPod. That isn t
even including the book and manga series I own (some in the original Japanese,
some translated into English.) Popular TV shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender
now mimic Japanese style of cartoons, while we have outright adopted other shows
as our own, such as Yu Gi Oh and Dragon Ball Z. In short, Japanese culture is
everywhere, especially if you know where to look for it. It s everywhere; foreign
culture is all around us. It is almost insane to believe that just a little less than two
hundred years ago, the Japanese... Show more content on ...
In fact, not only did they survive, but became a major power in the world, as
proven by the Russo Japanese war, in which the Japanese trounced the Russians;
and even today, they remain an major power, with a major hand in trade.
Personally, I am amazed at how quickly Japan managed modernization; what took
Europeans hundreds of years to achieve, they managed to do so in decades. Yes, the
Europeans might have forced, the Japanese to modernize much sooner they
otherwise might have, but in truth, I am glad. People own a lot of technology from
Japan, a country that wouldn t have been able to compete with the West two hundred
fifty years ago. Now, we regularly buy items from them like smartphones, and
gaming consoles, cars; some of the most cutting edge technology is from Japan. It s
easy to image that if Americans were to cut off ties to Japan today, that they might
outstrip us technologically in a few
Medicare Severity-Diagnosis Related Group Case Study
The Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS DRG) is a system that
Medicare uses to classify a patient s hospital stay into groups that facilitate payment
of services. The MS DRG is commonly the system used today because of the
increased population of Medicare patients.
Background of the MS DRGs
In 1983, the government endorsed the system using diagnosis related groups (DRGs)
as the payment methodology, for the payment of operating costs associated with
Medicare Part A hospitalinpatient stays. Based on set rates, this is referred to as
the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS). Each case is placed into a
Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS DRG). Although the system was
created by Medicare, other payers have implemented a DRG system, such as
Tricare, Medicaid, and Blue Cross. Patients can be assigned to an MS DRG based on
their diagnosis, surgical procedures, age, and other information, this information is
provided on the Medicare claim, and Medicare uses this information to decide how
much the hospitals should be paid.
Steps for Determining a MS DRG ... Show more content on ...
Step one, Pre Major Diagnostic Category assignment (Pre MDC), in this step the
principal procedure is used to assign the MS DRG. Step two, Major Diagnostic
Category (MDC) Determination, in this step, the principal diagnosis is used to
place the encounter into one of the MDCs. Step three, Medical/Surgical
Determination, in this step, it is determined if the procedure performed qualifies, if
it does then a surgical code is assigned, if not a medical code is assigned. Step four,
Refinement, in this step questions are used to isolate the correct MS DRG
assignment allowing grouping of patients from similar clinical perspective, and like
Character Analysis Of Mr. Incredible
However, Mr. Frederickson ignores Russell to continue on trying to navigate it
without him. The purpose behind that is to show some sense of strength, as an old
man he won t exhibit super strength or any sort of power like Mr. Incredible, but
instead he exhibits the old saying that with age comes wisdom; within that scene
that is exactly what strength he is showing. Mr. Frederickson wants to show that
he is strong and capable enough to get there without help. However, as the movie
progresses his vulnerability becomes more visible. The want to show strength and
to appear strong comes from the emasculation of the characters. Mr. Incredible was
this well known superhero that went around saving the city from robbers,
criminals, and other events. However the city soon retired him for the amount of
damage he caused, leading to him having to obtain a real job and provide for a
family. His series of events are Mr. Incredible s emasculation. On the other hand is
Mr. Frederickson, he however was never a superhero or anything of extravagance.
Instead, he was the manin charge of the balloon cart at a zoo. While he wasn t very
exciting in the first place, he had had dreams of being able to retire with his wife at
Paradise Falls. Mr. Frederickson s retirement with his wife never happens sadly. In
fact he wasn t truly ever able to retire. The failure to achieve his dream of retirement
at Paradise Falls is the emasculation of Mr. Frederickson. The failure/emasculation is
also the reason
Empress Flaccilla Analysis
The piece of art that is the being discussed in this paper is the head sculpture of
(possibly) Empress Flaccilla. The sculpture is dated to around 380 390 B.C making
it from the Byzantine culture and is made in the early Byzantine style. There is also
no specific location for where it was found/made written down. The entire sculptureis
made completely of marble and has dimensions of 10 11/16 x 6 в…› x 6 11/16 in
with the base being 11 Вј in. It is currently being displayed at the Metropolitan
Museum of Art in Gallery 301 with an inventory number 47.100.51
The sculpture has its nose gone and slight scratches on the forehead. The fragmented
neck of the sculpture seems to suggest that it used to be attached to something, most
likely a body made ... Show more content on ...
Although very well preserved for its age the sculpture does still have damage to its
nose and forehead. When looking at these images and trying to interpret what
could have caused it the most likely scenario is that it fell or was harmed by a fault
in the structure in used to be in. The damages aren t intense enough for it to have
been something serious. It could have easily just fallen over and cracked when It hit
the hard ground. This is further supported by the fact that the sculpture only has
damages to the front in a certain area. What really seems to be a mystery is what
happened to the rest of it.
The head is a little smaller than life sized meaning that its body would have been
fairly large so that it could have seen by many people where it had been placed.
That place mostly likely being somewhere where a lot of people would pass by like
a temple or a near a church. The strange shape of the neck seems to suggest that it
could have been attached to something instead of really being one whole figure. What
most likely happened is that it got detached from the main body and the head
eventually survived on its
Of Pico Della Mirandola s Oration On The Dignity Of Man
Pico della Mirandola was an Italian philosopher who mastered many languages and
traditions. He wrote the Oration on the Dignity of Man, which explores the idea
that men have the ability to control their destiny. He introduces the idea that God
has bestowed the gift of free will upon men; this was a new idea in the 15th
century. Mirandola speaks of a new and different God; a God unlike the medieval,
punishing, and cruel one portrayed in earlier times. This work was written for the
public even though it was not published during Mirandola s lifetime. It is
historically significant because of its opposition to the societal norms of God as the
controller of destiny and proved to be a very influential and revolutionary work.
God is the focal point of this document because God was the focal point of everyday
life in the 1400s, the new interpretation of... Show more content on ...
Mirandola makes this point most specifically in the last paragraph of his work by
stating, To him it is granted to have whatever he chooses, to be whatever he wills.
Beasts as soon as they are born bring with them from their mother s womb all they
will ever possess (Mirandola 9). This passage is significant because it is stating
that when man is born, he possesses all he can ever possibly be, and that it is up to
him to decide the type of person he will become. God has planted the seeds for his
life and it is within his free will to decide if he will be happy or rational or brutish.
This idea of choosing one s own happiness was revolutionary during the 15th century
because it was previously though that God controlled man s happiness, and if a man
was unhappy it should be interpreted as God s punishment. This free will gave men
the ability to create their own environments and systems without the hand of God,
therefore granting them the ability to change things and choose their own
Dmitri Shostakovich:
A Musical Representation of Communist Russia In the musical world, no one is as
controversial as Dmitri Shostakovich. Although he died not 30 years ago, many
aspects of his life still remain to be a great mystery. When he was alive, many in
the world believed he was a Communist and a devoted servant of Stalin. It was not
until after his death that the truth had come out. Or had the truth been there all
along? Many believe that this was because his music expressed a lot of nationalism
and idolized Stalin. However, in an attempt to escape the red fist of Stalin,
Shostakovich made his music appear to be nationalistic when really it is full of
sarcasm and hidden messages. Shostakovich showed his contempt Stalin and ... Show
more content on ...
Since Shostakovich was unable to express his ideas about Communism openly, he
had to resort to sarcasm to show his resentment to the party. But how can one prove
that Shostakovich used sarcasm in his works? Sarcasm in nonvocal works is usually
evident when lots of techniques from different style periods are used. This creates
contrast and exaggeration in a piece to represent sarcasm ( Dmitri ). Several works of
Shostakovich demonstrate this technique, but one of the more well known pieces is
the Leningrad symphony. In Shostakovich s 7th Symphony, otherwise known as the
Leningrad symphony, he uses a great deal of Sarcasm. During the time when the
symphony was written, Shostakovich and his family were in Leningrad when the
Nazis sieged the city. As the war continued, the symphony became a song of the
Russian resistance against Germany ( Dmitri ). The true intentions of the symphony
have been highly debated. When taken at face value, it appears that Shostakovich
was attempting to conform to the Soviet standards and write a piece full of patriotic
themes, but when taking a more in depth look, it can be said that the piece has a
double meaning (Simon, Politics ). In order to save himself from the threat of being
taken away by the Secret Police, Shostakovich wrote the piece to please Soviet
authorities. He portrays Russia as
Persuasive Essay On Plastic Bags
A pile of plastic bags sits on the floor from the last shopping trip. A trip that
consisted of long lines and other customers screaming children that needed their
nap. What do you do with the bags? Maybe throwing them away would be easy, but
why waste those hard earned plastic bags if you could do something with them? If
you make your monstrous pile of bags into a rope, they won t be wasted. A rope can
be used for many things including tug of war, tire swing, etc.
If you want to start a project, it would be good to have the materials. You will need
heaps of plastic grocery bags in order to make a rope from them. The exact number of
bags depends on how long you want your rope to be. You will also need scissors.
When you start the project, you will need some floor space.
Now that you have all of your materials, you can start preparing to make the rope.
Take nine bags and lay them on the floor next to you. Now pick up one bag. There
should be a seam under each of the handles of the bag. Find both seams. If there are
no seams, then the next part will be a little more difficult.
For this part, you can either use your hands or pick up your scissors. Rip or cut at
the top of the seam under the plastic bag s handles and continue down to the base of
the bag. Do NOT cut the base of the bag. Cutting it will weaken your rope and make
it harder to work with the plastic. Now that you have finished one side of the bag,
do the same for the other side of the bag. Once this is done,
Case Analysis on Pepsi s Entry to India
Case Analysis on Pepsi s Entry to India
Pepsi s Entry into India: A Lesson in Globalization
The case discusses the strategies adopted by the soft drinks and snack foods major
PepsiCo to enter India in the late 1980s. To enter the highly regulated Indian
economy, the company had to struggle hard to sell itself to the Indian government.
PepsiCo promised to work towards uplifting the rural economy of the terrorism
affected north Indian state of Punjab by getting involved in agricultural activities. In
addition, it made a host of other promises that made its proposal very attractive to the
regulatory authorities. The case also discusses the criticisms leveled against the
company, in particular, criticism of its failure to honor... Show more content on ...
What hurdles and problems did Pepsi face when it tried to enter India during the
Pepsi needs to globalize because its home market is not only saturated but because
of health consciousness is shrinking. On the other hand, it want to enter markets
abroad where there are less educated people who can be persuade to drink Pepsi. It is
this search for markets that has driven Pepsi to markets like India.
When it tried to enter India:
The Indian law did not permit it;
There would be repatriation problems it would face:
There were activists who were opposed to the entry of Pepsi into India;
2.Critically analyze the strategy adopted by Pepsi to sell itself to the Indian
government. Do you think the biggest factor responsible for the acceptance of its
proposal by the regulatory authorities was its projection of its operations as the
solution to many of Punjab s problems? Why/Why not?
The strategy of Pepsi was:
1. To project the entry of Pepsi as a boost for the economy of Punjab;
2. To project the entry of Pepsi as an increase in the employment level in Punjab;
3. To project the entry of Pepsi as the ultimate solution to terrorism;
These projections were used to persuade the Indian Government to allow Pepsi to
enter India.
3.How did the company react to the changes in the business environment after the
liberalization of the Indian economy in the early 1990s? Critically comment on the
allegations that Pepsi deliberately did not adhere to most of
Analysis Of William Cullen Bryant s Thanatopsis
From the moment you were born, death has been in that far corner of your life for
some time, waiting for the right moment to take your life. Death cannot be avoided.
Since the beginning of time, people have many different ways of going about the
idea of death and what the afterlife may hold for them, whether they ll be reunited
with family and friends or if they ll be reincarnated or, maybe nothing at all. This is
true for writers, poets and artists. William Cullen Bryant s Thanatopsis , Kansas Dust
in the Wind and Blue Oyster Cult s Don t Fear the Reaper they all center their idea
death, but approach it differently and conveys their points differently. One glorifies
death, one says life is meaningless and the other glorifies life. ... Show more content
on ...
Thou shalt lie down with patriarchs of the infant world with kings, The powerful
of the earth the wise, the good, fair forms, and hoary seers of ages past, all in one
mighty sepulchre, (Bryant). She tells us that we will be reunited with the people
from our past, and that we would live comfortably in the afterlife with very
different people of all sorts of importance. She also tells us that we our body would
become one with the earth as it slowly deteriorates, Thy image. Earth, that
nourished thee, shall claim thy growth, to be resolved to earth again, and, lost
each human trace, surrendering up thine individual being, shalt thou go to mix for
ever with the elements, to be a brother to the insensible rock and to the sluggish
clod, which the rude swain turns with his share, and treads upon, (Bryant). It puts
the reader to ease as she also tells them that those that they care about will
eventually join them too, creating a calming and accepting tone towards the idea
of death. In Don t Fear the Reaper , Death is convincing those he visits that dying
isn t bad and that when they join him, they ll be able to fly and their soul will
continue to live in eternity with many others that has already been there. Come on
baby (Don t fear the reaper), Baby take my hand (Don t fear the reaper), we ll be
able to fly.....Valentine is done, here but now they re gone, Romeo and Juliet are
together in eternity. 40,000 men and women everyday (Like Romeo and Juliet),
Management Information Systems and Its Importance
What you think Management of Information Systems is and why it is important in
today s business environment?
Management Information Systems (MIS) is the term given to the discipline focused
on the integration of computer systems with the aims and objectives on an
organization. Modern businesses have been leveraging on MIS to manage, order,
organize and manipulate the gigabytes and masses of information generated for
various purposes. MIS helps businesses optimize business processes, address
information needs of employees and various stakeholders and take informed strategic
decisions. The development and management of information technology tools assists
executives and the general workforce in performing any tasks related to the ... Show
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Expert organizations such as the Institute of MIS along with peer reviewed journals
such as MIS Quarterly continue to find and report new ways to use MIS to achieve
business objectives.
Better Planning and Control:
MIS has to be designed and managed in such way that it aggregates information,
monitors the company s activities and operations and enhances communication and
collaboration among employees (Obrien). This ensures better planning for all
activities and better ways to measure performance, manage resources and facilitate
compliance with industry and government regulations. Control helps in forecasting,
preparing accurate budgets and providing the tools and vital information to
employees, top management and business partners.
Core Competencies:
Every market leading enterprise will have at least one core competency that is, a
function they perform better than their competition. By building an exceptional
management information system into the enterprise it is possible to push out ahead
of the competition. MIS systems provide the tools necessary to gain a better
understanding of the market as well as a better understanding of the enterprise itself.
Enhance Supply Chain Management:
Improved reporting of business processes leads inevitably to a more streamlined
production process. With better information on the production process, comes the
ability to improve the management of the supply chain,
Myths, And Confusion Revolving Around The Newly
This paper attempts to dispel rumors, myths, and confusion revolving around the
newly released chip cards. These modern cards with microchips imbedded in them
have been around since the early 1990 s in France. Only until recently, October 1,
2015, have they become a standard in the United States. Due to the numerous large
scale financial card breaches affecting consumers and retailers in since the year 2000,
Target, Home Depot, TJX, and Heartland to name a few, the financial institutions
decided it was time to enhance security at point of sale (POS) terminals. This self
imposed security enhancement would come at a great cost to merchants who would
have to upgrade their POS terminals and to the financial card companies who ... Show
more content on ...
Since this coalition has expanded more recently to include many American based
companies, American Express, JCB, Discover, and UnionPay the coalition has
changed its name to EMVCo (EMVCo 2016).
Fraud and theft doesn t just occur in Europe, so the big question is why didn t the
United States institute chip cards around the same time that Europe had in the 1990
s? Philip Andreae believes that the U.S., the government prefers be more laissez faire
in the way the economy evolves. The government has a certain role to play, but they
don t believe that they are in the position, necessarily, to dictate how an industry, the
card industry, is to move forward... (Kitten, 2011). However, with recent events in the
news and technological advancements there is a new push towards changes in the
United States.
Push for the EMV standard in the United States Large companies have been in the
news in the past years due to data breaches. Companies such as Target, Home Depot,
and TJX brands have brought credit card fraud under scrutiny. How safe are
consumers shopping during this day and age? The Economist (2014) has found
that since the year 2003, the United States is responsible for 25% of the global
market of financial card payments. At the same time the U.S. is also responsible for
50% of the world s loss due to fraud. Between 2004 and 2010, signature based cards
accounted for 91% of
Loss of Innocence in Sarah´s Key
Loss of Innocence A child is known for having innocence, and bad experiences
strip kids of it. In Sarah s Key by Tatiana De Rosnay, experiences cause a loss of
innocence due to loss of freedom, loss of hope, and loss of family. Freedom is a
right that allows humans to live life to the fullest. In society when a child has no
basic rights of freedom, it causes them to grow up and lose their innocence. In
Sarah s Key, Sirka describes how she feels at the camp: The girl noticed a handful
of people watching them through the barbed wire.... The girl felt like she had
become someone else. Someone hard, and rude, and wild. Sometimes she fought
with the older children, the ones who tried to grab the old stale bread she had found....
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She screamed the swearwords in her mind....he would not find her. Never bastards,
dirty bastards. ( Rosnay129 130) Sirka has to hide from the Germans under the
potatoes , because she knows that they are coming for her . The thought of the
Germans get[ting] her is causing her to use all the swearwords her mother ha[s]
forbidden her ever to use . Going against her mom by using words such as bastards
is an example of how she no longer is innocent. She is disobeying her authorities, by
using language that is not kid friendly. Sirka is no longer the sweet daughter, she has
lost her naГЇve personality, changing to a ruthless girl with a bad mouth. Lastly, is
when Sirka hears rumors of the children getting separated from the adults: There
were rumors, rumors going around the camp. The parents were going to be sent
east, to work....She repeated the conversation to her mother. She said no... They
couldn t separate the children from the parents. In that sheltered gentle life that
seemed far away, the girl would have believed her mother.... But in this harsh new
world, the girl felt she had grown up. She felt older than her mother. (Rosnay 70
71) Sirka no longer lives in that sheltered gentle life that seemed far away . She
currently is kept in a camp, and may be split up from her parents. She no longer has
a choice if she wants to be with her parents, as the French are seperat[ing] the
children from the parents . In this harsh new world Sirka
26th Amendment Pros And Cons
The 26th amendment gives U.S. citizens who are 18 years old or older the right to
vote in elections. In 1971, the 26th amendment was passed by Congress on March
23rd and added to the Constitution on July 1st. During World War II, the argument
over reducing the voting age from 21 to 18 was a long debated topic that continued
over to the Vietnam War. This debate started because men who were under the age of
21 were denied votingrights but were being enlisted to fight for the United States.
While the United States was focused on WWII, President Roosevelt decreased the
military draft age so that people who were 18 were able to be drafted into the
military. The youth voting rights movement used the saying Old enough to fight, old
enough to vote as a slogan for their movement.
One of the first states to reduce the legal voting age was Georgia in 1943. Georgia
decreased the legal voting age to 18 years old from 21 years old. This was done so
citizens who were 18 years old or older could vote in local and state elections.
Jennings Randolph was a democrat from West Virginia and also a congressman.
Jennings proposed a federal legislation in 1942 to decrease the legal voting age. It
was the first of many attempts that Randolph introduced the legislation. He was then
elected into the Senate and introduced the bill to Congress. In 1960, the United States
was involved in the long and expensive Vietnam War; however, youth protestors
assembled to grab lawmakers attention to the problems of enlisting men and women
who wanted the right to vote.
In 1969, less than 60 decisions were presented to Congress to reduce the voting
age. The next year, Congress passed a bill changing the Voting Rights Act of 1965,
it presented a changed that the new voting age was 18 for federal, local, and state
elections. The bill was signed by President Nixon and placed into the law, but he
believed his actions were unconstitutional because he believed that Congress had no
power to enact a simple statute, but rather it requires a constitutional amendment .
As a result of the Oregon v. Mitchell supreme court decision, the supreme court
decided 18 to 20 years old could vote for the president and vice president but not for
state officials going up

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  • 1. Essay Internet Writing an essay on the topic of the Internet can be both a challenging and intriguing task. The difficulty lies in the vastness and complexity of the subject matter. The Internet is a multifaceted entity that encompasses a wide array of aspects, from its historical development to its societal impact, technological advancements, and the ever-evolving landscape of cyberspace. To effectively tackle this topic, one must navigate through the intricate web of information, distinguishing between relevant and obsolete details. The challenge lies in presenting a cohesive narrative that captures the essence of the Internet, addressing its profound influence on communication, commerce, education, and social dynamics. Striking the right balance between depth and breadth of coverage is essential to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Moreover, the rapid evolution of the Internet adds an extra layer of complexity. Staying current with the latest trends, innovations, and controversies is crucial to crafting an essay that reflects the contemporary state of the Internet. This dynamic nature requires constant research and updates, making the writing process more demanding. On the other hand, the fascination and intrigue surrounding the Internet offer ample opportunities for creativity and exploration. Discussing the profound impact of the Internet on global connectivity, information dissemination, and cultural exchange can be intellectually stimulating. Analyzing the positive and negative aspects, exploring ethical considerations, and envisioning the future of the Internet contribute to a thought-provoking essay. In conclusion, while writing an essay on the topic of the Internet presents its challenges due to its vast scope and dynamic nature, it also provides an intellectually rewarding experience. Navigating through the complexities and weaving a coherent narrative requires dedication, research, and a nuanced understanding of the subject. However, the opportunity to delve into the fascinating world of the Internet and explore its myriad facets makes the writing process both challenging and enriching. For assistance with essays on various topics, including the Internet, you can explore the services offered at, where you can find expert guidance and support for your academic writing needs. Essay Internet Essay Internet
  • 2. Shoemaker Ivy 9 Research Paper Shoemaker Levy 9(SL9) is a comet . On July 16th, 1994, twenty three years ago now, this comet had crashed into Jupiter. Although this is when the crash had happened the comet, SL9, had been discovered a year before it had rammed into Jupiter, on the date of March 24, 1993. Shoemaker Levy 9 s collision with Jupiter had been the first seen on another planetother than our home planet itself, Earth. This impact that SL9 made on Jupiter actually lasted around six days and created plumes that were recorded to be 2,000 to 3,000 kilometers high with also increasing the temperature 53,000 to 71,000 degrees fahrenheit. Shoemaker Levy 9 also left dark rings around Jupiter which were erased by the winds on jupiter, These many pieces of the comet had made significant ... Show more content on ... Back in 1993 , Shoemaker Levy 9 was first discovered by Carolyn Shoemaker and David Levy, which is where the name Shoemaker Levy has come from. It turns out that the comet had been captured in Jupiter s gravity and it clashed into Jupiter and even when this comet was first discovered it had been torn
  • 3. Computer Based Systems And Its Effects On The Workplace Introduction The use of a timeclock to monitor only select employees negatively impacts the workplace, as it creates an environment that lacks trust and causes morale to plummet. Even so, many good intentioned managers implement timeclocks as a way to manage some, or all employees, believing this will be a way to keep employees honest as well as become a money saving endeavor. What they fail to realize is that it can actually cost the company in several ways; it may lead to financial loss for the company in unearned wages and can be the cause of losing quality employees. Punching a timeclock is not a new idea. The original Bundy timeclock was patented in 1890 by Willard Le Grand Bundy in Auburn, New York. Today, computer based systems are used in conjunction with magnetic stripe cards, barcodes, RFID (radio frequency identification) chips, and even biometric scans to monitor the coming and goings of employees. (Wikipedia, 2015) The clocks are meant to encourage promptness and decrease unwarranted overtime, but some employees feel singled out and that they are being punished for the indiscretions of others. Dee Haverrn recently posted an online discussion about being made to clock in as a Registered Nurse, I resent being treated like a factory worker. (Haverrn, 2007) Many HR experts and employees agree that salaried exempt employees may feel micro managed and discouraged when made to punch a timeclock. Applying uniformity and reason to policy
  • 4. My Philosophy of Teaching Essay My Philosophy of Teaching Education is an important aspect in the lives of all individuals. From the day we are born until the day we die, we are constantly learning. At a very young age, children begin attending school. Throughout their educational career, children have many different teachers who hold many different views, beliefs, and values. Methods of instruction, personalities, and classroom interaction are all unique to the teacher. Some teachers may come in each day just because it s their job, and they need the paycheck. Yet, the ones who are there for the success of their students are the ones who truly make a difference. I believe the success of a student depends tremendously on the teacher. ... Show more content on ... Teachers should pass this enthusiasm onto their students and gain their interest in the subject. Children need teachers who care about them, teachers who love them. When a student knows you care, they are more likely to succeed. Teachers should have confidence in their students. They should set high expectations for all students, and then give them the support and encouragement they need to obtain those expectations. Teachers should praise students. They need to create a comfortable learning environment where students can make mistakes. Mistakes are a part of learning. As a child my mother always told me, Practice makes perfect and If at first you don t succeed, try, try again. At times, students may become frustrated. Teachers need to encourage their students and give them positive reinforcement. They should help their students to never give up. At times, even the best teachers may not be coming through to their students. What may seem like the perfect lesson plan for one class may not be such a success in another. Yet good teachers have the ability to recognize this. They monitor and adjust. Teachers need to observe their students to see if the lesson is coming through to them. If it is not, the teacher should not give up and move on to new material. They need to adjust, and reteach the lesson in a way that will come though to the
  • 5. Ketamine Essay Chronic intake, delayed onset of action, drug resistance and numerous side effects of current antidepressants have forced researchers to look for new and safer drugs (1, 2) with rapid onset and longer acting times. Results obtained in recent years have been encouraging especially with ketamine a global NMDAR antagonist. The antidepressant like activity of ketamine has been shown in many preclinical studies (1 7). A single non anesthetic dose of ketamine reversed the symptoms of major depression (MDD) under clinical conditions (8). The antidepressant effects of ketamine were also observed in patients who suffered from treatment resistant depression or suicidal ideations (9 12). Despite successful clinical trials with ketamine, its use on a... Show more content on ... Because Ca2+ is the focal point to all processes mentioned above, we have focused our study on hyperforin a Ca2+ modulator. Hyperforin is the natural and biologically active compound extracted from Hypericum perforatum (St John s Wort) (26). Both St John s Wort and hyperforin attenuated symptoms of mild to moderate depression in a few clinical trials and displayed antidepressant like activity in preclinical studies (27, 28). From a molecular perspective, hyperforin has a multi directional mechanism of action. It acts on ligand gated (GABA, NMDA, and AMPA receptors) (29, 30) and voltage gated channels (Ca2+, K+, and Na+) (29, 31). In contrast to blockade of ion transport through the plasma membrane, hyperforin can increase inward Ca2+ currents. These processes are dose dependent and probably involve different cellular events. In vitro studies have shown that hyperforin increases intracellular Ca2+ levels by the activation of the non selective canonical transient receptor potential 6 channel (TRPC6) or by releasing Ca2+ from the mitochondria (32 34). As has been previously shown, hyperforin activates intracellular signaling pathways leading to changes in intracellular Ca2+ levels. Leuner et al. showed that hyperforin
  • 6. Pride and Prejudice and Falling in Love Essay One of the most famous extracts from the novel, Austen allows her two protagonists to take each other on in a battle of words and wits, showing up the intellectual superiority of the two in sharp contrast to the superfluous nature of the people around them. Miss Bingley s attempts to attract Darcy s attentions are lost in an extract that enhances Austen s themes, develops her narrative and allows the romantic readers to catch their breath as we see Darcy and Elizabeth begin to fall for each other, despite their independent states of denial. By way of context, the dialogue between Darcy and Elizabeth takes place following Miss Bingley s attempt to show up Elizabeth s ill breeding by parading around the room in front of Mr Darcy. In Miss... Show more content on ... Vanity is physical pride, and so here Austen makes a distinction between pride in intellect and pride in physical appearance condemning only the latter, whereas the former where there is real superiority of mind... will always be under good regulation. Thus Austen shows that there is a form of `good pride and makes room to allow some characters to have this pride, namely: Mr Darcy, Elizabeth and, to a large extent, Mr Bennet. Austen s use of irony and sarcasm in the novel shines through in this extract. For example, the irony of Darcy s aforementioned statement lies in the fact that Darcy makes it, and Darcy was the man who originally deemed Elizabeth not pretty enough to even notice, let alone dance with (page 9) implying that he felt himself more attractive than Elizabeth or at least, deserving of a prettier partner. Austen s tone is ironic again when Elizabeth concludes that she is perfectly convinced... that Mr Darcy has no defect (line 6,) saying that he is perfect and admits it himself, although her own opinion of
  • 7. †After Midnight’ makes you feel as if you were living in... After Midnight makes you feel as if you were living in Harlem during the 30s. BY VANESSA FARIA The by gone era of 1920s and 30s, jam packed with illicit alcohol, street cars and loud noises, are often remembered as a time when music was more important than content. If that is true, then After Midnight is definitely a product of its time. After midnight is an effervescent new Lincoln center jazz venue performed at the Brooks Atkinson Theatre. The production will mimic the highly acclaimed musical, Cotton Club Parade by inviting special celebrities to take the stage, starring American idol winner Fantasia Barrino, Emmy nominee DulГ© Hill and Tony winner Adriane Lenox. It was an era when swing was big in Harlem, after Midnight is a jazz ... Show more content on ... In a present day twist, everything about the plot and the characters has been recycled from the old days. The performers are energetic and smiling all through the play and there are many things that bring a smile to even the weariest faces, such as balloons, trumpets, tap dancers and a bit of romantic comedy; it all creates stage magic. Another key component that adds a lot of character to this modern spin of the Harlem Renaissance is the exceptional costumes by a Cuban designer, Isabel Toledo; she found enough sparkle, feathers and beads to dress a flapper army. Although the true stars of this play are the performers from the Jazz at Lincoln Center All stars, it s clear that the stage gets caught on fire when Fantasia Barrino performed I Can t Give You Anything but Love, her smooth yet fierce voice embraced Dorothy Fields and Jimmy McHugh classic with obvious fondness. Isabel Toledo evidently likes Fantasia s curvy body, designing to her a well fitting, electric blue, lampshade skirt. She also interacts with the public when she sang the lesser known Zaz Zuh Zaz (by Cab Calloway and Harry White), inviting the public to be a part of this fantastic Jazz extravaganza. It feels like the show, did not want to be seen as an old copy, and indeed, the tricks there are self explanatory. The notion of combining old school with today s era has an obvious effect of spicing up the foundation. Yet, it does not eliminate the thought that the cast could ve
  • 8. Fifty Shades Of Grey Themes Fifty Shades of Grey is an elaborate film that ties love and romance with bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism (BDSM) (Leistner Mark, 2016). This movie has a push/pull romantic relationship with an university senior Anastasia (Ana) Steele and a muiti millionaire Christian Grey. Ana and Christian are instantly attracted to each other however, their relationship throughout the movie tends to be strictly sexually based. Ana is a hopeless romantic and Christian is a sadistic lover, which causes Christian to become apprehensive about Ana and send Ana on a course that ultimately causes her to try everything in her power to prevent that resistance. This begins to draw them closer together, but Ana then learns about... Show more content on ... This is depicted throughout the entire film, from the first time the main characters have sex all way to the end of the film. In addition, the role that each gender plays in the movie is another theme that was portrayed in the film. BDSM within the film is expressed as pleasurable and something that everyone will enjoy. With all the whips, toys and ties that are mentioned or said within in the film it sounds amusing for anyone. In addition, the contract (De Luca Johnson, 201) that is a fundamental base line for Christian to be involved with Ana is poorly portrayed. Within the movie it is seen not as a consent between both the dominant and submissive, however it is a rule that is turned into a living, breathing, and at times uncomfortable interpersonal experiences (Laurie Kean, 2015). In reality, this consent is something that both the dominant and submissive agree to that will and will not happen when being involved in BDSM not something that will alter one s life. BDSM is based on trust and communication between the dominant and the submissive, which was lacked in the film. Ana agreed to situations that she didn t know she was putting herself in, for example punishment that Ana was going to receive because she was out of line (De Luca Johnson, 2015). Here in the movie it was shown as whipping using a leather belt on the butt, the tears and faces that she was making whilst it was happening showed that it was not pleasurable. Here once again, BDSM was not presented correctly. Research suggests that an important factor in maintaining sexual satisfaction and relationship satisfaction is being able to communicate effectively (Leistner, Mark, 2016), this is why at the end of the film, Ana ended the relationship because communication was not there and she felt hurt and betrayed rather than
  • 9. Informative Essay On Fake News Bogus News Everyone is tuned into the news because sometimes it has information the society needs to know. The reason I say sometimes must do with the fact that not all news is trustworthy. Fake news is seen very often and can be misinterpreted by many people. Well, what is fake news? I believe fake news is information that is false and just out there to get attention to it. Behind fake news comes fake ideas, most people s opinions on social media, and false predictions or sayings. Nowadays, anything could be considered as news but I think it s important to identify the real news from the fake ones. That way whatever anyone hears or sees will be reliable. According to the Philippine Daily Inquirer, Tan says, Fake ideas are more subtly dangerous than fake facts. I agree with this statement because facts are facts and ideas can be changed several times. When it comes to ideas, good or bad, some go beyond our expectations that we question ourselves, Will it happen? or Will it work? . Anyone can come up with an idea and expose what they created to the whole world. The Philippine Daily Inquirer states, ... they exaggerate an idea and twist its logic beyond recognition. In fake news any nonsense is shown and said but, the public can t distinguish was it true and what is false. If the news is about political issues or relates to something about the government, it should be accurate. The article Real Confusion about Fake News, Kappan explains, At present, we worry that
  • 10. Conquer The Termites Case Study Conquer The termites: Get Expert Controlling solutions In Melbourne It is the Brisbane s leading or cutting edge Termite Inspection as well as Termite Control specialist team comprising of fully skilled experts who can help you all the way to get out of such annoyance. You can be able to conquer the disastrous Termites easily with their help. They offer various home owners in Brisbane the peace of mind, by rendering effective solutions to all termite (basically known as the white ant) and pest control needs along with an experienced, licensed as well as a trusted team of professionals. Association You Can always Rely Upon The association understands the stress of yours, which the termites bring to you as a homeowner; both emotionally and
  • 11. Rhetorical Analysis of The Killer Instinct Rhetorical analysis of The Killer Instinct (January 2000) The Killer Instinct is an article published in A Monthly Journal of Religion Public Life by Institute on Religion Public life in January 2000. This journal, which started from 1998, contains various articles with opinions, arguments, debates and commentary on religious and moral questions, and social issues going in American society. Thomas Sally, a poet and a writer, argues in the article that it s the nature of boys who constructs them rough and not the toys that create them violent. She argues with various examples from her friends and even from her own experience throughout the article making clear sense of support to her argument. This article by Thomas Sally is a successful argument appealing toward its audience with a clear and strong use of reasoning(logos), emotion(pathos) and authority(ethos) .Thomas Sally s appeal to logicis the strongest persuasive proof to her argument. The motive for her use of reasoning is strong due to the explanation of suitable examples from her real life experience on the subject. Thomas Sally explains, by reasoning, at the beginning paragraphs that a boy enjoys the warlike fascination of slashing shooting and even punching if they don t find anything. Thomas Sally uses logos as, We don t tell someone struggling with lust simply not to want sex; we don t tell a glutton that his problems will be solved if he stops being hungry. This is a clear logical
  • 12. Jose San De Martin Research Paper South America s Two Liberators Two men, One room, A Spanish Empire is defeated several years later. The year is 1822, two great generals with the same goal, to liberate South America from the Spanish. A calm and unselfish Jose San De Martin meets an agitated and annoyed Simon Bolivar. Arm in arm, they walk to an empty room towards the back of a narrow building. When they enter the room silence is all that is left to hear from the outside. No one has ever known exactly was said during the conversations, since there were no eyewitnesses nor was there anybody to transcribe their words onto paper. Both men are well known and lived during about the same time period. However, their areas of liberation, methods of liberation and motives were very... Show more content on ... Before the conference was even planned, San Martin wrote to Bolivar, stating that the two of them must join forces if the struggle for independence was to succeed. (Simon Bolivar and Sam Martin) After Bolivar had agreed happily, The meeting was scheduled, and the two of them had failed to meet eyes and agree on how they wanted to liberate Peru. The flamboyant and self assertive BolГvar stood in sharp contrast to the reflective and self effacing San MartГn. BolГvar wished to accomplish the liberation of Peru himself in spite of San MartГn s previous efforts there, and as a republican, he rejected San MartГn s contention that the disruptive political factions in Peru would be best contained for the national good by a monarch. There isn t a record of the Guayaquil conversations, except for a few details that were given in subsequent correspondence between the two men. Apparently, San MartГn offered to serve under BolГvar s command, but BolГvar seemed to be unwilling to share the task of liberation.The result was that San MartГn retired from active service in the wars of liberation and from the political imbroglio in Peru, and BolГvar s forces delivered the final blow to the Spanish colonial regime in South America at the Battle of Ayacucho two years later. What is still unknown from this event is why San Martin had left so
  • 13. Notre Dame Stereotypes If disabled people were truly heard, an explosion of knowledge of the human body and psyche would take place says Susan Wendell, a disability rights advocate. From able bodied actors playing individuals with disabilities, to victimizing those with disabilities and depicting them as being completely helpless, Hollywood still has issues with the portrayal of those living with disabilities. Unfortunately, such films that present people with disabilities in a stereotypical manner are relatively prevalent. Films such as The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Forrest Gump, and Wonder highlight these traditional stereotypes. Media, particularly film, is problematic due to its inaccurate and flawed portrayals of individuals who live with mental and physical disabilities on daily basis. The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a classic Disney film first released in 1996. The plot focuses around Quasimodo, a deformed man hidden away from the world in a bell tower. The character of Quasimodo is repeatedly dehumanized, and presented as being lesser due to the fact that he has a physical deformity. Quasimodo only receives recognition after saving a beautiful gypsy girl, Esmerelda, and killing the controlling priest, Frollo. It is only after these events that the people who had previously viewed him as being monstrous have a miraculous change of heart and ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, despite the film s good intentions, it still has detrimental consequences for those living with disabilities. The name Quasimodo itself is derogatory, meaning half formed. When Archdeacon Frollo discovers that the infant he has just rescued has a physical disability, he recoils, calling it a demon and trying to kill him. The only thing that prevents this is his own guilt and his strong religious faith. Frollo, as a Christian feels as if it is his duty to rescue
  • 14. El Nino, La Nina and Hurricanes Essay El Nino, La Nina and Hurricanes How does the change in climate affect the frequency and the path of those powerful hurricanes and tropical storms in the tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans? Global warming has a profound vast impact on the Earth. Besides landmasses, ocean is warmed unevenly. Additionally, unexpected changes in ocean current will aggregate the uneven distribution of water temperatures along the globe. Warmer or cooler than normal sea surface temperatures occur along the Tropical Pacific will provide good indications of the future climatic change. These weather scenarios are also known as El Nino, and La Nina. They are indicated by the Southern Oscillation Index, which shows the prevailing winds in the ... Show more content on ... The opposite holds too also. Recent El Nino occurred in 1983 84, 1987, 1991 94, 1997 98, and 2004. Recent La Nina occurred in 1989 90, 1999 2001 (NOAA). From the Southern Oscillation Chart, we can see that El Nino and La Nina is occurring more frequently and having a greater intensity. Theoretically, El Nino will suppress growth, while La Nina will promote the growth of hurricanes. We will examine whether the theory holds too by looking at the archive hurricane paths. In 1997 and 2004, there were 29 33 tropical systems in the Pacific Ocean. Most of them curve to the north and six of them hit Japan, while the Philippines was being hit only once in 1997. This year, Japan was hit eight times while the Philippines were only hit once. There were less hurricanes, and they tended to curve north in El Nino year. In Atlantic, there were 8 hurricanes formed in 1997. None moved west to hit Texas or Mexico. In 2004, there were 13 hurricanes and 3 hit Florida. All Hurricanes made the curve to the north during El Nino. None hit the West Gulf Coast (Unisys). In 1999 2001, the La Nina years, there were 16 18 tropical systems formed in the Atlantic. Two to five tropical systems hit the Western Gulf Coast. In the Pacific, there were more than 33 tropical systems formed each year, while 5 8 tropical storms hit the Philippines. There were less systems hitting Japan during El Nino years (Unisys). Closing
  • 15. Engagement Rings Research Paper Since prehistoric times we have searched for a way to use unique engagement rings to identify our chosen mate, and announce our marriage to the world. While engagement rings hold considerably more sentimental and romantic value in our society, this certainly has not always been the case. In fact, up until the late 1700 s, engagement ringswere used not as a romantic gesture, but as a way for a man to assert his ownership of his wife. Throughout history engagement rings have been made from many different materials. From braided grass rings worn by the wives of cavemen, to rings made of human hair and gemstones worn by 19th century Victorians, each culture and era throughout history has taken their own approach to this tradition. It was not ... Show more content on ... The engagement ring which you choose to present to that women, should be as unique and beautiful as she is. Unfortunately, with the limited selection of engagement rings available at most retail outlets, finding a unique ring can be a difficult task. This however, does not mean it is impossible. You will simply need to broaden your horizons a bit. Thanks to the availability of online retailers such as and, there is a way that you can find the unique engagement rings that you are looking for. These online retailers are able to offer a much larger selection than traditional retailers, allowing you to maximize the chances of finding that perfect ring. Finding the perfect engagement ring that matches the personality and style of the woman in your life, can be an amazing feeling. Unfortunately, for many people that feeling fades quickly after learning how much the ring will cost them. Finding the perfect ring will not matter if you can not afford to buy it. There is no need to worry tho, shopping online can help you with this aspect of purchasing unique engagement rings as
  • 16. Reciprocal Votional Changed By Peter Holley I have a dad bod. Here s why women love it Peter Holley It is a well known fact that men and women are attracted to each other, excluding homosexuals. But to whom does the reciprocal attraction primarily apply, and are some individuals more attractive than others? In that case, what decides that? These rather complicated questions are treated and addressed in Peter Holley s article I have a dad bod. Here s why women love it from the 11th of May, 2015. In the article, Holley elucidates and clarifies women s attraction to men, claiming that it exclusively and indubitably concerns men with dad bods, for which reason they are more desirable than men who are fit. Holley utilizes a particularly interesting language that contains informality ... Show more content on ... Much more. (ll. 13 17, p. 2). In this quotation, Holley states that his latter body type has resulted in much more success with women, which he argues for later. However, he only takes his own experiences into account, which makes his arguments invalid and untenable. Additionally, he generalizes isolated incidences, claiming that they apply to everybody. An example of this is seen when he outlines his friend s success with a woman, who, according to Holley, loves his dad bod: She keeps telling me she loves my body, he told me over the phone after things with his new woman started getting serious. She says it turns her on! (ll. 3 4, p. 5). In this quote, we are dealing with an isolated case, for which reason it cannot be used to say something general about women s attraction to men. Moreover, Holley uses a research to argue for the reason that women love dad bods, after which he jumps to a conclusion that deviates remarkably from the results of the study: The implication? When women don t have to worry so much about threats to their survival, they instinctually go for softer and more cuddly types. (ll. 13 15, p. 4). Holley construes the research for the benefit of himself and his arguments, as men with less masculine features are not necessarily soft and cuddly types, just like it does not mean they are in possession of dad bods. Less manly features could instead indicate a nice or sweet personality, which could be why women from wealthier countries have voted for them. Hence, the results of the research do not inevitably demonstrate that women love dad bods, for
  • 17. European And Non-European Culture In The 1500s And 1600s Europeans had many goals throughout the 1500s and 1600s. To achieve their goals, they deferred to the non European culture. However, the question remains how did the Europeans accommodate themselves to Non European culture? The European traders and missionaries would accommodate themselves by integrating into the Non European culture, by adapting their physical appearance, by referring to the traditional practices, and through the response of the nations wants to European goods. In order for Europe s influence to be successful across the world, they had a guide written by Father Jean de BrГ©beuf, called Instructions for The Fathers of Our Society Who Shall Be Sent to The Hurons. In this small guide, Father Jean, writes instruction for other European members to follow in order to be successful in their influence in the new world. The thought of being the superior race, followed them to the new world, so embracing a culture that they thought was low class, was a big change to the European men. As to the other numerous things which may be unpleasant, they must be endured for the love of God, without saying anything or appearing to notice them. They did not do anything that contradicts the Natives belief, as they were trying to convert them to the idealized culture. They were doing so in a way that the Natives did not realize they were being converted. So, the Europeans change their normal customs in order to gain their trust. In which they accommodate to non European
  • 18. 19th Century Italy Abandoned Children Essay Why Were So Many Children Abandoned In 19th Century Italy? The Counter Reformation in 1648 brought a desire to control women s sexuality and reproduction. A system that controlled midwives and increased men s role in overseeing pregnancy and childbirth thus arose. Whereas midwives once protected a woman s honour, they were now required to monitor illicit pregnancies and bring the illegitimate children to foundling homes. Foundling homes were orphanages that housed abandoned children. By the 19th Century, the number of infants left at the foundling homes was at such a high rate that the homes were struggling to cope. The contributing factors as to why the number of abandoned infants rose to such heights in the 19th Century are these: an ... Show more content on ... Spies surveyed unwed women in congregations for any pregnancies so as to protect communities against their morally corrupting effects. Married women were also monitored for pregnancies so as to ensure that no legitimate infants were abandoned since the concern was only with illegitimate infants. In addition, girls and boys were abandoned in equal numbers by the early 19th Century (Barbagli, P125), which reinforces how the concern was not with the gender of the child but the existence of the illegitimate child itself. As a Catholic country, Italy viewed pregnancy as a primarily female issue since nature conceals paternity with an impenetrable veil (Kertzer, P70). This view meant that men were free from the obligations of pregnancy and as such, single mothers were without paternal support or state benefits in any form. The harsh solitude that a single mother had to endure would have made the mere thought of having a child completely unbearable. When comparing Italy with Protestant countries in which infant abandonment was near unheard of, it is clear that this contributed to the high rates of infant abandonment in Italy. The societal view that an illegitimate pregnancy was the fault of the woman also meant that
  • 19. Jesse James Research Paper August, 16 1998 I was born on Sunday, August 16, 1998. My fall name is Jesse Lee Tonga, my mom wanted my name to be Jesse James but my dad didn t wanted my name to be Jesse James, there was no really reason why my mom and dad chose my name. I was born at McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls South Dakota, at 7:56 on Sunday morning of the 16 of August. I was 9 pounds 4 oz 21 inch and I had blue eye and brown hair. On the day I was born my mom and went to the hospital at 2:30am after dropping my brother Zach off at my grandma and grandpa s house. I was born on my mom and dad s 1 year wedding anniversary and my dad s birthday. I am the second child that my mom and dad had. I have one brother that is older then I am and 1 sister that is younger then me.... Show more content on ... My mom and dad listen to more of the country and rock .The number one song on the day i was born was The Boy Is Mine by Brandy Monica (Birthday No #1). The song The Boy Is Mine by Brandy Monica win MTV Video Music Award for Best Video from a Film in 1998. More song that play on my day of birth was Blaze of glory by Jon Bon Jovi and I Don t Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith (90s Hits Billboard #1s.). The song I Don t Want To Miss Thing by Aerosmith also win the MTV Video Music Award for Best Video from a
  • 20. Analysis Of Mid Term Break By Seamus Heaney A death in the family is always unexpected. Even being able to prepare for a death is no help, once we hear that a love one had passed the breath is taken out of us. The worse types of deaths are ones that take people before their time, when the world seems like it has a bright future for them. The poem Mid Term Break by Seamus Heaney give us some of the same unexpectedness. The title infers a poem about a student on their seasonal break, while the poem itself takes a sharp turn down a dark path. Dread builds as the reader continues, finally culminating in heartbreak when it is found out that it was the authors younger brother who has passed. The author elicits these emotions by his use of imagery, the breakup of the stanzas, and the ... Show more content on ... Add to the fact that he is slowly releasing the information of what is happening, it gives the reader a sense of dread as they read because they do not know where it is going next. In the first stanza, it talks about how I sat all morning in the college sick bay (687). From the very beginning of the poem it seems just like a college student going home sick on their semester break, but in the start of the next stanza the tone quickly changes. The author goes on to talk about coming home to his father crying, and Big Jim telling him that is was a hard blow. The poem then goes on to describe what is happening at the funeral, telling the reader only a little bit at a time. This causes a rising sense of dread in the reader, since they know that someone has died but they do not know exactly who. The very last line finally tells a four foot box, a foot for every year (687). By slowly giving out tidbits of information throughout the poem the author has kept the final reveal a secret, that his baby brother is the one who has died. This final line is the culmination of the dread that the reader is experiencing, finally ending in heartbreak as they realized it was an innocent child who has passed. Throughout his description of what he is experiencing he seems to have a detachment towards what he is experiencing, and this can have a dramatic impact on the way that
  • 21. Consequences Of Esperanza Rising Many people who have read Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan believe that Esperanza and her mother should have stayed in Mexico, but in my opinion, I believe that they were right to leave for California. If they stayed, they would have had to face several consequences, one being having to live with Esperanza s uncle, despicable Tio Luis. At the same time, when they went to California, they did not have to leave everything behind, it was a choice they made. After all, as Esperanza herself said in the book, Do not ever be afraid to start over. (p. 253) Esperanza and her mother made the choice to leave Mexico and go to California to work and escape Tio Luis, which I believe to be a good decision. Before going, Esperanza was spoiled, rich, and quite full of herself, living in a high social class family, and in general thought of herself better than others. At first, she was against leaving everything she knew and loved, but in the end, found herself liking California. Esperanza made new friends, in particular, Isabel, who taught her many things, even though she was younger. She taught her how to appreciate what she had, and how to get a job done. She taught her how to deal with the fact that ... Show more content on ... Many people do choose to stay in their home country, for various reasons, but others, such as Esperanza and her mother, choose to leave one place for another, the same way many Syrians are immigrating to Germany. In other words, while several stay, several leave as well, and it is therefore up to those said people to decide. A point often overlooked, though, when all of the numbers are in the air, it is very easy to forget that these are people, not just statistics. As said in Pam Munoz Ryan s book, Esperanza Rising, There is no rose without thorns. This represents that, despite the peremptory positive effects, there is nothing without flaws and no life without
  • 22. Cannibal Coop Analysis With the development of the internet, it is undeniable the techniques in computers are developing rapidly. As a result, chat rooms are formed, which enables internet users to meet people or make friends all over the world. Communication via chat rooms are beneficial and most users find it easier and convenient, but It can be a double edged sword for many users because many do not realize or disregard the dangers of online chatting. The article published on CBS NEWS about Ex NYPD officer dubbed Cannibal Cop tells his story is a story of a former New York police officer Gilberto Valle. Gilberto Valle was tagged as the Cannibal Cop for the horrifying statement he made in fetish driven online chats. Valle s shared his gruesome fetish wishes... Show more content on ... It s clear that he misused his power and if the court makes a decision in Valle s favor and decide that the use of a computer for personal use is not the violation of CFAA then Valle might be free from all his charges. As CFAA just prevents unauthorized access to the computer and doesn t mention any criteria regarding the use of computers. But the decision is very critical because it is not just about the Valle case if the court makes a decision in his favor may employers will be benefited. They can access the government or office computers for personal use. There should be rules and the CFAA should also cover the misuse of authorized computers. If the rules are set its prevents higher rank officers from misusing the computer. If not we have to worry about Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? They are watching us, but who is watching them, they have the power doesn t mean they can do whatever they want therefore strict rules and laws must be maintained so that everyone is on
  • 23. Business Law Term Paper Rent a Car Contract Term Paper Rent a Car Contract ADM 3360A Andrew Sarofeim 4856542 December 7, 2010 Introduction With the ability to fly anywhere around the world at a relatively affordable price, many Canadians are finding themselves taking trips to visit family, friends, or complete strangers more often than ever before. However, the ability to travel in a given destination of choice will require the ability to drive a car. This has created a large demand for cars that can be rented, hence the large amount of rent a car locations being created all around the world. In order to rent a car in a given travel destination, consumers must abide by a very strict contract that consumers must agree... Show more content on ... Part three explains that as the result of the consumer accepting the vehicle as is, the consumer waives all right to return the vehicle to the premise if the consumer finds out that the vehicle looks or feels different than originally sought. Clause 3 Payment by Renter A (1) Defines what constitutes what an hour means for the purposes of the contract. For the purposes of the contract, it represents 60 consecutive minutes. (2) Defines what constitutes what a day means for the purposes of the contract. For the purposes of the contract, a day represents 24 consecutive hours. (3) Defines what constitutes a calendar day. A calendar day represents either a full or partial day, which will be determined by hours. (4) Defines what constitutes a week. For the purposes of the contract, a week is determined by 7 consecutive days with 24 hour periods. (5) Defines what constitutes a month. For the purposes of the contract, a month represents 30 consecutive 24 hour days. (6) This sub clause explains that the owner must charge the consumer for atleast a minimum of one day. B (1) The renter agrees to pay the owner the amount of total time that the vehicle has been in the hands of the consumer, as stated by the total per day value stated on the first page of the contract. (2) If the owner has offered free km as an
  • 24. Essay on Apollo Program Michael Penwarden Phillip Whitworth 6/20/13 Senior paper No nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in this race for space...We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. John F. Kennedy. The Apollo missions had one main goal, to land on the moon and get back to earth safely. Apollo was the third space flight program after Project Gemini and Project Mercury, flown by NASA (National Astronautics and Space Administration). The program started in 1967 and was able to land humans on the moon by 1972. The Apollo missions had important effects on technologies and the nation as a result of Kennedy s dream to put a man on the... Show more content on ... It was launched July 5, 1966. (NASA) Apollo 4 was still an unmanned mission but it was given the name Apollo back. During this mission the objectives where to demonstrate structural integrity and operations needed for launch and recovery. The flight lasted nine hours and landed 16km off target. It successfully demonstrated the heat shield at lunar re entry speeds. It was launched November 9, 1967. (NASA) The Apollo 5 mission was used to verify operations of the lunar module and evaluate descent propulsion systems. There was no Apollo capsule on this flight and no recovery; it was just testing the rocket. It was launched June 22, 1968. (NASA) Apollo 6 was the second flight of Saturn V; Saturn V was a type of rocket that they used. Problems occurred with vibrations when they caused two second stage engines to shut down early. The third stage engine also failed and achieved high speed entry speeds. The problems with vibrations where fixed thus Saturn V was deemed safe for human. It was launched April 4, 1968. (NASA) Apollo 7 was very important; it was the first manned mission after the fire. It was also the first real flight due to Apollo 1 burning pre launch. The launch was broadcasted live on TV and was very important because it proved America s legitimate space program. The flight went off without a hitch and landed safely. The astronauts of Apollo 7 were Walter Schirra as commander, R. Walter Cunningham as lunar module pilot, and Donn F.
  • 25. Pericles Lion And The Sea-Onion Analysis he Lion and the Sea Onion. Most self respecting artists would pick the former as the subject for a monument and dismiss the latter. Yet, the man behind the moniker of Sea Onion cannot be so easily dismissed. Pericles, the great Athenian statesman, was nicknamed Schinocephalos , or Sea Onion, by contemporary poets because of the large size of his head ( Pericles , The Lion of Justice, in this case, refers to King Henry II of England( King Henry II Biography ). On the surface, both Henry II and Pericles appear to be equally great leaders who made lasting impact on Western civilizations. Henry II established the English Common Law, which ensured the same laws applied everywhere in the country (Hinds 60). He also laid the foundation for a unified Britain by claiming Scotland and Ireland as parts of his realm (Morgan 143). Pericles united the Greek city states into an empire known as the Delian League with Athens at its center ( Pericles , University Press Inc). Under his leadership and patronage, arts, literature, and philosophy flourished, creating a cultural legacy that shaped all areas of Western thinking. Pericles also led the restoration of the Acropolis and the ambitious construction of the Parthenon (Nardo 10). But looking beyond their accomplishments, these two historical figures differ greatly in their motivations and personal conducts. Arguably, two of the most essential traits of a good leader are integrity and dedication to the common good. Using these qualities as a metric for comparison, we will see that Henry II falls short while Pericles is clearly deserving of a monument in his honor . Both Henry II and Pericles were highly driven and ambitious. But while Henry was fueled by the desire to glorify himself and his reign, Pericles wished to glorify Athens and its people. Henry II wanted to reclaim lands that were previously under his grandfather s rule. He used force and threats to claim lordship over Wales, Scotland, and Ireland (Hinds 12). In his mind, it was his birthright. As a general and statesman, Pericles also helped reclaim land (noticeably Delphi) for Athens ( Pericles , Bio). But rather than conquering neighboring poleis , Pericles chose to focus on making Athens a city
  • 26. Gingerroot Tea Worksheet In order to test the claim that ginger root tea can be used in order to relieve heartburn. I would start by using the scientific method in order to see if gingerroots relieves heartburns. So by observing their hypothesis they state that heartburn is caused by excess stomach acid and that gingerroot tea works just as rolaids which is an antacids that neutralize stomachacids to relieve heartburn. So knowing that acids produce H+ in aqueous solutions and bases produce OH in aqueous solutions. With that said Acid + Base neutralized reaction. I would basically compare both the gingerroot tea and the Rolaids tablet. Then place the base in a beaker, so have two beakers with one containing the gingerroot tea and the other rolaid tablet. I
  • 27. Cannibalism Is Taboo And A Violation Of The Law The film showcases cannibalism, which is taboo and a violation of the law. Cannibalism is generally frowned upon because it is not something that civilized societies engage in. Cannibalism is an action that is primitive and what wild animals do in order to survive. For humans to commit this atrocity, it signifies that we have not moved beyond our animal nature. Thus, cannibalism threatens the idea that we have evolved beyond this primitive behavior that separates us from wild animals. It violates the border between civilized and savage. When we see Leatherface and his family engage in cannibalism, we are repulsed that they could violate this taboo that is central to maintaining a civilized society. Additionally, cannibalism is taboo because it is like eating oneself. Kristeva (1982) writes, Fear of the uncontrollable generative mother repels me from the body; I give up cannibalism because abjection (of the mother) leads me toward respect for the body of the other, my fellow man, my brother. The maternal body is a reminder of the ties and dependence we had on our mothers. The fear of the mother s generative power makes her body and thus all other bodies abject and inedible. By not consuming the flesh of other humans, we are able to maintain our connections to other people. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre depicts more severe acts of violence on women than men, which may be explained by the abject. Creed (1986) suggests that the reason for significant bleeding in a slasher
  • 28. Napoleon s Buttons The book Napoleon s buttons was an informative story that mixed slow and confusing chemistry with history. This mix allowed a history buff like me to get involved with the chemical make up and structure of common elements. Penny Le Couteur and Jay Burreson used this book to explain their theories on how key historical events are related to the chemical make up of important elements. In essay after essay they explain the historyand events. In addition, they go further in depth to explain the details of particular elements and why they are important. The historical aspects of this book are what grabbed my attention. The long string of facts otherwise would have been too confusing for even the smartest of readers. For example, the first ... Show more content on ... From a historical perspective it was intriguing to discover how dyes affected the hierarchy in the ancient world. The repeated use of dyes represented a transition in humanity from simple hunting and gathering societies; to well developed structured governments and economies where people focused less on survival and more on status. Colors in ancient times represented political, military, and social status. Without the discovery of dyes kings would be clothed just like the normal people giving them a less godly appearance and less power. Even today certain connotations exist with colors like black for evil white for good, etc... The authors include this essay to demonstrate man s first foray into chemistry by mixing and blending dyes to create more extravagant colors to sell. The lust for colorful clothes drove vendors to create more eccentric dyes, thereby forcing them to utilize experimental chemistry to create new shades and hues. The book here focuses too much on the historical aspects. I can see the relationship but it is weak and describing the chemical make up of colors doesn t explain why it relates to history. Essay twelve discusses a dark time for chemists. Suddenly, in the mid 1500 s chemists went from being priests and healers to witches and devils. Chemistry during this period is limited and men known as alchemists ran the show. These men used herbs metals and spices to create useful substances and herbal remedies. Helpful as they
  • 29. Baumrind s Life-Span Development Presented in the book Life Span Development, in chapter 8, it explains the four types of parenting styles by Baumrind s. The first one is called Authoritarian parenting. Authoritarian parenting is a restrictive, punitive style in which parenting exhorts the child to follow their directions and respect their work and effort. The second parenting style is called Authoritative parenting. This is when the children are encouraged to be independent but still place limits and controls on their actions. The third parenting style is called neglectful parenting. Neglectful parenting is a style in which the parents are uninvolved in the child s life. The last out of the four parenting styles is called Indulgent parenting. This parenting style is when the parents are highly involved with their children but place few demands or controls on them. Out of all for these parenting styles by Baumrind s I would say that the parenting style my parents used was Authoritative parenting. My parents are the types of parents who would sit down with you and let you know what you did wrong. They would also let you have an opinion in the conversation. They used communication rather than physically hitting us or punishing us. They are the type of parents that if you knew you make a mistake you would go directly to them. My ... Show more content on ... I was doing very well on all of my classes besides one. I had a 62% in my English class. The reason behind that grade was I was getting distracted because my best friend was in that class, and we would always stay off task. One day my mother and father sat me down after dinner and asked me about my grade in English. I told them the truth and said that I would bring my grade up by the end of the semester before the grades were due. At the point I realized that I needed to be serious about my grades because not only did I want to bring my grade up for my parents but I wanted to do it for myself, my
  • 30. The Myth Of The London Blitz There was a myth going around about the London Blitz such as on September 7, 1940 the German Luftwaffe began a massive raid on London. The German Luftwaffe continued bombing London for the next 9 months, while they were doing this more than 40,000 civilians were killed and over a million homes were damaged. Newspaper, radio and newsreel were focused on a way all Britons of all classes were pulled together as one. Stories were emphazised and high morale in the face of the brutal Nazi attacks. Britains national memory and remains firmly embedded in British novels, films, history books and documentaries. In 30 years this view of people s reactions to the Blitz has been attack by many historians and so the concept of the myth has arisen. Historians
  • 31. Michael Eisner Case study The Walt Disney Company: The Entertainment King 1.Briefly describe the type(s) of diversification strategies that Walt Disney pursues/has pursued over the years. The Walt Disney company can be seen as a highly diversified company. Over the years, it has pursued a wide range of diversification strategies that we can enhance:В•Horizontal integration: obviously, Walt Disneyhas invaded several markets, diversifying its offer to many fields. In 2000, we can find five big main fields of action where Walt Disney operates: Media Network, studio entertainment, theme parks and resort, consumer products and internet and direct marketing. Moreover, each of these categories is itself divided in other categories characterized by the ... Show more content on ... The main point is that Walt Disney relied on many logics of diversification to implement the introduction of new products on the market, and to diversify its activity, that is why its activity seemed to be so flourishing and so wide. 2.What is the critical resource that Walt Disney is trying to leverage in its businesses?Walt Disney handles a lot of resources in its businesses, but we can consider that there is one main critical resource that it tries to leverage: creativity, and in a way, all the resources that are linked to it (intellectual property for instance). Actually, over the years, Walt Disney adopted different strategies, diversified its activity, always trying to manage creativity in the best way. Under Einer, creativity was handled through the brain storming meetings, and when they were reduced or became useless, they were regretted. Furthermore, the only way to survive for the company was to keep being creative, which is why it had hard times when creativity was not sufficient or handled correctly. Diversification is also a way to expand creativity to many fields keeping the Walt Disney spirit and culture. 3.The period from 1984 until about 1994 was a successful one for Walt Disney. How was Disney set up to extract so much value out of its businesses?The years 1984 1994 were those of change for Walt Disney, under the management of Eisner. And success followed changes and
  • 32. Public Green Spaces At The Mouth Of Mill Creek [Introduction] Cincinnati s riverfront is misused and neglected. Once the backbone of the city s economic activity, much of it now lies vacant and abandoned. Scarred by the derelict remains of its industrial past and cut off from the city by roads and railways, these sites are largely forgotten by the public and show little signs of their untapped potential. The landscape is in clear need of repair. In some other locations, sections of the waterfront have been converted into riverfront parks. While such public green spaces are an important factor in the success of a city, we should not be content with merely building a standard park. Cities should use the elements given to them in their landscape to create placemaking spaces unique to ... Show more content on ... In reality, there is no evidence of residential or recreational activities taking place in the area. In some places the riverfront was used as a construction material dump site, with evidence of the waste being burned on site. Non commercial use is hampered by a lack of accessible and legal ways into the site. The site is currently almost completely blocked off by railroads and raised roadways, with the exception of a private road entrance on the east end, making trespassing required to access the riverfront. In addition, the banks along the river are steep and highly susceptible to erosion. No access to the water is possible with these conditions. The site is completely within the flood zone and temporary flood protection only exists a fourth of a mile beyond the site. The area along the river and mill creek is in the floodway, meaning even minor flooding affects the area. The rest of the site is within the 100 year floodplain, meaning it has annual flood probability of 1%. [Proposal] The landscape itself can serve as protection from flooding. By raising the elevation along the riverfront, water is held back from the city. This can be done with a series of berms. When looking at FEMA s flood maps we can see that already there are two natural exceptions to the floodplain. On the site there are two existing berms excluded from the floodplain zone providing protection to the area beyond them. Innately, the landscape can be employed as
  • 33. Fuel Cell Essay One of the important issues to ensure the safety of a ship in the case of a gas leak is the condition of air flow inside the fuel cell stack package. Poor air flow increases the risk of fire or explosion by accumulating leaked gas in one place. Against this backdrop, the installation place for a ventilating fan and its capacity should be properly decided to make the air flow smooth inside the package, and an alarm unit and gas detector should be installed at the proper place to detect gas leak. In this study, we report the characteristics of air flow inside the stack package to ensure the safety in the case of a gas leak for the 300 kW MCFC stack package model ships by applying CFD techniques. aimed at the places where leaked gas... Show more content on ... These days, many shipping firms are adopting liquefied natural gas (LNG) as marine fuel in an attempt to replace conventionally used HFO as a marine fuel. Such a trend to use LNG in the ship considers to safely utilize Boil off Gas (BOG), and as one of the options, application of fuel cell to the ship are being considered [5,6]. Fuel cells (FCs), energy storage systems (ESSs), wind power, and sunlight have received significant attentions as environment friendly energy sources for green vessels in the future [7]. Among these, FCs have strong potential as an alternatives to traditional marine propulsion power plants owing to their high efficiency, easy modularization, multi fuel flexibility, and environmental friendliness [8,9]. In addition, FCs can essentially offer a silent and vibration free operation, reducing the needs for noise insulation of machinery. In particular, high temperaturemolten carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs) have various advantages for eco ships, because they achieve the system efficiency of more than 80% with negligible air pollutant emissions, when used as the waste heat. Furthermore, it may be highly efficient economically for gas transport ships to utilize fuel such as LNG and liquefied H2 carriers, since MCFCs can use the BOG emitted from the LNG ship [10,11]. However, developments of MCFC green ships are still in a primitive
  • 34. Early American Architecture Architecture Book a. Tepee: forms a cone shape; and the straight edges, where the smoke flaps are sewed, overlap and are held together with wooden pins. Most windows are cut out in teepees along with the entry ways. Tipis were used mainly by Plains Indians, such as the Lipan Apache, Comanche and Kiowa, after the Spanish introduced horses into North America about 500 years ago. b. Pueblos: apartment like structures built of stone, adobe mud, and other local material. These structures were usually multi storied buildings surrounding an open plaza. The rooms were accessible only through ladders lowered by the inhabitants, thus protecting them from break ins and unwanted guests. They were occupied by hundreds to thousands of Pueblo people in ... Show more content on ... Garrison: typically two stories with the second story overhanging in the front. The traditional ornamentation is four carved drops below the overhang. Garrisons usually have an exterior chimney at the end. Older versions have casement windows with small panes of glass, while later versions have double hung windows. The second story windows often are smaller than those on the first floor. Dormers often break through the cornice line.aa b. German and Dutch (Dormers): A dormer is a structural element of a building that protrudes from the plane of a sloping roof surface. Dormers are used, either in original construction or as later additions, to create usable space in the roof of a building by adding headroom and usually also by enabling addition of windows. A dormer window is a window set into the dormer. Like skylights, dormer windows are a source of light and ventilation for top floors, but unlike skylights they also increase the amount of headroom in the room and allow for more usable space. c. Spanish (Coquina): Settlers in the Spanish territories of North America built simple, low homes made using rocks, adobe brick, coquina, or stucco.Located in the American South, Southwest, and California. These homes were usually one story, flat roof, or roof with a low pitch, earth, thatch, or clay tile roof covering, thick walls made with rocks, coquina, or adobe brick coated with stucco, several exterior door, and small windows, originally without
  • 35. Uc Berkeley Research Paper UC Berkeley: Origin of Free Speech, Topic of Extremes Here we go again; yet again do we, as Americans, get to see another protest go violent, but what is it about this time? Following up with recent news, Milo Yiannopolis, a highly controversial right wing speaker and Breitbart columnist, was forced to evacuate UC Berkeley after a protest broke into violence as many left protesters began destroying nearby areas and attacking innocent people. Naturally, with such a controversial person coming to UC Berkeley and such a violent occurring as a result, many opinions came out to the surface including two extreme articles that we will focus on: a left wing article from Daily Cal by Luis Tenorio and Miranda Smith and a right wing article from Fox News by Todd Starnes. Throughout the article by Tenorio and Smith, the violence of the event is written off and excused as a defense, saying that it crossed the line of tolerance as they claim that [tolerance] ends where harm begins and that it is an event about safety and equitable ... Show more content on ... Through this, it can be seen that they decided to focus on what they see, which is a valid view, and to deny the presence of other viewpoints and issues that are present. It may be true that yes, for you two, this is solely an issue on personal safety; however for many who disagree with you, it is a major issue of free speech and academic freedom as this event presents itself as an attack on the First Amendment and academic freedom. By shutting down the event with violence, it is forcefully cutting off and blocking the differing opinion and ultimately isolating students, including those of which who want to hear different opinions, within a bubble of the ideas you hold. Does that not sound like an attack on academic freedom and free speech to
  • 36. Isolation In Louis Perez s The History Of Japan Japanese technology and culture is everywhere today; in my room alone I own a Nintendo 3ds, a Nintendo GameCube, PS3, a Toshiba laptop and nine box sets of Japanese anime, with a further three series downloaded on my iPod. That isn t even including the book and manga series I own (some in the original Japanese, some translated into English.) Popular TV shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender now mimic Japanese style of cartoons, while we have outright adopted other shows as our own, such as Yu Gi Oh and Dragon Ball Z. In short, Japanese culture is everywhere, especially if you know where to look for it. It s everywhere; foreign culture is all around us. It is almost insane to believe that just a little less than two hundred years ago, the Japanese... Show more content on ... In fact, not only did they survive, but became a major power in the world, as proven by the Russo Japanese war, in which the Japanese trounced the Russians; and even today, they remain an major power, with a major hand in trade. Personally, I am amazed at how quickly Japan managed modernization; what took Europeans hundreds of years to achieve, they managed to do so in decades. Yes, the Europeans might have forced, the Japanese to modernize much sooner they otherwise might have, but in truth, I am glad. People own a lot of technology from Japan, a country that wouldn t have been able to compete with the West two hundred fifty years ago. Now, we regularly buy items from them like smartphones, and gaming consoles, cars; some of the most cutting edge technology is from Japan. It s easy to image that if Americans were to cut off ties to Japan today, that they might outstrip us technologically in a few
  • 37. Medicare Severity-Diagnosis Related Group Case Study Introduction The Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS DRG) is a system that Medicare uses to classify a patient s hospital stay into groups that facilitate payment of services. The MS DRG is commonly the system used today because of the increased population of Medicare patients. Background of the MS DRGs In 1983, the government endorsed the system using diagnosis related groups (DRGs) as the payment methodology, for the payment of operating costs associated with Medicare Part A hospitalinpatient stays. Based on set rates, this is referred to as the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS). Each case is placed into a Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS DRG). Although the system was created by Medicare, other payers have implemented a DRG system, such as Tricare, Medicaid, and Blue Cross. Patients can be assigned to an MS DRG based on their diagnosis, surgical procedures, age, and other information, this information is provided on the Medicare claim, and Medicare uses this information to decide how much the hospitals should be paid. Steps for Determining a MS DRG ... Show more content on ... Step one, Pre Major Diagnostic Category assignment (Pre MDC), in this step the principal procedure is used to assign the MS DRG. Step two, Major Diagnostic Category (MDC) Determination, in this step, the principal diagnosis is used to place the encounter into one of the MDCs. Step three, Medical/Surgical Determination, in this step, it is determined if the procedure performed qualifies, if it does then a surgical code is assigned, if not a medical code is assigned. Step four, Refinement, in this step questions are used to isolate the correct MS DRG assignment allowing grouping of patients from similar clinical perspective, and like resource
  • 38. Character Analysis Of Mr. Incredible However, Mr. Frederickson ignores Russell to continue on trying to navigate it without him. The purpose behind that is to show some sense of strength, as an old man he won t exhibit super strength or any sort of power like Mr. Incredible, but instead he exhibits the old saying that with age comes wisdom; within that scene that is exactly what strength he is showing. Mr. Frederickson wants to show that he is strong and capable enough to get there without help. However, as the movie progresses his vulnerability becomes more visible. The want to show strength and to appear strong comes from the emasculation of the characters. Mr. Incredible was this well known superhero that went around saving the city from robbers, criminals, and other events. However the city soon retired him for the amount of damage he caused, leading to him having to obtain a real job and provide for a family. His series of events are Mr. Incredible s emasculation. On the other hand is Mr. Frederickson, he however was never a superhero or anything of extravagance. Instead, he was the manin charge of the balloon cart at a zoo. While he wasn t very exciting in the first place, he had had dreams of being able to retire with his wife at Paradise Falls. Mr. Frederickson s retirement with his wife never happens sadly. In fact he wasn t truly ever able to retire. The failure to achieve his dream of retirement at Paradise Falls is the emasculation of Mr. Frederickson. The failure/emasculation is also the reason
  • 39. Empress Flaccilla Analysis The piece of art that is the being discussed in this paper is the head sculpture of (possibly) Empress Flaccilla. The sculpture is dated to around 380 390 B.C making it from the Byzantine culture and is made in the early Byzantine style. There is also no specific location for where it was found/made written down. The entire sculptureis made completely of marble and has dimensions of 10 11/16 x 6 в…› x 6 11/16 in with the base being 11 Вј in. It is currently being displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Gallery 301 with an inventory number 47.100.51 The sculpture has its nose gone and slight scratches on the forehead. The fragmented neck of the sculpture seems to suggest that it used to be attached to something, most likely a body made ... Show more content on ... Although very well preserved for its age the sculpture does still have damage to its nose and forehead. When looking at these images and trying to interpret what could have caused it the most likely scenario is that it fell or was harmed by a fault in the structure in used to be in. The damages aren t intense enough for it to have been something serious. It could have easily just fallen over and cracked when It hit the hard ground. This is further supported by the fact that the sculpture only has damages to the front in a certain area. What really seems to be a mystery is what happened to the rest of it. The head is a little smaller than life sized meaning that its body would have been fairly large so that it could have seen by many people where it had been placed. That place mostly likely being somewhere where a lot of people would pass by like a temple or a near a church. The strange shape of the neck seems to suggest that it could have been attached to something instead of really being one whole figure. What most likely happened is that it got detached from the main body and the head eventually survived on its
  • 40. Of Pico Della Mirandola s Oration On The Dignity Of Man Pico della Mirandola was an Italian philosopher who mastered many languages and traditions. He wrote the Oration on the Dignity of Man, which explores the idea that men have the ability to control their destiny. He introduces the idea that God has bestowed the gift of free will upon men; this was a new idea in the 15th century. Mirandola speaks of a new and different God; a God unlike the medieval, punishing, and cruel one portrayed in earlier times. This work was written for the public even though it was not published during Mirandola s lifetime. It is historically significant because of its opposition to the societal norms of God as the controller of destiny and proved to be a very influential and revolutionary work. God is the focal point of this document because God was the focal point of everyday life in the 1400s, the new interpretation of... Show more content on ... Mirandola makes this point most specifically in the last paragraph of his work by stating, To him it is granted to have whatever he chooses, to be whatever he wills. Beasts as soon as they are born bring with them from their mother s womb all they will ever possess (Mirandola 9). This passage is significant because it is stating that when man is born, he possesses all he can ever possibly be, and that it is up to him to decide the type of person he will become. God has planted the seeds for his life and it is within his free will to decide if he will be happy or rational or brutish. This idea of choosing one s own happiness was revolutionary during the 15th century because it was previously though that God controlled man s happiness, and if a man was unhappy it should be interpreted as God s punishment. This free will gave men the ability to create their own environments and systems without the hand of God, therefore granting them the ability to change things and choose their own
  • 41. Shostakovich Dmitri Shostakovich: A Musical Representation of Communist Russia In the musical world, no one is as controversial as Dmitri Shostakovich. Although he died not 30 years ago, many aspects of his life still remain to be a great mystery. When he was alive, many in the world believed he was a Communist and a devoted servant of Stalin. It was not until after his death that the truth had come out. Or had the truth been there all along? Many believe that this was because his music expressed a lot of nationalism and idolized Stalin. However, in an attempt to escape the red fist of Stalin, Shostakovich made his music appear to be nationalistic when really it is full of sarcasm and hidden messages. Shostakovich showed his contempt Stalin and ... Show more content on ... Since Shostakovich was unable to express his ideas about Communism openly, he had to resort to sarcasm to show his resentment to the party. But how can one prove that Shostakovich used sarcasm in his works? Sarcasm in nonvocal works is usually evident when lots of techniques from different style periods are used. This creates contrast and exaggeration in a piece to represent sarcasm ( Dmitri ). Several works of Shostakovich demonstrate this technique, but one of the more well known pieces is the Leningrad symphony. In Shostakovich s 7th Symphony, otherwise known as the Leningrad symphony, he uses a great deal of Sarcasm. During the time when the symphony was written, Shostakovich and his family were in Leningrad when the Nazis sieged the city. As the war continued, the symphony became a song of the Russian resistance against Germany ( Dmitri ). The true intentions of the symphony have been highly debated. When taken at face value, it appears that Shostakovich was attempting to conform to the Soviet standards and write a piece full of patriotic themes, but when taking a more in depth look, it can be said that the piece has a double meaning (Simon, Politics ). In order to save himself from the threat of being taken away by the Secret Police, Shostakovich wrote the piece to please Soviet authorities. He portrays Russia as
  • 42. Persuasive Essay On Plastic Bags A pile of plastic bags sits on the floor from the last shopping trip. A trip that consisted of long lines and other customers screaming children that needed their nap. What do you do with the bags? Maybe throwing them away would be easy, but why waste those hard earned plastic bags if you could do something with them? If you make your monstrous pile of bags into a rope, they won t be wasted. A rope can be used for many things including tug of war, tire swing, etc. If you want to start a project, it would be good to have the materials. You will need heaps of plastic grocery bags in order to make a rope from them. The exact number of bags depends on how long you want your rope to be. You will also need scissors. When you start the project, you will need some floor space. Now that you have all of your materials, you can start preparing to make the rope. Take nine bags and lay them on the floor next to you. Now pick up one bag. There should be a seam under each of the handles of the bag. Find both seams. If there are no seams, then the next part will be a little more difficult. For this part, you can either use your hands or pick up your scissors. Rip or cut at the top of the seam under the plastic bag s handles and continue down to the base of the bag. Do NOT cut the base of the bag. Cutting it will weaken your rope and make it harder to work with the plastic. Now that you have finished one side of the bag, do the same for the other side of the bag. Once this is done,
  • 43. Case Analysis on Pepsi s Entry to India Case Analysis on Pepsi s Entry to India Pepsi s Entry into India: A Lesson in Globalization SUMMARY: The case discusses the strategies adopted by the soft drinks and snack foods major PepsiCo to enter India in the late 1980s. To enter the highly regulated Indian economy, the company had to struggle hard to sell itself to the Indian government. PepsiCo promised to work towards uplifting the rural economy of the terrorism affected north Indian state of Punjab by getting involved in agricultural activities. In addition, it made a host of other promises that made its proposal very attractive to the regulatory authorities. The case also discusses the criticisms leveled against the company, in particular, criticism of its failure to honor... Show more content on ... What hurdles and problems did Pepsi face when it tried to enter India during the 1980s? Pepsi needs to globalize because its home market is not only saturated but because of health consciousness is shrinking. On the other hand, it want to enter markets abroad where there are less educated people who can be persuade to drink Pepsi. It is this search for markets that has driven Pepsi to markets like India. When it tried to enter India: The Indian law did not permit it; There would be repatriation problems it would face: There were activists who were opposed to the entry of Pepsi into India; 2.Critically analyze the strategy adopted by Pepsi to sell itself to the Indian government. Do you think the biggest factor responsible for the acceptance of its proposal by the regulatory authorities was its projection of its operations as the solution to many of Punjab s problems? Why/Why not? The strategy of Pepsi was: 1. To project the entry of Pepsi as a boost for the economy of Punjab; 2. To project the entry of Pepsi as an increase in the employment level in Punjab; 3. To project the entry of Pepsi as the ultimate solution to terrorism; These projections were used to persuade the Indian Government to allow Pepsi to enter India. 3.How did the company react to the changes in the business environment after the liberalization of the Indian economy in the early 1990s? Critically comment on the allegations that Pepsi deliberately did not adhere to most of
  • 44. Analysis Of William Cullen Bryant s Thanatopsis From the moment you were born, death has been in that far corner of your life for some time, waiting for the right moment to take your life. Death cannot be avoided. Since the beginning of time, people have many different ways of going about the idea of death and what the afterlife may hold for them, whether they ll be reunited with family and friends or if they ll be reincarnated or, maybe nothing at all. This is true for writers, poets and artists. William Cullen Bryant s Thanatopsis , Kansas Dust in the Wind and Blue Oyster Cult s Don t Fear the Reaper they all center their idea death, but approach it differently and conveys their points differently. One glorifies death, one says life is meaningless and the other glorifies life. ... Show more content on ... Thou shalt lie down with patriarchs of the infant world with kings, The powerful of the earth the wise, the good, fair forms, and hoary seers of ages past, all in one mighty sepulchre, (Bryant). She tells us that we will be reunited with the people from our past, and that we would live comfortably in the afterlife with very different people of all sorts of importance. She also tells us that we our body would become one with the earth as it slowly deteriorates, Thy image. Earth, that nourished thee, shall claim thy growth, to be resolved to earth again, and, lost each human trace, surrendering up thine individual being, shalt thou go to mix for ever with the elements, to be a brother to the insensible rock and to the sluggish clod, which the rude swain turns with his share, and treads upon, (Bryant). It puts the reader to ease as she also tells them that those that they care about will eventually join them too, creating a calming and accepting tone towards the idea of death. In Don t Fear the Reaper , Death is convincing those he visits that dying isn t bad and that when they join him, they ll be able to fly and their soul will continue to live in eternity with many others that has already been there. Come on baby (Don t fear the reaper), Baby take my hand (Don t fear the reaper), we ll be able to fly.....Valentine is done, here but now they re gone, Romeo and Juliet are together in eternity. 40,000 men and women everyday (Like Romeo and Juliet),
  • 45. Management Information Systems and Its Importance | What you think Management of Information Systems is and why it is important in today s business environment? Management Information Systems (MIS) is the term given to the discipline focused on the integration of computer systems with the aims and objectives on an organization. Modern businesses have been leveraging on MIS to manage, order, organize and manipulate the gigabytes and masses of information generated for various purposes. MIS helps businesses optimize business processes, address information needs of employees and various stakeholders and take informed strategic decisions. The development and management of information technology tools assists executives and the general workforce in performing any tasks related to the ... Show more content on ... Expert organizations such as the Institute of MIS along with peer reviewed journals such as MIS Quarterly continue to find and report new ways to use MIS to achieve business objectives. Better Planning and Control: MIS has to be designed and managed in such way that it aggregates information, monitors the company s activities and operations and enhances communication and collaboration among employees (Obrien). This ensures better planning for all activities and better ways to measure performance, manage resources and facilitate compliance with industry and government regulations. Control helps in forecasting, preparing accurate budgets and providing the tools and vital information to employees, top management and business partners. Core Competencies: Every market leading enterprise will have at least one core competency that is, a function they perform better than their competition. By building an exceptional management information system into the enterprise it is possible to push out ahead of the competition. MIS systems provide the tools necessary to gain a better understanding of the market as well as a better understanding of the enterprise itself. Enhance Supply Chain Management: Improved reporting of business processes leads inevitably to a more streamlined production process. With better information on the production process, comes the ability to improve the management of the supply chain,
  • 46. Myths, And Confusion Revolving Around The Newly Released... Introduction This paper attempts to dispel rumors, myths, and confusion revolving around the newly released chip cards. These modern cards with microchips imbedded in them have been around since the early 1990 s in France. Only until recently, October 1, 2015, have they become a standard in the United States. Due to the numerous large scale financial card breaches affecting consumers and retailers in since the year 2000, Target, Home Depot, TJX, and Heartland to name a few, the financial institutions decided it was time to enhance security at point of sale (POS) terminals. This self imposed security enhancement would come at a great cost to merchants who would have to upgrade their POS terminals and to the financial card companies who ... Show more content on ... Since this coalition has expanded more recently to include many American based companies, American Express, JCB, Discover, and UnionPay the coalition has changed its name to EMVCo (EMVCo 2016). Fraud and theft doesn t just occur in Europe, so the big question is why didn t the United States institute chip cards around the same time that Europe had in the 1990 s? Philip Andreae believes that the U.S., the government prefers be more laissez faire in the way the economy evolves. The government has a certain role to play, but they don t believe that they are in the position, necessarily, to dictate how an industry, the card industry, is to move forward... (Kitten, 2011). However, with recent events in the news and technological advancements there is a new push towards changes in the United States. Push for the EMV standard in the United States Large companies have been in the news in the past years due to data breaches. Companies such as Target, Home Depot, and TJX brands have brought credit card fraud under scrutiny. How safe are consumers shopping during this day and age? The Economist (2014) has found that since the year 2003, the United States is responsible for 25% of the global market of financial card payments. At the same time the U.S. is also responsible for 50% of the world s loss due to fraud. Between 2004 and 2010, signature based cards accounted for 91% of
  • 47. Loss of Innocence in Sarah´s Key Loss of Innocence A child is known for having innocence, and bad experiences strip kids of it. In Sarah s Key by Tatiana De Rosnay, experiences cause a loss of innocence due to loss of freedom, loss of hope, and loss of family. Freedom is a right that allows humans to live life to the fullest. In society when a child has no basic rights of freedom, it causes them to grow up and lose their innocence. In Sarah s Key, Sirka describes how she feels at the camp: The girl noticed a handful of people watching them through the barbed wire.... The girl felt like she had become someone else. Someone hard, and rude, and wild. Sometimes she fought with the older children, the ones who tried to grab the old stale bread she had found.... Show more content on ... She screamed the swearwords in her mind....he would not find her. Never bastards, dirty bastards. ( Rosnay129 130) Sirka has to hide from the Germans under the potatoes , because she knows that they are coming for her . The thought of the Germans get[ting] her is causing her to use all the swearwords her mother ha[s] forbidden her ever to use . Going against her mom by using words such as bastards is an example of how she no longer is innocent. She is disobeying her authorities, by using language that is not kid friendly. Sirka is no longer the sweet daughter, she has lost her naГЇve personality, changing to a ruthless girl with a bad mouth. Lastly, is when Sirka hears rumors of the children getting separated from the adults: There were rumors, rumors going around the camp. The parents were going to be sent east, to work....She repeated the conversation to her mother. She said no... They couldn t separate the children from the parents. In that sheltered gentle life that seemed far away, the girl would have believed her mother.... But in this harsh new world, the girl felt she had grown up. She felt older than her mother. (Rosnay 70 71) Sirka no longer lives in that sheltered gentle life that seemed far away . She currently is kept in a camp, and may be split up from her parents. She no longer has a choice if she wants to be with her parents, as the French are seperat[ing] the children from the parents . In this harsh new world Sirka
  • 48. 26th Amendment Pros And Cons The 26th amendment gives U.S. citizens who are 18 years old or older the right to vote in elections. In 1971, the 26th amendment was passed by Congress on March 23rd and added to the Constitution on July 1st. During World War II, the argument over reducing the voting age from 21 to 18 was a long debated topic that continued over to the Vietnam War. This debate started because men who were under the age of 21 were denied votingrights but were being enlisted to fight for the United States. While the United States was focused on WWII, President Roosevelt decreased the military draft age so that people who were 18 were able to be drafted into the military. The youth voting rights movement used the saying Old enough to fight, old enough to vote as a slogan for their movement. One of the first states to reduce the legal voting age was Georgia in 1943. Georgia decreased the legal voting age to 18 years old from 21 years old. This was done so citizens who were 18 years old or older could vote in local and state elections. Jennings Randolph was a democrat from West Virginia and also a congressman. Jennings proposed a federal legislation in 1942 to decrease the legal voting age. It was the first of many attempts that Randolph introduced the legislation. He was then elected into the Senate and introduced the bill to Congress. In 1960, the United States was involved in the long and expensive Vietnam War; however, youth protestors assembled to grab lawmakers attention to the problems of enlisting men and women who wanted the right to vote. In 1969, less than 60 decisions were presented to Congress to reduce the voting age. The next year, Congress passed a bill changing the Voting Rights Act of 1965, it presented a changed that the new voting age was 18 for federal, local, and state elections. The bill was signed by President Nixon and placed into the law, but he believed his actions were unconstitutional because he believed that Congress had no power to enact a simple statute, but rather it requires a constitutional amendment . As a result of the Oregon v. Mitchell supreme court decision, the supreme court decided 18 to 20 years old could vote for the president and vice president but not for state officials going up