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Essay Health Care Reform
Health Care Reform
There has been a lot of talk and debate lately over Health Care Reform, as people are trying to answer the question – Should a universally accessible
health care system be implemented in the United States (US)? This ongoing highly debatable issue remains a hot topic among US citizens from all
walks of life, from the very poor to the very wealthy. Health Care Reform affects everyone. The vast majority of the US population is very dissatisfied
with the current state of health care. According to the ABC News and Washington Post cooperative poll, 57 percent of Americans aren't satisfied with
the overall system of health care (Langer, 2009). Consequently, the issue of the Health Care Reform was born, but before analyzing the... Show more
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Moreover, Americans have quite a diverse outlook on health insurance and its applicability in different situations. The Washington Post poll stated that
49 percent of people affirm the idea of overall health insurance (if it is required). More importantly, the majority of respondents agreed on certain
major points that insurance must contain and they are: special aid to the poor (70 percent), coverage of those, who have pre–existing conditions such
as disability or chronic diseases (68 percent), must be offered by the employers (62 percent), and underinsured mustn't pay into government funds (52
percent) (Langer,2009).
Most Americans are provided with some form of insurance either through their employer or an individual plan which is part of a public program
such as Medicaid or Medicare. However, there are still 45 million people who lack coverage (Melisa Paradis, Janelle Wood, Mary Cramer, 2009).
According to the governmental insurance plan, people who are underinsured must be protected and have an opportunity to buy suitable medical
coverage through the insurance exchange. Yet the actual utilization of such an exchange is scheduled in the beginning of 2013, which indicates a
considerable period of waiting. America's Affordable Health Choices Act informs that people should be provided with standardized benefit packages in
order to compare the
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Health Care Reform Paper
The purpose of this paper is to discuss how a Public Health Nurse's role plays in the Health Care Reform. I will describe a public health
commpentenciy and disduss why it is important related to Public Health Nursing. I will then discuss what the future to public health nursing is relation
to the Health Care Reform.
Public Helth Nursing in the Health Care Reform
The healthcare reform is to help increase medical care to individulas to better the health of the population. The Center for Disease Control and
Preventiion reports, "on the role of local health departments (LHDs) contends that health care reform emphasizes the vital role of public health". The
aim to the Health Care Reform as the Minnesota Department of Health (2014) explains, "meets the Institute for Healthcare ... Show more content on ...
Meeting these goals will help the disparity in the community. The public health nurse is out in the community, they can see what changes in the
community need to be done to better the health in the population. They work with the local health departments to understand what the greatest need is
for funding to make the improvements in the community. As the American Public Health Association reports, "only 3 percent of our health care
spending is focused on prevention and public health, when chronic conditions–the most common, costly and preventable of all health problems–
account for 86 percent of our health care costs". The Health Care Reform has made a special funding geared toward public health. As the American
Public health Association reports, "the Prevention Fund is the nation's first mandatory funding stream dedicated to public health programs". A
compentcy in the public health nurses position would be to collaborate with the community, local businesses, health oraginazations and local health
departments to address the need of the community. Garcia et al. (2014) explain, "an important skill is learning how to develop collaborative community
partnerships to
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Health Care Reform
Healthcare Reform 1 Healthcare Reform: Moving Closer to a Solution English 102–940 Professor Marilyn December 1, 2007 December 1, 2007
Professor Marilyn Sahiba Department of English and Critical Studies Parkland College Champaign, IL 61821 Dear Professor Sahiba, I am pleased
to present to you my final research paper on Health Care Reform: Moving Closer To A Solution, the topic for which was approved by you on
November 8, 2007. I acquired most of my research material from the Parkland College Library, and internet sources found through the search engine,
Google. There was a wealth of information available to use in order for me to write a convincing paper on... Show more content on ...
(Martinez, 2, p.9). Healthcare Reform 4 The World Health Organization ranks the United States as #37 out of 190 for performance. It is evident
that even though we are spending more money, we are not able to achieve the desired outcome. The argument has always been that the free market
of health care and insurance in this country has created a health care system that is second to none in the world. The statistics do not support this
assertion. Total health care spending in 1975 consumed about 8 percent of the U.S economy in 1975. Today it accounts for nearly 16 percent of the
gross domestic product and is projected to reach nearly 20 percent by 2016 (Orszag, 2007). One of the reasons for rising health care costs is due to
costly new medical technologies. Some of these new medical advancements allow for physicians to treat previously untreatable conditions. It is unclear
as to whether these new options are cost effective. Most people believe that more expensive care equates to better health care. There is significant
evidence to support that more expensive care does not necessarily mean higher–quality care. This suggests that there may be an opportunity to reduce
health care spending without impairing outcomes The most compelling evidence of that opportunity comes from the substantial geographic differences
in spending on health care within the United States–and the fact that they do not translate into higher life expectancy or measured
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Our Health Care Reform
On March 23, 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law. Along with the Health Care and Reconciliation Act that was
signed a week later these two bills became known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (Tacchino, 2012). This act has had a massive effect on almost
everyone in the healthcare industry. The cost associated with reimbursement from Medicaid, medical coverage for individuals, and nursing practices
has made many changes in the way healthcare is delivered. With these transformations there will be an impact on the future of nursing over the next 10
years and more.
Forces Driving Health Care Reform:
Legislative, Consumer, and Ethical Forces and New Models of Care President Theodore Roosevelt first proposed reforming healthcare in 1912, with
an effort to start universal healthcare. This effort was again proposed by President Truman in 1949 in his State of the Union message. Once again the
effort was dismissed by the American Medical Association, fearing a loss in physician revenue (Cleary & Wilmoth, 2011). In 2010, President Obama
signed the ACA bill which has been under fire since its proposal. The ACA is supposed to expand the benefits of healthcare to more than 32 million
Americans with the requirement of all individuals to have some kind of health insurance by 2014. These ideas had been circulating legislation for many
years and Congress was just waiting for the right type of legislative to pass the bill. Most democrats have pushed
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Health Care and the Reform Essay
Health insurance was developed to provide guaranteed coverage for sickness, injury and preventable health measures. Currently, the United States is
facing a major challenge in controlling the cost of health care and providing coverage for everyone. This is why it is so important for the government
to develop a new health care insurance plan. The purpose of this paper is to explore the history of health care, the major improvements made to
coverage through the years. Discussing the healthcare reform and the plans to improve the quality, and cost of health care for everyone in the United
Birth of Health Insurance
Health insurance started in the early twentieth century when the working class of America faced the problem of sickness ... Show more content on ...
With the guarantee of payment the first provider health care program was born. It was called Blue Shield. Blue Shield's role was to "negotiate with
doctors and hospitals for reduced prices in exchange for a high volume of customers and guaranteed payment. To make up for the loss of revenue,
doctors and hospitals raised their prices for patients who did not have group health insurance" (1). A lot companies during the 19040s and 50s were
able to offer their employees health care benefits, but for some this was not an option. Many of Americans and small businesses during this time period
could not afford group health insurance. This meant that the government had to come up with new programs to provide coverage for the uninsured
Improvements to Health Insurance
There was hope and a need for an insurance that would benefit the disabled, elderly and unemployed American people. The Medicare and Medicaid
act of 1965 did just that and provided health insurance coverage to millions of Americans in need. There was a glimpse of light at the end of their
dark tunnel "Medicare a uniform national health insurance program for the aged and certain disabled persons. [Along with] Medicaid which is
administered by the states within broad federal guidelines and finances health services for certain low–income groups" (Lew "First
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Health Care Reform Essay
Hippocratic Oath is one of the oldest binding documents in history, and it is still held sacred by physicians to help the ill, to preserve a patient's
privacy, but most importantly it is taken by doctors swearing to practice medicine ethically. Practicing medicine ethically might have been very sacred
centuries ago, but unfortunately it is not the case in today's society especially in the United States. Doctors in the United States face more than just
high education costs, liability insurance payments, and long hours of work just to stay on top of the latest advancement in medical technology, but
many of them also have to deal every day with insurance companies that do not want to cover their patients recommended treatments. A doctor's... Show
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The fear of organized medicines opposition to universal health care became standard from that point on. Health Care reform came back into
considerations again in the 1990s by the Clinton Administration, but once again the plan was shut down
The Patient Protection Affordability Act is currently one of the hottest topics among politicians, the Act affects every man, woman and child.
About 47 million people in America do not have health care coverage and are faced with a burden of paying high medical costs and those who do
have coverage face the burden of paying high premiums. I am a Citizen of Poland, and I was a legal resident of Canada, both counties who have
Universal Health Care systems, I have been living in Poland for the first 10 years of my life, Canada for the next two years, therefore I can speak
from experience about the effects of Universal Health Care System. Some arguments against the universal health care systems are that patients have
to wait for hours to see a doctor, and while in the emergency room days if a patient comes into the ER with a less serious condition than others, I can
say that both of these theories have been false at least in some of the situations where I needed medical attention. In the summer of 2006 while I was
already living in the United States I was involved in a car accident, I was taken into
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Health Care Reform
Technology is being used everywhere in the world. For example, technology is used to make cars, clothes, eye glasses, to teach and now it is utilized
in health care every day. Technology plays a major role in the health care reform Act to reduce costs, improve access, and save lives. The Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act , and its constitutionality ruling by the United States Supreme Court last June 28, 2012, mandates requiring all
electronic medical records for all health care agencies in 2014 ( Jha, 2013, p 1628) . David Blumenthal (2009) surveyed all acute care hospitals in the
American Hospital Association and found only 1.5% of U.S. Hospitals have comprehensive electronic medical records system. Also included in the
Patient ... Show more content on ...
Certain political members are against the Healthcare Reform ACT however, all hospitals must comply. To assist hospitals with meeting the deadline the
government agency of Department of Medicaid and Medicare services implemented, The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical
Act with meaningful use. This ACT has distributed millions of dollars to hospitals as an incentive to implement electronic medical record and
computerize provider order entry before 2016 (Blumenthal, D 2010, p 501). Some political concerns was the national electronic medical record
database will infringe on the patients' privacy rights because of this the Health Insurance Patient Portability Act has been enhanced to enforce patient's
rights and privacy with technology.
In conclusion working with all the technology advances to improve patient care, nurses must remember three main professional standards of nursing.
1.Communication skills to be practiced with patients, families, and professional colleagues.
2.The need to demonstrate leadership within the practice setting and the
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Health Care Reform In America
Many Americans believe that their health care system is the finest in North America, and probably among the best in the world. This is not true. The
American health care system ranked last out of 10 other developed countries' systems, including Australia, Germany, Canada, France, Sweden, New
Zealand, Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, in a survey by the Commonwealth Fund in 2014 (Hellmann). Countries
received ranks according to several factors, like access to a physician or quality of care (Hellmann). That same year, an estimated 42 million Americans
under age 65 were without health insurance, according to a survey by the Congressional Budget Office ("Health Reform"). America also ranks 26th
among 36 countries in the... Show more content on ...
Recall that preventable illnesses like diabetes and heart disease cause 7 out of 10 deaths in America ("Health Reform"). Also, preventative care can
help a patient avoid the top 9 out of the 10 leading causes of death in America (Fox and Shaw 1). In fact, proper and recommended preventive care
services could save an estimated 100,000 American lives (Fox and Shaw 1). Unfortunately, only 3% of America's gargantuan healthcare expenditures
goes toward preventive care–while America spends a ridiculous 75% of those expenditures treating preventable diseases ("Health Reform"). The
necessity of preventive care is obvious, which is why the ACA mandated that, by 2018, all health insurance plans include coverage for preventive
care services (Riggin 31). Currently, the ACA requires a large amount of health insurance plans to cover preventive services without charging a
deductible or copay (Fox and Shaw 1). Additionally, individuals who became eligible and enrolled in Medicaid because of the ACA expansion will
have access to a large selection of preventive services, and will not pay copays or deductibles for certain services deemed "essential" (Fox and Shaw
2). The Affordable Care Act will continue to make preventive care services standard in insurance plans, yet another reason to continue its
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The Health Care Crisis And An Understanding Of The Reforms
A.The health care crisis and an understanding of the reforms The American Health Care system to say the least is wasteful, bloated, and generally
inefficient and therefore in dire need for immediate review. This has largely been as a result of factors such as costs, poor investment return for
outlays, inequitably distribution, and being based on anachronistic business model geared at treating diseases more than promoting wellness. The
figures are all there to see why a radical surgery of the health care reforms has been long overdue. One reason why we have been spending too much
on health care is out of our incentives which are perverse.–we have been paying doctors by the procedures they perform as opposed to the quality of
health care we... Show more content on ...
Over the last few decades, a deliberate fundamental but progressive shift in structure towards provision of care in outpatient settings avoiding inpatient
overnight stays in hospitals has been embraced. Theoretically, such a shift is meant to save on costs as fixed costs in outpatients setting are generally
lower than in–hospital stays. Unfortunately, this shift resulted to much higher utilization and adding more costs to the system. The Affordable Care
Act (ACA) was signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010 which marked a historic milestone for the Democrats who had for decades
been yearning for such a legislation. It signified a turning point in Americans' healthcare expansion, availability and affordability. The coming into
force of the Act gave hard working Americans families security by holding the insurance companies accountable as well as lowering the cost of health
care, and giving them more freedom and control in making their health care choices and improving the care quality. Previously, different reforms in the
health care sector have been proposed to address issues of cost as well as coverage to include such health areas like prevention and treatment of chronic
ailments, obesity, defensive medicine, incentives rewarding more care, redundant payment systems, rationing, doctors' and nurses' shortage, fraud, use
of imaging technology, tax
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The Health Care Reform Debate
One of the fear factors in the health care reform debate is cost. The United States at present has a costly system, and there is genuine worry that
covering millions of additional people will increase costs significantly. It is not how much the United States devotes on health care that is vital, it is
also how constant that quantity is increasing. I believe the cause of costly health care is the very beneficial insurance industry. We pay a massive
amounts to these corporate giants, who then regulate accountable how they will cover us, what treatments and which doctors will help us. Of course
they are not responsible to us, as customers, but only to their shareholders. We argued that although the health care cost is great; Americans do... Show
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We also decided not to make any changes in higher education due to the fact that the budget will slowly decrease as the years pass by. We also
made no change in Medicare, but will be advocates for an increase in the age to 67 years. Another decision was that we would make no change in
health services and research. We also decided to increase Medicaid by 2% which we will acquire from taking 1% away from atomic energy defense
activities and another 1% from the federal employee retirement and disability funds. This will help balance out the increasing budgets. Healthcare is
a very complicated manipulative system. The way to adjust this system is to initiate modification from all angles, from the bottom to the top. We can
take out costs by abridging and regulating so much, especially in the billing and electronic medical record system. We also have to modify operation
patterns. The United States is not acquiring 20 or even 30 percent better health care or outcomes than other countries do. While there are points of
greatness, particularly at some of America's prominent academic health foundations and in unified health care strategies, the quality is unequal. And
quality is a problem that affects us all, whether rich or poor. Practically no matter how we calculate it, whether by life expectancy or by survival for
particular diseases like asthma, heart disease or cancers; by the rate of medical errors; or merely by gratification with health care
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The Benefits Of Health Care Reform
Health care reform is in the air and spearheading its momentum is none other than President Barack Obama whose slogan, "Change you can believe
in," is now being implemented at an alarming pace to many. Obama Care as its being called by its opponents is a concerted effort on the part of the
Democratic Party to enact sweeping legislation that would overhaul the entire health care system in the United States. Originally the push for reform
began as a call to reform the health care system, but it has recently been transformed by the Democratic leadership into a more nuanced argument for
changing the health insurance industry. In either case, the bill is causing widespread controversy across the entire country because of the potential
impact it ... Show more content on ...
Even though we don't always prepare the healthiest meals for our respective families that often like fast–food or simple meals like pizza, we need to try
as often as we can. This Healthy Labor Day recipe, one of my family's favorite holiday meals, will give cooking enthusiasts and food aficionados
alike, the assistance they need to make a delicious Labor Day meal that is not only tasty, but healthy for your and your entire family as well. With
the summer season's final holiday quickly approaching, let's get down to business. To prepare this meal you will need the following: 1 bag of baby
spinach leaves 1 bag of butter lettuces 1 bag of garden salad mix 1 pack of whole fresh mushrooms 1 green bell pepper 1 red bell pepper 1 orange bell
pepper 2 brushes of broccoli 1 pack mini tomatoes 1 red onion 1 large bag of frozen Oriental stir –fry 2 bags of individually packed Tilapia fillets 1
box of aluminum foil 1 bottle of Lawyer's Lemon Pepper Marinade Bottles of salad dressings Now that you have all your supplies, let's start with the
salad. First, you will need to cut the stems off of the baby spinach leaves. Once that is done, take a large bowl, rinse it well and then mix all three bags
of salad mix. Finally, rinse and cut all your vegetables to your desire then add to bowl and mix well. You can also add in salad seasoning, which I
generally do, if you desire. To make to stir–fry, you will need a
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History Of Health Care Reform
History of Health Care Reform
Our country has been on the cusp of health care reform several times throughout history. It has evolved from strictly a patient and physician system to
numerous other parties in the equation from patients, physicians, hospitals, insurance carriers and government programs to name a few. The latest
health care reform came with passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) signed into law on March 23, 2010. This new law is a
conglomerate of the many attempts at health care reform throughout the years.
In the early 1900's, healthcare was aimed at protecting workers from lost wages and medical expenses while they were sick (Hoffman, 2003).
President Truman proposed universal health insurance but it was seen as socialized medicine and the legislation never passed (Oberlander, 2012). He
did manage to pass the Social Security Act of 1935 that later became the basis for Medicare and Medicaid (Hoffman C. , 2009).
"Military Medicare" was passed in 1956 that provided health care benefits for military dependents. Employer based insurance continued to grow
during this time. As health care was becoming more difficult to get for older Americans and the sick, the U.S. government became involved and
passed Medicare/Medicaid legislation on July 30, 1965 (Taylor, 2014). Medicare Part A to pay for hospital care, skilled nursing and home health,
optional Medicare Part B to pay for physician care, and Medicaid, to assist states in covering
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Health Care Reform And The Underinsured
Health Care Reform and the Underinsured Health Care reform is a major topic of discussion in today's society, especially with the relatively novel
release of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) by the Obama administration. Historically, the health care system has disproportionally
favored those of higher class and income, resulting in diminished health care for those that could not afford it. The Institute of Medicine's (IOM) 2002
report, Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care, states that a lack of insurance substantially contributes to the
proliferation of healthcare disparities. Furthermore, racial and ethnic minorities are most subject to these healthcare disparities because they are
significantly more likely to be uninsured. (1) The history of health care reform in the United States, as it pertains to under–insured urban populations,
will be discussed, with a specific emphasis on its impact on African–Americans; in addition, the modern resolutions to healthcare disparities will be
assessed. The 17th century was one of discovery. It was when British settlers first arrived to North America and established the first North American
colony. The US was non–existent and it would take over a century for colonists to gain independence from Britain. Tracing it back to its roots,
America was founded by and populated by immigrants; however, nearly 300 years after the first settlers arrived, there is still a gross
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Preventative Health Care Reform
The progress of health care delivering towards improvement, prevention and wellness in the United States is part of the role of the health care reform
which is very is very. Many health problems and issues are facing the health care industry with the influx of patient into the health care system and
shortages of health care providers to render adequate and quality care. In the healthcare arena, preventive care is increasing in popularity. A large
percentage of the patient population is uninsured and the costs associated with chronic disease are extreme, therefore preventive care initiatives are
essential, which makes it health care reform so important and needs urgent action. Preventative health care has turn out to be a progressively standard
in the health care sector. With a diversity of methods to educate populations and prevent illnesses, this type of health care works to improve the overall
wellness of Americans. Preventative health care enlightens populations, promotes healthy lifestyles and provides early treatment for illnesses. In the
industry, the emergence of health care reform and an increased number of individuals suffering... Show more content on ...
The creation of a National Prevention, Health Promotion and Public Health Council was accomplished through law, which organizes the work of
federal agencies to cultivate a national approach on prevention, wellness and public health activities. There is a significant financial commitment by the
law for the national strategy by authorizes $7 billion yearly through 2015 and $2 billion in each year after for a Prevention and Public Health Fund. The
funds will upkeep prevention research, health screenings, obesity prevention, tobacco control, immunization programs, and other
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The Health Care Reform Act
The Health Care Reform Act was designed to benefit the citizens of the United States. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, 3.1 million more young
adults have health insurance on their parent's plan, three million seniors have received a 50 percent discount on their prescription drugs, and millions
of Americans now have access to no–cost preventive services to help them stay healthy. Abusive insurance practices are becoming a thing of the past.
Additionally, the Affordable Care Act helps small businesses with the cost of providinghealth insurance for their employees and helps doctors and other
health providers care for their patients more effectively. (–for–americans–and–businesses) The Health ...
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3590) and the Health Care Education Reconciliation Act 2010 (H.R. 4872). When President Obama signed these two bills, they became Public Law.
The purpose of the ACA is to make health care more accessible to all residents of theUnited States by three means: mandating all U.S. residents to
select a health insurance plan, forbidding insurers from denying coverage based on a pre–existing condition, and expanding program. The ACA states
that the federal government will pay 100% of the cost of a newly enrolled Medicaid participants until 2016 for all states that expand their Medicaid
program up to 138% of the federal poverty level and will pay90% by 2020 (Kincaid, 2013). Other concerns include whether the federal government
will give state enough flexibility to manage Medicaid program, whether hospitals will receive adequate compensation to care for more patients and
whether the physician workforce can accommodate the increased demand for care (Kincaid, 2013). The ACA is affected by two things, one is
payments of hospitals and providers. The ACA does not provide fee for service towards a bundled payment. This type of payment, a set amout is paid
for all services rendered and treatment related sickness. The ACA emphasizes pay per performance, meaning that the providers will not receive
payment based on the patient outcome. For example, if the patient has shown no improvement there will be penalties. Also, there will be penalties if
the patient has to be hospitalized
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Health Care Reform Essay
Healthcare Financial Reform Proposal Sandra Xavier Grand Canyon University: HCA 240 Professor Tina Block July 8, 2012 Healthcare Financial
Reform Proposal I believe healthcare reform is a waste of time and money but I also see that it can be beneficial to many uninsured Americans. First of
all, health care costs keep rising and in 2011 the average cost for a family of four increased by 7.3% or $19,393. This is double the cost estimated in
2003, and by 2030 payroll taxes will cover only 38% of Medicare Costs and the rest will be added to our already enormous budget deficit. Second,
health care reform is needed to improve the quality of care, which is the worst in the developed world. Chronic diseases cause almost 70% of... Show
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These reforms are expected to save an additional $13.5 billion over 10 years according to Healthcare Financial Management Association
( President Obama's pledge to pay for the program by taxing the rich, who is anyone that makes more than $1 million a
year (which would include President Obama) and will make for "a marketplace that provides choice and competition" (Conniff, 2009). He also
proposes that reform is about every American who has ever feared losing their coverage if they become too sick, lose their jobs or even change their
jobs. It's realizing that the biggest force behind our deficit is the growing costs for Medicare and Medicaid programs." A powerful force for change
can be created by embracing transparency. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, "transparency is a broad–scale initiative
enabling consumers to compare quality and the price of health care services so they can make their own informative choices among doctors and
hospitals. This initiative is laying the foundation for pooling and analyzing information about procedures, hospitals and physicians services. In order to
create value driven health care, there are four steps to turn raw data into
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Health Care Reform Essay
The RN's Role in Healthcare Reform Healthcare Reform has been and still is a highly debated controversial political issue in this country. It has
been a hot topic of past presidential campaigns, with many proposed solutions, none of which were enacted upon by Congress. The Affordable Care
Act (ACA) was passed in 2010. This law or Obamacare, as it is commonly called, was designed to cover the 48 million Americans, including about 1
million in New Jersey who did not have health insurance. It is envisioned to provide seamless, affordable, quality care that is accessible to all. Great
emphasis will be placed on transforming our current "sick care" hospital system into a community "health care" system of prevention and health
promotion. This paper discusses the evolving and future roles of nurses under the new system. It also examines the proposals of a joint committee
made up of members of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), as an initiative to help nurses in their new
leadership roles to a healthier nation. According to the Committee's report, under the new system nurses will be tasked to (i) practice to the full extent
of their education and training; (ii) achieve higher levels of education and training; (iii) be full partners with doctors and other health care
professionals in redesigning health care in the United States; and (iv) effectively plan workforce policy that require better data collection and the use of
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The Reform Of The Health Care Reform Essay
The latest health care reform has done what few policies manage to do – sicken both republicans and progressive democrats. While we can all agree
that a reform of the health care system is sorely needed, we must also acknowledge that "Obamacare" is not the cure–all we so desperately require.
Rather, President Obama, like a medieval barber, prescribed a health care reform that treated the symptoms of our flawed system rather than the actual
disease. The subsidization of health insurance providers has proven ineffective at providing affordable coverage for all. Certainly one is likely to hear
the various incendiary talking points of both the proponents and opponents. Whether it's the republican candidates blaspheming Obamacare as
socialism, or the administration praising the success of health care for all, it is difficult to actually find constructive dialogue. We are purview to many
sound bites, but few actual solutions. We have witnessed heated debates, but rarely do we witness intelligent discourse. If beneficial reform is to be
crafted and implemented, we must first acknowledge the issues and inconsistencies of the current system and begin to explore alternate methods of
providing health care to the American people. This diagnoses of the flaws in our health care system must start with identifying and redefining the social
constructs of America. In most other civilized nations, it is generally accepted that it is in the best interest of the public that every individual be
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The New Health Care Reform
Lost in the New Health Care Reform The Patients' Choice Act gives the American people opportunity to choose the health care plan that meets the
individual health needs. The Obama administration under the Democratic Party felt the need for a different health care reform, The Affordable Care
Act (ACA). To justify this health care reform the Democratic Party implied that the health care crisis in the United States is caused by the uninsured
and that everyone had a right to health care. Under the Patients' Choice Act, the American people retain their freedom whether to have health care or
not, however the ACA has a personal mandate that requires individuals to buy or carry health care insurance or face a fine (tax). To fund ACA
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Ryan believes that the plan would have ensured universal, affordable health care for all Americans, which did not raise taxes or increased government
spending. Indeed, the health care crisis in the United States, according to the ACA is caused by the uninsured citizens. The article, A Creeping
Catastrophe, stated by the polling firm Lake Research Partners "while 47 million Americans are uninsured, 91 percent of voters in the 2008 election
had some form of health insurance" (Armstrong and Wayne 3). While 47 million people sounds like an excessive amount, it essentially equals to
15% of the USA population for that year. The 15% uninsured are the homeless, drug addicts, or have a religious reason that either do not need or care
to have health care insurance. Despite the uninsured and unseen these people, do receive free dental and medical care at temporary clinics, such as the
clinic that are set up on weekends near Wise, VA (Armstrong and Wayne 1). Despite the Obama Administration, believing that the declined health care
is the uninsured, in fact the cause is from poor health in the United States. Our life expectancy for women in 1945 ranked 1st in the world and has
decreased now ranking the 20th in 1999 (Battista and McCabe 1). The Decline in health "despite the nation's wealth–or perhaps because of it–one of the
most obese population in the world" (Armstrong and Wayne 2). Obesity induce various health problems that are "preventable
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Healthcare Reform And Health Care Reform
As evidenced by the constant battle over health care reform, healthcare in the United States has become a growing problem that must be addressed.
While the main controversy seems to be the politics of healthcare reform and whether the government should have total control, the one thing that I
believe should be the focus, is the quality of care that is embedded in the patient doctor relationship. It's quite troublesome when large health insurance
companies are swaying politicians to vote for less health care regulation and higher premiums rather than focusing on the quality of care and the
importance of the patient doctor relationship, which has become overshadowed. That is why I believe it is important to look at and consider how
health care reform such as the PPACA and policies implemented by private insurance companies have affected thedoctor–patient relationship and
thereby influenced the quality of medical care. One of the many reasons that I find this an interesting and important topic is because I aspire to work
in the medical field and the interaction between patients and doctors is important for me to consider and determine how it has changed, whether it be
for better or worse, throughout the years as a result of added regulations and new reforms.
A pivotal aspect of receiving quality medical care is being able to communicate your health concerns and have confidence and trust in your doctor,
which is essentially the doctor patient relationship. Yet, this
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The On Health Care Reform
The idea of passing the health care reform was to expand health care coverage, however, in order to do so, many changes must be implemented in
order to fulfill the ACA 's promises. The first of which is allowing all individuals to acquire health insurance no matter the age, pre–existing conditions,
or other unfair practices. Statistics show that "half of Americas" have a preexisting medical condition in which with the passage of the ACA, it allows
individuals to acquire health insurance without the worry of having to pay high insurance bills (Moisse, 2011). The reason why having preexisting
health conditions is no longer a factor in acquiring health insurance is because with the passage of the ACA (as discussed earlier, it was made a
mandate to acquire health insurance) it is expected that it will balance out economically with the people who require more medical help to their
healthier counterparts that do not require as much medical attention (Goodnough, 2016).
The ACA has Americans searching for a health insurance company, however, not everyone can afford one. This makes it an issue on whether it is
possible to enforce such statute if insurance is not accessible for all. The solution brought about with Obamacare was the creation of subsidies. The
first form of cost assistance is the use of premium tax credits which lowers premiums. Just as Medicaid, tax credits depend upon income in which the
lower your income the lower the percentage you will have to pay towards health
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Essay On Health Care Reform
The publics' opinion has had many influences on the debate on healthcare and healthcare reform. Although an issue primarily in charge by the
government, many people have been voicing their opinion dating back all the way to the introduction of Medicare. Recent surveys have shown
many trends and many variations in public opinion that take a toll on health care reform. These opinions played a very important role in the overall
results of polls in the federal health care reform debate. The polls that were studied were pulled from a range of opinion pulls dating back to 1943
however, only 2008 and 2009–2010 reform opinions were pin pointed and reviewed/studied. These polls specifically selected dealt with changes to the
health care system as well... Show more content on ...
Sadly many Americans do not have health care while not participating in the debate to receive it. No matter what happens in term of reform, whether
Obamacare being discontinued or a new bill for health care arises, this issue will always spark much debate within the government and in the publics'
eye. Healthcare will always be heavily politicized time and time again. If health care is turned into something so extreme that it affects more and more
people (even those who were happily covered), a public push for reform will become that much
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Health Care Reform
Health Care Reform 2010
There is so little contradiction that government should be engaged in one way or another in creating a solution that gives Americans in need of medical
assistance the right to life, liberty and the continued pursuit of happiness. The disagreements come in recognizing the failure of government to properly
handle other socialized systems, the amount of government oversight that should be imposed, and the coverage that should be part of any
comprehensive national healthcare solution.
During his campaign, President Obama argued for health care ... Show more content on ...
Universal health care coverage represents a fundamental shift in health care policy in the United States and does not have widespread support among
Republican members of Congress. Moreover, unlike President Obama's health care reform element of reducing health care costs, universal health
care coverage will require large increases in spending from the federal government, likely necessitating higher taxes. President Obama's proposal to
provide coverage for the 47 million Americans who were uninsured as of January 2008 is estimated to cost $102 billion per year. Gruber, J. (2008).
Covering the Uninsured in the U.S. Retrieved June, 2010 from http://econ– As the number of uninsured Americans continues
to increase, so does the cost of providing universal coverage.
Some cost savings initiatives in President Obama's health care reform framework will also be challenging to implement, since they will be strongly
opposed by the health care industry and some members of Congress. President Obama's framework for reforming health care contains many initiatives
aimed at lowering health care costs, including regulating health plan loss ratios and increasing the use of generic drugs. Barack Obama and Joe
Biden's plan to lower health care costs and ensure affordable, accessible health coverage for all. Retrieved June, 2010 from http:/
/ HealthCareFullPlan.pdf. The insurance industry will oppose President Obama's proposal to
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Affordable Health Care Reform
Bohmer, R., & Knoop, C. I. (2007). The challenges facing the U.S. healthcare delivery system. Harvard Business School, Article 9–606–096. In this
article, the authors examine the dimensions of challenges that faces healthcare deliver in the US. The major debates are; the healthcare system as a
citizenship right that cannot be alienated, and healthcare as a matter that needed libertarian approach combining individual responsibility, diversity and
competitiveness. The study was based on secondary data. In the findings, the authors established that the US government spending on healthcare was
$1.9 trillion in 2004, and 34% of the population sought medication in hospitals. Drug prescriptions were 10%. Medical injuries led to 50,000 to 100,000
... Show more content on ...
The medical home model is viewed as resonating well with the new and highly effective regimens of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) treatment and could
reduce the prevalence of the disease. The authors used statistical data in demonstrating the challenges faced by patients with chronic HCV infection
against the limitation of the existing healthcare system besides the ACA. The study considered the ACA as beneficial in this regard, owing to its
integration of the behavioral and medical healthcare, and also on account that ACA expands the eligibility of Medicaid and offers consumer premium
subsidies. The study recommended that by maximizing ACA, the public would benefit more in dealing with such serious infections as opposed to
relying on the ordinary healthcare
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Health Care Reform: Then and Now
One common theme that has resurfaced throughout the entire Obama administration and has created a great deal of focus and debate is health care
reform. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) which was introduced by Obama in 2010 creates a new structure of health care. It
transforms health care from "late–stage, high intensity, illness focused, tertiary, interventional health service to a much stronger value driven focus on
achieving the highest levels of health" (Porter–O'Grady, 2014, p. 65). Through this act, legislation has been created that regulates the way hospitals and
physicians are reimbursed, which is built on evidenced–based, quality health care outcomes that are cost effective without infringing upon patient
satisfaction. At the heart of this debate is the impact on nursing care, for nursing is the largest health care professional as well as the largest component
of health care costs. Any change in the health care reimbursement will greatly affect the nursing practice (Buerhaus, 2010). In order to fully understand
the impact of this health care reform, one must understand that health care reform is not a new concept. Health care reform has been transforming
since the 1800s. In the 1800s there was little discussion about health insurance, reimbursement nor a demand for doctor or hospital services, for family
members cared for each other in the home. However, with the industrialization of America in the early 1900s, the general public became
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Health Care Reform Essay
Former President Bill Clinton introduced a Health Security Proposal in 1993, which was his attempt for a fundamental reform of the American
healthcare system (Longest, 2010). In January of 1993, Clinton announced that he would be putting together a team of experts to review the issue of
health care cost and develop a plan to propose to congress (Bok, 1998). On September 22, 1993, Clinton then made a speech to Congress announcing
this new health plan (Bok, 1993). In his speech, Clinton urged law makers to "Fix a health care system that is badly broken, giving every American
health security–health care that is always there, health care that can never be taken away" (Bok, 1993). He also mentioned in his speech that health
care was... Show more content on ...
His premiums were raised because his health insurance company told him that two of his employees had become high risk because of their age
(Rample, 2009). Because of this increase in cost, Kennedy could no longer afford to insure his employees. The two high risk employees were his
parents who had founded the company (Rample, 2009). In his speech, Clinton stated: "Millions of Americans are just a pink slip away from losing
their health insurance and one serious illness away from losing all their savings (Rample, 2009). During this time, over 37 million Americans, most
working adults and their children were uninsured (Rample, 2009). Medical bills were growing at over twice the rate of inflation, and the United
Stated was spending over a third more of its income on health care than any other nation in the world (Rample, 2009). Clinton believed the only way to
fix the problem with United States health care was to start with congressional action (Rample, 2009). Clinton combined different principles and ideas
that have been accepted by the Republican and Democratic Party in Congress (Rample, 2009). The universal Health care plan focused on six principles:
security, simplicity, savings, choice, quality and responsibility. Security refers to the American who did not have health care, now being able to have it
and for the Americans who were insured; they know have the security of knowing it will not be taken
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Health Care Reform
Health Care Reform A newest way to finance health care now days is the health care reform which it is also called Obama Care. The Affordable Care
Act was signed into law in 2010. The main objective behind the Affordable Care Act was to ensure that affordable health care insurance was available
to every U.S citizen. This law is an extensive document that contains many regulations and laws that relate not only to health care but also to the
regulation of insurance companies. One of the best known regulations is that group health plans can no longer put limitations or deny benefits to
individuals under the age of 19 due to pre–existing conditions and individuals under the age of 26, are now eligible to be covered under their parents' ...
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Medicare beneficiaries will experience lower costs on prescription drugs, primary, and preventive services. The new law expanded Medicare by
fighting fraud, adding new benefits, and improving care for patients. Medicare will see lower cost on prescription drugs and free preventive services.
There are positives and negatives when it comes to the affordable care act. According to Blumberg (2012) some of the positive aspects of the health
care reform are:
–Increased access to health care services
–Increased affordability of health care services.
–Decreasing of overall costs in health care.
–Employers are able to get a tax break for offering health coverage to their employees
–Lower rate for employers offering health coverage to their employees.
–Individuals are able to purchase health insurance even if they have pre–existing conditions.
–Individuals under the age of 26 are able to stay under their parents insurances.
–Better quality of care for elderly patients.
–New health prevention and wellness programs. Some of the negative sides to the health care reform includes:
–Individuals are required to purchase their own insurance if their income is above the guidelines.
–They could face penalties that will increase gradually if they choose not to purchase an insurance policy.
–Premiums may be too high for some individuals even with the tax breaks and discounts.
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Health Care Reform
United States
Main article: Health care reform in the United States
Health care reform in the United States
Healthcare reform in the US
Debate over reform
Latest enacted legislation
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Senate bill– H.R. 3590)
Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (H.R. 4872)
preceding legislation
Social Security Amendments of 1965
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (1986)
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (1996)
Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (2003)
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act (2005)
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The US pays twice as much yet lags other wealthy nations in such measures as infant mortality and life expectancy, which are among the most widely
collected, hence easily compared, international statistics. Many people are underinsured, for example, in Colorado "of those with insurance for a full
year, 36.3% were underinsured."[6][7] About 10.7 million insured Americans spend more than a quarter of their annual paychecks on health care
because of the high deductible polices.[8]
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111–148) was signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. Along with
the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (signed March 30), the Act is a product of the health care reform efforts of the Democratic
111th Congress and the Obama administration. The law includes health–related provisions to take effect over the next four years, including expanding
Medicaid eligibility for people
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Health Care Reform Sociology
Healthcare reform is full of diversity. From looking at the government level in cost containment in Canada to the multifaceted workforce that provides
many different services. Viewing healthcare reform through the gender lens draws attention to the differences and identifying efficiency, economic
factors, social structure and education. The meaning of health care reform is defined by Gustafson (2000) "Health care reform may be understood as the
dynamic interplay among economic changes, the role of the state, institutional discourse and practices, and social reproduction within the public and
private spheres" (p.15). Viewing the health care issues through the gender lens means to identify differences in health information facts based on
influences of a gender perspective. The experience of women in the ... Show more content on ...
With the focus on efficiency and work, productivity may only be beneficial to the bottom line of the budget. According to Gustafson (2000) stated:
Care providers need adequate time to assess health needs, plan and negotiate care options and provide care to their clients...Reform initiatives that cut
staff and resources deny many women the time they need to work wisely and well and in the best interest of those they serve (p.19).
Resulting in less time for the patients needs and concerns to be addressed. Removing the focus away from client orientated care to budget orientated
care. In today's economy, we need to be cost efficient without risking the patient outcome. Strategies that implement high quality of caregiving the
health workers resources and education to promote quality care. Focusing on all employees that are involved giving them a safe work environment.
With a plan for action that can be implemented, monitored and evaluated with the expected outcome of quality care for the patient and a safe work
environment for all
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Health Care Reform : The Affordable Care Act
For centuries, health care has been an ever changing entity within the United States. The cost of health insurance, medication, and medical care has
fluctuated from high to low. Over the years with all the changes to healthcare, those in Congress try to appease everyone that is involved. For
example, trying to make healthcare affordable for those who are less fortunate and live around the poverty line. As well as, employers who may
have to revamp their insurance plans offered to the employees. Recently the talk about healthcare has put many people in an uproar. Health care
reform has been a very debatable topic since President Obama has been in office. Health care reform, also known as Obama Care, has a section called
the Affordable Care... Show more content on ...
Within the Affordable Care Act there is also an employer mandate.
The Obama Care employer mandate / employer penalty, originally set to begin in 2014, will be delayed until 2015 / 2016. The Obama Care
"employer mandate" is a requirement that all businesses with over 50 full–time equivalent (FTE) employees provide health insurance for their full–time
employees, or pay a per month "Employer Shared Responsibility Payment" on their federal tax return (Obama Care Facts, 2014).
This mandate puts pressure on employers to insure all of their employees, as well as raises the cost for employers since they have to pay a bigger
portion of the health insurance costs. In order to avoid the employer mandate, some companies have cut back hours which makes it a bit more
affordable for the company. With this Act being effect it may take some time for people to get used to it and see the overall bigger picture.
With changes to something so influential, there comes positives and negatives. Some positives of the Affordable Care Act are increased access to
healthcare, reduce healthcare cost, and coverage of pre–existing conditions. With increased access to healthcare, many people who did not have the
opportunity previously, will now be able to have access to decent healthcare. According to the Obama Care Facts websites, "Tens of millions of
uninsured will get access to affordable quality health insurance through the marketplace" (2014). Also, previously to the Act if a
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Women's Health Care Reform
Woman's health issues must be considered in the health care reform because of preventative health care, mental health, and women need specific health
care and benefits. 1)Preventative health care in women provides the diagnostic and preemptive disease treatments. Preventative measures include
contraceptives, breast examinations, pap–smears, counseling and education, and mental health screenings. Preventative care is so important in women
because women need specific health care rather than men. The specific health care that is needed for women prevents the extra costs of future
treatments and medications of diseases and genetic disorders that are prevalent in women only. The health care reform must include women's health for
that fact that
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Health Care Reform Essay
Health care reform in the United States is a vital issue. Over the years, multiple Presidents have attempted to address reform but significant political
obstacles have prevented any major change since the Social Security Act which established Medicaid and Medicare in 1965 (Kaiser Family
Foundation [KFF], 2009). On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The
premise of this legislation was to increase access to care by allowing more Americans to gain access to coverage and to impact the rising cost of
healthcare in the country. After its implementation, between one and three million Americans ages 18– 26 gained access to health insurance through
coverage eligibility ... Show more content on ...
There are four categories of quality measures used in pay–for–performance: process measures, outcome measures, patient experience, and structure
measures. Process measures evaluate activities which positively affect health outcomes for patients. Outcome measures determine the effects the care
provided have on the patient. Patient experience encompasses the patients' satisfaction with the services received. Structure measures evaluate the
equipment used by facilities, as well as the personnel employed by the facilities (James, 2012).
As of 2016, expenditures for hospital readmissions were estimated at twelve billion dollars a year (Mason et al., 2016). These costs are many times
unnecessary and avoidable. Medicare's Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program can reduce payments by one percent to hospitals for readmissions
for heart attacks, heart failure, or pneumonia in disproportionate amounts (James, 2012). It also will reward the hospitals that exceed the expectations
set forth. The wide–ranging changes to healthcare policy impelled hospitals to discover other avenues for mitigating financial risks associated with the
new policy. Patient coordination and discharge planning have become central to patient care. Case managers utilize medical homes, home care,
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Health Care Reform Essay
U.S. health care reform is currently one of the most heavily discussed topics in health discourse and politics. After former President Clinton's failed
attempt at health care reform in the mid–1990s, the Bush administration showed no serious efforts at achieving universal health coverage for the
millions of uninsured Americans. WithBarack Obama as the current U.S. President, health care reform is once again a top priority. President Obama
has made a promise to "provide affordable, comprehensive, and portable health coverage for all Americans..." by the end of his first term
( The heated debate between the two major political parties over health care reform revolves around how to pay for it and more
importantly, whether it ... Show more content on ...
The proposed health care reform bill attempts to change issues of public policy and health care management for the poor and uninsured. Many leaders
from the Democratic Party are actively engaging in policy–making to fix what Rep. Henry Waxman (D–California) calls a "'dysfunctional' health care
system" (2009). Currently, the U.S. health care system denies people with pre–existing conditions from receiving care. Another problem with the
system is that the health insurance that some employers offer may be so expensive that their employees cannot afford it. Any cuts in Medicaid may
mean that physicians have fewer incentives to provide adequate care for the poor. These are some of the many problems that the Affordable Health
Choices Act attempts to address. Fiscally conservative political and business groups oppose this measure because they believe that any changes in
public policy and health care management might affect them negatively.
As discussed in lecture (Paterniti, 2009) and in Oberlander's analysis of the U.S. health care system, "any reform that threatens to alter the medical
care arrangements of the insured is likely to provoke public opposition" (2003). Most likely, the insured are well off financially and/or politically
powerful. These people, who are for the most part content with their current health insurance, would oppose
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Health Care Reform : The Affordable Care Act
You Lose in the New Health Care The Patients' Choice Act gives the American people opportunity to choose the health care plan that met the individual
health needs. Obama admirations under the Democratic Party felt the need for a different health care reform, The Affordable Care Act (ACA). To
justify this health care reform the Democratic Party implied that the health care crisis is caused by the uninsured and that everyone had a right to health
care. Under the Patients' Choice Act the American people keeps their freedom whether to have health care or not, but the ACA has a personal mandate
that requires individuals to buy or carry health care insurance or face a fine (tax). To fund ACA will cost more than freedom, it'll cost the individual
American people and the government more money than The Patients' Choice Act. The American people need affordable health care but not under
government control. The Patients' Choice Act was introduced by U.S. congressman Paul Ryan in 2009. Ryan's plan was to give control to individuals
and doctors about health care decisions, not federal government bureaucrats or insurance companies. The Patients' Choice Act would remove the
barriers that separate Americans from high–value health care by enhancing individual purchasing power and creating rational government rules (1). He
wanted to create a market that played by the rules and make health care affordable. Ryan believe that the plan would have ensured universal,
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Health Care Reform : The Analysis Of Healthcare Reform
The Analysis of Healthcare Reform
The complexity of health care could take the rates on a massive trajectory that does not favor the people covered. Therefore, the financial protection
that the levels of health insurance covers, help to guard against the risks related to the unexpected costs of health care. The source of coverage could
still have an impact by the insurance coverage and financing alternatives that one has access to; Conversely, private insurance, social insurance, and the
national health services are the types of healthcare systems by funding and provision. As we look to health care coverage and the reform of
Obamacare, I'll analyze the impact of the uninsured in the industry and look for a resolution to improve the ... Show more content on ...
There are providers, of public hospitals community and rural health centers, and local health department considered to be safety net providers that
service the uninsured. But the result of increased demand has caused limited capacity and decreased treatment options due to eroding finances (KFF,
2013). In order to improve the well beings of Americans, it is imperative to establish a health care policy that will deliver comprehensive coverage for
Therefore, a universal health care plan would be one recommendation, a course of action is to utilize the telemedicine doctors which is becoming more
prevalent; As the demand grows there would be more than enough tele–doctors available for care. Another recommendation is to also use the Urgent
Care centers as part of the universal healthcare system. The reason for these healthcare entities is because of the current structure; Provided, they are
in place to deliver care at a more economical rate, than if you went to a hospital's emergency room. Every American would be responsible for paying
a minuscule amount toward the universal health care plan. Granted not everyone gets sick enough to need care, so its services should not be
overworked; However, these entities should be used for preventive measures. Once tax deductions begin for the contributors, there needs to be a
database set up to monitor
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Essay On Health Care Reform
Since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010, there has been a continuous debate about the effects it will have on the United
States economy. Many people argue that expanding insurance coverage for all people will create crippling cost burdens for the economy and
taxpayers. While others believe that the ACA will in fact give the economy a much–needed boost. In 2006 as a measure to improve overall healthcare,
the state of Massachusetts implemented the Health Care Insurance Reform Act. This paper looks at the positive and negative effects of the
Massachusetts Health Care Insurance Reform Act (MHRA). Using a literature review of public health studies ranging from 2009–2012, I argue that
there are both positive and negative effects of the Massachusetts Health Care Insurance Reform. While the Massachusetts Reform increased health
insurance coverage for all citizens and decreased the number of uninsured citizens accessing emergency rooms, it also did very little to decrease already
existing racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities among minorities and whites in the state of Massachusetts. Understanding the Massachusetts
Health Care Insurance Reform Act may help in the goal of trying to achieve near–universal healthcare. This paper provides an understanding of the
missing pieces in the Massachusetts Health Care Insurance Reform Act and constitutes a starting place from which to understand the Affordable Care
Literature Review The
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The New Health Care Reform
Lost in the New Health Care Reform In my view The Patients' Choice Act that was introduced by Paul Ryan in 2009 would have been a better choice
for the new health care reform than The Affordable Care Act. Even though there is no health care crisis of the uninsured, Ryan's plan involved
incentives for prevented care that could lower cost of premiums and encourage healthier lifestyles. Under The Patients' Choice Act, the American
people retain their freedom whether to have health care or not; however the ACA has a personal mandate that requires individuals to carry health care
insurance or face a fine (tax). Ryan's plan would have ensure universal affordable health care for all Americans without increasing government
spending. There is no health care crisis in the United States. The new health care reform, ACA, is focused on the small amount of the uninsured
citizens as the health care crisis. In the article, A Creeping Catastrophe, stated by the polling firm Lake Research Partners "while 47 million Americans
are uninsured, 91 percent of voters in the 2008 election had some form of health insurance" (Armstrong and Wayne 3). While 47 million people
sounds like an excessive amount it essentially equals to 15% of the USA population for that year. The 15% uninsured are the homeless, drug addicts,
or have a religious reason that either do not need or care to have health care insurance. In spite of the uninsured and unseen these people, do receive free
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Health Care Reform In Canada
Health care reform has been the main factor of parting between Canada and the United States, with the different political systems of the countries
influencing how the molding of the system occurs. A Social Democratic Third Party in Canada had created the foundation of reform, the influence that
a third party had on the government of Canada was significant (Maioni, 1997, p.415). The working class banded together to support the third party in
Canada to push for their rights in a way that the major two parties were unable to do and unconcerned with doing, the third party that was supported
created essentially a voice that gave the working class a prominent position in their country with concern to reform in health benefits. Within the United
States ... Show more content on ...
Beginning in Saskatchewan with the help of the Co–Operative Commonwealth Federation in coalition with the New Democratic Party holding control
in the province of Sasakachwan and acquiring great influence through the support of labour workers in other provinces they were able to pressure
the government towards reform and grasp the attention of the working class (Maioni, 1997, p.415). The joining of an organization like the CCF
and the political party of NDP created great influence that led to the formation of universal health care by means of a third party. As opposed to the
United States who were unable to convince the organization nor the political party to get involved in the reforms of health services, this stood in the
way of reform, the inability to form a coalition between these two groups and inability to convince them of reforms in healthcare led to the rejection
(Maioni, 1997, p.420). It was not solely an issue of the lack of third party representation rather that health care reform was not an idea that had an
opportunity to be tested in a state under a trial basis therefore they were unable to weigh the benefits or consequences as had happened in
Saskatchewan, in which they essentially had senn how the system worked and drew up the conclusion that that universal health care would be a
benefit to Canada (Maioni, 1997, p.421).
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The New Health Care Reform
Lost in the New Health Care Reform In my view The Patients' Choice Act that was introduced by Paul Ryan in 2009 would have been a better choice
for the new health care reform than The Affordable Care Act. Even though there is no health care crisis of the uninsured, Ryan's plan would have
involved incentives for preventive care that could lower the cost of premiums and encourage healthier lifestyles. Under The Patients' Choice Act, the
American people retain their freedom whether to have health care or not; however the ACA has a personal mandate that requires individuals to carry
health care insurance or face a fine (tax). There are consequences when people feel they have a right to health care instead of working for it. Ryan's...
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In spite of the uninsured and unseen these people, do receive free dental and medical care at temporary clinics, such as the clinic that are set up on
weekends near Wise, VA (Armstrong and Wayne 1). Regardless of what some people are made to believe, health care is a privilege that you work
for. Everyone as a United States citizen has the right to pursue quality health care, and this does not mean it should be given. As Peikoff says in his
book, Health Care is Not a Right, "The system guarantees you the chance to work for what you want–not to be given it without effort by somebody
else" (1). The government should not feed, clothe and provide health care, so the just right person can spend money on some new technology.
Witnessing first–hand, working at a pharmacy, as a capable customer receives medication for free with the state plan while talking on their smart
phone. This is a good example of someone taking advantage of free services. If a capable person can spend money on a smart phone and the monthly
fees they are capable of paying for health insurance. The Medicaid and Medicare systems are designed for the disabled, the unfortunate and the elder;
the capable citizens have the right either to obtain health care through health insurance or to pay for health care out right. Living in a free country does
not mean receiving free annuities. In contrast, if everyone is guaranteed health care through the
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Essay Health Care Reform

  • 1. Essay Health Care Reform Health Care Reform There has been a lot of talk and debate lately over Health Care Reform, as people are trying to answer the question – Should a universally accessible health care system be implemented in the United States (US)? This ongoing highly debatable issue remains a hot topic among US citizens from all walks of life, from the very poor to the very wealthy. Health Care Reform affects everyone. The vast majority of the US population is very dissatisfied with the current state of health care. According to the ABC News and Washington Post cooperative poll, 57 percent of Americans aren't satisfied with the overall system of health care (Langer, 2009). Consequently, the issue of the Health Care Reform was born, but before analyzing the... Show more content on ... Moreover, Americans have quite a diverse outlook on health insurance and its applicability in different situations. The Washington Post poll stated that 49 percent of people affirm the idea of overall health insurance (if it is required). More importantly, the majority of respondents agreed on certain major points that insurance must contain and they are: special aid to the poor (70 percent), coverage of those, who have pre–existing conditions such as disability or chronic diseases (68 percent), must be offered by the employers (62 percent), and underinsured mustn't pay into government funds (52 percent) (Langer,2009). Most Americans are provided with some form of insurance either through their employer or an individual plan which is part of a public program such as Medicaid or Medicare. However, there are still 45 million people who lack coverage (Melisa Paradis, Janelle Wood, Mary Cramer, 2009). According to the governmental insurance plan, people who are underinsured must be protected and have an opportunity to buy suitable medical coverage through the insurance exchange. Yet the actual utilization of such an exchange is scheduled in the beginning of 2013, which indicates a considerable period of waiting. America's Affordable Health Choices Act informs that people should be provided with standardized benefit packages in order to compare the ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Health Care Reform Paper The purpose of this paper is to discuss how a Public Health Nurse's role plays in the Health Care Reform. I will describe a public health commpentenciy and disduss why it is important related to Public Health Nursing. I will then discuss what the future to public health nursing is relation to the Health Care Reform. Public Helth Nursing in the Health Care Reform The healthcare reform is to help increase medical care to individulas to better the health of the population. The Center for Disease Control and Preventiion reports, "on the role of local health departments (LHDs) contends that health care reform emphasizes the vital role of public health". The aim to the Health Care Reform as the Minnesota Department of Health (2014) explains, "meets the Institute for Healthcare ... Show more content on ... Meeting these goals will help the disparity in the community. The public health nurse is out in the community, they can see what changes in the community need to be done to better the health in the population. They work with the local health departments to understand what the greatest need is for funding to make the improvements in the community. As the American Public Health Association reports, "only 3 percent of our health care spending is focused on prevention and public health, when chronic conditions–the most common, costly and preventable of all health problems– account for 86 percent of our health care costs". The Health Care Reform has made a special funding geared toward public health. As the American Public health Association reports, "the Prevention Fund is the nation's first mandatory funding stream dedicated to public health programs". A compentcy in the public health nurses position would be to collaborate with the community, local businesses, health oraginazations and local health departments to address the need of the community. Garcia et al. (2014) explain, "an important skill is learning how to develop collaborative community partnerships to ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Health Care Reform Healthcare Reform 1 Healthcare Reform: Moving Closer to a Solution English 102–940 Professor Marilyn December 1, 2007 December 1, 2007 Professor Marilyn Sahiba Department of English and Critical Studies Parkland College Champaign, IL 61821 Dear Professor Sahiba, I am pleased to present to you my final research paper on Health Care Reform: Moving Closer To A Solution, the topic for which was approved by you on November 8, 2007. I acquired most of my research material from the Parkland College Library, and internet sources found through the search engine, Google. There was a wealth of information available to use in order for me to write a convincing paper on... Show more content on ... (Martinez, 2, p.9). Healthcare Reform 4 The World Health Organization ranks the United States as #37 out of 190 for performance. It is evident that even though we are spending more money, we are not able to achieve the desired outcome. The argument has always been that the free market of health care and insurance in this country has created a health care system that is second to none in the world. The statistics do not support this assertion. Total health care spending in 1975 consumed about 8 percent of the U.S economy in 1975. Today it accounts for nearly 16 percent of the gross domestic product and is projected to reach nearly 20 percent by 2016 (Orszag, 2007). One of the reasons for rising health care costs is due to costly new medical technologies. Some of these new medical advancements allow for physicians to treat previously untreatable conditions. It is unclear as to whether these new options are cost effective. Most people believe that more expensive care equates to better health care. There is significant evidence to support that more expensive care does not necessarily mean higher–quality care. This suggests that there may be an opportunity to reduce health care spending without impairing outcomes The most compelling evidence of that opportunity comes from the substantial geographic differences in spending on health care within the United States–and the fact that they do not translate into higher life expectancy or measured ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Our Health Care Reform On March 23, 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law. Along with the Health Care and Reconciliation Act that was signed a week later these two bills became known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (Tacchino, 2012). This act has had a massive effect on almost everyone in the healthcare industry. The cost associated with reimbursement from Medicaid, medical coverage for individuals, and nursing practices has made many changes in the way healthcare is delivered. With these transformations there will be an impact on the future of nursing over the next 10 years and more. Forces Driving Health Care Reform: Legislative, Consumer, and Ethical Forces and New Models of Care President Theodore Roosevelt first proposed reforming healthcare in 1912, with an effort to start universal healthcare. This effort was again proposed by President Truman in 1949 in his State of the Union message. Once again the effort was dismissed by the American Medical Association, fearing a loss in physician revenue (Cleary & Wilmoth, 2011). In 2010, President Obama signed the ACA bill which has been under fire since its proposal. The ACA is supposed to expand the benefits of healthcare to more than 32 million Americans with the requirement of all individuals to have some kind of health insurance by 2014. These ideas had been circulating legislation for many years and Congress was just waiting for the right type of legislative to pass the bill. Most democrats have pushed ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Health Care and the Reform Essay Health insurance was developed to provide guaranteed coverage for sickness, injury and preventable health measures. Currently, the United States is facing a major challenge in controlling the cost of health care and providing coverage for everyone. This is why it is so important for the government to develop a new health care insurance plan. The purpose of this paper is to explore the history of health care, the major improvements made to coverage through the years. Discussing the healthcare reform and the plans to improve the quality, and cost of health care for everyone in the United States. Birth of Health Insurance Health insurance started in the early twentieth century when the working class of America faced the problem of sickness ... Show more content on ... With the guarantee of payment the first provider health care program was born. It was called Blue Shield. Blue Shield's role was to "negotiate with doctors and hospitals for reduced prices in exchange for a high volume of customers and guaranteed payment. To make up for the loss of revenue, doctors and hospitals raised their prices for patients who did not have group health insurance" (1). A lot companies during the 19040s and 50s were able to offer their employees health care benefits, but for some this was not an option. Many of Americans and small businesses during this time period could not afford group health insurance. This meant that the government had to come up with new programs to provide coverage for the uninsured people. Improvements to Health Insurance There was hope and a need for an insurance that would benefit the disabled, elderly and unemployed American people. The Medicare and Medicaid act of 1965 did just that and provided health insurance coverage to millions of Americans in need. There was a glimpse of light at the end of their dark tunnel "Medicare a uniform national health insurance program for the aged and certain disabled persons. [Along with] Medicaid which is administered by the states within broad federal guidelines and finances health services for certain low–income groups" (Lew "First ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Health Care Reform Essay Hippocratic Oath is one of the oldest binding documents in history, and it is still held sacred by physicians to help the ill, to preserve a patient's privacy, but most importantly it is taken by doctors swearing to practice medicine ethically. Practicing medicine ethically might have been very sacred centuries ago, but unfortunately it is not the case in today's society especially in the United States. Doctors in the United States face more than just high education costs, liability insurance payments, and long hours of work just to stay on top of the latest advancement in medical technology, but many of them also have to deal every day with insurance companies that do not want to cover their patients recommended treatments. A doctor's... Show more content on ... The fear of organized medicines opposition to universal health care became standard from that point on. Health Care reform came back into considerations again in the 1990s by the Clinton Administration, but once again the plan was shut down The Patient Protection Affordability Act is currently one of the hottest topics among politicians, the Act affects every man, woman and child. About 47 million people in America do not have health care coverage and are faced with a burden of paying high medical costs and those who do have coverage face the burden of paying high premiums. I am a Citizen of Poland, and I was a legal resident of Canada, both counties who have Universal Health Care systems, I have been living in Poland for the first 10 years of my life, Canada for the next two years, therefore I can speak from experience about the effects of Universal Health Care System. Some arguments against the universal health care systems are that patients have to wait for hours to see a doctor, and while in the emergency room days if a patient comes into the ER with a less serious condition than others, I can say that both of these theories have been false at least in some of the situations where I needed medical attention. In the summer of 2006 while I was already living in the United States I was involved in a car accident, I was taken into ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Health Care Reform Technology is being used everywhere in the world. For example, technology is used to make cars, clothes, eye glasses, to teach and now it is utilized in health care every day. Technology plays a major role in the health care reform Act to reduce costs, improve access, and save lives. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act , and its constitutionality ruling by the United States Supreme Court last June 28, 2012, mandates requiring all electronic medical records for all health care agencies in 2014 ( Jha, 2013, p 1628) . David Blumenthal (2009) surveyed all acute care hospitals in the American Hospital Association and found only 1.5% of U.S. Hospitals have comprehensive electronic medical records system. Also included in the Patient ... Show more content on ... Certain political members are against the Healthcare Reform ACT however, all hospitals must comply. To assist hospitals with meeting the deadline the government agency of Department of Medicaid and Medicare services implemented, The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Act with meaningful use. This ACT has distributed millions of dollars to hospitals as an incentive to implement electronic medical record and computerize provider order entry before 2016 (Blumenthal, D 2010, p 501). Some political concerns was the national electronic medical record database will infringe on the patients' privacy rights because of this the Health Insurance Patient Portability Act has been enhanced to enforce patient's rights and privacy with technology. Conclusion In conclusion working with all the technology advances to improve patient care, nurses must remember three main professional standards of nursing. 1.Communication skills to be practiced with patients, families, and professional colleagues. 2.The need to demonstrate leadership within the practice setting and the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Health Care Reform In America Many Americans believe that their health care system is the finest in North America, and probably among the best in the world. This is not true. The American health care system ranked last out of 10 other developed countries' systems, including Australia, Germany, Canada, France, Sweden, New Zealand, Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, in a survey by the Commonwealth Fund in 2014 (Hellmann). Countries received ranks according to several factors, like access to a physician or quality of care (Hellmann). That same year, an estimated 42 million Americans under age 65 were without health insurance, according to a survey by the Congressional Budget Office ("Health Reform"). America also ranks 26th among 36 countries in the... Show more content on ... Recall that preventable illnesses like diabetes and heart disease cause 7 out of 10 deaths in America ("Health Reform"). Also, preventative care can help a patient avoid the top 9 out of the 10 leading causes of death in America (Fox and Shaw 1). In fact, proper and recommended preventive care services could save an estimated 100,000 American lives (Fox and Shaw 1). Unfortunately, only 3% of America's gargantuan healthcare expenditures goes toward preventive care–while America spends a ridiculous 75% of those expenditures treating preventable diseases ("Health Reform"). The necessity of preventive care is obvious, which is why the ACA mandated that, by 2018, all health insurance plans include coverage for preventive care services (Riggin 31). Currently, the ACA requires a large amount of health insurance plans to cover preventive services without charging a deductible or copay (Fox and Shaw 1). Additionally, individuals who became eligible and enrolled in Medicaid because of the ACA expansion will have access to a large selection of preventive services, and will not pay copays or deductibles for certain services deemed "essential" (Fox and Shaw 2). The Affordable Care Act will continue to make preventive care services standard in insurance plans, yet another reason to continue its ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Health Care Crisis And An Understanding Of The Reforms A.The health care crisis and an understanding of the reforms The American Health Care system to say the least is wasteful, bloated, and generally inefficient and therefore in dire need for immediate review. This has largely been as a result of factors such as costs, poor investment return for outlays, inequitably distribution, and being based on anachronistic business model geared at treating diseases more than promoting wellness. The figures are all there to see why a radical surgery of the health care reforms has been long overdue. One reason why we have been spending too much on health care is out of our incentives which are perverse.–we have been paying doctors by the procedures they perform as opposed to the quality of health care we... Show more content on ... Over the last few decades, a deliberate fundamental but progressive shift in structure towards provision of care in outpatient settings avoiding inpatient overnight stays in hospitals has been embraced. Theoretically, such a shift is meant to save on costs as fixed costs in outpatients setting are generally lower than in–hospital stays. Unfortunately, this shift resulted to much higher utilization and adding more costs to the system. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010 which marked a historic milestone for the Democrats who had for decades been yearning for such a legislation. It signified a turning point in Americans' healthcare expansion, availability and affordability. The coming into force of the Act gave hard working Americans families security by holding the insurance companies accountable as well as lowering the cost of health care, and giving them more freedom and control in making their health care choices and improving the care quality. Previously, different reforms in the health care sector have been proposed to address issues of cost as well as coverage to include such health areas like prevention and treatment of chronic ailments, obesity, defensive medicine, incentives rewarding more care, redundant payment systems, rationing, doctors' and nurses' shortage, fraud, use of imaging technology, tax ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Health Care Reform Debate One of the fear factors in the health care reform debate is cost. The United States at present has a costly system, and there is genuine worry that covering millions of additional people will increase costs significantly. It is not how much the United States devotes on health care that is vital, it is also how constant that quantity is increasing. I believe the cause of costly health care is the very beneficial insurance industry. We pay a massive amounts to these corporate giants, who then regulate accountable how they will cover us, what treatments and which doctors will help us. Of course they are not responsible to us, as customers, but only to their shareholders. We argued that although the health care cost is great; Americans do... Show more content on ... We also decided not to make any changes in higher education due to the fact that the budget will slowly decrease as the years pass by. We also made no change in Medicare, but will be advocates for an increase in the age to 67 years. Another decision was that we would make no change in health services and research. We also decided to increase Medicaid by 2% which we will acquire from taking 1% away from atomic energy defense activities and another 1% from the federal employee retirement and disability funds. This will help balance out the increasing budgets. Healthcare is a very complicated manipulative system. The way to adjust this system is to initiate modification from all angles, from the bottom to the top. We can take out costs by abridging and regulating so much, especially in the billing and electronic medical record system. We also have to modify operation patterns. The United States is not acquiring 20 or even 30 percent better health care or outcomes than other countries do. While there are points of greatness, particularly at some of America's prominent academic health foundations and in unified health care strategies, the quality is unequal. And quality is a problem that affects us all, whether rich or poor. Practically no matter how we calculate it, whether by life expectancy or by survival for particular diseases like asthma, heart disease or cancers; by the rate of medical errors; or merely by gratification with health care ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Benefits Of Health Care Reform Health care reform is in the air and spearheading its momentum is none other than President Barack Obama whose slogan, "Change you can believe in," is now being implemented at an alarming pace to many. Obama Care as its being called by its opponents is a concerted effort on the part of the Democratic Party to enact sweeping legislation that would overhaul the entire health care system in the United States. Originally the push for reform began as a call to reform the health care system, but it has recently been transformed by the Democratic leadership into a more nuanced argument for changing the health insurance industry. In either case, the bill is causing widespread controversy across the entire country because of the potential impact it ... Show more content on ... Even though we don't always prepare the healthiest meals for our respective families that often like fast–food or simple meals like pizza, we need to try as often as we can. This Healthy Labor Day recipe, one of my family's favorite holiday meals, will give cooking enthusiasts and food aficionados alike, the assistance they need to make a delicious Labor Day meal that is not only tasty, but healthy for your and your entire family as well. With the summer season's final holiday quickly approaching, let's get down to business. To prepare this meal you will need the following: 1 bag of baby spinach leaves 1 bag of butter lettuces 1 bag of garden salad mix 1 pack of whole fresh mushrooms 1 green bell pepper 1 red bell pepper 1 orange bell pepper 2 brushes of broccoli 1 pack mini tomatoes 1 red onion 1 large bag of frozen Oriental stir –fry 2 bags of individually packed Tilapia fillets 1 box of aluminum foil 1 bottle of Lawyer's Lemon Pepper Marinade Bottles of salad dressings Now that you have all your supplies, let's start with the salad. First, you will need to cut the stems off of the baby spinach leaves. Once that is done, take a large bowl, rinse it well and then mix all three bags of salad mix. Finally, rinse and cut all your vegetables to your desire then add to bowl and mix well. You can also add in salad seasoning, which I generally do, if you desire. To make to stir–fry, you will need a ... Get more on ...
  • 12. History Of Health Care Reform History of Health Care Reform Our country has been on the cusp of health care reform several times throughout history. It has evolved from strictly a patient and physician system to numerous other parties in the equation from patients, physicians, hospitals, insurance carriers and government programs to name a few. The latest health care reform came with passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) signed into law on March 23, 2010. This new law is a conglomerate of the many attempts at health care reform throughout the years. In the early 1900's, healthcare was aimed at protecting workers from lost wages and medical expenses while they were sick (Hoffman, 2003). President Truman proposed universal health insurance but it was seen as socialized medicine and the legislation never passed (Oberlander, 2012). He did manage to pass the Social Security Act of 1935 that later became the basis for Medicare and Medicaid (Hoffman C. , 2009). "Military Medicare" was passed in 1956 that provided health care benefits for military dependents. Employer based insurance continued to grow during this time. As health care was becoming more difficult to get for older Americans and the sick, the U.S. government became involved and passed Medicare/Medicaid legislation on July 30, 1965 (Taylor, 2014). Medicare Part A to pay for hospital care, skilled nursing and home health, optional Medicare Part B to pay for physician care, and Medicaid, to assist states in covering ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Health Care Reform And The Underinsured Health Care Reform and the Underinsured Health Care reform is a major topic of discussion in today's society, especially with the relatively novel release of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) by the Obama administration. Historically, the health care system has disproportionally favored those of higher class and income, resulting in diminished health care for those that could not afford it. The Institute of Medicine's (IOM) 2002 report, Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care, states that a lack of insurance substantially contributes to the proliferation of healthcare disparities. Furthermore, racial and ethnic minorities are most subject to these healthcare disparities because they are significantly more likely to be uninsured. (1) The history of health care reform in the United States, as it pertains to under–insured urban populations, will be discussed, with a specific emphasis on its impact on African–Americans; in addition, the modern resolutions to healthcare disparities will be assessed. The 17th century was one of discovery. It was when British settlers first arrived to North America and established the first North American colony. The US was non–existent and it would take over a century for colonists to gain independence from Britain. Tracing it back to its roots, America was founded by and populated by immigrants; however, nearly 300 years after the first settlers arrived, there is still a gross ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Preventative Health Care Reform The progress of health care delivering towards improvement, prevention and wellness in the United States is part of the role of the health care reform which is very is very. Many health problems and issues are facing the health care industry with the influx of patient into the health care system and shortages of health care providers to render adequate and quality care. In the healthcare arena, preventive care is increasing in popularity. A large percentage of the patient population is uninsured and the costs associated with chronic disease are extreme, therefore preventive care initiatives are essential, which makes it health care reform so important and needs urgent action. Preventative health care has turn out to be a progressively standard in the health care sector. With a diversity of methods to educate populations and prevent illnesses, this type of health care works to improve the overall wellness of Americans. Preventative health care enlightens populations, promotes healthy lifestyles and provides early treatment for illnesses. In the industry, the emergence of health care reform and an increased number of individuals suffering... Show more content on ... The creation of a National Prevention, Health Promotion and Public Health Council was accomplished through law, which organizes the work of federal agencies to cultivate a national approach on prevention, wellness and public health activities. There is a significant financial commitment by the law for the national strategy by authorizes $7 billion yearly through 2015 and $2 billion in each year after for a Prevention and Public Health Fund. The funds will upkeep prevention research, health screenings, obesity prevention, tobacco control, immunization programs, and other ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Health Care Reform Act The Health Care Reform Act was designed to benefit the citizens of the United States. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, 3.1 million more young adults have health insurance on their parent's plan, three million seniors have received a 50 percent discount on their prescription drugs, and millions of Americans now have access to no–cost preventive services to help them stay healthy. Abusive insurance practices are becoming a thing of the past. Additionally, the Affordable Care Act helps small businesses with the cost of providinghealth insurance for their employees and helps doctors and other health providers care for their patients more effectively. (–for–americans–and–businesses) The Health ... Show more content on ... 3590) and the Health Care Education Reconciliation Act 2010 (H.R. 4872). When President Obama signed these two bills, they became Public Law. The purpose of the ACA is to make health care more accessible to all residents of theUnited States by three means: mandating all U.S. residents to select a health insurance plan, forbidding insurers from denying coverage based on a pre–existing condition, and expanding program. The ACA states that the federal government will pay 100% of the cost of a newly enrolled Medicaid participants until 2016 for all states that expand their Medicaid program up to 138% of the federal poverty level and will pay90% by 2020 (Kincaid, 2013). Other concerns include whether the federal government will give state enough flexibility to manage Medicaid program, whether hospitals will receive adequate compensation to care for more patients and whether the physician workforce can accommodate the increased demand for care (Kincaid, 2013). The ACA is affected by two things, one is payments of hospitals and providers. The ACA does not provide fee for service towards a bundled payment. This type of payment, a set amout is paid for all services rendered and treatment related sickness. The ACA emphasizes pay per performance, meaning that the providers will not receive payment based on the patient outcome. For example, if the patient has shown no improvement there will be penalties. Also, there will be penalties if the patient has to be hospitalized ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Health Care Reform Essay Healthcare Financial Reform Proposal Sandra Xavier Grand Canyon University: HCA 240 Professor Tina Block July 8, 2012 Healthcare Financial Reform Proposal I believe healthcare reform is a waste of time and money but I also see that it can be beneficial to many uninsured Americans. First of all, health care costs keep rising and in 2011 the average cost for a family of four increased by 7.3% or $19,393. This is double the cost estimated in 2003, and by 2030 payroll taxes will cover only 38% of Medicare Costs and the rest will be added to our already enormous budget deficit. Second, health care reform is needed to improve the quality of care, which is the worst in the developed world. Chronic diseases cause almost 70% of... Show more content on ... These reforms are expected to save an additional $13.5 billion over 10 years according to Healthcare Financial Management Association ( President Obama's pledge to pay for the program by taxing the rich, who is anyone that makes more than $1 million a year (which would include President Obama) and will make for "a marketplace that provides choice and competition" (Conniff, 2009). He also proposes that reform is about every American who has ever feared losing their coverage if they become too sick, lose their jobs or even change their jobs. It's realizing that the biggest force behind our deficit is the growing costs for Medicare and Medicaid programs." A powerful force for change can be created by embracing transparency. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, "transparency is a broad–scale initiative enabling consumers to compare quality and the price of health care services so they can make their own informative choices among doctors and hospitals. This initiative is laying the foundation for pooling and analyzing information about procedures, hospitals and physicians services. In order to create value driven health care, there are four steps to turn raw data into ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Health Care Reform Essay The RN's Role in Healthcare Reform Healthcare Reform has been and still is a highly debated controversial political issue in this country. It has been a hot topic of past presidential campaigns, with many proposed solutions, none of which were enacted upon by Congress. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was passed in 2010. This law or Obamacare, as it is commonly called, was designed to cover the 48 million Americans, including about 1 million in New Jersey who did not have health insurance. It is envisioned to provide seamless, affordable, quality care that is accessible to all. Great emphasis will be placed on transforming our current "sick care" hospital system into a community "health care" system of prevention and health promotion. This paper discusses the evolving and future roles of nurses under the new system. It also examines the proposals of a joint committee made up of members of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), as an initiative to help nurses in their new leadership roles to a healthier nation. According to the Committee's report, under the new system nurses will be tasked to (i) practice to the full extent of their education and training; (ii) achieve higher levels of education and training; (iii) be full partners with doctors and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the United States; and (iv) effectively plan workforce policy that require better data collection and the use of ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Reform Of The Health Care Reform Essay The latest health care reform has done what few policies manage to do – sicken both republicans and progressive democrats. While we can all agree that a reform of the health care system is sorely needed, we must also acknowledge that "Obamacare" is not the cure–all we so desperately require. Rather, President Obama, like a medieval barber, prescribed a health care reform that treated the symptoms of our flawed system rather than the actual disease. The subsidization of health insurance providers has proven ineffective at providing affordable coverage for all. Certainly one is likely to hear the various incendiary talking points of both the proponents and opponents. Whether it's the republican candidates blaspheming Obamacare as socialism, or the administration praising the success of health care for all, it is difficult to actually find constructive dialogue. We are purview to many sound bites, but few actual solutions. We have witnessed heated debates, but rarely do we witness intelligent discourse. If beneficial reform is to be crafted and implemented, we must first acknowledge the issues and inconsistencies of the current system and begin to explore alternate methods of providing health care to the American people. This diagnoses of the flaws in our health care system must start with identifying and redefining the social constructs of America. In most other civilized nations, it is generally accepted that it is in the best interest of the public that every individual be ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The New Health Care Reform Lost in the New Health Care Reform The Patients' Choice Act gives the American people opportunity to choose the health care plan that meets the individual health needs. The Obama administration under the Democratic Party felt the need for a different health care reform, The Affordable Care Act (ACA). To justify this health care reform the Democratic Party implied that the health care crisis in the United States is caused by the uninsured and that everyone had a right to health care. Under the Patients' Choice Act, the American people retain their freedom whether to have health care or not, however the ACA has a personal mandate that requires individuals to buy or carry health care insurance or face a fine (tax). To fund ACA ... Show more content on ... Ryan believes that the plan would have ensured universal, affordable health care for all Americans, which did not raise taxes or increased government spending. Indeed, the health care crisis in the United States, according to the ACA is caused by the uninsured citizens. The article, A Creeping Catastrophe, stated by the polling firm Lake Research Partners "while 47 million Americans are uninsured, 91 percent of voters in the 2008 election had some form of health insurance" (Armstrong and Wayne 3). While 47 million people sounds like an excessive amount, it essentially equals to 15% of the USA population for that year. The 15% uninsured are the homeless, drug addicts, or have a religious reason that either do not need or care to have health care insurance. Despite the uninsured and unseen these people, do receive free dental and medical care at temporary clinics, such as the clinic that are set up on weekends near Wise, VA (Armstrong and Wayne 1). Despite the Obama Administration, believing that the declined health care is the uninsured, in fact the cause is from poor health in the United States. Our life expectancy for women in 1945 ranked 1st in the world and has decreased now ranking the 20th in 1999 (Battista and McCabe 1). The Decline in health "despite the nation's wealth–or perhaps because of it–one of the most obese population in the world" (Armstrong and Wayne 2). Obesity induce various health problems that are "preventable ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Healthcare Reform And Health Care Reform As evidenced by the constant battle over health care reform, healthcare in the United States has become a growing problem that must be addressed. While the main controversy seems to be the politics of healthcare reform and whether the government should have total control, the one thing that I believe should be the focus, is the quality of care that is embedded in the patient doctor relationship. It's quite troublesome when large health insurance companies are swaying politicians to vote for less health care regulation and higher premiums rather than focusing on the quality of care and the importance of the patient doctor relationship, which has become overshadowed. That is why I believe it is important to look at and consider how health care reform such as the PPACA and policies implemented by private insurance companies have affected thedoctor–patient relationship and thereby influenced the quality of medical care. One of the many reasons that I find this an interesting and important topic is because I aspire to work in the medical field and the interaction between patients and doctors is important for me to consider and determine how it has changed, whether it be for better or worse, throughout the years as a result of added regulations and new reforms. A pivotal aspect of receiving quality medical care is being able to communicate your health concerns and have confidence and trust in your doctor, which is essentially the doctor patient relationship. Yet, this ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The On Health Care Reform The idea of passing the health care reform was to expand health care coverage, however, in order to do so, many changes must be implemented in order to fulfill the ACA 's promises. The first of which is allowing all individuals to acquire health insurance no matter the age, pre–existing conditions, or other unfair practices. Statistics show that "half of Americas" have a preexisting medical condition in which with the passage of the ACA, it allows individuals to acquire health insurance without the worry of having to pay high insurance bills (Moisse, 2011). The reason why having preexisting health conditions is no longer a factor in acquiring health insurance is because with the passage of the ACA (as discussed earlier, it was made a mandate to acquire health insurance) it is expected that it will balance out economically with the people who require more medical help to their healthier counterparts that do not require as much medical attention (Goodnough, 2016). The ACA has Americans searching for a health insurance company, however, not everyone can afford one. This makes it an issue on whether it is possible to enforce such statute if insurance is not accessible for all. The solution brought about with Obamacare was the creation of subsidies. The first form of cost assistance is the use of premium tax credits which lowers premiums. Just as Medicaid, tax credits depend upon income in which the lower your income the lower the percentage you will have to pay towards health ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Essay On Health Care Reform The publics' opinion has had many influences on the debate on healthcare and healthcare reform. Although an issue primarily in charge by the government, many people have been voicing their opinion dating back all the way to the introduction of Medicare. Recent surveys have shown many trends and many variations in public opinion that take a toll on health care reform. These opinions played a very important role in the overall results of polls in the federal health care reform debate. The polls that were studied were pulled from a range of opinion pulls dating back to 1943 however, only 2008 and 2009–2010 reform opinions were pin pointed and reviewed/studied. These polls specifically selected dealt with changes to the health care system as well... Show more content on ... Sadly many Americans do not have health care while not participating in the debate to receive it. No matter what happens in term of reform, whether Obamacare being discontinued or a new bill for health care arises, this issue will always spark much debate within the government and in the publics' eye. Healthcare will always be heavily politicized time and time again. If health care is turned into something so extreme that it affects more and more people (even those who were happily covered), a public push for reform will become that much ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Health Care Reform Health Care Reform 2010 There is so little contradiction that government should be engaged in one way or another in creating a solution that gives Americans in need of medical assistance the right to life, liberty and the continued pursuit of happiness. The disagreements come in recognizing the failure of government to properly handle other socialized systems, the amount of government oversight that should be imposed, and the coverage that should be part of any comprehensive national healthcare solution. During his campaign, President Obama argued for health care ... Show more content on ... Universal health care coverage represents a fundamental shift in health care policy in the United States and does not have widespread support among Republican members of Congress. Moreover, unlike President Obama's health care reform element of reducing health care costs, universal health care coverage will require large increases in spending from the federal government, likely necessitating higher taxes. President Obama's proposal to provide coverage for the 47 million Americans who were uninsured as of January 2008 is estimated to cost $102 billion per year. Gruber, J. (2008). Covering the Uninsured in the U.S. Retrieved June, 2010 from http://econ– As the number of uninsured Americans continues to increase, so does the cost of providing universal coverage. Some cost savings initiatives in President Obama's health care reform framework will also be challenging to implement, since they will be strongly opposed by the health care industry and some members of Congress. President Obama's framework for reforming health care contains many initiatives aimed at lowering health care costs, including regulating health plan loss ratios and increasing the use of generic drugs. Barack Obama and Joe Biden's plan to lower health care costs and ensure affordable, accessible health coverage for all. Retrieved June, 2010 from http:/ / HealthCareFullPlan.pdf. The insurance industry will oppose President Obama's proposal to ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Affordable Health Care Reform Bohmer, R., & Knoop, C. I. (2007). The challenges facing the U.S. healthcare delivery system. Harvard Business School, Article 9–606–096. In this article, the authors examine the dimensions of challenges that faces healthcare deliver in the US. The major debates are; the healthcare system as a citizenship right that cannot be alienated, and healthcare as a matter that needed libertarian approach combining individual responsibility, diversity and competitiveness. The study was based on secondary data. In the findings, the authors established that the US government spending on healthcare was $1.9 trillion in 2004, and 34% of the population sought medication in hospitals. Drug prescriptions were 10%. Medical injuries led to 50,000 to 100,000 ... Show more content on ... The medical home model is viewed as resonating well with the new and highly effective regimens of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) treatment and could reduce the prevalence of the disease. The authors used statistical data in demonstrating the challenges faced by patients with chronic HCV infection against the limitation of the existing healthcare system besides the ACA. The study considered the ACA as beneficial in this regard, owing to its integration of the behavioral and medical healthcare, and also on account that ACA expands the eligibility of Medicaid and offers consumer premium subsidies. The study recommended that by maximizing ACA, the public would benefit more in dealing with such serious infections as opposed to relying on the ordinary healthcare ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Health Care Reform: Then and Now One common theme that has resurfaced throughout the entire Obama administration and has created a great deal of focus and debate is health care reform. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) which was introduced by Obama in 2010 creates a new structure of health care. It transforms health care from "late–stage, high intensity, illness focused, tertiary, interventional health service to a much stronger value driven focus on achieving the highest levels of health" (Porter–O'Grady, 2014, p. 65). Through this act, legislation has been created that regulates the way hospitals and physicians are reimbursed, which is built on evidenced–based, quality health care outcomes that are cost effective without infringing upon patient satisfaction. At the heart of this debate is the impact on nursing care, for nursing is the largest health care professional as well as the largest component of health care costs. Any change in the health care reimbursement will greatly affect the nursing practice (Buerhaus, 2010). In order to fully understand the impact of this health care reform, one must understand that health care reform is not a new concept. Health care reform has been transforming since the 1800s. In the 1800s there was little discussion about health insurance, reimbursement nor a demand for doctor or hospital services, for family members cared for each other in the home. However, with the industrialization of America in the early 1900s, the general public became ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Health Care Reform Essay Former President Bill Clinton introduced a Health Security Proposal in 1993, which was his attempt for a fundamental reform of the American healthcare system (Longest, 2010). In January of 1993, Clinton announced that he would be putting together a team of experts to review the issue of health care cost and develop a plan to propose to congress (Bok, 1998). On September 22, 1993, Clinton then made a speech to Congress announcing this new health plan (Bok, 1993). In his speech, Clinton urged law makers to "Fix a health care system that is badly broken, giving every American health security–health care that is always there, health care that can never be taken away" (Bok, 1993). He also mentioned in his speech that health care was... Show more content on ... His premiums were raised because his health insurance company told him that two of his employees had become high risk because of their age (Rample, 2009). Because of this increase in cost, Kennedy could no longer afford to insure his employees. The two high risk employees were his parents who had founded the company (Rample, 2009). In his speech, Clinton stated: "Millions of Americans are just a pink slip away from losing their health insurance and one serious illness away from losing all their savings (Rample, 2009). During this time, over 37 million Americans, most working adults and their children were uninsured (Rample, 2009). Medical bills were growing at over twice the rate of inflation, and the United Stated was spending over a third more of its income on health care than any other nation in the world (Rample, 2009). Clinton believed the only way to fix the problem with United States health care was to start with congressional action (Rample, 2009). Clinton combined different principles and ideas that have been accepted by the Republican and Democratic Party in Congress (Rample, 2009). The universal Health care plan focused on six principles: security, simplicity, savings, choice, quality and responsibility. Security refers to the American who did not have health care, now being able to have it and for the Americans who were insured; they know have the security of knowing it will not be taken ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Health Care Reform Health Care Reform A newest way to finance health care now days is the health care reform which it is also called Obama Care. The Affordable Care Act was signed into law in 2010. The main objective behind the Affordable Care Act was to ensure that affordable health care insurance was available to every U.S citizen. This law is an extensive document that contains many regulations and laws that relate not only to health care but also to the regulation of insurance companies. One of the best known regulations is that group health plans can no longer put limitations or deny benefits to individuals under the age of 19 due to pre–existing conditions and individuals under the age of 26, are now eligible to be covered under their parents' ... Show more content on ... Medicare beneficiaries will experience lower costs on prescription drugs, primary, and preventive services. The new law expanded Medicare by fighting fraud, adding new benefits, and improving care for patients. Medicare will see lower cost on prescription drugs and free preventive services. There are positives and negatives when it comes to the affordable care act. According to Blumberg (2012) some of the positive aspects of the health care reform are: –Increased access to health care services –Increased affordability of health care services. –Decreasing of overall costs in health care. –Employers are able to get a tax break for offering health coverage to their employees –Lower rate for employers offering health coverage to their employees. –Individuals are able to purchase health insurance even if they have pre–existing conditions. –Individuals under the age of 26 are able to stay under their parents insurances. –Better quality of care for elderly patients. –New health prevention and wellness programs. Some of the negative sides to the health care reform includes: –Individuals are required to purchase their own insurance if their income is above the guidelines. –They could face penalties that will increase gradually if they choose not to purchase an insurance policy. –Premiums may be too high for some individuals even with the tax breaks and discounts. ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Health Care Reform United States Main article: Health care reform in the United States Health care reform in the United States Healthcare reform in the US Debate over reform History Latest enacted legislation Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Senate bill– H.R. 3590) Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (H.R. 4872) preceding legislation Social Security Amendments of 1965 Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (1986) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (1996) Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (2003) Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act (2005) [show] More information ... Show more content on ... The US pays twice as much yet lags other wealthy nations in such measures as infant mortality and life expectancy, which are among the most widely collected, hence easily compared, international statistics. Many people are underinsured, for example, in Colorado "of those with insurance for a full year, 36.3% were underinsured."[6][7] About 10.7 million insured Americans spend more than a quarter of their annual paychecks on health care because of the high deductible polices.[8]
  • 29. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111–148) was signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. Along with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (signed March 30), the Act is a product of the health care reform efforts of the Democratic 111th Congress and the Obama administration. The law includes health–related provisions to take effect over the next four years, including expanding Medicaid eligibility for people ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Health Care Reform Sociology Healthcare reform is full of diversity. From looking at the government level in cost containment in Canada to the multifaceted workforce that provides many different services. Viewing healthcare reform through the gender lens draws attention to the differences and identifying efficiency, economic factors, social structure and education. The meaning of health care reform is defined by Gustafson (2000) "Health care reform may be understood as the dynamic interplay among economic changes, the role of the state, institutional discourse and practices, and social reproduction within the public and private spheres" (p.15). Viewing the health care issues through the gender lens means to identify differences in health information facts based on influences of a gender perspective. The experience of women in the ... Show more content on ... With the focus on efficiency and work, productivity may only be beneficial to the bottom line of the budget. According to Gustafson (2000) stated: Care providers need adequate time to assess health needs, plan and negotiate care options and provide care to their clients...Reform initiatives that cut staff and resources deny many women the time they need to work wisely and well and in the best interest of those they serve (p.19). Resulting in less time for the patients needs and concerns to be addressed. Removing the focus away from client orientated care to budget orientated care. In today's economy, we need to be cost efficient without risking the patient outcome. Strategies that implement high quality of caregiving the health workers resources and education to promote quality care. Focusing on all employees that are involved giving them a safe work environment. With a plan for action that can be implemented, monitored and evaluated with the expected outcome of quality care for the patient and a safe work environment for all ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Health Care Reform : The Affordable Care Act For centuries, health care has been an ever changing entity within the United States. The cost of health insurance, medication, and medical care has fluctuated from high to low. Over the years with all the changes to healthcare, those in Congress try to appease everyone that is involved. For example, trying to make healthcare affordable for those who are less fortunate and live around the poverty line. As well as, employers who may have to revamp their insurance plans offered to the employees. Recently the talk about healthcare has put many people in an uproar. Health care reform has been a very debatable topic since President Obama has been in office. Health care reform, also known as Obama Care, has a section called the Affordable Care... Show more content on ... Within the Affordable Care Act there is also an employer mandate. The Obama Care employer mandate / employer penalty, originally set to begin in 2014, will be delayed until 2015 / 2016. The Obama Care "employer mandate" is a requirement that all businesses with over 50 full–time equivalent (FTE) employees provide health insurance for their full–time employees, or pay a per month "Employer Shared Responsibility Payment" on their federal tax return (Obama Care Facts, 2014). This mandate puts pressure on employers to insure all of their employees, as well as raises the cost for employers since they have to pay a bigger portion of the health insurance costs. In order to avoid the employer mandate, some companies have cut back hours which makes it a bit more affordable for the company. With this Act being effect it may take some time for people to get used to it and see the overall bigger picture. With changes to something so influential, there comes positives and negatives. Some positives of the Affordable Care Act are increased access to healthcare, reduce healthcare cost, and coverage of pre–existing conditions. With increased access to healthcare, many people who did not have the opportunity previously, will now be able to have access to decent healthcare. According to the Obama Care Facts websites, "Tens of millions of uninsured will get access to affordable quality health insurance through the marketplace" (2014). Also, previously to the Act if a ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Women's Health Care Reform Woman's health issues must be considered in the health care reform because of preventative health care, mental health, and women need specific health care and benefits. 1)Preventative health care in women provides the diagnostic and preemptive disease treatments. Preventative measures include contraceptives, breast examinations, pap–smears, counseling and education, and mental health screenings. Preventative care is so important in women because women need specific health care rather than men. The specific health care that is needed for women prevents the extra costs of future treatments and medications of diseases and genetic disorders that are prevalent in women only. The health care reform must include women's health for that fact that ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Health Care Reform Essay Health care reform in the United States is a vital issue. Over the years, multiple Presidents have attempted to address reform but significant political obstacles have prevented any major change since the Social Security Act which established Medicaid and Medicare in 1965 (Kaiser Family Foundation [KFF], 2009). On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The premise of this legislation was to increase access to care by allowing more Americans to gain access to coverage and to impact the rising cost of healthcare in the country. After its implementation, between one and three million Americans ages 18– 26 gained access to health insurance through coverage eligibility ... Show more content on ... There are four categories of quality measures used in pay–for–performance: process measures, outcome measures, patient experience, and structure measures. Process measures evaluate activities which positively affect health outcomes for patients. Outcome measures determine the effects the care provided have on the patient. Patient experience encompasses the patients' satisfaction with the services received. Structure measures evaluate the equipment used by facilities, as well as the personnel employed by the facilities (James, 2012). As of 2016, expenditures for hospital readmissions were estimated at twelve billion dollars a year (Mason et al., 2016). These costs are many times unnecessary and avoidable. Medicare's Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program can reduce payments by one percent to hospitals for readmissions for heart attacks, heart failure, or pneumonia in disproportionate amounts (James, 2012). It also will reward the hospitals that exceed the expectations set forth. The wide–ranging changes to healthcare policy impelled hospitals to discover other avenues for mitigating financial risks associated with the new policy. Patient coordination and discharge planning have become central to patient care. Case managers utilize medical homes, home care, ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Health Care Reform Essay U.S. health care reform is currently one of the most heavily discussed topics in health discourse and politics. After former President Clinton's failed attempt at health care reform in the mid–1990s, the Bush administration showed no serious efforts at achieving universal health coverage for the millions of uninsured Americans. WithBarack Obama as the current U.S. President, health care reform is once again a top priority. President Obama has made a promise to "provide affordable, comprehensive, and portable health coverage for all Americans..." by the end of his first term ( The heated debate between the two major political parties over health care reform revolves around how to pay for it and more importantly, whether it ... Show more content on ... The proposed health care reform bill attempts to change issues of public policy and health care management for the poor and uninsured. Many leaders from the Democratic Party are actively engaging in policy–making to fix what Rep. Henry Waxman (D–California) calls a "'dysfunctional' health care system" (2009). Currently, the U.S. health care system denies people with pre–existing conditions from receiving care. Another problem with the system is that the health insurance that some employers offer may be so expensive that their employees cannot afford it. Any cuts in Medicaid may mean that physicians have fewer incentives to provide adequate care for the poor. These are some of the many problems that the Affordable Health Choices Act attempts to address. Fiscally conservative political and business groups oppose this measure because they believe that any changes in public policy and health care management might affect them negatively. As discussed in lecture (Paterniti, 2009) and in Oberlander's analysis of the U.S. health care system, "any reform that threatens to alter the medical care arrangements of the insured is likely to provoke public opposition" (2003). Most likely, the insured are well off financially and/or politically powerful. These people, who are for the most part content with their current health insurance, would oppose ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Health Care Reform : The Affordable Care Act You Lose in the New Health Care The Patients' Choice Act gives the American people opportunity to choose the health care plan that met the individual health needs. Obama admirations under the Democratic Party felt the need for a different health care reform, The Affordable Care Act (ACA). To justify this health care reform the Democratic Party implied that the health care crisis is caused by the uninsured and that everyone had a right to health care. Under the Patients' Choice Act the American people keeps their freedom whether to have health care or not, but the ACA has a personal mandate that requires individuals to buy or carry health care insurance or face a fine (tax). To fund ACA will cost more than freedom, it'll cost the individual American people and the government more money than The Patients' Choice Act. The American people need affordable health care but not under government control. The Patients' Choice Act was introduced by U.S. congressman Paul Ryan in 2009. Ryan's plan was to give control to individuals and doctors about health care decisions, not federal government bureaucrats or insurance companies. The Patients' Choice Act would remove the barriers that separate Americans from high–value health care by enhancing individual purchasing power and creating rational government rules (1). He wanted to create a market that played by the rules and make health care affordable. Ryan believe that the plan would have ensured universal, ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Health Care Reform : The Analysis Of Healthcare Reform The Analysis of Healthcare Reform The complexity of health care could take the rates on a massive trajectory that does not favor the people covered. Therefore, the financial protection that the levels of health insurance covers, help to guard against the risks related to the unexpected costs of health care. The source of coverage could still have an impact by the insurance coverage and financing alternatives that one has access to; Conversely, private insurance, social insurance, and the national health services are the types of healthcare systems by funding and provision. As we look to health care coverage and the reform of Obamacare, I'll analyze the impact of the uninsured in the industry and look for a resolution to improve the ... Show more content on ... There are providers, of public hospitals community and rural health centers, and local health department considered to be safety net providers that service the uninsured. But the result of increased demand has caused limited capacity and decreased treatment options due to eroding finances (KFF, 2013). In order to improve the well beings of Americans, it is imperative to establish a health care policy that will deliver comprehensive coverage for all. Therefore, a universal health care plan would be one recommendation, a course of action is to utilize the telemedicine doctors which is becoming more prevalent; As the demand grows there would be more than enough tele–doctors available for care. Another recommendation is to also use the Urgent Care centers as part of the universal healthcare system. The reason for these healthcare entities is because of the current structure; Provided, they are in place to deliver care at a more economical rate, than if you went to a hospital's emergency room. Every American would be responsible for paying a minuscule amount toward the universal health care plan. Granted not everyone gets sick enough to need care, so its services should not be overworked; However, these entities should be used for preventive measures. Once tax deductions begin for the contributors, there needs to be a database set up to monitor ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Essay On Health Care Reform Introduction Since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010, there has been a continuous debate about the effects it will have on the United States economy. Many people argue that expanding insurance coverage for all people will create crippling cost burdens for the economy and taxpayers. While others believe that the ACA will in fact give the economy a much–needed boost. In 2006 as a measure to improve overall healthcare, the state of Massachusetts implemented the Health Care Insurance Reform Act. This paper looks at the positive and negative effects of the Massachusetts Health Care Insurance Reform Act (MHRA). Using a literature review of public health studies ranging from 2009–2012, I argue that there are both positive and negative effects of the Massachusetts Health Care Insurance Reform. While the Massachusetts Reform increased health insurance coverage for all citizens and decreased the number of uninsured citizens accessing emergency rooms, it also did very little to decrease already existing racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities among minorities and whites in the state of Massachusetts. Understanding the Massachusetts Health Care Insurance Reform Act may help in the goal of trying to achieve near–universal healthcare. This paper provides an understanding of the missing pieces in the Massachusetts Health Care Insurance Reform Act and constitutes a starting place from which to understand the Affordable Care Act. Literature Review The ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The New Health Care Reform Lost in the New Health Care Reform In my view The Patients' Choice Act that was introduced by Paul Ryan in 2009 would have been a better choice for the new health care reform than The Affordable Care Act. Even though there is no health care crisis of the uninsured, Ryan's plan involved incentives for prevented care that could lower cost of premiums and encourage healthier lifestyles. Under The Patients' Choice Act, the American people retain their freedom whether to have health care or not; however the ACA has a personal mandate that requires individuals to carry health care insurance or face a fine (tax). Ryan's plan would have ensure universal affordable health care for all Americans without increasing government spending. There is no health care crisis in the United States. The new health care reform, ACA, is focused on the small amount of the uninsured citizens as the health care crisis. In the article, A Creeping Catastrophe, stated by the polling firm Lake Research Partners "while 47 million Americans are uninsured, 91 percent of voters in the 2008 election had some form of health insurance" (Armstrong and Wayne 3). While 47 million people sounds like an excessive amount it essentially equals to 15% of the USA population for that year. The 15% uninsured are the homeless, drug addicts, or have a religious reason that either do not need or care to have health care insurance. In spite of the uninsured and unseen these people, do receive free ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Health Care Reform In Canada Health care reform has been the main factor of parting between Canada and the United States, with the different political systems of the countries influencing how the molding of the system occurs. A Social Democratic Third Party in Canada had created the foundation of reform, the influence that a third party had on the government of Canada was significant (Maioni, 1997, p.415). The working class banded together to support the third party in Canada to push for their rights in a way that the major two parties were unable to do and unconcerned with doing, the third party that was supported created essentially a voice that gave the working class a prominent position in their country with concern to reform in health benefits. Within the United States ... Show more content on ... Beginning in Saskatchewan with the help of the Co–Operative Commonwealth Federation in coalition with the New Democratic Party holding control in the province of Sasakachwan and acquiring great influence through the support of labour workers in other provinces they were able to pressure the government towards reform and grasp the attention of the working class (Maioni, 1997, p.415). The joining of an organization like the CCF and the political party of NDP created great influence that led to the formation of universal health care by means of a third party. As opposed to the United States who were unable to convince the organization nor the political party to get involved in the reforms of health services, this stood in the way of reform, the inability to form a coalition between these two groups and inability to convince them of reforms in healthcare led to the rejection (Maioni, 1997, p.420). It was not solely an issue of the lack of third party representation rather that health care reform was not an idea that had an opportunity to be tested in a state under a trial basis therefore they were unable to weigh the benefits or consequences as had happened in Saskatchewan, in which they essentially had senn how the system worked and drew up the conclusion that that universal health care would be a benefit to Canada (Maioni, 1997, p.421). ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The New Health Care Reform Lost in the New Health Care Reform In my view The Patients' Choice Act that was introduced by Paul Ryan in 2009 would have been a better choice for the new health care reform than The Affordable Care Act. Even though there is no health care crisis of the uninsured, Ryan's plan would have involved incentives for preventive care that could lower the cost of premiums and encourage healthier lifestyles. Under The Patients' Choice Act, the American people retain their freedom whether to have health care or not; however the ACA has a personal mandate that requires individuals to carry health care insurance or face a fine (tax). There are consequences when people feel they have a right to health care instead of working for it. Ryan's... Show more content on ... In spite of the uninsured and unseen these people, do receive free dental and medical care at temporary clinics, such as the clinic that are set up on weekends near Wise, VA (Armstrong and Wayne 1). Regardless of what some people are made to believe, health care is a privilege that you work for. Everyone as a United States citizen has the right to pursue quality health care, and this does not mean it should be given. As Peikoff says in his book, Health Care is Not a Right, "The system guarantees you the chance to work for what you want–not to be given it without effort by somebody else" (1). The government should not feed, clothe and provide health care, so the just right person can spend money on some new technology. Witnessing first–hand, working at a pharmacy, as a capable customer receives medication for free with the state plan while talking on their smart phone. This is a good example of someone taking advantage of free services. If a capable person can spend money on a smart phone and the monthly fees they are capable of paying for health insurance. The Medicaid and Medicare systems are designed for the disabled, the unfortunate and the elder; the capable citizens have the right either to obtain health care through health insurance or to pay for health care out right. Living in a free country does not mean receiving free annuities. In contrast, if everyone is guaranteed health care through the ... Get more on ...