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Perspectives Essay examples
Life Span & Introduction to Sociology
In class we have been discussing the analogy of perspectives. A perspective is a way of seeing,
also thought of as a 'point of view'. This mental view or outlook can both enhance and constrain
how we view the world in our own eyes. In the field of psychology and sociology there are many
ways to perceive our world in which we live. No one perspective alone can define the world. Each
perspective has its own distinctive strengths and blind spots. In class we have discussed different
theories and analogies to better understand the complexity of perspectives. Perspectives will both
facilitate and constrain perception. A good example of this statement is the more
Even when that one perspective may not be the most accurate way of viewing something in a
particular situation, it can be tempting neglect other perspectives or "tools". The example given
in class was Freud and his psychosexual theories. Freud believed that everything we did was a
result of our sexual desires. Freud's only "tool", or perspective, was this belief , and he used it
when viewing everything, even when it may have not been the best "tool for the job". Most of us
have heard the term "seeing is believing", but in class we discussed that "believing is seeing".
When you already believe something and have an idea implanted in your memory it will alter
what you think you are seeing. In class we observed many slides of different pictures portraying
how believing is seeing. One specific example from the slide show was one image that contained
two completely different pictures depending on how you looked at the picture. Before showing
us the image for the first time the pervious slide stated "Cowboys Crossing the Creek". When the
image appeared you automatically saw cowboys on horses crossing a creek. Then we were shown
a slide stating "Faces Everywhere". This time when the same exact image was shown for the
second time, you saw faces everywhere in the image. This is because you already had an idea placed
in your mind causing you to see what you already believe. Referring to the familiar
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Poetry Form Essay
Poems are a form of writing with a set meter. Most poems have an end rhyme scheme to accompany
the meter. Poems, like short stories, have symbols. Although short story symbols were not the
easiest to identify, the symbols in poems are sometimes even harder to determine. Poems also
include metaphors, imagery, a certain tone, and always have a set audience. Lyrics are the most
obvious type of poetry to date. A song has a rhythm and when the lyrics are sung to the beat a
poem is created. Lyrics are not the only form of poetry. There are many different forms poetry can
take on. Sonnets are probably the second most known form of poetry. Sonnets are made up of 14
lines, have end rhyme, and have a meter. There are two main forms of asonnet; Shakespearean
(English) and Petrarchan (Italian).
The Italian sonnet was created by a man named Petrarch in the 14th century. This sonnet is made
up of an octave (8 lines) and a sestet (6 lines) adding up to the sonnets grand total of 14 lines. A
Volta, or dramatic change in the emotion, comes after the octave. The theme of the Petrarchan sonnet
can generally be found within the ending sestet. Two centuries later a new type of sonnet was born.
The Shakespearean sonnet was created by none other than the late William Shakespeare. The
English sonnet is made up of three quatrains (4 lines) and an ending couplet (2 lines) creating the
iconic 14 lines. The Volta comes after the 3rd quatrain leaving the couplet as the space for the poems
theme. Both
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English Form 1 Assessment Paper
Name: Date:
English Form 1
Model Test
This test consists of 40 questions. Each question is followed by three or four possible answers A, B
and C or A, B, C and D. For each question, choose ONE answer only and circle your answer.
Questions 1 – 10 are based on the information given.
ART GALLERY 1 The sign tells us to A turn left at the junction. B walk to enjoy the Art Gallery. C
turn left to get to the Art Gallery.
7 February
Dear Yan Dong, I'm sorry but my sister and I will not be able to attend your birthday party
tomorrow. My grandmother passed away this morning. My family and I are going to
more content...
B are sad to leave the country. C have to pay for their studies. D will be studying in another country.
Question 11 – 18 are based on the following text. To Malaysians, the name Malacca is almost
synonymous with history. School students (11) that the name is associated with many important
historical dates and names in the history of Malaya and later, Malaysia. Malacca's rich and
multicultural history(12) due to the succession of conquerors – the British, Dutch and Portuguese.
All left(13) mark and legacy on Malacca. History is coincidentally a prime reason (14) visiting the
city of Malacca. This is (15) it is one of the must–visit places for tourists in Malaysia. Visitors to this
wonderful city will not be disappointed. There are enough historical sites and streets to (16) them
busy for more than just a few days. Many of the popular sites can be visited by just walking from
one place to another. And then there is the option of(17) a trishaw ride. The trishaw service is also
part of the city's history. (18) trishaw is colourfully and flamboyantly decorated to add to the
experience. Do not forgo a visit to this historical city.
11 A knowC knows15 A
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Reflection On My English 101 Experience
Reflecting on My English 101 Experience I used to consider writing as tumble words from your
mind, write, read it through, fix minor mistakes, and done. However, you rarely get successful. The
truth is many students, including myself, struggle with starting to write a word, or getting stuck in
the middle without knowing the main point of the writing. After completing English 101, I can
explain the writing process, evaluate the strengths of my essay, and identify my weaknesses.
Throughout English 101, I learned that the following the writing process was imperative. Before
taking this class, I use to always skip the pre–writing step considering that it is just an easy and
unnecessary step. Consequently, I struggled to figure how to start writing, and most importantly I
struggled to figure out the main point while writing the draft. And then I finish the first draft close to
the deadline that I do not have time to read it not to mention revising. It was after I started this class
that learned that pre–writing is vital, and requires time and attention as it holds the base of the
whole writing. My professor used different analogies such as blueprint for building and map for
navigation to explain the importance. It really speeded up my writing after I started to utilize it. I
have learned outlining before, but part of the pre–writing that I was fortunate enough to learning in
English 101 is the writing triangle. Even before outlining, the topic, purpose, and audience of the
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Essay on Mathematics and Art
Mathematics and art are two areas of knowledge that demonstrate different degrees of interaction
between critical and creative thinking. Whether considering mathematics or art, creative thinking
evaluates a new or original idea containing some degree of value. Critical thinking examines
assumptions and challenges a current belief or theory that has previously assumed to be true.
Although general assumptions and creativity may be considered separately when considering
extreme examples of concrete ideas and abstract ideas, the interplay of critical and creative thinking
is one method in which new and validated knowledge is attained.
Mathematics is an area of knowledge that may seemingly appear to be concrete, utilizing reason as its more content...
Reasoning is required to understand all mathematical problems, but knowledge must have supporting
and accepted facts and use reason to justify its formulas or methods. For example, memorizing the
area under a bell curve is very different from understanding how it is derived and what it means.
Mathematics, however, may also be an area of knowledge in which creative thinking is an integral
component. Euclid used the idea of creative thinking in mathematical assumptions in 330 B.C when
he introduced the first systematic discussion of geometry. Euclid proved his theories from a finite
number of postulates, an idea that had previously never been achieved. These concepts remained
unchallenged until the early 19th century when others began using creative thinking to challenge his
theories and describe physical space in a plane. Creative problem solving involving mathematics can
use sense perception as a way of knowing. In these problems, real life situations require that the
student actually understand the concepts rather than memorizing facts from concrete problems.
Sense perception is the active, selective and interpretative process of becoming conscious of the
external world. For example, when trees in a forest are harvested, mathematics can be used to
determine the number of replacement trees by considering the ultimate size of the tree, the preferred
space each tree needs for optimal growth, the percentage of trees that do not grow or die, and the
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Essay on Government
Government! You can't live with it! You can't live without it! It is the "common cold" that everyone
dreads. The American Heritage College Dictionary, Third Edition defines government as, "The
exercise of authority in a political unit in order to control and administer public policy." Webster's
Desk Dictionary of the English Language defines government as, "The political direction and control
exercised over a nation, state, community, etc." The common individual might define government as
the root of all evil. The thing about government is that no one stops to think about how government
came about.
Government falls into two categories; monarchy or a republic. A monarchy is a form of government
that is always headed by more content...
King Fahad has complete control over it's citizens in all aspects pertaining to their country. Laws,
punishments, and regulations are in the hands of King Fahad.
If the government of a country does not fall into any of these categories, it is a republic. A republic
is defined in Webster's Desk Dictionary of the English Language as any government in which the
supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives
chosen directly or indirectly by them. There are three types of republics; dictatorship, oligarchy, or
A dictatorship is a republic ruled by one individual. Cuba has a dictatorship. Fidel Castro is the
main contributor to Cuban society. He oversees his people yet allows his people the right to vote
him in or out of office.
An oligarchy is another type of republic. This type is ruled by a select few. An example of an
oligarchic society would be France. King Louis XV is king but he has a complete parliament to
assist him in the law making procedure of France.
The third type of republic is a democracy. A democracy is defined as a society ruled by the
majority. An example of a democratic republic would be the United States.
There are four theories that coincide with government; divine, natural, social compact, and force.
The divine theory was developed out of religion. The theory states that government ordained itself
from God, and its main purpose is
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Grit Essay Examples
Grit is a predictor of academic, professional, and personal success. Grit can be defined as strength
of character or the ability to overcome failure and continue to work toward success. People with
grit are not always the people with the most natural ability, but their work ethic and ability to
overcome obstacles allows them to achieve success. Grit is a very valuable characteristic in almost
any venture, as it gives someone an advantage in overcoming the inevitable obstacles they will face.
However, grit is much easier adopted when an individual has a growth mindset. The first step to
obtaining grit is to correlate both self–control and self–confidence when trying to reach an objective.
By doing this, one can focus on the task at more content...
I had no experience as a runner nor did I have the form. This did not phase me however. That year
I promised myself to push through all the six mile runs, sore legs, gnarly blisters, and at times,
lack of oxygen. At every meet and speed workout practice I pushed myself further and further. I
set a goal every time I kicked off from the starting line and never let myself get discouraged when
I failed. By my senior year, I was the fourth fastest runner on varsity. That year our varsity team
won the district meet, which qualified us to run in the 2016 state meet in Oregon. The
transformation over the years were evident. My determination to accomplish my goal of
becoming a faster runner was complete. If I had simply just given up that first day of practice, I
wouldn't have ran along side of the fastest runners in Oregon or have met the multitude of people
that are now my closest friends. Having a goal sets one up for a challenge, whether it being
physically or mentally, goals keep us active and thinking in more ways than one. Still, if someone
has self–control, confidence, and a goal, they are still not complete. Growth mindset is the cone to
an ice cream. It is the foundation of what I think a successful person is. Without it one couldn't use
the characteristics mentioned above in more ways than one. Someone with a growth mindset believe
that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work, brains and talent
are just the starting point.
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Ubc Admission Essay Sample
Vancouver School of Economics at UBC. I first found my passion for economics was in high
school. I took The Introduction to Economics in grade 12 and I received the grade of 92%. Since
then I decided to develop a deep understanding of the economy, therefore, I was enrolled in The
Vancouver School of Economics (VSE). Studying in VSE required us to deliver a great number of
presentations, which has enhanced my confidence and communication skills. Also, this program has
promoted leadership skills and teamwork skills which have prepared me well for further study. In
my opinion, learning Economics in more than one countries would be helpful with my academic
knowledge and a good image for future occupations. It was this idea that motivated me in my current
application for the exchange program at University College London in The United Kingdom.
The United Kingdom is a country full of cultural diversity, where ancient buildings sit alongside
contemporary architecture. The UK is also famous for academics, it is one of the most popular
countries to go for earning a high–quality education. The UK institutions rank among the best in the
world. Among which, University College London ranks in one of The G5 Group, it is regarded as
one of the world's leading and internationally more content...
However, I believe I have the intellectual curiosity and strength of character to be successful in this
program. It can not only help me to improve my professional knowledge but also benefits my
future careers. I am sure my effective communication skills, sufficient knowledge in my fields, and
passion for learning will enable me to achieve my goal in UCL. I have a strong desire to attend the
University College London because of its highly–rated reputation, its intellectual faculty,
comprehensive course offerings, and rich opportunity resources. I hope to achieve the chance to
study at UCL. Thank you for considering my
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Essay about Sampling
Carrying out a survey of every single potential consumer (known as population) of a firm's product
would be impractical, time–consuming and costly. Businesses still, however, need to collect
enough primary data to have a clear idea of the views of consumers. This can be done by taking a
sample of the population. This sample group should be made up of consumers that are
representative of all potential buyers of the product. There are a number of ways in which a sample
can be chosen.
Random Sampling
This method gives each member of a group an equal chance of being chosen. In other words, the
sample is selected at random, rather like picking numbers out of a hat. Today computers
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So, if the business was interested in how 'class' affected consumers' demand for a food product, it
might divide the population up into different class groups, such as working class males, middle
class females etc. A random sample could then be chosen from each of these groups by making
sure that they were the same proportions of the sample in each category as in population as a
whole. So if the population had 10 per cent upper class males, so would the sample.
Quota Sampling
This sampling method involves the population being segmented into a number of groups which
share specific characteristics. These may be based on the age and the sex of the population.
Interviewers are then given targets for the number of people out of each segment who they must
interview. For example, and interviewer may be asked to interview 10 males between the ages of
18 and 25, or 15 females between the ages of 45 and 60. Once the target is reached, no more people
from that group are interviewed. The advantage of this sampling method is that it can be cheaper to
operate than many of the others. It is also useful where the proportions of the different groups within
the population are known. However, results from quota sampling are not statistically representative
of the population and are not randomly chosen. They must therefore be treated with caution.
Cluster Sampling
This involves
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Sampling Methods Essay
Sampling is the framework on which any form of research is carried out. A suitable sample that
meets the inclusion and exclusion criteria of a research design must be chosen from a given
population to carry out studies. In this essay comparison is made between stratified random
sampling and convenience sampling. The population on which the researcher is interested in
carrying out his or her research may be too large, therefore a suitable sample which can represent the
population in correct proportion must be chosen. Restraints such as limitation of time, resources and
many other factors necessitate the selection of a sample for research purpose so that better quality
data is obtained from it and that the researcher can make statement more content...
The methodological strength and weaknesses of this two sampling methods is discussed in terms of
identifying the samples for research, the representativeness it possesses to the general population, the
methods and the outcome. Stratified random sampling is a probability sampling where the selection
of sampling unit is left to a random process, all units in the sample has an equal and non–zero
chance of being selected on a probability ground or chance and not on the choice or judgement of
the researcher (Sim,J and Wright,C. 2000,). Convenience sampling is an example of non probability
sampling where the selection of the units is not by chance, rather it is dependent on the researcher's
judgement, the researcher decides the samples to be included in the study which may be subject to
availability, time, individual preferences etc. The probability of selection of a particular sampling
unit may or may not be known. Stratified random sampling is commonly done in quantitative
researches. When the samples reflect the characteristics of the target population in the same
proportion; assumptions can be made on generalizing the data acquired from these samples provided
it has been done correctly, since it is statistically representative (Sim,J and wright,C.,2000) but
sampling error
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Forms Or Universals
As human beings we are confronted every day with a physical and "real" world, most of us would
not question the legitimacy or the existence of the things that we encounter on a daily basis. but,
what is reality? where does it take place? Is reality independent or dependent on our thinking and
perceptions? Philosophers have struggled to answer these questions, Plato's most influential theory
is specifically an attempt to establish the place in which reality transpires. This theory is known as
the theory of Forms or Universals. Plato believes that the physical world where humans dwell is
not a real world, for Plato "true" reality exists beyond our objective world. In the Republic, Plato
talks about the physical and the spiritual realm. The more content...
as a matter of facts, the changes that are perceived in the physical world do not change the
essence of being (reality) but changes within being. He is also a dualist, he believes there are two
worlds but you cannot separate the reality, in other words, there is only one world. In his dialogue
with Parmenides Plato presents the idea that universals are unique while at the same time sharing
some sort of the distinctiveness of what Parmenides understands as being. But universals are in
many places at once and in many shapes but without losing its Form. He does the same process as
he presents the idea of being different. Plato meets Parmenides' own grounds, by showing that not
because you are not something it means that you lose your status of being, but in reality, you are just
In the case of Heraclitus, he argued that what is real is in total flux. He believes that we cannot have
the absolute truth or knowledge that Plato is presenting through the theory of Forms but rather
believes that everything is in "universal flux." So, if things are changing how is it possible to know
something based on appearances. In his own words, you cannot step in the same river twice. The
water you step in the first time is not there anymore, so you cannot bring the past back, change is the
way of truth. In simple words, truth is in a constant state of being and not being.
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The nursing process Essay
The standards of practice describe a competent level of nursing care as exhibited by the critical
thinking model known as the nursing process. This practice includes the areas of assessment,
diagnosis, outcome identification, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The nursing process
includes significant actions taken by registered nurses (RN) and forms the foundation of the nurse's
decision–making ("American Nurses Association," 2010). Assessment is the accurate collection of
comprehensive data pertinent to the patient's health or the situation ("American Nurses Association,"
2010). Assessment is the first step in the nursing process and the most important. Assessment is the
accurate collection of the patient's health more content...
It is during the second phase that the nurse must establish a nursing diagnosis. Only diagnosis
approved and listed through The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) may be
used. Ineffective airway clearance, risk for impaired skin integrity, risk for infection and ineffective
coping are just a few examples of NANDA approved diagnosis. A nursing diagnosis is a clinical
judgment about actual or potential individual, family, or community experiences/responses to health
problems/life processes. A nursing diagnosis provides the basis for selection of nursing interventions
to achieve outcomes for which the nurse has accountability (Defining the Knowledge," 2012). The
third standard of practice is outcomes identification. During this phase, the registered nurse identifies
expected outcomes for a plan individualized to the patient or the situation ("American Nurses
Association," 2010). During this step outcomes must be derived from the nursing diagnosis and must
be measurable, realistic and attainable by the patient. The registered nurse involves the patient,
family, heath care providers, and others in formulating expected outcomes when possible and
appropriate. The registered nurse must also consider associated risks, benefits, costs, current
scientific evidence, expected trajectory of the condition, and clinical expertise when formulating
outcomes ("American Nurses Association," 2010). Example of an
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Smart Goals Essay
Smart Goals Essay
Vanessa Goins
Grand Canyon University
MGT–605 (MGT–605–0103) Leadership
Professor Andree Swanson
March 21, 2013
Out of the three goals, (Personal, educational, and professional) I chose two of the goals that I am
focusing on and that is my personal and educational goals. For my personal goals, I want to create
a big picture of what I plan to do in life. Then I want to break them down in order to reach my
goals, then once I have them together, then I would start working on them to achieve them. For
example(Specific and Measurable goals), I plan on finding a job that has great benefits and the best
rate of pay, and one that does not require working on weekends(Monday–Friday only), and not
working more content...
I plan on earning my Master's Degree within a year of Graduation. While I am currently in school, I
will rely on my instructors, academic counselors, graduation team, the GCU Online Library, and the
school's other resources that will give me additional help when I need them. If I feel lost or a subject
seems too difficult, then I will ask e–mail my instructors and let he or she know that I am having
difficulty and that I need help. If I am feeling overwhelmed about school, I will seek the help and
advice of my academic counselor to help me come up with a solution to help me feel relaxed and not
stressed with taking online classes. I know that I will be successful if I always ask and seek help
here at GCU.
After all of this being said, I believe that I am a D1 in the development level, which is "The
Enthusiastic Beginner" (Low Competence/High Commitment). I would be enthusiastic and be
highly committed to doing my job if I were to have a certain position or even as a student in
school on certain levels in my program, but at the same time, I would and still do not yet know
all of the ropes yet. Right now I consider myself a very curious, inexperienced person who does
quite have the skills required for the job in hand or the things that I have learned in school so far,
but I am yet hopeful that I will learn to develop and learn more and more skills in the near future.
Fowler, S. B., Blanchard,
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Personal Self Assessment Essay
Self assessment is a process in which you examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more
about yourself. Your likes, dislikes, behaviors, attitudes and habits can be found during this process.
You can use the discoveries to your advantage by accepting or changing strengths and weaknesses. I
plan on using this course to enhance my personal skills to become a better student and find success
in earning my Bachelor of Arts degree at Ashford University in Social Science.Self Assessment is
the first step in my successful future.
I can remember in high school, it seemed like I was always one of the last students finished with a
I was sometimes slower at completing a written paper or an assignment. In open
more content...
I have discovered some interesting things I have noticed in myself before taking this course. For
example, my learning style I have noticed is the visual learning style.
With this, I prefer to see and read information to full gain comprehension. If I forget the data, or
not clearly understand it the first time read, I have the option of reading it over. I do not always
trust myself to absorb all information the first time around. I take a lot of notes to look at. Notes
help me remember even though I may not read the again, I can refer to them in my mind after
writing them down. I am not sure if just anyone reading them would get anything out of it, but at
least I know what they mean.
I like to take my time with material, but am not always given the allotted time to do so. I also like
to keep a written list of things to do to refer to. I am comfortable with my learning style, accepted
it as my very own. I am not sure if changing it this late in life is such a good idea. I have got by this
far, it must work out for me.
I have identified my personality style as being extroverted, one who becomes easily energized by
others, and outwardly expressing thoughts as long as I am fully understanding context and material
being discussed. If I have no idea what is being addressed, I am better of keeping quiet to save
myself from
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Forms Of Democracy
What is Democracy?
A democracy is a system of government where the citizens have the right to elect government
representatives who jointly create a government body for the entire nation. In a democratic
government, people have certain rights that the government can't take away from them; these rights
are guaranteed. The eight main forms of democracy are:
1. Direct democracy 2. Representative democracy 3. Presidential democracy
4. Parliamentary democracy 5. Authoritarian democracy 6. Participatory democracy 7. Islamic
8. Social democracy
Direct Democracy – Direct democracy is when citizens vote for a policy directly. If the
government needs to pass a law or policy, then it goes to the people. The people place a vote on
the issue and through their vote, they decide the fate of their country. When the country's
population is small and educated a direct democracy is a good idea. Switzerland has had an
extensive history of very successful direct democracy. However, most countries are too big so it
makes it too complicated for a direct democracy to work. In these cases, people choose to elect
representatives from their country on their behalf, instead of voting on every issue.
Representative Democracy– Representative democracy is when the citizens choose to vote for who
will represent them in a parliament. Its reputation relies on defending the rights of most of the
people in the state and also the minorities. Australia and New Zealand are examples of countries
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What is a Community? Essay example
A community is established when more than two people share the same values and through time this
personal connection evolves into a fellowship governed by rituals, traditions, and a particular form
of communication that when taken together makes a group of individuals whether living in a
specific geographical area or connected by ideals so distinct that their distinguishing marks allow
them to stand out from among the crowd. They do not just believe in something like an organization
but they need each other to survive and thrive. A good example is the Old OrderAmish Mennonite
community wherein the community serves as source of identity, strength and provides the reason
why they should sustain the community's way of life. more content...
Communities are affected, and in a sense defined by, forces that affect community members and their
space. The forces can range from outside organizations such as the government and large
corporations ... These components of the community vary infinitely, and thus no two communities
are the same; even a given community is not the same over time (Cnaan & Milofsky, p. 1)
Based on this definition it is interesting to note that the Old Order Amish Mennoite community
satisfies the requirements of place, interests and communion. Aside from being a perfect example of
a community the Amish people exemplify what it means to be a part of a community that it is their
source of identity, strength, and sustainability. Each individual exists for the community but as a
whole the community nurtures each member and therefore it is unthinkable for an Amish man or
woman to leave their community behind. On the other hand many Americans feel they must "get
involved." In public life as well as in private, we can discern the habits that sustain individualism and
commitment as well as what makes them problematic. (Bellah, p.74) For the Amish Mennonite
community the purpose of the community is very clear. First, it provides them a sense of identity,
not only who they are as of the present but also helps them to trace their origins and the reason for
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Different Types of Art Forms
In this essay, I will describe four different art forms. I will include painting, dance, music, and
theatre. The characteristics of each discipline will be listed along with brief explanations of how
each element is unique to the discipline. Oils are one of the oldest forms of art expression. The
oils are used most often because of the ability of the artist to rework the piece because of a slow
drying process. An artist can use defined lines or softened shades to draw attention to a specific
object. The paint may be blended to soften a color, or the artist may choose to use a pronounced
brush stroke to intensify an object. Water color is also used in painting to create a different type of
painting An artist more content...
Pantomime is used to act out dramatic scenarios without using words. It is unique because it can also
incorporate sign language. Rhythm is also used in dance. It is related to all dance movements
forming patterns with or without music. Mise–en–scene is the environment formed for an audience.
One must be able to see the lifelike elements of a production. Music is a unique form of art
expression. A Cantata usually consists of one or more solo artists and also an instrumental
ensemble. The word cantata is was once considered a piece that was sung. Most cantatas last
around twenty five minutes and include several different movements, including choruses, duets, or
sometimes arias. A Symphony is an orchestral composition. It is a large work that explores the full
range of the orchestral ensemble. There is a sequence of movements that takes the listener on a
journey of both fast and slow movements. Most symphonies last between twenty five and forty five
minutes. Opera is considered a combination of the purest qualities of all the arts. Opera combines
drama and music into a single art form. It opera music is the most dominant element. The addition
of other elements such as scenery, plot, costumes, and the use of the stage makes opera dramatically
different from other art forms. An Oratorio is a large scale composition. It is most often set to a
narrative biblical text. The story unfolds through a series of choruses, arias, duets,
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My Dream Job: Being a Lawyer Essay examples
"The jury has made their decision, the plaintiff has been found guilty." These are the words that
one day I will finally hear. My future goal is to be a lawyer. A lawyer is a professional person
authorized to practice law. They defend or prosecute people for the crimes they have committed.
( I am very out spoken and believe in fighting for what I want or think is right.
Being a lawyer means that there are many responsibilities to carry out. It takes a great deal of
timing and patience to finish the job,which I'm sure I can handle. Being a lawyer can be a tough
job to work on. All you have to do is work as much as you can to succeed on the case. A beginning
lawyer makes about $25,000–$128,000 a year. (Pasternak & more content...
If you receive retirement, benefits in the form of pension or annuity payments from a qualified
employer retirement plan. The amounts you receive may be fully taxable or partly taxable.
An aspiring lawyer must enter law school and complete a Juris doctor program. However, before
applying to law school, an undergraduate degree must first be completed. In some places, a drug
test is randomly completed. ( Lawyer's students set on a career in law need to
continue getting good grades in their university life, and not make the error of thinking that it is only
the end–of–third–year exam performance that counts. First and second–year exam results are taken
into account by firms and chambers when considering applicants for work experience, as well as
training contracts/pupils. ( Personally this is something I wouldn't need
to adjust to being growing up my mom always made sure I was on track with my school work.
Some skills are needed as stated in "The Criminal Justice Lawyer on page 1" it says "the ability to
write high quality legal briefs that successfully present the client's case". A lawyer needs to have a
lot of knowledge of the law and the rights of the people. They should also know how to analyze
legal issues in light of the existing state of the law. ( It is also important
to know the road in which the law is headed, and important policy
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Platos Forms Essay examples
I. Introduction
I intend to show the validity of Plato's arguments about his theory of Forms. Aristotle, along with
others, cross–examines Plato's proposals. Yet, I happen to see the potential of his point of view and
would like to take a deeper look into his theory. The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the
theory of Plato's Forms from his perspective and that of several others, including Aristotle.
The topics in which I will mainly focus on will be Forms as universals, Forms as separate entities (
substances), Universe as two realities, and Forms as final causes. For the most part, the topics are
interwoven together yet I will try to separate them more content...
Denyer uses the example of gold in his ring, stating that the ring is composite while the gold in his
ring is incomposite. As for particulars and forms, they are in the same sense respectively. In
conclusion, Nicholas claims that "Plato's theory of forms is not a grotesque misunderstanding
of universals; it is a sober, intelligent, and largely true account of the elemental stuffs from which the
world is made" (315). In Aristotle's Metaphysics, Plato claimed that the "elements of the
Forms are the elements of all things" which filters in with Denyer's consideration of Forms
being chemical elements (Apostle 24).
Topic #2: Forms as Substances
In Aristotle's Criticism of Plato and the Academy, Heraclitean affirms the existence of Ideas
(Forms). In his argument, he refers to Ideas as separated universals. He persuaded that "all
sensible things are in constant flux, so that if there is to be knowledge of anything there must be
apart from the sensibles some other entities (or substances) which are stable, for there is no
knowledge of the things that are in flux" (186). Many who once believed in the existence of
Forms as separate entities did so because they were persuaded by Heraclitean arguments (Cherniss).
More support for Plato's theory that Forms exist as substances can also be found in Cherniss' novel.
It can be assumed that Aristotle thought
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Essay Form Example

  • 1. Perspectives Essay examples Perspectives Life Span & Introduction to Sociology PSYC–2314–S03 In class we have been discussing the analogy of perspectives. A perspective is a way of seeing, also thought of as a 'point of view'. This mental view or outlook can both enhance and constrain how we view the world in our own eyes. In the field of psychology and sociology there are many ways to perceive our world in which we live. No one perspective alone can define the world. Each perspective has its own distinctive strengths and blind spots. In class we have discussed different theories and analogies to better understand the complexity of perspectives. Perspectives will both facilitate and constrain perception. A good example of this statement is the more content... Even when that one perspective may not be the most accurate way of viewing something in a particular situation, it can be tempting neglect other perspectives or "tools". The example given in class was Freud and his psychosexual theories. Freud believed that everything we did was a result of our sexual desires. Freud's only "tool", or perspective, was this belief , and he used it when viewing everything, even when it may have not been the best "tool for the job". Most of us have heard the term "seeing is believing", but in class we discussed that "believing is seeing". When you already believe something and have an idea implanted in your memory it will alter what you think you are seeing. In class we observed many slides of different pictures portraying how believing is seeing. One specific example from the slide show was one image that contained two completely different pictures depending on how you looked at the picture. Before showing us the image for the first time the pervious slide stated "Cowboys Crossing the Creek". When the image appeared you automatically saw cowboys on horses crossing a creek. Then we were shown a slide stating "Faces Everywhere". This time when the same exact image was shown for the second time, you saw faces everywhere in the image. This is because you already had an idea placed in your mind causing you to see what you already believe. Referring to the familiar Get more content on
  • 2. Poetry Form Essay Poems are a form of writing with a set meter. Most poems have an end rhyme scheme to accompany the meter. Poems, like short stories, have symbols. Although short story symbols were not the easiest to identify, the symbols in poems are sometimes even harder to determine. Poems also include metaphors, imagery, a certain tone, and always have a set audience. Lyrics are the most obvious type of poetry to date. A song has a rhythm and when the lyrics are sung to the beat a poem is created. Lyrics are not the only form of poetry. There are many different forms poetry can take on. Sonnets are probably the second most known form of poetry. Sonnets are made up of 14 lines, have end rhyme, and have a meter. There are two main forms of asonnet; Shakespearean (English) and Petrarchan (Italian). The Italian sonnet was created by a man named Petrarch in the 14th century. This sonnet is made up of an octave (8 lines) and a sestet (6 lines) adding up to the sonnets grand total of 14 lines. A Volta, or dramatic change in the emotion, comes after the octave. The theme of the Petrarchan sonnet can generally be found within the ending sestet. Two centuries later a new type of sonnet was born. The Shakespearean sonnet was created by none other than the late William Shakespeare. The English sonnet is made up of three quatrains (4 lines) and an ending couplet (2 lines) creating the iconic 14 lines. The Volta comes after the 3rd quatrain leaving the couplet as the space for the poems theme. Both Get more content on
  • 3. English Form 1 Assessment Paper Name: Date: English Form 1 Model Test This test consists of 40 questions. Each question is followed by three or four possible answers A, B and C or A, B, C and D. For each question, choose ONE answer only and circle your answer. Questions 1 – 10 are based on the information given. SECTION A ART GALLERY 1 The sign tells us to A turn left at the junction. B walk to enjoy the Art Gallery. C turn left to get to the Art Gallery. 7 February Dear Yan Dong, I'm sorry but my sister and I will not be able to attend your birthday party tomorrow. My grandmother passed away this morning. My family and I are going to more content... B are sad to leave the country. C have to pay for their studies. D will be studying in another country. SECTION B Question 11 – 18 are based on the following text. To Malaysians, the name Malacca is almost synonymous with history. School students (11) that the name is associated with many important historical dates and names in the history of Malaya and later, Malaysia. Malacca's rich and multicultural history(12) due to the succession of conquerors – the British, Dutch and Portuguese. All left(13) mark and legacy on Malacca. History is coincidentally a prime reason (14) visiting the city of Malacca. This is (15) it is one of the must–visit places for tourists in Malaysia. Visitors to this wonderful city will not be disappointed. There are enough historical sites and streets to (16) them busy for more than just a few days. Many of the popular sites can be visited by just walking from one place to another. And then there is the option of(17) a trishaw ride. The trishaw service is also part of the city's history. (18) trishaw is colourfully and flamboyantly decorated to add to the experience. Do not forgo a visit to this historical city. 11 A knowC knows15 A Get more content on
  • 4. Reflection On My English 101 Experience Reflecting on My English 101 Experience I used to consider writing as tumble words from your mind, write, read it through, fix minor mistakes, and done. However, you rarely get successful. The truth is many students, including myself, struggle with starting to write a word, or getting stuck in the middle without knowing the main point of the writing. After completing English 101, I can explain the writing process, evaluate the strengths of my essay, and identify my weaknesses. Throughout English 101, I learned that the following the writing process was imperative. Before taking this class, I use to always skip the pre–writing step considering that it is just an easy and unnecessary step. Consequently, I struggled to figure how to start writing, and most importantly I struggled to figure out the main point while writing the draft. And then I finish the first draft close to the deadline that I do not have time to read it not to mention revising. It was after I started this class that learned that pre–writing is vital, and requires time and attention as it holds the base of the whole writing. My professor used different analogies such as blueprint for building and map for navigation to explain the importance. It really speeded up my writing after I started to utilize it. I have learned outlining before, but part of the pre–writing that I was fortunate enough to learning in English 101 is the writing triangle. Even before outlining, the topic, purpose, and audience of the Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Mathematics and Art Mathematics and art are two areas of knowledge that demonstrate different degrees of interaction between critical and creative thinking. Whether considering mathematics or art, creative thinking evaluates a new or original idea containing some degree of value. Critical thinking examines assumptions and challenges a current belief or theory that has previously assumed to be true. Although general assumptions and creativity may be considered separately when considering extreme examples of concrete ideas and abstract ideas, the interplay of critical and creative thinking is one method in which new and validated knowledge is attained. Mathematics is an area of knowledge that may seemingly appear to be concrete, utilizing reason as its more content... Reasoning is required to understand all mathematical problems, but knowledge must have supporting and accepted facts and use reason to justify its formulas or methods. For example, memorizing the area under a bell curve is very different from understanding how it is derived and what it means. Mathematics, however, may also be an area of knowledge in which creative thinking is an integral component. Euclid used the idea of creative thinking in mathematical assumptions in 330 B.C when he introduced the first systematic discussion of geometry. Euclid proved his theories from a finite number of postulates, an idea that had previously never been achieved. These concepts remained unchallenged until the early 19th century when others began using creative thinking to challenge his theories and describe physical space in a plane. Creative problem solving involving mathematics can use sense perception as a way of knowing. In these problems, real life situations require that the student actually understand the concepts rather than memorizing facts from concrete problems. Sense perception is the active, selective and interpretative process of becoming conscious of the external world. For example, when trees in a forest are harvested, mathematics can be used to determine the number of replacement trees by considering the ultimate size of the tree, the preferred space each tree needs for optimal growth, the percentage of trees that do not grow or die, and the length Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Government Government Government! You can't live with it! You can't live without it! It is the "common cold" that everyone dreads. The American Heritage College Dictionary, Third Edition defines government as, "The exercise of authority in a political unit in order to control and administer public policy." Webster's Desk Dictionary of the English Language defines government as, "The political direction and control exercised over a nation, state, community, etc." The common individual might define government as the root of all evil. The thing about government is that no one stops to think about how government came about. Government falls into two categories; monarchy or a republic. A monarchy is a form of government that is always headed by more content... King Fahad has complete control over it's citizens in all aspects pertaining to their country. Laws, punishments, and regulations are in the hands of King Fahad. If the government of a country does not fall into any of these categories, it is a republic. A republic is defined in Webster's Desk Dictionary of the English Language as any government in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. There are three types of republics; dictatorship, oligarchy, or democracy. A dictatorship is a republic ruled by one individual. Cuba has a dictatorship. Fidel Castro is the main contributor to Cuban society. He oversees his people yet allows his people the right to vote him in or out of office. An oligarchy is another type of republic. This type is ruled by a select few. An example of an oligarchic society would be France. King Louis XV is king but he has a complete parliament to assist him in the law making procedure of France. The third type of republic is a democracy. A democracy is defined as a society ruled by the majority. An example of a democratic republic would be the United States. There are four theories that coincide with government; divine, natural, social compact, and force. The divine theory was developed out of religion. The theory states that government ordained itself from God, and its main purpose is Get more content on
  • 7. Grit Essay Examples Grit is a predictor of academic, professional, and personal success. Grit can be defined as strength of character or the ability to overcome failure and continue to work toward success. People with grit are not always the people with the most natural ability, but their work ethic and ability to overcome obstacles allows them to achieve success. Grit is a very valuable characteristic in almost any venture, as it gives someone an advantage in overcoming the inevitable obstacles they will face. However, grit is much easier adopted when an individual has a growth mindset. The first step to obtaining grit is to correlate both self–control and self–confidence when trying to reach an objective. By doing this, one can focus on the task at more content... I had no experience as a runner nor did I have the form. This did not phase me however. That year I promised myself to push through all the six mile runs, sore legs, gnarly blisters, and at times, lack of oxygen. At every meet and speed workout practice I pushed myself further and further. I set a goal every time I kicked off from the starting line and never let myself get discouraged when I failed. By my senior year, I was the fourth fastest runner on varsity. That year our varsity team won the district meet, which qualified us to run in the 2016 state meet in Oregon. The transformation over the years were evident. My determination to accomplish my goal of becoming a faster runner was complete. If I had simply just given up that first day of practice, I wouldn't have ran along side of the fastest runners in Oregon or have met the multitude of people that are now my closest friends. Having a goal sets one up for a challenge, whether it being physically or mentally, goals keep us active and thinking in more ways than one. Still, if someone has self–control, confidence, and a goal, they are still not complete. Growth mindset is the cone to an ice cream. It is the foundation of what I think a successful person is. Without it one couldn't use the characteristics mentioned above in more ways than one. Someone with a growth mindset believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work, brains and talent are just the starting point. Get more content on
  • 8. Ubc Admission Essay Sample Vancouver School of Economics at UBC. I first found my passion for economics was in high school. I took The Introduction to Economics in grade 12 and I received the grade of 92%. Since then I decided to develop a deep understanding of the economy, therefore, I was enrolled in The Vancouver School of Economics (VSE). Studying in VSE required us to deliver a great number of presentations, which has enhanced my confidence and communication skills. Also, this program has promoted leadership skills and teamwork skills which have prepared me well for further study. In my opinion, learning Economics in more than one countries would be helpful with my academic knowledge and a good image for future occupations. It was this idea that motivated me in my current application for the exchange program at University College London in The United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is a country full of cultural diversity, where ancient buildings sit alongside contemporary architecture. The UK is also famous for academics, it is one of the most popular countries to go for earning a high–quality education. The UK institutions rank among the best in the world. Among which, University College London ranks in one of The G5 Group, it is regarded as one of the world's leading and internationally more content... However, I believe I have the intellectual curiosity and strength of character to be successful in this program. It can not only help me to improve my professional knowledge but also benefits my future careers. I am sure my effective communication skills, sufficient knowledge in my fields, and passion for learning will enable me to achieve my goal in UCL. I have a strong desire to attend the University College London because of its highly–rated reputation, its intellectual faculty, comprehensive course offerings, and rich opportunity resources. I hope to achieve the chance to study at UCL. Thank you for considering my Get more content on
  • 9. Essay about Sampling Sampling Carrying out a survey of every single potential consumer (known as population) of a firm's product would be impractical, time–consuming and costly. Businesses still, however, need to collect enough primary data to have a clear idea of the views of consumers. This can be done by taking a sample of the population. This sample group should be made up of consumers that are representative of all potential buyers of the product. There are a number of ways in which a sample can be chosen. Random Sampling This method gives each member of a group an equal chance of being chosen. In other words, the sample is selected at random, rather like picking numbers out of a hat. Today computers more content... So, if the business was interested in how 'class' affected consumers' demand for a food product, it might divide the population up into different class groups, such as working class males, middle class females etc. A random sample could then be chosen from each of these groups by making sure that they were the same proportions of the sample in each category as in population as a whole. So if the population had 10 per cent upper class males, so would the sample. Quota Sampling This sampling method involves the population being segmented into a number of groups which share specific characteristics. These may be based on the age and the sex of the population. Interviewers are then given targets for the number of people out of each segment who they must interview. For example, and interviewer may be asked to interview 10 males between the ages of 18 and 25, or 15 females between the ages of 45 and 60. Once the target is reached, no more people from that group are interviewed. The advantage of this sampling method is that it can be cheaper to operate than many of the others. It is also useful where the proportions of the different groups within the population are known. However, results from quota sampling are not statistically representative of the population and are not randomly chosen. They must therefore be treated with caution. Cluster Sampling This involves Get more content on
  • 10. Sampling Methods Essay Sampling is the framework on which any form of research is carried out. A suitable sample that meets the inclusion and exclusion criteria of a research design must be chosen from a given population to carry out studies. In this essay comparison is made between stratified random sampling and convenience sampling. The population on which the researcher is interested in carrying out his or her research may be too large, therefore a suitable sample which can represent the population in correct proportion must be chosen. Restraints such as limitation of time, resources and many other factors necessitate the selection of a sample for research purpose so that better quality data is obtained from it and that the researcher can make statement more content... The methodological strength and weaknesses of this two sampling methods is discussed in terms of identifying the samples for research, the representativeness it possesses to the general population, the methods and the outcome. Stratified random sampling is a probability sampling where the selection of sampling unit is left to a random process, all units in the sample has an equal and non–zero chance of being selected on a probability ground or chance and not on the choice or judgement of the researcher (Sim,J and Wright,C. 2000,). Convenience sampling is an example of non probability sampling where the selection of the units is not by chance, rather it is dependent on the researcher's judgement, the researcher decides the samples to be included in the study which may be subject to availability, time, individual preferences etc. The probability of selection of a particular sampling unit may or may not be known. Stratified random sampling is commonly done in quantitative researches. When the samples reflect the characteristics of the target population in the same proportion; assumptions can be made on generalizing the data acquired from these samples provided it has been done correctly, since it is statistically representative (Sim,J and wright,C.,2000) but sampling error Get more content on
  • 11. Forms Or Universals As human beings we are confronted every day with a physical and "real" world, most of us would not question the legitimacy or the existence of the things that we encounter on a daily basis. but, what is reality? where does it take place? Is reality independent or dependent on our thinking and perceptions? Philosophers have struggled to answer these questions, Plato's most influential theory is specifically an attempt to establish the place in which reality transpires. This theory is known as the theory of Forms or Universals. Plato believes that the physical world where humans dwell is not a real world, for Plato "true" reality exists beyond our objective world. In the Republic, Plato talks about the physical and the spiritual realm. The more content... as a matter of facts, the changes that are perceived in the physical world do not change the essence of being (reality) but changes within being. He is also a dualist, he believes there are two worlds but you cannot separate the reality, in other words, there is only one world. In his dialogue with Parmenides Plato presents the idea that universals are unique while at the same time sharing some sort of the distinctiveness of what Parmenides understands as being. But universals are in many places at once and in many shapes but without losing its Form. He does the same process as he presents the idea of being different. Plato meets Parmenides' own grounds, by showing that not because you are not something it means that you lose your status of being, but in reality, you are just different.(164–172) In the case of Heraclitus, he argued that what is real is in total flux. He believes that we cannot have the absolute truth or knowledge that Plato is presenting through the theory of Forms but rather believes that everything is in "universal flux." So, if things are changing how is it possible to know something based on appearances. In his own words, you cannot step in the same river twice. The water you step in the first time is not there anymore, so you cannot bring the past back, change is the way of truth. In simple words, truth is in a constant state of being and not being. Get more content on
  • 12. The nursing process Essay The standards of practice describe a competent level of nursing care as exhibited by the critical thinking model known as the nursing process. This practice includes the areas of assessment, diagnosis, outcome identification, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The nursing process includes significant actions taken by registered nurses (RN) and forms the foundation of the nurse's decision–making ("American Nurses Association," 2010). Assessment is the accurate collection of comprehensive data pertinent to the patient's health or the situation ("American Nurses Association," 2010). Assessment is the first step in the nursing process and the most important. Assessment is the accurate collection of the patient's health more content... It is during the second phase that the nurse must establish a nursing diagnosis. Only diagnosis approved and listed through The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) may be used. Ineffective airway clearance, risk for impaired skin integrity, risk for infection and ineffective coping are just a few examples of NANDA approved diagnosis. A nursing diagnosis is a clinical judgment about actual or potential individual, family, or community experiences/responses to health problems/life processes. A nursing diagnosis provides the basis for selection of nursing interventions to achieve outcomes for which the nurse has accountability (Defining the Knowledge," 2012). The third standard of practice is outcomes identification. During this phase, the registered nurse identifies expected outcomes for a plan individualized to the patient or the situation ("American Nurses Association," 2010). During this step outcomes must be derived from the nursing diagnosis and must be measurable, realistic and attainable by the patient. The registered nurse involves the patient, family, heath care providers, and others in formulating expected outcomes when possible and appropriate. The registered nurse must also consider associated risks, benefits, costs, current scientific evidence, expected trajectory of the condition, and clinical expertise when formulating outcomes ("American Nurses Association," 2010). Example of an Get more content on
  • 13. Smart Goals Essay Smart Goals Essay Vanessa Goins Grand Canyon University MGT–605 (MGT–605–0103) Leadership Professor Andree Swanson March 21, 2013 Out of the three goals, (Personal, educational, and professional) I chose two of the goals that I am focusing on and that is my personal and educational goals. For my personal goals, I want to create a big picture of what I plan to do in life. Then I want to break them down in order to reach my goals, then once I have them together, then I would start working on them to achieve them. For example(Specific and Measurable goals), I plan on finding a job that has great benefits and the best rate of pay, and one that does not require working on weekends(Monday–Friday only), and not working more content... I plan on earning my Master's Degree within a year of Graduation. While I am currently in school, I will rely on my instructors, academic counselors, graduation team, the GCU Online Library, and the school's other resources that will give me additional help when I need them. If I feel lost or a subject seems too difficult, then I will ask e–mail my instructors and let he or she know that I am having difficulty and that I need help. If I am feeling overwhelmed about school, I will seek the help and advice of my academic counselor to help me come up with a solution to help me feel relaxed and not stressed with taking online classes. I know that I will be successful if I always ask and seek help here at GCU. After all of this being said, I believe that I am a D1 in the development level, which is "The Enthusiastic Beginner" (Low Competence/High Commitment). I would be enthusiastic and be highly committed to doing my job if I were to have a certain position or even as a student in school on certain levels in my program, but at the same time, I would and still do not yet know all of the ropes yet. Right now I consider myself a very curious, inexperienced person who does quite have the skills required for the job in hand or the things that I have learned in school so far, but I am yet hopeful that I will learn to develop and learn more and more skills in the near future. References Fowler, S. B., Blanchard, Get more content on
  • 14. Personal Self Assessment Essay Self assessment is a process in which you examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more about yourself. Your likes, dislikes, behaviors, attitudes and habits can be found during this process. You can use the discoveries to your advantage by accepting or changing strengths and weaknesses. I plan on using this course to enhance my personal skills to become a better student and find success in earning my Bachelor of Arts degree at Ashford University in Social Science.Self Assessment is the first step in my successful future. I can remember in high school, it seemed like I was always one of the last students finished with a test. I was sometimes slower at completing a written paper or an assignment. In open more content... I have discovered some interesting things I have noticed in myself before taking this course. For example, my learning style I have noticed is the visual learning style. With this, I prefer to see and read information to full gain comprehension. If I forget the data, or not clearly understand it the first time read, I have the option of reading it over. I do not always trust myself to absorb all information the first time around. I take a lot of notes to look at. Notes help me remember even though I may not read the again, I can refer to them in my mind after writing them down. I am not sure if just anyone reading them would get anything out of it, but at least I know what they mean. I like to take my time with material, but am not always given the allotted time to do so. I also like to keep a written list of things to do to refer to. I am comfortable with my learning style, accepted it as my very own. I am not sure if changing it this late in life is such a good idea. I have got by this far, it must work out for me. I have identified my personality style as being extroverted, one who becomes easily energized by others, and outwardly expressing thoughts as long as I am fully understanding context and material being discussed. If I have no idea what is being addressed, I am better of keeping quiet to save myself from Get more content on
  • 15. Forms Of Democracy What is Democracy? A democracy is a system of government where the citizens have the right to elect government representatives who jointly create a government body for the entire nation. In a democratic government, people have certain rights that the government can't take away from them; these rights are guaranteed. The eight main forms of democracy are: 1. Direct democracy 2. Representative democracy 3. Presidential democracy 4. Parliamentary democracy 5. Authoritarian democracy 6. Participatory democracy 7. Islamic democracy 8. Social democracy Direct Democracy – Direct democracy is when citizens vote for a policy directly. If the government needs to pass a law or policy, then it goes to the people. The people place a vote on the issue and through their vote, they decide the fate of their country. When the country's population is small and educated a direct democracy is a good idea. Switzerland has had an extensive history of very successful direct democracy. However, most countries are too big so it makes it too complicated for a direct democracy to work. In these cases, people choose to elect representatives from their country on their behalf, instead of voting on every issue. Representative Democracy– Representative democracy is when the citizens choose to vote for who will represent them in a parliament. Its reputation relies on defending the rights of most of the people in the state and also the minorities. Australia and New Zealand are examples of countries Get more content on
  • 16. What is a Community? Essay example A community is established when more than two people share the same values and through time this personal connection evolves into a fellowship governed by rituals, traditions, and a particular form of communication that when taken together makes a group of individuals whether living in a specific geographical area or connected by ideals so distinct that their distinguishing marks allow them to stand out from among the crowd. They do not just believe in something like an organization but they need each other to survive and thrive. A good example is the Old OrderAmish Mennonite community wherein the community serves as source of identity, strength and provides the reason why they should sustain the community's way of life. more content... Communities are affected, and in a sense defined by, forces that affect community members and their space. The forces can range from outside organizations such as the government and large corporations ... These components of the community vary infinitely, and thus no two communities are the same; even a given community is not the same over time (Cnaan & Milofsky, p. 1) Based on this definition it is interesting to note that the Old Order Amish Mennoite community satisfies the requirements of place, interests and communion. Aside from being a perfect example of a community the Amish people exemplify what it means to be a part of a community that it is their source of identity, strength, and sustainability. Each individual exists for the community but as a whole the community nurtures each member and therefore it is unthinkable for an Amish man or woman to leave their community behind. On the other hand many Americans feel they must "get involved." In public life as well as in private, we can discern the habits that sustain individualism and commitment as well as what makes them problematic. (Bellah, p.74) For the Amish Mennonite community the purpose of the community is very clear. First, it provides them a sense of identity, not only who they are as of the present but also helps them to trace their origins and the reason for their Get more content on
  • 17. Different Types of Art Forms In this essay, I will describe four different art forms. I will include painting, dance, music, and theatre. The characteristics of each discipline will be listed along with brief explanations of how each element is unique to the discipline. Oils are one of the oldest forms of art expression. The oils are used most often because of the ability of the artist to rework the piece because of a slow drying process. An artist can use defined lines or softened shades to draw attention to a specific object. The paint may be blended to soften a color, or the artist may choose to use a pronounced brush stroke to intensify an object. Water color is also used in painting to create a different type of painting An artist more content... Pantomime is used to act out dramatic scenarios without using words. It is unique because it can also incorporate sign language. Rhythm is also used in dance. It is related to all dance movements forming patterns with or without music. Mise–en–scene is the environment formed for an audience. One must be able to see the lifelike elements of a production. Music is a unique form of art expression. A Cantata usually consists of one or more solo artists and also an instrumental ensemble. The word cantata is was once considered a piece that was sung. Most cantatas last around twenty five minutes and include several different movements, including choruses, duets, or sometimes arias. A Symphony is an orchestral composition. It is a large work that explores the full range of the orchestral ensemble. There is a sequence of movements that takes the listener on a journey of both fast and slow movements. Most symphonies last between twenty five and forty five minutes. Opera is considered a combination of the purest qualities of all the arts. Opera combines drama and music into a single art form. It opera music is the most dominant element. The addition of other elements such as scenery, plot, costumes, and the use of the stage makes opera dramatically different from other art forms. An Oratorio is a large scale composition. It is most often set to a narrative biblical text. The story unfolds through a series of choruses, arias, duets, Get more content on
  • 18. My Dream Job: Being a Lawyer Essay examples "The jury has made their decision, the plaintiff has been found guilty." These are the words that one day I will finally hear. My future goal is to be a lawyer. A lawyer is a professional person authorized to practice law. They defend or prosecute people for the crimes they have committed. ( I am very out spoken and believe in fighting for what I want or think is right. Being a lawyer means that there are many responsibilities to carry out. It takes a great deal of timing and patience to finish the job,which I'm sure I can handle. Being a lawyer can be a tough job to work on. All you have to do is work as much as you can to succeed on the case. A beginning lawyer makes about $25,000–$128,000 a year. (Pasternak & more content... If you receive retirement, benefits in the form of pension or annuity payments from a qualified employer retirement plan. The amounts you receive may be fully taxable or partly taxable. ( An aspiring lawyer must enter law school and complete a Juris doctor program. However, before applying to law school, an undergraduate degree must first be completed. In some places, a drug test is randomly completed. ( Lawyer's students set on a career in law need to continue getting good grades in their university life, and not make the error of thinking that it is only the end–of–third–year exam performance that counts. First and second–year exam results are taken into account by firms and chambers when considering applicants for work experience, as well as training contracts/pupils. ( Personally this is something I wouldn't need to adjust to being growing up my mom always made sure I was on track with my school work. Some skills are needed as stated in "The Criminal Justice Lawyer on page 1" it says "the ability to write high quality legal briefs that successfully present the client's case". A lawyer needs to have a lot of knowledge of the law and the rights of the people. They should also know how to analyze legal issues in light of the existing state of the law. ( It is also important to know the road in which the law is headed, and important policy Get more content on
  • 19. Platos Forms Essay examples I. Introduction Purpose I intend to show the validity of Plato's arguments about his theory of Forms. Aristotle, along with others, cross–examines Plato's proposals. Yet, I happen to see the potential of his point of view and would like to take a deeper look into his theory. The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the theory of Plato's Forms from his perspective and that of several others, including Aristotle. Topics The topics in which I will mainly focus on will be Forms as universals, Forms as separate entities ( substances), Universe as two realities, and Forms as final causes. For the most part, the topics are interwoven together yet I will try to separate them more content... Denyer uses the example of gold in his ring, stating that the ring is composite while the gold in his ring is incomposite. As for particulars and forms, they are in the same sense respectively. In conclusion, Nicholas claims that "Plato's theory of forms is not a grotesque misunderstanding of universals; it is a sober, intelligent, and largely true account of the elemental stuffs from which the world is made" (315). In Aristotle's Metaphysics, Plato claimed that the "elements of the Forms are the elements of all things" which filters in with Denyer's consideration of Forms being chemical elements (Apostle 24). Topic #2: Forms as Substances In Aristotle's Criticism of Plato and the Academy, Heraclitean affirms the existence of Ideas (Forms). In his argument, he refers to Ideas as separated universals. He persuaded that "all sensible things are in constant flux, so that if there is to be knowledge of anything there must be apart from the sensibles some other entities (or substances) which are stable, for there is no knowledge of the things that are in flux" (186). Many who once believed in the existence of Forms as separate entities did so because they were persuaded by Heraclitean arguments (Cherniss). More support for Plato's theory that Forms exist as substances can also be found in Cherniss' novel. It can be assumed that Aristotle thought Get more content on