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Essay about Infection Control
Nosocomial infections refers to infections acquired during hospitalization, with symptoms usually occurring within forty–eight hours after admission.
The origin of nosocomial infections can be attributed to the following: – Bacterial flora already present in the patient; – Microorganisms from the
environment through transmission from: carriers colonized at admission, admitted to wards without undergoing surveillance, isolation or eradication of
the germ(s); patients who have developed the infection but who have not been isolated;contact with contaminated objects and surfaces; medical
personnel, usually via their hands; invasive procedures such as the installation or maintenance of a device(1). The current probability of infection in more content...
The increase in infection–related health activity is the result of a gradual increase in specific risk factors such as antibiotic pressure and the greater
complexity of patients' conditions. Despite their strong impact, both socially and economically, the surveillance systems and programs currently
deployed for the prevention of nosocomial infections are quite dishomogeneous and, in many situations, do not exist at all. There are two main
discriminating factors in this critical situation. The first relates to the chronic lack of funds for a serious policy of prevention, particularly in terms of
an effective screening process. The second concerns the lack of accurate knowledge and widespread awareness on the part of health–care operators
who are apparently unable to see the problem, in its complexity, as a factor that impacts on all health–care processes, be that at regional or hospital
level. Another crucial element to consider is the emergence of bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics,given the widespread use of these drugs as a
prophylactic or a therapeutic regimen. Main Body i) How MRSA relates to the disease symptoms Non–specific resistance, to an invading organism, or
pathogen, is a defence mechanism the body employs to protect itself from attack (Tortora and Grabowski 1996). Inflammation, response to bacterial
invasion, occurs due to release of chemicals in the bloodstream
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Unwashed Hands Essay
Universal Precaution: Infection Control Hand–Washing
Prevention and infection control is very critical for all health care settings. There are many activities that can be performed in order to limit the spread
of infection and to provide a safe and controlled environment for not only the patients but also the staff and visitors at any healthcare facilities. "Hand
hygiene (HH) in the healthcare setting is considered as an important infection control measure in the prevention of HAIs (Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention 2002)"( Avsar, G., Kasikci, M., & Yagci, N. ,2015).Hand washing is a simple but effective more content...
Nurses are required to learn, understand and follow the correct technique of hand washing since they are the ones that spend the most time with the
patients. Raising awareness to hand washing is very important to help control infection and reduce mortality rates. It is one of the most effective
methods to prevent cross contamination. CDC has set guidelines for healthcare workers to follow to give an understanding of the when it is necessary
to wash hands in a health care setting. Hand washing not only is important in a health care facility, but also equally important everywhere from ones
home to a public place in order to control infection
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Infection Control Case Study
Infection control awareness was raised to inform the staff the important strategies used to prevent infection and how to prevent it. And also to make
sure staff are abiding to hospital policies and procedure. I had conference meeting with Director of infection control nurse and infection control nurse.
I had the opportunity to interact and educated the nurses on how to prevent infection through hand washing. I demonstrated the knowledge of infection
control and how to prevent and control it. The mission and goals of the organization at Mid Hudson Regional Hospital is located on the walls of the
facility and on the internet where it is visibily to everyone.
I was able to discuss how to prevent infection with several healthcare more content...
It is our ethical duty to protect the rights of each patients.One ethical issue that arise is the
MHRH is driven on evidenced based research for their processes. I did some research on infection control policies before deciding on what topic to
address and before meeting with the Infection Control Nurse.
I worked with the infection control nurse in raising awareness on infection control. Handouts on how to prevent infection was given to most of the staff
including my preceptor, Nursing Supervisors and administrators. Evidenced based research asserted that proper hand hygiene will help in reducing and
preventing infection.
I was able to observe and question the staff about the use of infection control protocols for the prevention of infection.
MHRH has many updated protocols and policies and they are in compliance with CDC. Information on how to prevent infection is in the Infection
Control manual. I questioned some of the nursing staff on how they would prevent infection.
Handouts on how to prevent infection was developed for all the staff including the nurses and the managers.
I determined the effect of infection on patients. There is policy in place on how to prevent infection (hand
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infection control
Unit ICO1 The principles of infection prevention and control
Outcome 1 Understand roles and responsibilities in the prevention and control of infections
1.The main roles and responsibilities of the employee in relation to prevention and control of infection are as follows:
To use protective clothing when needed to stop cross contamination. This includes gloves, aprons and masks.
To wash hands regularly and effectively. This needs to be done after handling food, personal care, toileting etc.
To ensure your health doesn't pose a risk to others. This can be if you have been vomiting, cold symptoms etc. To avoid cross contamination.
To ensure your hygiene is good at all times as not to pose a risk to others by passing on germs more content...
It could be fatal resulting in death.
Outcome 4 Understand the importance of risk assessment in relation to the prevention and control of infections
1.Risk is a situation, action or event that may cause harm or damage to an individual or to yourself. Risk of infection can be not hand washing, not
cleaning equipment after use and not disposing of clinical waste safely and properly as not to cause cross contamination.
2.Infections are unavoidable in the care home as there are so many risks. Potential risks can include the poor hygiene of a resident. This can be
caused by them refusing to wash or bathe. Food poisoning is a risk if the kitchen and food surface aren't kept clean at all times. Another potential risk
is not cleaning equipment after use, as this can cross contaminate others causing harm to them. You must also make sure you dispose of clinical waste
in the correct way, in the correct bins and tie bags up straight away as this can lead to a risk of infection.
3. Five steps to risk assessment can be followed to ensure that your risk assessment is carried out correctly, these steps are as follows:
Identify the hazards – Hazards can be identified by using a number of different techniques. This can include walking around the workplace, asking
employees and asking family members.
Who might be harmed and how? – Once hazards have been identified you need to understand who will be harmed and how. This could be the resident
themselves, the staff or visitors.
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The Prevention Of Infection Control
The purpose of this essay is to tackle the importance of infection control. It will begin with presenting the prevalence of infection in the health care
setting. It will provide discussion infection control practices and measures that will break the chain of infection while presenting the problems or issues
that arise in such practices. A wide range of literature will be provided in order to support arguments. At the end of this essay, recommendation and
inputs for future practice will be discussed. Infection control is becoming a major issue and concern for the health sector all over the world especially
with the increasing and alarming antibiotic resistant infections. (DH, 2003) In the health care sector in New Zealand and other developed countries,
healthcare associated infection is one of the most common adverse events, four to ten percentage of patients acquire one or more infections during their
time in the hospital . (HQSC, 2015) It is known that infection has increased significantly hospital cost and lengthening hospitalisation stay, in addition,
25,000 patient death has been associated with infection . (Borton & Mcleane , 2000) However, despite the ominous number, the situation can be
improved through simple measure with strict implementation to prevent the chain of infection from being completed. The World Health
Organizationhas identified the Infection Control Program to hold a unique and vital position in the field of patient health, safety and quality as it
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Infection Control In Health Care Essay
Infection control within a healthcare facility is the prevention of the spread of many microorganisms from patient to patient, patient to a member of
staff and also from the staff member to the patient that are in there care. The World Health Organisation have defined healthcare associated infections
as an infection occurring in a patient in a hospital or other healthcare facility in whom the infection was not present or incubating at the time of
admission. Every healthcare facility from hospitals to general practitioners office should have a designated member of staff or a team of people who
ensure that the infection control procedures are abided by and adhered to at all times in order to protect both staff and patients. More than 300,000
people each year are affected by a healthcare associated infection and the cost of treatment for these patients is over ВЈ3,000 and there is also the cost
of treatment after discharge.
The Standard Precautions
Standard precautions are set in place in order to prevent the transmission of infections from one individual to another. There are numerous ways in
which infections can spread if standard precautions are not met:
Person to person via hands of healthcare providers, patients and visitors more content...
Protective clothing does not have to be worn at all times within the facility as there is a chance that instead of preventing the infection they could also
carry around the healthcare associated infections if it is worn when it is not necessary. Before any member of the healthcare team decides to wear any
kind of protective clothing it is important that they assess the risk of the transmission of the infection to themselves and the patient. Protective clothing
must be worn at all times when there are bodily fluids, blood, secretions or excretions from the patient as this will prevent any
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Infection Control Essay
Nursing Procedures Followed to Control and Prevent Nosocomial / Hospital Acquired Infection's (HCAI'S) Table of Contents Table of
Contents.................................................................................Page 1 Essay.................................................................................................Page 2 – 7
Reference List......................................................................................Page 8 The Nursing Procedures Followed to Control and Prevent Nosocomial
/ Hospital Acquired Infection's (HCAI'S) This essay will explore the subject Infection Control and how Healthcare Professionals control and prevent
nosocomial or hospital acquired infections (HCAI's), defined as an "infection whose development is favoured by a hospital environment, such as one
acquired by a patient during a hospital visit or one developing among hospital staff" Oxford more content...
Due to the staphylococcus aureus strains becoming antibiotic–resistant towards penicillin alternative treatments were developed, meticillin, cloxacillin
and flucloxacillin, from using penicillin as its base and are able to treat such infections. A service user who may be considered as compromised
are those individuals that are more vulnerable and therefore at a greater risk to infection, an example of which is a service user with reduced
immunity. These said service users or individuals would make it far easier for pathogens to enter the body than it would of a healthy individual.
Another factor that would make it far easier for these pathogens to enter would be the use of an invasive device and/or procedure that bypasses the
body's normal and first line of defence, which is the skin. For instance, a ventilator or catheter, which is a flexible tube inserted through a narrow
opening into a body cavity, duct or vessel. An example of this is when a catheter is used within the bladder to allow drainage and elimination of fluid,
therefore diligent hand hygiene is the most proficient way in reducing transmission of nosocomial infections during the provision of care to such
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Academic Literacy: Reflective essay17 Aug. 14
Gillian van Aardt – 214097226
Infection Control:
In the hospital or clinical environment infection control must be exercised for the better health of the patient and to avoid exposure to the healthcare
worker. Infection is the establishment and growth of a pathogen inside the human body. Infection control is thus the management of these infections to
prevent injury to the patient resulting in disease. In the diagnostic ultrasound department, the good use of infection control is critical to avoiding
contamination from patient to patient and to the sonographer because of the close proximity to each other and repeated use of medical equipment. Due
to the wide use of ultrasound for diagnosis, the sonographer is exposed to a wider variety of potential more content...
Being immune compromised, or immunosuppressed, these patients are at risk of acquiring further infections in the hospital environment. Such hospital
acquired infections are called nosocomial infections. The greater need for medical attention of a patient, the higher the risk of acquiring a nosocomial
infection. Some pathogens which cause infection use the opportunity of an immune compromised patient, to grow and reproduce where in normal
circumstances it could not do this. In diagnostic medical sonography, the sonographer is very close to the patient physically which provides a gateway
for infection to spread from the sonographer to the patient and vice versa. It is thus important not to go to work sick for the patient and their own health.
The hospital is home to many pathogens due to the amount of patients suffering from infection, and because these patients are immunosuppressed,
healthcare workers need to be vigilant about controlling the spread of infection to provide quality care to the
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Infection Control Practices
Infection prevention and control practices should be included in job descriptions, as it enables staff to be aware from the very moment of starting work
the company's expectations of them. This prompts them to take on board policies and procedures in relation to infection control and the importance of
it in creating a safe environment. Any failing of the staff can then be brought to focus from within the job description, as this requires a signature from
them in agreement that they understand what is outlaid in their job description.
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Infection Control Essay
Reflective Essay
Word count
Placement , Infection Control Team
Dip/HE Adult Nursing
This reflective essay is based upon my experience working alongside the Infection Prevention and Control Support Nurses at the general hospital. As
part of my learning experience as a 2nd year student nurse is to accompany the infection control nurses when visiting the wards The role of the IPCSN
involved teaching, educating and advising all disciplines across the Trust, monitoring outbreaks and daily surveillance.
I will structure this essay using Gibbs Model of Reflection (Gibbs 1988). Reflective learning helps practitioners analyse their experiences and how they
think and feel about them more content...
Staff were advised to encourage fluids especially with the patient's suspected with nurovirus and commence them on a Bristol stool chart in order to
monitor the diarrhoea a food chart and fluid balance chart to keep a record of the input and output. By documenting the information correctly enables
nurses adhere to the NMC code for good record keeping (NMC 2009) who recommend that stating the date, time, signing and printing alongside is
good practice.
On reflection I have learned by being with the IPCT the importance of sending samples off when the first episode of diarrhoea and vomiting occurs
leasing with team members. The IPCT emphasises prompt screening of suspecting patients for a norovirus as early detection of the signs can prevent
an outbreak on the ward. I have become aware that the mode of transmission of norovirus means it is not always possible to avoid becoming infected
(Nursing Times 2011). The trust provides mandatory training to inform nursing staff on the most recent infection control measures in practice. Hence,
good hygiene and the isolation of infected individuals can limit the spread. Good communication is important with all visitors and staff, including
However, everybody who has contact with the patient or the environment is entitled to relevant information that will enable them to reduce the risks of
transmission to
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Why Is Infection Control Important? Essay
Why is Infection Control Important? Infection control is very important in the health care profession. It's very important that we as a dental assistant
make sure we follow the guidelines to protect the patient, the community and ourselves. Health care professionals, who do not practice proper infection
control, can expose multiple bacteria and diseases to others. The main objective is to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases from both patients
and health personnel. Today, infection control is a continuous concern for its professionals. We have to contact patients routinely and be exposed to
their blood, saliva, dental plaque and pus that may contain infectious pathogens. It is important for the dental professionals to treat these fluids as if
they are infectious and take special precautions when handling them. In this essay, I will go in detail of infection control practices in dental clinics and
how infectious microorganisms are transmitted in the dental clinic. Also, I will talk about some infection control guidelines that are important in dental
clinics and how to protect the dental professional environment and dental professions. There are two types of diseases that dental professions should be
aware of which are communicable disease and disease transmission. Communicable disease is one that is spread from one person to another through a
variety of ways that include: contact with blood and bodily fluids; breathing in an airborne virus; or by being bitten
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Infection Control in Dental Care Essay
Infection control is a central concept to every practice of health care providers. Its main objective is to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases
from both patients and health personnel (Martin et al., 2010). In dental clinic, infection control is a continuous concern for its professionals. They have
to contact patients routinely and be exposed to their blood, saliva, dental plaque and pus that may contain infectious pathogens. It is important for the
dental professionals to treat these fluids as if they are infectious and special precautions must be taken to handle them. In this essay, I will highlight the
scope of infection control practices in dental clinics and the ways through which infectious microorganisms are more content...
Modes of infection: There are four ways through which infectious diseases in dental clinics may be transmitted from patients to dental professionals
(Szymanska, 2005). Infectious diseases might be contracted directly from the patients to dentists, hygienists or dental assistants through blood–borne
bacteria and saliva. The contamination might happen from a needle stick, other accidental injuries of sharp instruments, or through an aerosol of
blood, saliva or gingival secretions. Also, they might be contracted indirectly through transfer of microorganisms from a contaminated object in the
clinic (Bednarsh & Molinri, 2010). Also, the contamination might occur as a result of spatter of blood, saliva, or nasopharyngeal secretions directly
onto broken or intact skin. The fourth way is through aerosolization which means the transmission of infectious microorganisms in the air of the
dental clinic (Rautemaa et al., 2006). Blood and saliva borne bacteria are mainly the reason for some serious infectious diseases (Szymanska, 2005,
Martin et al., 2009). For example, Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a known virus that may be contracted in dental clinics. Investigation of the presence of
the virus in the oral fluids of hepatitis B carriers showed that %70 of their sample were infectious (Molinari & Harte, 2010). The greatest concentration
of the HBV is under the gingival sulucs where this area is inflamed routinely and allows blood to mix
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infection control
The principles of infection prevention and control
Outcome 1
Explain employee's roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection
1 'It is our responsibility as employees to take precautionary measures to prevent and control the spread of infection in the workplace; this involves
working safely to protect myself, other staff, visitors and individuals from infections. Some of the legislation and regulations that relate to the control
and prevention of infection include the Health and Safety at Work Act (HASAWA), the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and the
Reporting of Injury, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). It is important as employees that we are aware more
Legal regulations that come under HASAWA include The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH), this is relevant as it is about the
prevention and control of pathogens and managing the safe storage and use of hazardous substances. Reporting of Injury, Disease and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) is relevant as it requires that any infection or disease that is work related be recorded and reported.
There are regulatory bodies such as the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the Food
Standards Agency (FSA) that produce standards to guide and inform infection prevention and control practices. The HSE is an independent regulator
for work–related health, safety and illness; provide information and advice to reduce risks of accidents occurring in the workplace including the
spread of infections. NICE is responsible for providing guidance on the most effective ways to prevent, diagnose and treat disease and ill health. The
FSA is responsible for food safety and food hygiene and providing advice on food safety issues.
2 describe local and organisational policies relevant to the prevention and control of infection.
Local and organizational policies relevant to the prevention and control of infection are The Public Health (control of disease) Act 1984, Social Care
Act, the NICE guidelines and also the companies policies and procedures that relate to infection prevention and
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Infection Control
The aim of this essay is to discuss and analyse the fundamental issues of infection control which underpins Adult Nursing. The topic for discussion is
infection control/nosocomial infections in particular Methicillin–resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). There are varying degrees of the strain
Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and some strains are classed as MRSA (National Health Service (NHS) Plus, 2005). Not all strains of the
bacterium will cause an epidemic. Epidemic causing MRSA is classified as EMRSA, most notably EMRSA–15 and EMRSA–16, which can be more
difficult to control (Department of Health (DH), 2004). However, for the purpose of this essay, the author will focus on MRSA in an acute setting,
which has become a more content...
Indicating, being in isolation is for patients to be away from all things that are routine and familiar. Their daily living and independence is disrupted
which may evoke fear, anxiety, depression and rapid mood changes. Although being isolated can have a negative impact on patients, most patients
welcome the thought of being isolated, so they can have a restful night and more privacy. Madeo (2001) and Wilkens et al (1988) cited by Madeo
(2003) found that patients admitted to an infectious disease unit do not develop any deleterious mental changes attributed to isolation, and found that a
number of patients preferred the solitude of isolation as they were guaranteed a good nights sleep. Therefore, a part of the nurse's role may incorporate
a couple of nursing theories, to ensure the patient's needs are met. For the psychological aspect, the Abdellah's nursing theory is appropriate. George
(2002) states Abdellah's Nursing Theory emphasizes delivering nursing care for the whole person to meet the emotional and social needs of the patient.
Therefore, encouraging family and friends to visit, while providing education on how to protect them and may alleviate the patient from being anxious,
and patients continued progress to recovery. Neuman's nursing theory suggest addressing the psychological affects of HAI or the threat of acquiring an
infection is that the best defence is offence, tackle the situation before there is a situation.
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Infection Control And The Dental Clinic Essay
Infection control is very important in the health care profession. It's very important that we as a dental assistant make sure we follow the guidelines to
protect the patient, the community and ourselves. Health care professionals, who do not practice proper infection control, can expose multiple bacteria
and diseases to others. The main objective is to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases from both patients and health personnel. Today, infection
control is a continuous concern for its professionals. We have to contact patients routinely and be exposed to their blood, saliva, dental plaque and pus
that may contain infectious pathogens. It is important for the dental professionals to treat these fluids as if they are infectious and take special
precautions when handling them. In this essay, I will go in detail of infection control practices in dental clinics and how infectious microorganisms are
transmitted in the dental clinic. Also, I will talk about some infection control guidelines that are important in dental clinics and how to protect the
dental professional environment and dental professions. There are two types of diseases that dental professions should be aware of which are
communicable disease and disease transmission. Communicable disease is one that is spread from one person to another through a variety of ways
that include: contact with blood and bodily fluids; breathing in an airborne virus; or by being bitten by an insect (ACPHD). Disease
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Infection Control Essays
Infection control is very important in the health care profession. Health care professionals, who do not practice proper infection control, allow
themselves to become susceptible to a number of infections. Among the most dreaded of these infections are: hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV),
and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Another infection which has more recently increased in prevalence is methicillin–resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA). These infections are all treated differently. Each infection has its own symptoms, classifications, and incubation periods. These
infections are transmitted in very similar fashions, but they do not all target the same population. Hepatitis B was the first of the hepatitis viruses to be more content...
Only a small percentage of individuals infected will develop chronic hepatitis B.
The majority of individuals with chronic hepatitis B were infected as infants or children (Worman, 2006). Individuals infected with chronic hepatitis B
are likely to develop liver damage, cirrhosis, or liver cancer. The symptoms associated with chronic hepatitis B are: fatigue, weakness, depression, loss
of appetite, and immune–related disorders (Worman, 2006). Individuals may also experience symptoms which occur in other areas of the body then
liver. Chronic hepatitis B can also be further divided into three categories; inactive hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and chronic hepatitis B, which
can be HBeAg positive or HBeAg negative, and resolved chronic hepatitis B (Zein & Edwards, 2009).
Individuals with inactive hepatitis B surface antigen are referred to as chronic carriers. These individuals may not show clinical signs of the
disease. They do not exhibit raised levels of AST and ALT, but they tend to have low viral loads (Zein & Edwards, 2009). Individuals with HBeAg
positive or negative tend to exhibit higher viral loads and they are both contagious (Zein & Edwards, 2009). Individuals who are HBeAg negative do
not have the antigen themselves, but are still able to spread the disease to others. Individuals who have resolved chronic hepatitis B are less likely to
develop liver cancer or cirrhosis and their AST, ALT, and
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Infection Control
1.1 Identify the differences between Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi and parasites.
The common characteristics of bacteria:
Bacteria are microscopic single–cell organisms.
Different types of bacteria can be identified by their size and shape.
Bacteria can multiply outside the body.
Most bacteria need moisture, time, warmth and nutrients to survive and multiply.
Some bacteria are helpful.
Some bacteria produce toxins which cause unpleasant symptoms.
Most bacteria can be treated with antibiotics.
Some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics.
The common characteristics of viruses:
Viruses can only be seen with an electron microscope because they are so small.
Only one or two particles are required to cause an more content...
Poor practice
Not Washing hands frequently especially after dealing with any bodily fluids. Staff not staying at home if they are sick. Use a tissue, or cough and
sneeze into your arm, not your hand. Turn away from other people. Open wounds not being covered especially on the hands. The incorrect use of PPE
or the none use of PPE. Sharing personal items between each other. Incorrect food prep and storage.
2.1 Explain the conditions needed for the growth of micro–organisms.
The main requirements for the growth of micro–organisms are time and moisture, some need oxygen and warmth, (although micro–organisms can live
without air and live in temperatures from 0 to 40 + degrees).
2.2 Explain the ways an infection agent might enter the body.
Microorganisms must either attach to, or penetrate one of bodies surfaces. The site through which a microorganism enters the body is called the route
of entry. The skin acts as a protective barrier, in order to cause infection the microorganism must break through the protective barrier. they either do this
through a natural opening such as the mouth ,nose, ears, eyes, urethra, rectum or vagina, or enter through a unnatural break in the skins surface such as
cuts and grazes, bites or scratches. They can also occur through a surgical wound caused by a operation. Also conditions such as psoriasis or eczema
cause breaks in the skin which microorganisms can enter.
2.3 Identify
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Hospital Infection Control: A Systematic Literature Review of Health Care–Acquired Infections As the scientific and health communities continue to
march on with their efforts to identify, research, and thus educate the rest of the world, it is in an ongoing effort to acknowledge new information and
allow its application into todays care practices. Taking the opportunity to attend any plethora of medical conferences is a good way to learn about
new studies, technology, and changes in practice. For those of us who do not have that kind of time, the internet can be a valuable source for
literature. One area of continued review and revisions to be researched is in the branch of infection control, but more specifically the rate and result of
the physical, emotional, and financial toll of health–care acquired infections in hospital settings. Following recent and accumulative research will allow
us to figure out the most proficient and cost–effective way to reduce the risk of HAI. I first began my search by typing in such phrases as "infection
control", "preventing health–care associated infections", "hospital–acquired infections", "infection control and nursing", "hospital–acquired infections
statistic in Florida", and "infection control reduction in nursing". I was beginning to see that there was an astounding amount of resources to cover so I
began to filter threw them in regards to the causes of infection in hospitalized patients, the rate of infections, and solutions to
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Infection Control Memo
MEMO TO: Infection Control Professionals, doctors FROM: Communicable Disease Control Section Department of Public Health DATE: November
/29/2015 SUBJECT: Viral Diseases Reporting Please remember that winter is on the doors and it is the season of Viral Diseases. Kids, elders ,and
pregnant women are the most effective Preparation Remember that these are microscopic germs like flu is most common so please prepare ahead to
diagnose the prodrome to prophylactic the winter disease. Infection Control Highlights of the defilement control information are that standard, contact
and airborne security measures are endorsed for organization of hospitalized patients with suspect or certified MERS–CoV infection. For person
cautious equipment
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Essay About Infection Control

  • 1. Essay about Infection Control Nosocomial infections refers to infections acquired during hospitalization, with symptoms usually occurring within forty–eight hours after admission. The origin of nosocomial infections can be attributed to the following: – Bacterial flora already present in the patient; – Microorganisms from the environment through transmission from: carriers colonized at admission, admitted to wards without undergoing surveillance, isolation or eradication of the germ(s); patients who have developed the infection but who have not been isolated;contact with contaminated objects and surfaces; medical personnel, usually via their hands; invasive procedures such as the installation or maintenance of a device(1). The current probability of infection in more content... The increase in infection–related health activity is the result of a gradual increase in specific risk factors such as antibiotic pressure and the greater complexity of patients' conditions. Despite their strong impact, both socially and economically, the surveillance systems and programs currently deployed for the prevention of nosocomial infections are quite dishomogeneous and, in many situations, do not exist at all. There are two main discriminating factors in this critical situation. The first relates to the chronic lack of funds for a serious policy of prevention, particularly in terms of an effective screening process. The second concerns the lack of accurate knowledge and widespread awareness on the part of health–care operators who are apparently unable to see the problem, in its complexity, as a factor that impacts on all health–care processes, be that at regional or hospital level. Another crucial element to consider is the emergence of bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics,given the widespread use of these drugs as a prophylactic or a therapeutic regimen. Main Body i) How MRSA relates to the disease symptoms Non–specific resistance, to an invading organism, or pathogen, is a defence mechanism the body employs to protect itself from attack (Tortora and Grabowski 1996). Inflammation, response to bacterial invasion, occurs due to release of chemicals in the bloodstream Get more content on
  • 2. Unwashed Hands Essay UNIVERSAL PRECAUTION: INFECTION CONTROL 1 Universal Precaution: Infection Control Hand–Washing Stuti Patel Unitek College Ms. Brooks UNIVERSAL PRECAUTION: INFECTION CONTROL 2 Prevention and infection control is very critical for all health care settings. There are many activities that can be performed in order to limit the spread of infection and to provide a safe and controlled environment for not only the patients but also the staff and visitors at any healthcare facilities. "Hand hygiene (HH) in the healthcare setting is considered as an important infection control measure in the prevention of HAIs (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2002)"( Avsar, G., Kasikci, M., & Yagci, N. ,2015).Hand washing is a simple but effective more content... Nurses are required to learn, understand and follow the correct technique of hand washing since they are the ones that spend the most time with the patients. Raising awareness to hand washing is very important to help control infection and reduce mortality rates. It is one of the most effective methods to prevent cross contamination. CDC has set guidelines for healthcare workers to follow to give an understanding of the when it is necessary to wash hands in a health care setting. Hand washing not only is important in a health care facility, but also equally important everywhere from ones home to a public place in order to control infection Get more content on
  • 3. Infection Control Case Study Infection control awareness was raised to inform the staff the important strategies used to prevent infection and how to prevent it. And also to make sure staff are abiding to hospital policies and procedure. I had conference meeting with Director of infection control nurse and infection control nurse. I had the opportunity to interact and educated the nurses on how to prevent infection through hand washing. I demonstrated the knowledge of infection control and how to prevent and control it. The mission and goals of the organization at Mid Hudson Regional Hospital is located on the walls of the facility and on the internet where it is visibily to everyone. I was able to discuss how to prevent infection with several healthcare more content... It is our ethical duty to protect the rights of each patients.One ethical issue that arise is the MHRH is driven on evidenced based research for their processes. I did some research on infection control policies before deciding on what topic to address and before meeting with the Infection Control Nurse. I worked with the infection control nurse in raising awareness on infection control. Handouts on how to prevent infection was given to most of the staff including my preceptor, Nursing Supervisors and administrators. Evidenced based research asserted that proper hand hygiene will help in reducing and preventing infection. I was able to observe and question the staff about the use of infection control protocols for the prevention of infection. MHRH has many updated protocols and policies and they are in compliance with CDC. Information on how to prevent infection is in the Infection Control manual. I questioned some of the nursing staff on how they would prevent infection. Handouts on how to prevent infection was developed for all the staff including the nurses and the managers. I determined the effect of infection on patients. There is policy in place on how to prevent infection (hand
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  • 5. infection control Unit ICO1 The principles of infection prevention and control Outcome 1 Understand roles and responsibilities in the prevention and control of infections 1.The main roles and responsibilities of the employee in relation to prevention and control of infection are as follows: To use protective clothing when needed to stop cross contamination. This includes gloves, aprons and masks. To wash hands regularly and effectively. This needs to be done after handling food, personal care, toileting etc. To ensure your health doesn't pose a risk to others. This can be if you have been vomiting, cold symptoms etc. To avoid cross contamination. To ensure your hygiene is good at all times as not to pose a risk to others by passing on germs more content... It could be fatal resulting in death. Outcome 4 Understand the importance of risk assessment in relation to the prevention and control of infections 1.Risk is a situation, action or event that may cause harm or damage to an individual or to yourself. Risk of infection can be not hand washing, not cleaning equipment after use and not disposing of clinical waste safely and properly as not to cause cross contamination. 2.Infections are unavoidable in the care home as there are so many risks. Potential risks can include the poor hygiene of a resident. This can be caused by them refusing to wash or bathe. Food poisoning is a risk if the kitchen and food surface aren't kept clean at all times. Another potential risk is not cleaning equipment after use, as this can cross contaminate others causing harm to them. You must also make sure you dispose of clinical waste in the correct way, in the correct bins and tie bags up straight away as this can lead to a risk of infection. 3. Five steps to risk assessment can be followed to ensure that your risk assessment is carried out correctly, these steps are as follows: Identify the hazards – Hazards can be identified by using a number of different techniques. This can include walking around the workplace, asking employees and asking family members. Who might be harmed and how? – Once hazards have been identified you need to understand who will be harmed and how. This could be the resident themselves, the staff or visitors.
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  • 7. The Prevention Of Infection Control The purpose of this essay is to tackle the importance of infection control. It will begin with presenting the prevalence of infection in the health care setting. It will provide discussion infection control practices and measures that will break the chain of infection while presenting the problems or issues that arise in such practices. A wide range of literature will be provided in order to support arguments. At the end of this essay, recommendation and inputs for future practice will be discussed. Infection control is becoming a major issue and concern for the health sector all over the world especially with the increasing and alarming antibiotic resistant infections. (DH, 2003) In the health care sector in New Zealand and other developed countries, healthcare associated infection is one of the most common adverse events, four to ten percentage of patients acquire one or more infections during their time in the hospital . (HQSC, 2015) It is known that infection has increased significantly hospital cost and lengthening hospitalisation stay, in addition, 25,000 patient death has been associated with infection . (Borton & Mcleane , 2000) However, despite the ominous number, the situation can be improved through simple measure with strict implementation to prevent the chain of infection from being completed. The World Health Organizationhas identified the Infection Control Program to hold a unique and vital position in the field of patient health, safety and quality as it Get more content on
  • 8. Infection Control In Health Care Essay Infection control within a healthcare facility is the prevention of the spread of many microorganisms from patient to patient, patient to a member of staff and also from the staff member to the patient that are in there care. The World Health Organisation have defined healthcare associated infections as an infection occurring in a patient in a hospital or other healthcare facility in whom the infection was not present or incubating at the time of admission. Every healthcare facility from hospitals to general practitioners office should have a designated member of staff or a team of people who ensure that the infection control procedures are abided by and adhered to at all times in order to protect both staff and patients. More than 300,000 people each year are affected by a healthcare associated infection and the cost of treatment for these patients is over ВЈ3,000 and there is also the cost of treatment after discharge. The Standard Precautions Standard precautions are set in place in order to prevent the transmission of infections from one individual to another. There are numerous ways in which infections can spread if standard precautions are not met: Person to person via hands of healthcare providers, patients and visitors more content... Protective clothing does not have to be worn at all times within the facility as there is a chance that instead of preventing the infection they could also carry around the healthcare associated infections if it is worn when it is not necessary. Before any member of the healthcare team decides to wear any kind of protective clothing it is important that they assess the risk of the transmission of the infection to themselves and the patient. Protective clothing must be worn at all times when there are bodily fluids, blood, secretions or excretions from the patient as this will prevent any Get more content on
  • 9. Infection Control Essay Nursing Procedures Followed to Control and Prevent Nosocomial / Hospital Acquired Infection's (HCAI'S) Table of Contents Table of Contents.................................................................................Page 1 Essay.................................................................................................Page 2 – 7 Reference List......................................................................................Page 8 The Nursing Procedures Followed to Control and Prevent Nosocomial / Hospital Acquired Infection's (HCAI'S) This essay will explore the subject Infection Control and how Healthcare Professionals control and prevent nosocomial or hospital acquired infections (HCAI's), defined as an "infection whose development is favoured by a hospital environment, such as one acquired by a patient during a hospital visit or one developing among hospital staff" Oxford more content... Due to the staphylococcus aureus strains becoming antibiotic–resistant towards penicillin alternative treatments were developed, meticillin, cloxacillin and flucloxacillin, from using penicillin as its base and are able to treat such infections. A service user who may be considered as compromised are those individuals that are more vulnerable and therefore at a greater risk to infection, an example of which is a service user with reduced immunity. These said service users or individuals would make it far easier for pathogens to enter the body than it would of a healthy individual. Another factor that would make it far easier for these pathogens to enter would be the use of an invasive device and/or procedure that bypasses the body's normal and first line of defence, which is the skin. For instance, a ventilator or catheter, which is a flexible tube inserted through a narrow opening into a body cavity, duct or vessel. An example of this is when a catheter is used within the bladder to allow drainage and elimination of fluid, therefore diligent hand hygiene is the most proficient way in reducing transmission of nosocomial infections during the provision of care to such Get more content on
  • 10. Academic Literacy: Reflective essay17 Aug. 14 Gillian van Aardt – 214097226 Infection Control: In the hospital or clinical environment infection control must be exercised for the better health of the patient and to avoid exposure to the healthcare worker. Infection is the establishment and growth of a pathogen inside the human body. Infection control is thus the management of these infections to prevent injury to the patient resulting in disease. In the diagnostic ultrasound department, the good use of infection control is critical to avoiding contamination from patient to patient and to the sonographer because of the close proximity to each other and repeated use of medical equipment. Due to the wide use of ultrasound for diagnosis, the sonographer is exposed to a wider variety of potential more content... Being immune compromised, or immunosuppressed, these patients are at risk of acquiring further infections in the hospital environment. Such hospital acquired infections are called nosocomial infections. The greater need for medical attention of a patient, the higher the risk of acquiring a nosocomial infection. Some pathogens which cause infection use the opportunity of an immune compromised patient, to grow and reproduce where in normal circumstances it could not do this. In diagnostic medical sonography, the sonographer is very close to the patient physically which provides a gateway for infection to spread from the sonographer to the patient and vice versa. It is thus important not to go to work sick for the patient and their own health. The hospital is home to many pathogens due to the amount of patients suffering from infection, and because these patients are immunosuppressed, healthcare workers need to be vigilant about controlling the spread of infection to provide quality care to the Get more content on
  • 11. Infection Control Practices Infection prevention and control practices should be included in job descriptions, as it enables staff to be aware from the very moment of starting work the company's expectations of them. This prompts them to take on board policies and procedures in relation to infection control and the importance of it in creating a safe environment. Any failing of the staff can then be brought to focus from within the job description, as this requires a signature from them in agreement that they understand what is outlaid in their job description. Get more content on
  • 12. Infection Control Essay Reflective Essay Word count 1,000 Placement , Infection Control Team Dip/HE Adult Nursing 02/09 This reflective essay is based upon my experience working alongside the Infection Prevention and Control Support Nurses at the general hospital. As part of my learning experience as a 2nd year student nurse is to accompany the infection control nurses when visiting the wards The role of the IPCSN involved teaching, educating and advising all disciplines across the Trust, monitoring outbreaks and daily surveillance. I will structure this essay using Gibbs Model of Reflection (Gibbs 1988). Reflective learning helps practitioners analyse their experiences and how they think and feel about them more content... Staff were advised to encourage fluids especially with the patient's suspected with nurovirus and commence them on a Bristol stool chart in order to monitor the diarrhoea a food chart and fluid balance chart to keep a record of the input and output. By documenting the information correctly enables nurses adhere to the NMC code for good record keeping (NMC 2009) who recommend that stating the date, time, signing and printing alongside is good practice. On reflection I have learned by being with the IPCT the importance of sending samples off when the first episode of diarrhoea and vomiting occurs leasing with team members. The IPCT emphasises prompt screening of suspecting patients for a norovirus as early detection of the signs can prevent an outbreak on the ward. I have become aware that the mode of transmission of norovirus means it is not always possible to avoid becoming infected
  • 13. (Nursing Times 2011). The trust provides mandatory training to inform nursing staff on the most recent infection control measures in practice. Hence, good hygiene and the isolation of infected individuals can limit the spread. Good communication is important with all visitors and staff, including cleaners. However, everybody who has contact with the patient or the environment is entitled to relevant information that will enable them to reduce the risks of transmission to Get more content on
  • 14. Why Is Infection Control Important? Essay Why is Infection Control Important? Infection control is very important in the health care profession. It's very important that we as a dental assistant make sure we follow the guidelines to protect the patient, the community and ourselves. Health care professionals, who do not practice proper infection control, can expose multiple bacteria and diseases to others. The main objective is to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases from both patients and health personnel. Today, infection control is a continuous concern for its professionals. We have to contact patients routinely and be exposed to their blood, saliva, dental plaque and pus that may contain infectious pathogens. It is important for the dental professionals to treat these fluids as if they are infectious and take special precautions when handling them. In this essay, I will go in detail of infection control practices in dental clinics and how infectious microorganisms are transmitted in the dental clinic. Also, I will talk about some infection control guidelines that are important in dental clinics and how to protect the dental professional environment and dental professions. There are two types of diseases that dental professions should be aware of which are communicable disease and disease transmission. Communicable disease is one that is spread from one person to another through a variety of ways that include: contact with blood and bodily fluids; breathing in an airborne virus; or by being bitten Get more content on
  • 15. Infection Control in Dental Care Essay Infection control is a central concept to every practice of health care providers. Its main objective is to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases from both patients and health personnel (Martin et al., 2010). In dental clinic, infection control is a continuous concern for its professionals. They have to contact patients routinely and be exposed to their blood, saliva, dental plaque and pus that may contain infectious pathogens. It is important for the dental professionals to treat these fluids as if they are infectious and special precautions must be taken to handle them. In this essay, I will highlight the scope of infection control practices in dental clinics and the ways through which infectious microorganisms are more content... Modes of infection: There are four ways through which infectious diseases in dental clinics may be transmitted from patients to dental professionals (Szymanska, 2005). Infectious diseases might be contracted directly from the patients to dentists, hygienists or dental assistants through blood–borne bacteria and saliva. The contamination might happen from a needle stick, other accidental injuries of sharp instruments, or through an aerosol of blood, saliva or gingival secretions. Also, they might be contracted indirectly through transfer of microorganisms from a contaminated object in the clinic (Bednarsh & Molinri, 2010). Also, the contamination might occur as a result of spatter of blood, saliva, or nasopharyngeal secretions directly onto broken or intact skin. The fourth way is through aerosolization which means the transmission of infectious microorganisms in the air of the dental clinic (Rautemaa et al., 2006). Blood and saliva borne bacteria are mainly the reason for some serious infectious diseases (Szymanska, 2005, Martin et al., 2009). For example, Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a known virus that may be contracted in dental clinics. Investigation of the presence of the virus in the oral fluids of hepatitis B carriers showed that %70 of their sample were infectious (Molinari & Harte, 2010). The greatest concentration of the HBV is under the gingival sulucs where this area is inflamed routinely and allows blood to mix Get more content on
  • 16. infection control The principles of infection prevention and control Outcome 1 Explain employee's roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection 1 'It is our responsibility as employees to take precautionary measures to prevent and control the spread of infection in the workplace; this involves working safely to protect myself, other staff, visitors and individuals from infections. Some of the legislation and regulations that relate to the control and prevention of infection include the Health and Safety at Work Act (HASAWA), the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and the Reporting of Injury, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). It is important as employees that we are aware more content... Legal regulations that come under HASAWA include The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH), this is relevant as it is about the prevention and control of pathogens and managing the safe storage and use of hazardous substances. Reporting of Injury, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) is relevant as it requires that any infection or disease that is work related be recorded and reported. There are regulatory bodies such as the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the Food Standards Agency (FSA) that produce standards to guide and inform infection prevention and control practices. The HSE is an independent regulator for work–related health, safety and illness; provide information and advice to reduce risks of accidents occurring in the workplace including the spread of infections. NICE is responsible for providing guidance on the most effective ways to prevent, diagnose and treat disease and ill health. The FSA is responsible for food safety and food hygiene and providing advice on food safety issues. 2 describe local and organisational policies relevant to the prevention and control of infection. Local and organizational policies relevant to the prevention and control of infection are The Public Health (control of disease) Act 1984, Social Care Act, the NICE guidelines and also the companies policies and procedures that relate to infection prevention and Get more content on
  • 17. Infection Control The aim of this essay is to discuss and analyse the fundamental issues of infection control which underpins Adult Nursing. The topic for discussion is infection control/nosocomial infections in particular Methicillin–resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). There are varying degrees of the strain Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and some strains are classed as MRSA (National Health Service (NHS) Plus, 2005). Not all strains of the bacterium will cause an epidemic. Epidemic causing MRSA is classified as EMRSA, most notably EMRSA–15 and EMRSA–16, which can be more difficult to control (Department of Health (DH), 2004). However, for the purpose of this essay, the author will focus on MRSA in an acute setting, which has become a more content... Indicating, being in isolation is for patients to be away from all things that are routine and familiar. Their daily living and independence is disrupted which may evoke fear, anxiety, depression and rapid mood changes. Although being isolated can have a negative impact on patients, most patients welcome the thought of being isolated, so they can have a restful night and more privacy. Madeo (2001) and Wilkens et al (1988) cited by Madeo (2003) found that patients admitted to an infectious disease unit do not develop any deleterious mental changes attributed to isolation, and found that a number of patients preferred the solitude of isolation as they were guaranteed a good nights sleep. Therefore, a part of the nurse's role may incorporate a couple of nursing theories, to ensure the patient's needs are met. For the psychological aspect, the Abdellah's nursing theory is appropriate. George (2002) states Abdellah's Nursing Theory emphasizes delivering nursing care for the whole person to meet the emotional and social needs of the patient. Therefore, encouraging family and friends to visit, while providing education on how to protect them and may alleviate the patient from being anxious, and patients continued progress to recovery. Neuman's nursing theory suggest addressing the psychological affects of HAI or the threat of acquiring an infection is that the best defence is offence, tackle the situation before there is a situation. Get more content on
  • 18. Infection Control And The Dental Clinic Essay Infection control is very important in the health care profession. It's very important that we as a dental assistant make sure we follow the guidelines to protect the patient, the community and ourselves. Health care professionals, who do not practice proper infection control, can expose multiple bacteria and diseases to others. The main objective is to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases from both patients and health personnel. Today, infection control is a continuous concern for its professionals. We have to contact patients routinely and be exposed to their blood, saliva, dental plaque and pus that may contain infectious pathogens. It is important for the dental professionals to treat these fluids as if they are infectious and take special precautions when handling them. In this essay, I will go in detail of infection control practices in dental clinics and how infectious microorganisms are transmitted in the dental clinic. Also, I will talk about some infection control guidelines that are important in dental clinics and how to protect the dental professional environment and dental professions. There are two types of diseases that dental professions should be aware of which are communicable disease and disease transmission. Communicable disease is one that is spread from one person to another through a variety of ways that include: contact with blood and bodily fluids; breathing in an airborne virus; or by being bitten by an insect (ACPHD). Disease Get more content on
  • 19. Infection Control Essays Infection control is very important in the health care profession. Health care professionals, who do not practice proper infection control, allow themselves to become susceptible to a number of infections. Among the most dreaded of these infections are: hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Another infection which has more recently increased in prevalence is methicillin–resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). These infections are all treated differently. Each infection has its own symptoms, classifications, and incubation periods. These infections are transmitted in very similar fashions, but they do not all target the same population. Hepatitis B was the first of the hepatitis viruses to be more content... Only a small percentage of individuals infected will develop chronic hepatitis B. The majority of individuals with chronic hepatitis B were infected as infants or children (Worman, 2006). Individuals infected with chronic hepatitis B are likely to develop liver damage, cirrhosis, or liver cancer. The symptoms associated with chronic hepatitis B are: fatigue, weakness, depression, loss of appetite, and immune–related disorders (Worman, 2006). Individuals may also experience symptoms which occur in other areas of the body then liver. Chronic hepatitis B can also be further divided into three categories; inactive hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and chronic hepatitis B, which can be HBeAg positive or HBeAg negative, and resolved chronic hepatitis B (Zein & Edwards, 2009). Individuals with inactive hepatitis B surface antigen are referred to as chronic carriers. These individuals may not show clinical signs of the disease. They do not exhibit raised levels of AST and ALT, but they tend to have low viral loads (Zein & Edwards, 2009). Individuals with HBeAg positive or negative tend to exhibit higher viral loads and they are both contagious (Zein & Edwards, 2009). Individuals who are HBeAg negative do not have the antigen themselves, but are still able to spread the disease to others. Individuals who have resolved chronic hepatitis B are less likely to develop liver cancer or cirrhosis and their AST, ALT, and Get more content on
  • 20. Infection Control 1.1 Identify the differences between Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi and parasites. The common characteristics of bacteria: Bacteria are microscopic single–cell organisms. Different types of bacteria can be identified by their size and shape. Bacteria can multiply outside the body. Most bacteria need moisture, time, warmth and nutrients to survive and multiply. Some bacteria are helpful. Some bacteria produce toxins which cause unpleasant symptoms. Most bacteria can be treated with antibiotics. Some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics. The common characteristics of viruses: Viruses can only be seen with an electron microscope because they are so small. Only one or two particles are required to cause an more content... Poor practice Not Washing hands frequently especially after dealing with any bodily fluids. Staff not staying at home if they are sick. Use a tissue, or cough and sneeze into your arm, not your hand. Turn away from other people. Open wounds not being covered especially on the hands. The incorrect use of PPE or the none use of PPE. Sharing personal items between each other. Incorrect food prep and storage. 2.1 Explain the conditions needed for the growth of micro–organisms. The main requirements for the growth of micro–organisms are time and moisture, some need oxygen and warmth, (although micro–organisms can live without air and live in temperatures from 0 to 40 + degrees). 2.2 Explain the ways an infection agent might enter the body.
  • 21. Microorganisms must either attach to, or penetrate one of bodies surfaces. The site through which a microorganism enters the body is called the route of entry. The skin acts as a protective barrier, in order to cause infection the microorganism must break through the protective barrier. they either do this through a natural opening such as the mouth ,nose, ears, eyes, urethra, rectum or vagina, or enter through a unnatural break in the skins surface such as cuts and grazes, bites or scratches. They can also occur through a surgical wound caused by a operation. Also conditions such as psoriasis or eczema cause breaks in the skin which microorganisms can enter. 2.3 Identify Get more content on
  • 22. Hospital Infection Control: A Systematic Literature Review of Health Care–Acquired Infections As the scientific and health communities continue to march on with their efforts to identify, research, and thus educate the rest of the world, it is in an ongoing effort to acknowledge new information and allow its application into todays care practices. Taking the opportunity to attend any plethora of medical conferences is a good way to learn about new studies, technology, and changes in practice. For those of us who do not have that kind of time, the internet can be a valuable source for literature. One area of continued review and revisions to be researched is in the branch of infection control, but more specifically the rate and result of the physical, emotional, and financial toll of health–care acquired infections in hospital settings. Following recent and accumulative research will allow us to figure out the most proficient and cost–effective way to reduce the risk of HAI. I first began my search by typing in such phrases as "infection control", "preventing health–care associated infections", "hospital–acquired infections", "infection control and nursing", "hospital–acquired infections statistic in Florida", and "infection control reduction in nursing". I was beginning to see that there was an astounding amount of resources to cover so I began to filter threw them in regards to the causes of infection in hospitalized patients, the rate of infections, and solutions to Get more content on
  • 23. Infection Control Memo MEMO TO: Infection Control Professionals, doctors FROM: Communicable Disease Control Section Department of Public Health DATE: November /29/2015 SUBJECT: Viral Diseases Reporting Please remember that winter is on the doors and it is the season of Viral Diseases. Kids, elders ,and pregnant women are the most effective Preparation Remember that these are microscopic germs like flu is most common so please prepare ahead to diagnose the prodrome to prophylactic the winter disease. Infection Control Highlights of the defilement control information are that standard, contact and airborne security measures are endorsed for organization of hospitalized patients with suspect or certified MERS–CoV infection. For person cautious equipment Get more content on